A ejaculação é um complexo processo de eventos neurofisiológicos sincronizados em coordenação com vários sistemas e órgãos. Antes do advento da injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides (ICSI), a ejaculação era um passo absolutamente essencial na reprodução. Os distúrbios ejaculatórios por sua vez são caracterizados pela não ocorrência do processo ejaculatório, mesmo que todos os demais parâmetros relacionados ao comportamento sexual apresentem-se normais. As principais causas dessas falhas ou alterações na ejaculação estão relacionadas à sensibilidade dolorosa durante a cópula, ejaculação retrógrada, disfunção psicogênica, obstruções do aparelho reprodutor masculino, urospermia, oligospermia ou azoospermia, além de falhas na contração da musculatura lisa do trato genital ou alterações musculoesqueléticas e neurológicas. O tratamento é dependente da causa primária de cada alteração. O controle da dor, ajustes no manejo, aumento do estímulo antes da coleta associados a tratamentos farmacológicos que atuam nas sinapses neuromotoras penianas tendem a resolver os principais distúrbios ejaculatórios, levando-se em consideração que as respostas a estes tratamentos são variadas de acordo com a individualidade do garanhão com relação a doses, protocolos, vias de administração e combinações de fármacos.(AU)
Ejaculation is a complex process of neurophysiological events synchronized in coordination with various systems and organs. Before the advent of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), ejaculation was an absolutely essential step in reproduction. Ejaculatory disorders, in turn, are characterized by the nonoccurrence of the ejaculatory process, even if all other parameters related to sexual behavior are normal. The main causes of these failures or changes in ejaculation are related to painful sensitivity during copulation, retrograde ejaculation, psychogenic dysfunction, obstructions of the male reproductive system, urospermia, oligospermia, azoospermia, in addition to failures in the contraction of the smooth muscles of the genital tract or musculoskeletal disorders and neurological. Treatment is dependent on the primary cause of each change. Pain control, management adjustments, increased stimulus before collection associated with pharmacological treatments that act on penile neuromotor synapses tend to resolve the main ejaculatory disorders, taking into account that the responses to these treatments vary according to the individuality of the stallion with regard to dosages, protocols, routes of administration and drug combinations.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Ductos Ejaculatórios/anormalidades , CavalosResumo
There is a paucity of information with respect to group-training for artificial vagina and its influence on semen characteristics and sexual behavior of young untrained rams. A total of 18 healthy Najdi rams (with an initial body weight of 40-45 Kg and 7-8 month-old) were consequently used herein to test the usefulness of group-training for artificial vagina-mediated semen collection during the breeding season. Rams were randomly segregated into three groups (n = 6 rams per protocol), and the whole experiment was lasted for 10 weeks. The 1st group was subjected to a training protocol where one untrained ram was placed for 20 min with a teaser ewe, while the 2nd group were subjected to a protocol where one untrained ram was placed for 20 min with one trained ram and a teaser ewe, whereas the 3rd group were subjected to a protocol where three untrained rams were placed for 20 min with one trained ram and a teaser ewe. The obtained results clearly (P < 0.05) showed that training young rams in group has increased their sperm concentration and sexual stimulation, shortened the period of their training time, and descriptively had a complete training efficiency. The sexual stimulation of young untrained rams was intensified by the competition between rams in the co-presence of a trained ram. Collectively, these data may suggest that group-training of rams at puberty is a better protocol for AV-mediated semen collection compared to individual training. Some shortcomings were noted herein, but research dealing with this subject may very well improve the reproductive performance of young untrained rams.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen , Comportamento Sexual Animal , PuberdadeResumo
The reproductive results in sheep or goat flocks is consequence of multiple factors, including the interactions between males, and how these interactions modify the sexual behavior of other males. The present review summarizes information on the dominance relationships between rams or bucks, and how these relationships affect their reproductive outcomes. Dominance relationships affect the access of some males to estrous females, influencing the total distribution of sperm among the flock. The review provides information on how dominance relationships are established during the development period, and also after mixing previously unknown males. The period of relationships establishment is extremely stressful for rams and bucks, and destabilize the social relationships, affecting even sperm quality. Dominant and subordinate males display different strategies to impregnate females, but females also participate in mate choice decisions with proceptive behaviors, selecting subordinate males, favoring the maintenance of genetic diversity. Although a high proportion of ewes that lamb twins may be impregnated by different males, there is still scarce information on how these interactions affect the final distribution of paternities. Overall, although males interactions have important consequences on reproduction and genetic improvement, there is still the need for more knowledge on the practical consequences of social interactions.
De maneira geral, os resultados reprodutivos do rebanho são consequência de múltiplos fatores, incluindo o efeito das interações entre os machos sobre o comportamento sexual. A presente revisão resume informações sobre como as relações de dominância entre os machos afetam os resultados reprodutivos em rebanhos ovinos e caprinos. As relações de dominância modificam o acesso de machos a fêmeas no cio, e consequentemente a distribuição total de espermatozoides no rebanho. A presente revisão fornece informações sobre como as relações de dominância são estabelecidas durante o período de crescimento e após a reunião de machos previamente desconhecidos. O período em que essas relações se estabelecem é extremamente estressante para carneiros e bodes, porque além de desestabilizar as relações sociais, afeta a qualidade dos espermatozoides. Os machos dominantes e subordinados apresentam estratégias diferentes para emprenhar as fêmeas. As fêmeas também participam das decisões de escolha do parceiro com comportamentos proceptivos, selecionando machos subordinados e favorecendo a manutenção da diversidade genética. Embora uma grande proporção de ovelhas com gestação gemelar possam ter sido fecundadas por machos diferentes, ainda há poucas informações sobre como isso afeta a distribuição final das paternidades. Em conclusão, embora as interações dos machos tenham consequências importantes na reprodução e no melhoramento genético, ainda existe a necessidade da realização de mais pesquisas sobre as consequências práticas das interações sociais em pequenos ruminantes.
Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Libido , OvinosResumo
Background: The use of teaser rams is an essential practice for detecting estrus in ewes as well as for accelerating puberty and synchronizing ovulation in the animal. There are several methods for preparing teasers, and the method used should be based on an assessment of the producers requirements. The ideal technique should be low cost and safe, ensuring the non-fertilization of ewes. This study evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of two reversible teaser preparation techniques using a reversible plastic clamp. The techniques were compared in terms of functionality, possible post-surgical complications, and hematological changes of the rams as well as durability and reversibility. Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy rams, aged 14-20 months, were divided into two groups (G1 and G2). Blood samples were collected through the jugular vein to perform the following analyses: blood count, total plasma protein, and fibrinogen. Following local infiltrative anesthesia with 5.0 mL 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor, the procedure was performed as follows: in G1, the preputial ostium was partially closed, and in G2, sigmoid flexure was performed in the cranial region, approximately 5-8 cm immediately caudal to the scrotal sac. In the postoperative period, 20 mg/kg oxytetracycline and 2.2 mg/kg flunixinmeglumine were intramuscularly administered as a single dose. The wounds were dressed, sprayed with repellent, and allowed to heal for seven days. The procedures in both groups were simple to perform, low cost, and low risk; caused minimal tissue injury; enabled rapid recovery; promoted little or no stress to the animals; are reversible; and left no complications. The animals of both groups satisfactorily identified the females in estrus during the three-month experimental period, maintained libido, and failed to mate with any female. The blood count levels...
Masculino , Animais , Detecção do Estro/métodos , Estro , Genitália Masculina/cirurgia , Libido , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ciclo EstralResumo
Este estudo teve por objetivo comparar variações de parâmetros andrológicos e comportamentais de touros Nelore de diferentes faixas etárias, calcular seu potencial reprodutivo (PR) e propor uma nova tabela de classificação por pontos, de acordo com as médias atualmente alcançadas por eles nas características estudadas. Foram utilizados dados de 6162 exames andrológicos de touros da raça Nelore, entre 12 e 80 meses de idade, em regime de monta natural. O número de touros classificados como aptos consistiu em 88,9% dos animais avaliados (n=5480), sendo 51,6% desses considerados excelentes (n=2827), 41,2% muito bons (n=2257) e 7,2% considerados bons (n=394). Entre os animais questionáveis (n=682; 11,1%), 79,6% foram classificados como inaptos temporários (n=542) e 20,4% (n=139) como animais descarte, de acordo com o exame andrológico, independentemente do teste da libido. O número de touros classificados como excelentes se reduziu para 752 (12,2%) quando dados de comportamento sexual foram incluídos para definição do seu PR. Concluiu-se que o uso de tabelas de classificação andrológica por pontos com atualizações técnicas beneficia a seleção mais apurada de touros Nelore. O teste da libido é ferramenta importante para a determinação do PR, o qual permite melhor aproveitamento dos reprodutores.(AU)
This study aimed to compare variations of andrological and behavioral parameters from Nelore bulls of different ages, to calculate their reproductive potential (RP) and propose a new classification table by points, considering current averages in each reproductive trait studied. Data were collected from 6162 breeding soundness examinations of Nelore bulls aged between 12 and 80 months, under natural mating. According to andrological parameters, regardless of the libido test, the number of bulls classified as approved was 88.9% (n= 5480), being 51.6% considered as excellent (n= 2827), 41.2% very good (n= 2257) and 7.2% considered as good (n= 394). Among the animals considered as questionable (n= 682; 11.1%), 79.6% were classified as temporarily reproved (n= 542) and 20.4% (n= 139) as discarded animals. The number of bulls classified as excellent decreased to 752 (12.2%) when sexual behavior data were included to define their RP. It was concluded that the use of tables for andrological classification by points with technical updates improves the reproductive selection of Nelore bulls. The libido test is an important tool for RP determination which provides better utilization of the sires.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Reprodução/fisiologia , Escroto/anatomia & histologia , Comportamento Sexual Animal , LibidoResumo
Este estudo teve por objetivo comparar variações de parâmetros andrológicos e comportamentais de touros Nelore de diferentes faixas etárias, calcular seu potencial reprodutivo (PR) e propor uma nova tabela de classificação por pontos, de acordo com as médias atualmente alcançadas por eles nas características estudadas. Foram utilizados dados de 6162 exames andrológicos de touros da raça Nelore, entre 12 e 80 meses de idade, em regime de monta natural. O número de touros classificados como aptos consistiu em 88,9% dos animais avaliados (n=5480), sendo 51,6% desses considerados excelentes (n=2827), 41,2% muito bons (n=2257) e 7,2% considerados bons (n=394). Entre os animais questionáveis (n=682; 11,1%), 79,6% foram classificados como inaptos temporários (n=542) e 20,4% (n=139) como animais descarte, de acordo com o exame andrológico, independentemente do teste da libido. O número de touros classificados como excelentes se reduziu para 752 (12,2%) quando dados de comportamento sexual foram incluídos para definição do seu PR. Concluiu-se que o uso de tabelas de classificação andrológica por pontos com atualizações técnicas beneficia a seleção mais apurada de touros Nelore. O teste da libido é ferramenta importante para a determinação do PR, o qual permite melhor aproveitamento dos reprodutores.(AU)
This study aimed to compare variations of andrological and behavioral parameters from Nelore bulls of different ages, to calculate their reproductive potential (RP) and propose a new classification table by points, considering current averages in each reproductive trait studied. Data were collected from 6162 breeding soundness examinations of Nelore bulls aged between 12 and 80 months, under natural mating. According to andrological parameters, regardless of the libido test, the number of bulls classified as approved was 88.9% (n= 5480), being 51.6% considered as excellent (n= 2827), 41.2% very good (n= 2257) and 7.2% considered as good (n= 394). Among the animals considered as questionable (n= 682; 11.1%), 79.6% were classified as temporarily reproved (n= 542) and 20.4% (n= 139) as discarded animals. The number of bulls classified as excellent decreased to 752 (12.2%) when sexual behavior data were included to define their RP. It was concluded that the use of tables for andrological classification by points with technical updates improves the reproductive selection of Nelore bulls. The libido test is an important tool for RP determination which provides better utilization of the sires.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Reprodução/fisiologia , Escroto/anatomia & histologia , Comportamento Sexual Animal , LibidoResumo
The aims of this study were evaluated testosterone levels in saliva and seminal plasma and correlate these informations with libido and sperm production of two lines of boars. The hormonal analysis was done using ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) and test F and Sperman correlation of SAS program was used for statistical analysis. There was no difference (P>0.05) between boar lines and testosterone levels in saliva and seminal plasma, collection length, semen volume and concentration and sperm motility and viability. Boars used in this study had libido, semen production and sperm cells considered normal and there was no difference between the lines. The results obtained can be classified as normal parameters expected in this situation.
Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os níveis de testosterona na saliva e no plasma seminal, correlacionando-os com a libido e a produção espermática de reprodutores suínos de duas linhagens de alto desempenho. As análises hormonais foram realizadas utilizando o método ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) e as análises estatísticas dos dados foram realizadas por meio do teste F e da correlação de Spearman pelo Software SAS. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre as linhagens de reprodutores quanto aos níveis de testosterona na saliva e no plasma seminal, duração da coleta, volume e concentração do ejaculado e motilidade e viabilidade espermática. Por serem animais com libido, produção de sêmen e motilidade espermática consideradas normais, não houve diferença entre as linhagens, sendo que os resultados obtidos podem ser classificados como parâmetros normais esperados nestas situações.
Animais , Hormônios/análise , Reprodução , Saliva/fisiologia , Sus scrofa/anatomia & histologia , Suínos/fisiologia , Sêmen/fisiologia , Testosterona/análise , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/instrumentação , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Libido , Motilidade dos EspermatozoidesResumo
The aims of this study were evaluated testosterone levels in saliva and seminal plasma and correlate these informations with libido and sperm production of two lines of boars. The hormonal analysis was done using ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) and test F and Sperman correlation of SAS program was used for statistical analysis. There was no difference (P>0.05) between boar lines and testosterone levels in saliva and seminal plasma, collection length, semen volume and concentration and sperm motility and viability. Boars used in this study had libido, semen production and sperm cells considered normal and there was no difference between the lines. The results obtained can be classified as normal parameters expected in this situation.(AU)
Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os níveis de testosterona na saliva e no plasma seminal, correlacionando-os com a libido e a produção espermática de reprodutores suínos de duas linhagens de alto desempenho. As análises hormonais foram realizadas utilizando o método ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) e as análises estatísticas dos dados foram realizadas por meio do teste F e da correlação de Spearman pelo Software SAS. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre as linhagens de reprodutores quanto aos níveis de testosterona na saliva e no plasma seminal, duração da coleta, volume e concentração do ejaculado e motilidade e viabilidade espermática. Por serem animais com libido, produção de sêmen e motilidade espermática consideradas normais, não houve diferença entre as linhagens, sendo que os resultados obtidos podem ser classificados como parâmetros normais esperados nestas situações.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Testosterona/análise , Saliva/fisiologia , Sêmen/fisiologia , Hormônios/análise , Sus scrofa/anatomia & histologia , Reprodução , Libido , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/instrumentação , Estatísticas não ParamétricasResumo
O uso de rufiões em ovinos ainda é um ponto culminante para detecção de estro, para uso de monta controlada ou inseminação artificial. Existem várias técnicas de preparo de rufiões, cirúrgicas ou não. Assim, a técnica de preparo de rufiões deve ser estudada de acordo com a necessidade do produtor, levando-se em conta a durabilidade do rufião, a escolha do proprietário pela técnica de preferência e a facilidade do médico veterinário em executar a técnica proposta. Porém, a técnica ideal é aquela que tenha maior duração, seja de fácil realização, tenha baixo custo e segurança para a não fecundação das fêmeas. Esta revisão aborda os aspectos relevantes sobre o uso de rufiões em ovinos, os critérios de seleção, os tipos de técnicas, as relevâncias sobre pré e pós-operatórios, o conhecimento da técnica mais adequada para cada manejo na propriedade o período para a aplicação e o estudo da durabilidade (influência na libido). (AU)
The use of sheep teasers is still crucial for the detection of estrus and the use of controlled mating or artificial insemination. There are several surgical and conservative techniques for preparation of teasers. Thus, the technique of preparation of teaser should be chosen according the requirements of the breeding farm, considering the durability of the males labor, the preferences of the farm owner and the experience of the veterinarian. However, the ideal technique must aim for a lasting labor ability, simplicity/ ease of execution, low cost and effectiveness in avoiding female fertilization. The current review covers the main topics regarding the use of teasers in sheep-breeding, the candidates selection criteria, the main techniques, the pre and post-operative concerns, the suitability to each situation relevance of the pre-and postoperatively, which are most appropriate for each situation, the period for their usage, the study of labor durability (the influence on the libido). (AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Detecção do Estro/métodos , Castração/métodos , Biotecnologia/métodos , Libido , Inseminação Artificial/tendênciasResumo
O uso de rufiões em ovinos ainda é um ponto culminante para detecção de estro, para uso de monta controlada ou inseminação artificial. Existem várias técnicas de preparo de rufiões, cirúrgicas ou não. Assim, a técnica de preparo de rufiões deve ser estudada de acordo com a necessidade do produtor, levando-se em conta a durabilidade do rufião, a escolha do proprietário pela técnica de preferência e a facilidade do médico veterinário em executar a técnica proposta. Porém, a técnica ideal é aquela que tenha maior duração, seja de fácil realização, tenha baixo custo e segurança para a não fecundação das fêmeas. Esta revisão aborda os aspectos relevantes sobre o uso de rufiões em ovinos, os critérios de seleção, os tipos de técnicas, as relevâncias sobre pré e pós-operatórios, o conhecimento da técnica mais adequada para cada manejo na propriedade o período para a aplicação e o estudo da durabilidade (influência na libido).
The use of sheep teasers is still crucial for the detection of estrus and the use of controlled mating or artificial insemination. There are several surgical and conservative techniques for preparation of teasers. Thus, the technique of preparation of teaser should be chosen according the requirements of the breeding farm, considering the durability of the males labor, the preferences of the farm owner and the experience of the veterinarian. However, the ideal technique must aim for a lasting labor ability, simplicity/ ease of execution, low cost and effectiveness in avoiding female fertilization. The current review covers the main topics regarding the use of teasers in sheep-breeding, the candidates selection criteria, the main techniques, the pre and post-operative concerns, the suitability to each situation relevance of the pre-and postoperatively, which are most appropriate for each situation, the period for their usage, the study of labor durability (the influence on the libido).
Animais , Bovinos , Biotecnologia/métodos , Castração/métodos , Detecção do Estro/métodos , Inseminação Artificial/tendências , LibidoResumo
Background: Measurements of testosterone, scrotal circumference and libido have a great value as indicators of onset of puberty, total semen production, semen quality, control of spermatogenesis, testicular state, pathological conditions of testes and the potential sub-fertility or infertility. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine relationship between levels of peripheral blood testosterone, sexual behavior, scrotal circumference and seminal parameters in crossbred rams. Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve crossbred and sexually mature rams consisting of three Arkharmerino × Moghani (AM × MG), three Baluchi × Moghani (BL × MG), and three Ghezel × Baluchi (GH × BL) and three Ghezel × Arkharmerino (GH × AM) were used in this study. The scrotal circumference (SC) was measured at monthly intervals. Every two weeks the 12 crossbred rams were evaluated for the degree of libido using three ovariectomized ewes. Sexual behavior of crossbred rams was evaluated in terms of (1) reaction time for the first and second ejaculate (2) time taken for the first and second ejaculate (3) number of mounts for the first and second ejaculation. Ram semen was collected by artificial vagina and blood samples were obtained via jugular vein. Soon after the collection, semen characteristics and testosterone plasma were assayed. For estimation of the relationship between genetic group and other indices, Statistical analyses were performed by One-way ANOVA and Bivariate correlation coefficient was used to calculate the correlations between testosterone by spermatozoa parameters and libido in each genetic group; P < 0.05 considered significant. The results showed that there were no significant differences between crossbred rams in terms of semen characteristics except for spermatozoa progressive motility, semen volume and pH. The highest level of plasma testosterone was recorded in GH × BL rams (7.12 ± 1.87 ng/mL) and the lowest was for AM × MG genetic group (2.99 ± 1.90 ng/mL). However, any significant difference wasn't observed among the four genetic groups about plasma testosterone. At the present study the mean values of scrotal circumference of Arkharmerino × Moghani were higher than other genetic groups (P < 0.05). Also scrotal circumference showed a positive correlation with reaction time for the second ejaculation, semen pH and spermatozoa concentration (P < 0.05). Discussion: The sexual activity of males is influenced by test conditions and the methods applied in tests can vary considerably, even within the same experiment for example with regard to test duration and number of males and females. Among libido indices, only a significant correlation was observed between reaction time for second ejaculate and scrotal circumference. A non-significant correlation was observed between plasma testosterone, concentration, and semen traits. These differences between various reports could be due to the season of the study, breed, age of rams and many other environmental factors. It could be concluded that testosterone profiles is not a notable factor for estimating the quality of crossbred rams spermatogenesis and sexual activity. In addition to the above points, the males should be examined for a number of different tests have been used to assess the fertility or performance of crossbred rams, including scrotal measurement, semen examination, libido testing, hormonal profile and the other examinations.
Animais , Masculino , Escroto , Sêmen , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Ovinos/sangue , Análise de VariânciaResumo
Background: Measurements of testosterone, scrotal circumference and libido have a great value as indicators of onset of puberty, total semen production, semen quality, control of spermatogenesis, testicular state, pathological conditions of testes and the potential sub-fertility or infertility. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine relationship between levels of peripheral blood testosterone, sexual behavior, scrotal circumference and seminal parameters in crossbred rams. Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve crossbred and sexually mature rams consisting¬ of three Arkharmerino × Moghani (AM × MG), three Baluchi × Moghani (BL × MG), and three Ghezel × Baluchi (GH × BL) and three Ghezel × Arkharmerino (GH × AM) were used in this study. The scrotal circumference (SC) was measured at monthly intervals. Every two weeks the 12 crossbred rams were evaluated for the degree of libido using three ovariectomized ewes. Sexual behavior of crossbred rams was evaluated in terms of (1) reaction time for the fi rst and second ejaculate (2) time taken for the fi rst and second ejaculate (3) number of mounts for the fi rst and second ejaculation. Ram semen was collected by artifi cial vagina and blood samples were obtained via jugular vein. Soon after the collection, semen characteristics and testosterone plasma were assayed. For estimation of the relationship between genetic group
Background: Measurements of testosterone, scrotal circumference and libido have a great value as indicators of onset of puberty, total semen production, semen quality, control of spermatogenesis, testicular state, pathological conditions of testes and the potential sub-fertility or infertility. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine relationship between levels of peripheral blood testosterone, sexual behavior, scrotal circumference and seminal parameters in crossbred rams. Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve crossbred and sexually mature rams consisting¬ of three Arkharmerino × Moghani (AM × MG), three Baluchi × Moghani (BL × MG), and three Ghezel × Baluchi (GH × BL) and three Ghezel × Arkharmerino (GH × AM) were used in this study. The scrotal circumference (SC) was measured at monthly intervals. Every two weeks the 12 crossbred rams were evaluated for the degree of libido using three ovariectomized ewes. Sexual behavior of crossbred rams was evaluated in terms of (1) reaction time for the fi rst and second ejaculate (2) time taken for the fi rst and second ejaculate (3) number of mounts for the fi rst and second ejaculation. Ram semen was collected by artifi cial vagina and blood samples were obtained via jugular vein. Soon after the collection, semen characteristics and testosterone plasma were assayed. For estimation of the relationship between genetic group
Background: The breeding soundness evaluation is a method that is based on the evaluation of all factors that contribute to the reproductive function in bull, basically is constituted by the general clinical examination, examination of internal and external genital system, measurement of scrotal circumference, semen physical and morphological evaluation and sexual behavior. Most progress in improving the reproductive efficiency can be made by estimating the fertility of the males and by careful selection of the bulls. Reproduction will continue to depend mainly on the ability to manage all available information. The aim of this study was to determine the main causes of failure in British bulls in the steps provided for breeding soundness evaluation, as well as demonstrate the importance of the behavior examination as a norm and not just as a complementary test.Materials, Methods & Results: This study consisted in evaluating the records of breeding soundness evaluation of 10,407 British breeds of bulls (Abeerden Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, Shorthorn and Devon) in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The animals evaluated were grouped into two age classes: young bulls (two years) and adult bulls (three to ten years). Breeding soundness evaluation consisted of four steps: a general clinical examination, special clinical examination; seminal examination and behavior
Background: The breeding soundness evaluation is a method that is based on the evaluation of all factors that contribute to the reproductive function in bull, basically is constituted by the general clinical examination, examination of internal and external genital system, measurement of scrotal circumference, semen physical and morphological evaluation and sexual behavior. Most progress in improving the reproductive efficiency can be made by estimating the fertility of the males and by careful selection of the bulls. Reproduction will continue to depend mainly on the ability to manage all available information. The aim of this study was to determine the main causes of failure in British bulls in the steps provided for breeding soundness evaluation, as well as demonstrate the importance of the behavior examination as a norm and not just as a complementary test.Materials, Methods & Results: This study consisted in evaluating the records of breeding soundness evaluation of 10,407 British breeds of bulls (Abeerden Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, Shorthorn and Devon) in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The animals evaluated were grouped into two age classes: young bulls (two years) and adult bulls (three to ten years). Breeding soundness evaluation consisted of four steps: a general clinical examination, special clinical examination; seminal examination and behavior
Background: The breeding soundness evaluation is a method that is based on the evaluation of all factors that contribute to the reproductive function in bull, basically is constituted by the general clinical examination, examination of internal and external genital system, measurement of scrotal circumference, semen physical and morphological evaluation and sexual behavior. Most progress in improving the reproductive efficiency can be made by estimating the fertility of the males and by careful selection of the bulls. Reproduction will continue to depend mainly on the ability to manage all available information. The aim of this study was to determine the main causes of failure in British bulls in the steps provided for breeding soundness evaluation, as well as demonstrate the importance of the behavior examination as a norm and not just as a complementary test. Materials, Methods & Results: This study consisted in evaluating the records of breeding soundness evaluation of 10,407 British breeds of bulls (Abeerden Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, Shorthorn and Devon) in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The animals evaluated were grouped into two age classes: young bulls (two years) and adult bulls (three to ten years). Breeding soundness evaluation consisted of four steps: a general clinical examination, special clinical examination; seminal examination and behavior examination. When the bull was not approved in one of the steps, did not perform the subsequent step. For the analysis of variance, the animals received a score 1 for approval or 0 for disapproval. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS ®). To investigate the failures in each steps of the breeding soundness evaluation, we used analysis of variance (PROC GLM) comparing the two age classes of bulls (young and adults). Means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. The pathologies of failures were subjected to multivariate cluster analysis (PROC CLUSTER and TREE). A multiple correspondence analysis (PROC CORRESP) was performed to identify characteristics associated with different breeds. The failure in the behavior examination of bulls of the six breeds, although it has been approved in other steps of breeding soundness examination, indicated that this step should be a norm and not just a complementary test. Discussion: In young bulls Polled Hereford and Aberdeen Angus and adults bulls Hereford eyes were the major causes of failure, probably due to infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis affecting more animals no pigment around the eyes (Polled Hereford and Hereford), than other pigmented breeds. Physical causes of failures found in this study suggest that there is a greater predisposition for failure due the use of these bulls, which causes a constant physical and natural wear, to work at irregular and extensive fields, looking for cows in estrus, predisposing to physical conditions as the locomotor system. The behavioral evaluation of the bulls is not always done, only although there are reports of failure in adult bulls for libido and physical ability problems to perform the mounts. Although tests of libido and phisical ability may not be sufficient to accurately determine pregnancy rates, there is greater security for obtaining good pregnancy rates with the use of bulls that have been approved in all stages of the breeding soundness evaluation.
Animais , Masculino , Reprodução/genética , Escroto/anatomia & histologia , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Bovinos , Andrologia/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
T he aim of this study was to evaluate the rejection rates of bulls in the behavioral assessment (libido and mounting capacity) and the importance of this step in the breeding soundness evaluation of 30, 700 beef bulls i n the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Bulls from the following breeds were evaluated: Aberdeen Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, Devon, Shorthorn, Brangus, Braford, Montana, Santa Gertrudis, Charolais, Limousin, Brahman, Nelore, and Tabapua. In order to investigate the relationship between the binary variable ( approved or rejected in different steps of the breeding soundness evaluation) and age groups (young and mature bulls), the Chi - Square test (PROC - FREQ) and the Tukey test were used. The general rejection rates in the breeding soundne ss evaluation were 13.7 and 22.7 % for young and mature bulls, respectively. In the present study, problems in the sexual behavior of bulls accounted for the rejection of 3. 6 to 5.2% of young and mature bulls, respectively . Lack of libido and / or mounting capacity were shown to be importan t problems in relation to the total number of possible causes of rejection of bulls in the breeding soundness evaluation. Several factors may affect the expression of libido and / or mounting capacity at pasture , and the conditions under which this step is carried out may influence the results. P erform ing behavioral assessment as part of the breeding soundness evaluatio n has been shown to be important to the thorough reproductive e valuation of bulls. The rejection of bulls i n the behavioral assessment may suggest that this step should be performed regularly , rather than just being complementary to the standard breeding soundness evaluation.
Animais , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal , Libido/fisiologia , Andrologia/tendências , Bovinos/classificaçãoResumo
T he aim of this study was to evaluate the rejection rates of bulls in the behavioral assessment (libido and mounting capacity) and the importance of this step in the breeding soundness evaluation of 30, 700 beef bulls i n the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Bulls from the following breeds were evaluated: Aberdeen Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, Devon, Shorthorn, Brangus, Braford, Montana, Santa Gertrudis, Charolais, Limousin, Brahman, Nelore, and Tabapua. In order to investigate the relationship between the binary variable ( approved or rejected in different steps of the breeding soundness evaluation) and age groups (young and mature bulls), the Chi - Square test (PROC - FREQ) and the Tukey test were used. The general rejection rates in the breeding soundne ss evaluation were 13.7 and 22.7 % for young and mature bulls, respectively. In the present study, problems in the sexual behavior of bulls accounted for the rejection of 3. 6 to 5.2% of young and mature bulls, respectively . Lack of libido and / or mounting capacity were shown to be importan t problems in relation to the total number of possible causes of rejection of bulls in the breeding soundness evaluation. Several factors may affect the expression of libido and / or mounting capacity at pasture , and the conditions under which this step is carried out may influence the results. P erform ing behavioral assessment as part of the breeding soundness evaluatio n has been shown to be important to the thorough reproductive e valuation of bulls. The rejection of bulls i n the behavioral assessment may suggest that this step should be performed regularly , rather than just being complementary to the standard breeding soundness evaluation.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal , /fisiologia , Libido/fisiologia , Bovinos/classificação , Andrologia/tendênciasResumo
Appropriate selection of livestock breeding males is important for the transmission of desired genetic traits. However, effective transmission of these traits depends on many factors including male mating ability, sex-drive and semen quality. Assessment systems attempt to reduce the risk of poor male reproductive performance, while maintaining genetic progress. Such systems commonly involve physical, genital and semen examinations. This review describes the historical development of assessment systems, particularly for bulls, their application and potential areas for future development as influenced by continuing improvements in both knowledge and technology.(AU)
A seleção apropriada do macho bovino para a reprodução é importante para a transmissão dos traços genéticos desejados. Porém, a transmissão eficiente destes traços depende de muitos fatores, incluíndo a habilidade de cópula do macho, libido e qualidade do sêmen. Sistemas de avaliação tentam reduzir o risco de baixo desempenho do reprodutor, enquanto mantendo o progresso genético. Tais sistemas comumente envolvem exames físicos, genitais e de sêmen. Esta revisão descreve o desenvolvimento histórico de sistemas de avaliação, particularmente para touros, sua aplicação e áreas potenciais para desenvolvimento futuro conforme influenciado por melhorias constantes no conhecimento e biotecnias ligadas à reprodução bovina.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Prenhez , Bovinos/classificação , Bovinos/embriologia , Análise do Sêmen , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Espermatozoides/anormalidadesResumo
Appropriate selection of livestock breeding males is important for the transmission of desired genetic traits. However, effective transmission of these traits depends on many factors including male mating ability, sex-drive and semen quality. Assessment systems attempt to reduce the risk of poor male reproductive performance, while maintaining genetic progress. Such systems commonly involve physical, genital and semen examinations. This review describes the historical development of assessment systems, particularly for bulls, their application and potential areas for future development as influenced by continuing improvements in both knowledge and technology.
A seleção apropriada do macho bovino para a reprodução é importante para a transmissão dos traços genéticos desejados. Porém, a transmissão eficiente destes traços depende de muitos fatores, incluíndo a habilidade de cópula do macho, libido e qualidade do sêmen. Sistemas de avaliação tentam reduzir o risco de baixo desempenho do reprodutor, enquanto mantendo o progresso genético. Tais sistemas comumente envolvem exames físicos, genitais e de sêmen. Esta revisão descreve o desenvolvimento histórico de sistemas de avaliação, particularmente para touros, sua aplicação e áreas potenciais para desenvolvimento futuro conforme influenciado por melhorias constantes no conhecimento e biotecnias ligadas à reprodução bovina.
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Análise do Sêmen , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Bovinos/classificação , Bovinos/embriologia , Espermatozoides/anormalidades , PrenhezResumo
A utilização de plantas nativas da região nordeste constitui uma alternativa importante de recurso forrageiro para alimentação animal durante o período seco (SILVA E ALENCAR, 2010). Entretanto, as ocorrências de intoxicações por plantas em animais de produção no Brasil são conhecidas desde que os pioneiros portugueses introduziram as primeiras cabeças de gado em pastagens naturais da região (CORREA E MEDEIROS, 2001). A Senna spectabilis é uma leguminosa (Fabaceae) de extrema presença em vegetações nativas da Região Nordeste e de alto consumo pelos animais. Verifica-se na avaliação das características organolépticas, cor, odor e aspecto muito semelhantes às da Samanea Tubulosa, com toxicidade já comprovada. Nesse contexto, devido à frequente presença de Senna spectabilis em solos da Sub-Região Meio-norte, e dada a grande semelhança organoléptica com S.Tubulosa, que tem toxicidade gestacional já demonstrada, optou-se por realizar uma avaliação toxicológica também da S. spectabilis. Foram realizados protocolos de toxicidade e de atividade sobre o sistema reprodutor. Como teste de toxicidade foram utilizados os testes de Toxicidade larval sobre Artemia Salina, Toxicidade aguda e estudo da Dose letal 50 sobre ratos Wistar, toxicidade sistêmica e Toxicidade gestacional em ratas Wistar. Sobre o sistema reprodutor masculino foram feitos os protocolos de Atividade androgênica e antiandrogenica em ratos Wistar, Teste da performance copulatória em ratos Wistar, avaliação do efeito pro erétil em ratos Wistar e avaliação do comportamento sexual em ratos Wistar com disfunção sexual induzida por paroxetina. O extrato etanólico das varges de Sena spectabilis apresentou toxicidade larval em todas as concentrações testadas. Não apresentou toxicidade aguda, nem toxicidade sistêmica. Causou diminuição do número de fetos e diminuição da ninhada nas duas maiores doses testadas (500 e 1000 mg/Kg). Sobre os parâmetros hematimetricos o extrato também causou uma diminuição do hematócrito na menor concentração testada (250 mg/Kg). Sobre o sistema reprodutor masculino, o extrato não causou nenhuma alteração. Conclui-se que a S. spectabilis indícios de apresenta toxicidade gestacional causando diminuição do número de fetos e diminuição do peso da ninhada e não a presenta atividade sobre a função reprodutiva no macho.
The use of native plants from the Northeastern region is an important alternative forage resource for animal feed during the dry season (Silva and Alencar, 2010). However, instances of poisoning by plants in farm animals in Brazil are known since the Portuguese pioneers introduced the first cattle on rangeland in the region (CORREA and Medeiros, 2001). The Senna spectabilis is a legume (Fabaceae) extremely present in native vegetation of the Northeast and high consumption by animals. There is the evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics, color, odor and appearance very similar to the Samanea tubulosa, with proven toxicity. Protocols were performed in toxicity and activity of the reproductive system. The larval toxicity tests were used like The toxicity test on Artemia Salina, acute toxicity study and the Lethal Dose 50 on Wistar rats, systemic toxicity and gestational toxicity in Wistar rats. On the male reproductive system were made androgenic and antiandrogenic activities of the protocols in rats, copulatory performance test in rats, assessment of pro erectile effect in rats and evaluating sexual behavior in rats with induced sexual dysfunction paroxetine. The ethanol extract of spectabilis Sena Varges presented larval toxicity in all concentrations tested. It did not show acute toxicity or systemic toxicity. It Caused a decrease in the number of fetuses and decreased litter the two highest doses tested (500 and 1000 mg / kg). About the hematological parameters the extract also caused a decrease in hematocrit lowest concentration tested (250 mg / kg). On the male reproductive system, the extract did not cause any changes. It is concluded that S. spectabilis evidence has gestational toxicity causing decrease in the number of fetuses in the litter and weight reduction and presents no activity on the reproductive function in males.
Objetivando descrever o comportamento sexual e reprodutivo de machos suínos de alto desempenho, submeteram-se os animais a um protocolo de treinamento para colheita de sêmen, a fim de que fossem incorporados ao plantel de reprodutores do Setor de Suinocultura do Departamento de Zootecnia da UFLA. Submeteram-se os animais a medições de biometria testicular e pesagem para avaliações de desenvolvimento dos testículos e ganho de peso diário (GPD) durante a fase pré-púbere. Após o período de treinamento de colheita de sêmen, foram coletadas amostras de sangue para realização de análises hormonais de testosterona, estradiol, FSH e LH plasmáticos. Observaram-se diferenças nas concentrações de testosterona e estradiol, número médio de saltos diários sobre o manequim e tempo médio de ejaculação. O animal A apresentou um volume de 369,68 mL e 412,67 mL, para o testículo direito e esquerdo, respectivamente, em média oito saltos diários sobre o manequim durante o período de treinamento, e o tempo médio de ejaculação foi de 261 segundos. O animal B não realizou nenhum salto durante o treinamento e apresentou volume testicular direito de 359,76 mL e esquerdo de 315,10 mL. As dosagens hormonais para o animal A foram de 0,0153 ng/mL e 0,7015 ng/mL para testosterona e estradiol, respectivamente. O animal B apresentou concentração plasmática de testosterona de 0,0011 ng/mL e 0,0241 ng/mL de estradiol. As concentrações de FSH e LH foram semelhantes entre os animais, sendo 0,10 mU/mL e 0,10 U/L, respectivamente. Essas diferenças observadas possivelmente determinaram o comportamento sexual diferenciado dos machos durante o período de treinamento e colheita de sêmen.
The aim of this work was to describe the sexual and reproductive behavior of male swines of high performance, submitted to a training protocol for semen collection so that they were incorporated in breeding of reproducers of the Swine Production Sector of the Animal Science Department of the Federal University of Lavras. Animals had been submitted to measurements of testicular biometry and weighing for evaluations of testicular development and of daily gain weight (DGW). After the training period, blood samples were collected for accomplishment of hormonal analyses of serum testosterone, oestradiol, FSH, and LH. Differences were observed in testosterone and oestradiol levels, average number of daily dummy jumps, and average ejaculation time. Animal A presented a volume of 369.68 mL and 412.67 mL, to the right and left testicle, respectively, on average eight daily dummy jumps during the period of training and the average ejaculation time was of 261 seconds. The Animal B did not carry through jump during the training and presented testicular volume of 359.76 mL right and left of 315.10 mL. Hormonal levels for animal A had been of 0.0153 ng/mL and 0.7015 ng/mL for testosterone and oestradiol, respectively. On the other hand, Animal B presented plasmatic concentration of testosterone of 0.0011 ng/mL and 0.0241 ng/mL of oestradiol. The concentrations of FSH and LH had been similar between the animals being 0.10 mU/mL and 0.10 U/L, respectively. These differences observed possibly explain both maless sexual behavior during the period of training and semen collected.