The objective was to evaluate whether space allowance during pre-slaughter transport of European breeding quail affects welfare, carcass traits and meat quality. A total of 248 quails (body weight = 344.90 ± 2.09 g) were used. During pre-transport, the quails were fasted for 5 hours and 30 minutes. The poultry were caught and placed in plastic transport crates with an area of 0.40 m2. The treatments consisted of a different space allowance in each crate: 22, 28, 34 or 40 quails per crate. Immediately upon arrival at the slaughterhouse, the quails were stunned. During bleeding, blood samples were collected. The carcasses were individually weighed. The meat quality was measured. Data were analysed using the effects of space allowance during transport of quails and pickup truck as dependent variables. Death on arrival increased as the space allowance in transport crates decreased (p=0.08). Glucose and uric acid levels were not significantly different between groups (p≥0.14). The cold carcass weight presented the maximum value when the crates contained 31 quails (p=0.03). The meat pH, intensity of red, intensity of yellow and cooking losses were not different between groups (p≥0.12). The meat lightness value presented the maximum value when the crates contained 31 quails (p=0.04). In view of the above, the number of European breeding quails transported in crates must not exceed 30 animals.(AU)
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Carne/análise , Colinus/fisiologia , Abate de AnimaisResumo
The study was conducted to determine the effects of stocking density (SD, 5 or 7 layers/cage) and tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) diet supplementation at four levels (0, 1.2, 6 and 12 g/kg feed) on performance, certain egg characteristics, serum, liver, egg yolk and small intestine bacteria parameters in laying hens. The experiment was carried out over a period of 8 weeks, with 192 Lohman Brown commercial hybrids at 50-w-age. The results showed that an increased SD reduced feed intake (FI; p 0.01) and egg production (p 0.05), but had no effect on the weight gain, feed conversion ratio, damaged egg ratio, egg weight and egg quality (p>0.05) parameters. The supplementation of tarragon to the diet reduced the FI and damaged egg ratio (p 0.01), and improved egg production and FCR (p 0.01). While an increased SD reduced serum total antioxidants (p 0.05), it elevated corticosterone (CORT) and total oxidant serum (TOS) (p 0.05). Tarragon was found to enhance total immunoglobulin (p 0.05), but to decreased the CORT and TOS of the serum (p 0.05). An increased SD raised the malondialdehyde (MDA) in the serum (p 0.001), liver (p 0.05) and yolk (p 0.001). Tarragon supplementation reduced MDA of the serum (p 0.05), liver (p 0.001) and yolk (p 0.001). E. coli and total Mesophilic Aerobic Bacteria counts in the small intestine were raised (p 0.001) with increased SD. Tarragon decreased (p 0.05) mesophilic aerobic bacteria. It was thus found that, tarragon supplementation can be considered generally effective in improving performance parameters, alleviating stress-induced negativities, reducing lipid peroxidation, regulating the immune system and controlling some intestinal microorganisms.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/metabolismo , Galinhas/fisiologia , Antioxidantes/análise , Antioxidantes/química , Imunoglobulina G , Artemisia/químicaResumo
The study was conducted to determine the effects of stocking density (SD, 5 or 7 layers/cage) and tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) diet supplementation at four levels (0, 1.2, 6 and 12 g/kg feed) on performance, certain egg characteristics, serum, liver, egg yolk and small intestine bacteria parameters in laying hens. The experiment was carried out over a period of 8 weeks, with 192 Lohman Brown commercial hybrids at 50-w-age. The results showed that an increased SD reduced feed intake (FI; p 0.01) and egg production (p 0.05), but had no effect on the weight gain, feed conversion ratio, damaged egg ratio, egg weight and egg quality (p>0.05) parameters. The supplementation of tarragon to the diet reduced the FI and damaged egg ratio (p 0.01), and improved egg production and FCR (p 0.01). While an increased SD reduced serum total antioxidants (p 0.05), it elevated corticosterone (CORT) and total oxidant serum (TOS) (p 0.05). Tarragon was found to enhance total immunoglobulin (p 0.05), but to decreased the CORT and TOS of the serum (p 0.05). An increased SD raised the malondialdehyde (MDA) in the serum (p 0.001), liver (p 0.05) and yolk (p 0.001). Tarragon supplementation reduced MDA of the serum (p 0.05), liver (p 0.001) and yolk (p 0.001). E. coli and total Mesophilic Aerobic Bacteria counts in the small intestine were raised (p 0.001) with increased SD. Tarragon decreased (p 0.05) mesophilic aerobic bacteria. It was thus found that, tarragon supplementation can be considered generally effective in improving performance parameters, alleviating stress-induced negativities, reducing lipid peroxidation, regulating the immune system and controlling some intestinal microorganisms.
Feminino , Animais , Antioxidantes/análise , Antioxidantes/química , Artemisia/química , Galinhas/fisiologia , Galinhas/metabolismo , Imunoglobulina GResumo
Survival and growth of the native oyster Crassostrea gasar along the juvenile and adult phases were evaluated in three different stocking densities [low (D), medium (2D) and high (3D)] and in two grow-out systems (fixed and floating system). The fixed system consisted of a rack made with PVC, fixed from the bottom with wood sticks. The floating system consisted of floating bags suspended by a rack made with PVC and maintained submerged from the seawater surface by eight floats. Survival and shell height of oysters cultured after 30, 60 and 90 days were registered in each phase and in each grow-out system. Results showed that the grow-out system did not affect survival and growth of C. gasar in the juvenile and adult phases. The tested densities affected the survival of oysters cultured over time in both phases but did not affect oyster growth. At times analyzed, it was observed positive growth in juvenile oysters grow after 90 days of culture. However, in the adult phase, no growth was observed after 90 days of culture. Oyster yield was higher in the density 3D, in both juvenile and adult phases. These findings contributed to the development of the oyster C. gasar culture.(AU)
A sobrevivência e o crescimento da ostra nativa Crassostrea gasar nas fases juvenil e adulta foram avaliados sob três diferentes densidades de estocagem [baixa (D), média (2D) e alta (3D)] e dois sistemas de engorda (fixo e flutuante). O sistema fixo consistiu em uma mesa de PVC, fixada na parte inferior com varas de madeira. O sistema flutuante consistiu em travesseiros flutuantes suspensos por uma mesa de PVC e mantidas submersas da superfície da água do mar por oito flutuadores. Registraram-se sobrevivência e altura da concha de ostras cultivadas após 30, 60 e 90 dias, em cada fase (juvenil e adulta) e em cada sistema (fixo e flutuante). Os resultados mostraram que o sistema de engorda não afetou a sobrevivência e o crescimento de C. gasar nas fases juvenil e adulta. As densidades testadas afetaram a sobrevivência das ostras ao longo do tempo, em ambas as fases, mas não afetaram o crescimento em altura. Nos tempos analisados, ostras juvenis apresentaram crescimento após 90 dias de cultivo. Porém, na fase adulta, não foi observado crescimento após 90 dias de cultivo. A produção de ostras, foi maior na densidade 3D, nas fases juvenil e adulta. Os presentes achados contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do cultivo da ostra C. gasar.(AU)
Animais , Aquicultura/métodos , Crassostrea/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sobrevida , Clima TropicalResumo
The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of different growth promoters on broiler performance and intestinal morphology reared under various stocking densities. A total of 900 day old (Ross-308) straight run broilers were randomly divided into fifteen treatment groups according to a completely randomized design. A 5 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatment was employed. Treatments were consisted of four growth promoters (antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics, and symbiotics) and a control group with three stocking densities (0.046, 0.056, 0.065m2). Each treatment was replicated 6 times with 10 birds in each. Regarding growth performance, feed intake (p=0.0008), body weight (p=0.0085) and feed conversion ratio (p=0.0001) were improved with the supplementation of symbiotic in the diet whereas lower body weight was noted in the control group. In terms of intestinal morphology, villus height (p=0.0011) and villus to crypt ratio (p=0.0001) were significantly higher in the symbiotics treatment groupas compared to the control group. Moreover, birds reared under 0.065m2 stocking density showed improvement in body weight, feed conversion ratio and livability as compared to the other treatment groups. It can be concluded that the supplementation of symbiotics in the diet of commercial broiler reared under 0.065m2 stocking density had a positive influence on overall growth performance and intestinal morphology.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , IntestinosResumo
The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of different growth promoters on broiler performance and intestinal morphology reared under various stocking densities. A total of 900 day old (Ross-308) straight run broilers were randomly divided into fifteen treatment groups according to a completely randomized design. A 5 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatment was employed. Treatments were consisted of four growth promoters (antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics, and symbiotics) and a control group with three stocking densities (0.046, 0.056, 0.065m2). Each treatment was replicated 6 times with 10 birds in each. Regarding growth performance, feed intake (p=0.0008), body weight (p=0.0085) and feed conversion ratio (p=0.0001) were improved with the supplementation of symbiotic in the diet whereas lower body weight was noted in the control group. In terms of intestinal morphology, villus height (p=0.0011) and villus to crypt ratio (p=0.0001) were significantly higher in the symbiotics treatment groupas compared to the control group. Moreover, birds reared under 0.065m2 stocking density showed improvement in body weight, feed conversion ratio and livability as compared to the other treatment groups. It can be concluded that the supplementation of symbiotics in the diet of commercial broiler reared under 0.065m2 stocking density had a positive influence on overall growth performance and intestinal morphology.
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , IntestinosResumo
A proposta desta revisão é resumir as informações sobre os estudos da engorda de lagostas em gaiolas no Vietnam. Esta sinopse demonstra que os juvenis podem ser cultivados sob regime de confinamento e se adapta bem as condições artificiais com alimentação. Na aquicultura, na engorda de juvenis de lagostas capturadas na natureza (Palinuridae) até o tamanho comercial está emergindo no Vietnam. No Vietnam o cultivo de lagostas em gaiolas no mar começou na década de 1990. Nesse contexto tradicionalmente a Panulirus ornatus e outras espécies são alimentadas com rejeito de pesca e pescado de baixo valor. O objetivo global da engorda pode ser o alívio da pobreza, e neste respeito para os criadores de lagostas é em particular uma oportunidade atrativa para brasileiros devido à captura de pós-larvas de lagostas (com autorização dos órgãos competentes) e sua engorda envolve tecnologia simples, mínimo de capital, e é apropriado como uma atividade alternativa de renda para pescadores.(AU)
The purpose of this review is to sumarize the studies on spiny lobster cage farming in Vietnam. The review showed that spiny lobster juveniles can be held in communal culture systems, since they adapt well to the artificial feeding conditions. In aquaculture, the growout phase of wild-caught juvenile spiny lobsters (Palinuridae) to market size is an emerging sector in Vietnam. Spiny lobster farming in sea cages commenced in the 1990s in Vietnam. Traditionally, Panulirus ornatus lobster and other species are fed with bycatch and cheap fish. The main purpose of the growout phase can be the decrease in poverty, and in this respect lobster farming is a particularly attractive opportunity for Brazil, since the capture of post-hatching lobsters (with authorization of the competent organs) and their growout involves simple technology, minimal capital and is ideally suited as an alternative activity for income generation for fisherman.(AU)
La propuesta de esta revisión es resumir las informaciones sobre los estudios de engorde de langostas en jaulas en Vietnan. Esta sinopsis demuestra que los juveniles pueden cultivarse en régimen de confinamiento y se adapta bien a las condiciones artificiales de alimentación. En la acuicultura, el engorde de juveniles de langostas capturadas en la naturaleza (Palinuridae) hasta el tamaño comercial, está emergiendo en Vietnan. Allá el cultivo de langostas en jaula en el mar empezó en la década de 1990. En ese contexto tradicionalmente la Panulirus ornatus y otras espécies son alimentadas con desechos de pesca y pescado de bajo valor. El objetivo global de engorde puede ser el alivio de la pobreza, y con relación a los creadores de langostas es en particular una atractiva oportunidade para brasileños, debido a la captura poslarvas de langostas (con autorización de los órganos competentes), y su engorde involucra tecnologia simple, mínimo de capital, y es apropriado como uma actividad alternativa de renta para los pescadores.(AU)
Animais , Aquicultura/economia , Aquicultura/métodos , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Palinuridae/metabolismoResumo
A proposta desta revisão é resumir as informações sobre os estudos da engorda de lagostas em gaiolas no Vietnam. Esta sinopse demonstra que os juvenis podem ser cultivados sob regime de confinamento e se adapta bem as condições artificiais com alimentação. Na aquicultura, na engorda de juvenis de lagostas capturadas na natureza (Palinuridae) até o tamanho comercial está emergindo no Vietnam. No Vietnam o cultivo de lagostas em gaiolas no mar começou na década de 1990. Nesse contexto tradicionalmente a Panulirus ornatus e outras espécies são alimentadas com rejeito de pesca e pescado de baixo valor. O objetivo global da engorda pode ser o alívio da pobreza, e neste respeito para os criadores de lagostas é em particular uma oportunidade atrativa para brasileiros devido à captura de pós-larvas de lagostas (com autorização dos órgãos competentes) e sua engorda envolve tecnologia simples, mínimo de capital, e é apropriado como uma atividade alternativa de renda para pescadores.(AU)
The purpose of this review is to sumarize the studies on spiny lobster cage farming in Vietnam. The review showed that spiny lobster juveniles can be held in communal culture systems, since they adapt well to the artificial feeding conditions. In aquaculture, the growout phase of wild-caught juvenile spiny lobsters (Palinuridae) to market size is an emerging sector in Vietnam. Spiny lobster farming in sea cages commenced in the 1990s in Vietnam. Traditionally, Panulirus ornatus lobster and other species are fed with bycatch and cheap fish. The main purpose of the growout phase can be the decrease in poverty, and in this respect lobster farming is a particularly attractive opportunity for Brazil, since the capture of post-hatching lobsters (with authorization of the competent organs) and their growout involves simple technology, minimal capital and is ideally suited as an alternative activity for income generation for fisherman.(AU)
La propuesta de esta revisión es resumir las informaciones sobre los estudios de engorde de langostas en jaulas en Vietnan. Esta sinopsis demuestra que los juveniles pueden cultivarse en régimen de confinamiento y se adapta bien a las condiciones artificiales de alimentación. En la acuicultura, el engorde de juveniles de langostas capturadas en la naturaleza (Palinuridae) hasta el tamaño comercial, está emergiendo en Vietnan. Allá el cultivo de langostas en jaula en el mar empezó en la década de 1990. En ese contexto tradicionalmente la Panulirus ornatus y otras espécies son alimentadas con desechos de pesca y pescado de bajo valor. El objetivo global de engorde puede ser el alivio de la pobreza, y con relación a los creadores de langostas es en particular una atractiva oportunidade para brasileños, debido a la captura poslarvas de langostas (con autorización de los órganos competentes), y su engorde involucra tecnologia simple, mínimo de capital, y es apropriado como uma actividad alternativa de renta para los pescadores.(AU)
Animais , Aquicultura/economia , Aquicultura/métodos , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Palinuridae/metabolismoResumo
The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation with vitamin E and stocking density on the mortality, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, European production efficiency factor, heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio and liver glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels of broilers. In total, 570 one-day-old Vencobb 400 broiler chickens were randomly assigned to three treatments, with six replicates each. G1 served as normal control and birds were provided a normal floor space (0.0465 m2/bird from day 1 to 21 and 0.0929 m2/bird from day 22 to 42) and basal diet containing vitamin E at 70 g/ton feed (n=150). G2 and G3 birds were subjected to high stocking density (0.0279 m2/bird from day 1 to 21 and 0.0557 m2/bird from day 22 to 42). G2 served as the high stocking density (HSD) control, birds were offered a basal diet with no vitamin E (n=210), whereas G3 birds were fed a basal diet containing vitamin E at 70 g/ton feed (n=210). The birds were fed with feed and water ad libitum throughout the study period. The supplementation of vitamin E to the birds subjected to HSD had a positive effect on body weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), European Production Efficiency Factor (EPEF), H/L ratio, and liver GSH and MDA levels with those subjected to HSD and not supplemented with vitamin E. The results of the present study indicate that the supplementation of vitamin E at 70g/ton of feed to broilers subjected to HSD could effectively reverse the negative effects of HSD, and improve broiler performance.(AU)
Animais , Vitamina E/administração & dosagem , Vitamina E/efeitos adversos , Estresse Oxidativo , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do LactenteResumo
The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation with vitamin E and stocking density on the mortality, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, European production efficiency factor, heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio and liver glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels of broilers. In total, 570 one-day-old Vencobb 400 broiler chickens were randomly assigned to three treatments, with six replicates each. G1 served as normal control and birds were provided a normal floor space (0.0465 m2/bird from day 1 to 21 and 0.0929 m2/bird from day 22 to 42) and basal diet containing vitamin E at 70 g/ton feed (n=150). G2 and G3 birds were subjected to high stocking density (0.0279 m2/bird from day 1 to 21 and 0.0557 m2/bird from day 22 to 42). G2 served as the high stocking density (HSD) control, birds were offered a basal diet with no vitamin E (n=210), whereas G3 birds were fed a basal diet containing vitamin E at 70 g/ton feed (n=210). The birds were fed with feed and water ad libitum throughout the study period. The supplementation of vitamin E to the birds subjected to HSD had a positive effect on body weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), European Production Efficiency Factor (EPEF), H/L ratio, and liver GSH and MDA levels with those subjected to HSD and not supplemented with vitamin E. The results of the present study indicate that the supplementation of vitamin E at 70g/ton of feed to broilers subjected to HSD could effectively reverse the negative effects of HSD, and improve broiler performance.
Animais , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Estresse Oxidativo , Vitamina E/administração & dosagem , Vitamina E/efeitos adversos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do LactenteResumo
The current experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of stocking density (SD) on the performance and immunity of 1- to 14-d-old broilers. A total of 1836 one-day-old Cobb 500 broilers were housed at four different SD (30, 60, 90 and 120 chicks/m2). Body weight gain (BWG), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were estimated on d 2, 5, 8, 11 and 14. Relative lymphoid organ weights, maternal antibody titers against IBV, IBD and NDV, and stress indicators were estimated on d 3, 6, 9 and 12.The results indicated that age significantly (p 0.001) affected the performance and immunity of broiler chicks. Stocking density significantly (p 0.001) affected the performance and physiological stress indicators of broiler chicks, but not maternal immunity, relative lymphoid organ weights, or blood glucose levels. A significant interaction between age and density was determined for BWG, FI and FCR, and maternal antibody titers against IBD and NDV. The results also indicated that the effects of SD were age-dependent: as SD increased, worse performance, lighter lymphoid organs, and stronger stress responses were observed as broilers aged. It is concluded that the higher the SD during the first two weeks of life, the worse is the performance as broilers age.
Animais , Anticorpos/análise , Densidade Demográfica , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Grupos de População Animal/fisiologia , Imunidade/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos , População , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Eficiência , Glucose/análise , Glucose/fisiologiaResumo
The current experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of stocking density (SD) on the performance and immunity of 1- to 14-d-old broilers. A total of 1836 one-day-old Cobb 500 broilers were housed at four different SD (30, 60, 90 and 120 chicks/m2). Body weight gain (BWG), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were estimated on d 2, 5, 8, 11 and 14. Relative lymphoid organ weights, maternal antibody titers against IBV, IBD and NDV, and stress indicators were estimated on d 3, 6, 9 and 12.The results indicated that age significantly (p 0.001) affected the performance and immunity of broiler chicks. Stocking density significantly (p 0.001) affected the performance and physiological stress indicators of broiler chicks, but not maternal immunity, relative lymphoid organ weights, or blood glucose levels. A significant interaction between age and density was determined for BWG, FI and FCR, and maternal antibody titers against IBD and NDV. The results also indicated that the effects of SD were age-dependent: as SD increased, worse performance, lighter lymphoid organs, and stronger stress responses were observed as broilers aged. It is concluded that the higher the SD during the first two weeks of life, the worse is the performance as broilers age.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Imunidade/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos , População , Densidade Demográfica , Grupos de População Animal/fisiologia , Anticorpos/análise , Glucose/análise , Glucose/fisiologia , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , EficiênciaResumo
A tilápia é a terceira espécie mais produzida no mundo. Espera-se que em 2030 a produção de tilápia seja duplicada em relação a 2010. O aumento da produção de organismos aquáticos implica na intensificação dos sistemas de aquicultura. O sistema de Bioflocos (BFT) é considerado uma alternativa intensiva para a aquicultura. O BFT apresenta vantagens relacionadas ao menor consumo de água, diminuição da conversão alimentar aparente, melhora do estado sanitário e aumento das densidades quando comparado com sistemas tradicionais de produção aquícola. No entanto, não há conhecimento das densidades adequadas e dos efeitos na produção das diferentes espécies, sendo necessária a realização de estudos mais adequados às condições do país e de cada espécie. As avaliações económicas tem focado nos efeitos da alimentação, densidades, fontes de carbono, mas ainda não foram avaliadas as fontes de energia na aquicultura BFT. O objetivo do trabalho foi apresentar informação relevante da produção de tilápia a nível mundial e particularmente a história produtiva da tilapicultura na Colômbia. Também são considerados aspectos importantes para a produção de tilápia em sistemas de BFT, tais como aeração, fontes e relação de carbono, densidade de estocagem e finalmente a composição proximal da farinha de bioflocos em produções de tilápia. A revisão de literatura amostra diferentes artigos com resultados positivos para aspectos técnicos de produzir tilapia em sistemas de BFT, densidades de estocagem entre 30 e 60 peixes / m³, também fontes de carobono, principalmente melaço de cana e outros produtos com conteúdo de carbono e a relação Carbono: Nitrogênio. Concluindo-se que a produção de tilapia em sistemas de BFT é possível e viável tecnicamente considerando as características próprias do sistema intensivo.
Tilapia is the third most produced species in the world, by the year 2030 the production of tilapia may double the quantities produced in 2010. The increase in the production of aquatic organisms implies the intensification of aquaculture systems. The Biofloc system (BFT) is considered an intensive alternative for aquaculture. BFT presents advantages related to lower water consumption, decreased apparent feed conversion, improved sanitary status, and increased densities when compared to traditional aquaculture production systems. However, there is no knowledge of the adequate densities and the effects on the production of different species, requiring studies more adequate to the conditions of the country and each species. Economic evaluations have focused on the effects of feeding, densities, carbon sources, but energy sources have not yet been evaluated in BFT aquaculture. The objective of the work was to present relevant information of tilapia production worldwide and particularly the production history of tilapiculture in Colombia, also important aspects for tilapia production in BFT systems are considered, such as aeration, carbon sources and ratio, stocking density and finally the proximate composition of biofloc meal in tilapia productions. The literature review samples different articles with positive results for technical aspects of tilapia production in BFT systems, stocking densities between 30 and 60 fish / m³, also carbon sources, mainly cane molasses and other products with carbon content and the Carbon: Nitrogen ratio. In conclusion, tilapia production in BFT systems is possible and technically feasible considering the characteristics of the intensive system.
Na piscicultura, estressores como alta densidade de estocagem e elevadas interações agressivas entre os indivíduos podem aumentar o estresse e diminuir o bem-estar de peixes. No entanto, pesquisas direcionadas à redução desses efeitos ainda são escassas. Alguns estudos mostram que a estimulação táctil, semelhante à massagem corporal, tem efeitos positivos na diminuição do estresse e aumento do bem-estar, principalmente em mamíferos. Em peixes, a estimulação táctil de curto prazo (10 dias ou menos) reduz o estresse em um peixe de recife de coral e diminui a agressividade em indivíduos isolados de tilápia-do-nilo. Alguns estudos sugerem que a massagem a longo prazo tenha efeito cumulativo em mamíferos, porém, efeitos prolongados precisam ser investigados em outros vertebrados para testar se esse procedimento seria adequado para melhorar o bem-estar. Assim, testamos o efeito da estimulação táctil de longo prazo no bem-estar de grupos de tilápia-do-nilo, terceira espécie mais produzida na piscicultura mundial. Essa espécie é um ciclídeo e, portanto, apresenta comportamento territorial e de hierarquia de dominância, os quais são definidos por meio de interações agressivas. Foi defendida a tese de que a estimulação táctil de longo prazo traz efeitos positivos aos parâmetros ligados ao bem-estar e a produtividade em espécies agressivas. Assim, foram realizados dois estudos para testar o efeito da estimulação táctil sobre a interação social agressiva e o estresse e também, sobre o estresse e os parâmetros produtivos em diferentes densidades de estocagem. Em ambos os estudos, um aparato formado por uma moldura retangular de PVC, com hastes plásticas posicionadas na vertical e contendo cerdas de silicone nas laterais, foi introduzido do centro do aquário. Os peixes passavam por entre as cerdas, recebendo estimulação táctil corporal. Um aparato semelhante, mas sem as cerdas de silicone, funcionou como controle. No primeiro estudo, foi testado o efeito da estimulação táctil de longo prazo sobre a agressividade, o estresse e os parâmetros produtivos em grupos de tilápia-do-nilo. Quatro machos adultos foram agrupados e mantidos por 21 dias sem acesso (7 réplicas controle) ou com acesso (10 réplicas) à estimulação táctil. A cada 3 dias foram quantificadas as interações agressivas e número de atravessamentos dos animais pelo aparato. Os animais foram medidos e pesados nos dias 1, 7 e 21 e o sangue foi coletado nos dias 7 e 21. Foi observado diminuição do estresse e menor número de interações agressivas no tratamento com estimulação táctil a partir do dia 10. Essa diminuição foi mais acentuada a longo prazo (dias 19 e 21). Além disso, o nível de testosterona (T) aumentou ao longo do tempo nos animais mais dominantes do tratamento com estimulação táctil e não houve diferença no nível de 11-cetotestosterona (11-KT). Foi observado, também, maior taxa de crescimento, eficiência alimentar, sobrevivência e fator de condição dos animais no tratamento com estimulação táctil. Tanto a diminuição da agressividade, quanto o aumento no crescimento foram mais evidenciados no peixe alfa. No segundo estudo, foi testado se a estimulação táctil de longo prazo reduz os efeitos negativos da alta densidade de estocagem. Foram realizados 4 tratamentos, com 10 réplicas cada: 1) Sem estimulação táctil e alta densidade (1 peixe / 0,014 m3); 2) Sem estimulação táctil e baixa densidade (1 peixe / 0,028 m3); 3) Com estimulação táctil e alta densidade (1 peixe / 0,014 m3); 4) Com estimulação táctil e baixa densidade (1 peixe / 0,028 m3). Dez animais foram agrupados e mantidos, também, por 21 dias. Os animais passaram por biometrias nos dias 1, 10 e 21 e por coleta de sangue no dia 21. Não houve diminuição no nível de cortisol, mas a taxa de crescimento, ganho de peso, ganho de comprimento e eficiência alimentar foram maiores no tratamento com estimulação táctil, mesmo quando em alta densidade. Essas variáveis foram ainda maiores no tratamento com baixa densidade e estimulação táctil. Além disso, o fator de condição aumentou no final dos 21 dias somente no tratamento com estimulação e baixa densidade. Com isso, podemos concluir que a estimulação táctil de longo prazo apresenta efeitos positivos sobre a agressividade e os parâmetros de desempenho produtivo na tilápia-do-nilo. Desse modo, pode ser usada como ferramenta para melhorar a produção e aumentar o bem-estar dos peixes.
In fish farming, stressors such as high stocking density and high aggressive interactions between individuals can increase stress and decrease fish welfare. However, research that aim reducing these effects are still scarce. Some studies show that tactile stimulation, similar to body massage, has positive effects in reducing stress and increasing welfare, especially in mammals. In fish, short-term tactile stimulation (10 days or less) reduces stress in a coral reef fish and decreases aggression in isolated individuals of Nile tilapia. Some studies suggest that long-term massage has a cumulative effect in mammals, however, prolonged effects need to be investigated in other vertebrates to test whether this procedure would be adequate to improve welfare. Thus, we tested the effect of long-term tactile stimulation on the welfare of groups of Nile tilapia, the third most raised species in fish farming worldwide. This species is a cichlid and, therefore, exhibits territorial and hierarchical dominance behavior, which is defined through aggressive interactions. The thesis defended was that long-term tactile stimulation has positive effects on parameters related to welfare and productivity in aggressive species. Hence, two studies were carried out to test the effect of tactile stimulation on aggressive social interaction and stress and also on stress and productive parameters at different stocking densities. In both studies, an apparatus formed by a rectangular PVC frame, with plastic rods positioned vertically and containing silicone bristles on the sides, was introduced in the center of the aquarium. The fish passed through the bristles, receiving tactile stimulation on its body. A similar apparatus, but without the silicone bristles, worked as a control. In the first study, the effect of long-term tactile stimulation on aggression, stress and parameters of productive performance in groups of Nile tilapia was tested. Four adult males were grouped and maintained for 21 days without access (7 replicates - control) or with access (10 replicates) to tactile stimulation. Every 3 days, aggressive interactions and the number of animals that crossed the apparatus were quantified. The animals were measured and weighed on days 1, 7 and 21 and blood was collected on days 7 and 21. A decrease in stress levels and fewer aggressive interactions were observed in the treatment with tactile stimulation from the 10th day on. This decrease was more accentuated in the long-term treatment (days 19 and 21). In addition, the testosterone (T) level increased over time in the most dominant animals on the tactile stimulation treatment and there was no difference in the level of 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT). It was also observed a higher growth rate, feed efficiency, survival and condition factor of the animals in the treatment with tactile stimulation. Both the decrease in aggressiveness and the increase in growth were more evident in alpha fish. In the second study, it was tested whether long-term tactile stimulation reduces the negative effects of high stocking density. Four treatments were carried out, with 10 replicates each: 1) Without tactile stimulation and high density (1 fish / 0.014 m3); 2) Without tactile stimulation and low density (1 fish / 0.028 m3); 3) With tactile stimulation and high density (1 fish / 0.014 m3); 4) With tactile stimulation and low density (1 fish / 0.028 m3). Ten animals were grouped and kept, too, for 21 days. The animals underwent biometrics on days 1, 10 and 21 and blood collection took place on day 21. There was no decrease in the level of cortisol, but the growth rate, weight gain, length gain and feeding efficiency were higher in the treatment with tactile stimulation, even when in high density. These variables were even greater in the treatment with low density and tactile stimulation. In addition, the condition factor increased at the end of the 21 days, but only in the treatment with stimulation and low density. By this means, we can conclude that the long-term tactile stimulation has positive effects on the aggressiveness and in the parameters of productive performance of Nile tilapia. Therefore, it can be used as a tool to improve production and increase fish welfare.
O cultivo de organismos aquáticos para fins ornamentais é uma vertente promissora para a Aquacultura. Dentre os peixes utilizados com fins ornamentais, as espécies carpa colorida (Cyprinus carpio var koi) e beta (Betta splendens) possuem grande importância econômica para a aquicultura sendo os peixes ornamentais mais comercializados no Brasil e no mundo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar se os principais volumes nos quais as espécies beta (B. splendens) e carpas coloridas (C. carpio var koi) são acondicionadas em lojas de aquarismo estão apropriados para as espécies e se podem causar algum prejuízo ao bem-estar dos animais. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas, ambos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos (5,10,20,30,45 e 90 L/animal) em quadruplicata para as carpas e cinco tratamentos (150, 500, 1.000, 5.000 e 10.000 mL/animal) e dez repetições para o beta. As duas etapas tiveram duração de 30 dias ao qual foram analisados comportamentos, histologia de fígado e brânquias, parâmetros de qualidade de água, parâmetros bioquímicos e sanguíneos. Em relação aos betas, os tratamentos 150 e 500 mL apresentaram os piores valores para os parâmetros de água, e para a maioria dos parâmetros bioquímicos. Em relação ás carpas, os dois volumes mais adensados (5 e 10 L) apresentaram brigas constantes e alterações nos parâmetros de água. Os maiores valores para os parâmetros sanguíneos foram alcançados entre 50 e 70 L/animal. O volume de acondicionamento influencia no bem estar de carpas coloridas e beta, logo, várias lojas têm acondicionado esses animais em volumes inadequados para o comércio. Recomenda-se o acondicionamento dos peixes ornamentais beta machos adultos e carpas coloridas de 15 cm em recipientes contendo um mínimo de 01 L e 30 a 45 L de água/animal, respectivamente.
The cultivation of aquatic organisms for ornamental purposes is a promising aspect for aquaculture. Among the fish used for ornamental purposes, the species of colored carp (Cyprinus carpio var koi) and beta (Betta splendens) have economic importance for aquaculture, being the most commercialized ornamental fish in Brazil and in the world. The aim of the present study was to assess whether the main volumes of the beta species (Bettas splendens) and colored carp (Cyprinus carpio var koi) are conditioned in aquarium stores that are appropriate for the species and may be impairing well-being. of the animals. The study was divided into two stages, both in a completely randomized design, with six treatments (5,10,20,30,45 and 90 L / animal) in quadruplicate for carp and five treatments (150, 500, 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 mL / animal) and ten repetitions for the beta. The two stages lasted 30 days and were analyzed for behavior, histology of liver and gills, water quality parameters, biochemical and blood parameters. In relation to betas, treatments 150 and 500 mL showed the worst values for water parameters, and for most biochemical parameters. Regarding carp, the two most densified volumes (5 and 10 L) showed constant fights and changes in water parameters. The highest values for blood parameters were reached between 50 and 70 L / animal. The volume of packaging influences the well-being of colored carp and beta, so several stores have packed these animals in volumes unsuitable for trade. It is recommended to pack the adult male betta ornamental fish and colored carp of 15 cm in containers containing a minimum of 01 L and 30 to 45 L of water / animal, respectively.
Has been analyzed the polyculture models with Brazilian native species, curimatã-pacu (Prochilodus argenteus) and freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium acanthurus) in different stocking densities. One hundred fifty one juveniles of P. argenteus and 259 fresh water prawns with initial average weight of 15.22 ± 2.25 g and 4.03 ± 0.88 g, respectively, were randomly distributed into 16 concrete ponds, with daily renewal rate of water of 20%. The experiment was conducted from April to June 2012, in a completely randomized design, with four treatments [proportion between fish (F) and prawn (P)]: 3.5F:0P; 3.5F:5P; 3.5F:8P and 3.5F:11P, with four replication. The results indicated that the increasing the density of prawn to 3.5F:5P and 3.5F:11P negatively influenced the fish performance, except its survival.(AU)
Foi analisado o modelo de policultivo com as espécies nativas, curimatã-pacu (Prochilodus argenteus) e camarão canela (Macrobrachium acanthurus), em diferentes densidades de estocagem. Foram utilizados 151 juvenis de P. argenteus e 259 camarões com peso médio inicial de 15,22 ± 2,25 g e de 4,03 ± 0,88 g, respectivamente, distribuídos aleatoriamente em 16 tanques de concreto, com taxa de renovação diária de água correspondente a 20%. O experimento foi realizado no período de abril a junho de 2012, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos [proporções entre peixes (P) e camarões (C)]: 3,5P:0C; 3,5P:5C; 3,5P:8C e 3,5P:11C, com quatro repetições cada. Os resultados indicaram que o aumento da densidade de camarões nas densidades de 3,5P:8C e 3,5P:11C influenciou negativamente o desempenho zootécnico dos peixes, exceto a sobrevivência.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes , Palaemonidae , Densidade Demográfica , AquiculturaResumo
In the international trading of ornamental fish, the amazonian fish are prominence, however the mostly fish are captured from the extractive fishery, generating pressure on natural populations. Thus, the development of farming technologies for these species should be seen as a new field to be explored by the brazilian aquaculture, generating income and protection of natural stocks. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Pyrrhulina brevis larvae at different stocking densities, feeding frequency, feeding rate and resistance to salinized water. The first experiment was conducted in a factorial arrangement with 4 concentrations of Artemia sp. nauplii larvae-1 day-1 (50, 100, 150 and 200) and two feeding frequencies (2 or 4 meals). The stocking density assay was conducted with 6 treatments (1, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 larvae L-1). The evaluation at salinized water resistance was realized by factorial arrangement with 4 stocking densities (1, 5, 10 and 15 larva L-1) and 4 salt concentrations (0, 2, 4 and 6 g L-1). The best feeding and frequency ratio that promoted higher growth and survival was 150 Artemia sp. larvae-1 distributed in the four daily meals, the best stocking density was 40 larvae L-1 and the larvae could be reared in salinized water as prophylactic measured at 2 g L-1 since the density is not superior to 5 larvae L-1.(AU)
No cenário de comercialização internacional de peixes ornamentais, os de origem amazônica ganham destaque, porém, a sua maioria vem da pesca extrativa, o que gera pressão sobre as populações naturais. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias de criação de espécies de peixes ornamentais nacionais deve ser visto como um novo campo a ser explorado pela aquicultura nacional, gerando divisas, renda e proteção aos estoques naturais. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo de larvas de Pyrrhulina brevis em diferentes densidades de estocagem, frequências alimentares, taxas de alimentação e salinidade da água. O primeiro experimento foi realizado em um esquema fatorial de quatro concentrações de náuplios de Artemia sp. larva dia-1 (50, 100, 150 e 200) e duas frequências alimentares (2 e 4). O teste de densidade de estocagem foi realizado através de seis tratamentos (1, 5, 10, 20, 40 e 80 larvas L-1). A avaliação da salinidade consistiu em um fatorial contendo quatro densidades de estocagem (1, 5, 10 e 15 larvas L-1) e quatro concentrações de sal (0, 2, 4 e 6 g L-1). As melhores taxas de alimentação e frequência alimentar foram 150 náuplios de Artemia sp. e quatro refeições diárias; a melhor densidade de estocagem foi 40 larvas L-1; e as larvas podem ser criadas em água salinizada até 2 g L-1 como profilaxia, porém em densidade de estocagem não superior a 5 larvas litro-1.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes , Pesqueiros , Larva , Comportamento Alimentar , Águas SalinasResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar o impacto de diferentes densidades de alojamento sobre o desempenho zootécnico, uniformidade de crescimento, rendimento de carcaça e indicadores fisiológicos de estresse como medidas de bem-estar. Realizou-se um experimento utilizando-se 1242 pintos de um dia de idade, machos, da linhagem Cobb500, com média de peso inicial de 48,4 gramas, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e nove repetições, totalizando 36 unidades experimentais. Os tratamentos foram quatro diferentes densidades de alojamento, sendo 10,41 aves/m²; 11,45 aves/m²; 12,50 aves/m² e 13,54 aves/m². Foram avaliados o desempenho zootécnico, crescimento e uniformidade, o rendimento de carcaça e de cortes comerciais, os níveis séricos de cortisol, lactato, proteínas totais, albumina, glicose, triglicerídeos, colesterol, ácido úrico e o hemograma completo. A qualidade da cama foi avaliada quanto à temperatura, umidade e concentração de amônia volatilizada. O consumo de ração, o ganho de peso, o peso vivo e a conversão alimentar foram avaliados semanalmente. Aos 42 dias, 72 aves (18 por tratamento/ 2 por repetição) foram abatidas, para avaliação do rendimento de carcaça e de cortes comerciais. O aumento da densidade promoveu maior produção de peso vivo/m² de galpão, no entanto, não afetou o rendimento de carcaça e de cortes comerciais aos 42 dias de idade. Não houve influência dos tratamentos sobre a uniformidade de crescimento do lote, assim como não houve influência nas variáveis relacionadas ao estresse (cortisol, glicose, lactato e albumina) nos frangos. Conclui-se que a densidade de alojamento de 13,54 aves/m² produziu 47,23 kg/m² e pode ser utilizada na criação frangos machos, criados de um a 42 dias, em galpões industriais de modelo pressão negativa, sem prejuízos ao desempenho, rendimento de carcaça, qualidade de cama e bem-estar.
The objective was to evaluate four different stocking densities on performance of broilers, uniformity, well-being and broiler carcass yield. For this purpose, an experiment was carried out using 1242 day-old male chicks of the Cobb500 strain, with an average body initial weight of 48.4 grams, the experimental design was entirely randomized with four treatments and nine replications, with a total of 36 experimental units. The treatments were four different stocking densities square meters, 10.41 birds / m²; 11.45 birds / m²; 12.50 birds / m² and 13.54 birds / m². Performance, a growth rate according to age and uniformity, carcass yield and commercial parts, levels of cortisol, lactate, total protein, albumin, glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, uric acid and blood count were taxed. The quality of the bed was evaluated for moisture content, temperature and ammonia emission level. The feed intake, body weight gain, live weight and feed conversion were evaluated weekly. At 42 days, 72 birds (18 per treatment/ two per replication) were slaughtered to assess carcass yield and commercial cuts. The increase in density promoted greater production of body weight / m² of shed. However, it did not affect the performance and yield of carcass and commercial parts at 42 days of age. There was no influence of treatments on the growth uniformity of the flock, nor did it influence the variables related to stress (cortisol, glucose, lactate and albumin) in chickens. It was concluded that the stocking densities of 13.54 birds / m² produced 47.23 kg / m² and can be used in the rearing of male chickens, raised from one to 42 days old, in negative pressure industrial sheds, without damage to the performance, carcass yield, bed quality and welfare quality
In the international trading of ornamental fish, the amazonian fish are prominence, however the mostly fish are captured from the extractive fishery, generating pressure on natural populations. Thus, the development of farming technologies for these species should be seen as a new field to be explored by the brazilian aquaculture, generating income and protection of natural stocks. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Pyrrhulina brevis larvae at different stocking densities, feeding frequency, feeding rate and resistance to salinized water. The first experiment was conducted in a factorial arrangement with 4 concentrations of Artemia sp. nauplii larvae-1 day-1 (50, 100, 150 and 200) and two feeding frequencies (2 or 4 meals). The stocking density assay was conducted with 6 treatments (1, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 larvae L-1). The evaluation at salinized water resistance was realized by factorial arrangement with 4 stocking densities (1, 5, 10 and 15 larva L-1) and 4 salt concentrations (0, 2, 4 and 6 g L-1). The best feeding and frequency ratio that promoted higher growth and survival was 150 Artemia sp. larvae-1 distributed in the four daily meals, the best stocking density was 40 larvae L-1 and the larvae could be reared in salinized water as prophylactic measured at 2 g L-1 since the density is not superior to 5 larvae L-1.
No cenário de comercialização internacional de peixes ornamentais, os de origem amazônica ganham destaque, porém, a sua maioria vem da pesca extrativa, o que gera pressão sobre as populações naturais. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias de criação de espécies de peixes ornamentais nacionais deve ser visto como um novo campo a ser explorado pela aquicultura nacional, gerando divisas, renda e proteção aos estoques naturais. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo de larvas de Pyrrhulina brevis em diferentes densidades de estocagem, frequências alimentares, taxas de alimentação e salinidade da água. O primeiro experimento foi realizado em um esquema fatorial de quatro concentrações de náuplios de Artemia sp. larva dia-1 (50, 100, 150 e 200) e duas frequências alimentares (2 e 4). O teste de densidade de estocagem foi realizado através de seis tratamentos (1, 5, 10, 20, 40 e 80 larvas L-1). A avaliação da salinidade consistiu em um fatorial contendo quatro densidades de estocagem (1, 5, 10 e 15 larvas L-1) e quatro concentrações de sal (0, 2, 4 e 6 g L-1). As melhores taxas de alimentação e frequência alimentar foram 150 náuplios de Artemia sp. e quatro refeições diárias; a melhor densidade de estocagem foi 40 larvas L-1; e as larvas podem ser criadas em água salinizada até 2 g L-1 como profilaxia, porém em densidade de estocagem não superior a 5 larvas litro-1.
Animais , Caraciformes , Comportamento Alimentar , Larva , Pesqueiros , Águas SalinasResumo
Has been analyzed the polyculture models with Brazilian native species, curimatã-pacu (Prochilodus argenteus) and freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium acanthurus) in different stocking densities. One hundred fifty one juveniles of P. argenteus and 259 fresh water prawns with initial average weight of 15.22 ± 2.25 g and 4.03 ± 0.88 g, respectively, were randomly distributed into 16 concrete ponds, with daily renewal rate of water of 20%. The experiment was conducted from April to June 2012, in a completely randomized design, with four treatments [proportion between fish (F) and prawn (P)]: 3.5F:0P; 3.5F:5P; 3.5F:8P and 3.5F:11P, with four replication. The results indicated that the increasing the density of prawn to 3.5F:5P and 3.5F:11P negatively influenced the fish performance, except its survival.
Foi analisado o modelo de policultivo com as espécies nativas, curimatã-pacu (Prochilodus argenteus) e camarão canela (Macrobrachium acanthurus), em diferentes densidades de estocagem. Foram utilizados 151 juvenis de P. argenteus e 259 camarões com peso médio inicial de 15,22 ± 2,25 g e de 4,03 ± 0,88 g, respectivamente, distribuídos aleatoriamente em 16 tanques de concreto, com taxa de renovação diária de água correspondente a 20%. O experimento foi realizado no período de abril a junho de 2012, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos [proporções entre peixes (P) e camarões (C)]: 3,5P:0C; 3,5P:5C; 3,5P:8C e 3,5P:11C, com quatro repetições cada. Os resultados indicaram que o aumento da densidade de camarões nas densidades de 3,5P:8C e 3,5P:11C influenciou negativamente o desempenho zootécnico dos peixes, exceto a sobrevivência.