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Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 81-85, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434995


Sows do not produce enough milk to sustain optimal growth of their litters. This is particularly important when considering the current hyperprolific sow genetic lines. Mammary development needs to be considered to improve potential milk yield. One can only attempt to stimulate mammogenesis during periods when rapid mammary development is already ongoing. There are two such periods before lactation starts, namely, from three months of age until puberty, and from 90 days of gestation until farrowing. Early studies showed that a 20% feed restriction from 90 days of age until puberty drastically reduces mammary parenchymal tissue mass. Yet, in a more recent study, sow milk yield was not altered following a 10% or 20% feed restriction, or a 25% dietary fibre addition from 90 days of age to breeding. This absence of effect was likely due to the greater feed intake of control gilts in that recent study compared with the older studies, and suggested that feed intake of growing gilts can be reduced to 2.7 kg/d (but not 2.1 kg/d) without detrimental effects on future milk yield. During prepuberty, inclusion of the phytoestrogen genistein in the diet increases the number of mammary parenchymal cells. During late gestation, feeding very high energy levels may have detrimental effects on mammary development and subsequent milk production. Feed intake throughout gestation is also important because of its effect on body condition, with gilts that are too thin (< 16 mm backfat thickness) in late gestation showing less mammary development. A 40% increase in lysine intake via inclusion of additional soybean meal to the diet of gilts from days 90 to 110 of gestation increased mammary parenchymal mass by 44%. Increasing circulating concentrations of the growth factor IGF-1 during late gestation also increased mammary parenchymal mass by 22%. Current data clearly demonstrate that feeding management before lactation can be used to enhance mammary development, hence future milk yield.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Suínos/fisiologia , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Otimização de Processos
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-6, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468969


The present study describes the haematological profile, feeding preference, and comparison of morphometric characters of blue rock pigeon (Columba livia) breeding pairs. For this purpose, 25 pairs (25 samples per sex) were sampled through Mist nets from district Okara and Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Pakistan. Birds were then anaesthetized with a combination of ketamine HCL (10 mg/kg) and diazepam (0.2 mg/kg) and subjected to morphometric measurements. 5µL blood also was taken from the jugular vein of each anaesthetized bird for haematological analysis. Few pairs were also dissected to remove gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) for food preferences. Results revealed that there are no significant differences in the haematological parameters and feeding preference of breeding pairs of Columba livia. The gut analysis further revealed, the major portion of gut contents consisted of pea and corn in most of the pairs. Regarding the mensural measurements, significant differences were recorded in the body weight, length of the longest primary feather, and chest circumference, whereas the rest of the studied parameters remain nonsignificant between sexes. So, it is concluded that apart from 3 morphometric parameters (body weight, length of longest primary feather and chest circumference), both sexes are alike in term of morphometry, haematology and food preference.

O presente estudo descreve o perfil hematológico, a preferência alimentar e a comparação de caracteres morfométricos de casais reprodutores de pombo-rocha (Columba livia). Para tanto, 25 pares (25 amostras por sexo) foram amostrados por meio de redes de névoa do distrito de Okara e Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Paquistão. As aves foram então anestesiadas com uma combinação de cetamina HCL (10 mg/kg) e diazepam (0,2 mg/kg) e submetidas a medidas morfométricas; 5 µL de sangue também foram retirados da veia jugular de cada ave anestesiada para análise hematológica. Poucos pares também foram dissecados para remover o trato gastrointestinal (GITs) para preferências alimentares. Os resultados revelaram que não há diferenças significativas nos parâmetros hematológicos e na preferência alimentar dos casais reprodutores de Columba livia. A análise intestinal revelou ainda que a maior parte do conteúdo intestinal consistia em ervilha e milho na maioria dos pares. Em relação às medidas mensurais, foram registradas diferenças significativas no peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica, enquanto os demais parâmetros estudados permanecem não significativos entre os sexos. Assim, conclui-se que além de três parâmetros morfométricos (peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica), ambos os sexos são semelhantes em termos de morfometria, hematologia e preferência alimentar.

Animais , Columbidae/anatomia & histologia , Columbidae/sangue , Dieta/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469185


Abstract The present study describes the haematological profile, feeding preference, and comparison of morphometric characters of blue rock pigeon (Columba livia) breeding pairs. For this purpose, 25 pairs (25 samples per sex) were sampled through Mist nets from district Okara and Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Pakistan. Birds were then anaesthetized with a combination of ketamine HCL (10 mg/kg) and diazepam (0.2 mg/kg) and subjected to morphometric measurements. 5µL blood also was taken from the jugular vein of each anaesthetized bird for haematological analysis. Few pairs were also dissected to remove gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) for food preferences. Results revealed that there are no significant differences in the haematological parameters and feeding preference of breeding pairs of Columba livia. The gut analysis further revealed, the major portion of gut contents consisted of pea and corn in most of the pairs. Regarding the mensural measurements, significant differences were recorded in the body weight, length of the longest primary feather, and chest circumference, whereas the rest of the studied parameters remain nonsignificant between sexes. So, it is concluded that apart from 3 morphometric parameters (body weight, length of longest primary feather and chest circumference), both sexes are alike in term of morphometry, haematology and food preference.

Resumo O presente estudo descreve o perfil hematológico, a preferência alimentar e a comparação de caracteres morfométricos de casais reprodutores de pombo-rocha (Columba livia). Para tanto, 25 pares (25 amostras por sexo) foram amostrados por meio de redes de névoa do distrito de Okara e Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Paquistão. As aves foram então anestesiadas com uma combinação de cetamina HCL (10 mg/kg) e diazepam (0,2 mg/kg) e submetidas a medidas morfométricas; 5 µL de sangue também foram retirados da veia jugular de cada ave anestesiada para análise hematológica. Poucos pares também foram dissecados para remover o trato gastrointestinal (GITs) para preferências alimentares. Os resultados revelaram que não há diferenças significativas nos parâmetros hematológicos e na preferência alimentar dos casais reprodutores de Columba livia. A análise intestinal revelou ainda que a maior parte do conteúdo intestinal consistia em ervilha e milho na maioria dos pares. Em relação às medidas mensurais, foram registradas diferenças significativas no peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica, enquanto os demais parâmetros estudados permanecem não significativos entre os sexos. Assim, conclui-se que além de três parâmetros morfométricos (peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica), ambos os sexos são semelhantes em termos de morfometria, hematologia e preferência alimentar.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e252059, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339358


Abstract The present study describes the haematological profile, feeding preference, and comparison of morphometric characters of blue rock pigeon (Columba livia) breeding pairs. For this purpose, 25 pairs (25 samples per sex) were sampled through Mist nets from district Okara and Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Pakistan. Birds were then anaesthetized with a combination of ketamine HCL (10 mg/kg) and diazepam (0.2 mg/kg) and subjected to morphometric measurements. 5µL blood also was taken from the jugular vein of each anaesthetized bird for haematological analysis. Few pairs were also dissected to remove gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) for food preferences. Results revealed that there are no significant differences in the haematological parameters and feeding preference of breeding pairs of Columba livia. The gut analysis further revealed, the major portion of gut contents consisted of pea and corn in most of the pairs. Regarding the mensural measurements, significant differences were recorded in the body weight, length of the longest primary feather, and chest circumference, whereas the rest of the studied parameters remain nonsignificant between sexes. So, it is concluded that apart from 3 morphometric parameters (body weight, length of longest primary feather and chest circumference), both sexes are alike in term of morphometry, haematology and food preference.

Resumo O presente estudo descreve o perfil hematológico, a preferência alimentar e a comparação de caracteres morfométricos de casais reprodutores de pombo-rocha (Columba livia). Para tanto, 25 pares (25 amostras por sexo) foram amostrados por meio de redes de névoa do distrito de Okara e Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Paquistão. As aves foram então anestesiadas com uma combinação de cetamina HCL (10 mg/kg) e diazepam (0,2 mg/kg) e submetidas a medidas morfométricas; 5 µL de sangue também foram retirados da veia jugular de cada ave anestesiada para análise hematológica. Poucos pares também foram dissecados para remover o trato gastrointestinal (GITs) para preferências alimentares. Os resultados revelaram que não há diferenças significativas nos parâmetros hematológicos e na preferência alimentar dos casais reprodutores de Columba livia. A análise intestinal revelou ainda que a maior parte do conteúdo intestinal consistia em ervilha e milho na maioria dos pares. Em relação às medidas mensurais, foram registradas diferenças significativas no peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica, enquanto os demais parâmetros estudados permanecem não significativos entre os sexos. Assim, conclui-se que além de três parâmetros morfométricos (peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica), ambos os sexos são semelhantes em termos de morfometria, hematologia e preferência alimentar.

Animais , Columbidae , Preferências Alimentares , Paquistão , Plumas , Melhoramento Vegetal
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-6, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765546


The present study describes the haematological profile, feeding preference, and comparison of morphometric characters of blue rock pigeon (Columba livia) breeding pairs. For this purpose, 25 pairs (25 samples per sex) were sampled through Mist nets from district Okara and Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Pakistan. Birds were then anaesthetized with a combination of ketamine HCL (10 mg/kg) and diazepam (0.2 mg/kg) and subjected to morphometric measurements. 5µL blood also was taken from the jugular vein of each anaesthetized bird for haematological analysis. Few pairs were also dissected to remove gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) for food preferences. Results revealed that there are no significant differences in the haematological parameters and feeding preference of breeding pairs of Columba livia. The gut analysis further revealed, the major portion of gut contents consisted of pea and corn in most of the pairs. Regarding the mensural measurements, significant differences were recorded in the body weight, length of the longest primary feather, and chest circumference, whereas the rest of the studied parameters remain nonsignificant between sexes. So, it is concluded that apart from 3 morphometric parameters (body weight, length of longest primary feather and chest circumference), both sexes are alike in term of morphometry, haematology and food preference.(AU)

O presente estudo descreve o perfil hematológico, a preferência alimentar e a comparação de caracteres morfométricos de casais reprodutores de pombo-rocha (Columba livia). Para tanto, 25 pares (25 amostras por sexo) foram amostrados por meio de redes de névoa do distrito de Okara e Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Paquistão. As aves foram então anestesiadas com uma combinação de cetamina HCL (10 mg/kg) e diazepam (0,2 mg/kg) e submetidas a medidas morfométricas; 5 µL de sangue também foram retirados da veia jugular de cada ave anestesiada para análise hematológica. Poucos pares também foram dissecados para remover o trato gastrointestinal (GITs) para preferências alimentares. Os resultados revelaram que não há diferenças significativas nos parâmetros hematológicos e na preferência alimentar dos casais reprodutores de Columba livia. A análise intestinal revelou ainda que a maior parte do conteúdo intestinal consistia em ervilha e milho na maioria dos pares. Em relação às medidas mensurais, foram registradas diferenças significativas no peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica, enquanto os demais parâmetros estudados permanecem não significativos entre os sexos. Assim, conclui-se que além de três parâmetros morfométricos (peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica), ambos os sexos são semelhantes em termos de morfometria, hematologia e preferência alimentar.(AU)

Animais , Columbidae/anatomia & histologia , Columbidae/sangue , Dieta/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 744-752, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447361


This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary propolis alcohol extract supplementation on growth performance, digestibility, intestinal morphometry, and physiologic parameters Nile tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) juveniles. For performance experiment and intestinal morphometry, 120 fish averaging 1.41±0.3g were randomly distributed into 24 tanks (70L each) in a closed recirculation water system with constant aeration and biofilter. The animals were distributed into four treatments using a completely randomized design with six replicates per treatment. The treatments consisted of four pellet feeds with different alcohol propolis concentrations extract (AEP) (0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5gkg-1). The performance experiment period was conducted for 45 days. For the digestibility experiment, an inert marker in the feed and the adapted Guelph feces collecting system were used. The results showed no differences in the performance parameters, crude protein apparent digestibility and dry matter of the feeds, intestinal morphometry, and physiologic parameters. However, there was an increasing linear effect on the energy digestibility with increasing PAE concentrations in the fish feed. The usage of the propolis extract supplementation levels of 1% is recommended for optimum effect on villus morphometry in Nile tilapia.

Avaliaram-se os efeitos da suplementação de extrato de própolis na dieta sobre o desempenho, a digestibilidade, a morfometria intestinal e os parâmetros fisiológicos de juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). No desempenho e na morfometria intestinal, 120 peixes (1,41±0,3g) foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 24 tanques (70L cada), em sistema de recirculação de água com aeração constante e biofiltro. Os animais foram distribuídos em quatro tratamentos, num delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com seis repetições por tratamento. Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro rações, com concentrações de extrato de própolis (AEP) (0,0, 0,5, 1,0 e 1,5g kg-1). O período experimental foi de 45 dias. Para a digestibilidade, foi utilizado um sistema adaptado de Guelph para a coleta de excretas e um marcador inerte na ração. Os resultados não mostraram diferenças nos parâmetros de desempenho, digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta e da matéria seca dos alimentos e morfometria intestinal, bem como nos parâmetros fisiológicos. No entanto, houve um efeito linear crescente sobre a digestibilidade da energia com o aumento das concentrações de AEP na ração. Os resultados também indicaram que a suplementação com 1% de própolis teve efeito positivo na morfometria intestinal de tilápia-do-nilo, sendo esse o nível recomendado na dieta.

Animais , Própole , Ciclídeos , Dieta/veterinária , Aditivos Alimentares
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: 74420P, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1430186


The evaluation of feeding strategies is necessary to ensure the sustainability of aquaculture. This study assessed the effect of two diets with different E:P ratios (9.6 and 10.3 kcal of digestible energy per gram of crude protein) on Nile tilapia juveniles. The growth, feed and nutrient use, economic parameters, whole-body composition, and liver steatosis of fish were evaluated. There was no significant effect of treatments on the growth, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, uniformity, and survival of the fish. The lower feed cost (P>0.05) per biomass or 1000 units produced was registered in Nile tilapia juveniles fed with 10.3 kcal DE/g CP diet for seven days. The contribution of ether extract in fish weight gain was reduced (P=0.055) by the increased use of the 10.3 kcal DE/g CP diet in the feeding strategies. The same trend was observed in fish whole-body lipid levels. Body indexes were similar (P>0.05) among fish from the different treatments. Mixing diets with different E:P ratios in a weekly feeding protocol does not impair productive performance of Nile tilapia juveniles. However, considering the cost of feeding, the recommendation is to supply a diet with 33%CPand 3.4 kcal/DE for seven days per week.(AU)

A avaliação das estratégias de alimentação é necessária para garantir a sustentabilidade da aquicultura. Este estudo avaliou o efeito de duas dietas com diferentes proporções de E:P (9,6 e 10,3 kcal de energia digestível por grama de proteína bruta) para juvenis de tilápia do Nilo. Foram avaliados o crescimento, uso da dieta e nutrientes, parâmetros econômicos, composição corporal e esteatose hepática de peixes. Não houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre o crescimento, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, uniformidade e sobrevivência dos peixes. O menor custo de ração (P>0,05) por biomassa ou 1000 unidades produzidas foi registrado nos juvenis de tilápia do Nilo alimentados com a dieta 10,3 kcal DE/g PB por sete dias. A contribuição do extrato etéreo no ganho de peso dos peixes foi reduzida (P=0,055) pela maior utilização da dieta 10,3 kcal DE/g PB nas estratégias de alimentação utilizadas. A mesma tendência foi observada nos níveis de lipídios corporais em peixes. Os índices corporais foram semelhantes (P>0,05) entre os peixes dos diferentes tratamentos. A mistura de dietas com diferentes relações E:P em um protocolo de alimentação semanal não prejudica o desempenho produtivo de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo. No entanto, considerando os custos de alimentação, a recomendação é fornecer uma dieta com 33% PB e 3,4 kcal/DE por sete dias por semana.(AU)

Animais , Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Aquicultura/métodos
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(1): e220064, 2023. mapas, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418161


The hydrological regime leads to fluctuations in the availability of food resources for fish, which may reflect in their diet variation. Our main goal was to analyze the relationship between water-level fluctuations and the diet and the body condition of Trachelyopterus galeatus in the Upper Paraná River floodplain. The fish used in the study were sampled quarterly along nine years, at nine sampling stations. Our results showed that diet of T. galeatus varied in response to oscillations in the hydrometric level, with the consumption of terrestrial invertebrates being positively related to hydrometric level, while the consumption of aquatic invertebrates was negatively related. The trophic niche breadth and feeding activity were not affected by hydrometric level, but the fish body condition was positively affected. The high food plasticity allows T. galeatus to consume the most available resources (e.g., terrestrial invertebrates in high water levels), which probably contributed to the increase in its body condition in higher hydrometric levels. In summary, the hydrological dynamic is fundamental for the diet variation of omnivorous fish, which can take advantage of the resource availability according to the hydrometric level, increasing its body condition when allochthonous resources as terrestrial invertebrates are supposed to be more available.(AU)

O regime hidrológico leva a flutuações na disponibilidade de recursos alimentares para os peixes, o que pode refletir na variação de sua dieta. O principal objetivo foi analisar a relação entre as oscilações do nível hidrométrico e a dieta e condição corporal de Trachelyopterus galeatus na planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná. Os peixes foram amostrados trimestralmente durante nove anos, em nove locais. Nossos resultados mostraram que a dieta de T. galeatus variou em resposta às oscilações do nível hidrométrico, com o consumo de invertebrados terrestres sendo positivamente relacionado com o nível hidrométrico, enquanto o consumo de invertebrados aquáticos foi negativamente relacionado. O nicho trófico e a atividade alimentar não foram afetados pelo nível hidrométrico, mas a condição corporal dos peixes foi positivamente afetada. A alta plasticidade alimentar permite que T. galeatus aproveite recursos mais disponíveis (por exemplo, invertebrados terrestres em níveis elevados), o que provavelmente contribui para o aumento da condição corporal em níveis hidrométricos elevados. Em resumo, a dinâmica hidrológica é fundamental para a variação da dieta de peixes onívoros, que podem aproveitar a disponibilidade de recursos de acordo com o nível hidrométrico, aumentando sua condição corporal quando recursos alóctones, como invertebrados terrestres, são supostamente mais disponíveis.(AU)

Animais , Peixes-Gato/fisiologia , Cadeia Alimentar , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Balanço Hidrológico
Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. (Online) ; 32(1): e016122, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416425


In this study, we report for the first time the successful infestation of rabbits with just-molted, unfed adults of Rhipicephalus microplus. Six New Zealand White rabbits were experimentally infested with 20 female and 20 male unfed adult ticks released into plastic chambers fixed on the shaved backs of each host. The attachment and feeding processes were successful. The biological characteristics of the ticks and the occurrence of adverse events in the tick-attachment area were studied. The average engorgement period was 10.7 days, and 33.3% of the engorged females completed the parasitic phase. The average weight of the recovered engorged females was 149.8 mg, with an average egg mass weight of 70.9 mg, a conversion efficiency index of 47.3%, and a hatching percentage of 88.31%. The adverse reactions found in the tick-attachment area were the usual inflammatory responses of the organism to infestation by these ectoparasites; however, it did not prevent the ticks from feeding and completing their life cycle. These data indicate that the infestation of rabbits with just-molted, unfed adult ticks could be a valuable, alternative animal model for rapid and economical evaluation of vaccine candidates and new molecules with acaricidal activity against Rhipicephalus microplus.(AU)

Neste estudo, relata-se, pela primeira vez, o sucesso da infestação de coelhos por carrapatos adultos recém-mudados e não alimentados. Seis coelhos brancos da Nova Zelândia foram infestados artificialmente com 20 carrapatos adultos fêmeas e 20 machos adultos não alimentados no interior de câmaras de plástico fixadas no dorso de cada hospedeiro. Os processos de fixação e alimentação dos carrapatos foram bem sucedidos. Foram estudadas as características biológicas dos carrapatos e a ocorrência de eventos adversos na área de fixação do ectoparasito. O período médio de ingurgitamento foi de 10,7 dias, e 33,3% das fêmeas ingurgitadas completaram a fase parasitária. O peso médio das fêmeas ingurgitadas recuperadas foi de 149,8 mg, com peso médio da massa de ovos de 70,9 mg, índice de produção de ovos de 47,3% e porcentagem de incubação de 88,31%. Uma resposta inflamatória usual do organismo à infestação por esses ectoparasitas foi a única reação adversa encontrada na área de fixação dos carrapatos, o que não impediu que eles se alimentassem e completassem seu ciclo de vida. Esses dados apontam que a infestação de coelhos com carrapatos adultos recém-mudados e não alimentados pode ser um modelo animal alternativo e útil para a avaliação rápida e econômica de candidatos a vacinas e novas moléculas com atividade acaricida contra Rhipicephalus microplus.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Coelhos/parasitologia , Infestações por Carrapato/diagnóstico , Carrapatos
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(4): e2237, Oct. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434688


Preventing pigs such as wild pigs (Sus scrofa) from accessing the farm can be blocked by installing fences or repellent to make them feel reluctant to access the farm. Most wild pigs were captured to prevent crop damage and incidence of African swine fever (ASF). Still, there is a limit to capturing them due to the rapid population growth. A study was conducted using "To Nature" repellent with an active ingredient of Methyl anthranilate (MA) to assess the effectiveness of MA as a pig repellent and determine its effect on feeding behavior and production performance. A total of eight female pigs [(Landrace x Yorkshire) x Duroc] were randomly arranged and used in the experiment for five weeks. Each treatment was replicated four times, having one pig in every replication. The feeders' position with MA repellent was shifted weekly with a ratio of 0.25% and mixed with 10kg of feed. The number of approaches of pigs to the feeder was monitored daily using a full HD CCTV 5-megapixel camera. A significantly lower number of approaches, feed intake, and total time spent feeding in the feeding trough was recorded from the feeder with MA repellent mixed in the diet. Regression analysis revealed a positive relationship in the feeding behavior of pigs in the feeder mixed with MA repellent in the diet. Therefore, 0.25% MA repellent can be used as pig repellent without adverse effects on the production performance of growing pigs.

Animais , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bem-Estar do Animal , Comportamento Alimentar/efeitos dos fármacos , Repelentes de Insetos/administração & dosagem
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e53490, mar. 2022. mapas, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370260


Surf zones are associated with a shelter area, nursery and feeding for several species of fish. In this study, the dietary habits of three species of fish with demersal habits (Gulf kingcroakerMenticirrhu gracilis, Whitesea catfishGenidens barbusand Barbu Polydacytlus virginicus), were verified in the surf zone area of an active urban beach of Baixada Santista, concerning structure in size, day and night abundances and overlapping diets. Atotal of 617 fish were analyzed, of which 362 were 194 were G. barbusand 61 were P. virginicus. Stomach contents, represented in Relative Importance Index diagrams, showed that the bivalve Donax gemmulais the most important food item for M. gracilis, scales of Teleostei for G. barbusand Euphausiacea for P. virginicus. In order to evaluate the similarity of the diets, the Macarthur & Levins indices and a cluster analysis with the Bray-Curtis distance were applied revealing that the diet is 44% different between G. barbusand M. gracilis, 5% between G. barbusand P. virginicusand of 84% between M. gracilisand P. virginicus. Anthropogenic waste like plastic, nylon, metal pieces, were only occasionaly observed.(AU)

Animais , Pesos e Medidas , Peixes-Gato/metabolismo , Perciformes/metabolismo , Comportamento Alimentar
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(1): 2212, jan. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438228


Poultry production is the most rapidly expanding agricultural industry. Consumer awareness of animal welfare has grown in recent years, and as a result, consideration for higher-quality meat production has increased. Environmental changes impact agricultural activity, including poultry production. These changes have raised serious worries that will severely impact poultry health and productivity due to climate change. In light of current environmental changes, determining the ideal environmental conditions for animals is a difficult challenge for researchers and breeders. When investigating the best environmental conditions for better poultry rearing and production, we must consider lighting, density, and dietary factors. These factors have separate and interactive effects on birds' behavior and performance. Understanding animal behavior is a key criterion for assessing animal welfare. It can assist breeders in better managing farm animals by reflecting the adaptability of the animal body to the surrounding environmental conditions. However, the optimal light quality and quantity, density, and feeding levels for poultry farming, particularly for chickens, are still a source of considerable debate among researchers and breeders. Therefore, this review discussed the current practical strategies for improving poultry behavior, health, and production through lighting, density, and feeding factors.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Bem-Estar do Animal , Iluminação/efeitos adversos
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20200183, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442709


- This study compared the social and feeding behaviour of immunocastrated female pigs using different immunocastration protocols. We used seventy-two gilts from industrial crossbreeding (Agroceres × Topigs) at 15 weeks of age. The pigs were distributed in a randomised design with three treatments. The second dose of the immunocastration vaccine was applied in two groups, six weeks before slaughter (I6) and four weeks before slaughter (I4). A non-immunised group (NI) was used for comparison. Due to the divergence in the time of immunisation between the two groups, an individual comparison of each immunocastrated group with the control group (NI vs. I6 and NI vs. I4) was performed. Social behaviour was analysed through the collection of images by a monitoring camera, and the analysis period was from 6:00 to 18:00 h, with behaviour observed every ten minutes. Feeding behaviour data were collected by the automated FIRE® system. Anti-GnRH immunisation and the different protocols of application did not influence most social and feeding behaviours.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Suínos/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(2): 99-104, jul. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393431


We described an outbreak of abomasal bloat in goat kids. Increased mortality with a history of abdominal bloating, dullness, and death was reported. Postmortem exanimation revealed dehydration, pale mucosa, ascites, abomasal tympanism and intestinal meteorism and congestion, and emphysematous abomasitis. Cytological evaluation from abomasum revealed gram-positive bacteria with a cuboid shape suggestive of Clostridium ventriculi, gram-positive bacilli suggestive of Clostridium perfringens, and ovoid basophilic yeasts. C. ventriculi and C. perfringens type A were confirmed by anaerobic culture and molecular tests. Histopathological findings revealed emphysematous abomasitis, necrosis of the gastric and intestinal walls, gastroenteritis, and intestinal thromboembolism. The possible associated factor was erroneous use of the milk replacer associated with inadequate kid management. Finally, the prophylactic measures suggested such as hygiene care, proper use of milk replacer, clostridial vaccination plan, and a good colostrum management were able to control the outbreak.(AU)

Animais , Gastropatias/veterinária , Cabras/fisiologia , Infecções por Clostridium/diagnóstico , Abomaso , Leite/microbiologia , Enterotoxemia/epidemiologia
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 44: e53714, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32560


We aimed to determine the effect of relocation of whole-plant corn silage (WPCS) with different fermentation profiles on ingestive behavior of lambs. Twenty-four male Santa Inês lambs, were used in a completely randomized block design based on initial bodyweight (17.5 ± 1.8 kg) for the following treatments: CS: WPCS (not inoculated and not relocated); R-12h: WPCS relocated for 12h; IR-12h: WPCS inoculated with Lactobacillus plantarumand relocated for 12h; and R-24h: WPCS not inoculated and relocated for 24h. Ingestive behavior was observed as continuous (feeding, ruminating, and idling) and specific (urination, defecation, and water and salt access frequency) activities for 48h (3h intervals for a total of eight periods in 24h). The behavioral activities were affected only by periods (p = 0.0001). Feeding peaks was high at 8:00–11:00am(54.2%) and 5:00-8:00pm(54.9%) in compare to ruminating and idling at the same period. Rumination time was intense at night, at 63.7% (2:00–5:00am) and 69.7% (5:00–8:00am). Idling time (49.7%) was long after silage supply. The specific activities were intense during the morning periods. Supply of WPCS relocated up to 24h did not alter the ingestive behavior.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos/metabolismo , Silagem/análise , Zea mays , Inoculantes Agrícolas
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(1): 1-17, jan. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484123


Poultry production is the most rapidly expanding agricultural industry. Consumer awareness of animal welfare has grown in recent years, and as a result, consideration for higher-quality meat production has increased. Environmental changes impact agricultural activity, including poultry production. These changes have raised serious worries that will severely impact poultry health and productivity due to climate change. In light of current environmental changes, determining the ideal environmental conditions for animals is a difficult challenge for researchers and breeders. When investigating the best environmental conditions for better poultry rearing and production, we must consider lighting, density, and dietary factors. These factors have separate and interactive effects on birds' behavior and performance. Understanding animal behavior is a key criterion for assessing animal welfare. It can assist breeders in better managing farm animals by reflecting the adaptability of the animal body to the surrounding environmental conditions. However, the optimal light quality and quantity, density, and feeding levels for poultry farming, particularly for chickens, are still a source of considerable debate among researchers and breeders. Therefore, this review discussed the current practical strategies for improving poultry behavior, health, and production through lighting, density, and feeding factors.

Animais , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Comportamento Animal , Dieta/veterinária , Iluminação/efeitos adversos , Densidade Demográfica
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2021-1555, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1382111


The objective of this study was evaluate whether pretransport feed withdrawal affects welfare, carcass, and meat characteristics of European quails. A total of 120 European quails were used, with an initial age of 15 days. Bird feed was removed before transport to the slaughterhouse at the following times, which characterised the different treatments: zero hours, three hours, six hours, nine hours and twelve hours. The transport took 54 minutes to cover 27 kilometres to a commercial slaughterhouse. The birds were slaughtered at 41 days of age. During bleeding, blood samples were collected. Blood glucose, total protein, albumin, uric acid, and corticosterone concentrations were measured. The carcasses and meat characteristics were measured. Poultry body weight decreased and blood glucose concentrations increased with the increase in feed withdrawal time. The treatments did not affect carcass weights. Carcass yields after three hours fasting were similar to those in the six hours and nine hours groups, indicating that gastrointestinal tracts were empty after the third hour. Meat quality was negatively affected (pH, lightness, water holding capacity, cooking loss) by the increase in feed withdrawal time; integrated parameters that characterise dark, firm, dry meat. Pre transport feed withdrawal time should be three hours to empty the gastrointestinal tract and minimise losses in meat quality of European quails. It is necessary to adjust feed withdrawal so that it does not exceed this time, since there is no technical justification for supporting it.(AU)

Animais , Colinus/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos , Carne , Bem-Estar do Animal
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e53445, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1390701


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of weaning and concentrate supplementation on the characteristics of carcass cuts and longissimus muscle of Suffolk lambs finished on a Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) pasture. Weaning and concentrate supplementation strategies were evaluated in four finishing systems: i) non-weaned and non-supplemented lambs; ii) non-weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding; iii) weaned and non-supplemented lambs; and iv) weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate. In the systems with weaning, lambs were weaned at 46 ± 6 days of age. In the systems with supplementation, the concentrate was offered daily at 2% of lambs' body weight. Weaning led to a decrease, whereas supplementation led to an increase in carcass cut weights. Supplemented lambs had lower yields of neck and uncovered ribs, and higher yields of breast + flank and loin. The characteristics of loin eye and fat thickness over the longissimus muscle presented lower values in weaned lambs and higher values in supplemented lambs. Keeping lambs with their dams and offering concentrate supplementation until slaughter are strategies recommended to obtain heavier cuts with increased muscularity and fat content.(AU)

Animais , Desmame , Pastagens , Cynodon/química , Músculos Paraespinais/fisiologia , Carne/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262041, 2022. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396279


This study aims to evaluate the dynamics of fish trophic guilds according to the longitudinal gradient of the Paraguay River, northern Pantanal, Brazil. Three river segments were sampled: plateau, confluence and plain. These segments have different physical and biological characteristics, with high water flow in forest areas in plateau and slow flow in meanders, with Pantanal typical vegetation. In total, 26,542 individuals distributed in 130 fish species were collected. The sampled species were characterized in seven trophic guilds. From the seven trophic guilds identified, only three were statistically related to the type of the environment; herbivores were more abundant in the plateau, piscivores in the confluence, and invertivores in the plain. According to values of corrected Akaike Information Criteria, the environmental variable that best explains the abundance of piscivorous fishes in the segments sampled in the Paraguay River was water transparency. For herbivores, the model that explained the variation in abundance was composed by temperature, altitude and dense forest proportion. The variable altitude best represented the abundance of invertivores. Water transparency, temperature, altitude, river width and dense forest proportion were determining factors for the distribution of piscivorous, herbivorous and invertivorous fishes as a response to an environmental gradient that meets its ecological requirements. Understanding the trophic relationships is fundamental for management actions, contributing to the maintenance of ecosystem services of different species. Therefore, future research must be taken into account regarding management and ecological relationships.(AU)

Animais , Ecologia da Nutrição , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Peixes/fisiologia , Brasil , Ecossistema
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 44: e53445, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32611


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of weaning and concentrate supplementation on the characteristics of carcass cuts and longissimusmuscle of Suffolk lambs finished ona Tifton 85 (Cynodonspp.) pasture. Weaning and concentrate supplementation strategies were evaluated in four finishing systems: i) non-weaned and non-supplemented lambs; ii) non-weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding;iii) weaned and non-supplemented lambs; and iv) weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate. In the systems with weaning, lambs were weaned at 46 ± 6 days of age. In the systems with supplementation, the concentrate was offered daily at 2% of lambs body weight. Weaning led to a decrease, whereas supplementation led to an increase in carcass cut weights. Supplemented lambs had lower yields of neck and uncovered ribs, and higher yields of breast + flank and loin. The characteristics of loin eye and fat thicknessover the longissimusmuscle presented lower values in weaned lambs and higher values in supplemented lambs. Keeping lambs with their dams and offering concentrate supplementation until slaughter are strategies recommended to obtain heavier cuts with increased muscularity and fat content.(AU)

Animais , Carne/análise , Carne/classificação , Pastagens/análise , Desmame , Ovinos