Herbivory is an interaction with great impact on plant communities since relationships between herbivores and plants are fundamental to the distribution and abundance of species over time and space. The aim of this study was to monitor the rate of leaf expansion in the tree fern Cyathea phalerata and evaluate the damage caused by herbivores to leaves of different ages and whether such damage is related to temperature and precipitation. The study was performed in a subtropical Atlantic Forest fragment located in the municipality of Caraá, in the northeast hillside of Rio Grande do Sul state, in southern Brazil. We monitored 24 mature individuals of C. phalerata with croziers in a population of approximately 50 plants. Leaf expansion rate, percentage of damaged leaves and leaf blade consumption rate by herbivory were calculated. Monthly means for temperature and accumulated rainfall were calculated from daily data. Croziers of C. phalerata were found to expand rapidly during the first and second months after emergence (3.98 cm day-¹; 2.91 cm day-¹, respectively). Damage caused by herbivory was observed in all of the monitored leaves, but none of the plants experienced complete defoliation. The highest percentage (57%) of damaged leaves was recorded at 60 days of monitoring, and also the highest monthly consumption rate of the blade (6.04%) occurred with young, newly-expanded leaves, while this rate remained between 1.50 and 2.21% for mature leaves. Rates of monthly leaf consumption and damaged leaves showed positive and strong relationship with each other and with temperature. The rapid leaf expansion observed for C. phalerata can be considered a phenological strategy to reduce damage to young leaves by shortening the developmental period and accelerating the increase of defenses in mature leaves.
A herbivoria é uma interação de grande impacto sobre as comunidades de plantas, uma vez que as relações entre herbívoros e plantas são fundamentais para a distribuição e abundância das espécies ao longo do tempo e do espaço. O objetivo deste estudo foi monitorar a taxa de expansão foliar da samambaia arborescente Cyathea phalerata e avaliar o dano causado por herbívoros a folhas de diferentes idades, assim como verificar se este dano está relacionado à temperatura e à precipitação. O estudo foi realizado em um fragmento de Floresta Atlântica subtropical localizado no município de Caraá, na encosta nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no sul do Brasil. Nós monitoramos 24 indivíduos maduros de C. phalerata com báculos em uma população de aproximadamente 50 plantas. A taxa de expansão foliar, a porcentagem de folhas danificadas e a taxa de consumo da lâmina foliar por herbivoria foram calculados. Médias mensais de temperatura e precipitação acumulada foram calculadas a partir de dados diários. Báculos de C. phalerata expandiram rapidamente durante o primeiro e o segundo mês após emergência (3,98 cm dia-¹; 2,91 cm dia-¹, respectivamente). O dano causado por herbivoria foi observado em todas as folhas monitoradas, mas nenhuma das plantas sofreu desfolhação completa. A maior porcentagem (57%) de folhas danificadas foi registrada aos 60 dias de monitoramento, e também a maior taxa de consumo mensal (6,04%) ocorreu em folhas jovens, recém expandidas, enquanto esta taxa permaneceu entre 1,50 e 2,21% em folhas maduras. As taxas mensais de consumo da lâmina foliar e de folhas danificadas mostraram relação positiva e forte entre si e com a temperatura. A rápida expansão foliar observada em C. phalerata pode ser considerada uma estratégia fenológica para reduzir o dano a folhas jovens, abreviando o período de desenvolvimento e acelerando o aumento das defesas em folhas maduras.
Gleiquênias/crescimento & desenvolvimento , HerbivoriaResumo
Abstract Herbivory is an interaction with great impact on plant communities since relationships between herbivores and plants are fundamental to the distribution and abundance of species over time and space. The aim of this study was to monitor the rate of leaf expansion in the tree fern Cyathea phalerata and evaluate the damage caused by herbivores to leaves of different ages and whether such damage is related to temperature and precipitation. The study was performed in a subtropical Atlantic Forest fragment located in the municipality of Caraá, in the northeast hillside of Rio Grande do Sul state, in southern Brazil. We monitored 24 mature individuals of C. phalerata with croziers in a population of approximately 50 plants. Leaf expansion rate, percentage of damaged leaves and leaf blade consumption rate by herbivory were calculated. Monthly means for temperature and accumulated rainfall were calculated from daily data. Croziers of C. phalerata were found to expand rapidly during the first and second months after emergence (3.98 cm day-1; 2.91 cm day-1, respectively). Damage caused by herbivory was observed in all of the monitored leaves, but none of the plants experienced complete defoliation. The highest percentage (57%) of damaged leaves was recorded at 60 days of monitoring, and also the highest monthly consumption rate of the blade (6.04%) occurred with young, newly-expanded leaves, while this rate remained between 1.50 and 2.21% for mature leaves. Rates of monthly leaf consumption and damaged leaves showed positive and strong relationship with each other and with temperature. The rapid leaf expansion observed for C. phalerata can be considered a phenological strategy to reduce damage to young leaves by shortening the developmental period and accelerating the increase of defenses in mature leaves.
Resumo A herbivoria é uma interação de grande impacto sobre as comunidades de plantas, uma vez que as relações entre herbívoros e plantas são fundamentais para a distribuição e abundância das espécies ao longo do tempo e do espaço. O objetivo deste estudo foi monitorar a taxa de expansão foliar da samambaia arborescente Cyathea phalerata e avaliar o dano causado por herbívoros a folhas de diferentes idades, assim como verificar se este dano está relacionado à temperatura e à precipitação. O estudo foi realizado em um fragmento de Floresta Atlântica subtropical localizado no município de Caraá, na encosta nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no sul do Brasil. Nós monitoramos 24 indivíduos maduros de C. phalerata com báculos em uma população de aproximadamente 50 plantas. A taxa de expansão foliar, a porcentagem de folhas danificadas e a taxa de consumo da lâmina foliar por herbivoria foram calculados. Médias mensais de temperatura e precipitação acumulada foram calculadas a partir de dados diários. Báculos de C. phalerata expandiram rapidamente durante o primeiro e o segundo mês após emergência (3,98 cm dia-1; 2,91 cm dia-1, respectivamente). O dano causado por herbivoria foi observado em todas as folhas monitoradas, mas nenhuma das plantas sofreu desfolhação completa. A maior porcentagem (57%) de folhas danificadas foi registrada aos 60 dias de monitoramento, e também a maior taxa de consumo mensal (6,04%) ocorreu em folhas jovens, recém expandidas, enquanto esta taxa permaneceu entre 1,50 e 2,21% em folhas maduras. As taxas mensais de consumo da lâmina foliar e de folhas danificadas mostraram relação positiva e forte entre si e com a temperatura. A rápida expansão foliar observada em C. phalerata pode ser considerada uma estratégia fenológica para reduzir o dano a folhas jovens, abreviando o período de desenvolvimento e acelerando o aumento das defesas em folhas maduras.
Abstract Herbivory is an interaction with great impact on plant communities since relationships between herbivores and plants are fundamental to the distribution and abundance of species over time and space. The aim of this study was to monitor the rate of leaf expansion in the tree fern Cyathea phalerata and evaluate the damage caused by herbivores to leaves of different ages and whether such damage is related to temperature and precipitation. The study was performed in a subtropical Atlantic Forest fragment located in the municipality of Caraá, in the northeast hillside of Rio Grande do Sul state, in southern Brazil. We monitored 24 mature individuals of C. phalerata with croziers in a population of approximately 50 plants. Leaf expansion rate, percentage of damaged leaves and leaf blade consumption rate by herbivory were calculated. Monthly means for temperature and accumulated rainfall were calculated from daily data. Croziers of C. phalerata were found to expand rapidly during the first and second months after emergence (3.98 cm day-1; 2.91 cm day-1, respectively). Damage caused by herbivory was observed in all of the monitored leaves, but none of the plants experienced complete defoliation. The highest percentage (57%) of damaged leaves was recorded at 60 days of monitoring, and also the highest monthly consumption rate of the blade (6.04%) occurred with young, newly-expanded leaves, while this rate remained between 1.50 and 2.21% for mature leaves. Rates of monthly leaf consumption and damaged leaves showed positive and strong relationship with each other and with temperature. The rapid leaf expansion observed for C. phalerata can be considered a phenological strategy to reduce damage to young leaves by shortening the developmental period and accelerating the increase of defenses in mature leaves.
Resumo A herbivoria é uma interação de grande impacto sobre as comunidades de plantas, uma vez que as relações entre herbívoros e plantas são fundamentais para a distribuição e abundância das espécies ao longo do tempo e do espaço. O objetivo deste estudo foi monitorar a taxa de expansão foliar da samambaia arborescente Cyathea phalerata e avaliar o dano causado por herbívoros a folhas de diferentes idades, assim como verificar se este dano está relacionado à temperatura e à precipitação. O estudo foi realizado em um fragmento de Floresta Atlântica subtropical localizado no município de Caraá, na encosta nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no sul do Brasil. Nós monitoramos 24 indivíduos maduros de C. phalerata com báculos em uma população de aproximadamente 50 plantas. A taxa de expansão foliar, a porcentagem de folhas danificadas e a taxa de consumo da lâmina foliar por herbivoria foram calculados. Médias mensais de temperatura e precipitação acumulada foram calculadas a partir de dados diários. Báculos de C. phalerata expandiram rapidamente durante o primeiro e o segundo mês após emergência (3,98 cm dia-1; 2,91 cm dia-1, respectivamente). O dano causado por herbivoria foi observado em todas as folhas monitoradas, mas nenhuma das plantas sofreu desfolhação completa. A maior porcentagem (57%) de folhas danificadas foi registrada aos 60 dias de monitoramento, e também a maior taxa de consumo mensal (6,04%) ocorreu em folhas jovens, recém expandidas, enquanto esta taxa permaneceu entre 1,50 e 2,21% em folhas maduras. As taxas mensais de consumo da lâmina foliar e de folhas danificadas mostraram relação positiva e forte entre si e com a temperatura. A rápida expansão foliar observada em C. phalerata pode ser considerada uma estratégia fenológica para reduzir o dano a folhas jovens, abreviando o período de desenvolvimento e acelerando o aumento das defesas em folhas maduras.
Humanos , Gleiquênias , Herbivoria , Brasil , Florestas , Folhas de PlantaResumo
Herbivory is an interaction with great impact on plant communities since relationships between herbivores and plants are fundamental to the distribution and abundance of species over time and space. The aim of this study was to monitor the rate of leaf expansion in the tree fern Cyathea phalerata and evaluate the damage caused by herbivores to leaves of different ages and whether such damage is related to temperature and precipitation. The study was performed in a subtropical Atlantic Forest fragment located in the municipality of Caraá, in the northeast hillside of Rio Grande do Sul state, in southern Brazil. We monitored 24 mature individuals of C. phalerata with croziers in a population of approximately 50 plants. Leaf expansion rate, percentage of damaged leaves and leaf blade consumption rate by herbivory were calculated. Monthly means for temperature and accumulated rainfall were calculated from daily data. Croziers of C. phalerata were found to expand rapidly during the first and second months after emergence (3.98 cm day-¹; 2.91 cm day-¹, respectively). Damage caused by herbivory was observed in all of the monitored leaves, but none of the plants experienced complete defoliation. The highest percentage (57%) of damaged leaves was recorded at 60 days of monitoring, and also the highest monthly consumption rate of the blade (6.04%) occurred with young, newly-expanded leaves, while this rate remained between 1.50 and 2.21% for mature leaves. Rates of monthly leaf consumption and damaged leaves showed positive and strong relationship with each other and with temperature. The rapid leaf expansion observed for C. phalerata can be considered a phenological strategy to reduce damage to young leaves by shortening the developmental period and accelerating the increase of defenses in mature leaves.(AU)
A herbivoria é uma interação de grande impacto sobre as comunidades de plantas, uma vez que as relações entre herbívoros e plantas são fundamentais para a distribuição e abundância das espécies ao longo do tempo e do espaço. O objetivo deste estudo foi monitorar a taxa de expansão foliar da samambaia arborescente Cyathea phalerata e avaliar o dano causado por herbívoros a folhas de diferentes idades, assim como verificar se este dano está relacionado à temperatura e à precipitação. O estudo foi realizado em um fragmento de Floresta Atlântica subtropical localizado no município de Caraá, na encosta nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no sul do Brasil. Nós monitoramos 24 indivíduos maduros de C. phalerata com báculos em uma população de aproximadamente 50 plantas. A taxa de expansão foliar, a porcentagem de folhas danificadas e a taxa de consumo da lâmina foliar por herbivoria foram calculados. Médias mensais de temperatura e precipitação acumulada foram calculadas a partir de dados diários. Báculos de C. phalerata expandiram rapidamente durante o primeiro e o segundo mês após emergência (3,98 cm dia-¹; 2,91 cm dia-¹, respectivamente). O dano causado por herbivoria foi observado em todas as folhas monitoradas, mas nenhuma das plantas sofreu desfolhação completa. A maior porcentagem (57%) de folhas danificadas foi registrada aos 60 dias de monitoramento, e também a maior taxa de consumo mensal (6,04%) ocorreu em folhas jovens, recém expandidas, enquanto esta taxa permaneceu entre 1,50 e 2,21% em folhas maduras. As taxas mensais de consumo da lâmina foliar e de folhas danificadas mostraram relação positiva e forte entre si e com a temperatura. A rápida expansão foliar observada em C. phalerata pode ser considerada uma estratégia fenológica para reduzir o dano a folhas jovens, abreviando o período de desenvolvimento e acelerando o aumento das defesas em folhas maduras.(AU)
Herbivoria , Gleiquênias/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Several factors limit cowpea quality and yield, such as the choice of a cultivar better adapted to the region, the ideal sowing season, as well as diseases and pests. Aimed to evaluate the effect of different sowing seasons on the population dynamics of pest insects of cowpea crops. The study was carried out during the dry season, the rainy season, and the season recommended for sowing by the Experimental Farm of the Federal University of Amazonas (FAEXPUFAM), Brazil. A total of 33 weekly collections were carried out during the three sowing seasons, distributed in two ways according to the phenological stage of the crop: manual collection per linear meter of plantation and entomological scanning net. The faunistic analysis detected the pest insects Acromyrmex laticeps nigrosetosus, Cerotoma arcuata, Crinocerus sanctus, Euschistus heros, Horciasinus signoreti, Liriomyza sativae, and Nezara viridula. Of these species, H. signoreti stands out for being recorded for the first time as predominant in cowpea crops in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. Infections by hemipterans such as C. sanctus, E. heros, H. signoreti, and N. viridula were detected throughout the study, regardless of the sowing season, except for H. signoreti, which was dominant in all three seasons. The highest infestation of C. arcuata occurred during the recommended sowing season for cowpeas (June to August). According to the Jaccard index, plantation I e II share 86% of the species. This study provides important information to programs in insect control and management and to the agronomic decision-making process.
Pragas da Agricultura , Vigna/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Insetos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dinâmica PopulacionalResumo
Models of development are tools that connect the effects of development on the environment, allowing their applications in several studies. Nevertheless, studies are scarce on models of development for native forest species in Brazil. This study aimed to predict the development of two native forest species - Citharexylum myrianthum Cham. and Bixa orellana L. - with two agrometeorological models, being one linear (Phyllochron) and another nonlinear (Wang and Engel, 1998). Both models predict the cumulative leaf number (CLN) on a daily basis, which generates the seedling phase duration (SPD) when integrated to time. Data were used from two years of experiments conducted during 2015 and 2016 growing seasons and 12 sowing dates in Itajubá, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. These species × sowing dates × years experiments provided a rich dataset for calibrating and evaluating both models. Although both models used in the study allowed predicting the dynamics of leaf development, CLN, and SPD in two native forest species, the Wang and Engel model provided a more accurate prediction of CLN and SPD for C. myrianthum species, with an overall root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.82 leaves (CLN) and 5.9 days (SPD). For B. orellana, the Phyllochron model was slightly better, with an overall RMSE of 1.48 leaves (CLN) and seven days (SDP).
Bixa orellana , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Verbenaceae , Plântula/crescimento & desenvolvimento , TemperaturaResumo
Soybean is one of the most demanding annual crops in boron (B), however, there is a divergence regarding the best phenological stage to carry out this application via foliar. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of different times of foliar application of B, with and without splitting, on flowering, productivity, and components of soybean production. For this, an experiment was carried out in the field, the experimental design used was in randomized blocks, with seven times of foliar applications of B (control, 100% 15 V4, 100% R1, 100% R3, 50% V4 + 50% R1, 50% V4 + 50% R3 and 50% R1 + 50% R3) and four replications, totaling 28 experimental plots. The number of flowers, number of beginning pod, B content in plants, weight of 1000 grains (g) and productivity were analyzed. The highest B content was observed with applications in the V4 (50%) + R1 (50%) and V4 (50%) + R3 (50%) stages, that is, part in the vegetative stage and part in the reproductive stage. The application of B did not result in a significant difference in relation to the number of inflorescences per plant. There was no significant effect of the times of foliar application of B for the variable of number of pods per plant, number of inflorescences and productivity. For weight of 1000 grains (g) higher values were found in V4, R1 and R3 and in the control. Therefore, the foliar application of boron in the stages V4 (50%) + R1(50%) and V4(50%) + R3 (50%) increased the levels of B in the plant, while in R1+R3 it provided the highest number of beginning pods. However, there was no effect of boron application for grain yield regardless of the time of application.(AU)
A soja é uma das culturas anuais mais exigentes em boro (B), no entanto, existe uma divergência em relação sobre qual melhor estádio fenológico para efetuar essa aplicação via foliar. Logo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência de diferentes épocas de aplicação foliar de B, com e sem parcelamento no florescimento, produtividade e componentes da produção da soja. Para tal, foi realizado um experimento em campo, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com sete épocas de aplicações foliares de B (testemunha, 100% 15 V4, 100% R1, 100% R3, 50% V4 + 50% R1, 50% V4 + 50% R3 e 50% R1 + 50% R3) e quatro repetições, totalizando 28 parcelas experimentais. Foram analisados o número de flores, número de canivete, teor de B nas plantas, peso de 1000 grãos (g) e a produtividade. O maior teor B foi observado com aplicações nos estádios V4 (50%) + R1 (50%) e V4 (50%) + R3 (50%) isto é, parte no estádio vegetativo e parte no estádio reprodutivo. A aplicação de B não resultou em diferença significativa em relação ao número de inflorescências por planta. Não houve efeito significativo das épocas de aplicação foliar de B para a variável de número de vagens por planta, número de inflorescências e produtividade. Para peso de 1000 grãos(g)foram encontrados maiores valores em V4, R1 e R3 e na testemunha. Portanto, a aplicação foliar de boro nos estádios V4 (50%) + R1 (50%) e V4 (50%) + R3 (50%) aumentou os níveis de B na planta, enquanto em R1+R3 proporcionou o maior número de canivetes. No entanto, não houve efeito da aplicação de boro para a produtividade de grãos independente da época de aplicação.(AU)
Glycine max/química , Boro/administração & dosagem , Fertilizantes/análiseResumo
Sucking pests are major threat to cotton field crop which cause unbearable losses to the crop yield. Aim of the current study was to record seasonal dynamics of major sucking insect pests including whitefly, jassid, thrips and their natural arthropod predators i.e. green lacewings and spiders in cotton field plots. The effects of surrounding field crops on pests' density and predatory efficiency of predators were also recorded. For sampling and survey of insects, the visual counting was found to be the most efficient method for recording the abundance of insects, trailed by net sweeping and tapping. Whitefly was the most dominant sucking pest found on the vegetative stage of cotton, followed by jassid and thrips. Fluctuated populations of predatory arthropods, spiders and green lacewings were also recorded during whole cropping season however, the densities of pests and predators varied with crop phenology. Spiders' population was encouraging at both vegetative and flowering stage and also the same trend of jassid and whitefly were observed at both stages of the crop. Surrounding habitats showed non-significant effect on population densities of insect pests and predators. For abiotic factors, the spiders showed strong positive correlation with humidity and temperature. However, green lacewing was only positively correlated with humidity. On the other hand, the populations of whitefly, jassid and thrips showed non-significant correlation with both temperature and humidity. Overall densities of sucking insect pests were found above economic threshold level. The plant age, crop stage and surrounding habitats effect on the population fluctuation of pests as well as the predators' abundance. The future studies are also warranted to investigate the altered habitats and multiple trap cropping to find out their impact on unattended insect predators and parasitoids in cotton crop.(AU)
As pragas sugadoras são uma grande ameaça para a cultura do algodão, causando perdas insuportáveis no rendimento da cultura. O objetivo do estudo atual foi registrar a dinâmica sazonal das principais pragas de insetos sugadores, incluindo mosca-branca, jassid, tripes e seus artrópodes predadores naturais, ou seja, crisopídeos e aranhas verdes em parcelas de algodão. Os efeitos das plantações circundantes na densidade de pragas e na eficiência predatória de predadores também foram registrados. Para amostragem e pesquisa de insetos, a contagem visual foi considerada o método mais eficiente para registrar a abundância de insetos, seguido por varredura e batida de rede. A mosca-branca foi a praga sugadora mais dominante encontrada na fase vegetativa do algodoeiro, seguida pelo jassid e tripes. Populações flutuantes de artrópodes predadores, aranhas e crisálidas também foram registradas durante toda a safra, no entanto as densidades de pragas e predadores variaram com a fenologia da cultura. A população de aranhas foi encorajadora tanto na fase vegetativa como na floração e também a mesma tendência de jassid e mosca-branca foi observada em ambas as fases da cultura. Os habitats circundantes mostraram efeito não significativo nas densidades populacionais de insetos-praga e predadores. Para os fatores abióticos, as aranhas apresentaram forte correlação positiva com umidade e temperatura. No entanto, lacewing verde foi apenas positivamente correlacionado com a umidade. Por outro lado, as populações de mosca-branca, jassid e tripes apresentaram correlação não significativa com temperatura e umidade. As densidades gerais de pragas sugadoras de insetos foram encontradas acima do nível do limiar econômico. A idade da planta, o estágio da cultura e os habitats circundantes afetam a flutuação populacional de pragas, bem como a abundância de predadores. Os estudos futuros também são necessários para investigar os habitats alterados e cultivo com armadilhas múltiplas [...].(AU)
Gossypium/parasitologia , Pragas da Agricultura , Estações do Ano , Dípteros , Hemípteros , ArtrópodesResumo
Sucking pests are major threat to cotton field crop which cause unbearable losses to the crop yield. Aim of the current study was to record seasonal dynamics of major sucking insect pests including whitefly, jassid, thrips and their natural arthropod predators i.e. green lacewings and spiders in cotton field plots. The effects of surrounding field crops on pests' density and predatory efficiency of predators were also recorded. For sampling and survey of insects, the visual counting was found to be the most efficient method for recording the abundance of insects, trailed by net sweeping and tapping. Whitefly was the most dominant sucking pest found on the vegetative stage of cotton, followed by jassid and thrips. Fluctuated populations of predatory arthropods, spiders and green lacewings were also recorded during whole cropping season however, the densities of pests and predators varied with crop phenology. Spiders' population was encouraging at both vegetative and flowering stage and also the same trend of jassid and whitefly were observed at both stages of the crop. Surrounding habitats showed non-significant effect on population densities of insect pests and predators. For abiotic factors, the spiders showed strong positive correlation with humidity and temperature. However, green lacewing was only positively correlated with humidity. On the other hand, the populations of whitefly, jassid and thrips showed non-significant correlation with both temperature and humidity. Overall densities of sucking insect pests were found above economic threshold level. The plant age, crop stage and surrounding habitats effect on the population fluctuation of pests as well as the predators' abundance. The future studies are also warranted to investigate the altered habitats and multiple trap cropping to find out their impact on unattended insect predators and parasitoids in cotton crop.
As pragas sugadoras são uma grande ameaça para a cultura do algodão, causando perdas insuportáveis no rendimento da cultura. O objetivo do estudo atual foi registrar a dinâmica sazonal das principais pragas de insetos sugadores, incluindo mosca-branca, jassid, tripes e seus artrópodes predadores naturais, ou seja, crisopídeos e aranhas verdes em parcelas de algodão. Os efeitos das plantações circundantes na densidade de pragas e na eficiência predatória de predadores também foram registrados. Para amostragem e pesquisa de insetos, a contagem visual foi considerada o método mais eficiente para registrar a abundância de insetos, seguido por varredura e batida de rede. A mosca-branca foi a praga sugadora mais dominante encontrada na fase vegetativa do algodoeiro, seguida pelo jassid e tripes. Populações flutuantes de artrópodes predadores, aranhas e crisálidas também foram registradas durante toda a safra, no entanto as densidades de pragas e predadores variaram com a fenologia da cultura. A população de aranhas foi encorajadora tanto na fase vegetativa como na floração e também a mesma tendência de jassid e mosca-branca foi observada em ambas as fases da cultura. Os habitats circundantes mostraram efeito não significativo nas densidades populacionais de insetos-praga e predadores. Para os fatores abióticos, as aranhas apresentaram forte correlação positiva com umidade e temperatura. No entanto, lacewing verde foi apenas positivamente correlacionado com a umidade. Por outro lado, as populações de mosca-branca, jassid e tripes apresentaram correlação não significativa com temperatura e umidade. As densidades gerais de pragas sugadoras de insetos foram encontradas acima do nível do limiar econômico. A idade da planta, o estágio da cultura e os habitats circundantes afetam a flutuação populacional de pragas, bem como a abundância de predadores. Os estudos futuros também são necessários para investigar os habitats alterados e cultivo com armadilhas múltiplas [...].
Artrópodes , Dípteros , Estações do Ano , Gossypium/parasitologia , Hemípteros , Pragas da AgriculturaResumo
Abstract Sucking pests are major threat to cotton field crop which cause unbearable losses to the crop yield. Aim of the current study was to record seasonal dynamics of major sucking insect pests including whitefly, jassid, thrips and their natural arthropod predators i.e. green lacewings and spiders in cotton field plots. The effects of surrounding field crops on pests density and predatory efficiency of predators were also recorded. For sampling and survey of insects, the visual counting was found to be the most efficient method for recording the abundance of insects, trailed by net sweeping and tapping. Whitefly was the most dominant sucking pest found on the vegetative stage of cotton, followed by jassid and thrips. Fluctuated populations of predatory arthropods, spiders and green lacewings were also recorded during whole cropping season however, the densities of pests and predators varied with crop phenology. Spiders population was encouraging at both vegetative and flowering stage and also the same trend of jassid and whitefly were observed at both stages of the crop. Surrounding habitats showed non-significant effect on population densities of insect pests and predators. For abiotic factors, the spiders showed strong positive correlation with humidity and temperature. However, green lacewing was only positively correlated with humidity. On the other hand, the populations of whitefly, jassid and thrips showed non-significant correlation with both temperature and humidity. Overall densities of sucking insect pests were found above economic threshold level. The plant age, crop stage and surrounding habitats effect on the population fluctuation of pests as well as the predators abundance. The future studies are also warranted to investigate the altered habitats and multiple trap cropping to find out their impact on unattended insect predators and parasitoids in cotton crop.
Resumo As pragas sugadoras são uma grande ameaça para a cultura do algodão, causando perdas insuportáveis no rendimento da cultura. O objetivo do estudo atual foi registrar a dinâmica sazonal das principais pragas de insetos sugadores, incluindo mosca-branca, jassid, tripes e seus artrópodes predadores naturais, ou seja, crisopídeos e aranhas verdes em parcelas de algodão. Os efeitos das plantações circundantes na densidade de pragas e na eficiência predatória de predadores também foram registrados. Para amostragem e pesquisa de insetos, a contagem visual foi considerada o método mais eficiente para registrar a abundância de insetos, seguido por varredura e batida de rede. A mosca-branca foi a praga sugadora mais dominante encontrada na fase vegetativa do algodoeiro, seguida pelo jassid e tripes. Populações flutuantes de artrópodes predadores, aranhas e crisálidas também foram registradas durante toda a safra, no entanto as densidades de pragas e predadores variaram com a fenologia da cultura. A população de aranhas foi encorajadora tanto na fase vegetativa como na floração e também a mesma tendência de jassid e mosca-branca foi observada em ambas as fases da cultura. Os habitats circundantes mostraram efeito não significativo nas densidades populacionais de insetos-praga e predadores. Para os fatores abióticos, as aranhas apresentaram forte correlação positiva com umidade e temperatura. No entanto, lacewing verde foi apenas positivamente correlacionado com a umidade. Por outro lado, as populações de mosca-branca, jassid e tripes apresentaram correlação não significativa com temperatura e umidade. As densidades gerais de pragas sugadoras de insetos foram encontradas acima do nível do limiar econômico. A idade da planta, o estágio da cultura e os habitats circundantes afetam a flutuação populacional de pragas, bem como a abundância de predadores. Os estudos futuros também são necessários para investigar os habitats alterados e cultivo com armadilhas múltiplas para descobrir seu impacto sobre predadores de insetos e parasitoides desacompanhados na cultura do algodão.
Sucking pests are major threat to cotton field crop which cause unbearable losses to the crop yield. Aim of the current study was to record seasonal dynamics of major sucking insect pests including whitefly, jassid, thrips and their natural arthropod predators i.e. green lacewings and spiders in cotton field plots. The effects of surrounding field crops on pests' density and predatory efficiency of predators were also recorded. For sampling and survey of insects, the visual counting was found to be the most efficient method for recording the abundance of insects, trailed by net sweeping and tapping. Whitefly was the most dominant sucking pest found on the vegetative stage of cotton, followed by jassid and thrips. Fluctuated populations of predatory arthropods, spiders and green lacewings were also recorded during whole cropping season however, the densities of pests and predators varied with crop phenology. Spiders' population was encouraging at both vegetative and flowering stage and also the same trend of jassid and whitefly were observed at both stages of the crop. Surrounding habitats showed non-significant effect on population densities of insect pests and predators. For abiotic factors, the spiders showed strong positive correlation with humidity and temperature. However, green lacewing was only positively correlated with humidity. On the other hand, the populations of whitefly, jassid and thrips showed non-significant correlation with both temperature and humidity. Overall densities of sucking insect pests were found above economic threshold level. The plant age, crop stage and surrounding habitats effect on the population fluctuation of pests as well as the predators' abundance. The future studies are also warranted to investigate the altered habitats and multiple trap cropping to find out their impact on unattended insect predators and parasitoids in cotton crop.
As pragas sugadoras são uma grande ameaça para a cultura do algodão, causando perdas insuportáveis no rendimento da cultura. O objetivo do estudo atual foi registrar a dinâmica sazonal das principais pragas de insetos sugadores, incluindo mosca-branca, jassid, tripes e seus artrópodes predadores naturais, ou seja, crisopídeos e aranhas verdes em parcelas de algodão. Os efeitos das plantações circundantes na densidade de pragas e na eficiência predatória de predadores também foram registrados. Para amostragem e pesquisa de insetos, a contagem visual foi considerada o método mais eficiente para registrar a abundância de insetos, seguido por varredura e batida de rede. A mosca-branca foi a praga sugadora mais dominante encontrada na fase vegetativa do algodoeiro, seguida pelo jassid e tripes. Populações flutuantes de artrópodes predadores, aranhas e crisálidas também foram registradas durante toda a safra, no entanto as densidades de pragas e predadores variaram com a fenologia da cultura. A população de aranhas foi encorajadora tanto na fase vegetativa como na floração e também a mesma tendência de jassid e mosca-branca foi observada em ambas as fases da cultura. Os habitats circundantes mostraram efeito não significativo nas densidades populacionais de insetos-praga e predadores. Para os fatores abióticos, as aranhas apresentaram forte correlação positiva com umidade e temperatura. No entanto, lacewing verde foi apenas positivamente correlacionado com a umidade. Por outro lado, as populações de mosca-branca, jassid e tripes apresentaram correlação não significativa com temperatura e umidade. As densidades gerais de pragas sugadoras de insetos foram encontradas acima do nível do limiar econômico. A idade da planta, o estágio da cultura e os habitats circundantes afetam a flutuação populacional de pragas, bem como a abundância de predadores. Os estudos futuros também são necessários para investigar os habitats alterados e cultivo com armadilhas múltiplas para descobrir seu impacto sobre predadores de insetos e parasitoides desacompanhados na cultura do algodão.
Animais , Aranhas , Gossypium , Paquistão , Ecossistema , InsetosResumo
Cyperus difformis L. is a Cyperaceae, annual, of natural occurrence in marshy environments in southern Brazil, considered a weed in irrigated rice crops. Studies on its development are scarce, especially regarding its cycle and thermal requirements. Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine the base temperature, the thermal sum and the duration of the different sub-periods of the biological cycle of the species. The experiment was carried out at the Campus of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria UFSM, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, in four sowing seasons. In a completely delineated design and factorial scheme involving five soil water conditions (water depth and 50% soil water retention capacity [WRC]) from the sowing, water depth and 50% WRC introduced 21 days after emergence and 100% WRC during the whole cycle, with six repetitions each. Each experimental unit consisted of a cultivated in pot plant with 11 L capacity filled with soil. The cycle of the plants was subdivided into the sowing-emergence sub-periods, emergence-emission of the floral tassel and emission of the floral-maturing physiological tassel, being estimated the thermal requirements for the species. The conditions of the soil water condition the base temperature, the sum of the degree-days and the duration of the species cycle. The base temperature varies for each treatment, the sum of degrees-day decreases with the water deficit and the plants under flood accelerate the biological cycle.
Cyperaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fenômenos Biológicos , Resposta ao Choque TérmicoResumo
ABSTRACT The genus Coffea belongs to the Rubiaceae family and includes two species with optimum economic performances, Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora. The state of São Paulo is one of the states that produce the species C. arabica in Brazil. Arabica coffee has been of great importance to São Paulo, providing relevant contributions to the historical, political, architectural, gastronomic, touristic, artistic, agricultural, industrial and social sectors since its introduction into the state in the nineteenth century. The agricultural sector includes crops produced by both small farmers and by highly technological agricultural groups. Coffea arabica plants present six phenological phases, all sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall. In the reproductive phases, the species requires short days, low temperatures and no rainfall, followed by the rainy season. However, the phenological phases of the coffee plants can be harmed or even inhibited by dry or rainy seasons that are too long or too short. In the state of São Paulo, the municipalities of Garça and Franca show optimal coffee productivity, whereas those of Adamantina and Registro are low, and the agricultural aptitudes of these four municipalities show strong relationships with their geographical distributions in the state. Garça and Franca are situated in areas where the predominant dry and rainy seasons favor the occurrence of the phenological phases of arabica coffee plants, whereas Adamantina and Registro are located in areas with long dry and rainy seasons, respectively, characteristics that harm the development of the reproductive phenological phases of this culture.
The genus Coffea belongs to the Rubiaceae family and includes two species with optimum economic performances, Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora. The state of São Paulo is one of the states that produce the species C. arabica in Brazil. Arabica coffee has been of great importance to São Paulo, providing relevant contributions to the historical, political, architectural, gastronomic, touristic, artistic, agricultural, industrial and social sectors since its introduction into the state in the nineteenth century. The agricultural sector includes crops produced by both small farmers and by highly technological agricultural groups. Coffea arabica plants present six phenological phases, all sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall. In the reproductive phases, the species requires short days, low temperatures and no rainfall, followed by the rainy season. However, the phenological phases of the coffee plants can be harmed or even inhibited by dry or rainy seasons that are too long or too short. In the state of São Paulo, the municipalities of Garça and Franca show optimal coffee productivity, whereas those of Adamantina and Registro are low, and the agricultural aptitudes of these four municipalities show strong relationships with their geographical distributions in the state. Garça and Franca are situated in areas where the predominant dry and rainy seasons favor the occurrence of the phenological phases of arabica coffee plants, whereas Adamantina and Registro are located in areas with long dry and rainy seasons, respectively, characteristics that harm the development of the reproductive phenological phases of this culture.
Café , Coffea , Estações do Ano , Temperatura , Rubiaceae , Precipitação Atmosférica , Estação Chuvosa , Agroindústria , HistóriaResumo
Cyperus difformis L. is a Cyperaceae, annual, of natural occurrence in marshy environments in southern Brazil, considered a weed in irrigated rice crops. Studies on its development are scarce, especially regarding its cycle and thermal requirements. Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine the base temperature, the thermal sum and the duration of the different sub-periods of the biological cycle of the species. The experiment was carried out at the Campus of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria UFSM, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, in four sowing seasons. In a completely delineated design and factorial scheme involving five soil water conditions (water depth and 50% soil water retention capacity [WRC]) from the sowing, water depth and 50% WRC introduced 21 days after emergence and 100% WRC during the whole cycle, with six repetitions each. Each experimental unit consisted of a cultivated in pot plant with 11 L capacity filled with soil. The cycle of the plants was subdivided into the sowing-emergence sub-periods, emergence-emission of the floral tassel and emission of the floral-maturing physiological tassel, being estimated the thermal requirements for the species. The conditions of the soil water condition the base temperature, the sum of the degree-days and the duration of the species cycle. The base temperature varies for each treatment, the sum of degrees-day decreases with the water deficit and the plants under flood accelerate the biological cycle.(AU)
Cyperaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fenômenos Biológicos , Resposta ao Choque TérmicoResumo
Abstract Cinclodes pabsti is an endemic passerine restricted to the highland areas in southern Brazil. The aim of this study was to provide information on its breeding biology. The nesting cavities along road cuts were monitored from May 2008 to March 2011. The survey was carried out monthly from May to July 2008, February to July 2009, 2010 (non-breeding season), weekly from August 2008 to January 2009, 2010 (breeding season), and on a 2 to 4-days basis from August 2010 to January 2011. The geographic location, physical characteristics, and soil/substrate type in which the nesting cavities were situated were recorded. The total number of cavities used in the three breeding seasons was 136, resulting in 295 nests. The distance of a nest to its nearest neighbor ranged from 24-2,368 m, with a higher number of nests (n = 34; 59.7%) in the distance interval of 24-500 m. There was a greater usage of cavities located in Inceptisols, and the distances of nesting cavity entrances to the ground and to the top of road cuts were 1.6 ± 0.9 m and 0.8 ± 0.62 m, respectively. The breeding season lasted 148 days from mid-August to early January. Clutch size (n = 256) varied from 2 to 3 eggs, and the eggs (n = 155) had a total length of 27.2 ± 1.3 mm, breadth of 20.9 ± 0.8 mm, and mass of 6.2 ± 0.7 g. The incubation phase lasted 17.3 ± 0.8 days and the nestling phase for 18.3 ± 1.5 days. The body mass of the chicks was 6.0 ± 1.0 g just after hatching and reached a maximum of 59.6 ± 2.4 g at 16 days of age. Our results can contribute to filling the gaps in knowledge of C. pabsti ecology, because its habitat is under high anthropic pressures and the information on its life history is yet limited.
O conhecimento da fenologia permite identificar o momento fisiológico ao qual se encontram associadas as necessidades do vegetal que, uma vez atendidas, possibilitarão definir períodos propícios para a realização dos tratos culturais e de manejo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever a escala BBCH para nogueira-pecã, de forma a padronizar os estudos realizados sobre o tema e auxiliar no reconhecimento dos principais estádios fenológicos da espécie no Rio Grande do Sul Brasil e Uruguai. Para a descrição da escala fenológica utilizou-se diferentes cultivares para representar a média de cada estádio fenológico da cultura em dois locais e em dois ciclos. Com base na escala BBCH original, foi descrito a escala fenológica para nogueira-pecã totalizando 34 estádios que permitem identificar as principais fases do desenvolvimento, através de uma abordagem precisa e simplificada.Essa escala permite, através da codificação utilizada, padronizar e uniformizar os estudos sobre a cultura.
The knowledge of phenology allows the identification of the physiological moment to which the plant's needs are associated. Once met, it will make it possible to define the most suitable periods for carrying out cultural and management treatments. In this context, this work's objective was to describe the BBCH scale for pecan to standardize the studies carried out on the subject and assist in recognizing the main phenological stages of the species in the Rio Grande do Sul state Brazil and Uruguay. First, we describe the phenological stage using different cultivars over two locations and two cycles. After, based on the original BBCH scale, the phenological scale for pecan was described, totaling 34 stages that allow us to identify the main stages of development through a precise and simplified approach. Furthermore, this scale allows standardizing future protocols on the specific culture through the coding used.
Carya , Fenômenos Fisiológicos VegetaisResumo
Abstract Cinclodes pabsti is an endemic passerine restricted to the highland areas in southern Brazil. The aim of this study was to provide information on its breeding biology. The nesting cavities along road cuts were monitored from May 2008 to March 2011. The survey was carried out monthly from May to July 2008, February to July 2009, 2010 (non-breeding season), weekly from August 2008 to January 2009, 2010 (breeding season), and on a 2 to 4-days basis from August 2010 to January 2011. The geographic location, physical characteristics, and soil/substrate type in which the nesting cavities were situated were recorded. The total number of cavities used in the three breeding seasons was 136, resulting in 295 nests. The distance of a nest to its nearest neighbor ranged from 24-2,368 m, with a higher number of nests (n = 34; 59.7%) in the distance interval of 24-500 m. There was a greater usage of cavities located in Inceptisols, and the distances of nesting cavity entrances to the ground and to the top of road cuts were 1.6 ± 0.9 m and 0.8 ± 0.62 m, respectively. The breeding season lasted 148 days from mid-August to early January. Clutch size (n = 256) varied from 2 to 3 eggs, and the eggs (n = 155) had a total length of 27.2 ± 1.3 mm, breadth of 20.9 ± 0.8 mm, and mass of 6.2 ± 0.7 g. The incubation phase lasted 17.3 ± 0.8 days and the nestling phase for 18.3 ± 1.5 days. The body mass of the chicks was 6.0 ± 1.0 g just after hatching and reached a maximum of 59.6 ± 2.4 g at 16 days of age. Our results can contribute to filling the gaps in knowledge of C. pabsti ecology, because its habitat is under high anthropic pressures and the information on its life history is yet limited.
O conhecimento da fenologia permite identificar o momento fisiológico ao qual se encontram associadas as necessidades do vegetal que, uma vez atendidas, possibilitarão definir períodos propícios para a realização dos tratos culturais e de manejo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever a escala BBCH para nogueira-pecã, de forma a padronizar os estudos realizados sobre o tema e auxiliar no reconhecimento dos principais estádios fenológicos da espécie no Rio Grande do Sul Brasil e Uruguai. Para a descrição da escala fenológica utilizou-se diferentes cultivares para representar a média de cada estádio fenológico da cultura em dois locais e em dois ciclos. Com base na escala BBCH original, foi descrito a escala fenológica para nogueira-pecã totalizando 34 estádios que permitem identificar as principais fases do desenvolvimento, através de uma abordagem precisa e simplificada.Essa escala permite, através da codificação utilizada, padronizar e uniformizar os estudos sobre a cultura.(AU)
The knowledge of phenology allows the identification of the physiological moment to which the plant's needs are associated. Once met, it will make it possible to define the most suitable periods for carrying out cultural and management treatments. In this context, this work's objective was to describe the BBCH scale for pecan to standardize the studies carried out on the subject and assist in recognizing the main phenological stages of the species in the Rio Grande do Sul state Brazil and Uruguay. First, we describe the phenological stage using different cultivars over two locations and two cycles. After, based on the original BBCH scale, the phenological scale for pecan was described, totaling 34 stages that allow us to identify the main stages of development through a precise and simplified approach. Furthermore, this scale allows standardizing future protocols on the specific culture through the coding used.(AU)
Carya , Fenômenos Fisiológicos VegetaisResumo
Cinclodes pabsti is an endemic passerine restricted to the highland areas in southern Brazil. The aim of this study was to provide information on its breeding biology. The nesting cavities along road cuts were monitored from May 2008 to March 2011. The survey was carried out monthly from May to July 2008, February to July 2009, 2010 (non-breeding season), weekly from August 2008 to January 2009, 2010 (breeding season), and on a 2 to 4-days basis from August 2010 to January 2011. The geographic location, physical characteristics, and soil/substrate type in which the nesting cavities were situated were recorded. The total number of cavities used in the three breeding seasons was 136, resulting in 295 nests. The distance of a nest to its nearest neighbor ranged from 24-2,368 m, with a higher number of nests (n = 34; 59.7%) in the distance interval of 24-500 m. There was a greater usage of cavities located in Inceptisols, and the distances of nesting cavity entrances to the ground and to the top of road cuts were 1.6 ± 0.9 m and 0.8 ± 0.62 m, respectively. The breeding season lasted 148 days from mid-August to early January. Clutch size (n = 256) varied from 2 to 3 eggs, and the eggs (n = 155) had a total length of 27.2 ± 1.3 mm, breadth of 20.9 ± 0.8 mm, and mass of 6.2 ± 0.7 g. The incubation phase lasted 17.3 ± 0.8 days and the nestling phase for 18.3 ± 1.5 days. The body mass of the chicks was 6.0 ± 1.0 g just after hatching and reached a maximum of 59.6 ± 2.4 g at 16 days of age. Our results can contribute to filling the gaps in knowledge of C. pabsti ecology, because its habitat is under high anthropic pressures and the information on its life history is yet limited.(AU)