We compared the effect of the treatment with strength training (ST) and raloxifene (RALOX) on bone weight, blood glucose, lipid, and antioxidant profile in ovariectomized rats. Twenty-four Wistar rats were distributed into four groups: ovariectomy + VEHICLE (control); ovariectomy + RALOX; ovariectomy + ST; ovariectomy + RALOX + ST. Thirty days after ovariectomy, the animals underwent the treatment with RALOX (750 µcg day-1) and/or ST (three sessions week-1). Thirty days after, all groups were scarified, tibia and femur were weighed, and the blood was collected for analysis of the lipid profile, glucose, and antioxidants catalase (CAT) and glutathione (GSH). The ST group showed greater femur weight (0.82 ± 0.18 g) and RALOX + ST had greater tibia weight (0.61± 0.17 g) than CONTROL with femur weight of 0.65 ± 0.08 g and tibia of 0.49 ± 0.08 g with no differences between treatments (p > 0.05). ST group showed significantly higher catalase (181.7 ± 15.4 µM g-1) compared to the other groups. In contrast, the GSH value was lower in ST group (89.2 ± 8.1 µM g-1) compared to RALOX (175.9 ± 17.1 µM g-1) and RALOX + ST (162.8 ± 12.1 µM g-1), but the values of these two groups did not differ from CONTROL(115.3 ± 21.1 µM g-1). Total cholesterol did not differ between groups (p > 0.05), but exercise alone(54.3 ± 2.5 mg dL-1) or with RALOX (53.0 ± 1.5 mg dL-1) resulted in higher HDL cholesterol than CONTROL (45.5 ± 2.5 mg dL-1). Only RALOX+ST presented lower glucose (140.3 ± 9.7 mg dL-1) values than CONTROL (201.7 ± 30.6 mg dL-1). In conclusion, ST promotes similar benefits on bone and metabolic parameters compared to pharmacological treatment in ovariectomized rats.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ratos Wistar/fisiologia , Cloridrato de Raloxifeno/efeitos adversos , Treinamento Resistido/efeitos adversos , Glicemia/análise , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , AntioxidantesResumo
Background: Elective ovariohysterectomy (OH) is minimally invasive, but when performed incorrectly, it can lead to postsurgical complications, such as stump pyometra, ovarian remnant syndrome and foci of adhesion generated by tissue reactions to threads and materials used in vessel hemostasis. The formation of adhesions and successive surgeries predisposes patients to other diseases, such as ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis. Thus, we reported a case of hydronephrosis in a bitch submitted to conventional OH, followed by ovariectomy (OV) due to ovarian remnant syndrome and consequent intraperitoneal adhesions caused by successive surgical interventions. Case: A 11-year-old mixed breed medium size bitch with a history of stump pyometra and ovarian remnant syndrome (SOR) was treated at the Veterinary Hospital-HV of UFPA after 2 previous surgeries. It had been spayed using conventional OH and underwent ovariectomy OV approximately 4 years ago, as it showed signs of estrus after the first surgery, characterizing SOR. On physical examination, its abdomen was distended especially in the left hemiabdomen, with no palpable pain. Ultrasonography showed a cavity in the topographic area of the left kidney, with anechoic content, thin walls, and defined contour. There were nonvascularized tubular structures, suggesting hydroureter and severe hydronephrosis. Exploratory celiotomy was performed, showing the intense presence of abdominal adhesions, followed by an incision in the abdominal midline from the xiphoid process in a caudal direction to the pubis, thereby showing the left kidney. After vesical drainage of 900 mL of renal filtrate, atrophy of the renal parenchyma and preservation of the renal capsule was considered, resulting in its complete resection, followed by the synthesis of the abdominal wall. In the postoperative period, the patient was properly monitored and obtained a satisfactory outcome manifested by a complete recovery. After vesical drainage of 900 mL of renal filtrate, atrophy of the renal parenchyma and preservation of the renal capsule only was considered, resulting in its complete resection, followed by the synthesis of the abdominal wall. In the postoperative period, the patient was properly monitored and obtained a satisfactory outcome manifested by a complete recovery. After vesical drainage of 900 mL of renal filtrate, renal parenchymal atrophy and preservation of the renal capsule only was adopted. Discussion: The choice of the conventional OH technique, followed by the failure to perform, favored the formation of adhesions only diagnosed late. Less invasive alternatives achieved less long-term damage. Excessive intracavitary manipulation and reaction to the nylon suture thread favored the development of these adhesions, and consequently, unilateral obstruction of the left ureter, hydroureter, hypertrophy, and destruction of the renal parenchyma, led the patient to undergo a third surgery, namely, unilateral nephrectomy. In this case, no changes were observed in serum levels, leaving only a subtle abdominal enlargement with hydronephrosis installed silently. There was no possibility of carrying out initial surgical planning, as the affected kidney, making unilateral nephrectomy necessary. Currently, the patient has normal renal function in the contralateral organ, with no clinical or laboratory changes because the affected kidney was not functional, making unilateral nephrectomy necessary. Currently, the patient has normal renal function with no clinical or laboratory changes because the affected kidney was not functional, making unilateral nephrectomy necessary. Currently, the patient has normal renal function in the contralateral organ, with no clinical or laboratory changes.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Aderências Teciduais/veterinária , Hidronefrose/cirurgia , Hidronefrose/veterinária , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: To investigate inhibitory effect of Astragalus polysaccharide (APS) on osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats by regulating FoxO3a/Wnt2 signaling pathway. Methods: Postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOP) animal model was developed by excising the bilateral ovaries of rats. The model rats were administered with APS (200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg, 800 mg/kg) by intragastric administration once daily for 12 weeks. Bone density, bone metabolism index and oxidative stress index were measured in all groups. Furthermore, the regulation of APS of FoxO3a / Wnt2 signaling pathway was observed. Results: APS has an estrogen-like effect, which can increase bone mass, lower serum ALP and BGP values, increase blood calcium content, and increase bone density of the femur and vertebrae in rats. At the same time, APS can increase the bone mineral content of the femur, increase the maximum stress, maximum load and elastic modulus of the ovariectomized rats, improve oxidative stress in rats by increasing the gene expression of β-catenin and Wnt2 mRNA and inhibiting the gene expression of FoxO3a mRNA. Conclusion: Astragalus polysaccharide can effectively alleviate oxidative stress-mediated osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats, which may be related to its regulation of FoxO3a/Wnt2/β-catenin pathway.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Osteoporose/genética , Osteoporose/metabolismo , Osteoporose/fisiopatologia , Astragalus propinquus/efeitos dos fármacos , Ovariectomia/métodos , Modelos Animais de DoençasResumo
Purpose: To verify the influence of oophorectomy on lipidogram and glycemia. Methods: Fifty six female rats were divided into the following 7 groups (n = 8): group 1 - sham group, group 2 - oophorectomy 30 days, group 3 - oophorectomy 35 days, group 4 - oophorectomy 40 days, group 5 - oophorectomy 45 days, group 6 - oophorectomy 70 days, group 7 - oophorectomy 55 days. Animals were following by number of days according the group. Was evaluated the serum levels of glucose and lipid profile. Results: The oophorectomized rats presented higher glycemia. Groups 3, 4, 6 and 7 had a higher glycemia and LDL levels (except for group 6) and groups 6 and 7 had lowest levels of HDL. Group 7 had highest level of VLDL than oophorectomy groups. There was no difference in triglycerides levels. Conclusion: Oophorectomy was related to dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, mainly after 50th days.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Ovariectomia/efeitos adversos , Dislipidemias/diagnóstico , Glicemia/análise , Ratos WistarResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the bone structure of the mandibular condyle through an animal model, after ovariectomy. Methods: Thirty-six female Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups. The OVX group was submitted to bilateral ovariectomy, the SHAM group underwent the same surgical treatment, but without removal of the ovaries. After 90, 105 and 135 days after surgery, six animals from each group were submitted to euthanasia and the part containing the condyle was removed. Results: The microscopic analysis shows an increase in marrow spaces over time in the OVX group. The morphometric study shows reduction in the amount of bone tissue in the OVX group 135 days period in comparison with for the initial period (90 days) (p 0.05, ANOVA, Tukey). Conclusion: The estrogen deficiency also affects the bone structure of the condyle.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Ovariectomia/efeitos adversos , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Côndilo Mandibular/anormalidades , Côndilo Mandibular/cirurgia , Ratos/anormalidades , Ratos/cirurgiaResumo
Background: Laparoscopic ovariectomy it is used more than 20 years in veterinary medicine, however, information of this technique in Brazil are rare. Also, the cost for his execution are high, specially the ovarian hemostasis procedure, that depends on highly specialized surgical instruments. The goal of this study is show the results achieved during laparoscopic ovariectomy in mares using a device to apply and cut tie-wraps, developed by the authors and that is in a patent process. Materials, Methods & Results: Four mares with ovarian pathologies were selected for a standing unilateral ovariectomy procedure and access to cavity occurred through three laparoscopic portals. The vessels and ligament were dissected to allow positioning of a polyamide tie-wrap by the device for cutting and applying those seals. Occlusion was made by pushing, and cutting through a rotation on the tie latch. Then, the mesovarium was cut with laparoscopic scissors and ovary removed by a communication between two accesses. Total surgical time and the equipment handling were noted. The average duration of surgical procedures was 80 ± 12.35 min and device handling time since its external preparation, application and cutting the polyamide tie-wraps was 3.4 ± 2.63 min. Only in one of four animals it was necessary to apply more than one tie, since the first promoted incomplete vessels occlusion [...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos/cirurgia , Tecnologia Culturalmente Apropriada/análise , Redução de Custos , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Hemostasia Cirúrgica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Laparoscopic ovariectomy it is used more than 20 years in veterinary medicine, however, information of this technique in Brazil are rare. Also, the cost for his execution are high, specially the ovarian hemostasis procedure, that depends on highly specialized surgical instruments. The goal of this study is show the results achieved during laparoscopic ovariectomy in mares using a device to apply and cut tie-wraps, developed by the authors and that is in a patent process. Materials, Methods & Results: Four mares with ovarian pathologies were selected for a standing unilateral ovariectomy procedure and access to cavity occurred through three laparoscopic portals. The vessels and ligament were dissected to allow positioning of a polyamide tie-wrap by the device for cutting and applying those seals. Occlusion was made by pushing, and cutting through a rotation on the tie latch. Then, the mesovarium was cut with laparoscopic scissors and ovary removed by a communication between two accesses. Total surgical time and the equipment handling were noted. The average duration of surgical procedures was 80 ± 12.35 min and device handling time since its external preparation, application and cutting the polyamide tie-wraps was 3.4 ± 2.63 min. Only in one of four animals it was necessary to apply more than one tie, since the first promoted incomplete vessels occlusion [...]
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/cirurgia , Redução de Custos , Tecnologia Culturalmente Apropriada/análise , Hemostasia Cirúrgica/veterinária , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of the Chenopodium ambrosioides L (mastruz) extract for preventing bone loss and bone metabolism in ovariectomized rats. METHODS: Twelve rats were subjected to bilateral ovariectomy for inducing osteoporosis. After surgery, they were divided into two groups: Ovariectomy-control group (G1, n=6), receiving 0.5 ml distilled water by gavage for 30 days, and Ovariectomy plus mastruz group (G2, n=6), receiving 0.5 ml of the hydroalcoholic extract of mastruz at 10% concentration (50mg) daily, for the same period. Then, the blood of the animals was collected for further biochemical analysis (liver function) and tibia and liver were removed for histological and histomorphometric analyses. RESULTS: The cortical bone was significantly larger in the G2 than G1, whereas G1 presented the highest amount of adipocytes in the bone marrow (p 0.05). The blood levels of aspartate aminotransferase, triglycerides and cholesterol were significantly higher, whereas globulin and lactate dehydrogenase were smaller in G2 than G1. CONCLUSION: The hydroalcoholic extract of mastruz has effects on bone metabolism by changing blood proteins and enzymes and preventing both bone loss and the substitution of bone marrow cells by...(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Chenopodium ambrosioides/química , Osteoporose , OvariectomiaResumo
Background: The ovarian remnant syndrome (ORS) is the persistence of ovarian activity in spayed bitches or queens, which results from failure in complete gonadal removal or due to the presence of accessory ovaries on the uterine broad ligament. In most of cases, surgical approach may be required in order to both diagnose and treat the syndrome. The current case report describes the usefulness of video-assisted surgery as an alternative to diagnosis and treatment of an unusual case of ORS and stump piometra in a bitch.Case: The purpose of the current study was to report the case of a 4-year-old Dachshund bitch, bearing paraplegia due to intervertebral disk disease (IVDD), showing estrus and pseudo pregnancy regularly for two years. This report describes the use of alternative exploratory video-assisted laparoscopy followed by ovariectomy as a safe and effective method for both diagnosing and treating the ORS and stump pyometra uterine horn held in HV-UPF. Following complementary exams, the patient was submitted to ultrasonography, which revealed the presence of masses resembling ovaries caudally to the respective renal caudal pole. A two-portal laparoscopic-assisted approach was chosen for the surgical treatment. The intact ovary and a remnant uterine horn stump were present on the right side. On the left side, there was the intact ovary. The overall surgical time was 115 min...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Piometra/veterinária , Ovário/diagnóstico por imagem , Folículo Ovariano , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
To investigate the effect of vibration therapy on the bone callus of fractured femurs and the bone quality of intact femurs in ovariectomized rats. METHODS: Fifty-six rats aged seven weeks were divided into four groups: control with femoral fracture (CON, n=14), ovariectomized with femoral fracture (OVX, n=14), control with femoral fracture plus vibration therapy (CON+VT, n=14), and ovariectomized with femoral fracture plus vibration therapy (OVX+VT, n=14). Three months after ovariectomy or sham surgery, a complete fracture was produced at the femoral mid-diaphysis and stabilized with a 1-mm-diameter intramedullary Kirschner wire. X-rays confirmed the fracture alignment and fixation. Three days later, the VT groups underwent vibration therapy (1 mm, 60 Hz for 20 minutes, three times per week for 14 or 28 days). The bone and callus quality were assessed by densitometry, three-dimensional microstructure, and mechanical test. RESULTS : Ovariectomized rats exhibited a substantial loss of bone mass and severe impairment in bone microarchitecture, both in the non-fractured femur and the bone callus. Whole-body vibration therapy exerted an important role in ameliorating the bone and fracture callus parameters in the osteoporotic bone. CONCLUSION: Vibration therapy improved bone quality and the quality of the fracture bone callus in ovariectomized rats.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Vibração/uso terapêutico , Osteoporose/terapia , Calo Ósseo , Fraturas do Fêmur/terapia , OvariectomiaResumo
Background: The ovarian remnant syndrome (ORS) is the persistence of ovarian activity in spayed bitches or queens, which results from failure in complete gonadal removal or due to the presence of accessory ovaries on the uterine broad ligament. In most of cases, surgical approach may be required in order to both diagnose and treat the syndrome. The current case report describes the usefulness of video-assisted surgery as an alternative to diagnosis and treatment of an unusual case of ORS and stump piometra in a bitch.Case: The purpose of the current study was to report the case of a 4-year-old Dachshund bitch, bearing paraplegia due to intervertebral disk disease (IVDD), showing estrus and pseudo pregnancy regularly for two years. This report describes the use of alternative exploratory video-assisted laparoscopy followed by ovariectomy as a safe and effective method for both diagnosing and treating the ORS and stump pyometra uterine horn held in HV-UPF. Following complementary exams, the patient was submitted to ultrasonography, which revealed the presence of masses resembling ovaries caudally to the respective renal caudal pole. A two-portal laparoscopic-assisted approach was chosen for the surgical treatment. The intact ovary and a remnant uterine horn stump were present on the right side. On the left side, there was the intact ovary. The overall surgical time was 115 min...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Folículo Ovariano , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Ovário/diagnóstico por imagem , Piometra/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
Objective: Evaluate the effect of in vitro triiodothyronine (T3) on the reduced osteogenic potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) of adult rats with osteoporosis compared with BMMSCs of young and adult rats without osteoporosis. Methods: groups were tested: BMMSCs of young rats; BMMSCs of adult rats without osteoporosis; BMMSCs of adult rats with osteoporosis without T3 and BMMSCs of adult rats with osteoporosis treated with T3 (0.01, 1, 100 and 1000 nM). Alkaline phosphatase activity, MTT reduction, mineralized nodules and gene expression for collagen, osteocalcin, sialoprotein, osteopontin and BMP-2 were evaluated. Results: Osteoporosis increased the alkaline phosphatase activity and reduced the formation of mineralized nodules and expression of collagen and osteopontin in at least one of the observed time points. However, the T3 treatment of BMMSCs of rats with osteoporosis altered these parameters. Conclusion: It was concluded that doses of T3, 0.01 and 1000 nM had a positive effect promoted by increased osteogenic matrix synthesis and collagen expression in at least one of the evaluated time points compared to BMMSCs of rats with osteoporosis without treatment. However, T3 was unable to reach the osteogenic potential of the MSCs of healthy young rats.(AU)
Cobaias , Ratos , Osteoporose/veterinária , Medula Óssea , Hormônios Tireóideos/uso terapêutico , Osteogênese , Células-Tronco , Técnicas de Cultura de Células/veterináriaResumo
Objective: Evaluate the effect of in vitro triiodothyronine (T3) on the reduced osteogenic potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) of adult rats with osteoporosis compared with BMMSCs of young and adult rats without osteoporosis. Methods: groups were tested: BMMSCs of young rats; BMMSCs of adult rats without osteoporosis; BMMSCs of adult rats with osteoporosis without T3 and BMMSCs of adult rats with osteoporosis treated with T3 (0.01, 1, 100 and 1000 nM). Alkaline phosphatase activity, MTT reduction, mineralized nodules and gene expression for collagen, osteocalcin, sialoprotein, osteopontin and BMP-2 were evaluated. Results: Osteoporosis increased the alkaline phosphatase activity and reduced the formation of mineralized nodules and expression of collagen and osteopontin in at least one of the observed time points. However, the T3 treatment of BMMSCs of rats with osteoporosis altered these parameters. Conclusion: It was concluded that doses of T3, 0.01 and 1000 nM had a positive effect promoted by increased osteogenic matrix synthesis and collagen expression in at least one of the evaluated time points compared to BMMSCs of rats with osteoporosis without treatment. However, T3 was unable to reach the osteogenic potential of the MSCs of healthy young rats.
Cobaias , Ratos , Hormônios Tireóideos/uso terapêutico , Medula Óssea , Osteogênese , Osteoporose/veterinária , Células-Tronco , Técnicas de Cultura de Células/veterináriaResumo
To evaluate the female sterilization by occlusion of the ovarian blood flow, using the rat as experimental model. Fifty-five females rats were divided into four groups: I (n=10), bilateral ovariectomy, euthanized at 60 or 90 days; II (n=5), opening the abdominal cavity, euthanized at 90 days; III (n=20), bilateral occlusion of the ovarian blood supply using titanium clips, euthanized at 60 or 90 days; and IV (n=20), bilateral occlusion of the ovarian blood supply using nylon thread, euthanized at 60 or 90 days. The estrous cycle was monitored by vaginal cytology. After euthanasia, the reproductive tissues were evaluated histologically. RESULTS: Ovarian atresia was identified macroscopically at 60 days after surgery in the rats in groups III and IV; however, most of the rats in group III maintained cyclicity. Histology of the tissues from group IV revealed that the ovarian tissue was replaced by dense fibrous connective tissue that was slightly vascularized and that intact follicles were absent by 90 days. OOvarian blood vessels occluded caused ischemia, leading to progressive tissue necrosis, and bilateral occlusion using a nylon ligature is a viable method for surgical sterilization.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Esterilização/tendências , Ovário/anatomia & histologia , Castração/veterinária , Vasos Sanguíneos/anatomia & histologia , Ratos/classificação , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
To compare two rat ovary cryopreservation techniques (vitrification vs. slow freezing) and two postmenopausal stages (early vs. late) with regard to graft take. Thirty-three Wistar rats were submitted to bilateral oophorectomy. One ovary was submitted to histological analysis while the other was cryopreserved by slow freezing or vitrification. The cryopreserved ovary was thawed and reimplanted in the greater omentum one week (early menopause) or one month (late menopause) after oophorectomy. One month after ovary reimplantation, the graft take was evaluated macroscopically and histologically. Six of the animals were used ascontrols and seven died. The histological findings of 20 animals included atretic follicles (n=4), primordial follicles (n=2), and corpus luteum with primordial follicles (n=3). No ovarian tissue was found in 11 animals. Vitrification resulted in a higher graft take rate than slow freezing (50% vs. 38.5%), but the difference was not statistically significant. However, the graft take rate was 9.3 times higher in the early than in the late postmenopausal stage (61.5% vs. 14.3%) (p=0.043). Vitrification was superior to slow freezing as ovarian cryopreservation technique, and grafting was significantly more successful when the ovary was reimplanted in the late postmenopausal stage.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Ovário/anatomia & histologia , Vitrificação , Criopreservação , Ratos/classificaçãoResumo
Nos gatos, o reconhecimento da dor é um evidente desafio para os avaliadores, e o mesmo tem sido descrito como uma causa de sub tratamento da dor nesta espécie. Uma das formas mais eficiente de controlar a dor durante e após a cirurgia se dá por infiltração de agentes anestésicos locais que bloqueiam impulsos nervosos aferentes. A lidocaína é o anestésico local mais versátil e amplamente utilizado em medicina veterinária, devido a sua curta latência, duração do efeito e toxicidade moderada. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar três técnicas de bloqueio local, como parte de um protocolo multimodal, em gatas submetidas a ovariectomia laparoscópica eletiva. Este estudo experimental, prospectivo, controlado, aleatório e cego incluiu 38 gatas, assignadas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos (GC, n = 10; GInc, n = 10; GIP, n = 9; e GCAVO, n = 9). A dor foi avaliada utilizando a EVA, EUNESP e EGLASGOW, prévio à cirurgia, uma, duas, três e seis horas após a extubação, assim como os parâmetros hemodinâmicos e hemogasométricos transcirúrgicos. Observou-se aumentou significativo da FC durante a hemostasia do primeiro e segundo ovário comparado ao início e final da cirurgia (p=0,000; p = 0,000) em todos os grupos. A PAM mostrou-se significativamente maior na hemostasia do primeiro (p = 0,05) e segundo ovário (p = 0,01), em comparação ao fim da cirurgia em todos os grupos. Houve diferença estatística entre o momento T0 e T1 pela EVA (p=0,040); assim como em T1 e T2 comparado ao T0 pela EUNESP (p = 0,025 e p = 0,027, respectivamente). Observaram-se valores significativamente maiores duas horas após a extubação (T2) em contraste com a sexta hora (T6), tanto pela EUNESP (p = 0,005), como pela escala CMPS-F (p = 0,017). No T3, os escores de dor atingidos pelo GIP foram significativamente maiores que o GCAVO (p = 0,041). 15,8 % das gatas receberam resgate analgésico no transoperatório devido ao aumento da FC, PAM e/ou FR, 66% pertenciam ao GInc, 17% ao GIP e 17% ao GCAVO. No pós-cirúrgico, 13,5% (5/38) receberam resgate analgésico. Destas, 60% pertenciam ao GIP, 20% ao GCAVO e 20% ao GC. A administração intraperitoneal de lidocaína pode ser uma técnica útil para reduzir a dor trans-cirúrgica, enquanto que, o uso de infiltração incisional com essa medicação, melhora a dor pós-operatória precoce em laparoscopias de gatas.
In cats, the recognition of pain is a marked challenge for the evaluators, and the same has been described as a cause of pain sub treatment in this species. One of the most efficient ways to control pain during and after surgery is by infiltration of local anesthetic agents that block afferent nerve impulses. Lidocaine is the most versatile and widely used local anesthetic in veterinary medicine due to its short latency, duration of effect and moderate toxicity. The aim of this work was to compare three techniques of local blockade, as part of a multimodal protocol in cats submitted to elective laparoscopic ovariectomy. This prospective, controlled, randomized, blind study included 38 cats, assigned to four groups (GC, n = 10, GInc, n = 10, GIP, n = 9 and GCAVO, n = 9). They were evaluated subjectively and objectively using EVA, EUNESP and CMPS-F, prior to surgery, one, two, three and six hours after extubating, as well as the hemodynamic and trans-surgical hemogasometric parameters. A significant increase in HR during hemostasis of the first and second ovary was observed compared to the beginning and end of surgery (p = 0.000; p = 0.000) in all groups. MAP was significantly higher during hemostasis of the first (p = 0.05) and second ovary (p = 0.01), compared to the end of surgery in all groups. There was statistical difference between T0 and T1 by the VAS (p = 0.040); as well as in T1 and T2 compared to T0 through EUNESP (p = 0.025 and p = 0.027, respectively). Significantly higher values were observed two hours after extubating (T2) in contrast to the sixth hour (T6) both by EUNESP (p = 0.005) and CMPS-F scale (p = 0.017). In T3, the pain scores achieved by GIP were significantly higher than the GCAVO (p = 0.041). 15.8% of the cats received transoperative analgesic rescue due to the increase in HR, MAP and/or f, 66% belonged to GInc, 17% to GIP and 17% to GCAVO. In the postoperative period, 13.5% (5/38) received analgesic rescue. Of these, 60% belonged to GIP, 20% to GCAVO and 20% to GC. Intraperitoneal administration of lidocaine may be a useful technique to reduce trans-surgical pain, while the use of incisional infiltration with this medication improves early postoperative pain in laparoscopic catheterization.
Os cistos ovarianos são estruturas não funcionais que podem aparecer espontaneamente ao longo do ciclo reprodutivo. Costumam provocar um aumento de secreção de hormônios sexuais que leva a ciclos irregulares e infertilidade. Foi atendida uma porquinha-da-índia de quatro anos que era alimentada com ração para roedores, frutas e legumes e apresentava anorexia, perda progressiva de peso e abdômen distendido. A ecografia abdominal mostrou a presença de cistos ovarianos, e foi indicada a realização de uma laparotomia exploratória. A indução foi feita com xilazina (1 mg/kg), cetamina (25 mg/kg) e nalbufina (1 mg/kg), e a manutenção, inicialmente com isoflurano 3%, e depois com 1%. Após a laparotomia mediana foram identificados e extirpados os cistos ovarianos e os ovários, sendo deixados os cornos e o corpo do útero, já que não apresentavam lesões aparentes. O tratamento pós-operatório foi feito com enrofloxacina (5 mg/kg a cada 24hs via SC) e dieta comercial por dez dias, até a retirada dos pontos cirúrgicos.
Ovarian cysts are non functional fluid-filled structures, which can spontaneously develop in the ovaries during the reproductive cycle, and secrete female hormones in increased amounts, causing irregular reproductive cycles and infertility. We describe the case of a 4 years old, intacte female guinea pig presented with anorexia, progressive weight loss and enlarged abdomen. She was fed commercial rodent dry food, fruits and vegetables. An abdominal ultrasonography revealed the presence of ovarian cysts, and an exploratory laparotomy was recommended. The pig was anesthetized with a combination of intramuscular xylazine (1 mg/kg); ketamine (25 mg/kg) and nalbuphine (1 mg/kg) followed by inhalatory anesthesia with 3% isoflurane during induction and 1% for maintenance. Surgical approach was median laparotomy. Bilateral ovariectomy with removal of the ovariany cyst was performed. Uterine structures had no evidence of pathologic conditions, and were left untouched. Postoperative treatment consisted in administration of enrofloxacin 5 mg/kg every 24 hours via SC, feeding of commercial food until sutures were removed, 10 days after surgery.
Los quistes ováricos son estructuras no funcionales que pueden desarrollarse espontáneamente a lo largo del ciclo reproductivo. Suelen segregar hormonas sexuales en cantidades aumentadas, que provocan ciclos reproductivos irregulares e infertilidad. Se presentó para consulta una cobaya de 4 años de edad, alimentada con alimento balanceado para roedores, frutas y verduras, que presentaba anorexia, pérdida progresiva de peso y abdomen piriforme. Tras el diagnóstico ecográfico de quistes ováricos, se decidió la cirugía a través de una laparotomía amplia por línea media. La inducción se realizó con una asociación de xilazina (1 mg/kg), ketamina (25 mg/kg) y nalbufina (1 mg/kg) por via intramuscular. La anestesia inhalatoria se realizó con isofluorano al 3% para la inducción, y al 1% para el mantenimiento anestésico. Después de hecha una laparotomía mediana se identificaron y extirparon los quistes ováricos y los respectivos ovarios, dejando intactos el cuerpo y cuernos uterinos, ya que no evidenciaban lesiones aparentes. El tratamiento postquirúrgico fue realizado con enrofloxacina (5 mg/kg cada 24 horas víaSC) y alimentación oral con concentrados específicos comerciales por el término de 10 días hasta la remoción de la sutura.
Animais , Cobaias , Cistos Ovarianos/cirurgia , Cistos Ovarianos/diagnóstico por imagem , Cistos Ovarianos/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
Os cistos ovarianos são estruturas não funcionais que podem aparecer espontaneamente ao longo do ciclo reprodutivo. Costumam provocar um aumento de secreção de hormônios sexuais que leva a ciclos irregulares e infertilidade. Foi atendida uma porquinha-da-índia de quatro anos que era alimentada com ração para roedores, frutas e legumes e apresentava anorexia, perda progressiva de peso e abdômen distendido. A ecografia abdominal mostrou a presença de cistos ovarianos, e foi indicada a realização de uma laparotomia exploratória. A indução foi feita com xilazina (1 mg/kg), cetamina (25 mg/kg) e nalbufina (1 mg/kg), e a manutenção, inicialmente com isoflurano 3%, e depois com 1%. Após a laparotomia mediana foram identificados e extirpados os cistos ovarianos e os ovários, sendo deixados os cornos e o corpo do útero, já que não apresentavam lesões aparentes. O tratamento pós-operatório foi feito com enrofloxacina (5 mg/kg a cada 24hs via SC) e dieta comercial por dez dias, até a retirada dos pontos cirúrgicos.(AU)
Ovarian cysts are non functional fluid-filled structures, which can spontaneously develop in the ovaries during the reproductive cycle, and secrete female hormones in increased amounts, causing irregular reproductive cycles and infertility. We describe the case of a 4 years old, intacte female guinea pig presented with anorexia, progressive weight loss and enlarged abdomen. She was fed commercial rodent dry food, fruits and vegetables. An abdominal ultrasonography revealed the presence of ovarian cysts, and an exploratory laparotomy was recommended. The pig was anesthetized with a combination of intramuscular xylazine (1 mg/kg); ketamine (25 mg/kg) and nalbuphine (1 mg/kg) followed by inhalatory anesthesia with 3% isoflurane during induction and 1% for maintenance. Surgical approach was median laparotomy. Bilateral ovariectomy with removal of the ovariany cyst was performed. Uterine structures had no evidence of pathologic conditions, and were left untouched. Postoperative treatment consisted in administration of enrofloxacin 5 mg/kg every 24 hours via SC, feeding of commercial food until sutures were removed, 10 days after surgery.(AU)
Los quistes ováricos son estructuras no funcionales que pueden desarrollarse espontáneamente a lo largo del ciclo reproductivo. Suelen segregar hormonas sexuales en cantidades aumentadas, que provocan ciclos reproductivos irregulares e infertilidad. Se presentó para consulta una cobaya de 4 años de edad, alimentada con alimento balanceado para roedores, frutas y verduras, que presentaba anorexia, pérdida progresiva de peso y abdomen piriforme. Tras el diagnóstico ecográfico de quistes ováricos, se decidió la cirugía a través de una laparotomía amplia por línea media. La inducción se realizó con una asociación de xilazina (1 mg/kg), ketamina (25 mg/kg) y nalbufina (1 mg/kg) por via intramuscular. La anestesia inhalatoria se realizó con isofluorano al 3% para la inducción, y al 1% para el mantenimiento anestésico. Después de hecha una laparotomía mediana se identificaron y extirparon los quistes ováricos y los respectivos ovarios, dejando intactos el cuerpo y cuernos uterinos, ya que no evidenciaban lesiones aparentes. El tratamiento postquirúrgico fue realizado con enrofloxacina (5 mg/kg cada 24 horas víaSC) y alimentación oral con concentrados específicos comerciales por el término de 10 días hasta la remoción de la sutura.(AU)
Animais , Cobaias , Cistos Ovarianos/cirurgia , Cistos Ovarianos/veterinária , Cistos Ovarianos/diagnóstico por imagem , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
PURPOSE: To assess pregnancy of rabbits submitted to bilateral ovariectomy and orthotopic allogeneic or autologous intact and sliced ovarian transplantation without a vascular pedicle and to determine the morphofunctional aspects of the transplanted ovaries. METHODS: Fifty-six female rabbits were studied. The ovaries were removed and orthotopically transplanted or replaced without vascular anastomoses: Group 1 (n=8), only laparotomy and laparorrhaphy, Group 2A (n=8) intact ovaries were transplanted on both sides, Group 2B (n=8) both ovaries were sliced and orthotopically transplanted, Group 2C (n=8), an intact ovary was transplanted on one side and a sliced ovary on the other side. In Group 3 the ovaries were reimplanted according to the procedure and subgroups described for Group 2. Three months later, the animals were paired with males for copulation. Estradiol, progesterone, FSH and LH hormone levels were assessed. A histologic study was carried out, and the number of pregnancies and litters were also determined. Chi-square test compared the number of pregnancies and litters. One-way ANOVA and the Tukey-Kramer tests compared the hormonal dosages. RESULTS: Pregnancies occurred in seven (87.5%) rabbits of Group 1, in three rabbits (37.5%) of Groups 2A and 3A, in four rabbits (50%) of groups 2B, 3B and 3C, and in five (62.5%) of group 2C. Normal hormone serum levels and histology confirmed the vitality of all ovaries. CONCLUSION: Orthotopic allogeneic and autologous ovarian transplantation without a vascular pedicle is viable in rabbits, and preserves their hormonal levels and fertile functions.(AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Gravidez/fisiologia , Fertilidade , Histologia , Coelhos/classificação , TransplanteResumo
Nos últimos anos a técnica de laparoscopia vem ganhando espaço na espécie equina. Recentemente a Cirurgia Endoscópica Transluminal por Orifícios Naturais (NOTES) também vem sendo adaptada para uso em equinos. A técnica de NOTES transvaginal inclui benefícios como acesso a ambos os lados da cavidade por incisão única, menor trauma cirúrgico e retorno precoce ao exercício. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade do acesso laparoscópico pelos flancos associado ao acesso NOTES transvaginal e de pinça de apreensão bipolar de 6 cm de extremidade na realização de ovariectomias em éguas hígidas. Foram utilizadas 6 éguas, com idade entre 7 e 20 anos e peso médio de 300kg. Nas três primeiras éguas foi utilizada a pinça de 2 cm de extremidade para cauterização do mesovário e nas últimas três éguas, a pinça de 6 cm de extremidade. Todas submetidas a jejum alimentar de 24h a 30h, com água ad libitum. Foram sedadas com cloridrato de detomidina (0,02 mg/kg) por via intravenosa, com suplementação, quando necessária, com metade da dose inicial (0,01 mg/kg). O bloqueio da região paralombar foi realizado com cloridrato de lidocaína 2% nos pontos de acesso dos portais. Todas receberam bloqueio epidural com lidocaína 2%. Uma colpotomia foi realizada 1 cm dorsal à cérvix, para introdução do endoscópio flexível. O acesso laparoscópico, nas primeiras três éguas foi através de três portais de trabalho pelo flanco, já nas três últimas foram apenas dois. Os ovários foram removidos pelo acesso NOTES transvaginal auxiliado pela mão de um cirurgião. As éguas tiveram boa recuperação, sem problemas pós-operatórios significativos. A pinça desenvolvida para o experimento mostrou-se alternativa excelente para a coagulação do mesovário e o acesso laparoscópico pelo flanco associado ao acesso NOTES transvaginal mostrou-se viável para realização das ovariectomias em éguas hígidas.
In the past years, laparoscopic technique has been gaining ground in equine species. Recently, Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) has also being adapted to be used in horses. Transvaginal NOTEs technique includes benefits, such as access to both sides of the cavity through a single incision, less surgical trauma and early return to exercise. This study has the purpose to assess the laparoscopic access feasibility through the flanks associated with transvaginal NOTES and 6 cm end bipolar grasping tweezers when performing ovariectomies in healthy mares. We used 6 mares, aged between 7 and 20 years and average weight of 300 kg. Two-centimeter end tweezers were used in the first three mares to cauterize the mesovarium and the 6-cm end tweezers were used in the last three mares. All mares were subjected to fastening of 24-30 h, with water ad libitum. They were sedated with detomidine hydrochloride (0.02 mg/kg) intravenously, with supplementation, when required, with half of the initial dose (0.01 mg/kg). The paralumbar region block was performed with lidocaine hydrochloride 2% on portal access points. All of them received epidural blocks with lidocaine 2%. A colpotomy was performed 1 cm dorsal to the cervix to insert a flexible endoscope. The laparoscopic access, in the first 3 mares, was performed through 3 working portals through the flank; now in the last 3 mares only 2 working portals were performed. The ovaries were removed through transvaginal NOTES access assisted by the hand of a surgeon. The mares recovered well, without significant post-operatory issues. The tweezers designed for the experiment have shown to be an excellent alternative for mesovarium coagulation and laparoscopic access through the flank and combined with transvaginal NOTES access it was showed to be feasible to perform ovariectomies in healthy mares.