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Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 23: e202100082022, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1388038


Beef composition are directly influenced by the dietary fat, particularly in ruminants, due to rumen biohydrogenation, which promotes alterations in the dietary fatty acid (FA) profile and affects the meat quality. Beef sensorial, chemical, and FA compositions of intramuscular and subcutaneous fat were evaluated, from 40 Nellore males finished on feedlot diet based, containing cottonseed (CSB) and soybean by-product (SOB) as agro-industrial by-product fat sources. CSB as a fat source, did not alter the beef pH, shear force, chemical composition, or subcutaneous FA profile compared with the SOB diet. Differences were observed at yellow and red beef color, with low and high CSB diet inclusion; on the contrary, inclusion of SOB in the diet led to an intensely unpleasant aroma in aged and cooked meats. Regarding beef FA profile, CSB with 3% dietary fat produced steaks with a lower proportion of C 17:0 , having 1.359 and 3.238 g/100 g of intramuscular FA, whereas CSB with 5% dietary fat led to an increase in C 18:2 n -6 , with 0.298 and 0.132 g/100 g of intramuscular FA in steaks from animals fed with CSB and SOB, respectively. CSB produced more intense red beef color, unpleasant aroma, and higher linoleic acid content; however, the color and aroma of the meat produced from cattle fed with CSB in the diet were less intense and were like those observed in cattle fed with SOB; these could therefore be recommended for use as agro-industrial by-products in beef cattle diet.(AU)

A composição da carne bovina é influenciada diretamente pela gordura da dieta, principalmente em ruminantes, devido à biohidrogenação ruminal, que promove alterações no perfil de ácidos graxos dietéticos e afeta a qualidade da carne. Foram avaliadas às composições sensoriais, químicas e de ácido graxo da carne, da gordura intramuscular e subcutânea, de 40 machos Nelore terminados em dieta de confinamento contendo caroço de algodão (CSB) e subproduto de soja (SOB) como fontes de gordura de subprodutos agroindustriais. CSB, não alterou o pH da carne, força de cisalhamento, composição química ou perfil de ácido graxo subcutâneo em comparação com a dieta SOB. Diferenças foram observadas na cor amarela e vermelha da carne bovina, com baixa e alta inclusão de CSB na dieta; a inclusão de SOB na dieta levou a um aroma intensamente desagradável em carnes envelhecidas e cozidas. Em relação ao perfil de ácido graxo da carne bovina, CSB com 3% de gordura dietética produziu bifes com menor proporção de C 17: 0 , tendo 1.359 e 3.238 g / 100 g de ácido graxo intramuscular, enquanto CSB com 5% de gordura dietética levou a um aumento de C 18: 2n- 6 , com 0,298 e 0,132 g / 100 g de ácido graxo intramuscular em bifes de animais alimentados com CSB e SOB, respectivamente. CSB produziu cor vermelha bovina mais intensa, aroma desagradável e maior teor de ácido linoléico; entretanto, a cor e o aroma da carne produzida em bovinos alimentados com CSB na dieta foram menos intensos e semelhantes aos observados em bovinos alimentados com SOB; estes poderiam, portanto, ser recomendados para uso como subprodutos agroindustriais na dieta de bovinos de corte.(AU)

Animais , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos , Carne/análise , Glycine max , Bovinos/metabolismo , Gossypium/efeitos adversos , Ácidos Graxos/efeitos adversos
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-16, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468601


Vegetable oils have their specific physicochemical properties due to which they are playing vital role in human nutritional diet for health benefits. Cottonseed oil is obtained from various species of cotton seeds that are famous to be grown mainly for their fiber quality. The most prominently used specie is Gossypium hirsutum. It is obvious that the seeds of different variety of cotton vary as grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions with respect to oil, fats and protein contents. Cottonseed oil is routinely used for cooking and food manufacturing products. Cottonseed oil obtained after proper extraction/processing steps from crude state to refined oil in a variety of ways. Cotton crop is considered for their dual-use purpose, for fiber quality and oil production to promote health benefits in the world. Keeping in view the above facts, this review clearly demonstrated an overview about physicochemical and functional properties of cottonseed oil to promote health benefits associated with the use of this oil. The overall characteristics and all concerned health benefits of CSO will further improve their usefulness is a compact way. We have summarized a brief multi-dimensional features of CSO in all aspects up to the best of our knowledge fort he end researchers who can further research in the respective aspect.

Os óleos vegetais têm propriedades físico-químicas específicas que desempenham um papel vital na dieta nutricional humana em benefício à saúde. O óleo de semente de algodão, utilizado rotineiramente no preparo e na fabricação de alimentos, é obtido através de várias espécies de sementes de algodão, famosas pela alta qualidade de sua fibra, cuja espécie mais utilizada é Gossypium hirsutum. As sementes variam, em relação ao teor do óleo, da gordura e das proteínas, de acordo com o cultivo e as diversas condições agroclimáticas. O óleo de algodão é obtido após etapas adequadas de extração das sementes e processamento do estado bruto ao refinado. Assim, a presente revisão demonstra, de maneira geral, as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais do óleo de semente de algodão e seus benefícios à saúde humana, resumindo suas características multidimensionais. As características gerais e todos os benefícios do composto podem melhorar ainda mais se utilizadas de forma compacta, auxiliando futuros pesquisadores.

Humanos , Antioxidantes/análise , Fenômenos Químicos , Gossypium/química , Ácidos Graxos/análise , Óleos de Plantas/uso terapêutico
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468795


Abstract Vegetable oils have their specific physicochemical properties due to which they are playing vital role in human nutritional diet for health benefits. Cottonseed oil is obtained from various species of cotton seeds that are famous to be grown mainly for their fiber quality. The most prominently used specie is Gossypium hirsutum. It is obvious that the seeds of different variety of cotton vary as grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions with respect to oil, fats and protein contents. Cottonseed oil is routinely used for cooking and food manufacturing products. Cottonseed oil obtained after proper extraction/processing steps from crude state to refined oil in a variety of ways. Cotton crop is considered for their dual-use purpose, for fiber quality and oil production to promote health benefits in the world. Keeping in view the above facts, this review clearly demonstrated an overview about physicochemical and functional properties of cottonseed oil to promote health benefits associated with the use of this oil. The overall characteristics and all concerned health benefits of CSO will further improve their usefulness is a compact way. We have summarized a brief multi-dimensional features of CSO in all aspects up to the best of our knowledge for the end researchers who can further research in the respective aspect.

Resumo Os óleos vegetais têm propriedades físico-químicas específicas que desempenham um papel vital na dieta nutricional humana em benefício à saúde. O óleo de semente de algodão, utilizado rotineiramente no preparo e na fabricação de alimentos, é obtido através de várias espécies de sementes de algodão, famosas pela alta qualidade de sua fibra., cuja espécie mais utilizada é Gossypium hirsutum. As sementes variam, em relação ao teor do óleo, da gordura e das proteínas, de acordo com o cultivo e as diversas condições agroclimáticas. O óleo de algodão é obtido após etapas adequadas de extração das sementes e processamento do estado bruto ao refinado. Assim, a presente revisão demonstra, de maneira geral, as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais do óleo de semente de algodão e seus benefícios à saúde humana, resumindo suas características multidimensionais. As características gerais e todos os benefícios do composto podem melhorar ainda mais se utilizadas de forma compacta, auxiliando futuros pesquisadores.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: e243511, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285591


Vegetable oils have their specific physicochemical properties due to which they are playing vital role in human nutritional diet for health benefits. Cottonseed oil is obtained from various species of cotton seeds that are famous to be grown mainly for their fiber quality. The most prominently used specie is Gossypium hirsutum. It is obvious that the seeds of different variety of cotton vary as grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions with respect to oil, fats and protein contents. Cottonseed oil is routinely used for cooking and food manufacturing products. Cottonseed oil obtained after proper extraction/processing steps from crude state to refined oil in a variety of ways. Cotton crop is considered for their dual-use purpose, for fiber quality and oil production to promote health benefits in the world. Keeping in view the above facts, this review clearly demonstrated an overview about physicochemical and functional properties of cottonseed oil to promote health benefits associated with the use of this oil. The overall characteristics and all concerned health benefits of CSO will further improve their usefulness is a compact way. We have summarized a brief multi-dimensional features of CSO in all aspects up to the best of our knowledge for the end researchers who can further research in the respective aspect.

Os óleos vegetais têm propriedades físico-químicas específicas que desempenham um papel vital na dieta nutricional humana em benefício à saúde. O óleo de semente de algodão, utilizado rotineiramente no preparo e na fabricação de alimentos, é obtido através de várias espécies de sementes de algodão, famosas pela alta qualidade de sua fibra., cuja espécie mais utilizada é Gossypium hirsutum. As sementes variam, em relação ao teor do óleo, da gordura e das proteínas, de acordo com o cultivo e as diversas condições agroclimáticas. O óleo de algodão é obtido após etapas adequadas de extração das sementes e processamento do estado bruto ao refinado. Assim, a presente revisão demonstra, de maneira geral, as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais do óleo de semente de algodão e seus benefícios à saúde humana, resumindo suas características multidimensionais. As características gerais e todos os benefícios do composto podem melhorar ainda mais se utilizadas de forma compacta, auxiliando futuros pesquisadores.

Humanos , Óleo de Sementes de Algodão , Promoção da Saúde , Sementes , Óleos de Plantas , Gossypium
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-16, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33284


Vegetable oils have their specific physicochemical properties due to which they are playing vital role in human nutritional diet for health benefits. Cottonseed oil is obtained from various species of cotton seeds that are famous to be grown mainly for their fiber quality. The most prominently used specie is Gossypium hirsutum. It is obvious that the seeds of different variety of cotton vary as grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions with respect to oil, fats and protein contents. Cottonseed oil is routinely used for cooking and food manufacturing products. Cottonseed oil obtained after proper extraction/processing steps from crude state to refined oil in a variety of ways. Cotton crop is considered for their dual-use purpose, for fiber quality and oil production to promote health benefits in the world. Keeping in view the above facts, this review clearly demonstrated an overview about physicochemical and functional properties of cottonseed oil to promote health benefits associated with the use of this oil. The overall characteristics and all concerned health benefits of CSO will further improve their usefulness is a compact way. We have summarized a brief multi-dimensional features of CSO in all aspects up to the best of our knowledge fort he end researchers who can further research in the respective aspect.(AU)

Os óleos vegetais têm propriedades físico-químicas específicas que desempenham um papel vital na dieta nutricional humana em benefício à saúde. O óleo de semente de algodão, utilizado rotineiramente no preparo e na fabricação de alimentos, é obtido através de várias espécies de sementes de algodão, famosas pela alta qualidade de sua fibra, cuja espécie mais utilizada é Gossypium hirsutum. As sementes variam, em relação ao teor do óleo, da gordura e das proteínas, de acordo com o cultivo e as diversas condições agroclimáticas. O óleo de algodão é obtido após etapas adequadas de extração das sementes e processamento do estado bruto ao refinado. Assim, a presente revisão demonstra, de maneira geral, as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais do óleo de semente de algodão e seus benefícios à saúde humana, resumindo suas características multidimensionais. As características gerais e todos os benefícios do composto podem melhorar ainda mais se utilizadas de forma compacta, auxiliando futuros pesquisadores.(AU)

Humanos , Gossypium/química , Ácidos Graxos/análise , Antioxidantes/análise , Óleos de Plantas/uso terapêutico , Fenômenos Químicos
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 27(1): 15-39, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502529


Fat sources are important component on animal feed. However, ruminants did not evolve to efficient degrade lipids. Thus, it is necessary to study how its supplementation may affect animal performance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of different lipids sources over consumption, performance, metabolites, and feed behavior of pregnant sheep. The experiment was carried out at Capim Branco Experimental Farm, at goat and sheep sector of Federal University of Uberlândia, from August to November 2015. Twenty-four pregnant sheep were used, mean body weight 50 kg and approximate 12 months age. The animals were divided into three treatments (Control, palm oil protected fat and cottonseed). The corn silage was used as the bulk. The roughage: concentrate ratio was 60:40 (on dry matter). Measurements of body weight, body condition score and biometric measurements were taken every 21 days. Ingestive behavior evaluation was performed throughout the experiment. The consumption measurement was made in descriptive way. Shortly after birth, the sheep and their offspring were weighed, the barrel circumference was taken, and samples from the mother's blood were collected. The experimental design was completely randomized with repeated measurements in time. It was verified greater time spent with feeding and chewing in the treatment with cottonseed and consequently less time in idle. There was no statistical difference in weight, barrel circumference (BC) and body condition score (BCS) of the sheep under the different treatments. There was a linear growth in BC measurements and sheep weight over the evaluated periods. There were differences between the treatments for the offspring's average weight. The use of cottonseed as a fat source increases the birth weight of the progeny and improves pregnant sheep metabolic profile in relation to inert fat.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Gorduras/análise , Metabolismo , Ovinos/embriologia , Peso Corporal , Prenhez/fisiologia
Vet. Not. ; 27(1): 15-39, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30615


Fat sources are important component on animal feed. However, ruminants did not evolve to efficient degrade lipids. Thus, it is necessary to study how its supplementation may affect animal performance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of different lipids sources over consumption, performance, metabolites, and feed behavior of pregnant sheep. The experiment was carried out at Capim Branco Experimental Farm, at goat and sheep sector of Federal University of Uberlândia, from August to November 2015. Twenty-four pregnant sheep were used, mean body weight 50 kg and approximate 12 months age. The animals were divided into three treatments (Control, palm oil protected fat and cottonseed). The corn silage was used as the bulk. The roughage: concentrate ratio was 60:40 (on dry matter). Measurements of body weight, body condition score and biometric measurements were taken every 21 days. Ingestive behavior evaluation was performed throughout the experiment. The consumption measurement was made in descriptive way. Shortly after birth, the sheep and their offspring were weighed, the barrel circumference was taken, and samples from the mother's blood were collected. The experimental design was completely randomized with repeated measurements in time. It was verified greater time spent with feeding and chewing in the treatment with cottonseed and consequently less time in idle. There was no statistical difference in weight, barrel circumference (BC) and body condition score (BCS) of the sheep under the different treatments. There was a linear growth in BC measurements and sheep weight over the evaluated periods. There were differences between the treatments for the offspring's average weight. The use of cottonseed as a fat source increases the birth weight of the progeny and improves pregnant sheep metabolic profile in relation to inert fat.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ovinos/embriologia , Gorduras/análise , Prenhez/fisiologia , Peso Corporal , Metabolismo
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 43: e53180, ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32379


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of use of agroindustrial co-products in the diet of lambs on the performance and nutritional quality of meat fat. Twenty lambs were distributed into four experimental groups: control diet (C) or diets containing cottonseed (CS), sunflower meal (SFM), and castor cake (CC). During the experimental period, data on dry matter consumption (DMC) and total weight gain (TWG) were collected. After slaughter, samples of Logissimus dorsi (LD) muscle were taken for fatty acids and cholesterol analysis. Diets C and CS provided similar characteristics of fat quality and animal performance. However, SFM and CC diets tend to form isolated groups, with different fat and performance characteristics. The SFM diet results in meat with a higher saturated fatty acids and cholesterol content. The CC diet is related to improved performance characteristics and lower cholesterol content. In conclusion, the inclusion of CC in the experimental diets provided, in the proportions used in this experiment, better characteristics of animal performance and meat fat quality.(AU)

Animais , Carne , Gorduras , Ricinus , Ácidos Graxos , Helianthus , Ovinos
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 43: e53180, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459971


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of use of agroindustrial co-products in the diet of lambs on the performance and nutritional quality of meat fat. Twenty lambs were distributed into four experimental groups: control diet (C) or diets containing cottonseed (CS), sunflower meal (SFM), and castor cake (CC). During the experimental period, data on dry matter consumption (DMC) and total weight gain (TWG) were collected. After slaughter, samples of Logissimus dorsi (LD) muscle were taken for fatty acids and cholesterol analysis. Diets C and CS provided similar characteristics of fat quality and animal performance. However, SFM and CC diets tend to form isolated groups, with different fat and performance characteristics. The SFM diet results in meat with a higher saturated fatty acids and cholesterol content. The CC diet is related to improved performance characteristics and lower cholesterol content. In conclusion, the inclusion of CC in the experimental diets provided, in the proportions used in this experiment, better characteristics of animal performance and meat fat quality.

Animais , Carne , Gorduras , Helianthus , Ricinus , Ácidos Graxos , Ovinos
Rev. bras. zootec ; 49: e20200172, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444120


This study evaluated the effects of rumen pH on in vitro Ca dissociation of different sources of Ca soaps of fatty acids (CSFA). Treatments were distributed in a 6×4 factorial design and consisted of six CSFA sources and four rumen fluid pH. The CSFA sources were: two sources of palm oil (PO1 and PO2), soybean oil (SO), palm + soybean oil (PSO), palm + cottonseed oil (PCO), and palm + cottonseed + soybean oil (PCSO). All CSFA samples were added to a pool of rumen fluid and adjusted to four different pH (5.5, 6.0, 6.5, and 7.0), and then, incubated at 37 °C for 1 h. This procedure was replicated over three consecutive days. Effect of CSFA source × rumen pH was detected for in vitro relative Ca dissociation and change (Δ) in concentrations of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids. Calcium dissociation did not differ among CSFA sources in pH 7.0 or 6.5, but was greater for SO vs. PO2, PSO, PCO, and PCSO in pH 6.0. Relative Ca dissociation in pH 5.5 was lower for PO1 and PSO vs. SO, but greater for PO1 and PSO vs. PCO and PCSO. The Δ of oleic acid was greater for PO2 vs. PCO in pH 6.5 and PO1 and PCSO vs. PO2 and SO in pH 7.0. The Δ of linoleic acid was greatest for SO across all pH evaluated and did not differ between PO1 and PO2, but both had a reduced Δ of linoleic acid than other CSFA sources in pH 5.5 and 7.0. The Δ of linolenic acid concentrations did not differ between PO1 and PO2, but both had less Δ of linolenic acid concentrations than other CSFA sources across all pH. Besides, SO had greater Δ of linolenic acid compared with PSO, PCO, and PCSO in pH 5.5, 6.0, and 6.5. Combining palm + cottonseed oil and palm + cottonseed + soybean oil reduces Ca dissociation and maintains the original fatty acid profile of the CSFA source.(AU)

Sabões/química , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ácidos Graxos/classificação , Rúmen/fisiologia , Cálcio/efeitos adversos , Transtornos Dissociativos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 673-680, May-June, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128724


A cotonicultura tem forte fator de impacto na economia nacional, e o estado de Mato Grosso se destaca por ser o maior produtor de algodão herbáceo e deter o maior rebanho bovino do país, condições essas que estimulam o uso do caroço, da torta e do farelo de algodão na alimentação animal. Considerando que o gossipol está presente nos subprodutos do algodão e que seus efeitos sobre a reprodução podem reduzir a fertilidade dos animais, objetivou-se, com essa pesquisa, avaliar o efeito da ingestão de dietas com diferentes teores de gossipol livre por dia sobre a morfometria testicular e a qualidade seminal de touros da raça Nelore. Foram utilizados 28 touros, distribuídos aleatoriamente em seis tratamentos: T0, 0 grama de gossipol livre/touro/dia ; T1, 1,08 grama de gossipol livre/touro/dia; T2, 2,07 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia; T3, 3,24 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia; T4, 3,82 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia e T5, 5,08 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia. Os animais de cada tratamento foram mantidos confinados em área média de 100m2, dotada de bebedouro, cochos para mistura mineral e para volumoso/concentrado. O consumo de 3,24 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia alterou a qualidade espermática e a morfometria testicular de touros.(AU)

The cotton industry has a strong impact factor in the Brazilian economy and the state of Mato Grosso stands out for being the largest upland-type cotton producer and also holds the largest cattle herd in the country, conditions that stimulate the use of cottonseed pie and cottonseed meal in animal feed. Whereas gossypol is present in cotton by-products and their effects on reproduction can reduce the animal fertility, this research evaluated the effect of diets with different free gossypol contents in the testicular morphometry and semen quality of Nelore bulls. 28 bulls were randomly distributed in six treatments: T0, receiving no free gossypol; T1, receiving 1.08g / bull / day; T2, receiving 2.07g / bull / day; T3, receiving 3.24g / bull / day; T4, receiving 3.82g / bull / day and T5, receiving 5.08g / bull / day of free gossypol respectively. The animals in each treatment were kept confined in an averaged area of 100m2, having fresh water, troughs for mineral mixture and roughage / concentrate. The consumption of 3.24g of free gossypol / bull / day altered the bulls sperm quality and testicular morphometry.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Óleo de Sementes de Algodão/administração & dosagem , Gossipol/administração & dosagem , Análise do Sêmen , Infertilidade Masculina/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 673-680, May-June, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29767


A cotonicultura tem forte fator de impacto na economia nacional, e o estado de Mato Grosso se destaca por ser o maior produtor de algodão herbáceo e deter o maior rebanho bovino do país, condições essas que estimulam o uso do caroço, da torta e do farelo de algodão na alimentação animal. Considerando que o gossipol está presente nos subprodutos do algodão e que seus efeitos sobre a reprodução podem reduzir a fertilidade dos animais, objetivou-se, com essa pesquisa, avaliar o efeito da ingestão de dietas com diferentes teores de gossipol livre por dia sobre a morfometria testicular e a qualidade seminal de touros da raça Nelore. Foram utilizados 28 touros, distribuídos aleatoriamente em seis tratamentos: T0, 0 grama de gossipol livre/touro/dia ; T1, 1,08 grama de gossipol livre/touro/dia; T2, 2,07 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia; T3, 3,24 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia; T4, 3,82 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia e T5, 5,08 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia. Os animais de cada tratamento foram mantidos confinados em área média de 100m2, dotada de bebedouro, cochos para mistura mineral e para volumoso/concentrado. O consumo de 3,24 gramas de gossipol livre/touro/dia alterou a qualidade espermática e a morfometria testicular de touros.(AU)

The cotton industry has a strong impact factor in the Brazilian economy and the state of Mato Grosso stands out for being the largest upland-type cotton producer and also holds the largest cattle herd in the country, conditions that stimulate the use of cottonseed pie and cottonseed meal in animal feed. Whereas gossypol is present in cotton by-products and their effects on reproduction can reduce the animal fertility, this research evaluated the effect of diets with different free gossypol contents in the testicular morphometry and semen quality of Nelore bulls. 28 bulls were randomly distributed in six treatments: T0, receiving no free gossypol; T1, receiving 1.08g / bull / day; T2, receiving 2.07g / bull / day; T3, receiving 3.24g / bull / day; T4, receiving 3.82g / bull / day and T5, receiving 5.08g / bull / day of free gossypol respectively. The animals in each treatment were kept confined in an averaged area of 100m2, having fresh water, troughs for mineral mixture and roughage / concentrate. The consumption of 3.24g of free gossypol / bull / day altered the bulls sperm quality and testicular morphometry.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Óleo de Sementes de Algodão/administração & dosagem , Gossipol/administração & dosagem , Análise do Sêmen , Infertilidade Masculina/veterinária
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(06,supl. 2): 3391-3396, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501691


Four mathematical models were used to describe the ruminal disappearance of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) of fish meal and cottonseed meal. Results of DM degradability particularity showed that all the models fitted well (R2 > 0.95), however, considering that values below 0 or above 100 are not biologically justified in ruminal degradability, they are not acceptable. The models I and II were accepted to ruminal DM degradability of fish meal and cottonseed meal data. Only models I and II were successfully fitted to CP degradability of fish meal (R2 > 0.96), and the I, II and III models were acceptable to ruminal CP degradability of cottonseed meal (R2 > 0.98). In terms of effective degradability (ED) of DM and CP, model II generated higher values than other models. To appreciate fully the role of mathematical modelling in the biological sciences, it is necessary to consider the nature of feeds that evaluated and to review the types of models that may be constructed.

Quatro modelos matemáticos foram utilizados para descrever o desaparecimento ruminal da matéria seca (MS) e proteína bruta (PB) da farinha de peixe e farelo de algodão. Os resultados da particularidade da degradabilidade da MS mostraram que todos os modelos se ajustaram bem (R2 > 0,95), no entanto, considerando que valores abaixo de 0 ou acima de 100 não são biologicamente justificados na degradabilidade ruminal, eles não são aceitáveis. Os modelos I e II foram aceitos para a degradabilidade ruminal da MS da farinha de peixe e e o farelo de algodão. Apenas os modelos I e II foram adaptados com sucesso à degradabilidade de PB da farinha de peixe (R2 > 0,96), e os modelos I, II e III foram aceitáveis para a degradabilidade ruminal da PB do farelo de algodão (R2 > 0,98). Em termos de degradabilidade efetiva (DE) da MS e da PB, o modelo II gerou valores mais altos que os demais. Para apreciar plenamente o papel da modelagem matemática nas ciências biológicas, é necessário considerara natureza dos alimentos que foram avaliados e revisar os tipos de modelos que podem ser construídos.

Farinha de Peixe/análise , Ração Animal
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(06,supl. 2): 3391-3396, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32573


Four mathematical models were used to describe the ruminal disappearance of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) of fish meal and cottonseed meal. Results of DM degradability particularity showed that all the models fitted well (R2 > 0.95), however, considering that values below 0 or above 100 are not biologically justified in ruminal degradability, they are not acceptable. The models I and II were accepted to ruminal DM degradability of fish meal and cottonseed meal data. Only models I and II were successfully fitted to CP degradability of fish meal (R2 > 0.96), and the I, II and III models were acceptable to ruminal CP degradability of cottonseed meal (R2 > 0.98). In terms of effective degradability (ED) of DM and CP, model II generated higher values than other models. To appreciate fully the role of mathematical modelling in the biological sciences, it is necessary to consider the nature of feeds that evaluated and to review the types of models that may be constructed.(AU)

Quatro modelos matemáticos foram utilizados para descrever o desaparecimento ruminal da matéria seca (MS) e proteína bruta (PB) da farinha de peixe e farelo de algodão. Os resultados da particularidade da degradabilidade da MS mostraram que todos os modelos se ajustaram bem (R2 > 0,95), no entanto, considerando que valores abaixo de 0 ou acima de 100 não são biologicamente justificados na degradabilidade ruminal, eles não são aceitáveis. Os modelos I e II foram aceitos para a degradabilidade ruminal da MS da farinha de peixe e e o farelo de algodão. Apenas os modelos I e II foram adaptados com sucesso à degradabilidade de PB da farinha de peixe (R2 > 0,96), e os modelos I, II e III foram aceitáveis para a degradabilidade ruminal da PB do farelo de algodão (R2 > 0,98). Em termos de degradabilidade efetiva (DE) da MS e da PB, o modelo II gerou valores mais altos que os demais. Para apreciar plenamente o papel da modelagem matemática nas ciências biológicas, é necessário considerara natureza dos alimentos que foram avaliados e revisar os tipos de modelos que podem ser construídos.(AU)

Farinha de Peixe/análise , Ração Animal
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 21(3): eRBCA-2019-1032, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25673


Dietary inclusion of lipid sources has been one of the methods adopted by nutritionists aiming at better energy balancing. However, alternative energy feedstuffs have been sought in an attempt to reduce production costs. In this regard, lipid sources that can replace conventional ones, such as beef tallow, cottonseed oil, and sunflower oil have been investigated. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of different lipid sources on the performance, egg quality, biometrics of digestive organs, and bone quality of white-egg commercial layers in the first production cycle. A total of 216 Hy-Line White layers at 70 weeks of age, weighing 1.701 ± 0.103 kg, were used in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replicates. The diets provided to them contained equal amounts of protein, calories, and amino acids, with only the lipid source varying - soybean oil (control), cottonseed oil, beef tallow, and sunflower oil. No significant effect of lipid sources was observed on any of the performance or egg-quality variables assessed (p>0.05). Biometric variables were not influenced by lipid sources, except for abdominal fat, which was highest in the birds receiving the beef-tallow treatments and lowest in birds fed the sunflower-oil diets (p 0.05). Except for mineral matter, bone traits were not influenced by the treatments; this variable was highest in the control treatments and lowest in the beef-tallow treatments. In conclusion, cottonseed and sunflower oils can be used to fully replace soybean oil in diets for white-egg commercial layers.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Aves Domésticas/fisiologia , Reguladores do Metabolismo de Lipídeos/análise
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 21(3): eRBCA, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490674


Dietary inclusion of lipid sources has been one of the methods adopted by nutritionists aiming at better energy balancing. However, alternative energy feedstuffs have been sought in an attempt to reduce production costs. In this regard, lipid sources that can replace conventional ones, such as beef tallow, cottonseed oil, and sunflower oil have been investigated. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of different lipid sources on the performance, egg quality, biometrics of digestive organs, and bone quality of white-egg commercial layers in the first production cycle. A total of 216 Hy-Line White layers at 70 weeks of age, weighing 1.701 ± 0.103 kg, were used in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replicates. The diets provided to them contained equal amounts of protein, calories, and amino acids, with only the lipid source varying - soybean oil (control), cottonseed oil, beef tallow, and sunflower oil. No significant effect of lipid sources was observed on any of the performance or egg-quality variables assessed (p>0.05). Biometric variables were not influenced by lipid sources, except for abdominal fat, which was highest in the birds receiving the beef-tallow treatments and lowest in birds fed the sunflower-oil diets (p 0.05). Except for mineral matter, bone traits were not influenced by the treatments; this variable was highest in the control treatments and lowest in the beef-tallow treatments. In conclusion, cottonseed and sunflower oils can be used to fully replace soybean oil in diets for white-egg commercial layers.

Animais , Aves Domésticas/fisiologia , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Reguladores do Metabolismo de Lipídeos/análise
Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 76: 1-9, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466980


An experiment was conducted to compare different oilseeds in replacement of ground corn in diets of fattening lambs, evaluating performance, apparent diet digestibility, ingestive behavior, and carcass traits. Twenty-four crossbred lambs, three months old and with initial body weight 25.97 ± 0.75 kg, were kept in individual pens. The animals received one of the following diets: ‘control’ (no oilseeds, 3.11% Ether Extract - EE), ‘cottonseed’ (6.14% EE), ‘sunflower’ (6.33% EE), and ‘soybean’ (6.30% EE). All diets contained 23.63% of coast cross hay and 76.37% of concentrate. After 84 days in feedlot, the animals were slaughtered and the carcasses were evaluated. The dry matter intake (DMI) and daily weight gain (DWG) of animals fed with the control diet was higher than sunflower (P≤0.05). Final body weight and carcass weight were higher (P≤0.05) in the control (42.42 kg and 19.27 kg, respectively) than for sunflower diet (34.85 kg and 16.05 kg, respectively). Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility was reduced (P≤0.05) when the animals received cottonseed diet (50.34%) in comparison to soybean (71.07%), sunflower (67.07%) and control (66.50%). NDF digestibility for soybean, sunflower and control diets did not differ from each other. Lower (P≤0.05) EE digestibility was observed for the control diet (73.67%). There were no differences (P≥0.05) in the ingestive behavior, however, the addition of cottonseed or sunflower negatively affected (P≤0.05) rumination efficiency of NDF. Sunflower should not be included in high concentrate diets for fattening lambs.

Um experimento foi conduzido para comparar diferentes oleaginosas em substituição ao milho moído na dieta de cordeiros em engorda, avaliando o desempenho, a digestibilidade aparente da dieta, o comportamento ingestivo e as características de carcaça. Vinte e quatro cordeiros cruzados, com 3 meses de idade e peso corporal inicial de 25,97 ± 0,75 kg, foram mantidos em baias individuais. Eles receberam uma das seguintes dietas ou tratamentos: ‘controle’ (sem grãos de oleaginosas, 3,11% de Extrato Etéreo - EE), ‘caroço de algodão’ (6,14% EE), ‘girassol’ (6,33% EE) e ‘soja’ (6,30% EE). Todas as dietas continham 23,63% de feno de coast cross e 76,37% de concentrado. Após 84 dias de confinamento, os animais foram abatidos e as carcaças avaliadas. O consumo de matéria seca e ganho de peso diário dos animais alimentados com a dieta controle foi maior daqueles alimentados com girassol (P≤0,05). O peso corporal final e o peso da carcaça foram maiores (P≤0,05) para aqueles alimentados com a dieta controle (42,42 kg e 19,27 kg, respectivamente) que aqueles da dieta com girassol (34,85 kg e 16,05 kg, respectivamente). A digestibilidade da Fibra em Detergente Neutro (FDN) foi reduzida (P≤0,05) quando os animais receberam caroço de algodão (50,34%) comparado à soja (71,07%); para as dietas com girassol (67,07%) e controle (66,50%) não houve diferenças das demais. Menor (P≤0,05) digestibilidade do extrato etéreo foi observada para a dieta controle (73,67%). Não houve diferenças (P≥0,05) no comportamento ingestivo, no entanto, a inclusão de caroço de algodão ou girassol afetou negativamente (P≤0,05) a eficiência de ruminação da FDN. Grãos de girassol não devem ser incluídos em dietas de alto concentrado para cordeiros em engorda.

Animais , Recém-Nascido , Gossypium , Grão Comestível/efeitos adversos , Helianthus , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Glycine max , Ração Animal , Sementes/efeitos adversos
B. Indústr. Anim. ; 76: 1-9, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24543


An experiment was conducted to compare different oilseeds in replacement of ground corn in diets of fattening lambs, evaluating performance, apparent diet digestibility, ingestive behavior, and carcass traits. Twenty-four crossbred lambs, three months old and with initial body weight 25.97 ± 0.75 kg, were kept in individual pens. The animals received one of the following diets: ‘control (no oilseeds, 3.11% Ether Extract - EE), ‘cottonseed (6.14% EE), ‘sunflower (6.33% EE), and ‘soybean (6.30% EE). All diets contained 23.63% of coast cross hay and 76.37% of concentrate. After 84 days in feedlot, the animals were slaughtered and the carcasses were evaluated. The dry matter intake (DMI) and daily weight gain (DWG) of animals fed with the control diet was higher than sunflower (P≤0.05). Final body weight and carcass weight were higher (P≤0.05) in the control (42.42 kg and 19.27 kg, respectively) than for sunflower diet (34.85 kg and 16.05 kg, respectively). Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility was reduced (P≤0.05) when the animals received cottonseed diet (50.34%) in comparison to soybean (71.07%), sunflower (67.07%) and control (66.50%). NDF digestibility for soybean, sunflower and control diets did not differ from each other. Lower (P≤0.05) EE digestibility was observed for the control diet (73.67%). There were no differences (P≥0.05) in the ingestive behavior, however, the addition of cottonseed or sunflower negatively affected (P≤0.05) rumination efficiency of NDF. Sunflower should not be included in high concentrate diets for fattening lambs.(AU)

Um experimento foi conduzido para comparar diferentes oleaginosas em substituição ao milho moído na dieta de cordeiros em engorda, avaliando o desempenho, a digestibilidade aparente da dieta, o comportamento ingestivo e as características de carcaça. Vinte e quatro cordeiros cruzados, com 3 meses de idade e peso corporal inicial de 25,97 ± 0,75 kg, foram mantidos em baias individuais. Eles receberam uma das seguintes dietas ou tratamentos: ‘controle (sem grãos de oleaginosas, 3,11% de Extrato Etéreo - EE), ‘caroço de algodão (6,14% EE), ‘girassol (6,33% EE) e ‘soja (6,30% EE). Todas as dietas continham 23,63% de feno de coast cross e 76,37% de concentrado. Após 84 dias de confinamento, os animais foram abatidos e as carcaças avaliadas. O consumo de matéria seca e ganho de peso diário dos animais alimentados com a dieta controle foi maior daqueles alimentados com girassol (P≤0,05). O peso corporal final e o peso da carcaça foram maiores (P≤0,05) para aqueles alimentados com a dieta controle (42,42 kg e 19,27 kg, respectivamente) que aqueles da dieta com girassol (34,85 kg e 16,05 kg, respectivamente). A digestibilidade da Fibra em Detergente Neutro (FDN) foi reduzida (P≤0,05) quando os animais receberam caroço de algodão (50,34%) comparado à soja (71,07%); para as dietas com girassol (67,07%) e controle (66,50%) não houve diferenças das demais. Menor (P≤0,05) digestibilidade do extrato etéreo foi observada para a dieta controle (73,67%). Não houve diferenças (P≥0,05) no comportamento ingestivo, no entanto, a inclusão de caroço de algodão ou girassol afetou negativamente (P≤0,05) a eficiência de ruminação da FDN. Grãos de girassol não devem ser incluídos em dietas de alto concentrado para cordeiros em engorda.(AU)

Animais , Recém-Nascido , Grão Comestível/efeitos adversos , Gossypium , Helianthus , Glycine max , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ração Animal , Sementes/efeitos adversos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(3): 551-558, jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-846881


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of diets containing whole cottonseed (WC) on blood biochemical parameters of bulls. Thirty bulls with 30±6 months and 382.7±28.4kg were kept in feedlot (85 days) and fed the following WC levels: 0, 2.22, 4.44, 6.66, 8.88 and 11.11%. In comparing biochemical indicators from the beginning to the end of the experiment, the control group (CG) and those fed diets containing 2.22, 8.88 and 11.11% of WC had an increase (P<0.05) in serum Ca concentrations (8.34±0.65−9.56±0.92mEqL-1). In relation to Fe (202.79±69.04−300.04±79.88µg/dL), the CG and those treated with 6.66% WC showed an increase (P<0.05) in serum concentrations. As to the Mg (1.92±0.18−2.40±0.27mEqL-1), groups treated with diet containing 2.22, 4.44 and 6.66% of WC had higher (p<0.05) concentrations at the end of the study. Regarding blood lipids, groups with diets containing 2.22; 4.44; 6.66 and 8.88% of WC increased (p<0.05), respectively, in concentrations of HDL, TG, VLDL and COL. The group that received 11.11% of WC increased (P<0.05) in the concentrations of COL and HDL. It can be concluded that diets containing WC, caused no alterations in the concentrations of blood parameters analyzed in this study, with the exception of Mg.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de dietas contendo caroço de algodão (CA) sobre os parâmetros sanguíneos de bovinos. Trinta touros com 30±6 meses e 382,7±28,4kg foram confinados (85 dias) e receberam dietas com as seguintes proporções de CA: 0; 2,22; 4,44; 6,66; 8,88, e 11,11%. Ao se compararem as concentrações dos indicadores bioquímicos do início com as do final do experimento, foi observado que o grupo controle e aqueles com dietas contendo 2,22; 8,88 e 11,11% de CA apresentaram aumento (P<0,05) na concentração sérica de Ca (8,34±0,65−9,56±0,92 mEqL-1). Já em relação ao Fe (202,79±69,04−300,04±79,88µg/dL), observou-se que apenas o grupo controle e aquele tratado com 6,66% apresentaram aumento (P<0,05) em sua concentração. Quanto ao Mg (1,92±0,18−2,40±0,27 mEqL-1), os grupos tratados com 2,22; 4,44 e 6,66% de CA apresentaram maiores concentrações (P<0,05) ao final do estudo. Com relação aos lipídeos sanguíneos, os grupos com dietas contendo 2,22; 4,44; 6,66 e 8,88% de CA tiveram aumento (P<0,05), respectivamente, nas concentrações de HDL, TG, VLDL e COL. O grupo que recebeu 11,11% de CA teve aumento (P<0,05) nas concentrações de COL e HDL. Conclui-se que as dietas contendo CA não causaram alterações (P>0,05) nas concentrações dos parâmetros sanguíneos analisados, com exceção do Mg.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Ração Animal , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Dieta/veterinária , Gossypium
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(3): 551-558, jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16737


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of diets containing whole cottonseed (WC) on blood biochemical parameters of bulls. Thirty bulls with 30±6 months and 382.7±28.4kg were kept in feedlot (85 days) and fed the following WC levels: 0, 2.22, 4.44, 6.66, 8.88 and 11.11%. In comparing biochemical indicators from the beginning to the end of the experiment, the control group (CG) and those fed diets containing 2.22, 8.88 and 11.11% of WC had an increase (P<0.05) in serum Ca concentrations (8.34±0.65−9.56±0.92mEqL-1). In relation to Fe (202.79±69.04−300.04±79.88µg/dL), the CG and those treated with 6.66% WC showed an increase (P<0.05) in serum concentrations. As to the Mg (1.92±0.18−2.40±0.27mEqL-1), groups treated with diet containing 2.22, 4.44 and 6.66% of WC had higher (p<0.05) concentrations at the end of the study. Regarding blood lipids, groups with diets containing 2.22; 4.44; 6.66 and 8.88% of WC increased (p<0.05), respectively, in concentrations of HDL, TG, VLDL and COL. The group that received 11.11% of WC increased (P<0.05) in the concentrations of COL and HDL. It can be concluded that diets containing WC, caused no alterations in the concentrations of blood parameters analyzed in this study, with the exception of Mg.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de dietas contendo caroço de algodão (CA) sobre os parâmetros sanguíneos de bovinos. Trinta touros com 30±6 meses e 382,7±28,4kg foram confinados (85 dias) e receberam dietas com as seguintes proporções de CA: 0; 2,22; 4,44; 6,66; 8,88, e 11,11%. Ao se compararem as concentrações dos indicadores bioquímicos do início com as do final do experimento, foi observado que o grupo controle e aqueles com dietas contendo 2,22; 8,88 e 11,11% de CA apresentaram aumento (P<0,05) na concentração sérica de Ca (8,34±0,65−9,56±0,92 mEqL-1). Já em relação ao Fe (202,79±69,04−300,04±79,88µg/dL), observou-se que apenas o grupo controle e aquele tratado com 6,66% apresentaram aumento (P<0,05) em sua concentração. Quanto ao Mg (1,92±0,18−2,40±0,27 mEqL-1), os grupos tratados com 2,22; 4,44 e 6,66% de CA apresentaram maiores concentrações (P<0,05) ao final do estudo. Com relação aos lipídeos sanguíneos, os grupos com dietas contendo 2,22; 4,44; 6,66 e 8,88% de CA tiveram aumento (P<0,05), respectivamente, nas concentrações de HDL, TG, VLDL e COL. O grupo que recebeu 11,11% de CA teve aumento (P<0,05) nas concentrações de COL e HDL. Conclui-se que as dietas contendo CA não causaram alterações (P>0,05) nas concentrações dos parâmetros sanguíneos analisados, com exceção do Mg.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Gossypium , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal