Periodontitis affects the teeth supporting tissues, leading to tooth loss and damage to animal health. Evidence in humans suggests that oral microorganisms spread systemically, increasing the risk of pregnancy disorders such as miscarriage, prematurity, and low birth weight. This study aimed to verify whether periodontopathogenic microorganisms reach the transplacental unit, culminating in problems in pregnant ewes. After analyzing the oral cavity, 10 clinically healthy pregnant ewes (OGCH group) and 10 pregnant ewes with periodontitis (OGP group) were selected. The subgingival biofilm was collected for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test and amniotic fluid for both the PCR and interleukin (IL) analysis. Peripheral blood was collected for complete blood count, and analyses of IL-6, IL1-ß, and tumor necrosis factor-α were performed. Placental fragments were collected to assess the inflammatory changes using optical microscopy. After giving birth, both the ewes and their lambs were weighed. On clinical examination, a positive correlation between bleeding and suppuration (correlation index - CI=0.54), suppuration and marginal gingivitis (CI=0.34), and marginal gingivitis and edema (CI=0.54) was observed. The weights of the ewes (p=0.013) and their respective lambs (p=0.04) in the OGP group were lower than those of their OGCH group counterparts. The hematological analysis revealed that the OGP group ewes showed a slight increase in the mean corpuscular volume (p=0.2447), segmented cells (p=0.3375), and eosinophils (p=0.3823) when compared with the OGCH group ewes, without a statistical difference. Regarding the microorganisms detected in the oral cavity, there was a significant difference between the occurrence of periodontal pockets and the presence of Fusobacterium necrophorum (p=0.0328), Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (p=0.0392), and the Mollicutes class (p=0.0352). Staphylococcus genus (p=0.9107) and Archaea domain (p=0.7245) were detected in the amniotic samples of both groups, without a significant difference, whereas P. asaccharolytica (p=0.2685) was only detected in one sample in the OGCH group. The expression of cytokine IL-6 in the OGP group differed significantly between the prepartum and postpartum periods (p=0.0039); moreover, it differed significantly in the postpartum period between the OGCH and OGP groups (p=0.0198). Histological examination showed a higher percentage of placental changes in the OGP group (70%) than in the OGCH group, such as the presence of macrophages, neutrophils, plasma cells, and multifocal areas of calcification. These results do not corroborate the hypothesis of dissemination of oral microorganisms to the placental unit, suggesting that it constitutes placental isolation in sheep.
A periodontite afeta os tecidos de suporte dos dentes levando à perda dentária e danos à saúde do animal. Evidências em humanos sugerem que os microrganismos orais se espalham sistemicamente, aumentando o risco de distúrbios da gravidez, como aborto espontâneo, prematuridade e baixo peso ao nascer. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar se microrganismos periodontopatogênicos atingem a unidade transplacentária, culminando em problemas em ovelhas gestantes. Após análise da cavidade oral, foram selecionadas 10 ovelhas gestantes clinicamente saudáveis (grupo OGCH) e 10 ovelhas gestantes com periodontite (grupo OGP). O biofilme subgengival foi coletado para o teste de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e o líquido amniótico para teste de PCR e análise de interleucina (IL). Sangue periférico foi coletado para hemograma completo e análises de IL-6, IL1-ß e fator de necrose tumoral-α foram realizadas. Fragmentos de placenta foram coletados para avaliação das alterações inflamatórias por meio de microscopia óptica. Após o parto, as ovelhas e seus cordeiros foram pesados. Ao exame clínico, observou-se correlação positiva entre sangramento e supuração (índice de correlação - IC=0,54), supuração e gengivite marginal (IC=0,34) e gengivite marginal e edema (IC=0,54). Os pesos das ovelhas (p=0,013) e de seus respectivos cordeiros (p=0,04) do grupo OGP foram inferiores aos do grupo OGCH. A análise hematológica revelou que as ovelhas do grupo OGP apresentaram discreto aumento no volume corpuscular médio (p=0,2447), células segmentadas (p=0,3375) e eosinófilos (p=0,3823) quando comparadas com as ovelhas do grupo OGCH, sem diferença estatística diferença. Em relação aos microrganismos detectados na cavidade oral, houve diferença significativa entre a ocorrência de bolsas periodontais e a presença de Fusobacterium necrophorum (p=0,0328), Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (p=0,0392) e da classe Mollicutes (p=0,0352). O gênero Staphylococcus (p=0,9107) e o domínio Archaea (p=0,7245) foram detectados nas amostras amnióticas de ambos os grupos, sem diferença significativa, enquanto P. asaccharolytica (p=0,2685) foi detectado apenas em uma amostra do grupo OGCH. A expressão da citocina IL-6 no grupo OGP diferiu significativamente entre os períodos pré e pós-parto (p=0,0039); além disso, diferiu significativamente no período pós-parto entre os grupos OGCH e OGP (p=0,0198). O exame histológico mostrou maior porcentagem de alterações placentárias no grupo OGP (70%) do que no grupo OGCH, como a presença de macrófagos, neutrófilos, plasmócitos e áreas multifocais de calcificação. Esses resultados não corroboram a hipótese de disseminação de microrganismos orais para a unidade placentária, sugerindo que se trata de um isolamento placentário em ovinos.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Periodontite/diagnóstico , Periodontite/veterinária , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/veterinária , Doenças dos Ovinos/microbiologia , Ovinos , Líquido Amniótico/microbiologia , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Boca/microbiologiaResumo
Background: Malignant tumors are the main cause of death or euthanasia in animals. The oral cavity ranking fourth in number of occurrences. Epidemiological studies with dogs suggest that canine cancer kills 40-50% of individuals aged over 10 years. In view of the interest of academics and professionals in the healthcare of dogs and cats, this paper reports the case of a 10-month-old bitch, which, despite being a young animal, was affected alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of abrupt evolution. Case: A 10-month-old French Bulldog bitch, weighing 10 kg, was referred to a veterinary hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro for care. It had a history of mouth bleeding, after chewing a solid mineral material, edema in the region of the right maxilla, and protusion of the gland of the third eyelid. As the clinical examination also revealed a fracture of the maxillary canine, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics were prescribed, to be administered by the owner once a day for 7 days. During the next clinical examination, carried out one week later, an edema was found in the right region of the mouth, which proved difficult to examine. As the patient had already eaten, an appointment was made for the following day for an intervention in the operating room, where the animal could be anesthetized for better observation of the effected region. Blood was collected for hemogram, urea, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, ALT, and GGT, and an 8 h food fasting and a 4 h water fasting were recommended. On that date, once the dog had been taken to the operating room, was administered the pre anesthesia, in addition to anesthetic induction and manutention. Upon examining the oral cavity, several loose molars were found on the right side, in addition to a tumoral aspect of the gum; thus, it was decided to collect a small sample of the tumoral mass for histopathology. The surgical specimen was placed in a formalin solution and sent to the laboratory for histopathological processing and diagnosis. One week later, the tumor mass was larger and the edema in the right region of the mouth was much larger than on the day of the procedure. Thus, a computerized tomography was requested to further investigate the alterations that had occurred in such a short time. Due to the results of the histopathology and the CT, an immunohistochemical test was suggested which determined the cell profile and morphology and confirmed the diagnosis of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma according to clinical suspicion. The animal remained in the veterinary hospital for a further 48 h, during which the clinical condition worsened, with the animal suffering heavy bleeding. As the patient was no longer capable of oral intake of food or water, the decision was made with the consent of the owners to induce a painless death to alleviate the suffering of the animal. However, the owners did not authorize a necropsy. Discussion: Veterinary physicians should be conscious of the treatment of serious illnesses that will not result in a benefit for the patient. They should know when to stop the treatment to not cause further pain and suffering to the animals and their owners. Many of the interventions which aim to treat severe malignant neoplasia will not promote an improvement in quality of life or significantly extend the patient's survival, and do not justify the suffering they entail. A painless death remains the best alternative in such cases.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Alvéolos Pulmonares/patologia , Rabdomiossarcoma Alveolar/diagnóstico , Rabdomiossarcoma Alveolar/veterinária , Neoplasias Bucais/veterináriaResumo
Information on neoplasms in animals has increased over time, and these studies have helped in the management of reptiles that present tumors. There are similar incidences of neoplasms between homeothermic and ectothermic animals. Furthermore, there are usually more than one type of tumor present. The treatment of wild animals afflicted with cancer usually happens late, contributing to their low life expectancy. Thus, the present work aimed to describe an infrequent case of oral tumor in Boa constrictor. The tumor was observed in an adult female animal, raised in an exhibition area of the Zoo and Botanical Park of the Emílio Goeldi Museum, located in Belém, State of Pará, Brazil. Macroscopically, the mass presented morphologically with an irregular, multilobulated surface, color that varied from white to grey, hemorrhagic areas and its extension was 3.9 x 2.3 cm. The neoplasm was surgically removed, and the histopathological evaluation revealed an adenocarcinoma, with a papillary-like development pattern and a moderate degree of differentiation. The animal died three months after diagnosis due to starvation. The necropsy showed that there was tumor recrudescence and no metastases. Given the impossibility of surgical removal with a greater margin of safety, and adjuvant therapies, this condition favoured the resurgence of the neoplasm. This compromised the animal's ability to feed and consequently lead to death. Malignant neoplasms in reptiles may have an unfavourable clinical evolution for the maintenance of life, requiring specific therapeutic care such as chemotherapy. Scientific contributions on tumors in these animals are essential for the medical treatment of wild animals, and the conservation of wild species.(AU)
Estudos de neoplasias malignas e benignas em animais tem crescido ao longo do tempo, e os seus registros tem auxiliado no manejo de répteis que apresentam tumores. Descreve-se na literatura que há incidências semelhantes de neoplasmas entre animais homeotérmicos e ectotérmicos, e que estes geralmente apresentam mais de um tipo de tumoração. O tratamento de pacientes silvestres oncológicos geralmente acontece de forma tardia contribuindo para sua baixa sobrevida. Deste modo o presente trabalho objetivou descrever um caso infrequente de neoplasia oral em Boa constrictor. A casuística ocorreu num animal adulto, fêmea, criada em recinto de exposição do Parque Zoobotânico do Museu Emílio Goeldi, localizado em Belém, Estado do Pará, Brasil. Macroscopicamente a massa apresentou morfologicamente com superfície irregular, multilobulada, coloração que variou de branca a cinza, áreas hemorrágicas e sua extensão de 3,9 x 2,3cm. A neoplasia foi removida cirurgicamente e a avaliação histopatológica revelou um adenocarcinoma, com padrão de desenvolvimento do tipo papiliforme e grau moderado de diferenciação. O animal foi a óbito três meses pós-diagnóstico por inanição. A necropsia demonstrou que havia recrudescência do neoplasma e ausência de metástases. Diante da impossibilidade da remoção cirúrgica com maior margem de segurança, e terapias adjuvantes, tal condição favoreceu o ressurgimento da neoplasia, comprometendo a alimentação e consequentemente levando ao óbito. Conclui-se que neoplasias malignas em répteis podem ter uma evolução clínica desfavorável a manutenção da sua vida necessitando de cuidados terapêuticos específicos como quimioterapia. As contribuições cientificas sobre processos neoplásicos nesses animais são fundamentais para a clínica médica de animais silvestres além de contribuir para a conservação de espécies silvestres.(AU)
Animais , Neoplasias Bucais , Adenocarcinoma , BoidaeResumo
As fístulas oronosais adquiridas são defeitos que permitem a comunicação anormal entre as cavidades oral e nasal. Inúmeras causas podem ser atribuídas à etiologia de tal defeito. O presente trabalho visa relatar o caso de um cão com fístula oronasal adquirida que foi submetido à reconstrução cirúrgica do palato com o uso de malha de polipropileno e prótese acrílica. Após estabilização do quadro clínico e remoção manual das larvas, o paciente foi encaminhado para o desbridamento cirúrgico das lesões orais e correção do defeito no palato. A palatoplastia foi realizada com o uso da malha e resina de polimetilmetacrilato autopolimerizável. A malha foi suturada sobre o defeito palatino com pontos simples separados e fio náilon 3-0 nas extremidades da ferida. Em seguida, a resina foi preparada e, ao atingir consistência adequada, foi aplicada e modelada sobre o a malha de polipropileno com o auxílio de um descolador de Molt, sendo também suturada nas bordas da fístula com pontos simples separados e fio náilon 3-0. No mesmo tempo cirúrgico foi inserida uma sonda esofágica para alimentação enteral. Devido complicações cirúrgicas no pós operatório, o paciente foi submetido a mais duas intervenções cirúrgicas para desfecho satisfatório do tratamento. Conclui-se que associação entre a tela de polipropileno e a prótese acrílica foi uma alternativa exequível para a palatoplastia em cão.
Acquired oronosal fistulae are abnormal communication between the oral and nasal cavities. A oronasal fistula can be the result of different causes, like oral myiasis. The objetctive of these paper is to report the case of a dog with acquired oronasal fistula that underwent surgical reconstruction of the palate using polypropylene mesh and acrylic prosthesis. After stabilization of the patient Ìs clinical condition and mecanic removal of the larvae, the dog was referred for surgical debridement of the oral lesions and correction of the defect in the palate. Palatoplasty was performed using a mesh and polymethylmethacrylate resin. The mesh was sutured over the palatal defect with separate simple suture and 3-0 naylon thread at the ends of the wound. Then, the resin was prepared and, upon reaching adequate consistency, it was applied and shaped over the polypropylene mesh with Molt peeler. It was also sutured on the edges of the fistula with separate simple suture and 3-0 nylon suture. At the same surgical time, an esophageal tube was inserted for enteral feeding. Due to complications, the dog underwent two more surgical interventions for a satisfactory treatment outcome. It is concluded that the association between the polypropylene mesh and the acrylic prosthesis was a practical alternative for palatoplasty in dogs after oral myiasis.
Animais , Cães , Obturadores Palatinos/veterinária , Palato/cirurgia , Polipropilenos , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária , Fístula Bucal/veterinária , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Miíase/veterináriaResumo
O eritema multiforme é uma doença incomum em cães, que afeta pele e mucosas, cuja etiologia ainda não foi completamente elucidada. Contudo, o envolvimento exclusivo da cavidade oral é considerado raro, tendo sido descrito poucas vezes até o presente momento. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever um caso de eritema multiforme limitado à cavidade oral em um canino. Um cão, fêmea, Akita, com sete anos de idade, apresentou histórico de ulcerações na cavidade oral e nas laterais da língua, sem alterações cutâneas ou sistêmicas. O diagnóstico definitivo foi realizado por meio do exame histopatológico da mucosa oral, e a terapia imunossupressora empregada mostrou-se eficaz. Embora o eritema multiforme seja considerado incomum na espécie canina, este relato de caso apresenta a forma mais rara da doença, com poucos casos descritos em medicina veterinária.(AU)
Multiforme erythema is an uncommon disease in dogs that affects the skin and mucous membranes, the etiology of which has not yet been fully elucidated. However, the exclusive involvement of the oral cavity is considered rare, having been described few times until the present moment. The aim of this work is to describe a case of multiforme erythema limited to the oral cavity in a canine. A seven-year-old female dog, akita, presented a history of ulcerations in the oral cavity and on the sides of the tongue, with no cutaneous or systemic changes. The definitive diagnosis was made through the histopathological examination of the oral mucosa and the immunosuppressive therapy used proved to be effective. Although multiforme erythema is considered uncommon in the canine species, this case report presents the rarest form of the disease, with few cases described in veterinary medicine.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Estomatite/veterinária , Eritema Multiforme/veterinária , Boca/patologia , Língua , Imunossupressores/administração & dosagemResumo
O eritema multiforme é uma doença incomum em cães, que afeta pele e mucosas, cuja etiologia ainda não foi completamente elucidada. Contudo, o envolvimento exclusivo da cavidade oral é considerado raro, tendo sido descrito poucas vezes até o presente momento. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever um caso de eritema multiforme limitado à cavidade oral em um canino. Um cão, fêmea, Akita, com sete anos de idade, apresentou histórico de ulcerações na cavidade oral e nas laterais da língua, sem alterações cutâneas ou sistêmicas. O diagnóstico definitivo foi realizado por meio do exame histopatológico da mucosa oral, e a terapia imunossupressora empregada mostrou-se eficaz. Embora o eritema multiforme seja considerado incomum na espécie canina, este relato de caso apresenta a forma mais rara da doença, com poucos casos descritos em medicina veterinária.(AU)
Multiforme erythema is an uncommon disease in dogs that affects the skin and mucous membranes, the etiology of which has not yet been fully elucidated. However, the exclusive involvement of the oral cavity is considered rare, having been described few times until the present moment. The aim of this work is to describe a case of multiforme erythema limited to the oral cavity in a canine. A seven-year-old female dog, akita, presented a history of ulcerations in the oral cavity and on the sides of the tongue, with no cutaneous or systemic changes. The definitive diagnosis was made through the histopathological examination of the oral mucosa and the immunosuppressive therapy used proved to be effective. Although multiforme erythema is considered uncommon in the canine species, this case report presents the rarest form of the disease, with few cases described in veterinary medicine.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Estomatite/veterinária , Eritema Multiforme/veterinária , Boca/patologia , Língua , Imunossupressores/administração & dosagemResumo
Background: Feline lymphoplasmacytic gingivostomatitis (FLPG) is an idiopathic, multifactorial and highly challengingcondition, since the results of the available treatments are partial and transitory. A set of lesions triggered by inflammatoryreaction is observed, sometimes with ulcerations in the oral mucosa, leading to algia and discomfort. Histopathologicalexamination figures as the definitive diagnostic tool, presenting distinct cellular elements. The present study aims to reportthree cases of FLPG, firstly addressing the anatomopathological findings, as well as the therapeutic approach used andthe results obtained in each case.Cases: Case 1- Occurred in a feline Siamese male 15-year-old, weighing 3.8 kg, which was admitted at a local clinic, underthe complaint of prostration, dysphagia, and weight loss, signs that were noticed approximately 5 days before. Clinicalevaluation revealed multiple proliferative and ulcerative lesions, extending until the isthmus of the fauces, erythematousareas around the teeth and multifocal gingival reabsorption. Once the clinical signs and lesions were observed, samples werecollected for histopathological examination and sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology (LAP) of Faculty of Agronomyand Veterinary Medicine of the University of Passo Fundo (FAVM-UPF). Histologically, both fragments presented lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, with large and intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm, often with granular aspect, central to lateralizedhyperchromatic nuclei, located predominantly in lamina propria and mucosa, as well as a discrete Mott cell infiltrate. Itwas also observed the presence of diffuse suppurative chronic inflammatory infiltrate, predominantly in lamina propriaand mucosa, as well as foci of edema and hemorrhage, in addition to loss of tissue architecture establishing the definitivediagnosis of...
Animais , Gatos , Boca/patologia , Gengivite Ulcerativa Necrosante/veterinária , Periodontite/veterinária , Plasmócitos/patologiaResumo
Background: Feline lymphoplasmacytic gingivostomatitis (FLPG) is an idiopathic, multifactorial and highly challengingcondition, since the results of the available treatments are partial and transitory. A set of lesions triggered by inflammatoryreaction is observed, sometimes with ulcerations in the oral mucosa, leading to algia and discomfort. Histopathologicalexamination figures as the definitive diagnostic tool, presenting distinct cellular elements. The present study aims to reportthree cases of FLPG, firstly addressing the anatomopathological findings, as well as the therapeutic approach used andthe results obtained in each case.Cases: Case 1- Occurred in a feline Siamese male 15-year-old, weighing 3.8 kg, which was admitted at a local clinic, underthe complaint of prostration, dysphagia, and weight loss, signs that were noticed approximately 5 days before. Clinicalevaluation revealed multiple proliferative and ulcerative lesions, extending until the isthmus of the fauces, erythematousareas around the teeth and multifocal gingival reabsorption. Once the clinical signs and lesions were observed, samples werecollected for histopathological examination and sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology (LAP) of Faculty of Agronomyand Veterinary Medicine of the University of Passo Fundo (FAVM-UPF). Histologically, both fragments presented lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, with large and intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm, often with granular aspect, central to lateralizedhyperchromatic nuclei, located predominantly in lamina propria and mucosa, as well as a discrete Mott cell infiltrate. Itwas also observed the presence of diffuse suppurative chronic inflammatory infiltrate, predominantly in lamina propriaand mucosa, as well as foci of edema and hemorrhage, in addition to loss of tissue architecture establishing the definitivediagnosis of...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Boca/patologia , Gengivite Ulcerativa Necrosante/veterinária , Periodontite/veterinária , Plasmócitos/patologiaResumo
Background: The anatomy of the canine oral cavity and its variations should be understood to facilitate clinical and surgical approaches. Several conditions can be identified during inspection of the oral cavity, including persistent deciduous teeth, enamel hypoplasia, gingival retraction, tooth abrasion and mobility, absence of dental elements, and periodontal disease. The aim of the present study was to determine the occurrence of dental disorders in dogs older than one year, from the microrregion Ilhéus - Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 74 dogs were evaluated immediately prior to surgical procedures for periodontal disease treatment. After visual inspection and examination with a millimeter probe, the dogs were classified into three groups according to the degree of periodontal disease. All other findings were recorded on an odontogram. Of the 74 dogs, 23 were classified as mild periodontal disease (mean age, 3.6 years), 26 as moderate periodontal disease (mean age, 5.7 years), and 25 as severe periodontal disease (mean age, 9.7 years). There was significant correlation (0.7 p ≤ 0.01) between age and severity of periodontal disease. Fifteen of the 74 dogs did not present any other dental disorder than periodontal disease. Of the remaining 59, nine showed a single dental problem, and 50 had more than one dental problem. Six dogs (of the breeds Pinscher, Yorkshire Terrier, and Lhasa Apso) had deciduous teeth. Of the nine deciduous teeth, all were canine (dental elements 104, 204, and 304). Ten dogs had dental fractures and of the 11 fractured teeth, three were canine (dental elements 104 and 404). Dental wear was observed in 25 dogs (154 teeth). Of the evaluated dogs, seven showed furcation defects and 10 had teeth mobility. Dental absence was observed in 47 dogs.[...]
Animais , Cães , Anormalidades Dentárias/diagnóstico , Anormalidades Dentárias/veterinária , Boca/anatomia & histologia , Doenças Periodontais/diagnóstico , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Medicina Veterinária , Odontologia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The anatomy of the canine oral cavity and its variations should be understood to facilitate clinical and surgical approaches. Several conditions can be identified during inspection of the oral cavity, including persistent deciduous teeth, enamel hypoplasia, gingival retraction, tooth abrasion and mobility, absence of dental elements, and periodontal disease. The aim of the present study was to determine the occurrence of dental disorders in dogs older than one year, from the microrregion Ilhéus - Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 74 dogs were evaluated immediately prior to surgical procedures for periodontal disease treatment. After visual inspection and examination with a millimeter probe, the dogs were classified into three groups according to the degree of periodontal disease. All other findings were recorded on an odontogram. Of the 74 dogs, 23 were classified as mild periodontal disease (mean age, 3.6 years), 26 as moderate periodontal disease (mean age, 5.7 years), and 25 as severe periodontal disease (mean age, 9.7 years). There was significant correlation (0.7 p ≤ 0.01) between age and severity of periodontal disease. Fifteen of the 74 dogs did not present any other dental disorder than periodontal disease. Of the remaining 59, nine showed a single dental problem, and 50 had more than one dental problem. Six dogs (of the breeds Pinscher, Yorkshire Terrier, and Lhasa Apso) had deciduous teeth. Of the nine deciduous teeth, all were canine (dental elements 104, 204, and 304). Ten dogs had dental fractures and of the 11 fractured teeth, three were canine (dental elements 104 and 404). Dental wear was observed in 25 dogs (154 teeth). Of the evaluated dogs, seven showed furcation defects and 10 had teeth mobility. Dental absence was observed in 47 dogs.[...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Boca/anatomia & histologia , Anormalidades Dentárias/diagnóstico , Anormalidades Dentárias/veterinária , Doenças Periodontais/diagnóstico , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Odontologia/veterinária , Medicina VeterináriaResumo
Our retrospective study evaluated the survival of 24 dogs with unresectable malignant melanoma treated with radiation therapy. Fifteen dogs were treated with radiation therapy (RT) and chemotherapy (CT), five with surgery followed by RT and CT, three with palliative RT, and one with electrochemotherapy associated with RT. All dogs were treated with an orthovoltage Stabilipan I. The protocol used was three or four weekly fractions of 8 Gy. Carboplatin was administered every 21 days, a total of four times. Five percent of dogs were classified as having stage I melanoma, 17% as stage II, 50% as stage III, and 17% as stage IV. Sixty-four percent had a partial response to treatment, 29% achieved complete remission, and 7% remained in a stable disease state. The mean survival time was 390 days for stage I, 286 days for stage II, 159 days for stage III, and 90 days for stage IV. We concluded that radiation therapy can be considered a viable alternative for the palliative treatment of canine oral melanoma.
O estudo retrospectivo analisou a sobrevida de 24 cães com melanomas irressecáveis tratados com radioterapia (RT). Quinze animais foram tratados com RT e quimioterapia (QT), 5 animais com cirurgia citoredutiva seguida por RT e QT, 3 animais com RT paliativa apenas e 1 animal com RT associada a 1 sessão de eletroquimioterapia. Os animais foram tratados com um equipamento de ortovoltagem Stabilipan I, e o protocolo foi de três a quatro frações semanais de 8 Gy. A quimioterapia consistiu de carboplatina administrada a cada 21 dias em um total de 4 aplicações. Apenas um animal (4%) foi classificado em estadio I, enquanto quatro (17%) estavam no estadio II, doze (50%) estavam no estadio III e quatro (29%) estavam no estadio IV. De maneira geral, 64% dos cães apresentaram resposta parcial, 29% remissão completa e 7% doença estável. O tempo médio de sobrevida foi de 390 dias no estádio I, 286 dias no estádio II, 159 dias no estádio III e 90 dias no estádio IV. A radioterapia deve ser considerada pelo clínico veterinário como alternativa para o tratamento de melanoma oral canino.
Animais , Cães , Melanoma/terapia , Neoplasias Bucais/veterinária , Radioterapia/veterinária , Estudos RetrospectivosResumo
Our retrospective study evaluated the survival of 24 dogs with unresectable malignant melanoma treated with radiation therapy. Fifteen dogs were treated with radiation therapy (RT) and chemotherapy (CT), five with surgery followed by RT and CT, three with palliative RT, and one with electrochemotherapy associated with RT. All dogs were treated with an orthovoltage Stabilipan I. The protocol used was three or four weekly fractions of 8 Gy. Carboplatin was administered every 21 days, a total of four times. Five percent of dogs were classified as having stage I melanoma, 17% as stage II, 50% as stage III, and 17% as stage IV. Sixty-four percent had a partial response to treatment, 29% achieved complete remission, and 7% remained in a stable disease state. The mean survival time was 390 days for stage I, 286 days for stage II, 159 days for stage III, and 90 days for stage IV. We concluded that radiation therapy can be considered a viable alternative for the palliative treatment of canine oral melanoma.(AU)
O estudo retrospectivo analisou a sobrevida de 24 cães com melanomas irressecáveis tratados com radioterapia (RT). Quinze animais foram tratados com RT e quimioterapia (QT), 5 animais com cirurgia citoredutiva seguida por RT e QT, 3 animais com RT paliativa apenas e 1 animal com RT associada a 1 sessão de eletroquimioterapia. Os animais foram tratados com um equipamento de ortovoltagem Stabilipan I, e o protocolo foi de três a quatro frações semanais de 8 Gy. A quimioterapia consistiu de carboplatina administrada a cada 21 dias em um total de 4 aplicações. Apenas um animal (4%) foi classificado em estadio I, enquanto quatro (17%) estavam no estadio II, doze (50%) estavam no estadio III e quatro (29%) estavam no estadio IV. De maneira geral, 64% dos cães apresentaram resposta parcial, 29% remissão completa e 7% doença estável. O tempo médio de sobrevida foi de 390 dias no estádio I, 286 dias no estádio II, 159 dias no estádio III e 90 dias no estádio IV. A radioterapia deve ser considerada pelo clínico veterinário como alternativa para o tratamento de melanoma oral canino.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Radioterapia/veterinária , Melanoma/terapia , Neoplasias Bucais/veterinária , Estudos RetrospectivosResumo
Foram incluídos 76 gatos domésticos com diferentes graus (I a IV) de lesões em cavidade oral, os quais foram avaliados clinicamente e tiveram coletadas amostras de sangue e suabes da cavidade oral. A maioria dos gatos portadores de CGE eram machos, castrados, adultos, sem raça definida e com estilo de vida confinado. Os sinais clínicos observados e associados à gravidade da inflamação na cavidade oral foram halitose (98,7%); ptialismo (22,4%); hemorragia bucal (9,2%) e úlcera na parte superior dos lábios (2,6%); desconforto à manipulação da cavidade oral (44,7%) e perda dentária (55,3%). A maioria dos gatos avaliados foi classificada no grau II (43,4%). Não se observou diferença significativa nos resultados do eritrograma dos gatos portadores de CGE, independentemente da gravidade das lesões e da sintomatologia clínica. Entretanto, observou-se neutrofilia (21,1%) e aumento de proteínas plasmáticas totais (47,3%), na maioria dos animais de grau II, sugerindo que esses parâmetros laboratoriais, quando aumentados, possam estar associados a graus menos graves de CGE. A análise das lâminas de citologia da cavidade oral dos gatos demonstrou que a presença de Simonsiella spp. foi mais frequente nos animais incluídos no grau IV, entretanto não é possível afirmar que essa bactéria esteja relacionada à gravidade das lesões.(AU)
Seventy six domestic cats classified with different scores (I to IV) of oral lesions have been included in the study, being clinically examined and having blood samples and oral cavity swabs collected. Most cats diagnosed with Gingivostomatitis Complex (GSC) were male, neutered, adult, DSH, and lived confined. Clinical signs observed and related to the severity of mouth inflammation were halitosis (98.7%), ptyalism (22.4%), oral hemorrhage (9.2%), and upper lip ulcers (2.6%); discomfort during mouth examination (44.7%) and tooth loss (55,3%). Most cats have been classified as score II (43.4%). The red blood cell count showed no significant statistical difference regardless the different scores of oral lesions and clinical symptoms. However, the leukogram showed neutrophilia (21.1%) and plasmatic proteins had an increased level (47.3%), in most of the animals classified as score II, suggesting that these parameters, when increased, may be associated to less severe GSC scores. Oral cavity microscope slides analysis showed that Simonsiella spp. have been more frequent in the cytology of the score IV animals, however, it does not allow us to correlate the presence of the bacteria with the severity lesions degree.(AU)
Seventy six domestic cats classified with different scores (I to IV) of oral lesions have been included in the study, being clinically examined and having blood samples and oral cavity swabs collected. Most cats diagnosed with Gingivostomatitis Complex (GSC) were male, neutered, adult, DSH, and lived confined. Clinical signs observed and related to the severity of mouth inflammation were halitosis (98.7%), ptyalism (22.4%), oral hemorrhage (9.2%), and upper lip ulcers (2.6%); discomfort during mouth examination (44.7%) and tooth loss (55,3%). Most cats have been classified as score II (43.4%). The red blood cell count showed no significant statistical difference regardless the different scores of oral lesions and clinical symptoms. However, the leukogram showed neutrophilia (21.1%) and plasmatic proteins had an increased level (47.3%), in most of the animals classified as score II, suggesting that these parameters, when increased, may be associated to less severe GSC scores. Oral cavity microscope slides analysis showed that Simonsiella spp. have been more frequent in the cytology of the score IV animals, however, it does not allow us to correlate the presence of the bacteria with the severity lesions degree.(AU)
Gatos/anormalidades , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Gengivite/veterináriaResumo
Foram incluídos 76 gatos domésticos com diferentes graus (I a IV) de lesões em cavidade oral, os quais foram avaliados clinicamente e tiveram coletadas amostras de sangue e suabes da cavidade oral. A maioria dos gatos portadores de CGE eram machos, castrados, adultos, sem raça definida e com estilo de vida confinado. Os sinais clínicos observados e associados à gravidade da inflamação na cavidade oral foram halitose (98,7%); ptialismo (22,4%); hemorragia bucal (9,2%) e úlcera na parte superior dos lábios (2,6%); desconforto à manipulação da cavidade oral (44,7%) e perda dentária (55,3%). A maioria dos gatos avaliados foi classificada no grau II (43,4%). Não se observou diferença significativa nos resultados do eritrograma dos gatos portadores de CGE, independentemente da gravidade das lesões e da sintomatologia clínica. Entretanto, observou-se neutrofilia (21,1%) e aumento de proteínas plasmáticas totais (47,3%), na maioria dos animais de grau II, sugerindo que esses parâmetros laboratoriais, quando aumentados, possam estar associados a graus menos graves de CGE. A análise das lâminas de citologia da cavidade oral dos gatos demonstrou que a presença de Simonsiella spp. foi mais frequente nos animais incluídos no grau IV, entretanto não é possível afirmar que essa bactéria esteja relacionada à gravidade das lesões.(AU)
Seventy six domestic cats classified with different scores (I to IV) of oral lesions have been included in the study, being clinically examined and having blood samples and oral cavity swabs collected. Most cats diagnosed with Gingivostomatitis Complex (GSC) were male, neutered, adult, DSH, and lived confined. Clinical signs observed and related to the severity of mouth inflammation were halitosis (98.7%), ptyalism (22.4%), oral hemorrhage (9.2%), and upper lip ulcers (2.6%); discomfort during mouth examination (44.7%) and tooth loss (55,3%). Most cats have been classified as score II (43.4%). The red blood cell count showed no significant statistical difference regardless the different scores of oral lesions and clinical symptoms. However, the leukogram showed neutrophilia (21.1%) and plasmatic proteins had an increased level (47.3%), in most of the animals classified as score II, suggesting that these parameters, when increased, may be associated to less severe GSC scores. Oral cavity microscope slides analysis showed that Simonsiella spp. have been more frequent in the cytology of the score IV animals, however, it does not allow us to correlate the presence of the bacteria with the severity lesions degree.(AU)
Seventy six domestic cats classified with different scores (I to IV) of oral lesions have been included in the study, being clinically examined and having blood samples and oral cavity swabs collected. Most cats diagnosed with Gingivostomatitis Complex (GSC) were male, neutered, adult, DSH, and lived confined. Clinical signs observed and related to the severity of mouth inflammation were halitosis (98.7%), ptyalism (22.4%), oral hemorrhage (9.2%), and upper lip ulcers (2.6%); discomfort during mouth examination (44.7%) and tooth loss (55,3%). Most cats have been classified as score II (43.4%). The red blood cell count showed no significant statistical difference regardless the different scores of oral lesions and clinical symptoms. However, the leukogram showed neutrophilia (21.1%) and plasmatic proteins had an increased level (47.3%), in most of the animals classified as score II, suggesting that these parameters, when increased, may be associated to less severe GSC scores. Oral cavity microscope slides analysis showed that Simonsiella spp. have been more frequent in the cytology of the score IV animals, however, it does not allow us to correlate the presence of the bacteria with the severity lesions degree.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos/anormalidades , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Gengivite/veterináriaResumo
Um canino da raça Boxer, fêmea, de oito anos de idade, foi atendido com salivação, halitose e disfagia. No exame clínico, foi observada uma massa ulcerada no terço médio da língua medindo 3,5 x 4,0cm. A histopatologia e a imuno-histoquímica levaram ao diagnóstico de um mastocitoma de alto grau. O tratamento cirúrgico (glossectomia parcial) foi declinado pelo proprietário, sendo a radioterapia indicada em seu lugar. O protocolo radioterápico empregado foi 15 frações de 300cGy, realizadas cinco vezes por semana. O equipamento utilizado foi de ortovoltagem. A lesão neoplásica apresentou remissão clínica completa a partir da quarta sessão radioterápica. O único efeito colateral observado foi mucosite leve na região irradiada, que, entretanto, não levou a sintomas clínicos. A quimioterapia sistêmica consistiu de vimblastina e lomustina, alternadas a cada 14 dias, durante quatro meses. Até o momento (22 meses após o tratamento), não há evidências de recidiva local ou metástases do mastocitoma. A associação da radioterapia e da quimioterapia pode ser considerada uma alternativa terapêutica nos casos de mastocitomas irressecáveis, já que, neste caso, levou à remissão completa e duradoura de um tumor agressivo, com ótima tolerância do paciente ao tratamento e posterior qualidade de vida.(AU)
An 8 year old female boxer was presented with salivation, halitosis and dysphagia. In the clinical examination, an ulcerated mass in the middle third of the tongue was observed, measuring 3.5 x 4.0cm. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry the confirmed diagnosis of a high-grade mast cell tumor. Surgical treatment (partial glossectomy) was declined by owner, and radiotherapy was indicated. The protocol consisted of fifteen daily fractions of 300 cGy each. The equipment used was an orthovoltage unit. The tumor had complete clinical remission after the fourth session, and mild mucositis was the only side effect observed. Systemic chemotherapy was performed with vinblastine and lomustine, alternated every 14 days, during four months. There is no evidence of local recurrence or metastasis in this patient twenty-two months after treatment. The combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy can be considered as an alternative therapy in cases of unresectable mast cell tumors. It led to complete and durable remission of an aggressive tumor, with great quality of life.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Mastocitoma/veterinária , Mastocitoma/radioterapia , Boca/patologia , Neoplasias Bucais/radioterapia , Neoplasias Bucais/veterinária , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterinária , Mastocitoma/tratamento farmacológicoResumo
Um canino da raça Boxer, fêmea, de oito anos de idade, foi atendido com salivação, halitose e disfagia. No exame clínico, foi observada uma massa ulcerada no terço médio da língua medindo 3,5 x 4,0cm. A histopatologia e a imuno-histoquímica levaram ao diagnóstico de um mastocitoma de alto grau. O tratamento cirúrgico (glossectomia parcial) foi declinado pelo proprietário, sendo a radioterapia indicada em seu lugar. O protocolo radioterápico empregado foi 15 frações de 300cGy, realizadas cinco vezes por semana. O equipamento utilizado foi de ortovoltagem. A lesão neoplásica apresentou remissão clínica completa a partir da quarta sessão radioterápica. O único efeito colateral observado foi mucosite leve na região irradiada, que, entretanto, não levou a sintomas clínicos. A quimioterapia sistêmica consistiu de vimblastina e lomustina, alternadas a cada 14 dias, durante quatro meses. Até o momento (22 meses após o tratamento), não há evidências de recidiva local ou metástases do mastocitoma. A associação da radioterapia e da quimioterapia pode ser considerada uma alternativa terapêutica nos casos de mastocitomas irressecáveis, já que, neste caso, levou à remissão completa e duradoura de um tumor agressivo, com ótima tolerância do paciente ao tratamento e posterior qualidade de vida.(AU)
An 8 year old female boxer was presented with salivation, halitosis and dysphagia. In the clinical examination, an ulcerated mass in the middle third of the tongue was observed, measuring 3.5 x 4.0cm. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry the confirmed diagnosis of a high-grade mast cell tumor. Surgical treatment (partial glossectomy) was declined by owner, and radiotherapy was indicated. The protocol consisted of fifteen daily fractions of 300 cGy each. The equipment used was an orthovoltage unit. The tumor had complete clinical remission after the fourth session, and mild mucositis was the only side effect observed. Systemic chemotherapy was performed with vinblastine and lomustine, alternated every 14 days, during four months. There is no evidence of local recurrence or metastasis in this patient twenty-two months after treatment. The combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy can be considered as an alternative therapy in cases of unresectable mast cell tumors. It led to complete and durable remission of an aggressive tumor, with great quality of life.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Mastocitoma/radioterapia , Mastocitoma/veterinária , Boca/patologia , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterinária , Mastocitoma/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias Bucais/radioterapia , Neoplasias Bucais/veterináriaResumo
O Complexo Gengivite Estomatite Faringite Felina (CGEFF) é uma se- vera doença inflamatória da cavidade oral, de etiologia desconhecida, evolução crônica e de dificil tratamento. Caracteriza-se por lesões hiperêmicas, prolife- rativas e ulcerativas localizadas, preferencialmente na região dos arcos glos- sopalatinos (fauces), estendendo-se pela cavidade oral. O diagnóstico é confir- mado pela observação de infiltrado inflamatório com predominio de linfócitos e plasmócitos, através do exame histopatológico. Na terapia é recomendado o tratamento periodontal, extrações dentárias, antibioticoterapia e/ou imunossu- pressão, porém sua reposta é variável podendo a evolução ser incompleta el ou transitória. O caso clínico descrito relata um felino, macho, de quatro anos, SRD, não castrado, com histórico de sialorreia, halitose e hiporexia, há três semanas. Ao exame fisico, observou-se aumento de linfonodos mandibulares e lesões eritematosas, proliferativas e ulcerativas em região de arco glossopalati- no. Para a confirmação do diagnóstico, o animal foi submetido a uma biopsia e no resultando do exame histopatológico foi verificada uma acentuada resposta inflamatória com infiltração celular predominantemente de linfócitos e plasmó- citos, confirmando o CGEFF. Inicialmente, introduziu-se o tratamento de amo- xicilina com metronidazol e clorexidine 2,5%, solução oral, durante 15 dias, obtendo-se a melhora dos sinais clínicos, porém após a interrupção do trata- mento, a lesão retornou ao seu estado original. Este comportamento também foi observado diante da associação de amoxicilina e clavulanato com metronida- zol. Diante do fracasso no tratamento clínico, o paciente foi encaminhado para procedimento cirúrgico para a extração extensa de todos os dentes pré-molares e molares e ainda se encontra em recuperação. O tratamento clínico foi pouco efetivo e o adiamento do procedimento cirúrgico agravou a perda de peso, além de frustrar o proprietário diante das recidivas do problema, novas formas de tratamento menos invasivas e mais eficazes devem ser estudadas para CGEFF.
Animais , Gatos , Estomatite/diagnóstico , Estomatite/veterinária , Faringite/diagnóstico , Faringite/veterinária , Gatos , Gengivite/diagnóstico , Gengivite/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever achados de alterações nos dentes e cavidade oral de um grupo de 64 equinos, com idade entre 4,5 e 30 anos, que foram necropsiados no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Brasília, em decorrência de óbitos sem lesões no crânio e verificar se existe alguma relação com o tipo de manejo adotado. Os achados patológicos nas cavidades orais estiveram presentes em 100% dos casos (64/64). Destes, 67% (43/64) eram animais utilizados em tração animal e neste grupo foram computadas 274 alterações no total. 33% (21/64) eram animais de raça definida, tendo como maior número a raça Quarto de Milha, apresentando 105 alterações. A avaliação odontológica revelou alta prevalência de lesões pré-molares e molares, como crescimento excessivo de dentes presente em todos os animais. Os animais sem raça definida apresentaram mais lesões oclusais e de tecidos moles, enquanto que os de raça definida mais desgaste dentário, afecções bacterianas e traumáticas. Tais achados mostram que as odontopatias são muito prevalentes na clínica de equinos e o manejo alimentar correto, somado a profilaxia dentária são responsáveis pela saúde oral desses animais.
The objective of this study was to describe findings in the teeth and oral cavity in a group of 64 horses, aged between 4.5 and 30 years old, that were necropsied at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of University of Brasília, due to deaths without injuries to the skull and to check if there is some relation with the type of management adopted. Pathological findings in the oral cavities were present in 100% of the cases (64/64). Of these, 67% (43/64) were animals used in animal traction and in this group, 274 changes were computed in total. 33% (21/64) were pure breed animals, with 105 alterations, with the highest number related to the American Quarter Horse. Dental evaluation revealed a high prevalence of premolar and molar injuries, such as excessive tooth growth present in all animals. Mixed-breed animals showed more occlusal and soft tissue injuries, while pure breed animals had more dental, bacterial and traumatic lesions. Such findings show that odontopathies are very prevalent in the clinic of horses and the correct feeding management, in addition to dental prophylaxis are responsible for the oral health of these animals.
O estreitamento da relação entre tutores e animais de companhia, nas últimas décadas, aumentou consideravelmente o risco de transmissão de patógenos dos animais para os humanos. A microbiota da cavidade oral de animais de companhia é polimicrobiana e estes agentes podem potencialmente infectar humanos pelas mordeduras ou contato direto com mucosas ou feridas de pele. No entanto, são escassas as informações sobre a identificação destes micro-organismos por técnicas moleculares (microbioma, proteômica). Ainda, o perfil de sensibilidade microbiana in vitro da microbiota bacteriana bucal de cães e a etiologia dos agentes envolvidos em mordeduras em humanos não são completamente elucidados, posto que muitos cães são errantes e evadem após a agressão. Com efeito, o presente estudo investigou a presença de agentes de origem bacteriana e fúngica na cavidade oral de 100 cães hígidos por técnicas de cultivo microbiano convencional, sequenciamento genético em larga escala (microbioma) e espectrometria de massas (MALDI-TOF MS), bem como investigou o perfil de sensibilidade/resistência in vitro dos isolados. Foram identificados 213 micro-organismos de origem bacteriana e 20 de origem fúngica. Os agentes bacterianos mais prevalentes no diagnóstico microbiológico e espectrometria de massas foram Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (40/100=40%), Streptococcus -hemolítico (37/100=37%) e Pasteurella stomatis (22/100=22%). O gênero de fungo mais prevalente foi Aspergillus (10/100=10%). Imipenem (207/213=97,2%), ceftiofur (196/213=92%) e amoxicilina/ácido clavulânico (194/213=91,1%) foram os antimicrobianos mais eficazes, enquanto a maior resistência dos isolados foi observada com o uso de sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim (77/213=36,1%), penicilina (75/213=35,2%) e azitromicina (48/213=22,5%). Multirresistência bacteriana foi identificada em 18,8% dos isolados (40/213), além da detecção do gene de resistência mecA em três isolados (3/49=6,1%) de estafilococos coagulase-positivos, sendo um S. aureus. e dois S. pseudintermedius. No sequenciamento em larga escala foram identificados predominantemente os gêneros Porphyromonas (32,5%), Moraxella (16,3%), Fusobacterium (12,8%) e Conchiformibius (9,5%), seguidos em menor frequência por Bergeyella (5%), Campylobacter (3,8%) e Capnocytophaga (3,4%). Alta complexidade de micro-organismos foi identificada na microbiota oral de cães aparentemente hígidos, incluindo agentes de potencial zoonótico. Ainda, os isolados revelaram alta multirresistência aos antimicrobianos convencionais, sendo um problema emergente em saúde pública. No geral, a natureza polimicrobiana da microbiota oral de cães e a multirresistência dos patógenos aos antimicrobianos convencionais reforçam o risco potencial de lesões contaminadas causadas por mordeduras de cães em humanos e a necessidade de tratamento dessas lesões com base na identificação etiológica e perfil de sensibilidade antimicrobiana dos isolados.
The close relationship between humans and companion animals in recent decades has strongly increased the risk of transmission of pathogens from pets-to-humans. The microbiota of the oral cavity from companion animals is polymicrobial and these agents may potentially infect humans through bites or by direct contact with mucous membranes or cutaneous lesions. Nonetheless, the identification of these microorganisms by molecular techniques (microbiome, proteomics) is scarce. Besides, the in vitro microbial susceptibility pattern of oral bacterial microbiota from dogs and the etiology of agents involved in human bites are not fully understood, since many dogs are homeless and/or evade after aggression. The present study investigated the presence of bacterial and fungal agents in the oral cavity of 100 healthy dogs based on conventional microbiological culture, large-scale DNA sequencing (microbiome), and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility profile of the isolates was assessed as well. A total of 213 bacterial and 20 fungal microorganisms were identified. The most prevalent bacterial agents diagnosed by microbiological culture and mass spectrometry were Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (40/100=40%), -hemolytic Streptococcus (37/100=37%), and Pasteurella stomatis (22/100=22%), whereas the most common genus of fungi was Aspergillus (10/100=10%). Imipenem (207/213=97.2%), ceftiofur (196/213=92%), and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (194/213=91.1%) were the most effective antimicrobials. Conversely, the highest resistance of isolates was observed to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (77/213=36.1%), penicillin (75/213=35.2%), and azithromycin (48/213=22.5%). Multidrug resistance was identified in 18.8% of the bacterial isolates (40/213), in addition to the detection of the resistance gene mecA in three isolates of coagulase-positive staphylococci (3/49=6.1%) (one S. aureus and two S. pseudintermedius). In large-scale sequencing, the most predominant genera were Porphyromonas (32.5%), Moraxella (16.3%), Fusobacterium (12.8%), and Conchiformibius (9.5%). Less frequently, there were identified Bergeyella spp. (5%), Campylobacter spp. (3.8%), and Capnocytophaga spp. (3.4%). High complexity of agents was identified in oral microbiota of apparently healthy dogs, including pathogens with zoonotic potential. Also, isolates revealed a high multidrug resistance to conventional antimicrobials, an emergent public health issue. Overall, the polymicrobial nature of oral microbiota of dogs and multi-resistance of the agents to conventional drugs highlights the potential risk of contaminated lesions caused by bites from dogs-to-humans, and need for treatment of these lesions based on etiology identification with a combination of methods, and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern.
Os quelônios são importantes como fonte alimentar e econômica para as comunidades da região amazônica. Sendo assim, a caça, a pesca e a procura por ovos destes animais tem ocorrido frequentemente. Podocnemis expansa (Tartaruga da Amazônia) é o maior quelônio de água doce da América do Sul. É uma espécie largamente distribuída, porém, nota-se que aspectos anatômicos da espécie são insuficientemente descritos. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever a cavidade orofaríngea desses quelônios. Foram utilizadas 12 cabeças de P. expansa adultas, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 3 a 8 anos, com peso corpóreo de 5 a 22kg (média de 7,5kg). P. expansa conta com a presença de rafontecas afiadas e bem desenvolvidas que, associadas à musculatura potente da mandíbula e à língua volumosa e bem distribuída no assoalho da orofaringe, atuam na apreensão e deglutição do alimento, garantindo uma maior adaptação em diversos ambientes.(AU)
Turtles are important as food and economic resources for the Amazon communities and there is a large demand on its meat and eggs. Podocnemis expansa (Giant South American turtle) is the largest freshwater chelonian of South America. This turtle is a widely distributed specie, however its anatomical features are poorly described. The objective of this study was to describe the oropharyngeal cavity of the turtle. Twelve heads of 3 to 8-year-old female and male P. expansa turtles with an average body weight of 7.5kg were used. P. expansa has a sharp and well developed rhamphotheca, which together with a powerful jaw muscles and a large tongue uniformly distributed on the oropharynx floor works for the apprehension and swallowing of food, what ensures good adaptation in different environments.(AU)