Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive bacterium commonly reported in soils and plants that occupy various ecological habitats, and the main source of contamination for cattle is silage. This report described a case of fetal loss associated with B. cereus infection in a cow. An 8-month-old, Nelore female bovine fetus from a beef farm was submitted for necropsy. A gross examination revealed fibrinous pleuropneumonia and fibrin exudation on the liver surface. The morphological diagnosis was restricted to the lungs and liver. In the lungs there was fibrinosuppurative pleuropneumonia associated with numerous aggregates of rod-shaped bacteria. In the liver there was moderate focally extensive fibrinous peri hepatitis.The lungs, liver, thoracic, and abomasal fluid cultures yielded pure cultures of B. cereus, indicating that these bacteria should be recognized as a cause of bovine abortion in fetuses that macroscopically present fibrin in the abdominal and thoracic cavity.
Bacillus cereus é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, comumente encontrada em solos e plantas que ocupam diversos habitats ecológicos sendo a silagem a principal fonte de contaminação para bovinos. Este relato descreve um caso de perda fetal associada à infecção por B. cereus em uma vaca. Um feto bovino fêmea da raça Nelore, de oito meses de idade, procedente de uma fazenda de corte, foi submetido à necropsia. Ao exame macroscópico observou-se pleuropneumonia fibrinosa e exsudação de fibrina na superfície do fígado. Histologicamente, as lesões estavam restritas aos pulmões e fígado. Nos pulmões havia pleuropneumonia fibrinosupurativa associado a numerosos agregados de bactérias em forma de bastonete. No fígado haviaperi hepatitefibrinosa focalmente extensa moderada. As culturas de pulmão, fígado, líquido torácico e abomasal produziram cultura pura de B. cereus indicando que esta bactéria deve ser reconhecida como causa de aborto bovino em fetos que apresentem macroscopicamente fibrina nas cavidades abdominal e torácica.
Animais , Bovinos , Bacillus cereus/patogenicidade , Doenças dos Bovinos , Aborto Animal , Mortalidade FetalResumo
O aborto infectocontagioso em éguas é um tema de grande relevância e interesse para os médicos veterinários e criadores de equinos. Além dos impactos econômicos decorrentes de perdas e redução das taxas reprodutivas, os surtos de abortos causados por doenças infectocontagiosas representam uma ameaça significativa para a saúde equina. Neste trabalho, realizamos uma revisão bibliográfica abrangente sobre as principais doenças que causam abortos infecciosos em éguas. Nosso objetivo é fornecer uma visão geral das patologias mais relevantes nesse contexto, abordando suas características clínicas, epidemiologia, diagnóstico e medidas de controle. Para isso, realizamos uma busca em bancos de dados renomados, como o PubMed e o Scopus, por artigos científicos relevantes publicados nos últimos dez anos. As informações selecionadas foram cuidadosamente analisadas, comparadas e sintetizadas, com o intuito de identificar as principais doenças e suas implicações na saúde reprodutiva das éguas. Esta revisão pretende auxiliar veterinários, pesquisadores e profissionais da área a compreenderem melhor essas doenças e desenvolverem estratégias eficazes de prevenção e controle.(AU)
El aborto infeccioso en yeguas es un tema de gran relevancia e interés para veterinarios y criadores de equinos. Además de las repercusiones económicas derivadas de las pérdidas y la reducción de las tasas reproductivas, los brotes de aborto causados por enfermedades infecciosas representan una importante amenaza para la salud equina. En este artículo, realizamos una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura sobre las principales enfermedades que causan abortos infecciosos en yeguas. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer una visión general de las patologías más relevantes en este contexto, abordando sus características clínicas, epidemiología, diagnóstico y medidas de control. Para ello, buscamos en bases de datos de renombre como PubMed y Scopus artículos científicos relevantes publicados en los últimos diez años. La información seleccionada fue cuidadosamente analizada, comparada y sintetizada con el fin de identificar las principales enfermedades y sus implicaciones en la salud reproductiva de las yeguas. El objetivo de esta revisión es ayudar a veterinarios, investigadores y profesionales del sector a comprender mejor estas enfermedades y desarrollar estrategias eficaces de prevención y control.(AU)
Infectious abortion in mares is a topic of great relevance and interest for veterinarians and equine breeders. In addition to economic impacts from losses and reduced reproductive rates, abortion outbreaks caused by infectious diseases represent a significant threat to equine health. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive literature review on the major diseases that cause infectious abortions in mares. Our goal is to provide an overview of the most relevant pathologies in this context, addressing their clinical features, epidemiology, diagnosis, and control measures. To this end, we searched renowned databases such as PubMed and Scopus for relevant scientific articles published in the last ten years. The selected information was carefully analyzed, compared and synthesized in order to identify the main diseases and their implications in the reproductive health of mares. This review aims to assist veterinarians, researchers, and professionals in the field to better understand these diseases and develop effective prevention and control strategies.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Doenças Transmissíveis/patologia , Aborto Animal/diagnóstico , Cavalos/embriologiaResumo
O aborto é caracterizado como a expulsão do feto sem viabilidade para fora do ambiente uterino da progenitora durante o período que vai do 42° dia a o 260° dia. São descritos diversos fatores infecciosos e não infecciosos como etiologia para o aborto. Dentre os infecciosos, destacam-se as infecções por bactérias, vírus, protozoários e fungos. Enquanto as causas não infecciosas englobam falhas de manejo nutricional, intoxicações e medicamentos que ocasionalmente podem levar à morte fetal. Essa mortalidade fetal é causa importante de perdas reprodutivas na cadeia produtiva de animais domésticos, especialmente bovinos e bubalinos. Ambas as espécies participam da produtividade econômica no Brasil e compartilham de diversas doenças que são causas de aborto. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta revisão foi reunir e discorrer sobre as principais informações concernentes às possíveis etiologias do aborto, sejam elas de origem infecciosa ou não infecciosas nas espécies bovinas e bubalinas no Brasil.
Abortion is characterized as the expulsion of the non-viable fetus outside the mother's uterine environment during the period between the 42nd day to the 260th day. Several infectious and non-infectious factors are described as etiology for miscarriage. Among the infectious, infections by bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi stand out, while non-infectious causes include failures in nutritional management, poisoning, and medications that occasionally can lead to fetal death. This fetal mortality is an important cause of reproductive losses in the production chain of domestic animals, especially cattle and buffaloes. Both species participate in economic productivity in Brazil and share several diseases that are causes of abortion. In this context, this review aimed to gather and discuss the main information concerning the possible etiologies of abortion, whether of infectious or non-infectious origin in bovine and buffalo species in Brazil.
Animais , Bovinos , Brucella/patogenicidade , Búfalos/anormalidades , Doenças dos Bovinos , Neospora/patogenicidade , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Morte Fetal/etiologiaResumo
Pasteurella pneumotropica is a bacterium that has so far not been described as a cause of placentitis in animals. Two cases of aborted equine fetuses were sent to the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the "Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul" (SPV-UFRGS) for anatomopathological examination. Both cases presented suppurative placentitis associated with multiple basophilic bacterial cells. After bacterial isolation and biochemical analysis, P. pneumotropica was identified.
Pasteurella pneumotropica é uma bactéria que até o momento não foi descrita como causa de placentite em animais. Dois casos de fetos equinos abortados foram enviados ao Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) para exame anatomopatológico. Em ambos os casos se observou placentite supurativa associada a múltiplas colônias bacterianas basofílicas. Após o isolamento bacteriano e análise bioquímica, indentificou-se P. pneumotropica.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Aborto Animal/microbiologia , Aborto Animal/patologia , Cavalos , Infecções por Pasteurella/veterinária , Pasteurella pneumotropica , Placenta/patologia , Doenças Placentárias/veterináriaResumo
Pasteurella pneumotropica is a bacterium that has so far not been described as a cause of placentitis in animals. Two cases of aborted equine fetuses were sent to the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the "Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul" (SPV-UFRGS) for anatomopathological examination. Both cases presented suppurative placentitis associated with multiple basophilic bacterial cells. After bacterial isolation and biochemical analysis, P. pneumotropica was identified.(AU)
Pasteurella pneumotropica é uma bactéria que até o momento não foi descrita como causa de placentite em animais. Dois casos de fetos equinos abortados foram enviados ao Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) para exame anatomopatológico. Em ambos os casos se observou placentite supurativa associada a múltiplas colônias bacterianas basofílicas. Após o isolamento bacteriano e análise bioquímica, indentificou-se P. pneumotropica.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Infecções por Pasteurella/veterinária , Placenta/patologia , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Aborto Animal/microbiologia , Aborto Animal/patologia , Pasteurella pneumotropica , Cavalos , Doenças Placentárias/veterináriaResumo
Causes of abortion, stillbirth, and perinatal mortality in horses were investigated in the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) from 2000 to 2015. In this period, 107 cases were analyzed using macroscopic, microscopic, and complementary tests. Of these, 77 were aborted fetuses, 16 were stillbirths, and 14 were perinatal deaths. Conclusive diagnosis was established in 42.8% of the fetuses analyzed, with 28.6% classified as infectious origin, 9.1% as non-infectious, and 5.1% as other. Bacterial infections, especially those related to Streptococcus spp. were the most frequently observed. In stillborn foals, diagnosis was established in 62.5% of cases, and 50% of these were related to non-infectious causes, such as dystocia and birth traumas. As for perinatal mortality, a conclusive diagnosis was reached in 78.57% of cases, and infectious causes associated with bacterial infections accounted for 64.1% of these diagnoses.
Causas de aborto, natimortalidade e mortalidade perinatal em equinos foram investigadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) durante o período de 2000 a 2015. Nesse período, foram analisados 107 casos através de exames macroscópico, microscópico e exames complementares, desses 77 correspondiam a fetos abortados, 16 natimortos e 14 mortes perinatais. Diagnóstico conclusivo foi estabelecido em 42,8% dos fetos analisados e classificados como origem infecciosa em 28,6% dos casos, não infecciosa com 9,1% e outros com 5,1% dos casos. As infecções bacterianas, em especial as relacionadas a Streptococcus spp. foram as mais frequentemente observadas. Em potros natimortos, diagnostico foi estabelecido em 62,5% dos casos, e destes, 50% foram relacionados a causas não infecciosas, como distocia e traumas durante o parto. Quanto a mortalidade perinatal, em 78,57% dos casos houve um diagnostico conclusivo, e as causas infecciosas associadas a infecções bacterianas corresponderam a 64,1% desses diagnósticos.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Cavalos , Mortalidade Fetal , Mortalidade Perinatal , Morte Fetal/etiologia , Distocia/veterinária , Doenças Fetais/veterinária , Infecções Estreptocócicas/veterinária , StreptococcusResumo
Causes of abortion, stillbirth, and perinatal mortality in horses were investigated in the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) from 2000 to 2015. In this period, 107 cases were analyzed using macroscopic, microscopic, and complementary tests. Of these, 77 were aborted fetuses, 16 were stillbirths, and 14 were perinatal deaths. Conclusive diagnosis was established in 42.8% of the fetuses analyzed, with 28.6% classified as infectious origin, 9.1% as non-infectious, and 5.1% as other. Bacterial infections, especially those related to Streptococcus spp. were the most frequently observed. In stillborn foals, diagnosis was established in 62.5% of cases, and 50% of these were related to non-infectious causes, such as dystocia and birth traumas. As for perinatal mortality, a conclusive diagnosis was reached in 78.57% of cases, and infectious causes associated with bacterial infections accounted for 64.1% of these diagnoses.(AU)
Causas de aborto, natimortalidade e mortalidade perinatal em equinos foram investigadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) durante o período de 2000 a 2015. Nesse período, foram analisados 107 casos através de exames macroscópico, microscópico e exames complementares, desses 77 correspondiam a fetos abortados, 16 natimortos e 14 mortes perinatais. Diagnóstico conclusivo foi estabelecido em 42,8% dos fetos analisados e classificados como origem infecciosa em 28,6% dos casos, não infecciosa com 9,1% e outros com 5,1% dos casos. As infecções bacterianas, em especial as relacionadas a Streptococcus spp. foram as mais frequentemente observadas. Em potros natimortos, diagnostico foi estabelecido em 62,5% dos casos, e destes, 50% foram relacionados a causas não infecciosas, como distocia e traumas durante o parto. Quanto a mortalidade perinatal, em 78,57% dos casos houve um diagnostico conclusivo, e as causas infecciosas associadas a infecções bacterianas corresponderam a 64,1% desses diagnósticos.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Mortalidade Fetal , Mortalidade Perinatal , Morte Fetal/etiologia , Cavalos , Infecções Estreptocócicas/veterinária , Streptococcus , Distocia/veterinária , Doenças Fetais/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cattle are susceptible to chronic leptospirosis infection, that results in reduced milk production and reproductive disorders such as abortions, stillbirths, fetal malformation, and mummified fetuses, causing significant economic losses.Commercially available vaccines against leptospirosis offer limited protection to cattle because they contain only the mostprevalent serovars worldwide, even though they are not prevalent in the specific region. This study aimed to evaluate theprevalence of specific antibodies against Leptospira serogroups, reproductive disorders and the risk factors in dairy herdsfrom different mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: An epidemiological survey was conducted, and serum samples from the bovine population representative of three mesoregions (MR1, MR2, and MR3) were studied; the samples were collected and tested forleptospirosis using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for 12 serogroups checking for the presence of agglutination.A total of 442 blood samples were collected from dairy cattle from November to December 2019 (MR1, 187; MR2, 88;and MR3, 167), including cows vaccinated with different commercial vaccines during the three months before sample collection (n = 295) and non-vaccinated against leptospirosis (n = 147). At the time of collection, an interview was conductedwith the owners with questions about the health of the animals, management, habitat, feeding and reproduction. Chi-squaretests univariate analysis with the SPSS® version 20.0 were performed to estimate the association of serogroup Djasimanseroreactivity with the occurrence of reproductive problems and related risk factors. The mean prevalence of antibodiesagainst leptospires was 78.7% (MR1, 74.9 %; MR2, 84.1 %; and MR3, 80.2 %). Serogroup prevalence was different in...
Animais , Bovinos , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Fatores de Risco , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Leptospirose/etiologia , Leptospirose/veterinária , Brasil , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos/métodos , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Background: Hormonal and physiological changes during pregnancy period have significant effects on animals' metabolisms. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the variations of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels according to different gestation trimesters of the pregnant mares to assess changes of embryonic losses and abortions. Materials, Methods & Results: Blood samples from 49 thoroughbred mares were analyzed during this study. Age ratio of the mares is 5-18 years and their body condition score (BCS; score 1 to 9) varies between 5 and 6. A total of 28 mares had given birth to healthy foals at the end of a healthy gestation period (Group C), whereas 11 mares had embryonic losses (Group E) and 10 mares had late period abortions (Group A). Following the confirmation of pregnancy, one blood sample per gestation trimester were taken (14-16 days of pregnancy for 1st trimester; 180 days for 2nd trimester, 270 days for 3rd trimester). Early embryonic losses (loss of a 16-25 days embryo) were observed in 6 of 11 mares in Group E and the 5 of 11 mares had late period embryonic losses (loss of a 35-40 days embryo). In Group A, 6 mares had the abortion within 7th month and the remaining 4 mares had the abortion within the 8th month of pregnancy. Repeated Measures ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test were performed for statistical analysis, the mean AST level in Group C (n = 28) was higher during the 1st trimester in comparison to 2 following trimesters (respectively: P = 0.011 ; P = 0.01). Besides, no statistical difference was observed between 2nd and 3rd trimester regarding AST activation (P > 0.05). The mean GGT level in Group C was significantly decreased lower in the 3rd trimester compared to 1st and 2nd trimester (respectively: P = 0.007 ; P = 0.009). No statistical difference was observed between 2nd and 3rd trimester regarding GGT activation (P > 0.05). Among all groups (C, E, A) no significant difference was observed on AST levels (P > 0.05), nonetheless GGT levels had a significant rise (P = 0.039) in Group A in comparison to the 1st trimester levels of Group C. In Group A, there was a statistical decrease of AST during the 2nd trimester in comparison to the 1st trimester (P = 0.001), accompanied by a decrease of GGT activation during the 2nd trimester compared to the 1st trimester (P = 0.009). Discussion: The aminotransferases are catalisors that play an important role on the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates. Although serum AST levels were within the reference ranges during 3 trimesters in this study, serum AST levels were determined to be decreased in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters in healthy pregnant mares compared to the 1st trimester. It is thought that these results can be obtained due to the increase in metabolic needs during pregnancy. In this study, serum GGT levels remained within physiological limits with a tendency to decrease as the pregnancy advances, in accordance with previous study results. Serum GGT levels that are used as an indicator to liver damage may vary during the pregnancy as a result of increased metabolic load. It is thought that the increase of serum GGT levels in Group A might be related to the fetal (chromosome-related) issues that may result to pregnancy losses. As a result, it is considered that serum AST and GGT levels in mares might be valuable parameters that predict embryonic loss or abortus cases.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Aspartato Aminotransferases/análise , Prenhez/fisiologia , Aborto Animal/fisiopatologia , Enzimas/análise , gama-Glutamiltransferase/análise , Cavalos/sangueResumo
Pregnancy losses are a major concern in livestock industry due to their economic impact on producers. Campylobacter fetus subspecies fetus (Cff) and C. fetus subspecies venerealis (Cfv) are directly related to reproductive failures in ruminants. Cff colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of a wide range of hosts leading to abortion, while Cfv is restricted to genital tract being generally associated to infertility in bovine. Considering the great economic losses related to campylobacteriosis in cattle and ovine herds, this study aims to investigate the occurrence of C. fetus, considering Cff and Cfv subspecies, in bovine and ovine spontaneously aborted fetuses in state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In this study, samples of abomasal fluid collected from 30 spontaneously aborted bovine (n = 18) and ovine (n = 12) fetuses were investigated for the detection of Campylobacter fetus throughout conventional PCR. Positive fetuses for C. fetus presence were further analyzed by molecular assays for Cff and Cfv detection, in order to determine subspecies identification. When available, samples of the main organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, as well as the brain, skeletal muscle, eyelid, skin, and placenta were collected for further histopathological analyses and bacterial culture, aiming to assess the presence of infection lesions and pathogens in those sites, respectively. Additionally, RT-qPCR assays were also performed for the detection of ruminant pestivirus, in order to detect bovine viral diarrhea cases. Throughout the present methodology, C. fetus was detected in the abomasal fluid samples of 2 bovine fetuses, being both identified as Cfv subspecies by PCR. Histopathological analyses demonstrated that macroscopic and microscopic changes found in the Cfv-positive animals were not either specific or directly related to Campylobacter infections. Moreover, no significant bacterial growth was observed in microbiological culture from the collected tissues, and both fetuses were negative for ruminant pestivirus. Differently, there was no detection of C. fetus in any of the analyzed ovine fetuses. Considering that abortion diagnosis rates reported in cattle and sheep industry are highly variable among the published studies, and that abortion diagnoses are commonly inconclusive due to difficulties in sampling methodology and inadequate identification of the pathogen involved, it is important to investigate the etiological causes of abortion the herds for better understanding the causes of pregnancy issues and monitoring their occurrence. In addition, the absence of pathognomonic lesions in the tissues investigated in the histopathological analyses observed in this study strongly suggests that well-known etiological agents commonly associated to abortion, such as Leptospira spp., Toxoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp. and Neospora caninum, are unlikely to be the cause of infection of the analyzed fetuses. Taking this into account, the presence of C. fetus in the abomasal fluid samples from two bovine fetuses demonstrated in the present study suggests the possible association of Cfv not only with infertility, but also with cases of bovine abortion, highlighting the importance of investigating unusual causal agents of abortions in sheep and cattle. Overall, an adequate diagnosis is essential for establishing better prevention strategies to avoid the circulation of abortion-related infectious agents in the herds.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Campylobacter fetus , Infecções por Campylobacter/veterinária , Aborto Animal , Infertilidade/veterinária , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economia , RuminantesResumo
Background: Bluetongue is a vector-borne viral disease transmitted by midges from the genus Culicoides. The disease caninfect most of the ruminant and camelid species, but the severe disease is most often seen in european wool and muttonsheep breeds. In this sense, there is a gap in the knowledge on BTV infection in hair sheep breeds from tropical zones.Thus, this study aimed at establishing whether exposure to BTV is a risk factor for reproductive failure in Santa Inês ewes,a hair sheep breed, reared under tropical conditions in Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out in sheep farms in São Paulo state,Brazil, after the rainy season. Serum samples from 110 Santa Inês ewes with a history of reproductive disorders, in the last6 months, which were included: abortion, premature birth, stillbirth, retention of placenta, infertility, estrus repetition, fetalmalformation, weak lamb birth and neonatal death were collected. The presence of antibodies against BTV was assessedby agar gel immunodiffusion method (AGID). Serology to the infectious agents Brucela ovis, Lepstopira spp., Toxoplasmagondii, Neospora caninum and Campylobacter sp. were also assessed. Bivariate associations between the outcome andindividual explanatory variables were assessed using the Fishers exact test. Abortion was the most common reproductive disorder (53%; 74/139) observed, followed by estrus repetition (12%; 17/139) and infertility (11%; 15/139). Otherdisorders related to the conceptus totaled nearly one fourth of the reported disorders. A total of 20% (22/110) of the eweswere seropositive to BTV. A higher frequency of BTV seropositive than BTV seronegative ewes with a history of abortionwas found. Also, abortion with seroreactivity to BTV was tested for prevalence ratio that showed 1.38 [95% CI 1.10-1.74;P = 0.030]. With regards to the abortion involvement of other infectious diseases associated with the seropositive ewes to...
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Aborto Animal/virologia , Bluetongue , Vírus Bluetongue , Fatores de Risco , Infertilidade Feminina/veterinária , Ovinos/virologiaResumo
Background: Bluetongue is a vector-borne viral disease transmitted by midges from the genus Culicoides. The disease caninfect most of the ruminant and camelid species, but the severe disease is most often seen in european wool and muttonsheep breeds. In this sense, there is a gap in the knowledge on BTV infection in hair sheep breeds from tropical zones.Thus, this study aimed at establishing whether exposure to BTV is a risk factor for reproductive failure in Santa Inês ewes,a hair sheep breed, reared under tropical conditions in Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out in sheep farms in São Paulo state,Brazil, after the rainy season. Serum samples from 110 Santa Inês ewes with a history of reproductive disorders, in the last6 months, which were included: abortion, premature birth, stillbirth, retention of placenta, infertility, estrus repetition, fetalmalformation, weak lamb birth and neonatal death were collected. The presence of antibodies against BTV was assessedby agar gel immunodiffusion method (AGID). Serology to the infectious agents Brucela ovis, Lepstopira spp., Toxoplasmagondii, Neospora caninum and Campylobacter sp. were also assessed. Bivariate associations between the outcome andindividual explanatory variables were assessed using the Fishers exact test. Abortion was the most common reproductive disorder (53%; 74/139) observed, followed by estrus repetition (12%; 17/139) and infertility (11%; 15/139). Otherdisorders related to the conceptus totaled nearly one fourth of the reported disorders. A total of 20% (22/110) of the eweswere seropositive to BTV. A higher frequency of BTV seropositive than BTV seronegative ewes with a history of abortionwas found. Also, abortion with seroreactivity to BTV was tested for prevalence ratio that showed 1.38 [95% CI 1.10-1.74;P = 0.030]. With regards to the abortion involvement of other infectious diseases associated with the seropositive ewes to...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Vírus Bluetongue , Bluetongue , Aborto Animal/virologia , Ovinos/virologia , Infertilidade Feminina/veterinária , Fatores de RiscoResumo
Abstract This cross-sectional study investigates Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum among 445 recently spontaneously aborted (RSA) Jordanian women using ELISA and indirect fluorescent antibody (at a cut-off value of 1/200) tests, respectively. The type of hospital, age, cat and dog contacts, raw and barbecued meat and wild plant consumption, number of abortions, and stillbirths were tested as independent variables using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. The true seroprevalences were 22.1% for T. gondii-IgG, 22.7% for N. caninum-IgG, 2.6% for T. gondii-IgM, 10.6% for N. caninum-IgM, 0% for T. gondii-IgG and IgM, 6.7% for N. caninum-IgG and IgM, and 4.6% and 0% for both parasite IgG and IgM, respectively. T. gondii-IgM-seropositivity was associated with the number of abortions with odds ratios (OR) of 2.4 and eating barbecued meat (OR = 0.12). N. caninum-IgG-seropositivity was associated with having a dog in the house (OR = 2.6), and with stillbirth (OR = 0.1). N. caninum-IgM was associated with visiting a private-hospital (OR = 2.7). RSA Jordanian women are equally exposed to both parasites with significantly (p < 0.05) higher seroprevalence of N. caninum-IgM compared to T. gondii-IgM suggestive of active infections among RSA women in Jordan.
Resumo Este é um estudo transversal, investigando Toxoplasma gondii e Neospora caninum entre 445 mulheres jordanianas recentemente abortadas espontaneamente (RSA), usando-se ELISA e testes de anticorpos fluorescentes indiretos (com valor de corte de 1/200), respectivamente. Tipo de hospital, idade, contato com o cão, consumo de carne, número de abortos foram testados como variáveis independentes, usando-se análises de regressão logística univariada e multivariada. As verdadeiras seroprevalências foram 22,1% para T. gondii-IgG; 22,7% para N. caninum-IgG; 2,6% para T. gondii-IgM; 10,6% para N. caninum-IgM, 0% para T. gondii-IgG e IgM, 6,7% para N. caninum-IgG e IgM, e 4,6% e 0% para ambos os parasitas IgG e IgM, respectivamente. A soropositividade para T. gondii-IgM foi associada ao número de abortos com "odds ratio" (OR) de 2,4 e ingestão de carne grelhada (OR = 0,12). A soropositividade para N. caninum-IgG foi associada à presença de cachorro em casa (OR = 2,6) e natimorto (OR = 0,1). N. caninum-IgM foi associada à visita a um hospital privado (OR = 2,7). Mulheres jordanianas com RSA estão igualmente expostas a ambos os parasitas com soroprevalência significativamente (p <0,05) maior de N. caninum-IgM, em comparação com T. gondii-IgM, sugestivo de infecções ativas entre mulheres com RSA na Jordânia.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Gatos , Cães , Toxoplasma , Doenças do Gato , Toxoplasmose Animal , Neospora , Doenças do Cão , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Estudos Transversais , Aborto Animal/epidemiologiaResumo
Background: The gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) is a specie that shows great adaptability in different habitats and it is the most abundant deer specie in South America. The present work describes for the first time a case of abortion followed by death associated with colloid goiter, massive hemonchosis and necrotizing rumenitis in a captive female gray brocket deer. Case: A 4-year-old female gray brocket deer (M. gouazoubira) raised in captivity had a history of abortion during the last third of gestation. The animal was kept in an enclosure together with 3 other gray brockets deers, being 1 male of the same age and 2 juvenile brocket deer of approximately 1 and 2 years old. The animals were fed with concentrated used as cattle feed and dewormed annually with 1% Ivermectin. The animals' enclosure had vegetation cover formed by grasses and soil. The animals appeared healthy with no behavioral changes. The day after the stillbirth, the mother was found dead in the enclosure and sent to the animal pathology sector of the University of Vila Velha (UVV), Brazil. Necropsy revealed that thyroid lobules were highly increased in volume and histopathological findings were compatible with colloid goiter. A large number of nematodes were found in the abomasal content, totalizing 11,626 helminths, which were morphologically characterized as Haemonchus contortus. Grossly, the serous and ruminal mucosa exhibited an extensively reddish focal area with irregular contour, surface ulceration and a firm consistency. Microscopically, a severe necrotizing rumenitis was diagnosed. The liver showed pale multifocal areas on the subcapsular surface, friable to the touch which deepened when cut. Histopathological analysis revealed an accentuated multifocal panlobular coagulative necrosis, characterizing an acute liver necrosis. Discussion: Iodine is a mineral of great importance for thyroid hormones synthesis and your requirements are higher during pregnancy and lactation. Diets deficient in iodine causes a reduction in the basal activity of the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and over-stimulation of the thyroid by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), resulting in goiter. In the present case, it is possible that the shortage of iodine in diet caused a goiter and, as a consequence, triggered the abortion. Haemonchus contortus is a pathogenic nematode of small ruminants, leading to decreased productivity and death in some cases as a result of anemia and hypoxia. The contact between domestic and wild animals, resulting in the emergence of infectious diseases and the spread of pathogens among species. In the present case, manual counting accounted for 11,626 H. contortus larvae, characterizing a massive infection and justifying the condition of severe anemia. The high parasitic load shown in this case points out this parasite's importance related to this species in captivity. In general, inflammatory lesions in the rumen are results of excessive intake of fermentable carbohydrates, which leads to a considerable decrease in ruminal pH and leads to a high proliferation of lactic acid bacteria. This lesion has been previously reported in cervids. This case of comorbidities demonstrates that failures in nutritional and health handling, may cause simultaneous multiple diseases leading to death. Preventive measures for helminth parasite control and a proper feeding management with an adequate diet must be provided in order to preserve the species in captivity.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cervos/parasitologia , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Bócio/veterinária , Hemoncose/veterinária , Rúmen/patologia , Deficiência de Iodo/complicações , HaemonchusResumo
Background: Chlamydia abortus infections (Chlamydiosis) can cause reproductive problems in sheep, such as abortionsand birth defects, leading to farm productivity loss. The symptoms, which are similar to other reproductive diseases, andthe microbial pathogenesis make the clinical diagnosis difficult. Chlamydia abortus is a zoonotic pathogen, making it apublic health issue because it can infect and induce abortions in humans. This study investigated anti-C. abortus antibodylevels and infection risk factors in sheep in the State of Ceará, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-three properties from 10 municipalities in 4 mesoregions in the State of Ceará, Brazil(Sertões, metropolitan Fortaleza, North Ceará and Northwest Ceará) with sheep, goats, cattle, and horses were visited.Five hundred and four serological samples from sheep were collected and tested for anti-C. abortus antibodies using anEnzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) [IDEXX®, Australia] and all procedures were performed in accordancewith the manufacturers instructions at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of EMBRAPA Goats and Sheep (Sobral, Brazil). Individual questionnaires were completed about sheep breeding practices and to identify possible C. abortus risks.Seropositive results were found in 18.45 % (93/504 individuals) of sheep, and 88.37 % (38/43 properties) of the herds hadat least one seropositive animal. The number of seropositive individuals was significantly different between adults andewes [P < 0.01; Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.510; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.306 - 0.850]. Logistic regression modelingidentified a missing health certificate request for newly acquired animals as a chlamydiosis risk factor [P = 0.038; OR =2.672; 95% CI = 1.058 - 6.749].Discussion: The prevalence of anti-C. abortus...
Feminino , Animais , Infecções por Chlamydia/epidemiologia , Infecções por Chlamydia/veterinária , Ovinos/microbiologia , Aborto Animal , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Fatores de Risco , ZoonosesResumo
Background: Chlamydia abortus infections (Chlamydiosis) can cause reproductive problems in sheep, such as abortionsand birth defects, leading to farm productivity loss. The symptoms, which are similar to other reproductive diseases, andthe microbial pathogenesis make the clinical diagnosis difficult. Chlamydia abortus is a zoonotic pathogen, making it apublic health issue because it can infect and induce abortions in humans. This study investigated anti-C. abortus antibodylevels and infection risk factors in sheep in the State of Ceará, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-three properties from 10 municipalities in 4 mesoregions in the State of Ceará, Brazil(Sertões, metropolitan Fortaleza, North Ceará and Northwest Ceará) with sheep, goats, cattle, and horses were visited.Five hundred and four serological samples from sheep were collected and tested for anti-C. abortus antibodies using anEnzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) [IDEXX®, Australia] and all procedures were performed in accordancewith the manufacturers instructions at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of EMBRAPA Goats and Sheep (Sobral, Brazil). Individual questionnaires were completed about sheep breeding practices and to identify possible C. abortus risks.Seropositive results were found in 18.45 % (93/504 individuals) of sheep, and 88.37 % (38/43 properties) of the herds hadat least one seropositive animal. The number of seropositive individuals was significantly different between adults andewes [P < 0.01; Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.510; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.306 - 0.850]. Logistic regression modelingidentified a missing health certificate request for newly acquired animals as a chlamydiosis risk factor [P = 0.038; OR =2.672; 95% CI = 1.058 - 6.749].Discussion: The prevalence of anti-C. abortus...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/microbiologia , Infecções por Chlamydia/veterinária , Infecções por Chlamydia/epidemiologia , Zoonoses , Fatores de Risco , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Aborto AnimalResumo
Yersinia enterocolitica is a bacterium with zoonotic potential and there are no previous records of this bacteria being isolated from aborted foals. This report aims to describe a case of sepsis due to Y. enterocolitica in a seven month old aborted equine. The fequinoetus was submitted to necropsy and samples of all the organs were collected for the histological exam. Samples of liver, lung, placenta, and stomach contents were collected for bacterial culture. Macroscopically, the liver was enlarged with yellowish heterogeneous color, heart with pale myocardial areas; lungs not collapsed, heavy and shiny, thickened umbilical cord covered with fibrin and pus. Histopathologically, there was moderate multifocal necrosuppurative myocarditis and thrombosis, moderate diffuse suppurative bronchopneumonia, mild multifocal fibrinonecrotic hepatitis, and moderate diffuse necrosuppurative omphalitis with intralesional bacterial myriads and thrombosis. Mild multifocal suppurative placentitis, nephritis, myositis, cystitis, and dermatitis were also observed, in addition to mild diffuse lymphoid rarefaction. The microbiological evaluation identified Y. enterocolitica in the liver, lung, and stomach fluid. This is the first report of sepsis due to Y. enterocolitica causing an abortion in a horse. This bacterium has zoonotic importance; therefore, it should be investigated in abortion in this species, serving as a differential diagnosis in reproductive disorders.(AU)
Yersinia enterocolitica é uma bactéria com potencial zoonótico, e não há informações desse agente como causa de abortamento em equinos. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de sepse por Y. enterocolitica em um feto equino abortado aos sete meses. O feto foi submetido à necropsia, e amostras de todos os órgãos foram processadas para histopatologia. Para microbiologia, foram coletadas amostras de fígado, pulmão, placenta e conteúdo estomacal. Macroscopicamente, observou-se fígado aumentado com coloração amarelada heterogênea; coração com áreas pálidas no miocárdio; pulmões não colabados, pesados e brilhantes; e cordão umbilical espessado e recoberto por fibrina e pus. Na análise histopatológica, havia miocardite necrossupurativa multifocal moderada e trombose, broncopneumonia supurativa difusa moderada, hepatite fibrinonecrótica multifocal discreta e onfalite necrossupurativa difusa moderada com miríades bacterianas intralesionais e trombose. Observou-se também placentite, nefrite, miosite, cistite e dermatite supurativa multifocal discreta, além de rarefação linfoide difusa discreta. A avaliação microbiológica identificou Y. enterocolitica no fígado, no pulmão e no líquido estomacal. Este é o primeiro relato de sepse por Y. enterocolitica causando abortamento na espécie equina. Essa bactéria tem importância zoonótica, portanto deve ser investigada em casos de abortamento nessa espécie, servindo como diagnóstico diferencial em tal distúrbio reprodutivo.(AU)
Animais , Yersinia enterocolitica/isolamento & purificação , Yersiniose/veterinária , Sepse/embriologia , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Cavalos/embriologia , Infecções Bacterianas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Neosporosis is a cosmopolitan disease known as the main infectious cause of abortion in cattle, reported in several states in Brazil. The transplacental transmission in cattle is responsible for perpetuating the disease in the herd. In the state of Santa Catarina, previous studies on this protozoan in cattle are mostly serological surveys. To increase information about this reproductive disorder, this work describes the diagnosis of abortions due to Neospora caninum in dairy cattle from state of Santa Catarina and the follow-up for 4 years in a farm affected by neosporosis. Cases: From 2015 to 2019, necropsy was performed on 10 aborted bovine fetuses, between fifth and eighth month of pregnancy, with 1 fetus aborted in 2015, 3 in 2016, 2 in 2017 and, 4 in 2019, all originating from the same dairy property in the southern region of state of Santa Catarina. No macroscopic lesions were found. Histopathology revealed mild to moderate multifocal mononuclear necrotizing encephalitis in 5 fetuses, and multifocal mild mononuclear myositis and myocarditis in 4 and 3 fetuses, respectively. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using primers based on the Nc-5 gene was positive for N. caninum in five fetuses. Three visits were performed in the farm for epidemiological evaluation and blood samples collection for IgG antibodies anti-N. caninum (IFAT). The total herd was 170 Jersey, Holstein and crossbred cattle, raised in a semi-confined system with mechanical milking system. Since 2014, there has been a significant increase in abortions cases, approximately 20 cows had abortions; in the year 2015, approximately 10; in 2016, less than 5; in 2017, 4 cows aborted; in 2018, 11 abortions and, in 2019, there were 4 abortions. An increase in the rate of return to estrus was also reported, and both primiparous and multiparous cows had reproductive disorders. Abortions were recorded throughout the year and occurred predominantly between the fourth and sixth month of pregnancy. In 2016, an Indirect Immunofluorescence Reaction (IFAT) was performed on sera from 26 cows (13 with a history of reproductive disorders and another 13 without disorders). Of these, 50.0% (13/26) were seropositive, with titers ranging from 100 to 1600 (cutoff ≥100). The Enzyme Immunoassay (ELISA) of the entire herd was carried out in 2017, with 26.54% (43/162) of seropositivity, 8.02% (13/162) suspect, and 30.4% (17/56) had reproductive disorders. It was observed that only animals born on the property were used for replacement, there was less possibility of direct contact between dogs on the property with milking facilities, placental and fetal remains, properly disposing of these, incinerating or burying. Thirty animals were discarded from the property, 25 of which had reproductive disorders. All young female daughters of seropositive cows remained on the property for replacement. During the evaluation period, all dogs were eliminated. Discussion: In this study, the diagnosis of neosporosis was made through epidemiology, histopathological lesions characterized by mononuclear encephalitis, myocarditis and myositis, and detection of the agent by PCR, associated with serological techniques. The lesions observed are indicative of N. caninum infection and are compatible with lesions observed in other studies. Serological screening is important to complement the diagnosis of abortion by N. caninum and to help control the agent in herds. From this report it is concluded that N. caninum is an important agent of reproductive disorders in cattle in the southern region of Santa Catarina, the different serological analyzes showed a good screening index for the inclusion of control strategies. In addition, the monitoring of reproductive rates of affected properties becomes necessary over the years, allowing better observation of control strategies.
Animais , Bovinos , Coccidiose/complicações , Coccidiose/veterinária , Neospora/isolamento & purificação , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Morte Fetal/etiologia , Brasil , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de animais soro reagentes à brucelose bovina em fazendas localizadas no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, por meio de exame sorológico utilizando o Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT) e discutir as possíveis diferenças entre as soroprevalências de fêmeas e machos. Foram avaliados, a partir do teste de triagem com Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), 724 bovinos da raça Nelore, sendo 274 machos e 450 fêmeas, provenientes de oito propriedades com histórico de problemas reprodutivos. O teste foi procedido conforme o protocolo determinado pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Os resultados demonstraram baixa soroprevalência da doença nos bovinos testados, sendo detectada prevalência para a doença de 1,10% nos machos e 2,88% nas fêmeas.Quando se considera o touro isoladamente nos rebanhos, pode-se perceber que a fertilidade é muito mais importante nos machos do que nas fêmeas individualmente, uma vez que os touros podem se acasalar com um número muito maior de fêmeas, seja na monta natural ou na inseminação artificial, demonstrando a importância do inquérito epidemiológico na população geral, principalmente nos machos. A maior frequência da doença foi encontrada nas fêmeas podendo estar relacionada à infecção por Brucella spp. no ambiente decorrente de parto ou aborto tornando as fêmeas transmissoras permanentes da doença.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of seroreactive animals to bovine brucellosis in farms located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, by means of a serological examination using the Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT) and to discuss the possible differences between the seroprevalence of females and males. A total of 724 Nellore cattle, 274 males and 450 females, from eight farms with a history of reproductive problems, were evaluated using the screening test with Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT). The test was carried out according to the protocol determined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA).The results showed a low seroprevalence of the disease in the tested cattle, with a prevalence of 1.10% in males and 2.88% in females.When considered the bull alone in herds, it can be shown that fertility is much more important in males than in females individually, since bulls can mate with a much larger number of females, either in natural mating or in artificial insemination, demonstrating the importance of epidemiological survey in the general population, especially in males. The highest frequency of the disease was found in females and may be related to infection by Brucella spp. in the environment from childbirth or abortion making females permanent transmitters of the disease.
Animais , Bovinos , Brucella abortus/patogenicidade , Brucelose Bovina/diagnóstico , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos/métodos , Aborto Animal/patologia , FazendasResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de animais soro reagentes à brucelose bovina em fazendas localizadas no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, por meio de exame sorológico utilizando o Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT) e discutir as possíveis diferenças entre as soroprevalências de fêmeas e machos. Foram avaliados, a partir do teste de triagem com Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), 724 bovinos da raça Nelore, sendo 274 machos e 450 fêmeas, provenientes de oito propriedades com histórico de problemas reprodutivos. O teste foi procedido conforme o protocolo determinado pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Os resultados demonstraram baixa soroprevalência da doença nos bovinos testados, sendo detectada prevalência para a doença de 1,10% nos machos e 2,88% nas fêmeas.Quando se considera o touro isoladamente nos rebanhos, pode-se perceber que a fertilidade é muito mais importante nos machos do que nas fêmeas individualmente, uma vez que os touros podem se acasalar com um número muito maior de fêmeas, seja na monta natural ou na inseminação artificial, demonstrando a importância do inquérito epidemiológico na população geral, principalmente nos machos. A maior frequência da doença foi encontrada nas fêmeas podendo estar relacionada à infecção por Brucella spp. no ambiente decorrente de parto ou aborto tornando as fêmeas transmissoras permanentes da doença.(AU)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of seroreactive animals to bovine brucellosis in farms located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, by means of a serological examination using the Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT) and to discuss the possible differences between the seroprevalence of females and males. A total of 724 Nellore cattle, 274 males and 450 females, from eight farms with a history of reproductive problems, were evaluated using the screening test with Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT). The test was carried out according to the protocol determined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA).The results showed a low seroprevalence of the disease in the tested cattle, with a prevalence of 1.10% in males and 2.88% in females.When considered the bull alone in herds, it can be shown that fertility is much more important in males than in females individually, since bulls can mate with a much larger number of females, either in natural mating or in artificial insemination, demonstrating the importance of epidemiological survey in the general population, especially in males. The highest frequency of the disease was found in females and may be related to infection by Brucella spp. in the environment from childbirth or abortion making females permanent transmitters of the disease.(AU)