Fire might occur under natural conditions in the Pantanal of Brazil; however, with climate change, severe periods of drought potentiated the devasting fires in 2020, resulting in substantial wildlife loss. Considering that mammal communities are strongly affected by fire and habitat alterations, the aim of this study was to evaluate possible differences in mammal diversity and the number of records before and one year after the fire in one region of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil (Parque SESC Baía das Pedras - PSBP). The data collection was performed using camera trapping between 2015 and 2017 and 2021, together with visual field observations in PSBP. We observed that the mammal assemblage composition was similar before and one year after the fire. Four species were more or less frequent in burned areas than in unburned ones. Since the fire was controlled in this area, avoiding its total destruction, and the species that fled from the surrounding areas, which were completely burnt, might be using PSBP as a refuge while the vegetation recovers elsewhere. Therefore, the PSBP might have contributed to protecting mammal species after the fire and maintaining and conserving biodiversity on a regional scale in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Áreas Alagadas , Incêndios , Mamíferos/classificaçãoResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ethanolic extract of green propolis (EEP) in the protection of common bean plants against two main bacterial cultures, bacterial blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli) and wildfire (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci). Experiments on antimicrobial activity were performed, inducing phytoalexins, defense-related enzymes, and disease severity, under concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0%. The EEP presented antimicrobial activity on both phytobacteria, causing a decrease in their development. It has also promoted a linear accumulation of phaseolin in bean hypocotyls according to the EEP concentration used. There was a reduction in the lesion area, which was caused by bacterial blight on bean leaves treated with EEP, and local and systemic effect were observed. Polyphenoloxidase was activated with 5% EEP, reaching the maximum activation time 62.5 h after application. An increase was observed in the activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in plants treated with EEP, with local and systemic effect. Results indicated the potential of EEP in the control of these diseases.(AU)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o extrato etanólico de própolis verde (EEP) na proteção de plantas de feijoeiro contra as duas principais bacterioses da cultura, crestamento bacteriano (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli) e fogo selvagem (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci). Foram realizados experimentos sobre atividade antimicrobiana indutora de fitoalexinas, de enzimas relacionadas à defesa, e na severidade da doença, usando as concentrações de 0, 0,5, 1,0, 2,5 e 5,0%. O EEP apresentou atividade antimicrobiana sobre ambas fitobactérias, causando uma redução em seu desenvolvimento. O EEP também promoveu um acúmulo linear de faseolina em hipocótilos de feijoeiro conforme a concentração usada. Houve uma redução na área lesionada pelo crestamento bacteriano em folhas de feijoeiro tratadas com EEP, com efeito local e sistêmico. A enzima polifenoloxidase foi ativada pelo EEP a 5%, com ponto máximo de ativação 62,5 horas após aplicação. Houve um aumento na atividade de fenilalanina amônia-liase em plantas tratadas com EEP, com efeito local e sistêmico. Os resultados indicam o potencial do EEP no controle dessas doenças.(AU)
Phaseolus , Própole/análise , Etanol/análise , Anti-InfecciososResumo
Wildland fires can be responsible for negative impacts on the environment, causing damage to the fauna and flora and increasing the release of greenhouse gases. In the state of Amazonas, wildland fires represent a risk for biodiversity conservation, since more than 95% of the state is covered by Amazon rainforest, one of the largest and most biodiverse tropical forests of the world. This study aimed to analyze the spatiotemporal variation of fire occurrence from 2003 to 2016 in the state of Amazonas, based on data from the AQUA satellite processed by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, using the Collection 5 detection algorithm. The correlation between fire incidence versus anthropogenic and climatic variables was also tested. A significant uptrend was observed in the number of hot spots recorded over the years. About 83% of the wildland fires occurred during the months of August, September and October. The variables that correlated significantly with the number of hot spots for each municipality were deforested area, pasture area, agricultural area, municipality area and mean annual rainfall. The municipality with the highest number of hot spots detected was Lábrea, while Careiro da Várzea presented the highest incidence per km2. The southern and eastern regions of the state were the areas most affected by fire during the analyzed period. The results from this study emphasize the need for implementation of public policies aimed to reduce deforestation and wildland fires in the state, thus ensuring the conservation of the Amazon rainforest and its biodiversity.
As queimadas controladas e incêndios florestais podem ser responsáveis por impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, ocasionando danos à fauna e flora e contribuindo para a liberação de gases na atmosfera responsáveis pelo efeito estufa. O fogo no Amazonas representa um grande risco para a preservação da biodiversidade, já que mais de 95% da área do estado é recoberta por floresta amazônica, uma das maiores florestas tropicais do mundo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a variação espaço-temporal dos focos de calor registrados de 2003 a 2016 no estado do Amazonas, com base em dados obtidos através do satélite AQUA e processados pelo INPE, utilizando o algoritmo de detecção Collection 5. Os dados de focos de calor foram correlacionados com variáveis antropogênicas e climáticas. Foi observada uma tendência significativa de alta nos registros de focos de calor ao longo dos anos. Cerca de 83% das detecções ocorreram nos meses de Agosto, Setembro e Outubro. As variáveis área desmatada, área de pastagem, área agrícola, área do município e precipitação média anual apresentaram correlação significativa com o número de focos de calor para cada município. O município com maior registro de focos de calor foi Lábrea, enquanto Careiro da Várzea apresentou a maior incidência por área. Os resultados obtidos ressaltam a necessidade de implementação de políticas públicas que visem a redução do desmatamento e dos incêndios florestais no estado, garantindo a preservação da floresta amazônica e sua biodiversidade.
Análise Espaço-Temporal , Incêndios Florestais , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodos , BrasilResumo
Wildland fires can be responsible for negative impacts on the environment, causing damage to the fauna and flora and increasing the release of greenhouse gases. In the state of Amazonas, wildland fires represent a risk for biodiversity conservation, since more than 95% of the state is covered by Amazon rainforest, one of the largest and most biodiverse tropical forests of the world. This study aimed to analyze the spatiotemporal variation of fire occurrence from 2003 to 2016 in the state of Amazonas, based on data from the AQUA satellite processed by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, using the Collection 5 detection algorithm. The correlation between fire incidence versus anthropogenic and climatic variables was also tested. A significant uptrend was observed in the number of hot spots recorded over the years. About 83% of the wildland fires occurred during the months of August, September and October. The variables that correlated significantly with the number of hot spots for each municipality were deforested area, pasture area, agricultural area, municipality area and mean annual rainfall. The municipality with the highest number of hot spots detected was Lábrea, while Careiro da Várzea presented the highest incidence per km2. The southern and eastern regions of the state were the areas most affected by fire during the analyzed period. The results from this study emphasize the need for implementation of public policies aimed to reduce deforestation and wildland fires in the state, thus ensuring the conservation of the Amazon rainforest and its biodiversity.(AU)
As queimadas controladas e incêndios florestais podem ser responsáveis por impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, ocasionando danos à fauna e flora e contribuindo para a liberação de gases na atmosfera responsáveis pelo efeito estufa. O fogo no Amazonas representa um grande risco para a preservação da biodiversidade, já que mais de 95% da área do estado é recoberta por floresta amazônica, uma das maiores florestas tropicais do mundo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a variação espaço-temporal dos focos de calor registrados de 2003 a 2016 no estado do Amazonas, com base em dados obtidos através do satélite AQUA e processados pelo INPE, utilizando o algoritmo de detecção Collection 5. Os dados de focos de calor foram correlacionados com variáveis antropogênicas e climáticas. Foi observada uma tendência significativa de alta nos registros de focos de calor ao longo dos anos. Cerca de 83% das detecções ocorreram nos meses de Agosto, Setembro e Outubro. As variáveis área desmatada, área de pastagem, área agrícola, área do município e precipitação média anual apresentaram correlação significativa com o número de focos de calor para cada município. O município com maior registro de focos de calor foi Lábrea, enquanto Careiro da Várzea apresentou a maior incidência por área. Os resultados obtidos ressaltam a necessidade de implementação de políticas públicas que visem a redução do desmatamento e dos incêndios florestais no estado, garantindo a preservação da floresta amazônica e sua biodiversidade.(AU)
Incêndios Florestais , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodos , Análise Espaço-Temporal , BrasilResumo
The objectives of this study were to determine the richness of medium and large mammal species in two protected areas of the Espinhaço Mountain Range, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil; and to investigate the factors affecting the occurrence of those species. To accomplish that we placed 49 camera traps activated by heat and motion at Rio Preto State Park (RPSP) and 48 at Sempre Vivas National Park (SVNP). We also collected data on three environmental variables: vegetation physiognomy, elevation and wildfire frequency, to evaluate the influence of these factors on species richness and use intensity (inferred from camera trap detection rate) by large mammals. We recorded 23 large mammal species in the two parks combined. The lowest species richness was found at the rupestrian habitat of RPSP, and in the open grasslands of SVNP. The forest and savannah physiognomies were used more intensively by large mammals. Species richness was higher and use was greater at lower elevations of RPSP. In SVNP, fire frequency did not affect species richness or use intensity. The savannah habitat had very similar richness compared to the forests of the two protected areas. The high species richness and use intensity observed in these forest habitats highlights the importance of riparian environments in the Cerrado biome. The highest species richness and use intensity observed at low elevation follows patterns found in the literature, probably due to variation in the vegetation, which results in greater resource availability. Although rupestrian habitats at high elevations of the Espinhaço Range are known to have a high degree of endemism for some taxa, large mammal richness and use were not high in this habitat. These results indicate that the protection of native vegetation at lower elevations is crucial for the long-term conservation of large mammals in the Espinhaço Range.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema/análise , Mamíferos , Pradaria , Incêndios FlorestaisResumo
The objectives of this study were to determine the richness of medium and large mammal species in two protected areas of the Espinhaço Mountain Range, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil; and to investigate the factors affecting the occurrence of those species. To accomplish that we placed 49 camera traps activated by heat and motion at Rio Preto State Park (RPSP) and 48 at Sempre Vivas National Park (SVNP). We also collected data on three environmental variables: vegetation physiognomy, elevation and wildfire frequency, to evaluate the influence of these factors on species richness and use intensity (inferred from camera trap detection rate) by large mammals. We recorded 23 large mammal species in the two parks combined. The lowest species richness was found at the rupestrian habitat of RPSP, and in the open grasslands of SVNP. The forest and savannah physiognomies were used more intensively by large mammals. Species richness was higher and use was greater at lower elevations of RPSP. In SVNP, fire frequency did not affect species richness or use intensity. The savannah habitat had very similar richness compared to the forests of the two protected areas. The high species richness and use intensity observed in these forest habitats highlights the importance of riparian environments in the Cerrado biome. The highest species richness and use intensity observed at low elevation follows patterns found in the literature, probably due to variation in the vegetation, which results in greater resource availability. Although rupestrian habitats at high elevations of the Espinhaço Range are known to have a high degree of endemism for some taxa, large mammal richness and use were not high in this habitat. These results indicate that the protection of native vegetation at lower elevations is crucial for the long-term conservation of large mammals in the Espinhaço Range.(AU)
Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema/análise , Pradaria , Mamíferos , Incêndios FlorestaisResumo
Urbanization poses a serious threat to wildlife populations inhabiting native vegetation remnants surrounded by the expanding urban and suburban sprawl. The close contact with human activities causes not only direct impacts, such as habitat loss, but also indirect negative effects, such as population isolation, roadkills and anthropogenic fires. The Parque Nacional de Brasília is a large Cerrado remnant almost completely surrounded by the city of Brasília, in central Brazil. Here, we use population viability analysis to model the impacts of urbanization on a population of Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting that park. Our results show that roadkill mortality is by far the most serious threat to the long-term persistence of the giant anteater in the study site. The implementation of measures to better control vehicle speed in the vicinity of the park is urgently needed if we expect the giant anteater population to be effectively protected in the Parque Nacional de Brasília.
Urbanization poses a serious threat to wildlife populations inhabiting native vegetation remnants surrounded by the expanding urban and suburban sprawl. The close contact with human activities causes not only direct impacts, such as habitat loss, but also indirect negative effects, such as population isolation, roadkills and anthropogenic fires. The Parque Nacional de Brasília is a large Cerrado remnant almost completely surrounded by the city of Brasília, in central Brazil. Here, we use population viability analysis to model the impacts of urbanization on a population of Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting that park. Our results show that roadkill mortality is by far the most serious threat to the long-term persistence of the giant anteater in the study site. The implementation of measures to better control vehicle speed in the vicinity of the park is urgently needed if we expect the giant anteater population to be effectively protected in the Parque Nacional de Brasília.
Animais , Animais Selvagens , Urbanização , Xenarthra/classificaçãoResumo
Urbanization poses a serious threat to wildlife populations inhabiting native vegetation remnants surrounded by the expanding urban and suburban sprawl. The close contact with human activities causes not only direct impacts, such as habitat loss, but also indirect negative effects, such as population isolation, roadkills and anthropogenic fires. The Parque Nacional de Brasília is a large Cerrado remnant almost completely surrounded by the city of Brasília, in central Brazil. Here, we use population viability analysis to model the impacts of urbanization on a population of Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting that park. Our results show that roadkill mortality is by far the most serious threat to the long-term persistence of the giant anteater in the study site. The implementation of measures to better control vehicle speed in the vicinity of the park is urgently needed if we expect the giant anteater population to be effectively protected in the Parque Nacional de Brasília.(AU)