This study aims to identify relative proportions of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the gut of broilers and risk factors that may be contributing to the development of colibacillosis disease in broiler farms of District Kasur, Punjab, Pakistan. For this, 10 healthy and 10 colibacillosis affected broiler farms were surveyed for ileum and blood sample collection along with data regarding farm management, antibiotic use and hygiene practices. Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli number was estimated using Miles and Misra method and colibacillosis was confirmed by Congo red dye assay. Lactobacillus and E. coli were identified biochemically. For risk factors analysis chi-square analysis was performed to find any significant association between the health status of the farm and risk factors. Results showed during disease and healthy conditions Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli counts differ significantly (p<0.05). E. coli counts (106-108 to 107-109) increased (p<0.05) about three folds and Lactobacillus counts decrease (106-108 to 105-107) about four folds in disease conditions. Risk factor analysis showed colibacillosis disease was significantly associated (p<0.05) with non-vaccinated flocks, natural ventilation systems, rodent presence and the lack of outfit disinfection or change by workers when moving between different houses. It is concluded that E. coli and Lactobacillus work antagonistically to each other. However, further research is necessary to determine the exact mechanisms by which E. coli and Lactobacillus influence the development of colibacillosis. While Lactobacillus as probiotic may help with prevention, good hygiene and management practices are still crucial in preventing the spread of disease.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/microbiologia , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Infecções por Escherichia coli/diagnóstico , Lactobacillus/patogenicidade , Paquistão , Fatores de RiscoResumo
Feed is the main route of transmission of pathogenic microorganisms and is responsible for a large part of the cost of poultry production, so the inclusion of alternative foods in diets for monogastrics has been a constant. Among alternative foods most used in modern poultry farming are animal meal, however, when contaminated they constitute a route of transmission of several pathogenic agents, including Escherichia coli. In addition, there is a zoonotic potential, as poultry products are intended for human consumption. The objective of this research was to detect virulence genes, as well as to evaluate the resistance profile of Escherichia coli isolates from meat meal samples. A total of 40 Escherichia coli isolates were analyzed and the virulence genes surveyed iss, ompT, hlyF, iutA, and fimA identified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The antimicrobial agents tested were: amoxycillin (30 µg), ceftiofur (30 µg), ciprofloxacin (5 µg), doxycycline (30 µg), florfenicol (30 µg), fosfomycin (200 µg), gentamicin (10 µg), norfloxacin (10 µg) and oxacillin (1 µg). It was possible to observe the occurrence of the iss resistance gene in 100% of Escherichia coli isolates, followed by hlyF (85%), fimA (75%), ompT (17.5%) and iutA (5%). Regarding the simultaneous detection for the genes, a greater association between the genes iss, hlyF and fimA (60%) was verified. All isolates showed resistance to oxacillin (100%), followed by doxycycline (25%), amoxicillin (22.5%), norfloxacin (17.5%), ceftiofur (15%), florfenicol (12.5%), fosfomycin (12.5%), ciprofloxacin (10%) and gentamycin (2.5%). In this study, a variation of the multiple antimicrobial resistance index (IRMA) was observed between 0.22 and 0.77. The indiscriminate use of of antimicrobials as performance enhancers in production animals, may have contributed to the increase in antimicrobial resistance, with the occurrence of multiresistant Escherichia coli carrying virulence genes. Virulence genes present in Escherichia coli isolates are studied to understand the degree of influence they exert in the establishment of the disease, one of the most researched genes is the iss gene, involved in the processes that promote serum resistance. In this study, iss (100%) was present in all the isolates analyzed, although it is not the only mechanism used by these bacteria to reach internal organs and trigger an infection, this gene encodes an important mechanism associated with high levels of virulence. The second highest prevalence found was of the hlyF gene (85%), the high prevalence of hlyF suggests virulence potential, involved with the production of hemolysin and improvement of outer membrane vesicles associated with the release of toxins. The fimA gene (75%) was detected in a slightly lower percentage when compared to iss and hlyF. With the second lowest prevalence, the ompT gene (17.5%), is involved in a process that includes the proteolytic degradation of antimicrobial peptides and with the lowest prevalence the iutA gene (5%). Certain combinations of virulence genes make the strains easier to survive, adhere to, colonize and even the ability to develop septicemic conditions. Multiresistant E. coli strains, is a fact of concern for both animal and human health, since the presence of multiresistant strains, originating from poultry, can be transmitted from chicken carcasses. In this sense, the importance of sanitary control of the inputs used in animal feed is emphasized, as well as the prudent use of antimicrobials in animal production, with a view to producing a safe food, minimizing not only the economic losses, but also the risks to human health.(AU)
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Dieta/veterinária , Escherichia coli/genética , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Ração Animal/análise , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e ServiçosResumo
ABSTRACT: Avian colibacillosis is an acute and globally occurring infectious disease of domestic and wild birds caused by Escherichia coli, and it is associated with considerable economic losses mainly due to the morbidity and mortality associated. The present study aimed to describe the pathological, bacteriological and immunohistochemical aspects of avian colibacillosis in broiler chickens of Mozambique. Forty-nine broiler chicken presented anorexia, decreased weight gain, ataxia, diarrhea, dyspnea, and death in a clinical course of 3-5 days. The birds were raised in five farms (small, medium and large farms) with manual and automatic breeding system, with flocks ranging from 100 to 20,000 birds. At the necropsy, all birds had poor body condition, and the pericardium and the Glissons capsule of all avian exhibited different degrees of adherence often associated with severe fibrin deposition. The thoracic and abdominal air sacs were thickened and adhered to the costal wall. Mild, moderate or marked hepatomegaly associated with white pinpoint multifocal areas (100%, 49/49) and mild to moderate splenomegaly in 75.5% (37/49) with a mottled surface were observed. The lungs and kidney were enlarged and reddish. Histologically, a multiorgan fibrinoheterophilic polyserositis was observed in 75.5% of the cases (37/49), which were characterized by inflammatory infiltrates composed mainly of degenerative heterophils, macrophages and plasma cells, associated with fibrin deposits and intermixed by coccobacillary bacterial basophilic aggregates. These affected mainly the pericardium (28.6%, 14/49), the pleura (18.4%, 9/49), the Glissons capsule (10.2%, 5/49), the ventriculus (10.2, 5/33), and the proventriculus (8.2%, 4/49) serosa. Multifocal to coalescing areas of coagulative necrosis associated with similar inflammatory cells were observed mainly in the spleen (28.6%, 14/49), liver (24.5%, 12/49), and intestines (22.4%, 11/49). A similar infiltrate was also observed affecting the the lungs (16.3%, 8/49), the kidney (16.3%, 8/49) and the myocardium (14.3%, 7/49). Isolation and identification of E. coli was obtained in 12 cases through bacterial culture. Some organs (2 cases of each farms) were selected and submitted to immunohistochemistry anti-E. coli, and a positive stain was observed in all tested cases in liver (3/3), heart (4/4), spleen (1/1), lungs (4/4), intestines (4/4), bursa of Fabricius (1/1), ventriculus (1/1), and proventriculus (1/1) tissue sections. These results demonstrate that E. coli was the cause of mortality in these birds. Therefore, biosecurity and management measures should be employed to prevent and control the disease occurrence in Mozambiques poultry farming.
RESUMO: A colibacilose aviária é uma doença aguda de ocorrência mundial que acomete aves domésticas e silvestres, causada por Escherichia coli e resulta em perdas econômicas consideráveis devido à elevada morbidade e mortalidade das aves. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever os aspectos patológicos, bacteriológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de colibacilose aviária em frangos de corte de Moçambique. Um total de 49 frangos de corte apresentaram anorexia, baixo ganho de peso, ataxia, diarreia, dispneia e morte em um curso clínico de 3 a 5 dias. As aves eram provenientes de 5 granjas (pequenas, média e grandes), com sistema de criação manual e automático, com rebanhos que variavam de 100 a 20.000 aves. À necropsia, todas as aves exibiam condição corporal ruim a caquética, além de pericárdio e cápsula de Glisson de todas aves (100%; n=49) com diferentes graus de aderência e deposição de fibrina de forma difusa acentuada. Os sacos aéreos torácicos e abdominais estavam espessados e aderidos à parede costal. Foi observado ainda hepatomegalia discreta, moderada a severa frequentemente associada com áreas multifocais puntiformes brancacentas (100%; 49/49), e esplenomegalia discreta a moderada, associado a áreas multifocais moteadas (75,5%; 37/49). Os pulmões e rins estavam aumentados e com coloração avermelhada. Histologicamente, observou-se majoritariamente serosite fibrinoheterofílica em 75,5% dos casos (37/49), caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório composto por heterófilos degenerados, macrófagos, linfócitos e plasmócitos, com deposição de fibrina entremeada por uma miríade de estruturas bacterianas cocobacilares. Esta lesão foi observada principalmente em pericárdio (28,6%; 14/49), pleura (18,4%; 9/49), cápsula de Glisson (10,2%; 5/49), ventrículo (10,2; 5/33) e em proventrículo (8,2%; 4/49). Áreas multifocais a coalescentes de necrose de coagulação associada a infiltrado inflamatório semelhante ao descrito foi observado principalmente no baço (28,6%; 14/49), fígado (24.5%; 12/49), e intestinos (8,2%; 4/49). Um infiltrado inflamatório semelhante também foi visualizado em pulmões (16,3%; 8/49), rins (16,3%; 8/49) e miocárdio (14,3%; 7/49), Colônias puras de E. coli foram identificadas e isoladas em 12 casos. Alguns órgãos (2 de cada granja) foram submetidos ao exame imuno-histoquímico anti-E. coli e marcação positiva foi visualizada em todos casos testados, como em fígado (3/3), coração (4/4), baço (1/1), pulmão (4/4), intestinos (4/4), bursa de Fabricius (1/1), rim (1/1), ventrículo (1/1) e proventrículo (1/1). Estes resultados demonstram que E. coli foi a causa de morte destas aves. Sendo assim, a adoção de boas medidas de biosseguridade e de manejo são indispensáveis para a prevenção e controle da ocorrência da doença nas granjas de frango de corte de Moçambique.
Avian colibacillosis is an acute and globally occurring infectious disease of domestic and wild birds caused by Escherichia coli, and it is associated with considerable economic losses mainly due to the morbidity and mortality associated. The present study aimed to describe the pathological, bacteriological and immunohistochemical aspects of avian colibacillosis in broiler chickens of Mozambique. Forty-nine broiler chicken presented anorexia, decreased weight gain, ataxia, diarrhea, dyspnea, and death in a clinical course of 3-5 days. The birds were raised in five farms (small, medium and large farms) with manual and automatic breeding system, with flocks ranging from 100 to 20,000 birds. At the necropsy, all birds had poor body condition, and the pericardium and the Glisson's capsule of all avian exhibited different degrees of adherence often associated with severe fibrin deposition. The thoracic and abdominal air sacs were thickened and adhered to the costal wall. Mild, moderate or marked hepatomegaly associated with white pinpoint multifocal areas (100%, 49/49) and mild to moderate splenomegaly in 75.5% (37/49) with a mottled surface were observed. The lungs and kidney were enlarged and reddish. Histologically, a multiorgan fibrinoheterophilic polyserositis was observed in 75.5% of the cases (37/49), which were characterized by inflammatory infiltrates composed mainly of degenerative heterophils, macrophages and plasma cells, associated with fibrin deposits and intermixed by coccobacillary bacterial basophilic aggregates. These affected mainly the pericardium (28.6%, 14/49), the pleura (18.4%, 9/49), the Glisson's capsule (10.2%, 5/49), the ventriculus (10.2, 5/33), and the proventriculus (8.2%, 4/49) serosa. Multifocal to coalescing areas of coagulative necrosis associated with similar inflammatory cells were observed mainly in the spleen (28.6%, 14/49), liver (24.5%, 12/49), and intestines (22.4%, 11/49). A similar infiltrate was also observed affecting the the lungs (16.3%, 8/49), the kidney (16.3%, 8/49) and the myocardium (14.3%, 7/49). Isolation and identification of E. coli was obtained in 12 cases through bacterial culture. Some organs (2 cases of each farms) were selected and submitted to immunohistochemistry anti-E. coli, and a positive stain was observed in all tested cases in liver (3/3), heart (4/4), spleen (1/1), lungs (4/4), intestines (4/4), bursa of Fabricius (1/1), ventriculus (1/1), and proventriculus (1/1) tissue sections. These results demonstrate that E. coli was the cause of mortality in these birds. Therefore, biosecurity and management measures should be employed to prevent and control the disease occurrence in Mozambique's poultry farming.(AU)
A colibacilose aviária é uma doença aguda de ocorrência mundial que acomete aves domésticas e silvestres, causada por Escherichia coli e resulta em perdas econômicas consideráveis devido à elevada morbidade e mortalidade das aves. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever os aspectos patológicos, bacteriológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de colibacilose aviária em frangos de corte de Moçambique. Um total de 49 frangos de corte apresentaram anorexia, baixo ganho de peso, ataxia, diarreia, dispneia e morte em um curso clínico de 3 a 5 dias. As aves eram provenientes de 5 granjas (pequenas, média e grandes), com sistema de criação manual e automático, com rebanhos que variavam de 100 a 20.000 aves. À necropsia, todas as aves exibiam condição corporal ruim a caquética, além de pericárdio e cápsula de Glisson de todas aves (100%; n=49) com diferentes graus de aderência e deposição de fibrina de forma difusa acentuada. Os sacos aéreos torácicos e abdominais estavam espessados e aderidos à parede costal. Foi observado ainda hepatomegalia discreta, moderada a severa frequentemente associada com áreas multifocais puntiformes brancacentas (100%; 49/49), e esplenomegalia discreta a moderada, associado a áreas multifocais moteadas (75,5%; 37/49). Os pulmões e rins estavam aumentados e com coloração avermelhada. Histologicamente, observou-se majoritariamente serosite fibrinoheterofílica em 75,5% dos casos (37/49), caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório composto por heterófilos degenerados, macrófagos, linfócitos e plasmócitos, com deposição de fibrina entremeada por uma miríade de estruturas bacterianas cocobacilares. Esta lesão foi observada principalmente em pericárdio (28,6%; 14/49), pleura (18,4%; 9/49), cápsula de Glisson (10,2%; 5/49), ventrículo (10,2; 5/33) e em proventrículo (8,2%; 4/49). Áreas multifocais a coalescentes de necrose de coagulação associada a infiltrado inflamatório semelhante ao descrito foi observado principalmente no baço (28,6%; 14/49), fígado (24.5%; 12/49), e intestinos (8,2%; 4/49). Um infiltrado inflamatório semelhante também foi visualizado em pulmões (16,3%; 8/49), rins (16,3%; 8/49) e miocárdio (14,3%; 7/49), Colônias puras de E. coli foram identificadas e isoladas em 12 casos. Alguns órgãos (2 de cada granja) foram submetidos ao exame imuno-histoquímico anti-E. coli e marcação positiva foi visualizada em todos casos testados, como em fígado (3/3), coração (4/4), baço (1/1), pulmão (4/4), intestinos (4/4), bursa de Fabricius (1/1), rim (1/1), ventrículo (1/1) e proventrículo (1/1). Estes resultados demonstram que E. coli foi a causa de morte destas aves. Sendo assim, a adoção de boas medidas de biosseguridade e de manejo são indispensáveis para a prevenção e controle da ocorrência da doença nas granjas de frango de corte de Moçambique.(AU)
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Pesos e Medidas , Imuno-Histoquímica , Galinhas/microbiologia , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Aumento de Peso , Mortalidade , Estruturas Bacterianas/patogenicidadeResumo
Avian colibacillosis is an acute and globally occurring infectious disease of domestic and wild birds caused by Escherichia coli, and it is associated with considerable economic losses mainly due to the morbidity and mortality associated. The present study aimed to describe the pathological, bacteriological and immunohistochemical aspects of avian colibacillosis in broiler chickens of Mozambique. Forty-nine broiler chicken presented anorexia, decreased weight gain, ataxia, diarrhea, dyspnea, and death in a clinical course of 3-5 days. The birds were raised in five farms (small, medium and large farms) with manual and automatic breeding system, with flocks ranging from 100 to 20,000 birds. At the necropsy, all birds had poor body condition, and the pericardium and the Glisson's capsule of all avian exhibited different degrees of adherence often associated with severe fibrin deposition. The thoracic and abdominal air sacs were thickened and adhered to the costal wall. Mild, moderate or marked hepatomegaly associated with white pinpoint multifocal areas (100%, 49/49) and mild to moderate splenomegaly in 75.5% (37/49) with a mottled surface were observed. The lungs and kidney were enlarged and reddish. Histologically, a multiorgan fibrinoheterophilic polyserositis was observed in 75.5% of the cases (37/49), which were characterized by inflammatory infiltrates composed mainly of degenerative heterophils, macrophages and plasma cells, associated with fibrin deposits and intermixed by coccobacillary bacterial basophilic aggregates. These affected mainly the pericardium (28.6%, 14/49), the pleura (18.4%, 9/49), the Glisson's capsule (10.2%, 5/49), the ventriculus (10.2, 5/33), and the proventriculus (8.2%, 4/49) serosa. Multifocal to coalescing areas of coagulative necrosis associated with similar inflammatory cells were observed mainly in the spleen (28.6%, 14/49), liver (24.5%, 12/49), and intestines (22.4%, 11/49). A similar infiltrate was also observed affecting the the lungs (16.3%, 8/49), the kidney (16.3%, 8/49) and the myocardium (14.3%, 7/49). Isolation and identification of E. coli was obtained in 12 cases through bacterial culture. Some organs (2 cases of each farms) were selected and submitted to immunohistochemistry anti-E. coli, and a positive stain was observed in all tested cases in liver (3/3), heart (4/4), spleen (1/1), lungs (4/4), intestines (4/4), bursa of Fabricius (1/1), ventriculus (1/1), and proventriculus (1/1) tissue sections. These results demonstrate that E. coli was the cause of mortality in these birds. Therefore, biosecurity and management measures should be employed to prevent and control the disease occurrence in Mozambique's poultry farming.(AU)
A colibacilose aviária é uma doença aguda de ocorrência mundial que acomete aves domésticas e silvestres, causada por Escherichia coli e resulta em perdas econômicas consideráveis devido à elevada morbidade e mortalidade das aves. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever os aspectos patológicos, bacteriológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de colibacilose aviária em frangos de corte de Moçambique. Um total de 49 frangos de corte apresentaram anorexia, baixo ganho de peso, ataxia, diarreia, dispneia e morte em um curso clínico de 3 a 5 dias. As aves eram provenientes de 5 granjas (pequenas, média e grandes), com sistema de criação manual e automático, com rebanhos que variavam de 100 a 20.000 aves. À necropsia, todas as aves exibiam condição corporal ruim a caquética, além de pericárdio e cápsula de Glisson de todas aves (100%; n=49) com diferentes graus de aderência e deposição de fibrina de forma difusa acentuada. Os sacos aéreos torácicos e abdominais estavam espessados e aderidos à parede costal. Foi observado ainda hepatomegalia discreta, moderada a severa frequentemente associada com áreas multifocais puntiformes brancacentas (100%; 49/49), e esplenomegalia discreta a moderada, associado a áreas multifocais moteadas (75,5%; 37/49). Os pulmões e rins estavam aumentados e com coloração avermelhada. Histologicamente, observou-se majoritariamente serosite fibrinoheterofílica em 75,5% dos casos (37/49), caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório composto por heterófilos degenerados, macrófagos, linfócitos e plasmócitos, com deposição de fibrina entremeada por uma miríade de estruturas bacterianas cocobacilares. Esta lesão foi observada principalmente em pericárdio (28,6%; 14/49), pleura (18,4%; 9/49), cápsula de Glisson (10,2%; 5/49), ventrículo (10,2; 5/33) e em proventrículo (8,2%; 4/49). Áreas multifocais a coalescentes de necrose de coagulação associada a infiltrado inflamatório semelhante ao descrito foi observado principalmente no baço (28,6%; 14/49), fígado (24.5%; 12/49), e intestinos (8,2%; 4/49). Um infiltrado inflamatório semelhante também foi visualizado em pulmões (16,3%; 8/49), rins (16,3%; 8/49) e miocárdio (14,3%; 7/49), Colônias puras de E. coli foram identificadas e isoladas em 12 casos. Alguns órgãos (2 de cada granja) foram submetidos ao exame imuno-histoquímico anti-E. coli e marcação positiva foi visualizada em todos casos testados, como em fígado (3/3), coração (4/4), baço (1/1), pulmão (4/4), intestinos (4/4), bursa de Fabricius (1/1), rim (1/1), ventrículo (1/1) e proventrículo (1/1). Estes resultados demonstram que E. coli foi a causa de morte destas aves. Sendo assim, a adoção de boas medidas de biosseguridade e de manejo são indispensáveis para a prevenção e controle da ocorrência da doença nas granjas de frango de corte de Moçambique.(AU)
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Pesos e Medidas , Imuno-Histoquímica , Galinhas/microbiologia , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Aumento de Peso , Mortalidade , Estruturas Bacterianas/patogenicidadeResumo
Natural antimicrobials, known as phytobiotics, are used in bacterial infections. The objective of this study was to evaluatethe phytobiotic activity, in vitro and in vivo, of an extract and an essential oil of Piper auritum and Ocimum basilicum on avian Eschericia coli serotype O2 in broiler chickens experimentally infected. For the in vitro test, extracts at 4, 8, 12 and 16% in water-based solvent or alcohol at 70% were prepared from leaves of both plants. In the essential oils, solvents at 10% were used. A concentration of 1×108 CFU mL-1 of bacteria was seeded and on each sense disc, 25 µL of the extract or essential oil were poured, except on the positive or negative control. The diameter of the inhibition zone (DIZ) of bacterial growth was measured. In the in vivo test, 40 chickens were inoculated, by intratracheal route, with a bacterial suspension of 1 × 108 CFU mL-1. E. col was identified and isolated from the organs; mortality, morbidity and relative weight of the organs were measured, and postmortem lesions and histopathologic findings were observed. A completely randomized design and the Kruskal-Wallis test for data analysis was used. By increasing the concentration of the extract, DIZ was greater; at the time of slaughter, differences in body weight (p 0.05) were found and the majority of lesions were observed in lungs. It is concluded that leave extracts of P. auritum and O. basilicum had phytobiotic activity on E. col serotype O2.(AU)
Animais , Ocimum/microbiologia , Galinhas/microbiologia , Piper/microbiologia , Escherichia coli/patogenicidadeResumo
Natural antimicrobials, known as phytobiotics, are used in bacterial infections. The objective of this study was to evaluatethe phytobiotic activity, in vitro and in vivo, of an extract and an essential oil of Piper auritum and Ocimum basilicum on avian Eschericia coli serotype O2 in broiler chickens experimentally infected. For the in vitro test, extracts at 4, 8, 12 and 16% in water-based solvent or alcohol at 70% were prepared from leaves of both plants. In the essential oils, solvents at 10% were used. A concentration of 1×108 CFU mL-1 of bacteria was seeded and on each sense disc, 25 µL of the extract or essential oil were poured, except on the positive or negative control. The diameter of the inhibition zone (DIZ) of bacterial growth was measured. In the in vivo test, 40 chickens were inoculated, by intratracheal route, with a bacterial suspension of 1 × 108 CFU mL-1. E. col was identified and isolated from the organs; mortality, morbidity and relative weight of the organs were measured, and postmortem lesions and histopathologic findings were observed. A completely randomized design and the Kruskal-Wallis test for data analysis was used. By increasing the concentration of the extract, DIZ was greater; at the time of slaughter, differences in body weight (p 0.05) were found and the majority of lesions were observed in lungs. It is concluded that leave extracts of P. auritum and O. basilicum had phytobiotic activity on E. col serotype O2.
Animais , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Galinhas/microbiologia , Ocimum/microbiologia , Piper/microbiologiaResumo
Avian pathogenic Escherichiacoli (APEC) virulence mechanism has been continuously studied and it is believed to be multifactorial and because of this, this work aimed to characterize potentially APEC strains isolated from free-range hens. Isolates were submitted to PCR for the detection of virulence genes, which were of high prevalence. In vivo inoculation of day-old chicks revealed that 49 of these strains were of high and intermediate pathogenicity. In addition, isolates were submitted to antimicrobials susceptibility test with the majority of the strains presenting multiresistance. Phylogenetic analysis showed a greater presence of potentially APEC isolates in-group B2. In addition, high heterogeneity was detected among the isolates byXbaI enzyme. Fifteen serogroups were identified, being the O8 the most frequent. These results strengthen the fact that a combination of diverse factors are associated with the pathogenicity APEC strains, as well as to highlight its importance to public health and that free-range hens can act as a reservoirs of potentially zoonoticbacteria.(AU)
Animais , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Resistência a Medicamentos , Galinhas , Fatores de Virulência/análiseResumo
Avian pathogenic Escherichiacoli (APEC) virulence mechanism has been continuously studied and it is believed to be multifactorial and because of this, this work aimed to characterize potentially APEC strains isolated from free-range hens. Isolates were submitted to PCR for the detection of virulence genes, which were of high prevalence. In vivo inoculation of day-old chicks revealed that 49 of these strains were of high and intermediate pathogenicity. In addition, isolates were submitted to antimicrobials susceptibility test with the majority of the strains presenting multiresistance. Phylogenetic analysis showed a greater presence of potentially APEC isolates in-group B2. In addition, high heterogeneity was detected among the isolates byXbaI enzyme. Fifteen serogroups were identified, being the O8 the most frequent. These results strengthen the fact that a combination of diverse factors are associated with the pathogenicity APEC strains, as well as to highlight its importance to public health and that free-range hens can act as a reservoirs of potentially zoonoticbacteria.
Animais , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Fatores de Virulência/análise , Galinhas , Resistência a MedicamentosResumo
Abstract Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolates from apparently healthy free range helmeted guineafowl were characterized. Most of them had a high frequency of virulence associated genes, multi drug resistance and high pathogenicity. We demonstrated that helmeted guineafowl have potential to transmit antibiotic resistant APEC to other species including humans.
Background: One of the most frequent health problems in the swine industry is the post-weaning diarrhea in nursery pigs, which leads to significant losses due to weight loss, dehydration, cost of medication and mortality. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the main bacterial agents of the post-weaning diarrhea. To investigate the possibility of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) transmission through drinking water to nursery piglets, the objective of this study was to isolate, characterize by virulence factors, and compare the antimicrobial resistance profiles of E. coli from drinking water samples in nurseries and from rectal swabs of their piglets presenting post-weaning colibacillosis.Materials, Methods & Results: Fifteen rectal swabs from diarrheic piglets in their first three weeks after weaning and one water sample were collected from each of ten nurseries located in Rio Grande do Sul State, south of Brazil. After enrichment with a commercial broth medium, water samples were cultured in blood agar, as well as the rectal swab samples, and the characteristic colonies were identified by standard biochemical analysis. Following isolation and identification of E. coli, the colonies from water samples and their corresponding piglets samples were characterized by multiplex PCR in order to determine specific ETEC fimbria and toxin genes. Finally, all E. coli isolates were submitted to antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Virulence factors and antimicrobial sensitivity could then be compared between water and piglets samples. The difference in the antimicrobial resistance frequency for each of the sample groups were compared using the multi comparison test. E. coli was isolated in four out of the ten water samples, although none of the water samples presented ETEC virulence factors.[...]
Animais , Escherichia coli Enterotoxigênica , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Fatores de Virulência , Infecções por Escherichia coli/transmissão , Suínos/virologia , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Fímbrias Bacterianas , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex/veterináriaResumo
Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolates from apparently healthy free range helmeted guineafowl were characterized. Most of them had a high frequency of virulence associated genes, multi drug resistance and high pathogenicity. We demonstrated that helmeted guineafowl have potential to transmit antibiotic resistant APEC to other species including humans.(AU)
Animais , Fatores de Virulência , Escherichia coli Extraintestinal Patogênica/virologia , Aves Domésticas/virologia , Infecções por Escherichia coli/veterináriaResumo
Current study determines the population of total coliforms and Escherichia coli and identifies iss and iutA virulence genes in Escherichia coli strains isolated from cellulitis in poultry carcasses retrieved from a slaughterhouse. One hundred cellulitis lesions were collected between August 2013 and January 2014. The population of total coliforms and Escherichia coli was verified by Petrifilm rapid counting method (AOAC 998.8). Escherichia coli samples were analyzed for iss and iutA genes by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. Total coliforms were present in 96.0% (96/100) of the analyzed samples, with a population between 3.4 and 9.5 log CFU/g. Escherichia coli was present in 82.0% (82/100) of cellulitis samples and the population ranged between 1.0 and 9.0 log CFU/g. The iss gene was found in 89.0% of isolates and the iutA gene in 97.6%. High populations of total coliforms and Escherichiacoli in cellulitis samples indicate that hygienic-sanitary failures may have occurred in the production of broilers. When high prevalence of virulence genes under analysis, characteristic of Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and possible zoonotic character of the pathotype are taken into account, it is important to highlight the need to adopt Good Manufacturing Practices, Standard Procedures of Operational Hygiene and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in poultry slaughterhouses to ensure the safety of the final product.(AU)
Objetivou-se determinar a população de coliformes totais e de Escherichia coli e identificar os genes de virulência iss e iutA nas cepas de Escherichia coli isoladas de celulites em carcaças de frangos em um abatedouro. No periodo de agosto de 2013 a janeiro de 2014 foram coletadas 100 lesões de celulite, sendo verificada a população de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli, pelo método rápido de contagem Petrifilm (AOAC 998.8). As amostras de Escherichia coli foram analisadas para verificar a presença dos genes iss e iutA, utilizando a técnica de Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). Houve a presença de coliformes totais em 96,0 % (96/100) das amostras analisadas, com a população entre 3,4 a 9,5 log UFC/g. Constatou-se também a presença de Escherichia coli em 82,0 % (82/100) das amostras de celulite, com população entre 1,0 e 9,0 log UFC/g. O gene iss foi encontrado em 89,0 % dos isolados e o gene iutA em 97,6 %. As populações elevadas de coliformes totais e de Escherichia coli nas amostras de celulite indicam que falhas higiênico-sanitárias podem ter ocorrido na produção dos frangos de corte. Considerando a prevalência elevada dos genes de virulência pesquisados, característicos de Escherichia coli Patogênica para Aves (APEC) e o possível caráter zoonótico deste patotipo, é importante ressaltar a necessidade da adoção das Boas Práticas de Fabricação, Procedimentos Padrão de Higiene Operacional e da Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle nos abatedouros, para garantir a inocuidade do produto final.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/microbiologia , Galinhas/virologia , Fatores de Virulência/análise , Fatores de Virulência/genética , Escherichia coliResumo
Background: One of the most frequent health problems in the swine industry is the post-weaning diarrhea in nursery pigs, which leads to significant losses due to weight loss, dehydration, cost of medication and mortality. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the main bacterial agents of the post-weaning diarrhea. To investigate the possibility of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) transmission through drinking water to nursery piglets, the objective of this study was to isolate, characterize by virulence factors, and compare the antimicrobial resistance profiles of E. coli from drinking water samples in nurseries and from rectal swabs of their piglets presenting post-weaning colibacillosis.Materials, Methods & Results: Fifteen rectal swabs from diarrheic piglets in their first three weeks after weaning and one water sample were collected from each of ten nurseries located in Rio Grande do Sul State, south of Brazil. After enrichment with a commercial broth medium, water samples were cultured in blood agar, as well as the rectal swab samples, and the characteristic colonies were identified by standard biochemical analysis. Following isolation and identification of E. coli, the colonies from water samples and their corresponding piglets samples were characterized by multiplex PCR in order to determine specific ETEC fimbria and toxin genes. Finally, all E. coli isolates were submitted to antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Virulence factors and antimicrobial sensitivity could then be compared between water and piglets samples. The difference in the antimicrobial resistance frequency for each of the sample groups were compared using the multi comparison test. E. coli was isolated in four out of the ten water samples, although none of the water samples presented ETEC virulence factors.[...](AU)
Animais , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Fatores de Virulência , Suínos/virologia , Infecções por Escherichia coli/transmissão , Escherichia coli Enterotoxigênica , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex/veterinária , Fímbrias BacterianasResumo
Current study determines the population of total coliforms and Escherichia coli and identifies iss and iutA virulence genes in Escherichia coli strains isolated from cellulitis in poultry carcasses retrieved from a slaughterhouse. One hundred cellulitis lesions were collected between August 2013 and January 2014. The population of total coliforms and Escherichia coli was verified by Petrifilm rapid counting method (AOAC 998.8). Escherichia coli samples were analyzed for iss and iutA genes by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. Total coliforms were present in 96.0% (96/100) of the analyzed samples, with a population between 3.4 and 9.5 log CFU/g. Escherichia coli was present in 82.0% (82/100) of cellulitis samples and the population ranged between 1.0 and 9.0 log CFU/g. The iss gene was found in 89.0% of isolates and the iutA gene in 97.6%. High populations of total coliforms and Escherichiacoli in cellulitis samples indicate that hygienic-sanitary failures may have occurred in the production of broilers. When high prevalence of virulence genes under analysis, characteristic of Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and possible zoonotic character of the pathotype are taken into account, it is important to highlight the need to adopt Good Manufacturing Practices, Standard Procedures of Operational Hygiene and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in poultry slaughterhouses to ensure the safety of the final product.
Objetivou-se determinar a população de coliformes totais e de Escherichia coli e identificar os genes de virulência iss e iutA nas cepas de Escherichia coli isoladas de celulites em carcaças de frangos em um abatedouro. No periodo de agosto de 2013 a janeiro de 2014 foram coletadas 100 lesões de celulite, sendo verificada a população de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli, pelo método rápido de contagem Petrifilm (AOAC 998.8). As amostras de Escherichia coli foram analisadas para verificar a presença dos genes iss e iutA, utilizando a técnica de Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). Houve a presença de coliformes totais em 96,0 % (96/100) das amostras analisadas, com a população entre 3,4 a 9,5 log UFC/g. Constatou-se também a presença de Escherichia coli em 82,0 % (82/100) das amostras de celulite, com população entre 1,0 e 9,0 log UFC/g. O gene iss foi encontrado em 89,0 % dos isolados e o gene iutA em 97,6 %. As populações elevadas de coliformes totais e de Escherichia coli nas amostras de celulite indicam que falhas higiênico-sanitárias podem ter ocorrido na produção dos frangos de corte. Considerando a prevalência elevada dos genes de virulência pesquisados, característicos de Escherichia coli Patogênica para Aves (APEC) e o possível caráter zoonótico deste patotipo, é importante ressaltar a necessidade da adoção das Boas Práticas de Fabricação, Procedimentos Padrão de Higiene Operacional e da Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle nos abatedouros, para garantir a inocuidade do produto final.
Animais , Escherichia coli , Fatores de Virulência/análise , Fatores de Virulência/genética , Galinhas/microbiologia , Galinhas/virologiaResumo
Enteric diseases of bacterial origin are frequent in the pig industry, of particular notoriety are the colibacillosis that mainly affect piglets and cause great damage to the swine industry worldwide. The aim of the study was to analyze phylogenetics, to detect biofilm production, and to determine antimicrobial resistance profile in 126 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from swabs obtained from fragments of the small intestines of 235 healthy pigs killed in slaughterhouses in Pernambuco (Brazil) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), adherence to microplates test and disc diffusion technique. Of the analyzed samples, 88.10% (111/126) were classified in phylogenetic group B1; 4.76% (6/126) in group D; 3.97% (5/126) in group B2 and, 3.17% (4/126) in group A. Antimicrobial resistance rates observed were: lincomycin 100% (126/126), erythromycin 100% (126/126), chlortetracycline 94.44% (119/126), cephalothin 51.59% (65/126), ampicillin 38.89% (49/126), sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim 37.3% (47/126), ciprofloxacin 19.84% (25/126), norfloxacin 14.29% (18/126), gentamicin 8.73% (11/126) and, chloramphenicol 5.55% (7/126). Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) ranged from 0.2 to 0.9. Of the strains tested 46.03% (58/126) produced biofilm, and 99.21% (125/126) of the strains exhibited multi-resistance. Further studies are required to elucidate the importance of each phylogenetic group in pigs and to prevent the propagation of multi-resistant E. coli strains.(AU)
Doenças entéricas de origem bacteriana são frequentes na indústria de suínos, destacando-se a colibacilose, que afeta principalmente leitões e causa grandes danos à indústria suína em todo o mundo. Cento e vinte e seis cepas de Escherichia coli foram isoladas de swabs obtidos de fragmentos de intestino delgado de 235 suínos saudáveis abatidos em matadouros de Pernambuco (Brasil). O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar filogeneticamente essas cepas, bem como detectar a produção de biofilme e determinar o perfil de resistência antimicrobiana delas, utilizando-se a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), o teste de adesão em microplacas e a técnica de disco-difusão. 88,10% (111/126) das amostras foram classificadas no grupo filogenético B1; 4,76% (6/126) no grupo D; 3,97% (5/126) no grupo B2; e 3,17% (4/126) no grupo A. As taxas de resistência antimicrobiana observadas foram: lincomicina 100% (126/126), eritromicina 100% (126/126), clortetraciclina 94,44% (119/126), cefalotina 51,59% (65/126), ampicilina 38,89% (49/126), sulfametoxazol + trimetoprima 37,3% (47/126), ciprofloxacina 19,84% (25/126), norfloxacina 14,29% (18/126), gentamicina 8,73% (11/126) e cloranfenicol 5,55% (7/126). O índice de resistência múltipla (IRMA) variou de 0,2 a 0,9. Entre as amostras, 46,03% (58/126) produziram biofilme e 99,21% (125/126) foram multirresistentes. São necessários mais estudos para elucidar a importância de cada grupo filogenético em suínos e evitar a propagação de estirpes de E. coli multirresistentes.(AU)
Animais , Biofilmes , Suínos/genética , Suínos/microbiologia , Escherichia coli , FilogeniaResumo
Enteric diseases of bacterial origin are frequent in the pig industry, of particular notoriety are the colibacillosis that mainly affect piglets and cause great damage to the swine industry worldwide. The aim of the study was to analyze phylogenetics, to detect biofilm production, and to determine antimicrobial resistance profile in 126 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from swabs obtained from fragments of the small intestines of 235 healthy pigs killed in slaughterhouses in Pernambuco (Brazil) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), adherence to microplates test and disc diffusion technique. Of the analyzed samples, 88.10% (111/126) were classified in phylogenetic group B1; 4.76% (6/126) in group D; 3.97% (5/126) in group B2 and, 3.17% (4/126) in group A. Antimicrobial resistance rates observed were: lincomycin 100% (126/126), erythromycin 100% (126/126), chlortetracycline 94.44% (119/126), cephalothin 51.59% (65/126), ampicillin 38.89% (49/126), sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim 37.3% (47/126), ciprofloxacin 19.84% (25/126), norfloxacin 14.29% (18/126), gentamicin 8.73% (11/126) and, chloramphenicol 5.55% (7/126). Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) ranged from 0.2 to 0.9. Of the strains tested 46.03% (58/126) produced biofilm, and 99.21% (125/126) of the strains exhibited multi-resistance. Further studies are required to elucidate the importance of each phylogenetic group in pigs and to prevent the propagation of multi-resistant E. coli strains.(AU)
Doenças entéricas de origem bacteriana são frequentes na indústria de suínos, destacando-se a colibacilose, que afeta principalmente leitões e causa grandes danos à indústria suína em todo o mundo. Cento e vinte e seis cepas de Escherichia coli foram isoladas de swabs obtidos de fragmentos de intestino delgado de 235 suínos saudáveis abatidos em matadouros de Pernambuco (Brasil). O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar filogeneticamente essas cepas, bem como detectar a produção de biofilme e determinar o perfil de resistência antimicrobiana delas, utilizando-se a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), o teste de adesão em microplacas e a técnica de disco-difusão. 88,10% (111/126) das amostras foram classificadas no grupo filogenético B1; 4,76% (6/126) no grupo D; 3,97% (5/126) no grupo B2; e 3,17% (4/126) no grupo A. As taxas de resistência antimicrobiana observadas foram: lincomicina 100% (126/126), eritromicina 100% (126/126), clortetraciclina 94,44% (119/126), cefalotina 51,59% (65/126), ampicilina 38,89% (49/126), sulfametoxazol + trimetoprima 37,3% (47/126), ciprofloxacina 19,84% (25/126), norfloxacina 14,29% (18/126), gentamicina 8,73% (11/126) e cloranfenicol 5,55% (7/126). O índice de resistência múltipla (IRMA) variou de 0,2 a 0,9. Entre as amostras, 46,03% (58/126) produziram biofilme e 99,21% (125/126) foram multirresistentes. São necessários mais estudos para elucidar a importância de cada grupo filogenético em suínos e evitar a propagação de estirpes de E. coli multirresistentes.(AU)
Animais , Biofilmes , Suínos/genética , Suínos/microbiologia , Escherichia coli , FilogeniaResumo
Background: Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) are responsible, respectively, for avian colibacillosis and for 80% of urinary tract infections in humans. E. coli control is difficult due to the absence of a reliable method to differentiate pathogenic and commensal strains. Genetic similarity between APEC and UPEC suggests a common ancestral origin and the capability of potentially pathogenic strains to affect human health. The classification in phylogenetic groups facilitates the identification of pathogenic strains. The objective of this work was to classify APEC and UPEC E. coli strains into phylogenetic groups and to associate it with in vivo pathogenicity. Materials, Methods & Results: 460 APEC and 450 UPEC strains, stored in BHI with glycerol at -80°C, were selected. APEC strains were isolated from cellulitis, respiratory tract and poultry litter of broiler flocks from Southern Brazil. The UPEC strains from urinary tract infection were provided by a hospital in Porto Alegre. After DNA extraction, APEC and UPEC strains were classified into four phylogenetic groups (A, B1, B2 and D) by a multiplex-PCR protocol for the detection of the chuA and yjaA genes and the TspE4.C2 DNA fragment. Phylogenetic groups were associated with pathogenicity indexes (PI), presented on a scale of 0 to 10, which were previously obtained through the inoculation of APEC strains in one-day-old chicks. Phylogenetic groups were also associated with the presence of 38 virulence-associated genes. The multiplex-PCR protocol was able to differentiate 100% of the APEC and UPEC strains in the four phylogenetic groups. The majority of APEC strains were classified into phylogenetic groups D (31.1%) and B2 (24.1%). On the other hand, the majority of UPEC strains were classified into B2 (53.6%). Among APEC strains, five genes (crl, mat, ompA, fimC and fimH) [ ](AU)
Animais , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Escherichia coli/classificação , Escherichia coli Uropatogênica/classificação , Escherichia coli Uropatogênica/patogenicidade , Filogenia , Virulência , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase MultiplexResumo
Background: Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) are responsible, respectively, for avian colibacillosis and for 80% of urinary tract infections in humans. E. coli control is difficult due to the absence of a reliable method to differentiate pathogenic and commensal strains. Genetic similarity between APEC and UPEC suggests a common ancestral origin and the capability of potentially pathogenic strains to affect human health. The classification in phylogenetic groups facilitates the identification of pathogenic strains. The objective of this work was to classify APEC and UPEC E. coli strains into phylogenetic groups and to associate it with in vivo pathogenicity. Materials, Methods & Results: 460 APEC and 450 UPEC strains, stored in BHI with glycerol at -80°C, were selected. APEC strains were isolated from cellulitis, respiratory tract and poultry litter of broiler flocks from Southern Brazil. The UPEC strains from urinary tract infection were provided by a hospital in Porto Alegre. After DNA extraction, APEC and UPEC strains were classified into four phylogenetic groups (A, B1, B2 and D) by a multiplex-PCR protocol for the detection of the chuA and yjaA genes and the TspE4.C2 DNA fragment. Phylogenetic groups were associated with pathogenicity indexes (PI), presented on a scale of 0 to 10, which were previously obtained through the inoculation of APEC strains in one-day-old chicks. Phylogenetic groups were also associated with the presence of 38 virulence-associated genes. The multiplex-PCR protocol was able to differentiate 100% of the APEC and UPEC strains in the four phylogenetic groups. The majority of APEC strains were classified into phylogenetic groups D (31.1%) and B2 (24.1%). On the other hand, the majority of UPEC strains were classified into B2 (53.6%). Among APEC strains, five genes (crl, mat, ompA, fimC and fimH) [ ]
Animais , Escherichia coli Uropatogênica/classificação , Escherichia coli Uropatogênica/patogenicidade , Escherichia coli/classificação , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Filogenia , Virulência , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase MultiplexResumo
Background: Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) are responsible, respectively, for avian colibacillosis and for 80% of urinary tract infections in humans. E. coli control is difficult due to the absence of a reliable method to differentiate pathogenic and commensal strains. Genetic similarity between APEC and UPEC suggests a common ancestral origin and the capability of potentially pathogenic strains to affect human health. The classification in phylogenetic groups facilitates the identification of pathogenic strains. The objective of this work was to classify APEC and UPEC E. coli strains into phylogenetic groups and to associate it with in vivo pathogenicity.Materials, Methods & Results: 460 APEC and 450 UPEC strains, stored in BHI with glycerol at -80C, were selected. APEC strains were isolated from cellulitis, respiratory tract and poultry litter of broiler flocks from Southern Brazil. The UPEC strains from urinary tract infection were provided by a hospital in Porto Alegre. After DNA extraction, APEC and UPEC strains were classified into four phylogenetic groups (A, B1, B2 and D) by a multiplex-PCR protocol for the detection of the chuA and yjaA genes and the TspE4.C2 DNA fragment. Phylogenetic groups were associated with pathogenicity indexes (PI), presented on a scale of 0 to 10, which were previously obtained through the inoculation of