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Ci. Rural ; 47(4)2017.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-710064


ABSTRACT: Sorghum is the second cereal used in pigs diets in Brazil, which has a lower cost than corn, thus this experiment aimed to study the effects of high-moisture sorghum silage grain with high- and low-tannin contents on silage quality and piglets performance. A total of seventy-two weaned piglets were allocated into randomized blocks with six replicates and four treatments, based on diets with dry corn grain (DCG); dry sorghum grain with low-tannin (LTSG), high-moisture sorghum grain silage with low-(LTSS) and high-tannin (HTSS). The ensiling process decreased total and condensed tannin contents to 31% and 98% for LTSS and, to 80% and 93% for HTSS, respectively. No treatment effects observed on average daily feed intake and average daily weight gain. The feed:gain ratio of piglets fed LTSS was greater than piglets fed LTSG. At total period, piglets fed HTSS showed a similar feed:gain ratio than piglets fed DCG or LTSG, although it was worse than animals fed LTSS. The LTSS and HTSS can replace corn or sorghum dry grains in diets of weanling pigs with no adverse effects on growth performance.

RESUMO: O sorgo é o segundo cereal mais utilizado nas dietas de suínos no Brasil e possui menor custo em relação ao milho. Neste contexto, este experimento objetivou estudar os efeitos da silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo baixo e alto tanino na qualidade da silagem e desempenho de leitões. Utilizaram-se 72 leitões na fase de creche alocados em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos foram dietas à base de grãos de milho seco (M), grãos de sorgo seco baixo tanino (SSBT), silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo com baixo (SBT) ou alto tanino (SAT). A ensilagem reduziu os teores de taninos totais e condensados em 31% e 98% para a SBT e, em 80% e 93% para a SAT, respectivamente. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos no consumo diário de ração e ganho diário de peso. A conversão alimentar dos leitões que receberam SBT foi melhor que a daqueles alimentados com dietas com SSBT para os períodos estudados. No período total, os leitões que receberam dietas com SAT apresentaram conversão alimentar semelhante àqueles alimentados com dietas com M ou SSBT, porém pior que aqueles alimentados com dietas com SBT. As SBT e SAT podem substituir o milho seco e o sorgo seco baixo tanino das rações sem prejuízo ao desempenho de leitões na fase de creche.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 47(4): 01-07, Mar. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1479905


Sorghum is the second cereal used in pigs diets in Brazil, which has a lower cost than corn, thus this experiment aimed to study the effects of high-moisture sorghum silage grain with high- and low-tannin contents on silage quality and piglets performance. A total of seventytwo weaned piglets were allocated into randomized blocks with six replicates and four treatments, based on diets with dry corn grain (DCG); dry sorghum grain with low-tannin (LTSG), high-moisture sorghum grain silage with low-(LTSS) and high-tannin (HTSS). The ensiling process decreased total and condensed tannin contents to 31% and 98% for LTSS and, to 80% and 93% for HTSS, respectively. No treatment effects observed on average daily feed intake and average daily weight gain. The feed:gain ratio of piglets fed LTSS was greater than piglets fed LTSG. At total period, piglets fed HTSS showed a similar feed:gain ratio than piglets fed DCG or LTSG, although it was worse than animals fed LTSS. The LTSS and HTSS can replace corn or sorghum dry grains in diets of weanling pigs with no adverse effects on growth performance.

O sorgo é o segundo cereal mais utilizado nas dietas de suínos no Brasil e possui menor custo em relação ao milho. Neste contexto, este experimento objetivou estudar os efeitos da silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo baixo e alto tanino na qualidade da silagem e desempenho de leitões. Utilizaram-se 72 leitões na fase de creche alocados em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos foram dietas à base de grãos de milho seco (M), grãos de sorgo seco baixo tanino (SSBT), silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo com baixo (SBT) ou alto tanino (SAT). A ensilagem reduziu os teores de taninos totais e condensados em 31% e 98% para a SBT e, em 80% e 93% para a SAT, respectivamente. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos no consumo diário de ração e ganho diário de peso. A conversão alimentar dos leitões que receberam SBT foi melhor que a daqueles alimentados com dietas com SSBT para os períodos estudados. No período total, os leitões que receberam dietas com SAT apresentaram conversão alimentar semelhante àqueles alimentados com dietas com M ou SSBT, porém pior que aqueles alimentados com dietas com SBT. As SBT e SAT podem substituir o milho seco e o sorgo seco baixo tanino das rações sem prejuízo ao desempenho de leitões na fase de creche.

Animais , Ração Animal/análise , Silagem/análise , Sorghum/fisiologia , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Taninos/análise , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos
Ci. Rural ; 47(4): 01-07, Mar. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-686859


Sorghum is the second cereal used in pigs diets in Brazil, which has a lower cost than corn, thus this experiment aimed to study the effects of high-moisture sorghum silage grain with high- and low-tannin contents on silage quality and piglets performance. A total of seventytwo weaned piglets were allocated into randomized blocks with six replicates and four treatments, based on diets with dry corn grain (DCG); dry sorghum grain with low-tannin (LTSG), high-moisture sorghum grain silage with low-(LTSS) and high-tannin (HTSS). The ensiling process decreased total and condensed tannin contents to 31% and 98% for LTSS and, to 80% and 93% for HTSS, respectively. No treatment effects observed on average daily feed intake and average daily weight gain. The feed:gain ratio of piglets fed LTSS was greater than piglets fed LTSG. At total period, piglets fed HTSS showed a similar feed:gain ratio than piglets fed DCG or LTSG, although it was worse than animals fed LTSS. The LTSS and HTSS can replace corn or sorghum dry grains in diets of weanling pigs with no adverse effects on growth performance.(AU)

O sorgo é o segundo cereal mais utilizado nas dietas de suínos no Brasil e possui menor custo em relação ao milho. Neste contexto, este experimento objetivou estudar os efeitos da silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo baixo e alto tanino na qualidade da silagem e desempenho de leitões. Utilizaram-se 72 leitões na fase de creche alocados em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos foram dietas à base de grãos de milho seco (M), grãos de sorgo seco baixo tanino (SSBT), silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo com baixo (SBT) ou alto tanino (SAT). A ensilagem reduziu os teores de taninos totais e condensados em 31% e 98% para a SBT e, em 80% e 93% para a SAT, respectivamente. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos no consumo diário de ração e ganho diário de peso. A conversão alimentar dos leitões que receberam SBT foi melhor que a daqueles alimentados com dietas com SSBT para os períodos estudados. No período total, os leitões que receberam dietas com SAT apresentaram conversão alimentar semelhante àqueles alimentados com dietas com M ou SSBT, porém pior que aqueles alimentados com dietas com SBT. As SBT e SAT podem substituir o milho seco e o sorgo seco baixo tanino das rações sem prejuízo ao desempenho de leitões na fase de creche.(AU)

Animais , Silagem/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sorghum/fisiologia , Taninos/análise , Ingestão de Alimentos , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 15(3): 217-222, July-Sept. 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490008


In broiler feed manufacturing, grinding may significantly increase costs due to electric energy use. This study evaluated the performance and the morphometrics of the gastrointestinal tract of broilers. According to a completely randomized experimental design, 2,400 birds (1,200 males and 1,200 females) were submitted to five treatments of eight replicates each. Treatments consisted of diets based corn or sorghum as follows: ground corn (A), broken corn (B), ground sorghum (C), ground (50%) and whole (50%) sorghum (D) and whole sorghum (100%; E). Pre-starter feeds (1 to 8 days), based on corn or sorghum, were produced only with ground grains. The study was divided in two trials: males and females. The results were submitted to analysis of variance (p 0.05) and Tukey's test. Feed intake, live weight, feed conversion ratio, and livability of 21- and 42-day-old male and female broilers were not affected by the treatments. This demonstrates that broiler performance is not influenced by sorghum physical form and that broilers fed sorghum-based diets presented similar performance as those fed corn-based diets. Gizzard and small intestine were heavier when whole sorghum grains was included in the diet. It was concluded that whole sorghum grains can be included in broiler feeds with not detrimental effects on performance.

Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Galinhas/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análise , Sorghum/química
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-759615


In broiler feed manufacturing, grinding may significantly increase costs due to electric energy use. This study evaluated the performance and the morphometrics of the gastrointestinal tract of broilers. According to a completely randomized experimental design, 2,400 birds (1,200 males and 1,200 females) were submitted to five treatments of eight replicates each. Treatments consisted of diets based corn or sorghum as follows: ground corn (A), broken corn (B), ground sorghum (C), ground (50%) and whole (50%) sorghum (D) and whole sorghum (100%; E). Pre-starter feeds (1 to 8 days), based on corn or sorghum, were produced only with ground grains. The study was divided in two trials: males and females. The results were submitted to analysis of variance (p 0.05) and Tukey's test. Feed intake, live weight, feed conversion ratio, and livability of 21- and 42-day-old male and female broilers were not affected by the treatments. This demonstrates that broiler performance is not influenced by sorghum physical form and that broilers fed sorghum-based diets presented similar performance as those fed corn-based diets. Gizzard and small intestine were heavier when whole sorghum grains was included in the diet. It was concluded that whole sorghum grains can be included in broiler feeds with not detrimental effects on performance.

R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 15(3): 217-222, July-Sept. 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29085


In broiler feed manufacturing, grinding may significantly increase costs due to electric energy use. This study evaluated the performance and the morphometrics of the gastrointestinal tract of broilers. According to a completely randomized experimental design, 2,400 birds (1,200 males and 1,200 females) were submitted to five treatments of eight replicates each. Treatments consisted of diets based corn or sorghum as follows: ground corn (A), broken corn (B), ground sorghum (C), ground (50%) and whole (50%) sorghum (D) and whole sorghum (100%; E). Pre-starter feeds (1 to 8 days), based on corn or sorghum, were produced only with ground grains. The study was divided in two trials: males and females. The results were submitted to analysis of variance (p 0.05) and Tukey's test. Feed intake, live weight, feed conversion ratio, and livability of 21- and 42-day-old male and female broilers were not affected by the treatments. This demonstrates that broiler performance is not influenced by sorghum physical form and that broilers fed sorghum-based diets presented similar performance as those fed corn-based diets. Gizzard and small intestine were heavier when whole sorghum grains was included in the diet. It was concluded that whole sorghum grains can be included in broiler feeds with not detrimental effects on performance.(AU)

Animais , Sorghum/química , Ração Animal/análise , Galinhas/metabolismo , Galinhas/fisiologia
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 14(1): 57-62, 2012. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400450


The relationship between sorghum grain color and tannin content was reported in several references. In this study, 33 phenotypes of sorghum grain differing in seed characteristics were collected and analyzed by Folin-Ciocalteu method. A computer image analysis method was used to determine the color characteristics of all 33 sorghum phenotypes. Two methods of multiple linear regression and artificial neural network (ANN) models were developed to describe tannin content in sorghum grain from three input parameters of color characteristics. The goodness of fit of the models was tested using R², MS error, and bias. The computer image analysis technique was a suitable method to estimate tannin through sorghum grain color strength. Therefore, the color quality of the samples was described according three color parameters: L* (lightness), a* (redness - from green to red) and b* (blueness - from blue to yellow. The developed regression and ANN models showed a strong relationship between color and tannin content of samples. The goodness of fit (in terms of R²), which corresponds to training the ANN model, showed higher accuracy of prediction of ANN compared with the equation established by the regression method (0.96 vs. 0.88). The ANN models in term of MS error showed lower residuals distribution than that of regression model (0.002 vs. 0.006). The platform of computer image analysis technique and ANN-based model may be used to estimate the tannin content of sorghum.(AU)

Taninos/química , Grão Comestível/fisiologia , Sorghum/genética , Redes Neurais de Computação
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-717978


The relationship between sorghum grain color and tannin content was reported in several references. In this study, 33 phenotypes of sorghum grain differing in seed characteristics were collected and analyzed by Folin-Ciocalteu method. A computer image analysis method was used to determine the color characteristics of all 33 sorghum phenotypes. Two methods of multiple linear regression and artificial neural network (ANN) models were developed to describe tannin content in sorghum grain from three input parameters of color characteristics. The goodness of fit of the models was tested using R², MS error, and bias. The computer image analysis technique was a suitable method to estimate tannin through sorghum grain color strength. Therefore, the color quality of the samples was described according three color parameters: L* (lightness), a* (redness - from green to red) and b* (blueness - from blue to yellow. The developed regression and ANN models showed a strong relationship between color and tannin content of samples. The goodness of fit (in terms of R²), which corresponds to training the ANN model, showed higher accuracy of prediction of ANN compared with the equation established by the regression method (0.96 vs. 0.88). The ANN models in term of MS error showed lower residuals distribution than that of regression model (0.002 vs. 0.006). The platform of computer image analysis technique and ANN-based model may be used to estimate the tannin content of sorghum.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 61(1): 182-189, fev. 2009. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-6207


Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação com silagem de milho ou grão de sorgo no desempenho e características da carcaça e da carne de vacas de descarte, submetidas ao pastejo restrito em pastagem de aveia (Avena strigosa) + azevém (Lolium multiflorum). Foram utilizadas 30 vacas mestiças Charolês-Nelore, com idade média de oito anos, distribuídas em igual número e ao acaso em três tratamentos: silagem de milho (TSI) ou grão de sorgo moído (TSO) como suplemento, e não suplementação (TPH). A suplementação com silagem de milho proporcionou aos animais maior escore corporal ao final do experimento (4,35 pontos contra 4,15 do TPH e 4,22 pontos para o TSO). Não houve efeito do volumoso ou concentrado suplementar sobre o peso corporal, ganho de peso diário e ganho em escore corporal. Não houve efeito de tratamento (P>0,05) sobre pesos e rendimentos quentes e frios da carcaça, espessura de gordura subcutânea, conformação, espessura de coxão, área de Longissimus dorsi e percentagem de cortes comerciais. A suplementação resultou em maior percentagem de gordura na carcaça e influenciou a cor e o marmoreio da carne. A silagem de milho e o grão de sorgo servem como alternativa para a suplementação de vacas de descarte em pastagem de aveia e azevém, uma vez que melhora as características da carcaça, embora sem efeito sobre o desempenho quando comparado à pastagem exclusiva.(AU)

The effect of supplementation with corn silage or sorghum grain on the performance and characteristics of carcass and meat of cull cows, under temporary grazing on oats (Avena strigosa) + ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) pasture was evaluated. Thirty crossbred Charolais-Nellore cull cows, with averaging eight-yearold,were randomly distributed in three treatments. The animals received corn silage (TSI) or sorghum grain (TSO) as supplement, while another lot did not receive supplementation (TPH). Animals supplemented with corn silage showed higher final body condition score (4.35 points versus 4.15 for TPH and 4.22 for TSO). No effect of supplementation on body weight, average daily weight gain; and body condition score gain were verified. Differences were not observed concerning carcasses weight, hot and cold yield of carcasses, fat thickness, conformation, cushion thickness, Longissimus dorsi area, and commercial cuts percentages. Supplemented animals showed better color and higher marbling of meat. Corn silage and sorghum grain are alternative for the supplementation of cull cows in oats and ryegrass pasture, since they showed better carcass characteristics, although no effect on the performance in relation to exclusive pasture was detected.(AU)

Animais , Silagem , Zea mays , Sorghum , Suplementos Nutricionais/efeitos adversos , Bovinos
Ci. Rural ; 36(3)2006.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-704998


Two experiments to evaluate daily weight gain (Experiment 1) and ruminal fermentation parameters (Experiment 2) were carried out. Nelore and Charolais crossbreed steers grazing on cool-season pasture during four hours daily or during only two hours daily but supplemented (1% of live weight) with sorghum whole plant silage, wet grain silage or dry grain were used. Animals fed only with pasture obtained the highest and, those supplemented with whole plant silage, the lowest daily weight gain (P 0.05). Wet or dry grain supplemented steers obtained intermediary daily weight gain. Ruminal concentrations of amino acids and peptides were not affected (P>0.05) by supplementation. Ammonia and sugar concentrations were higher by animals fed only with pasture or supplemented with sorghum wet grain silage and lower by those supplemented with whole plant silage or dry grain (P 0.05). Ruminal pH values were lower by animals supplemented with sorghum wet grain silage (P 0.05). Supplements did not improve weight gain of steers grazing cool-season pasture but ruminal fermentation varied through a day and was different among supplements. Results also indicate that, besides supplement type, synchrony between grazing and supplementation schedule may represent a conditioning factor to improve feed efficiency use by animals.

Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliar o ganho de peso vivo (Experimento 1) e parâmetros da fermentação ruminal (Experimento 2) em quarenta novilhos cruzados Charolês e Nelore, mantidos em pastagem cultivada de inverno, por quatro horas diárias e não suplementados, ou por somente duas horas, mas suplementados (1% do peso vivo) com silagem de planta inteira, silagem de grão úmido ou com grão seco de sorgo. Os animais alimentados somente com pastagem obtiveram os maiores ganhos de peso vivo (P 0,05) e os suplementados com silagem de planta inteira, os menores. Os suplementados com grãos, tanto secos como na forma de silagem, obtiveram ganhos de peso intermediários. As concentrações de aminoácidos e peptídeos não foram influenciadas (P>0,05) pela suplementação, as de amônia e açúcares foram maiores nos animais mantidos somente com pastagem e nos suplementados com silagem de grão úmido, e menores nos animais suplementados com silagem de planta inteira ou com grão seco de sorgo (P 0,05). Os valores de pH ruminal foram menores nos animais suplementados com silagem de grão úmido de sorgo (P 0,05). Os suplementos utilizados não melhoraram o desempenho dos animais mantidos em pastagem cultivada de clima temperado, mas a fermentação ruminal variou ao longo do dia e com o tipo de suplemento utilizado. No entanto, os resultados indicam também que, além do tipo, a adequação de horários de pastejo e de suplementação poderia representar um fator condicionante à eficiência do uso do suplemento pelos animais.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1476786


Two experiments to evaluate daily weight gain (Experiment 1) and ruminal fermentation parameters (Experiment 2) were carried out. Nelore and Charolais crossbreed steers grazing on cool-season pasture during four hours daily or during only two hours daily but supplemented (1% of live weight) with sorghum whole plant silage, wet grain silage or dry grain were used. Animals fed only with pasture obtained the highest and, those supplemented with whole plant silage, the lowest daily weight gain (P 0.05). Wet or dry grain supplemented steers obtained intermediary daily weight gain. Ruminal concentrations of amino acids and peptides were not affected (P>0.05) by supplementation. Ammonia and sugar concentrations were higher by animals fed only with pasture or supplemented with sorghum wet grain silage and lower by those supplemented with whole plant silage or dry grain (P 0.05). Ruminal pH values were lower by animals supplemented with sorghum wet grain silage (P 0.05). Supplements did not improve weight gain of steers grazing cool-season pasture but ruminal fermentation varied through a day and was different among supplements. Results also indicate that, besides supplement type, synchrony between grazing and supplementation schedule may represent a conditioning factor to improve feed efficiency use by animals.

Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliar o ganho de peso vivo (Experimento 1) e parâmetros da fermentação ruminal (Experimento 2) em quarenta novilhos cruzados Charolês e Nelore, mantidos em pastagem cultivada de inverno, por quatro horas diárias e não suplementados, ou por somente duas horas, mas suplementados (1% do peso vivo) com silagem de planta inteira, silagem de grão úmido ou com grão seco de sorgo. Os animais alimentados somente com pastagem obtiveram os maiores ganhos de peso vivo (P 0,05) e os suplementados com silagem de planta inteira, os menores. Os suplementados com grãos, tanto secos como na forma de silagem, obtiveram ganhos de peso intermediários. As concentrações de aminoácidos e peptídeos não foram influenciadas (P>0,05) pela suplementação, as de amônia e açúcares foram maiores nos animais mantidos somente com pastagem e nos suplementados com silagem de grão úmido, e menores nos animais suplementados com silagem de planta inteira ou com grão seco de sorgo (P 0,05). Os valores de pH ruminal foram menores nos animais suplementados com silagem de grão úmido de sorgo (P 0,05). Os suplementos utilizados não melhoraram o desempenho dos animais mantidos em pastagem cultivada de clima temperado, mas a fermentação ruminal variou ao longo do dia e com o tipo de suplemento utilizado. No entanto, os resultados indicam também que, além do tipo, a adequação de horários de pastejo e de suplementação poderia representar um fator condicionante à eficiência do uso do suplemento pelos animais.