Partial hemipelvectomy refers to the surgical removal of a pelvic segment, which is performed for pelvic bone neoplasms, severe fractures, or poor bone union. This study presents the cases of seven dogs, six of which have neoplasms involving the hip joint and one with severe pelvic canal narrowing due to a poorly consolidated trauma. Partial caudal hemipelvectomy was performed for all the dogs to improve the quality of life and delay euthanasia. Of the seven cases, six required the use of a polypropylene mesh for the pelvic wall closure, with 85.71% of them acquiring manageable complications in the postoperative period. Despite these complications, an overall improvement in the quality of life was reported to be significant in the operated animals due to the removal of the cause of pain or discomfort. Thus, it was concluded that partial hemipelvectomyis beneficial for dogs with pelvic conditions. Furthermore, the main complication due to the lack of a pelvic wall for primary occlusion was circumvented by using a polypropylene mesh, showing that possible complications in this procedure can be appropriately managed.
A hemipelvectomia parcial consiste na remoção de segmento pélvico, indicada para neoplasmas com envolvimento de ossos da pelve, fraturas graves ou má união óssea. Esse trabalho apresenta sete pacientes caninos, dos quais seis portadores de neoplasmas envolvendo a articulação coxofemoral e um com grave estreitamento do canal pélvico, resultado de traumatismo mal consolidado. Com o intuito de fornecer qualidade de vida aos cães e postergar a eutanásia, todos foram operados pela técnica de hemipelvectomia parcial média a caudal. Dos sete pacientes, seis necessitaram do uso de tela de polipropileno para fechamento da parede pélvica e apresentaram 85,71% de complicações manejáveis no pós-operatório. No entanto, a melhora na qualidade de vida dos animais operados foi significativa, tendo sido removida a causa da dor ou desconforto desencadeado pela alteração anatômica local. Conclui-se que a técnica é benéfica aos pacientes, tendo como principal complicação, a falta de parede pélvica para oclusão primária, contornada com uso de tela de polipropileno pelos autores.
Animais , Cães , Ossos Pélvicos , Qualidade de Vida , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/cirurgia , Cães/lesões , Hemipelvectomia/veterináriaResumo
Condrossarcoma mesenquimal extraesquelético (CME) é um neoplasma maligno e raro em animais domésticos. Descreve-se um caso de CME em uma gata que apresentava uma massa firme, branco-amarelada, medindo 18cm de diâmetro, aderida à musculatura do membro pélvico esquerdo. O exame citológico revelou presença de células fusiformes individualizadas pleomórficas e agregados de pequenas células ovais, sem bordas definidas em meio à matriz intercelular amorfa. Devido à impossibilidade de tratamento e ao prognóstico desfavorável, foi realizada eutanásia. Microscopicamente foram observadas células fusiformes indiferenciadas e agregados de células condroides pleomórficas. O diagnóstico de CME foi confirmado pelas técnicas de azul alciano, tricrômico de Masson e pela prova imunoistoquímica, utilizando-se anticorpos antivimentina.(AU)
Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (EMC) is a rare malignant tumor in domestic animals. We described a case of EMC in a cat with a mass measuring 18cm in diameter, yellowish-white and firm attached to the muscles in left hind limb. Cytological examination revealed the presence of individual pleomorphic spindle cells and clusters of small oval cells with no hard edges in the midst of an amorphous intercellular matrix. Due to the impossibility of treatment and poor prognosis, the cat was euthanized. Microscopically undifferentiated spindle cells and clusters of pleomorphic chondroid cells were observed. The CME diagnosis was confirmed with thealcian blue, Masson's trichrome and immunohistochemistry techniques, using antivimentin antibodies.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Condrossarcoma Mesenquimal/veterinária , Condrossarcoma Mesenquimal/diagnóstico , Propriocepção , Cinestesia , Transtornos das Habilidades MotorasResumo
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesenchymal origin that generally develops slowly and has a low incidence of metastasis. It was related in dogs, but rarely in small or giant breeds. The most common site of skeletal chondrossarcoma in dogs is the nasal cavity. The lungs are the most common site of metastatic disease, but other organs may be affected. Chondrosarcoma may be classified into primary or secondary according to location in bone, and histologically into mesenchymal and myxoid subtypes. Thus, this study reports the evolution of an uncommon case of chondrossarcoma in a dog's tibia. Case: A 1.4-year-old dog, 58 kg intact-male Brazilian Mastiff was admitted to the veterinary hospital due to lameness and swelling of the stifle region present for 20 days. Radiographic examination showed lytic bone lesions in the proximal third of the right tibia with periosteal reaction, suggestive of bone tumor. Cytological examination revealed inflammatory process indicative of acute periostitis. The clinical signs improved after treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (meloxicam, 0.1 mg/kg orally every 24 h) and analgesic (tramadol hydrochloride, 2 mg/kg orally every 8 h) drugs. However, eight months after the initial presentation, the dog had a recurrence of the lameness, and increase in volume and crepitus on palpation of the right knee. Radiographic examination showed cystic lesion located in proximal tibial epiphysis. After curettage of the lesion, the defect was fi lled with calcium phosphate biomaterial. Cephalexin (30 mg/kg every 12 h orally for 10 days), carprofen (4.4 mg/kg orally every 24 h for 15 days) and chondroitin sulphate (1000 mg orally each 12 h per 30 days) were prescribed postoperatively. The animal showed improvement. At one year after surgery, the dog was presented due progressive weight loss and intermittent lameness of the right hind limb observed for approximately two months. On palpation of the right knee was painful sensitivity and it had a cutaneous nodule three inches. Radiographic examination showed extensive radiolucent cystic area with bone remodeling and periosteal proliferation of the medial aspect of the proximal third of the right tibia. Computed Tomography (CT) demonstrated bone destruction in the proximal portion of the tibia with areas of bone lysis and proliferative irregular reaction, irregular hyperdensity in the medullary region of the right tibia extending to the distal portion of the tibial tuberosity associated with the presence of proliferative periosteal reaction adjacent the bony surfaces, and atrophy of muscles of right hindlimb. Both exams suggested a bone tumor, and bone biopsy was done. The diagnosis was chondrosarcoma. The owner did not authorize the hind limb amputation. Discussion: The diagnosis of chondrosarcoma is based on clinical signs, orthopedic examination findings, radiographic and CT appearance, and cytology. However, definite diagnosis may be obtained only by histopathological examination. Fine needle aspiration samples may contain few cells, and presence of inflammatory process may interfere in diagnosis, as observed in the present case. The tumor is resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, surgical removal can be curative, depending upon the location of the chondrosarcoma. Unfortunately, the owner was reluctant to proceed with limb amputation, and the dog was euthanatized after three months of the last evaluation.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Tíbia/fisiopatologia , Neoplasias Ósseas/diagnóstico por imagem , Condrossarcoma/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , CãesResumo
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesenchymal origin that generally develops slowly and has a low incidence of metastasis. It was related in dogs, but rarely in small or giant breeds. The most common site of skeletal chondrossarcoma in dogs is the nasal cavity. The lungs are the most common site of metastatic disease, but other organs may be affected. Chondrosarcoma may be classifi ed into primary or secondary according to location in bone, and histologically into mesenchymal and myxoid subtypes. Thus, this study reports the evolution of an uncommon case of chondrossarcoma in a dogs tibia. Case: A 1.4-year-old dog, 58 kg intact-male Brazilian Mastiff was admitted to the veterinary hospital due to lameness and swelling of the stifl e region present for 20 days. Radiographic examination showed lytic bone lesions in the proximal third of the right tibia with periosteal reaction, suggestive of bone tumor. Cytological examination revealed infl ammatory process indicative of acute periostitis. The clinical signs improved after treatment with nonsteroidal anti-infl ammatory (meloxicam, 0.1 mg/kg orally every 24 h) and analgesic (tramadol hydrochloride, 2 mg/kg orally every 8 h) drugs. However, eight months after the initial presentation, the dog had a recurrence of the lameness, and increase in volume and crepitus on palpation of the right knee. Radiographic exami
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesenchymal origin that generally develops slowly and has a low incidence of metastasis. It was related in dogs, but rarely in small or giant breeds. The most common site of skeletal chondrossarcoma in dogs is the nasal cavity. The lungs are the most common site of metastatic disease, but other organs may be affected. Chondrosarcoma may be classifi ed into primary or secondary according to location in bone, and histologically into mesenchymal and myxoid subtypes. Thus, this study reports the evolution of an uncommon case of chondrossarcoma in a dogs tibia. Case: A 1.4-year-old dog, 58 kg intact-male Brazilian Mastiff was admitted to the veterinary hospital due to lameness and swelling of the stifl e region present for 20 days. Radiographic examination showed lytic bone lesions in the proximal third of the right tibia with periosteal reaction, suggestive of bone tumor. Cytological examination revealed infl ammatory process indicative of acute periostitis. The clinical signs improved after treatment with nonsteroidal anti-infl ammatory (meloxicam, 0.1 mg/kg orally every 24 h) and analgesic (tramadol hydrochloride, 2 mg/kg orally every 8 h) drugs. However, eight months after the initial presentation, the dog had a recurrence of the lameness, and increase in volume and crepitus on palpation of the right knee. Radiographic exami
A five-year-old male Cocker Spaniel was presented for evaluation of the right eye due to discomfort, abundant purulent discharge and progressive enlargement of the eyeball. The owner revealed that the right eye has appeared to be inflamed and smaller then the left eye for years. Ophthalmic examination revealed corneal perforation, buphthalmia and conjuctival hyperemia. Enucleating was performed due to signs of endophthalmitis and ocular discomfort. Histopathology revealed a multilobulated proliferation of chondrocytes producing hyaline cartilage with occasional pleomorphism and binucleate cells. A diagnosis of primary intraocular chondrosarcoma was done.(AU)
Foi atendido um cão, da raça Cocker Spaniel, de cinco anos de idade, com desconforto ocular, secreção purulenta abundante e aumento progressivo do bulbo ocular. Ao exame oftálmico, evidenciaram-se perfuração corneana, buftalmia e hiperemia conjuntival. Foi realizada enucleação em decorrência do desconforto ocular intenso e dos sinais de endoftalmite. Exame histopatológico revelou proliferação multilobulada de condrócitos produzindo cartilagem hialina com pleomorfismo ocasional e células binucleadas. Foi diagnosticado condrossarcoma intraocular primário.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias/patologia , Olho/anatomia & histologia , Condrossarcoma/patologia , Cães/classificaçãoResumo
O condrossarcoma é uma neoplasia maligna, de origem mesenquimal, cujas células neoplásicas produzem uma matriz cartilaginosa, não osteoide ou diretamente óssea. O diagnóstico pode ser auxiliado por meio de métodos imaginológicos, porém apenas a histopatologia é definitivo. O presente relato descreve o caso de um cão sem padrão racial definido, com sete anos de idade, o qual apresentou um aumento de volume com cerca de 6,0 x 5,0 x 4,0 cm na região do hemitórax esquerdo, o qual segundo o proprietário estava presente há dois meses. Após a histopatologia, foi realizado o diagnóstico de condrossarcoma, porém o proprietário não procedeu com o tratamento instituído e o animal retornou a clínica 11 meses após o primeiro incidente em sofrimento irreversível. Objetiva-se descrever os aspectos macro e microscópico da respectiva neoplasia.(AU)
Chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor of mesenchymal origin, which the neoplastic cells produce a cartilage matrix, no osteoid or bone directly. Diagnosis can be aided by imaginological methods, but only histopathology is definitive. This report describes the case of a mongrel dog, seven years old, with a volume increase of about 6,0 x 5,0 x 4,0 cm in the left hemithorax, which according to the owner there was two months ago. Histopathology after the diagnosis of chondrosarcoma was made and treatment instituted, but as the owner lost the thread it was not performed and the animal returned to clinical 11 months after the first incident irreversible suffering. Objective is to describe the macro and microscopic aspects of the neoplasm.(AU)
El condrosarcoma es un tumor maligno de origen mesenquimal, cuyas células neoplásicas producir una matriz de cartílago, no osteoide o hueso directamente. El diagnóstico puede ser assistido por métodos de imagen, pero sólo la histología esdefinitiva. Este informe describe el caso de un perro sin raza definida, de siete anos, con un aumento de volumen de alrededor de 6,0 x 5,0 x 4,0 cm en el hemitórax izquierdo, que según el propietario estaba allí hace dos meses. Después se realizó el diagnóstico histopatológico de condrosarcoma y el tratamiento instituido, pero como el propietario pierde el hilo no se hizo y el animal volvió a clínicas 11 meses después del primer incidente en el sufrimiento irreversible. Su objetivo es describir los aspectos macroscópicos y microscópicos de su neoplasia.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Condrossarcoma/diagnóstico , Condrossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias de Tecido Ósseo/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de Tecido Ósseo/veterinária , Radiografia Torácica/veterinária , Costelas/patologiaResumo
O condrossarcoma é uma neoplasia maligna, de origem mesenquimal, cujas células neoplásicas produzem uma matriz cartilaginosa, não osteoide ou diretamente óssea. O diagnóstico pode ser auxiliado por meio de métodos imaginológicos, porém apenas a histopatologia é definitivo. O presente relato descreve o caso de um cão sem padrão racial definido, com sete anos de idade, o qual apresentou um aumento de volume com cerca de 6,0 x 5,0 x 4,0 cm na região do hemitórax esquerdo, o qual segundo o proprietário estava presente há dois meses. Após a histopatologia, foi realizado o diagnóstico de condrossarcoma, porém o proprietário não procedeu com o tratamento instituído e o animal retornou a clínica 11 meses após o primeiro incidente em sofrimento irreversível. Objetiva-se descrever os aspectos macro e microscópico da respectiva neoplasia.
Chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor of mesenchymal origin, which the neoplastic cells produce a cartilage matrix, no osteoid or bone directly. Diagnosis can be aided by imaginological methods, but only histopathology is definitive. This report describes the case of a mongrel dog, seven years old, with a volume increase of about 6,0 x 5,0 x 4,0 cm in the left hemithorax, which according to the owner there was two months ago. Histopathology after the diagnosis of chondrosarcoma was made and treatment instituted, but as the owner lost the thread it was not performed and the animal returned to clinical 11 months after the first incident irreversible suffering. Objective is to describe the macro and microscopic aspects of the neoplasm.
El condrosarcoma es un tumor maligno de origen mesenquimal, cuyas células neoplásicas producir una matriz de cartílago, no osteoide o hueso directamente. El diagnóstico puede ser assistido por métodos de imagen, pero sólo la histología esdefinitiva. Este informe describe el caso de un perro sin raza definida, de siete anos, con un aumento de volumen de alrededor de 6,0 x 5,0 x 4,0 cm en el hemitórax izquierdo, que según el propietario estaba allí hace dos meses. Después se realizó el diagnóstico histopatológico de condrosarcoma y el tratamiento instituido, pero como el propietario pierde el hilo no se hizo y el animal volvió a clínicas 11 meses después del primer incidente en el sufrimiento irreversible. Su objetivo es describir los aspectos macroscópicos y microscópicos de su neoplasia.
Animais , Cães , Condrossarcoma/diagnóstico , Condrossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias de Tecido Ósseo/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de Tecido Ósseo/veterinária , Costelas/patologia , Radiografia Torácica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm originated from chondroid cells with production of cartilage matrix with lot of degrees of differentiation. It may be found in skeletal or extraskeletal tissue, more commonly in flat bones. It most often has an aggressive behavior with involvement of bone and adjacent soft tissues, which necessitates their rapid identification, surgical intervention and therapy. Chondrosarcoma is reported as uncommon neoplasm in the nasal cavity of dogs and should be distinguished by both other malignancies and for non-neoplastic diseases. Case: A 7-years-old dog, mixed breed, male, had a swelling in the nasal cavity for more than 30 days. The change was seen in the right frontal-nasal region with invasion of the oral cavity, with serous nasal discharge and also, inspiratory and expiratory noises. Even after cytology and biopsy of the tumor to chemotherapy instituted, there was not successful and the dog was euthanized. At necropsy, there was a large multilobulated mass, with firm consistency, interspersed with soft areas in the right nasal region. In the cut surface, the mass showed staining grayish-white interspersed with dark areas, which block most of the nasal cavity causing partial lysis of frontal, temporal and tubinates bones, as well as purulent secretion of the frontal sinuses (sinusitis). Microscopically, the mass consisted of mesenchymal neoplastic cells arranged in bundles or nodules without orientation, separated by fine bands of fibrous connective tissue poorly vascularized. The neoplastic cells showed round to oval nucleus, sparse chromatin and conspicuous nucleoli. Some areas were more solid and composed of cells with few cytoplasm, similar to chondroblastic cells. It was observed multifocal areas of chondroid matrix formation. Discussion: Based on pathological findings, the diagnosis of chondrosarcoma was confirmed. The histopathological findings confirmed the diagnosis of chondrosarcoma suggested by cytology. Despite being an uncommon neoplasm in dogs, chondrosarcoma should be considered as differential diagnosis of other nasal diseases that can lead macroscopic changes and similar clinical signs. The osteosarcoma is the most common bone tumor of the nasal cavity in dogs. The similarity of the macroscopic findings of chondrosarcoma and oesteosarcoma, as well as histological and immunohistochemical stain, may be a challenge to diagnosis for the clinician and pathologist. Other neoplasms such as squamous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma, as well as proliferative rhinitis caused by fungal agents, should also be considered in the differential diagnosis. These conditions can be differentiated by microscopic features and immunohistochemical stain. The fine needle aspiration biopsy is an important method, however to establish the definitive diagnosis is always required histopathologic evaluation. In primary chondrosarcoma of the nasal cavity in dogs, the survival with treatment is made from three to six months, however, often results in local severe invasion and serious clinical changes. In this case, the treatment was not effective because the degree of tumor differentiation and infiltration of the surrounding structures, as well as worsens of the clinical signs. The knowledge of the clinicopathological findings and biology of this tumor is essential for rapid diagnosis and more effective clinical interventions.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias Nasais/veterinária , Condrossarcoma/diagnóstico , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Cavidade NasalResumo
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm originated from chondroid cells with production of cartilage matrix with lot of degrees of differentiation. It may be found in skeletal or extraskeletal tissue, more commonly in flat bones. It most often has an aggressive behavior with involvement of bone and adjacent soft tissues, which necessitates their rapid identification, surgical intervention and therapy. Chondrosarcoma is reported as uncommon neoplasm in the nasal cavity of dogs and should be distinguished by both other malignancies and for non-neoplastic diseases.Case: A 7-years-old dog, mixed breed, male, had a swelling in the nasal cavity for more than 30 days. The change was seen in the right frontal-nasal region with invasion of the oral cavity, with serous nasal discharge and also, inspiratory and expiratory noises. Even after cytology and biopsy of the tumor to chemotherapy instituted, there was not successful and the dog was euthanized. At necropsy, there was a large multilobulated mass, with firm consistency, interspersed with soft areas in the right nasal region. In the cut surface, the mass showed staining grayish-white interspersed with dark areas, which block most of the nasal cavity causing partial lysis of frontal, temporal and tubinates bones, as well as purulent secretion of the frontal sinuses (sinusitis). Microscopically, the mass consisted of mesench
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm originated from chondroid cells with production of cartilage matrix with lot of degrees of differentiation. It may be found in skeletal or extraskeletal tissue, more commonly in flat bones. It most often has an aggressive behavior with involvement of bone and adjacent soft tissues, which necessitates their rapid identification, surgical intervention and therapy. Chondrosarcoma is reported as uncommon neoplasm in the nasal cavity of dogs and should be distinguished by both other malignancies and for non-neoplastic diseases.Case: A 7-years-old dog, mixed breed, male, had a swelling in the nasal cavity for more than 30 days. The change was seen in the right frontal-nasal region with invasion of the oral cavity, with serous nasal discharge and also, inspiratory and expiratory noises. Even after cytology and biopsy of the tumor to chemotherapy instituted, there was not successful and the dog was euthanized. At necropsy, there was a large multilobulated mass, with firm consistency, interspersed with soft areas in the right nasal region. In the cut surface, the mass showed staining grayish-white interspersed with dark areas, which block most of the nasal cavity causing partial lysis of frontal, temporal and tubinates bones, as well as purulent secretion of the frontal sinuses (sinusitis). Microscopically, the mass consisted of mesench
Neoplasias sinunasales son poco frecuentes en los perros, destacando los sarcomas. En el presente informe se refiere a la aparición, en la perra de 10 anos de edad, la formación nasal, estudiando con epistaxis. El procedimiento fue el diagnóstico de sitio de la biopsia, lo que evidencia un hipercelular lesión sólida que consiste en células redondas dispuestas sobre alfombras con tiendas organización ocasionales, asociados con la matriz de deposición basófilo discreta, lo que sugiere la naturaliza condroide. Para la confirmación histogenic se utiliza panel de inmunohistoquímica, la investigación de las queratinas de expresión, vimentina y proteína S-1 00, la identificación positiva los dos últimos. La combinación de los datos morfológicos e inmunohistoquímicos permitió el diagnóstico de condrosarcoma, una neoplasia poco frecuente en el territorio nasal de los perros.(AU)
Sino nasal tumors are rare in dogs, especially sarcomas. The present report deals with the occurrence of a nasal mass in a ten-year-old female mongrel dog, associated with epistaxis. The diagnosis was performed from a local biopsy in which it was observed a hypercellular lesion consisting of round cells arranged in a solid manner with occasional organization of small nests, associated with discrete deposition of a pale blue matrix, suggesting chondroid nature. In order to obtain a histogenic confirmation, a panel of keratins, vimentin and S-100 protein was prepared, in which positivity was identified for the last two. The combination of morphological and immunohistochemically data allowed the diagnosis of chondrosarcoma, arare malignant neoplasia in nasal territory of dogs.(AU)
Os neoplasmas sino-nasais são raros em cães, particularmente os sarcomas. No presente relato aborda-se a ocorrência, em cadela de 10 anos de idade, de formação nasal, cursando com epistaxe. Procedeu-se o diagnóstico a partir de biópsia local, evidenciando-se lesão sólida hipercelular, composta por células redondas dispostas em tapetes, com ocasional organização em lojas, associada à discreta deposição de matriz basofílica, sugerindo natureza condróide. Para confirmação histogênica empregou-se painel imuno-histoquímico, pesquisando-se a expressão de ceratinas, vimentina e proteína S-100, identificando-se positividade das duas últimas. A associação dos dados morfológicos e imuno-histoquímicos permitiu o diagnóstico de condrossarcoma, uma neoplasia maligna incomum em território nasal de cães.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Condrossarcoma/diagnóstico , Condrossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Nasais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Nasais/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Epistaxe/veterinária , Radiografia/veterinária , Doenças Raras/patologia , Doenças Raras/veterinária , Biópsia/métodos , Biópsia/veterináriaResumo
Neoplasias sinunasales son poco frecuentes en los perros, destacando los sarcomas. En el presente informe se refiere a la aparición, en la perra de 10 anos de edad, la formación nasal, estudiando con epistaxis. El procedimiento fue el diagnóstico de sitio de la biopsia, lo que evidencia un hipercelular lesión sólida que consiste en células redondas dispuestas sobre alfombras con tiendas organización ocasionales, asociados con la matriz de deposición basófilo discreta, lo que sugiere la naturaliza condroide. Para la confirmación histogenic se utiliza panel de inmunohistoquímica, la investigación de las queratinas de expresión, vimentina y proteína S-1 00, la identificación positiva los dos últimos. La combinación de los datos morfológicos e inmunohistoquímicos permitió el diagnóstico de condrosarcoma, una neoplasia poco frecuente en el territorio nasal de los perros.
Sino nasal tumors are rare in dogs, especially sarcomas. The present report deals with the occurrence of a nasal mass in a ten-year-old female mongrel dog, associated with epistaxis. The diagnosis was performed from a local biopsy in which it was observed a hypercellular lesion consisting of round cells arranged in a solid manner with occasional organization of small nests, associated with discrete deposition of a pale blue matrix, suggesting chondroid nature. In order to obtain a histogenic confirmation, a panel of keratins, vimentin and S-100 protein was prepared, in which positivity was identified for the last two. The combination of morphological and immunohistochemically data allowed the diagnosis of chondrosarcoma, arare malignant neoplasia in nasal territory of dogs.
Os neoplasmas sino-nasais são raros em cães, particularmente os sarcomas. No presente relato aborda-se a ocorrência, em cadela de 10 anos de idade, de formação nasal, cursando com epistaxe. Procedeu-se o diagnóstico a partir de biópsia local, evidenciando-se lesão sólida hipercelular, composta por células redondas dispostas em tapetes, com ocasional organização em lojas, associada à discreta deposição de matriz basofílica, sugerindo natureza condróide. Para confirmação histogênica empregou-se painel imuno-histoquímico, pesquisando-se a expressão de ceratinas, vimentina e proteína S-100, identificando-se positividade das duas últimas. A associação dos dados morfológicos e imuno-histoquímicos permitiu o diagnóstico de condrossarcoma, uma neoplasia maligna incomum em território nasal de cães.
Animais , Cães , Condrossarcoma/diagnóstico , Condrossarcoma/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias Nasais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Nasais/veterinária , Biópsia/métodos , Biópsia/veterinária , Doenças Raras/patologia , Doenças Raras/veterinária , Epistaxe/veterinária , Radiografia/veterináriaResumo
A 10 year old female Boxer was taken dead to veterinary hospital for a necropsy without any clinical history, showing a growth on the dorsal part of the tongue. Based on the histopathological findings mesenchymal chondrosarcoma was diagnosed. This report describes the first case of chondrosarcoma on the base of the tongue in veterinary medicine.(AU)
Condrossarcoma/diagnóstico , Condrossarcoma/mortalidade , Condrossarcoma/prevenção & controle , Neoplasias da Língua/complicações , Neoplasias da Língua/diagnóstico , Neoplasias da Língua/mortalidade , CãesResumo
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesenchymal origin that generally develops slowly and has a low incidence of metastasis. It was related in dogs, but rarely in small or giant breeds. The most common site of skeletal chondrossarcoma in dogs is the nasal cavity. The lungs are the most common site of metastatic disease, but other organs may be affected. Chondrosarcoma may be classifi ed into primary or secondary according to location in bone, and histologically into mesenchymal and myxoid subtypes. Thus, this study reports the evolution of an uncommon case of chondrossarcoma in a dogs tibia. Case: A 1.4-year-old dog, 58 kg intact-male Brazilian Mastiff was admitted to the veterinary hospital due to lameness and swelling of the stifl e region present for 20 days. Radiographic examination showed lytic bone lesions in the proximal third of the right tibia with periosteal reaction, suggestive of bone tumor. Cytological examination revealed infl ammatory process indicative of acute periostitis. The clinical signs improved after treatment with nonsteroidal anti-infl ammatory (meloxicam, 0.1 mg/kg orally every 24 h) and analgesic (tramadol hydrochloride, 2 mg/kg orally every 8 h) drugs. However, eight months after the initial presentation, the dog had a recurrence of the lameness, and increase in volume and crepitus on palpation of the right knee. Radiographic exami
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesenchymal origin that generally develops slowly and has a low incidence of metastasis. It was related in dogs, but rarely in small or giant breeds. The most common site of skeletal chondrossarcoma in dogs is the nasal cavity. The lungs are the most common site of metastatic disease, but other organs may be affected. Chondrosarcoma may be classifi ed into primary or secondary according to location in bone, and histologically into mesenchymal and myxoid subtypes. Thus, this study reports the evolution of an uncommon case of chondrossarcoma in a dogs tibia. Case: A 1.4-year-old dog, 58 kg intact-male Brazilian Mastiff was admitted to the veterinary hospital due to lameness and swelling of the stifl e region present for 20 days. Radiographic examination showed lytic bone lesions in the proximal third of the right tibia with periosteal reaction, suggestive of bone tumor. Cytological examination revealed infl ammatory process indicative of acute periostitis. The clinical signs improved after treatment with nonsteroidal anti-infl ammatory (meloxicam, 0.1 mg/kg orally every 24 h) and analgesic (tramadol hydrochloride, 2 mg/kg orally every 8 h) drugs. However, eight months after the initial presentation, the dog had a recurrence of the lameness, and increase in volume and crepitus on palpation of the right knee. Radiographic exami
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm originated from chondroid cells with production of cartilage matrix with lot of degrees of differentiation. It may be found in skeletal or extraskeletal tissue, more commonly in flat bones. It most often has an aggressive behavior with involvement of bone and adjacent soft tissues, which necessitates their rapid identification, surgical intervention and therapy. Chondrosarcoma is reported as uncommon neoplasm in the nasal cavity of dogs and should be distinguished by both other malignancies and for non-neoplastic diseases.Case: A 7-years-old dog, mixed breed, male, had a swelling in the nasal cavity for more than 30 days. The change was seen in the right frontal-nasal region with invasion of the oral cavity, with serous nasal discharge and also, inspiratory and expiratory noises. Even after cytology and biopsy of the tumor to chemotherapy instituted, there was not successful and the dog was euthanized. At necropsy, there was a large multilobulated mass, with firm consistency, interspersed with soft areas in the right nasal region. In the cut surface, the mass showed staining grayish-white interspersed with dark areas, which block most of the nasal cavity causing partial lysis of frontal, temporal and tubinates bones, as well as purulent secretion of the frontal sinuses (sinusitis). Microscopically, the mass consisted of mesench
Background: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm originated from chondroid cells with production of cartilage matrix with lot of degrees of differentiation. It may be found in skeletal or extraskeletal tissue, more commonly in flat bones. It most often has an aggressive behavior with involvement of bone and adjacent soft tissues, which necessitates their rapid identification, surgical intervention and therapy. Chondrosarcoma is reported as uncommon neoplasm in the nasal cavity of dogs and should be distinguished by both other malignancies and for non-neoplastic diseases.Case: A 7-years-old dog, mixed breed, male, had a swelling in the nasal cavity for more than 30 days. The change was seen in the right frontal-nasal region with invasion of the oral cavity, with serous nasal discharge and also, inspiratory and expiratory noises. Even after cytology and biopsy of the tumor to chemotherapy instituted, there was not successful and the dog was euthanized. At necropsy, there was a large multilobulated mass, with firm consistency, interspersed with soft areas in the right nasal region. In the cut surface, the mass showed staining grayish-white interspersed with dark areas, which block most of the nasal cavity causing partial lysis of frontal, temporal and tubinates bones, as well as purulent secretion of the frontal sinuses (sinusitis). Microscopically, the mass consisted of mesench
O presente relato descreve os achados clínico-patológicos de um condrossarcoma mesenquimal canino em um cão. Um cão macho, fila brasileiro de 13 anos de idade, mostrou, no físico, claudicação e aumento da massa tecidual do membro pélvico direito. Exame radiográfico tecidual foi realizada e revelou condroblastos neoplásicos. O proprietário decidiu não amputar o membro do animal e solicitou eutanásia. Completa necropsia e exame histológico foram realizados. A análise macroscópica mostrou proliferação tecidual neoplásica, originada da patela. Microscopicamente, a proliferação tecidual caracterizava-se pela coexistência de ilhas cartilaginosas, constituídas por células de variável maturidade e envoltas por células mesenquimais indiferenciadas. Este é o primeiro relato de condrossarcoma mesenquimal canino de origem patelar(AU)
The present report describes the clinicopathological findings of the mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in a dog. A 13-year-old male brazilian fila dog showed under physical examination, lameness and tissue mass increase of the right forelimb. Radiography revealed neoplasic chondroblasts. The owners decision was not th have dogs limb amputed and he required euthanasia. A complete necropsy and histological examinations was performed. The macroscopic examination showed neoplastic proliferations originated from the patella. Microscopically, the tissue proliferation was characterized by the coexistence of sharply demarcated cartilaginous islands of varied maturity and surrounding undifferentiated Mesenchymal cells. This is the first report of canine Mesenchymal chondrosacoma originated from the patella(AU)
Animais , Cães , Condrócitos , Condrossarcoma Mesenquimal/diagnóstico , Condrossarcoma Mesenquimal/patologia , Condrossarcoma Mesenquimal , Condrossarcoma Mesenquimal/veterinária , CãesResumo
O presente relato descreve os achados clínico-patológicos de um condrossarcoma mesenquimal canino em um cão. Um cão macho, fila brasileiro de 13 anos de idade, mostrou, no físico, claudicação e aumento da massa tecidual do membro pélvico direito. Exame radiográfico tecidual foi realizada e revelou condroblastos neoplásicos. O proprietário decidiu não amputar o membro do animal e solicitou eutanásia. Completa necropsia e exame histológico foram realizados. A análise macroscópica mostrou proliferação tecidual neoplásica, originada da patela. Microscopicamente, a proliferação tecidual caracterizava-se pela coexistência de ilhas cartilaginosas, constituídas por células de variável maturidade e envoltas por células mesenquimais indiferenciadas. Este é o primeiro relato de condrossarcoma mesenquimal canino de origem patelar
The present report describes the clinicopathological findings of the mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in a dog. A 13-year-old male brazilian fila dog showed under physical examination, lameness and tissue mass increase of the right forelimb. Radiography revealed neoplasic chondroblasts. The owners decision was not th have dogs limb amputed and he required euthanasia. A complete necropsy and histological examinations was performed. The macroscopic examination showed neoplastic proliferations originated from the patella. Microscopically, the tissue proliferation was characterized by the coexistence of sharply demarcated cartilaginous islands of varied maturity and surrounding undifferentiated Mesenchymal cells. This is the first report of canine Mesenchymal chondrosacoma originated from the patella