Reptiles have a key role in understanding amniotes' reproductive independence of water. Many adaptations arose, including in locomotor patterns and behaviours, and the nervous system adapted to those new habits.We have described the macroscopic anatomy and cytoarchitecture of the Amazon Lava Lizard brain (Tropidurus torquatus), an abundant lizard in South America. Fifteen specimens were captured, euthanized and their brains were dissected, eight of these were processed and stained in haematoxylineosin. Their main areas of the brain are the telencephalon and diencephalon, in the forebrain, tectum and tegmentum, in the midbrain and bulbota and cerebellum, in the hindbrain. The main and accessory olfactory bulbs are the most rostral structure of the brain and are composed of six layers. Brain hemispheres compose the telencephalon and are divided in pallium and subpallium. Medial, dorsomedial, lateral and dorsal cortices are part of the pallium. Striatum, pallidum and septum compose the subpallium. The diencephalon is composed of thalamus, epithalamus and hypothalamus. The midbrain has a ventral tegmentum, composed of torus semicircularis and a dorsal 14 layered optic tectum. Most part of the hindbrain is composed of the bulbo, and the cerebellum arises from it, forming a three-layered plate like structure. In general, the brain of Tropidurus torquatusresembles those of other lizards, with its own adaptations
Os répteis têm um papel fundamental para a compreensão da independência reprodutiva da água que surgiu nos amniotas. Várias adaptações ocorreram, inclusive em padrões e comportamentos locomotores, e o sistema nervoso se adaptou a esses novos hábitos. Descrevemos a anatomia macroscópica e a citoarquitetura do encéfalo do calango (Tropidurus torquatus), um lagarto abundante na América do Sul. Quinze espécimes foram capturados, eutanasiados e seus encéfalos dissecados, oito destes foram processados e corados em hematoxilina-eosina. As principais áreas do cérebro são o telencéfalo e o diencéfalo, na parte anterior do encéfalo, teto e tegmento, no mesencéfalo e bulbo e cerebelo, na parte posterior do encéfalo. Os bulbos olfatórios principais e acessórios são as estruturas mais rostrais do cérebro e são compostos por seis camadas. Os hemisférios cerebrais compõem o telencéfalo e são divididos em pálio e subpálio. Os córtices medial, dorsomedial, lateral e dorsal fazem parte do pálio. Estriado, pálido e septo compõem o subpálio. O diencéfalo é composto pelo tálamo, epitálamo e hipotálamo. O mesencéfalo possui um tegmento ventral, composto de torus semicircularis e um tecto óptico dorsal com 14 camadas. A maior parte da parte posterior do encéfalo é composta pelo bulbo, e o cerebelo surge como uma projeção dessa estrutura, em formato plano, com três camadas. Em geral, o encéfalo de Tropidurus torquatusse assemelha ao de outros lagartos, com suas próprias adaptações.
Animais , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Iguanas/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Répteis/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Abstract The high mountain environment is a tough habitat that imposes many challenges to reptiles. As temperature decreases with altitude and has a dramatic variation throughout the day in the tropical mountains, ectotherms must cope with these harsh conditions. We studied the use of microhabitat and activity patterns of Stenocercus trachycephalus in the eastern Andes mountain range of Colombia. Three localities were sampled across the wide altitudinal distribution of this lizard species, in a range from 2,670 to 3,950 m a.s.l. The initial hypothesis was that these natural history traits would change with altitude but instead, we found that they remained roughly consistent, showing the great plasticity of this species. The results support that this lizard is a microhabitat-generalist using principally herb across the gradient, rarely shifting to specific plants or microhabitats such as rocks depending on availability. Regarding the activity pattern, this species was active throughout the day from 8:00 to 16:00 with a similar pattern along the gradient. Nevertheless, some differences were detected across localities. The activity pattern shifted from bimodal in the lower locality to unimodal in the higher ones. As expected, a correlation between temperature and activity patterns was found in one of the study sites. However, this was not the case for the lower and mid-elevation localities, where there was no correlation between these variables. The mid-elevation study site was the most interesting locality as the use of microhabitat relied virtually just on the herb stratum and the activity was constrained to the morning hours. These findings may be the result of the synergic effects of other ecological variables (weather variability, human impact, predation, population structure, or reproductive season). Our study gives the basis for a better understanding of how behavior (microhabitat choice and hours of activity) of ectotherms can help to counter thermal constraints in the neotropics when facing an altitudinal gradient. Further studies should focus on the thermal biology of this species, considering the influence of anthropic impact on these lizards populations.
Abstract The high mountain environment is a tough habitat that imposes many challenges to reptiles. As temperature decreases with altitude and has a dramatic variation throughout the day in the tropical mountains, ectotherms must cope with these harsh conditions. We studied the use of microhabitat and activity patterns of Stenocercus trachycephalus in the eastern Andes mountain range of Colombia. Three localities were sampled across the wide altitudinal distribution of this lizard species, in a range from 2,670 to 3,950 m a.s.l. The initial hypothesis was that these natural history traits would change with altitude but instead, we found that they remained roughly consistent, showing the great plasticity of this species. The results support that this lizard is a microhabitat-generalist using principally herb across the gradient, rarely shifting to specific plants or microhabitats such as rocks depending on availability. Regarding the activity pattern, this species was active throughout the day from 8:00 to 16:00 with a similar pattern along the gradient. Nevertheless, some differences were detected across localities. The activity pattern shifted from bimodal in the lower locality to unimodal in the higher ones. As expected, a correlation between temperature and activity patterns was found in one of the study sites. However, this was not the case for the lower and mid-elevation localities, where there was no correlation between these variables. The mid-elevation study site was the most interesting locality as the use of microhabitat relied virtually just on the herb stratum and the activity was constrained to the morning hours. These findings may be the result of the synergic effects of other ecological variables (weather variability, human impact, predation, population structure, or reproductive season). Our study gives the basis for a better understanding of how behavior (microhabitat choice and hours of activity) of ectotherms can help to counter thermal constraints in the neotropics when facing an altitudinal gradient. Further studies should focus on the thermal biology of this species, considering the influence of anthropic impact on these lizards' populations.
The high mountain environment is a tough habitat that imposes many challenges to reptiles. As temperature decreases with altitude and has a dramatic variation throughout the day in the tropical mountains, ectotherms must cope with these harsh conditions. We studied the use of microhabitat and activity patterns of Stenocercus trachycephalus in the eastern Andes mountain range of Colombia. Three localities were sampled across the wide altitudinal distribution of this lizard species, in a range from 2,670 to 3,950 m a.s.l. The initial hypothesis was that these natural history traits would change with altitude but instead, we found that they remained roughly consistent, showing the great plasticity of this species. The results support that this lizard is a microhabitat-generalist using principally herb across the gradient, rarely shifting to specific plants or microhabitats such as rocks depending on availability. Regarding the activity pattern, this species was active throughout the day from 8:00 to 16:00 with a similar pattern along the gradient. Nevertheless, some differences were detected across localities. The activity pattern shifted from bimodal in the lower locality to unimodal in the higher ones. As expected, a correlation between temperature and activity patterns was found in one of the study sites. However, this was not the case for the lower and mid-elevation localities, where there was no correlation between these variables. The mid-elevation study site was the most interesting locality as the use of microhabitat relied virtually just on the herb stratum and the activity was constrained to the morning hours. These findings may be the result of the synergic effects of other ecological variables (weather variability, human impact, predation, population structure, or reproductive season). Our study gives the basis for a better understanding of how behavior (microhabitat choice and hours of activity) of ectotherms can help to counter thermal constraints in the neotropics when facing an altitudinal gradient. Further studies should focus on the thermal biology of this species, considering the influence of anthropic impact on these lizards populations.(AU)
Animais , Iguanas/anatomia & histologia , Iguanas/classificação , Ecossistema , EcologiaResumo
Platynosomum spp. é um trematódeo, da família Dicrocoeliidae, que tem como hospedeiros definitivos, os felídeos, mas também pode parasitar primatas e aves silvestres. Animais que possuem o hábito de se alimentar de répteis ou anfíbios, são mais susceptíveis. Acomete principalmente o fígado e os ductos biliares, mas pode ser eventualmente encontrado também no intestino delgado, ductos pancreáticos, pulmões e outros tecidos. A fisiopatologia inclui quadro de colangite crônica, podendo se estender e acometer o parênquima hepático e culminar com colangiohepatite, fibrose biliar, cirrose e obstrução biliar. Os sinais clínicos variam conforme a gravidade do caso e duração da infecção. As manifestações clínicas incluem anorexia, letargia, perda de peso, hepatomegalia, distensão abdominal e vômitos, podendo ocorrer, ainda, icterícia e alteração de consistência das fezes. Os gatos adultos, não domiciliados ou domiciliados com acesso à rua que possuem hábitos de caça, são mais predispostos. O diagnóstico definitivo pode ser feito pela pesquisa parasitológica e presença de ovos em análise coproparasitológica, pela identificação de ovos na bile e mais frequentemente por histopatologia hepática. O tratamento consiste no uso de anti-helmínticos, sendo que o mais eficaz é o praziquantel. Além disso, medidas preventivas devem ser adotadas, como evitar que os gatos tenham acesso aos hospedeiros intermediários. O presente relato, consiste no diagnóstico coproparasitológico de platinossomose em dois felinos domésticos, no município de Pelotas, RS, Brasil.
Platynosomumspp. is a trematode, from the family Dicrocoeliidae, which has felids as its definitive host, but can also parasite primates and wild birds. Animals that have a habit of feeding on reptiles or amphibians are more susceptible. It mainly affects the liver and bile ducts, but it can eventually be found also in the small intestine, pancreatic ducts, lungs and other tissues. Pathophysiology includes chronic cholangitis, which may extend and affect the liver parenchyma and culminate in cholangiohepatitis, biliary fibrosis, cirrhosis and biliary obstruction. Clinical signs vary according to the severity of the case and the duration of the infection. Clinical manifestations include anorexia, lethargy, weight loss, hepatomegaly, bloating and vomiting, and jaundice and alteration of stool consistency may also occur. Adult cats, homeless or homeless with access to the street who have hunting habits, are more predisposed. The definitive diagnosis can be made through parasitological research and presence of eggs in coproparasitological analysis, by identifying eggs in the bile and more often through hepatic histopathology. Treatment consists of the use of anthelmintics, the most effective of which is praziquantel. In addition, preventive measures must be adopted, such as preventing cats from having access to intermediate hosts. The present report consists of the coproparasitological diagnosis of platinosomosis in two domestic cats, in the municipality of Pelotas, RS, Brazil.
Platynosomum spp. es un trematodo, de la familia Dicrocoeliidae, que tiene a los felinos como hospedadores definitivos, pero también puede parasitar primates y aves silvestres. Los animales que tienen la costumbre de alimentarse de reptiles o anfibios, sonmás susceptibles. Afecta principalmente al hígado y los conductos biliares, pero eventualmente también se puede encontrar en el intestino delgado, los conductos pancreáticos, los pulmones y otros tejidos. La fisiopatología incluye la colangitis crónica, que puede extenderse y afectar el parénquima hepático y culminar en colangiohepatitis, fibrosis biliar, cirrosis y obstrucción biliar. Los signos clínicos varían según la gravedad del caso y la duración de la infección. Las manifestaciones clínicas incluyen anorexia, letargo, pérdida de peso, hepatomegalia, distensión abdominal y vómitos, e ictericia y alteración de la consistencia de las heces. Los gatos adultos, sin hogar o sin hogar con acceso a la calle que tienen hábitos de caza, están más predispuestos. El diagnóstico definitivo se puede realizar mediante la investigación parasitológica y la presencia de huevos en el análisis coproparasitológico, mediante la identificación de los huevos en la bilis y más a menudo mediante la histopatología hepática. El tratamiento consiste en el uso de antihelmínticos, el más eficaz de los cuales es el praziquantel. Además, se deben adoptar medidas preventivas, como evitar que los gatos tengan acceso a huéspedes intermediarios. El presente informe consiste en el diagnóstico coproparasitológico de platinosomosa en dos gatos domésticos, en el municipio de Pelotas, RS, Brasil.
Animais , Gatos , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária , Dicrocoeliidae/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Trematódeos/diagnóstico , Infecções por Trematódeos/veterinária , Adenoma de Ducto Biliar/veterinária , Anti-Helmínticos/uso terapêutico , BrasilResumo
Platynosomum spp. é um trematódeo, da família Dicrocoeliidae, que tem como hospedeiros definitivos, os felídeos, mas também pode parasitar primatas e aves silvestres. Animais que possuem o hábito de se alimentar de répteis ou anfíbios, são mais susceptíveis. Acomete principalmente o fígado e os ductos biliares, mas pode ser eventualmente encontrado também no intestino delgado, ductos pancreáticos, pulmões e outros tecidos. A fisiopatologia inclui quadro de colangite crônica, podendo se estender e acometer o parênquima hepático e culminar com colangiohepatite, fibrose biliar, cirrose e obstrução biliar. Os sinais clínicos variam conforme a gravidade do caso e duração da infecção. As manifestações clínicas incluem anorexia, letargia, perda de peso, hepatomegalia, distensão abdominal e vômitos, podendo ocorrer, ainda, icterícia e alteração de consistência das fezes. Os gatos adultos, não domiciliados ou domiciliados com acesso à rua que possuem hábitos de caça, são mais predispostos. O diagnóstico definitivo pode ser feito pela pesquisa parasitológica e presença de ovos em análise coproparasitológica, pela identificação de ovos na bile e mais frequentemente por histopatologia hepática. O tratamento consiste no uso de anti-helmínticos, sendo que o mais eficaz é o praziquantel. Além disso, medidas preventivas devem ser adotadas, como evitar que os gatos tenham acesso aos hospedeiros intermediários. O presente relato, consiste no diagnóstico coproparasitológico de platinossomose em dois felinos domésticos, no município de Pelotas, RS, Brasil.(AU)
Platynosomumspp. is a trematode, from the family Dicrocoeliidae, which has felids as its definitive host, but can also parasite primates and wild birds. Animals that have a habit of feeding on reptiles or amphibians are more susceptible. It mainly affects the liver and bile ducts, but it can eventually be found also in the small intestine, pancreatic ducts, lungs and other tissues. Pathophysiology includes chronic cholangitis, which may extend and affect the liver parenchyma and culminate in cholangiohepatitis, biliary fibrosis, cirrhosis and biliary obstruction. Clinical signs vary according to the severity of the case and the duration of the infection. Clinical manifestations include anorexia, lethargy, weight loss, hepatomegaly, bloating and vomiting, and jaundice and alteration of stool consistency may also occur. Adult cats, homeless or homeless with access to the street who have hunting habits, are more predisposed. The definitive diagnosis can be made through parasitological research and presence of eggs in coproparasitological analysis, by identifying eggs in the bile and more often through hepatic histopathology. Treatment consists of the use of anthelmintics, the most effective of which is praziquantel. In addition, preventive measures must be adopted, such as preventing cats from having access to intermediate hosts. The present report consists of the coproparasitological diagnosis of platinosomosis in two domestic cats, in the municipality of Pelotas, RS, Brazil.(AU)
Platynosomum spp. es un trematodo, de la familia Dicrocoeliidae, que tiene a los felinos como hospedadores definitivos, pero también puede parasitar primates y aves silvestres. Los animales que tienen la costumbre de alimentarse de reptiles o anfibios, sonmás susceptibles. Afecta principalmente al hígado y los conductos biliares, pero eventualmente también se puede encontrar en el intestino delgado, los conductos pancreáticos, los pulmones y otros tejidos. La fisiopatología incluye la colangitis crónica, que puede extenderse y afectar el parénquima hepático y culminar en colangiohepatitis, fibrosis biliar, cirrosis y obstrucción biliar. Los signos clínicos varían según la gravedad del caso y la duración de la infección. Las manifestaciones clínicas incluyen anorexia, letargo, pérdida de peso, hepatomegalia, distensión abdominal y vómitos, e ictericia y alteración de la consistencia de las heces. Los gatos adultos, sin hogar o sin hogar con acceso a la calle que tienen hábitos de caza, están más predispuestos. El diagnóstico definitivo se puede realizar mediante la investigación parasitológica y la presencia de huevos en el análisis coproparasitológico, mediante la identificación de los huevos en la bilis y más a menudo mediante la histopatología hepática. El tratamiento consiste en el uso de antihelmínticos, el más eficaz de los cuales es el praziquantel. Además, se deben adoptar medidas preventivas, como evitar que los gatos tengan acceso a huéspedes intermediarios. El presente informe consiste en el diagnóstico coproparasitológico de platinosomosa en dos gatos domésticos, en el municipio de Pelotas, RS, Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Dicrocoeliidae/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Trematódeos/diagnóstico , Infecções por Trematódeos/veterinária , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária , Adenoma de Ducto Biliar/veterinária , Anti-Helmínticos/uso terapêutico , BrasilResumo
Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. is described from Salvator merianae (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) (Squamata; Teiidae). The new species differs from all previously described species through several morphological characteristics: number of tooth like structures per row in the inner pharynx; and presence of unpaired papillae on the anterior border of the cloacal aperture. However, Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. is closest to C. tentaculata (Rudolphi, 1819), through having similar distribution of male caudal papillae, unpaired pre-cloacal papillae and females with an pre-equatorial vulva. Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. differs from C. tentaculata regarding smaller total body length of individuals, higher number of tooth like structures per row in the pharynx, greater size of diverticulum, smaller size of spicules and a more anterior vulva than in C. tentaculata; and the males do not have caudal alae. Cruzia mazza, C. travassosia, C. mexicana and C. testudines were considered to be species inquirendae, because their descriptions need more detailed taxonomic studies.(AU)
Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. é uma nova espécie descrita em Salvator merianae (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) (Squamata; Teiidae). Essa nova espécie difere de todas as espécies descritas anteriormente por diferentes características morfológicas: pelo número de dentes por coluna longitudinal interna na faringe; pela presença de papila ímpar na borda anterior da cloaca. Entretanto, Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. possui similaridades com C. tentaculata (Rudolphi, 1819), por ter distribuição semelhante das papilas caudais dos machos, por possuir papila pré-cloacal ímpar e por possuir fêmeas com vulva pré-equatorial. Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. se difere de C. tentaculata em relação ao menor comprimento total do corpo dos indivíduos, pelo maior número de dentes por coluna longitudinal interna na faringe; pelo maior tamanho de divertículo; pelo menor tamanho de espículos; por possuir fêmeas com vulva mais próxima a extremidade anterior do que observado em fêmeas de C. tentaculata; e pelos machos não possuírem asa caudal. Cruzia mazza, C. travassosia, C. mexicana e C. testudines foram consideradas species inquirendae, pelo fato de suas descrições necessitarem de maior detalhamento taxonômico.(AU)
Animais , Lagartos/classificação , Lagartos/parasitologia , Ascaridídios/classificação , Ascaridídios/parasitologiaResumo
Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. is described from Salvator merianae (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) (Squamata; Teiidae). The new species differs from all previously described species through several morphological characteristics: number of tooth like structures per row in the inner pharynx; and presence of unpaired papillae on the anterior border of the cloacal aperture. However, Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. is closest to C. tentaculata (Rudolphi, 1819), through having similar distribution of male caudal papillae, unpaired pre-cloacal papillae and females with an pre-equatorial vulva. Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. differs from C. tentaculata regarding smaller total body length of individuals, higher number of tooth like structures per row in the pharynx, greater size of diverticulum, smaller size of spicules and a more anterior vulva than in C. tentaculata; and the males do not have caudal alae. Cruzia mazza, C. travassosia, C. mexicana and C. testudines were considered to be species inquirendae, because their descriptions need more detailed taxonomic studies.(AU)
Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. é uma nova espécie descrita em Salvator merianae (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) (Squamata; Teiidae). Essa nova espécie difere de todas as espécies descritas anteriormente por diferentes características morfológicas: pelo número de dentes por coluna longitudinal interna na faringe; pela presença de papila ímpar na borda anterior da cloaca. Entretanto, Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. possui similaridades com C. tentaculata (Rudolphi, 1819), por ter distribuição semelhante das papilas caudais dos machos, por possuir papila pré-cloacal ímpar e por possuir fêmeas com vulva pré-equatorial. Cruzia lauroi sp. nov. se difere de C. tentaculata em relação ao menor comprimento total do corpo dos indivíduos, pelo maior número de dentes por coluna longitudinal interna na faringe; pelo maior tamanho de divertículo; pelo menor tamanho de espículos; por possuir fêmeas com vulva mais próxima a extremidade anterior do que observado em fêmeas de C. tentaculata; e pelos machos não possuírem asa caudal. Cruzia mazza, C. travassosia, C. mexicana e C. testudines foram consideradas species inquirendae, pelo fato de suas descrições necessitarem de maior detalhamento taxonômico.(AU)
Animais , Infecções por Ascaridida/classificação , Infecções por Ascaridida/parasitologia , Lagartos/parasitologiaResumo
We investigated the infection by pulmonary parasites in the lizard Ameiva ameiva (Teiidae) inhabiting the Environmental Protection Area of Araripe (APA-Araripe). A total of 45 specimens were collected in three areas between the cities of Várzea Alegre and Barbalha. A Pentastomid species (Raillietiella mottae) was parasitizing (nine specimens) a male of A. ameiva with a prevalence of 2.22% considering all lizards collected in the region and prevalence of 50% considering only rainforest environment. The Pentastomids infection rates shown in this study are similar to data found for infections of other insectivorous lizards. Raillietiella mottae is considered a generalist parasite, which uses insects as intermediate hosts. The results of this study represent the first record of a Pentastomid infecting this species of lizard in South America.(AU)
Neste estudo investigamos a infecção por parasitas pulmonares no lagarto teiídeo Ameiva ameiva (Teiidae) habitando a Área de Proteção Ambiental do Araripe APA Araripe. Um total de 45 espécimes foram coletados em três áreas entre os municípios de Várzea Alegre e Barbalha. Uma espécie de pentastomida (Raillietiella mottae) estava parasitando (nove espécimes) um macho de A. ameiva com uma prevalência de 2,22%, considerando todos os lagartos da região, e uma prevalência de 50% considerando apenas a floresta úmida. A taxa de infecção por pentastomídeos demonstrado no presente estudo é semelhante aos dados de infecção encontrados para outros lagartos insetívoros. Raillietiella mottae é considerado um parasita generalista, que usa insetos como hospedeiros intermediários. O resultado do presente estudo representa o primeiro registro de um pentastomídeo infectando lagartos do gênero Ameiva na América do Sul.(AU)
Animais , Pentastomídeos/patogenicidade , Lagartos/parasitologia , InfecçõesResumo
Acanthodactylus micropholis Heidari, Rastegar-Pouyani, Rastegar-Pouyani & Rajabizadeh, 2013 and A. khamirensis Blanford, 1874 are genetically and morphologically distinct, but their ecological differentiation has not previously been evaluated. The ecological niche models of these two sister species Acanthodactylus were reconstructed using climate and geographical data. Species distribution modeling for A. micropholis and A. khamirensis was used to make predictions and showed that most parts of southern and southeastern Iran are suitable for the distribution of both species. Habitat suitability was mostly dependent upon minimum temperature of the coldest month and seasonal precipitation for A. micropholis and A. khamirensis, respectively. Niche similarity tests (niche overlap and identity tests) were performed to evaluate species differentiation based on the ecological species criterion. Our results indicate that both species have different ecological niches and are significantly separated from each other. Therefore, our study corroborates previous analyses based on molecular and morphological evidences that suggested that A. micropholis and A. khamirensis were valid species.
Acanthodactylus micropholis Heidari, Rastegar-Pouyani, Rastegar-Pouyani & Rajabizadeh, 2013 and A. khamirensis Blanford, 1874 are genetically and morphologically distinct, but their ecological differentiation has not previously been evaluated. The ecological niche models of these two sister species Acanthodactylus were reconstructed using climate and geographical data. Species distribution modeling for A. micropholis and A. khamirensis was used to make predictions and showed that most parts of southern and southeastern Iran are suitable for the distribution of both species. Habitat suitability was mostly dependent upon minimum temperature of the coldest month and seasonal precipitation for A. micropholis and A. khamirensis, respectively. Niche similarity tests (niche overlap and identity tests) were performed to evaluate species differentiation based on the ecological species criterion. Our results indicate that both species have different ecological niches and are significantly separated from each other. Therefore, our study corroborates previous analyses based on molecular and morphological evidences that suggested that A. micropholis and A. khamirensis were valid species.(AU)
Abstract We investigated the infection by pulmonary parasites in the lizard Ameiva ameiva (Teiidae) inhabiting the Environmental Protection Area of Araripe (APA-Araripe). A total of 45 specimens were collected in three areas between the cities of Várzea Alegre and Barbalha. A Pentastomid species (Raillietiella mottae) was parasitizing (nine specimens) a male of A. ameiva with a prevalence of 2.22% considering all lizards collected in the region and prevalence of 50% considering only rainforest environment. The Pentastomids infection rates shown in this study are similar to data found for infections of other insectivorous lizards. Raillietiella mottae is considered a generalist parasite, which uses insects as intermediate hosts. The results of this study represent the first record of a Pentastomid infecting this species of lizard in South America.
Resumo Neste estudo investigamos a infecção por parasitas pulmonares no lagarto teiídeo Ameiva ameiva (Teiidae) habitando a Área de Proteção Ambiental do Araripe APA Araripe. Um total de 45 espécimes foram coletados em três áreas entre os municípios de Várzea Alegre e Barbalha. Uma espécie de pentastomida (Raillietiella mottae) estava parasitando (nove espécimes) um macho de A. ameiva com uma prevalência de 2,22%, considerando todos os lagartos da região, e uma prevalência de 50% considerando apenas a floresta úmida. A taxa de infecção por pentastomídeos demonstrado no presente estudo é semelhante aos dados de infecção encontrados para outros lagartos insetívoros. Raillietiella mottae é considerado um parasita generalista, que usa insetos como hospedeiros intermediários. O resultado do presente estudo representa o primeiro registro de um pentastomídeo infectando lagartos do gênero Ameiva na América do Sul.
Death-feigning behaviour occurs when the animal simulates a state of immobility. This behaviour is described for some lizard families, among them the family Gymnophthalmidae with only one record. Iphisa elegans is a diurnal and terrestrial Amazonian gymnophtalmid lizard. It has cryptic behavior and moves rapidly on the ground, hindering observations of its behavior. We report a case at the Comodoro Municipality, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. An adult male of I. elegans, when manipulated, turned its venter up and put itself in a death-feigning posture. This species is preyed upon by birds, snakes and other lizards¸ possibly behaving this way when the cryptic behaviour or escape attempt fails. More studies are necessary to evaluate the efficiency of this behaviour, as well as its frequency of occurrence, using individuals of both sexes. We also suggest to evaluate if the orange venter of males could have any antipredation advantage.
Fingir-se de morto é um comportamento no qual o animal simula um estado de imobilidade. Esse comportamento é descrito em algumas famílias de lagartos, dentre as quais, a família Gymnophthalmidae com apenas um registro. Iphisa elegans é um lagarto gymnoftalmídeo amazônico diurno e terrestre. Possui comportamento críptico e move-se rapidamente pelo solo, dificultando observações de seu comportamento. Reportamos um caso no município de Comodoro, Estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil: um macho adulto de I. elegans, quando manipulado, virou seu ventre para cima e fingiu-se de morto. Esta espécie é predada por pássaros, serpentes e outros lagartos, possivelmente portando-se dessa forma quando o comportamento críptico ou tentativa de fuga falham. São necessários mais estudos para observar a eficiência desse comportamento, assim como sua frequência de ocorrência, usando indivíduos de ambos os sexos. Também sugerimos que deve ser avaliado se a coloração alaranjada no ventre dos machos poderia fornecer alguma vantagem antipredação.
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Etologia , Lagartos , RépteisResumo
Death-feigning behaviour occurs when the animal simulates a state of immobility. This behaviour is described for some lizard families, among them the family Gymnophthalmidae with only one record. Iphisa elegans is a diurnal and terrestrial Amazonian gymnophtalmid lizard. It has cryptic behavior and moves rapidly on the ground, hindering observations of its behavior. We report a case at the Comodoro Municipality, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. An adult male of I. elegans, when manipulated, turned its venter up and put itself in a death-feigning posture. This species is preyed upon by birds, snakes and other lizards¸ possibly behaving this way when the cryptic behaviour or escape attempt fails. More studies are necessary to evaluate the efficiency of this behaviour, as well as its frequency of occurrence, using individuals of both sexes. We also suggest to evaluate if the orange venter of males could have any antipredation advantage.(AU)
Fingir-se de morto é um comportamento no qual o animal simula um estado de imobilidade. Esse comportamento é descrito em algumas famílias de lagartos, dentre as quais, a família Gymnophthalmidae com apenas um registro. Iphisa elegans é um lagarto gymnoftalmídeo amazônico diurno e terrestre. Possui comportamento críptico e move-se rapidamente pelo solo, dificultando observações de seu comportamento. Reportamos um caso no município de Comodoro, Estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil: um macho adulto de I. elegans, quando manipulado, virou seu ventre para cima e fingiu-se de morto. Esta espécie é predada por pássaros, serpentes e outros lagartos, possivelmente portando-se dessa forma quando o comportamento críptico ou tentativa de fuga falham. São necessários mais estudos para observar a eficiência desse comportamento, assim como sua frequência de ocorrência, usando indivíduos de ambos os sexos. Também sugerimos que deve ser avaliado se a coloração alaranjada no ventre dos machos poderia fornecer alguma vantagem antipredação.(AU)
Animais , Etologia , Comportamento Animal , Lagartos , RépteisResumo
A fim de contribuir para o aumento de informações sobre os padrões alimentares e comportamentais de Tropidurus hispidus o presente estudo relata e discute uma tentativa de consumo oportunístico de Mus musculus em uma área urbana da cidade de Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.
In order to contribute to the increase of information on the diet and foraging behavior of Tropidurus hispidus the present study reports and discusses an opportunistic consumption attempt of Mus musculus in an urban area of the city of Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Comportamento Predatório , Lagartos , Reação de Fuga , Brasil , CamundongosResumo
Abstract We investigated the infection by pulmonary parasites in the lizard Ameiva ameiva (Teiidae) inhabiting the Environmental Protection Area of Araripe (APA-Araripe). A total of 45 specimens were collected in three areas between the cities of Várzea Alegre and Barbalha. A Pentastomid species (Raillietiella mottae) was parasitizing (nine specimens) a male of A. ameiva with a prevalence of 2.22% considering all lizards collected in the region and prevalence of 50% considering only rainforest environment. The Pentastomids infection rates shown in this study are similar to data found for infections of other insectivorous lizards. Raillietiella mottae is considered a generalist parasite, which uses insects as intermediate hosts. The results of this study represent the first record of a Pentastomid infecting this species of lizard in South America.
Resumo Neste estudo investigamos a infecção por parasitas pulmonares no lagarto teiídeo Ameiva ameiva (Teiidae) habitando a Área de Proteção Ambiental do Araripe APA Araripe. Um total de 45 espécimes foram coletados em três áreas entre os municípios de Várzea Alegre e Barbalha. Uma espécie de pentastomida (Raillietiella mottae) estava parasitando (nove espécimes) um macho de A. ameiva com uma prevalência de 2,22%, considerando todos os lagartos da região, e uma prevalência de 50% considerando apenas a floresta úmida. A taxa de infecção por pentastomídeos demonstrado no presente estudo é semelhante aos dados de infecção encontrados para outros lagartos insetívoros. Raillietiella mottae é considerado um parasita generalista, que usa insetos como hospedeiros intermediários. O resultado do presente estudo representa o primeiro registro de um pentastomídeo infectando lagartos do gênero Ameiva na América do Sul.
A fim de contribuir para o aumento de informações sobre os padrões alimentares e comportamentais de Tropidurus hispidus o presente estudo relata e discute uma tentativa de consumo oportunístico de Mus musculus em uma área urbana da cidade de Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.(AU)
In order to contribute to the increase of information on the diet and foraging behavior of Tropidurus hispidus the present study reports and discusses an opportunistic consumption attempt of Mus musculus in an urban area of the city of Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Lagartos , Comportamento Predatório , Comportamento Alimentar , Reação de Fuga , Camundongos , BrasilResumo
Agrotóxicos são utilizados desde a antiguidade, porém, apenas no século passado teve início a produção sintética desses produtos, sendo o Brasil um dos maiores consumidores estas substâncias. O 2,4-D é um herbicida seletivo para ervas daninhas de folhas largas, amplamente utilizado em vários tipos de cultura. Em condições normais em animais, o 2,4-D é eliminado na urina, mas se a taxa de depuração renal for ultrapassada surgem efeitos adversos, inclusive neurotóxicos. Poucos estudos avaliam o efeito do 2,4-D sobre o desenvolvimento embrionário, sendo estes necessários pois organismos jovens são mais sensíveis que adultos. Com isso em mente visamos avaliar o efeito do 2,4-D DMA® 806 BR no desenvolvimento embrionário do encéfalo de Tropidurus torquatus. Também objetivamos descrever o encéfalo de Tropidurus torquatus como base para o estudo toxicológico. Esta espécie é abundante e por habitar lavouras pode contaminar-se com agrotóxicos naturalmente, fazendo-a um bom modelo animal. Animais adultos foram capturados e eutanaziados para a descrição macro- e microscópica do encéfalo. Fêmeas grávidas foram coletadas e mantidas em terrários até a oviposição. Os ovos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, controle e 2,4-D. O substrato do grupo 2,4-D foi contaminado logo após a oviposição com uma dose correspondente à 1,5L p.c./ha, e no controle o substrato foi regado com a mesma quantidade de água destilada. De ambos os grupos foram coletados embriões nos dias 15, 30 e 60 após a oviposição. Os encéfalos dos embriões foram submetidos a inclusão em parafina para coloração com H.E. e foi estimado o volume do teto óptico através da técnica de estereologia, comparando-se os dois grupos. Foi observado um decréscimo do volume no grupo 2,4-D do dia 15, mas não foram encontradas diferenças do dia 30, sugerindo que o 2,4-D tem um leve efeito neurotóxico na dose recomendada, mas que pode ser reversível.
Pesticides have been used since antiquity, nevertheless synthetic products emerged only last century and currently Brazil is the biggest consumer of these substances. 2,4- D is a selective herbicide for broad-leaved weeds, used in several types of crops. Usually 2,4-D is eliminated in urine in animals, but when the renal clearance rate is exceeded, adverse effects, including neurotoxic ones, appear. Few studies evaluate the effect of 2,4-D on embryonic development, which is necessary because young organisms are more sensitive than adults. With this in mind we aim to evaluate the effect of 2,4-D DMA® 806 BR on the embryonic development of the brain of Tropidurus torquatus. We also aimed to describe the brain of Tropidurus torquatus as the basis for the toxicological study. This species is abundant and by inhabiting crops it can naturally contaminate itself with pesticides, making it a good animal model. Adult animals were captured and euthanized for the macro- and microscopic description of the brain. Pregnant females were collected and kept in terrariums until oviposition. Eggs were randomly distributed into two groups, control and 2,4-D. The substrate of the 2,4-D group was contaminated shortly after oviposition with a dose corresponding to 1.5L/ha, and the controls substrate was watered with the same quantity of water. Embryos were collected on days 15, 30 and 60 after oviposition. The embryos' brains were submitted to paraffin inclusion for H.E. staining and the volume of the optical tectum was estimated using stereology to compare both groups. A decrease in volume was observed in the 2,4-D group on day 15, but no differences were found on day 30, suggesting that 2,4-D has a mild neurotoxic effect at the recommended dose, which may be reversible.
Life history parameters such as diet, reproduction, and sexual dimorphism are crucial to understand ecological and evolutionary forces shaping species traits. Nevertheless, such information is scant in the literature for most Neotropical squamates. Gymnophthalmidae contains over 242 species in 46 genera and includes small-size, mostly terrestrial species, although psamophilic, semi-aquatic, and low vegetation dwellers also occur. Dryadosaura is a monospecific genus - Dryadosaura nordestina Rodrigues et al., 2005 - , occurring in Atlantic Forest areas from Rio Grande do Norte to Northern Bahia, and little is known about its ecology and natural history. We analyzed the species' diet, reproduction, and sexual dimorphism based on 170 specimens deposited in museum collections. Dryadosaura nordestina is considered generalist and active forager, based on dietary items. Arthropods, especially ants and insect larvae, dominate the diet. The reproductive period shows a peak during the rainy season (May through June), while recruitment occurs from July through November. Males are significantly larger than females, and sexes can also be distinguished based on shape variables: males have higher heads and longer bodies, while body height and width are larger in females.
Animais , Caracteres Sexuais , Dieta/veterinária , Lagartos/anatomia & histologia , Lagartos/classificação , Lagartos/fisiologia , Reprodução , BrasilResumo
Life history parameters such as diet, reproduction, and sexual dimorphism are crucial to understand ecological and evolutionary forces shaping species traits. Nevertheless, such information is scant in the literature for most Neotropical squamates. Gymnophthalmidae contains over 242 species in 46 genera and includes small-size, mostly terrestrial species, although psamophilic, semi-aquatic, and low vegetation dwellers also occur. Dryadosaura is a monospecific genus - Dryadosaura nordestina Rodrigues et al., 2005 - , occurring in Atlantic Forest areas from Rio Grande do Norte to Northern Bahia, and little is known about its ecology and natural history. We analyzed the species' diet, reproduction, and sexual dimorphism based on 170 specimens deposited in museum collections. Dryadosaura nordestina is considered generalist and active forager, based on dietary items. Arthropods, especially ants and insect larvae, dominate the diet. The reproductive period shows a peak during the rainy season (May through June), while recruitment occurs from July through November. Males are significantly larger than females, and sexes can also be distinguished based on shape variables: males have higher heads and longer bodies, while body height and width are larger in females.(AU)