A síndrome ascítica, ou síndrome de hipertensão pulmonar, pode ser definida como uma condição patológica caracterizada pelo acúmulo de líquido na cavidade abdominal em virtude da maior velocidade de crescimento e ganho de peso dos frangos, levando a maior necessidade de suprimento de oxigênio para os tecidos, geralmente ocorre a partir da terceira semana de vida da ave. As altas taxas de crescimento e ganho de peso implicaram no aumento da demanda de oxigênio para suprir os tecidos causando falhas na resposta fisiológica em órgãos como o coração e o pulmão. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a frequência de carcaças acometidas de forma parcial ou total pela síndrome ascítica em frangos de corte abatidos em um frigorífico sob inspeção estadual localizado no Estado do Espírito Santo, e estimar o impacto econômico decorrente. Foram inspecionadas 2.067.645 aves, das quais, em 6.855 (0,33%) foram identificadas com esse distúrbio metabólico. Em todas as modalidades as carcaças tiveram o encaminhamento específico de destino, de acordo com a legislação vigente, resultando em uma perda econômica de no mínimo R$19.905,00 (U$ 3,790.06) durante o período aproximado de três meses (período de realização do estudo). Assim, conlui-se que para evitar a recorrência desse problema, deve-se conhecer todos os fatores de risco que podem levar a essa condição patológica, para estabelecer medidas eficazes para seu controle, fazendo com que a avicultura brasileira continue em grande desenvolvimento e que ocorra redução das perdas economicas para essa cadeia produtiva.
Ascitic syndrome, or pulmonary hypertension syndrome, can be defined as a pathological condition characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity due to the higher growth rate and weight gain of chickens, leading to a greater need for oxygen supply to the tissues, usually occurring from the third week of the bird's life. The high rates of growth and weight gain implied an increase in the demand for oxygen to supply the tissues, causing failures in the physiological response in organs such as the heart and the lungs. Thus, this study aims to report the frequency of carcasses partially or totally affected by ascitic syndrome in broilers slaughtered in an abattoir under state inspection located in the State of Espírito Santo, and to estimate the resulting economic losses. A total of 2,067,645 birds were inspected, of which 6,855 (0.33%) were identified with this metabolic disorder. In all modalities, the carcasses were sent to a specific destination, in accordance with current legislation, resulting in an economic loss of at least U$ 3,790.06 (R$19.905,00) during the period of approximately three months (period of the study). Thus, it is concluded that to avoid this problem, all the risk factors that can lead to this pathological condition must be known, to establish effective measures for its control, making the Brazilian poultry industry able to continue in great development and to reduce the economic losses for this production chain.
Animais , Ascite/veterinária , Líquido Ascítico/patologia , Galinhas , Hipertensão Pulmonar/veterinária , Brasil , Matadouros , Inspeção SanitáriaResumo
Over the last decade, Brazil registered a 10.56% increase in the number of poultry slaughtered in establishments registered under the "Serviço de Inspeção Federal" (SIF - Federal Inspection Service), as a result of technological advances in management, health and genetics applied to national aviculture. At slaughter, during post-mortem inspection, carcasses can be totally or partially condemned for various reasons, including ascitic syndrome. This syndrome has economic implications for the industry, in addition to being a problem for the health and welfare of poultry. The objective of this work was to evaluate the historical series (2010-2019) of partial and total condemnations of poultry carcasses due to ascitic syndrome in slaughterhouses registered under the SIF and located in the main poultry-producing states. Through official data, the condemnation occurrence index (COI) and the adjusted seasonal index (ASI) were calculated. The condemnation rate was 1,140 carcasses condemned, totally or partially, for ascitic syndrome for every 1,000,000 poultry slaughtered. The smallest and largest COIs were found in São Paulo (February 2010) and in Goiás (January 2017), respectively. The occurrence of condemnations for this syndrome was cyclical throughout the historical series, showing peaks of condemnation in all years evaluated, with the highest ASIs in July, August and September, and with rates varying between 1.24 and 1.54 in these months. Considering the period of pre-slaughter housing, the highest ASIs coincide with the coldest period of the year (May to August) for all analyzed states. The results show that ascitic syndrome is a growing problem in Brazil, with greater occurrence during the coldest months of the year, having a negative impact on animal health and the profitability of producers and industries in the poultry production chain.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a série histórica (2010-2019) de condenações parciais e totais de carcaças de aves por síndrome ascítica em abatedouros registrados no SIF localizados nos principais estados produtores de carne de frango. Através de dados oficiais, foram calculados o índice de ocorrência de condenações (IOC) e o índice de sazonalidade ajustado (ISA). A taxa de condenação foi de 1.140 carcaças condenadas total ou parcialmente por síndrome ascítica a cada 1.000.000 de aves abatidas. O menor e maior IOCs foram encontrados em São Paulo (fevereiro/2010) e em Goiás (janeiro/2017), respectivamente. A ocorrência de condenações por esta síndrome teve comportamento cíclico ao longo da série histórica, apresentando picos de condenação em todos os anos avaliados, sendo os maiores ISAs encontrados nos meses de julho, agosto e setembro, com índices variando entre 1,24 e 1,54 nestes meses. Considerando o período de alojamento pré-abate, os maiores valores de ISAs coincidiram com o período mais frio do ano (Maio a Agosto) para todos os estados analisados. Os resultados mostram que síndrome ascítica é um problema crescente no Brasil, com maior ocorrência durante os meses frios do ano, impactando negativamente a saúde dos animais e a lucratividade dos produtores e indústrias da cadeia produtiva de frango de corte.(AU)
Animais , Ascite/diagnóstico , Aves , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Matadouros , IndústriasResumo
Over the last decade, Brazil registered a 10.56% increase in the number of poultry slaughtered in establishments registered under the "Serviço de Inspeção Federal" (SIF - Federal Inspection Service), as a result of technological advances in management, health and genetics applied to national aviculture. At slaughter, during post-mortem inspection, carcasses can be totally or partially condemned for various reasons, including ascitic syndrome. This syndrome has economic implications for the industry, in addition to being a problem for the health and welfare of poultry. The objective of this work was to evaluate the historical series (2010-2019) of partial and total condemnations of poultry carcasses due to ascitic syndrome in slaughterhouses registered under the SIF and located in the main poultry-producing states. Through official data, the condemnation occurrence index (COI) and the adjusted seasonal index (ASI) were calculated. The condemnation rate was 1,140 carcasses condemned, totally or partially, for ascitic syndrome for every 1,000,000 poultry slaughtered. The smallest and largest COIs were found in São Paulo (February 2010) and in Goiás (January 2017), respectively. The occurrence of condemnations for this syndrome was cyclical throughout the historical series, showing peaks of condemnation in all years evaluated, with the highest ASIs in July, August and September, and with rates varying between 1.24 and 1.54 in these months. Considering the period of pre-slaughter housing, the highest ASIs coincide with the coldest period of the year (May to August) for all analyzed states. The results show that ascitic syndrome is a growing problem in Brazil, with greater occurrence during the coldest months of the year, having a negative impact on animal health and the profitability of producers and industries in the poultry production chain.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a série histórica (2010-2019) de condenações parciais e totais de carcaças de aves por síndrome ascítica em abatedouros registrados no SIF localizados nos principais estados produtores de carne de frango. Através de dados oficiais, foram calculados o índice de ocorrência de condenações (IOC) e o índice de sazonalidade ajustado (ISA). A taxa de condenação foi de 1.140 carcaças condenadas total ou parcialmente por síndrome ascítica a cada 1.000.000 de aves abatidas. O menor e maior IOCs foram encontrados em São Paulo (fevereiro/2010) e em Goiás (janeiro/2017), respectivamente. A ocorrência de condenações por esta síndrome teve comportamento cíclico ao longo da série histórica, apresentando picos de condenação em todos os anos avaliados, sendo os maiores ISAs encontrados nos meses de julho, agosto e setembro, com índices variando entre 1,24 e 1,54 nestes meses. Considerando o período de alojamento pré-abate, os maiores valores de ISAs coincidiram com o período mais frio do ano (Maio a Agosto) para todos os estados analisados. Os resultados mostram que síndrome ascítica é um problema crescente no Brasil, com maior ocorrência durante os meses frios do ano, impactando negativamente a saúde dos animais e a lucratividade dos produtores e indústrias da cadeia produtiva de frango de corte.(AU)
Animais , Ascite/diagnóstico , Aves , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Matadouros , IndústriasResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de mesotelioma peritoneal epitelioide papilar em um bovino. Foi atendida uma vaca Gir, com dez anos de idade, apresentando taquicardia, taquipneia, 8% de desidratação, hipomotilidade ruminal, edema de barbela e aumento da circunferência abdominal bilateral ventral. Os achados de palpação consistiram na presença de múltiplos nódulos abdominais firmes, de tamanhos variados, localizados na parede abdominal e presença de grande quantidade de líquido intra-abdominal, confirmados pela ultrassonografia transretal. O líquido peritoneal coletado foi classificado como transudato modificado. Foi realizada laparotomia exploratória pelo flanco, identificando-se aproximadamente 150 litros de líquido peritoneal e múltiplos nódulos de coloração esbranquiçada, firmes, irregulares e difusos no peritônio e na superfície serosa de diferentes órgãos. O exame histopatológico dos fragmentos coletados por biopsia confirmou o diagnóstico de mesotelioma peritoneal classificado como sendo do tipo epitelioide papilar. A maioria dos casos de mesotelioma ocorre de forma incidiosa e sua manifestação clínica ocorre em quadros mais avançados, quando o prognóstico se torna desfavorável ao animal. A partir das condições encontradas no presente relato, foi indicada eutanásia do animal em razão do comprometimento do bem-estar.
The aim of this paper was to report a case of papillary epithelial mesothelioma of the peritoneal surface in a cattle. A ten-yearold Gir cow was examined on a rural property, presenting tachycardia, tachypnea, 8% dehydration, ruminal hypomotility submandibular edema and bilateral ventral abdominal enlargement. Rectal palpation showed multiple firm abdominal nodules, of varying sizes, located in the abdominal wall and the presence of large amounts of intra-abdominal fluid, confirmed by transrectal ultrasonography. The peritoneal fluid collected was classified as modified transudate. Exploratory laparotomy was performed along the flank, identifying approximately 150 liters of peritoneal fluid and multiple whitish-colored nodules, firm, irregular and diffuse on the peritoneum and on the serous surface of different organs. Histopathological examination of the biopsy pieces confirmed the diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma classified as papillary epithelioid type. Most cases of mesothelioma occur insidious, and its clinical manifestation occurs in more advanced cases, when the prognosis becomes unfavorable for the animal. Based on the conditions found in this report, euthanasia of the animal was indicated due to compromised well-being.
Animais , Bovinos , Ascite , Bovinos , Mesotelioma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mesoteliais/diagnósticoResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de mesotelioma peritoneal epitelioide papilar em um bovino. Foi atendida uma vaca Gir, com dez anos de idade, apresentando taquicardia, taquipneia, 8% de desidratação, hipomotilidade ruminal, edema de barbela e aumento da circunferência abdominal bilateral ventral. Os achados de palpação consistiram na presença de múltiplos nódulos abdominais firmes, de tamanhos variados, localizados na parede abdominal e presença de grande quantidade de líquido intra-abdominal, confirmados pela ultrassonografia transretal. O líquido peritoneal coletado foi classificado como transudato modificado. Foi realizada laparotomia exploratória pelo flanco, identificando-se aproximadamente 150 litros de líquido peritoneal e múltiplos nódulos de coloração esbranquiçada, firmes, irregulares e difusos no peritônio e na superfície serosa de diferentes órgãos. O exame histopatológico dos fragmentos coletados por biopsia confirmou o diagnóstico de mesotelioma peritoneal classificado como sendo do tipo epitelioide papilar. A maioria dos casos de mesotelioma ocorre de forma incidiosa e sua manifestação clínica ocorre em quadros mais avançados, quando o prognóstico se torna desfavorável ao animal. A partir das condições encontradas no presente relato, foi indicada eutanásia do animal em razão do comprometimento do bem-estar.(AU)
The aim of this paper was to report a case of papillary epithelial mesothelioma of the peritoneal surface in a cattle. A ten-yearold Gir cow was examined on a rural property, presenting tachycardia, tachypnea, 8% dehydration, ruminal hypomotility submandibular edema and bilateral ventral abdominal enlargement. Rectal palpation showed multiple firm abdominal nodules, of varying sizes, located in the abdominal wall and the presence of large amounts of intra-abdominal fluid, confirmed by transrectal ultrasonography. The peritoneal fluid collected was classified as modified transudate. Exploratory laparotomy was performed along the flank, identifying approximately 150 liters of peritoneal fluid and multiple whitish-colored nodules, firm, irregular and diffuse on the peritoneum and on the serous surface of different organs. Histopathological examination of the biopsy pieces confirmed the diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma classified as papillary epithelioid type. Most cases of mesothelioma occur insidious, and its clinical manifestation occurs in more advanced cases, when the prognosis becomes unfavorable for the animal. Based on the conditions found in this report, euthanasia of the animal was indicated due to compromised well-being.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Mesotelioma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mesoteliais/diagnóstico , AsciteResumo
The aim of the current study was to evaluate cardiac status, ascitessusceptibility, thyroid hormones, some hematological parameters andperformance of five commercial broiler strains.Chicks were selected from strains of Cobb, Hubbard, Ross 308, Arbor Acres, and Arian (Iranian commercial broiler strain). Management and nutritional conditions were the same for all strains. Ascites related factors, and growth performancewere measured. The highest and lowest, RV weight/live weight at 21 day of age were related to Arian and Ross 308 strains, respectively (p <0.05). The TV weight, TV weight/live weightand the RV weight/live weight were significantly different between various strains at 49 and 54 days of age(p <0.05). Strain had no effect on RV/TV.Performance, T3and T4hormones, hematological parameters, andmortalitieswere not significantly different among the strains(p >0.05). Ascites mortalities in the Ross 308 was zero; however, it had no significant difference with other strains (p >0.05).It was concluded that, based on performance and physiological status, even though considered broiler strains did not differ significantly because of the same genetic programs probably, but according to the prices and market conditions each can be selected for breeding.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ascite/diagnóstico , Aumento de Peso , Ração Animal , Hormônios Tireóideos/análise , Testes HematológicosResumo
The aim of the current study was to evaluate cardiac status, ascitessusceptibility, thyroid hormones, some hematological parameters andperformance of five commercial broiler strains.Chicks were selected from strains of Cobb, Hubbard, Ross 308, Arbor Acres, and Arian (Iranian commercial broiler strain). Management and nutritional conditions were the same for all strains. Ascites related factors, and growth performancewere measured. The highest and lowest, RV weight/live weight at 21 day of age were related to Arian and Ross 308 strains, respectively (p 0.05). Ascites mortalities in the Ross 308 was zero; however, it had no significant difference with other strains (p >0.05).It was concluded that, based on performance and physiological status, even though considered broiler strains did not differ significantly because of the same genetic programs probably, but according to the prices and market conditions each can be selected for breeding.
Animais , Ascite/diagnóstico , Aumento de Peso , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Hormônios Tireóideos/análise , Ração Animal , Testes HematológicosResumo
Congenital hepatic fibrosis (CHF) is an autosomal recessive malformation characterized by a variable degree of fibrosis and bile duct proliferation, mainly described in people and rarely reported in bovine European breeds. In addition to liver fibrosis, this syndrome has been associated with ascites and subcutaneous edema in calves. This paper described the pathological findings of the first report of CHF in a Nelore bovine fetus. A stillborn calf was removed by cesarean section because of dystocia. At necropsy, characteristic changes of CHF were observed, such as a large increase in abdominal volume associated with hepatic fibrosis and marked subcutaneous edema. Histological examination of liver revealed periportal and port-portal islands of fibrosis separating the parenchyma into nodules of variable sizes and containing numerous abnormally shaped bile ducts. The CHF should be considered in the differential diagnosis in young calves that present with ascites.(AU)
A fibrose hepática congênita (FHC) é uma malformação autossômica recessiva, caracterizada por um variável grau de fibrose e proliferação de ductos biliares, descrita principalmente em pessoas, e raramente relatada em bovinos de raças europeias. Além da fibrose hepática em bezerros, esta síndrome tem sido associada à ascite e edema subcutâneo. O presente trabalho apresenta os achados anatomopatológicos do primeiro relato de FHC em um feto bovino da raça nelore. O bezerro natimorto foi retirado por meio de cesariana devido à distocia. Na necropsia foram verificadas alterações características da FHC, como grande aumento de volume abdominal associado à fibrose hepática e marcado edema subcutâneo. O exame histológico do fígado revelou ilhas de fibrose periportal e porto-portal, separando o parênquima em nódulos de tamanhos variáveis e contendo numerosos ductos biliares irregulares de tamanhos anormais.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Cirrose Hepática/veterinária , Ascite/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Morte Perinatal , Natimorto/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pulmonary hypoplasia is characterized by incomplete development of the lungs, owing to congenital defectsor the action of toxic substances. Moreover, it has rarely been described in pigs. Ascites or hydroperitoneum is characterized by the presence of fluid inside the abdominal cavity and does not generally cause changes in the abdominal organs.However, hydrothorax, characterized by the presence of fluid within the thoracic cavity, is responsible for the compressionof thoracic organs and consequent heart and respiratory failure. This study aims to describe a case of congenital pulmonaryhypoplasia associated with ascites and hydrothorax in a newborn pig.Case: A male neonate Landrace pig that died shortly after delivery was presented for necropsy with increased abdominalvolume and bilateral extension of the pelvic limbs. The pig belonged to a litter of 13 piglets, four of which died shortlyafter birth. The rest of the piglets were poorly developed, but only one was presented for necropsy. Significant externalchanges, along with permanent distension, interpreted as arthrogriposis, were observed in the pelvic limbs. The skin of theventral abdominal region was thin, with evidence of all blood vessels, interpreted as telangectasis. An internal examination revealed the presence of a slightly yellowish liquid in the thoracic and abdominal cavities, interpreted as hydrothoraxand ascites, respectively. The lungs were reduced in size, indicating pulmonary hypoplasia. The liver had rounded edges,which were dark red and firm, with an irregular surface. Significant microscopic findings were observed in the lungs,which were divided by fibrous connective tissue and showed evidence of small and atrophied alveoli. Furthermore, connective tissue was observed around the peribronchiolar regions and underdeveloped cartilage around the airways. The liver...
Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , Pulmão/anormalidades , Suínos/anormalidades , Artrogripose/veterinária , Ascite/veterinária , Hidrotórax/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pulmonary hypoplasia is characterized by incomplete development of the lungs, owing to congenital defectsor the action of toxic substances. Moreover, it has rarely been described in pigs. Ascites or hydroperitoneum is characterized by the presence of fluid inside the abdominal cavity and does not generally cause changes in the abdominal organs.However, hydrothorax, characterized by the presence of fluid within the thoracic cavity, is responsible for the compressionof thoracic organs and consequent heart and respiratory failure. This study aims to describe a case of congenital pulmonaryhypoplasia associated with ascites and hydrothorax in a newborn pig.Case: A male neonate Landrace pig that died shortly after delivery was presented for necropsy with increased abdominalvolume and bilateral extension of the pelvic limbs. The pig belonged to a litter of 13 piglets, four of which died shortlyafter birth. The rest of the piglets were poorly developed, but only one was presented for necropsy. Significant externalchanges, along with permanent distension, interpreted as arthrogriposis, were observed in the pelvic limbs. The skin of theventral abdominal region was thin, with evidence of all blood vessels, interpreted as telangectasis. An internal examination revealed the presence of a slightly yellowish liquid in the thoracic and abdominal cavities, interpreted as hydrothoraxand ascites, respectively. The lungs were reduced in size, indicating pulmonary hypoplasia. The liver had rounded edges,which were dark red and firm, with an irregular surface. Significant microscopic findings were observed in the lungs,which were divided by fibrous connective tissue and showed evidence of small and atrophied alveoli. Furthermore, connective tissue was observed around the peribronchiolar regions and underdeveloped cartilage around the airways. The liver...(AU)
Animais , Suínos/anormalidades , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , Pulmão/anormalidades , Ascite/veterinária , Hidrotórax/veterinária , Artrogripose/veterináriaResumo
Ascites is a pathology characterized by the extravasation of fluid from blood vessels and its accumulation in the abdominal cavity, caused by several associated factors. In this paper, we report the occurrence of this syndrome in breeding male and female Bullfrogs fed a commercial fish feed with 40% crude protein. Liver malformation was already observed due to lack of protein deposition in adult animals from the same spawning. The culture of ascitic fluid showed absence of bacterial growth. Kidney histopathology showed, in both sexes, a large number of tubular structures with strongly eosinophilic hyaline material suggesting colloid growth in both the cortical region and spinal cord. The analysis also revealed granulomas in various stages of development, many showing central necrotic material. The kidneys, glomerular, were mostly hypoplastic, with enlarged Bowman space, and many were hyalinized or hemorrhagic; the parenchyma showed dystrophic calcification, and many tubules containing fibrinoid material. The liver displayed a large amount of melanomacrophages in the parenchyma and foci of mono-lymphocytic hepatitis and marked cytoplasmic rarefaction, as well as several hepatocytes with pyknotic nuclei and necrotic cells and dissociation of the hepatic trabeculae. Ascites may be caused by the lesions observed in these organs.(AU)
A ascite é uma condição patológica que se caracteriza pelo extravasamento do líquido dos vasos sanguíneos e por seu acúmulo na cavidade abdominal provocado por uma somatória de fatores. É considerada uma síndrome de caráter multifatorial e, uma vez desencadeado o processo ascítico, esse se torna, na maioria dos casos, irreversível. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência dessa síndrome em machos e fêmeas reprodutores de rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus), alimentados com ração comercial para peixes, com 40% de proteína bruta, durante três anos e já sendo observada má formação de fígado, por falta de deposição proteica, em animais adultos da mesma desova. A cultura do líquido ascítico demonstrou ausência de crescimento bacteriano. Na histopatologia, observou-se, para ambos os sexos, nos rins, grande número de estruturas tubulares com material fortemente eosinofílico e hialino, sugerindo coloide, tanto na região cortical como na medular. Visualizaram-se também granulomas em vários estágios de desenvolvimento, muitos apresentando material necrótico central. Ainda se pôde observar que os aparelhos renais, os glomérulos, em sua maioria, estavam hipoplásicos e com aumento do espaço de Bowman, e muitos hialinizados ou hemorrágicos; além de calcificação distrófica no parênquima e nos dos túbulos, havia material fibrinoide no seu interior. No fígado, pôde-se ver grande quantidade de melanomacrófagos no parênquima e focos de hepatite monolinfocitária e acentuada rarefação citoplasmática, assim como vários hepatócitos com núcleo em picnose e células em necrose e dissociação das trabéculas hepáticas. A causa da ascite pode ser devido às lesões observadas nesses órgãos.(AU)
Animais , Ascite/veterinária , Rana catesbeiana , Doenças Metabólicas/veterináriaResumo
Ascites is a pathology characterized by the extravasation of fluid from blood vessels and its accumulation in the abdominal cavity, caused by several associated factors. In this paper, we report the occurrence of this syndrome in breeding male and female Bullfrogs fed a commercial fish feed with 40% crude protein. Liver malformation was already observed due to lack of protein deposition in adult animals from the same spawning. The culture of ascitic fluid showed absence of bacterial growth. Kidney histopathology showed, in both sexes, a large number of tubular structures with strongly eosinophilic hyaline material suggesting colloid growth in both the cortical region and spinal cord. The analysis also revealed granulomas in various stages of development, many showing central necrotic material. The kidneys, glomerular, were mostly hypoplastic, with enlarged Bowman space, and many were hyalinized or hemorrhagic; the parenchyma showed dystrophic calcification, and many tubules containing fibrinoid material. The liver displayed a large amount of melanomacrophages in the parenchyma and foci of mono-lymphocytic hepatitis and marked cytoplasmic rarefaction, as well as several hepatocytes with pyknotic nuclei and necrotic cells and dissociation of the hepatic trabeculae. Ascites may be caused by the lesions observed in these organs.(AU)
A ascite é uma condição patológica que se caracteriza pelo extravasamento do líquido dos vasos sanguíneos e por seu acúmulo na cavidade abdominal provocado por uma somatória de fatores. É considerada uma síndrome de caráter multifatorial e, uma vez desencadeado o processo ascítico, esse se torna, na maioria dos casos, irreversível. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência dessa síndrome em machos e fêmeas reprodutores de rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus), alimentados com ração comercial para peixes, com 40% de proteína bruta, durante três anos e já sendo observada má formação de fígado, por falta de deposição proteica, em animais adultos da mesma desova. A cultura do líquido ascítico demonstrou ausência de crescimento bacteriano. Na histopatologia, observou-se, para ambos os sexos, nos rins, grande número de estruturas tubulares com material fortemente eosinofílico e hialino, sugerindo coloide, tanto na região cortical como na medular. Visualizaram-se também granulomas em vários estágios de desenvolvimento, muitos apresentando material necrótico central. Ainda se pôde observar que os aparelhos renais, os glomérulos, em sua maioria, estavam hipoplásicos e com aumento do espaço de Bowman, e muitos hialinizados ou hemorrágicos; além de calcificação distrófica no parênquima e nos dos túbulos, havia material fibrinoide no seu interior. No fígado, pôde-se ver grande quantidade de melanomacrófagos no parênquima e focos de hepatite monolinfocitária e acentuada rarefação citoplasmática, assim como vários hepatócitos com núcleo em picnose e células em necrose e dissociação das trabéculas hepáticas. A causa da ascite pode ser devido às lesões observadas nesses órgãos.(AU)
Animais , Ascite/veterinária , Rana catesbeiana , Doenças Metabólicas/veterináriaResumo
Babesia canis é um protozoário cosmopolita que parasita eritrócitos de cães domésticos e selvagens. O diagnóstico é realizado mediante a observação direta do microrganismo em hemácias no esfregaço de sangue periférico, métodos sorológicos e técnicas moleculares. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar pela primeira vez a presença de merozoítos de Babesia spp. no líquido peritoneal de um cão com ascite. No Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, foi atendido um cão, macho, sem raça definida, de sete meses de idade, com histórico de emaciação, apatia e abaulamento abdominal. No exame físico, foram evidenciadas mucosas hipocoradas, ascite, sopro sistólico grau IV/V e taquipneia. Nos exames laboratoriais, evidenciou-se anemia normocítica/normocrômica, trombocitopenia e hipoproteinemia. No esfregaço sanguíneo, foram observadas estruturas intraeritrocitárias compatíveis com Babesia spp. A avaliação do líquido ascítico foi compatível com transudato modificado e observaram-se inúmeras estruturas intra e extracelulares compatíveis com merozoítas de Babesia spp. A presença de microrganismos intra e extracelular poderia estar relacionada a uma lesão no baço com extravasamento do conteúdo para a cavidade abdominal. A coleta do líquido peritoneal pode ser uma alternativa para o diagnóstico de babesiose quando o animal com suspeita da infecção apresentar ascite.(AU)
Babesia canis is a cosmopolitan protozoan that parasites erythrocytes of domestic and wild dogs. The diagnosis is performed by direct observation of the microorganism in red blood cells in the peripheral blood smear, serological methods and molecular techniques. The aim of this work is to report for the first time the presence of merozoites of Babesia spp. in the peritoneal fluid of a dog with ascites. At the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Viçosa was attended a Mixed-breed seven month old dog, male, with history of emaciation, apathy and abdominal bulging. Pale mucous membranes, ascites, grade IV/V systolic murmur and tachypnea were evidenced in the physical examination. Laboratory tests revealed normocytic/normochromic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and hypoproteinemia. Intra-erythrocyte structures compatible with Babesia spp. were observed in the blood smear. The evaluation of the ascites fluid was compatible with modified transudate where numerous intra and extracellular structures compatible with Babesia spp. merozoites were observed. The presence of intra and extracellular microorganisms could be related to an injury of the spleen with extravasation of the contents into the abdominal cavity. Collection of the peritoneal fluid may be an alternative for the diagnosis of babesiosis when the animal with suspected infection has ascites.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Ascite/veterinária , Líquido Ascítico/virologia , BabesiaResumo
Babesia canis é um protozoário cosmopolita que parasita eritrócitos de cães domésticos e selvagens. O diagnóstico é realizado mediante a observação direta do microrganismo em hemácias no esfregaço de sangue periférico, métodos sorológicos e técnicas moleculares. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar pela primeira vez a presença de merozoítos de Babesia spp. no líquido peritoneal de um cão com ascite. No Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, foi atendido um cão, macho, sem raça definida, de sete meses de idade, com histórico de emaciação, apatia e abaulamento abdominal. No exame físico, foram evidenciadas mucosas hipocoradas, ascite, sopro sistólico grau IV/V e taquipneia. Nos exames laboratoriais, evidenciou-se anemia normocítica/normocrômica, trombocitopenia e hipoproteinemia. No esfregaço sanguíneo, foram observadas estruturas intraeritrocitárias compatíveis com Babesia spp. A avaliação do líquido ascítico foi compatível com transudato modificado e observaram-se inúmeras estruturas intra e extracelulares compatíveis com merozoítas de Babesia spp. A presença de microrganismos intra e extracelular poderia estar relacionada a uma lesão no baço com extravasamento do conteúdo para a cavidade abdominal. A coleta do líquido peritoneal pode ser uma alternativa para o diagnóstico de babesiose quando o animal com suspeita da infecção apresentar ascite.(AU)
Babesia canis is a cosmopolitan protozoan that parasites erythrocytes of domestic and wild dogs. The diagnosis is performed by direct observation of the microorganism in red blood cells in the peripheral blood smear, serological methods and molecular techniques. The aim of this work is to report for the first time the presence of merozoites of Babesia spp. in the peritoneal fluid of a dog with ascites. At the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Viçosa was attended a Mixed-breed seven month old dog, male, with history of emaciation, apathy and abdominal bulging. Pale mucous membranes, ascites, grade IV/V systolic murmur and tachypnea were evidenced in the physical examination. Laboratory tests revealed normocytic/normochromic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and hypoproteinemia. Intra-erythrocyte structures compatible with Babesia spp. were observed in the blood smear. The evaluation of the ascites fluid was compatible with modified transudate where numerous intra and extracellular structures compatible with Babesia spp. merozoites were observed. The presence of intra and extracellular microorganisms could be related to an injury of the spleen with extravasation of the contents into the abdominal cavity. Collection of the peritoneal fluid may be an alternative for the diagnosis of babesiosis when the animal with suspected infection has ascites.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Ascite/veterinária , Líquido Ascítico/virologia , BabesiaResumo
ABSTRACT We hypothesized that the supplementation of vitamin C (Vit. C) and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) alone or in combination could reduce the negative effects of cold stress in broilers. Four hundred male chicks were exposed for 24 h to cold stress (15 ºC) starting from 15d of age, while a positive control group (PC, 100 birds) was kept under normal temperature condition. The experimental groups under cold stress (four treatments in 5 replicates of 20 birds) were: negative control (NC, basal diet), Vit. C (basal diet + 300 mg/kg Vit. C), CoQ10 (basal diet + 40 mg/kg CoQ10) and Vit. C plus CoQ10 (basal diet + Vit. C+ CoQ10at above mentioned doses). Vit. C or CoQ10 supplementation were restored (p 0.01) performance and lowered (p 0.01) ascites mortality. Blood hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration were decreased (p 0.01) to the level comparable to PC by Vit. C supplementation. Lower plasma concentrations of thyroxin (T4) and higher triiodothyronine (T3) were observed in NC birds (p 0.01) and were not affected by Vit. C or CoQ10. In conclusion, supplementation of Vit. C or CoQ10 in diet of broilers under cold stress conditions resulted improved performance parameters (body weight and feed conversion ratio) and ascites related traits (low red blood cell count, hematocrit, T3, and heart weights and high T4). No additional benefit was observed by combination of Vit. C and CoQ10.(AU)
Animais , Aves Domésticas/anormalidades , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Ascite/veterinária , Ácido Ascórbico , UbiquinonaResumo
Hawthorn extract has been used for ameliorating cardiac disorders and pulmonary hypertension. Flavonoids and oligomeric proanthocyanidins are considered to be responsible for the positive health effects of hawthorn extract. The effect of Hawthorn extract in the water supply on feed intake, growth, carcass traits, internal organ weight, cardiac indices, the concentration of serum proteins and the incidence of pulmonary hypertension syndrome was evaluated in broiler chickens. At one day-of-age, 225 chickens were assigned to one of three experimental groups where 0, 0.1 and 0.2 ML of hawthorn extract was added per one liter of drinking water. Feed intake, live weight gain and carcass weight increased when hawthorn extract was included in the drinking water at a level of 0.1 and 0.2 ML/L (p 0.05). Compared to no extract, the addition of Hawthorn extract in the drinking water (p 0.05) reduced the proportion of the body attributed to abdominal fat, liver and heart (p 0.05), and decreased the percentage of birds that died or showed clinical symptoms of pulmonary hypertension syndrome (p 0.05). Serum protein concentration was (p 0.05) higher in chickens that received the hawthorn extract in the drinking water compared to no addition of extract in the drinking water. Hawthorn extract has shown potential for use as a herbal medicine to aid in the prevention of physiological cardiac disorders and pulmonary hypertension in chickens.(AU)
Animais , Crataegus oxyacantha/administração & dosagem , Crataegus oxyacantha/efeitos adversos , Água Potável , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ascite , Hipertensão Pulmonar/complicações , Hipertensão Pulmonar/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT We hypothesized that the supplementation of vitamin C (Vit. C) and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) alone or in combination could reduce the negative effects of cold stress in broilers. Four hundred male chicks were exposed for 24 h to cold stress (15 ºC) starting from 15d of age, while a positive control group (PC, 100 birds) was kept under normal temperature condition. The experimental groups under cold stress (four treatments in 5 replicates of 20 birds) were: negative control (NC, basal diet), Vit. C (basal diet + 300 mg/kg Vit. C), CoQ10 (basal diet + 40 mg/kg CoQ10) and Vit. C plus CoQ10 (basal diet + Vit. C+ CoQ10at above mentioned doses). Vit. C or CoQ10 supplementation were restored (p 0.01) performance and lowered (p 0.01) ascites mortality. Blood hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration were decreased (p 0.01) to the level comparable to PC by Vit. C supplementation. Lower plasma concentrations of thyroxin (T4) and higher triiodothyronine (T3) were observed in NC birds (p 0.01) and were not affected by Vit. C or CoQ10. In conclusion, supplementation of Vit. C or CoQ10 in diet of broilers under cold stress conditions resulted improved performance parameters (body weight and feed conversion ratio) and ascites related traits (low red blood cell count, hematocrit, T3, and heart weights and high T4). No additional benefit was observed by combination of Vit. C and CoQ10.
Animais , Ascite/veterinária , Aves Domésticas/anormalidades , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Ubiquinona , Ácido AscórbicoResumo
Hawthorn extract has been used for ameliorating cardiac disorders and pulmonary hypertension. Flavonoids and oligomeric proanthocyanidins are considered to be responsible for the positive health effects of hawthorn extract. The effect of Hawthorn extract in the water supply on feed intake, growth, carcass traits, internal organ weight, cardiac indices, the concentration of serum proteins and the incidence of pulmonary hypertension syndrome was evaluated in broiler chickens. At one day-of-age, 225 chickens were assigned to one of three experimental groups where 0, 0.1 and 0.2 ML of hawthorn extract was added per one liter of drinking water. Feed intake, live weight gain and carcass weight increased when hawthorn extract was included in the drinking water at a level of 0.1 and 0.2 ML/L (p 0.05). Compared to no extract, the addition of Hawthorn extract in the drinking water (p 0.05) reduced the proportion of the body attributed to abdominal fat, liver and heart (p 0.05), and decreased the percentage of birds that died or showed clinical symptoms of pulmonary hypertension syndrome (p 0.05). Serum protein concentration was (p 0.05) higher in chickens that received the hawthorn extract in the drinking water compared to no addition of extract in the drinking water. Hawthorn extract has shown potential for use as a herbal medicine to aid in the prevention of physiological cardiac disorders and pulmonary hypertension in chickens.
Animais , Ascite , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Crataegus oxyacantha/administração & dosagem , Crataegus oxyacantha/efeitos adversos , Água Potável , Hipertensão Pulmonar/complicações , Hipertensão Pulmonar/veterináriaResumo
A free living female adult of Myrmecophaga tridactyla was captured in an area of deforestation in Salta Province of northwest Argentina, for subsequent relocation in Iberá Park. Three days after entering the quarantine it died with clinical signs of anorexia and ascites. It presented severe hypochromic microcytic anemia, hypoproteinemia and increase of CPK, AST and LDH on blood analysis. Grossly, there were ascites, hydrothorax, pulmonary congestion and severe catarrhal hyperplasic gastritis. The gastric mucosa was diffusely hyperemic with two clusters of numerous Physaloptera magnipapilla attached in the fundic region. Fundic mucosa was irregular with convoluted surface and covered with abundant brown-yellow catarrhal exudates. Microscopically, the gastric mucosa had well described punctate areas (pit-like structures) at points of P. magnipapilla attachment. Additionally, there were mucous hyperplasia of gastric glands and focal fibrosis with scarce infiltration of plasma cells, lymphocytes, multinucleated giant cells and eosinophils in the underlying lamina propria. This report describes a case of anemia and hyperplastic gastritis due to Physaloptera magnipapilla parasitism in a free-living Myrmecophaga tridactyla.
Feminino , Animais , Anemia Hipocrômica/veterinária , Gastrite/veterinária , Spiruroidea/parasitologia , Xenarthra/parasitologia , Anorexia/veterinária , Argentina , Ascite/veterináriaResumo
A free living female adult of Myrmecophaga tridactyla was captured in an area of deforestation in Salta Province of northwest Argentina, for subsequent relocation in Iberá Park. Three days after entering the quarantine it died with clinical signs of anorexia and ascites. It presented severe hypochromic microcytic anemia, hypoproteinemia and increase of CPK, AST and LDH on blood analysis. Grossly, there were ascites, hydrothorax, pulmonary congestion and severe catarrhal hyperplasic gastritis. The gastric mucosa was diffusely hyperemic with two clusters of numerous Physaloptera magnipapilla attached in the fundic region. Fundic mucosa was irregular with convoluted surface and covered with abundant brown-yellow catarrhal exudates. Microscopically, the gastric mucosa had well described punctate areas (pit-like structures) at points of P. magnipapilla attachment. Additionally, there were mucous hyperplasia of gastric glands and focal fibrosis with scarce infiltration of plasma cells, lymphocytes, multinucleated giant cells and eosinophils in the underlying lamina propria. This report describes a case of anemia and hyperplastic gastritis due to Physaloptera magnipapilla parasitism in a free-living Myrmecophaga tridactyla.(AU)