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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023022, 2023. mapas, tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509944


t The foraging patterns of bees in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) flowers were investigated in Los Santos, Panama, over a period of 84 observation days. The study aimed to identify the bee species visiting the flowers, their daily visitation rates, and the resources they foraged. The majority of visits were made by native bees, particularly stingless bees, suggesting their crucial role in pollinating watermelon crops in the area. The most frequently observed bee species visiting the flowers were N. perilampoides(58.7%), A. mellifera (23%), and P. peckolti (4%). Nectar was the primary resource foraged by most bees, with comparable visitation rates for both male (staminate) and female (pistillate) flowers. Honeybees allocated nearly half of their visits (47.7%) for pollen collection, and the majority of their daily visits occurred between 7:00 and 8:00 hours. In contrast, stingless bee visits peaked between 8:00 and 9:00 hours. Nectar visits were shorter in duration than pollen visits, with honeybees exhibiting the shortest durations when visiting watermelon flowers. Significant variations were observed in the daily foraging patterns among bee species during the 84-h observation period (Friedman P < 0.05). Additionally, bee characteristics such as size, color, and sociability, along with the time of day, significantly influenced flower visits for resources (GLMM P < 0.05). These findings contribute to the understanding of Central American bee species' behavior, aid in their conservation and management and have implications for enhancing fruit production in local watermelon crops.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Cucurbita citrullus/análise , Polinização/fisiologia , Panamá
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e56760, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396833


This experiment aimed to evaluate the forage species and their effect on fruit production of the chayote crop. For this, the culture was under observation in the first ten minutes at each time, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, with three repetitions, in each year studied (1994, 2001, 2009 and 2016). With the exception of 2009, Trigona spinipes stingless bees were frequent and constant insects in these flowers between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm, visiting mainly male flowers for nectar collection and due to foraging behavior this stingless bee may be considered a pollinator of the chayote.(AU)

Abelhas/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Cucurbitaceae/química , Flores/fisiologia
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e59799, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428412


Since the composition of honey varies with the species of bee as well as flowering and geographical aspects, this study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical and bioactive properties of Apisand stingless bees'honey from the Brazilian Caatinga. Samples of different species of Apis mellifera L.Meliponini (Melipona subnitida, Frieseomellita varia, Melipona mandacaia, Plebeia sp.) and Apis mellifera L.werecollected from honey producersin the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Honey from A. mellifera and stingless bees showed physicochemical differences in some parameters, especially in moisture, free acidity, HMF, water activity, sugars and electric conductivity. There were no differences in color between honeys from A. mellifera and stingless bees. Honeys fromPlebeia sp., F. varia and A. mellifera showed higher antioxidant capacity followed by honeys fromM. mandacaia and M. subnitida. Flavonoids had little influence on the differentiation of antioxidant activities of stingless bees, while the opposite occurred with the phenolic content, where honeys with the highest levels of phenolic also showed higher antioxidant capacity.(AU)

Fenômenos Químicos , Compostos Fitoquímicos/química , Mel/análise , Abelhas/fisiologia , Flavonoides/análise , Brasil
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e58412, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413252


The stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula is an important pollinator of different agricultural and native crops. This study evaluated changes in the relative activity of esterases and critical electrolyte concentration in brain cells after exposure to pesticides malathion and thiamethoxam. Lethal concentration 50% showed greater toxicity of thiamethoxam in relation to malathion. Esterases EST-3 and EST-4 (carboxylesterase) were partially inhibited after contamination by contact and ingestion of malathion and contamination by contact with thiamethoxam, suggesting participation of these esterases in the metabolization of these compounds. The lowest critical electrolyte concentration (CEC) was found after contamination by malathion ingestion (0.15 M), indicating changes in gene expression. The alterations observed in the intensity of EST-3 and EST-4 and the chromatin structure indicate that pesticides can act in gene expression and be used as biomarkers of contaminant residues. Furthermore, knowing the susceptibility of T. angustulabees to pesticides, it would be possible to use this species for biomonitoring environmental quality in preserved areas and agroecosystems.(AU)

Animais , Praguicidas/toxicidade , Abelhas/fisiologia , Indicadores de Contaminação , Sintomas Toxicológicos/análise
Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 23: e202200032022, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1388037


This study proposes to investigate the influence of a vitamin-amino acid supplement on the weight of colonies of uruçu stingless bees (Melipona scutellaris). The experiment was carried out with 24 colonies and three treatments, which consisted of a solution of different proportions of supplement (0, 3, and 5 mL) diluted in syrup (water and sugar). Although this supplement is effective and indicated for other species of domestic animals, analysis of variance with repeated measures over time did not reveal a significant effect (P > 0.05) of its dose on the weight of the hives, showing that the supply of the vitamin-amino acid supplement does not meet the nutritional requirements of the colony. The use of this product did not have a positive effect on the development of the uruçu bee colonies, so it should not be employed as a major source of amino acids and vitamins in the diet of bees. Beekeepers are suggested to provide uruçu bees with an abundant diversity of plants so that they have access to different types of pollen as a source of nutrients.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a influência do suplemento aminoácido vitamínico no peso de colônias de abelhas sem ferrão Uruçu (Melipona scutellaris). O experimento foi realizado com 24 colônias e três tratamentos, consistindo na oferta de uma solução de xarope (água e açúcar) diluído com diferentes proporções de 0, 3 e 5 mL de suplemento. Embora este suplemento seja eficaz e indicado para outras espécies animais de domésticos, a análise de variância com medida repetida no tempo não apresentou efeito significativo (P> 0,05) do nível desse suplemento sobre o peso das colmeias, mostrando que a oferta do suplemento aminoácido vitamínico, não supre a necessidade nutricional para a colônia. Conclui-se que o uso desse produto não surtiu efeito positivo no desenvolvimento de colônias de abelhas Uruçu (Melipona scutellaris), indicando que não deveria ser utilizado como fonte majoritária de aminoácido e de vitaminas na alimentação das abelhas. Sugere-se que os meliponicultores proporcionem às abelhas Uruçu (Melipona scutellaris) uma abundante diversidade de plantas a fim de que tenham acesso a diferentes tipos de pólen como fonte de nutrientes.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Alimentos Fortificados/efeitos adversos , Vitaminas , Aminoácidos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal
Acta amaz ; 52(4): 315-322, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414092


Obtaining colonies of stingless bees in the wild for the formation or expansion of meliponaries and other purposes is permitted by law in Brazil using bait containers or trap nests, and other non-destructive methods. We tested the efficiency of trap nests made from plastic bottles for attraction and nesting of stingless bees in the central Brazilian Amazon. We used 2-L and 5-L bottles and three types of attractants (cerumen and geopropolis from Melipona seminigra, M. interrupta and a mix of the two). We used 216 trap nests distributed in three experimental areas during 13 months. Visitation by six species of stingless bees in 58 (26.9%) trap nests, and nesting by three species in 12 (5.6%) trap nests in two areas near meliponaries was recorded. There was no significant difference between trap-nest size, nor among attractants for visitation or nesting, suggesting that the availability of cavities or hollows is more important than odor for nesting. Monthly pooled visitation and nesting events were not correlated with monthly rainfall. Based on our results, we can conclude that, despite the low capture rate, the acquisition of swarms through nest traps is a viable alternative to obtain new colonies of stingless bees for meliponaries.(AU)

A obtenção de colônias de abelhas sem ferrão na natureza, para a formação ou ampliação de meliponários e outras finalidades, é permitida por lei no Brasil usando recipientes-isca ou ninho-isca, ou outros métodos não destrutivos. Nós testamos a eficiência do ninho-isca feito de garrafa plástica para atração e nidificação de abelhas sem ferrão na região da Amazônia central brasileira. Foram utilizadas garrafas de 2 L e 5 L e três tipos de atrativos (cerume e geoprópolis de Melipona seminigra, M. interrupta e uma mistura dos dois). Foram utilizados 216 ninhos-isca distribuídos em três áreas experimentais durante 13 meses. Foi registrada a visitação de seis espécies de abelhas sem ferrão em 58 (26,9%) dos ninhos-isca e a nidificação de três espécies em 12 (5,6%) dos ninhos-isca em duas áreas próximas a meliponários. Não houve diferença significativa entre o tamanho do ninho-isca, nem entre os atrativos na visitação ou nidificação, sugerindo que a disponibilidade de cavidades ou ocos é mais importante do que o odor para nidificação. Os dados mensais conjuntos de eventos de visitação e nidificação não foram correlacionados com a precipitação mensal. Baseados nos nossos resultados podemos concluir que, apesar da baixa taxa de captura, a aquisição de enxames por meio de ninho-isca é uma alternativa viável para obtenção de novas colônias de abelhas sem ferrão para meliponários.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Cerume/química , Brasil , Ecossistema Amazônico , Caça
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e58568, mar. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1391260


We examined the abiotic factors and co-specific competition for food resources that regulate the foraging activity of Oxaea flavescens bees on Styrax camporum flowers. Foraging records were gathered during 20 min. periods at the beginning of each hour between 05:00h and 18:00h during three nonconsecutive days. Pearson correlation and linear regression tests indicated that the foraging activity of O. flavescens was associated with abiotic factors during the day. O. flavescens represented 89.9% of the observed foraging visits to S. camporum flowers. On the first day of sampling, when environmental conditions were stressful, the foraging activity of O. flavescens was significantly negatively correlated with light intensity, wind speed, and temperature, and positively correlated with relative humidity. Under those conditions, optimal foraging was little affected by the availability of floral resources. On the second and third days, however, when environmental conditions were more favorable, the principal limiting factor of O. flavescens foraging activity was nectar depletion. The maximum peak of foraging under those conditions occurred before the abiotic conditions were fully favorable, however, as the eventual depletion of floral resources resulted in unfavorable cost/benefit implications for foraging during the otherwise most adequate daylight period.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Styrax/química , Fatores Abióticos , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Recursos Alimentares
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 21: e, 23 mar. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473756


Native bees, besides excellent producers of honey, lend a great legacy to humanity through their ability to pollinate plants and the consequent preservation of ecosystems. In this interspecific relation, bees are benefited by plant species by the provision of food (nectar and pollen), besides using their branches and trunks for lodging. However, the anthropogenic action has jeopardized the survival of stingless bees, causing irreversible environmental damage in the preservation of natural resources. This study aimed to identify the nesting habits of native bees under natural conditions. Random trails in the Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba allowed identifying nesting sites of indigenous species in their natural habitat. Sixty honeycomb nests were identified in 12 different plant species, being Commiphora leptophloeos the most preferred host (46.66%), with 55% of the entrance holes pointed to magnetic orientations between the Northeast and Northwest; a greater choice by host trees (85%); preference for nesting in host plants with a circumference of 0.98 m in diameter, entrance hole of nests of 7.77 mm in diameter, and height from the ground of 1.52 m. The obtained data showed little variety of stingless bee species in the Curimataú region of Paraíba, especially Melipona subnitida. The species Melipona asilvae, Melipona scutellaris, Partamona seridoenses, and Plebeia sp. should receive special attention not to become extinct in this region.

As melíponas, além de excelentes produtoras de mel, prestam um grande serviço à humanidade através da sua capacidade de polinizar plantas e sua consequente preservação de ecossistemas. Nessa relação interespecífica harmônica, as abelhas são beneficiadas pelas espécies vegetais pelo provimento do alimento (néctar e pólen), além de utilizarem seus galhos e troncos para se alojarem. Porém, a ação antrópica predatória tem colocado em risco a sobrevivência das melíponas, causando danos ambientais irreversíveis e comprometendo a preservação dos recursos naturais. Este trabalho objetivou identificar os hábitos de nidificação das abelhas nativas em condições naturais. Por meio de trilhas aleatórias na microrregião do Curimataú paraibano foi possível identificar os pontos de nidificação das espécies de meliponíneos em seu habitat natural. Foram identificados 60 ninhos de melíponas nidificando em 12 espécies vegetais diferentes, sendo a Commiphora leptophloeos a hospedeira de maior preferência (46,66%), com 55% dos orifícios de entrada apontados para orientações magnéticas entre o Nordeste e Noroeste; com maior escolha por hospedeiras (árvores) [85%]; apresentando preferência por nidificação em vegetais hospedeiros com circunferência de 0,98 m de diâmetro, orifício de entrada dos ninhos com 7,77 mm de diâmetro e uma altura do solo de 1,52 m; Os dados obtidos revelam pouca variedade de espécies melíponas na região Curimataú paraibano, com destaque para Melipona subnitida. As espécies Melipona asilvae, Melipona scutellaris, Partomona seridoenses e Plebeia sp. devem ter uma atenção especial para não entrarem em extinção nessa região.

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Ecossistema , Brasil , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Mel
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 21: e-58736, Aug. 6, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32010


Native bees, besides excellent producers of honey, lend a great legacy to humanity through their ability to pollinate plants and the consequent preservation of ecosystems. In this interspecific relation, bees are benefited by plant species by the provision of food (nectar and pollen), besides using their branches and trunks for lodging. However, the anthropogenic action has jeopardized the survival of stingless bees, causing irreversible environmental damage in the preservation of natural resources. This study aimed to identify the nesting habits of native bees under natural conditions. Random trails in the Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba allowed identifying nesting sites of indigenous species in their natural habitat. Sixty honeycomb nests were identified in 12 different plant species, being Commiphora leptophloeos the most preferred host (46.66%), with 55% of the entrance holes pointed to magnetic orientations between the Northeast and Northwest; a greater choice by host trees (85%); preference for nesting in host plants with a circumference of 0.98 m in diameter, entrance hole of nests of 7.77 mm in diameter, and height from the ground of 1.52 m. The obtained data showed little variety of stingless bee species in the Curimataú region of Paraíba, especially Melipona subnitida. The species Melipona asilvae, Melipona scutellaris, Partamona seridoenses, and Plebeia sp. should receive special attention not to become extinct in this region.(AU)

As melíponas, além de excelentes produtoras de mel, prestam um grande serviço à humanidade através da sua capacidade de polinizar plantas e sua consequente preservação de ecossistemas. Nessa relação interespecífica harmônica, as abelhas são beneficiadas pelas espécies vegetais pelo provimento do alimento (néctar e pólen), além de utilizarem seus galhos e troncos para se alojarem. Porém, a ação antrópica predatória tem colocado em risco a sobrevivência das melíponas, causando danos ambientais irreversíveis e comprometendo a preservação dos recursos naturais. Este trabalho objetivou identificar os hábitos de nidificação das abelhas nativas em condições naturais. Por meio de trilhas aleatórias na microrregião do Curimataú paraibano foi possível identificar os pontos de nidificação das espécies de meliponíneos em seu habitat natural. Foram identificados 60 ninhos de melíponas nidificando em 12 espécies vegetais diferentes, sendo a Commiphora leptophloeos a hospedeira de maior preferência (46,66%), com 55% dos orifícios de entrada apontados para orientações magnéticas entre o Nordeste e Noroeste; com maior escolha por hospedeiras (árvores) [85%]; apresentando preferência por nidificação em vegetais hospedeiros com circunferência de 0,98 m de diâmetro, orifício de entrada dos ninhos com 7,77 mm de diâmetro e uma altura do solo de 1,52 m; Os dados obtidos revelam pouca variedade de espécies melíponas na região Curimataú paraibano, com destaque para Melipona subnitida. As espécies Melipona asilvae, Melipona scutellaris, Partomona seridoenses e Plebeia sp. devem ter uma atenção especial para não entrarem em extinção nessa região.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Ecossistema , Mel , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Brasil
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 7(4): 176-178, Oct. 2019. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21519


In tropical environments, stingless bees are an important group of pollinators, helping to maintain plant biodiversity and, consequently, to preserve ecosystems. The foraging activity of these insects is influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. Although air temperature limits activities outside the hive, the natural thermal environment is complex; meteorological variables interact with each other, requiring elaborate thermoregulatory responses from bees. The complexity of the thermal environment has been the subject of recent research on insect thermoregulation. The effects of wind and especially solar radiation should be considered when studying the behavior of stingless bees. In this context, this mini-review aimed to address the main components of the thermal environment that influence the foraging activity of stingless bees.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Sensação Térmica/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Energia Solar , Temperatura , Estações do Ano
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 7(4): 176-178, Oct. 2019. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484287


In tropical environments, stingless bees are an important group of pollinators, helping to maintain plant biodiversity and, consequently, to preserve ecosystems. The foraging activity of these insects is influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. Although air temperature limits activities outside the hive, the natural thermal environment is complex; meteorological variables interact with each other, requiring elaborate thermoregulatory responses from bees. The complexity of the thermal environment has been the subject of recent research on insect thermoregulation. The effects of wind and especially solar radiation should be considered when studying the behavior of stingless bees. In this context, this mini-review aimed to address the main components of the thermal environment that influence the foraging activity of stingless bees.

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Energia Solar , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Sensação Térmica/fisiologia , Temperatura , Estações do Ano
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 41: e45670, jul. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21697


The objective of this research was to evaluate royal jelly production from Africanized honeybee queens of different lineages (lineage selected for honey production, lineage selected for royal jelly production and unselected) produced by single and double grafting and to compare royal jelly production among their offspring. Data were tested by double factorial analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. The parameters evaluated were: queen weight at emergence, percentage of larvae acceptance in the upper and lower bars, royal jelly per cup (mg) and royal jelly per colony/collection (g). Queens selected for honey presented greater weight at emergence, while the unselected queens were the lightest. Double grafting was better than simple grafting, since the queens were born 2.38% heavier. There was no difference (p > 0.05) in relation to royal jelly production according to neither the lineage nor even comparing the method by which the queens were produced. The cost of labor to produce queens by double grafting was much higher, as by the simple grafting about 170% more queens were born. The potential of Africanized honeybees with adequate production management and favorable environmental conditions favors the production of royal jelly.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/química , Abelhas/fisiologia , Transplante , Abelhas/genética
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 41: e45670, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459876


The objective of this research was to evaluate royal jelly production from Africanized honeybee queens of different lineages (lineage selected for honey production, lineage selected for royal jelly production and unselected) produced by single and double grafting and to compare royal jelly production among their offspring. Data were tested by double factorial analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. The parameters evaluated were: queen weight at emergence, percentage of larvae acceptance in the upper and lower bars, royal jelly per cup (mg) and royal jelly per colony/collection (g). Queens selected for honey presented greater weight at emergence, while the unselected queens were the lightest. Double grafting was better than simple grafting, since the queens were born 2.38% heavier. There was no difference (p > 0.05) in relation to royal jelly production according to neither the lineage nor even comparing the method by which the queens were produced. The cost of labor to produce queens by double grafting was much higher, as by the simple grafting about 170% more queens were born. The potential of Africanized honeybees with adequate production management and favorable environmental conditions favors the production of royal jelly.

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Abelhas/genética , Abelhas/química , Transplante
Braz. J. Biol. ; 79(1): 149-151, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-740966


Euglossini (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Apini), also known as orchid bees, are endemic to the Neotropical region (Nemésio and Rasmussem, 2011). They are well-known and widely distributed taxon in the Atlantic Forest with more than 60 species (included in four distinct genera) registered in this biome (Nemésio, 2009; Garraffoni et al., 2017). The Atlantic Rain Forest originally occupied about 15% of the Brazilian territory, but it was completely fragmented in forest remnants, and now covers 11-16% of its original area (Ribeiro et al., 2009; Joly et al., 2014). Our knowledge about orchid bee diversity in urban forest fragments is very scarce (Nemésio and Silveira, 2007; Cordeiro et al., 2013), although diverse communities of wild bees have been surprisingly found in cities around the world (Nemésio and Silveira, 2007; Burr et al., 2016). Thus, our aim in this study was a rapid assessment of the orchid bee fauna in the vicinity of an Atlantic Forest remain. The strategy of intensive sampling over a few days in the rainy season are common and has been demonstrated to be very useful to know the orchid bee fauna of an area (Nemésio, 2013a, b). Data were collected in an urban area (22º4940”S-47º0610”W; altitude 630 m), among fruit and ornamental trees, distant 200 m of the east edge of an Atlantic Forest remnant called Santa Genebra Forest (Campinas, SP), the second larger urban forest in Brazil (252 ha). It is a semideciduous forest and the regional climate is the Cfa of Köppen (humid subtropical with a hot summer). Orchid bee males were collected at a fixed site using seven bait traps as described in Viotti et al. (2013), and bottles of 0.5 L. Each trap received one of the seven baits: 1,8-cineole, eugenol, vanillin, β-ionone, benzyl acetate, methyl trans-cinnamate, and methyl salicylate; and were randomly hanged in shaded branches at about 1.5 m above the ground and distant at least 2 m from each other. The collections were done during five consecutive days (from day 6th to 10th) in February of both 2015 and 2016, from 9:00 to 17:00 h (when the bees are most active). The scents were replaced every day, and cineole three times a day. Captured bees were pinned, identified and deposited at Coleção de Abelhas da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri. Taxonomic decisions were based on Moure's Bee Catalogue (Moure et al., 2012). Species accumulation curves were constructed for the data set from each sampling year separately or for both years jointly. Sampling efficiency was also evaluated by nonparametric richness estimators (Chao 1, Chao 2, Jackknife 1, Jackknife 2, and Bootstrap) available in the EstimateS 9.1.0 software (Colwell, 2006).(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/metabolismo , Abelhas/fisiologia , Orchidaceae/química , Orchidaceae/fisiologia
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 33(3): e20150192, July 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504397


Secretory cells of the cephalic salivary glands (CSGs) of eusocial bees produce and accumulate lipid-like secretion in the lumens of their alveoli. Correspondingly, secretory cells present typical ultrastructural features of lipid-compound producers. Previous work on bees has revealed inter-specific differences in the chemical composition of secretion, and the production mechanisms and secretory cycle of secretory cells. In this work a comparative analysis of the mechanisms of lipid storage in the CSGs of Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758) and Scaptotrigona postica (Latreille, 1807) workers was carried out. The ultrastructural location of lipids was ascertained using imidazole-osmium (IO), using individuals in different stages of their life cycles. Lipid deposits were identified inside glandular cells and in the alveolar lumens in all individuals, but differences were observed between the species. The glandular cells of A. mellifera workers presented positive reactions to IO as droplets dispersed in the cytoplasm, as vesicles and in the channels formed by apical plasma membrane infolds. In S. postica , lipid compounds were detected inside the mitochondrial matrix and in smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisterns. In both species, forager workers exhibited the largest amounts of lipids stored in the alveolar lumen. The differences between the species are discussed, taking into account specific behavioral differences.

Animais , Abelhas/anatomia & histologia , Abelhas/fisiologia , Eliminação Salivar , Glândulas Salivares/ultraestrutura , Lipídeos , Histocitoquímica , Imidazóis
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 33(3): e20150192, July 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21028


Secretory cells of the cephalic salivary glands (CSGs) of eusocial bees produce and accumulate lipid-like secretion in the lumens of their alveoli. Correspondingly, secretory cells present typical ultrastructural features of lipid-compound producers. Previous work on bees has revealed inter-specific differences in the chemical composition of secretion, and the production mechanisms and secretory cycle of secretory cells. In this work a comparative analysis of the mechanisms of lipid storage in the CSGs of Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758) and Scaptotrigona postica (Latreille, 1807) workers was carried out. The ultrastructural location of lipids was ascertained using imidazole-osmium (IO), using individuals in different stages of their life cycles. Lipid deposits were identified inside glandular cells and in the alveolar lumens in all individuals, but differences were observed between the species. The glandular cells of A. mellifera workers presented positive reactions to IO as droplets dispersed in the cytoplasm, as vesicles and in the channels formed by apical plasma membrane infolds. In S. postica , lipid compounds were detected inside the mitochondrial matrix and in smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisterns. In both species, forager workers exhibited the largest amounts of lipids stored in the alveolar lumen. The differences between the species are discussed, taking into account specific behavioral differences.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Abelhas/anatomia & histologia , Eliminação Salivar , Lipídeos , Glândulas Salivares/ultraestrutura , Histocitoquímica , Imidazóis
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 16(1): 14-23, Jan-Mar. 2015. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473368


Studies on the olfactive learning in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) are predominantly performed with worker bees. In this study, we used the classical conditioning of proboscis extension (PER) to evaluate the effectiveness of 5 scents as conditioned stimuli (CS). Ten groups of 20 drones (A. mellifera L.) each were used. The conditioned stimuli were the odors of Citral, Hexanal, Geraniol, beeswax (comb), and beeswax (foundation sheet). In addition to the acquisition of learning, we measured the persistence of conditioning when the unconditioned stimulus was no longer presented (i.e., extinction). The intertrial interval, the CS duration and US duration were 10 min, 2 sec, and 3 sec, respectively. The drones were able to demonstrate conditioning and storage of information. Citral, Hexanal, and beeswax (comb) were the most efficient stimuli in classical conditioning with drones.

Estudos sobre a aprendizagem olfativa em abelhas (Apis mellifera L.) são predominantes nas operárias. Neste estudo, utilizou-se o condicionamento clássico da extensão da probóscide (PER) para avaliar o efeito de 5 odores como estímulos condicionantes (EC). Foram utilizados dez grupos de 20 zangões (A. mellifera L.) cada. Os estímulos condicionantes foram Citral, Hexanal, Geraniol, cera de abelha em favo e cera de abelha alveolada. Além da aquisição de aprendizagem, mediu-se a persistência do condicionamento quando o estímulo incondicional (EI) não foi mais oferecido (i.e. extinção). O intervalo entre testes, o tempo de apresentação de EC e EI foram10 minutos, 2 segundos e 3 segundos, respectivamente. Os zangões foram capazes de demonstrar condicionamento e armazenamento de informação. Citral, Hexanal e cera de abelha foram os estímulos mais eficientes no condicionamento clássico (CC) com zangões.

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Condicionamento Clássico , Olfato , Percepção Olfatória , Criação de Abelhas
Braz. J. Biol. ; 75(4,supl.1): 1-8, Nov. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-378883


Nowadays, the northern part of the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil is largely destroyed and forest remnants rarely exceed 100 ha. In a 118 ha forest fragment within a state nature reserve of Pernambuco (Reserva Ecológica Gurjaú), we surveyed the orchid bee fauna (Apidae, Euglossini) using eight different scent baits to attract males. Once a month during one year, the bees were actively collected with entomological nets, from November 2002 to October 2003 by two collectors. We collected 2,908 orchid bee males belonging to 23 species, one of the highest richness values of the Northern Atlantic Rainforest. Bees of only two species, Euglossa carolina (50%) and Eulaema nigrita (25%), which occurred throughout the year, accounted for three quarter of the collected individuals. Both species are typical for open or disturbed areas. Rainforest remnants like those of Gurjaú within the predominant sugar cane monocultures in the coastal plains of the northern Atlantic Rainforest play an important role in orchid bee conservation and maintenance of biodiversity.(AU)

Atualmente, a porção norte da Floresta Atlântica brasileira está drasticamente destruída e os remanescentes florestais raramente excedem 100 hectares. Com uso de iscas odoríferas atrativas aos machos, amostramos a fauna de abelhas-das-orquídeas (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini) em um fragmento florestal de 118 ha na Reserva Ecológica de Gurjaú, Pernambuco. As abelhas foram ativamente coletadas com redes entomológicas por dois coletores, uma vez por mês, de novembro de 2002 a outubro de 2003. Coletamos 2908 machos de Euglossini pertencentes a 23 espécies, um dos mais altos valores de riqueza registrados para a Floresta Atlântica nordestina. Três quartos das abelhas coletadas pertenceram a apenas duas espécies, Euglossa carolina (50%) and Eulaema nigrita (25%), típicas de áreas abertas e perturbadas e ativas ao longo de todo ano. Remanescentes de floresta como os de Gurjaú, em meio às monoculturas de cana-de-açúcar, podem desempenhar um importante papel na conservação das abelhas-das-orquídeas em ambientes fragmentados como os da Mata Atlântica do nordeste do Brasil.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Abelhas/fisiologia , Biodiversidade , Floresta Úmida , Brasil
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 16(1): 14-23, Jan-Mar. 2015. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-460774


Studies on the olfactive learning in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) are predominantly performed with worker bees. In this study, we used the classical conditioning of proboscis extension (PER) to evaluate the effectiveness of 5 scents as conditioned stimuli (CS). Ten groups of 20 drones (A. mellifera L.) each were used. The conditioned stimuli were the odors of Citral, Hexanal, Geraniol, beeswax (comb), and beeswax (foundation sheet). In addition to the acquisition of learning, we measured the persistence of conditioning when the unconditioned stimulus was no longer presented (i.e., extinction). The intertrial interval, the CS duration and US duration were 10 min, 2 sec, and 3 sec, respectively. The drones were able to demonstrate conditioning and storage of information. Citral, Hexanal, and beeswax (comb) were the most efficient stimuli in classical conditioning with drones.(AU)

Estudos sobre a aprendizagem olfativa em abelhas (Apis mellifera L.) são predominantes nas operárias. Neste estudo, utilizou-se o condicionamento clássico da extensão da probóscide (PER) para avaliar o efeito de 5 odores como estímulos condicionantes (EC). Foram utilizados dez grupos de 20 zangões (A. mellifera L.) cada. Os estímulos condicionantes foram Citral, Hexanal, Geraniol, cera de abelha em favo e cera de abelha alveolada. Além da aquisição de aprendizagem, mediu-se a persistência do condicionamento quando o estímulo incondicional (EI) não foi mais oferecido (i.e. extinção). O intervalo entre testes, o tempo de apresentação de EC e EI foram10 minutos, 2 segundos e 3 segundos, respectivamente. Os zangões foram capazes de demonstrar condicionamento e armazenamento de informação. Citral, Hexanal e cera de abelha foram os estímulos mais eficientes no condicionamento clássico (CC) com zangões.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Condicionamento Clássico , Olfato , Percepção Olfatória , Criação de Abelhas
Braz. J. Biol. ; 75(4): 821-829, Nov. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-341516


Eucalyptus plantations are frequently used for the establishment of bee yards. This study was carried on at Fazenda Brejão, northwestern region of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This farm is covered both with native Cerrado vegetation (Brazilian savanna) and eucalyptus plantations. This paper reports on the botanic origin of pollen pellets and honey collected from honeybee (Apis mellifera) hives along a thirteen-month period (January 2004 to January 2005). The most frequent pollen types found in the pollen pellets during the rainy season were Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae), Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae), an unidentified Poaceae, unidentified Asteraceae-2, Cecropia sp. 1 (Cecropiaceae) and Eucalyptus spp. (Myrtaceae); during the dry season the most frequent pollen types were Acosmium dasycarpum (Fabaceae), Cecropia sp. 1 (Cecropiaceae) and Eucalyptus spp. (Myrtaceae). Pollen grains of Baccharis sp. (Asteraceae), Cecropia sp. 1 (Cecropiaceae), Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae), Mimosa nuda (Fabaceae), Eucalyptus spp. (Myrtaceae) and Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae) were present in the honey samples throughout the study period.(AU)

Plantações de Eucalyptus são, frequentemente, utilizadas como locais de instalação para colmeias. Este estudo foi realizado na Fazenda Brejão, localizada no noroeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Esta fazenda é coberta por Cerrado nativo (savana brasileira) e por plantações de eucaliptos. Este trabalho indica a origem botânica de bolotas e mel coletados em colmeias de Apis mellifera por um período de 13 meses (Janeiro/2004 a janeiro/2005). Os tipos polínicos mais frequentes nas amostras de pólen durante a estação chuvosa foram Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae), Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae), Poaceae, Asteraceae não identificada 2, Cecropia sp. 1 (Cecropiaceae) e Eucalyptus spp. (Myrtaceae); na estação seca, os tipos polínicos mais frequentes foram Acosmium dasycarpum (Fabaceae), Cecropia sp. 1 (Cecropiaceae) e Eucalyptus spp. (Myrtaceae). As espécies Baccharis sp. (Asteraceae), Cecropia sp. 1 (Cecropiaceae), Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae), Mimosa nuda (Fabaceae), Eucalyptus spp. (Myrtaceae) e Trema micrantha (Ulmaceae) estiveram presentes durante todo o período amostrado.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Meio Ambiente , Mel/análise , Pólen/química , Brasil , Eucalyptus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Agricultura Florestal , Pradaria , Estações do Ano