Background: Ovarian enlargement in mares can either be a physiological or pathological condition associated with neoplastic or non-neoplastic causes. Neoplasia is more prominent in elderly than young horses. Granulosa cell tumors are the most common neoplastic cause of ovarian enlargement, and thecoma is the rarest. Thecoma is a benign ovarian stromal neoplasia originating from the sexual cords of the embryonic gonad and can affect the production of steroid hormones, leading to changes in behavior and the estrous cycle. If only one ovary is affected, after unilateral ovariectomy, usually the mare can still be used for reproductive purposes. Herein, we report a case of ovarian thecoma in an elderly Crioulo mare. Case: A 15-year-old Crioulo mare was evaluated due to progressive weight loss. The mare presented a low body score, and on physical examination, all parameters were within reference limits. Hematological examination revealed anemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, and neutrophilia. Serum biochemistry examination were within the physiological limits. Rectal palpation revealed an increase in volume in the left ovary (4.3 × 2.9 × 3 cm), smooth consistency and no associated pain in either of the ovaries. Rectal ultrasonography revealed a heterogeneous pattern, suggesting a neoplasm. As a treatment modality and for definitive diagnosis, the mare underwent a unilateral flank ovariectomy laparoscopically in the quadrupedal position. On histopathological evaluation of the left ovary, the sample showed cysts associated with proliferating spindle cells arranged in a solid arrangement, occasionally forming eddies, in addition to hemosiderosis, with clear cytoplasm and lipid vacuoles. Macroscopically, the ovary presented with a regular surface, smooth to firm consistency, a homogeneous brownish appearance with blackened foci, and brownish fluid-filled cysts. These findings confirmed thecoma of the left ovary in the mare. Discussion: Ovarian enlargement in mares can be associated to the presence of neoplasia. Clinical signs of ovarian neoplasms can be nonspecific; therefore, to achieve a definitive diagnosis, it is imperative to evaluate and compare the patient's history, physical examination, and results of complementary examinations. Excessive production of hormones lead to behavioral changes in mares with ovarian tumors, such as masculinized or aggressive behavior, and anestrus persistence. Thecomas may or may not interfere with steroid production and levels. On ultrasound examination, ovarian neoplasms may present similar echogenicity patterns. Histopathological evaluation is the best diagnostic approach after an ovariectomy. The prognosis of ovariectomy is considerably successful with the mare regaining reproductive health, although some mares may become infertile, with a small, inactive contralateral ovary. Thecoma is a rare neoplasm in horses; however, owing to its potential to cause altered reproductive functions, it should be considered as a differential diagnosis in mares with increased ovarian volume.
Animais , Feminino , Tumor da Célula Tecal/patologia , Células Tecais/citologia , CavalosResumo
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationships between preovulatory follicle (POF) and corpus luteum (CL) diameters, and POF and CL vascular perfusion with progesterone production, ovulation, and pregnancy in Nellore cows subjected to timed artificial insemination (TAI). Nellore cows (n = 201) were subjected to ovulation synchronization and later to ultrasound evaluation of POF and CL at the time of insemination (D0) and seven days later (D7), respectively. Females were divided into three categories according to the POF diameter assessed at the time of insemination: small (SF), medium (MF), and large (LF) follicles. The LF group had a greater number and intensity of pixels in the POF ultrasound exam compared with the SF group. The CL flow intensity and progesterone concentration were also higher in the LF group. The SF group showed lower flow intensity and lower ovulation rate compared with the others. When non-pregnant females were compared to pregnant ones, no difference was observed in any of the analyzed variables. The results show for the first time in Nellore cattle the relationship between the size of ovarian structures and blood flow (quantity and intensity) as well as the ability of the CL to produce progesterone. The intensity of the POF pixels proved to be relevant, demonstrating correlations with the size and flow of the CL, which were not found when evaluating only the number of pixels, thus revealing the importance of evaluating complementary characteristics of the flow.
O tumor de células de Sertoli, classificado como tumor do cordão sexual puro, é caracterizado por provocar manifestações clínicas endócrinas. É encontrado mais comumente em machos e é raro em fêmeas. O presente estudo objetivou relatar um caso de tumor ovariano de células de Sertoli em uma cadela. A paciente era uma fêmea canina, de cinco anos de idade da raça Shi Tzu, que apresentava queixa de "posição de prece" com frequência e anestro há dois anos. O exame físico determinou alopecia difusa e simétrica, hiperpigmentação de pele, pelos frágeis e comedões, com aumento de volume no flanco esquerdo e sensibilidade à palpação abdominal. O exame ultrassonográfico evidenciou estrutura arredondada, de bordas definidas em topografia de ovário esquerdo, medindo aproximadamente 5,27cm em seu maior eixo; além de piometra incipiente. Após ovariossalpingohisterectomia, realizou-se avaliação histopatológica do ovário, com diagnóstico de tumor do cordão sexual/estroma, com padrão de células de Sertoli infiltrativo. Conclui-se que, apesar de incomum, é importante incluir o tumor de células de Sertoli como diagnóstico diferencial, em casos de sinais de desregulação hormonal e alterações no ciclo estral e do pelame do animal. Ressalta-se a importância dos exames de imagem e histopatológicos para o diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento adequado.
Sertoli cells tumor, classified as a pure sexual cord tumor, is characterized by causing endocrine clinical manifestations. It is commonly found in males and is rare in females. The present study aimed to report a case of a Sertoli cell ovarian tumor in a female dog. The patient was a five-year-old female Shi Tzu dog, who complained of prayer position frequently and anestrus for two years. The physical examination determined diffuse and symmetrical alopecia, skin hyperpigmentation, fragile hair, and comedones, with increased volume in the left flank and sensitivity to abdominal palpation. The ultrasound examination evidenced the presence of a rounded structure, with defined edges in the topography of the left ovary, measuring approximately 5.27cm in its longest axis, in addition to incipient pyometra. After ovariosalpingohysterectomy, a histopathological evaluation of the ovary was performed with a diagnosis of sexual cord/stroma with an infiltrative Sertoli cell pattern. It is concluded that, although uncommon, it is important to include the Sertoli cell tumor as a differential diagnosis in cases of signs of hormonal dysregulation and changes in the estrous cycle, and animal's coat. The importance of imaging and histopathological exams for diagnosis, prognosis, and appropriate treatment is highlighted.
Animais , Cães , Doenças Ovarianas/veterinária , Neoplasias Ovarianas/veterinária , Tumor de Células de Sertoli/veterinária , Doenças do CãoResumo
Os hermafroditas verdadeiros são animais com intersexualidade, nos quais as gônadas masculinas e femininas se desenvolvem simultaneamente no mesmo indivíduo. Este trabalho relata um caso de hermafrodita na espécie suína após descarte de uma fêmea por diagnóstico de anestro. Tratava-se de uma fêmea com 222 dias de idade e 150 kg a qual havia sido selecionada para reprodução e permanecia em anestro. O indivíduo foi descartado e enviado para o abate em frigorífico sob inspeção federal. Após o abate foi observado no sistema genital aspectos anatômicos sugestivos de hermafroditismo. O sistema genital foi coletado, inspecionado macroscopicamente e conservado em formol a 10% para avaliação microscópica. Durante a análise macroscópica foi verificada a presença de vulva e vagina, contendo um pênis rudimentar. O útero, a cérvix, os cornos uterinos e oviduto estavam presentes e com ausência de anormalidade. Havia um ovário esquerdo com aspectos morfológicos de ciclicidade e folículos contendo oócitos de alta qualidade. À direita, entretanto, foi constatada a presença de um testículo, epidídimo e plexo pampiniforme. A avaliação histopatológica comprovou os achados macroscópicos, demonstrando um ovário contendo folículos, corpos lúteos e cistos foliculares; plexo pampiniforme; testículo e epidídimo com aspecto histológico normal, porém, com ausência de células espermatogênicas. Assim, com base nos achados macro e microscópicos descritos nesse relato de caso, o indivíduo foi considerado como hermafrodita verdadeiro.(AU)
True hermaphrodites are intersexual animals, in which both male and female gonads develop simultaneously in the same individual. This paper reports a case of a true hermaphrodite in the swine species after its culling for anestrus. The specimen was a female of 222 days of age and 150 kg of body weight, that was selected for reproduction and was permanently in anestrus. This individual was culled and sent to an abattoir under federal inspection. After slaughtering, it was observed in the reproductive tract anatomical aspects that suggested hermaphroditism. The reproductive tract was collected, evaluated macroscopically, and preserved in formaldehyde at 10 % to be evaluated by light microscopy. During the macroscopic analysis, the presence of a vulva and a vagina with a rudimentary penis was detected. The uterus, the cervix, uterine horns, and the oviduct were present and abnormalities were not detected. The left ovary exhibited morphological signs of cyclicity and contained follicles with high quality oocytes. On the right side, however, it was observed a testicle, epididymis, and a pampiniform plexus. The histopathological assessment corroborated the macroscopic findings, which demonstrated that the ovary had follicles, corpus luteum, and follicular cysts, and pampiniform plexus, testicle and epididymis were histologically normal, though with the absence of spermatogenic cells. Thus, based on the macro and microscopic findings described herein, the individual was considered a true hermaphrodite.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Transtornos do Desenvolvimento Sexual/diagnóstico , Suínos/anatomia & histologia , Anestro/fisiologia , Espermatogênese/fisiologia , Genitália/fisiologiaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the antral follicle count (AFC) and the ovarian morphology of Bos indicus in different age groups: 12-23 months (G1), 24-35 months (G2), 36-47 months (G3), 48-59 months (G4), and >60 months (G5). Ovaries were collected individually and sent to the laboratory, where we measured AFC, the diameter and weight of the ovaries, dominant follicle (DF, >8mm), corpus luteum (CL), and small follicles (SF, <8mm). AFC were classified as high, intermediate-high, intermediate-low, and low. A group of ovaries was subjected to follicular aspiration to evaluate the morphological quality of the recovered cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs). Mean AFC did not vary between ages. The morphological characteristic that was most closely correlated with AFC was the weight of the small follicles. There was no relationship between AFC and the weight and diameter of the DF and CL. Quality of the COCs was superior in ovaries in which the CL was present, but it did not vary between the AFC classes. We conclude that AFC can be performed on a single ovary, regardless of the presence, diameter, and weight of the CL and DF in zebu between 12 and 60 months old.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a contagem de folículos antrais (CFA) e a morfologia ovariana de Bos indicus em diferentes faixas etárias: 12-23 meses (G1), 24-35 meses (G2), 36-47 meses (G3), 48-59 meses (G4) e >60 meses (G5). Os ovários foram coletados individualmente e enviados ao laboratório, onde suas características morfológicas foram medidas: CFA, diâmetro e peso dos ovários, do folículo dominante (FD, ≥8 mm), do corpo lúteo (CL) e dos folículos pequenos (SF, <8 mm). A CFA foi classificada como alta, intermediária-alta, intermediária-baixa e baixa. Um grupo de ovários foi submetido à aspiração folicular para avaliar a qualidade morfológica dos complexos cumulus oócitos (COCs) recuperados. A CFA média não variou entre as idades. A característica morfológica que se correlacionou mais intimamente com a CFA foi o peso dos folículos pequenos. Não houve relação entre a CFA e o peso e o diâmetro do FD e do CL. A qualidade dos COCs foi superior em ovários em que o CL estava presente, mas não variou entre as classes de CFA. Concluiu-se que a CFA pode ser realizada em um único ovário, independentemente da presença, do diâmetro e do peso do CL e do FD em zebuínos entre 12 e 60 meses de vida.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Oócitos , Ovário/anatomia & histologia , Corpo Lúteo , Folículo OvarianoResumo
The flavonoid kaempferol has attracted research attention as a potential adjuvant during chemotherapy. This study aimed to evaluate the protective effects of kaempferol against ovarian damage in cisplatin-treated mice. Two groups of mice received saline solution (intraperitoneal injection [i.p.]; control) or a single dose of cisplatin (5 mg/kg body weight, i.p.). Moreover, two other mice groups were pretreated with kaempferol (1 or 10 mg/kg body weight, i.p.) 30 min before of the cisplatin administration. Thereafter, their ovaries were harvested and subjected to histological (follicular morphology and activation) and fluorescence (reactive oxygen species [ROS] production, glutathione [GSH] concentration, and mitochondrial activity) analyses. Compared with cisplatin treatment alone, pretreatment with 1 mg/kg kaempferol maintained normal follicular morphology, reduced ROS production and mitochondrial damage, and enhanced GSH concentration. However, pretreatment with 10 mg/kg kaempferol did not prevent cisplatin-induced damage. The rate of primordial follicle activation was greater in mice pretreated with 1 mg/kg kaempferol than in the other treatment groups. In conclusion, pretreatment with 1 mg/kg kaempferol prevents cisplatin-induced ovarian damage and stimulates primordial follicle activation in mice.
O flavonoide kaempferol tem atraído a atenção como um potencial adjuvante durante a quimioterapia. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos do kaempferol contra os danos ovarianos em camundongos tratados com cisplatina. Fêmeas de camundongos receberam solução salina (injeção intraperitoneal [ip]; controle) ou uma dose única de cisplatina (5 mg/kg, ip) ou foram pré-tratadas com kaempferol (1 ou 10 mg/kg, ip) 30 min antes da administração de cisplatina. Os ovários foram recuperados e destinados para as análises histológicas (morfologia e ativação folicular) e de fluorescência (produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio [ERO], concentração de glutationa [GSH] e atividade mitocondrial). Em comparação ao tratamento apenas com cisplatina, o pré-tratamento com 1 mg/kg de kaempferol manteve a morfologia folicular normal, reduziu a produção de ERO, bem como os danos mitocondriais, e aumentou a concentração de GSH. Entretanto, o pré-tratamento com 10 mg/kg de kaempferol não preveniu os danos induzidos pela cisplatina. A taxa de ativação do folículo primordial foi maior em camundongos pré-tratados com 1 mg/kg de kaempferol do que nos outros grupos experimentais. Em conclusão, o pré-tratamento com 1 mg/kg de kaempferol previne o dano ovariano induzido pela cisplatina e estimula a ativação do folículo primordial em camundongos.
Animais , Feminino , Ovário/efeitos dos fármacos , Cisplatino/toxicidade , Quempferóis/administração & dosagem , Folículo Ovariano/ultraestrutura , Muridae/fisiologia , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterináriaResumo
Background: Embryo transfer is one of the most commonly used reproductive biotechnique. The success of embryotransfer is also affected by the synchrony of estrus and ovulation between donor and recipient animals. In horse reproduction, ultrasonography has been used, among other purposes, to diagnose early pregnancy. However, only the color Dopplerimaging mode makes it possible to evaluate the vascular architecture and the hemodynamic aspects of the vessels in severalorgans, especially the corpus luteum. The objective of this study was to evaluate, based on the color Doppler ultrasound,the corpus luteum vascularization and function from recipient mares at embryo transfer timing.Materials, Methods & Results: Mangalarga Machador mares from 5 to 10-year-old and a range of live weights of between350 to 450 kg were used for this experiment, kept in pasture-based on mombaça grass (Panicum maximum) and were givenad libitum access to water and mineral supplementation. The animals (n = 15) were gynecologically examined and uterineconsistency was evaluated by rectal palpation the same operator using an ultrasound system (SonoScape®) with a lineartransducer, and operating frequency ranging from 5 to 10 Mhz. The uterine tone was classified between grades 1 and 4 andsubjected to ovulation induction. The objective and subjective vascular perfusion of the corpus luteum was evaluated bycolor Doppler ultrasound on the day of embryo transfer and endometrium. The determination progesterone concentrationon the day of the embryo transfer was performed by direct chemiluminescence assay. The arcsine (√P/100) transformation was applied to the percentage data, and the results were expressed as mean (.) ± standard error of the mean (SEM).Further, the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity were verified, respectively, based on the Shapiro-Wilk and...
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Cavalos , Corpo Lúteo/diagnóstico por imagem , Corpo Lúteo/irrigação sanguínea , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler em Cores/veterináriaResumo
Background: Embryo transfer is one of the most commonly used reproductive biotechnique. The success of embryotransfer is also affected by the synchrony of estrus and ovulation between donor and recipient animals. In horse reproduction, ultrasonography has been used, among other purposes, to diagnose early pregnancy. However, only the color Dopplerimaging mode makes it possible to evaluate the vascular architecture and the hemodynamic aspects of the vessels in severalorgans, especially the corpus luteum. The objective of this study was to evaluate, based on the color Doppler ultrasound,the corpus luteum vascularization and function from recipient mares at embryo transfer timing.Materials, Methods & Results: Mangalarga Machador mares from 5 to 10-year-old and a range of live weights of between350 to 450 kg were used for this experiment, kept in pasture-based on mombaça grass (Panicum maximum) and were givenad libitum access to water and mineral supplementation. The animals (n = 15) were gynecologically examined and uterineconsistency was evaluated by rectal palpation the same operator using an ultrasound system (SonoScape®) with a lineartransducer, and operating frequency ranging from 5 to 10 Mhz. The uterine tone was classified between grades 1 and 4 andsubjected to ovulation induction. The objective and subjective vascular perfusion of the corpus luteum was evaluated bycolor Doppler ultrasound on the day of embryo transfer and endometrium. The determination progesterone concentrationon the day of the embryo transfer was performed by direct chemiluminescence assay. The arcsine (√P/100) transformation was applied to the percentage data, and the results were expressed as mean (.) ± standard error of the mean (SEM).Further, the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity were verified, respectively, based on the Shapiro-Wilk and...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cavalos , Corpo Lúteo/irrigação sanguínea , Corpo Lúteo/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia Doppler em Cores/veterinária , Transferência Embrionária/veterináriaResumo
Abstract Letrozole is used as a therapeutic agent in reproductive disorders caused by high estrogen levels. Letrozole inhibits cytochrome P450 aromatase and reduces estrogen levels. However, the effects of long-term use on reproductive traits are unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prolonged use of letrozole in the gonads of rodents (Spix's yellow-toothed cavy; Galea spixii). Forty-eight rodents (24 males and 24 females) were randomly divided into the treated and control groups. Letrozole administration started at 15 days of age and continued weekly until 30, 45, 90, and 120 days of age. The body, testis, and ovary weights were analyzed, as well as the morphological progression of spermatogenesis and folliculogenesis. Macroscopically, body weight gain and gonads weight were increased in the letrozole group. Microscopically, the ovaries of treated females showed stratified epithelium and a cellular disorder of the tunica albuginea. In the testes of treated males, the development of seminiferous tubules was delayed and sperm was absent. The collective findings indicate that the prolonged use of letrozole alters secondary sexual characteristics, and causes weight gain, reproductive changes, and male infertility.
Many variations of ovariohysterectomy techniques have been described, including the traditional one and minimally invasive procedures. Non-laparoscopic Snook hook technique is an alternative for performing minimally invasive ovariohysterectomy. Few studies have been carried out in order to assess pain in animals submitted to minimally invasive surgeries, especially involving one of the most performed surgical procedures in veterinary practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate surgical duration, intraoperative nociception and acute postoperative pain after traditional ovariohysterectomy or minimally invasive non-laparoscopic technique in dogs using Snook hook. The hypothesis is that non-laparoscopic minimally invasive ovariohysterectomy would be faster and less painful than the conventional technique. Thirty dogs were divided into Traditional Group (TG = 15) and Minimally Invasive Group (MIG = 15). Heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, body temperature, oxyhemoglobin saturation, end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration (ETCO2) and end-tidal isoflurane concentration were evaluated before the surgery begins (M0), during incision (M1), clamping of the first ovarian pedicle (M2), second ovarian pedicle (M3), uterine cervix (M4), abdominal suture (M5) and at the end of surgery (M6). The modified Glasgow Pain Scale was used for acute postoperative pain assessment and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was used to assess the sensitivity of surgical wound. The level of significance established for all statistical analysis was 5%. Statistical differences were not observed between groups considering total surgical time and postoperative acute pain intensity (P > 0.05), in spite of MIG having shorter duration of surgery. There was no statistical difference between groups considering all intraoperative parameters except respiratory rate (TG < MIG; P < 0.05) and ETCO2 (MIG < TG; P < 0.05) at the moment of traction of the first ovarian pedicle (M2). Pain assessment by VAS showed statistical difference 24h after the end of surgery (TG < MIG) (P < 0.05). Both procedures were similar regarding intraoperative nociception and acute postoperative pain. It is possible that the sensation of pain in both procedures was blocked by the effectiveness of analgesics, once they might cause an inhibition of painful behaviors limiting a possible difference in pain identification. Higher respiratory stress observed in MIG at M2 and higher pain score by VAS noted in MIG 24 h after the end of surgery can be justified by greater traction of ovarian pedicle, due to limited surgical access of minimally invasive technique. Minimally invasive ovariohysterectomy non-laparoscopic seems to be potentially faster, probably due to the smaller size of the abdominal incision, which takes less time to be closed. In the present study, both techniques were performed by an experienced surgeon, providing safe procedures, nevertheless it is important to emphasize that iatrogenic injury can be caused by surgeons non-proficient in the Snook hook technique, considering the limited visualization of anatomical abdominal structures. Data obtained indicate that traditional ovariohysterectomy and non-laparoscopic Snook hook technique promote similar intraoperative nociception and acute postoperative pain, however minimally invasive procedure is potentially faster with less surgical trauma.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Dor Pós-Operatória/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/cirurgia , Nociceptividade , Histerectomia/veterinária , CãesResumo
Letrozole is used as a therapeutic agent in reproductive disorders caused by high estrogen levels. Letrozole inhibits cytochrome P450 aromatase and reduces estrogen levels. However, the effects of longterm use on reproductive traits are unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prolonged use of letrozole in the gonads of rodents (Spix's yellow-toothed cavy; Galea spixii). Forty-eight rodents (24 males and 24 females) were randomly divided into the treated and control groups. Letrozole administration started at 15 days of age and continued weekly until 30, 45, 90, and 120 days of age. The body, testis, and ovary weights were analyzed, as well as the morphological progression of spermatogenesis and folliculogenesis. Macroscopically, body weight gain and gonads weight were increased in the letrozole group. Microscopically, the ovaries of treated females showed stratified epithelium and a cellular disorder of the tunica albuginea. In the testes of treated males, the development of seminiferous tubules was delayed and sperm was absent. The collective findings indicate that the prolonged use of letrozole alters secondary sexual characteristics, and causes weight gain, reproductive changes, and male infertility.(AU)
Animais , Roedores/anatomia & histologia , Roedores/fisiologia , Gônadas , Letrozol/administração & dosagem , Letrozol/análise , Comportamento ReprodutivoResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the role of prostaglandin F2α (PGF) on ovulation. In Experiment 1, cows were randomly allocated to two treatments to receive 150 µg of d-Cloprostenol (PGF Group, n = 12) or 2 mL of NaCl 0.9% (Control Group, n = 11) and CIDRsï, were removed 4 days later. No cow ovulated in Control and PGF groups. In Experiment 2, cows were randomly separated into two experimental groups to receive 4 injections of 150 µg of d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) or 2 mL of NaCL 0.9% (n = 9). In this experiment, ovulation was not observed in any cows. In Experiment 3, ovariectomized cows receive three injections of 300µg of PGF analog (PGF Group, n = 5), 100µg of Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 5) or 2 mL of PBS (Control Group, n = 4). The LH concentration was higher (P <0.0001) in cows from the GnRH group than in the PGF and Control groups. In experiment 4, cows with preovulatory follicles (>11.5 mm) were treated with Saline (Control Group, n = 6); Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 7) or Cloprostenol Sodium (PGF Group, n = 6). There was a significant increase in the vascular area of follicles from 0 to 24 h in GnRH and PGF treatments. In conclusion, PGF was not able to induce ovulation in cows with high or low plasma progesterone concentration. Additionally, PGF alone was not able to induce LH release and follicle luteinization, but increased follicular vascularization.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o papel da prostaglandina F2α (PGF) na ovulação. No Experimento 1, as vacas foram alocadas aleatoriamente em dois tratamentos para receber 150 µg de d-Cloprostenol (Grupo PGF, n = 12) ou 2 mL de NaCl 0,9% (Grupo Controle, n = 11) e os CIDRï, foram removidos 4 dias depois. Nenhuma vaca ovulou nos grupos Controle e PGF. No Experimento 2, as vacas foram separadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais para receber 4 injeções de 150 µg de d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) ou 2 mL de NaCL 0,9% (n = 9). Não foi observada ovulação em nenhum dos animais deste experimento. No Experimento 3, vacas ovariectomizadas receberam três injeções de 300µg de análogo de PGF (Grupo PGF, n = 5), 100µg de Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 5) ou 2 mL de PBS (Grupo Controle, n = 4). A concentração de LH foi maior (P <0,0001) nas vacas do grupo GnRH do que nos grupos PGF e Controle. No Experimento 4, vacas com folículos pré-ovulatórios (> 11,5 mm) foram tratadas com solução salina (Grupo Controle, n = 6), Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 7) ou Cloprostenol Sódico (Grupo PGF, n = 6). Houve um aumento significativo na área vascular dos folículos de 0 a 24h nos tratamentos com GnRH e PGF. Em conclusão, a PGF não foi capaz de induzir ovulação em vacas com alta ou baixa concentração plasmática de progesterona. Além disso, a PGF sozinha não foi capaz de induzir a liberação de LH e a luteinização do folículo, mas aumentou a vascularização folicular.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Prostaglandinas Sintéticas , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Hormônio Luteinizante , Dinoprosta/análise , Ovulação , HipófiseResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the role of prostaglandin F2α (PGF) on ovulation. In Experiment 1, cows were randomly allocated to two treatments to receive 150 µg of d-Cloprostenol (PGF Group, n = 12) or 2 mL of NaCl 0.9% (Control Group, n = 11) and CIDRsï, were removed 4 days later. No cow ovulated in Control and PGF groups. In Experiment 2, cows were randomly separated into two experimental groups to receive 4 injections of 150 µg of d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) or 2 mL of NaCL 0.9% (n = 9). In this experiment, ovulation was not observed in any cows. In Experiment 3, ovariectomized cows receive three injections of 300µg of PGF analog (PGF Group, n = 5), 100µg of Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 5) or 2 mL of PBS (Control Group, n = 4). The LH concentration was higher (P <0.0001) in cows from the GnRH group than in the PGF and Control groups. In experiment 4, cows with preovulatory follicles (>11.5 mm) were treated with Saline (Control Group, n = 6); Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 7) or Cloprostenol Sodium (PGF Group, n = 6). There was a significant increase in the vascular area of follicles from 0 to 24 h in GnRH and PGF treatments. In conclusion, PGF was not able to induce ovulation in cows with high or low plasma progesterone concentration. Additionally, PGF alone was not able to induce LH release and follicle luteinization, but increased follicular vascularization.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o papel da prostaglandina F2α (PGF) na ovulação. No Experimento 1, as vacas foram alocadas aleatoriamente em dois tratamentos para receber 150 µg de d-Cloprostenol (Grupo PGF, n = 12) ou 2 mL de NaCl 0,9% (Grupo Controle, n = 11) e os CIDRï, foram removidos 4 dias depois. Nenhuma vaca ovulou nos grupos Controle e PGF. No Experimento 2, as vacas foram separadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais para receber 4 injeções de 150 µg de d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) ou 2 mL de NaCL 0,9% (n = 9). Não foi observada ovulação em nenhum dos animais deste experimento. No Experimento 3, vacas ovariectomizadas receberam três injeções de 300µg de análogo de PGF (Grupo PGF, n = 5), 100µg de Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 5) ou 2 mL de PBS (Grupo Controle, n = 4). A concentração de LH foi maior (P <0,0001) nas vacas do grupo GnRH do que nos grupos PGF e Controle. No Experimento 4, vacas com folículos pré-ovulatórios (> 11,5 mm) foram tratadas com solução salina (Grupo Controle, n = 6), Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 7) ou Cloprostenol Sódico (Grupo PGF, n = 6). Houve um aumento significativo na área vascular dos folículos de 0 a 24h nos tratamentos com GnRH e PGF. Em conclusão, a PGF não foi capaz de induzir ovulação em vacas com alta ou baixa concentração plasmática de progesterona. Além disso, a PGF sozinha não foi capaz de induzir a liberação de LH e a luteinização do folículo, mas aumentou a vascularização folicular.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Prostaglandinas Sintéticas , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Hormônio Luteinizante , Dinoprosta/análise , Ovulação , HipófiseResumo
El objetivo fue analisar sistemáticamente la literatura para verificar la influencia del extracto de semilla de uva como factor antioxidante en el tratamiento de la salud ovárica. Por medio de búsqueda y selección de literatura en artículos publicados en inglés en las bases de datos Lilacs, PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct / Elvesier y Google Scholar. Los descriptores utilizados fueron uva (uva) "AND" semilla (semilla) "AND" ovario (ovario) "OR" ovárico (ovario), con 9,100 artículos encontrados. Se realizaron lecturas de títulos, resúmenes y textos completos, 03 manuscritos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. El uso de extracto de procianidina de semilla de uva y extracto de proantocianidina de semilla de uva obtuvo una reducción en ROS, mientras que se observó una reducción de LDL en el uso de extracto de semilla de uva. El extracto de semilla de uva puede ser beneficioso para la...
The objective was to review systematically the literature to verify the influence of grape seed extract as an antioxidant factor in the treatment of ovarian health by search and selection of literature in articles published in English in the Lilacs, PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct / Elvesier and Google Scholar databases. Descriptors used were grape (grape) AND seed (seed) AND ovary (ovary) OR ovarian (ovarian), with 9,100 articles found. Readings of titles, abstracts and full texts were performed, 03 manuscripts fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The use of grape seed procyanidin extract and grape seed proanthocyanidin extract obtained a reduction in ROS, while LDL reduction was observed in the use of grape seed extract. Conclusion: Grape seed extract can be beneficial for the viability of ovarian health, as it causes homeostasis regarding oxidative stress, however, further studies are necessary.
O objetivo foi examinar sistematicamente a literatura para verificar a influência do extrato de semente de uva como fator antioxidante no tratamento da saúde ovariana. por meio de busca e seleção da literatura em artigos publicados em língua inglesa nas bases de dados Lilacs, PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct/Elvesier e Google Acadêmico. Descritores utilizados foram grape (uva) AND seed (semente) AND ovary (ovário) OR ovarian (ovariano), sendo localizados 9.100 artigos. Realizadas leituras de títulos, resumos e textos completos, 03 manuscritos preencheram os critérios de inclusão. O uso do extrato de procianidina de semente de uva e do extrato proantocianidina de semente de uva obtiveram redução de ROS, quanto ao uso do extrato de semente de uva foi observado redução de LDL. O extrato de semente de uva pode ser benéfico para a viabilidade da saúde ovariana, pois causa homeostase a respeito do estresse oxidativo, no entanto, faz-se necessário estudos mais aprofundados.
Animais , Antioxidantes , Extrato de Sementes de Uva/administração & dosagem , Extrato de Sementes de Uva/análise , Extrato de Sementes de Uva/uso terapêutico , Ovário/fisiologia , Proantocianidinas , Resíduos de AlimentosResumo
Neoplasias ovarianas de origem primária são incomuns em cadelas, exigindo métodos diagnósticos e terapêuticos mais precisos. Fêmeas também possuem células intersticiais secretoras de esteróides, contudo o aparecimento do tumor de células de Leydig é considerado raro. Uma cadela sem raça definida e 12 anos apresentava sinais de estro após ovariohisterectomia pré-púbere. Na avaliação ultrassonográfica, foi identificada uma massa localizada na região abdominal lateral direita, sugestiva de ovário remanescente. Durante a inspeção laparoscópica foi identificada a massa distante caudalmente do coto ovariano direito, inserida em região de mesentério jejunal. O segmento intestinal foi apreendido e exteriorizado de maneira videoassistida, optando-se pela remoção do tumor associado à enterectomia do segmento afetado. A avaliação do coto ovariano esquerdo, revelou um cisto de 0,5cm de diâmetro que também foi removido. A análise histopatológica foi sugestiva de neoplasia de células intersticiais (tumor de células de Leydig) e um cisto epitelial ovariano. O tumor de células de Leydig é relatado com freqüência em machos, entretanto, sua aparição em fêmeas é considerada extremamente incomum acometendo principalmente animais não esterilizados. A neoplasia não aderida ao coto ovariano comprova ainda que resquícios de tecido ovariano que porventura fiquem livres na cavidade abdominal podem ser responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da síndrome do ovário remanescente e neoplasias. O prognóstico para neoplasias ovarianas sem metástases é favorável, principalmente quando aplicada a intervenção cirúrgica como método terapêutico. O uso da videocirurgia para auxiliar no diagnóstico e tratamento demonstrou-se adequado para o caso descrito, mas que deve ser complementado pela análise histopatológica.
Primary ovarian neoplasms are uncommon in bitches, requiring more accurate diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Females also have steroid-secreting interstitial cells, however, the appearance of the Leydig cell tumor is considered rare. A 12-year-old mongrel bitch showed signs of estrus after prepubertal ovariohysterectomy. Ultrasound evaluation located a mass in the right lateral abdominal region, suggestive of a remaining ovary. During laparoscopic exploration, the mass was identified caudally distant from the right ovarian stump, adhered to the jejunal mesentery. The intestinal segment was apprehended and exteriorized by video-assisted technique, and removal of the tumor was performed associated with enterectomy of the affected segment. Evaluation of the left ovarian stump revealed a 0.5cm diameter cyst that was also removed. Histopathological analysis was suggestive of interstitial cell neoplasia (Leydig cell tumor) and an ovarian epithelial cyst. The Leydig cell tumor is frequently related in males, however, its appearance in bitches is considered uncommon, affecting mainly nonsterile animals. The mass non-adhered to the ovarian stump proves that remnants of ovarian tissue that may be free in the abdominal cavity and may be responsible for the development of the remaining ovary syndrome and neoplasms. The prognosis for ovarian neoplasms without metastasis is favorable, especially when surgical intervention is applied as a therapeutic method. The use of video surgery to assist in the diagnosis and treatment was considered appropriate for the case described, but it must be complemented by histopathological analysis.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tumor de Células de Sertoli-Leydig/diagnóstico , Tumor de Células de Sertoli-Leydig/veterinária , Insuficiência Ovariana Primária/veterinária , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterináriaResumo
Squamous metaplasia of the rete ovarii is an ovarian pathologic change characterized by replacement of the normal single layered cuboidal epithelium of the rete ovarii by a stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. Uterus and ovaries from a local slaughterhouse pregnant crossbreed cow were evaluated through ultrasound, macroscopically and histologically. Grossly, there were multiple cysts in both ovaries, which were histologically characterized as rete ovarii cysts with squamous metaplasia and intraluminal accumulation of keratinized material. Squamous metaplasia of the rete ovarii has been previously reported in cows, however this is the first report of this condition in a pregnant animal, demonstrating that this ovarian change is compatible with pregnancy.(AU)
A metaplasia escamosa da rete ovarii é uma patologia ovariana caracterizada pela substituição do epitélio simples cuboidal normal da rete ovarii por um epitélio estratificado escamoso queratinizado. Útero e ovários de uma vaca mestiça gestante, proveniente de abatedouro, foram avaliados por ultrassonografia, macroscopia e histologia. Verificaram-se vários cistos em ambos os ovários, histologicamente caracterizados como cistos de rete ovarii com metaplasia escamosa, com acúmulo intraluminal de material queratinizado. Metaplasia escamosa da rete ovarii foi relatada anteriormente em vacas, porém este é o primeiro relato em que essa alteração ovariana é compatível com manutenção da ciclicidde ovariana e gestação na vaca.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Ovário/patologia , Teratoma/veterinária , Prenhez/fisiologia , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Cisto Epidérmico/veterinária , Epitélio/patologia , Metaplasia/veterináriaResumo
El objetivo fue analisar sistemáticamente la literatura para verificar la influencia del extracto de semilla de uva como factor antioxidante en el tratamiento de la salud ovárica. Por medio de búsqueda y selección de literatura en artículos publicados en inglés en las bases de datos Lilacs, PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct / Elvesier y Google Scholar. Los descriptores utilizados fueron uva (uva) "AND" semilla (semilla) "AND" ovario (ovario) "OR" ovárico (ovario), con 9,100 artículos encontrados. Se realizaron lecturas de títulos, resúmenes y textos completos, 03 manuscritos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. El uso de extracto de procianidina de semilla de uva y extracto de proantocianidina de semilla de uva obtuvo una reducción en ROS, mientras que se observó una reducción de LDL en el uso de extracto de semilla de uva. El extracto de semilla de uva puede ser beneficioso para la...(AU)
The objective was to review systematically the literature to verify the influence of grape seed extract as an antioxidant factor in the treatment of ovarian health by search and selection of literature in articles published in English in the Lilacs, PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct / Elvesier and Google Scholar databases. Descriptors used were grape (grape) AND seed (seed) AND ovary (ovary) OR ovarian (ovarian), with 9,100 articles found. Readings of titles, abstracts and full texts were performed, 03 manuscripts fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The use of grape seed procyanidin extract and grape seed proanthocyanidin extract obtained a reduction in ROS, while LDL reduction was observed in the use of grape seed extract. Conclusion: Grape seed extract can be beneficial for the viability of ovarian health, as it causes homeostasis regarding oxidative stress, however, further studies are necessary.(AU)
O objetivo foi examinar sistematicamente a literatura para verificar a influência do extrato de semente de uva como fator antioxidante no tratamento da saúde ovariana. por meio de busca e seleção da literatura em artigos publicados em língua inglesa nas bases de dados Lilacs, PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct/Elvesier e Google Acadêmico. Descritores utilizados foram grape (uva) AND seed (semente) AND ovary (ovário) OR ovarian (ovariano), sendo localizados 9.100 artigos. Realizadas leituras de títulos, resumos e textos completos, 03 manuscritos preencheram os critérios de inclusão. O uso do extrato de procianidina de semente de uva e do extrato proantocianidina de semente de uva obtiveram redução de ROS, quanto ao uso do extrato de semente de uva foi observado redução de LDL. O extrato de semente de uva pode ser benéfico para a viabilidade da saúde ovariana, pois causa homeostase a respeito do estresse oxidativo, no entanto, faz-se necessário estudos mais aprofundados.(AU)
Animais , Extrato de Sementes de Uva/administração & dosagem , Extrato de Sementes de Uva/análise , Extrato de Sementes de Uva/uso terapêutico , Antioxidantes , Ovário/fisiologia , Resíduos de Alimentos , ProantocianidinasResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphology and superoxide dismutase enzyme (SOD) activity of bovine preantral follicles (PFs) preserved in TCM 199, saline solution or PBS at different conservation periods. Cow ovaries (n=6) were divided into 7 fragments. One small piece of each ovarian fragment was randomly removed to evaluate SOD activity, while the remainder was immediately fixed for morphological evaluation as a control group. The other 6 fragments were randomly distributed in tubes containing TCM 199, saline solution, or PBS and maintained at 4ºC for 6 or 24 h. For histological evaluation, the fragments were fixed in Carnoy and stained with PAS-hematoxylin, following being classified PFs in relation to their follicular morphology in normal or degenerated. Determination of SOD activity was based on the ability to inhibit autoxidation of adrenaline in adrenochrome. Evaluation of follicular morphology showed that follicles preserved in TCM 199 for 6 h did not differ from the control (P > 0.05). In contrast, preservation in saline solution and PBS for 6 or 24 h and TCM 199 for 24 h decreased normal PFs compared to the control (P < 0.05). SOD showed a lower activity in ovarian cortical tissue kept in TCM 199 for 6 h and saline solution for 24 h than in the other groups. Our study shows that incubation using TCM 199 at 4°C for 6 h can be used to efficiently conserve female bovine PFs in situ.(AU)
O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a morfologia e atividade da enzima superóxido dismutase (SOD) de folículos pré-antrais bovinos (PFs) preservados em TCM 199, solução salina ou PBS por diferentes períodos de conservação. Ovários de vacas (n=6) foram divididos em 7 fragmentos. Um pequeno pedaço de cada fragmento ovariano foi removido para avaliar a atividade da SOD enquanto que o restante foi imediatamente fixado para avaliação morfológica como grupo controle. Os outros 6 fragmentos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em tubos contendo TCM 199, solução salina ou PBS e mantidos a 4ºC por 6 ou 24 h. Para avaliação histológica, os fragmentos foram fixados em Carnoy e corados com PAShematoxilina, sendo classificados em seguida os PFs em relação à sua morfologia folicular em normal ou degenerados. A determinação da atividade da SOD foi baseada na capacidade de inibir a autooxidação da adrenalina no adrenocromo. A avaliação da morfologia folicular mostrou que os folículos preservados em TCM199 por 6 h não diferiram do controle (P > 0,05). Em contraste, a preservação em solução salina e PBS por 6 ou 24 h e TCM 199 por 24 h diminuiu os PFs normais em comparação com o controle (P < 0,05). A SOD mostrou uma menor atividade no tecido cortical ovariano mantido em TCM 199 por 6 h e solução salina por 24 h do que nos outros grupos. Nosso estudo mostra que a incubação usando TCM 199 a 4° C por 6 h pode ser usada eficientemente para conservar PFs de fêmeas bovinas in situ.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Superóxido Dismutase/metabolismo , Folículo Ovariano/citologia , Folículo Ovariano/enzimologia , Criopreservação/veterinária , Forma do Núcleo CelularResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency and cost of two distinct hormonal protocols forinduction of puberty in Bos indicus heifers in the western Amazon region. Nelore prepubertal heifers (n= 127) aged 20 to 24 months (21 ± 0.3 months) and weighing 300 to 340 kg (318 ± 7 kg) were submittedto two distinct protocols for induction of cyclicity. Females were previously submitted to two ovarianultrasound examinations (12-day interval) to verify the absence of the corpus luteum (CL). Then, theheifers were divided into two experimental groups: G-CIDR/EC (n = 54) and G-P4/EC (n = 73). TheG-CIDR/EC group utilized a CIDR® for 12 days and on the day of its withdrawal, 0.6 mg of estradiolcypionate (IM) was administered. The G-P4/EC group received 150 mg of injectable progesterone (IM)and one injection of 0.6 mg EC 12 days after the progesterone injection. Twelve days after the end ofthe hormonal protocols, the heifers were submitted to another ultrasound evaluation for identificationof cyclicity (ovulatory follicle or CL). These females were then submitted to a conventional protocol ofsynchronization of ovulation for timed artificial insemination (TAI). Only heifers responsive to pubertyinduction (G-CIDR/EC (n=30) and G-P4/EC (n=51)) were included in the TAI protocol. After sevendays of insemination, both groups were exposed to natural breeding. In addition, an economic analysiswas performed to evaluate cyclicity induction, the TAI protocol, and pregnancy in both groups. TheG-CIDR/EC group showed 81.48% (44/54) of females responsive to induction of cyclicity (presence ofCL) while the G-P4/EC group obtained 86.3% (63/73; p=0.463). Regarding the conception rate to TAIand to bull (natural breeding), the G-CIDR/EC group displayed 43.33% (13/30) and 33.33% (10/30),respectively, and the G-P4/EC group exhibited 54.9% (28/51) and 39.22% (20/51), respectively. Theoverall pregnancy rate (TAI+Bull) was 76.67% (23/30) [...].
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência e o custo de dois protocolos hormonais distintos paraindução da puberdade em novilhas Bos indicus na região oeste da Amazônia. Novilhas pré-púberesNelore (n = 127) com idades entre 20 a 24 meses (21 ± 0,3 meses) e peso de 300 a 340 kg (318 ± 7 kg)foram submetidas a dois protocolos distintos para indução de ciclicidade. As fêmeas foram submetidaspreviamente a dois exames ultrassonográficos dos ovários (intervalo de 12 dias) para verificar a ausênciado corpo lúteo (CL). Em seguida, as novilhas foram divididas em dois grupos experimentais: G-CIDR/ EC (n = 54) e G-P4 / EC (n = 73). O grupo G-CIDR / EC utilizou um CIDR® por 12 dias e no dia desua retirada, foram administrados 0,6 mg de cipionato de estradiol (IM). O grupo G-P4 / EC recebeu150 mg de progesterona injetável (IM) e após 12 dias da administração de progesterona, administrouse 0,6 mg de EC. Doze dias após o término dos protocolos hormonais, as novilhas foram submetidasa outra avaliação ultrassonográfica para identificação da ciclicidade (folículo ovulatório ou CL). Essasfêmeas foram submetidas a um protocolo convencional de sincronização da ovulação para inseminaçãoartificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Apenas novilhas responsivas à indução da puberdade (G-CIDR / EC(n = 30) e G-P4 / EC (n = 51)) foram incluídas no protocolo de IATF. Após sete dias da inseminação,ambos os grupos foram expostos à monta natural. Além disso, uma análise econômica foi realizada paraavaliar a indução da ciclicidade, o protocolo IATF e a prenhez nos dois grupos. O grupo G-CIDR / CEapresentou 81,48% (44/54) de fêmeas responsivas à indução da ciclicidade (presença de CL) enquantoo grupo G-P4 / EC obteve 86,3% (63/73; p = 0,463). Em relação à taxa de concepção de IATF e de touro(monta natural), o grupo G-CIDR / CE apresentou 43,33% (13/30) e 33,33% (10/30), respectivamente,e o grupo G-P4 / EC exibiu 54,9 % (28/51) e 39,22% (20/51), respectivamente. [...].
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Fertilização , Hormônios/administração & dosagem , Hormônios/economia , Maturidade Sexual/efeitos dos fármacos , PeriodicidadeResumo
A fim de avaliar o efeito de diferentes doses da rbST sobre a dinâmica folicular, a produção e a maturação in vitro de oócitos, 20 vacas Sindi, divididas em três grupos, receberam um dispositivo de progesterona intravaginal, estradiol e PGF2α, além de 2mL de solução salina (grupo controle), 250 (grupo rbST 250) ou 500mg de rbST (grupo rbST 500). Cinco dias depois, realizou-se a ovum pick up, e os complexos cumulus-oócitos (CCOs) recuperados foram selecionados, classificados e maturados in vitro. Os dados de contagem foram comparados pelo procedimento glht (General Linear Hypothesis Test), e os dados em porcentagem foram submetidos ao qui-quadrado, no programa estatístico R, onde as diferenças foram consideradas significativas quando P<0,05. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os grupos quanto à quantidade de folículos e à taxa de maturação. Os grupos rbST 250 e rbST 500 foram significativamente superiores (P<0,05) ao grupo controle em relação ao número de folículos grandes (0,42±0,20 vs. 0). O grupo rbST 500 apresentou maior (P<0,05) porcentagem de oócitos viáveis (91,52%) do que os grupos controle (67,85%) e rbST 250 (53,33%). A rbST aumenta o número de folículos grandes, e 500mg de rbST aumentam a porcentagem de oócitos viáveis em vacas Sindi.(AU)
In order to evaluate the effect of different doses of rbST on the follicular dynamics, production, and in vitro maturation of oocytes, 20 Sindhi cows were divided into three groups, receiving an intravaginal progesterone device, estradiol and PGF2α, and 2mL of solution saline (Control Group), 250 (rbST 250 Group) or 500mg rbST (rbST 500 Group). Five days later, the ovum pick up was performed, and the cumulus-oocyte (CCO) complexes recovered were selected, classified, and matured in vitro. The counting data were compared by the glht (General Linear Hypothesis Test) procedure, and the percentage data were submitted to Qui- square, in the statistical program R, where differences were considered significant when P< 0.05. There was no difference (P> 0.05) between the groups regarding follicle quantity and maturation rate. The rbST 250 and rbST 500 groups were significantly higher (P< 0.05) than the Control group in relation to the number of large follicles (0.42±0.20 versus 0). The rbST 500 group presented higher (P< 0.05) percentage of viable oocytes (91.52%) than the Control (67.85%) and rbST 250 (53.33%) groups. rbST increases the number of large follicles and 500mg rbST increases the percentage of viable oocytes in Sindhi cows.(AU)