O melhoramento genético possibilitou a evolução da eficiência e taxas de desfrute da pecuária nacional. A biotécnica da IATF (Inseminação Artificial por Tempo Fixo) consolidou-se como a principal ferramenta de disseminação de genética melhorada em rebanhos de leite e de corte. A avaliação espermática laboratorial tem o objetivo de analisar o potencial de reprodutores/partidas de sêmen e buscar a desafiadora tarefa de determinar e estabelecer características confiáveis que possam ser utilizadas como indicadores de fertilidade. Nesse contexto emerge o sistema CASA (Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis) como ferramenta promissora para obtenção de parâmetros indicativos de fertilidade seminal.(AU)
Genetic improvement enabled the evolution and efficiencies of national livestock activity. The IATF (Fixed Time Artificial Insemination) biotechnology, has established itself as the main tool for the dissemination of improved genetics in dairy and beef herds. Laboratory sperm evaluation aims to analyze the potential of a sires/semen batches and seek the challenging task of determining and establishing reliable characteristics that can be used as fertility indicators. In this context, the computerized system of sperm motility (CASA) emerges as a promising tool for obtaining parameters indicative of seminal fertility.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Análise do Sêmen/normas , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Melhoramento Genético , Fertilidade/fisiologiaResumo
The development of techniques to increase sperm longevity demands knowledge about cell metabolism. Sperm requires a constant supply of energy to maintain its cell functions. Approximately 500 metabolic reactions take place in somatic cells, and several of them require energy. Most of the produced energy goes for sperm motility, which is an ATP-dependent specialized process. Spermatozoa possess the required mechanisms to produce energy through glycolysis, citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) and oxidative phosphorylation. Understanding these pathways provides knowledge on the interactions between the semen extender substrates and sperm cells. The aim of this review is to approach the major energy producing pathways of the sperm, as well as the substrates available for this metabolism.
Para o desenvolvimento de técnicas que visam o aumento da longevidade espermática, é necessário o entendimento metabólico desta célula. O espermatozoide exige um fornecimento constante de energia para a manutenção das funções celulares. Aproximadamente 500 reações metabólicas são conhecidas por ocorrer nas células somáticas, sendo que grande parte delas requer energia. Para atingir seu objetivo, grande parte da produção energética do espermatozoide é destinada à motilidade, o qual é um processo especializado e dependente de ATP. O espermatozoide possui os mecanismos necessários para produzir energia através da glicólise, Ciclo do Ácido Cítrico (Ciclo de Krebs) e Fosforilação Oxidativa. O entendimento destas vias torna-se indispensável para a compreensão das interações entre os substratos do meio diluente e o espermatozoide. O objetivo desta revisão é abordar as principais vias de produção energética do espermatozoide, assim como os substratos disponíveis para metabolização.
Animais , Ciclo do Ácido Cítrico , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Espermatozoides/metabolismo , Glicólise , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Trifosfato de Adenosina , MetabolismoResumo
The development of techniques to increase sperm longevity demands knowledge about cell metabolism. Sperm requires a constant supply of energy to maintain its cell functions. Approximately 500 metabolic reactions take place in somatic cells, and several of them require energy. Most of the produced energy goes for sperm motility, which is an ATP-dependent specialized process. Spermatozoa possess the required mechanisms to produce energy through glycolysis, citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) and oxidative phosphorylation. Understanding these pathways provides knowledge on the interactions between the semen extender substrates and sperm cells. The aim of this review is to approach the major energy producing pathways of the sperm, as well as the substrates available for this metabolism.(AU)
Para o desenvolvimento de técnicas que visam o aumento da longevidade espermática, é necessário o entendimento metabólico desta célula. O espermatozoide exige um fornecimento constante de energia para a manutenção das funções celulares. Aproximadamente 500 reações metabólicas são conhecidas por ocorrer nas células somáticas, sendo que grande parte delas requer energia. Para atingir seu objetivo, grande parte da produção energética do espermatozoide é destinada à motilidade, o qual é um processo especializado e dependente de ATP. O espermatozoide possui os mecanismos necessários para produzir energia através da glicólise, Ciclo do Ácido Cítrico (Ciclo de Krebs) e Fosforilação Oxidativa. O entendimento destas vias torna-se indispensável para a compreensão das interações entre os substratos do meio diluente e o espermatozoide. O objetivo desta revisão é abordar as principais vias de produção energética do espermatozoide, assim como os substratos disponíveis para metabolização.(AU)
Animais , Espermatozoides/metabolismo , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Glicólise , Ciclo do Ácido Cítrico , Trifosfato de Adenosina , MetabolismoResumo
Devido à alta sensibilidade do espermatozoide suíno à criopreservação, torna-se importante o estudo acerca dos danos provocados à célula, pela agressão térmica ocasionada durante este processo. Sendo assim, avaliou-se neste trabalho, a influência de diferentes embalagens, utilizadas para o armazenamento de sêmen suíno, sobre a qualidade do espermatozoide criopreservado. Foram utilizados animais híbridos, a coleta do sêmen foi feita pela técnica da mão enluvada. Foram analisados o vigor (0 a 5), a motilidade (0 a 100%), a taxa de degradação da motilidade e a integridade acrossomal. O sêmen foi congelado em palhetas de 0,5mL, criotubos de 2,0mL e macrotubos de 4 e 5mL. As amostras de sêmen suíno congelado em palhetas apresentaram os melhores resultados de vigor espermático (2,3), de motilidade (45,4%), de taxa de degradação da motilidade (56,5%) e de integridade acrossomal (60,6%), quando comparadas às amostras criopreservadas nos demais tipos de embalagens avaliadas (p<0,05). Somente para o parâmetro taxa de degradação da motilidade, o sêmen conservado em palhetas apresentou resultados similares ao conservado em macrotubo de 4mL (54,1%). Os resultados pós-descongelação indicaram que o sêmen envasado nas palhetas foi o que apresentou características condizentes com a possibilidade de serem utilizados nos protocolos de inseminação artificial, com possibilidades de bons resultados de fertilidade. Concluiu-se que embalagens que permitam uma maior velocidade de trocas de temperatura entre as células encontradas no bordo e no centro, favorecem a uma melhor qualidade do sêmen descongelado.
Due to high sensitivity of the swine spermatozoa to cryopreservation, it is important to study the damage caused to the cell by thermal aggression during this process. Thus, this study evaluated the influence of different packages used for the storage of swine semen on the quality of cryopreserved spermatozoa. Hybrid animals were used, and semen collection was made by the gloved hand technique. The vigor (0 the 5), motility (0 the 100%), rate of motility degradation and acrosome integrity were analyzed. The semen was frozen in straws of 0.5mL, cryotubes of 2.0mL and macrotubes of 4 and 5mL. The swine semen samples frozen in straws showed the best results in sperm vigor (2.3), motility (45.4%), motility degradation rate (56.5%) and acrosomal integrity (60.6%), when compared to the cryopreserved samples in the other types of packaging evaluated (p<0.05). Only for the motility degradation rate parameter, the semen preserved in straws showed results similar to the one conserved in a 4 mL macrotube (54.1%). The results after thawing indicated that the semen packed in straws was the one that presented consistent characteristics with the possibility of being used in artificial insemination protocols with possibilities of good fertility results. It was concluded that packages that allow a higher speed of temperature changes between the cells found on the edge and in the center of them, favor a better quality of the thawed semen.
Animais , Masculino , Preservação do Sêmen/instrumentação , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Suínos , Embalagem de Produtos , Temperatura Alta , Criopreservação/instrumentação , Criopreservação/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bromelain on sperm quality, after defrosting, in goats. For this purpose, five Anglo Nubian goats were used. Semen collection was performed with the aid of an artificial vagina. The semen was evaluated for its macroscopic and microscopic parameters. After the analysis, the total volume of the pool was divided into three groups. One belonging to the control group (ACP-101/102®) and two treatment groups with ACP-101/102® enriched with bromelain in concentrations of 5% and 10%. The samples were cryopreserved with the aid of the Tk3000 device. Then, the straws were immersed in liquid nitrogen and stored in cryogenic cylinders. After one week the samples were thawed and evaluated by the system CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis). After thawing, the total sperm motility assessed by the system CASA was preserved in the control group and in the treatment group at a concentration of 5%. The curvilinear speed (LCV) and mean trajectory speed (VAP) of sperm were higher in the control group compared to the others. Thus, it is concluded that bromelain does not present genotoxicity to goat sperm, as well as its use is satisfactory in terms of the quality of seminal parameters after thawing.
Masculino , Animais , Ruminantes , Sêmen/efeitos dos fármacos , Sêmen/químicaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bromelain on sperm quality, after defrosting, in goats. For this purpose, five Anglo Nubian goats were used. Semen collection was performed with the aid of an artificial vagina. The semen was evaluated for its macroscopic and microscopic parameters. After the analysis, the total volume of the pool was divided into three groups. One belonging to the control group (ACP-101/102®) and two treatment groups with ACP-101/102® enriched with bromelain in concentrations of 5% and 10%. The samples were cryopreserved with the aid of the Tk3000 device. Then, the straws were immersed in liquid nitrogen and stored in cryogenic cylinders. After one week the samples were thawed and evaluated by the system CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis). After thawing, the total sperm motility assessed by the system CASA was preserved in the control group and in the treatment group at a concentration of 5%. The curvilinear speed (LCV) and mean trajectory speed (VAP) of sperm were higher in the control group compared to the others. Thus, it is concluded that bromelain does not present genotoxicity to goat sperm, as well as its use is satisfactory in terms of the quality of seminal parameters after thawing.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Sêmen/química , Sêmen/efeitos dos fármacos , RuminantesResumo
Prochilodus brevis is a fish species with an important ecological and economic role. Therefore, its captive breeding, together with sperm cryopreservation, come as an alternative to improve its availability. To perform sperm cryopreservation with quality results, it is necessary to develop studies on cryomedia composition, such as non-permeable cryoprotectants. The aim of the study was to test the efficacy of two non-permeable cryoprotectants on post-thawed kinetic parameters of Prochilodus brevis sperm. Twenty reproductive mature P. brevis males were selected and induced to sperm with carp pituitary extract. The sperm was collected, and five pools were made. Pools were diluted in 5% glucose and 10% DMSO added or not with three different concentrations of egg yolk (5; 10 or 12%). The samples were placed on French straws, frozen in dry shipper and stored in liquid nitrogen. After thawing, the kinetic analyses of computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) were performed. There were no significant differences between the total motility of the control (60.48%) and treatments (49.0; 47.8 and 51.68%, respectively). The other kinetic parameters also showed no statistical difference. Thus, there is no need to use egg yolk in the freezing of P. brevis sperm when using a glucose and DMSO extender.
Masculino , Animais , Criopreservação/métodos , Criopreservação/veterinária , Gema de Ovo/efeitos adversos , PeixesResumo
Prochilodus brevis is a fish species with an important ecological and economic role. Therefore, its captive breeding, together with sperm cryopreservation, come as an alternative to improve its availability. To perform sperm cryopreservation with quality results, it is necessary to develop studies on cryomedia composition, such as non-permeable cryoprotectants. The aim of the study was to test the efficacy of two non-permeable cryoprotectants on post-thawed kinetic parameters of Prochilodus brevis sperm. Twenty reproductive mature P. brevis males were selected and induced to sperm with carp pituitary extract. The sperm was collected, and five pools were made. Pools were diluted in 5% glucose and 10% DMSO added or not with three different concentrations of egg yolk (5; 10 or 12%). The samples were placed on French straws, frozen in dry shipper and stored in liquid nitrogen. After thawing, the kinetic analyses of computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) were performed. There were no significant differences between the total motility of the control (60.48%) and treatments (49.0; 47.8 and 51.68%, respectively). The other kinetic parameters also showed no statistical difference. Thus, there is no need to use egg yolk in the freezing of P. brevis sperm when using a glucose and DMSO extender.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Criopreservação/métodos , Criopreservação/veterinária , Gema de Ovo/efeitos adversos , PeixesResumo
A biotécnica de refrigeração de sêmen equino para o trasporte de material genético está amplamente distribuida. Com a necessidade da manutenção da viabilidade espermática é indispensável a autilização e diluentes para este fim. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a adição de quercetina, que é um flavonóide antioxidante, em diluentes espermáticos altera a viabilidade dos espermatozoides equinos refrigerados. Foram avaliados cinco ejaculados de um garanhão, por meio da análise de motilidade e vigor espermático, em diferentes períodos de refrigeração em quatro meios de diluição: BotuSêmen®; BotuSêmen® adicionado de 20 µg/mL de quercetina (SIGMA®); Solução aquosa com 10% leite em pó desnatado (Molico®) ou Solução aquosa com 10% leite em pó desnatado (Molico®) adicionado de 20 µg/mL de quercetina (SIGMA®). Por meio dos resultados obtidos no presente estudo, foi possível verificar que não há diferença estatística entre a motilidade espermática de sêmen de garanhão diluído em BotuSêmen® em relação ao diluído solução aquosa com 10% leite em pó desnatado (Molico®) pelo período de refrigeração avaliado (36h).
The biotechnique of equine semen cooling for the transfer of genetic material is widely distributed. With the need to maintain sperm viability, it is indispensable to use and thinners for this purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the addition of quercetin, which is an anti-oxidant flavonoid, in spermatic diluents alters the viability of refrigerated equine spermatozoa. Five ejaculates of a stallion were evaluated by analysis of motility and spermatic vigor in different cooling periods in four dilution media: BotuSêmen® ; BotuSêmen® added 20 µg/mL of quercetin (SIGMA® ); Aqueous solution with 10% skimmilk powder (Molico® ) or Aqueous solution with 10% skimmilk powder (Molico® ) added 20 µg/mL quercetin (SIGMA® ). Through the data obtained, it was possible to verify that there is no statistical difference between the sperm motility of diluted stallion semen in BotuSêmen® in relation to the diluted aqueous solution with 10% skimmed milk powder (Molico® ) for the evaluated refrigeration period (36h).
Animais , Antioxidantes , Cavalos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Quercetina/administração & dosagem , RefrigeraçãoResumo
Purpose To investigate the effect of probiotics on spontaneous contractions of smooth muscle isolated from jejunum and ileum of rat model. Methods Four rat groups were created (n=8, in each) including control (Group 1), control+probiotic (Group 2), short bowel (Group 3), and short bowel+probiotic (Group 4). Groups 1 and 2 underwent sham operation, Groups 3 and 4 underwent massive bowel resection. Bifidobacterium Lactis was administered in Groups 2 and 4 daily (P.O.) for three weeks. On postoperative week 3, rats were sacrificed, and jejunum and ileum smooth muscle were isolated for organ bath. Muscle contraction changes were analyzed before and after addition of antagonists. Results Short bowel group exhibited increased amplitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions. The addition of probiotics significantly decreased enhanced amplitude and frequency of bowel contraction in short bowel group and returned to control values. L-NNA increased amplitude and frequency of contractions in all groups. While indomethacin and nimesulide increased the amplitude in all groups, the frequency was only increased in jejunum. Hexamethonium and tetrodotoxin did not change the contraction characteristics in all groups. Conclusion We suggest that early use of probiotics may significantly regulate bowel motility, and accordingly improve absorption of nutrients in short bowel syndrome.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Síndrome do Intestino Curto/terapia , Probióticos/uso terapêutico , Motilidade Gastrointestinal , Absorção Intestinal , Modelos AnimaisResumo
A biotécnica de refrigeração de sêmen equino para o trasporte de material genético está amplamente distribuida. Com a necessidade da manutenção da viabilidade espermática é indispensável a autilização e diluentes para este fim. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a adição de quercetina, que é um flavonóide antioxidante, em diluentes espermáticos altera a viabilidade dos espermatozoides equinos refrigerados. Foram avaliados cinco ejaculados de um garanhão, por meio da análise de motilidade e vigor espermático, em diferentes períodos de refrigeração em quatro meios de diluição: BotuSêmen®; BotuSêmen® adicionado de 20 µg/mL de quercetina (SIGMA®); Solução aquosa com 10% leite em pó desnatado (Molico®) ou Solução aquosa com 10% leite em pó desnatado (Molico®) adicionado de 20 µg/mL de quercetina (SIGMA®). Por meio dos resultados obtidos no presente estudo, foi possível verificar que não há diferença estatística entre a motilidade espermática de sêmen de garanhão diluído em BotuSêmen® em relação ao diluído solução aquosa com 10% leite em pó desnatado (Molico®) pelo período de refrigeração avaliado (36h).(AU)
The biotechnique of equine semen cooling for the transfer of genetic material is widely distributed. With the need to maintain sperm viability, it is indispensable to use and thinners for this purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the addition of quercetin, which is an anti-oxidant flavonoid, in spermatic diluents alters the viability of refrigerated equine spermatozoa. Five ejaculates of a stallion were evaluated by analysis of motility and spermatic vigor in different cooling periods in four dilution media: BotuSêmen® ; BotuSêmen® added 20 µg/mL of quercetin (SIGMA® ); Aqueous solution with 10% skimmilk powder (Molico® ) or Aqueous solution with 10% skimmilk powder (Molico® ) added 20 µg/mL quercetin (SIGMA® ). Through the data obtained, it was possible to verify that there is no statistical difference between the sperm motility of diluted stallion semen in BotuSêmen® in relation to the diluted aqueous solution with 10% skimmed milk powder (Molico® ) for the evaluated refrigeration period (36h).(AU)
Animais , Quercetina/administração & dosagem , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Refrigeração , Cavalos , AntioxidantesResumo
Técnicas de coleta de espermatozoides epididimários são utilizadas em diversas espécies animais, sendo ferramentas de biotecnologias importantes aplicadas em casos de animais que precisam ser castrados ou que vieram a óbito. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a cinética de espermatozoides criopreservados de cães obtidos por meio de técnicas de recuperação epididimária. Foram coletados 30 complexos testículo-epidídimos (CTE) de cães saudáveis, sendo que cada CTE de determinado animal foi destinado para cada técnica utilizada, 15 direcionados para a técnica de recuperação de espermatozoides epididimários por fluxo retrógrado (FR) e 15 por flutuação (FL). Os CTE foram acondicionados em sacos plásticos identificados, contendo solução salina e levados ao Laboratório de Biotecnologia da Reprodução Animal da Universidade Federal do Piauí (LBRA/UFPI) para a realização da diluição e criopreservação espermática após a recuperação epididimária. A congelação foi realizada por meio de uma rampa manual, com as amostras refrigeradas a 5 °C, mantidas em vapor de nitrogênio por 5 minutos e, posteriormente, colocadas no botijão. A análise computadorizada do sêmen (CASA) nas amostras descongeladas foi realizada na Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), sendo avaliados dez parâmetros seminais. Foi empregada a análise de variância, aplicando o teste de Tukey. Nessas amostras, houve diferença significativa quanto à motilidade progressiva entre as técnicas testadas e a motilidade total apresentou valores superiores a 30%, não havendo influência das técnicas nos demais parâmetros seminais. Concluise que a cinética de espermatozoides de cães obtidos por recuperação epididimária avaliados pelo CASA apresentou resultados satisfatórios após a criopreservação.(AU)
Epididymal sperm collection techniques are used in several animal species and are important biotechnology tools applied to animals that needed to be castrated or that died. The objective of this study was to evaluate the kinetics of cryopreserved dog sperm obtained by epididymal recovery techniques. Thirty testicular-epididymal complexes (CTE) were collected from healthy dogs, with each CTE of a given animal being assigned to each technique used, 15 of them directed to the retrograde flow epididymal sperm recovery technique and 15 by fluctuation technique. The CTE were placed in identified plastic bags, containing saline solution and taken to the Animal Reproduction Biotechnology Laboratory of the Federal University of Piauí (LBRA/UFPI) for sperm dilution and cryopreservation after epididymal recovery. The freezing was carried out using a manual ramp, with the samples refrigerated at 5 °C, maintained in nitrogen vapor exposition five minutes and, later, placed in the container. Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) was performed in the thawed samples at the State University of Ceará (UECE) and ten seminal parameters were evaluated. Analysis of variance was applied by the Tukey test. In thawed samples, there was a significant difference in progressive motility between the tested techniques and total motility presented values greater than 30%, with no influence of the recovery technique on remaining parameters. It was concluded that the sperm kinetics of dogs obtained by epididymal recovery evaluated by CASA presented satisfactory results after cryopreservation.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães , Criopreservação/veterinária , Epididimo , Biotecnologia , Motilidade dos EspermatozoidesResumo
Técnicas de coleta de espermatozoides epididimários são utilizadas em diversas espécies animais, sendo ferramentas de biotecnologias importantes aplicadas em casos de animais que precisam ser castrados ou que vieram a óbito. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a cinética de espermatozoides criopreservados de cães obtidos por meio de técnicas de recuperação epididimária. Foram coletados 30 complexos testículo-epidídimos (CTE) de cães saudáveis, sendo que cada CTE de determinado animal foi destinado para cada técnica utilizada, 15 direcionados para a técnica de recuperação de espermatozoides epididimários por fluxo retrógrado (FR) e 15 por flutuação (FL). Os CTE foram acondicionados em sacos plásticos identificados, contendo solução salina e levados ao Laboratório de Biotecnologia da Reprodução Animal da Universidade Federal do Piauí (LBRA/UFPI) para a realização da diluição e criopreservação espermática após a recuperação epididimária. A congelação foi realizada por meio de uma rampa manual, com as amostras refrigeradas a 5 °C, mantidas em vapor de nitrogênio por 5 minutos e, posteriormente, colocadas no botijão. A análise computadorizada do sêmen (CASA) nas amostras descongeladas foi realizada na Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), sendo avaliados dez parâmetros seminais. Foi empregada a análise de variância, aplicando o teste de Tukey. Nessas amostras, houve diferença significativa quanto à motilidade progressiva entre as técnicas testadas e a motilidade total apresentou valores superiores a 30%, não havendo influência das técnicas nos demais parâmetros seminais. Concluise que a cinética de espermatozoides de cães obtidos por recuperação epididimária avaliados pelo CASA apresentou resultados satisfatórios após a criopreservação.
Epididymal sperm collection techniques are used in several animal species and are important biotechnology tools applied to animals that needed to be castrated or that died. The objective of this study was to evaluate the kinetics of cryopreserved dog sperm obtained by epididymal recovery techniques. Thirty testicular-epididymal complexes (CTE) were collected from healthy dogs, with each CTE of a given animal being assigned to each technique used, 15 of them directed to the retrograde flow epididymal sperm recovery technique and 15 by fluctuation technique. The CTE were placed in identified plastic bags, containing saline solution and taken to the Animal Reproduction Biotechnology Laboratory of the Federal University of Piauí (LBRA/UFPI) for sperm dilution and cryopreservation after epididymal recovery. The freezing was carried out using a manual ramp, with the samples refrigerated at 5 °C, maintained in nitrogen vapor exposition five minutes and, later, placed in the container. Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) was performed in the thawed samples at the State University of Ceará (UECE) and ten seminal parameters were evaluated. Analysis of variance was applied by the Tukey test. In thawed samples, there was a significant difference in progressive motility between the tested techniques and total motility presented values greater than 30%, with no influence of the recovery technique on remaining parameters. It was concluded that the sperm kinetics of dogs obtained by epididymal recovery evaluated by CASA presented satisfactory results after cryopreservation.
Animais , Cães , Biotecnologia , Criopreservação/veterinária , Cães , Epididimo , Motilidade dos EspermatozoidesResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between proteins in the seminal plasma of tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) with seminal quality indicators after thawing. The semen was cryopreserved with a dilution based on BTS with 8% DMSO. A 200 µL sample of semen from each animal was diluted in 800 µL BTS, centrifuged at 800 rpm, and the supernatant was cryopreserved to further analyze of the protein profile of seminal plasma through one-dimensional electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). After 15 days of cryopreservation, a cryopreserved semen straw was thawed to analyze both qualitative and quantitative parameters. When considering all collections, the SDS-PAGE identified 15 protein bands in the seminal plasma of tambaqui. When the interaction (presence or absence) between proteins observed in the seminal plasma and the post thawed spermatic parameters was evaluated, we observed a great influence of the presence of proteins on spermatic quality. A greater (P 0.05) fertilization rate was observed with the presence of proteins 12, 34, 44, 85, and 90 kDa. Proteins in seminal plasma of tambaqui influenced the spermatic quality after thawing, and thus, they can be utilized as an indicator of sperm quality, especially the proteins with a molecular weight 50 kDa.(AU)
O objetivo desse estudo foi de avaliar a associação entre a presença de proteínas no plasma seminal do tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) com indicadores de qualidade seminal pós-descongelamento. O semen foi criopreservado com diluidor a base de BTS com 8% DMSO. Uma amostra de 200 µL de semen de cada animal foi diluída em 800 µL de BTS, e centrifugada em 800 rpm, e somente o sobrenadante foi criopreservado para posterior análise do perfil proteico do plasma seminal, através da eletroforese unidimensional (SDS-PAGE). Decorridos 15 dias da criopreservação, uma palheta com semen criopreservado foi descongelado para análise dos parâmetros quali-quantitativos. Considerando todas as coletas, o SDS-PAGE identificou 15 bandas proteicas no plasma seminal do tambaqui. Quando se avaliou a interação (presença ou ausência) das proteínas encontradas no plasma seminal, com os parâmetros espermáticos pós-descongelamento, observou-se grande influência da presença das proteínas na qualidade espermática. Observou-se maior taxa de fertilização (P 0,05) com a presença das proteínas 12, 34, 44, 85 e 90 kDa. As proteínas do plasma seminal de tambaqui influenciaram na qualidade espermática após descongelamento, podendo ser utilizadas como indicadores para a qualidade espermática após descongelamento, principalmente as proteínas com peso molecular 50 kDa.(AU)
Animais , Peixes , Criopreservação/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , FertilizaçãoResumo
This study investigated in vitro the efficacy of four different extenders (TES-TRIS and TRIS with LDL low-density lipoprotein at concentrations of 10 or 5%) on the longevity of buffalo sperm in the refrigeration process at 5ºC. Sperm motility was assessed every 24 hours up to 72 hours of incubation using computer assisted sperm analysis and sperm membrane integrity was examined by the hypoosmotic test (HOST) at T1, T24, T48 and T72 hours. Eleven buffaloes (1 ejaculate per buffalo) of the Murrah breed were used, ranging in age from 4 to 5 years. Immediately after collection, each ejaculate was fractionated into 4 aliquots, and each aliquot was diluted in one of four diluents to obtain 50x106SPTZ/mL. The samples were packed in 0.5mL straws and refrigerated (-0.25°C/min) to 5°C and maintained at this temperature until evaluation. Prior to evaluation the samples were heated at 37°C for 30 seconds. The statistical package used for analysis was STATA 12.0 "Statistical Analysis Software" and means were compared by the Friedman test (P<0.05). The results of sperm kinetics and HOST indicate that the TRIS diluent with 10% LDL could be a promising alternative for semen refrigeration at 5ºC, to be used in conventional and fixed time artificial insemination.(AU)
Este estudo investigou in vitro a eficácia de quatro diferentes extensores (TES-TRIS e TRIS com lipoproteína de baixa densidade - LDL, nas concentrações de 10 ou 5%) sobre a longevidade espermática de búfalos no processo de refrigeração a 5ºC. A motilidade espermática foi avaliada a cada 24 horas até 72 horas de incubação, por sistema computadorizado "CASA", e a integridade de membrana espermática foi examinada pelo teste hiposmótico (HOST) em T1, T24, T48 e T72 horas. Foram utilizados 11 búfalos (um ejaculado por búfalo) da raça Murrah, com idade variando de quatro a cinco anos. Imediatamente após a coleta, cada ejaculado foi fracionado em quatro alíquotas, e cada alíquota foi diluída em um dos quatro diluidores para a obtenção de 50x106 SPTZ/mL. As amostras foram envasadas em palhetas de 0,5 mL, refrigeradas (-0,25oC/minuto) até 5oC e mantidas nessa temperatura até a avaliação. Previamente à avaliação, as amostras foram aquecidas a 37oC por 30 segundos. O pacote estatístico utilizado para as análises foi o STATA 12.0 "Statistical Analysis Software", e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Friedman (P<0,05). Os resultados de cinética e HOST até o tempo de 48 horas indicam que o diluidor TRIS com 10% LDL seria uma alternativa promissora para a refrigeração do sêmen a 5ºC, a ser utilizado na inseminação artificial e na inseminação artificial em tempo fixo.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Búfalos , Lipoproteínas LDL , Técnicas In Vitro , Inseminação Artificial , Técnicas de Diluição do Indicador/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to determine the accuracy of assessing stallion sperm motility using a light microscope, a cell phone camera, and a free computer-assisted semen analysis (FCASA) package for ImageJ. The total motility of frozen (n=22) and cooled (n=48) equine semen was determined by FCASA and compared to the results of subjective visual analysis (SVA) by two technicians. Frozen samples were also evaluated by a commercial computer-assisted semen analysis (CCASA) system. The Friedman test revealed no significant differences (P>0.05) between cooled samples analyzed by FCASA (38.0) and SVA (technician 1, 40.0; technician 2, 40.0), nor between frozen samples analyzed by FCASA (23.36 ± 15.9), SVA (25.5 ± 18.8 and 25.8 ± 18.5), and CCASA (25.2 ± 18.3). However, mean FCASA results were underestimated by 7.2% compared with CCASA. The correlation between FCASA and CCASA was significant and strong (P<0.0001, r=0.95). Chi-squared tests indicated that FCASA provided similar results (P=0.14) to the reference method (CCASA), but SVA had lower accuracy (P=0.04). ImageJ analysis of cell phone videos captured under a light microscope can be used for estimation of stallion sperm motility with comparable accuracy to commercial systems.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi testar as configurações necessárias para avaliar a motilidade espermática total de garanhões, mediante o uso de ImageJ, microscópio óptico e câmera de celular. Os valores de motilidade total das amostras de sêmen equino congeladas (22) e refrigeradas (48) foram comparados por análise visual (SVA) e pelo plugin do ImageJ (CASAF). Amostras congeladas também foram comparadas por um CASA comercial (CCASA). O teste de Friedman não resultou em diferença estatística (P>0,05) entre as 48 amostras analisadas com CASAF (38,0) e SVA de dois avaliadores (40,0 e 40,0). A comparação das 22 amostras congeladas entre CASAF (23,36±15,9), SVA (25,5±18,8 e 25,8±18,5) e CCASA (25,2±18,3) também não resultou em diferença estatística, sendo que a média dos resultados obtidos com CASAF subestimou a obtida com o CCASA em 7,2%. A correlação entre CASAF e CCASA foi significativamente elevada (r=0,95, P<0,0001). O teste de qui-quadrado resultou em proporção de acertos semelhantes entre o CASAF e o CCASA (P=0,14), enquanto SVA resultou em proporção diferente (P=0,04), indicando menor acurácia. O uso de microscópio óptico e câmera de celular foi útil para obter vídeos de sêmen de garanhões a serem analisados com ImageJ, proporcionando resultados de motilidade total equiparáveis a sistemas comerciais.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Smartphone/instrumentação , Cavalos/fisiologia , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Microscopia/veterináriaResumo
This study investigated in vitro the efficacy of four different extenders (TES-TRIS and TRIS with LDL low-density lipoprotein at concentrations of 10 or 5%) on the longevity of buffalo sperm in the refrigeration process at 5ºC. Sperm motility was assessed every 24 hours up to 72 hours of incubation using computer assisted sperm analysis and sperm membrane integrity was examined by the hypoosmotic test (HOST) at T1, T24, T48 and T72 hours. Eleven buffaloes (1 ejaculate per buffalo) of the Murrah breed were used, ranging in age from 4 to 5 years. Immediately after collection, each ejaculate was fractionated into 4 aliquots, and each aliquot was diluted in one of four diluents to obtain 50x106SPTZ/mL. The samples were packed in 0.5mL straws and refrigerated (-0.25°C/min) to 5°C and maintained at this temperature until evaluation. Prior to evaluation the samples were heated at 37°C for 30 seconds. The statistical package used for analysis was STATA 12.0 "Statistical Analysis Software" and means were compared by the Friedman test (P<0.05). The results of sperm kinetics and HOST indicate that the TRIS diluent with 10% LDL could be a promising alternative for semen refrigeration at 5ºC, to be used in conventional and fixed time artificial insemination.(AU)
Este estudo investigou in vitro a eficácia de quatro diferentes extensores (TES-TRIS e TRIS com lipoproteína de baixa densidade - LDL, nas concentrações de 10 ou 5%) sobre a longevidade espermática de búfalos no processo de refrigeração a 5ºC. A motilidade espermática foi avaliada a cada 24 horas até 72 horas de incubação, por sistema computadorizado "CASA", e a integridade de membrana espermática foi examinada pelo teste hiposmótico (HOST) em T1, T24, T48 e T72 horas. Foram utilizados 11 búfalos (um ejaculado por búfalo) da raça Murrah, com idade variando de quatro a cinco anos. Imediatamente após a coleta, cada ejaculado foi fracionado em quatro alíquotas, e cada alíquota foi diluída em um dos quatro diluidores para a obtenção de 50x106 SPTZ/mL. As amostras foram envasadas em palhetas de 0,5 mL, refrigeradas (-0,25oC/minuto) até 5oC e mantidas nessa temperatura até a avaliação. Previamente à avaliação, as amostras foram aquecidas a 37oC por 30 segundos. O pacote estatístico utilizado para as análises foi o STATA 12.0 "Statistical Analysis Software", e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Friedman (P<0,05). Os resultados de cinética e HOST até o tempo de 48 horas indicam que o diluidor TRIS com 10% LDL seria uma alternativa promissora para a refrigeração do sêmen a 5ºC, a ser utilizado na inseminação artificial e na inseminação artificial em tempo fixo.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Búfalos , Lipoproteínas LDL , Técnicas In Vitro , Inseminação Artificial , Técnicas de Diluição do Indicador/veterináriaResumo
Background: Addition of the antioxidant to extender media is the most appropriate attempt to reduce structural lossesencounter during the process of cryopreservation. Hence semen excellence could be maintained for longer duration withoutadverse impact. Additionally antioxidants are not only capturing the reactive oxygen species but also improve the spermquality indicators and fertility. Accordingly, current elucidation has been executed to explore the dose depended appraisalof varied concentration of α-tocopherol in Tris-based extender on frozen-thawed bull semen quality parameters for enhancement of bull semen cryopreservation in the subtropical ecosystem of Peshawar.Materials, Methods & Results: Experiments were carried out on semen that has been collected from both Achai-an indigenous breed and Holstein Friesian (HF) - the exotic breed in artificial vagina maintained at 42°C from the experimentalbulls of either breed and processed independently breed wise. Semen specimens with above 70% motility were evaluatedseparately breed-wise under same environmental condition. Standard procedure was adopted to extend the collected semenin the experimental extenders and frozen subsequently. After thawing, further Analysis of the frozen straws of semen wascarried out for sperm excellence indicators that include motility, viability, acrosomal integrity and functional integrity ofspermatozoa under the subtropical condition. Sperm viability and acrosomal integrity were determined by dual stainingprocedure i.e. Trypan-blue and Giemsa stains. The hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test was used to assess plasma membraneintegrity. The current elucidation demonstrated that α-tocopherol 1.5 mg/mL supplemented in extender had significantly(P < 0.05) increased sperm excellence gauge that includes motilityy, viability, acrosomal integrity and functional membraneintegrity in both the breeds. On the other hand, the result further elucidated...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , alfa-Tocoferol , Criopreservação/métodos , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio , Peroxidação de LipídeosResumo
Background: Addition of the antioxidant to extender media is the most appropriate attempt to reduce structural lossesencounter during the process of cryopreservation. Hence semen excellence could be maintained for longer duration withoutadverse impact. Additionally antioxidants are not only capturing the reactive oxygen species but also improve the spermquality indicators and fertility. Accordingly, current elucidation has been executed to explore the dose depended appraisalof varied concentration of α-tocopherol in Tris-based extender on frozen-thawed bull semen quality parameters for enhancement of bull semen cryopreservation in the subtropical ecosystem of Peshawar.Materials, Methods & Results: Experiments were carried out on semen that has been collected from both Achai-an indigenous breed and Holstein Friesian (HF) - the exotic breed in artificial vagina maintained at 42°C from the experimentalbulls of either breed and processed independently breed wise. Semen specimens with above 70% motility were evaluatedseparately breed-wise under same environmental condition. Standard procedure was adopted to extend the collected semenin the experimental extenders and frozen subsequently. After thawing, further Analysis of the frozen straws of semen wascarried out for sperm excellence indicators that include motility, viability, acrosomal integrity and functional integrity ofspermatozoa under the subtropical condition. Sperm viability and acrosomal integrity were determined by dual stainingprocedure i.e. Trypan-blue and Giemsa stains. The hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test was used to assess plasma membraneintegrity. The current elucidation demonstrated that α-tocopherol 1.5 mg/mL supplemented in extender had significantly(P < 0.05) increased sperm excellence gauge that includes motilityy, viability, acrosomal integrity and functional membraneintegrity in both the breeds. On the other hand, the result further elucidated...
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Criopreservação/métodos , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , alfa-Tocoferol , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Peroxidação de LipídeosResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the viability of using a non-invasive digital monitor to monitor heart rate (HR) and motility during the embryonic development of Pantanal alligator (Caiman yacare) using Egg Buddy ® , at different incubation temperatures. The collection of the eggs followed the Ranching system and egg identification, transportation, and incubation were performed with the required care; all eggs were incubated with 90% humidity at 29°C for the first 45 days. Thereafter, the incubation temperature was either maintained at 29°C, increased to 33°C or maintained at 29°C and embryos simultaneously treated with 4-aminopyridine on days 46, 47, 48, and 49 (29°C-4AP). Embryo movement was measured with a digital non-invasive monitor on days 30, 35, 42, 49, 56, and 60, at which point embryos were sacrificed. In the statistical analysis no differences were observed between the groups for the temperature (33°C and 29°C); for motility, a difference was observed at day 49 for the 29°C-4AP group. This revealed that the non-invasive evaluation method can be used to verify embryonic motility and HR effectively in Caiman yacare embryos.(AU)