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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 888, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444107


Background: The treatment of glaucoma often requires numerous therapeutic modalities to achieve the desired reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP). Cyclodestructive procedures or ciliary body destruction have been performed using techniques with considerable differences in efficacy and complication rates. Among these methods, cyclocryotherapy is non-invasive and simple for the management of uncontrolled glaucoma in dogs and cats. The objective of this case report is to describe the technique of carbon dioxide cyclocryotherapy to reduce intraocular pressure in dogs and cats with glaucoma. Cases: Nine canine patients and one cat with glaucoma were treated with cyclocryotherapy performed under general anaesthesia. Clinical signs patients included blepharospasm, ocular pain, episcleral congestion and ocular hypertension. The patients showed higher levels of IOP, higher than 30 mmHg. Surgical treatment with general anaesthesia was applied. The pre-anaesthesia protocol included acepromazine 0.05 mg/kg with methadone 0.2 mg/kg, followed by intravenous propofol and maintenance with isoflurane and oxygen. An ophthalmological cryocautery unit was used with carbon dioxide as the cryogenic agent and a retinal cryoprobe of 3.2 mm diameter tip for the procedure. The method used was a double cycle of freezing and thawing for 60 s in each site. The cryoprobe was centred approximately 5 mm posterior to the corneoscleral limbus over the ciliary body. The temperature of each cyclocryotherapy spot was between -60°C and -80°C and each site was maintained in place for 60 s; 4 to 6 spots of the double freeze-thaw cycle were made. This technique did not have any serious complications during or after the application of cryotherapy, but chemosis and hyperaemia of the bulbar conjunctiva developed. Subconjunctival anti-inflammatory steroids were injected to minimise swelling and patient discomfort. Satisfactory results were observed; in all cases, the intraocular pressure decreased, with the usual result being a cosmetic and painless eye. Discussion: Even with recent surgical and medical advances, pain and blindness are still common occurrences in glaucoma in human and veterinary practice. The cyclodestructive procedures included cyclodialysis, cyclodiathermy, cyclocryotherapy, and cyclophotocoagulation. The cryosurgery in veterinary ophthalmology has many indications for the treatment of ocular diseases and is effective at decreasing intraocular pressure in patients with persistent uncontrolled glaucoma. Cyclocryotherapy has been shown to reduce intraocular pressure in dogs, cats, rabbits and humans with normotensive and glaucomatous eyes. The application of a cryoprobe over the ciliary processes results in ablating ciliary tissue so that aqueous humour inflow is reduced to acceptable levels. In the clinical cases evaluated, there was a reduction in intraocular pressure reaching acceptable levels, with the usual result being cosmetic and painless eye. Medical therapy remains the predominant method for treating glaucoma in veterinary patients; therefore, cyclocryotherapy is an effective, simple way to lower IOP and is a reasonable treatment option for glaucoma management. Cyclocryotherapy has shown good results, with a low learning curve and it can also be repeated if necessary.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Glaucoma/terapia , Glaucoma/veterinária , Crioterapia/veterinária , Pressão Intraocular
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20220613, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1430193


ABSTRACT: Dermacentor nitens Neumann is the most common tick species infesting horses in the main Brazilian biomes. It has a predilection to attach to horse the ears, the nasal diverticulum, perineal and perianal regions. The infestations can generate severe damage in the ears, anemia, and the tick also acts as vector of Babesia caballi (Nuttall and Strickland), the causative agent of equine babesiosis. Our study describes unusual parasitism site of D. nitens on a female cross breed horse, approximately ten years old that presented high parasitism by ticks on the perineal and perianal region, ears, and the left eye orbit region, where an enucleation process had been performed a few years earlier. To our knowledge this is the first report of D. nitens parasitism on a formerly enucleated eye orbit.

RESUMO: Dermacentor nitens Neumann é a espécie de carrapato mais comum infestando equinos nos principais biomas brasileiros. Tem predileção por se fixar ao cavalo nas orelhas, divertículo nasal, e nas regiões perineal e perianal. As infestações podem gerar danos severos nas orelhas, anemia, e o carrapato também atua como vetor de Babesia caballi (Nuttall and Strickland), agente causador da babesiose equina. Nosso estudo descreve um local de parasitismo incomum de D. nitens em uma égua mestiça de aproximadamente dez anos de idade, que apresentou alto parasitismo por carrapatos nas regiões perineal e perianal, orelhas e região da órbita do olho esquerdo, onde havia sido realizado processo de enucleação alguns anos anteriores. Para o nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro relato de parasitismo de D. nitens em uma órbita ocular anteriormente enucleada.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20220613, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434796


Dermacentor nitens Neumann is the most common tick species infesting horses in the main Brazilian biomes. It has a predilection to attach to horse the ears, the nasal diverticulum, perineal and perianal regions. The infestations can generate severe damage in the ears, anemia, and the tick also acts as vector of Babesia caballi (Nuttall and Strickland), the causative agent of equine babesiosis. Our study describes unusual parasitism site of D. nitens on a female cross breed horse, approximately ten years old that presented high parasitism by ticks on the perineal and perianal region, ears, and the left eye orbit region, where an enucleation process had been performed a few years earlier. To our knowledge this is the first report of D. nitens parasitism on a formerly enucleated eye orbit.

Dermacentor nitens Neumann é a espécie de carrapato mais comum infestando equinos nos principais biomas brasileiros. Tem predileção por se fixar ao cavalo nas orelhas, divertículo nasal, e nas regiões perineal e perianal. As infestações podem gerar danos severos nas orelhas, anemia, e o carrapato também atua como vetor de Babesia caballi (Nuttall and Strickland), agente causador da babesiose equina. Nosso estudo descreve um local de parasitismo incomum de D. nitens em uma égua mestiça de aproximadamente dez anos de idade, que apresentou alto parasitismo por carrapatos nas regiões perineal e perianal, orelhas e região da órbita do olho esquerdo, onde havia sido realizado processo de enucleação alguns anos anteriores. Para o nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro relato de parasitismo de D. nitens em uma órbita ocular anteriormente enucleada.

Animais , Carrapatos/patogenicidade , Dermacentor/patogenicidade , Oftalmopatias/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos/parasitologia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(3): e20210423, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384569


ABSTRACT: The scleral ossicle rings function has been related to mechanical protection, muscle fixation, support for eyeball shape and visual accommodation. There are few morphobiometric reports on these rings in different Testudines species, and we performed ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) of the scleral ossicle rings in one green turtle (Chelonia mydas), one black-bellied slider (Trachemys dorbigni) and one red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonarius). The US and CT of the ossicle rings were performed for anatomical identification. The thickness, density, width, and diameters of each ring were measured. The US and CT of the scleral ossicle rings of three animals showed single and continuous circular structures, located in the anterior pole. These structures were easily observed in C. mydas, whose rings were the biggest, thickest and widest. The T. dorbigni CT presented decreased dimensions and the ossicles were the most difficult to identify. Bone density in the superior region was greater than in the inferior of each ring in all animals. Non-invasive imaging exams are good tools to study the anatomy of the ocular skeleton. The scleral ossicle rings of the three specimens presented general morphological similarities and CT enabled visualizing a greater number of details of the ring bone morphology.

RESUMO: Os anéis de ossículos esclerais têm sua função relacionada à proteção mecânica, fixação muscular, suporte para o formato do bulbo ocular e acomodação visual, contudo existem poucos relatos morfobiométricos sobre esses anéis em diferentes espécies de Testudines. Desta forma, foi realizada a avaliação morfobiométrica, por ultrassom (US) e tomografia computadorizada (TC), dos anéis de ossículos esclerais em uma tartaruga verde (Chelonia mydas), um tigre-d'água (Trachemys dorbigni) e um jabuti-piranga (Chelonoidis carbonarius). Foram realizadas US e TC dos anéis esclerais dos três animais para identificação anatômica, espessura, densidade, largura e diâmetros. A US e a TC dos três animais mostraram estruturas circulares únicas e contínuas, localizadas no polo anterior. Estas estruturas foram facilmente observadas na C. mydas, cujos anéis eram os maiores, mais espessos e mais largos. A TC da T. dorbigni apresentou dimensões reduzidas e os ossículos foram dificilmente identificados. A densidade óssea na região superior foi maior comparativamente a parte inferior de cada anel, em todos os animais. Exames de imagem não invasivos mostraram-se bons instrumentos para estudo do esqueleto escleral. Os anéis de ossículos esclerais dos três espécimes apresentaram semelhanças morfológicas gerais e a TC permitiu visualizar um maior número de detalhes da morfologia óssea do anel.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(3): e20210423, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1412102


The scleral ossicle rings function has been related to mechanical protection, muscle fixation, support for eyeball shape and visual accommodation. There are few morphobiometric reports on these rings in different Testudines species, and we performed ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) of the scleral ossicle rings in one green turtle (Chelonia mydas), one black-bellied slider (Trachemys dorbigni) and one red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonarius). The US and CT of the ossicle rings were performed for anatomical identification. The thickness, density, width, and diameters of each ring were measured. The US and CT of the scleral ossicle rings of three animals showed single and continuous circular structures, located in the anterior pole. These structures were easily observed in C. mydas, whose rings were the biggest, thickest and widest. The T. dorbigni CT presented decreased dimensions and the ossicles were the most difficult to identify. Bone density in the superior region was greater than in the inferior of each ring in all animals. Non-invasive imaging exams are good tools to study the anatomy of the ocular skeleton. The scleral ossicle rings of the three specimens presented general morphological similarities and CT enabled visualizing a greater number of details of the ring bone morphology.

Os anéis de ossículos esclerais têm sua função relacionada à proteção mecânica, fixação muscular, suporte para o formato do bulbo ocular e acomodação visual, contudo existem poucos relatos morfobiométricos sobre esses anéis em diferentes espécies de Testudines. Desta forma, foi realizada a avaliação morfobiométrica, por ultrassom (US) e tomografia computadorizada (TC), dos anéis de ossículos esclerais em uma tartaruga verde (Chelonia mydas), um tigre-d'água (Trachemys dorbigni) e um jabuti-piranga (Chelonoidis carbonarius). Foram realizadas US e TC dos anéis esclerais dos três animais para identificação anatômica, espessura, densidade, largura e diâmetros. A US e a TC dos três animais mostraram estruturas circulares únicas e contínuas, localizadas no polo anterior. Estas estruturas foram facilmente observadas na C. mydas, cujos anéis eram os maiores, mais espessos e mais largos. A TC da T. dorbigni apresentou dimensões reduzidas e os ossículos foram dificilmente identificados. A densidade óssea na região superior foi maior comparativamente a parte inferior de cada anel, em todos os animais. Exames de imagem não invasivos mostraram-se bons instrumentos para estudo do esqueleto escleral. Os anéis de ossículos esclerais dos três espécimes apresentaram semelhanças morfológicas gerais e a TC permitiu visualizar um maior número de detalhes da morfologia óssea do anel.

Animais , Tartarugas , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Oculares
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07270, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448811


ABSTRACT: This study analyzed clinical and cyto-histomorphological parameters of the ocular surface of Shih Tzu dogs, non-carriers and carriers of quantitative keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) at different stages. Thirty-five eyes from 23 male and female Shih Tzu dogs between two and eight years were evaluated in four groups: control group (CG - without KCS), mild KCS group (KCS1), moderate KCS group (KCS2), and severe KCS group (KCS3). Most clinical variables among KCS carrier groups worsened at the more advanced stages of the disease, with a negative correlation between the Schirmer tear test (STT-1) and tear film break-up time (TBUT). Squamous metaplasia, lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate, and decrease in conjunctival goblet cells on histopathological examination comprised disease severity parameters. Quantitative KCS non-carried Shih Tzu dogs have qualitative and tear film distribution changes. The cytomorphological exam is limited to evaluating the inflammatory infiltrate and quantifying conjunctival goblet cells. However, intermediate epithelial cells were higher in healthy eyes compared to eyes with KCS in Shih Tzu dogs. Also, moderate and severe KCS carrier Shih Tzu dogs have qualitative dysfunction of the tear film. KCS in Shih Tzu dogs is common and chronic and may be responsible for the loss of vision of these animals. Early identification of the disease and routine evaluation can improve these dogs' quality of life and ocular health.

RESUMO: Este estudo analizou os parâmetros clinicos e cito-histomorfológicos da superfície ocular de cães da raça Shih Tzu, portadores e não portadores de ceratoconjuntivite seca quantitative (CCS) em diferentes estágios. Trinta e cinco olhos de 23 cães da raça Shih Tzu, machos e fêmeas, entre as idades de dois e oito anos foram avaliados em quatro grupos: grupo controle (GC - sem CCS), grupo CCS inicial (CCS1), grupo CCS moderada (CCS2) e grupo CCS severa (CCS3). A maioria das variáveis clínicas dentro os grupos portadores de CCS pioraram a medida que os estágios da doença avançam, com correlações negativas entre o teste lacrimal de Schirmer (TLS) e o tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal (TRFL). Metaplasia escamosa, infiltrado inflamatório linfoplasmocítico e diminuição das células caliciformes no exame histopatológico compreenderam parâmetros de severidade da doença. Cães Shih Tzu não portadores de CCS quantitativa tem alterações qualitativas e na distribuição do filme lacrimal. O exame citomorfológico é limitado para a avaliação do infiltrado inflamatório e quantificação de células caliciformes. Entretanto, células inermediárias epiteliais são mais presents nos olhos saudáveis quando comparados aos olhos portadores de CCS em Shih Tzus. Também, Shih Tzus portadores de CCS nos estágios moderados e severos possuem disfunções qualitativas da lágrima. A CCS em Shih Tzu é comum, crônica e pode ser responsável pela perda de visão dos animais. A identificação precoce da doença e avaliações rotineiras podem aumentar a qualidade de vida e a saúde ocular nesses cães.

Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: 74872, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439859


The effect of sugar cane molasses, as a partial replacement to corn in the diet, on blood parameters and composition of the M. longissimus thoracis (LT) in growing pigs was explored in this study. Twenty female pigs aged 63 days, and weighing 28.98 ± 3.56 kg, were randomly assigned to either the control or sugar cane molasses treatments. Molasses was included at the 3% level to partially replace corn in their diet. Blood samples were collected at the beginning and end of the experiments. The animals were slaughtered at 110 days of age after 47 days in the experiment, weighing 67.9 ± 5.58 kg, and an LT muscle sample was extracted and evaluated. Each animal was considered an experimental unit. The treatment had no effect on the length and area of the LT muscle. Backfat thickness was reduced when using the sugar cane molasses treatment (5.80 mm) compared to the control treatment (8.90 mm) (P < 0.05). Higher enzyme gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels were observed in animals of the control treatment (67.10 IU/L) compared to animals treated with the sugar cane molasses treatment (49.90 IU/L) (P < 0.05). Moreover, the proximal composition, fatty acid profile, and quality were not influenced by treatment. Sugar cane molasses, used as an energy source to partially replace corn in the diet of growing pigs at a level of 3%, reduced the backfat thickness of the pig carcass and improved the serum concentration of the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transferase in pigs.(AU)

Neste estudo foi explorado o efeito do melaço de cana-de-açúcar em substituição parcial ao milho na dieta sobre os parâmetros sanguíneos e a composição do músculo longissimus thoracis (LT) de suínos em crescimento. Vinte leitoas com 63 dias de idade, pesando 28,98 ± 3,56 kg foram aleatoriamente distribuídas nos tratamentos controle ou melaço de canade-açúcar. O melaço foi incluído ao nível de 3% em substituição parcial ao milho na dieta. Ao início e ao final do experimento foram coletadas amostras de sangue dos animais. Os animais foram abatidos aos 110 dias de idade após 47 dias de experimento pesando 67,9 ± 5,58 kg e uma amostra do músculo LT foi extraída e avaliada. Cada animal foi considerado uma unidade experimental. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos sobre o comprimento e a área do músculo LT. A espessura de toucinho foi reduzida ao utilizar o tratamento melaço de cana-de-açúcar (5,80 mm) em relação ao tratamento controle (8,90 mm) (P < 0,05). Níveis mais elevados da enzima gama-glutamil transferase (GGT) foram observados nos animais do tratamento controle (67,10 UI/L) em comparação aos animais do tratamento melaço de cana-de-açucar (49,90 UI/L) (P < 0,05). A composição proximal e o perfil e qualidade dos ácidos graxos não foram influenciados pelo tratamento. O melaço de cana-de-açúcar utilizado como fonte energética em substituição parcial ao milho na dieta de suínos em crescimento ao nível de 3% reduziu a espessura de toucinho da carcaça de suínos e melhorou a concentração sérica da enzima gama-glutamil transferase de suínos.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Melaço/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Zea mays/química , Ácidos Graxos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 801, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401304


Background: A cataract is an opacity of the crystalline structure that results in impaired vision. The congenital form manifests itself at birth or shortly thereafter and might also be inherited and therefore capable of passing on to descendants. Cataracts can be caused by systemic diseases, medications, toxic substances, radiation, metabolic alterations, dietary deficiencies, inflammation, traumatic injuries, age, or genetic factors. The few Blackbelly sheep herds are located in the northeast and north regions of Brazil and are considered rare, which could result in high levels of consanguinity. In this context, we report a case of congenital cataract in a Blackbelly lamb and its possible etiology. Case: A 3-month-old lamb presented with ophthalmic alterations since birth, with white and cloudy spots in both eyes and impaired vision. In the same herd, 3 elderly sheep showed similar ophthalmic alterations. The lamb was able to follow its dam, but when walking, bumped into small objects or very close to his vision field. The lamb managed to follow the herd and dodge large objects, suggesting partial vision loss. During a physical examination, both lens showed opacity and reduced corneal reflex, pupillary reflex to direct light, pupillary reflex to consensual light, and threat reflex. Ultrasonographic examination revealed that both lens presented hyperechogenicity. Hematological values were within the reference limits. In the same herd, three elderly sheep presented bilateral cataracts (2 rams and 1 ewe) in previous years, which at that time was attributed to natural aging. One ram was the lamb's grandfather. The other ram was the father of the female, both with cataracts. Based on history, physical examination, and complementary examinations, the lamb was diagnosed with bilateral congenital cataracts with a probable hereditary condition. Discussion: Multiple factors can be related to the etiology of cataracts, and it can be difficult to establish the correct etiology. Regarding the age of onset, cataracts can be classified mainly as congenital and senile. Senile cataract is a bilateral opacification process that involves the entire lens, with slow progression and gradual loss of vision with increasing age. In adult sheep, the high proportion of eyes affected by spontaneously arising cataracts could be related to age, increased exposure to sunlight, increased genetic susceptibility, or a combination of these factors. In this case, the herd had three adult elderly sheep with cataracts previously characterized as senile. However, after reviewing the genealogy, it was found that all animals had some degree of parentage, suggesting a hereditary factor. Congenital cataracts are expressed soon after birth, resulting from the malformation of fibers in the lens, and are generally nonprogressive. The congenital form may or may not be associated with hereditary factors. Inheritance cataracts have been reported in several breeds of dogs and usually occur as an autosomal recessive trait. Blackbelly sheep are rare in Brazil, favoring consanguinity, so we believe that cataracts are inherited in this herd. To control this ophthalmic alteration, all animals with crystalline opacities were excluded from reproduction, and the herd should be monitored in future cases.

Animais , Catarata/congênito , Catarata/etiologia , Ovinos , Cristalino/anormalidades
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 824, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401616


Background: Iridociliary epithelial tumors (ICETs) originate from the iris epithelium or ciliary body. They comprise ciliary body adenoma, carcinoma, pleomorphic adenocarcinomas, medulloepitheliomas, and other primitive neuroectodermal tumors. They are the second most common primary intraocular tumors in dogs and have already been reported in sheep and humans. In dogs, they occur more frequently in middle-aged to elderly animals, and the Labrador and Golden Retriever seem to be more predisposed breeds. This study aimed to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of solid iridociliary carcinoma in a dog. Case: A 3-year-old Poodle bitch was treated for discomfort in the left eyeball region, increased intraocular pressure and moderate buphthalmia. A direct ophthalmological examination was performed without equipment, and a mass was visualized in the posterior chamber, distorting the pupillary cleft. We opted for unilateral enucleation and forwarded the material for histological analysis. Macroscopically, the eyeball measured 3.4 cm (anteroposterior) x 2.6 cm (vertical), with a brownish mass that occupied the entire anterior chamber and part of the posterior chamber. Histologically, there was a neoformation in the ciliary body and iris pigment epithelium, partially well-delimited and densely cellular. The neoplasm was organized into predominantly solid formations interspersed with a discrete amount of blood vessels, rare bundles of fibrous stroma, and amorphous eosinophilic material forming membranes that were positive for PAS. Sections of the neoplasm were subjected to immunohistochemistry using anti-cytokeratin AE1/AE3, anti-S100 protein, anti-vimentin, and anti-Ki-67. Positive cytoplasmic immunostaining for cytokeratin and S-100 was observed. Only 45.6% of cells were positive for Ki-67 (500 cells). No immunostaining was observed for vimentin. Discussion: The diagnosis of solid iridociliary carcinoma was based on the histological features and positive immunostaining for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and protein S100. Iridociliary carcinomas present positive immunostaining for cytokeratin, whereas adenomas and normal iridociliary epithelium do not present this immunostaining. Moreover, the high rate of cell proliferation was indicative of malignant neoplasia, as observed by the high mitotic count and high positivity for Ki-67. The S100 protein helped in the diagnosis of ICETs, as the iridociliary epithelium showed positive staining for this protein. Some histological features are important to consider in the diagnosis of iridociliary tumors in dogs, such as noninvasive growth in the posterior chamber, pigment epithelium, and thick homogeneous membranes on the cell surface. Furthermore, the presence of positive PAS membranes favors the diagnosis of iridociliary epithelial tumors. ICETs must be differentiated from melanocytomas, anterior uveal melanoma, medulloepitheliomas, and metastatic and pleomorphic carcinomas. The histological characteristics, especially the presence of PAS-positive membranes, associated with the immunohistochemical profile of neoplasm cells, help differentiate the ICETs from these tumors. In general, the prognosis is poor for eyeball and vision maintenance in canine iridociliary tumors, and scleral invasion is associated with a higher recurrence rate.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Proteínas S100/análise , Neoplasias da Íris/veterinária , Corpo Ciliar/patologia , Queratinas/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Enucleação Ocular/veterinária
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e53445, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1390701


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of weaning and concentrate supplementation on the characteristics of carcass cuts and longissimus muscle of Suffolk lambs finished on a Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) pasture. Weaning and concentrate supplementation strategies were evaluated in four finishing systems: i) non-weaned and non-supplemented lambs; ii) non-weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding; iii) weaned and non-supplemented lambs; and iv) weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate. In the systems with weaning, lambs were weaned at 46 ± 6 days of age. In the systems with supplementation, the concentrate was offered daily at 2% of lambs' body weight. Weaning led to a decrease, whereas supplementation led to an increase in carcass cut weights. Supplemented lambs had lower yields of neck and uncovered ribs, and higher yields of breast + flank and loin. The characteristics of loin eye and fat thickness over the longissimus muscle presented lower values in weaned lambs and higher values in supplemented lambs. Keeping lambs with their dams and offering concentrate supplementation until slaughter are strategies recommended to obtain heavier cuts with increased muscularity and fat content.(AU)

Animais , Desmame , Pastagens , Cynodon/química , Músculos Paraespinais/fisiologia , Carne/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(3): 200-208, jul.-set. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402671


Corneal pigmentation and vascularization eventually result in blindness in dogs. Pigmentary keratitis describes a relatively common presentation comprising the deposition of melanin in the cornea and conjunctival surface associated with chronic inflammation. Cryosurgery is indicated as a treatment for pigmentary keratitis in dogs. Due to melanocytes sensitivity to cold, cryosurgery is a viable treatment for severe refractory corneal pigmentation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of dimethyl ether in the treatment of pigmentary keratitis in 14 eyes of seven Pug dogs. Follow-up occurred after 30 days in four animals and six months in three animals. In all treated animals, there was a reduction in corneal pigmentation. Cryosurgery causes intracellular and extracellular ice crystal formation and other mechanisms that result in rupture and death of the melanocytes. The technique used was easy to perform, has a low cryogen cost and has few undesirable or serious side effects. However, after 30 days repigmentation occured in treated patients. Cryosurgery shows good results in the first four weeks, but partial recurrence occurred in all cases.

A pigmentação e a vascularização da córnea eventualmente resultam em cegueira em cães. A ceratite pigmentar é descrita com uma apresentação relativamente comum que compreende a deposição de melanina na córnea e na superfície conjuntival associada à inflamação crônica. A criocirurgia é indicada como tratamento para ceratite pigmentar em cães. Devido à sensibilidade dos melanócitos ao frio, a criocirurgia é um tratamento viável para pigmentação corneana refratária grave. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso do éter dimetílico no tratamento da ceratite pigmentar em 14 olhos de sete cães da raça Pug. O acompanhamento foi de 30 dias em quatro animais e seis meses em três animais. Em todos os animais tratados, houve redução da pigmentação da córnea. A criocirurgia causa a formação de cristais de gelo intracelular e extracelular e outros mecanismos que resultam na ruptura e morte dos melanócitos. A técnica utilizada foi de fácil execução, baixo custo de criogenia e poucos efeitos colaterais indesejáveis ou graves. No entanto, após 30 dias, ocorreu repigmentação nos pacientes tratados. A criocirurgia apresenta bons resultados nas primeiras quatro semanas, mas ocorreu recidiva parcial em todos os casos.

Animais , Cães , Criocirurgia/métodos , Éter/administração & dosagem , Ceratite/cirurgia , Melaninas/análise
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.767-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458575


Background: Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a malignant neoplasm arising from the endothelial cells of blood vessels. It has fast growth, and severe local infiltration and metastasis power, in addition to risk of hemorrhage due to the fragility of its vessels. HSA develops in dogs aged 8 to 13 years but can affect younger animals too. Ocular involvement in HSA is rare, but when identified, the third eyelid and bulbar conjunctiva close to the limbus are the most affected sites by this neoplasm. This study aimed to report the clinicopathological aspects of a case of HSA in the third eyelid of an American Pit Bull Terrier breed. Case: A 10-year-old male American Pit Bull Terrier with a history of a red hemorrhagic mass on the third eyelid of the left eye was examined at a veterinary clinic. On physical examination, the animal showed signs of ocular discomfort and bleeding. On ophthalmologic examination, a raised red mass, approximately 2 cm in diameter, was identified on the anterior surface of the third eyelid. The mass was surgically excised. The excised tissue fragment was fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution for 24 h and sent for histopathological examination. Macroscopically, the fragment was irregular, soft, and brownish and measured 2.0 × 1.0 × 0.5 cm. Histologically, proliferation of non-delimited and non-encapsulated atypical endothelial cells, which were organized in vascular arrangements forming small lakes filled with red blood cells, was observed. The cells exhibited elongated and basophilic cytoplasm, oval nuclei with coarse chromatin, and evident nucleoli. Moderate anisocytosis and anisocariosis were observed, with no mitotic figures. Epithelial hyperplasia with mild mixed inflammatory infiltrate was noted. Surgical margins were compromised. Sections of neoplastic tissue were processed...

Masculino , Animais , Cães , Hemangiossarcoma/cirurgia , Hemangiossarcoma/veterinária , Membrana Nictitante/cirurgia , Neoplasias Palpebrais/cirurgia , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 44: e53445, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32611


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of weaning and concentrate supplementation on the characteristics of carcass cuts and longissimusmuscle of Suffolk lambs finished ona Tifton 85 (Cynodonspp.) pasture. Weaning and concentrate supplementation strategies were evaluated in four finishing systems: i) non-weaned and non-supplemented lambs; ii) non-weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding;iii) weaned and non-supplemented lambs; and iv) weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate. In the systems with weaning, lambs were weaned at 46 ± 6 days of age. In the systems with supplementation, the concentrate was offered daily at 2% of lambs body weight. Weaning led to a decrease, whereas supplementation led to an increase in carcass cut weights. Supplemented lambs had lower yields of neck and uncovered ribs, and higher yields of breast + flank and loin. The characteristics of loin eye and fat thicknessover the longissimusmuscle presented lower values in weaned lambs and higher values in supplemented lambs. Keeping lambs with their dams and offering concentrate supplementation until slaughter are strategies recommended to obtain heavier cuts with increased muscularity and fat content.(AU)

Animais , Carne/análise , Carne/classificação , Pastagens/análise , Desmame , Ovinos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): 774, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369747


Background: Anophthalmia refers to the complete absence of an eyeball. It is a very rare congenital condition that affects all breeds of dogs, which may be unilateral or bilateral. Anophthalmia results from a severe developmental deficiency in the primitive forebrain, prior to the formation of the optic sulcus. This condition has a complex etiology, and chromosomal, monogenic, and environmental causes have already been identified. There might be an association between anophthalmia and other congenital abnormalities. This case report aimed to report the case of a male dog with bilateral anophthalmia associated with penile malformation. Case: A 3-year-old male mongrel dog was evaluated in a clinical consultation at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) - Teresina - Brazil, with signs of anemia and diarrhea. His vaccinations were not up to date (multiple and anti-rabies), presented ectoparasites (ticks), and showed inappetence. The owner reported that the animal was blind from birth, was already well adapted to its environment, had the company of other animals, and had no access to the street. On clinical examination, the animal had a good body score. The eyelids were bilaterally present with normally developed eyelashes. Both the head and face had a symmetrical appearance, without structural abnormalities, and the palpebral fissures were narrow. When opening the eyelids manually, the presence of the conjunctiva was observed bilaterally, the orbits were shallow, and neither orbit contained the eyeball. Further inspection with an ophthalmic clinical flashlight did not reveal any other ocular structures. The initial diagnosis was suggestive of bilateral anophthalmia. Ultrasound examination of the ocular region confirmed the presence of bilateral anophthalmia. A general physical examination revealed a malformed penis with a persistent penile frenulum. Regarding systemic clinical signs (apathy, inappetence, diarrhea, and anemia), clinical and laboratory examinations led to the suspicion of verminosis. Discussion: The dog in this report had a good body score; however, this type of malformation can generate non-viable puppies. Anophthalmia is an extremely rare congenital ocular malformation, both in humans and companion animals, in which there are no ocular structures in the orbits, and these structures (orbits) in affected individuals are generally small and shallow, as seen in the dog in this report. Ultrasonographic examination confirmed the bilateral anophthalmic condition, being the most accurate method of diagnosing this congenital condition. The animal in this report presented with anophthalmia associated with penile malformation. This type of association until this case report has only been described in humans and mice, and is probably caused by a mutation in the SOX2 gene, which is responsible for the protein of the same name, which makes the maturation of ocular tissues in the primitive forebrain. Thus, it is likely that such congenital alterations are the cause of the malformations observed in this animal. Maternal vitamin A deficiency, a factor known to cause ocular malformations, may also be involved in the etiology of congenital diseases. Nutritional imbalances in dogs are common in the animal's region of origin The dog in this report had a normal life. Although it is a condition that causes blindness, dogs can have a normal life and welfare, even with bilateral anophthalmia.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Anormalidades Urogenitais/veterinária , Anoftalmia/veterinária , Deficiência de Vitamina A/veterinária , Anormalidades do Olho/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 798, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401274


Background: Nasolacrimal duct tumors are divided into primary and secondary, with primary tumors being rare in all species. Secondary involvement of the lacrimal sac and duct can occur from any skin lesion involving the eyelid and/or conjunctiva and from any neoplastic process involving the paranasal sinuses. Lacrimal sac metastatic lesions may originate from any distant site and include carcinomas or melanomas, with squamous cell carcinoma being the most common type. The objectives of the present report were to describe a case of squamous cell carcinoma in the nasolacrimal duct and to emphasize the importance of a good ophthalmic evaluation. Case: A 16-year-old spayed bitch white poodle was presented to the veterinary clinic. The owner complained that the animal had epiphora and mucoid secretion in the right eye, eyelid hyperemia in both eyes, and sporadic sneezing with blood. On ophthalmic examination, the animal was initially diagnosed with nasolacrimal duct obstruction and right eye (OD) blepharitis and OU uveitis. Fourteen days after the first evaluation, the nasolacrimal duct region increased, with the presence of bloody secretion. Biomicroscopy showed nodules inside the lacrimal duct, in the punctum region. The animal was sedated to obtain a fragment of the nodule for histopathological analysis, and a subsequent oral cavity evaluation identified a nodule in the transition region between the 4th premolar and 1st molar, which was sent for cytology. Cytology of the medial corner region of the RE showed epithelial and mesenchymal cells with malignancy characteristics, and the biopsy was suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia (carcinoma). A surgical procedure for nodule resection was ruled out because bone involvement was extensive, and chemotherapy was selected. The patient died 2 months after the 1st consultation. The diagnosis was confirmed through necropsy via immunohistochemical tests, demonstrating squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) both in the mouth and the nasal and ocular sinuses. Discussion: The most common conditions affecting the nasolacrimal drainage system in dogs are those causing obstructions. These may be congenital, arising from a developmental defect of micropunctum or agenesis of the punctum, they may be acquired, arising from infection and inflammation. SCC is a malignant neoplasm originating in the stratified squamous epithelium. The predisposing factors in cats and dogs include lack of adnexal pigmentation and, possibly, chronic irritation of the ocular surface. A light coat is considered a relevant factor, especially in regions with little hair coverage. In addition to a mass lesion, other clinical signs of eyelid or ocular surface tumors may include epiphora, conjunctival vascular injection, mucopurulent ocular discharge, 3rd eyelid protrusion, conjunctival/corneal roughness or ulceration, and corneal neovascularization or pigmentation. Clinical presentations are nonspecific. Neoplasms, whether nasal and/or in the maxillary sinus, can invade the nasolacrimal duct and spread to the nasal cavity, and neoplasms in the nasal cavity can invade the nasolacrimal duct. Ophthalmic evaluation along with good inspection of the oral cavity is a useful tool in the diagnosis of eye neoplasms that may have effects on the oral cavity or vice versa due to the strong association between them. Early diagnosis is crucial for the clinical or surgical management of each case of ophthalmic neoplasia and for therapeutic success.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeça e Pescoço/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterinária , Ducto Nasolacrimal/patologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): 782, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370161


Background: Ocular lymphoma can affect the iris, conjunctiva, choroid, and retina and is mostly associated with multicentric disease. Elastography is an ultrasound technique that provides noninvasive, pain-free assessment of tissue stiffness. It has the ability to assess subtle changes throughout the organ as well as focal lesions. Microbubble contrast ultrasound enables the detection of incipient vascular flows, which are difficult to detect using traditional ultrasound methods. This study aimed to describe acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography and microbubble contrast ultrasound findings in the eyes of two dogs diagnosed with intraocular T-cell lymphoma. Cases: Case 1. Physical examination revealed an exophytic mass in the left eye. Schirmer test revealed a secretion of 22 mm/min. Negative threat reflex, glare, direct pupillary light reflex, and consensual response were also noted. Biomicroscopy revealed hyperplasia of the third eyelid, overlapping with the affected eye. When the membrane was removed, moderate conjunctival hyperemia, mucoid secretion, and buphthalmia were observed. In addition, significant corneal edema was present, making it impossible to visualize the anterior chamber and perform fundus examination. The intraocular pressure, as measured with a rebound tonometer, was 39 mmHg. B-mode ultrasonography identified amorphous, hyperechoic, and heterogeneous structures throughout the anterior chamber, iris, and ciliary body. The elastogram showed that the mass had greenish tones and intermediate stiffness, and the mean SWV of the ciliary body and iris was 2 m/s. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) revealed vascularization of the neoformation region, with wash-in, peak, and wash-out values of 9.89 s, 24.56 s, and 107.87 s, respectively. Case 2. On physical examination, a change in the shape of the right pupil was observed. Schirmer test revealed a secretion of 20 mm/min, with negative threat, glare, and pupillary reflexes to direct and consensual light. Biomicroscopy revealed neoformation from 7 am to 11 am in the sclera, retina, and choroid complex, concomitant with dyscoria and conjunctival hyperemia. The intraocular pressure, as measured by rebound tonometry, was 33 mmHg. Fundoscopy revealed a mass in the temporal region and focal retinal detachment. No changes were observed in the contralateral eye. B-mode ultrasound revealed an increase in volume in the temporal region of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid with diffuse heterogeneity and partial retinal detachment. Elastographic examination revealed shades of green and yellow compatible with increased tissue stiffness. On quantitative examination, the mean SWVs of the ciliary body and iris were 3.14 m/s. On CEUS, the neoformation region presented wash-in, peak, and wash-out values of 8.67 s, 22.33 s, and 80.20 s. Discussion: B-mode ultrasonography established the tumor extent and evaluated echogenicity, verifying the involved ocular structures. The examination played an important role in the diagnosis as well as clinical management. ARFI elastography can detect small tissue changes, helping to define nodules and masses more reliably, in addition to allowing the verification of tissue stiffness. In both dogs, it was possible to verify that the masses presented greater rigidity than the adjacent tissues both qualitatively and quantitatively. In previous studies, it was found that cutaneous and breast lymphomas in humans were more rigid than adjacent tissues on elastography. This increase in rigidity and heterogeneity observed on elastograms can be explained by the extramedullary interactions of the matrix in T-cell lymphomas. Tumor growth is dependent on the blood supply, which was evaluated using CEUS in these cases. Furthermore, the ciliary body contrast filling times were longer than those described in normal dogs.

Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Oculares/veterinária , Linfoma Intraocular/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Técnicas de Imagem por Elasticidade/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 794, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401204


Background: Eye neoplasms are infrequent in felines and usually affect the eyelids. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a neoplasm that occurs owing to recurrent lesions caused by solar radiation and affects the margins of the ears, eyelids, nose and lips of animals with light-colored coat. The clinical signs consist of ulcerated, crusty lesions that may form masses. The diagnosis is established by means of histopathological analysis, and the prognosis depends on the area affected and tumor infiltration. This work aimed to describe a case of SCC in the eyelid with invasion of the eye and its adnexa in a cat, highlighting clinical aspects and the importance of the anatomopathological examination. Case: A female mixed breed senile cat that had been rescued from the streets was brought in for examination. Dehydration and a low body condition score were observed at the general clinical examination. A physical inspection revealed the presence of an ulcerated periocular lesion on the eyelid; the right eye exhibited increased size and loss of definition of its internal structures. The presence of malodorous cerumen in the right ear canal, a tilted head, and walking in circles to the right were also noted. A dysplastic epithelium along with neutrophilic inflammation was observed at the cytopathological analysis. The treatment instituted consisted of administration of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, and cleaning of the ear. On the follow-up appointment, 2 days later, the patient's condition had worsened and in spite of the supportive therapy administered, the animal died. An anatomopathological study of the body identified, in addition to the alterations in the eyelid and the eye mentioned above, a traumatic lesion with perforation of the mandibular bone, and presence of a brownish content with caseous consistency in the right ear canal. After visualization of the microscopic alterations, the diagnosis established was squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelid with metastases in the optical nerve and choroid blood vessels. Discussion: Squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common epithelial neoplasms in felines, and can occur in any region of the face; however, the eyelids and the eyes are less frequently affected, which confirms that the case reported here is uncommon. SCC has a higher incidence in female cats older than 10 years of age with light-colored coat and highly exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The case reported here exhibited these characteristics, as the patient had been rescued from the streets where exposition to sunlight is intense. The clinical presentation was consistent with that described in other works, with ulcerated crusty lesions on the eyelid and the nose. Vestibular syndrome, as inferred from the tilted head and circular gait (walking in circles to the right), could be explained by internal otitis, which was observed at necropsy. The cytological analysis of the eye lesion demonstrated the presence of a neutrophilic inflammatory process along with a dysplastic or immature squamous epithelium, which prompted for therapy using antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The definitive diagnosis was established with basis on the histopathological analysis, which revealed a pattern of neoplastic cells arranged in clusters or strands connected to the epidermal surface, and the presence of "keratin pearls" consistent with SCC affecting not only the eyelid and the eye, but also invading the optical nerve and the choroid blood vessels. The prognosis was unfavorable owing to the advanced stage of the tumor and concomitant diseases. Even though the development of SCC in the eyelid is relatively common, the occurrence of metastasis in the eye adnexa is rare in felines. An anatomopathological study was required to establish the diagnosis of SCC as the patient's clinical history data were scarce.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e191917, fev. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400034


Intraocular melanocytic neoplasms are common in dogs. However, the choroidal location of these neoplasms and their infiltration into the optic nerve are unusual. This paper reports a case of primary choroidal melanoma in a 12-year-old male Dachshund. On the first examination, the animal presented left eye blepharospasm, protrusion of the nictitating membrane, conjunctival hyperemia, moderate congestion, hyphema, and intraocular hypertension. Opacity hindered the performance of fundoscopy in the affected eye. The ocular ultrasound examination revealed a cupuliform mass in the choroid. Due to suspected intraocular neoplasia, an exenteration was performed. Histopathological examination revealed primary choroidal melanoma with scleral and optic nerve invasion.(AU)

Neoplasias melanocíticas intraoculares são comuns em cães, contudo, a localização destas neoplasias na coroide e a infiltração delas no nervo óptico são pouco frequentes. O presente trabalho relata um caso de melanoma de coroide primário em um cão da raça Dachshund, com 12 anos de idade. O animal ao primeiro exame apresentou blefaropasmo no olho esquerdo, protrusão da terceira pálpebra, hiperemia conjuntival, congestão moderada, hifema e pressão intraocular elevada. Opacidade de meios transparentes impediu a realização de fundoscopia no olho acometido. O exame ultrassonográfico ocular revelou massa cupuliforme na coroide. Em razão da suspeita de neoplasia intraocular foi realizada exenteração. No exame histopatológico foi diagnosticado melanoma primário em coroide com invasão escleral e do nervo óptico.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Neoplasias da Coroide/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças Raras/veterinária , Melanoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Cães
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(3): 46-56, jul.-set. 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402450


Vinte e quatro cordeiros cruzados, machos inteiros em terminação, foram utilizados para avaliar a influência da substituição do feno de Tifton 85 por silagem de rama de mandioca sobre o desempenho animal e as características de carcaças. Os animais foram distribuídos nos tratamentos que consistiram em quatro níveis de substituição do feno por silagem de rama de mandioca (0, 33, 67 e 100%) em dietas que continham 60% de concentrado e 40% de volumoso. A silagem de rama de mandioca apresentou menor teor de fibra em detergente neutro (56,81%) que o feno (79,71%), com teor de lignina mais elevado (14,37 e 5,24%, respectivamente), levando a menores valores de degradabilidade efetiva (5%/h) e degradabilidade potencial, além de apresentar maior não degradável. O ganho de peso corporal (302 g/dia), a ingestão de matéria seca (93,79 g/kg 0,75) e a conversão alimentar (4,63) não apresentaram diferenças entre tratamentos. As características de carcaças foram afetadas através da diminuição da área de olho de lombo e espessura de gordura de cobertura com o aumento da substituição do feno de Tifton 85 pela silagem de rama de mandioca. Conclui-se que a silagem de rama de mandioca tem valor nutritivo inferior, com maior quantidade de fibra lignificada do que o feno, prejudicando a terminação das carcaças dos cordeiros, mas sem afetar o desempenho dos animais.

Twenty-four crossbred lambs, complete males in finishing, were used to evaluate the replacement of Tifton 85 hay by cassava foliage silage on animal performance and carcass characteristics. The animals were distributed in treatments that consisted of 4 levels of replacement of hay by cassava foliage silage (0, 33, 67 and 100%) in diets containing 60% concentrate and 40% roughage. Cassava foliage silage had lower neutral detergent fiber content (56.81%) than hay (79.71%), with higher lignin content (14.37 and 5.24%, respectively), leading at lower values of effective degradability (5%/h) and potential degradability, with greater non-degradable residue for cassava foliage silage. Body weight gain (302 g/day), dry matter intake (93.79 g/kg0.75) and feed conversion (4.63) did not differ between treatments. The carcass characteristics were affected, with a decrease in rib eye area and cover fat thickness with an increase in the replacement of Tifton 85 hay by cassava foliage silage. Cassava silage has lower nutritional value, with a higher amount of lignified fiber than hay, damaging the finishing of the lamb carcasses, but without affecting the performance of the animals.

Animais , Silagem/análise , Ovinos/metabolismo , Manihot/química , Carne Vermelha/análise , Aumento de Peso
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub. 1832, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363713


Veterinary Ophthalmology provides complementary information for the diagnosis of ocular pathologies. Studies in wild species are essential. Among the diagnostic techniques in ophthalmology, two-dimensional ultrasonography stands out. The agouti is a rodent belonging to the Dasyproctidae family that has been widely used as an experimental model. For these animals, sight is one of the crucial senses for their survival. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the two-dimensional ocular ultrasound technique to obtain anatomical measurements and the external ophthalmic artery resistivity index, presumably normal in the species Dasyprocta prymnolopha. Forty eye bulbs of 20 adult rodents of the species were evaluated by ultrasonography. In these animals, B-mode echobiometry was performed using the transpalpebral approach and the hemodynamic study of the external ophthalmic artery using the color Doppler technique. All examinations were initiated by the left eye bulb and all measurements were performed by only one examiner. The collected data related to echobiometry were analyzed using Bioest 5.0 for Windows. Initially, normality was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test for each parameter, then the paired t-test was performed, comparing right and left eyes, and a significance level of 5% (P < 0.05) was adopted. Based on the methodology used, the following values were obtained for the right and left eyeballs, respectively: anterior chamber thickness - mean of 1.28 ± 0.3 mm and 1.22 ± 0.1 mm; lens thickness - 8.27 ± 0.9 mm and 8.11 ± 0.9 mm; vitreous chamber thickness - 5.35 ± 0.48 mm and 5.30 ± 0.47 mm and axial length - 12.7 ± 0.9 mm and 13 ± 0.68 mm. The mean external ophthalmic artery resistivity values were 0.4305 ± 0.0390 and 0.4258 ± 0.0387 (right and left eye, respectively), characterizing a low resistance. There was no statistical difference between the right and left eyeballs in any of the studied parameters. The use of the convex transducer was feasible, promoting adequate contact with the ocular surface and images of satisfactory quality for obtaining measurements, similar to what was observed in studies evaluating the ocular biometry of primates and dogs. The anterior chamber thickness values in this experiment did not differ statistically between the antimers, as well as observed for dogs. The data obtained for lens thickness did not differ statistically for antimers, like those obtained for other rodent species evaluated with the same methodology. The mean values of vitreous chamber thickness were like those observed in chinchillas but correspond to about half of that obtained for capybaras. In this study, the external ophthalmic artery was characterized in all animals, but obtaining the spectral tracing was difficult due to its fine caliber. In wild animals, and especially in wild rodents, there are few data reporting the resistivity of the ophthalmic artery, and there is a lack of studies, which can be explained by the behavioral characteristics of defense and by the high susceptibility to stress in capture, since the performing the technique requires, as in other procedures, the use of chemical containment. (AU)

Animais , Artéria Oftálmica/anatomia & histologia , Artéria Oftálmica/diagnóstico por imagem , Dasyproctidae , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Animais Selvagens