We described a case of cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis due to candidiasis in a seven-month-old calf. The death occurred three days after the onset of apathy, fever, and the head's lateral deviation to the left. Macroscopic changes in the brain consisted of asymmetry of telencephalic hemispheres; the right hemisphere was enlarged, causing cerebellar herniation. A focally extensive red area was observed on the surface of the right occipital lobe. At cross-sections of the fixed brain, the lesions revealed to be extensive, red-brown, soft or cavitated areas affecting the white and grey matter from the level of the thalamus to the cerebellum and compressing subjacent structures. Histologically, there was acute, coalescent, multifocal necrosupurative meningoencephalitis, associated with vasculitis, congestion, thrombosis, edema, infarction, and intralesional fungal hyphae. The diagnosis of cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis due to candidiasis was made by the pathological changes, the staining and morphological characteristics of the agent, and immunohistochemistry. The cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis in cattle can result from vascular lesions due to infection by Candida sp.; although uncommon, this case demonstrated that candidiasis should be part of a list of differential diagnoses of severe brain injuries in cattle.
Descreve-se um caso de infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica devido a candidíase em um bezerro de sete meses de idade. A morte ocorreu três dias após o início de apatia, febre e desvio lateral da cabeça para a esquerda. As alterações macroscópicas no cérebro consistiam em assimetria dos hemisférios telencefálicos; o hemisfério direito estava aumentado, causando herniação cerebelar. Uma extensa área vermelha focal foi observada na superfície do lobo occipital direito. Nos cortes transversais do encéfalo fixado, as lesões revelaram áreas extensas, marrom-avermelhadas, moles ou cavitadas, afetando a substância branca e cinzenta desde o nível do tálamo até o cerebelo e comprimindo as estruturas subjacentes. Histologicamente, havia meningoencefalite necrossupurativa multifocal aguda, coalescente, associada a vasculite, congestão, trombose, edema, infarto e hifas fúngicas intralesionais. O diagnóstico de infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica devido a candidíase foi feito pelas alterações patológicas, coloração e características morfológicas do agente e imuno-histoquímica. O infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica em bovinos pode resultar de lesões vasculares devido à infecção por Candida sp.; embora incomum, este caso demonstra que a candidíase deve fazer parte de uma lista de diagnósticos diferenciais de lesões cerebrais graves em bovinos.
Animais , Bovinos , Candidíase/complicações , Doenças dos Bovinos , Infarto Cerebral/veterinária , Traumatismo Cerebrovascular/veterinária , Meningoencefalite/veterináriaResumo
A retrospective study of poxvirus infections diagnosed in cattle from Goiás state (GO), Brazil, from 2010 to 2018, was performed. All cases have been investigated by the GO Official Veterinary Service (Agrodefesa), from which technical forms and protocols of veterinary diagnosis laboratories were reviewed. In most cases, samples of oral or cutaneous tissues and/or swabs were submitted for virological diagnosis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or virus isolation. Thirty seven outbreaks/cases of vesicular disease were notified in cattle of 25 counties; in 33 cases the animals presented lesions clinically compatible with poxviruses. The etiology of 25 out of 33 outbreaks/cases was confirmed as poxviruses by PCR and/or viral isolation: 13 as bovine vaccinia virus (VACV), six as pseudocowpox virus (PCPV), five as bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV) and one coinfection (VACV and an Orf virus-like parapoxvirus). The laboratory confirmed that cases occurred mainly in dairy cattle (19/25) and during the dry season (22/25). In adult cattle, gross changes were observed mainly in the teats and udder and included vesicles, ulcers, crusts, papules and scars and varied of type, severity and affected region, depending on the poxvirus species. In calves, the main lesions were ulcers in the mouth and muzzle. Zoonotic lesions compatible with poxvirus infections were observed for all diagnosed poxviruses, affecting especially the hands of milkers and other farm workers. Our data demonstrate the sanitary and economic relevance of these diseases and the wide circulation of different poxviruses in cattle from GO.
Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo das infecções por poxvírus diagnosticadas em bovinos do estado de Goiás (GO), entre 2010 e 2018. Todos os casos foram investigados pela Agência Goiana de Defesa Agropecuária (Agrodefesa). Foram revisados formulários técnicos e protocolos de laboratórios de diagnóstico veterinário. Na maioria dos casos, amostras de tecidos orais ou cutâneos e/ou swabs foram encaminhadas para diagnóstico virológico. Foram notificados 37 surtos/casos de doença vesicular em bovinos em 25 municípios; em 33 casos os animais apresentavam lesões clinicamente compatíveis com poxvírus. A etiologia de 25 de 33 surtos/casos foi confirmada como poxvírus por PCR e/ou isolamento viral: 13 como vírus vaccínia (VACV), seis como vírus pseudocowpox (PCPV), cinco como vírus da estomatite papular bovina (BPSV) e um caso de coinfecção (VACV e um parapoxvírus semelhante ao Orf vírus). Os casos confirmados laboratorialmente ocorreram principalmente em bovinos leiteiros (19/25) e durante a estação seca (22/25). Em bovinos adultos, alterações macroscópicas foram observadas principalmente nas tetas e úbere e incluíram vesículas, úlceras, crostas, pápulas e cicatrizes e variaram quanto ao tipo, gravidade e região afetada, dependendo da espécie do poxvírus. Em bezerros, as principais lesões foram úlceras na boca e focinho. Lesões zoonóticas compatíveis com infecção por poxvírus foram observadas em todas as poxviroses diagnosticadas, afetando principalmente as mãos dos ordenhadores e outros trabalhadores rurais. Nossos dados demonstram a relevância sanitária e econômica dessas doenças e a ampla circulação de diferentes poxvírus em bovinos de GO.
Humanos , Animais , Bovinos , Infecções por Poxviridae/diagnóstico , Infecções por Poxviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Poxviridae/patologia , Parapoxvirus/isolamento & purificação , Vaccinia virus/isolamento & purificação , Vírus da Pseudovaríola das Vacas/isolamento & purificação , Coinfecção/veterinária , Zoonoses ViraisResumo
A retrospective study of poxvirus infections diagnosed in cattle from Goiás state (GO), Brazil, from 2010 to 2018, was performed. All cases have been investigated by the GO Official Veterinary Service (Agrodefesa), from which technical forms and protocols of veterinary diagnosis laboratories were reviewed. In most cases, samples of oral or cutaneous tissues and/or swabs were submitted for virological diagnosis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or virus isolation. Thirty seven outbreaks/cases of vesicular disease were notified in cattle of 25 counties; in 33 cases the animals presented lesions clinically compatible with poxviruses. The etiology of 25 out of 33 outbreaks/cases was confirmed as poxviruses by PCR and/or viral isolation: 13 as bovine vaccinia virus (VACV), six as pseudocowpox virus (PCPV), five as bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV) and one coinfection (VACV and an Orf virus-like parapoxvirus). The laboratory confirmed that cases occurred mainly in dairy cattle (19/25) and during the dry season (22/25). In adult cattle, gross changes were observed mainly in the teats and udder and included vesicles, ulcers, crusts, papules and scars and varied of type, severity and affected region, depending on the poxvirus species. In calves, the main lesions were ulcers in the mouth and muzzle. Zoonotic lesions compatible with poxvirus infections were observed for all diagnosed poxviruses, affecting especially the hands of milkers and other farm workers. Our data demonstrate the sanitary and economic relevance of these diseases and the wide circulation of different poxviruses in cattle from GO.(AU)
Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo das infecções por poxvírus diagnosticadas em bovinos do estado de Goiás (GO), entre 2010 e 2018. Todos os casos foram investigados pela Agência Goiana de Defesa Agropecuária (Agrodefesa). Foram revisados formulários técnicos e protocolos de laboratórios de diagnóstico veterinário. Na maioria dos casos, amostras de tecidos orais ou cutâneos e/ou swabs foram encaminhadas para diagnóstico virológico. Foram notificados 37 surtos/casos de doença vesicular em bovinos em 25 municípios; em 33 casos os animais apresentavam lesões clinicamente compatíveis com poxvírus. A etiologia de 25 de 33 surtos/casos foi confirmada como poxvírus por PCR e/ou isolamento viral: 13 como vírus vaccínia (VACV), seis como vírus pseudocowpox (PCPV), cinco como vírus da estomatite papular bovina (BPSV) e um caso de coinfecção (VACV e um parapoxvírus semelhante ao Orf vírus). Os casos confirmados laboratorialmente ocorreram principalmente em bovinos leiteiros (19/25) e durante a estação seca (22/25). Em bovinos adultos, alterações macroscópicas foram observadas principalmente nas tetas e úbere e incluíram vesículas, úlceras, crostas, pápulas e cicatrizes e variaram quanto ao tipo, gravidade e região afetada, dependendo da espécie do poxvírus. Em bezerros, as principais lesões foram úlceras na boca e focinho. Lesões zoonóticas compatíveis com infecção por poxvírus foram observadas em todas as poxviroses diagnosticadas, afetando principalmente as mãos dos ordenhadores e outros trabalhadores rurais. Nossos dados demonstram a relevância sanitária e econômica dessas doenças e a ampla circulação de diferentes poxvírus em bovinos de GO.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Bovinos , Vaccinia virus/isolamento & purificação , Parapoxvirus/isolamento & purificação , Vírus da Pseudovaríola das Vacas/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Poxviridae/diagnóstico , Infecções por Poxviridae/patologia , Infecções por Poxviridae/epidemiologia , Coinfecção/veterinária , Zoonoses ViraisResumo
Actinobacillosis outbreak with clinical manifestation of hippopotamus-like face observed in a property located in the municipality of Capão do Leão, Southern Brazil, in September 2016, is described. The cattle herd remained for most of the year in rice stubble. When these areas were occupied with new crops, they were transferred to areas where there were small native forests. Three cattle were affected. They presented a volume increase in the nasolabial and maxillary region, and there was also regional lymph node swelling. The evolution of the disease occurred in approximately six months. In tissue fragments collected for culture, Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated. The diagnosis was based on clinical findings, histopathological evaluation characterized by the presence of piogranulomas with Splendore Hoepli reaction in its center, bacterial isolation, and identification of A. lignieresii by polymerase chain reaction (PRC) and genetic sequencing.(AU)
Descreve-se um surto de actinobacilose com manifestação clínica de cara de hipopótamo diagnosticado em uma propriedade localizada no município do Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul em setembro de 2016. Os bovinos permaneciam durante a maior parte do ano em restevas de arroz e quando as áreas eram ocupadas com novas lavouras eram transferidos para áreas onde havia pequenas matas nativas. Foram afetados três bovinos adultos que apresentavam aumento de volume na região nasolabial e maxilar e havia, também, tumefação dos linfonodos regionais. A evolução da enfermidade era de aproximadamente seis meses. Nos fragmentos coletados para cultura houve isolamento de Actinobacillus lignieresii. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos achados clínicos, na avaliação histopatológica caracterizada pela presença de piogranulomas com reação de Splendori Hoepli no centro, no isolamento bacteriano, identificação de Actinobacillus lignieresii por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PRC) e sequenciamento genético.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Actinobacilose/diagnóstico , Actinobacilose/patologia , Actinobacilose/epidemiologia , Actinobacillus/isolamento & purificação , Doenças dos Bovinos/microbiologia , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
Actinobacillosis outbreak with clinical manifestation of hippopotamus-like face observed in a property located in the municipality of Capão do Leão, Southern Brazil, in September 2016, is described. The cattle herd remained for most of the year in rice stubble. When these areas were occupied with new crops, they were transferred to areas where there were small native forests. Three cattle were affected. They presented a volume increase in the nasolabial and maxillary region, and there was also regional lymph node swelling. The evolution of the disease occurred in approximately six months. In tissue fragments collected for culture, Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated. The diagnosis was based on clinical findings, histopathological evaluation characterized by the presence of piogranulomas with Splendore Hoepli reaction in its center, bacterial isolation, and identification of A. lignieresii by polymerase chain reaction (PRC) and genetic sequencing.(AU)
Descreve-se um surto de actinobacilose com manifestação clínica de cara de hipopótamo diagnosticado em uma propriedade localizada no município do Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul em setembro de 2016. Os bovinos permaneciam durante a maior parte do ano em restevas de arroz e quando as áreas eram ocupadas com novas lavouras eram transferidos para áreas onde havia pequenas matas nativas. Foram afetados três bovinos adultos que apresentavam aumento de volume na região nasolabial e maxilar e havia, também, tumefação dos linfonodos regionais. A evolução da enfermidade era de aproximadamente seis meses. Nos fragmentos coletados para cultura houve isolamento de Actinobacillus lignieresii. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos achados clínicos, na avaliação histopatológica caracterizada pela presença de piogranulomas com reação de Splendori Hoepli no centro, no isolamento bacteriano, identificação de Actinobacillus lignieresii por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PRC) e sequenciamento genético.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Actinobacilose/diagnóstico , Actinobacilose/patologia , Actinobacilose/epidemiologia , Actinobacillus/isolamento & purificação , Doenças dos Bovinos/microbiologia , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
A retrospective study of gastric disorders in autopsied cattle in the Western region of Rio Grande do Sul State, was performed. The exam reports of bovine necropsy of the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory, Unipampa, were analyzed in the period from 2010 to 2018. All cases in which death was primarily caused by disturbance in the gastric chambers were included. During the period evaluated, 141 cattle were necropsied. Of those, 25 had gastric disorders. Of those, 53% had alterations in the rumen, followed by abomasum (17%), involvement of two chambers (13%) and reticulum (9%). Most cases corresponded to beef cattle raised in an extensive system and most them for calf production and fattening with an average age of approximately three years. The cases occurred in farms of four different municipalities. Bullous bloat by excessive Trifolium repens ingestion was the gastric disturbance with the highest number of dead cattle observed in this study, especially in irrigated áreas of livestock farms. Cases such as lactic acidosis, ruminal alkalosis due to excessive urea ingestion and Baccharis coridifolia poisoning were also important gastric disturbances in necropsied cattle, associated especially with poor management and period of scarcity of good quality fodder. Cases of Clostridium perfringens infection were also observed in young cattle suggesting that it is an important infectious agent in the evaluated cattle herds, also showing failures in vaccination of the herds. As observed, gastric disturbances in cattle in the western region of Rio Grande do Sul have several causes. Metabolic/toxic and infectious disturbances were important causes of mortality in the herds, inducing considerable economic losses. Based on this study, it is clear that the majority of outbreaks or isolated cases occurred due to errors in the management of the properties and the vast majority of them could have been avoided with improvements in the technical qualification of the workers and simple adjustments in the farming methods. It is also emphasized the importance of the conclusive diagnosis to control these disorders, once after the orientation to the producers, was observed significant decrease in cattle losses in the farms.(AU)
Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo dos distúrbios gástricos em bovinos necropsiados na região Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram analisados os relatórios de exame de necropsia de bovinos do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal do Pampa (Unipampa), Rio Grande do Sul, no período de 2010 a 2018. Foram incluídos todos os casos nos quais a morte foi causada primariamente pelo distúrbio nas câmaras gástricas. De um total de 141 bovinos necropsiados, 25 corresponderam a distúrbios gástricos. Dentre esses, 53% apresentaram alterações no rúmen, seguido de abomaso 17%, acometimento concomitante de duas câmaras 13% e retículo 9%. A maioria dos casos ocorreram em bovinos de corte criados em sistema extensivo e a maioria destinados à produção de bezerros e engorda com média de idade de aproximadamente três anos. Os casos ocorreram em propriedades rurais de quatro municípios da região Oeste do estado. O timpanismo bolhoso por ingestão excessiva de Trifolium repens foi o distúrbio gástrico com maior número de bovinos mortos observados nesse estudo, especialmente em propriedades com criação de animais em áreas de irrigação. Casos como acidose láctica, alcalose ruminal por intoxicação por ureia e intoxicação por Baccharis coridifolia também foram importantes distúrbios gástricos nos bovinos necropsiados e percebeu-se sua associação a falhas no manejo e à época de escassez de forragem de boa qualidade. Foram observados ainda casos de infecção por Clostridium perfringens em bovinos jovens o que sugere também tratar-se de um importante agente infeccioso nos rebanhos bovinos avaliados, demonstrando ainda falhas na vacinação dos rebanhos. Conforme observado, diversos são os distúrbios gástricos em bovinos na região Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, tendo como importantes causas de mortalidades os distúrbios metabólicos/tóxicos e infecciosos, induzindo consideráveis perdas econômicas. Com base nesse levantamento, percebe-se que a maioria dos surtos ou casos isolados estudados ocorreram por erros no manejo nas propriedades e, na sua grande maioria, poderiam ter sido evitados com especialização da mão de obra e ajustes simples. Ressalta-se ainda a importância do diagnóstico conclusivo para controle desses distúrbios, uma vez que, após a orientação aos produtores, observou-se significativa diminuição das perdas de bovinos nas propriedades.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Gastroenteropatias/etiologia , Gastroenteropatias/patologia , Gastroenteropatias/veterinária , Gastroenteropatias/epidemiologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Infecções por Clostridium/veterinária , Dieta/veterináriaResumo
A retrospective study of gastric disorders in autopsied cattle in the Western region of Rio Grande do Sul State, was performed. The exam reports of bovine necropsy of the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory, Unipampa, were analyzed in the period from 2010 to 2018. All cases in which death was primarily caused by disturbance in the gastric chambers were included. During the period evaluated, 141 cattle were necropsied. Of those, 25 had gastric disorders. Of those, 53% had alterations in the rumen, followed by abomasum (17%), involvement of two chambers (13%) and reticulum (9%). Most cases corresponded to beef cattle raised in an extensive system and most them for calf production and fattening with an average age of approximately three years. The cases occurred in farms of four different municipalities. Bullous bloat by excessive Trifolium repens ingestion was the gastric disturbance with the highest number of dead cattle observed in this study, especially in irrigated áreas of livestock farms. Cases such as lactic acidosis, ruminal alkalosis due to excessive urea ingestion and Baccharis coridifolia poisoning were also important gastric disturbances in necropsied cattle, associated especially with poor management and period of scarcity of good quality fodder. Cases of Clostridium perfringens infection were also observed in young cattle suggesting that it is an important infectious agent in the evaluated cattle herds, also showing failures in vaccination of the herds. As observed, gastric disturbances in cattle in the western region of Rio Grande do Sul have several causes. Metabolic/toxic and infectious disturbances were important causes of mortality in the herds, inducing considerable economic losses. Based on this study, it is clear that the majority of outbreaks or isolated cases occurred due to errors in the management of the properties and the vast majority of them could have been avoided with improvements in the technical qualification of the workers and simple adjustments in the farming methods. It is also emphasized the importance of the conclusive diagnosis to control these disorders, once after the orientation to the producers, was observed significant decrease in cattle losses in the farms.(AU)
Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo dos distúrbios gástricos em bovinos necropsiados na região Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram analisados os relatórios de exame de necropsia de bovinos do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal do Pampa (Unipampa), Rio Grande do Sul, no período de 2010 a 2018. Foram incluídos todos os casos nos quais a morte foi causada primariamente pelo distúrbio nas câmaras gástricas. De um total de 141 bovinos necropsiados, 25 corresponderam a distúrbios gástricos. Dentre esses, 53% apresentaram alterações no rúmen, seguido de abomaso 17%, acometimento concomitante de duas câmaras 13% e retículo 9%. A maioria dos casos ocorreram em bovinos de corte criados em sistema extensivo e a maioria destinados à produção de bezerros e engorda com média de idade de aproximadamente três anos. Os casos ocorreram em propriedades rurais de quatro municípios da região Oeste do estado. O timpanismo bolhoso por ingestão excessiva de Trifolium repens foi o distúrbio gástrico com maior número de bovinos mortos observados nesse estudo, especialmente em propriedades com criação de animais em áreas de irrigação. Casos como acidose láctica, alcalose ruminal por intoxicação por ureia e intoxicação por Baccharis coridifolia também foram importantes distúrbios gástricos nos bovinos necropsiados e percebeu-se sua associação a falhas no manejo e à época de escassez de forragem de boa qualidade. Foram observados ainda casos de infecção por Clostridium perfringens em bovinos jovens o que sugere também tratar-se de um importante agente infeccioso nos rebanhos bovinos avaliados, demonstrando ainda falhas na vacinação dos rebanhos. Conforme observado, diversos são os distúrbios gástricos em bovinos na região Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, tendo como importantes causas de mortalidades os distúrbios metabólicos/tóxicos e infecciosos, induzindo consideráveis perdas econômicas. Com base nesse levantamento, percebe-se que a maioria dos surtos ou casos isolados estudados ocorreram por erros no manejo nas propriedades e, na sua grande maioria, poderiam ter sido evitados com especialização da mão de obra e ajustes simples. Ressalta-se ainda a importância do diagnóstico conclusivo para controle desses distúrbios, uma vez que, após a orientação aos produtores, observou-se significativa diminuição das perdas de bovinos nas propriedades.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Gastroenteropatias/etiologia , Gastroenteropatias/patologia , Gastroenteropatias/veterinária , Gastroenteropatias/epidemiologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Infecções por Clostridium/veterinária , Dieta/veterináriaResumo
Background: Squamous cell carcinomas and lymphomas are the most prevalent neoplasms in cattle, the latter usually being attributed to infection by bovine leukemia virus (BLV). Neoplasms of the oral cavity are sporadic in cattle, with but asingle case of lymphoma involving this anatomic site in a bovine reported to date. This paper reports a case of lymphomainvolving the oral cavity of a dairy cow. The clinical and pathological aspects of the tumor are described and discussed.Case: A 39-month-old Holstein-Friesian cow was presented with weight loss and a tumorous growth in the left masseterregion, tearing in the left eye, and mild ipsilateral exophthalmos. Treatment with antibiotics was unsuccessful. The tumorgrowth was 16 x 11 cm, with a soft center and firm periphery, multilobulated, with white intercalated with black and friableareas from which a fetid odor emanated. The cut surface was predominantly white-yellow. A cross-section of the head,caudal to the second molar, revealed a mass infiltrating and almost completely obliterating the left nasal cavity, destroyingthe frontal sinus, the ventral conchae, and the middle and ventral meatus, and compressing the common meatus. The tracheobronchial, mediastinal, and internal iliac lymph nodes were enlarged and masses with similar characteristics to thosein the oral cavity replace their parenchyma. Microscopically, the mass consisted of large neoplastic lymphocytes arrangedin a non-encapsulated and infiltrative mantle and supported by scarce fibrovascular tissue. The cytoplasm of neoplasticcells was scarce and had distinct boundaries; the nuclei were round or oval, the chromatin was finely granulated, and theprominent nucleolus had occasionally multiplied. Nuclear pleomorphism was marked and there were, on average, five mitotic figures per microscopic field of 400x. Similar neoplastic cells obliterated the normal...
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Boca/patologia , Linfoma de Células T Periférico/patologia , Linfoma de Células T Periférico/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Squamous cell carcinomas and lymphomas are the most prevalent neoplasms in cattle, the latter usually being attributed to infection by bovine leukemia virus (BLV). Neoplasms of the oral cavity are sporadic in cattle, with but asingle case of lymphoma involving this anatomic site in a bovine reported to date. This paper reports a case of lymphomainvolving the oral cavity of a dairy cow. The clinical and pathological aspects of the tumor are described and discussed.Case: A 39-month-old Holstein-Friesian cow was presented with weight loss and a tumorous growth in the left masseterregion, tearing in the left eye, and mild ipsilateral exophthalmos. Treatment with antibiotics was unsuccessful. The tumorgrowth was 16 x 11 cm, with a soft center and firm periphery, multilobulated, with white intercalated with black and friableareas from which a fetid odor emanated. The cut surface was predominantly white-yellow. A cross-section of the head,caudal to the second molar, revealed a mass infiltrating and almost completely obliterating the left nasal cavity, destroyingthe frontal sinus, the ventral conchae, and the middle and ventral meatus, and compressing the common meatus. The tracheobronchial, mediastinal, and internal iliac lymph nodes were enlarged and masses with similar characteristics to thosein the oral cavity replace their parenchyma. Microscopically, the mass consisted of large neoplastic lymphocytes arrangedin a non-encapsulated and infiltrative mantle and supported by scarce fibrovascular tissue. The cytoplasm of neoplasticcells was scarce and had distinct boundaries; the nuclei were round or oval, the chromatin was finely granulated, and theprominent nucleolus had occasionally multiplied. Nuclear pleomorphism was marked and there were, on average, five mitotic figures per microscopic field of 400x. Similar neoplastic cells obliterated the normal...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Linfoma de Células T Periférico/patologia , Linfoma de Células T Periférico/veterinária , Boca/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterináriaResumo
Salmonellosis is a known cause of enteric disorders in calves. However, cases in the septicemic form may not present enteric lesions, which may lead the veterinary practitioner to not suspect salmonellosis, compromising the diagnosis. The current study describes the epidemiological, clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical aspects of septicemic salmonellosis in calves without enteric lesions. The protocols involving bovine material submitted to the Pathology Laboratory (LAP) of the "Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia" (FAMEZ) of the "Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul" (UFMS) from January 1995 to July 2018 were studied. Cases confirmed or suggestive of septicemic salmonellosis in calves without enteric manifestations were selected. Fragments of the liver, lung, and spleen embedded in paraffin were submitted to immunohistochemistry (IHC). Only cases in which there was positive marking on the IHC or culture isolation of Salmonella were included in this study. Of a total of 5,550 cattle examined in the period, ten presented septicemic salmonellosis without enteric lesions. Clinical signs included mucosal pallor, apathy, hyperthermia, and dyspnea. Only three calves presented diarrhea, and two were found dead before clinical changes were observed. The most common necropsy findings were hepatosplenomegaly; yellow, orange or brown discolored livers; pale mucous membranes; inflated and sometimes red lungs; fibrin or fluid within body cavities; and gallbladder filled with inspissated bile. Jaundice was observed in three calves that had a concomitant infection with Anaplasma sp. Microscopically, paratyphoid hepatic nodules and interstitial pneumonia were the most frequent manifestations, followed by thrombosis and bacterial colonies in the spleen, lung, liver, and brain. A strong positive marking was observed in IHC, predominantly in the lung and to a lesser extent in the liver. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) indicated the Dublin serotype as the causative agent in the samples of the four calves submitted to this procedure. In calves, the septicemic form was the major cause of death due to salmonellosis. Septicemic salmonellosis was usually not accompanied by diarrhea. The clinical signs of septicemia are nonspecific and of little assistance in the diagnosis. IHC has been shown to be efficient in the detection of the agent, mainly in the lung and especially in situations where it is not possible to perform bacterial culture.(AU)
A salmonelose é uma causa conhecida de distúrbios entéricos em bezerros. Porém, casos na forma septicêmica podem não apresentar manifestação entérica, o que leva o médico veterinário a não suspeitar de salmonelose, comprometendo o diagnóstico. Este estudo descreve os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos da salmonelose septicêmica em bezerros sem lesões entéricas. O estudo foi realizado a partir dos protocolos referentes a materiais de bovinos enviados para diagnóstico ao Laboratório de Anatomia Patológica (LAP) da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FAMEZ) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) de janeiro de 1995 a julho de 2018. Foram selecionados os casos de bezerros confirmados ou sugestivos de salmonelose septicêmica sem lesões entéricas. Fragmentos de fígado, pulmão e baço embebidos em parafina foram submetidos ao exame de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Somente foram incluídos neste estudo casos em que houve marcação positiva na IHQ ou isolamento da bactéria em cultura. De um total de 5.550 bovinos examinados no período, dez apresentaram salmonelose septicêmica sem lesão entérica. Os sinais clínicos incluíram palidez de mucosas, apatia, hipertermia e dispneia. Apenas três bezerros apresentaram diarreia e dois foram encontrados mortos sem terem sido observadas alterações clínicas. Os achados mais frequentes de necropsia foram hepatoesplenomegalia, fígado amarelado, alaranjado ou acastanhado, palidez de mucosas, pulmões inflados e, por vezes, vermelhos, fibrina ou líquido nas cavidades do organismo e vesícula biliar repleta de bile grumosa. Icterícia foi observada em três bezerros que apresentavam infecção concomitante por Anaplasma sp. Microscopicamente, os nódulos paratifoides hepáticos e pneumonia intersticial foram as manifestações mais encontradas, seguidas por trombose e colônias bacterianas no baço, pulmão, fígado e encéfalo. Na IHQ, marcação fortemente positiva foi observada, predominantemente, no pulmão e, em menor intensidade, no fígado. A técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR) tipificou o sorotipo Dublin como agente etiológico nas amostras dos quatro bezerros submetidos a este procedimento. Em bezerros, a forma septicêmica foi a principal responsável pelas mortes por salmonelose. Na maioria das vezes essa forma não estava acompanhada por diarreia. Os sinais clínicos da forma septicêmica são inespecíficos e de pouco auxílio no direcionamento do diagnóstico. A IHQ mostrou-se eficiente na detecção do agente principalmente no pulmão e especialmente nas situações em que não é possível a realização da cultura bacteriana.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Salmonelose Animal/patologia , Salmonelose Animal/epidemiologia , Sepse/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Salmonellosis is a known cause of enteric disorders in calves. However, cases in the septicemic form may not present enteric lesions, which may lead the veterinary practitioner to not suspect salmonellosis, compromising the diagnosis. The current study describes the epidemiological, clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical aspects of septicemic salmonellosis in calves without enteric lesions. The protocols involving bovine material submitted to the Pathology Laboratory (LAP) of the "Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia" (FAMEZ) of the "Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul" (UFMS) from January 1995 to July 2018 were studied. Cases confirmed or suggestive of septicemic salmonellosis in calves without enteric manifestations were selected. Fragments of the liver, lung, and spleen embedded in paraffin were submitted to immunohistochemistry (IHC). Only cases in which there was positive marking on the IHC or culture isolation of Salmonella were included in this study. Of a total of 5,550 cattle examined in the period, ten presented septicemic salmonellosis without enteric lesions. Clinical signs included mucosal pallor, apathy, hyperthermia, and dyspnea. Only three calves presented diarrhea, and two were found dead before clinical changes were observed. The most common necropsy findings were hepatosplenomegaly; yellow, orange or brown discolored livers; pale mucous membranes; inflated and sometimes red lungs; fibrin or fluid within body cavities; and gallbladder filled with inspissated bile. Jaundice was observed in three calves that had a concomitant infection with Anaplasma sp. Microscopically, paratyphoid hepatic nodules and interstitial pneumonia were the most frequent manifestations, followed by thrombosis and bacterial colonies in the spleen, lung, liver, and brain. A strong positive marking was observed in IHC, predominantly in the lung and to a lesser extent in the liver. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) indicated the Dublin serotype as the causative agent in the samples of the four calves submitted to this procedure. In calves, the septicemic form was the major cause of death due to salmonellosis. Septicemic salmonellosis was usually not accompanied by diarrhea. The clinical signs of septicemia are nonspecific and of little assistance in the diagnosis. IHC has been shown to be efficient in the detection of the agent, mainly in the lung and especially in situations where it is not possible to perform bacterial culture.(AU)
A salmonelose é uma causa conhecida de distúrbios entéricos em bezerros. Porém, casos na forma septicêmica podem não apresentar manifestação entérica, o que leva o médico veterinário a não suspeitar de salmonelose, comprometendo o diagnóstico. Este estudo descreve os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos da salmonelose septicêmica em bezerros sem lesões entéricas. O estudo foi realizado a partir dos protocolos referentes a materiais de bovinos enviados para diagnóstico ao Laboratório de Anatomia Patológica (LAP) da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FAMEZ) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) de janeiro de 1995 a julho de 2018. Foram selecionados os casos de bezerros confirmados ou sugestivos de salmonelose septicêmica sem lesões entéricas. Fragmentos de fígado, pulmão e baço embebidos em parafina foram submetidos ao exame de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Somente foram incluídos neste estudo casos em que houve marcação positiva na IHQ ou isolamento da bactéria em cultura. De um total de 5.550 bovinos examinados no período, dez apresentaram salmonelose septicêmica sem lesão entérica. Os sinais clínicos incluíram palidez de mucosas, apatia, hipertermia e dispneia. Apenas três bezerros apresentaram diarreia e dois foram encontrados mortos sem terem sido observadas alterações clínicas. Os achados mais frequentes de necropsia foram hepatoesplenomegalia, fígado amarelado, alaranjado ou acastanhado, palidez de mucosas, pulmões inflados e, por vezes, vermelhos, fibrina ou líquido nas cavidades do organismo e vesícula biliar repleta de bile grumosa. Icterícia foi observada em três bezerros que apresentavam infecção concomitante por Anaplasma sp. Microscopicamente, os nódulos paratifoides hepáticos e pneumonia intersticial foram as manifestações mais encontradas, seguidas por trombose e colônias bacterianas no baço, pulmão, fígado e encéfalo. Na IHQ, marcação fortemente positiva foi observada, predominantemente, no pulmão e, em menor intensidade, no fígado. A técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR) tipificou o sorotipo Dublin como agente etiológico nas amostras dos quatro bezerros submetidos a este procedimento. Em bezerros, a forma septicêmica foi a principal responsável pelas mortes por salmonelose. Na maioria das vezes essa forma não estava acompanhada por diarreia. Os sinais clínicos da forma septicêmica são inespecíficos e de pouco auxílio no direcionamento do diagnóstico. A IHQ mostrou-se eficiente na detecção do agente principalmente no pulmão e especialmente nas situações em que não é possível a realização da cultura bacteriana.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Salmonelose Animal/patologia , Salmonelose Animal/epidemiologia , Sepse/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Salmonellosis is a known cause of enteric disorders in calves. However, cases in the septicemic form may not present enteric lesions, which may lead the veterinary practitioner to not suspect salmonellosis, compromising the diagnosis. The current study describes the epidemiological, clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical aspects of septicemic salmonellosis in calves without enteric lesions. The protocols involving bovine material submitted to the Pathology Laboratory (LAP) of the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FAMEZ) of the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) from January 1995 to July 2018 were studied. Cases confirmed or suggestive of septicemic salmonellosis in calves without enteric manifestations were selected. Fragments of the liver, lung, and spleen embedded in paraffin were submitted to immunohistochemistry (IHC). Only cases in which there was positive marking on the IHC or culture isolation of Salmonella were included in this study. Of a total of 5,550 cattle examined in the period, ten presented septicemic salmonellosis without enteric lesions. Clinical signs included mucosal pallor, apathy, hyperthermia, and dyspnea. Only three calves presented diarrhea, and two were found dead before clinical changes were observed. The most common necropsy findings were hepatosplenomegaly; yellow, orange or brown discolored livers; pale mucous membranes; inflated and sometimes red lungs; fibrin or fluid within body cavities; and gallbladder filled with inspissated bile. Jaundice was observed in three calves that had a concomitant infection with Anaplasma sp. Microscopically, paratyphoid hepatic nodules and interstitial pneumonia were the most frequent manifestations, followed by thrombosis and bacterial colonies in the spleen, lung, liver, and brain. A strong positive marking was observed in IHC, predominantly in the lung and to a lesser extent in the liver. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) indicated the Dublin serotype as the causative agent in the samples of the four calves submitted to this procedure. In calves, the septicemic form was the major cause of death due to salmonellosis. Septicemic salmonellosis was usually not accompanied by diarrhea. The clinical signs of septicemia are nonspecific and of little assistance in the diagnosis. IHC has been shown to be efficient in the detection of the agent, mainly in the lung and especially in situations where it is not possible to perform bacterial culture.
RESUMO: A salmonelose é uma causa conhecida de distúrbios entéricos em bezerros. Porém, casos na forma septicêmica podem não apresentar manifestação entérica, o que leva o médico veterinário a não suspeitar de salmonelose, comprometendo o diagnóstico. Este estudo descreve os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos da salmonelose septicêmica em bezerros sem lesões entéricas. O estudo foi realizado a partir dos protocolos referentes a materiais de bovinos enviados para diagnóstico ao Laboratório de Anatomia Patológica (LAP) da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FAMEZ) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) de janeiro de 1995 a julho de 2018. Foram selecionados os casos de bezerros confirmados ou sugestivos de salmonelose septicêmica sem lesões entéricas. Fragmentos de fígado, pulmão e baço embebidos em parafina foram submetidos ao exame de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Somente foram incluídos neste estudo casos em que houve marcação positiva na IHQ ou isolamento da bactéria em cultura. De um total de 5.550 bovinos examinados no período, dez apresentaram salmonelose septicêmica sem lesão entérica. Os sinais clínicos incluíram palidez de mucosas, apatia, hipertermia e dispneia. Apenas três bezerros apresentaram diarreia e dois foram encontrados mortos sem terem sido observadas alterações clínicas. Os achados mais frequentes de necropsia foram hepatoesplenomegalia, fígado amarelado, alaranjado ou acastanhado, palidez de mucosas, pulmões inflados e, por vezes, vermelhos, fibrina ou líquido nas cavidades do organismo e vesícula biliar repleta de bile grumosa. Icterícia foi observada em três bezerros que apresentavam infecção concomitante por Anaplasma sp. Microscopicamente, os nódulos paratifoides hepáticos e pneumonia intersticial foram as manifestações mais encontradas, seguidas por trombose e colônias bacterianas no baço, pulmão, fígado e encéfalo. Na IHQ, marcação fortemente positiva foi observada, predominantemente, no pulmão e, em menor intensidade, no fígado. A técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR) tipificou o sorotipo Dublin como agente etiológico nas amostras dos quatro bezerros submetidos a este procedimento. Em bezerros, a forma septicêmica foi a principal responsável pelas mortes por salmonelose. Na maioria das vezes essa forma não estava acompanhada por diarreia. Os sinais clínicos da forma septicêmica são inespecíficos e de pouco auxílio no direcionamento do diagnóstico. A IHQ mostrou-se eficiente na detecção do agente principalmente no pulmão e especialmente nas situações em que não é possível a realização da cultura bacteriana.
This study described the epidemiological and clinical-pathological aspects of 25 outbreaks of neurological diseases in cattle caused by plants and mycotoxins in Santa Catarina state. Six of them were due to Sida carpinifolia poisoning, five to Solanum fastigiatum, five to Phalaris angusta, three to Claviceps paspali, three to Claviceps purpurea, and three outbreaks were of unknown etiology. The clinical signs observed in the affected cattle were mild to severe and characterized by generalized muscle tremors, incoordination, hypermetria, wide-based stance, intentional head tremors, dull staring eyes, and frequent ear twitching, with convulsions in some cases. At necropsy, lesions were observed only for P. angusta poisoning, characterized by gray-greenish discoloration in thalamus and midbrain. Microscopically, rarefaction and/or disappearance of Purkinje neurons with substitution by Bergmann cells were observed for S. carpinifolia and S. fastigiatum poisoning. For P. angusta poisoning, thin granular brown-yellowish pigment was observed in the cytoplasm of some neurons. Gross and microscopic findings were not observed in three outbreaks of tremorgenic disease of unknown etiology. Experiments conducted with leaves, flowers and seeds of Ipomoea indivisa and Ipomoea triloba, as well as with maize and soybean residues contaminated with Ipomoea spp. did not reproduced clinical signs.(AU)
Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos e clinico-patológicos de 25 surtos de enfermidade neurológica em bovinos no estado de Santa Catarina causadas por plantas e micotoxinas. Destes, seis corresponderam a intoxicação por Sida carpinifolia, cinco por Solanum fastigiatum, cinco por Phalaris angusta, três por Claviceps paspali, três por Claviceps purpurea e três surtos de etiologia não definida. Os sinais clínicos observados nos bovinos afetados eram de intensidade leve a acentuada e caracterizados por tremores musculares generalizados, incoordenação, hipermetria, aumento da base de sustentação, balanço contínuo de cabeça, olhar atento e movimentos frequentes de orelhas, e em alguns surtos convulsões. Por meio de necropsia foram observadas alterações somente na intoxicação por P. angusta as quais caracterizaram por coloração cinza-esverdeada no tálamo e mesencéfalo. Na histologia, rarefação e/ou desaparecimento de neurônios de Purkinje com substituição por células de Bergmann foram observadas na intoxicação por S. carpinifolia e S. fastigiatum. Na intoxicação por P. angusta foi observado no citoplasma de alguns neurônios do tronco encefálico com pigmentação finamente granular marrom-amarelada. Nos três surtos de enfermidade tremorgênica com etiologia não definida não foram observadas lesões macroscópicas e microscópicas. Experimentos com folhas, flores e sementes de Ipomoea indivisa e Ipomoea triloba e resíduos de milho e soja contaminados com sementes destas duas plantas não produziram alterações clínicas.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Intoxicação por Plantas/epidemiologia , Ergotismo/veterinária , Malvaceae/intoxicação , Solanum/intoxicação , Poaceae/intoxicação , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/etiologia , Micotoxicose/veterinária , ConvolvulaceaeResumo
This study described the epidemiological and clinical-pathological aspects of 25 outbreaks of neurological diseases in cattle caused by plants and mycotoxins in Santa Catarina state. Six of them were due to Sida carpinifolia poisoning, five to Solanum fastigiatum, five to Phalaris angusta, three to Claviceps paspali, three to Claviceps purpurea, and three outbreaks were of unknown etiology. The clinical signs observed in the affected cattle were mild to severe and characterized by generalized muscle tremors, incoordination, hypermetria, wide-based stance, intentional head tremors, dull staring eyes, and frequent ear twitching, with convulsions in some cases. At necropsy, lesions were observed only for P. angusta poisoning, characterized by gray-greenish discoloration in thalamus and midbrain. Microscopically, rarefaction and/or disappearance of Purkinje neurons with substitution by Bergmann cells were observed for S. carpinifolia and S. fastigiatum poisoning. For P. angusta poisoning, thin granular brown-yellowish pigment was observed in the cytoplasm of some neurons. Gross and microscopic findings were not observed in three outbreaks of tremorgenic disease of unknown etiology. Experiments conducted with leaves, flowers and seeds of Ipomoea indivisa and Ipomoea triloba, as well as with maize and soybean residues contaminated with Ipomoea spp. did not reproduced clinical signs.(AU)
Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos e clinico-patológicos de 25 surtos de enfermidade neurológica em bovinos no estado de Santa Catarina causadas por plantas e micotoxinas. Destes, seis corresponderam a intoxicação por Sida carpinifolia, cinco por Solanum fastigiatum, cinco por Phalaris angusta, três por Claviceps paspali, três por Claviceps purpurea e três surtos de etiologia não definida. Os sinais clínicos observados nos bovinos afetados eram de intensidade leve a acentuada e caracterizados por tremores musculares generalizados, incoordenação, hipermetria, aumento da base de sustentação, balanço contínuo de cabeça, olhar atento e movimentos frequentes de orelhas, e em alguns surtos convulsões. Por meio de necropsia foram observadas alterações somente na intoxicação por P. angusta as quais caracterizaram por coloração cinza-esverdeada no tálamo e mesencéfalo. Na histologia, rarefação e/ou desaparecimento de neurônios de Purkinje com substituição por células de Bergmann foram observadas na intoxicação por S. carpinifolia e S. fastigiatum. Na intoxicação por P. angusta foi observado no citoplasma de alguns neurônios do tronco encefálico com pigmentação finamente granular marrom-amarelada. Nos três surtos de enfermidade tremorgênica com etiologia não definida não foram observadas lesões macroscópicas e microscópicas. Experimentos com folhas, flores e sementes de Ipomoea indivisa e Ipomoea triloba e resíduos de milho e soja contaminados com sementes destas duas plantas não produziram alterações clínicas.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Intoxicação por Plantas/epidemiologia , Ergotismo/veterinária , Malvaceae/intoxicação , Solanum/intoxicação , Poaceae/intoxicação , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/etiologia , Micotoxicose/veterinária , ConvolvulaceaeResumo
Background: Myxoma is a benign neoplasm of mesenchymal cells producing a myxomatous matrix rich in mucopolysaccharides. This tumor occasionally has been described in older dogs and cats, and rarely occurs in other species. In ruminants myxomas can be found in the rumen and omasum, but there are no reports of these neoplasms involving the oral cavity of cattle. Only one case of myxoma was diagnosed in a 40-year study of 606 neoplasms in cattle in South Africa. Similar retrospective studies done in cattle from southern and northeastern Brazil also detected a single case of cutaneous myxoma. The current study reports the clinical and pathological findings of a rare occurrence of bovine oral myxoma.Case: A 22-month-old male crossbreed steer (Bosindicus) from the municipality of Rio Verde, GO (17°44′42″S 50°55′00″W), Brazil, presented a history of sialorrhea. There is no another affected animal in the herd. Clinical evaluation revealed mild swelling in the lower incisive gum. Treatment with flumetasone IM for three consecutive days was performed. Two months after this procedure, there was a considerable increase in the size to a flat, firm mass of 16x13x9 cm. Other clinical signs included emaciation and severe difficulty in feeding and drinking water. After surgical excision, fragments of the tumor were collected for histopathology. There is no local recurrence within approximately one year of the surgery. Microscopically, the lamina propria was found to be expanded and replaced by a nonencapsulated, moderately cellular, poorly demarcated, neoplastic proliferation. The lesion was composed of numerous loosely arranged bundles of cells in an abundant myxoid matrix. The bulk of the tumor parenchyma was formed by spindle or stellate cells with poorly demarcated borders and scant, eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei were oval and hyperchromatic. Mild anisocytosis and anisokaryosis were present, along with rare mitotic figures.[...](AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Mixoma/diagnóstico , Mixoma/cirurgia , Mixoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Bucais/cirurgia , Neoplasias Bucais/veterináriaResumo
Background: Hemangiosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal neoplasm of endothelial cells that mainly affects dogs and is less common in horses, cattle, goats, pigs, and sheep. In ruminants, however, few cases of hemangiosarcoma have been reported. Although this neoplasm may primarily occur in any tissue, it most often originates in the spleen, liver, heart, and skin. This study reports the clinical and pathological findings of a bovine hemangiosarcoma.Case: A 10-year-old lactating Girolando cow from the municipality of Vassouras/RJ was examinated because of uncontrolled cough and bilateral hemoptysis, loss of appetite, fever, weight loss, severe decline in milk production (a decrease of 28 L), and respiratory wheezing during chest auscultation. We performed a necropsy and collected fragments of various organs which were fixed using 10% buffered formalin and sent to the Pathology Anatomy Sector (SAP) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) for routine histological assessment. Macroscopically, large hemorrhagic areas were observed in the lungs, mainly in the cranioventral portion of the pulmonary lobes, multifocal areas of hemorrhages in the liver, and a 10x8x5 cm soft red mass was observed in the spleen. Microscopically, was observed lung proliferation of endothelial cells arranged in tapes, supported by a collagenous stroma associated with severe multifocal lobular hemorrhage with a large number of siderophages and diffuse and marked edema, and congestion. In the mediastinal lymph node, liver, and spleen, the proliferation of neoplastic endothelial cells equivalent to those described in the lungs was observed. The histological sections of liver and tumor spleen were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis for von Willebrand factor, in which marking was observed in neoplastic endothelial cells.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Adulto , Bovinos , Hemangiossarcoma/diagnóstico , Hemangiossarcoma/patologia , Hemangiossarcoma/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica/diagnósticoResumo
Background: Myxoma is a benign neoplasm of mesenchymal cells producing a myxomatous matrix rich in mucopolysaccharides. This tumor occasionally has been described in older dogs and cats, and rarely occurs in other species. In ruminants myxomas can be found in the rumen and omasum, but there are no reports of these neoplasms involving the oral cavity of cattle. Only one case of myxoma was diagnosed in a 40-year study of 606 neoplasms in cattle in South Africa. Similar retrospective studies done in cattle from southern and northeastern Brazil also detected a single case of cutaneous myxoma. The current study reports the clinical and pathological findings of a rare occurrence of bovine oral myxoma.Case: A 22-month-old male crossbreed steer (Bosindicus) from the municipality of Rio Verde, GO (17°44′42″S 50°55′00″W), Brazil, presented a history of sialorrhea. There is no another affected animal in the herd. Clinical evaluation revealed mild swelling in the lower incisive gum. Treatment with flumetasone IM for three consecutive days was performed. Two months after this procedure, there was a considerable increase in the size to a flat, firm mass of 16x13x9 cm. Other clinical signs included emaciation and severe difficulty in feeding and drinking water. After surgical excision, fragments of the tumor were collected for histopathology. There is no local recurrence within approximately one year of the surgery. Microscopically, the lamina propria was found to be expanded and replaced by a nonencapsulated, moderately cellular, poorly demarcated, neoplastic proliferation. The lesion was composed of numerous loosely arranged bundles of cells in an abundant myxoid matrix. The bulk of the tumor parenchyma was formed by spindle or stellate cells with poorly demarcated borders and scant, eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei were oval and hyperchromatic. Mild anisocytosis and anisokaryosis were present, along with rare mitotic figures.[...]
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Mixoma/cirurgia , Mixoma/diagnóstico , Mixoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Bucais/cirurgia , Neoplasias Bucais/veterináriaResumo
Background: Herpetic meningoencephalitis is an infectious contagious disease worldwide distributed, most often caused by bovine alphaherpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5), although bovine alphaherpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) may occasionally be the causative agent. The disease is characterized by subacute to acute clinical onset, often affecting animals submitted to stressful situations. Clinical signs are mainly neurologic due to meningoencephalitis and cortical necrosis. The involvement of the spinal cord has also been reported, however in BoHV-1 associated disease only. The aim of this report is to describe an outbreak of bovine meningoencephalomyelitis associated to BoHV-5.Case: In August 2017, nine 1-year-old calves died in a beef cattle farm with a flock of approximately 400 bovines. The animals presented neurological clinical signs characterized by excessive salivation, nasal and ocular discharges, incoordination, apathy, head tremors, head pressing, wide-based stance, recumbency followed by convulsions and paddling. According to the owner and referring veterinarian, affected animals displayed severe clinical signs with rapid progression and often leading to death in up to seven days. Four of these calves were submitted for necropsy, and gross lesions were present in the brain, characterized by mild to moderate multifocal hemorrhagic and soft areas. On cut surface, extensive areas of dark brown discoloration and malacia were observed. Histologically, lesions were characterized by extensive areas of liquefactive necrosis in the cerebral cortex grey matter, associated with inflammatory infiltrates composed of neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and foamy macrophages, as well as multifocal to coalescing areas of hemorrhage and fibrin deposition. Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies were rarely observed in neurons and astrocytes. On leptomeninges, there was diffuse inflammatory infiltrates of lymphocytes and plasma cells.[...]
Animais , Bovinos , Encefalite Viral/veterinária , Infecções por Herpesviridae/veterinária , Meningoencefalite/diagnóstico , Meningoencefalite/veterinária , BrasilResumo
Background: Hemangiosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal neoplasm of endothelial cells that mainly affects dogs and is less common in horses, cattle, goats, pigs, and sheep. In ruminants, however, few cases of hemangiosarcoma have been reported. Although this neoplasm may primarily occur in any tissue, it most often originates in the spleen, liver, heart, and skin. This study reports the clinical and pathological findings of a bovine hemangiosarcoma.Case: A 10-year-old lactating Girolando cow from the municipality of Vassouras/RJ was examinated because of uncontrolled cough and bilateral hemoptysis, loss of appetite, fever, weight loss, severe decline in milk production (a decrease of 28 L), and respiratory wheezing during chest auscultation. We performed a necropsy and collected fragments of various organs which were fixed using 10% buffered formalin and sent to the Pathology Anatomy Sector (SAP) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) for routine histological assessment. Macroscopically, large hemorrhagic areas were observed in the lungs, mainly in the cranioventral portion of the pulmonary lobes, multifocal areas of hemorrhages in the liver, and a 10x8x5 cm soft red mass was observed in the spleen. Microscopically, was observed lung proliferation of endothelial cells arranged in tapes, supported by a collagenous stroma associated with severe multifocal lobular hemorrhage with a large number of siderophages and diffuse and marked edema, and congestion. In the mediastinal lymph node, liver, and spleen, the proliferation of neoplastic endothelial cells equivalent to those described in the lungs was observed. The histological sections of liver and tumor spleen were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis for von Willebrand factor, in which marking was observed in neoplastic endothelial cells.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Adulto , Bovinos , Hemangiossarcoma/diagnóstico , Hemangiossarcoma/patologia , Hemangiossarcoma/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica/diagnósticoResumo
Background: Herpetic meningoencephalitis is an infectious contagious disease worldwide distributed, most often caused by bovine alphaherpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5), although bovine alphaherpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) may occasionally be the causative agent. The disease is characterized by subacute to acute clinical onset, often affecting animals submitted to stressful situations. Clinical signs are mainly neurologic due to meningoencephalitis and cortical necrosis. The involvement of the spinal cord has also been reported, however in BoHV-1 associated disease only. The aim of this report is to describe an outbreak of bovine meningoencephalomyelitis associated to BoHV-5.Case: In August 2017, nine 1-year-old calves died in a beef cattle farm with a flock of approximately 400 bovines. The animals presented neurological clinical signs characterized by excessive salivation, nasal and ocular discharges, incoordination, apathy, head tremors, head pressing, wide-based stance, recumbency followed by convulsions and paddling. According to the owner and referring veterinarian, affected animals displayed severe clinical signs with rapid progression and often leading to death in up to seven days. Four of these calves were submitted for necropsy, and gross lesions were present in the brain, characterized by mild to moderate multifocal hemorrhagic and soft areas. On cut surface, extensive areas of dark brown discoloration and malacia were observed. Histologically, lesions were characterized by extensive areas of liquefactive necrosis in the cerebral cortex grey matter, associated with inflammatory infiltrates composed of neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and foamy macrophages, as well as multifocal to coalescing areas of hemorrhage and fibrin deposition. Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies were rarely observed in neurons and astrocytes. On leptomeninges, there was diffuse inflammatory infiltrates of lymphocytes and plasma cells.[...](AU)