The objective was to evaluate fertility, cyclicality behavior, and sexual performance of Pantaneiro sheep throughout the year's photoperiods in Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. Two experiments were conducted. In experiment one, the ewes used aged between 2 and 4 years, distributed in three homogeneous groups of 54 animals and subjected to reproductive evaluation in three different predefined luminosity periods, consisting of autumn (11h 45 min.), spring (12h 30 min.), and summer (12h 55 min.). The characteristics studied were body weight (BW), body condition score (BCC), estrus distribution (EST), percentage of pregnant females per cycle (%P), plasma progesterone (PP), and fertility (F) in the three predefined seasons. The mating system used was controlled natural nocturnal and lasted for 45 days. Experiment two, evaluated the ram sexual activity. The males (10) were individually exposed to four ovariectomized ewes. The ewes cycled during evaluated seasons, and the highest fertility was observed in animals with BCC >2.75. The PP concentration differed among periods, and higher conception rates (F) were observed in autumn and spring. The rams (75%) had a medium of sexual performance when they performed more than two ejaculations in 20 min throughout the seasons. Pantaneiro sheep of both genders had a similar fertility index, with early and constant activity throughout the year, displaying no photoperiodism or seasonality.
Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Periodicidade , BrasilResumo
Os equinos são animais poliéstricos sazonais, fotoperiódico positivos, apresentando ciclos reprodutivos em estações definidas do ano, primavera e verão, e estações com ausência ou baixa atividade reprodutiva, outono e inverno. A necessidade da maximização do período reprodutivo, bem como a definição de um ano hípico iniciando em julho, no hemisfério sul (para algumas raças como o Puro Sangue de Corrida e o Quarto de milha) levou ao desenvolvimento de técnicas para diminuir o tempo que essas éguas permanecem em anestro reprodutivo. Uma das técnicas mais utilizadas destaca-se o uso de iluminação artificial. Consistindo no fornecimento de luz branca incandescente ou led azul ou branco em baias, piquetes ou por meio de máscaras, a fim de simular os efeitos de dias longos no organismo assim liberar o eixo hipotalâmico-hipofisário-gonadal. Para estimular o retorno antecipado à ciclicidade, a égua deve ser exposta a um estímulo de 14 a 15 horas de luz diárias, totalizando 9 a 10 horas de escuridão, ou receber um estímulo de 1 hora de luz, aproximadamente 9 horas após o anoitecer. É fundamental que a égua esteja com escore corporal adequado e alguns cuidados com o fornecimento da luz artificial sejam atendidos, como a continuidade no fornecimento para o sucesso da técnica.(AU)
Horses are seasonally breeding animals which means that they natural breed in specific seasons (Spring, and Summer), with non or low reproductive activity on the other seasons (Winter and Fall). The development of techniques to shorten the anoestrus can be necessary to anticipate the breeding season, starting in July in the Southern Hemisphere, for some breeds such as Thoroughbred and Quarter Horses. The most common technique is the use of artificial lighting with incandescent, or blue/white led light, applied in stalls, paddocks or with a light mask to mimic the effects of a long day and release the hipotalamic-hipophysarie-gonadal axis. To stimulate an early return to cyclicity, the mare should be exposed to a 14-to-15-hour light stimulus daily, totalling 9 to 10 hours of darkness, or receive a 1-hour light stimulus, approximately 9 hours after dusk. It is fundamental that the mare has an adequate body condition score and some awareness with the provision of artificial light are considered, such as the continuity of the light program for the success of the technique.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Iluminação/efeitos adversos , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Cavalos/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , FotoperíodoResumo
he objective was to evaluate the effect of the season on the sexual behavior patterns adopted by Morada Nova sheep in the Brazilian semiarid region. A total of 55 and 59 female sheep were used in the rainy and dry seasons, respectively, attended by four males of the same breed in rotation. The females identified in oestrus were released in a pasture, together with the breeder of the day for each season, and aspects of sexual behavior were measured for an uninterrupted period of 11 hours/day. Assuming a negative binomial distribution, the behavioral frequencies were subjected to deviation analysis and compared using the chi-square. Heading in the male was observed more frequently during the rainy season (0.12) and shifts with higher temperatures; the turn of the head in relation to the man was observed more frequently during the dry season (2.49). The interactions between seasons and shifts significantly affected the following behaviors: sniffing the male, sniffing the male's urogenital region, wagging the tail, lifting the tail, and urinating. Behavioral variables were influenced by the season. Morada Nova sheep reduce their water intake and grazing time to engage more efficiently in reproductive activities, thus demonstrating an ability to adapt to the Caatinga.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal/efeitos da radiação , Ovinos , Estações do Ano , Etologia/métodosResumo
The objective was to evaluate the effect of the season on the sexual behavior patterns adopted by Morada Nova sheep in the Brazilian semiarid region. A total of 55 and 59 female sheep were used in the rainy and dry seasons, respectively, attended by four males of the same breed in rotation. The females identified in oestrus were released in a pasture, together with the breeder of the day for each season, and aspects of sexual behavior were measured for an uninterrupted period of 11 hours/day. Assuming a negative binomial distribution, the behavioral frequencies were subjected to deviation analysis and compared using the chi-square. Heading in the male was observed more frequently during the rainy season (0.12) and shifts with higher temperatures; the turn of the head in relation to the man was observed more frequently during the dry season (2.49). The interactions between seasons and shifts significantly affected the following behaviors: sniffing the male, sniffing the male's urogenital region, wagging the tail, lifting the tail, and urinating. Behavioral variables were influenced by the season. Morada Nova sheep reduce their water intake and grazing time to engage more efficiently in reproductive activities, thus demonstrating an ability to adapt to the Caatinga.
Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Estação Chuvosa , Estação Seca , OvinosResumo
Parasite infections may contingency different aspects of the hosts' lives, and are usually expected to directly or indirectly compromise host reproduction. However, although amphibians have historically been study models in parasite ecology, the effects of parasitism on amphibians' reproduction remain unknown. Thus, we investigated how the parasite load varies as a function of climatic seasonality (rainy and dry season) and intrinsic host characteristics (size and sex), as well as the relationship between parasite load and reproductive investment in males and females of a small frog (Pseudopaludicola pocoto Magalhães, Loebmann, Kokubum, Haddad & Garda, 2014) in the Brazilian semiarid region. The parasitological parameters of the studied population were not influenced by the season of the year or by the hosts' body size, but females of P. pocoto had a higher prevalence and intensity of infection than males. The number of oocytes and the volume of the testes were not related to the parasite load, revealing that the parasitism did not negatively impact the gonadal investment in P. pocoto. Our findings suggest that short-lived species, such as the tiny Pseudopaludicola species, have a high reproductive investment independent of their parasitic interactions. In addition, this should be true mainly in those species that live in seasonally dry environments, such as P. pocoto, in which reproduction is even more constrained by the shortened and unpredictable rainy period.
Como infecções parasitárias podem contigenciar diversos aspectos da vida dos hospedeiros, de modo geral, espera-se que o parasitismo comprometa direta ou indiretamente a reprodução dos hospedeiros. Contudo, apesar dos anfíbios historicamente terem sido modelos de estudos em ecologia parasitária, os efeitos do parasitismo na reprodução de anfíbios permanecem incompreendidos. Neste trabalho investigamos como a carga parasitária varia em função da sazonalidade climática (período chuvoso e seco) e de características intrínsecas dos hospedeiros (tamanho e sexo), bem como a relação entre a intensidade de infecção e o investimento reprodutivo em machos e fêmeas de uma pequena rã (Pseudopaludicola pocoto Magalhães, Loebmann, Kokubum, Haddad & Garda, 2014) no semiárido brasileiro. Os parâmetros parasitológicos da população estudada não foram influenciados pela estação do ano nem pelo tamanho corpóreo dos hospedeiros, mas as fêmeas de P. pocoto apresentaram maior prevalência e intensidade de infecção que os machos. A carga parasitária não foi relacionada com o número de ovócitos nem com o volume dos testículos, revelando que o parasitismo não impactou negativamente o investimento gonadal em P. pocoto. Nossos achados sugerem que espécies com baixa longevidade, como as diminutas espécies de Pseudopaludicola, apresentam um alto investimento reprodutivo independente de suas interações parasitárias. Complementarmente, isto deve ocorrer sobretudo naquelas espécies que vivem em ambientes sazonalmente secos, como P. pocoto, nos quais a reprodução é ainda mais contigenciada pela brevidade e imprevisibilidade do período chuvoso.
Anuros/parasitologia , Reprodução , Carga Parasitária/veterinária , Helmintos/parasitologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita/fisiologia , Estações do AnoResumo
The present study evaluated the incidence of fish species in Cujubim Lake in Porto Velho (Rondô-nia, Brazil) concerning periods of flood and low water. For this, we used experimental fisheries, with ichthyofauna samplings carried out in the years 2019 and 2020, which resulted in 2,508 specimens. For quantifying the ecological data, we analyzed Shannon-Weaver diversity, species richness, Simpson dominance and Pielou evenness. The predominant fish orders were Characiformes and Siluriformes, and the species Anchovia aff. surinamensis was the most abundant (N=809/35.49%). Diversity indi-cators were similar across all sectors (S1=the lower margin - end, S2=center and S3=mouth of the lake). Only the levels of richness and abundance were lower in the S3 sector, despite the importance of this habitat as a link to the Madeira River, which indicates transient diversity, followed by active selection of the S1 and S2 sectors in the lake by most fish. Limnological data, such as those of tempera-ture (30.30±1.20°C), conductivity (35.82±5.98 µS cm-1), dissolved oxygen (7.38±3.56 mg L-1) and pH (6.70±0.54), were within the acceptable levels for tropical fish. The non-metric multidimensional sca-ling (NMDS) analysis showed the ordering of parameters by sector and species with greater affinity for each environmental attribute, in which dissolved oxygen (NMDS1=-0.720; r2=0.862 and p=0.043) and electrical conductivity stood out. Thus, it can be concluded that the behavior of the fish diversity of Cujubim Lake is affected both seasonally and longitudinally.(AU)
O presente estudo avaliou a incidência de espécies de peixes no lago Cujubim em Porto Velho (Ron-dônia, Brasil), com os períodos de cheia e seca. Para tal, utilizou-se de pescarias experimentais, com coletas da ictiofauna realizadas nos anos de 2019 e 2020, totalizando 2.508 peixes amostrados. Na quantificação dos dados ecológicos, foram aplicados os métodos de Shannon-Weaver para diver-sidade, riqueza, dominância de Simpson e equabilidade de Pielou. As ordens predominantes foram Characiformes e Siluriformes, sendo a espécie Anchovia aff. surinamensis a mais abundante (N=809, 35,49%). Os indicadores de diversidade foram semelhantes em todos os setores (S1=a margem infe-rior - extremidade, S2=centro e S3=entrada do lago). Somente a riqueza e a abundância foram meno-res no setor S3, mesmo com a importância desse hábitat como conexão com o rio Madeira, indicando diversidade transitória, seguida de seleção ativa dos setores S1 e S2 pela maioria dos peixes no lago. Os dados limnológicos, como temperatura (30,30±1,20°C), condutividade (35,82±5,98 µS cm-1), oxi-gênio dissolvido (7,38±3,56 mg L-1) e pH (6,70±0,54), estiveram de acordo com a média aceitável para peixes tropicais. A análise de escalonamento multidimensional não métrico (NMDS) evidenciou a ordenação dos parâmetros por setor e espécies com maior afinidade para cada atributo ambiental, no qual se destacaram o oxigênio dissolvido (NMDS1=-0,720; r2=0,862 e p=0,043) e a condutividade elétrica. Assim, pode ser concluído que o comportamento de colonização da diversidade de peixes do lago Cujubim é afetado de forma sazonal e longitudinal.(AU)
Animais , Inundações , Distribuição Animal , Peixes/classificação , Estações do Ano , Brasil , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
Seasonality in the Cerrado biome of Brazil is characterized by a dry season and a rainy season, affecting the availability of water and generating nutritional limitations. Thus, plants and animals have developed adaptive mechanisms in order to survive in this environment. Insects known as antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) occur in areas of the Cerrado and build traps in dry soil to capture prey items. In the rainy season, these insects are unable to forage due to the waterlogged soil. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the rainfall regime in the Cerrado on aspects of trap-building behavior, larval development and morphological characteristics of adult antlions. Larvae of the antlion Myrmeleon brasiliensis (Návas, 1914) were observed and collected in an area of the Cerrado biome in the municipality of Aquidauana (MS), Brazil. Observations were performed in the rainy and dry seasons to determine the abundance of traps built by M. brasiliensis larvae. In the laboratory, experiments were performed involving the manipulation of the frequency of simulated rain on the traps. The results revealed that variations in rainfall due to seasonality in the Cerrado affect M. brasiliensis larvae, with greater foraging observed in the dry season. The laboratory experiments demonstrated that differences in the frequency of rains affect the mortality of the larvae, larval development time and the size of the adults. Thus, variations in rainfall patterns can lead to variations in the characteristics of the population structure of M. brasiliensis in areas of the Cerrado biome in Brazil.
No bioma Cerrado a sazonalidade (caracterizada por uma estação seca e outra chuvosa) afeta a disponibilidade de água e produz limitações nutricionais, de maneira que várias plantas e animais desenvolveram mecanismos adaptativos elaborados para sobreviver nesse ambiente. Insetos conhecidos como formiga-leão ocorrem em áreas de Cerrado e constroem suas armadilhas de captura de presas no solo seco. No período chuvoso as larvas ficam impedidas de forragear, dado o encharcamento do solo. Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a influência do regime de chuvas do Cerrado em aspectos do comportamento de construção da armadilha, no desenvolvimento das larvas e nas características morfológicas dos adultos. Larvas de formiga-leão Myrmeleon brasiliensis (Návas, 1914) foram observadas e coletadas em uma área de Cerrado no município de Aquidauana (MS), Brasil. Para verificar a abundância das armadilhas das larvas de M. brasiliensis foram realizadas observações no período chuvoso e seco. No laboratório foram realizados experimentos de manipulação da frequência de chuva nas armadilhas de M. brasiliensis. Como resultado foi observado que variações na sazonalidade do Cerrado afetam as larvas de M. brasiliensis, as quais são observadas forrageando em maior abundância na estação seca. Os experimentos de laboratório demonstraram que variações na frequência da chuva podem afetar, a mortalidade das larvas, o tempo de desenvolvimento das mesmas, o tamanho das armadilhas e o tamanho dos adultos. Sendo assim, variações no padrão de incidência de chuvas podem levar a variações nas características da estrutura da população de M. brasiliensis em áreas de Cerrado.
Animais , Formigas/anatomia & histologia , Estações do Ano , Caça , Larva/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Chuva , Brasil , PradariaResumo
The variability of fish assemblage structure with respect to seasonality in salinity and productivity remains to be elucidate to many Neotropical estuaries. In this study, we hypothesized that salinity gradient and a set of variables related to ecosystem productivity drive community parameters in the shallow-water fish assemblage of the north-south axis of the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (Southern Brazilian coast). Samples were taken with beach seine monthly from May 2000 to April 2001. Supporting our hypothesis, richness and abundance increased with turbidity, warmer waters of the rainier summer seasons, which are more productive. This environmental setting favors reproduction, as well as juvenile recruitment and growth, whose intensities are highest in this period. Highest abundance was found in inner areas, which may be explained by greater food and habitat availability. Richness was higher in more saline waters, due to the proximity of the rich pool of marine fish species. We suggest that local human interventions (e.g., dredging) should be avoided during the rainy seasons that are critical for species life cycles. Salinization, low estuarine productivity, and warmer waters, which are expected with climate change and human impacts in the local watershed, could affect the integrity of the local fish assemblage.
A variabilidade da estrutura de assembleia de peixes em relação à sazonalidade da salinidade e produtividade ainda não foi elucidada para muitos estuários Neotropicais. Neste estudo, testamos a hipótese de que um conjunto de variáveis relacionadas à produtividade e ao gradiente de salinidade estuarino determina a estrutura da ictiofauna de habitats rasos do eixo norte-sul do Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (litoral sul brasileiro). As amostras foram obtidas mensalmente com "picaré", entre maio de 2000 e abril de 2001. Corroborando com a hipótese, riqueza e abundância aumentaram em águas mais turvas e quentes nas estações chuvosas e produtivas de verão, favorecendo reprodução, bem como recrutamento e crescimento juvenil que são mais intensos neste período. Abundância foi maior nas zonas internas, devido à maior oferta de alimento e habitat. Riqueza foi maior em águas mais salinas, devido à proximidade da ictiofauna marinha, que é mais rica. Sugerimos que intervenções humanas locais (como dragagem) sejam evitadas nas estações chuvosas que são críticas para o ciclo de vida das espécies. Salinização, redução da produtividade estuarina e águas mais quentes, esperadas com a mudança climática global e impactos humanos na bacia hidrográfica local, poderão afetar a integridade da ictiofauna local.
Animais , Águas Salinas/análise , Estação Seca , Estação Chuvosa , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Clima Tropical , Mudança Climática , BrasilResumo
Rhinoclemmys punctularia punctularia is the only turtle of the family Geoemydidae with part of its range in Brazil. The species is semi-aquatic and widely distributed across the Amazon basin but is still poorly studied. We evaluated aspects of the population structure, habitat use, seasonal activity, and diet of the species during one year, from the beginning of the rainy season to the end of the dry season, in two headwater localities in the Tocantins and Tapajós river basins, in the state of Pará, Brazil. We captured 45 individuals, 14 in the Tocantins basin and 31 in the Tapajós basin. The size-class frequency distributions of captured individuals did not differ between the two samples. The turtles were most frequently captured in first-order streams, followed by lentic (third-order dammed streams) and second-order streams. The capture rate did not vary significantly between sampling periods (start and peak of the rainy season; start and end of the dry season). The trapping effort to capture a single individual was much higher in the Tapajós basin (1,215 trap-hours) than in the Tocantins basin (136 trap-hours). Overall, the low capture rates confirm the secretive nature of the species in Amazonia and its apparent rarity. The individuals analyzed in this study consumed mainly plants.(AU)
Rhinoclemmys punctularia punctularia é o único quelônio da família Geoemydidae com parte de sua distribuição no Brasil. A espécie é semi-aquática e amplamente distribuída na bacia amazônica, mas ainda é pouco estudada. Avaliamos aspectos da estrutura populacional, uso do habitat, atividade sazonal e dieta da espécie ao longo de um ano, desde o início da estação chuvosa até o final da estação seca, em duas localidades de cabeceira nas bacias dos rios Tocantins e Tapajós, no estado do Pará, Brasil. Capturamos 45 indivíduos: 14 na bacia do Tocantins e 31 na bacia do Tapajós. A distribuição de frequências por classe de tamanho dos indivíduos capturados não diferiu entre as duas amostras. Os quelônios foram mais frequentemente capturados em riachos de primeira ordem, seguidos por riachos lênticos (riachos de terceira ordem represados) e de segunda ordem. A taxa de captura não variou significativamente entre os períodos de amostragem (início e pico da estação chuvosa; início e fim da estação seca). O esforço de armadilhagem para capturar um único indivíduo foi muito maior na bacia do Tapajós (1.215 horas-armadilha) do que na bacia do Tocantins (136 horas-armadilha). No geral, as baixas taxas de captura confirmam a natureza discreta da espécie na Amazônia e sua aparente raridade. Os indivíduos analisados neste estudo consumiram principalmente plantas.(AU)
Tartarugas , Biodiversidade , Distribuição Animal , Brasil , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
The research studied the seasonal variation in supply and prices of strawberry practiced in the state of Minas Gerais, represented by the units of the CEASAMINAS, as well as components of this supply for each major supply region in the state, in the period between 2016 and 2019. The CEASAMINAS unit (Greater Belo Horizonte) was responsible for 76% of the annual commercialization of strawberry in Minas Gerais, through the CEASAMINAS units, which fluctuated between 6038.4 and 7413.4 Mg ha-¹ yearly. In the periods of transition from winter to mid-season and summer, it is possible to observe striking variations in supply and prices of strawberry in market assessed, referring to the lowest productive averages and the highest average prices observed year to year. The seasonal variations in supply and prices of strawberry clearly reflected the need for new cultivars that can satisfactorily produce during the mid-season and high temperature months.
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a variação estacional da oferta e dos preços do morango praticados no estado de Minas Gerais, representados pelas unidades da CEASAMINAS, bem como as componentes dessa oferta para cada principal região abastecedora do Estado, no período de 2016 a 2019. Os dados obtidos de oferta e de preços do morango praticados no estado de Minas Gerais foram processados utilizando-se metodologia da média geométrica móvel centralizada, para os cálculos dos índices de variação estacional. A unidade CEASAMINAS (Grande BH) foi responsável por 76% da comercialização anual de morango em Minas Gerais por meio das unidades da CEASAMINAS, que oscilou entre e 6.038,4 e 7.413,4 toneladas anuais. As variações estacionais de oferta e de preços refletiram claramente a necessidade de novas cultivares que possam tolerar as grandes oscilações climáticas nos meses de meia estação e de verão. Também ficou evidente que, a despeito da deficiência da disponibilidade no mercado de cultivares mais adaptadas para a produção em clima tropical brasileiro, a produção de morango ainda é mais baixa em épocas mais quentes do ano, um reflexo provável das elevadas temperaturas, aliadas a elevados índices de precipitação e fotoperíodos mais longos, condições comuns nessas regiões nestes períodos e estações de transição e de verão, ocasionando assim as maiores perdas e baixos índices produtivos, bem como os maiores preços no mercado.
Estações do Ano , Comércio/estatística & dados numéricos , Produtos Agrícolas/economia , FragariaResumo
Abstract Myomorphic and hystricomorphic rodents are vital for maintaining various ecosystems around the planet. This review enables a better understanding of how these rodents respond to environmental factors and adapt to climate adversities. Innumerable factors, such as photoperiod, rainfall, and temperature, can impair or contribute to the quality of rodent reproductive parameters. Prolonged animal exposure to high ambient temperatures alters thermoregulation mechanisms and causes testicular and ovarian tissue degeneration and hormonal deregulation. Photoperiod influences the biological circannual rhythm and reproductive cycles of rodents because it strongly regulates melatonin secretion by the pineal gland, which modulates gonadotropic hormone secretion. Rainfall quantity directly regulates the abundance of fruits in an ecosystem, which modulates the reproductive seasonality of species which are most dependent on a seasonal fruit-based diet. Species with a more diversified fruit diet have smaller reproductive seasonality. As such, habitats are chosen by animals for various reasons, including the availability of food, sexual partners, intra-and inter-specific competition, and predation. This knowledge allows us to monitor and establish management plans to aid in conservation strategies for wild rodent species.
Abstract Wild large Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus) responses to cyclic seasonal changes are associated with physiological and behavioral changes. However, the detailed regulation of oogenesis in the ovary during the seasonal reproductive cycle in wild large Japanese field mice has not been studied. We assessed the dynamics and changes in ovarian morphology and hormone concentrations associated with reproductive seasonality throughout the year. The stages of the ovarian morphological breeding cycle of wild large Japanese field mice were classified as breeding, transition, and non-breeding periods during the annual reproductive cycle. Measurement of blood estradiol concentrations throughout the year showed that the levels in September and October were higher than those in other months. It is presumed that follicle development starts from a blood estradiol concentration of 38.4 ± 27.1 pg/mL, which marks a shift from the transitional season to the breeding season, followed by the transition to the non-breeding season at 26.1 ± 11.6 pg/mL. These results suggest that seasonal follicle development in wild rodents is correlated with estradiol regulation. We consider this species to be an alternative animal model for studying seasonal reproductive changes and the effects of environmental changes.
Wild large Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus) responses to cyclic seasonal changes are associated with physiological and behavioral changes. However, the detailed regulation of oogenesis in the ovary during the seasonal reproductive cycle in wild large Japanese field mice has not been studied. We assessed the dynamics and changes in ovarian morphology and hormone concentrations associated with reproductive seasonality throughout the year. The stages of the ovarian morphological breeding cycle of wild large Japanese field mice were classified as breeding, transition, and non-breeding periods during the annual reproductive cycle. Measurement of blood estradiol concentrations throughout the year showed that the levels in September and October were higher than those in other months. It is presumed that follicle development starts from a blood estradiol concentration of 38.4 ± 27.1 pg/mL, which marks a shift from the transitional season to the breeding season, followed by the transition to the non-breeding season at 26.1 ± 11.6 pg/mL. These results suggest that seasonal follicle development in wild rodents is correlated with estradiol regulation. We consider this species to be an alternative animal model for studying seasonal reproductive changes and the effects of environmental changes.(AU)
Animais , Camundongos , Murinae/anatomia & histologia , Murinae/fisiologia , Folículo Ovariano , Hormônios , Oogênese , Estações do AnoResumo
Sheep and goat production takes place under unsuitable climate conditions, where animals are more susceptible to high temperatures. The objectives of this study were to determine, i) whether sexual behavior of photo-stimulated bucks varies through 24 h/day in March and April and, ii) whether the environmental temperature and the relative humidity affect their expression. Six bucks were submitted to artificial long days (16 h light and 8 h darkness per day/2.5 months). Bucks were exposed to ovariectomized females once a week during the non-breeding period and sexual behavior was recorded for 15 min at 2 h intervals along 24 h/day. The environmental temperature, relative humidity, temperature-humidity index (THI), and body temperature were recorded in each behavior test. Plasma testosterone, sexual behavior, environmental temperature, relative humidity, and body temperature were analyzed using Generalized Estimation Equations. Plasma testosterone showed a significant difference over the experimental period (P < 0.001). The highest frequency of nudging and anogenital sniffing was at 08:00 h (P < 0.001); flehmen and penis unsheathed were variable (P < 0.001). The highest environmental temperature and the lowest relative humidity were registered from 14:00 to 18:00 h (P < 0.001). The highest body temperature was at 18:00 h and the lowest was at 06:00 h (P < 0.001). The highest THI >77 was recorded at 16:00 h. In conclusion, photo-stimulated bucks showed a variation of sexual behavior through 24 h/day exposed to ovariectomized females, and these sexual activities were affected by the high environmental temperature and the low relative humidity throughout the study.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ruminantes/metabolismo , Comportamento Sexual Animal/efeitos da radiação , Aclimatação/efeitos da radiaçãoResumo
Myomorphic and hystricomorphic rodents are vital for maintaining various ecosystems around the planet. This review enables a better understanding of how these rodents respond to environmental factors and adapt to climate adversities. Innumerable factors, such as photoperiod, rainfall, and temperature, can impair or contribute to the quality of rodent reproductive parameters. Prolonged animal exposure to high ambient temperatures alters thermoregulation mechanisms and causes testicular and ovarian tissue degeneration and hormonal deregulation. Photoperiod influences the biological circannual rhythm and reproductive cycles of rodents because it strongly regulates melatonin secretion by the pineal gland, which modulates gonadotropic hormone secretion. Rainfall quantity directly regulates the abundance of fruits in an ecosystem, which modulates the reproductive seasonality of species which are most dependent on a seasonal fruit-based diet. Species with a more diversified fruit diet have smaller reproductive seasonality. As such, habitats are chosen by animals for various reasons, including the availability of food, sexual partners, intra-and inter-specific competition, and predation. This knowledge allows us to monitor and establish management plans to aid in conservation strategies for wild rodent species.(AU)
Animais , Roedores/anatomia & histologia , Roedores/fisiologia , Fatores Biológicos , Comportamento Reprodutivo/fisiologiaResumo
Sheep and goat production takes place under unsuitable climate conditions, where animals are more susceptible to high temperatures. The objectives of this study were to determine, i) whether sexual behavior of photo-stimulated bucks varies through 24 h/day in March and April and, ii) whether the environmental temperature and the relative humidity affect their expression. Six bucks were submitted to artificial long days (16 h light and 8 h darkness per day/2.5 months). Bucks were exposed to ovariectomized females once a week during the non-breeding period and sexual behavior was recorded for 15 min at 2 h intervals along 24 h/day. The environmental temperature, relative humidity, temperature-humidity index (THI), and body temperature were recorded in each behavior test. Plasma testosterone, sexual behavior, environmental temperature, relative humidity, and body temperature were analyzed using Generalized Estimation Equations. Plasma testosterone showed a significant difference over the experimental period (P < 0.001). The highest frequency of nudging and anogenital sniffing was at 08:00 h (P < 0.001); flehmen and penis unsheathed were variable (P < 0.001). The highest environmental temperature and the lowest relative humidity were registered from 14:00 to 18:00 h (P < 0.001). The highest body temperature was at 18:00 h and the lowest was at 06:00 h (P < 0.001). The highest THI >77 was recorded at 16:00 h. In conclusion, photo-stimulated bucks showed a variation of sexual behavior through 24 h/day exposed to ovariectomized females, and these sexual activities were affected by the high environmental temperature and the low relative humidity throughout the study.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ruminantes/metabolismo , Comportamento Sexual Animal/efeitos da radiação , Aclimatação/efeitos da radiaçãoResumo
Sheep and goat production takes place under unsuitable climate conditions, where animals are more susceptible to high temperatures. The objectives of this study were to determine, i) whether sexual behavior of photo-stimulated bucks varies through 24 h/day in March and April and, ii) whether the environmental temperature and the relative humidity affect their expression. Six bucks were submitted to artificial long days (16 h light and 8 h darkness per day/2.5 months). Bucks were exposed to ovariectomized females once a week during the non-breeding period and sexual behavior was recorded for 15 min at 2 h intervals along 24 h/day. The environmental temperature, relative humidity, temperature-humidity index (THI), and body temperature were recorded in each behavior test. Plasma testosterone, sexual behavior, environmental temperature, relative humidity, and body temperature were analyzed using Generalized Estimation Equations. Plasma testosterone showed a significant difference over the experimental period (P 77 was recorded at 16:00 h. In conclusion, photo-stimulated bucks showed a variation of sexual behavior through 24 h/day exposed to ovariectomized females, and these sexual activities were affected by the high environmental temperature and the low relative humidity throughout the study.
Masculino , Animais , Aclimatação/efeitos da radiação , Comportamento Sexual Animal/efeitos da radiação , Ruminantes/metabolismoResumo
Abstract Trachypus Klug is a Neotropical genus of crabronid wasps comprising 31 ground-nesting species. Its species can be solitary or communal, and two diet ranges are known: they can forage on several bee subfamilies and wasps; or can be specialists on stingless bees. Natural history observations are scarce nowadays but are essential to contextualize ecological and evolutionary studies. Here we report new records and give biological notes for Trachypus elongatus (Fabricius, 1804), Trachypus taschenbergiRubio-Espina, 1975, and Trachypus varius (Taschenberg, 1875). Observations and samplings were carried out twice a month, during one year in the city of Curitiba, southern Brazil. Besides field observations, circular statistics were used to analyze seasonality. All species nest in sloped soil and are solitary. Trachypus elongatus and T. taschenbergi were active during most of the year with marked seasonality in the late spring and early summer. Both species were observed hunting only stingless bees, with T. elongatus specialized on Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793), and T. taschenbergi specialized on Paratrigona subnuda Moure, 1947 drones. Trachypus varius was observed only in January and one female was recorded foraging on a Paratrigona subnuda worker. Our observations provide additional data for understanding the biology of bee-hunting wasps, and this is the first study to bring information for T. taschenbergi and T. varius. Our data corroborate that some species of the genus Trachypus are specialized on stingless bees.
Abstract Trachypus Klug is a Neotropical genus of crabronid wasps comprising 31 ground-nesting species. Its species can be solitary or communal, and two diet ranges are known: they can forage on several bee subfamilies and wasps; or can be specialists on stingless bees. Natural history observations are scarce nowadays but are essential to contextualize ecological and evolutionary studies. Here we report new records and give biological notes for Trachypus elongatus (Fabricius, 1804), Trachypus taschenbergiRubio-Espina, 1975, and Trachypus varius (Taschenberg, 1875). Observations and samplings were carried out twice a month, during one year in the city of Curitiba, southern Brazil. Besides field observations, circular statistics were used to analyze seasonality. All species nest in sloped soil and are solitary. Trachypus elongatus and T. taschenbergi were active during most of the year with marked seasonality in the late spring and early summer. Both species were observed hunting only stingless bees, with T. elongatus specialized on Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793), and T. taschenbergi specialized on Paratrigona subnuda Moure, 1947 drones. Trachypus varius was observed only in January and one female was recorded foraging on a Paratrigona subnuda worker. Our observations provide additional data for understanding the biology of bee-hunting wasps, and this is the first study to bring information for T. taschenbergi and T. varius. Our data corroborate that some species of the genus Trachypus are specialized on stingless bees.
Trachypus Klug is a Neotropical genus of crabronid wasps comprising 31 ground-nesting species. Its species can be solitary or communal, and two diet ranges are known: they can forage on several bee subfamilies and wasps; or can be specialists on stingless bees. Natural history observations are scarce nowadays but are essential to contextualize ecological and evolutionary studies. Here we report new records and give biological notes for Trachypus elongatus (Fabricius, 1804), Trachypus taschenbergi Rubio-Espina, 1975, and Trachypus varius (Taschenberg, 1875). Observations and samplings were carried out twice a month, during one year in the city of Curitiba, southern Brazil. Besides field observations, circular statistics were used to analyze seasonality. All species nest in sloped soil and are solitary. Trachypus elongatus and T. taschenbergi were active during most of the year with marked seasonality in the late spring and early summer. Both species were observed hunting only stingless bees, with T. elongatus specialized on Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793), and T. taschenbergi specialized on Paratrigona subnuda Moure, 1947 drones. Trachypus varius was observed only in January and one female was recorded foraging on a Paratrigona subnuda worker. Our observations provide additional data for understanding the biology of bee-hunting wasps, and this is the first study to bring information for T. taschenbergi and T. varius. Our data corroborate that some species of the genus Trachypus are specialized on stingless bees.(AU)