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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(1): 1-13, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416421


In a randomized controlled trial, we evaluated the effects of five oral electrolyte solutions (OESS) with different compositions of water, electrolyte, and acid-base balances of diarrheal neonatal calves. Osmotic diarrhea and dehydration were induced with sucrose in milk, spironolactone, and hydrochlorothiazide for 48 h in thirty 10-day old Holstein healthy calves with 43.5 ± 3.80 kg BW who were fed with natural milk. They were allocated to five treatment groups (n=6) based on the administered OES (commercial: OES A, B, C, D; and non-commercial: OES UEL). On the day of treatment, the calves received 6L of OES in two doses apart from milk intakes. Venous blood samples were collected at -48h (start of induction), -24h, Oh (start of the treatment day), 8h, 16h, 24h, 48h, and 72h. TPP, glucose, D-lactate, L-lactate, pH, pCO2, HCO3, BE, Na, K, CI, SID3, SIG, AG, Atot and percentage change in plasma volume (%PV) were measured or calculated and analyzed by two-way repeated measures ANOVA. All the calves developed osmotic diarrhea, mild to moderate dehydration, hyponatremia, relative hyperchloremia, and moderate to severe metabolic acidosis. The tested OESS were well accepted by the calves and effective in reversing dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and metabolic acidosis. OES D did not completely correct hyponatremia, and SEO B caused transient hyperglycemia. It has been concluded that all the tested OESS are safe and effective for the treatment of diarrhea in calves with moderate degrees of dehydration and metabolic acidosis, which indicates that they have proper compositions for this purpose.

Em um ensaio clínico controlado e aleatório, foram comparados os efeitos de cinco soluções eletrolíticas orais (SEOs) sobre os equilíbrios hídrico, eletrolítico e ácido-base de bezerros neonatos diarreicos. Diarreia osmótica e desidratação foram induzidas com sacarose no leite, espironolactona e hidroclorotiazida, por 48h, em 30 bezerros Holandeses com 10 dias de idade, 43,5 ± 3,8kg de peso, e alimentados com leite natural. Eles foram distribuídos em cinco grupos de tratamento (n=6) de acordo com a SEO administrada (comercial: SEO A, B, C, D; e não comercial: SEO UEL). No dia do tratamento, os bezerros receberam 6L de SEO em duas doses além da ingestão de leite. Amostras de sangue venoso foram coletadas em -48h (início da indução), - 24h, Oh (início do dia de tratamento), 8h, 16h, 24h, 48h e 72h. PPT, glicose, lactatos Le D, pH, pCO2, HCO3, BE, Na, K, CI, SID3, SIG, AG, Atot e variação percentual no volume plasmático (%VP) foram mensurados ou calculados, e analisados por meio de ANOVA de duas vias de medidas repetidas. Todos os bezerros desenvolveram diarreia osmótica, desidratação leve a moderada, hiponatremia, hipercloremia relativa e acidose metabólica moderada a grave. As SEOs testadas foram bem aceitas pelos bezerros e eficazes para a reversão da desidratação, dos desequilíbrios eletrolíticos e da acidose metabólica. A SEO D não corrigiu completamente a hiponatremia, e a SEO B causou hiperglicemia transitória. Conclui-se que todas as SEOs são eficazes para o tratamento da diarreia em bezerros com graus moderados de desidratação e de acidose metabólica, o que indica que possuem composições adequadas para esse fim.

Animais , Bovinos , Acidose/veterinária , Diarreia/terapia , Diarreia/veterinária , Hidratação/veterinária , Hiponatremia/veterinária , Animais Recém-Nascidos
Sci. agric. ; 79(1)2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-760486


ABSTRACT Cereal cyst nematode is a major pest of small grain cereals, which causes huge yield losses to crops in China and other parts of the world. In this study, the effects of five inorganic ion concentrations on egg hatching of Heterodera avenae were studied. Results revealed that ZnCl2 and FeCl3 promoted hatching of induced and natural diapausing eggs. The cumulative hatching rates of eggs were 49 % and 13 % at 30 mM ZnCl2 and 10 mM FeCl3, respectively, which were higher than those of other treatments. The hatching ability promoted by ZnCl2 is greater than by FeCl3. Diapause induced eggs in ZnCl2 continued to hatch after 10 days; however, those in FeCl3 mainly hatched in the first two weeks. ZnCl2 had obvious stimulating effects on the hatching of natural diapause and nondiapause free eggs at 15 and 30 mM concentrations. FeCl3 promoted the hatching of natural diapause eggs; howevr, it inhibited hatching of nondiapause free eggs. Conversely, different concentrations of inorganic ions did not have any stimulatory effect on white female eggs. In the nematode life cycle, hatching is the critical stage because juveniles may be infected. The results of this study provide useful information the use of new fertilizers (including promoted hatching inorganic ions) applied before planting for controlling nematode diseases caused by H. avenae.

Sci. agric ; 79(01): 1-7, 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1498019


Cereal cyst nematode is a major pest of small grain cereals, which causes huge yield losses to crops in China and other parts of the world. In this study, the effects of five inorganic ion concentrations on egg hatching of Heterodera avenae were studied. Results revealed that ZnCl2 and FeCl3 promoted hatching of induced and natural diapausing eggs. The cumulative hatching rates of eggs were 49 % and 13 % at 30 mM ZnCl2 and 10 mM FeCl3, respectively, which were higher than those of other treatments. The hatching ability promoted by ZnCl2 is greater than by FeCl3. Diapause induced eggs in ZnCl2 continued to hatch after 10 days; however, those in FeCl3 mainly hatched in the first two weeks. ZnCl2 had obvious stimulating effects on the hatching of natural diapause and non–diapause free eggs at 15 and 30 mM concentrations. FeCl3 promoted the hatching of natural diapause eggs; howevr, it inhibited hatching of non–diapause free eggs. Conversely, different concentrations of inorganic ions did not have any stimulatory effect on white female eggs. In the nematode life cycle, hatching is the critical stage because juveniles may be infected. The results of this study provide useful information the use of new fertilizers (including promoted hatching inorganic ions) applied before planting for controlling nematode diseases caused by H. avenae.

Antinematódeos/administração & dosagem , Compostos Inorgânicos/efeitos adversos , Fertilizantes , Nematoides/parasitologia
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 28: e20210042, 2022. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360568


Spider venoms induce different physio-pharmacological effects by binding with high affinity on molecular targets, therefore being of biotechnological interest. Some of these toxins, acting on different types of ion channels, have been identified in the venom of spiders of the genus Phoneutria, mainly from P. nigriventer. In spite of the pharmaceutical potential demonstrated by P. nigriventer toxins, there is limited information on molecules from venoms of the same genus, as their toxins remain poorly characterized. Understanding this diversity and clarifying the differences in the mechanisms of action of spider toxins is of great importance for establishing their true biotechnological potential. This prompted us to compare three different venoms of the Phoneutria genus: P. nigriventer (Pn-V), P. eickstedtae (Pe-V) and P. pertyi (Pp-V). Methods: Biochemical and functional comparison of the venoms were carried out by SDS-PAGE, HPLC, mass spectrometry, enzymatic activities and electrophysiological assays (whole-cell patch clamp). Results: The employed approach revealed that all three venoms had an overall similarity in their components, with only minor differences. The presence of a high number of similar proteins was evident, particularly toxins in the mass range of ~6.0 kDa. Hyaluronidase and proteolytic activities were detected in all venoms, in addition to isoforms of the toxins Tx1 and Tx2-6. All Tx1 isoforms blocked Nav1.6 ion currents, with slight differences. Conclusion: Our findings showed that Pn-V, Pe-V and Pp-V are highly similar concerning protein composition and enzymatic activities, containing isoforms of the same toxins sharing high sequence homology, with minor modifications. However, these structural and functional variations are very important for venom diversity. In addition, our findings will contribute to the comprehension of the molecular diversity of the venoms of the other species from Phoneutria genus, exposing their biotechnological potential as a source for searching for new active molecules.(AU)

Animais , Espectrometria de Massas/instrumentação , Venenos de Aranha/análise , Aranhas , Isoformas de Proteínas/biossíntese , Hialuronoglucosaminidase , Preparações Farmacêuticas
Sci. agric ; 79(1): e20200072, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438010


Cereal cyst nematode is a major pest of small grain cereals, which causes huge yield losses to crops in China and other parts of the world. In this study, the effects of five inorganic ion concentrations on egg hatching of Heterodera avenae were studied. Results revealed that ZnCl2 and FeCl3 promoted hatching of induced and natural diapausing eggs. The cumulative hatching rates of eggs were 49 % and 13 % at 30 mM ZnCl2 and 10 mM FeCl3, respectively, which were higher than those of other treatments. The hatching ability promoted by ZnCl2 is greater than by FeCl3. Diapause induced eggs in ZnCl2 continued to hatch after 10 days; however, those in FeCl3 mainly hatched in the first two weeks. ZnCl2 had obvious stimulating effects on the hatching of natural diapause and non­diapause free eggs at 15 and 30 mM concentrations. FeCl3 promoted the hatching of natural diapause eggs; howevr, it inhibited hatching of non­diapause free eggs. Conversely, different concentrations of inorganic ions did not have any stimulatory effect on white female eggs. In the nematode life cycle, hatching is the critical stage because juveniles may be infected. The results of this study provide useful information the use of new fertilizers (including promoted hatching inorganic ions) applied before planting for controlling nematode diseases caused by H. avenae.(AU)

Grão Comestível/parasitologia , Tylenchida/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cistos/parasitologia
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484789


Abstract Background: Spider venoms induce different physio-pharmacological effects by binding with high affinity on molecular targets, therefore being of biotechnological interest. Some of these toxins, acting on different types of ion channels, have been identified in the venom of spiders of the genus Phoneutria, mainly from P. nigriventer. In spite of the pharmaceutical potential demonstrated by P. nigriventer toxins, there is limited information on molecules from venoms of the same genus, as their toxins remain poorly characterized. Understanding this diversity and clarifying the differences in the mechanisms of action of spider toxins is of great importance for establishing their true biotechnological potential. This prompted us to compare three different venoms of the Phoneutria genus: P. nigriventer (Pn-V), P. eickstedtae (Pe-V) and P. pertyi (Pp-V). Methods: Biochemical and functional comparison of the venoms were carried out by SDS-PAGE, HPLC, mass spectrometry, enzymatic activities and electrophysiological assays (whole-cell patch clamp). Results: The employed approach revealed that all three venoms had an overall similarity in their components, with only minor differences. The presence of a high number of similar proteins was evident, particularly toxins in the mass range of ~6.0 kDa. Hyaluronidase and proteolytic activities were detected in all venoms, in addition to isoforms of the toxins Tx1 and Tx2-6. All Tx1 isoforms blocked Nav1.6 ion currents, with slight differences. Conclusion: Our findings showed that Pn-V, Pe-V and Pp-V are highly similar concerning protein composition and enzymatic activities, containing isoforms of the same toxins sharing high sequence homology, with minor modifications. However, these structural and functional variations are very important for venom diversity. In addition, our findings will contribute to the comprehension of the molecular diversity of the venoms of the other species from Phoneutria genus, exposing their biotechnological potential as a source for searching for new active molecules.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(6): 2437-2452, nov.-dez. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418837


Sucrose- and diuretics-based protocols are widely used to induce osmotic diarrhea and dehydration in calves, but they fail to cause metabolic acidosis. In previous studies, calves were fed milk replacers and deprived of water. In this study, we assessed the water, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances in calves that were fed whole milk and were not completely deprived of water during the induction period. Healthy, male Holstein calves aged 10-12 days were assigned to two groups: free access to water (FWG; n=17) and water deprivation at night (DWG; n=21); and osmotic diarrhea was induced with sucrose added to milk, spironolactone (2mg kg-1) and hydrochlorothiazide (2mg kg-1) orally every 8h for 48h. pH, pCO2, HCO3-, BE, Na+, K+, Cl-, SID3, TPP, AG, Atot, glucose, L-lactate, D-lactate, SIG, and percentage change in plasma volume were measured in venous blood samples taken at 0, 24, and 48h. Data were analyzed using two-way repeated measures ANOVA. Calves showed diarrhea, mild (FWG) to moderate (DWG) dehydration, hyponatremia, and moderate (FWG) to severe (DWG) metabolic acidosis. AG and D-lactate levels were higher and SIG was lower in the DWG, and there was no hyper-L- or D-lactatemia. The magnitude of metabolic acidosis was similar to that observed in natural cases of diarrhea. The protocol for inducing osmotic diarrhea and dehydration should be applied to calves that are fed whole milk and are not completely deprived of water.

Protocolos baseados em sacarose e diuréticos são amplamente usados para induzir diarreia osmótica e desidratação em bezerros, porém não provocam acidose metabólica. Em estudos anteriores, os bezerros foram alimentados com substitutos de leite e privados de água. Neste estudo, avaliaram-se os desequilíbrios hídrico, eletrolítico e ácido base em bezerros que foram alimentados com leite integral e não foram completamente privados de água durante o período de indução. Bezerros HPB machos sadios com 10 a 12 dias de idade foram distribuídos por dois grupos: acesso livre à água (FWG; n=17) e privação de água durante a noite (DWG; n=21); e a diarreia osmótica foi induzida com sacarose adicionada ao leite, espironolactona (2mg kg-1) e hidroclorotiazida (2mg kg-1) por via oral a cada 8h durante 48h. pH, pCO2, HCO3-, BE, Na+, K+, Cl-, SID3, PPT, AG, Atot, glicose, lactato L, lactato D, SIG e alteração percentual no volume plasmático foram medidos em amostras de sangue venoso colhidas em 0, 24 e 48h. Os dados foram analisados usando ANOVA de medidas repetidas bifatorial. Os bezerros apresentaram diarreia, desidratação leve (FWG) a moderada (DWG), hiponatremia e acidose metabólica moderada (FWG) a grave (DWG). Os valores de AG e de lactato D foram maiores e o de SIG foi menor no DWG, e não houve hiperlactatemia L ou D. A magnitude da acidose metabólica foi semelhante à observada em casos naturais de diarreia. O protocolo para induzir diarreia osmótica e desidratação deve ser aplicado a bezerros alimentados com leite integral e não totalmente privados de água.

Animais , Bovinos , Acidose , Privação de Água , Doenças dos Bovinos , Desidratação , Leite , Diuréticos , Glucose
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20210026, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1351023


Pain is a common symptom induced during envenomation by spiders and scorpions. Toxins isolated from their venom have become essential tools for studying the functioning and physiopathological role of ion channels, as they modulate their activity. In particular, toxins that induce pain relief effects can serve as a molecular basis for the development of future analgesics in humans. This review provides a summary of the different scorpion and spider toxins that directly interact with pain-related ion channels, with inhibitory or stimulatory effects. Some of these toxins were shown to affect pain modalities in different animal models providing information on the role played by these channels in the pain process. The close interaction of certain gating-modifier toxins with membrane phospholipids close to ion channels is examined along with molecular approaches to improve selectivity, affinity or bioavailability in vivo for therapeutic purposes.(AU)

Animais , Dor , Escorpiões , Venenos de Aranha , Modelos Animais , Canais Iônicos , Fosfolipídeos , Analgésicos
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484776


Abstract Pain is a common symptom induced during envenomation by spiders and scorpions. Toxins isolated from their venom have become essential tools for studying the functioning and physiopathological role of ion channels, as they modulate their activity. In particular, toxins that induce pain relief effects can serve as a molecular basis for the development of future analgesics in humans. This review provides a summary of the different scorpion and spider toxins that directly interact with pain-related ion channels, with inhibitory or stimulatory effects. Some of these toxins were shown to affect pain modalities in different animal models providing information on the role played by these channels in the pain process. The close interaction of certain gating-modifier toxins with membrane phospholipids close to ion channels is examined along with molecular approaches to improve selectivity, affinity or bioavailability in vivo for therapeutic purposes.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(06): 3135-3148, nov.-dez. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501896


Soybean seed treatment contributes to the maintenance of seed quality, but the effect of commercial formulations and chemical products on the effectiveness of the electrical conductivity test based on electrolyte leaching has been frequently questioned. This study aimed to verify the interference of the chemical seed treatment of two soybean cultivars on the effectiveness of the electrical conductivity test in evaluating the vigor of freshly treated and stored seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of seven seed treatments and two evaluation periods (0 and 60 days after storage), with four replications. The used seed treatments consisted of 1) fipronil + pyraclostrobin + thiophanatemethyl, 2) imidacloprid + thiodicarb + carbendazim + thiram, 3) abamectin + thiamethoxan + fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole, 4) carbendazim + thiram, 5) fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole, 6) carboxin + thiram, and 7) control (no treatment). The cultivars were BRS 360 RR and BRS 284, whichwere analyzed separately. Germination, accelerated aging, emergence, and electrical conductivity tests were carried out. No differences were detected between the control and chemical treatments performed on seeds of the two freshly treated soybean cultivars regarding germination, accelerated aging, and emergence tests. The germination test stood out after storage with the cultivar BRS 360 RR, showing the maintenance of germination potential for seeds treated with carbendazim + thiram and the control treatment. Therefore, the chemical treatment of soybean seeds interferes with the result of the electrical conductivity test. The electrical conductivity test is effective in segregating seed lots in terms of vigor level. The electrical conductivity test correlates with the other vigor tests used to identify the reduction in the physiological seed quality with storage.

O tratamento de sementes de soja contribui na manutenção da qualidade das sementes, entretanto, o efeito de formulações e produtos químicos comerciais sobre a eficácia do teste de condutividade elétrica, baseado na lixiviação de eletrólitos, é algo de contínuos questionamentos. Objetivou-se verificar a interferência do tratamento químico de sementes de duas cultivares de soja sobre a eficácia do teste de condutividade elétrica em avaliar o vigor das sementes recém tratadas e armazenadas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, sendo sete tratamentos de sementes e dois períodos de avaliação (0 e 60 dias após o armazenamento). Os tratamentos de sementes utilizados foram: 1) fipronil + piraclostrobina + tiofanato metílico; 2) imidacloprido + tiodicarbe + carbendazim + thiram; 3) abamectina + tiametoxan + fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole; 4) carbendazim + thiram; 5) fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole; 6) carboxin + thiram e 7) tratamento controle (sem tratamento). As cultivares foram BRS360 RR e BRS 284, analisadas separadamente. Realizaram-se os testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, emergência em areia e condutividade elétrica. Não foram detectadas diferenças entre os tratamentos controle e químicos realizados nas sementes das duas cultivares de soja recém tratadas nos testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado e emergência em areia. Após o armazenamento, destaca-se o teste de germinação com a cultivar BRS 360 RR, em que a manutenção do potencial de germinação foi observada para as sementes tratadas com carbendazim + thiram e tratamento controle. Conclui-se que o tratamento químico de sementes de soja interfere no resultado do teste de condutividade elétrica. O teste de condutividade [...].

Glycine max/fisiologia , Glycine max/química
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(6): 3135-3148, nov.-dez. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370456


Soybean seed treatment contributes to the maintenance of seed quality, but the effect of commercial formulations and chemical products on the effectiveness of the electrical conductivity test based on electrolyte leaching has been frequently questioned. This study aimed to verify the interference of the chemical seed treatment of two soybean cultivars on the effectiveness of the electrical conductivity test in evaluating the vigor of freshly treated and stored seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of seven seed treatments and two evaluation periods (0 and 60 days after storage), with four replications. The used seed treatments consisted of 1) fipronil + pyraclostrobin + thiophanatemethyl, 2) imidacloprid + thiodicarb + carbendazim + thiram, 3) abamectin + thiamethoxan + fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole, 4) carbendazim + thiram, 5) fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole, 6) carboxin + thiram, and 7) control (no treatment). The cultivars were BRS 360 RR and BRS 284, which were analyzed separately. Germination, accelerated aging, emergence, and electrical conductivity tests were carried out. No differences were detected between the control and chemical treatments performed on seeds of the two freshly treated soybean cultivars regarding germination, accelerated aging, and emergence tests. The germination test stood out after storage with the cultivar BRS 360 RR, showing the maintenance of germination potential for seeds treated with carbendazim + thiram and the control treatment. Therefore, the chemical treatment of soybean seeds interferes with the result of the electrical conductivity test. The electrical conductivity test is effective in segregating seed lots in terms of vigor level. The electrical conductivity test correlates with the other vigor tests used to identify the reduction in the physiological seed quality with storage.(AU)

O tratamento de sementes de soja contribui na manutenção da qualidade das sementes, entretanto, o efeito de formulações e produtos químicos comerciais sobre a eficácia do teste de condutividade elétrica, baseado na lixiviação de eletrólitos, é algo de contínuos questionamentos. Objetivou-se verificar a interferência do tratamento químico de sementes de duas cultivares de soja sobre a eficácia do teste de condutividade elétrica em avaliar o vigor das sementes recém tratadas e armazenadas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, sendo sete tratamentos de sementes e dois períodos de avaliação (0 e 60 dias após o armazenamento). Os tratamentos de sementes utilizados foram: 1) fipronil + piraclostrobina + tiofanato metílico; 2) imidacloprido + tiodicarbe + carbendazim + thiram; 3) abamectina + tiametoxan + fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole; 4) carbendazim + thiram; 5) fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole; 6) carboxin + thiram e 7) tratamento controle (sem tratamento). As cultivares foram BRS 360 RR e BRS 284, analisadas separadamente. Realizaram-se os testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, emergência em areia e condutividade elétrica. Não foram detectadas diferenças entre os tratamentos controle e químicos realizados nas sementes das duas cultivares de soja recém tratadas nos testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado e emergência em areia. Após o armazenamento, destacase o teste de germinação com a cultivar BRS 360 RR, em que a manutenção do potencial de germinação foi observada para as sementes tratadas com carbendazim + thiram e tratamento controle. Conclui-se que o tratamento químico de sementes de soja interfere no resultado do teste de condutividade elétrica. O teste de condutividade elétrica apresenta eficácia em segregar os lotes de sementes quanto ao nível de vigor. O teste de condutividade elétrica correlaciona-se com os demais testes de vigor utilizados para identificar a redução da qualidade fisiológica de sementes com o armazenamento.(AU)

Sementes , Glycine max , Condutividade Elétrica , Eletrólitos , Glicina
Semina Ci. agr. ; 42(06): 3135-3148, nov.-dez. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32487


Soybean seed treatment contributes to the maintenance of seed quality, but the effect of commercial formulations and chemical products on the effectiveness of the electrical conductivity test based on electrolyte leaching has been frequently questioned. This study aimed to verify the interference of the chemical seed treatment of two soybean cultivars on the effectiveness of the electrical conductivity test in evaluating the vigor of freshly treated and stored seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of seven seed treatments and two evaluation periods (0 and 60 days after storage), with four replications. The used seed treatments consisted of 1) fipronil + pyraclostrobin + thiophanatemethyl, 2) imidacloprid + thiodicarb + carbendazim + thiram, 3) abamectin + thiamethoxan + fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole, 4) carbendazim + thiram, 5) fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole, 6) carboxin + thiram, and 7) control (no treatment). The cultivars were BRS 360 RR and BRS 284, whichwere analyzed separately. Germination, accelerated aging, emergence, and electrical conductivity tests were carried out. No differences were detected between the control and chemical treatments performed on seeds of the two freshly treated soybean cultivars regarding germination, accelerated aging, and emergence tests. The germination test stood out after storage with the cultivar BRS 360 RR, showing the maintenance of germination potential for seeds treated with carbendazim + thiram and the control treatment. Therefore, the chemical treatment of soybean seeds interferes with the result of the electrical conductivity test. The electrical conductivity test is effective in segregating seed lots in terms of vigor level. The electrical conductivity test correlates with the other vigor tests used to identify the reduction in the physiological seed quality with storage.(AU)

O tratamento de sementes de soja contribui na manutenção da qualidade das sementes, entretanto, o efeito de formulações e produtos químicos comerciais sobre a eficácia do teste de condutividade elétrica, baseado na lixiviação de eletrólitos, é algo de contínuos questionamentos. Objetivou-se verificar a interferência do tratamento químico de sementes de duas cultivares de soja sobre a eficácia do teste de condutividade elétrica em avaliar o vigor das sementes recém tratadas e armazenadas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, sendo sete tratamentos de sementes e dois períodos de avaliação (0 e 60 dias após o armazenamento). Os tratamentos de sementes utilizados foram: 1) fipronil + piraclostrobina + tiofanato metílico; 2) imidacloprido + tiodicarbe + carbendazim + thiram; 3) abamectina + tiametoxan + fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole; 4) carbendazim + thiram; 5) fludioxonil + mefenoxam + thiabendazole; 6) carboxin + thiram e 7) tratamento controle (sem tratamento). As cultivares foram BRS360 RR e BRS 284, analisadas separadamente. Realizaram-se os testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, emergência em areia e condutividade elétrica. Não foram detectadas diferenças entre os tratamentos controle e químicos realizados nas sementes das duas cultivares de soja recém tratadas nos testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado e emergência em areia. Após o armazenamento, destaca-se o teste de germinação com a cultivar BRS 360 RR, em que a manutenção do potencial de germinação foi observada para as sementes tratadas com carbendazim + thiram e tratamento controle. Conclui-se que o tratamento químico de sementes de soja interfere no resultado do teste de condutividade elétrica. O teste de condutividade [...].(AU)

Glycine max/química , Glycine max/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(1): 93-101, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1088929


Vomiting and diarrhea are two important clinical signs that can cause significant electrolytic and acid-base imbalances. The purposes of this study were to characterize hydric, electrolytic and acid-base disorders presented by puppies with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and to compare the traditional and quantitative approaches to acid-base status interpretation. Sixty-one animals with a history of vomiting and/or diarrhea were used in this study and the following tests were performed: complete blood count, total plasma protein concentration and hemogasometry. Mean, standard deviation and Kappa values were calculated. The imbalances characterized by both approaches were: 42 (69%) animals without imbalance, 17 (28%) with metabolic alkalosis and 2 (3%) with metabolic acidosis by the traditional approach and 17 (28%) dogs without imbalance, 26 (43%) with metabolic alkalosis and 18 (29%) with metabolic acidosis by the quantitative approach. The agreement calculated between two approaches coincide in 28 cases, with a moderate Kappa value equivalent to 0.459. The most found imbalances were metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, and mild dehydration. Most of acid-base disturbances were not identified by the traditional approach, whereas by the quantitative approach, they were easily determined. Thus quantitative approach proved to be superior in identification of possible acid-base imbalances.(AU)

Vômito e diarreia são dois sinais clínicos importantes, que podem causar desequilíbrios eletrolíticos e ácido-base importantes. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar os desequilíbrios hídrico, eletrolítico e ácido-base apresentados por filhotes de cães com gastroenterite hemorrágica e comparar as abordagens de interpretação do equilíbrio ácido-base tradicional e quantitativa. Sessenta e um animais com histórico de vômito e/ou diarreia foram utilizados neste estudo, e os seguintes testes foram realizados: hemograma, concentração de proteína total plasmática e hemogasometria. Média, desvio-padrão e valor de Kappa foram calculados. Os desequilíbrios caracterizados pelas duas abordagens foram: 42 (69%) animais sem desequilíbrio, 17 (28%) com alcalose metabólica e dois (3%) com acidose metabólica, pela abordagem tradicional, e 17 (28%) cães sem desequilíbrio, 26 (43%) com alcalose metabólica e 18 (29%) com acidose metabólica, pela abordagem quantitativa. A concordância calculada entre as duas abordagens coincidiu em 28 casos, com um valor de Kappa moderado, equivalente a 0,459. Os desequilíbrios mais encontrados foram alcalose metabólica, hipocalemia e desidratação leve. A maioria dos distúrbios não foram identificados pela abordagem tradicional, enquanto, pela abordagem quantitativa, foram facilmente determinados. Portanto, a abordagem quantitativa provou-se superior na identificação de possíveis desequilíbrios ácido-base.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Desequilíbrio Ácido-Base/veterinária , Desidratação/veterinária , Eletrólitos/análise , Gastroenterite/veterinária
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 57(1): e159837, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1122150


The objectives of this retrospective study were to determine the main acid-base and electrolytes disorders in hospitalized cattle, using both Henderson-Hasselbalch and the physicochemical approach and to compare their diagnostic and therapeutic utility. A total of 31 medical records were reviewed of bovines admitted to the Large Animal Hospital at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, that met the inclusion criteria of the measurement of blood gases, blood electrolytes and plasma protein on admission before providing any treatment. Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch approach, acid base abnormalities were found in 83.3% of the patients, compared to 93.5% using the physicochemical approach. The principal acid-base disorders found were strong ion acidosis (61.29%) and weak acid acidosis (38.7%); strong ion gap (SIG) acidosis was found in 73.68% of cases showing strong ion acidosis. These results highlight the importance of the diagnosis of acid-base disorders in sick cattle for proper recognition of pathophysiological phenomena and its understanding to guide treatment decisions.(AU)

Os objetivos deste estudo retrospectivo foram determinar os principais distúrbios ácido-base e eletrolíticos em bovinos internados, utilizando a abordagem Henderson-Hasselbalch e a abordagem físico-química comparando a utilidade diagnóstica e terapêutica de tais procedimentos. Foram revisados 31 prontuários de bovinos admitidos no Hospital de Animais de Grande Porte da Universidad Nacional de Colombia, que preencheram os critérios de inclusão da medição de gases sanguíneos, eletrólitos sanguíneos e proteínas plasmáticas na admissão antes de fornecer qualquer tratamento. Com o emprego da abordagem de Henderson-Hasselbalch, as anormalidades da base ácida foram encontradas em 83,3% dos pacientes, enquanto com a abordagem físico-química o valor obtido foi de 93,5%. Os principais distúrbios ácido-base encontrados foram forte acidose iônica (61,29%) e acidose ácida fraca (38,7%). A acidose com Ion Gap Forte (SIG) foi encontrada em 73,68% dos casos com forte acidose iônica. Estes resultados destacam a importância do diagnóstico de distúrbios ácido-base em bovinos doentes para o reconhecimento adequado dos fenômenos fisiopatológicos e sua compreensão para orientar as decisões de tratamento.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Acidose/veterinária , Eletrólitos/análise , Fenômenos Químicos , Hiponatremia/veterinária , Estudos Retrospectivos , Hospitais Veterinários
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200025, 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135152


Antivenoms are the only validated treatment against snakebite envenoming. Numerous drawbacks pertaining to their availability, safety and efficacy are becoming increasingly evident due to low sustainability of current productions. Technological innovation of procedures generating therapeutics of higher purity and better physicochemical characteristics at acceptable cost is necessary. The objective was to develop at laboratory scale a compact, feasible and economically viable platform for preparation of equine F(ab')2 antivenom against Vipera ammodytes ammodytes venom and to support it with efficiency data, to enable estimation of the process cost-effectiveness. Methods: The principle of simultaneous caprylic acid precipitation and pepsin digestion has been implemented into plasma downstream processing. Balance between incomplete IgG breakdown, F(ab')2 over-digestion and loss of the active drug's protective efficacy was achieved by adjusting pepsin to a 1:30 substrate ratio (w/w) and setting pH at 3.2. Precipitation and digestion co-performance required 2 h-long incubation at 21 °C. Final polishing was accomplished by a combination of diafiltration and flow-through chromatography. In vivo neutralization potency of the F(ab')2 product against the venom's lethal toxicity was determined. Results: Only three consecutive steps, performed under finely tuned conditions, were sufficient for preservation of the highest process recovery with the overall yield of 74%, comparing favorably to others. At the same time, regulatory requirements were met. Final product was aggregate- and pepsin-free. Its composition profile was analyzed by mass spectrometry as a quality control check. Impurities, present in minor traces, were identified mostly as IgG/IgM fragments, contributing to active drug. Specific activity of the F(ab')2 preparation with respect to the plasma was increased 3.9-fold. Conclusion: A highly streamlined mode for production of equine F(ab')2 antivenom was engineered. In addition to preservation of the highest process yield and fulfillment of the regulatory demands, performance simplicity and rapidity in the laboratory setting were demonstrated. Suitability for large-scale manufacturing appears promising.(AU)

Espectrometria de Massas , Antivenenos , Cromatografia , Corrente Jusante , Plasma , Imunoterapia
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 57(1): e159837, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27605


The objectives of this retrospective study were to determine the main acid-base and electrolytes disorders in hospitalized cattle, using both Henderson-Hasselbalch and the physicochemical approach and to compare their diagnostic and therapeutic utility. A total of 31 medical records were reviewed of bovines admitted to the Large Animal Hospital at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, that met the inclusion criteria of the measurement of blood gases, blood electrolytes and plasma protein on admission before providing any treatment. Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch approach, acid base abnormalities were found in 83.3% of the patients, compared to 93.5% using the physicochemical approach. The principal acid-base disorders found were strong ion acidosis (61.29%) and weak acid acidosis (38.7%); strong ion gap (SIG) acidosis was found in 73.68% of cases showing strong ion acidosis. These results highlight the importance of the diagnosis of acid-base disorders in sick cattle for proper recognition of pathophysiological phenomena and its understanding to guide treatment decisions.(AU)

Os objetivos deste estudo retrospectivo foram determinar os principais distúrbios ácido-base e eletrolíticos em bovinos internados, utilizando a abordagem Henderson-Hasselbalch e a abordagem físico-química comparando a utilidade diagnóstica e terapêutica de tais procedimentos. Foram revisados 31 prontuários de bovinos admitidos no Hospital de Animais de Grande Porte da Universidad Nacional de Colombia, que preencheram os critérios de inclusão da medição de gases sanguíneos, eletrólitos sanguíneos e proteínas plasmáticas na admissão antes de fornecer qualquer tratamento. Com o emprego da abordagem de Henderson-Hasselbalch, as anormalidades da base ácida foram encontradas em 83,3% dos pacientes, enquanto com a abordagem físico-química o valor obtido foi de 93,5%. Os principais distúrbios ácido-base encontrados foram forte acidose iônica (61,29%) e acidose ácida fraca (38,7%). A acidose com Ion Gap Forte (SIG) foi encontrada em 73,68% dos casos com forte acidose iônica. Estes resultados destacam a importância do diagnóstico de distúrbios ácido-base em bovinos doentes para o reconhecimento adequado dos fenômenos fisiopatológicos e sua compreensão para orientar as decisões de tratamento.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Acidose/veterinária , Eletrólitos/análise , Fenômenos Químicos , Hiponatremia/veterinária , Estudos Retrospectivos , Hospitais Veterinários
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(1): 93-101, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26615


Vomiting and diarrhea are two important clinical signs that can cause significant electrolytic and acid-base imbalances. The purposes of this study were to characterize hydric, electrolytic and acid-base disorders presented by puppies with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and to compare the traditional and quantitative approaches to acid-base status interpretation. Sixty-one animals with a history of vomiting and/or diarrhea were used in this study and the following tests were performed: complete blood count, total plasma protein concentration and hemogasometry. Mean, standard deviation and Kappa values were calculated. The imbalances characterized by both approaches were: 42 (69%) animals without imbalance, 17 (28%) with metabolic alkalosis and 2 (3%) with metabolic acidosis by the traditional approach and 17 (28%) dogs without imbalance, 26 (43%) with metabolic alkalosis and 18 (29%) with metabolic acidosis by the quantitative approach. The agreement calculated between two approaches coincide in 28 cases, with a moderate Kappa value equivalent to 0.459. The most found imbalances were metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, and mild dehydration. Most of acid-base disturbances were not identified by the traditional approach, whereas by the quantitative approach, they were easily determined. Thus quantitative approach proved to be superior in identification of possible acid-base imbalances.(AU)

Vômito e diarreia são dois sinais clínicos importantes, que podem causar desequilíbrios eletrolíticos e ácido-base importantes. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar os desequilíbrios hídrico, eletrolítico e ácido-base apresentados por filhotes de cães com gastroenterite hemorrágica e comparar as abordagens de interpretação do equilíbrio ácido-base tradicional e quantitativa. Sessenta e um animais com histórico de vômito e/ou diarreia foram utilizados neste estudo, e os seguintes testes foram realizados: hemograma, concentração de proteína total plasmática e hemogasometria. Média, desvio-padrão e valor de Kappa foram calculados. Os desequilíbrios caracterizados pelas duas abordagens foram: 42 (69%) animais sem desequilíbrio, 17 (28%) com alcalose metabólica e dois (3%) com acidose metabólica, pela abordagem tradicional, e 17 (28%) cães sem desequilíbrio, 26 (43%) com alcalose metabólica e 18 (29%) com acidose metabólica, pela abordagem quantitativa. A concordância calculada entre as duas abordagens coincidiu em 28 casos, com um valor de Kappa moderado, equivalente a 0,459. Os desequilíbrios mais encontrados foram alcalose metabólica, hipocalemia e desidratação leve. A maioria dos distúrbios não foram identificados pela abordagem tradicional, enquanto, pela abordagem quantitativa, foram facilmente determinados. Portanto, a abordagem quantitativa provou-se superior na identificação de possíveis desequilíbrios ácido-base.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Desequilíbrio Ácido-Base/veterinária , Desidratação/veterinária , Eletrólitos/análise , Gastroenterite/veterinária
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 26: e20200025, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32211


Antivenoms are the only validated treatment against snakebite envenoming. Numerous drawbacks pertaining to their availability, safety and efficacy are becoming increasingly evident due to low sustainability of current productions. Technological innovation of procedures generating therapeutics of higher purity and better physicochemical characteristics at acceptable cost is necessary. The objective was to develop at laboratory scale a compact, feasible and economically viable platform for preparation of equine F(ab')2 antivenom against Vipera ammodytes ammodytes venom and to support it with efficiency data, to enable estimation of the process cost-effectiveness. Methods: The principle of simultaneous caprylic acid precipitation and pepsin digestion has been implemented into plasma downstream processing. Balance between incomplete IgG breakdown, F(ab')2 over-digestion and loss of the active drug's protective efficacy was achieved by adjusting pepsin to a 1:30 substrate ratio (w/w) and setting pH at 3.2. Precipitation and digestion co-performance required 2 h-long incubation at 21 °C. Final polishing was accomplished by a combination of diafiltration and flow-through chromatography. In vivo neutralization potency of the F(ab')2 product against the venom's lethal toxicity was determined. Results: Only three consecutive steps, performed under finely tuned conditions, were sufficient for preservation of the highest process recovery with the overall yield of 74%, comparing favorably to others. At the same time, regulatory requirements were met. Final product was aggregate- and pepsin-free. Its composition profile was analyzed by mass spectrometry as a quality control check. Impurities, present in minor traces, were identified mostly as IgG/IgM fragments, contributing to active drug. Specific activity of the F(ab')2 preparation with respect to the plasma was increased 3.9-fold. Conclusion: A highly streamlined mode for production of equine F(ab')2 antivenom was engineered. In addition to preservation of the highest process yield and fulfillment of the regulatory demands, performance simplicity and rapidity in the laboratory setting were demonstrated. Suitability for large-scale manufacturing appears promising.(AU)

Antivenenos , Corrente Jusante , Imunoterapia , Cromatografia por Troca Iônica , Espectrometria de Massas
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 41: e46093, 20190000. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460882


The application of plant growth regulators can manipulate the development of cultivated plants, and their physiological effects may be reflected in the physiological quality of the seeds. This study evaluated the effects of plant growth regulators (PGR) on the physiological quality of crambe seeds produced in the 2014 and 2015 harvests. During crop development, we applied two foliar sprayings of the following treatments: 1) control treatment with distilled water; 2) indole-3-acetic acid 100 mg L-1 (IAA); 3) 3-gibberellic acid P.A. 100 mg L-1 (GA3); 4) commercial PGR Stimulate® 6 mL L-1. The seeds were harvested and evaluated for water content, germination percentage and germination speed index (GSI), electrical conductivity and concentrations of leached Ca, Mg and K ions. Means were compared by Tukey ́s and Dunnett tests (p<0.05). Applying Stimulate® increased the germination percentage and the germination speed index, while IAA application showed an opposite effect, increasing the electrical conductivity of crambe seeds. Calcium leaching decreased with IAA application, and all regulators reduced K leaching. We therefore infer that the application of plant growth regulators influences the physiological quality of crambe seeds.

Crambe (Planta)/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Crambe (Planta)/fisiologia , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sementes/fisiologia , Percolação
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(2): e190021, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1012714


Anesthetic effect of Aloysia triphylla and Lippia alba essential oils (EOs) in the Amazonian fish Serrasalmus eigenmanni was evaluated. The fish were placed in aquaria containing A. triphylla or L. alba EOs (25 to 200 µL L-1). Then, fish were transferred to aquaria containing EO-free water to evaluate their recovery time. In another experiment, fish were transferred to aquaria containing A. triphylla or L. alba EOs (3 to 10 µL L-1) and swimming behavior was analyzed for up to 240 min of exposure. Water samples were collected at 0 and 240 min and blood samples were collected at 240 min. Tested concentrations induced all stages of anesthesia, except 25 µL L-1 A. triphylla EO and 50 µL L-1 L. alba EO, which only induced sedation. Prolonged exposure to both EOs reduced swimming time compared to the control at all evaluated times. The fish exposed to 3 µL L-1 A. triphylla EO showed a lower net K+ efflux compared to ethanol-exposed fish; in those exposed to 5 µL L-1, ammonia excretion was reduced. The blood parameters did not show significant differences between treatments. In conclusion, both EOs can be used as anesthetics and sedatives for transport of S. eigenmanni.(AU)

Avaliou-se o efeito anestésico dos óleos essenciais de Aloysia triphylla e de Lippia alba no peixe amazônico Serrasalmus eigenmanni. Os peixes foram colocados em aquários contendo OEs de A. triphylla ou L. alba (25 a 200 µL L-1). Após, foram transferidos para aquários com água sem anestésicos para avaliar o tempo de recuperação. Em outro experimento, peixes foram transferidos para aquários contendo OEs de A. triphylla ou L. alba (3 a 10 µL L-1) e o comportamento natatório foi analisado até 240 min de exposição. Foram coletadas amostras de água em 0 e 240 min e de sangue em 240 min. As concentrações testadas induziram todos estágios de anestesia, exceto 25 µL L-1 OE de A. triphylla e 50 µL L-1 OE de L. alba, que causaram somente sedação. Exposição prolongada a ambos OEs reduziu o tempo de natação comparado ao controle. Peixes expostos a 3 µL L-1 OE de A. triphylla apresentaram menor efluxo de K+ comparado aos expostos ao etanol e nos expostos a 5 µL L-1 a excreção de amônia reduziu. Parâmetros sanguíneos não diferiram entre tratamentos. Conclui-se que ambos OEs podem ser utilizados como anestésicos e no transporte de S. eigenmanni.(AU)

Animais , Óleos Voláteis/administração & dosagem , Substâncias Redutoras/análise , Caraciformes , Anestésicos/análise