Neoplasms are among the most impacting disease diagnoses in veterinary medicine and have become increasingly common due to the greater longevity of animals as living conditions improved. The Mongolian gerbil is a small rodent species that has become popular recently. In these animals, the occurrence of neoplastic processes is relatively common, mainly tumors of the ventral gland in males and ovarian tumors in females. This work aims to report an ovarian tumor in a Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus Milne-Edwards 1867 (Rodentia, Muridae). At the initial presentation, the animal had dyspnea, prostration, and increased abdominal volume in the topography of the right ovary of approximately 2 cm. The animal was submitted to exploratory laparotomy because of the emergency nature of the case and the owners' refusal of additional exams due to financial restrictions. Thus, an ovariohysterectomy was performed, followed by a histopathological examination. The histopathology revealed an ovarian papillary carcinoma affecting both ovaries and cystic endometrial hyperplasia. With surgical removal and drainage of the thoracic fluid, the animal showed good recovery, with general improvement and return to regular activity, with a life expectancy of two years. Currently, the demand for specialized veterinarians for unconventional pets is increasing. This condition allows owners to raise their animals more properly, favoring greater longevity. Knowledge about the prevalence and incidence of diseases in different species is of enormous relevance in establishing the appropriate therapy, improving life quality, and increasing life expectancy in animals' lives.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Carcinoma Papilar/fisiopatologia , Gerbillinae , Neoplasias/veterinária , Neoplasias Ovarianas/veterináriaResumo
An adenoma of the uterine tube in a 14-year-old, mixed breed, female dog with history of abdominal distention is described. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a 15 x 20 cm anechoic mass in the left caudal region of the abdominal cavity. Laparotomy was performed and the mass, within the left ovarian bursa, was surgically excised by ovariohysterectomy. Grossly, the left ovarian bursa was markedly increased in size (7 x 15 x 20 cm) and contained approximately 300ml of serosanguineous fluid that surrounded a 5 x 13 x 17 cm in diameter, red, papilliform, and soft mass. Histologically, the mass was characterized as an epithelial neoplastic proliferation arranged in a papilliform pattern. The numerous papillae were lined by a single layer of well-differentiated columnar ciliated cells, with occasional cuboidal cells, and supported by a dense fibrovascular stroma. Columnar cells contained abundant, slightly vacuolated and granular cytoplasm. The granules were located predominantly in the apical surface and were Alcian blue and periodic acid-Schiff positive. Nuclei were round and polarized in the apical surface of the cell. Neoplastic cells were positive for pan-cytokeratin and vimentin. The diagnosis of adenoma of uterine tube was based on the anatomic location, and histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural findings.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Adenoma/diagnóstico , Adenoma/veterinária , Tubas Uterinas/patologia , Neoplasias das Tubas Uterinas/veterináriaResumo
An adenoma of the uterine tube in a 14-year-old, mixed breed, female dog with history of abdominal distention is described. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a 15 x 20 cm anechoic mass in the left caudal region of the abdominal cavity. Laparotomy was performed and the mass, within the left ovarian bursa, was surgically excised by ovariohysterectomy. Grossly, the left ovarian bursa was markedly increased in size (7 x 15 x 20 cm) and contained approximately 300ml of serosanguineous fluid that surrounded a 5 x 13 x 17 cm in diameter, red, papilliform, and soft mass. Histologically, the mass was characterized as an epithelial neoplastic proliferation arranged in a papilliform pattern. The numerous papillae were lined by a single layer of well-differentiated columnar ciliated cells, with occasional cuboidal cells, and supported by a dense fibrovascular stroma. Columnar cells contained abundant, slightly vacuolated and granular cytoplasm. The granules were located predominantly in the apical surface and were Alcian blue and periodic acid-Schiff positive. Nuclei were round and polarized in the apical surface of the cell. Neoplastic cells were positive for pan-cytokeratin and vimentin. The diagnosis of adenoma of uterine tube was based on the anatomic location, and histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural findings.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Adenoma/veterinária , Adenoma/diagnóstico , Tubas Uterinas/patologia , Neoplasias das Tubas Uterinas/veterináriaResumo
The purpose of this study was to examine the ovaries and the oviduct of juvenile females of the broad-snouted caiman, Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802), using light microscopy, histochemical and immunocytochemical techniques. The ovarian cortex was observed to contain groups of germinative cells and abundant previtellogenic follicles at different stages of development. In previtellogenic follicles, the oocyte was surrounded by a single cuboidal layer of granulosa cells, supported by the theca layer. The theca was formed by a concentric layer containing collage nous fibers, predominantly type I, and several smooth muscle fibers. The inner perivitelline layer appeared as a narrow basophilic region between the oocyte and the granulosa. The ovarian medullary region of loose connective tissue contained blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as numerous lacunae, being covered by a simple squamous epithelium, supported by a thin layer of connective tissue. The oviduct of C. latirostris showed five histologically distinct regions: infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina. The infundibulum was composed of an irregularly folded mucosa covered by a simple columnar epithelium with the presence of ciliated cells, weakly reactive to PAS staining. In the magnum, the mucosa was highly folded, and pseudostratified columnar epithelium contains mucous cells, which reacted positively to PAS staining. The isthmus was lining by an epithelium of ciliated and non-ciliated secretory cells, but no gland was visualized in mucosa. In the uterus, the folded mucosa was composed of a simple epithelium of high cylindrical cells and the lamina propria, which was predominantly formed by strongly birefringent fibers, but yellow-green weakly birefringent fibers were also present. The epithelium of the vagina contained intensely ciliated and non-ciliated cells, both of which were positive to PAS staining and no gland was observed in this region. Although the ovary and the oviduct showed some morphological particularities, they are similar to other crocodilians.
Feminino , Animais , Genitália Feminina , Jacarés e Crocodilos/anatomia & histologia , Ovário/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The purpose of this study was to examine the ovaries and the oviduct of juvenile females of the broad-snouted caiman, Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802), using light microscopy, histochemical and immunocytochemical techniques. The ovarian cortex was observed to contain groups of germinative cells and abundant previtellogenic follicles at different stages of development. In previtellogenic follicles, the oocyte was surrounded by a single cuboidal layer of granulosa cells, supported by the theca layer. The theca was formed by a concentric layer containing collage nous fibers, predominantly type I, and several smooth muscle fibers. The inner perivitelline layer appeared as a narrow basophilic region between the oocyte and the granulosa. The ovarian medullary region of loose connective tissue contained blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as numerous lacunae, being covered by a simple squamous epithelium, supported by a thin layer of connective tissue. The oviduct of C. latirostris showed five histologically distinct regions: infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina. The infundibulum was composed of an irregularly folded mucosa covered by a simple columnar epithelium with the presence of ciliated cells, weakly reactive to PAS staining. In the magnum, the mucosa was highly folded, and pseudostratified columnar epithelium contains mucous cells, which reacted positively to PAS staining. The isthmus was lining by an epithelium of ciliated and non-ciliated secretory cells, but no gland was visualized in mucosa. In the uterus, the folded mucosa was composed of a simple epithelium of high cylindrical cells and the lamina propria, which was predominantly formed by strongly birefringent fibers, but yellow-green weakly birefringent fibers were also present. The epithelium of the vagina contained intensely ciliated and non-ciliated cells, both of which were positive to PAS staining and no gland was observed in this region. Although the ovary and the oviduct showed some morphological particularities, they are similar to other crocodilians.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Genitália Feminina , Jacarés e Crocodilos/anatomia & histologia , Ovário/anatomia & histologiaResumo
O Toxoplasma gondii é um protozoário cosmopolita e intracelular obrigatório que afeta animais endotérmicos, incluindo o homem. A transmissão pode ocorrer pelas vias horizontal e vertical, esta última, em geral, acaba desencadeando patologias reprodutivas. Com isso, objetivou-se investigar a ocorrência de T. gondii em espécies da Família Tayassuidae de vida livre da Amazônia peruana, pela imunomarcação do protozoário em tecido de útero gestacional e placenta. Para tanto, as amostras de tecido uterino e placentário de 36 Pecari tajacu e 42 Tayassu pecari foram analisadas pelas técnicas de histopatologia e imuno- histoquímica, com os resultados correlacionadospelo teste qui-quadrado. Um total de 12 animais foram positivos (06 P. tajacu e 06 T. pecari). Na IHQ o T. pecari exibiu 7,14% de positividade para T. gondii em útero gestacional e 9,52% em placenta, enquanto o P. tajacuapresentou 11,11% em útero gestacional e 8,33% em placenta. As amostras imunorreativas em IHQ apresentaram intensidade variando de moderada a forte em ambos os órgãos das espécies analisadas, sendo observada as formas parasitárias no epitélio e tecido conjuntivo uterino e placentário, porém sem a observância das lesões características nos tecidos avaliados pelas técnicas de histotopatologia e IHQ. Com isso foi possível determinar a existência da circulação do T. gondii em espécimes T. pecari e P. tajacu de vida livre da Amazônia peruana, possibilitando a continuidade do ciclo deste parasito no ecossistema da região e a transmissão vertical do parasito nestas espécies. Além de ser a primeira pesquisa que relaciona a imunodetecção de T. gondii em espécimes de T. pecari e P. tajacu analisando amostras de útero gestacional e placenta com detecção pela IHQ, que mostrou ser uma técnica altamente sensível.
Toxoplasma gondii is a mandatory cosmopolitan and intracellular protozoan that affects endothermic animals, including humans. Transmission can occur through horizontal and vertical routes, the latter, in general, ends up triggering reproductive pathologies. Thus, the objective was to investigate the occurrence of T. gondii in species of the Tayassuidae Family of free life in the Peruvian Amazon, by immunomarking the protozoan in gestational uterus and placenta tissue. For that, the samples of uterine and placental tissue of 36 Pecari tajacu and 42 Tayassu pecari were analyzed by the techniques of histopathology and immunohistochemistry, with the results correlated by the chi-square test. A total of 12 animals were positive (06 P. tajacu and 06 T. pecari). In IHC, T. pecari exhibited 7.14% positivity for T. gondii in gestational uterus and 9.52% in placenta, while P. tajacu presented 11.11% in gestational uterus and 8.33% in placenta. The immunoreactive samples in IHC showed intensity varying from moderate to strong in both organs of the analyzed species, with parasitic forms being observed in the epithelium and uterine and placental connective tissue, but without observing the characteristic lesions in the tissues evaluated by the histotopathology and IHC techniques. With that, it was possible to determine the existence of the circulation of T. gondii in T. pecari and P. tajacu specimens of free life in the Peruvian Amazon, allowing the continuity of the cycle of this parasite in the region's ecosystem and the vertical transmission of the parasite in these species. In addition to being the first research that links the immunodetection of T. gondii in specimens of T. pecari and P. tajacu, analyzing samples of gestational uterus and placenta with IHC detection, which proved to be a highly sensitive technique.
As substâncias desreguladores endócrinas de diversas origens e propriedades químicas acomentem uma diversidade de mamíferos, animais silvestres e seres humanos, que podem interagir com o sistema reprodutivo feminino e prejudicar a homeostase hormonal. Dentro dessa classificação, os parabenos podem ser utilizados como conservantes em diversos produtos comerciais. Seus efeitos se tornam cada vez mais complexos em relação à idade, história reprodutiva, ambiente endócrino da espécime no momento da exposição, como também não é sabido todos os reais mecanismos desses compostos quando associados. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos dos parabenos em ratas Wistar durante um período de 90 dias consecutivos de exposição. Assim, as ratas foram distribuídas em quatro grupos experimentais: controle, que recebeu somente óleo de milho como veículo, e tratados com propil e buti-parabeno nas doses de 10 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, ou 200 mg/kg e expostas via subcutânea. Foi utilizada a técnica de citologia vaginal para investigar a ciclicidade das fêmeas, bem como a caracterização das fases do ciclo estral pelo método Shorr. Além desses parâmetros, foram analisados aspectos morfológicos de ovários e útero, quantificação das estruturas ovarianas e avaliação ultraestutural de folículos pré-ovulatórios. Foram avaliados a concentração plasmática de estrógeno, peso corporal bem como o peso dos órgãos reprodutivos. Os resultados revelaram que o método Shorr, foi eficaz para identificar e caracterizar os tipos celulares encontrados no epitélio vaginal como a identificação de cada fase do ciclo estral. Além disso, o peso absoluto e relativo dos órgãos reprodutivos não apresentou diferença entre os grupos experimentais. A análise histológica dos ovários revelou que, todos os estágios foliculares permaneceram inalterados, como também a classificação morfológica dos Complexos Cumulus oophurus coletados. Porém, houve diminuição significativa de folículos totais primordiais e primários em fêmeas que receberam 10 e 200 mg/kg. Quanto aos folículos atrésicos houve maior incidência no grupo de 100mg/Kg. A avaliação ultraestrutural de folículos pré-ovulatórios confirmou a análise morfológica, pois permaneceram saudáveis, sem alterações a nível celular. A partir da avaliação histopatológica do útero, infiltrados leucocitários não apresentaram diferença nas proporções de células mononucleadas e polimorfonucleadas, como a intensidade. Os parâmetros histomorfométricos do tecido uterino não foram alterados como também a expressão de receptores estrogênicos (RE) no tecido uterino e ovariano. A intensidade de marcação dos receptores de progesterona no útero apresentaram diminuídas nas doses de 10 e 100 mg/Kg, e no tecido ovariano apenas a dose 100 mg/Kg. A partir dos parâmetros avaliados no presente estudo, sugere-se que após a exposição prolongada dos compostos de parabeno, a funcionalidade dos tecidos reprodutivos em fêmeas adultas pode ter sido prejudicada. Apesar da morfologia e estrutura dos órgãos sexuais permanecerem inalterados, mais estudos a nível celular e molecular precisam ser realizados para melhor entendimento da atuação conjunta dessas substâncias.
The endocrine disruption substances of many origins and chemistry properties affect a diversity of mammals, wild animals and human beings. These substances can interact with the female reproductive system and damage the hormonal homeostasis. In this classification, the paraben could be used as preservatives in different commercial products. Its effects get even worst and complex with the age, reproductive history, and endocrine environment of the specie in the moment of exposure of the drug. In complement, it is not known the actual mechanisms of those compounds when they are associated. Thus, the goal of this experiment was evaluate the effects of parabens in females Wistar during 90 consecutive days of exposure. Therefore, the females were divided in four experimental groups: Control group Corn oil; and a mixture of propil and butyl paraben with 10 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg and exposed through the subcutaneous pathway. The vaginal cytology was performed to investigate the cyclicality as well as the characterization of the estrous phases by the Shor method. Besides that, morphological aspects of the ovary and uterus, counting of ovaries structure and ultrastructural of pre-ovulatory follicle. To complete the evaluation, the plasmatic estrogen, body weight and reproductive organ weight were assessed. The Shor method was effective to characterize and identify the cells types of the vaginal epithelium and identify the estrous cycle phase. Moreover, the relative and absolute weight have shown no difference between the experimental groups. The follicle stages had no alteration, as well as the morphological evaluating of the Cumulus oophurus by the histological analyses of the ovaries. However, there was decrease of primordial and primary follicles in females treated with 10 and 200 mg/kg. The ultrastructural evaluation of the pre-ovulatory follicles has shown no difference, confirming the morphological evaluation, with no cellular level alteration. From the histopathology evaluation, there was no difference in leukocytes infiltrates have not shown difference on proportions of mononucleated and polymorphonuclear cells, such as the intensity. No differences in the uterine tissue and expression of the estrogenic receptors were found. Regarding the progesterone receptors, there was a decrease of the expression in the uterus to the 10 and 100 mg/kg treatments, and to the 100 mg/kg dosage in the ovarian tissue. From the parameters evaluated in the present study, it is suggested that after the long exposure to the parabens, the function of the reproductive systems could be damaged. Although the morphology and the structure of the reproductive systems had no alteration, more molecular and cellular studies must be performed to the completely understand the action of these substances in association.
O período de gestação, características do ciclo reprodutivo, incluindo verificação da influência do efeito macho, descrição do sistema reprodutor feminino, placentação, desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal acrescido de análises morfométricas - e expressão dos glicosaminoglicanos (GAGs) sulfatados nos órgãos reprodutivos e placentários foram caracterizados em fêmeas de preás como forma de contribuir para a conservação da espécie. Para tanto, utilizaram-se 45 fêmeas não gestantes nos seguintes experimentos: 15 fêmeas foram distribuídas em três grupos experimentais, seguido da adição de um macho em cada grupo de modo que após a cópula e fecundação, as fêmeas eram separadas segundo datas compatíveis com início (dias cinco, 10 e 15), meio (dias 20, 25, 30 e 35) e fim (dias 40, 45, 50 e 55) da gestação. Tal condição visou à obtenção de fragmentos dos sacos gestacionais, placentas e órgãos do sistema reprodutor feminino, os quais foram fixados em paraformaldeído 4% e submetidos às técnicas de microscopia de luz. As amostras fixadas em glutaraldeído foram destinadas à realização de técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e transmissão. Além disto, usou-se a prozima para extração dos GAGs, seguida da eletroforese em gel de agarose e posterior quantificação por densitometria. O segundo experimento consistiu na utilização de cinco fêmeas, alocadas em recinto que continha um macho para o acompanhamento da duração da gestação. O terceiro experimento objetivou a caracterização do ciclo estral em um grupo contendo cinco fêmeas mais um macho, o qual encontrou-se preso em gaiola e outras cinco, em box isento deste último. O quarto experimento foi realizado por meio da análise morfométrica de embriões com 20, 25, 30 e 35 dias além de fetos nos dias 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 e recém-nascidos. Os resultados revelaram a presença de um útero duplo incompleto, formado por dois cornos, um corpo septado e uma cérvice. Os órgãos do sistema reprodutor apresentaram características macroscópicas e histológicas semelhantes as relatadas para outros roedores. A duração da gestação demonstrou média de 59 ± 2,7487 dias e o ciclo sexual foi classificado como poliéstrico contínuo, com período médio de 14,8 ± 0,73 dias para as fêmeas submetidas ao efeito macho e 14,6 ± 0,75 dias para aquelas do outro grupo. Além disto, a presença do macho influenciou significativamente (P<0,05) a duração do diestro, tornando-o mais longo. A inversão do saco vitelino ocorreu no décimo quarto dia de gestação e o endoderma visceral situou-se em aposição aos tecidos uterinos. A placenta corioalantoide apresentou forma discoidal e possuiu regiões bem definidas de espongiotrofoblasto, labirinto e subplacenta a partir da gestação intermediária. O desenvolvimento embrionário foi semelhante ao observado em roedores histricognatis, sendo a transição para a fase fetal, ocorrida aos 40 dias de gestação. Os dados morfométricos possibilitaram o estabelecimento de correlações com a idade gestacional. O dermatam sulfato foi o GAG predominante em amostras de tubas uterinas, vaginas e placentas, ao passo que o heparam expressou-se mais no corpo do útero, no início da gestação. Houve ainda elevadas concentrações de GAGs no útero gestante e no sistema reprodutor na fase estrogênica quando comparada ao diestro. Conclui-se que os eventos reprodutivos apresentaram características da espécie correlacionáveis com outras da ordem Rodentia, fato este que indica um conjunto de estratégias evolutivas relacionadas com a sua manutenção.
The gestation period, the characteristics of the reproductive cycle, including the selection of the influence of the male effect, the description of the female reproductive system, placentation, embryonic and fetal development added of the morphometric analysis - and the expression of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the reproductive and placental organs were the ways to contribute with the conservation of the species. For this, 45 non-pregnant females were used in the following experiments: 15 females were distributed in three experimental groups, followed by the addition of one male in each group, so that after the copulation and fertilization the females were separeted in accordance with the compatible dates of begining (days 5, 10 and 15), middle (days 20, 25, 30 and 35) and end (days 40, 45, 50 and 55) of gestation. This condition was obtained to obtain fragments of gestational sacs, placentas and organs of the female reproductive system, which were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and submitted to light microscopy techniques. The samples fixed in glutaraldehyde were performed in scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques. In addition, prozima was used for GAG extraction, followed by agarose gel electrophoresis and subsequent quantification by densitometry. The second experiment consisted of the use of five females, housed in a room that contained a male to monitor the duration of gestation. The third experiment aimed to characterize the estrous cycle in a group containing five females plus one male, which was found trapped in a cage and another five, in a box exempt from the latter. The fourth experiment was performed by means of the morphometric analysis of embryos with 20, 25, 30 and 35 days plus fetuses on days 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 and newborns. The results revealed the presence of an incomplete double uterus, formed by two horns, a septate body and a cervix. The organs of the reproductive system presented macroscopic and histological characteristics similar to those reported for other rodents. The duration of gestation showed an average of 59 ± 2,7487 days and the sexual cycle was classified as continuous polystyric, with a mean period of 14.8 ± 0.73 days for females submitted to the male effect and 14.6 ± 0.75 days for those of the other group. In addition, the male presence significantly influenced (D <0.05) the duration of the diestrus, making it longer. The yolk sac inversion occurred on the 14th day of gestation and the visceral endoderm was placed in apposition to the uterine tissues. The chorioallantoic placenta presented a discoidal shape and had well defined regions of spongiotrophoblast, labyrinth and subplacenta from the intermediate gestation. Embryonic development was similar to that observed in histricognatis rodents, being the transition to the fetal phase, occurring at 40 days of gestation. Morphometric data allowed the establishment of correlations with gestational age. Dermatan sulfate was the predominant GAG in samples of uterine tubes, vaginas and placentas, whereas heparam expressed more in the body of the uterus at the beginning of gestation. There were also high concentrations of GAGs in the pregnant uterus and still in the reproductive system in the estrogenic phase when compared to the diestrus. It is concluded that the reproductive events presented characteristics of the species correlated with others of the order Rodentia, fact that indicates a set of evolutionary strategies related to its maintenance.
ABSTRACT The research aimed to study the histology of ovaries, lateral oviducts, common oviducts and spermatheca, and morphometry of the ovaries of Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), reared under the photoperiods 10:14, 12:12 and 14:10 (L:D). Morphometry was conducted using a binocular magnifying glass adapted with a milimetric ocular, being registered the length and the width of the ovaries. Subsequently the ovarioles were separated and counted. For the histological analysis, the organs were fixated in alcoholic Boüin, included in paraplast and stained by H.E., Mallorys trichromic and P.A.S. Photoperiods studied did not influence the morphometry of the ovaries, number of ovarioles and the histology of the organs. The averages of the ovarioles number were of 195,62, 202,62 and 208,25 for the fotoperíodos of 10L:14D, 12L:12D and 14L:10D, respectively, being more numerous in the left-side ovary. Each ovarioles presented tubular morphology with distinct regions (terminal filament, germarium and vitellarium). The lateral oviducts are internally covered by simple cubic epithelial tissue with numerous folds, sustained on the connective tissue and, externally, by a striated muscular tissue layer. The common oviduct presents the same histological constitution of the lateral oviduct, except by the presence of the epithelium with cuticular intima and a well developed muscular layer. The spermatheca is constituted by columnar pseudo-stratified epithelial tissue with cuticular intima and striated muscular tissue associated to connective tissue.
RESUMO A pesquisa teve o objetivo de descrever a histologia dos ovários, ovidutos laterais, oviduto comum e espermateca, e realizar a morfometria dos ovários de Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), submetido aos fotoperíodos de 10L:14E, 12L:12E e 14L:10E. Para morfometria utilizou-se uma lupa binocular adaptada com uma ocular milimétrica, sendo registrado o comprimento e as larguras dos ovários. Posteriormente, os ovaríolos foram separados e contados. Para análise histológica, os órgãos foram fixados em Boüin alcoólico, incluídos em paraplast e corados pela H.E., tricrômico de Mallory e P.A.S (Ácido Periódico de Schiff). Os resultados mostraram que não houve influência dos fotoperíodos sobre a morfometria dos ovários, número de ovaríolos e histologia dos órgãos. Foram encontrados ovários préreprodutivos e reprodutivos. As médias do número de ovaríolos foram de 195,62, 202,62 e 208,25 para os fotoperíodos de 10L:14E, 12L:12E e 14L:10E, respectivamente, sendo mais numerosos no ovário esquerdo. Cada ovaríolo apresentou morfologia tubular com regiões bem distintas (filamento terminal, germário e vitelário). O oviduto lateral é revestido internamente por tecido epitelial simples cúbico com numerosas dobras, apoiado no tecido conjuntivo e externamente por uma camada de tecido muscular estriado. O oviduto comum apresenta a mesma constituição histológica do oviduto lateral, exceto pela presença de epitélio com íntima cuticular e uma camada muscular bem desenvolvida. A espermateca é constituída por tecido epitelial pseudo-estratificado colunar com íntima cuticular e tecido muscular estriado associado a tecido conjuntivo.
The anatomy of the female reproductive system of the grasshopper Abracris flavolineata does not differ substantially from the most Orthoptera. Glandular pouches of Comstock - Kellogg are present and well developed. The spermatheca is single with a distal diverticulate structure. There are two ovaries of the panoistic comb type, each one with 20-22 ovarioles. The pseudocollateral glands are fairly large and conspicuous. The histological studies of the ovariole and spermatheca revealed some distinct features.
A anatomia do aparelho reprodutor feminino do gafanhoto Abracris flavolineata não é muito diferente dos ortópteros em geral. Possui dois ovários panoísticos do tipo pente, contendo 20 a 22 ovaríolos cada. Apresenta glândulas de Comstock - Kellogg bem desenvolvidas; a espermateca é simples, provida de uma estrutura diverticular distal. As glândulas pseudo-colaterais são relativamente grandes e couspícuas. O estudo histológico dos ovaríolos e da espermateca revelou algumas características distintas.
The anatomy of the female reproductive system of the grasshopper Abracris flavolineata does not differ substantially from the most Orthoptera. Glandular pouches of Comstock - Kellogg are present and well developed. The spermatheca is single with a distal diverticulate structure. There are two ovaries of the panoistic comb type, each one with 20-22 ovarioles. The pseudocollateral glands are fairly large and conspicuous. The histological studies of the ovariole and spermatheca revealed some distinct features.
A anatomia do aparelho reprodutor feminino do gafanhoto Abracris flavolineata não é muito diferente dos ortópteros em geral. Possui dois ovários panoísticos do tipo pente, contendo 20 a 22 ovaríolos cada. Apresenta glândulas de Comstock - Kellogg bem desenvolvidas; a espermateca é simples, provida de uma estrutura diverticular distal. As glândulas pseudo-colaterais são relativamente grandes e couspícuas. O estudo histológico dos ovaríolos e da espermateca revelou algumas características distintas.