ABSTRACT: Physalisperuviana L. (physalis) has significant economic potential by virtue of the unique flavor of its fruit. However, the productivity of Brazilian plantations is low because of the limited number of varieties or cultivars available. The main obstacle in the selection of superior genotypes is the lack of information about genetic variability within- and between- populations and limited genetic basis that has likely resulted from evolutionary, domestication and selection processes of the natural or artificial populations. Physalis currently cultivated in Brazil is tetraploid, and such polyploidy may have led to the reproductive isolation of the species, preventing the occurrence of intraspecific hybridization. Moreover, cultivated populations derive from a common gene pool and have undergone a long process of domestication and selection carried out empirically by farmers. In Colombia and other Andean countries there are wild populations that exhibit genetic diversity which; although, fundamental for the conservation of the species, have low potential for the development of genotypes with superior agronomic traits. In order to create and expand the genetic variability of physalis, breeders have employed various strategies including induction of mutation, chromosome duplication, and interspecific and intraspecific hybridization. Furthermore, the production of double haploid lines from in vitro anther cultures has shown good results in the selection of hybrids. The mutant genotypes and/or hybrids obtained using these methods in association with those of wide genomic selection can generate cultivars with superior agronomic traits.
RESUMO: Physalis peruviana L. (fisális) apresenta grande potencial econômico devido ao sabor diferenciado de seus frutos. A produtividade dos pomares brasileiros é baixa em função do número limitado de variedades ou cultivares disponíveis. O principal entrave na seleção de genótipos superiores é a falta de informação sobre a variabilidade genética dentro e entre as populações de fisális e, possivelmente, a base genética limitada das mesmas, que pode ser explicada pelos processos evolutivos, de domesticação e de seleção das populações naturais ou artificiais. A fisális cultivada atualmente no Brasil é tetraploide e tal poliploidia pode ter levado ao isolamento reprodutivo da espécie, o qual impede a ocorrência de hibridação intraespecífica. As populações cultivadas provêm de um pool genético comum e, além disso, sofreram um longo processo de domesticação e seleção realizadas empiricamente pelos agricultores. Porém, na Colômbia e em outros países andinos existem populações silvestres que exibem diversidade genética que, embora sejam fundamentais para a conservação da espécie, apresentam baixo potencial para o desenvolvimento de genótipos com características agronômicas superiores. A fim de criar e ampliar a variabilidade genética de fisális, os melhoristas tem empregado várias estratégias incluindo a indução de mutação, a duplicação cromossômica e a hibridação inter e intraespecífica. Além disso, a produção de linhagens duplo-haploides a partir da cultura de anterasin vitro vem demonstrando bons resultados para a seleção de híbridos. Os genótipos mutantes e/ou híbridos obtidos através dos métodos citados em associação com os de seleção genômica ampla podem gerar cultivares com características agronômicas superiores.
The species Rosmarinus officinalisL. (rosemary) is an herb from the Lamiaceae family, widely used in cooking as a food preservative, seasoning or condiment. It also stands out for its therapeutic properties, mainly presenting antioxidant, antibacterial and antitumor activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic and mutagenic activity of R. officinalis L. essential oil through the Allium cepabioassay. This test constitutes an excellent plant model routinely used due to its sensitivity, low cost and good correlation with test systems in mammals. The defined concentrations for carrying out the test were 750, 243, 81 and 27 µg mL-1. Five bulbs were used, 4 roots of each, measuring approximately 2 cm, and they were analyzed on two slides. All assays were performed at least in triplicate and compared to the negative control. The statistical test of analysis of variance (ANOVA with a fixed factor) was used, followed by Tukey's multiple comparisons test, for p< 0.05. For this purpose, the GraphPad Prism program (version 6.0) was used. The results showed a cytotoxic and mutagenic effect for all concentrations used of the essential oil of R. officinalisL. However, it is important to conduct further research using other genotoxicological tests with different endpoints and at different concentrations, in order to clarify the interaction of the essential oil of the species R. officinalisL. with the genetic material of the cell and its possible mechanism of action.(AU)
Rosmarinus/genética , Rosmarinus/química , Citotoxinas/análise , Mutagênicos/análise , Bioensaio , Óleos Voláteis/química , CebolasResumo
Streptomyces 5.1 is a bacterium isolated from rice soils in the south of the Tolima department (Colombia). This microorganism is characterized by its antagonistic activity against rubber tree phytopathogens like Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the causal agent of leaf anthracnose. The antifungal activity of this Streptomyces isolate has been associated with secondary metabolites production. However, the identity of those metabolites is unknown because its purification and identification have not been possible through classic chemical studies. Therefore, aiming to contribute in the study of the secondary metabolites produced by 5.1 from a molecular approach, this research seeks to identify -preliminarily- the genomic fingerprint changes associated with the production of antifungal secondary metabolites produced by Streptomyces 5.1 through the evaluation of a mutant library of 5.1 obtained by random mutagenesis using controlled ultraviolet light exposure. The antifungal activity of obtained mutants was evaluated using Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (C1) fungus as a biosensor, isolated by the Biotechnology Institute of Universidad Nacional de Colombia. In this way, the library of mutants of 5.1, initially formed by 300 isolations, was classified into two phenotypic groups of interest: enhanced mutants (1 isolate) and null mutants (11 isolates) of secondary metabolites. The genomic changes in both groups were analyzed by obtaining the genomic profile of the isolates using Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic (Rep-PCR). The obtained profiles evidenced the presence of one additional band in the enhanced mutant, and the absence of a specific band in the non-producing mutants, both in comparison with the original strain. These bands are proposed for a future sequencing study which will define their role in the production process of metabolites with antifungal activity in Streptomyces 5.1.
Antifúngicos/metabolismo , Colletotrichum/metabolismo , Compostos Fitoquímicos/análise , Mutagênese , StreptomycesResumo
Streptomyces 5.1 is a bacterium isolated from rice soils in the south of the Tolima department (Colombia). This microorganism is characterized by its antagonistic activity against rubber tree phytopathogens like Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the causal agent of leaf anthracnose. The antifungal activity of this Streptomyces isolate has been associated with secondary metabolites production. However, the identity of those metabolites is unknown because its purification and identification have not been possible through classic chemical studies. Therefore, aiming to contribute in the study of the secondary metabolites produced by 5.1 from a molecular approach, this research seeks to identify -preliminarily- the genomic fingerprint changes associated with the production of antifungal secondary metabolites produced by Streptomyces 5.1 through the evaluation of a mutant library of 5.1 obtained by random mutagenesis using controlled ultraviolet light exposure. The antifungal activity of obtained mutants was evaluated using Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (C1) fungus as a biosensor, isolated by the Biotechnology Institute of Universidad Nacional de Colombia. In this way, the library of mutants of 5.1, initially formed by 300 isolations, was classified into two phenotypic groups of interest: enhanced mutants (1 isolate) and null mutants (11 isolates) of secondary metabolites. The genomic changes in both groups were analyzed by obtaining the genomic profile of the isolates using Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic (Rep-PCR). The obtained profiles evidenced the presence of one additional band in the enhanced mutant, and the absence of a specific band in the non-producing mutants, both in comparison with the original strain. These bands are proposed for a future sequencing study which will define their role in the production process of metabolites with antifungal activity in Streptomyces 5.1.(AU)
Antifúngicos/metabolismo , Colletotrichum/metabolismo , Streptomyces , Mutagênese , Compostos Fitoquímicos/análiseResumo
Most changes in water bodies are result of human activities that have the potential to undermine the environmental integrity of aquatic ecosystems. Changes in genetic material can be evidenced by the frequency of nuclear abnormalities in fish blood cells, in response to genotoxic agents even at low concentrations. Thus, we aimed at comparing the frequencies of nuclear abnormalities of fish kept in acclimation, with fish collected in Timbó river (Santa Cruz do Timbó, Santa Catarina State), under low anthropogenic interference, and fish collected in Iguaçu river (União da Vitória, Paraná State), a polluted river. The highest frequency of changes in nuclear morphology of fish erythrocytes was found in the urbanized area around the Iguaçu river, while, the fish collected in areas with preserved riparian forest surrounding the Timbó river and acclimated fish showed no morphological changes. Our results suggest that genotoxic compounds in the Iguaçu river are acting as stressors to aquatic communities, especially fish. In addition, the absence of nuclear abnormalities in fish from the Timbó river suggests that rivers without significant environmental changes can serve as reference point for comparative studies of genetic modifications for the species studied.
A maioria das alterações dos corpos hídricos é resultante das atividades antrópicas que são prejudiciais à integridade ambiental dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Alterações no material genético podem ser evidenciadas pela frequência de anormalidades nucleares em peixes, em resposta a agentes genotóxicos, mesmo em baixas concentrações. Dessa forma, o estudo consistiu em comparar as frequências de anormalidades nucleares de peixes mantidos em aclimatação, com peixes coletados no rio Timbó (Santa Cruz do Timbó, Estado de Santa Catarina), local com pouca interferência antropogênica e, peixes coletados no rio Iguaçu (União da Vitória, Estado do Paraná), um rio poluído. As maiores frequências de alterações na morfologia nuclear dos eritrócitos dos peixes foram visualizadas na área urbanizada ao redor do rio Iguaçu, quando comparados com os peixes coletados em área com mata ciliar preservada, no rio Timbó, e os peixes aclimatados, que não apresentaram alterações morfológicas. Esses resultados sugerem que há compostos genotóxicos no trecho médio do rio Iguaçu que são estressores para os peixes. Além disso, a não observação de anormalidades nucleares no rio Timbó sugere que rios sem alterações ambientais podem servir como ponto de referência para estudos comparativos de modificações genéticas para a espécie estudada.
Animais , Biologia de Ecossistemas de Água Doce , Caraciformes/anormalidades , Caraciformes/genética , Ecotoxicologia , MutagêneseResumo
Most changes in water bodies are result of human activities that have the potential to undermine the environmental integrity of aquatic ecosystems. Changes in genetic material can be evidenced by the frequency of nuclear abnormalities in fish blood cells, in response to genotoxic agents even at low concentrations. Thus, we aimed at comparing the frequencies of nuclear abnormalities of fish kept in acclimation, with fish collected in Timbó river (Santa Cruz do Timbó, Santa Catarina State), under low anthropogenic interference, and fish collected in Iguaçu river (União da Vitória, Paraná State), a polluted river. The highest frequency of changes in nuclear morphology of fish erythrocytes was found in the urbanized area around the Iguaçu river, while, the fish collected in areas with preserved riparian forest surrounding the Timbó river and acclimated fish showed no morphological changes. Our results suggest that genotoxic compounds in the Iguaçu river are acting as stressors to aquatic communities, especially fish. In addition, the absence of nuclear abnormalities in fish from the Timbó river suggests that rivers without significant environmental changes can serve as reference point for comparative studies of genetic modifications for the species studied.(AU)
A maioria das alterações dos corpos hídricos é resultante das atividades antrópicas que são prejudiciais à integridade ambiental dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Alterações no material genético podem ser evidenciadas pela frequência de anormalidades nucleares em peixes, em resposta a agentes genotóxicos, mesmo em baixas concentrações. Dessa forma, o estudo consistiu em comparar as frequências de anormalidades nucleares de peixes mantidos em aclimatação, com peixes coletados no rio Timbó (Santa Cruz do Timbó, Estado de Santa Catarina), local com pouca interferência antropogênica e, peixes coletados no rio Iguaçu (União da Vitória, Estado do Paraná), um rio poluído. As maiores frequências de alterações na morfologia nuclear dos eritrócitos dos peixes foram visualizadas na área urbanizada ao redor do rio Iguaçu, quando comparados com os peixes coletados em área com mata ciliar preservada, no rio Timbó, e os peixes aclimatados, que não apresentaram alterações morfológicas. Esses resultados sugerem que há compostos genotóxicos no trecho médio do rio Iguaçu que são estressores para os peixes. Além disso, a não observação de anormalidades nucleares no rio Timbó sugere que rios sem alterações ambientais podem servir como ponto de referência para estudos comparativos de modificações genéticas para a espécie estudada.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes/anormalidades , Caraciformes/genética , Biologia de Ecossistemas de Água Doce , Ecotoxicologia , MutagêneseResumo
The ability of four Aspergillus strains for biosynthesis of kojic acid was evaluated among which Aspergillus terreus represented the highest level (2.21 g/L) of kojic acid production. Improvement kojic acid production ability of A. terreus by random mutagenesis using different exposure time to ultraviolet light (540 min) was then performed to obtain a suitable mutant of kojic acid production (designated as C5-10, 7.63 g/L). Thereafter, design of experiment protocol was employed to find medium components (glucose, yeast extract, KH2PO4 (NH4)2SO4, and pH) influences on kojic acid production by the C5-10 mutant. A 25-1 fractional factorial design augmented to central composite design showed that glucose, yeast extract, and KH2PO4 were the most considerable factors within the tested levels (p < 0.05). The optimum medium composition for the kojic acid production by the C5-10 mutant was found to be glucose, 98.4 g/L; yeast extract, 1.0 g/L; and KH2PO4, 10.3 mM which was theoretically able to produce 120.2 g/L of kojic acid based on the obtained response surface model for medium optimization. Using these medium compositions an experimental maximum Kojic acid production (109.0 ± 10 g/L) was acquired which verified the efficiency of the applied method.(AU)
O camundongo mutante recessivo bate-palmas (bapa) originou-se de mutagênese química induzida por ENU (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea) e apresenta alterações posturais com movimentos anormais dos membros posteriores quando levantado pela cauda. No sequenciamento do exoma identificou-se uma mutação no gene Kmt2d, localizado no cromossomo 15, que foi confirmada pelo sequenciamento do DNA pelo método de Sanger. A perda da função do gene KMT2D localizada no cromossomo 12 em humanos foi descrita como responsável pela síndrome de Kabuki, que é uma anomalia congênita rara, autossômica dominante. O fenótipo clínico da doença é variável, mas algumas características mais comuns são face dismórfica, anormalidades esqueléticas, alterações nas impressões digitais, leve a moderado retardo mental e retardo do crescimento pós-natal. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a análise do comportamento e da morfologia craniofacial dos camundongos bapa comparando com modelos de mutação do gene Kmt2d descritos na literatura.
The recessive mutant mouse named bate-palmas (bapa) claps in Portuguese, originates from an ENU (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea) mutagenesis program, presenting balance impairment and motor incoordination. Exome sequencing identified a mutation in the KMT2D gene, located on chromosome 15, which was confirmed by DNA sequence by the Sanger method. The loss of function of the gene KMT2D, located on chromosome 12 in humans, was described as being responsible for Kabuki syndrome, also known as Niikawa-Koruki syndrome, which is a rare congenital anomaly, autosomal dominant. The clinical phenotype of the disease is variable, but some common characteristics are dysmorphic facial features, skeletal abnormalities, fingerprint alterations, mild to moderate cognitive problems and postnatal growth retardation. The objective os this study was to analyze the behavior and craniofacial morphology of bapa mice comparing to KMT2D gene mutation models described on literature.
Masculino , Animais , Camundongos , Camundongos Mutantes/anatomia & histologia , Camundongos Mutantes/psicologia , Comportamento Animal , Etilnitrosoureia , Mutagênicos , Mutação PuntualResumo
O camundongo mutante recessivo bate-palmas (bapa) originou-se de mutagênese química induzida por ENU (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea) e apresenta alterações posturais com movimentos anormais dos membros posteriores quando levantado pela cauda. No sequenciamento do exoma identificou-se uma mutação no gene Kmt2d, localizado no cromossomo 15, que foi confirmada pelo sequenciamento do DNA pelo método de Sanger. A perda da função do gene KMT2D localizada no cromossomo 12 em humanos foi descrita como responsável pela síndrome de Kabuki, que é uma anomalia congênita rara, autossômica dominante. O fenótipo clínico da doença é variável, mas algumas características mais comuns são face dismórfica, anormalidades esqueléticas, alterações nas impressões digitais, leve a moderado retardo mental e retardo do crescimento pós-natal. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a análise do comportamento e da morfologia craniofacial dos camundongos bapa comparando com modelos de mutação do gene Kmt2d descritos na literatura.(AU)
The recessive mutant mouse named bate-palmas (bapa) claps in Portuguese, originates from an ENU (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea) mutagenesis program, presenting balance impairment and motor incoordination. Exome sequencing identified a mutation in the KMT2D gene, located on chromosome 15, which was confirmed by DNA sequence by the Sanger method. The loss of function of the gene KMT2D, located on chromosome 12 in humans, was described as being responsible for Kabuki syndrome, also known as Niikawa-Koruki syndrome, which is a rare congenital anomaly, autosomal dominant. The clinical phenotype of the disease is variable, but some common characteristics are dysmorphic facial features, skeletal abnormalities, fingerprint alterations, mild to moderate cognitive problems and postnatal growth retardation. The objective os this study was to analyze the behavior and craniofacial morphology of bapa mice comparing to KMT2D gene mutation models described on literature.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Camundongos Mutantes/anatomia & histologia , Camundongos Mutantes/psicologia , Comportamento Animal , Mutagênicos , Mutação Puntual , EtilnitrosoureiaResumo
In this study, we performed BSA to identify genetic markers linked to salt tolerance. We tested the genetic diversity among four bulked DNA samples of EMS induced mutant clones and one bulked DNA sample of non-mutated clone of Petunia for salt tolerance in in vitro callus cultures using RAPD and ISSR markers. Out of the 36 RAPD and 16 ISSR primers identified, 25 and 13 were effectively used to amplify genomic DNA of all the five bulked samples, respectively. In total, 114 RAPD amplifications products were obtained, of which 28% were polymorphic and 2% were genotype-specific bands. Out of the 64 ISSR amplification products obtained, 51% were polymorphic and 1% was genotype-specific bands. Results of this study indicated the existence of two patterns of distorted segregation among the studied markers. The first one indicates the differences between non-mutated clones of Petunia and its putative mutants. The second one was observed only between putative mutants and putative mutants tested for salt tolerance in in vitro culture. Both RAPD and ISSR analysis successfully detected the association with changes induced by chemical mutagenesis and salinity. Furthermore, our results indicate that BSA method can be useful in the rapid detection of molecular markers for further marker-assisted selection.(AU)
Neste estudo, realizamos BSA para identificar marcadores genéticos ligados à tolerância ao sal. Testamos a diversidade genética entre quatro amostras de DNA volumoso de clones mutantes induzidos por EMS, e uma amostra de DNA volumoso de clone não mutado de Petunia para tolerância a sal em culturas de calos in vitro usando marcadores RAPD e ISSR. Dos 36 primers RAPD e 16 ISSR identificados, 25 e 13 foram efetivamente usados para amplificar o DNA genômico de todas as cinco amostras, respectivamente. No total, foram obtidos 114 produtos de amplificação RAPD, dos quais 28% eram polimórficos e 2% eram bandas específicas de genótipos. Dos 64 produtos de amplificação ISSR obtidos, 51% eram polimórficos e 1% eram bandas específicas de genótipo. Os resultados deste estudo indicam a existência de dois padrões de segregação distorcida entre os marcadores estudados. O primeiro indica as diferenças entre os clones não mutantes de Petúnia e seus mutantes putativos. O segundo foi observado apenas entre mutantes putativos e mutantes putativos testados quanto à tolerância ao sal em cultura in vitro. Tanto a análise RAPD quanto a ISSR detectaram com sucesso a associação com alterações induzidas por mutagênese química e salinidade. Além disso, nossos resultados indicam que o método BSA pode ser útil na detecção rápida de marcadores moleculares para posterior seleção assistida por marcadores.(AU)
Expression of pectinolytic genes is regulated by catabolic repression limiting the production of pectin lyase (PL) if the natural inducer, pectin, is missing from the growth medium. Here, we report the isolation of Penicillium griseoroseum mutants resistant to 2-deoxy-d-glucose (DG) that show resistance to catabolite repression and overproduce PL. Three spontaneous and nine UV-induced mutants were obtained. Some mutants produced sectors (segments morphologically different) that were also studied. The mutants were analyzed for pectinases production on pectinase-agar plates and five mutants and two sectors showing larger clearing zones than the wild type were selected for quantitative assay. Although PL production higher than the wild type has been found, phenotype instability was observed for most of the mutants and, after transfers to nonselective medium, the DG resistance was no longer present. Only mutants M03 and M04 were stable maintaining the DG-resistance phenotype. When growing for 120 h in liquid medium containing glucose with or without pectin, both mutants showed higher PL production. In the presence of glucose as sole carbon source, the mutant M03 produced 7.8-fold more PL than the wild type. Due its phenotypic stability and PL overproduction, the mutant M03 presents potential for industrial applications.(AU)
Pectinas/genética , Penicillium , Repressão Catabólica , Liases , MutagêneseResumo
Background Bothropstoxin-I (BthTx-I) is a Lys49-phospholipase A2 (Lys49-PLA2) from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu, which despite of the lack of catalytic activity induces myotoxicity, inflammation and pain. The C-terminal region of the Lys49-PLA2s is important for these effects; however, the amino acid residues that determine hyperalgesia and edema are unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize the structural determinants for the Lys49-PLA2-induced nociception and inflammation. Methods Scanning alanine mutagenesis in the active-site and C-terminal regions of BthTx-I has been used to study the structural determinants of toxin activities. The R118A mutant was employed as this substitution decreases PLA2 myotoxicity. In addition, K115A and K116A mutants - which contribute to decrease cytotoxicity - and the K122A mutant - which decreases both myotoxicity and cytotoxicity - were also used. The H48Q mutant - which does not interfere with membrane damage or myotoxic activity - was used to evaluate if the PLA2 catalytic site is relevant for the non-catalytic PLA2-induced pain and inflammation. Wistar male rats received intraplantar injections with mutant PLA2. Subsequently, hyperalgesia and edema were evaluated by the paw pressure test and by a plethysmometer. Native and recombinant BthTx-I were used as controls. Results Native and recombinant BthTx-I induced hyperalgesia and edema, which peaked at 2 h. The R118A mutant did not induce nociception or edema. The mutations K115A and K116A abolished hyperalgesia without interfering with edema. Finally, the K122A mutant did not induce hyperalgesia and presented a decreased inflammatory response. Conclusions The results obtained with the BthTx-I mutants suggest, for the first time, that there are distinct residues responsible for the hyperalgesia and edema induced by BthTx-I. In addition, we also showed that cytolytic activity is essential for the hyperalgesic effect but not for edematogenic activity, corroborating previous data showing that edema and hyperalgesia can occur in a non-dependent manner. Understanding the structure-activity relationship in BthTx-I has opened new possibilities to discover the target for PLA2-induced pain.(AU)
Animais , Bothrops , Venenos Elapídicos , Fosfolipases A2 , Miotoxicidade , Hiperalgesia , InflamaçãoResumo
Background Bothropstoxin-I (BthTx-I) is a Lys49-phospholipase A2 (Lys49-PLA2) from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu, which despite of the lack of catalytic activity induces myotoxicity, inflammation and pain. The C-terminal region of the Lys49-PLA2s is important for these effects; however, the amino acid residues that determine hyperalgesia and edema are unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize the structural determinants for the Lys49-PLA2-induced nociception and inflammation. Methods Scanning alanine mutagenesis in the active-site and C-terminal regions of BthTx-I has been used to study the structural determinants of toxin activities. The R118A mutant was employed as this substitution decreases PLA2 myotoxicity. In addition, K115A and K116A mutants - which contribute to decrease cytotoxicity - and the K122A mutant - which decreases both myotoxicity and cytotoxicity - were also used. The H48Q mutant - which does not interfere with membrane damage or myotoxic activity - was used to evaluate if the PLA2 catalytic site is relevant for the non-catalytic PLA2-induced pain and inflammation. Wistar male rats received intraplantar injections with mutant PLA2. Subsequently, hyperalgesia and edema were evaluated by the paw pressure test and by a plethysmometer. Native and recombinant BthTx-I were used as controls. Results Native and recombinant BthTx-I induced hyperalgesia and edema, which peaked at 2 h. The R118A mutant did not induce nociception or edema. The mutations K115A and K116A abolished hyperalgesia without interfering with edema. Finally, the K122A mutant did not induce hyperalgesia and presented a decreased inflammatory response. Conclusions The results obtained with the BthTx-I mutants suggest, for the first time, that there are distinct residues responsible for the hyperalgesia and edema induced by BthTx-I. In addition, we also showed that cytolytic activity is essential for the hyperalgesic effect but not for edematogenic activity, corroborating previous data showing that edema and hyperalgesia can occur in a non-dependent manner. Understanding the structure-activity relationship in BthTx-I has opened new possibilities to discover the target for PLA2-induced pain.(AU)
Hiperalgesia/diagnóstico , Fosfolipases A2 , Mutagênese , Venenos de Crotalídeos , BothropsResumo
Abstract Background Bothropstoxin-I (BthTx-I) is a Lys49-phospholipase A2 (Lys49-PLA2) from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu, which despite of the lack of catalytic activity induces myotoxicity, inflammation and pain. The C-terminal region of the Lys49-PLA2s is important for these effects; however, the amino acid residues that determine hyperalgesia and edema are unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize the structural determinants for the Lys49-PLA2-induced nociception and inflammation. Methods Scanning alanine mutagenesis in the active-site and C-terminal regions of BthTx-I has been used to study the structural determinants of toxin activities. The R118A mutant was employed as this substitution decreases PLA2 myotoxicity. In addition, K115A and K116A mutants which contribute to decrease cytotoxicity and the K122A mutant which decreases both myotoxicity and cytotoxicity were also used. The H48Q mutant which does not interfere with membrane damage or myotoxic activity was used to evaluate if the PLA2 catalytic site is relevant for the non-catalytic PLA2-induced pain and inflammation. Wistar male rats received intraplantar injections with mutant PLA2. Subsequently, hyperalgesia and edema were evaluated by the paw pressure test and by a plethysmometer. Native and recombinant BthTx-I were used as controls. Results Native and recombinant BthTx-I induced hyperalgesia and edema, which peaked at 2 h. The R118A mutant did not induce nociception or edema. The mutations K115A and K116A abolished hyperalgesia without interfering with edema. Finally, the K122A mutant did not induce hyperalgesia and presented a decreased inflammatory response. Conclusions The results obtained with the BthTx-I mutants suggest, for the first time, that there are distinct residues responsible for the hyperalgesia and edema induced by BthTx-I. In addition, we also showed that cytolytic activity is essential for the hyperalgesic effect but not for edematogenic activity, corroborating previous data showing that edema and hyperalgesia can occur in a non-dependent manner. Understanding the structure-activity relationship in BthTx-I has opened new possibilities to discover the target for PLA2-induced pain.
Abstract The latex obtained from Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Mangabeira tree) is widely used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases, including diarrhea, ulcer, gastritis, tuberculosis, acne and warts. In this study, the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity effects of H. speciosa latex on the root meristem cells of Allium cepa were examined. Onion bulbs were exposed to different concentrations of latex and then submitted to microscopic analysis using Giemsa stain. Water was used as a negative control and sodium azide as a positive control. The results showed that, under the testing conditions, the mitotic index (MI) of the onion roots submitted to latex treatment did not differ significantly from the negative control, which suggests that the latex is not cytotoxic. Low incidence of chromosome aberrations in the cells treated with H. speciosa latex was also observed, indicating that the latex does not have genotoxic effect either. The MI and the chromosome aberration frequency responded to the latex concentration, requiring more studies to evaluate the dosage effect on genotoxicity. The results indicate that in tested concentrations H. speciosa latex is probably not harmful to human health and may be potentially used in medicine.(AU)
Resumo O látex obtido de Hancornia speciosa é amplamente utilizado na medicina popular para tratar uma variedade de doenças, tais como: diarreia, úlcera, gastrite, tuberculose, acne e verrugas. Nesse estudo, foram avaliados os efeitos citotóxicos e genotóxicos do látex de H. speciosa sobre as células meristemáticas das raízes de Allium cepa. Os bulbos das cebolas foram expostos a diferentes concentrações de látex e depois submetidos à analise microscópica usando o corante Giemsa. A água foi usada como controle negativo e a ázida sódica como controle positivo. Os resultados mostraram que o índice mitótico (IM) das raízes de cebola submetidas ao tratamento com látex, nas condições testadas, não diferiram significativamente do controle negativo, e sugerem que o látex não é citotóxico. Também foi observada uma baixa incidência de aberrações cromossômicas nas células tratadas com látex de H. speciosa, o que sugere que o látex também não possui efeito genotóxico. O IM e a frequência de aberrações cromossômicas foram dependentes da concentração de látex. Outros estudos devem ser realizados para avaliar o efeito da dose na genotoxidade. Os resultados indicam que o látex de mangabeira, nas concentrações testadas, provavelmente não é danoso para saúde humana e pode ter potencial para ser usado na medicina.(AU)
Apocynaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Apocynaceae/genética , Cebolas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cebolas/genética , Testes Imunológicos de Citotoxicidade/efeitos adversos , Genotoxicidade , LátexResumo
Abstract The latex obtained from Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Mangabeira tree) is widely used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases, including diarrhea, ulcer, gastritis, tuberculosis, acne and warts. In this study, the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity effects of H. speciosa latex on the root meristem cells of Allium cepa were examined. Onion bulbs were exposed to different concentrations of latex and then submitted to microscopic analysis using Giemsa stain. Water was used as a negative control and sodium azide as a positive control. The results showed that, under the testing conditions, the mitotic index (MI) of the onion roots submitted to latex treatment did not differ significantly from the negative control, which suggests that the latex is not cytotoxic. Low incidence of chromosome aberrations in the cells treated with H. speciosa latex was also observed, indicating that the latex does not have genotoxic effect either. The MI and the chromosome aberration frequency responded to the latex concentration, requiring more studies to evaluate the dosage effect on genotoxicity. The results indicate that in tested concentrations H. speciosa latex is probably not harmful to human health and may be potentially used in medicine.
Resumo O látex obtido de Hancornia speciosa é amplamente utilizado na medicina popular para tratar uma variedade de doenças, tais como: diarreia, úlcera, gastrite, tuberculose, acne e verrugas. Nesse estudo, foram avaliados os efeitos citotóxicos e genotóxicos do látex de H. speciosa sobre as células meristemáticas das raízes de Allium cepa. Os bulbos das cebolas foram expostos a diferentes concentrações de látex e depois submetidos à analise microscópica usando o corante Giemsa. A água foi usada como controle negativo e a ázida sódica como controle positivo. Os resultados mostraram que o índice mitótico (IM) das raízes de cebola submetidas ao tratamento com látex, nas condições testadas, não diferiram significativamente do controle negativo, e sugerem que o látex não é citotóxico. Também foi observada uma baixa incidência de aberrações cromossômicas nas células tratadas com látex de H. speciosa, o que sugere que o látex também não possui efeito genotóxico. O IM e a frequência de aberrações cromossômicas foram dependentes da concentração de látex. Outros estudos devem ser realizados para avaliar o efeito da dose na genotoxidade. Os resultados indicam que o látex de mangabeira, nas concentrações testadas, provavelmente não é danoso para saúde humana e pode ter potencial para ser usado na medicina.
Salmonella Enteritidis e Salmonella Typhimurium causam infecções em seres humanos e animais que são frequentemente associadas à extensa colonização intestinal e excreção fecal. A presença de estrutura flagelar no patógeno está relacionada à indução de inflamação intestinal e atenuação de infecção sistêmica no hospedeiro. Por outro lado, a infecção por estirpes aflageladas resulta em pouca inflamação e consequente infecção sistêmica grave. No presente estudo, foi avaliada a hipótese de que a síntese de maior quantidade de flagelina em estirpes de Salmonella geneticamente modificadas poderia levar a infecção sistêmica menos intensa em aves. Para investigar as conseqüências da superprodução de flagelina, foram construídas estirpes de Salmonella Enteritidis e Typhimurium contendo deleções nos genes clpP e fliD (que levam à superexpressão de flagelina) e patogenicidade e imunogenicidade foram comparadas com as respectivas estirpes selvagens em aves infectadas. Os resultados indicaram que o aumento da síntese de flagelina por SE clpPfliD e STM clpPfliD culmina em déficit da taxa de multiplicação bacteriana. Porém, tais alterações não interferiram na capacidade de colonização cecal e excreção fecal das estirpes mutantes. O mesmo foi observado em fígado e baço, mas após 14 dpi as estirpes mutantes tendem a serem eliminadas destes órgãos. Mesmo com síntese mais elevada de flagelina, as estirpes mutantes recrutaram quantidades semelhantes de linfócitos e macrófagos em tonsila cecal, baço e fígado que as estirpes selvagens. Infecções por STM clpPfliD produziram sinais clínicos mais brandos em comparação à STM, e alta produção de IL22 em 7 dpi. Enquanto que SE clpPfliD desencadeou sinais clínicos semelhantes aos induzidos por SE, porém, com níveis mais elevados de IL22 e IL18, porém com repressçao de CCl4, CXCLi2 e IL17 em no intestino no início da infecção. Ao que tudo indica a maior produção de flagelina por ambas as estirpes mutantes alteraram a patogenicidade, possivelmente por alterarem a ativação e modulação do sistema imune da ave.
Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium cause infections in humans and animals that are often associated with extensive intestinal colonization and faecal shedding. The presence of flagellar structure in the pathogen is related to the induction of intestinal inflammation and attenuation of systemic infection in the host. On the other hand, the absence of flagellin results in severe systemic infection as a result of mild inflammatory intestinal responses provoked by aflagellated strains. The hypothesis that higher flagellin production by Salmonella strains could induce immunogenic response during infection in chickens was evaluated in the present study. To investigate the consequences of flagellin overproduction, strains of Salmonella Enteritidis and Typhimurium containing clpP and fliD deletions (which lead to flagellin overexpression) were constructed, and pathogenicity and immunogenicity were compared with their respective wild-type strains in infected chickens. The results suggested that the increase in flagellin synthesis by SE clpPfliD and STM clpPfliD culminates in a deficit in the bacterial multiplication rate. However, that changes did not interfere with the capacity for caecal colonization and faecal excretion of mutant strains. The same was observed in the liver and spleen, but after 14 dpi, mutant strains tend to be eliminated from these organs. Even with higher flagellin synthesis, the mutant strains recruited similar amounts of lymphocytes and macrophages in the caecal tonsil, spleen and liver than wild-type strains. and high IL22 production at 7 dpi. While SE clpPfliD triggered clinical signs similar to those induced by SE, but with higher levels of IL22 and IL18, but with repression of CCl4, CXCLi2 and IL17 in the intestine at the beginning of the infection. Apparently, the higher production of flagellin by both mutant strains altered the pathogenicity, possibly by altering the activation and modulation of the chicken's immune system.
In the present study enhanced production of glucose aerodehydrogenase from Aspergillus niger has been achieved after optimizing the dose of chemical mutagen ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) that has not been reported earlier. Different doses of mutagen were applied and a strain was developed basing upon the best production. The selected strain Aspergillus niger EMS-150-F was optimized for nutrient requirements in order to produce enzyme through fermentation and the results showed the best yield at 2% corn steep liquor (CSL), 36 hours fermentation time, pH 5, 30°C temperature, 0.3% KH2PO4, 0.3% urea and 0.06% CaCO3. The enzyme was then purified and resulted in 57.88 fold purification with 52.12% recovery. On kinetic characterization, the enzyme showed optimum activity at pH 6 and temperature 30°C. The Michaelis-Menton constants (Km, Vmax, Kcat and Kcat/Km) were 20 mM, 45.87 U mL-1, 1118.81 s-1 and 55.94 s-1 mM-1, respectively. The enzyme was found to be thermaly stable and the enthalpy and free energy showed an increase with increase in temperature and S* was highly negative proving the enzyme from A. niger EMS-150-F resistant to temperature and showing a very little disorderliness.
Dental materials can induce local and systemic effects. The Allium cepa assay was used to evaluate the genotoxicity and/or cytotoxicity of zinc oxide and eugenol (ZOE) at different proportions. The ZOE solution was tested at the concentration of 1 drop of eugenol (in each drop of liquid, the approximate concentration of eugenol is 85%) and 1 portion of zinc oxide cement (treatment I), and twice the concentration of eugenol (treatment II) . Treated roots appeared to be yellowish-brown, fewer in number, thicker and less turgid compared with the control, suggesting a cytotoxic activity of ZOE. A significant difference was found in the root size between the control and treatment II. This treatment reduced by 79% the size of the root compared with the control, and the mitotic index was 66%, indicating a 22.4% reduction relative to the control, which in turn evidenced the cytotoxicity of ZOE. The significant increase in anaphase bridges suggests a genotoxic effect.
Materiais dentários podem induzir diversos efeitos, tanto local quanto sistêmico. Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de danos genéticos e de alterações nucleares degenerativas indicativas de genotoxicidade e citotoxicidade em células de cebola em mitose, expostas a óxido de zinco e eugenol (ZOE) em diferentes proporções. Os bulbos foram postos a germinar, com a parte inferior mergulhada na solução de ZOE + água destilada. A solução de ZOE foi testada na concentração de uma gota de eugenol (aproximadamente 85%) e 1 porção do cimento de óxido de zinco (tratamento I) e o dobro da concentração do eugenol (tratamento II). As raízes do controle apresentaram coloração esbranquiçada e eram túrgidas, enquanto as raízes dos tratamentos se mostraram de cor amarela amarronzada, em menor quantidade, mais grossas e menos túrgidas, sugerindo ação citotóxica de ZOE. Houve diferença significativa do tamanho das raízes entre o controle e o tratamento II. O tratamento II reduziu 79% do tamanho da raiz e o índice mitótico foi 66%. Isto mostra redução de 22,4% quando comparado com o controle, evidenciando a ação citotóxica de ZOE. O aumento significante de pontes anafásicas sugere efeito genotóxico.
Cimento de Óxido de Zinco e Eugenol , Materiais Biomédicos e Odontológicos , Mutagênese , Cebolas , Citotoxicidade ImunológicaResumo
The purpose of the current study was intended to obtain the enhanced production of bacitracin by Bacillus licheniformis through random mutagenesis and optimization of various parameters. Several isolates of Bacillus licheniformis were isolated from local habitat and isolate designated as GP-35 produced maximum bacitracin production (14±0.72 IU ml-1). Bacitracin production of Bacillus licheniformis GP-35 was increased to 23±0.69 IU ml-1 after treatment with ultraviolet (UV) radiations. Similarly, treatment of vegetative cells of GP-35 with chemicals like N-methyl N'-nitro N-nitroso guanidine (MNNG) and Nitrous acid (HNO2) increased the bacitracin production to a level of 31±1.35 IU ml-1 and 27±0.89 IU ml-1 respectively. Treatment of isolate GP-35 with combined effect of UV and chemical treatment yield significantly higher titers of bacitracin with maximum bacitracin production of 41.6±0.92 IU ml-1. Production of bacitracin was further enhanced (59.1±1.35 IU ml-1) by optimization of different parameters like phosphate sources, organic acids as well as temperature and pH. An increase of 4.22 fold in the production of bacitracin after mutagenesis and optimization of various parameters was achieved in comparison to wild type. Mutant strain was highly stable and produced consistent yield of bacitracin even after 15 generations. On the basis of kinetic variables, notably Yp/s (IU/g substrate), Yp/x (IU/g cells), Yx/s (g/g), Yp/s, mutant strain B. licheniformis UV-MN-HN-6 was found to be a hyperproducer of bacitracin.