A produção de potros é o objetivo final de todas as atividades voltadas para a reprodução equina. Para tanto, o diagnóstico de anormalidades gestacionais deve ser realizado precocemente para que a instalação da terapêutica adequada seja garantida, visando manter a sobrevivência da égua e o nascimento de indivíduos vivos e saudáveis. Aqui encontram-se descritos os principais achados relacionados às anormalidades gestacionais de éguas mais frequentemente encontradas em atendimentos realizados a campo e nas rotinas hospitalares. São elas: gestação gemelar, placentite, separação prematura da placenta, torção uterina, hidropsias e ruptura de tendão pré-púbico. O objetivo é caracterizar os sinais clínicos, métodos diagnósticos, tratamento e prognóstico dessas enfermidades. A compreensão desses aspectos é essencial para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de prevenção e gestão das intercorrências obstétricas, visando reduzir seu impacto na criação de equinos.(AU)
The primary objective of equine reproduction is to produce healthy foals. To achieve this, it is crucial to diagnose gestational abnormalities at an early stage and administer appropriate therapy. This will increase the chances of survival for the mare and the birth of live foals. Here we outlines the most frequently observed gestational abnormalities in mares during field visits and hospital routines. The following abnormalities discussed are: twin pregnancy, placenta problems, premature separation of the placenta, uterine torsion, hydrops, and rupture of the prepubic tendon. The objective is to characterize the clinical signs, diagnostic methods, treatment, and prognosis for each of these conditions. It is essential to understand these aspects of gestational abnormalities to develop effective prevention and management strategies for obstetric complications. aiming to reduce their impact on equine breeding.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Doenças Placentárias/diagnóstico , Gravidez Múltipla , Edema/diagnóstico , Torção Ovariana/diagnóstico , Cavalos/anormalidadesResumo
Background: The navicular syndrome may be associated with alterations in other podotrochlear apparatus components,such as the deep digital flexor tendon, collareral sesamoid and distal sesamoid ligaments, podotrochlear bursa and distalsesamoid bone. However, the clinical significance and nature of these changes are not well understood, many of descriptive reports about distal sesamoid bone lesions are rarely accompanied by a complete and comprehensive comparisonwith animals of the control group. The aim of this study was to described histologically findings of the podrotrochlearapparatus components, allowing the understanding of the inserts and their microscopic appearance, thus providing thefuture recognize of their alterations.Materials, Methods & Results: Fourteen samples of the podotrochlear apparatus were taken out of 44 equine thoracic limbsspecimens, separated at the radiocarpal joint of Crioulo and Thoroughbred horses, with an average age of 6.0-year-old,coming from a private clinic in southern Brazil. The thoracic limbs specimens were refrigerated at 4ºC at the clinic and thenthey were sent to the University Federal of Santa Maria (UFSM). Once at the University laboratory, the specimens weredissected to isolate the podotrochlear apparatus from each one. Subsequently, transversal and longitudinal samples fromthe distal sesamoid bone, deep digital flexor tendo, distal sesamoid ligament, colateral sesamoid ligament, were collectedand podotrochlear bursa which were processed at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the UFSM and University Federalof Santa Catarina (UFSC). The tissues samples were fixed in a 10% formaldehyde solution for 14 days and routinely processed for histology. The samples were sectioned at 3 µm and stained using the hematoxylin-eosin (H-E) routine method.The bone samples, after fixation, underwent a decalcified process in a formic acid-sodium citrate aqueous...
Animais , Articulação do Punho , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Ossos Sesamoides/anatomia & histologia , Ossos Sesamoides/patologia , Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Radiografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The navicular syndrome may be associated with alterations in other podotrochlear apparatus components,such as the deep digital flexor tendon, collareral sesamoid and distal sesamoid ligaments, podotrochlear bursa and distalsesamoid bone. However, the clinical significance and nature of these changes are not well understood, many of descriptive reports about distal sesamoid bone lesions are rarely accompanied by a complete and comprehensive comparisonwith animals of the control group. The aim of this study was to described histologically findings of the podrotrochlearapparatus components, allowing the understanding of the inserts and their microscopic appearance, thus providing thefuture recognize of their alterations.Materials, Methods & Results: Fourteen samples of the podotrochlear apparatus were taken out of 44 equine thoracic limbsspecimens, separated at the radiocarpal joint of Crioulo and Thoroughbred horses, with an average age of 6.0-year-old,coming from a private clinic in southern Brazil. The thoracic limbs specimens were refrigerated at 4ºC at the clinic and thenthey were sent to the University Federal of Santa Maria (UFSM). Once at the University laboratory, the specimens weredissected to isolate the podotrochlear apparatus from each one. Subsequently, transversal and longitudinal samples fromthe distal sesamoid bone, deep digital flexor tendo, distal sesamoid ligament, colateral sesamoid ligament, were collectedand podotrochlear bursa which were processed at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the UFSM and University Federalof Santa Catarina (UFSC). The tissues samples were fixed in a 10% formaldehyde solution for 14 days and routinely processed for histology. The samples were sectioned at 3 µm and stained using the hematoxylin-eosin (H-E) routine method.The bone samples, after fixation, underwent a decalcified process in a formic acid-sodium citrate aqueous...(AU)
Animais , Ossos Sesamoides/anatomia & histologia , Ossos Sesamoides/patologia , Articulação do Punho , Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Radiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The congenital flexural deformity is common in cattle, often affecting the metacarpophalangeal joint of thethoracic limbs. The deformity may be mild, moderate, or severe, and the therapy depends on the limbs degree of flexionand the affected joint. In severe deformities, tenotomy of the flexor tendons and desmotomy of the suspensor ligament isrecommended. However, this surgical technique may not be sufficient to promote limb extension, and other interventionsmay be necessary. Thus, the purpose of this report is to describe a technique to correct severe flexural deformities of themetacarpophalangeal joint in calves.Case: A 3-month-old, female, Dutch-bred calf weighing 46 kg was referred for treatment of congenital flexural deformity.On attendance, the patient presented severe deformity in the right thoracic limb and mild in the left thoracic limb both at theheight of the metacarpophalangeal joints. During palpation it was possible to notice that the flexor tendons were contractedin both limbs. Radiographic exams were performed to rule out the presence of other diseases, confirming the diagnosis offlexural deformity. The patient was referred to surgery to correct the anatomical anomaly. The animal was submitted to general anesthesia and placed in right lateral decubitus. In the left thoracic limb, an incision was made in the medial region ofthe metacarpal bone, the tissues were divulsioned until the superficial digital and deep digital flexor tendons were exposed;these structures were sectioned with a scalpel, and the limb was extended, returning to the standard anatomical position. Inthe right thoracic limb, the same procedure was performed, but during the limb extension test, we observed that the limbremained flexed, we then followed with a second incision and section of the deep...
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/anormalidades , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/cirurgia , Contratura/veterinária , Tendões/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: Histologically evaluate the effects of low frequency electrical stimulation in the treatment of Achilles tendon injuries in rats. Methods: Thirty-four rats underwent Achilles tendon tenotomy and tenorrhaphy. They were randomly allocated in two groups. Half of the sample constituted the experiment group, whose lesions were stimulated with 2 Hz, nonpolarized current and 1 mA, for 14 days. The other animals formed the control group. They were evaluated at 2, 4 and 6 weeks. The histological study was carried out, the collagen density and the wound maturity index were measured. Results: The healing score was higher in the group stimulated at the 6th week (p = 0.018). The density collagen 1 was higher in the group treated at the three times (p = 0.004) and that collagen 3 was higher in the group treated at 6 weeks (p = 0.004). Together, collagen 1 and 3 were higher in the group stimulated at 4 and 6 weeks (p = 0.009, p = 0.004). The maturity index was higher in this group at the three moments (p = 0.017 p = 0.004 and p = 0.009). Conclusion: Low frequency electric stimulation improved healing and increased the quantity of collagen.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Técnicas Histológicas/veterinária , Estimulação Elétrica/efeitos adversos , Cicatrização , Tendão do Calcâneo , ColágenoResumo
Objetivou-se com este estudo demonstrar a influência do tipo de treinamento sobre as medidas dos tendões flexores palmares em equinos de vaquejada que correm à direita do boi na microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Foram utilizados oito animais, da raça quarto de milha e seus mestiços, de diferentes idades, peso e sexo, selecionados e questionados sobre o tempo que exerciam a atividade de vaquejada e o tipo de treinamento a qual eram submetidos, que refere-se a maneira como praticavam a prova correndo de que lado do boi, em uma prova de vaquejada no município de Cristino Castro, Sul do Piauí, Brasil, onde os participantes eram provenientes de diferentes haras da Microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Em cada animal foi realizada ultrassonografia das zonas IB, IIB e IIIB dos tendões flexores digital superficial (TFDS) e digital profundo (TFDP), obtendo-se as medidas dos diâmetros médio lateral (DML) e dorso palmar (DDP) através do plano transverso em cada uma das diferentes zonas. Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística (ANOVA), utilizando-se o teste t a nível de significância de (p<0,05), observando-se que não houve diferença significativa entre as medidas avaliadas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, cavalos atletas que correm a direita do boi não apresentam diferença significativa nos diâmetros médio lateral e dorso palmar dos tendões flexores entre os antímeros direito e esquerdo do membro torácico.
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the influence of the type of training on the measurements of the palmar flexor tendons in vaquejada horses that run to the right of the ox in the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. Eight animals of the quarter-mile breed and their crossbreed, of different ages, weight and sex, were selected and asked about the time they were engaged in the activity of the vaquejada and the type of training they were submitted to as they practiced running on which side of the ox, in a vaquejada test in the municipality of Cristino Castro, South of Piauí, Brazil, where the participants came from different farms of the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. The ultrasonography of the IB, IIB and IIIB zones of the superficial digital (TFDS) and deep digital flexor tendons (TFDP) were performed in each animal, obtaining the measurements of the lateral diameters (DML) and palmar dorsum (DDP) through the transverse plane in each of the different zones. Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA), using the t test at the significance level of (p <0.05), observing that there was no significant difference between the measures evaluated. According to the results, horses for vaquejada athletes do not present significant difference in the lateral diameters and palmar dorsum of the flexor tendons between the right and left thoracic limb antimeres.
Animais , Tendões/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Extremidade Superior/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
Objetivou-se com este estudo demonstrar a influência do tipo de treinamento sobre as medidas dos tendões flexores palmares em equinos de vaquejada que correm à direita do boi na microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Foram utilizados oito animais, da raça quarto de milha e seus mestiços, de diferentes idades, peso e sexo, selecionados e questionados sobre o tempo que exerciam a atividade de vaquejada e o tipo de treinamento a qual eram submetidos, que refere-se a maneira como praticavam a prova correndo de que lado do boi, em uma prova de vaquejada no município de Cristino Castro, Sul do Piauí, Brasil, onde os participantes eram provenientes de diferentes haras da Microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Em cada animal foi realizada ultrassonografia das zonas IB, IIB e IIIB dos tendões flexores digital superficial (TFDS) e digital profundo (TFDP), obtendo-se as medidas dos diâmetros médio lateral (DML) e dorso palmar (DDP) através do plano transverso em cada uma das diferentes zonas. Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística (ANOVA), utilizando-se o teste t a nível de significância de (p<0,05), observando-se que não houve diferença significativa entre as medidas avaliadas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, cavalos atletas que correm a direita do boi não apresentam diferença significativa nos diâmetros médio lateral e dorso palmar dos tendões flexores entre os antímeros direito e esquerdo do membro torácico.(AU)
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the influence of the type of training on the measurements of the palmar flexor tendons in vaquejada horses that run to the right of the ox in the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. Eight animals of the quarter-mile breed and their crossbreed, of different ages, weight and sex, were selected and asked about the time they were engaged in the activity of the vaquejada and the type of training they were submitted to as they practiced running on which side of the ox, in a vaquejada test in the municipality of Cristino Castro, South of Piauí, Brazil, where the participants came from different farms of the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. The ultrasonography of the IB, IIB and IIIB zones of the superficial digital (TFDS) and deep digital flexor tendons (TFDP) were performed in each animal, obtaining the measurements of the lateral diameters (DML) and palmar dorsum (DDP) through the transverse plane in each of the different zones. Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA), using the t test at the significance level of (p <0.05), observing that there was no significant difference between the measures evaluated. According to the results, horses for vaquejada athletes do not present significant difference in the lateral diameters and palmar dorsum of the flexor tendons between the right and left thoracic limb antimeres.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Tendões/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavalos/lesões , Extremidade SuperiorResumo
Objetivou-se com este estudo demonstrar a influência do tipo de treinamento sobre as medidas dos tendões flexores palmares em equinos de vaquejada que correm à direita do boi na microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Foram utilizados oito animais, da raça quarto de milha e seus mestiços, de diferentes idades, peso e sexo, selecionados e questionados sobre o tempo que exerciam a atividade de vaquejada e o tipo de treinamento a qual eram submetidos, que refere-se a maneira como praticavam a prova correndo de que lado do boi, em uma prova de vaquejada no município de Cristino Castro, Sul do Piauí, Brasil, onde os participantes eram provenientes de diferentes haras da Microrregião do Alto Médio Gurgueia, Sul do Piauí, Brasil. Em cada animal foi realizada ultrassonografia das zonas IB, IIB e IIIB dos tendões flexores digital superficial (TFDS) e digital profundo (TFDP), obtendo-se as medidas dos diâmetros médio lateral (DML) e dorso palmar (DDP) através do plano transverso em cada uma das diferentes zonas. Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística (ANOVA), utilizando-se o teste t a nível de significância de (p<0,05), observando-se que não houve diferença significativa entre as medidas avaliadas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, cavalos atletas que correm a direita do boi não apresentam diferença significativa nos diâmetros médio lateral e dorso palmar dos tendões flexores entre os antímeros direito e esquerdo do membro torácico.
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the influence of the type of training on the measurements of the palmar flexor tendons in vaquejada horses that run to the right of the ox in the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. Eight animals of the quarter-mile breed and their crossbreed, of different ages, weight and sex, were selected and asked about the time they were engaged in the activity of the vaquejada and the type of training they were submitted to as they practiced running on which side of the ox, in a vaquejada test in the municipality of Cristino Castro, South of Piauí, Brazil, where the participants came from different farms of the microregion of the Alto Médio Gurgueia, South of Piauí, Brazil. The ultrasonography of the IB, IIB and IIIB zones of the superficial digital (TFDS) and deep digital flexor tendons (TFDP) were performed in each animal, obtaining the measurements of the lateral diameters (DML) and palmar dorsum (DDP) through the transverse plane in each of the different zones. Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA), using the t test at the significance level of (p <0.05), observing that there was no significant difference between the measures evaluated. According to the results, horses for vaquejada athletes do not present significant difference in the lateral diameters and palmar dorsum of the flexor tendons between the right and left thoracic limb antimeres.
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/lesões , Extremidade Superior , Tendões/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
A 12-year-old female mixed-breed dog presented with lameness, pain, and an enlarged, non-ulcerated, nodular mass in the region proximal to the tarsal joint of the right pelvic limb. Surgical excision was performed, revealing a 6.5 cm mass adherent to the deep flexor tendon and adjacent tissues. The cut section had cysts filled with blackened clotted material, which exuded reddish serous fluid. Microscopically, the cysts were filled with red blood cells and were either denuded or covered by synoviocytes. In addition, the mass was characterized by marked fibrovascular connective tissue associated with siderophages and multinucleated giant cells. These findings were consistent with those of pigmented villonodular tenosynovitis, a rare condition affecting several animal species and humans.
Uma cadela de 12 anos, sem raça definida, apresentou claudicação, algia e aumento de volume não ulcerado, de aspecto nodular, na região proximal à articulação do tarso do membro pélvico direito. A excisão cirúrgica foi optada e revelou uma massa de 6,5 cm de diâmetro, aderida ao tendão flexor profundo e aos tecidos adjacentes. Ao corte, exsudava líquido seroso avermelhado e cistos preenchidos por material coagulado enegrecido foram observados. Microscopicamente, a massa apresentava formações císticas frequentemente preenchidas por hemácias, que encontravam-se ora revestidas por sinoviócitos, ora desnudas. Havia ainda acentuada quantidade de tecido fibrovascular associado a siderófagos e células gigantes multinucleadas. Esses achados foram consistentes com tenossinovite vilonodular pigmentada, uma rara condição que afeta diversas espécies de animais e humanos.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão/patologia , Neoplasias/patologia , Neoplasias/veterinária , Pelve , Tendões , Tenossinovite/cirurgia , Tenossinovite/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: A 12-year-old female mixed-breed dog presented with lameness, pain, and an enlarged, non-ulcerated, nodular mass in the region proximal to the tarsal joint of the right pelvic limb. Surgical excision was performed, revealing a 6.5 cm mass adherent to the deep flexor tendon and adjacent tissues. The cut section had cysts filled with blackened clotted material, which exuded reddish serous fluid. Microscopically, the cysts were filled with red blood cells and were either denuded or covered by synoviocytes. In addition, the mass was characterized by marked fibrovascular connective tissue associated with siderophages and multinucleated giant cells. These findings were consistent with those of pigmented villonodular tenosynovitis, a rare condition affecting several animal species and humans.
RESUMO: Uma cadela de 12 anos, sem raça definida, apresentou claudicação, algia e aumento de volume não ulcerado, de aspecto nodular, na região proximal à articulação do tarso do membro pélvico direito. A excisão cirúrgica foi optada e revelou uma massa de 6,5 cm de diâmetro, aderida ao tendão flexor profundo e aos tecidos adjacentes. Ao corte, exsudava líquido seroso avermelhado e cistos preenchidos por material coagulado enegrecido foram observados. Microscopicamente, a massa apresentava formações císticas frequentemente preenchidas por hemácias, que encontravam-se ora revestidas por sinoviócitos, ora desnudas. Havia ainda acentuada quantidade de tecido fibrovascular associado a siderófagos e células gigantes multinucleadas. Esses achados foram consistentes com tenossinovite vilonodular pigmentada, uma rara condição que afeta diversas espécies de animais e humanos.
A 12-year-old female mixed-breed dog presented with lameness, pain, and an enlarged, non-ulcerated, nodular mass in the region proximal to the tarsal joint of the right pelvic limb. Surgical excision was performed, revealing a 6.5 cm mass adherent to the deep flexor tendon and adjacent tissues. The cut section had cysts filled with blackened clotted material, which exuded reddish serous fluid. Microscopically, the cysts were filled with red blood cells and were either denuded or covered by synoviocytes. In addition, the mass was characterized by marked fibrovascular connective tissue associated with siderophages and multinucleated giant cells. These findings were consistent with those of pigmented villonodular tenosynovitis, a rare condition affecting several animal species and humans.(AU)
Uma cadela de 12 anos, sem raça definida, apresentou claudicação, algia e aumento de volume não ulcerado, de aspecto nodular, na região proximal à articulação do tarso do membro pélvico direito. A excisão cirúrgica foi optada e revelou uma massa de 6,5 cm de diâmetro, aderida ao tendão flexor profundo e aos tecidos adjacentes. Ao corte, exsudava líquido seroso avermelhado e cistos preenchidos por material coagulado enegrecido foram observados. Microscopicamente, a massa apresentava formações císticas frequentemente preenchidas por hemácias, que encontravam-se ora revestidas por sinoviócitos, ora desnudas. Havia ainda acentuada quantidade de tecido fibrovascular associado a siderófagos e células gigantes multinucleadas. Esses achados foram consistentes com tenossinovite vilonodular pigmentada, uma rara condição que afeta diversas espécies de animais e humanos.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Doenças do Cão/patologia , Tendões , Pelve , Tenossinovite/cirurgia , Tenossinovite/veterinária , Neoplasias/patologia , Neoplasias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Flexural deformities are anatomical deviations, in varying degrees, of one or more joints, and may have a congenital or acquired origin. Congenital contracture of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) affects newborn calves and results in hyperflexion of the metacarpal-phalangeal joint, which in severe cases means that the animal must support its own weight on its fetlock joints. The aim of this study is to report the rapid and successful result of applying bilateral total tenotomy technique on a newborn bovine that had been diagnosed with severe bilateral DDFT contracture in the thoracic limbs. Case: A 3-week-old male bovine with a history of difficulty in maintaining a quadrupedal position was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Tocantins. The animal had severe bilateral locomotor alterations in the thoracic members to the point that he walked on his fetlock joints. The physical examination revealed clinical parameters within the normal range. However, the locomotor system examination showed severe flexor deformity in the bilateral metacarpal-phalangeal joints, and the limbs were being supported on the dorsal face of the fetlock joints, which presented ulcerations, and was suggestive of a shortening of the DDFT. Based on the patients history and clinical examination, as well as the severity of the tendon contractures, surgical treatment using the DDFT bilateral total tenotomy technique was decided upon. Postoperative treatment consisted of 2.5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin intramuscularly (IM), SID, for 5 days and 0.5 mg/kg meloxicam via IM, SID, for 3 days; as well as a dressing (cotton, medical bandage and a PVC mold) on the thoracic limbs to provide support and allow the animal to..
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/anormalidades , Contratura/cirurgia , Contratura/veterinária , Tendões/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Tenotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Flexural deformities are anatomical deviations, in varying degrees, of one or more joints, and may have a congenital or acquired origin. Congenital contracture of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) affects newborn calves and results in hyperflexion of the metacarpal-phalangeal joint, which in severe cases means that the animal must support its own weight on its fetlock joints. The aim of this study is to report the rapid and successful result of applying bilateral total tenotomy technique on a newborn bovine that had been diagnosed with severe bilateral DDFT contracture in the thoracic limbs. Case: A 3-week-old male bovine with a history of difficulty in maintaining a quadrupedal position was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Tocantins. The animal had severe bilateral locomotor alterations in the thoracic members to the point that he walked on his fetlock joints. The physical examination revealed clinical parameters within the normal range. However, the locomotor system examination showed severe flexor deformity in the bilateral metacarpal-phalangeal joints, and the limbs were being supported on the dorsal face of the fetlock joints, which presented ulcerations, and was suggestive of a shortening of the DDFT. Based on the patients history and clinical examination, as well as the severity of the tendon contractures, surgical treatment using the DDFT bilateral total tenotomy technique was decided upon. Postoperative treatment consisted of 2.5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin intramuscularly (IM), SID, for 5 days and 0.5 mg/kg meloxicam via IM, SID, for 3 days; as well as a dressing (cotton, medical bandage and a PVC mold) on the thoracic limbs to provide support and allow the animal to..(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Tendões/anormalidades , Contratura/cirurgia , Contratura/veterinária , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Tenotomia/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of low-frequency electric stimulation on biomechanics following surgical treatment of the Achilles tendon in rats. Methods: Forty-two rats were divided into two groups. One was given electric stimulation and the other was not. All were submitted to Achilles tenotomy and tenorrhaphy performed with a modified Kessler stitch. The experiment group underwent electric stimulation with 2 Hz, a nonpolarized current of 1 mA intensity for 14 days. The animals were euthanized at 2, 4 and 6 weeks for the biomechanical study. Results: The work performed, that is, the tendons capacity to absorb energy until rupture, was greater in the electrically stimulated group in the 2nd (p = 0.032) and in the 6th week (p = 0.010). The maximum tension, which is the capacity to support a load, was higher in the treated group in the 2nd (p = 0.030) and the 6th week (p = 024). These results indicate greater resistance of the electrically stimulated tendons. An analysis of the elastic module showed no differences. Conclusion: Low-frequency electric stimulation increased the resistance of the tendons at 2 and 6 weeks of evolution in rats.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização , Tendão do Calcâneo/cirurgia , Estimulação Elétrica , Fenômenos BiomecânicosResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the in vivo response of photobiomodulation therapy associated with norbixin-based poly(hydroxybutyrate) membrane (PHB) in tenotomized calcaneal tendon. Methods: Thirty rats were randomly allocated to six groups (n=5 each): LED groups (L1, L2 and L3) and membrane + LED groups (ML1, ML2 and ML3). The right calcaneal tendons of all animals were sectioned transversely and were irradiated with LED daily, one hour after surgery every 24 hours, until the day of euthanasia. At the end of the experiments the tendons were removed for histological analysis. Results: The histological analysis showed a significant reduction in inflammatory cells in the ML1, ML2 and ML3 groups (p=0.0056, p=0.0018 and p 0.0001, respectively) compared to those in the LED group. There was greater proliferation of fibroblasts in the ML1 (p 0.0001) and L3 (p 0.0001) groups. A higher concentration of type I collagen was also observed in the ML1 group (p=0.0043) replacing type III collagen. Conclusion: Photobiomodulation in association with norbixin-based PHB membrane led to control of the inflammatory process. However, it did not favor fibroblast proliferation and did not optimize type I collagen formation in the expected stage of the repair process.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Hidroxibutiratos/uso terapêutico , Tendões/efeitos dos fármacos , Tenotomia/veterinária , Tenotomia/reabilitação , Fototerapia/veterinária , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacosResumo
The aim of this paper was to describe the clinical and sonographic findings of partial tear at the musculotendinous junction of the proximal long digital extensor tendon during the acute phase and one year after initial presentation. The dog presented with acute, moderate weight-bearing lameness of the right hind limb. During an orthopedic examination of the stifle, the dog expressed pain on extension and flexion of the right knee. Under general anesthesia, no instability was evident. Radiographic images suggested the presence of joint effusion in the right stifle. Ultrasonography revealed that the long digital extensor tendon was hyperechoic, surrounded by an anechoic effusion, and the muscle fibers were disorganized and interspersed with anechoic fluid. Clinical outcome was considered good after conservative treatment. The dog was re-evaluated approximately one year after treatment and did not present with any clinical signs.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os achados clínicos e ultrassonográficos da ruptura parcial do tendão extensor digital longo em sua porção proximal, na junção musculotendínea, durante a fase aguda e um ano após a apresentação inicial. O cão apresentava claudicação aguda e moderada do membro posterior direito. Durante o exame ortopédico, o animal expressou dor na extensão e flexão do joelho direito. Sob anestesia geral, nenhuma instabilidade foi evidente. Imagens radiográficas sugeriram a presença de efusão articular na articulação do joelho direito. A ultrassonografia revelou que o tendão extensor digital longo estava hiperecóico, circundado por efusão anecóica, e as fibras musculares estavam desorganizadas e entremeadas por líquido anecóico. Após o tratamento conservador, a evolução clínica foi considerada satisfatória. O animal foi reavaliado aproximadamente um ano após o tratamento e não apresentou quaisquer sinais clínicos evidentes.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Traumatismos dos Tendões/veterinária , Traumatismos dos Tendões/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
The gross anatomy of the digital flexors tendons and the distal accessory ligament of the Catalan Pyrenean Horse, an equine trait breed from Catalonia (NE Spain), is presented here. Research has been based on the dissection of isolated 10 right forelimbs, 10 left forelimbs, six right hindlimbs and five left hindlimbs (total 31 distal limbs) from clinically normal yearlings, about 12 months of age. Tendons dimensions tended to be bigger than those reported in the literature, probably due to breed, age, bodyweight, withers height and exercise programme. Distal accessory ligament was sometimes absent. Data intend to serve as standard manual data for this breed but also for other trait breeds, being the present study the first one on the subject.(AU)
A anatomia dos tendões flexores digitais e o ligamento acessório distal do Cavalo Pirineu Catalão, uma raça de equinos de tração da Catalunha (NE Espanha) está apresentada aqui. A pesquisa se baseou na dissecação para isolamento de 10 membros anteriores direitos, 10 membros anteriores esquerdos, seis membros posteriores direitos e cinco membros posteriores esquerdos (total de 31 membros) de animais clinicamente normais, com cerca de 12 meses de idade. As dimensões dos tendões tendem a ser maiores do que as relatadas na literatura, provavelmente devido à raça, idade, peso corporal, altura de cernelha e programa de exercício. O ligamento acessório distal às vezes estava ausente. Os dados pretendem servir como padrões para essa raça, mas também para outras raças de tração, sendo o presente estudo o primeiro sobre o assunto.(AU)
Animais , Singularidades , Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The gross anatomy of the digital flexors tendons and the distal accessory ligament of the Catalan Pyrenean Horse, an equine trait breed from Catalonia (NE Spain), is presented here. Research has been based on the dissection of isolated 10 right forelimbs, 10 left forelimbs, six right hindlimbs and five left hindlimbs (total 31 distal limbs) from clinically normal yearlings, about 12 months of age. Tendons dimensions tended to be bigger than those reported in the literature, probably due to breed, age, bodyweight, withers height and exercise programme. Distal accessory ligament was sometimes absent. Data intend to serve as standard manual data for this breed but also for other trait breeds, being the present study the first one on the subject.
A anatomia dos tendões flexores digitais e o ligamento acessório distal do Cavalo Pirineu Catalão, uma raça de equinos de tração da Catalunha (NE Espanha) está apresentada aqui. A pesquisa se baseou na dissecação para isolamento de 10 membros anteriores direitos, 10 membros anteriores esquerdos, seis membros posteriores direitos e cinco membros posteriores esquerdos (total de 31 membros) de animais clinicamente normais, com cerca de 12 meses de idade. As dimensões dos tendões tendem a ser maiores do que as relatadas na literatura, provavelmente devido à raça, idade, peso corporal, altura de cernelha e programa de exercício. O ligamento acessório distal às vezes estava ausente. Os dados pretendem servir como padrões para essa raça, mas também para outras raças de tração, sendo o presente estudo o primeiro sobre o assunto.
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Singularidades , Tendões/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Prepubic tendon rupture may lead to the loss of pelvic floor support. A four-year-old Santa Inês ewe had been reported suffering from apathy, progressive weight loss throughout ten days, and prolonged pregnancy. Physical exams showed an excessive pendulous abdomen, a mild ventral edema between the udder and the umbilical scar (xiphoid region). Also, the udder was cranially displaced and with hematomas. Other symptoms noticed were walking reluctance, pelvic asymmetry, tachycardia, and tachypnea. The urinalysis findings indicated the presence of ketone bodies. The ultrasound examination confirmed the presence of fetuses with normal development, and a potential rupture of the abdominal muscles was excluded. Eight days following its hospitalization, labor induction was carried out using dexamethasone (20mg, IM, single application). She went into labor three days after the initial dose of corticosteroid. The ewe had difficulty expelling the lambs, making their traction necessary. Although the animal has recovered from its injuries, the clinical picture shows prepubic tendon rupture, and in order to prevent future complications, the ewe is not going to breed anymore. The report of this case works as an alert to the possibility of the occurrence of this affection in ewes and demonstrates the need of parturition assistance in animals with this condition, which can be diagnosed through clinical evaluation and ultrasound examination.
A ruptura do tendão pré-púbico resulta na perda do suporte do assoalho abdominal do animal. Uma ovelha, prenhe, da raça Santa Inês, de quatro anos, foi atendida com apatia e emagrecimento progressivo há dez dias e prolongamento da gestação. Ao exame clínico, verificou-se abdômen demasiadamente penduloso, discreto edema ventral entre o úbere e a região xifóide, úbere penduloso e com feridas, dificuldade de locomoção, assimetria de pelve, taquicardia e taquipneia. Detectou-se, na urinálise presença de corpos cetônicos. Foi confirmada à ultrassonografia, a viabilidade dos fetos. O parto foi induzido após oito dias de internação. Após três dias da aplicação do corticoide a ovelha entrou em trabalho de parto, sendo necessárias manobras obstétricas para retirada dos fetos, pois a mesma não apresentava contrações abdominais. O paciente se recuperou, mas como o quadro clínico era compatível com ruptura do tendão prépúbico, foi recomendado a retirada do animal da reprodução para evitar problemas futuros à ovelha e aos cordeiros. Conclui-se que o acompanhamento gestacional é indispensável para animais com esta afecção e que mediante avaliação clínica e ultrassonografia, pode-se chegar ao diagnóstico dessa afecção.
Feminino , Animais , Complicações na Gravidez/veterinária , Doenças dos Ovinos , Traumatismos dos Tendões/veterináriaResumo
Prepubic tendon rupture may lead to the loss of pelvic floor support. A four-year-old Santa Inês ewe had been reported suffering from apathy, progressive weight loss throughout ten days, and prolonged pregnancy. Physical exams showed an excessive pendulous abdomen, a mild ventral edema between the udder and the umbilical scar (xiphoid region). Also, the udder was cranially displaced and with hematomas. Other symptoms noticed were walking reluctance, pelvic asymmetry, tachycardia, and tachypnea. The urinalysis findings indicated the presence of ketone bodies. The ultrasound examination confirmed the presence of fetuses with normal development, and a potential rupture of the abdominal muscles was excluded. Eight days following its hospitalization, labor induction was carried out using dexamethasone (20mg, IM, single application). She went into labor three days after the initial dose of corticosteroid. The ewe had difficulty expelling the lambs, making their traction necessary. Although the animal has recovered from its injuries, the clinical picture shows prepubic tendon rupture, and in order to prevent future complications, the ewe is not going to breed anymore. The report of this case works as an alert to the possibility of the occurrence of this affection in ewes and demonstrates the need of parturition assistance in animals with this condition, which can be diagnosed through clinical evaluation and ultrasound examination.(AU)
A ruptura do tendão pré-púbico resulta na perda do suporte do assoalho abdominal do animal. Uma ovelha, prenhe, da raça Santa Inês, de quatro anos, foi atendida com apatia e emagrecimento progressivo há dez dias e prolongamento da gestação. Ao exame clínico, verificou-se abdômen demasiadamente penduloso, discreto edema ventral entre o úbere e a região xifóide, úbere penduloso e com feridas, dificuldade de locomoção, assimetria de pelve, taquicardia e taquipneia. Detectou-se, na urinálise presença de corpos cetônicos. Foi confirmada à ultrassonografia, a viabilidade dos fetos. O parto foi induzido após oito dias de internação. Após três dias da aplicação do corticoide a ovelha entrou em trabalho de parto, sendo necessárias manobras obstétricas para retirada dos fetos, pois a mesma não apresentava contrações abdominais. O paciente se recuperou, mas como o quadro clínico era compatível com ruptura do tendão prépúbico, foi recomendado a retirada do animal da reprodução para evitar problemas futuros à ovelha e aos cordeiros. Conclui-se que o acompanhamento gestacional é indispensável para animais com esta afecção e que mediante avaliação clínica e ultrassonografia, pode-se chegar ao diagnóstico dessa afecção.(AU)