Background: In 2007 a broad Network project was proposed, aiming to organize in a more efficient way the different research and development actions related to new reproductive technologies in Embrapa. The initial proposal focused to develop new technological solutions to increase Brazilian livestock competitiveness; generate basic knowledge to support development of new technologies; to promote genetic improvement and evaluate dairy and beef animal models for the different ecosystems, to improve laboratorial infrastructure and promote capacity building; and to promote equal development of the technologies for the different livestock species. The final proposal, titled "Innovation Network in Animal Reproduction" was approved for the period 2008-2012. Review: The Network Project includes research activities in animal reproduction and in the interfaces of reproduction and animal health, nutrition, and genetics. A consortium of 12 of the Embrapa units, 14 Universities, 2 International Research Centers and 5 private companies are engaged in the project. The main structure follows the general guidelines of the Embrapa´s standard of network projects, being organized in 10 thematic Component Projects (CPs): CP1- Activities related to the organization of the Network, as the coordination of the CPs, financial management, promotion of meetings and workshops, and compilation of results and evaluations; CP2 Development and evaluation of new technologies for the sanitary control of semen, oocytes, and embryos; CP3- Evaluation of nutritional strategies to improve reproductive efficiency; CP4- Development of methods to improve the quality and quantity of gametes used in assisted reproductive technologies; CP5- Development of in vivo and in vitro embryo production systems; CP6- Establishment of protocols for the isolation, culture and maintenance of cell lines aiming the production of animal clones; CP7- Establishment of alternative protocols to the production of transgenic or intragenic animals; CP8- Identification, selection, use and conservation of genetic resources; CP9- Validation and monitoring of technologies; CP10- Technological innovation. Conclusions: The establishment of the network allowed the organization of Embrapa's different ongoing research actions in animal reproduction in a large and multidisciplinary project. As consequences, there was a larger interaction among the different research groups of the company and external partners. The proposal of collaborative research improved the scientific production of the group and also the development of products, processes, and technical information to the private sector. The technology transference and capacity building activities were strategically reorganized in line with the scope of the Network Project. A last consequence of the network was the possibility of applying for consortium research funding opportunities. The group also expects to improve scientific collaboration and to increase the relevance of R&D projects in animal reproduction, to improve the interplay with the government agencies in charge of the establishment of laws and rules for reproductive biotechnology used in livestock, and to improve their capacity of identifying and measuring the impact of the new technologies in the different livestock production systems.