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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 846, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415343


Background: Lymphoma neoplasms originate from the lymphocytes. Anatomically, these tumors can be classified into multicentric, digestive, mediastinal, and cutaneous forms. The etiology of cutaneous lymphoma remains unclear; however, it has been associated with chronic skin inflammation. The definitive diagnosis is based on histological analysis and immunohistochemistry, although fine-needle aspiration cytology has shown good results. The aim of this paper is to describe the clinicopathological aspects of a case of cutaneous epitheliotropic T cell lymphoma, classified as mycosis fungoides, in a Lhasa Apso dog. Case: A 8-year-old bitch Lhasa Apso with multiple non-pruritic skin nodules and history of 10-day evolution was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo (UNESC), Colatina, ES, Brazil. The nodules were erythematous, exophytic, firm, circumscribed, and measured 0.2-4 cm in diameter in locations throughout the animal's body. An incisional biopsy was performed with an 8-mm punch and sent for histopathological examination. An infiltrative, poorly demarcated, non-encapsulated, densely cellular neoplasm, which was replacing the dermal collagen and displacing the adnexa, was observed in the dermis. The tumor was composed of a population of round cells, with generally distinct cell borders and a small-to-moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei were irregularly rounded and occasionally edentulous, with vesicular chromatin, a visible nucleus, and 11 mitotic figures in an area of 2.37 mm2 . The immunohistochemical test, which was positive for the CD3 marker, confirmed the diagnosis of T cell lymphoma. On an ultrasound to identify metastasis, the liver showed heterogeneous parenchyma, heterogeneous expansive formation, areas of cavitary appearance, and cytology compatible with lymphoma. Antineoplastic chemotherapy was administered using the CHOP regimen (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone). However, the animal died after 45 days. Discussion: A diagnosis of the mycosis fungoides type of cutaneous epitheliotropic T cell lymphoma was established based on clinical, laboratory, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. Pruritus is a common clinical condition in animals with mycosis fungoides, particularly in those with the erythrodermic form of the disease. Epitheliotropic lymphomas have no sexual or racial predilections and usually affect dogs over 9 years of age. The Cocker Spaniel, English Bulldog, Boxer, Golden Retriever, Scottish Terrier, Briard, English Springer Spaniel, Beagle, German Shepherd, and English Cocker Spaniel breeds are frequently affected by these lymphomas. These neoplasms can have a primary skin origin, or they can be secondary and associated with lymphoma found elsewhere in the body. Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice, especially in cases with multifocal distribution. Protocol preference varies with disease stage, patient clinical and laboratory conditions, and the degree of toxicity. Commonly used chemotherapy regimens include L-CHOP (vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, L-asparaginase, and prednisolone), CHOP, COP (cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone), LAP (lomustine, L-asparaginase, and prednisolone), LOPP (lomustine, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisolone), chlorambucil, and prednisolone. The prognosis of canine epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma is unfavorable, with a survival time ranging from a few months to 2 years. The animal in this study survived for 105 days. In addition, epitheliotropic cutaneous T cell lymphoma is aggressive, which may result in a shorter survival time in animals affected by this type of tumor.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Linfoma Cutâneo de Células T/veterinária , Micose Fungoide/veterinária , Epitélio/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07167, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1431057


The study aimed to describe the clinicopathological aspects of 37 cases of pythiosis, 34 in horses and three in mules, from properties located in the Amazon biome of Pará, Brazil. The clinical signs observed in the animals were weakness, poor-to-regular nutritional status, pale mucous membranes, itching at the lesion site, and lameness when the limbs were affected. The lesions were located on the lips, nostrils, rib region, thoracic and abdominal walls, scapular, distal limbs, foreskin, perineum and udder. Macroscopically, ulcerative and granulation-tissue-like masses were observed, with fistulous tracts filled with yellowish and foul-smelling serosanguinous discharges. In the biopsy, it was possible to visualize white and firm areas with foci of yellowish necrotic material and hardened masses, called kunkers. The histopathological examination showed a pyogranulomatous inflammatory reaction with the presence of Pythium insidiosum hyphae, which were impregnated with black, confirming the diagnosis of pythiosis in equids in the Amazon biome, being the first report of the disease in mules in the region.

O trabalho objetivou descrever os aspectos clínico-patológicos de 37 casos suspeitos de pitiose, 34 em equinos e três em muares, provenientes de propriedades localizadas no Pará, bioma amazônico brasileiro. Os sinais clínicos observados nos animais eram caracterizados por debilidade, estado nutricional de ruim a regular, mucosas pálidas, prurido no local da lesão, além de claudicação quando os membros foram acometidos. As lesões eram localizadas nos lábios, narinas, região das costelas, parede torácica e abdominal, escapular, distais dos membros, prepúcio, períneo e úbere. Macroscopicamente observavam-se extensas lesões ulceradas com intensa proliferação de tecido de granulação, de bordos irregulares, com tratos fistulosos, de consistência firme, denominados de "kunkers", preenchidos com material amarelado e friável, possuindo exsudação serossanguinolenta de odor fétido. Ao exame histopatológico observou-se reação inflamatória piogranulomatosa com presença de hifas de Pythium insidiosum, as quais se impregnaram de negro, confirmando o diagnóstico de pitiose em equídeos no Bioma Amazônico, sendo o primeiro relato da doença em muares na região.

Animais , Equidae , Pitiose/diagnóstico , Pitiose/patologia , Pitiose/epidemiologia , Pythium , Biópsia/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia , Dermatomicoses/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 620, Mar. 23, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31071


Background: Conidiobolomycosis is a highly lethal, granulomatous disease that primarily affects the respiratory systemof sheep. The etiological agents are fungi of the genus Conidiobolus, including Conidiobolus coronatus, C. incongruus,and C. lamprageus. In Northeast Brazil, this disease is particularly important considering the significant impact sheepand goats have on the regional economy. The present report describes the occurrence of conidiobolomycosis in two sheepfrom the same property in the Itabuna-BA region that were referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the State University ofSanta Cruz, Bahia, Brazil.Case: The primary complaint in both animals was bilateral bloody nasal discharge over a period of approximately 15 daysand frequent coughing. On physical examination, the animals exhibited “goosebumps” and opaque hair, with a body scoreof 1 (scale, 1-5), mild dehydration (7%), apathy, frequent cough with putrid odor, bilateral serosanguinolent nasal discharge,craniofacial asymmetry, expiratory dyspnea, enlargement of the retropharyngeal lymph nodes, audible pulmonary rales,and pain on percussion of the pulmonary field. A therapeutic support protocol was established to stabilize the animals untilthe results of complete blood count, radiography, and microbiological evaluation of nasal content were available. Definitive diagnosis of disease was made by direct positive mycological examination, that revealed the presence of wide rarelyseptate hyphae, and isolation and cultivation of the fungus Conidiobolus sp., with microculture on slides and staining withlactophenol blue cotton. Due to disease diagnosis and the severity of injuries observed, the prognoses of both animals wereconsidered to be unfavorable and led to euthanasia and necropsy. At necropsy, the most...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/parasitologia , Conidiobolus , Zigomicose/veterinária , Rinite/veterinária , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Inflamação/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.620-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458483


Background: Conidiobolomycosis is a highly lethal, granulomatous disease that primarily affects the respiratory systemof sheep. The etiological agents are fungi of the genus Conidiobolus, including Conidiobolus coronatus, C. incongruus,and C. lamprageus. In Northeast Brazil, this disease is particularly important considering the significant impact sheepand goats have on the regional economy. The present report describes the occurrence of conidiobolomycosis in two sheepfrom the same property in the Itabuna-BA region that were referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the State University ofSanta Cruz, Bahia, Brazil.Case: The primary complaint in both animals was bilateral bloody nasal discharge over a period of approximately 15 daysand frequent coughing. On physical examination, the animals exhibited “goosebumps” and opaque hair, with a body scoreof 1 (scale, 1-5), mild dehydration (7%), apathy, frequent cough with putrid odor, bilateral serosanguinolent nasal discharge,craniofacial asymmetry, expiratory dyspnea, enlargement of the retropharyngeal lymph nodes, audible pulmonary rales,and pain on percussion of the pulmonary field. A therapeutic support protocol was established to stabilize the animals untilthe results of complete blood count, radiography, and microbiological evaluation of nasal content were available. Definitive diagnosis of disease was made by direct positive mycological examination, that revealed the presence of wide rarelyseptate hyphae, and isolation and cultivation of the fungus Conidiobolus sp., with microculture on slides and staining withlactophenol blue cotton. Due to disease diagnosis and the severity of injuries observed, the prognoses of both animals wereconsidered to be unfavorable and led to euthanasia and necropsy. At necropsy, the most...

Feminino , Animais , Conidiobolus , Ovinos/parasitologia , Zigomicose/veterinária , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Inflamação/veterinária , Rinite/veterinária
Rev. cient. eletrônica med. vet ; 2(37): 1-6, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494163


A esporotricose possui caráter zoonótico, que acomete o homem e muitos animais, principalmente os felinos, tornando-se um problema de saúde pública no Brasil. O presente estudo se trata de um relato de caso com o objetivo de avaliar os sintomas clínicos, laboratoriais e terapêuticos de felinos que apresentavam áreas de alopecia em região de cabeça. Foram realizados os exames de hemograma completo, pesquisa direta de Sporothrix schenckii, e raspado de pele, confirmando-se o diagnóstico. Após o diagnóstico de esporotricose, iniciou-se o tratamento farmacológico antifúngico e houve cicatrização de todas as feridas, e total recuperação dos animais estudados.

Sporotrichosis has a zoonotic character, which affects humans and many animals, especially felines, becoming a public health problem in Brazil. The present study is a case report with the objective of evaluating the clinical, laboratory and therapeutic symptoms of cats that presented areas of alopecia in the head region. Complete blood count test, direct research of Sporothrix schenckii and skin scraping were performed, confirming the diagnosis. Once the sporotrichosis diagnosis was made, antifungal pharmacological treatment was started and all wounds healed and the animals studied were fully recovered.

Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Esporotricose/sangue , Esporotricose/tratamento farmacológico , Esporotricose/veterinária , Sporothrix/patogenicidade , Antifúngicos/uso terapêutico
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1348000


Sporotrichosis is a dermatozoonosis, caused by dimorphic pathogenic fungi of the genus Sporothrix. Although Sporothrix brasiliensis is the most frequent and pathogenic species identified from the Brazilian sporotrichosis hyperendemic, to the best of our knowledge this is the first report of its molecular diagnosis from a cat with ocular lesions. A 3-month-old female, domestic feline presented an ocular manifestation with granuloma in the lower-left palpebral conjunctiva, in addition to mucocutaneous lesions in varied locations throughout the body. Samples were collected for subsequent cytopathology, fungal culture, serology, and molecular genotyping. Itraconazole was prescribed for the treatment of sporotrichosis and the animal was considered clinically cured at the end of 5 months of treatment and discharged. S. brasiliensis-cat interactions can manifest with a multitude of clinical forms that resemble either infectious or noninfectious diseases. Both the need for meticulous cat physical evaluation by a veterinarian followed by accurate laboratory diagnosis are key Public Health measures in the Brazilian sporotrichosis hyperendemic area.(AU)

A esporotricose é uma dermatozoonose causada por fungos patogênicos dimórficos do gênero Sporothrix. Embora o Sporothrix brasiliensis seja a espécie mais patogênica e prevalente na hiperendemia brasileira de esporotricose, segundo nosso conhecimento este é o primeiro relato de um gato com lesões oculares causadas por esta espécie, via diagnóstico molecular. Um felino doméstico com três meses de idade apresentou manifestação ocular com granuloma em conjuntiva palpebral inferior esquerda, além de lesões mucocutâneas em diferentes áreas do corpo. Amostras foram coletadas para posterior citopatologia, cultura de fungos, sorologia e genotipagem molecular. O itraconazol foi prescrito para o tratamento da esporotricose e o animal foi considerado clinicamente curado ao final de cinco meses de tratamento, recebendo alta. As interações do S. brasiliensis com o gato podem se manifestar com uma infinidade de formas clínicas que se assemelham a doenças infecciosas ou não. A necessidade de avaliação física meticulosa desses animais por um médico veterinário, seguida do diagnóstico laboratorial preciso, são medidas essenciais em saúde pública na área hiperendêmica para a esporotricose no Brasil.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Esporotricose , Gatos/lesões , Gatos/microbiologia , Traumatismos Oculares/microbiologia
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 58: e183219, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31659


Sporotrichosis is a dermatozoonosis, caused by dimorphic pathogenic fungi of the genus Sporothrix. Although Sporothrix brasiliensis is the most frequent and pathogenic species identified from the Brazilian sporotrichosis hyperendemic, to the best of our knowledge this is the first report of its molecular diagnosis from a cat with ocular lesions. A 3-month-old female, domestic feline presented an ocular manifestation with granuloma in the lower-left palpebral conjunctiva, in addition to mucocutaneous lesions in varied locations throughout the body. Samples were collected for subsequent cytopathology, fungal culture, serology, and molecular genotyping. Itraconazole was prescribed for the treatment of sporotrichosis and the animal was considered clinically cured at the end of 5 months of treatment and discharged. S. brasiliensis-cat interactions can manifest with a multitude of clinical forms that resemble either infectious or noninfectious diseases. Both the need for meticulous cat physical evaluation by a veterinarian followed by accurate laboratory diagnosis are key Public Health measures in the Brazilian sporotrichosis hyperendemic area.(AU)

A esporotricose é uma dermatozoonose causada por fungos patogênicos dimórficos do gênero Sporothrix. Embora o Sporothrix brasiliensis seja a espécie mais patogênica e prevalente na hiperendemia brasileira de esporotricose, segundo nosso conhecimento este é o primeiro relato de um gato com lesões oculares causadas por esta espécie, via diagnóstico molecular. Um felino doméstico com três meses de idade apresentou manifestação ocular com granuloma em conjuntiva palpebral inferior esquerda, além de lesões mucocutâneas em diferentes áreas do corpo. Amostras foram coletadas para posterior citopatologia, cultura de fungos, sorologia e genotipagem molecular. O itraconazol foi prescrito para o tratamento da esporotricose e o animal foi considerado clinicamente curado ao final de cinco meses de tratamento, recebendo alta. As interações do S. brasiliensis com o gato podem se manifestar com uma infinidade de formas clínicas que se assemelham a doenças infecciosas ou não. A necessidade de avaliação física meticulosa desses animais por um médico veterinário, seguida do diagnóstico laboratorial preciso, são medidas essenciais em saúde pública na área hiperendêmica para a esporotricose no Brasil.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Esporotricose , Gatos/lesões , Gatos/microbiologia , Traumatismos Oculares/microbiologia
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(4): 144-151, 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472673


A esporotricose é uma micose subcutânea piogranulomatosa causada por um fungo saprófito que acomete grande variedade de animais e também os humanos. O diagnóstico baseia-se na anamnese, exame físico e exames complementares tais como citopatológico da secreção, histopatológico da pele acometida e no estudo morfológico macro e microscópico da cultura fúngica. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever os achados laboratoriais de um felino com esporotricose, associando-os com a forma clínica desta enfermidade. Um gato doméstico foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Universitário Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa no município de Patos, no estado da Paraíba, em julho de 2019. O paciente apresentava feridas na orelha com presença de secreção, aumento de volume com coloração avermelhada, áreas circulares de alopecia e descamação no membro pélvico esquerdo. Foi solicitado hemograma, bioquímica sérica, citologia e cultura micológica. Não houve alterações no eritrograma e plaquetograma. No leucograma, observou-se leucocitose com desvio a esquerda regenerativo. O exame citopatológico da lesão apresentou estruturas compatíveis com leveduras de Sporothrix spp. no fundo de lâmina e no interior dos leucócitos. No entanto, é sugerido que outros métodos diferenciais de diagnósticos sejam indicados para não excluir a possibilidade da doença.

Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous pyogranulomatous mycosis caused by a fungus that affects a wide variety of animals and humans. Its diagnosis is based on anamnesis, physical examination, and complementary exams such as cytopathology of the secretion, histopathology of the injured skin and the macro and microscopic morphological study of fungal culture. This study aims to describe the laboratory findings of a feline with sporotrichosis, associating them with the clinical form of this disease. A domestic cat was treated at the University Veterinarian Hospital Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa in the city of Patos, State of Paraíba, in july 2019. The patient had ear wounds with secretion, swelling with reddish color, circular areas of alopecia and flaking in the left pelvic limb. Blood count, serum biochemistry, cytology and mycological culture exams were requested. There were no changes in the erythrogram and platelet chart. In the leukogram, it was observed leukocytosis with a left regenerative deviation. The cytopathological examination of the lesion showed structures compatible with yeasts of Sporothrix spp. At the bottom of the slide and inside the leukocytes. However, it is suggested that other differential methods of diagnosis be indicated in order not to exclude the possibility of the disease.

Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato , Esporotricose/diagnóstico , Esporotricose/veterinária , Micoses/veterinária , Sporothrix
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(4): 144-151, 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29971


A esporotricose é uma micose subcutânea piogranulomatosa causada por um fungo saprófito que acomete grande variedade de animais e também os humanos. O diagnóstico baseia-se na anamnese, exame físico e exames complementares tais como citopatológico da secreção, histopatológico da pele acometida e no estudo morfológico macro e microscópico da cultura fúngica. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever os achados laboratoriais de um felino com esporotricose, associando-os com a forma clínica desta enfermidade. Um gato doméstico foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Universitário Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa no município de Patos, no estado da Paraíba, em julho de 2019. O paciente apresentava feridas na orelha com presença de secreção, aumento de volume com coloração avermelhada, áreas circulares de alopecia e descamação no membro pélvico esquerdo. Foi solicitado hemograma, bioquímica sérica, citologia e cultura micológica. Não houve alterações no eritrograma e plaquetograma. No leucograma, observou-se leucocitose com desvio a esquerda regenerativo. O exame citopatológico da lesão apresentou estruturas compatíveis com leveduras de Sporothrix spp. no fundo de lâmina e no interior dos leucócitos. No entanto, é sugerido que outros métodos diferenciais de diagnósticos sejam indicados para não excluir a possibilidade da doença.(AU)

Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous pyogranulomatous mycosis caused by a fungus that affects a wide variety of animals and humans. Its diagnosis is based on anamnesis, physical examination, and complementary exams such as cytopathology of the secretion, histopathology of the injured skin and the macro and microscopic morphological study of fungal culture. This study aims to describe the laboratory findings of a feline with sporotrichosis, associating them with the clinical form of this disease. A domestic cat was treated at the University Veterinarian Hospital Prof. Dr. Ivon Macêdo Tabosa in the city of Patos, State of Paraíba, in july 2019. The patient had ear wounds with secretion, swelling with reddish color, circular areas of alopecia and flaking in the left pelvic limb. Blood count, serum biochemistry, cytology and mycological culture exams were requested. There were no changes in the erythrogram and platelet chart. In the leukogram, it was observed leukocytosis with a left regenerative deviation. The cytopathological examination of the lesion showed structures compatible with yeasts of Sporothrix spp. At the bottom of the slide and inside the leukocytes. However, it is suggested that other differential methods of diagnosis be indicated in order not to exclude the possibility of the disease.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato , Esporotricose/diagnóstico , Esporotricose/veterinária , Micoses/veterinária , Sporothrix
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200023, 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135136


Endemic systemic mycoses remain a health challenge, since these opportunistic diseases are increasingly infecting immunosuppressed patients. The simultaneous use of antifungal compounds and other drugs to treat infectious or non-infectious diseases has led to several interactions and undesirable effects. Thus, new antifungal compounds should be investigated. The present study aimed to evaluate the activity of liriodenine extracted from Annona macroprophyllata on agents of systemic mycoses, with emphasis on the genus Paracoccidioides. Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicide concentration (MFC) were determined by the microdilution method. The cellular alterations caused by liriodenine on a standard P. brasiliensis (Pb18) strain were evaluated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Liriodenine was effective only in 3 of the 8 strains of the genus Paracoccidioides and in the Histoplasma capsulatum strain, in a very low concentration (MIC of 1.95 µg.mL-1); on yeasts of Candida spp. (MIC of 125 to 250 µg.mL-1), including C. krusei (250 µg.mL-1), which has intrinsic resistance to fluconazole; and in Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii (MIC of 62.5 µg.mL-1). However, liriodenine was not effective against Aspergillus fumigatus at the studied concentrations. Liriodenine exhibited fungicidal activity against all standard strains and clinical isolates that showed to be susceptible by in vitro tests. Electron microscopy revealed cytoplasmic alterations and damage to the cell wall of P. brasiliensis (Pb18). Conclusion: Our results indicate that liriodenine is a promising fungicidal compound that should undergo further investigation with some chemical modifications.(AU)

Paracoccidioides , Microscopia Eletrônica , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Cryptococcus neoformans , Cryptococcus gattii , Micoses , Antifúngicos/isolamento & purificação
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 26: e20200023, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32274


Endemic systemic mycoses remain a health challenge, since these opportunistic diseases are increasingly infecting immunosuppressed patients. The simultaneous use of antifungal compounds and other drugs to treat infectious or non-infectious diseases has led to several interactions and undesirable effects. Thus, new antifungal compounds should be investigated. The present study aimed to evaluate the activity of liriodenine extracted from Annona macroprophyllata on agents of systemic mycoses, with emphasis on the genus Paracoccidioides. Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicide concentration (MFC) were determined by the microdilution method. The cellular alterations caused by liriodenine on a standard P. brasiliensis (Pb18) strain were evaluated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Liriodenine was effective only in 3 of the 8 strains of the genus Paracoccidioides and in the Histoplasma capsulatum strain, in a very low concentration (MIC of 1.95 µg.mL-1); on yeasts of Candida spp. (MIC of 125 to 250 µg.mL-1), including C. krusei (250 µg.mL-1), which has intrinsic resistance to fluconazole; and in Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii (MIC of 62.5 µg.mL-1). However, liriodenine was not effective against Aspergillus fumigatus at the studied concentrations. Liriodenine exhibited fungicidal activity against all standard strains and clinical isolates that showed to be susceptible by in vitro tests. Electron microscopy revealed cytoplasmic alterations and damage to the cell wall of P. brasiliensis (Pb18). Conclusion: Our results indicate that liriodenine is a promising fungicidal compound that should undergo further investigation with some chemical modifications.(AU)

Antifúngicos/análise , Compostos Fitoquímicos/análise , Compostos Fitoquímicos/química , Micoses/diagnóstico , Micoses/microbiologia , Anti-Infecciosos , Paracoccidioides
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.575-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458402


Background: Candidosis is an opportunistic fungal infection caused by yeasts of the genus Candida, which normally reside on the surfaces of the mucous membranes and in the skin of several animal species and healthy humans; however the fungi can convert into pathogenic microorganisms and result in invasive infections with systemic involvement due to the impairment of the immune system. Systemic candidosis is rare in dogs and few reports of this mycosis are available in literature. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe three cases of systemic candidosis associated to canine distemper virus in dogs, highlighting the main epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects. Cases: Three cases of systemic infection by Candida sp. were diagnosed in dogs. The animals predominantly presented neurological clinical manifestations, followed by unspecific alterations with an evolution of 5 to 30 days. Macroscopically, the lesions were characterized by white-yellowish multifocal to coalescent areas surrounded by reddish borders in the kidneys and heart (cases 1, 2 and 3); liver and submandibular lymph node (case 1); and lung (case 2). In the brains of the three dogs were observed multifocal, blackened and/or reddish and friable areas. In case 1, was observed an increased volume of the right carpometacarpal joint, that when cut, released a reddish and turbid content. In case 2, there was deposition of a whitish lumpy material on the epicardial surface, aorta artery, pericardial sac and spleen; infarction on the right testicle, hydroureter, pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis. Microscopically, the lesions consisted of necrossupurative inflammation associated to hemorrhage, vasculitis, congestion, thrombosis, infarction and fungal structures with distinct morphological patterns which included blastoconidia, pseudohyphae and hyphae. The fungal structures were...

Animais , Cães , Candida albicans , Candidíase/veterinária , Candidíase/virologia , Cinomose/patologia , Vírus da Cinomose Canina , Infecções Oportunistas/veterinária , Terapia de Imunossupressão/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 575, 4 dez. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33197


Background: Candidosis is an opportunistic fungal infection caused by yeasts of the genus Candida, which normally reside on the surfaces of the mucous membranes and in the skin of several animal species and healthy humans; however the fungi can convert into pathogenic microorganisms and result in invasive infections with systemic involvement due to the impairment of the immune system. Systemic candidosis is rare in dogs and few reports of this mycosis are available in literature. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe three cases of systemic candidosis associated to canine distemper virus in dogs, highlighting the main epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects. Cases: Three cases of systemic infection by Candida sp. were diagnosed in dogs. The animals predominantly presented neurological clinical manifestations, followed by unspecific alterations with an evolution of 5 to 30 days. Macroscopically, the lesions were characterized by white-yellowish multifocal to coalescent areas surrounded by reddish borders in the kidneys and heart (cases 1, 2 and 3); liver and submandibular lymph node (case 1); and lung (case 2). In the brains of the three dogs were observed multifocal, blackened and/or reddish and friable areas. In case 1, was observed an increased volume of the right carpometacarpal joint, that when cut, released a reddish and turbid content. In case 2, there was deposition of a whitish lumpy material on the epicardial surface, aorta artery, pericardial sac and spleen; infarction on the right testicle, hydroureter, pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis. Microscopically, the lesions consisted of necrossupurative inflammation associated to hemorrhage, vasculitis, congestion, thrombosis, infarction and fungal structures with distinct morphological patterns which included blastoconidia, pseudohyphae and hyphae. The fungal structures were...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Candidíase/veterinária , Candidíase/virologia , Vírus da Cinomose Canina , Cinomose/patologia , Candida albicans , Terapia de Imunossupressão/veterinária , Infecções Oportunistas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.427-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458191


Background: Cryptococcosis is a mycosis that primarily affects domestic cats and is caused by fungi of the genus Cryptococcus, resulting in cutaneous, ocular, respiratory, and neurological manifestations. Diagnosis is based on the microscopicevaluation of the lesions and isolation of the causative agent. The aim of this study was to describe a case of feline cryptococcosis diagnosed by cytology and treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the State University of Santa Cruz (HV-UESC).Case: A 5-year-old uncastrated male cat was taken to the HV-UESC small animal clinic, owing to a gradual increase inthe volume of the nasal plane spanning over a year, accompanied by respiratory distress. Upon physical examination, theanimal was found to have regular nutritional status, dehydration, hypocorous mucosae, and enlarged popliteal lymph nodes.In addition, multifocal areas of ulceration on the body as well as increased volume in the nasal plane (clown nose) wereobserved. Peripheral blood samples were collected for complete blood count and biochemical analysis. Due to clinicalsuspicion of fungal lesions, fine needle aspiration of the nasal lesion was performed and cytological slides were sent tothe HV-UESC histopathology laboratory. Probable diagnoses included rhinosporidiosis, cryptococcosis, and histoplasmosis. The animal was subjected to thoracic radiography in the imaging division of the HV-UESC. Blood counts revealedthrombocytopenia (130,000/mm3) and biochemical tests presented hypoproteinemia (3.2 g/dL), with hypoalbuminemia(1.52 g/dL); however, chest radiography did not show pulmonary alterations. Results of cytological analysis indicatedpyogranulomatous inflammation associated with intracellular organisms, demonstrating a pathogen morphology similarto that of Cryptococcus spp. Before the diagnosis, itraconazole1 5 mg/kg (1 capsule, twice a day for 30 days) and fipronil2(1 ampoule 0.5 mL, on the back) were prescribed...

Animais , Gatos , Criptococose/diagnóstico , Criptococose/patologia , Criptococose/veterinária , Biópsia por Agulha Fina/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 427, Oct. 9, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25730


Background: Cryptococcosis is a mycosis that primarily affects domestic cats and is caused by fungi of the genus Cryptococcus, resulting in cutaneous, ocular, respiratory, and neurological manifestations. Diagnosis is based on the microscopicevaluation of the lesions and isolation of the causative agent. The aim of this study was to describe a case of feline cryptococcosis diagnosed by cytology and treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the State University of Santa Cruz (HV-UESC).Case: A 5-year-old uncastrated male cat was taken to the HV-UESC small animal clinic, owing to a gradual increase inthe volume of the nasal plane spanning over a year, accompanied by respiratory distress. Upon physical examination, theanimal was found to have regular nutritional status, dehydration, hypocorous mucosae, and enlarged popliteal lymph nodes.In addition, multifocal areas of ulceration on the body as well as increased volume in the nasal plane (clown nose) wereobserved. Peripheral blood samples were collected for complete blood count and biochemical analysis. Due to clinicalsuspicion of fungal lesions, fine needle aspiration of the nasal lesion was performed and cytological slides were sent tothe HV-UESC histopathology laboratory. Probable diagnoses included rhinosporidiosis, cryptococcosis, and histoplasmosis. The animal was subjected to thoracic radiography in the imaging division of the HV-UESC. Blood counts revealedthrombocytopenia (130,000/mm3) and biochemical tests presented hypoproteinemia (3.2 g/dL), with hypoalbuminemia(1.52 g/dL); however, chest radiography did not show pulmonary alterations. Results of cytological analysis indicatedpyogranulomatous inflammation associated with intracellular organisms, demonstrating a pathogen morphology similarto that of Cryptococcus spp. Before the diagnosis, itraconazole1 5 mg/kg (1 capsule, twice a day for 30 days) and fipronil2(1 ampoule 0.5 mL, on the back) were prescribed...(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Criptococose/diagnóstico , Criptococose/patologia , Criptococose/veterinária , Biópsia por Agulha Fina/veterinária
Braz. J. Biol. ; 79(2): 169-173, abr.-jun. 2019. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-740934


Even today, an effective diagnostic test for aspergillosis in penguins is unknown, being the gold standard post-mortem examinations. The fungal antigen galactomannan (GM) has been used as a biomarker of disease in humans and is detected by the Platelia Aspergillus EIA (BioRad)®, a commercial kit based on the sandwich ELISA technique. It is standardized for use in neutropenic patients, however studies have demonstrated its usefulness also possible for birds. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Platelia Aspergillus EIA® test (BioRad-US) in the diagnosis of aspergillosis in Magellanic penguins, determining sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for different cut-off points. Were included in the study, blood serum samples (n = 29) Magellanic penguins in captivity that died by aspergillosis. Detection of GM was performed following manufacturer's instructions and the GM index was obtained by dividing the average value of OD of the duplicate of the clinical sample by duplicate OD of the average value of the cut-off sample provided by the kit. Through information database results were obtained for the presence of anti-Aspergillus fumigatus antibodies detected by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) for all serum samples. Results were analyzed using chi-square test and Kruskal-Wallis from SPSS 20.0, IBM®. ROC curve was obtained and from this, rates of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were also calculated based on four different cutoff points (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0). The serum GM index did not differ between animals of the case and control group (pkw =0.097). In determining the ROC curve for serum GM detection the value of area under the curve was 0.635. From the values determined by the coordinate of the curve, four different cut points (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0) were analyzed, resulting in sensitivity rates ranging from 86.2 to 34.5% % and specificity between 87% and 26.1%. By comparing the serum GM index in group case as the presence or absence of antibodies detected by AGID was found p=0.503. The detection of GM the Platelia Aspergillus EIA® test seems is not be useful for the diagnosis of aspergillosis in naturally infected penguins.(AU)

Ainda hoje, um teste diagnóstico eficaz para aspergilose em pinguins não é conhecido, sendo o padrão-ouro os exames post-mortem. O antígeno fúngico galactomanana (GM) tem sido utilizado como biomarcador da doença em humanos, sendo detectado pelo Platelia Aspergillus EIA (BioRad)®, um kit comercial que se baseia na técnica ELISA sanduíche. É padronizado para utilização em pacientes neutropênicos, no entanto estudos tem demonstrado sua possível utilidade também para aves.O objetivo de nosso estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do teste Platelia Aspergillus EIA® (BioRad-US) no diagnóstico da aspergilose em pinguins-de-Magalhães, determinando sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos positivos e negativos em diferentes pontos de corte. Foram incluídas no estudo, amostras de soro sanguíneo (n=29) de pinguins-de-Magalhães em cativeiro que vieram a óbito por aspergilose. A detecção de GM foi realizada seguindo instruções do fabricante e o índice de GM foi obtido dividindo o valor da média da DO da duplicata da amostra clínica pelo valor da média da DO da duplicata da amostra de cut-off fornecida pelo kit. Através de informações em banco de dados foram obtidos resultados sobre a presença de anticorpos anti-Aspergillus fumigatus, detectada por Imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA) em todas as amostras séricas. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando-se teste de qui-quadrado e Kruskal-Wallis a partir do programa estatístico SPSS 20.0, IBM®. Curva ROC foi obtida e a partir desta, taxas de sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivo positivo e negativo foram igualmente calculados considerando quatro diferentes pontos de corte (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 e 2.0). O índice de GM sérica não diferiu entre os animais do grupo caso e controle (pKW = 0.097). Na determinação da curva ROC para detecção de GM sérica o valor da área sobre a curva foi de 0.635. A partir dos valores determinados pelas coordenadas da curva, quatro diferentes pontos de corte (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 e 2.0) foram analisados, resultando em taxas de sensibilidade variando de 86.2% a 34.5%, e de especificidade entre 87% e 26.1%. Ao comparar o índice de GM sérica nos animais do grupo caso quanto a presença ou não de anticorpos detectados pela IDGA foi encontrado p=0.503. A detecção de GM pelo teste Platelia Aspergillus EIA® não parece ser útil para o diagnóstico da aspergilose em pinguins naturalmente infectados.(AU)

Animais , Spheniscidae/anormalidades , Aspergillus/patogenicidade , Antígenos de Fungos
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-733972


Abstract Even today, an effective diagnostic test for aspergillosis in penguins is unknown, being the gold standard post-mortem examinations. The fungal antigen galactomannan (GM) has been used as a biomarker of disease in humans and is detected by the Platelia Aspergillus EIA (BioRad)®, a commercial kit based on the sandwich ELISA technique. It is standardized for use in neutropenic patients, however studies have demonstrated its usefulness also possible for birds. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Platelia Aspergillus EIA® test (BioRad-US) in the diagnosis of aspergillosis in Magellanic penguins, determining sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for different cut-off points. Were included in the study, blood serum samples (n = 29) Magellanic penguins in captivity that died by aspergillosis. Detection of GM was performed following manufacturer's instructions and the GM index was obtained by dividing the average value of OD of the duplicate of the clinical sample by duplicate OD of the average value of the cut-off sample provided by the kit. Through information database results were obtained for the presence of anti-Aspergillus fumigatus antibodies detected by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) for all serum samples. Results were analyzed using chi-square test and Kruskal-Wallis from SPSS 20.0, IBM®. ROC curve was obtained and from this, rates of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were also calculated based on four different cutoff points (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0). The serum GM index did not differ between animals of the case and control group (pkw =0.097). In determining the ROC curve for serum GM detection the value of area under the curve was 0.635. From the values determined by the coordinate of the curve, four different cut points (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0) were analyzed, resulting in sensitivity rates ranging from 86.2 to 34.5% % and specificity between 87% and 26.1%. By comparing the serum GM index in group case as the presence or absence of antibodies detected by AGID was found p=0.503. The detection of GM the Platelia Aspergillus EIA® test seems is not be useful for the diagnosis of aspergillosis in naturally infected penguins.

Resumo Ainda hoje, um teste diagnóstico eficaz para aspergilose em pinguins não é conhecido, sendo o padrão-ouro os exames post-mortem. O antígeno fúngico galactomanana (GM) tem sido utilizado como biomarcador da doença em humanos, sendo detectado pelo Platelia Aspergillus EIA (BioRad)®, um kit comercial que se baseia na técnica ELISA sanduíche. É padronizado para utilização em pacientes neutropênicos, no entanto estudos tem demonstrado sua possível utilidade também para aves.O objetivo de nosso estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do teste Platelia Aspergillus EIA® (BioRad-US) no diagnóstico da aspergilose em pinguins-de-Magalhães, determinando sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos positivos e negativos em diferentes pontos de corte. Foram incluídas no estudo, amostras de soro sanguíneo (n=29) de pinguins-de-Magalhães em cativeiro que vieram a óbito por aspergilose. A detecção de GM foi realizada seguindo instruções do fabricante e o índice de GM foi obtido dividindo o valor da média da DO da duplicata da amostra clínica pelo valor da média da DO da duplicata da amostra de cut-off fornecida pelo kit. Através de informações em banco de dados foram obtidos resultados sobre a presença de anticorpos anti-Aspergillus fumigatus, detectada por Imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA) em todas as amostras séricas. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando-se teste de qui-quadrado e Kruskal-Wallis a partir do programa estatístico SPSS 20.0, IBM®. Curva ROC foi obtida e a partir desta, taxas de sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivo positivo e negativo foram igualmente calculados considerando quatro diferentes pontos de corte (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 e 2.0). O índice de GM sérica não diferiu entre os animais do grupo caso e controle (pKW = 0.097). Na determinação da curva ROC para detecção de GM sérica o valor da área sobre a curva foi de 0.635. A partir dos valores determinados pelas coordenadas da curva, quatro diferentes pontos de corte (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 e 2.0) foram analisados, resultando em taxas de sensibilidade variando de 86.2% a 34.5%, e de especificidade entre 87% e 26.1%. Ao comparar o índice de GM sérica nos animais do grupo caso quanto a presença ou não de anticorpos detectados pela IDGA foi encontrado p=0.503. A detecção de GM pelo teste Platelia Aspergillus EIA® não parece ser útil para o diagnóstico da aspergilose em pinguins naturalmente infectados.

R. cient. eletr. Med. Vet. ; 30jan. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738099


A criptococose é uma doença infecciosa fúngica causada por uma levedura, da espécie Cryptococcus neoformans. Acomete diferentes espécies de animais e também o homem. O presente trabalho tem como por objetivo relatar um caso de criptococose em uma gata atendida na Clínica Veterinária da UNIFAI, com sinais clínicos de dispneia, espirros, secreção nasal bilateral, deformidade nasal com aumento de volume no plano nasal e úlceras no focinho. Foi realizado exame citológico onde foi observado processo inflamatório com presença de macrófagos e neutrófilos, além de estruturas leveduriformes com paredes espessas de formato redondo a oval caracterizando-se como cryptococcus neofarmans. No exame radiográfico foi observado aumento de volume em região de focinho sem alteração de radiopacidade indicando possível granuloma. Através da anamnese, exame físico, exame citológico, foi diagnosticado Criptococose. O tratamento indicado foi administração via oral de Itraconazol 50mg a cada 24 horas durante 60 dias.(AU)

Cryptococcosis is a fungal infectious disease caused by a yeast of the species Cryptococcus neoformans. It is the most common systemic mycosis in cats. The present study has the objective to report a case of cryptococcosis in a cat treated at the Veterinary Clinic of UNIFAI, with clinical signs of dyspnea, sneezing, secretion in the nostrils, nasal deformity with increased, volume and ulcers on the muzzle. Was performed the cytology examination where an inflammatory process was observed with presence of macrophages and neutrophils, as well as leveduriform structures with thick walls of round to oval shape, characterized as cryptococcus neofarmans. In the radiographic examination, a volume increase was observed in the region of muzzle without alteration of radiopacity indicating possible granuloma. Through the anamnesis, physical examination, cytological examination, Cryptococcosis was diagnosed. The indicated treatment was oral administration of Itraconazole 50mg every 24 hours for 60 days.

Animais , Gatos , Criptococose/diagnóstico , Criptococose/tratamento farmacológico , Criptococose/veterinária , Cryptococcus neoformans , Micoses/veterinária
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494280


A criptococose é uma doença infecciosa fúngica causada por uma levedura, da espécie Cryptococcus neoformans. Acomete diferentes espécies de animais e também o homem. O presente trabalho tem como por objetivo relatar um caso de criptococose em uma gata atendida na Clínica Veterinária da UNIFAI, com sinais clínicos de dispneia, espirros, secreção nasal bilateral, deformidade nasal com aumento de volume no plano nasal e úlceras no focinho. Foi realizado exame citológico onde foi observado processo inflamatório com presença de macrófagos e neutrófilos, além de estruturas leveduriformes com paredes espessas de formato redondo a oval caracterizando-se como cryptococcus neofarmans. No exame radiográfico foi observado aumento de volume em região de focinho sem alteração de radiopacidade indicando possível granuloma. Através da anamnese, exame físico, exame citológico, foi diagnosticado Criptococose. O tratamento indicado foi administração via oral de Itraconazol 50mg a cada 24 horas durante 60 dias.

Cryptococcosis is a fungal infectious disease caused by a yeast of the species Cryptococcus neoformans. It is the most common systemic mycosis in cats. The present study has the objective to report a case of cryptococcosis in a cat treated at the Veterinary Clinic of UNIFAI, with clinical signs of dyspnea, sneezing, secretion in the nostrils, nasal deformity with increased, volume and ulcers on the muzzle. Was performed the cytology examination where an inflammatory process was observed with presence of macrophages and neutrophils, as well as leveduriform structures with thick walls of round to oval shape, characterized as cryptococcus neofarmans. In the radiographic examination, a volume increase was observed in the region of muzzle without alteration of radiopacity indicating possible granuloma. Through the anamnesis, physical examination, cytological examination, Cryptococcosis was diagnosed. The indicated treatment was oral administration of Itraconazole 50mg every 24 hours for 60 days.

Animais , Gatos , Criptococose/diagnóstico , Criptococose/tratamento farmacológico , Criptococose/veterinária , Cryptococcus neoformans , Micoses/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): Pub.345-2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458013


Background: Aspergillus spp. are dimorphic fungus widely distributed in the environment, including in soil, dust and decaying vegetation. Clinical signs of aspergillosis in horses including rhinitis, pneumonia, guttural pouch mycosis, keratomycosis, endometritis, abortions and systemic involvement. In addition, horses with a history of enterocolitis may be predisposed to pulmonary or systemic mycotic infection. However, reports about systemic aspergillosis in horses are restricted to infections by A. fumigatus and A. niger. There have been no reports of systemic infection caused by A. flavus in horses or in other domestic species. Thus, the objective of this work was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of systemic infection by Aspergillus flavus in a mare.Case: A 3-year-old pregnant mare of the Manga Larga, had signs of colic two days prior to admission after grazing in a landfill area to which it had free access. The owner observed remains of plastic bags in the stool. Clinically, there was dehydration, apathy, ocular mucosal congestion, oral cyanosis, reluctance to move, diarrhea, fever, drooling and tachypnea. Due to its clinical condition, the animal was referred to the surgical center for exploratory laparotomy, where compaction in the colon and cecum was verified. Enterotomy and enterolith removal were performed in the small colon region. The mare died after eight days of hospitalization, and necropsy was performed. Macroscopically disseminated lesions were observed in the small colon, stomach, kidneys, lungs, heart and brain. Fragments of tissues from organs in the abdominal and thoracic cavities, as well as from the central nervous system, were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution, and subsequently routinely processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and special histochemical stains to visualize the infectious agent and its morphological characteristics.[...]

Feminino , Animais , Aspergillus flavus/patogenicidade , Aspergilose/diagnóstico , Aspergilose/epidemiologia , Aspergilose/veterinária , Cavalos