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Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230074, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452310


This article provides an overview of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and genome engineering to improve livestock production systems for the contribution of global sustainability. Most ruminant production systems are conducted on grassland conditions, as is the case of South American countries that are leaders in meat and milk production worldwide with a well-established grass-feed livestock. These systems have many strengths from an environmental perspective and consumer preferences but requires certain improvements to enhance resource efficiency. Reproductive performance is one of the main challenges particularly in cow-calf operations that usually are conducted under adverse conditions and thus ART can make a great contribution. Fixed-time artificial insemination is applied in South America in large scale programs as 20 to 30% of cows receive this technology every year in each country, with greater calving rate and significant herd genetic gain occurred in this region. Sexed semen has also been increasingly implemented, enhancing resource efficiency by a) obtaining desired female replacement and improving animal welfare by avoiding newborn male sacrifice in dairy industry, or b) alternatively producing male calves for beef industry. In vitro embryo production has been massively applied, with this region showing the greatest number of embryos produced worldwide leading to significant improvement in herd genetics and productivity. Although the contribution of these technologies is considerable, further improvements will be required for a significant livestock transformation and novel biotechnologies such as genome editing are already available. Through the CRISPR/Cas-based system it is possible to enhance food yield and quality, avoid animal welfare concerns, overcome animal health threats, and control pests and invasive species harming food production. In summary, a significant enhancement in livestock productivity and resource efficiency can be made through reproductive technologies and genome editing, improving at the same time profitability for farmers, and global food security and sustainability.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/genética , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Edição de Genes/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220080, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418563


The females of yellowtail tetra (Astyanax lacustris), known as the freshwater sardine, are approximately 1.33 times larger than males, and thus, all-female monosex culture would increase production and reduce size variability. The present work aimed to identify the optimal dose of 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) to be used in the masculinization of A. lacustris for indirect sex reversal. Three different concentrations of MT (20, 40, and 60 mg/kg of feed in the diet) were fed to the fry for 30 days. Thirty adult individuals from each treatment, including the control (0 mg MT/kg), were evaluated for gonadal development, morphological and histological sexual identification, zootechnical performance, and the possible genotoxic effect caused by prolonged exposure to MT. MT significantly (P<0.01) affected the differentiation of the gonads, with the presence of possible inhibitory effects in all treatments. Intersex individuals were present in the 20 and 60 mg MT/kg treatments. All treatments were able to masculinize A. lacustris and the treatment with the lowest hormone concentration produced the highest percentage of males 76.7%, while the control had 46.7% males. The presence of erythrocyte nuclear alterations indicated a possible cytotoxic effect of MT in treatments 40 and 60 mg MT/kg, however, the use of the hormone did not affect the growth and the survival of the individuals. Thus, the use of MT is a viable option for obtaining neomales as a first step into the production of all-female progenies.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Characidae/anatomia & histologia , Metiltestosterona/administração & dosagem , Biotecnologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1906, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434994


Background: The evaluation of vertical kneecap position within the trochlear groove is essential for understanding the anatomical changes that may lead to canine patellar luxation. Unlike other important diagnostic imaging measurements (e.g. measures of pelvic limb alignment), no data on patellofemoral congruence parameters of canine stifles (congruence angle, linear axial patellar displacement, lateral patellofemoral angle, patellar tilt angle) are reported. The aim of this study was to present metric values of these parameters in healthy dogs from small breeds from both sexes in order to use them for identification of animals with increased risk for medial patellar luxation. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was performed on 44 stifle joints from 22 healthy dogs of both sexes from 4 small breeds (Pinscher, Pomeranian, Chihuahua and Yorkshire terrier). Inclusion criteria were negative patellar displacement and dancing patella tests after orthopaedic examination, lack of femoral and gluteal muscles asymmetry after palpation, lack of signs of long-term proprioceptive dysfunction, normal patellar and withdrawal reflexes after neurological examination. The translation of the patella in the axial plane was evaluated by means of congruence angle and axial linear patellar displacement. The rotation of the patella in the axial plane was evaluated through measurement of lateral patellofemoral angle and patellar tilt angle. Reference ranges of parameters were analysed in agreement with the guidelines of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists for the determination of reference intervals in veterinary species for sample sizes of 40-120 with non-Gaussian distribution - robust method, 95% confidence interval (CI) with 90 % CI for upper and lower reference limits. All measured patellofemoral congruence angles were negative. Their reference range was from -8.06o to -0.58o (median value -3o ). The axial patellar displacement was negligible, with values ranging from 0.1 to 0.8 mm. Lateral patellofemoral angles in all dogs were open to the lateral side (positive); the computed reference interval was from 21.61o to 41.80o (median 31.5o ). Patellar tilt angles ranged from 2o to 8o (median 5o ). A statistically significant difference between sexes was demonstrated for angles describing the rotation of the patella in the axial plane: the lateral patellofemoral angle (P = 0.0248) and the patellar tilt angle (P = 0.0004) were greater in stifles of male dogs. Discussion: This is the first study presenting reference values of parameters describing patellofemoral alignment in healthy dogs from small breeds on tangential radiographs. The values of one of most commonly measured parameters on tangential radiographs (the lateral patellofemoral angle) in stifles of small breed dogs were higher than values in humans, supposedly due to the specific joint anatomy. The patellar tilt angle is considered as more objective and not influenced by limb rotation. For the detection of patellar misalignment, the tilt angle was reported to be almost as specific as the congruence angle but more sensitive and more accurate. It is the most specific and sensitive parameter determining the direction of patellar luxation. In male dogs, the median lateral patellofemoral angle was greater than in females (P = 0.0248). Similar tendency was shown for patellar tilt angle that was also greater in male stifles (P = 0.0004). The reported statistically significant between-sex differences in lateral patellofemoral angle and patellar tilt angle with higher values of both angles in stifles of male dogs could be attributed to the better developed femoral muscles, in particular m. vastus medialis and m. sartorius, and to differences in trochlear groove and kneecap morphology. The presented reference intervals may be useful for early detection of subjects with increased risk to medial patellar luxation.

Animais , Cães , Caracteres Sexuais , Luxação Patelar/prevenção & controle , Articulação Patelofemoral/anatomia & histologia , Articulação Patelofemoral/diagnóstico por imagem , Luxação Patelar/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e269165, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1429996


The insect group is one of the most diverse on the planet and due to habitat degradation, many of these species are becoming extinct, leaving a lack of information on the basic biology of each one. In this study, previously unseen information about nesting biology is revealed in Auplopus subaurarius trap nests. This is a solitary ectoparasitoid spider wasp that nests in preexisting cavities. We used a trap-nesting methodology to sample A. subaurarius in two different sampling periods (2017/2018 and 2020/2021) in three types of environment (forest, grassland and Eucalyptus plantation). In our study, the A. subaurarius nest building was more frequent during the hottest months of the year (November to March), with its highest abundance found within natural forest areas and in Eucalyptus plantation than in grassland areas. In addition, the species had two development times: a short one (three months) and a delayed one (up to one year). Moreover, females were larger than males (weight and size) and the species' sex ratio had a tendency toward female production. Auplopus subaurarius presented seven natural enemy species: Ceyxia longispina, Caenochrysis crotonis, Photochryptus sp.1, Photochryptus sp.2, Messatoporus sp., Ephuta icema and Sphaeropthalma sp. We emphasize the importance of wooded environments to maintain the A. subaurarius populations and their associated interactors, both spiders and natural enemies, as these environments can provide better life conditions than grassland areas. Furthermore, other solitary wasps that may have the same lifestyle of A. subaurarius can also be improved by natural forest conservation and by good silviculture plantation planning, which should consider ecological aspects of Atlantic Forest landscapes.

O grupo dos insetos é um dos mais diversos do planeta e devido à degradação dos habitats, muitas dessas espécies estão sendo extintas, deixando uma carência de informações sobre a biologia básica de cada uma. Neste estudo, informações inéditas sobre a biologia de nidificação em ninhos-armadilha de Auplopus subaurarius são reveladas. Essa espécie trata-se de uma vespa solitária ectoparasitóide de aranhas, que nidifica em cavidades preexistentes. Utilizamos a metodologia de ninhos-armadilha para amostrar A. subaurarius em dois períodos amostrais diferentes (2017/2018 e 2020/2021), em três tipos de ambientes (floresta, campo e plantação de Eucalyptus). Em nosso estudo, a nidificação de A. subaurarius foi mais frequente nos meses mais quentes do ano (Novembro a Março), com maior abundância encontrada em áreas de floresta nativa e em plantações de Eucalyptus comparados à áreas de campo. Além disso, a espécie apresentou dois tempos de desenvolvimento, um curto (três meses) e um longo (até um ano). Além disso, as fêmeas foram maiores que os machos (peso e tamanho) e a razão sexual da espécie apresentou tendência à produção de fêmeas. Auplopus subaurarius apresentou sete espécies de inimigos naturais: Ceyxia longispina, Caenochrysis crotonis, Photochryptus sp.1, Photochryptus sp.2, Messatoporus sp., Ephuta icema e Sphaeropthalma sp. Ressaltamos a importância de ambientes arborizados para manutenção das populações de A. subaurarius e seus interagentes associados, tanto aranhas quanto inimigos naturais, uma vez que estes ambientes podem apresentar melhores condições de vida comparados à áreas campestres. Além disso, outras vespas solitárias que podem ter o mesmo estilo de vida de A. subaurarius, também podem ser afetadas positivamente pela conservação das florestas naturais e por um bom planejamento de plantações de silvicultura, as quais devem considerar os aspectos ecológicos das paisagens da Mata Atlântica.

Aranhas , Vespas , Comportamento de Nidação
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(2): 247-253, Mar.-Apr. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434105


We report a case of urethral obstruction due to seminal vesiculitis in a Dorper sheep, with symptoms of anuria, rectal prolapse, orchitis/epididymitis, and uroperitoneum and biochemical tests indicating severe azotemia. The animal died due to advanced azotemia, and necropsy revealed kidneys with cortical and medullary necrosis, pyelonephritis of renal calyces, hydronephrosis, ruptured and necrotic bladder, and vesicular, bulbourethral, and ampoule accessory sex glands. There was prostate hyperplasia that revealed a large amount of pus in the cross section, which was also observed bilaterally in the epididymis and right testis. Morphotintorial and biochemical analyses of bacteria obtained from microbiological culture revealed Corynebacterium sp. and Escherichia coli. Infection, hyperplasia, and abscessation of accessory sex glands caused urethral compression, resulting in an obstructive condition, similar to urolithiasis, in addition to bacteremia. Hyperplastic seminal vesiculitis, although rare, must be included among the differential diagnoses of obstructive processes in the urinary tract of sheep.

Relata-se um caso de obstrução uretral decorrente de vesiculite seminal em carneiro da raça Dorper, com quadro de anúria, prolapso retal, orquite/epididimite e uroperitôneo, com exames bioquímicos indicativos de severa azotemia. Devido ao quadro avançado de azotemia, o animal faleceu e, na necropsia, foi observado:: rins com necrose de cortical e medular, pielonefrite dos cálices renais e hidronefrose, bexiga rompida e necrosada, assim como glândulas sexuais acessórias vesiculares, bulbouretrais e ampola. Havia hiperplasia de próstata que, ao corte transversal, revelou grande quantidade de pus, que também foi observado bilateralmente no epidídimo e no testículo direito. As análises morfotintoriais e bioquímicas das bactérias obtidas a partir do cultivo microbiológico foram compatíveis com Corynebacterium sp. e Escherichia coli. A infecção, a hiperplasia e a abscedação das glândulas sexuais acessória, causaram compressão uretral, levando a um quadro obstrutivo, semelhante à urolitíase, somado à bacteremia. A vesiculite seminal hiperplásica, apesar de rara, deve ser incluída entre os diagnósticos diferenciais dos processos obstrutivos do trato urinário de carneiros.

Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Obstrução Uretral/veterinária , Doenças Urológicas/veterinária , Corynebacterium/patogenicidade , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(3): 574-578, jul.-set. 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436749


A importância da qualidade do sêmen no processo comercial de produção in vitro de embriões (PIVE) é bem conhecida, ainda que não devidamente relatada na literatura. Existe não apenas uma significativa diferença entre touros nas taxas de clivagem e de blastocistos, mas também nas taxas de prenhezes subsequentes. Adicionalmente, há evidências de interação entre touro e tecnologia de processamento do sêmen (particularmente na separação de espermatozoides por sexo), entre touro e protocolo de preparação do sêmen para fertilização in vitro, e ainda entre touro e doadora. Controlar estes efeitos em uma rotina comercial tem sido um desafio crescente para os laboratórios, particularmente com a alta oferta de novos touros decorrente da recente adoção da seleção genômica. O presente trabalho aborda algumas destas questões, com base na experiência da Bio Biotecnologia da Reprodução Animal nesta área.(AU)

The importance of semen quality in a commercial in vitro embryo production (IVEP) routine is well-known, although underreported in the literature. There is not only a significant difference among sires on cleavage and blastocyst rates, but also on subsequent pregnancy rates. Moreover, there are evidences of interaction between sire and sperm processing technology (particularly in the case of sex-sorted semen), between sire and the protocol for sperm preparation for in vitro fertilization, and between sire and donor. Controlling such effects in a commercial routine has been a growing challenge for the laboratories, especially due to the high turnover of sires caused by the recent adoption of genomic selection in most breeds. The current study discusses some of these aspects, from the perspective of the experience of Bio Biotecnologia da Reprodução Animal in this field.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Técnicas In Vitro
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e273824, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447650


The false clown anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is a protandrous hermaphrodite with a distinctive reproductive behavior. This study elucidates the genetic mechanisms and timing of sex changes in captive-bred A. ocellaris by examining the expression of key genes involved in this process, specifically cyp19a1a and cyp19a1b. Gonadal histological analyses and gene expression studies were conducted on subadult fish paired for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 16 months. Our findings reveal that alterations in cyp19 gene expression coincide with a pairing period starting after 3 months. Both cyp19a1a and cyp19a1b expression levels were significantly elevated in paired females compared with their male counterparts and unpaired controls. Histological investigations demonstrated that sex conversion to females occurred during the 3-month pairing period. This study highlights the crucial role of cyp19a1a and cyp19a1b in the sex change process of A. ocellaris and indicates that a minimum of 5 months of pairing is necessary for completing the sex change.

O peixe-palhaço falso (Amphiprion ocellaris) é um hermafrodita protândrico com um comportamento reprodutivo distintivo. Este estudo esclarece os mecanismos genéticos e o período das mudanças de sexo em A. ocellaris criados em cativeiro, examinando a expressão de genes-chave envolvidos nesse processo, especificamente cyp19a1a e cyp19a1b. Análises histológicas gonadais e estudos de expressão gênica foram conduzidos em peixes subadultos emparelhados por 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 16 meses. Os resultados revelam que alterações na expressão do gene cyp19 coincidem com um período de emparelhamento a partir de 3 meses. Os níveis de expressão de cyp19a1a e cyp19a1b foram significativamente elevados em fêmeas emparelhadas em comparação com seus homólogos masculinos e controles não-emparelhados. Investigações histológicas demonstraram que a conversão sexual para fêmeas ocorreu durante o período de emparelhamento de 3 meses. Este estudo destaca o papel crucial de cyp19a1a e cyp19a1b no processo de mudança de sexo de A. ocellaris e indica que um mínimo de 5 meses de emparelhamento é necessário para concluir a mudança de sexo.

Animais , Transtornos do Desenvolvimento Sexual/veterinária , Aromatase , Peixes/genética
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(3): e20220011, set. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393197


Sex steroid hormones are critical in gonadal differentiation in turtles. The gonads are not the only organs responsible for producing these hormones during this phase. Mesonephros play an important role in steroidogenesis. The present study aimed to investigate the presence of steroidogenic cells in mesonephros of Podocnemis expansa during gonadal differentiation and to evaluate their morphology and ultrastructure. Ten embryos of P. expansa were collected from 5 nests on day 36 of incubation, during spawning period on an artificial beach. Embryos were extracted from eggs by slicing the shell and euthanized. They were dissected under a stereoscopic microscope to collect the gonad-mesonephro complex, in which were fixed and subsequently processed for light microscopy, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy analysis. During histological analysis was observed mesonephros has typical morphological structure. Immunohistochemistry showed immunoreaction to aromatase in cells of intertubular space. Confirming these findings, it was possible to observe a type of intertubular cell in several regions of mesonephro, being more predominant in region close to blood vessels, distal and proximal tubules. In ultrastructural analysis these cells were characterized by having a clear, large, and rounded nucleus with evident nucleolus and cytoplasm rich in electron-dense droplets. This study demonstrated for the first time the presence of cells with morphological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural characteristics similar to steroid-producing cells in P. expansa mesonephrons, suggesting that this organ may contribute to gonadal differentiation in this species.(AU)

Animais , Tartarugas/fisiologia , Processos de Determinação Sexual/fisiologia , Fator Esteroidogênico 1/análise , Aromatase/imunologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(4): e20220097, 2022. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414547


Prior to implantation in cattle, the mucous medium contained in the uterine lumen serves as a working interface for molecular exchange and signaling between the lining endometrium and the embryo. The composition of this luminal fluid changes temporally according to the secretory and reabsorptive activities of the uterus and the embryo, which are under complex regulation. Via this interface, both the embryo and the endometrium reprogram each other's functions to support pregnancy continuation beyond the pre-implantation period. More specifically, the embryo receives elongation signals and the uterus receives anti-luteolytic stimuli. Here, characteristics of the luminal compartment as well as the regulation of its composition to determine the pregnancy outcome will be discussed.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos/fisiologia , Endométrio/embriologia , Reprogramação Celular/fisiologia , Hormônios Esteroides Gonadais , Luteolíticos/análise
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(2): 117-129, Abril-Junho 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378094


A avaliação do sistema genital interno no garanhão é uma importante etapa do exame andrológico, mas ainda é negligenciada na clínica reprodutiva dessa espécie. A maioria das enfermidades que acometem as glândulas sexuais acessórias e a uretra são descritas na literatura como pouco frequentes e até mesmo raras, no entanto a falta de diagnóstico, em muitos casos, contribui para essa estatística. Dentre as enfermidades mais recorrentes se destacam a vesiculite seminal, obstrução de ampola e fistula uretral que podem levar a prejuízos na qualidade seminal e baixa fertilidade. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta revisão é abordar as principais ferramentas de avaliação dos órgãos genitais internos nos machos equinos, visando contribuir para o correto diagnóstico e tratamento das principais afecções que os acometem.(AU)

The evaluation of the internal genital system in stallions is an important step in the breeding soundness exam that is still neglected in the reproductive clinic of this species. Most diseases that affect the accessory sex glands and the urethra are described in the literature as infrequent and even rare, however the lack of diagnosis, in many cases, contributes to this statistic. Among the most recurrent diseases are seminal vesiculitis, plugged ampullae and urethral rent that can lead to decreased seminal quality and low fertility. Thus, the objective of this review is to highlight the main tools for evaluating the internal genitalia in stallions, aiming to contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of the main conditions that affect them.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Genitália Masculina/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavalos/fisiologia , Palpação/veterinária , Endoscopia/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-7, 2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468447


Resource allocation to reproduction can change depending on size, as predicted by the size-dependent sex allocation. This theory is based on the fact that small individuals will invest in the allocation of sex with lower cost of production, usually male gender. In plants, there are some andromonoecy species, presence of hermaphrodite and male flowers in the same individual. Andromonoecy provides a strategy to optimally allocate resources to male and female function, evolving a reproductive energy-saving strategy. Thus, our objective was to investigate the size-dependent sex allocation in Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. We tested the hypothesis that plants with larger size will invest in the production of hermaphrodite flowers, because higher individuals have greater availability of resources to invest in more complex structures involving greater energy expenditure. The studied species was S. lycocarpum, an andromonoecious species. From June 2016 to March 2017 the data were collected in 38 individuals, divided in two groups: the larger plant group (n=18; height=3-5 m) and the smaller plant group (n=20; height=1-2 m).Our data show that there was effect of plant size on the flower production and the sexual gender allocation. The larger plants showed more flowers and higher production of hermaphrodite flowers. Furthermore, in the flower scale, we observed allometric relationship among the flower's traits with proportional investments in biomass, anther size and gynoecium size. Our results are in agreement with size-dependent sex allocation theory and andromonoecy hypothesis related to mechanisms for optimal resource allocation to male and female function.

A alocação de recursos para reprodução pode mudar dependendo do tamanho, conforme previsto pela alocação sexual dependente do tamanho. Essa teoria é baseada no fato de que indivíduos pequenos investirão na alocação sexual com menor custo de produção, geralmente do sexo masculino. Nas plantas, existem algumas espécies andromonoicas, presença de hermafrodita e flores masculinas no mesmo indivíduo. A andromonoicia fornece uma estratégia para alocar recursos de maneira ideal às funções masculina e feminina, desenvolvendo uma estratégia reprodutiva de economia de energia. Assim, nosso objetivo foi investigar a alocação sexual dependente do tamanho em Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. Testamos a hipótese de que plantas de maior tamanho investirão na produção de flores hermafroditas, pois indivíduos mais altos economizam mais disponibilidade de recursos para investir em estruturas mais complexas que envolvem maior gasto de energia. A espécie estudada foi S. lycocarpum, uma espécie andromonoica. De junho de 2016 a março de 2017, os dados foram coletados em 38 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: o maior grupo de plantas (n = 18; altura = 3-5 m) e o menor grupo de plantas (n = 20; altura = 1-2 m). Nossos dados mostram que houve efeito do tamanho da planta na produção de flores e na alocação sexual. As plantas maiores apresentaram mais flores e maior produção de flores hermafroditas. Além disso, observamos uma relação alométrica entre as características da flor, com investimentos proporcionais em biomassa, tamanho da antera e tamanho do gineceu. Nossos resultados estão de acordo com a teoria de alocação de sexo dependente de tamanho e a hipótese de andromonoicia relacionada a mecanismos para a alocação ótima de recursos para a função masculina e feminina.

Organismos Hermafroditas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Solanum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Solanum/genética
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468634


Abstract Resource allocation to reproduction can change depending on size, as predicted by the size-dependent sex allocation. This theory is based on the fact that small individuals will invest in the allocation of sex with lower cost of production, usually male gender. In plants, there are some andromonoecy species, presence of hermaphrodite and male flowers in the same individual. Andromonoecy provides a strategy to optimally allocate resources to male and female function, evolving a reproductive energy-saving strategy. Thus, our objective was to investigate the size-dependent sex allocation in Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. We tested the hypothesis that plants with larger size will invest in the production of hermaphrodite flowers, because higher individuals have greater availability of resources to invest in more complex structures involving greater energy expenditure. The studied species was S. lycocarpum, an andromonoecious species. From June 2016 to March 2017 the data were collected in 38 individuals, divided in two groups: the larger plant group (n=18; height=3-5 m) and the smaller plant group (n=20; height=1-2 m).Our data show that there was effect of plant size on the flower production and the sexual gender allocation. The larger plants showed more flowers and higher production of hermaphrodite flowers. Furthermore, in the flower scale, we observed allometric relationship among the flowers traits with proportional investments in biomass, anther size and gynoecium size. Our results are in agreement with size-dependent sex allocation theory and andromonoecy hypothesis related to mechanisms for optimal resource allocation to male and female function.

Resumo A alocação de recursos para reprodução pode mudar dependendo do tamanho, conforme previsto pela alocação sexual dependente do tamanho. Essa teoria é baseada no fato de que indivíduos pequenos investirão na alocação sexual com menor custo de produção, geralmente do sexo masculino. Nas plantas, existem algumas espécies andromonoicas, presença de hermafrodita e flores masculinas no mesmo indivíduo. A andromonoicia fornece uma estratégia para alocar recursos de maneira ideal às funções masculina e feminina, desenvolvendo uma estratégia reprodutiva de economia de energia. Assim, nosso objetivo foi investigar a alocação sexual dependente do tamanho em Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. Testamos a hipótese de que plantas de maior tamanho investirão na produção de flores hermafroditas, pois indivíduos mais altos economizam mais disponibilidade de recursos para investir em estruturas mais complexas que envolvem maior gasto de energia. A espécie estudada foi S. lycocarpum, uma espécie andromonoica. De junho de 2016 a março de 2017, os dados foram coletados em 38 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: o maior grupo de plantas (n = 18; altura = 3-5 m) e o menor grupo de plantas (n = 20; altura = 1-2 m). Nossos dados mostram que houve efeito do tamanho da planta na produção de flores e na alocação sexual. As plantas maiores apresentaram mais flores e maior produção de flores hermafroditas. Além disso, observamos uma relação alométrica entre as características da flor, com investimentos proporcionais em biomassa, tamanho da antera e tamanho do gineceu. Nossos resultados estão de acordo com a teoria de alocação de sexo dependente de tamanho e a hipótese de andromonoicia relacionada a mecanismos para a alocação ótima de recursos para a função masculina e feminina.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-7, 2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32500


Resource allocation to reproduction can change depending on size, as predicted by the size-dependent sex allocation. This theory is based on the fact that small individuals will invest in the allocation of sex with lower cost of production, usually male gender. In plants, there are some andromonoecy species, presence of hermaphrodite and male flowers in the same individual. Andromonoecy provides a strategy to optimally allocate resources to male and female function, evolving a reproductive energy-saving strategy. Thus, our objective was to investigate the size-dependent sex allocation in Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. We tested the hypothesis that plants with larger size will invest in the production of hermaphrodite flowers, because higher individuals have greater availability of resources to invest in more complex structures involving greater energy expenditure. The studied species was S. lycocarpum, an andromonoecious species. From June 2016 to March 2017 the data were collected in 38 individuals, divided in two groups: the larger plant group (n=18; height=3-5 m) and the smaller plant group (n=20; height=1-2 m).Our data show that there was effect of plant size on the flower production and the sexual gender allocation. The larger plants showed more flowers and higher production of hermaphrodite flowers. Furthermore, in the flower scale, we observed allometric relationship among the flower's traits with proportional investments in biomass, anther size and gynoecium size. Our results are in agreement with size-dependent sex allocation theory and andromonoecy hypothesis related to mechanisms for optimal resource allocation to male and female function.(AU)

A alocação de recursos para reprodução pode mudar dependendo do tamanho, conforme previsto pela alocação sexual dependente do tamanho. Essa teoria é baseada no fato de que indivíduos pequenos investirão na alocação sexual com menor custo de produção, geralmente do sexo masculino. Nas plantas, existem algumas espécies andromonoicas, presença de hermafrodita e flores masculinas no mesmo indivíduo. A andromonoicia fornece uma estratégia para alocar recursos de maneira ideal às funções masculina e feminina, desenvolvendo uma estratégia reprodutiva de economia de energia. Assim, nosso objetivo foi investigar a alocação sexual dependente do tamanho em Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. Testamos a hipótese de que plantas de maior tamanho investirão na produção de flores hermafroditas, pois indivíduos mais altos economizam mais disponibilidade de recursos para investir em estruturas mais complexas que envolvem maior gasto de energia. A espécie estudada foi S. lycocarpum, uma espécie andromonoica. De junho de 2016 a março de 2017, os dados foram coletados em 38 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: o maior grupo de plantas (n = 18; altura = 3-5 m) e o menor grupo de plantas (n = 20; altura = 1-2 m). Nossos dados mostram que houve efeito do tamanho da planta na produção de flores e na alocação sexual. As plantas maiores apresentaram mais flores e maior produção de flores hermafroditas. Além disso, observamos uma relação alométrica entre as características da flor, com investimentos proporcionais em biomassa, tamanho da antera e tamanho do gineceu. Nossos resultados estão de acordo com a teoria de alocação de sexo dependente de tamanho e a hipótese de andromonoicia relacionada a mecanismos para a alocação ótima de recursos para a função masculina e feminina.(AU)

Solanum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Solanum/genética , Organismos Hermafroditas/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e237575, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249282


Resource allocation to reproduction can change depending on size, as predicted by the size-dependent sex allocation. This theory is based on the fact that small individuals will invest in the allocation of sex with lower cost of production, usually male gender. In plants, there are some andromonoecy species, presence of hermaphrodite and male flowers in the same individual. Andromonoecy provides a strategy to optimally allocate resources to male and female function, evolving a reproductive energy-saving strategy. Thus, our objective was to investigate the size-dependent sex allocation in Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. We tested the hypothesis that plants with larger size will invest in the production of hermaphrodite flowers, because higher individuals have greater availability of resources to invest in more complex structures involving greater energy expenditure. The studied species was S. lycocarpum, an andromonoecious species. From June 2016 to March 2017 the data were collected in 38 individuals, divided in two groups: the larger plant group (n=18; height=3-5 m) and the smaller plant group (n=20; height=1-2 m).Our data show that there was effect of plant size on the flower production and the sexual gender allocation. The larger plants showed more flowers and higher production of hermaphrodite flowers. Furthermore, in the flower scale, we observed allometric relationship among the flower's traits with proportional investments in biomass, anther size and gynoecium size. Our results are in agreement with size-dependent sex allocation theory and andromonoecy hypothesis related to mechanisms for optimal resource allocation to male and female function.

A alocação de recursos para reprodução pode mudar dependendo do tamanho, conforme previsto pela alocação sexual dependente do tamanho. Essa teoria é baseada no fato de que indivíduos pequenos investirão na alocação sexual com menor custo de produção, geralmente do sexo masculino. Nas plantas, existem algumas espécies andromonoicas, presença de hermafrodita e flores masculinas no mesmo indivíduo. A andromonoicia fornece uma estratégia para alocar recursos de maneira ideal às funções masculina e feminina, desenvolvendo uma estratégia reprodutiva de economia de energia. Assim, nosso objetivo foi investigar a alocação sexual dependente do tamanho em Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. Testamos a hipótese de que plantas de maior tamanho investirão na produção de flores hermafroditas, pois indivíduos mais altos economizam mais disponibilidade de recursos para investir em estruturas mais complexas que envolvem maior gasto de energia. A espécie estudada foi S. lycocarpum, uma espécie andromonoica. De junho de 2016 a março de 2017, os dados foram coletados em 38 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: o maior grupo de plantas (n = 18; altura = 3-5 m) e o menor grupo de plantas (n = 20; altura =1-2 m). Nossos dados mostram que houve efeito do tamanho da planta na produção de flores e na alocação sexual. As plantas maiores apresentaram mais flores e maior produção de flores hermafroditas. Além disso, observamos uma relação alométrica entre as características da flor, com investimentos proporcionais em biomassa, tamanho da antera e tamanho do gineceu. Nossos resultados estão de acordo com a teoria de alocação de sexo dependente de tamanho e a hipótese de andromonoicia relacionada a mecanismos para a alocação ótima de recursos para a função masculina e feminina.

Humanos , Feminino , Solanum , Fenótipo , Reprodução , Flores
Sci. agric ; 78(5): 1-7, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497972


Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) regularly requires quick deployment of control practices due to its potential of causing yield loss of processing tomatoes. The monitoring of H. armigera adults using stick traps lured with sex pheromone was correlated to egg densities, larvae, and percentage of damaged fruits, aiming to subsidize control decisions only using the number of males caught in the traps since surveying pest stages or damaged fruits is laborious and costly. Surveys were carried out on 11 tomato fields (ca. 80 to 120 hectares each) for processing during the 2015 and 2016 crop seasons. The survey was initiated at the flowering stage with traps set up along the field borders 100 m distant each. Evaluations of adult male capture in the traps were conducted twice a week for 14 and 10 weeks during the 2015 and 2016 seasons, respectively. Simultaneously, 70 tomato plants were fully inspected for eggs, larvae, and damaged fruits per area using a rate of 10 plants per point of trap setting in each area. Overall capture of male moths correlated to subsequent eggs, larvae, and damaged fruits. Based on the outcome of the regression analysis between male moths captured and percentage of damaged fruits, the control decision is suggested when three to six male moths are captured per trap during one week. The monitoring of adults using pheromone traps help deploy chemical or biological control methods to restrain H. armigera population reaching economic threshold levels.

Hormônios de Inseto/biossíntese , Lepidópteros/patogenicidade , Solanum lycopersicum
Sci. agric. ; 78(5): 1-7, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31393


Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) regularly requires quick deployment of control practices due to its potential of causing yield loss of processing tomatoes. The monitoring of H. armigera adults using stick traps lured with sex pheromone was correlated to egg densities, larvae, and percentage of damaged fruits, aiming to subsidize control decisions only using the number of males caught in the traps since surveying pest stages or damaged fruits is laborious and costly. Surveys were carried out on 11 tomato fields (ca. 80 to 120 hectares each) for processing during the 2015 and 2016 crop seasons. The survey was initiated at the flowering stage with traps set up along the field borders 100 m distant each. Evaluations of adult male capture in the traps were conducted twice a week for 14 and 10 weeks during the 2015 and 2016 seasons, respectively. Simultaneously, 70 tomato plants were fully inspected for eggs, larvae, and damaged fruits per area using a rate of 10 plants per point of trap setting in each area. Overall capture of male moths correlated to subsequent eggs, larvae, and damaged fruits. Based on the outcome of the regression analysis between male moths captured and percentage of damaged fruits, the control decision is suggested when three to six male moths are captured per trap during one week. The monitoring of adults using pheromone traps help deploy chemical or biological control methods to restrain H. armigera population reaching economic threshold levels.(AU)

Lepidópteros/patogenicidade , Solanum lycopersicum , Hormônios de Inseto/biossíntese
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 38: e56529, 2021. map, ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504612


Larkinia grandis (Broderip & G.B. Sowerby I, 1829), an important fishing resource for Mexican communities, is an Arcidae clam. It is also considered a species with aquaculture potential. In this work we investigated the gonadal phases and sexuality in a population of L. grandis in the Gulf of California. Our findings support the hypothesis that there is one male per female in the population studied. It also documents that the shape, position and color of the gonads of L. grandis are consistent with observations in other Arcidae species. Additionally, five gonadal phases are differentiated and described in males and females (development, mature, spawning, post-spawning and resting), with a noticeable presence of brown cells during post-spawning and the onset of the resting phase, suggesting that those cells are involved in the reabsorption of remnants. Additionally, asynchronous gametogenesis in males, synchronic gametogenesis in females and batch spawning are defined. The results of this contribution can be used in the efforts to protect this bivalve.

Animais , Arcidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Arcidae/fisiologia , Gametogênese , Gônadas/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504624


ABSTRACT Larkinia grandis (Broderip & G.B. Sowerby I, 1829), an important fishing resource for Mexican communities, is an Arcidae clam. It is also considered a species with aquaculture potential. In this work we investigated the gonadal phases and sexuality in a population of L. grandis in the Gulf of California. Our findings support the hypothesis that there is one male per female in the population studied. It also documents that the shape, position and color of the gonads of L. grandis are consistent with observations in other Arcidae species. Additionally, five gonadal phases are differentiated and described in males and females (development, mature, spawning, post-spawning and resting), with a noticeable presence of brown cells during post-spawning and the onset of the resting phase, suggesting that those cells are involved in the reabsorption of remnants. Additionally, asynchronous gametogenesis in males, synchronic gametogenesis in females and batch spawning are defined. The results of this contribution can be used in the efforts to protect this bivalve.

Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 38: e56529, fev. 2021. mapas, ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765337


Larkinia grandis (Broderip & G.B. Sowerby I, 1829), an important fishing resource for Mexican communities, is an Arcidae clam. It is also considered a species with aquaculture potential. In this work we investigated the gonadal phases and sexuality in a population of L. grandis in the Gulf of California. Our findings support the hypothesis that there is one male per female in the population studied. It also documents that the shape, position and color of the gonads of L. grandis are consistent with observations in other Arcidae species. Additionally, five gonadal phases are differentiated and described in males and females (development, mature, spawning, post-spawning and resting), with a noticeable presence of brown cells during post-spawning and the onset of the resting phase, suggesting that those cells are involved in the reabsorption of remnants. Additionally, asynchronous gametogenesis in males, synchronic gametogenesis in females and batch spawning are defined. The results of this contribution can be used in the efforts to protect this bivalve.(AU)

Animais , Arcidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Arcidae/fisiologia , Gônadas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Gametogênese
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 31(02): 130-141, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472707


Peixes teleósteos possuem diversas maneiras de determinação e diferenciação sexual. De modo que, fatores genéticos e ambientais podem atuar interagindo para determinar o sexo e agir sobre a diferenciação das gônadas desses animais. Os fatores ambientais atuam de diferentes formas para determinar o sexo de peixe, uma vez que sua ação é dependente da espécie. Fatores como temperatura, pH, densidade populacional e poluição podem causara masculinização ou feminização, agindo principalmente sobre os hormônios sexuais e muitas vezes causando a apoptose ovariana e, consequentemente, promovendo a masculinização. Já a determinação genética se dar por cromossomos sexuais (sistema monogênico) ou por ação autossômica (sistema poligênica). No sistema monogênico já foram observados vários modelos de cromossomos sexuais, sendo os principais XX/XY (machos heterogaméticos) e ZW/ZZ (fêmeas heterogaméticas). Com isso, é possível observar que os peixes teleósteos possuem uma grande diversidade de determinação sexual e diferenciação gonadal.

Teleost fish have various forms of sexual determination and differentiation. Genetic and environmental factors can interact to determine sex and act on the differentiation of the gonads of these animals. Environmental factors act in different ways to determine the sex of the fish, as their action depend on the species. Factors such as temperature, pH, population density and pollution can cause a masculinization or a feminization, by acting on the hormones and, often, the ovarian apoptosis. The genetic determination is given by the sexual chromosome (monogenic system) or by the autosomal action (polygenic system). In the monogenic system several models of sexual chromosomes were observed, the main ones being XX / XY (heterogeneous males) and ZW / ZZ(heterogeneous females). With this, it is possible to observe that teleost possess a great amplitude of sexual determination and gonadal differentiation.

Animais , Ecossistema , Gônadas , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peixes/genética