Animals that exhibited estrus had greater pregnancy success compared to animals that did not exhibit estrus before fixed-time AI (FTAI). Estradiol is synthesized in bovine ovarian follicles under gonadotropin regulation and can directly and indirectly regulate the uterine receptivity and luteal function. Estradiol concentrations at FTAI impacted oviductal gene expression and has been reported to play an important role in establishing the timing of uterine receptivity. These changes have been reported to impact uterine pH and sperm transport to the site of fertilization. After fertilization, preovulatory estradiol has been reported to improve embryo survival likely by mediating changes in uterine blood flow, endometrial thickness and changes in histotroph. Cows with greater estradiol concentrations at the time of GnRH-induced ovulation also had a larger dominant follicle size and greater circulating progesterone concentrations on day 7. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately determine the individual benefit of greater estradiol concentrations prior to ovulation and greater progesterone concentrations following ovulation to pregnancy establishment, as these two measurements are confounded. Research has indicated an importance in the occurrence and timing of increasing preovulatory concentrations of estradiol, but increasing estradiol concentrations by supplementation may not be sufficient to increase fertility. Increased production of estradiol by the preovulatory follicle may be required to enhance fertility through the regulation of sperm transport, fertilization, oviductal secretions, the uterine environment, and embryo survival.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos/embriologia , Estradiol/efeitos adversos , Folículo Ovariano/química , Útero/química , Corpo Lúteo/química , Fase FolicularResumo
It can be assumed that the natural processes of selection and developmental condition in the animal provide the best prerequisites for embryogenesis resulting in pregnancy and subsequent birth of a healthy neonate. In contrast, circumventing the natural selection mechanisms and all developmental conditions in a healthy animal harbors the risk of counteracting, preventing or reducing the formation of embryos or substantially restricting their genesis. Considering these facts, it seems to be obvious that assisted reproductive techniques focusing on early embryonic stages serve an expanded and unselected germ cell pool of oocytes and sperm cells, and include the culture of embryos outside their natural habitat during and after fertilization for manipulation and diagnostic purposes, and for storage. A significant influence on the early embryonic development is seen in the extracorporeal culture of bovine embryos (in vitro) or stress on the animal organism (in vivo). The in vitro production per se and metabolic as well as endocrine changes in the natural environment of embryos represent adequate models and serve for a better understanding. The purpose of this review is to give a brief presentation of recent techniques aimed at focusing more on the complex processes in the Fallopian tube to contrast in vivo and in vitro prerequisites and abnormalities in early embryonic development and serve to identify potential new ways to make the use of ARTs more feasible.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/embriologia , Técnicas Reprodutivas/veterinária , Interação Gene-Ambiente , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Meio AmbienteResumo
The oviduct is a tubular organ comprising three distinct anatomical regions (the infundibulum, the ampulla and the isthmus) connecting the ovary and the uterus. Oviductal function is regulated by ovarian hormones, gametes, and embryo-derived factors, for optimally facilitating key reproductive events. A crosstalk is established between the oviduct and the gametes and embryo and this dialogue shapes the microenvironment in which gamete transport, fertilization, and early embryonic development occur. This review aims to address each participant in this conversation in a holistic manner by delineating several advances in the field within the greater context of understanding how oviduct-gamete and oviduct-embryo dialogue shape reproductive success and furthermore how this knowledge can be applied in vitro.
Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , Células Germinativas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Embrião de Mamíferos , Tubas Uterinas/embriologiaResumo
The oviduct is a tubular organ comprising three distinct anatomical regions (the infundibulum, the ampulla and the isthmus) connecting the ovary and the uterus. Oviductal function is regulated by ovarian hormones, gametes, and embryo-derived factors, for optimally facilitating key reproductive events. A crosstalk is established between the oviduct and the gametes and embryo and this dialogue shapes the microenvironment in which gamete transport, fertilization, and early embryonic development occur. This review aims to address each participant in this conversation in a holistic manner by delineating several advances in the field within the greater context of understanding how oviduct-gamete and oviduct-embryo dialogue shape reproductive success and furthermore how this knowledge can be applied in vitro.(AU)
Animais , Tubas Uterinas/embriologia , Células Germinativas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Embrião de Mamíferos , Bovinos/embriologiaResumo
Environmental conditions experienced during early embryonic development influence growth, metabolism, and gene expression of the embryo as well as the epigenetic profile of the offspring. The environment of the early embryo consists of the luminal fluid within the oviduct and uterus and the epithelial cells composing this fluid. Whether the embryo is able to shape its own microenvironment by interacting with the epithelial lining of the oviduct/uterus and which factors potentially interfere with or regulate these interactions remains to be elucidated. As early embryonic signals and the respective maternal responses are subtle and local events, it is challenging to study them in vivo. Therefore, adequate in vitro-models optimally mimicking the contact zone between the maternal reproductive tract and the early embryo are needed to a) elucidate basic mechanisms involved in early embryonic development and b) reduce the number of experimental animals used for such studies. Functional epithelial cells are generally defined by a polarized distribution of organelles and proteins. Proper polarization is tightly connected with physiological cell behavior and in vivo-like reactivity of the epithelium. Therefore, this review summarizes current strategies for in vitro preservation of epithelial cell polarity. It presents recent advances in 3D culture of female reproductive tract epithelia and embryo-epithelial cocultures. A special emphasis is set on compartmentalized culture systems, powerful tools for studying early embryo-maternal interactions in vitro. In such systems, cultured epithelial cells are manipulable from their basolateral as well as their apical cell pole, allowing concomitant application of embryonic as well as maternal effectors from the appropriate cellular compartment.
Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/veterinária , Endométrio/fisiologia , Modelos AnatômicosResumo
Environmental conditions experienced during early embryonic development influence growth, metabolism, and gene expression of the embryo as well as the epigenetic profile of the offspring. The environment of the early embryo consists of the luminal fluid within the oviduct and uterus and the epithelial cells composing this fluid. Whether the embryo is able to shape its own microenvironment by interacting with the epithelial lining of the oviduct/uterus and which factors potentially interfere with or regulate these interactions remains to be elucidated. As early embryonic signals and the respective maternal responses are subtle and local events, it is challenging to study them in vivo. Therefore, adequate in vitro-models optimally mimicking the contact zone between the maternal reproductive tract and the early embryo are needed to a) elucidate basic mechanisms involved in early embryonic development and b) reduce the number of experimental animals used for such studies. Functional epithelial cells are generally defined by a polarized distribution of organelles and proteins. Proper polarization is tightly connected with physiological cell behavior and in vivo-like reactivity of the epithelium. Therefore, this review summarizes current strategies for in vitro preservation of epithelial cell polarity. It presents recent advances in 3D culture of female reproductive tract epithelia and embryo-epithelial cocultures. A special emphasis is set on compartmentalized culture systems, powerful tools for studying early embryo-maternal interactions in vitro. In such systems, cultured epithelial cells are manipulable from their basolateral as well as their apical cell pole, allowing concomitant application of embryonic as well as maternal effectors from the appropriate cellular compartment.(AU)
Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/veterinária , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Modelos Anatômicos , Endométrio/fisiologiaResumo
Laser beak trimming is a promising alternative to conventional hot-blade beak trimming as it is less painful and provides better beak uniformity and better animal welfare. In this study, laser vs. hot-blade beak trimming were compared in 400 Hy-line Brown pullets between 2-16 weeks of age. At 7 days of age, birds were distributed according to a completely randomized design into two treatments, with 10 replicates (pens) of 20 birds each. Birds and feed offer and residues were weekly weighed to determine weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio. In weeks 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks, one bird per experimental unit was sacrificed to measure the development of the heart development, liver, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, and bursa. And of the oviduct in week 16. Pullers submitted to laser beak trimming presented higher weight gain and weekly feed intake, and better feed conversion ratio during the evaluated period. There was no influence of beak trimming methods on the development of the digestive organs, bursa or oviduct. Laser beak trimming can be used as an alternative to hot-blade beak trimming of commercial brown layers.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Ferimentos Penetrantes/veterinária , Bico/anormalidades , Bem-Estar do Animal/tendênciasResumo
Laser beak trimming is a promising alternative to conventional hot-blade beak trimming as it is less painful and provides better beak uniformity and better animal welfare. In this study, laser vs. hot-blade beak trimming were compared in 400 Hy-line Brown pullets between 2-16 weeks of age. At 7 days of age, birds were distributed according to a completely randomized design into two treatments, with 10 replicates (pens) of 20 birds each. Birds and feed offer and residues were weekly weighed to determine weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio. In weeks 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks, one bird per experimental unit was sacrificed to measure the development of the heart development, liver, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, and bursa. And of the oviduct in week 16. Pullers submitted to laser beak trimming presented higher weight gain and weekly feed intake, and better feed conversion ratio during the evaluated period. There was no influence of beak trimming methods on the development of the digestive organs, bursa or oviduct. Laser beak trimming can be used as an alternative to hot-blade beak trimming of commercial brown layers.
Animais , Ferimentos Penetrantes/veterinária , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Bem-Estar do Animal/tendências , Bico/anormalidadesResumo
O Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) é um quelônio de água doce cuja ocorrência é descrita nas bacias dos rios Amazonas, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná e Uruguai. Consta na lista vermelha de espécies ameaçadas da International Union for Conservation of Nature, como espécie de baixo risco, mas que poderá se tornar ameaçada, sendo necessário a atualização de seus dados ecológicos e biológicos. Considerando que planos de manejo e conservação de espécies dependem também de vasto conhecimento sobre a biologia reprodutiva, apresentamos a primeira descrição macroscópica dos órgãos genitais de fêmeas jovens e adultas de M. vanderhaegei correlacionando esses achados ao tamanho do espécime e ao período do ano. Exemplares de M. vanderhaegei foram coletados no município de Chapada dos Guimarães, área de ampla ocorrência natural da espécie. A descrição dos órgãos genitais foi realizada a partir de 17 fêmeas fixadas em formol a 10% e dissecadas para evidenciação de particularidades relacionadas à anatomia externa e interna. Os órgãos genitais M. vanderhaegei jovens e adultas são constituídos por pares de ovários e ovidutos que desembocam dorsolateralmente na cloaca, formando junto com o ureter a papila urogenital. Os ovários são órgãos alongados, com a extremidade cranial mais larga e caudal afunilada, já os ovidutos são longos e localizados lateralmente aos ovários, sendo em adultas, muito diferenciado na sua forma e tamanho em relação ao das jovens. Em ambas faixas etárias, os órgãos genitais são sustentados por pregas de membrana celomática que emergem do teto da cavidade, constituindo os mesovário e mesoviduto. De acordo com a forma e o padrão de mucosa do oviduto em fêmeas adultas, o segmento cranial corresponde as regiões do infundíbulo e magnum, o segmento médio, ao istmo e no caudal identificam-se as regiões útero e vagina. No assoalho do urodeum aloja-se o clitóris. O comprimento retilíneo de carapaça e massa corpórea entre fêmeas imaturas e adultas variam, respectivamente, entre 134-155,6mm e 134,43-365g. A maioria das fêmeas jovens foram capturadas no período chuvoso e as adultas sem e com ovos no período seco. As características macroscópicas dos órgãos genitais observadas em M. vanderhaegei são compartilhadas com outros Testudines, exceto pela papila urogenital e presença do clitóris.(AU)
Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) is a freshwater turtle with occurrence in Amazon, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná and Uruguai rivers basins. Although according to International Union for Conservation of Nature, it has low risk of extinction, there is an uptade necessity of ecological and biological data. Considering that the management and conservation plans are related to a wide knowledge of reproductive biology, a first macroscopic description about the young and adults females of M. vanderhaegei is important. These points were correlated to the specimens size and period of the year. The samples of M. vanderhaegei were collected in Chapada dos Guimarães county, Mato Grosso, Brazil, an area of large natural occurrence of the specimens. Genital organs of seventeen females were fixed in 10% formalin and then dissected to demonstrate the particularities related to external and internal anatomy. The young and adult M. vanderhaegei genitals organs are composed of ovaries and oviducts pairs that dorsolaterally discharge into the cloaca, forming with the ureter, the urogenital papilla. The ovaries are elongated organs with larger cranial and elongated caudal portions. The oviducts, which are in adults very differentiated in its shape and size compared to the young, are long and located laterally to the ovaries. In both age groups, the genital organs are supported by celomatic membrane folds that emerge from the ceiling of the cavity, constituting the mesovary and mesoviduct. In adult females, according to the shape and pattern of the oviduct mucosa, the cranial segment corresponds to the regions of the infundibulum and magnum; the middle segment, the isthmus and the caudal segment identify the uterus and vagina regions. The clitoris is sited on the floor of the urodeum. The carapace linear length and body mass between immature and adult females vary to 134-155.6mm e 134.43-365g respectively. The main part of young females was captured in rainy period and the adults, with and without eggs, at dry period. The macroscopic characteristics of the M. vanderhaegei genital organs are also observed in others Testudines, with the exception of urogenital papilla and by the clitoris presence.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Genitália Feminina/anatomia & histologiaResumo
O Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) é um quelônio de água doce cuja ocorrência é descrita nas bacias dos rios Amazonas, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná e Uruguai. Consta na lista vermelha de espécies ameaçadas da International Union for Conservation of Nature, como espécie de baixo risco, mas que poderá se tornar ameaçada, sendo necessário a atualização de seus dados ecológicos e biológicos. Considerando que planos de manejo e conservação de espécies dependem também de vasto conhecimento sobre a biologia reprodutiva, apresentamos a primeira descrição macroscópica dos órgãos genitais de fêmeas jovens e adultas de M. vanderhaegei correlacionando esses achados ao tamanho do espécime e ao período do ano. Exemplares de M. vanderhaegei foram coletados no município de Chapada dos Guimarães, área de ampla ocorrência natural da espécie. A descrição dos órgãos genitais foi realizada a partir de 17 fêmeas fixadas em formol a 10% e dissecadas para evidenciação de particularidades relacionadas à anatomia externa e interna. Os órgãos genitais M. vanderhaegei jovens e adultas são constituídos por pares de ovários e ovidutos que desembocam dorsolateralmente na cloaca, formando junto com o ureter a papila urogenital. Os ovários são órgãos alongados, com a extremidade cranial mais larga e caudal afunilada, já os ovidutos são longos e localizados lateralmente aos ovários, sendo em adultas, muito diferenciado na sua forma e tamanho em relação ao das jovens. Em ambas faixas etárias, os órgãos genitais são sustentados por pregas de membrana celomática que emergem do teto da cavidade, constituindo os mesovário e mesoviduto. De acordo com a forma e o padrão de mucosa do oviduto em fêmeas adultas, o segmento cranial corresponde as regiões do infundíbulo e magnum, o segmento médio, ao istmo e no caudal identificam-se as regiões útero e vagina. No assoalho do urodeum aloja-se o clitóris. O comprimento retilíneo de carapaça e massa corpórea entre fêmeas imaturas e adultas variam, respectivamente, entre 134-155,6mm e 134,43-365g. A maioria das fêmeas jovens foram capturadas no período chuvoso e as adultas sem e com ovos no período seco. As características macroscópicas dos órgãos genitais observadas em M. vanderhaegei são compartilhadas com outros Testudines, exceto pela papila urogenital e presença do clitóris.(AU)
Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) is a freshwater turtle with occurrence in Amazon, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná and Uruguai rivers basins. Although according to International Union for Conservation of Nature, it has low risk of extinction, there is an uptade necessity of ecological and biological data. Considering that the management and conservation plans are related to a wide knowledge of reproductive biology, a first macroscopic description about the young and adults females of M. vanderhaegei is important. These points were correlated to the specimens size and period of the year. The samples of M. vanderhaegei were collected in Chapada dos Guimarães county, Mato Grosso, Brazil, an area of large natural occurrence of the specimens. Genital organs of seventeen females were fixed in 10% formalin and then dissected to demonstrate the particularities related to external and internal anatomy. The young and adult M. vanderhaegei genitals organs are composed of ovaries and oviducts pairs that dorsolaterally discharge into the cloaca, forming with the ureter, the urogenital papilla. The ovaries are elongated organs with larger cranial and elongated caudal portions. The oviducts, which are in adults very differentiated in its shape and size compared to the young, are long and located laterally to the ovaries. In both age groups, the genital organs are supported by celomatic membrane folds that emerge from the ceiling of the cavity, constituting the mesovary and mesoviduct. In adult females, according to the shape and pattern of the oviduct mucosa, the cranial segment corresponds to the regions of the infundibulum and magnum; the middle segment, the isthmus and the caudal segment identify the uterus and vagina regions. The clitoris is sited on the floor of the urodeum. The carapace linear length and body mass between immature and adult females vary to 134-155.6mm e 134.43-365g respectively. The main part of young females was captured in rainy period and the adults, with and without eggs, at dry period. The macroscopic characteristics of the M. vanderhaegei genital organs are also observed in others Testudines, with the exception of urogenital papilla and by the clitoris presence.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Genitália Feminina/anatomia & histologiaResumo
ABSTRACT: Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) is a freshwater turtle with occurrence in Amazon, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná and Uruguai rivers basins. Although according to International Union for Conservation of Nature, it has low risk of extinction, there is an uptade necessity of ecological and biological data. Considering that the management and conservation plans are related to a wide knowledge of reproductive biology, a first macroscopic description about the young and adults females of M. vanderhaegei is important. These points were correlated to the specimens size and period of the year. The samples of M. vanderhaegei were collected in Chapada dos Guimarães county, Mato Grosso, Brazil, an area of large natural occurrence of the specimens. Genital organs of seventeen females were fixed in 10% formalin and then dissected to demonstrate the particularities related to external and internal anatomy. The young and adult M. vanderhaegei genitals organs are composed of ovaries and oviducts pairs that dorsolaterally discharge into the cloaca, forming with the ureter, the urogenital papilla. The ovaries are elongated organs with larger cranial and elongated caudal portions. The oviducts, which are in adults very differentiated in its shape and size compared to the young, are long and located laterally to the ovaries. In both age groups, the genital organs are supported by celomatic membrane folds that emerge from the ceiling of the cavity, constituting the mesovary and mesoviduct. In adult females, according to the shape and pattern of the oviduct mucosa, the cranial segment corresponds to the regions of the infundibulum and magnum; the middle segment, the isthmus and the caudal segment identify the uterus and vagina regions. The clitoris is sited on the floor of the urodeum. The carapace linear length and body mass between immature and adult females vary to 134-155.6mm e 134.43-365g respectively. The main part of young females was captured in rainy period and the adults, with and without eggs, at dry period. The macroscopic characteristics of the M. vanderhaegei genital organs are also observed in others Testudines, with the exception of urogenital papilla and by the clitoris presence.
RESUMO: O Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) é um quelônio de água doce cuja ocorrência é descrita nas bacias dos rios Amazonas, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná e Uruguai. Consta na lista vermelha de espécies ameaçadas da International Union for Conservation of Nature, como espécie de baixo risco, mas que poderá se tornar ameaçada, sendo necessário a atualização de seus dados ecológicos e biológicos. Considerando que planos de manejo e conservação de espécies dependem também de vasto conhecimento sobre a biologia reprodutiva, apresentamos a primeira descrição macroscópica dos órgãos genitais de fêmeas jovens e adultas de M. vanderhaegei correlacionando esses achados ao tamanho do espécime e ao período do ano. Exemplares de M. vanderhaegei foram coletados no município de Chapada dos Guimarães, área de ampla ocorrência natural da espécie. A descrição dos órgãos genitais foi realizada a partir de 17 fêmeas fixadas em formol a 10% e dissecadas para evidenciação de particularidades relacionadas à anatomia externa e interna. Os órgãos genitais M. vanderhaegei jovens e adultas são constituídos por pares de ovários e ovidutos que desembocam dorsolateralmente na cloaca, formando junto com o ureter a papila urogenital. Os ovários são órgãos alongados, com a extremidade cranial mais larga e caudal afunilada, já os ovidutos são longos e localizados lateralmente aos ovários, sendo em adultas, muito diferenciado na sua forma e tamanho em relação ao das jovens. Em ambas faixas etárias, os órgãos genitais são sustentados por pregas de membrana celomática que emergem do teto da cavidade, constituindo os mesovário e mesoviduto. De acordo com a forma e o padrão de mucosa do oviduto em fêmeas adultas, o segmento cranial corresponde as regiões do infundíbulo e magnum, o segmento médio, ao istmo e no caudal identificam-se as regiões útero e vagina. No assoalho do urodeum aloja-se o clitóris. O comprimento retilíneo de carapaça e massa corpórea entre fêmeas imaturas e adultas variam, respectivamente, entre 134-155,6mm e 134,43-365g. A maioria das fêmeas jovens foram capturadas no período chuvoso e as adultas sem e com ovos no período seco. As características macroscópicas dos órgãos genitais observadas em M. vanderhaegei são compartilhadas com outros Testudines, exceto pela papila urogenital e presença do clitóris.
The fact that embryos can be obtained in vitro undermines the role of the oviduct. However, it has been demonstrated that when in vitro produced bovine zygotes are cultured in the oviduct of sheep, cattle or mice the embryo quality is improved compared to the embryos produced in vitro. Thus the oviduct is not simply a passive organ required only for transporting the embryo to the uterus but also provides a suitable microenvironment for the early embryo. The study of physiological mechanisms and interactions between the embryo and the oviductal environment is essential to understand the correct processes of early embryo developmental. This knowledge can be used to improve current in vitro procedures providing high quality embryos capable of continued development and implantation, and resulting in viable births.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Bovinos/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Ruminantes/embriologia , Tubas UterinasResumo
The fact that embryos can be obtained in vitro undermines the role of the oviduct. However, it has been demonstrated that when in vitro produced bovine zygotes are cultured in the oviduct of sheep, cattle or mice the embryo quality is improved compared to the embryos produced in vitro. Thus the oviduct is not simply a passive organ required only for transporting the embryo to the uterus but also provides a suitable microenvironment for the early embryo. The study of physiological mechanisms and interactions between the embryo and the oviductal environment is essential to understand the correct processes of early embryo developmental. This knowledge can be used to improve current in vitro procedures providing high quality embryos capable of continued development and implantation, and resulting in viable births.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Ruminantes/embriologia , Bovinos/embriologia , Tubas UterinasResumo
In order to investigate the expression levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) and its receptors (TrkA and p75) in prehierarchical follicles and oviducts of hens, five 130-day-old laying hens were examined by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR analysis. NGF and its receptors were expressed in theca cells and granulosa cells of prehierarchical follicles, and they were also expressed in the epithelial cells of oviducts. The expression of the genes NGF, TrkA and p75 were significantly different in prehierarchical follicles (p 0.05 or p 0.01), and NGF and TrkA gene expression was significantly different in different parts of oviduct (p 0.05 or p 0.01). The expression of NGF and p75 mRNA levels was highest in large white follicle (LWF), as well as the expression of TrkA in small yellow follicle (SYF). In the oviduct, the expression of NGF was the highest in infundibulum, and lowest in isthmus. These results suggest that NGF may play an important role in the regulation of hen reproduction.
Animais , Fator de Crescimento Neural/administração & dosagem , Fator de Crescimento Neural/análise , Fator de Crescimento Neural/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Fenômenos Reprodutivos FisiológicosResumo
In order to investigate the expression levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) and its receptors (TrkA and p75) in prehierarchical follicles and oviducts of hens, five 130-day-old laying hens were examined by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR analysis. NGF and its receptors were expressed in theca cells and granulosa cells of prehierarchical follicles, and they were also expressed in the epithelial cells of oviducts. The expression of the genes NGF, TrkA and p75 were significantly different in prehierarchical follicles (p 0.05 or p 0.01), and NGF and TrkA gene expression was significantly different in different parts of oviduct (p 0.05 or p 0.01). The expression of NGF and p75 mRNA levels was highest in large white follicle (LWF), as well as the expression of TrkA in small yellow follicle (SYF). In the oviduct, the expression of NGF was the highest in infundibulum, and lowest in isthmus. These results suggest that NGF may play an important role in the regulation of hen reproduction.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Fator de Crescimento Neural/administração & dosagem , Fator de Crescimento Neural/efeitos adversos , Fator de Crescimento Neural/análise , Fenômenos Reprodutivos FisiológicosResumo
Foram realizados dois estudos objetivando ajustar protocolos de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) para incrementar a prenhez por IA (P/IA) de touros Nelore de menor fertilidade e predizer a fertilidade a campo de touros Holandês. No primeiro estudo, vacas Nelore (n = 1133) foram submetidas a um protocolo de IATF, iniciando no Dia -10, com a inserção de um dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona (P4, 1,0 g) e aplicação de benzoato de estradiol (BE, 2,0 mg). No Dia -2, o dispositivo de P4 foi removido e as vacas receberam cloprostenol sódico (PGF, 0,5 mg), eCG (300 UI) e cipionato de estradiol (CE, 1,0 mg). No Dia -0,5 ou 0 as vacas foram submetidas aos tratamentos com GnRH (G- 16 = GnRH 16 h antes da IA ou G0 = GnRH na AI). No Dia 0 as vacas foram inseminadas e distribuídas no tratamento de categoria de fertilidade de touros [A = uma dose de sêmen de touro de fertilidade mais alta (n = 3); B1 = uma dose de sêmen de touro de fertilidade mais baixa (n = 3); B2 = duas doses de sêmen de touro B (n = 3)]. Além disso, foi realizado o teste de ligação espermática em agregados de células do oviduto. Foi utilizado sêmen de touros A (n = 3) e B (n = 3) da raça Nelore. Para isso, foram coletados tratos reprodutivos de vacas em abatedouro e utilizou-se a região do istmo do oviduto para coletar as células no laboratório. As células foram cultivadas por 24 h para a formação de agregados celulares, seguindo por coincubação com espermatozoides por 36 h. A motilidade espermática foi avaliada pelo sistema CASA e a integridade das membranas foi avaliada por microscopia de fluorescência e citometria de fluxo. A fertilidade dos touros A e B foi semelhante (P > 0,10), independente do ajuste do momento da ovulação com GnRH e do número de doses de sêmen. Entretanto, apesar de a P/IA das vacas inseminadas com touros A ter sido similar independente do ECC das vacas, vacas de ECC < 3,0 tiveram menor P/IA quando inseminadas com touros B [ECC < 3,0: 50,5% (166/329); ECC 3,0: 60,6% (254/419); P < 0,05]. O número de espermatozoides ligados por mm de agregado celular não diferiu em 0,5 h (P = 0,10), mas em 12 h, 24 h e 36 h houve maior número de espermatozoides/mm de touros A (P > 0,05). Espermatozoides A tiveram maior motilidade total e progressiva do que espermatozoides B. As características de membranas analisadas não diferiram entre os touros. No segundo estudo, foi utilizado sêmen de touros A (n = 3) e B (n = 4) da raça Holandês. Avaliou-se o número de espermatozoides/mm de agregado celular. Além disso, a motilidade espermática foi avaliada pelo CASA e a integridade das membranas espermáticas por citometria de fluxo. Com 0,5 h de coincubação houve tendência para maior número de espermatozoides A ligados por mm de agregado, e a partir de 12 h de coincubação a ligação de espermatozoides nos agregados foi maior para A. Com 24 h e 36 h o número de espermatozoides ligados por agregado foi mantido, sendo maior para espermatozoides de touros A, e com 36 h houve uma alta correlação entre a fertilidade de campo e o número de espermatozoides ligados por mm de agregado (r = 0,89). Dos padrões de motilidade avaliados pelo CASA, apenas a velocidade retilínea foi maior para touros A. Das características de membranas espermáticas analisadas, touros B tiveram maior porcentagem de células com membranas plasmática e acrossomal íntegras (80,3% vs. 74,5%; P = 0,01) e maior potencial mitocondrial de células com membrana plasmática íntegra (P = 0,004). Sendo assim, o ECC das vacas, tempo de ovulação e características espermáticas influenciaram a fertilidade a campo de touros. Associadas às análises convencionais de motilidade e integridade de membranas espermáticas, a menor capacidade de se ligar às células do oviduto pode ser a causa da menor fertilidade de touros B, possibilitando o uso da técnica pela indústria como uma nova estratégia de predição da fertilidade a campo de touros.
Two studies were carried out aiming to adjust timed-artificial insemination (TAI) protocols to increase pregnancy per AI (P/AI) of Nelore bulls of lower fertility and to predict the field fertility of Holstein bulls. In the first study, Nelore cows (n = 1133) underwent a TAI protocol, starting on Day -10, with insertion of an intravaginal progesterone device (P4, 1.0 g) and treatment with estradiol benzoate (EB, 2.0 mg). On Day -2, the P4 device was removed, and cows received cloprostenol sodium (PGF, 0.5 mg), eCG (300 IU) and estradiol cypionate (EC, 1.0 mg). On Day -0.5 or 0 cows were subjected to GnRH treatments (G-16 = GnRH 16 h before AI or G0 = GnRH at AI). On Day 0 cows were inseminated and assigned to the fertility category bull treatment (H = one dose of higher fertility bull semen [n = 3]; L1 = one dose of lower fertility bull semen [n = 3]); L2 = two doses of semen from bull L [n = 3]). In addition, the sperm binding test was performed on oviduct cell aggregates. Semen from H (n = 3) and L (n = 3) Nelore bulls was used. For this, reproductive tracts of cows in slaughterhouse were collected and the region of the isthmus of the oviduct was used to collect the cells in the laboratory. Cells were cultured for 24 h to form cell explants, followed by co-incubation with sperm for 36 h. In addition, sperm motility was assessed by the CASA system and the integrity of membranes was assessed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. The fertility of bulls H and L was similar (P > 0.10), regardless of the adjustment of time of ovulation with GnRH and number of semen doses. However, despite P/AI of cows inseminated with H bulls was similar regardless of the BCS, cows with BCS < 3.0 had lower P/AI when inseminated with L bulls (BCS < 3.0: 50.5% [166/329]; BCS 3.0: 60.6% [254/419]; P < 0.05). The number of sperm bound per mm of cell explant did not differ at 0.5 h (P = 0.10), but at 12 h, 24 h and 36 h there was a greater number of sperm/mm of H bulls (P > 0.05). H sperm had greater total and progressive motility than L sperm. The membrane characteristics analyzed did not differ between H and L groups. In the second study, semen from H (n = 3) and L (n = 4) Holstein bulls was used. The number of sperm/mm of cell aggregate was evaluated. In addition, sperm motility was assessed by CASA and the integrity of sperm membranes by flow cytometry. With 0.5 h of co-incubation there was a tendency for a greater number of H sperm bound per mm of aggregate, and from 12 h of co-incubation on the binding of sperm in aggregates was greater for H. With 24 h and 36 h the number of spermatozoa bound per aggregate was maintained, being greater for sperm from bulls H, and at 36 h there was a high correlation between field fertility and the number of sperm bound per mm of explant (r = 0.89). Out of the motility patterns evaluated by CASA, only the straight velocity was higher for bulls H. Out of the sperm membrane characteristics analyzed, L bulls had the greatest percentage of cells with intact plasma and acrosomal membranes (80.3% vs. 74.5%; P = 0.01) and greater mitochondrial potential of cells with an intact plasma membrane (P = 0.004). Thus, the BCS of cows, timing of ovulation and sperm characteristics influenced field fertility of bulls. Combined with conventional analyzes of sperm motility and membrane integrity, the lower ability to bind to oviduct cells may be the cause of lower fertility in L bulls, allowing the industry to use this technique as a new strategy for predicting field fertility of bulls.
No presente estudo, utilizou-se a melatonina e a proteína específica do oviduto (pOSP) nos meios de maturação in vitro. Foram avaliadas a expansão do complexo cumulus-ovócito (CCOs), as concentrações intracelulares de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e o desenvolvimento embrionário nos diferentes grupos (C = controle; T1 = somente com melatonina; T2 = com melatonina e pOSP e T3 somente com pOSP). No tocante à expansão do CCOs, houve diferença (P<0,05) dos valores obtidos no grupo C em relação aos valores médios dos grupos T1, T2 e T3, porém não houve diferença entre os valores obtidos nos tratamentos (P>0,05). Na dosagem de ROS, não houve diferença entre os valores médios obtidos no grupo C (26,4±10,9) e o valor verificado no grupo T1 (23,4±7,8), porém no grupo T2 (21,3±9,7) o valor médio mostrou-se satisfatório em relação ao valor do grupo C. No entanto, o valor médio do grupo T3 (16,6±10,5) foi o que demonstrou resultado mais satisfatório quando comparado aos demais grupos (P<0,05). A produção de embriões foi avaliada por meio da taxa de clivagem. Não houve diferença (P >0,05) entre os valores obtidos entre o grupo C (48,9 %) e os valores verificados nos grupos T1 (51,5 %), T2 (50 %), T3 (57,7 %), nem destes entre si. Este estudo permitiu concluir que a proteína específica do oviduto recombinante e a melatonina foram eficientes em melhorar a expansão dos CCOs. Além disso, as células tratadas com pOSP mostraram-se com menor quantidade de ROS, podendo a pOSP ser considerada um antioxidante proteico.(AU)
The present study used melatonin and recombinant oviduct specific protein (pOSP) in in vitro maturation medium (IVM). The expansion of the cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs), the intracellular concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and embryo development of the different groups were evaluated (C = control; T1 = melatonin; T2 = melatonin and pOSP and T3 = pOSP). Regarding the COCs expansion, the groups T1, T2 and T3 showed satisfactory results compared with group C (P<0.05), but there was no difference between treatments (P>0.05). In the ROS dosage, there was no difference between the mean values obtained in group C (26.4 ± 10.9) and group 1 (23.4 ± 7.8). However, in group 2 (21.3 ± 9.7), the average value was found to be satisfactory in relation group C. Despite that, the average value of treatment 3 (16.6 ± 10.5) was the most satisfactory result found compared to the other groups (P<0.05). The production of embryos was evaluated by cleavage rate, there was no difference between the values obtained in group C and the values recorded in groups T1 (51.5 %), T2 (50 %), T3 (57.7 %), and among them. This study showed that the pOSP and the melatonin were effective in the improvement of the expansion of COCs cells. In addition, the cells that were treated with pOSP presented a lower amount of ROS, allowing the pOSP to be considered a proteic antioxidant.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Tubas Uterinas/química , Melatonina/administração & dosagem , Suínos , Antioxidantes , Fase de Clivagem do Zigoto , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/veterinária , Técnicas In Vitro/veterináriaResumo
No presente estudo, utilizou-se a melatonina e a proteína específica do oviduto (pOSP) nos meios de maturação in vitro. Foram avaliadas a expansão do complexo cumulus-ovócito (CCOs), as concentrações intracelulares de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e o desenvolvimento embrionário nos diferentes grupos (C = controle; T1 = somente com melatonina; T2 = com melatonina e pOSP e T3 somente com pOSP). No tocante à expansão do CCOs, houve diferença (P<0,05) dos valores obtidos no grupo C em relação aos valores médios dos grupos T1, T2 e T3, porém não houve diferença entre os valores obtidos nos tratamentos (P>0,05). Na dosagem de ROS, não houve diferença entre os valores médios obtidos no grupo C (26,4±10,9) e o valor verificado no grupo T1 (23,4±7,8), porém no grupo T2 (21,3±9,7) o valor médio mostrou-se satisfatório em relação ao valor do grupo C. No entanto, o valor médio do grupo T3 (16,6±10,5) foi o que demonstrou resultado mais satisfatório quando comparado aos demais grupos (P<0,05). A produção de embriões foi avaliada por meio da taxa de clivagem. Não houve diferença (P >0,05) entre os valores obtidos entre o grupo C (48,9 %) e os valores verificados nos grupos T1 (51,5 %), T2 (50 %), T3 (57,7 %), nem destes entre si. Este estudo permitiu concluir que a proteína específica do oviduto recombinante e a melatonina foram eficientes em melhorar a expansão dos CCOs. Além disso, as células tratadas com pOSP mostraram-se com menor quantidade de ROS, podendo a pOSP ser considerada um antioxidante proteico.(AU)
The present study used melatonin and recombinant oviduct specific protein (pOSP) in in vitro maturation medium (IVM). The expansion of the cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs), the intracellular concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and embryo development of the different groups were evaluated (C = control; T1 = melatonin; T2 = melatonin and pOSP and T3 = pOSP). Regarding the COCs expansion, the groups T1, T2 and T3 showed satisfactory results compared with group C (P<0.05), but there was no difference between treatments (P>0.05). In the ROS dosage, there was no difference between the mean values obtained in group C (26.4 ± 10.9) and group 1 (23.4 ± 7.8). However, in group 2 (21.3 ± 9.7), the average value was found to be satisfactory in relation group C. Despite that, the average value of treatment 3 (16.6 ± 10.5) was the most satisfactory result found compared to the other groups (P<0.05). The production of embryos was evaluated by cleavage rate, there was no difference between the values obtained in group C and the values recorded in groups T1 (51.5 %), T2 (50 %), T3 (57.7 %), and among them. This study showed that the pOSP and the melatonin were effective in the improvement of the expansion of COCs cells. In addition, the cells that were treated with pOSP presented a lower amount of ROS, allowing the pOSP to be considered a proteic antioxidant.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Suínos , Tubas Uterinas/química , Melatonina/administração & dosagem , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/veterinária , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária , Antioxidantes , Fase de Clivagem do ZigotoResumo
After a long journey travelling up the maternal tract the spermatozoa will meet the oocyte. As a result, an early embryo will promptly commence its development while travelling down the oviduct. These short but vital journeys of gametes and embryos are accompanied by important changes in the maternal tract. In particular, from the oviduct, which provides an optimal environment for gamete maturation and transport, fertilization and early embryo development. In fact, to achieve a successful pregnancy the oviduct should keep a fruitful dialogue with the gametes followed by an appropriate communication with the embryo(s). In the present review, the transcriptomic and proteomic changes induced by gametes and embryos in the oviduct as a result of this early dialogue will be reported. A special mention of the differential conversation between the oviduct and X and Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa, which might be at the basis of gender selection, will be provided. Subsequently, the ability of the embryo to modulate its own oviductal environment thus avoiding its maternal rejection will be discussed. Ultimately, a third player Will be introduced in this dialogue, exosomes/microvesicles, which have been proposed as early mediators of these maternal-gamete/embryo interactions. Snooping on the private conversation between the oviduct and gametes/embryo may provide some molecular clues about the mechanisms that mediate these interactions. Moreover, knowing the genes and proteins that pilot the success of the early reproductive events will offer great opportunities for the improvement of assisted reproductive technologies and animal breeding efficiency.(AU)
Animais , Tubas Uterinas/embriologia , Células Germinativas , Embrião de Mamíferos , ExossomosResumo
After a long journey travelling up the maternal tract the spermatozoa will meet the oocyte. As a result, an early embryo will promptly commence its development while travelling down the oviduct. These short but vital journeys of gametes and embryos are accompanied by important changes in the maternal tract. In particular, from the oviduct, which provides an optimal environment for gamete maturation and transport, fertilization and early embryo development. In fact, to achieve a successful pregnancy the oviduct should keep a fruitful dialogue with the gametes followed by an appropriate communication with the embryo(s). In the present review, the transcriptomic and proteomic changes induced by gametes and embryos in the oviduct as a result of this early dialogue will be reported. A special mention of the differential conversation between the oviduct and X and Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa, which might be at the basis of gender selection, will be provided. Subsequently, the ability of the embryo to modulate its own oviductal environment thus avoiding its maternal rejection will be discussed. Ultimately, a third player Will be introduced in this dialogue, exosomes/microvesicles, which have been proposed as early mediators of these maternal-gamete/embryo interactions. Snooping on the private conversation between the oviduct and gametes/embryo may provide some molecular clues about the mechanisms that mediate these interactions. Moreover, knowing the genes and proteins that pilot the success of the early reproductive events will offer great opportunities for the improvement of assisted reproductive technologies and animal breeding efficiency.