Inúmeras são as vantagens da utilização da técnica de transferência de embriões (TE) em equinos. No entanto, alguns fatores podem afetar a taxa de recuperação embrionária: dia da colheita do embrião; condição uterina e idade da doadora; manejos reprodutivo, sanitário e nutricional; garanhão/qualidade do sêmen; habilidade do técnico; condições climáticas, número de ovulações e adaptação da doadora. O objetivo deste artigo é revisar os fatores que podem exercer influência sobre a taxa de recuperação embrionária tendo impacto direto nos índices reprodutivos de um programa de TE.(AU)
There are countless advantages of using the embryo transfer (ET) technique in horses. However, some factors may affect the embryonic recovery rate: day of embryo collection; uterine condition and donor age; reproductive, health and nutritional management; stallion/semen quality; skill of the technician; climatic conditions, number of ovulations and adaptation of the donor. The objective of this article is to review those factors that can influence the embryonic recovery rate, having a direct impact on the reproductive rates of an ET program.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Cavalos/embriologia , Coeficiente de Natalidade , Transferência Embrionária/veterináriaResumo
A transferência de embriões equinos é uma biotecnologia que traz inúmeros benefícios reprodutivos para um haras. Entretanto, os índices reprodutivos obtidos numa estação de monta podem ser afetados por diversos fatores que interferem tanto na recuperação embrionária que normalmente são relacionados à doadora de embriões, quanto na taxa de gestação na receptora de embriões. O objetivo do presente artigo foi revisar os fatores relacionados à receptora de embriões em programas de transferência de embriões equinos.(AU)
Equine embryo transfer is a biotechnology that brings reproductive benefits to a stud farm. However, the reproductive rates obtained in a breeding season can be affected by several factors that interfere both in the embryonic recovery that are normally related to the embryo donor, and in the pregnancy rate in the embryo recipient. The aim of this article was to review the factors related to the recipient of embryos in equine embryo transfer programs.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Cavalos/embriologia , Taxa de FecundidadeResumo
O Brasil destaca-se por ser um dos líderes mundiais na produção in vitro de embriões, o que é decorrente do rebanho nacional ser predominantemente composto por raças zebuínas, que possuem maior número de folículos antrais aspiráveis. Por outro lado, vacas taurinas apresentam menor população folicular antral, o que limita o número de ovócitos obtidos por seção de aspiração folicular (ovum pick-up; OPU). Portanto, na região Sul do Brasil há demanda para produção tanto in vivo como in vitro de embriões de doadoras de raças taurinas e sintéticas. Este texto discute estudos recentes que buscam estratégias para aperfeiçoar as etapas envolvidas na produção de embriões bovinos, bem como para aumentar o aproveitamento de receptoras utilizadas nos programas de transferência de embriões (TE), com foco em vacas taurinas e sintéticas.(AU)
Brazil stands among the leaders on in vitro embryo production, as the Brazilian herd is predominantly composed by Zebu breeds, which have a greater number of antral follicles available to ovum pick-up (OPU). On the other hand, taurine cows have a lower antral follicle population, which limits the number of oocytes obtained by each OPU section. Therefore, in the Brazilian Southern region there is a demand for both in vivo and in vitro production of embryos from donors of taurine and synthetic breeds. This text discusses recent studies that seek strategies to improve the steps involved in the production of bovine embryos, as well as to increase the use of recipients in embryo transfer (ET) programs, focusing on taurine and synthetic cows.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Superovulação/fisiologia , Bovinos/embriologia , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , BrasilResumo
ABSTRACT: Treatment with prostaglandin F2α (PGF) induces ovulation and increases conception rates in cows, while improving embryo production in buffalos. However, its effect on superovulated cows is unknown. This study verified whether single PGF administration concurrent with artificial insemination (AI) improves fertilization and embryo production rates in superovulated cows. In each replicate, embryo donor cows were equally allocated to two groups: the untreated control and PGF groups. The latter of which received 482 µg of cloprostenol concurrent with the first AI. Each cow (n = 35) was subjected to two superovulations (SOV) in a crossover design (total = 70 embryo collections). In the control and PGF groups, respectively, the observed responses were [median (95% CI)]: 12 (10-18) and 15 (12-18) total structures, 9 (7-11) and 7 (6-10) viable embryos, 1 (0-1) and 1 (1-3) degenerated embryos, and 1 (0-3) and 2 (0-5) oocytes (P > 0.05). In conclusion, single PGF treatment concurrent with the first AI did not affect embryo production in superovulated cows.
RESUMO: A prostaglandina F2α (PGF) pode induzir a ovulação e melhorar tanto a concepção em vacas, como a produção de embriões em búfalas, mas o efeito em vacas superovuladas é desconhecido. Esse estudo teve como objetivo verificar se a administração de uma dose de PGF na inseminação artificial (IA) após a superovulação (SOV) melhora as taxas de fecundação e produção embrionária em vacas. Em cada replicação, vacas doadoras de embriões foram equilibradamente alocadas em dois grupos: controle, não tratado, ou PGF, que recebeu 482 µg de cloprostenol no momento da primeira IA. Cada doadora (n = 35) foi submetida a duas SOV em um delineamento crossover (total = 70 coletas de embriões). Nos grupos controle e PGF, respectivamente, foram observados [medianas (IC 95%)]: 12 (10-18) e 15 (12-18) estruturas totais; 9 (7-11) e 7 (6-10) embriões viáveis; 1 (0-1) e 1 (1-3) embriões degenerados; e 1 (0-3) e 2 (0-5) ovócitos (P > 0,05). Conclui-se que uma única administração de PGF no momento da primeira IA não afeta a produção embrionária de vacas superovuladas.
Treatment with prostaglandin F2α (PGF) induces ovulation and increases conception rates in cows, while improving embryo production in buffalos. However, its effect on superovulated cows is unknown. This study verified whether single PGF administration concurrent with artificial insemination (AI) improves fertilization and embryo production rates in superovulated cows. In each replicate, embryo donor cows were equally allocated to two groups: the untreated control and PGF groups. The latter of which received 482 µg of cloprostenol concurrent with the first AI. Each cow (n = 35) was subjected to two superovulations (SOV) in a crossover design (total = 70 embryo collections). In the control and PGF groups, respectively, the observed responses were [median (95% CI)]: 12 (10-18) and 15 (12-18) total structures, 9 (7-11) and 7 (6-10) viable embryos, 1 (0-1) and 1 (1-3) degenerated embryos, and 1 (0-3) and 2 (0-5) oocytes (P > 0.05). In conclusion, single PGF treatment concurrent with the first AI did not affect embryo production in superovulated cows.
A prostaglandina F2α (PGF) pode induzir a ovulação e melhorar tanto a concepção em vacas, como a produção de embriões em búfalas, mas o efeito em vacas superovuladas é desconhecido. Esse estudo teve como objetivo verificar se a administração de uma dose de PGF na inseminação artificial (IA) após a superovulação (SOV) melhora as taxas de fecundação e produção embrionária em vacas. Em cada replicação, vacas doadoras de embriões foram equilibradamente alocadas em dois grupos: controle, não tratado, ou PGF, que recebeu 482 µg de cloprostenol no momento da primeira IA. Cada doadora (n = 35) foi submetida a duas SOV em um delineamento crossover (total = 70 coletas de embriões). Nos grupos controle e PGF, respectivamente, foram observados [medianas (IC 95%)]: 12 (10-18) e 15 (12-18) estruturas totais; 9 (7-11) e 7 (6-10) embriões viáveis; 1 (0-1) e 1 (1-3) embriões degenerados; e 1 (0-3) e 2 (0-5) ovócitos (P > 0,05). Conclui-se que uma única administração de PGF no momento da primeira IA não afeta a produção embrionária de vacas superovuladas.
Animais , Bovinos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Dinoprosta/administração & dosagem , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Estruturas Embrionárias/efeitos dos fármacos , FertilizaçãoResumo
O acompanhamento reprodutivo da espécie equina tem sido cada vez mais aplicado na aplicade de diversos países, resultando em melhores índices reprodutivos para a espécie e em animais de linhagens selecionadas. Nos programas de transferência de embrião, a taxa de recuperação embrionária consiste em um parâmetro essencial a fim de verificar o sucesso da técnica. Por conseguinte, este trabalho propõe-se a avaliar as taxas de recuperação embrionária de éguas doadoras submetidas à inseminação artificial com sêmen refrigerado de maneira a complementar os dados relacionados ao assunto. Conforme os dados coletados durante a estação de monta de agosto de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019, obteve-se 129 lavados uterinos provenientes de 20 éguas e 83 embriões recuperados. Desse modo, a taxa de recuperação embrionária obtida foi de 64,34%. Diante dos dados apresentados neste estudo, conclui-se que a aplicabilidade da técnica de recuperação embrionária visando o uso do sêmen refrigerado na inseminação artificial de éguas se mostra promissora, pois permite o transporte de material genético de alto valor entre propriedades sem interferir drasticamente nos índices dos programas de reprodução.
The reproductive monitoring of the equine species has been increasingly applied in several countries, resulting in better reproductive rates for the species and in animals from selected strains. In embryo transfer programs, the embryo recovery rate is an essential parameter to verify the technique success. Therefore, the present work proposes to evaluate the embryo recovery rates of donor mares submitted to artificial insemination with refrigerated semen to complement the data related to the subject. According to the data collected during the breeding season for the period from August 2018 to February 2019, 129 uterine washes were obtained from 20 mares and 83 recovered embryos. Thus, the embryonic recovery rate obtained was 64.34%. Given the data presented in this study, it is concluded that the applicability of the embryonic recovery technique aiming at the use of refrigerated semen in artificial insemination of mares is promising, as it allows the transport of high-value genetic material between properties without interfering dramatically in breeding program indexes.
Animais , Reprodução , Preservação do Sêmen , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , CavalosResumo
O maior entrave para o êxito de um programa de transferência de embrião (TE) está relacionado às receptoras, tanto a qualidade de características reprodutivas, quanto a sincronização entre doadoras e receptoras. Éguas doadoras, geralmente, apresentam melhor escore corporal e disponibilidade alimentar nos períodos de seca, fazendo com que iniciem o seu ciclo estral precocemente enquanto éguas receptoras se encontram ainda em anestro ou período transicional, o que dificulta a TE. Vários estudos foram realizados com o objetivo de utilizar receptoras acíclicas como receptoras de embrião. Assim, podem ser utilizadas nos programas de TE quando submetidas a protocolos hormonais que mimetizam o ciclo estral natural. Uma diversidade de protocolos é encontrada na literatura, usando diferentes doses, posologias e intervalos do uso de estradiol associado a progestágenos. Portanto, objetivou-se analisar resultados de pesquisas com protocolos hormonais que poderiam ajudar a solucionar a escassez de receptoras cíclicas e maximizar os resultados da biotécnica de transferência de embriões.(AU)
There are obstacles to the success of equine embryo transfer programs, concomitantly there has been an increase in the popularity of the technique. One of the most urgent issues to overcome is related to the recipient mare availability and the donor-recipient synchrony. Usually, the donor mares have a higher body condition score and are fed a higher quality diet than recipient mares during the non-breeding season. Therefore, the donor mares start cycling earlier than recipient mares, which makes embryo transfer challenging. Several studies have been carried on finding hormonal protocols that mimic the natural oestrous cycle to allow the use of noncycling recipient mares for embryo transfer programs. Many protocols can be found in the literature, using different doses and intervals. Among the main difference is the use of progestogens, which can be used alone or in combination with oestradiol. The aim of this review was to analyse results that could help solve the lack of recipient mares and improve the results of the embryo transfer technique.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , Cavalos/embriologia , Progestinas , EstradiolResumo
Abstract The conventional method of ovarian superstimulation requires multiple injections of gonadotropins which is time-consuming and may be stressful for the cows. This study was designed to determine whether a single epidural injection of FSH (EI group) would induce the superovulatory response in the Thai-Holstein crossbreed and evaluate FSH plasma hormone concentrations. Eight cows (replication = 3; n=24) were assigned to one of 2 treatments in switch back design. Control group (n=12): cows were received 400 mg FSH twice daily by intramuscularly for 4 days (80, 80, 60, 60, 40, 40, 20 and 20 mg), EI group (n=12): cows were received 400 mg FSH by single epidural injection. Data were collected in term of ovarian follicle responses, superovulatory responses, ova/embryo collection. FSH concentrations were examined using ELISA. The total follicular responses during oestrus were not different between treatments; however, the large follicles were less frequent (P < 0.01) while the medium follicle sizes were higher (P < 0.05) in the EI group. The plasma concentration of FSH in EI was dramatically increased within 2 hours before decreasing sharply thereafter (P < 0.01) and did not remain above baseline after 10 hours of administration. The embryo quality was better in the control than the EI groups (P < 0.05). Interestingly, the number of ovulation cysts in the EI group was 50%. The ovarian responses and embryo quality in the cows with cysts were worse compared with the non-cyst groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, alternative protocols decreased the superovulatory response and increased poor embryo quality in Thai-Holstein crossbred. Also, the incidence of ovarian follicular cysts is higher in the EI group.
The conventional method of ovarian superstimulation requires multiple injections of gonadotropins which is time-consuming and may be stressful for the cows. This study was designed to determine whether a single epidural injection of FSH (EI group) would induce the superovulatory response in the Thai-Holstein crossbreed and evaluate FSH plasma hormone concentrations. Eight cows (replication = 3; n=24) were assigned to one of 2 treatments in switch back design. Control group (n=12): cows were received 400 mg FSH twice daily by intramuscularly for 4 days (80, 80, 60, 60, 40, 40, 20 and 20 mg), EI group (n=12): cows were received 400 mg FSH by single epidural injection. Data were collected in term of ovarian follicle responses, superovulatory responses, ova/embryo collection. FSH concentrations were examined using ELISA. The total follicular responses during oestrus were not different between treatments; however, the large follicles were less frequent (P < 0.01) while the medium follicle sizes were higher (P < 0.05) in the EI group. The plasma concentration of FSH in EI was dramatically increased within 2 hours before decreasing sharply thereafter (P < 0.01) and did not remain above baseline after 10 hours of administration. The embryo quality was better in the control than the EI groups (P < 0.05). Interestingly, the number of ovulation cysts in the EI group was 50%. The ovarian responses and embryo quality in the cows with cysts were worse compared with the non-cyst groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, alternative protocols decreased the superovulatory response and increased poor embryo quality in Thai-Holstein crossbred. Also, the incidence of ovarian follicular cysts is higher in the EI group.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Cistos Ovarianos , Transferência Embrionária , Hormônio FoliculoestimulanteResumo
The use of in-vitro produced (IVP) embryo transfer (ET) in dairy herds is growing fast. Much of this growth is on dairy farms where the focus is on milk production and not on selling breeding stock. The value of implementing IVP-ET in a dairy herd arises from a higher genetic merit of the IVP-embryo, but the cost to produce a pregnancy with an IVP embryo is greater than the cost of artificial insemination (AI). The first objective of this study was to review estimates of the net benefit of using IVP-ET over AI in dairy herds using existing literature. Another objective was to show how much IVP-ET use in a herd is optimal. Most of the literature is based on simulation modeling, including our own work that focuses on the dairy industry in the USA. We found that the most profitable use of AI and IVP-ET is often a combination of the two. More IVP-ET should be used when the value of surplus calves is greater and the cost of IVP-ET is lower, among many other factors. In the future, use of IVP-ET will be further improved by more accurately identifying superior donors and recipients, reducing the generation interval, and achieving greater efficiency in embryo production.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária , Exercício de Simulação/economia , Transferência Embrionária/veterináriaResumo
The use of in-vitro produced (IVP) embryo transfer (ET) in dairy herds is growing fast. Much of this growth is on dairy farms where the focus is on milk production and not on selling breeding stock. The value of implementing IVP-ET in a dairy herd arises from a higher genetic merit of the IVP-embryo, but the cost to produce a pregnancy with an IVP embryo is greater than the cost of artificial insemination (AI). The first objective of this study was to review estimates of the net benefit of using IVP-ET over AI in dairy herds using existing literature. Another objective was to show how much IVP-ET use in a herd is optimal. Most of the literature is based on simulation modeling, including our own work that focuses on the dairy industry in the USA. We found that the most profitable use of AI and IVP-ET is often a combination of the two. More IVP-ET should be used when the value of surplus calves is greater and the cost of IVP-ET is lower, among many other factors. In the future, use of IVP-ET will be further improved by more accurately identifying superior donors and recipients, reducing the generation interval, and achieving greater efficiency in embryo production.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Transferência Embrionária/economia , Transferência Embrionária/veterináriaResumo
The use of in-vitro produced (IVP) embryo transfer (ET) in dairy herds is growing fast. Much of this growth is on dairy farms where the focus is on milk production and not on selling breeding stock. The value of implementing IVP-ET in a dairy herd arises from a higher genetic merit of the IVP-embryo, but the cost to produce a pregnancy with an IVP embryo is greater than the cost of artificial insemination (AI). The first objective of this study was to review estimates of the net benefit of using IVP-ET over AI in dairy herds using existing literature. Another objective was to show how much IVP-ET use in a herd is optimal. Most of the literature is based on simulation modeling, including our own work that focuses on the dairy industry in the USA. We found that the most profitable use of AI and IVP-ET is often a combination of the two. More IVP-ET should be used when the value of surplus calves is greater and the cost of IVP-ET is lower, among many other factors. In the future, use of IVP-ET will be further improved by more accurately identifying superior donors and recipients, reducing the generation interval, and achieving greater efficiency in embryo production.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Exercício de Simulação/economia , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Técnicas In Vitro/veterináriaResumo
Background: In vitro embryo production (IVEP) allows the spread of superior animal genetics, but pregnancy rates show a high variability with this biotechnique. In the initial stage of pregnancy, progesterone plays a fundamental role in uterine preparation, acting on embryonic growth, implantation, and development. However, on the day of the IVEP transfer to the recipients, progesterone levels may be lower than that expected, influencing the uterine environment and, consequently, the pregnancy rate. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the pregnancy rate in heifers after the administration of injectable progesterone (P4) in the fixed-time embryo transfer (FTET) protocol. Materials, Methods & Results: The experiment was conducted inside a rural property near the city of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. The experimental group consisted of 232 animals, including 78 zebuine (Bos indicus) and 154 mixed (½ blood B. indicus and ½ blood B. taurus) animals, aged between 16 and 24 months, with a mean weight of 300 and 330 kg for zebuine and mixed animals, respectively. The selected animals were previously synchronized using the progesteroneestrogen-prostaglandin-estrogen protocol. Embryo transfer was performed on day 18 of the protocol, which was 9 days after the removal of intravaginal progesterone implant. On day 15 of the protocol, that is, 144 h (6 days) after the device removal, the animals were randomly distributed into two experimental groups: Control Group (CG; 0.5 mL of 0.9% saline solution, intramuscular) and Treated Group (P4G; 0.5 mL of injectable P4, 150 mg, intramuscular). Chi-square test was used for the statistical analysis of the pregnancy rate at a 5% probability. After 23 days of embryo transfer, pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography. The general pregnancy rate, considering all groups (CG and P4G) and breeds included, was 55.17% (128/232). The pregnancy rates of the P4G and CG groups, regardless of breeds, were...
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Bovinos , Progesterona/administração & dosagem , Progesterona/análise , Taxa de Gravidez , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Técnicas In VitroResumo
Knowledge of follicular wave dynamics obtained through the use of real-time ultrasonography and the development of the means by which follicular wave dynamics can be controlled have provided practical approaches for the in vivo and in vitro production and transfer of embryos in cattle. The elective control of follicular wave emergence and ovulation has had a great impact on the application of on-farm embryo transfer, especially when large groups of donors need to be superstimulated at the same time. Although estradiol and progestins have been used for many years, practitioners in countries where estradiol cannot be used have turned to alternative treatments, such as mechanical follicle ablation or the administration of GnRH for the synchronization of follicle wave emergence. In vitro embryo production also benefits from the synchronization of follicle wave emergence prior to Cumulus Oocyte Complexes (COCs) recovery. As Bos indicus cattle have high antral follicle population, large numbers of oocytes can be obtained by ovum pick-up (OPU) without superstimulation. However, synchronization of follicular wave emergence and superstimulation is necessary to obtain high numbers of COCs by OPU and blastocysts following in vitro fertilization in Bos taurus donors. Finally, embryos can now be transferred in commercial beef or dairy herds using efficacious synchronization and resynchronization protocols that are easily implemented by farm personnel. These technologies can also be used to resolve reproductive problems such as the reduced fertility observed during summer heat stress and/or in repeat-breeder cows in commercial dairy herds.
Animais , Bovinos , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , Transferência Embrionária/veterináriaResumo
Knowledge of follicular wave dynamics obtained through the use of real-time ultrasonography and the development of the means by which follicular wave dynamics can be controlled have provided practical approaches for the in vivo and in vitro production and transfer of embryos in cattle. The elective control of follicular wave emergence and ovulation has had a great impact on the application of on-farm embryo transfer, especially when large groups of donors need to be superstimulated at the same time. Although estradiol and progestins have been used for many years, practitioners in countries where estradiol cannot be used have turned to alternative treatments, such as mechanical follicle ablation or the administration of GnRH for the synchronization of follicle wave emergence. In vitro embryo production also benefits from the synchronization of follicle wave emergence prior to Cumulus Oocyte Complexes (COCs) recovery. As Bos indicus cattle have high antral follicle population, large numbers of oocytes can be obtained by ovum pick-up (OPU) without superstimulation. However, synchronization of follicular wave emergence and superstimulation is necessary to obtain high numbers of COCs by OPU and blastocysts following in vitro fertilization in Bos taurus donors. Finally, embryos can now be transferred in commercial beef or dairy herds using efficacious synchronization and resynchronization protocols that are easily implemented by farm personnel. These technologies can also be used to resolve reproductive problems such as the reduced fertility observed during summer heat stress and/or in repeat-breeder cows in commercial dairy herds.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , Transferência Embrionária/veterináriaResumo
The first kittens to be born after embryo transfer (ET) in the cat (Schriver and Kraemer, 1978) were reported four decades ago. The births of kittens after in vitro fertilization (IVF)/ET (Goodrowe et al., 1988) and after embryo cryopreservation/ET (Dresser et al., 1988) were described 10 years later. In an early report it was established that embryo donors had the ability ot exhibit repeated ovarian stimulatory response to multiple gonadotropin treatments (porcine FSH; Dresser et al., 1987). After studies on gonadotropin-induced hyperstimulation of follicular development for recovery and ET of fresh and cryopreserved in vivo derived uterine stage embryos from mated donors (Dresser et al., 1988; Pope et al., 1989), we transitioned into developing methods for in vitro production of domestic cat embryos for the purpose of applying the technology to support conservation of threatened and endangered felid species (Pope et al., 1993). Since then, techniques for the in vitro production of cat embryos have been developed sufficiently to allow births of kittens after transfer of embryos derived by an assortment of in vitro techniques, including cryopreservation (Pope et al., 1994; Gómez et al., 2003a; Pope et al., 2012a, b; Galiguis et al., 2014), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI; Pope et al., 1998; Gómez et al., 2000; Pope et al., 2012a), gender selection (Pope et al., 2009) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) (Gómez et al., 2004; 2008; 2009).(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/história , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/tendências , Gatos/embriologia , Criopreservação/veterináriaResumo
Establishment of pregnancy after embryo transfer is the ultimate goal of an embryo transfer program and increasing pregnancy rates and reducing pregnancy loss are mandatory. The utilization of treatments to improve conception rates in recipient mares has been the focus of several research groups over the last years and the results are controversial. Some studies using human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) found promising results. Our hypothesis was that hCG administration would cause an additional stimulation on luteal function, uterine and luteal vascularization and progesterone concentration, and the mares would have increased uterine and cervix tone. Therefore, in the present study the effects of hCG administration to induce ovulation, on day 0 (day of ovulation) or day 5 postovulation were evaluated on corpus luteum characteristics, reproductive tract vascularization, and serum progesterone concentration from ovulation until day 15 postovulation. Groups were: G1: (control) - no hCG; G2: 2500 IU of hCG to induce ovulation when a follicle greater than 35mm and uterine edema were detected; G3: 2500 IU hCG on day 0; G4: 2500 IU hCG on day 5 postovulation. Twelve mares were randomly assigned to each group, during consecutive cycles, in a Latin Square experimental design, in a total of 48 cycles. Doppler ultrasound evaluations were performed daily from day 0 until day 15 postovulation, including mesometrial vascularity, endometrial vascularity and corpus luteum vascularity. Blood samples were collected for serum progesterone concentration. Data was analyzed using the Proc Glimmix SAS Procedure for nonparametric variables and Proc Mixed for parametric parameters. There was no treatment effect for all variables studied (P > 0.05). Characteristics were only affected by day (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that hCG administration at the time points suggested in the current study did not alter the characteristics evaluated.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Biomarcadores/análise , Cavalos/fisiologia , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Gonadotropina Coriônica/análise , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Corpo Lúteo/fisiologiaResumo
Establishment of pregnancy after embryo transfer is the ultimate goal of an embryo transfer program and increasing pregnancy rates and reducing pregnancy loss are mandatory. The utilization of treatments to improve conception rates in recipient mares has been the focus of several research groups over the last years and the results are controversial. Some studies using human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) found promising results. Our hypothesis was that hCG administration would cause an additional stimulation on luteal function, uterine and luteal vascularization and progesterone concentration, and the mares would have increased uterine and cervix tone. Therefore, in the present study the effects of hCG administration to induce ovulation, on day 0 (day of ovulation) or day 5 postovulation were evaluated on corpus luteum characteristics, reproductive tract vascularization, and serum progesterone concentration from ovulation until day 15 postovulation. Groups were: G1: (control) - no hCG; G2: 2500 IU of hCG to induce ovulation when a follicle greater than 35mm and uterine edema were detected; G3: 2500 IU hCG on day 0; G4: 2500 IU hCG on day 5 postovulation. Twelve mares were randomly assigned to each group, during consecutive cycles, in a Latin Square experimental design, in a total of 48 cycles. Doppler ultrasound evaluations were performed daily from day 0 until day 15 postovulation, including mesometrial vascularity, endometrial vascularity and corpus luteum vascularity. Blood samples were collected for serum progesterone concentration. Data was analyzed using the Proc Glimmix SAS Procedure for nonparametric variables and Proc Mixed for parametric parameters. There was no treatment effect for all variables studied (P > 0.05). Characteristics were only affected by day (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that hCG administration at the time points suggested in the current study did not alter the characteristics evaluated.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Gonadotropina Coriônica/análise , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Biomarcadores/análise , Cavalos/fisiologia , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Corpo Lúteo/fisiologiaResumo
The first kittens to be born after embryo transfer (ET) in the cat (Schriver and Kraemer, 1978) were reported four decades ago. The births of kittens after in vitro fertilization (IVF)/ET (Goodrowe et al., 1988) and after embryo cryopreservation/ET (Dresser et al., 1988) were described 10 years later. In an early report it was established that embryo donors had the ability ot exhibit repeated ovarian stimulatory response to multiple gonadotropin treatments (porcine FSH; Dresser et al., 1987). After studies on gonadotropin-induced hyperstimulation of follicular development for recovery and ET of fresh and cryopreserved in vivo derived uterine stage embryos from mated donors (Dresser et al., 1988; Pope et al., 1989), we transitioned into developing methods for in vitro production of domestic cat embryos for the purpose of applying the technology to support conservation of threatened and endangered felid species (Pope et al., 1993). Since then, techniques for the in vitro production of cat embryos have been developed sufficiently to allow births of kittens after transfer of embryos derived by an assortment of in vitro techniques, including cryopreservation (Pope et al., 1994; Gómez et al., 2003a; Pope et al., 2012a, b; Galiguis et al., 2014), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI; Pope et al., 1998; Gómez et al., 2000; Pope et al., 2012a), gender selection (Pope et al., 2009) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) (Gómez et al., 2004; 2008; 2009).
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Gatos/embriologia , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/história , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/tendências , Criopreservação/veterináriaResumo
Este trabalho compara a resposta superovulatória de éguas doadoras de embriões das raças Quarto de Milha (QM) e Crioula, utilizando um protocolo com baixa dose de extrato de pituitária equina (EPE). Oito éguas QM e seis éguas Crioulas foram acompanhadas durante 3 ciclos estrais consecutivos, sendo que cada ciclo corresponde a um grupo. Grupo Controle monitoramento do crescimento folicular até a ovulação; Grupo EPE monitoramento ultrassonográfico até que os folículos atingissem cerca de 20 mm de diâmetro e, posteriormente, administração de 7 mg de EPE, duas vezes ao dia, até a indução da ovulação com 2500UI de hCG; Grupo Pós-EPE idem ao grupo controle. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, utilizando o procedimento GLM do pacote estatístico SAS, sendo previamente testadas para normalidade dos resíduos, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5%. Nas éguas Crioulas tratadas com EPE houve um aumento no número de ovulações (p=0,0534), com média de 3,33±2,06 quando comparadas aos grupos controle e pós-EPE e às éguas da raça QM (2,00±0,53). O tratamento com EPE na dose preconizada permitiu uma melhor resposta superovulatória e produção embrionária nas éguas Crioulas, quando comparadas com as éguas Quarto de Milha.
This study compared the superovulatory response of embryos donor mares of Quarter Horse (QH) and Crioula using a protocol with low dose of equine pituitary extract (EPE). Eight QH mares and six Crioula mares were monitored during 3 consecutive estrous cycles, with each cycle corresponds to a group. Control Group - monitoring of follicle growth up to the ovulation; EPE group - when the follicles reached 20 mm in diameter were administered 7 mg EPE twice daily. When the follicles achieved a diameter 35 mm, the ovulation was induced with 2500UI hCG; Post-EPE Group - idem to the control group. Data were analyzed using GLM procedure of the SAS statistical package. The variables were submitted to the Tukeys test and least square means adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Tukey-Kramers test, with significance level of 5%. Values are presented as mean ± SD. In the Crioula mares treated with EPE, there was an increase in the number of ovulations (p =0.0534) with a mean of 3.33 ± 2.06 ovulations when compared to the control and post-EPE groups, and mares QM. (2.00±0.53). Treatment with EPE in the recommended dose allowed better superovulatory response and rate of embryo recovery in Crioula mares when compared to the QM mares.