O principal objetivo do nosso trabalho foi o levantamento da composição (riqueza e abundância) da avifauna em um remanescente florestal de Mata Atlântica em Santa Catarina, suscetível à ampliação e intervenção de uma pedreira para subsidiar futuras análises de impactos ambientais dessa atividade. Registramos 142 espécies de aves, distribuídas em 16 ordens e 42 famílias. A partir dos resultados, concluímos que a riqueza total de espécies não deve ser afetada pela ampliação da área de lavra sob o remanescente. No entanto, constatamos que a abundância das aves foi menor nas proximidades da borda da mata, especialmente das aves endêmicas, ameaçadas e especialistas de sub-bosque. Dessa maneira, esperamos que a abundância nas áreas florestais adjacentes seja maior por um período, após o deslocamento das espécies, e diminua ao longo do tempo, à medida em que as relações ecológicas intraespecíficas e interespecíficas aumentem pela competição por recursos e território no habitat. Alertamos que se o tamanho do remanescente não for suficiente para populações viáveis, nossa hipótese é que haja um lapso temporal até que as espécies mais sensíveis desapareçam do local. O tamanho e qualidade do fragmento remanescente deve ser fundamental para minimizar os impactos da atividade e garantir a persistência das populações de aves sensíveis e especializadas na região. Por esse motivo, se a expansão da mina ocorrer, advertimos para que os remanescentes florestais do entorno sejam preservados para garantir a migração e persistência de aves sensíveis, principalmente insetívoras de sub-bosque relatadas em nosso estudo. Nesse contexto, apontamos cinco medidas prioritárias que devem ser implementadas pelo empreendedor, caso o órgão licenciador delibere em favor da ampliação/manutenção da atividade minerária: 1) aquisição dos remanescentes do entorno para transformá-los em RPPN, 2) reposição florestal equivalente à área desmatada, 3) contribuir com as ações do Plano de Ação Nacional para conservação das aves da Mata Atlântica por meio de medida compensatória, 4) diminuição da área de mina para exploração e 5) monitoramento de aves durante a instalação e operação do empreendimento.
The main objective of our work was to survey the composition (richness and abundance) of birds in a forest remnant of the Atlantic Forest in Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, susceptible to the expansion of quarrying activities to support future analyzes of the environmental impacts. We recorded 142 bird species, distributed in 16 orders and 42 families. We propose that species richness shall not be affected by the expansion of quarrying into the remnant; however, we recorded that bird abundance was significantly lower near the forest edge than in the interior, especially of endemic, threatened and understory specialist species. Thus, if quarrying operation expands, we expect the bird abundance in adjacent forest remnants will be higher after species displacement, then will decrease over time as intra- and interspecific ecological relationships increase through competition for resources and territory. The size and quality of the remaining fragments are fundamental to reduce impacts of the activity and ensure the persistence of populations of sensitive and specialized birds in the region. For this reason, if the quarrying expands into the remnant area, then we propose that the surrounding forests be protected to ensure the migration and persistence of sensitive birds, mainly understory insectivores. In this context, we propose the following five actions to be implemented by the entrepreneur: 1) acquisition of surround remnants to be converted into Private Protected Areas, 2) reforestation equivalent to deforested area, 3) contribute to the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Atlantic Forest Birds through compensatory measures, 4) reduction of quarrying area, and 5) bird monitoring program.
Animais , Aves/classificação , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Biodiversidade , MineraçãoResumo
We aimed to determine the herd and animal levels seroprevalence and associated factors for Toxoplasma gondii infections in cattle from the state of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil. Herds (n = 434) and cows aged ≥ 24 months (n = 1,895) were randomly selected, and serum samples were tested with the immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT) using as cutoff of 64. Of the 434 farms investigated, 197 had at least one seropositive cow (prevalence of 49.0%; 95% CI = 44.3%-53.8%), and the prevalence at animal level was 18.0% (95% CI = 5.3%-21.1%). The antibody titers ranged from 64 to 1024, with the most frequent titers being 64 (10.8%) and 128 (3.7%). The risk factors identified were property located in Sertão region (odds ratio [OR] = 3.07), property located in Agreste/Zona da Mata regions (OR = 2.00), animal purchasing (OR = 2.68), herd size of 34-111 animals (OR = 2.91) and herd size > 111 animals (OR = 6.97). The results suggest the wide distribution of T. gondii infections in cattle throughout the state of Paraíba, and the risk factors identified are not possible to correct.(AU)
Objetivou-se determinar a soroprevalência do rebanhos e de animais e os fatores associados à infecção por Toxoplasma gondii em bovinos do estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. Rebanhos (n = 434) e vacas com idade ≥ 24 meses (n = 1.895) foram selecionados aleatoriamente, e as amostras de soro foram testadas com o teste de imunofluorescência (RIFI), usando-se como ponto de corte 64. Das 434 fazendas investigadas, 197 tiveram pelo menos uma vaca soropositiva (prevalência de 49%; IC 95% = 44,3%-53,8%), e a prevalência em nível de animais foi de 18% (IC 95% = 5,3%-21,1%). Os títulos de anticorpos variaram de 64 a 1024, sendo os títulos mais frequentes 64 (10,8%) e 128 (3,7%). Os fatores de risco identificados foram na propriedade localizada na região do Sertão ("odds ratio" [OR] = 3,07), na propriedade localizada na região do Agreste/Zona da Mata (OR = 2,00), na compra de animais (OR = 2,68), no tamanho do rebanho de 34-111 animais (OR = 2,91) e no tamanho do rebanho > 111 animais (OR = 6,97). Os resultados sugerem a ampla distribuição de infecções por T. gondii em bovinos em todo o estado da Paraíba, e os fatores de risco identificados não são passíveis de correção.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/microbiologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/diagnóstico , Imunofluorescência/veterinária , Toxoplasma/patogenicidade , Brasil , Estudos SoroepidemiológicosResumo
Two deep water new species of turriforms are described from south Brazilian coast. One of them is the turrid Polystira tupan sp. nov., one of the largest species of the genus (~80 mm), with proper sculpture, shallow anal notch, collected off Santa Catarina, 350 m. The other is a cochlespirid that has been confused with Cochlespira elegans, a north Atlantic species; as it has different sculpture, shape, peripheric spines, etc., a new species, Cochlespira notomaris sp. nov., is introduced, occurring so far from off Santa Catarina to Rio Grande do Sul, 2001,000 m. For comparative purposes, the holotype of C. elegans is also illustrated.(AU)
Animais , Gastrópodes/anatomia & histologia , Gastrópodes/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Coleta de DadosResumo
We provide an update, based on literature records, on biodiversity and distribution of echinoderms along the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Sixty-one echinoderms taxa are reported, in 36 families. We present information on habitat distribution, taxonomy and possible threats to these species. The highest number of echinoderm records was between 25°19'S and 28°11'S latitudes, and sites of the Continental Shelf and the Reserva Biológica Marinha of Arvoredo area had the most species records (30 and 26 species, respectively). In addition, Santa Catarina is the southernmost record, in the Atlantic Ocean, for 40 echinoderm species; of these, 10 are on the regional list of endangered species. Eight species are endemic to Brazil and one ophiuroid species was reported herein for the first time at Santa Catarina: Ophiacantha pentacrinus Lütken, 1869.(AU)
Animais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Biodiversidade , Equinodermos/classificação , Distribuição AnimalResumo
The objective of this study was to characterize and understand the investment profile towards technologies for control and automation of climate control on swine farms, focused on integrated producers on the same integration system. A structured questionnaire including open, dichotomic, or multiple-choice questions was responded by 190 integrated producers classified as nursery (28,300 swines), wean-to-finish (WTF; 144,388 swines), or finishing unit (FU; 164,185 swines) farms. Data were described and categorized according to the type of integrated producer (nursery, WTF, and FU) and income history during a 24-month interval. The most predominant farmer profile was of a 44.5-year-old man, with incomplete secondary education. Furthermore, the majority of the farms had family-based labor with an average area of 43.6±65.5 ha and ~2.4 economic activities developed. Overall, a reduced labor availability was observed, although the integrated producers declared to be satisfied with the activities. Interestingly, integrated producers with a better income history declared a longer working (high = 37; average = 31; regular = 31; low = 28 min). The investment profile in automation technologies is conservative; however, potential improvements in pig performance were the most popular justification for potential investments. Furthermore, high costs, knowledge in technologies, interest rates, and quality of the available material are the limiting factors for investing in environment control. A total of 74% of the integrated producers considered the activity as economically profitable. Lastly, the uptake of environmental control technologies is strongly associated with the average income received by farmers.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Tecnologia , Enquete SocioeconômicaResumo
Abstract The Brazilian Megalopodidae fauna consists of 147 species from 11 genera, of which Mastostethus Lacordaire is the most diverse, representing about half of the species. Nevertheless, knowledge about species distributions and their relationships with host plants is still scarce. Since this group has endophytic immatures and bore into branches, they are economically important as they mainly damage Solanaceae species. Thus, this study sought to determine the Megalopodidae species that occur in forest fragments of southwestern and western Paraná and associate them with their host plants. For this purpose, we used material collected with Malaise traps and active manual sampling to determine associations with host plants. A total of 170 specimens of 11 species were sampled, of which Pseudhomalopterus carinatus Pic, 1920 was the most abundant and collected in all fragments. Four species were sampled exclusively through manual collections and associated with their host plants, all of which were new association records for Brazilian megalopodides. Mastostethus pantherinus Lacordaire, 1845 was associated with an Asteraceae for the first time. Additionally, Mastostethus minutusMonrós, 1947 is a new record for Brazil.
Abstract The new genus Stapafurdius gen. nov. is introduced collected from Bahia, Brazil, including two new species: S. glaber sp. nov., the type species, occurs in Ibicoara; and S. costiferus sp. nov., from Andaraí regions. The new genus includes species of about 10 mm, elongated shell, reticulated protoconch, elongated peristome, and wide umbilicus. Both species differ mainly by the sculpture, as S. glaber sp. nov. is smooth, while S. costiferus sp. nov. has strong axial sculpture.
Abstract Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) have been largely used for the biological control of arthropod pests. However, information on the phytoseiid fauna associated with plants of the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil is still scanty. Surveys were carried out in two areas of Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State - Jaguanum island and Paraty. We report 11 species of seven genera from all three subfamilies. A complementary re-description is provided for Amblyseius impeltatusDenmark & Muma, 1973 and measurements are provided for ten other species.
Abstract The new genus Stapafurdius gen. nov. is introduced collected from Bahia, Brazil, including two new species: S. glaber sp. nov., the type species, occurs in Ibicoara; and S. costiferus sp. nov., from Andaraí regions. The new genus includes species of about 10 mm, elongated shell, reticulated protoconch, elongated peristome, and wide umbilicus. Both species differ mainly by the sculpture, as S. glaber sp. nov. is smooth, while S. costiferus sp. nov. has strong axial sculpture.
Abstract The Brazilian Megalopodidae fauna consists of 147 species from 11 genera, of which Mastostethus Lacordaire is the most diverse, representing about half of the species. Nevertheless, knowledge about species distributions and their relationships with host plants is still scarce. Since this group has endophytic immatures and bore into branches, they are economically important as they mainly damage Solanaceae species. Thus, this study sought to determine the Megalopodidae species that occur in forest fragments of southwestern and western Paraná and associate them with their host plants. For this purpose, we used material collected with Malaise traps and active manual sampling to determine associations with host plants. A total of 170 specimens of 11 species were sampled, of which Pseudhomalopterus carinatus Pic, 1920 was the most abundant and collected in all fragments. Four species were sampled exclusively through manual collections and associated with their host plants, all of which were new association records for Brazilian megalopodides. Mastostethus pantherinus Lacordaire, 1845 was associated with an Asteraceae for the first time. Additionally, Mastostethus minutusMonrós, 1947 is a new record for Brazil.
Abstract Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) have been largely used for the biological control of arthropod pests. However, information on the phytoseiid fauna associated with plants of the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil is still scanty. Surveys were carried out in two areas of Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State - Jaguanum island and Paraty. We report 11 species of seven genera from all three subfamilies. A complementary re-description is provided for Amblyseius impeltatusDenmark & Muma, 1973 and measurements are provided for ten other species.
The Brazilian Megalopodidae fauna consists of 147 species from 11 genera, of which Mastostethus Lacordaire is the most diverse, representing about half of the species. Nevertheless, knowledge about species distributions and their relationships with host plants is still scarce. Since this group has endophytic immatures and bore into branches, they are economically important as they mainly damage Solanaceae species. Thus, this study sought to determine the Megalopodidae species that occur in forest fragments of southwestern and western Paraná and associate them with their host plants. For this purpose, we used material collected with Malaise traps and active manual sampling to determine associations with host plants. A total of 170 specimens of 11 species were sampled, of which Pseudhomalopterus carinatus Pic, 1920 was the most abundant and collected in all fragments. Four species were sampled exclusively through manual collections and associated with their host plants, all of which were new association records for Brazilian megalopodides. Mastostethus pantherinus Lacordaire, 1845 was associated with an Asteraceae for the first time. Additionally, Mastostethus minutus Monrós, 1947 is a new record for Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Asteraceae , BiodiversidadeResumo
The new genus Stapafurdiusgen. nov. is introduced collected from Bahia, Brazil, including two new species: S. glabersp. nov., the type species, occurs in Ibicoara; and S. costiferussp. nov., from Andaraí regions. The new genus includes species of about 10 mm, elongated shell, reticulated protoconch, elongated peristome, and wide umbilicus. Both species differ mainly by the sculpture, as S. glabersp. nov. is smooth, while S. costiferussp. nov. has strong axial sculpture.(AU)
Animais , Moluscos/anatomia & histologia , Moluscos/classificação , Coleta de DadosResumo
Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) have been largely used for the biological control of arthropod pests. However, information on the phytoseiid fauna associated with plants of the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil is still scanty. Surveys were carried out in two areas of Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State Jaguanum island and Paraty. We report 11 species of seven genera from all three subfamilies. A complementary re-description is provided for Amblyseius impeltatus Denmark & Muma, 1973 and measurements are provided for ten other species.(AU)
Animais , Ácaros e Carrapatos/anatomia & histologia , Ácaros e Carrapatos/classificação , Fauna/análise , Coleta de DadosResumo
Abstract This study aimed to assess the diversity, abundance and seasonal dynamics of Ophioniformes wasps collected throughout a year, as recorded in Malaise traps set at the Reserva Ecológica da Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul, a Brazilian Savanna area in Aquidauana city, MS. A total of 621 specimens of Ophioniformes belonging to 11 subfamilies, 30 genera and 106 species were sampled. Despite the impressive number of species found, in a pattern of a few relatively abundant species and many rare ones, our data estimate even higher richness, probably between 125 to 165 species in the studied area. The genera Diadegma, Nonnus, Diradops, Meniscomorpha, Syzeuctus, Ophiopterus and Thyreodon are recorded for the first time in Mato Grosso do Sul State. Among the climatic variables evaluated, mean temperature and relative humidity were positively and significantly correlated with richness and abundance. Our data highlights the huge unknown species richness of these parasitoids in Brazil and the need of taxonomic studies efforts in the future.
Abstract This study aimed to assess the diversity, abundance and seasonal dynamics of Ophioniformes wasps collected throughout a year, as recorded in Malaise traps set at the Reserva Ecológica da Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul, a Brazilian Savanna area in Aquidauana city, MS. A total of 621 specimens of Ophioniformes belonging to 11 subfamilies, 30 genera and 106 species were sampled. Despite the impressive number of species found, in a pattern of a few relatively abundant species and many rare ones, our data estimate even higher richness, probably between 125 to 165 species in the studied area. The genera Diadegma, Nonnus, Diradops, Meniscomorpha, Syzeuctus, Ophiopterus and Thyreodon are recorded for the first time in Mato Grosso do Sul State. Among the climatic variables evaluated, mean temperature and relative humidity were positively and significantly correlated with richness and abundance. Our data highlights the huge unknown species richness of these parasitoids in Brazil and the need of taxonomic studies efforts in the future.
This study aimed to assess the diversity, abundance and seasonal dynamics of Ophioniformes wasps collected throughout a year, as recorded in Malaise traps set at the Reserva Ecológica da Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul, a Brazilian Savanna area in Aquidauana city, MS. A total of 621 specimens of Ophioniformes belonging to 11 subfamilies, 30 genera and 106 species were sampled. Despite the impressive number of species found, in a pattern of a few relatively abundant species and many rare ones, our data estimate even higher richness, probably between 125 to 165 species in the studied area. The genera Diadegma, Nonnus, Diradops, Meniscomorpha, Syzeuctus, Ophiopterus and Thyreodon are recorded for the first time in Mato Grosso do Sul State. Among the climatic variables evaluated, mean temperature and relative humidity were positively and significantly correlated with richness and abundance. Our data highlights the huge unknown species richness of these parasitoids in Brazil and the need of taxonomic studies efforts in the future.(AU)
Animais , Himenópteros/anatomia & histologia , Himenópteros/classificação , Biodiversidade , Fauna/análiseResumo
Abstract A first survey of Muscidae in the State of São Paulo (Southeastern Brazil) is presented here with a one-year of Malaise trap collecting from August 2010 to July 2011 at the Biological Reserve Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba (23°4600-23°4710S, 46°1820-46°2040W, 750-891 m of altitude). A total of 1,284 individuals of muscids were collected, and 15 genera and 39 species of Muscidae were identified. So far, only one muscid species had been recorded to the Reserve, which now has its Muscidae diversity increased to 40 species. Thirteen species are new records for the State of São Paulo. With this, the number of species of Muscidae species known to occur in the State of São Paulo is increased to 169. The interval between November and February was higher in number of individuals and number of species. Muscidae presented a seasonal pattern, with more abundance and diversity in that interval. The study area is covered by secondary forest and very close to São Paulo metropolitan area, and the composition of the fauna of Muscidae signalizes this environment changing and anthropic stress with nine species with synanthropic habits, two of them are typically synanthropic species.
Abstract A first survey of Muscidae in the State of São Paulo (Southeastern Brazil) is presented here with a one-year of Malaise trap collecting from August 2010 to July 2011 at the Biological Reserve Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba (23°46′00″-23°47′10″S, 46°18′20″-46°20′40″W, 750-891 m of altitude). A total of 1,284 individuals of muscids were collected, and 15 genera and 39 species of Muscidae were identified. So far, only one muscid species had been recorded to the Reserve, which now has its Muscidae diversity increased to 40 species. Thirteen species are new records for the State of São Paulo. With this, the number of species of Muscidae species known to occur in the State of São Paulo is increased to 169. The interval between November and February was higher in number of individuals and number of species. Muscidae presented a seasonal pattern, with more abundance and diversity in that interval. The study area is covered by secondary forest and very close to São Paulo metropolitan area, and the composition of the fauna of Muscidae signalizes this environment changing and anthropic stress with nine species with synanthropic habits, two of them are typically synanthropic species.
A first survey of Muscidae in the State of São Paulo (Southeastern Brazil) is presented here with a one‑year of Malaise trap collecting from August 2010 to July 2011 at the Biological Reserve Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba (23°46′00′′‑23°47′10′′S, 46°18′20′′‑46°20′40′′W, 750‑891 m of altitude). A total of 1,284 individuals of muscids were collected, and 15 genera and 39 species of Muscidae were identified. So far, only one muscid species had been recorded to the Reserve, which now has its Muscidae diversity increased to 40 species. Thirteen species are new records for the State of São Paulo. With this, the number of species of Muscidae species known to occur in the State of São Paulo is increased to 169. The interval between November and February was higher in number of individuals and number of species. Muscidae presented a seasonal pattern, with more abundance and diversity in that interval. The study area is covered by secondary forest and very close to São Paulo metropolitan area, and the composition of the fauna of Muscidae signalizes this environment changing and anthropic stress with nine species with synanthropic habits, two of them are typically synanthropic species.(AU)