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Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: 73559P, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1430190


The objective of this study was to evaluate the seasonal effect of months of the year upon the physiological and productive responses of crossbred dairy cows raised in an Amazonian climate. Twenty lactating cows were evaluated, fed on Brachiaria decumbens pasture, with free access to water and mineral supplementation. Data from climate variables air temperature (AT), relative humidity (RH), rainfall (RA) and temperature and humidity index (THI) were recorded dur ing the months of January to April 2019. The physiological data collected were: respiratory rate (RR, mov/min), heart rate (HR, beats/min), rectal temperature (RT, ºC), udder surface temperature (UST, ºC), body surface temperature (BST, ºC), dorsum surface temperature (DST, ºC), front surface temperature (FST, ºC) and rear shin temperature (RST). Milk production (MP) was also measured. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) of RST and RR with values ranging from 34.8 to 35.5°C and 32.0 to 36.2 mov/min, respectively. There were no significant difference (P>0.05) for BST, and the values for MP and THI were 3.8; 3.8; 4.6; 4.1 kg and 77.7; 79.7; 80.6; 80.1, respectively. It was concluded that there was a seasonal effect of the months of the year evaluated on the respiratory rate of animals, however, it did not change the MP and the THI. The Amazon environment is conducive to causing thermal stress in lactating cows raised on pasture, requiring the use of shading to facilitate the ability of these animals to dissipate heat.(AU)

O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos sazonais dos meses do ano sobre as respostas fisiológicas e produtivas de vacas leiteiras mestiças criadas em clima amazônico. Foram avaliadas 20 vacas lactantes, alimentadas com pasto de Brachiaria decumbens, com acesso livre a água e suplementação mineral. Foram registrados dados das variáveis climáticas temperatura do ar (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR), precipitação pluviométrica (PP) e índice de temperatura e Umidade (ITU) durante os meses de janeiro a abril de 2019. Os dados fisiológicos coletados foram: frequência respiratória (FR, mov/min), frequência cardíaca (FC, bat./min), temperatura retal (TR, ºC), temperatura superficial do úbere (TSU, ºC), temperatura superfície corporal (TSC, ºC), temperatura superficial do dorso (TSD, ºC), temperatura superficial da fronte (TSF, ºC) e temperatura superficial da canela (TSCA, °C). Também foi mensurada a produção de leite (PL, kg). Houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) da TSCA e FR com valores variando de 34,8 a 35,5°C e 32,0 a 36,2 mov/min, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) para TSC e os valores observados para PL e ITU foram 3,8; 3,8; 4,6; 4,1 kg e 77,7; 79,7; 80,6; 80,1, respectivamente. Houve efeito sazonal dos meses avaliados sobre a taxa respiratória dos animais, no entanto, isso não alterou a PL nem o ITU. O ambiente amazônico é propício a causar estresse térmico em vacas lactantes mantidas a pasto, sendo necessário o uso de sombreamento para facilitar a capacidade de dissipação de calor corporal desses animais.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Modalidades Fisiológicas , Estações do Ano , Pastagens , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Brachiaria
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(2): 635-652, mar.-abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434405


Rectal temperature (RT), heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (RR), determined as repeated measurements over time in female goats, were used to identify covariance matrices that best fit the data for residual modeling on these three traits. Then, based on this result, the goats' responses to heat were evaluated. Five matrices were found with convergence for the three traits. The Heterogeneous Compound Symmetry matrix showed a good fit for modeling the residual associated with RT, whereas the Heterogeneous Autoregressive matrix had a better fit for RR and HR, according to the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), corrected AIC (AICc), and Schwarz Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) used. After adjusting the residual data for these three traits, a mixed-model analysis was used to evaluate collection period (3), physiological stage (3), and animal age (3) as fixed effects. Residual modeling interfered differently with the p-value associated with the fixed effects studied. Collection period and interactions did not influence the variation in RT (P>0.761), which was within the standard range for goats in the tropics, while the physiological stage of the goats affected it (P<0.05). Rectal temperature, HR, and RR tend to show covariance structures that can be modeled using specific residual covariance matrices, that is, the heterogeneous compound symmetry matrix best suits RT data, whereas the heterogeneous autoregressive matrix is better suited for HR and RR, which are usually correlated. The goats of the evaluated breed maintain RT within the range of variation displayed by breeds adapted to a hot environment, regardless of their physiological condition. Variations occur in RR and HR, without, however, exceeding the normal range for goats. Pregnancy causes goats to raise their RR in the rainy season of the year in the region in order to maintain RT within the normal range for the species.(AU)

Utilizou-se a Temperatura retal (TR), Frequências cardíaca (FC) e respiratória (FR) aferidas como medidas repetidas no tempo em fêmeas caprinas, objetivando-se identificar matrizes de estruturas de covariância que melhor se ajustou aos dados para modelagem do resíduo nessas três características e, em seguida, avaliou-se a respostas de cabras ao calor, com base nesse resultado. Constatou-se cinco matrizes com convergência nas três características. A Simétrica composta heterogênea ajustou-se bem para modelagem do resíduo associado a TR, enquanto a Autorregressiva heterogênea ajustou-se melhor para a FR e FC, de acordo com os critérios de informação de Akaike (AIC), Akaike corrigido (AICc) e o Bayesiano de Schwarz (BIC) utilizados. Com o resíduos de dados dessas três características ajustados, utilizou-se uma análise com modelos mistos para avaliar a Época de coleta (3), Estado fisiológico (3) e Idade do animal (3) foram como efeitos fixos. Constatou-se que a modelagem do resíduo interferiu de modo diferenciado no p valor associado aos efeitos fixos estudados. A época da coleta e interações não influenciaram a variação da TR (P>0,761), que oscilou dentro da faixa padrão para caprinos nos trópicos, mas o Estágio fisiológico da cabra sim (P<0,05). A Temperatura retal e as Frequências cardíaca e respiratória tendem a apresentar estruturas de covariâncias modeláveis com utilização de matrizes de covariâncias residuais especificas, ou seja, a matriz Simétrica composta heterogênea mais adequada para dados da Temperatura retal, enquanto a Autorregressiva heterogênea para as Frequências cardíaca e respiratória, geralmente correlacionas. As cabras da raça avaliadas mantêm a temperatura retal dentro da amplitude de variação apresentada por raças adaptadas a ambiente quente. Isso ocorre independente da condição fisiológica que se encontra, mas com ocorrência de variação na frequência respiratória e cardíaca, não excedendo, no entanto, a faixa normal para caprinos. A gestação condiciona a cabra a elevar a FR na época chuvosa do ano na região para manter a TR na faixa de amplitude normal para caprinos.(AU)

Cabras/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(1): e20210544, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375168


ABSTRACT: This study presented relevant aspects about the Amazonian environment and how it impacts the thermal comfort of domestic buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) raised in the Eastern Amazon. Furthermore, strategies for monitoring and mitigating animal heat stress are presented, based on research results with the species. Although domestic buffaloes are considered adaptable animals, exposure to intense solar radiation causes thermal discomfort. This condition is expressed in biophysical indicators, in metabolic, endocrine, behavioral responses, and in body thermographic patterns. Therefore, the biometeorological monitoring of production is crucial to support decision-making regarding environmental management strategies, genetic selection of thermotolerant individuals, and increase in animal welfare. Lastly, the use of silvopastoral systems can help to provide higher thermal comfort, which is a condition that directly impacts the productivity of milk and meat buffaloes when they are raised in tropical regions, such as in the Eastern Amazon.

RESUMO: Objetivou-se apresentar aspectos relevantes sobre o ambiente amazônico e como este impacta no conforto térmico de búfalos domésticos (Bubalus bubalis) criados na Amazônia Oriental. Adicionalmente, são apresentadas estratégias para monitoramento e mitigação do estresse térmico animal, a partir de resultados de pesquisa com a espécie. Apesar dos búfalos domésticos serem considerados animais adaptáveis, a exposição à intensa radiação solar provoca desconforto térmico. Essa condição é expressa em indicadores biofísicos, nas respostas metabólicas, endócrinas, comportamentais e nos padrões termográficos corporais. Assim, o monitoramento biometeorológico da produção é crucial para subsidiar tomadas de decisão em relação a estratégias de manejo ambiental, seleção genética de indivíduos termotolerantes e incremento do bem-estar animal. Por fim, o uso de sistemas silvipastoris pode auxiliar na oferta de maior conforto térmico, que é uma condição que impacta diretamente na produtividade de bubalinos de leite e carne, quando estes são criados em regiões tropicais, como na Amazônia Oriental.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(1): 1-18, 2023. mapas, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1410661


This study presented relevant aspects about the Amazonian environment and how it impacts the thermal comfort of domestic buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) raised in the Eastern Amazon. Furthermore, strategies for monitoring and mitigating animal heat stress are presented, based on research results with the species. Although domestic buffaloes are considered adaptable animals, exposure to intense solar radiation causes thermal discomfort. This condition is expressed in biophysical indicators, in metabolic, endocrine, behavioral responses, and in body thermographic patterns. Therefore, the biometeorological monitoring of production is crucial to support decision-making regarding environmental management strategies, genetic selection of thermotolerant individuals, and increase in animal welfare. Lastly, the use of silvopastoral systems can help to provide higher thermal comfort, which is a condition that directly impacts the productivity of milk and meat buffaloes when they are raised in tropical regions, such as in the Eastern Amazon.

Objetivou-se apresentar aspectos relevantes sobre o ambiente amazônico e como este impacta no conforto térmico de búfalos domésticos (Bubalus bubalis) criados na Amazônia Oriental. Adicionalmente, são apresentadas estratégias para monitoramento e mitigação do estresse térmico animal, a partir de resultados de pesquisa com a espécie. Apesar dos búfalos domésticos serem considerados animais adaptáveis, a exposição à intensa radiação solar provoca desconforto térmico. Essa condição é expressa em indicadores biofísicos, nas respostas metabólicas, endócrinas, comportamentais e nos padrões termográficos corporais. Assim, o monitoramento biometeorológico da produção é crucial para subsidiar tomadas de decisão em relação a estratégias de manejo ambiental, seleção genética de indivíduos termotolerantes e incremento do bem-estar animal. Por fim, o uso de sistemas silvipastoris pode auxiliar na oferta de maior conforto térmico, que é uma condição que impacta diretamente na produtividade de bubalinos de leite e carne, quando estes são criados em regiões tropicais, como na Amazônia Oriental.

Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Búfalos , Ecossistema Amazônico , Radiação Solar
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e58568, mar. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1391260


We examined the abiotic factors and co-specific competition for food resources that regulate the foraging activity of Oxaea flavescens bees on Styrax camporum flowers. Foraging records were gathered during 20 min. periods at the beginning of each hour between 05:00h and 18:00h during three nonconsecutive days. Pearson correlation and linear regression tests indicated that the foraging activity of O. flavescens was associated with abiotic factors during the day. O. flavescens represented 89.9% of the observed foraging visits to S. camporum flowers. On the first day of sampling, when environmental conditions were stressful, the foraging activity of O. flavescens was significantly negatively correlated with light intensity, wind speed, and temperature, and positively correlated with relative humidity. Under those conditions, optimal foraging was little affected by the availability of floral resources. On the second and third days, however, when environmental conditions were more favorable, the principal limiting factor of O. flavescens foraging activity was nectar depletion. The maximum peak of foraging under those conditions occurred before the abiotic conditions were fully favorable, however, as the eventual depletion of floral resources resulted in unfavorable cost/benefit implications for foraging during the otherwise most adequate daylight period.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Styrax/química , Fatores Abióticos , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Recursos Alimentares
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(03): 1-8, July 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33516


Comfort index and environmental variables are indicators of thermal stress conditions inside a livestock facility.The environmental conditions of ten different constructive typologies of swine-production facilities with natural ventilation were characterized in a tropical country (Antioquia, Colombia). Temperature and humidity index (THI), enthalpy (H), animal surface temperature (ST), light intensity, and noise level were measured and computed for each typology, which were located at heights above sea levels between 8:00-23:00. Data was analyzed as a function of each typology, geographical altitude, and time of the day. It was employed descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and contour maps to analyze the data. It was found that more than 80% of the typologies presented moderate or critical stress conditions associated with the construction typology, not suitable THI and light intensity values, especially in warm and mild-mild climates. Showing high special variability inside the facilities. New typological designs and bioclimatic conditioning for swine facilities need to be studied to be implemented in these climatic conditions.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/metabolismo , Suínos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/efeitos da radiação
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(3): 1-8, July 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484363


Comfort index and environmental variables are indicators of thermal stress conditions inside a livestock facility.The environmental conditions of ten different constructive typologies of swine-production facilities with natural ventilation were characterized in a tropical country (Antioquia, Colombia). Temperature and humidity index (THI), enthalpy (H), animal surface temperature (ST), light intensity, and noise level were measured and computed for each typology, which were located at heights above sea levels between 8:00-23:00. Data was analyzed as a function of each typology, geographical altitude, and time of the day. It was employed descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and contour maps to analyze the data. It was found that more than 80% of the typologies presented moderate or critical stress conditions associated with the construction typology, not suitable THI and light intensity values, especially in warm and mild-mild climates. Showing high special variability inside the facilities. New typological designs and bioclimatic conditioning for swine facilities need to be studied to be implemented in these climatic conditions.

Animais , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/efeitos da radiação , Suínos/fisiologia , Suínos/metabolismo
Colloq. Agrar ; 17(1): 93-103, jan.-fev. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481615


Para garantir sementes com alta qualidade fisiológica resultando em um estande de plantas uniforme, resiliente e tolerante a estresses abióticos, procedimentos que possam melhorar o potencial da semente, como a utilização de bioestimulantes, necessitam ser estudados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito do recobrimento de sementes de diferentes cultivares de cenoura com bioestimulante a base da alga Solieria filiformis na germinação de sementes e desenvolvimento de plântulas em estresse térmico. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 4 x 4 (cultivares e doses), com cinco repetições. Foram utilizadas sementes de cenoura das cultivares Brasília, Danvers, Esplanada e Planalto, e o recobrimento das sementes foi realizado com as doses de 0, 2, 4 e 8 mL.L-1 de bioestimulante. Após o recobrimento as sementes foram submetidas as seguintes avaliações: porcentagem e velocidade de germinação, comprimento de plântulas, massa seca de plântulas e envelhecimento acelerado. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e à análise de regressão (doses) e teste de Tukey (cultivares). Não houve melhorias na germinação e crescimento de plântulas de cenoura em condições adequadas de temperatura, contudo observou-se maior velocidade de germinação na temperatura de 30°C para a cultivar...

To guarantee seeds with high physiological quality, resulting in a uniform plant stand, resilient and tolerant to abiotic stresses, procedures that can improve the seed potential, such as the use of biostimulant, need to be studied. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of seed coating of different carrot cultivars with biostimulant based on the algae Solieria filiformis on seed germination and seedling development under thermal stress. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, with a 4 x 4 factorial scheme (cultivars and doses), with five replications. Carrot seeds from the cultivars Brasília, Danvers, Esplanada and Planalto were used, and the seeds were covered with doses of 0, 2, 4 and 8 mL.L-1 of biostimulant. After covering and sterilizing, the seeds were submitted to evaluations of: percentage and germination speed, seedling length, seedling dry mass and accelerated aging. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and regression analysis (doses) and Tukey test (cultivars). There were no improvements in the germination and growth of carrot seedlings under adequate temperature conditions, however there was a higher germination speed at a temperature of 30°C for the Brasilia cultivar, an increase in the shoot and root growth at seed temperature 30 °C for Esplanada and Planalto cultivars and dry root mass for...

Daucus carota/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Germinação , Rodófitas
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(01): 1-12, Jan. 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765629


The present review aims to analyze the effect of extremely hot climates on the neurophysiological responses of thermal control and behavior in the river buffalo. Understanding thermal neuromodulation and its effects on the buffalo's behavior is of central importance, for this will allow us to make better decisions in terms of improving the level of welfare of buffaloes living in environments characterized by extreme heat, such as the humid tropics. The thermoregulation process involves a complex mechanism that begins with the integration of peripheral signals that are sent to the lateral parabrachial nucleus of the brainstem and then to the preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus to generate physiological variations such as vasodilatation to dissipate heat under conditions of thermal stress, or vasoconstriction to conserve heat upon the perception of cold stimuli. The thermal biology of the river buffalo is based on several different adaptation mechanisms. The infrared thermography (IRT) technique will be of great help in this area because it permits the detection of vascular microcirculation changes in different thermal windows under adverse climatic conditions. Although buffaloes are classified as rustic animals, it is important to take into account their morpho-physiology and thermoregulation mechanisms to prevent thermal stress and the resulting poor welfare and reduced productivity. However, if appropriate thermoregulation facilities are provided (i.e., ponds, pools, potholes, or swampy areas), buffaloes can properly thermoregulate and tolerate high ambient temperatures. Therefore, they may represent a good option and an appropriate animal-based enterprise under climate change and global warming conditions.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia
Colloq. agrar. ; 17(1): 93-103, jan.-fev. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30811


Para garantir sementes com alta qualidade fisiológica resultando em um estande de plantas uniforme, resiliente e tolerante a estresses abióticos, procedimentos que possam melhorar o potencial da semente, como a utilização de bioestimulantes, necessitam ser estudados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito do recobrimento de sementes de diferentes cultivares de cenoura com bioestimulante a base da alga Solieria filiformis na germinação de sementes e desenvolvimento de plântulas em estresse térmico. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 4 x 4 (cultivares e doses), com cinco repetições. Foram utilizadas sementes de cenoura das cultivares Brasília, Danvers, Esplanada e Planalto, e o recobrimento das sementes foi realizado com as doses de 0, 2, 4 e 8 mL.L-1 de bioestimulante. Após o recobrimento as sementes foram submetidas as seguintes avaliações: porcentagem e velocidade de germinação, comprimento de plântulas, massa seca de plântulas e envelhecimento acelerado. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e à análise de regressão (doses) e teste de Tukey (cultivares). Não houve melhorias na germinação e crescimento de plântulas de cenoura em condições adequadas de temperatura, contudo observou-se maior velocidade de germinação na temperatura de 30°C para a cultivar...(AU)

To guarantee seeds with high physiological quality, resulting in a uniform plant stand, resilient and tolerant to abiotic stresses, procedures that can improve the seed potential, such as the use of biostimulant, need to be studied. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of seed coating of different carrot cultivars with biostimulant based on the algae Solieria filiformis on seed germination and seedling development under thermal stress. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, with a 4 x 4 factorial scheme (cultivars and doses), with five replications. Carrot seeds from the cultivars Brasília, Danvers, Esplanada and Planalto were used, and the seeds were covered with doses of 0, 2, 4 and 8 mL.L-1 of biostimulant. After covering and sterilizing, the seeds were submitted to evaluations of: percentage and germination speed, seedling length, seedling dry mass and accelerated aging. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and regression analysis (doses) and Tukey test (cultivars). There were no improvements in the germination and growth of carrot seedlings under adequate temperature conditions, however there was a higher germination speed at a temperature of 30°C for the Brasilia cultivar, an increase in the shoot and root growth at seed temperature 30 °C for Esplanada and Planalto cultivars and dry root mass for...(AU)

Daucus carota/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Germinação , Rodófitas
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(1): 1-12, Jan. 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484334


The present review aims to analyze the effect of extremely hot climates on the neurophysiological responses of thermal control and behavior in the river buffalo. Understanding thermal neuromodulation and its effects on the buffalo's behavior is of central importance, for this will allow us to make better decisions in terms of improving the level of welfare of buffaloes living in environments characterized by extreme heat, such as the humid tropics. The thermoregulation process involves a complex mechanism that begins with the integration of peripheral signals that are sent to the lateral parabrachial nucleus of the brainstem and then to the preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus to generate physiological variations such as vasodilatation to dissipate heat under conditions of thermal stress, or vasoconstriction to conserve heat upon the perception of cold stimuli. The thermal biology of the river buffalo is based on several different adaptation mechanisms. The infrared thermography (IRT) technique will be of great help in this area because it permits the detection of vascular microcirculation changes in different thermal windows under adverse climatic conditions. Although buffaloes are classified as rustic animals, it is important to take into account their morpho-physiology and thermoregulation mechanisms to prevent thermal stress and the resulting poor welfare and reduced productivity. However, if appropriate thermoregulation facilities are provided (i.e., ponds, pools, potholes, or swampy areas), buffaloes can properly thermoregulate and tolerate high ambient temperatures. Therefore, they may represent a good option and an appropriate animal-based enterprise under climate change and global warming conditions.

Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 08(03): 215-222, July 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763891


Heat stress is one of the most crucial issues in broiler production, particularly in tropical regions. Thermal stress may pose several problems related to growth, feed intake,nutrient utilization, physiological condition, immune function, intestinal ecology, and morphology as well as the antioxidantsystem in the body of chickens. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is rich in curcumin, which can serve as an antioxidant. Being partof the nutritional interventions, treatment using turmeric has been documented to alleviate the negative impact of heatstress on broiler chickens, in terms of production, physiology, immunology, and antioxidant status of broilers. The presentreview elucidates the alleviation of heat stress in broiler chicken using turmeric based on the most recent literature.(AU)

Animais , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/efeitos da radiação , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/fisiologia , Curcuma/efeitos adversos
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 8(3): 215-222, July 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484319


Heat stress is one of the most crucial issues in broiler production, particularly in tropical regions. Thermal stress may pose several problems related to growth, feed intake,nutrient utilization, physiological condition, immune function, intestinal ecology, and morphology as well as the antioxidantsystem in the body of chickens. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is rich in curcumin, which can serve as an antioxidant. Being partof the nutritional interventions, treatment using turmeric has been documented to alleviate the negative impact of heatstress on broiler chickens, in terms of production, physiology, immunology, and antioxidant status of broilers. The presentreview elucidates the alleviation of heat stress in broiler chicken using turmeric based on the most recent literature.

Animais , Curcuma/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/fisiologia , Galinhas/imunologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/efeitos da radiação
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 8(1): 25-31, Jan. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25819


The study was conducted to establish the differences in the expression pattern of different cell surface toll-likereceptors (TLRs) between indigenous Osmanabadi and Salem Black goats subjected to summer season induced heat stress. The primary objective of the study is to assess the thermotolerance ability of these two breeds based on maintaining the immune status during exposure to heat stress. The results indicated that the expression of TLR1, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6, and TLR10 genes in both the breeds showed different expression pattern. The expression pattern of all these genes did not differed between the control (OC) and heat stress (OHS) group in Osmanabadi breed but significantly higher (P<0.05) expression of these genes were reported in heat stress group (SBHS) as compared to control group (SBC) in Salem Black breed. However, the striking difference was established in the expression pattern of TLR2 between these breeds. The TLR expression was significantly higher in heat stress group of Osmanabadi breed. But TLR2 did not express in Salem Back breed. The higher expression of most of the cell surface TLRs in the SBHS group as compared to OHS group indicates the superior resilient capacity of Salem Black goats to maintain immune status even during exposure to adverse environmental condition. Further, these TLRs could serve as indicators to reflect better thermo-tolerance of Salem Black breed over Osmanabadi breed.(AU)

Animais , Cabras/genética , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/genética , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Receptores Toll-Like , Termotolerância/genética
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 8(1): 25-31, Jan. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484292


The study was conducted to establish the differences in the expression pattern of different cell surface toll-likereceptors (TLRs) between indigenous Osmanabadi and Salem Black goats subjected to summer season induced heat stress. The primary objective of the study is to assess the thermotolerance ability of these two breeds based on maintaining the immune status during exposure to heat stress. The results indicated that the expression of TLR1, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6, and TLR10 genes in both the breeds showed different expression pattern. The expression pattern of all these genes did not differed between the control (OC) and heat stress (OHS) group in Osmanabadi breed but significantly higher (P<0.05) expression of these genes were reported in heat stress group (SBHS) as compared to control group (SBC) in Salem Black breed. However, the striking difference was established in the expression pattern of TLR2 between these breeds. The TLR expression was significantly higher in heat stress group of Osmanabadi breed. But TLR2 did not express in Salem Back breed. The higher expression of most of the cell surface TLRs in the SBHS group as compared to OHS group indicates the superior resilient capacity of Salem Black goats to maintain immune status even during exposure to adverse environmental condition. Further, these TLRs could serve as indicators to reflect better thermo-tolerance of Salem Black breed over Osmanabadi breed.

Animais , Cabras/genética , Receptores Toll-Like , Termotolerância/genética , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/genética , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 08(04): 288-297, Oct. 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763894


The objective of this review article is to discuss and analyze the most important scientific findings from studies of vascular microcirculation in the river buffalo using infrared thermography (IRT), as well as the thermal windows utilizedwith this species. The goals are to define the scope and areas of opportunity for IRT use in evaluating physiological processes and identifying potential applications in reproductive events associated with andrological traits inmales and the detection of estrus and udder health in females. IRT has allowed the development of diverse perspectives regarding the comparative physiology of events likethermogenesis, peripheral blood flow, respiratory physiology, and mechanisms that reduce body temperature. The case of the river buffalo is no exception. According to the information analyzed, the temperatures of the orbital area, muzzle, andvulva have proven efficient for evaluating thermal comfort, a particularly important aspect of this species given its limited thermoregulating capacity and constant exposure to extremetemperatures. Evaluating scrotal temperature has been revealed as an appropriate tool for evaluating semen quality, while the surface temperature of the udder is useful in assessing mammary development in female buffaloes, two aspects of great zootechnical importance. In future studies, IRT will play a fundamental role in enhancing our understanding of the river buffalo's mechanisms of vascular microcirculation, with applications in productivity and behavior.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Bovinos , Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Termografia/tendências , Termografia/veterinária , Búfalos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/efeitos da radiação
R. bras. Saúde Prod. Anim. ; 21: e2121062020, Aug. 7, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29066


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of thermal stress on the physiological and metabolic parameters in laying hens and the microbiological quality of eggs. The experiment was performed with 50 Rhode Island Red hens in the initial laying phase, under standard diet, lodged in 20 m² stalls under controlled temperature, for 30 days. The laying hens were randomly divided into two groups: G1 - the control group, which contained 10 hens exposed to the temperature of 17 ºC; G2 - the treatment group, which contained 40 hens exposed to the temperature of 30 ºC. The physiological parameters evaluated were: cloacal temperature, body surface temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and weight. Biochemical tests included total protein, albumin, globulin, and glucose. The group subjected to thermal stress showed lower body weight, increased heart rate, a slight increase in the respiratory rate, and increase in body surface temperature when compared with the control group (P < 0.05), although no significant differences were observed regarding cloacal temperature. As for the metabolic parameters, the treated group showed an increase in total proteins and globulins compared with the control group (P < 0.05), while albumin remained at basal levels. Additionally, hypoglycemia was observed in the treated group. Samples from egg shells and yolk were subjected to the analyses for the detection of Salmonella spp. These microorganisms were not detected amongst the egg samples.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do estresse térmico nos parâmetros fisiológicos e metabólicos de poedeiras, bem como na qualidade microbiológica dos ovos. O experimento foi realizado com 50 poedeiras da raça Rhode Island Red, em fase inicial de postura, recebendo dieta padronizada, alojadas em baias com aproximadamente 20 m2, com temperatura controlada, durante um período de 30 dias. As aves foram aleatoriamente divididas em dois grupos: G1 - grupo controle contendo 10 poedeiras expostas a uma temperatura de 17 °C; e G2 - grupo tratamento contendo 40 poedeiras expostas a uma temperatura de 30 °C. Os parâmetros fisiológicos avaliados foram: temperatura cloacal, temperatura corporal superficial, frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória e peso. Foram realizados os exames bioquímicos de proteína total, albumina, globulina e glicose. No grupo mantido sob estresse térmico foi observado menor peso corporal, aumento na frequência cardíaca, leve aumento na frequência respiratória e aumento na temperatura corporal superficial quando comparado ao grupo controle (P < 0.05), enquanto que para temperatura cloacal não houve diferença entre os grupos. Com relação às avaliações metabólicas, foi observado um aumento nas proteínas totais e globulinas das aves do grupo tratado quando comparado ao grupo controle (P < 0.05), enquanto que a albumina se manteve a níveis basais. Adicionalmente, observou-se hipoglicemia no grupo tratado. Amostras da casca e gema dos ovos foram submetidas à análise de Salmonella spp.. O patógeno não foi detectado em nenhuma das amostras analisadas.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/fisiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/fisiopatologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Proteínas/análise , Proteínas/ultraestrutura , Ovos/análise , Salmonella
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 8(4): 288-297, Oct. 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484323


The objective of this review article is to discuss and analyze the most important scientific findings from studies of vascular microcirculation in the river buffalo using infrared thermography (IRT), as well as the thermal windows utilizedwith this species. The goals are to define the scope and areas of opportunity for IRT use in evaluating physiological processes and identifying potential applications in reproductive events associated with andrological traits inmales and the detection of estrus and udder health in females. IRT has allowed the development of diverse perspectives regarding the comparative physiology of events likethermogenesis, peripheral blood flow, respiratory physiology, and mechanisms that reduce body temperature. The case of the river buffalo is no exception. According to the information analyzed, the temperatures of the orbital area, muzzle, andvulva have proven efficient for evaluating thermal comfort, a particularly important aspect of this species given its limited thermoregulating capacity and constant exposure to extremetemperatures. Evaluating scrotal temperature has been revealed as an appropriate tool for evaluating semen quality, while the surface temperature of the udder is useful in assessing mammary development in female buffaloes, two aspects of great zootechnical importance. In future studies, IRT will play a fundamental role in enhancing our understanding of the river buffalo's mechanisms of vascular microcirculation, with applications in productivity and behavior.

Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/efeitos da radiação , Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Termografia/tendências , Termografia/veterinária
Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 21: e2121062020, Feb. 14, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1493848


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of thermal stress on the physiological and metabolic parameters in laying hens and the microbiological quality of eggs. The experiment was performed with 50 Rhode Island Red hens in the initial laying phase, under standard diet, lodged in 20 m² stalls under controlled temperature, for 30 days. The laying hens were randomly divided into two groups: G1 - the control group, which contained 10 hens exposed to the temperature of 17 ºC; G2 - the treatment group, which contained 40 hens exposed to the temperature of 30 ºC. The physiological parameters evaluated were: cloacal temperature, body surface temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and weight. Biochemical tests included total protein, albumin, globulin, and glucose. The group subjected to thermal stress showed lower body weight, increased heart rate, a slight increase in the respiratory rate, and increase in body surface temperature when compared with the control group (P < 0.05), although no significant differences were observed regarding cloacal temperature. As for the metabolic parameters, the treated group showed an increase in total proteins and globulins compared with the control group (P < 0.05), while albumin remained at basal levels. Additionally, hypoglycemia was observed in the treated group. Samples from egg shells and yolk were subjected to the analyses for the detection of Salmonella spp. These microorganisms were not detected amongst the egg samples.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do estresse térmico nos parâmetros fisiológicos e metabólicos de poedeiras, bem como na qualidade microbiológica dos ovos. O experimento foi realizado com 50 poedeiras da raça Rhode Island Red, em fase inicial de postura, recebendo dieta padronizada, alojadas em baias com aproximadamente 20 m2, com temperatura controlada, durante um período de 30 dias. As aves foram aleatoriamente divididas em dois grupos: G1 - grupo controle contendo 10 poedeiras expostas a uma temperatura de 17 °C; e G2 - grupo tratamento contendo 40 poedeiras expostas a uma temperatura de 30 °C. Os parâmetros fisiológicos avaliados foram: temperatura cloacal, temperatura corporal superficial, frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória e peso. Foram realizados os exames bioquímicos de proteína total, albumina, globulina e glicose. No grupo mantido sob estresse térmico foi observado menor peso corporal, aumento na frequência cardíaca, leve aumento na frequência respiratória e aumento na temperatura corporal superficial quando comparado ao grupo controle (P < 0.05), enquanto que para temperatura cloacal não houve diferença entre os grupos. Com relação às avaliações metabólicas, foi observado um aumento nas proteínas totais e globulinas das aves do grupo tratado quando comparado ao grupo controle (P < 0.05), enquanto que a albumina se manteve a níveis basais. Adicionalmente, observou-se hipoglicemia no grupo tratado. Amostras da casca e gema dos ovos foram submetidas à análise de Salmonella spp.. O patógeno não foi detectado em nenhuma das amostras analisadas.

Feminino , Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Proteínas/análise , Proteínas/ultraestrutura , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/fisiopatologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Salmonella
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 23(1, cont.): e2308, 20200000. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1129310


O objetivo desse artigo foi avaliar o conforto térmico de bovinos leiteiros confinados em instalações Compost Barn com base em índices de conforto térmico, parâmetros fisiológicos, escore de higiene e claudicação. A pesquisa foi realizada, em uma propriedade do município de Três Corações no estado de Minas Gerais no período de verão e inverno de 2016. As variáveis microclimáticas e os escores de limpeza e de locomoção foram analisadas por meio da estatística descritiva. Os parâmetros fisiológicos foram submetidos a um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados em parcela subdividida no tempo, por meio da análise de variância e teste de Scott-Knott. Pode-se concluir que não ocorreu estresse térmico nos animais na estação de verão e inverno. Os parâmetros fisiológicos se encontraram dentro dos limites de conforto animal. Existe um relacionamento maior entre a frequência respiratória, temperatura superficial e temperatura retal e os índices de conforto animal no verão, quando comparada com o inverno. Para a análise dos escores, as vacas apresentaram uma melhoria na limpeza e um número muito baixo de vacas com problemas de cascos.(AU)

The purpose of this article is to evaluate the thermal comfort of dairy cattle confined in compost barn facilities based on thermal comfort indexes, physiological parameters, hygiene score, and claudication. The research was carried out in a property in the city of Três Corações in the state of Minas Gerais during the summer and winter of 2016. The microclimatic variables and the cleaning and locomotion scores were analyzed through a descriptive statistics analysis. The physiological parameters were submitted to an experimental design in randomized blocks in a subdivided plot, using analysis of variance and Scott-Knott's test. It can be concluded that no thermal stress occurred on the animals during the summer and winter seasons. There is a greater relationship between respiratory rate, surface and rectal temperature, and the animal comfort indexes in summer compared to winter. For the analysis of the scores, the cattle showed an improvement in cleaning and a very low number of cows presented hoof problems.(AU)

El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar el confort térmico de bovinos lecheros confinados en instalaciones Compost Barn con base en índices de confort térmico, parámetros fisiológicos, puntuación de higiene y claudicación. La investigación se realizó en una propiedad del municipio de Tres Corações en el estado de Minas Gerais, en el período de verano e invierno de 2016. Las variables microclimáticas y los escores de limpieza y de locomoción fueron analizados por medio de estadística descriptiva. Los parámetros fisiológicos fueron sometidos a un delineamiento experimental en bloques casualizados en parcela subdividida en el tiempo, por medio del análisis de varianza y prueba de Scott-Knott. Se puede concluir que no ocurrió estrés térmico en los animales en la estación de verano e invierno. Los parámetros fisiológicos se encontraron dentro de los límites de confort animal. Hay una relación mayor entre la frecuencia respiratoria, la temperatura superficial y la temperatura rectal y los índices de confort animal en verano, en comparación con el invierno. Para el análisis de los escores, las vacas presentaron mejora en la limpieza y un número muy bajo de vacas con problemas de cascos.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/fisiologia , Higiene , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Casco e Garras , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Claudicação Intermitente