There have been determined the features of m. longissimus lumborum steaks from young cattle-for-fattening of Holstein-Friesian breed, Polish black-and-white variety. There were measured pH values, basic chemical composition and colour parameters. The meat was subjected to moist-ageing for 12 days and, next, stored in modified atmosphere for the following 10 days. The amount of heat loss in relation to the temperature of thermal processing was determined. Texture parameters were studied instrumentally and organoleptically. The studied muscles from young cattle-for-fattening characterised with proper and similar pH values. The average fat content was 4.37%. The surface colour of the studied dorsal muscle was relatively bright, the average value L*=37.97, and on the cross-section L*=32.97. The average value of the muscle surface's 'redness' was a*=18.98, whereas cross-section's a*=20.27. The amounts of heat leakages were rising along with the increase of temperature from 11.24 to 37.14%. Ageing and storing in MAP led to a significant decrease in the amounts of heat leakages. Ageing and storing in MAP had a significant influence on decreasing shear force and on increasing the organoleptic evaluation marks of the m. longissimus lumborum after thermal processing, which shows that the muscle may become culinary meat with features accepted by consumers.(AU)
Animais , Controle de Qualidade , Bovinos , Carne/análise , Sensação , Envelhecimento/fisiologiaResumo
The influence of harvest method on proximate composition, protein oxidation, and texture profile of beef from Nellore cattle were investigated. Longissimus lumborum (LL) muscles were obtained from twelve grain-fed Nellore carcasses. The animals were slaughtered after stunning (STU; n=6) or without stunning (WST; n=6) and after 24 hours postmortem, the LL was sliced into 2.54-cm steaks, packed under aerobic conditions, and stored at 4°C for nine days. Proximate composition was analyzed on day 0, whereas protein oxidation (carbonyl content) and texture profile (hardness, chewiness, cohesiveness, and springiness) were evaluated on days 0, 3, 6, and 9. STU and WST steaks exhibited similar proximate composition, hardness, and chewiness (p > 0.05). WST steaks exhibited greater protein oxidation and lower cohesiveness than their STU counterparts on day 0 (p < 0.05). Concerning the storage period, WST steaks demonstrated a decrease in springiness and a more pronounced increase in cohesiveness than their STU counterparts (p < 0.05). These results indicated that the harvest method influenced LL protein oxidation and texture profile from Bos indicus cattle.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/fisiologia , Grão Comestível/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Carne/análise , Produtos Agrícolas/efeitos adversos , OxidaçãoResumo
The pequi has an almond with interesting chemical characteristics, such as considerable proportions of proteins and lipids that can be applied in several products aiming to use this agro-industrial residue. This research tookadvantage of the almond for the development of sweet paçoca with different concentrations of pequi almond, containing 0% (PA), 25% (P1), 50% (P2), 75% (P3), and 100% (P4) in place of peanuts. The paçocas were evaluated for proximate parameters and water activity, mineral content, color parameters, microbiological characteristics, and texture profile. The results for aw ranged from 0.48 to 0.52. In the proximate composition, it was observed that with the increase of the almond flour there was a difference in the ash, moisture, and protein contents. Due to the almond roasting process, the paçocas of pequi presented the darkest color. Pequi almond paçocas showed better protein value than peanut paçoca and higher levels of P and Mg. In addition, they present better elasticity, chewability, and cohesiveness.
O pequi possui uma amêndoa com características químicas interessantes, como proporções consideráveis de proteínas e lipídios que podem ser aplicadas em diversos produtos visando o aproveitamento desse resíduo agroindustrial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi aproveitar a amêndoa para o desenvolvimento de paçoca doce com diferentes concentrações de amêndoa de pequi, contendo 0% (PA), 25% (P1), 50% (P2), 75% (P3), e 100% (P4). As paçocas foram avaliadas quanto aos parâmetros centesimais e atividade de água, teor de minerais, parâmetros de cor, características microbiológicas e perfil de textura. Os resultados para aw variaram de 0,48 a 0,52. Na composição centesimal, observou-se que com o aumento da farinha de amêndoa houve diferença nos teores de cinzas, umidade e proteína. Devido ao processo de torrefação da amêndoa, as paçocas de pequi apresentaram cor mais escura. A paçoca de amêndoa de pequi apresentou melhor valor proteico que a paçoca de amendoim e maiores teores de P e Mg. Além disso, apresentaram melhor elasticidade, mastigabilidade e coesividade.
Doces , Produção de Alimentos , Prunus dulcis , MalpighialesResumo
ABSTRACT: Paper and plastic bags have been mainly used in fruit bagging of pineapple production. However, they are often discarded as agricultural wastes after harvest of pineapple fruit and threaten environment. In this study, effects of white non-woven fabric bag, expandable polyethylene bag, black plastic bag and kraft paper bag on fruit quality of pineapple cv. 'MD-2' were investigated. Results showed that fruits with fruit bagging showed no sunburn. When expandable polyethylene bag was used, fruits of pineapple cv. 'MD-2' showed better external qualities, nutrition qualities and texture properties. Expandable polyethylene bag made of degradable and recyclable materials could be recommended as a promising practice to reduce agricultural waste in pineapple production.
RESUMO: Sacos de papel e plástico têm sido usados principalmente no ensacamento de frutas na produção de abacaxi. No entanto, eles são frequentemente descartados como resíduos agrícolas, após a colheita da fruta do abacaxi, e ameaçam o meio ambiente. Neste estudo, os efeitos da sacola de tecido, não tecido branco, sacola de polietileno expansível, sacola plástica preta e sacola de papel artesanal na qualidade do fruto do abacaxi cv. 'MD-2' foram investigados. Os resultados mostraram que as frutas ensacadas não apresentaram queimaduras solares. Quando foi utilizada a bolsa de polietileno expansível, as frutas de abacaxi cv. 'MD-2' mostraram melhores qualidades externas, qualidades nutricionais e propriedades de textura. O saco de polietileno expansível feito de materiais degradáveis e recicláveis pode ser recomendado como uma prática promissora para reduzir o desperdício agrícola na produção de abacaxi.
Paper and plastic bags have been mainly used in fruit bagging of pineapple production. However, they are often discarded as agricultural wastes after harvest of pineapple fruit and threaten environment. In this study, effects of white non-woven fabric bag, expandable polyethylene bag, black plastic bag and kraft paper bag on fruit quality of pineapple cv. 'MD-2' were investigated. Results showed that fruits with fruit bagging showed no sunburn. When expandable polyethylene bag was used, fruits of pineapple cv. 'MD-2' showed better external qualities, nutrition qualities and texture properties. Expandable polyethylene bag made of degradable and recyclable materials could be recommended as a promising practice to reduce agricultural waste in pineapple production.
Sacos de papel e plástico têm sido usados principalmente no ensacamento de frutas na produção de abacaxi. No entanto, eles são frequentemente descartados como resíduos agrícolas, após a colheita da fruta do abacaxi, e ameaçam o meio ambiente. Neste estudo, os efeitos da sacola de tecido, não tecido branco, sacola de polietileno expansível, sacola plástica preta e sacola de papel artesanal na qualidade do fruto do abacaxi cv. 'MD-2' foram investigados. Os resultados mostraram que as frutas ensacadas não apresentaram queimaduras solares. Quando foi utilizada a bolsa de polietileno expansível, as frutas de abacaxi cv. 'MD-2' mostraram melhores qualidades externas, qualidades nutricionais e propriedades de textura. O saco de polietileno expansível feito de materiais degradáveis e recicláveis pode ser recomendado como uma prática promissora para reduzir o desperdício agrícola na produção de abacaxi.
Embalagem de Alimentos , Polietileno , AnanasResumo
Excess sodium in foods is one of the factors in chronic non-communicable diseases whose importance is on the rise. Thus, the aim of this study was to optimize a replacement for sodium in an appetizer-type Mignon cracker on an industrial scale. For this, a mixture design consisting of seven formulations were prepared with sodium replacement ranging between 30 and 60 %. The partial sodium replacement used industrial ingredients (Nutek Salt and PuraQ NA4, and modified KCl and flavor), to assess the impact on sodium content and texture (hardness). No significant differences were found in the hardness attribute. Sodium reduction ranged from 943.43 to 637.21 mg 100 g1, and formulation 7 (F7) with 60 % replacement could cash in on the "Reduced in sodium" appeal. A sensory Quantitative Descriptive Analysis accessed the sensory profiles of formulations, and significant differences were observed (p < 0.05) in salty taste, sweet taste, bread aroma, and formulation 4 (40 % replacement) but were not significantly different from the formulation in salty taste. In PCA, the first main component showed variability between samples of 84.6 %, while the second axis explained 11.5 % of this variability. Acceptance (taste and overall quality) and purchase intention (above > 70 %) showed that the substitution did not affect consumers' perceptions, with no significant difference between controls, F4 and F7.
Cloreto de Sódio na Dieta , Biscoitos , AromatizantesResumo
Wheat flour (WF), pea flour (PF) and whole wheat flour (WWF) were mixed in different ratios by applying a simplex-centroid mixture design, in order to evaluate the impact of these combinations on the physical and sensorial properties of muffins. The interaction between WF and WWF produced muffins with brighter crusts and muffins prepared with higher ration of PF were harder. The ranking test was performed with the objective of identifying the most preferred muffin experiments according to the flavor attribute. The experiments with the lowest ranking scores were selected and submitted to the acceptance test. In the acceptance test, the attributes of color, taste, texture and overall acceptance were evaluated, where muffins obtained scores higher than 7 ("moderately liked"), indicating good acceptance of all experiments. The experiment (a) (80% of WF, 10% of PF and 10% of WWF) was chosen for presenting the highest set of scores.
A farinha de trigo especial (FT), farinha de ervilha (FE) e farinha de trigo integral (FTI) foram misturadas em diferentes proporções, mediante a aplicação de um delineamento de misturas simplex-centroide, com a finalidade de avaliar o impacto dessas combinações nas propriedades físicas e sensoriais dos muffins. A interação entre FT e FTI produziu muffins com maior luminosidade na crosta e os muffins preparados com maior proporção de FE foram mais duros. O teste de ordenação foi realizado com objetivo de os julgadores ordenarem os experimentos de muffins mais preferidos de acordo com o atributo sabor. Os experimentos com as menores somas de ordem foram selecionados e submetidos ao teste de aceitação. No teste de aceitação foram avaliados os atributos de cor, sabor, textura e aparência global, em que os muffins obtiveram notas maiores que sete ("gostei moderadamente"), indicando uma boa aceitação de todos os experimentos. O experimento (a) (80% de FT, 10% de FE e 10% de FTI) foi escolhido por apresentar o maior conjunto de notas.
Paladar , Pisum sativum , Percepção Gustatória , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e ServiçosResumo
Arsenic (As) is a naturally occurring chemical element considered toxic and carcinogenic by health and environmental protection agencies. Studies of As adsorption/desorption behavior in soils are important to predictions of As potential mobility in natural systems. The aim of this study was to assess the adsorption of As(V) in soils from Minas Gerais, Brazil, and determine its immobilization rate in order to identify soils with characteristics more favorable to its deployment as an As geochemical barrier. The adsorption experiment was performed using different As concentrations and the data pertaining to the maximum adsorption capacity of As(V) (MACAs) were determined by Langmuir and Freundlich isoterms. The Oxisols, due to their more oxidic mineralogy, especially more gibbsitic, and clayey texture, showed the highest MACAs, followed by Ultisols, Inceptisols, and Entisols. In terms of the desorption of As the Inceptisols were the soils that showed the most As desorption. Both As desorption and mobility was lower in the more oxidic and clayey soils. In all soils, the total amount of As was desorbed in due course, but the As release ratio tended to decrease with the passage of time. In general, soils with higher MACAs did not necessarily show less As desorption. For use as a geochemical barrier, as important as a high adsorption capacity of As by the soil is a low As desorption rate. The increase in As mobility may increase the risks of contaminating the supplies of water. To be a good As geochemical barrier the soil has to be a clayey Oxisol, with relatively high amounts of Fe and Al oxides, especially gibbsite.
Adsorção , Arsênio/análise , Arsênio/química , Química do Solo , Poluentes AmbientaisResumo
Arsenic (As) is a naturally occurring chemical element considered toxic and carcinogenic by health and environmental protection agencies. Studies of As adsorption/desorption behavior in soils are important to predictions of As potential mobility in natural systems. The aim of this study was to assess the adsorption of As(V) in soils from Minas Gerais, Brazil, and determine its immobilization rate in order to identify soils with characteristics more favorable to its deployment as an As geochemical barrier. The adsorption experiment was performed using different As concentrations and the data pertaining to the maximum adsorption capacity of As(V) (MACAs) were determined by Langmuir and Freundlich isoterms. The Oxisols, due to their more oxidic mineralogy, especially more gibbsitic, and clayey texture, showed the highest MACAs, followed by Ultisols, Inceptisols, and Entisols. In terms of the desorption of As the Inceptisols were the soils that showed the most As desorption. Both As desorption and mobility was lower in the more oxidic and clayey soils. In all soils, the total amount of As was desorbed in due course, but the As release ratio tended to decrease with the passage of time. In general, soils with higher MACAs did not necessarily show less As desorption. For use as a geochemical barrier, as important as a high adsorption capacity of As by the soil is a low As desorption rate. The increase in As mobility may increase the risks of contaminating the supplies of water. To be a good As geochemical barrier the soil has to be a clayey Oxisol, with relatively high amounts of Fe and Al oxides, especially gibbsite.(AU)
Arsênio/análise , Arsênio/química , Química do Solo , Adsorção , Poluentes AmbientaisResumo
A Chamaecrista rotundifolia é uma leguminosa com alto valor nutritivo e boa produção para a pecuária, no entanto apresenta elevada dormência em suas sementes. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os métodos de superação de dormência e a influência da textura do solo na emergência das plântulas e desempenho inicial. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em delineamento com parcelas subdivididas e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em técnicas de superação de dormência com a imersão das sementes em (1) água quente a 80°C por 30 s, seguida pela imersão em água a temperatura ambiente por 12 h; (2) imersão em água a temperatura ambiente (25 °C) por 24 h e (3) imersão em ácido clorídrico (0,05 mol L-1) por 15 min, e um grupo controle (sem intervenção nas sementes) disposto nas parcelas em blocos casualizados. As sementes foram cultivadas em dois solos como subparcelas. Foi avaliada a emergência diária das mudas para calcular o percentual e o índice de velocidade de emergência. Aos 21 dias após a semeadura, o desempenho da planta foi avaliado por meio de medidas e massa dos componentes. O tratamento com água quente apresenta maior eficiência em promover a emergência de plântulas (p<0,01) e no índice de velocidade de emergência (p<0,05). O total de massa seca se destacou em solo arenoso (p<0,05). A textura do solo influencia os tratamentos de superação de dormência nos parâmetros de desempenho inicial das plantas, sendo observado melhor desempenho em solo arenoso.
Chamaecrista rotundifolia is a legume of high yield and nutritional value for livestock; however, it presents high seed dormancy. The aim of this study was to evaluate dormancy-breaking methods and the influence of soil texture on seedling emergence and initial development of C. rotundifolia. The experiment was performed in a greenhouse in a split-plot design with five replications. There were three treatments including dormancy-breaking techniques with immersion of the seeds in (1) hot water at 80°C for 30 s followed by 12 h in water at room temperature (25 °C; HW); (2) water at room temperature (25 °C) for 24 h (EW); and (3) hydrochloric acid (0.05 mol L-1) for 15 min (HA) (4) and a control group with no seed intervention, disposed in the main plots in randomized blocks. Seeds were cropped in two types of soil as subplots. Seedling emergence was evaluated daily to calculate the percentage emergence and emergence speed index. Plant performance was evaluated (21 days after sowing) through measurements of mass and length of components. Chamaecrista rotundifolia showed a high degree of dormancy in the seeds, and the treatment using HW had greater efficiency in seedling emergence (p < 0.01) and emergence speed index (p < 0.05). Total dry mass was superior in sandy soil (p < 0.05). Soil texture and dormancy treatments influenced the initial performance of plants, which performed better in sandy soil.
Chamaecrista/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Germinação , Solos Arenosos , Tratamento TérmicoResumo
Chamaecrista rotundifolia is a legume of high yield and nutritional value for livestock; however, it presents high seed dormancy. The aim of this study was to evaluate dormancy-breaking methods and the influence of soil texture on seedling emergence and initial development of C. rotundifolia. The experiment was performed in a greenhouse in a split-plot design with five replications. There were three treatments including dormancy-breaking techniques with immersion of the seeds in (1) hot water at 80°C for 30 s followed by 12 h in water at room temperature (25 °C; HW); (2) water at room temperature (25 °C) for 24 h (EW); and (3) hydrochloric acid (0.05 mol L-1) for 15 min (HA) (4) and a control group with no seed intervention, disposed in the main plots in randomized blocks. Seeds were cropped in two types of soil as subplots. Seedling emergence was evaluated daily to calculate the percentage emergence and emergence speed index. Plant performance was evaluated (21 days after sowing) through measurements of mass and length of components. Chamaecrista rotundifolia showed a high degree of dormancy in the seeds, and the treatment using HW had greater efficiency in seedling emergence (p < 0.01) and emergence speed index (p < 0.05). Total dry mass was superior in sandy soil (p < 0.05). Soil texture and dormancy treatments influenced the initial performance of plants, which performed better in sandy soil.
A Chamaecrista rotundifolia é uma leguminosa com alto valor nutritivo e boa produção para a pecuária, no entanto apresenta elevada dormência em suas sementes. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os métodos de superação de dormência e a influência da textura do solo na emergência das plântulas e desempenho inicial. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em delineamento com parcelas subdivididas e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em técnicas de superação de dormência com a imersão das sementes em (1) água quente a 80°C por 30 s, seguida pela imersão em água a temperatura ambiente por 12 h; (2) imersão em água a temperatura ambiente (25 °C) por 24 h e (3) imersão em ácido clorídrico (0,05 mol L-1) por 15 min, e um grupo controle (sem intervenção nas sementes) disposto nas parcelas em blocos casualizados. As sementes foram cultivadas em dois solos como subparcelas. Foi avaliada a emergência diária das mudas para calcular o percentual e o índice de velocidade de emergência. Aos 21 dias após a semeadura, o desempenho da planta foi avaliado por meio de medidas e massa dos componentes. O tratamento com água quente apresenta maior eficiência em promover a emergência de plântulas (p<0,01) e no índice de velocidade de emergência (p<0,05). O total de massa seca se destacou em solo arenoso (p<0,05). A textura do solo influencia os tratamentos de superação de dormência nos parâmetros de desempenho inicial das plantas, sendo observado melhor desempenho em solo arenoso.
Características do Solo , Chamaecrista/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dormência de Plantas , Solos Argilosos , Solos Arenosos , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
Abstract Chamaecrista rotundifolia is a legume of high yield and nutritional value for livestock; however, it presents high seed dormancy. The aim of this study was to evaluate dormancy-breaking methods and the influence of soil texture on seedling emergence and initial development of C. rotundifolia. The experiment was performed in a greenhouse in a split-plot design with five replications. There were three treatments including dormancy-breaking techniques with immersion of the seeds in (1) hot water at 80°C for 30 s followed by 12 h in water at room temperature (25 °C; HW); (2) water at room temperature (25 °C) for 24 h (EW); and (3) hydrochloric acid (0.05 mol L-1) for 15 min (HA) (4) and a control group with no seed intervention, disposed in the main plots in randomized blocks. Seeds were cropped in two types of soil as subplots. Seedling emergence was evaluated daily to calculate the percentage emergence and emergence speed index. Plant performance was evaluated (21 days after sowing) through measurements of mass and length of components. Chamaecrista rotundifolia showed a high degree of dormancy in the seeds, and the treatment using HW had greater efficiency in seedling emergence (p 0.01) and emergence speed index (p 0.05). Total dry mass was superior in sandy soil (p 0.05). Soil texture and dormancy treatments influenced the initial performance of plants, which performed better in sandy soil.
Resumo A Chamaecrista rotundifolia é uma leguminosa com alto valor nutritivo e boa produção para a pecuária, no entanto apresenta elevada dormência em suas sementes. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os métodos de superação de dormência e a influência da textura do solo na emergência das plântulas e desempenho inicial. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em delineamento com parcelas subdivididas e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em técnicas de superação de dormência com a imersão das sementes em (1) água quente a 80°C por 30 s, seguida pela imersão em água a temperatura ambiente por 12 h; (2) imersão em água a temperatura ambiente (25 °C) por 24 h e (3) imersão em ácido clorídrico (0,05 mol L-1) por 15 min, e um grupo controle (sem intervenção nas sementes) disposto nas parcelas em blocos casualizados. As sementes foram cultivadas em dois solos como subparcelas. Foi avaliada a emergência diária das mudas para calcular o percentual e o índice de velocidade de emergência. Aos 21 dias após a semeadura, o desempenho da planta foi avaliado por meio de medidas e massa dos componentes. O tratamento com água quente apresenta maior eficiência em promover a emergência de plântulas (p 0,01) e no índice de velocidade de emergência (p 0,05). O total de massa seca se destacou em solo arenoso (p 0,05). A textura do solo influencia os tratamentos de superação de dormência nos parâmetros de desempenho inicial das plantas, sendo observado melhor desempenho em solo arenoso.
A expansão de sistema silvipastoril poderia ser realizada por meio da reforma do sistema monocultivo de pastagem em solo com a camada superficial arenosa, mas os agropecuaristas receiam que possa haver competição pela água no solo entre a pastagem e o eucalipto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a umidade e a água disponível em sistema silvipastoril e monocultivo de pastagem em diferentes estações do ano, distância dos troncos de eucaliptos ou dos terraços a 1 m de profundidade em um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico. A reforma de pastagem foi realizada em 12 ha com o cultivo de mandioca (2008-2010), tendo sido as mudas de eucalipto plantadas simultaneamente ao plantio das manivas de mandioca em agosto de 2008. Avaliaram-se dois sistemas entre terraços espaçados em 20 m: a) sistema de monocultivo de pastagem grama-estrela roxa (Cynodon nlemfuensis) e b) sistema silvipastoril (2x3)+20 com grama-estrela roxa e eucalipto (Eucalyptus grandis). A umidade gravimétrica no solo () foi determinada nas quatro estações do ano para eucaliptos com 2 a 3 anos de idade, entre julho/2010 a março/2011. Utilizaram-se as seguintes posições de amostragem: 2,5, 5 e 10 m do tronco do eucalipto a jusante dos terraços. Amostras deformadas de solo foram coletadas a 0-0,2 m (horizonte A areia-franca), 0,2-0,4 (horizonte Bw1 franco-arenosa), e 0,4-0,6, 0,6-0,8 e 0,8-1,0 m (horizonte Bw2...
The expansion of silvopastoral system could be achieved through reform of forage grass monoculture system in soil with a sandy surface layer, but ranchers are concerned that there may be competition for soil water between the pasture and eucalyptus. The objective of this study was to evaluate the moisture and water available in silvopastoral system and forage grass monoculture in different seasons, distance of eucalyptus trunks or terraces at 1 m depth in a Hapludox soil. Reclamation forage grass monoculture was held with cassava (2008-2010), being the eucalyptus seedlings planted simultaneously to the planting of cassava in August 2008. Two systems of terraces spaced 20 m were evaluated: a) forage grass monoculture stargrass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) system and b) silvopastoral system (2x3) +20 with stargrass forage and eucalypt tree (Eucalyptus grandis). Gravimetric moisture in the soil () was determined in four seasons for eucalyptus tree had 2-3-year-old, from July/2010 to March/2011. Use the following sampling positions: 2.5, 5 and 10 m away from the stem of eucalyptus trees downstream of the terraces. Disturbed soil samples were collected at 0-0.2 m (A horizon sandy texture), 0.2-0.4 (Bw1 sandy loam texture), and 0.4-0.6, 0.6-0.8 and 0.8-1.0 m (Bw2 sandy clay cloam). Field capacity and permanent wilting point waters contents was determined. The silvopastoral system...
Eucalyptus , Pastagens , Umidade do SoloResumo
A expansão de sistema silvipastoril poderia ser realizada por meio da reforma do sistema monocultivo de pastagem em solo com a camada superficial arenosa, mas os agropecuaristas receiam que possa haver competição pela água no solo entre a pastagem e o eucalipto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a umidade e a água disponível em sistema silvipastoril e monocultivo de pastagem em diferentes estações do ano, distância dos troncos de eucaliptos ou dos terraços a 1 m de profundidade em um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico. A reforma de pastagem foi realizada em 12 ha com o cultivo de mandioca (2008-2010), tendo sido as mudas de eucalipto plantadas simultaneamente ao plantio das manivas de mandioca em agosto de 2008. Avaliaram-se dois sistemas entre terraços espaçados em 20 m: a) sistema de monocultivo de pastagem grama-estrela roxa (Cynodon nlemfuensis) e b) sistema silvipastoril (2x3)+20 com grama-estrela roxa e eucalipto (Eucalyptus grandis). A umidade gravimétrica no solo () foi determinada nas quatro estações do ano para eucaliptos com 2 a 3 anos de idade, entre julho/2010 a março/2011. Utilizaram-se as seguintes posições de amostragem: 2,5, 5 e 10 m do tronco do eucalipto a jusante dos terraços. Amostras deformadas de solo foram coletadas a 0-0,2 m (horizonte A areia-franca), 0,2-0,4 (horizonte Bw1 franco-arenosa), e 0,4-0,6, 0,6-0,8 e 0,8-1,0 m (horizonte Bw2...(AU)
The expansion of silvopastoral system could be achieved through reform of forage grass monoculture system in soil with a sandy surface layer, but ranchers are concerned that there may be competition for soil water between the pasture and eucalyptus. The objective of this study was to evaluate the moisture and water available in silvopastoral system and forage grass monoculture in different seasons, distance of eucalyptus trunks or terraces at 1 m depth in a Hapludox soil. Reclamation forage grass monoculture was held with cassava (2008-2010), being the eucalyptus seedlings planted simultaneously to the planting of cassava in August 2008. Two systems of terraces spaced 20 m were evaluated: a) forage grass monoculture stargrass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) system and b) silvopastoral system (2x3) +20 with stargrass forage and eucalypt tree (Eucalyptus grandis). Gravimetric moisture in the soil () was determined in four seasons for eucalyptus tree had 2-3-year-old, from July/2010 to March/2011. Use the following sampling positions: 2.5, 5 and 10 m away from the stem of eucalyptus trees downstream of the terraces. Disturbed soil samples were collected at 0-0.2 m (A horizon sandy texture), 0.2-0.4 (Bw1 sandy loam texture), and 0.4-0.6, 0.6-0.8 and 0.8-1.0 m (Bw2 sandy clay cloam). Field capacity and permanent wilting point waters contents was determined. The silvopastoral system...(AU)
Eucalyptus , Umidade do Solo , PastagensResumo
The current study was conducted to evaluate the dietary supplementation of Mexican oregano essential oil (MOO; Lippiaberlandieri Schauer) on broiler performance, carcass variables, meat quality, and sensory evaluation. One-day-old mixed-sex broilers were distributed in the following treatment groups, according to MOO supplementation levels: 0 = control diet; 200 = diet + 2200 mg of MOO/kg; 400 = diet + 4200 mg of MOO/kg; 600 = diet + 6200 mg of MOO/kg; 800 = diet + 8200 mg of MOO/kg; 1000 = diet + 1000 mg of MOO/kg. MOO affected (p 0.05) body weight, feed and water intake, and feed conversion ratio. The 200 and 400 mg/kg formulations gave better results at 7, 14 and 28 d than the other diets. MOO at 1000 mg/kg increased (p 0.05) slaughter weight and hot carcass yield, and decreased meat pH and cooking loss. The 200 and 400 treatments increased breast meat redness (a*), but reduced yellowness (b*). Meat hardness, cohesiveness and resilience were affected (p 0.05) by MOO, but not (p>0.05) the sensory parameters evaluated. Mexican oregano oil presents positive qualities as a plant-derived performance enhancer in broiler diets and improves of the meat quality of broilers at the levels of 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg of diet.(AU)
Animais , Carne/análise , Galinhas/metabolismo , Origanum , DietaResumo
This study aims to evaluate the possibility to formulate low-sodium bicarbonate-marinated turkey breast meat. In total, 60 meat cuts (100 × 50 × 30mm) were divided into four treatments: B1 (0.5% sodium bicarbonate and 0% sodium chloride replacement), B2 (0.5% sodium bicarbonate and 15% sodium chloride replacement), B3 (0.5% sodium bicarbonate and 30% sodium chloride replacement), and B4 (0.5% sodium bicarbonate and 45% sodium chloride replacement). The results showed that sodium replacement up to 45% had no impact on texture (as represented by Allo-Kramer shear values) and water activity. After cooking, Group B1 exhibited the highest L* value (72.1) and the lowest b* (6.6) when compared to other groups. In conclusion, replacing sodium chloride with potassium chloride up to 45% in the presence of sodium bicarbonate did not affect negatively several quality traits (sensory traits, composition, and texture, etc.).(AU)
Animais , Carne/análise , Perus/metabolismo , Perus/fisiologia , Cloreto de Sódio na Dieta/análise , Bicarbonatos/análiseResumo
The current study was conducted to evaluate the dietary supplementation of Mexican oregano essential oil (MOO; Lippiaberlandieri Schauer) on broiler performance, carcass variables, meat quality, and sensory evaluation. One-day-old mixed-sex broilers were distributed in the following treatment groups, according to MOO supplementation levels: 0 = control diet; 200 = diet + 2200 mg of MOO/kg; 400 = diet + 4200 mg of MOO/kg; 600 = diet + 6200 mg of MOO/kg; 800 = diet + 8200 mg of MOO/kg; 1000 = diet + 1000 mg of MOO/kg. MOO affected (p 0.05) body weight, feed and water intake, and feed conversion ratio. The 200 and 400 mg/kg formulations gave better results at 7, 14 and 28 d than the other diets. MOO at 1000 mg/kg increased (p 0.05) slaughter weight and hot carcass yield, and decreased meat pH and cooking loss. The 200 and 400 treatments increased breast meat redness (a*), but reduced yellowness (b*). Meat hardness, cohesiveness and resilience were affected (p 0.05) by MOO, but not (p>0.05) the sensory parameters evaluated. Mexican oregano oil presents positive qualities as a plant-derived performance enhancer in broiler diets and improves of the meat quality of broilers at the levels of 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg of diet.
Animais , Carne/análise , Dieta , Galinhas/metabolismo , OriganumResumo
This study aims to evaluate the possibility to formulate low-sodium bicarbonate-marinated turkey breast meat. In total, 60 meat cuts (100 × 50 × 30mm) were divided into four treatments: B1 (0.5% sodium bicarbonate and 0% sodium chloride replacement), B2 (0.5% sodium bicarbonate and 15% sodium chloride replacement), B3 (0.5% sodium bicarbonate and 30% sodium chloride replacement), and B4 (0.5% sodium bicarbonate and 45% sodium chloride replacement). The results showed that sodium replacement up to 45% had no impact on texture (as represented by Allo-Kramer shear values) and water activity. After cooking, Group B1 exhibited the highest L* value (72.1) and the lowest b* (6.6) when compared to other groups. In conclusion, replacing sodium chloride with potassium chloride up to 45% in the presence of sodium bicarbonate did not affect negatively several quality traits (sensory traits, composition, and texture, etc.).
Animais , Carne/análise , Perus/fisiologia , Perus/metabolismo , Bicarbonatos/análise , Cloreto de Sódio na Dieta/análiseResumo
As espécies do gênero Urochloa tem-se destacado na integração lavoura-pecuária, e o tipo de semente utilizada e a profundidade de semeadura são fundamentais para o estabelecimento e produção da forrageira. Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa avaliar a emergência e o crescimento de plantas de Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, oriundas de sementes incrustadas ou não, semeadas em diferentes profundidades e solos. O delineamento usado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial 2x5, composto por dois tipos de sementes (incrustadas ou não) semeadas em cinco profundidades (0; 1; 2,5; 5; 10cm) em solos de textura franco argilo arenosa (TFAA) e argilosa (TA). Plantas de U. brizantha oriundas de sementes incrustadas e estabelecidas em solo de TFAA apresentaram maior emergência, mas menor crescimento em relação às plantas provindas de sementes não incrustadas. Em solo de TA, o uso de sementes incrustadas promoveu maior índice de velocidade de emergência, mas menor crescimento das plantas. A semeadura de U. brizantha com sementes incrustadas e não incrustadas a 1,0 e 2,5 cm de profundidade proporcionaram maior velocidade de emergência, independente da textura do solo. Após o corte da forrageira, o maior perfilhamento da rebrota foi observado em plantas oriundas de sementes não incrustadas e semeadas em solo de TA até 2,5 cm de profundidade. Na rebrota, não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre o rendimento de forragem.(AU)
The species of the genus Urochloa has been highlighted in the crop-livestock integration and practices such as the type of seed used, and the depth of sowing are fundamental for the establishment and production of the pasture. The objective of this research was to evaluate the emergence and growth of plants of UrochloaBrizantha cv. Marandu, originating from seeds incrusted or not, sown in different depths and soils. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replications. The treatments were arranged in a 2x5 factorial scheme, composed of two types of seeds (incrusted or not) seeded in five depths (0; 1; 2.5; 5; 10cm) in medium textured and clayey soils. Plants of U. brizantha from seeds incrusted and cultivated in medium textured soil presented higher emergence, but lower growth in relation to the plants coming from non-incrusted seeds. In soils of clayey texture, the use of incrusted seeds promoted a greater speed of emergency, but less growth of the plants. The sowing of U. brizantha at 1.0 and 2.5 cm depth provided a higher emergence speed, regardless of soil texture and type of seed. After forage cutting, the greatest tillering of regrowth was observed in plants from non-encrusted seeds and sown in soil up to 2.5 cm deep. At regrowth, there was no effect of treatments on forage yield.(AU)
Pastagens/métodos , Poaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
As espécies do gênero Urochloa tem-se destacado na integração lavoura-pecuária, e o tipo de semente utilizada e a profundidade de semeadura são fundamentais para o estabelecimento e produção da forrageira. Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa avaliar a emergência e o crescimento de plantas de Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, oriundas de sementes incrustadas ou não, semeadas em diferentes profundidades e solos. O delineamento usado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial 2x5, composto por dois tipos de sementes (incrustadas ou não) semeadas em cinco profundidades (0; 1; 2,5; 5; 10cm) em solos de textura franco argilo arenosa (TFAA) e argilosa (TA). Plantas de U. brizantha oriundas de sementes incrustadas e estabelecidas em solo de TFAA apresentaram maior emergência, mas menor crescimento em relação às plantas provindas de sementes não incrustadas. Em solo de TA, o uso de sementes incrustadas promoveu maior índice de velocidade de emergência, mas menor crescimento das plantas. A semeadura de U. brizantha com sementes incrustadas e não incrustadas a 1,0 e 2,5 cm de profundidade proporcionaram maior velocidade de emergência, independente da textura do solo. Após o corte da forrageira, o maior perfilhamento da rebrota foi observado em plantas oriundas de sementes não incrustadas e semeadas em solo de TA até 2,5 cm de profundidade. Na rebrota, não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre o rendimento de forragem.
The species of the genus Urochloa has been highlighted in the crop-livestock integration and practices such as the type of seed used, and the depth of sowing are fundamental for the establishment and production of the pasture. The objective of this research was to evaluate the emergence and growth of plants of UrochloaBrizantha cv. Marandu, originating from seeds incrusted or not, sown in different depths and soils. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replications. The treatments were arranged in a 2x5 factorial scheme, composed of two types of seeds (incrusted or not) seeded in five depths (0; 1; 2.5; 5; 10cm) in medium textured and clayey soils. Plants of U. brizantha from seeds incrusted and cultivated in medium textured soil presented higher emergence, but lower growth in relation to the plants coming from non-incrusted seeds. In soils of clayey texture, the use of incrusted seeds promoted a greater speed of emergency, but less growth of the plants. The sowing of U. brizantha at 1.0 and 2.5 cm depth provided a higher emergence speed, regardless of soil texture and type of seed. After forage cutting, the greatest tillering of regrowth was observed in plants from non-encrusted seeds and sown in soil up to 2.5 cm deep. At regrowth, there was no effect of treatments on forage yield.