A 6-month-old female, 1.0kg, uncastrated female Persian cat was brought to the Veterinary Hospital at State University of Ceara, with a history of dyspnea, prostration, hyporexia and progressive weight loss for a month. On physical examination, systolic cardiac murmur, cyanosis and dyspnea were detected. Unfortunately, the cat died during oxygen therapy. Necropsy examination revealed an increase in cardiac silhouette and ventricular septal defect of 2cm in diameter. Macroscopically the lungs were collapsed, with absent and diffusely reddish blackish crepitus, and the liver with blackish red coalescent multifocal areas, interspersed with lighter areas and lobular pattern with irregular brownish multifocal areas intercepted by brownish areas. Thus, the necropsy results together with the history and physical examination of the animal confirmed the diagnosis of Eisenmenger Syndrome, becoming the report of the first case, in a cat, in Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Gatos/anormalidades , Complexo de Eisenmenger/classificação , Complexo de Eisenmenger/diagnóstico , Comunicação Interventricular/veterináriaResumo
A 6-month-old female, 1.0kg, uncastrated female Persian cat was brought to the Veterinary Hospital at State University of Ceara, with a history of dyspnea, prostration, hyporexia and progressive weight loss for a month. On physical examination, systolic cardiac murmur, cyanosis and dyspnea were detected. Unfortunately, the cat died during oxygen therapy. Necropsy examination revealed an increase in cardiac silhouette and ventricular septal defect of 2cm in diameter. Macroscopically the lungs were collapsed, with absent and diffusely reddish blackish crepitus, and the liver with blackish red coalescent multifocal areas, interspersed with lighter areas and lobular pattern with irregular brownish multifocal areas intercepted by brownish areas. Thus, the necropsy results together with the history and physical examination of the animal confirmed the diagnosis of Eisenmenger Syndrome, becoming the report of the first case, in a cat, in Brazil.(AU)