Background: Tibiotarsal joint luxations are mostly traumatic and due to automobile accidents. The arthrodesis of this joint is considered the final solution for trauma with ligament lesions without repair, luxations without possibility of joint recovery and chronic joint diseases. The direction to which the joint is dislocated is associated with the forces of trauma, and bilateral ligament injuries are not uncommon. However, the medial ligaments are more frequently injured. The aim of this study is to describe the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis using a customized titanium plate for application to the medial surface of the joint.Case: An undefined breed dog, weighing 21.5 kg, was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) with history of trauma and injury in the right pelvic limb. After physical and radiographic examinations it was diagnosed with an exposed luxation of the tibiotarsal joint and tissue loss in the region. The tibiotarsal region was cleaned and a bandage was made daily until the first surgical procedure, which occurred five days later. Initially, it was treated without success with the use of a transarticular external fixator1 . Subsequently, pantarsal arthrodesis was performed using a customized titanium angled plate (Made by a private manufacturer based on the functional angulation of the tibiotarsal joint of the contralateral limb). The joint was accessed for exposure of the distal portion of the tibia, tarsal and metatarsals bones. Wear of the articular surfaces was performed and then the customized angulation plate for pantarsal arthrodesis was placed on the medial side of the joint. Bicortical drillings were performed, starting with the proximal orifice. According to the holes of the plate, five 3.5 mm diameter screws1 (four at the distal tibia and one at the tarsus) and four 2.7 mm diameter screws were used in the metatarsal bones.[...](AU)
Animais , Adulto , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Tarso Animal/lesões , Titânio/uso terapêuticoResumo
Background: Tibiotarsal joint luxations are mostly traumatic and due to automobile accidents. The arthrodesis of this joint is considered the final solution for trauma with ligament lesions without repair, luxations without possibility of joint recovery and chronic joint diseases. The direction to which the joint is dislocated is associated with the forces of trauma, and bilateral ligament injuries are not uncommon. However, the medial ligaments are more frequently injured. The aim of this study is to describe the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis using a customized titanium plate for application to the medial surface of the joint.Case: An undefined breed dog, weighing 21.5 kg, was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) with history of trauma and injury in the right pelvic limb. After physical and radiographic examinations it was diagnosed with an exposed luxation of the tibiotarsal joint and tissue loss in the region. The tibiotarsal region was cleaned and a bandage was made daily until the first surgical procedure, which occurred five days later. Initially, it was treated without success with the use of a transarticular external fixator1 . Subsequently, pantarsal arthrodesis was performed using a customized titanium angled plate (Made by a private manufacturer based on the functional angulation of the tibiotarsal joint of the contralateral limb). The joint was accessed for exposure of the distal portion of the tibia, tarsal and metatarsals bones. Wear of the articular surfaces was performed and then the customized angulation plate for pantarsal arthrodesis was placed on the medial side of the joint. Bicortical drillings were performed, starting with the proximal orifice. According to the holes of the plate, five 3.5 mm diameter screws1 (four at the distal tibia and one at the tarsus) and four 2.7 mm diameter screws were used in the metatarsal bones.[...]
Animais , Adulto , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Tarso Animal/lesões , Titânio/uso terapêuticoResumo
A hiperextensão articular tibiotársica é uma enfermidade de cunho hereditário e de rara incidência em animais de companhia. A hiperextensão articular pode afetar os membros pélvicos e é caracterizada pela hiperextensão tibiotársica, e pela dificuldade de flexão do membro acometido, atingindo em alguns casos a articulação do joelho. A escolha do tratamento é baseada no diagnóstico precoce, que quanto antes realizado, mais aumenta as possibilidades de resultados favoráveis. Foram atendidos dois filhotes, um da raça yorkshire terrier e outro da raça schnauzer, apresentando queixa de deficiência de locomoção em membros pélvicos, sendo ambos diagnosticados com hiperextensão da articulação tibiotársica. O tratamento conservativo foi instituído por meio de fisioterapia passiva, ativa e bandagens, proporcionando boa recuperação funcional sem necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica.(AU)
Tibiotarsal joint hyperextension is a hereditary pathology of rare incidence in companion animals, which affects the pelvic limbs. It is characterized by hyperextension of the tibiotarsal joint, as well as by difficulty in flexing the affected limb. In some cases it can also affect the knee joint. Treatment choice and prognosis are critically dependent on early diagnosis, which increases favorable results. A Yorkshire Terrier pup and a Schnauzer pup with locomotion deficiency in the pelvic limbs were diagnosed with tibiotarsal joint hyperextension. Conservative treatment with passive and active physiotherapy and bandages was started, and provided good functional recovery without the need of surgical intervention.(AU)
La hiperextensión de la articulación tibiotársica es una enfermedad que puede ser hereditária y tiene baja incidencia en animales de compañia. Afecta los miembros posteriores y se caracteriza por una hiperextensión de la articulación tibiotársica, dificultad para flexionar el miembro acometido, y llega a afectar la articulación de la rodilla. La elección del tratamiento se fundamenta en un diagnóstico precoz, que aumenta las posibilidades de resultados favorables. Se atendieron dos cachorros, un Yorkshire terrier y un Schnauzer, que presentaban problemas de locomoción en miembros posteriores, ambos con hiperextensión tibiotársica. El tratamiento conservador se realizó mediante fisioterapia pasiva, activa y vendajes, proporcionando una buena recuperación funcional, sin que fuera necesario un procedimiento quirúrgico.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Tíbia/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/terapia , Bandagens/veterinária , Técnicas de Exercício e de MovimentoResumo
A hiperextensão articular tibiotársica é uma enfermidade de cunho hereditário e de rara incidência em animais de companhia. A hiperextensão articular pode afetar os membros pélvicos e é caracterizada pela hiperextensão tibiotársica, e pela dificuldade de flexão do membro acometido, atingindo em alguns casos a articulação do joelho. A escolha do tratamento é baseada no diagnóstico precoce, que quanto antes realizado, mais aumenta as possibilidades de resultados favoráveis. Foram atendidos dois filhotes, um da raça yorkshire terrier e outro da raça schnauzer, apresentando queixa de deficiência de locomoção em membros pélvicos, sendo ambos diagnosticados com hiperextensão da articulação tibiotársica. O tratamento conservativo foi instituído por meio de fisioterapia passiva, ativa e bandagens, proporcionando boa recuperação funcional sem necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica.
Tibiotarsal joint hyperextension is a hereditary pathology of rare incidence in companion animals, which affects the pelvic limbs. It is characterized by hyperextension of the tibiotarsal joint, as well as by difficulty in flexing the affected limb. In some cases it can also affect the knee joint. Treatment choice and prognosis are critically dependent on early diagnosis, which increases favorable results. A Yorkshire Terrier pup and a Schnauzer pup with locomotion deficiency in the pelvic limbs were diagnosed with tibiotarsal joint hyperextension. Conservative treatment with passive and active physiotherapy and bandages was started, and provided good functional recovery without the need of surgical intervention.
La hiperextensión de la articulación tibiotársica es una enfermedad que puede ser hereditária y tiene baja incidencia en animales de compañia. Afecta los miembros posteriores y se caracteriza por una hiperextensión de la articulación tibiotársica, dificultad para flexionar el miembro acometido, y llega a afectar la articulación de la rodilla. La elección del tratamiento se fundamenta en un diagnóstico precoz, que aumenta las posibilidades de resultados favorables. Se atendieron dos cachorros, un Yorkshire terrier y un Schnauzer, que presentaban problemas de locomoción en miembros posteriores, ambos con hiperextensión tibiotársica. El tratamiento conservador se realizó mediante fisioterapia pasiva, activa y vendajes, proporcionando una buena recuperación funcional, sin que fuera necesario un procedimiento quirúrgico.