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Ci. Rural ; 49(9): e20190297, 2019. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23759


Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is an important source of food contamination that presents risks to human health. Several industrial food processes eliminate this microorganism; however, these processes can alter the characteristics of the product. Alternative methods of preservation have been identified as an option to control these foodborne pathogens. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the action of bacteriocins produced by Enterococcus durans MF5 in STEC cells. Cell-free supernatant (CFS) containing enterocins from the MF5 isolate was tested over different time points (6, 18, and 24 h). Enterocins present in the crude CFS showed inhibition against STEC at all time points. In the investigation of cell integrity, using propidium iodide and fluorescence microscopy, considerable cell death was observed within 6 h of the cells being in contact with the enterocins, which was also observed at the 18 and 24 h time points. These results showed that the enterocins produced by the MF5 isolate have potential use in the control of STEC.(AU)

Escherichia coli, produtora de toxina Shiga-like (STEC), apresenta riscos à saúde humana, constituindo uma importante fonte de contaminação na indústria de alimentos. Diversos processos industriais eliminam esse microrganismo, contudo podem alterar as características do produto. Métodos alternativos de conservação tem sido uma opção para controlar esse microrganismo de alimentos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a ação de bacteriocinas produzidas por Enterococcus durans MF5 em células de E. coli STEC. Foram utilizados sobrenadante livre de células (CFS) contendo enterocina, nos tempos 6, 18 e 24 horas de incubação. A enterocina presente no CFS bruto apresentou inibição contra E. coli STEC em todos os tempos testados. Na observação da integridade celular utilizando iodeto de propídio e observação em microscópio de fluorescência, observou-se que em 6h da célula em contato com a enterocina, já havia considerável morte celular, estendendo até os tempos de 18 e 24 horas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a enterocina produzida pelo isolado MF5 apresenta uso potencial no controle de E. coli STEC.(AU)

Escherichia coli/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Toxinas Shiga/antagonistas & inibidores , Enterococcus , Bacteriocinas/análise , Conservação de Alimentos/métodos
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 40: 37881-37881, 20180000. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460807


Techniques to decrease losses from bacterial diseases are always important to improve the fish production. The use of antagonistic substances (bacteriocins) has been proven to be a viable option. The aim of this study was to evaluate different methods of purification for bacteriocin like inhibitory substances (BLIS). For the purification process, we isolated and used two Gram-positive bacilli that produce antagonistic substances for pathogens in aquaculture. Tests for detection of interfering factors were also performed. After the confirmation that the antagonistic action was due the BLIS activity, we carried out the purification methods. The methods tested were: cell free supernatant, acid extraction and ammonium sulfate precipitation at two concentrations (20 and 50%). Salmonella Tiphy CFP/IAL1472 and Aeromonas hydrophila (isolated in a tilapia production environment) were used as indicators of the efficiency of extracts in controlling pathogenic potentials. Ammonium sulfate precipitation at 50% was the most appropriate for purifying the antagonistic substance for both indicators. The extracts of the two isolates remained active for 22 days at 25ºC. These are promising results regarding the water and fish health without the use of antibiotics, in this manner being a safer environmental practice.

Técnicas para diminuir as perdas causadas por doenças bacterianas são importantes para melhorar continuamente a produção de pescado. O uso de substâncias antagônicas (bacteriocinas) tem-se mostrado uma opção viável. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar diferentes métodos de purificação de bacteriocinas como substâncias inibidoras (BLIS). Dois bacilos Gram-positivos, produtores de substâncias antagonistas para agentes patogênicos da aquicultura, foram utilizados em processos de purificação. Depois de confirmada a ação antagônica pela atividade de BLIS, os métodos de purificação foram realizados. Os métodos testados foram: células livres de sobrenadante, extração ácida e precipitação por sulfato de amônia em duas concentrações (20 e 50%). Salmonella Typhi PCP/IAL1472 e Aeromonas hydrophila (isolada de um ambiente de tilapicultura) foram utilizadas como indicadores de eficiência dos extratos. O precipitado por sulfato de amônio a 50% foi o mais adequado para purificar a substância antagonista para ambos os isolados indicadores. Os extratos dos dois isolados permaneceram ativos por 22 dias em 25ºC. Estes resultados são promissores do ponto de vista da manutenção da sanidade da água e dos peixes, sem uso de antibióticos, constituindo uma prática ambientalmente mais segura.

Bacilos Gram-Positivos/isolamento & purificação , Bacteriocinas/isolamento & purificação , Pesqueiros/análise , Aquicultura
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 40: e37881-e37881, Jan.-Dec.2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738801


Techniques to decrease losses from bacterial diseases are always important to improve the fish production. The use of antagonistic substances (bacteriocins) has been proven to be a viable option. The aim of this study was to evaluate different methods of purification for bacteriocin like inhibitory substances (BLIS). For the purification process, we isolated and used two Gram-positive bacilli that produce antagonistic substances for pathogens in aquaculture. Tests for detection of interfering factors were also performed. After the confirmation that the antagonistic action was due the BLIS activity, we carried out the purification methods. The methods tested were: cell free supernatant, acid extraction and ammonium sulfate precipitation at two concentrations (20 and 50%). Salmonella Tiphy CFP/IAL1472 and Aeromonas hydrophila (isolated in a tilapia production environment) were used as indicators of the efficiency of extracts in controlling pathogenic potentials. Ammonium sulfate precipitation at 50% was the most appropriate for purifying the antagonistic substance for both indicators. The extracts of the two isolates remained active for 22 days at 25ºC. These are promising results regarding the water and fish health without the use of antibiotics, in this manner being a safer environmental practice.(AU)

Técnicas para diminuir as perdas causadas por doenças bacterianas são importantes para melhorar continuamente a produção de pescado. O uso de substâncias antagônicas (bacteriocinas) tem-se mostrado uma opção viável. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar diferentes métodos de purificação de bacteriocinas como substâncias inibidoras (BLIS). Dois bacilos Gram-positivos, produtores de substâncias antagonistas para agentes patogênicos da aquicultura, foram utilizados em processos de purificação. Depois de confirmada a ação antagônica pela atividade de BLIS, os métodos de purificação foram realizados. Os métodos testados foram: células livres de sobrenadante, extração ácida e precipitação por sulfato de amônia em duas concentrações (20 e 50%). Salmonella Typhi PCP/IAL1472 e Aeromonas hydrophila (isolada de um ambiente de tilapicultura) foram utilizadas como indicadores de eficiência dos extratos. O precipitado por sulfato de amônio a 50% foi o mais adequado para purificar a substância antagonista para ambos os isolados indicadores. Os extratos dos dois isolados permaneceram ativos por 22 dias em 25ºC. Estes resultados são promissores do ponto de vista da manutenção da sanidade da água e dos peixes, sem uso de antibióticos, constituindo uma prática ambientalmente mais segura.(AU)

Pesqueiros/análise , Bacteriocinas/isolamento & purificação , Bacilos Gram-Positivos/isolamento & purificação , Aquicultura
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 48(3): 576-586, jul.-set. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728626


The present work discusses the technological and new selection criteria that should be included for selecting lactic acid bacteria for production of fermented meat. Lactic acid bacteria isolated from Bulgarian traditional fermented "lulanka" salami was studied regarding some positive technological parameters (growth at different temperature, pH, and proteolytic activity). The presence of genes related to the virulence factors, production of biogenic amines, and vancomycin resistance were presented in low frequency in the studied lactic acid bacteria. On the other hand, production of antimicrobial peptides and high spread of bacteriocin genes were broadly presented. Very strong activity against L. monocytogenes was detected in some of the studied lactic acid bacteria. In addition, the studied strains did not present any antimicrobial activity against tested closely related bacteria such as Lactobacillus spp., Lactococcus spp., Enterococcus spp. or Pediococcus spp. To our knowledge this is the first study on the safety and antimicrobial properties of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Bulgarian lukanka obtained by spontaneous fermentation.(AU)

Ácido Láctico/análise , Produtos da Carne/análise , Produtos da Carne/microbiologia , Bacteriocinas , Bulgária , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Fatores de Virulência , Suínos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(11): 1261-1269, Nov. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895356


A mastite é considerada o maior problema dos animais destinados à produção de leite. Altera a sua composição e aumenta a contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Os micro-organismos envolvidos na doença podem ser origem infecciosa, como Staphylococcus aureus, ou ambiental, tal como Escherichia coli. A cultura bacteriana é uma ferramenta de diagnóstico e auxilia na detecção do patógeno causador da mastite. No entanto, fatores como fagocitose podem desencadear um resultado negativo. Quando estabelecido um programa de controle de mastite, o diagnóstico precoce e o início do tratamento adequado dos casos clínicos são fundamentais para se atingir os objetivos e seu sucesso, está relacionado com o patógeno envolvido. A indicação do tratamento de longa duração, ou terapia estendida, tem melhorado a resposta ao tratamento em casos de mastite por S. aureus, no entanto, com 30-50% de cura. Do ponto de vista do manejo dos animais, devido a alta contagiosidade deste patógeno, sua persistência no rebanho e custo em função ao tratamento, muitas vezes, o descarte do animal tem sido priorizado a fim de controlar os casos de mastite em propriedades. As medidas de controle são muito importantes para contribuir com a redução de casos de mastite por este patógeno. A indicação do tratamento intramamário associada com sistêmico tem poder efetivo em casos de mastite por E. coli, cujos casos agudos apresentam-se com sepse e toxemia. São abordados ainda aspectos de tratamentos alternativos das mastites, utilizados principalmente no processo orgânico de produção leiteira.(AU)

Mastites are considered a major problem on animals for milk production. Changes the milk composition and increases the somatic cell count (SCC). The microorganism involved in the disease may be infectious origin such as Staphylococcus aureus or environmental such as Escherichia coli. Bacterial culture is a diagnostic tool and aids in the detection of pathogenic causing masitis. However factor such as phagocytosis may result a negative result. When established a mastitis control program early diagnose and the initiation of appropriate treatment of clinical cases are fundamental for achieving the goals and success is related to the pathogen involved. The indication of treatment of long duration, or extended therapy has improved the response to the treatment in cases of matitis by S. aureus, however with 30-50% of cure. From the view point of handling of animals, given the high infectiousness of this pathogen, its persistence in the herd and cost-effective as a function of response to treatment often has prioritized the animal's discard in order to control the mastitis cases in properties. Control measures are very important to contribute the reduction of cases of mastitis symptoms by this pathogen. The indication of intramammary treatment associated with systemic has power effective in cases of mastitis by ­E. coli, whose acute cases present with sepsis and toxemia. Also address aspects of alternative treatments of mastitis, mainly used in the organic process of milk production.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Própole/uso terapêutico , Bacteriocinas/uso terapêutico , Medicamento Fitoterápico , Homeopatia/veterinária , Mastite Bovina/prevenção & controle , Mastite Bovina/tratamento farmacológico
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(11): 1261-1269, nov. 2017.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23080


A mastite é considerada o maior problema dos animais destinados à produção de leite. Altera a sua composição e aumenta a contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Os micro-organismos envolvidos na doença podem ser origem infecciosa, como Staphylococcus aureus, ou ambiental, tal como Escherichia coli. A cultura bacteriana é uma ferramenta de diagnóstico e auxilia na detecção do patógeno causador da mastite. No entanto, fatores como fagocitose podem desencadear um resultado negativo. Quando estabelecido um programa de controle de mastite, o diagnóstico precoce e o início do tratamento adequado dos casos clínicos são fundamentais para se atingir os objetivos e seu sucesso, está relacionado com o patógeno envolvido. A indicação do tratamento de longa duração, ou terapia estendida, tem melhorado a resposta ao tratamento em casos de mastite por S. aureus, no entanto, com 30-50% de cura. Do ponto de vista do manejo dos animais, devido a alta contagiosidade deste patógeno, sua persistência no rebanho e custo em função ao tratamento, muitas vezes, o descarte do animal tem sido priorizado a fim de controlar os casos de mastite em propriedades. As medidas de controle são muito importantes para contribuir com a redução de casos de mastite por este patógeno. A indicação do tratamento intramamário associada com sistêmico tem poder efetivo em casos de mastite por E. coli, cujos casos agudos apresentam-se com sepse e toxemia. São abordados ainda aspectos de tratamentos alternativos das mastites, utilizados principalmente no processo orgânico de produção leiteira.(AU)

Mastites are considered a major problem on animals for milk production. Changes the milk composition and increases the somatic cell count (SCC). The microorganism involved in the disease may be infectious origin such as Staphylococcus aureus or environmental such as Escherichia coli. Bacterial culture is a diagnostic tool and aids in the detection of pathogenic causing masitis. However factor such as phagocytosis may result a negative result. When established a mastitis control program early diagnose and the initiation of appropriate treatment of clinical cases are fundamental for achieving the goals and success is related to the pathogen involved. The indication of treatment of long duration, or extended therapy has improved the response to the treatment in cases of matitis by S. aureus, however with 30-50% of cure. From the view point of handling of animals, given the high infectiousness of this pathogen, its persistence in the herd and cost-effective as a function of response to treatment often has prioritized the animal's discard in order to control the mastitis cases in properties. Control measures are very important to contribute the reduction of cases of mastitis symptoms by this pathogen. The indication of intramammary treatment associated with systemic has power effective in cases of mastitis by ­E. coli, whose acute cases present with sepsis and toxemia. Also address aspects of alternative treatments of mastitis, mainly used in the organic process of milk production.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Própole/uso terapêutico , Bacteriocinas/uso terapêutico , Medicamento Fitoterápico , Homeopatia/veterinária , Mastite Bovina/prevenção & controle , Mastite Bovina/tratamento farmacológico
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 46(1): 201-206, Jan.- Mar. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-481376


Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogen frequently found in dairy products. Its control in fresh cheeses is difficult, due to the psychrotrophic properties and salt tolerance. Bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with proven in vitro antilisterial activity can be an innovative technological approach but their application needs to be evaluated by means of in situ tests. In this study, a novel bacteriocinogenic Lactococcus lactis strain (Lc. lactis DF4Mi), isolated from raw goat milk, was tested for control of growth of L. monocytogenes in artificially contaminated fresh Minas type goat cheese during storage under refrigeration. A bacteriostatic effect was achieved, and counts after 10 days were 3 log lower than in control cheeses with no added LAB. However, this effect did not differ significantly from that obtained with a non-bacteriocinogenic Lc. lactis strain. Addition of nisin (12.5 mg/kg) caused a rapid decrease in the number of viable L. monocytogenes in the cheeses, suggesting that further studies with the purified bacteriocin DF4Mi may open new possibilities for this strain as biopreservative in dairy products.(AU)

Animais , Antibiose , Bacteriocinas/metabolismo , Queijo/microbiologia , Lactococcus lactis/isolamento & purificação , Listeria monocytogenes , Leite/microbiologia , Carga Bacteriana , Conservação de Alimentos/métodos , Inocuidade dos Alimentos/métodos , Lactococcus lactis/metabolismo
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 46(3): 825-834, July-Sept. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-481683


Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei 2a is a bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacterium isolated from Brazilian pork sausage, capable of inhibiting the growth of microbial pathogens, mainly Listeria monocytogenes. In order to optimize bacteriocin production for industrial applications, this study evaluated the effect of supplementation of MRS broth with glucose, Tween 20, Tween 80, sodium citrate, potassium chloride and cysteine, and effect of the initial pH and temperature of incubation of the medium on production of bacteriocins by L. sakei 2a. Adding glucose and Tween 20 to the medium, an initial pH of 5.0 or 5.5, and incubation temperatures of 25 °C or 30 °C resulted to the highest bacteriocin yields. Thus, a 24 factorial design with the four variables was performed, and statistical analysis showed that it was an adequate model (R2 = 0.8296). In the studied range, the four parameters significantly influenced bacteriocin production, with the maximum yield produced at an initial pH between 5.5 and 7.0, a temperature between 25 and 30 °C and supplementation of the MRS broth with glucose from 3.25 to 6.0 g L−1 and Tween 20 from 0.575 to 1.15% (v/v). Response Surface Methodology analysis indicated that the highest bacteriocin production (12800 AU mL−1) occurred in the MRS broth supplemented with 5.5 g L−1 glucose and 1.05% Tween 20 at an initial pH of 6.28 and an incubation temperature of 25 °C. The amount of bacteriocin produced in commercial MRS broths under the same conditions was only 5600AU mL−1..(AU)

Antibacterianos/metabolismo , Bacteriocinas/metabolismo , Meios de Cultura/metabolismo , Lactobacillus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Lactobacillus/metabolismo , Brasil , Glucose/metabolismo , Lactobacillus/classificação , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Polissorbatos/metabolismo , Carne Vermelha/microbiologia , Propriedades de Superfície , Temperatura
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 46(4): 1147-1154, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-13665


Abstract Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in spite of being a ubiquitous organism (as it is found in soil, water, and humans), is also an opportunistic pathogen. In order to maintain its diversity in the community, it produces various toxic proteins, known as, bacteriocins. In the present study, pyocin SA189, which is a bacteriocin produced by P. aeruginosa SA189 (isolated from a clinical sample) was characterized. P. aeruginosa SA189, as identified by the conventional and 16S rRNA gene amplification, produced pyocin SA189 of molecular weight of 66 k Da. The pyocin showed antimicrobial activity against several clinically relevant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and was substantially stable for wide ranges of temperature and pH. Furthermore, the pyocin also retained its biological activity upon treatment with metal ions, organic solvents, and various proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes. The data from the growth kinetics indicated that the maximum bacteriocin production occurred in the late log phase. Overall, our results signify the potential of pyocin SA189 as a bio-control agent.(AU)

Bacteriocinas/biossíntese , Bacteriocinas/classificação , Bacteriocinas/síntese química , Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 45(3): 1007-1015, July-Sept. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27105


In the present study, a bacterium isolated from Marcha- a herbal cake used as traditional starter culture to ferment local wine in North East India, was evaluated for bacteriocin like inhibitory substance production and was tested against six food borne/spoilage causing pathogens viz. Listeria monocytogenes MTCC 839, Bacillus subtilis MTCC 121, Clostridium perfringens MTCC 450, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides MTCC 107 by using bit/disc method followed by well diffusion method. The bacterial isolate was identified as Brevibacillus borstelensis on the basis of phenotypic, biochemical and molecular characteristics using 16Sr RNA gene technique. Bacteriocin like inhibitory substance produced by Brevibacillus borstelensis AG1 was purified by gel exclusion chromatography. The molecular mass of the Brevibacillus borstelensis AG1 was found to be 12 kDa. Purified bacteriocin like inhibitory substance of Brevibacillus borstelensis was further characterized by studying the effect of temperature, pH, proteolytic enzyme and stability. Bacteriocin like inhibitory substance was found to be thermostable upto 100 °C, active at neutral pH, sensitive to trypsin, and partially stable till third week of storage thus showing a bright prospective to be used as a potential food biopreservative.

Bacteriocinas/isolamento & purificação , Bacteriocinas/farmacologia , Brevibacillus/isolamento & purificação , Brevibacillus/metabolismo , Bactérias Gram-Positivas/efeitos dos fármacos , Bacteriocinas/química , Cromatografia em Gel , Análise por Conglomerados , DNA Bacteriano/química , DNA Ribossômico/química , Microbiologia de Alimentos , Índia
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 45(4): 1541-1550, Oct.-Dec. 2014. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27831


Lactic acid bacteria capable of producing bacteriocins and presenting probiotic potential open innovative technological applications in the dairy industry. In this study, a bacteriocinogenic strain (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis DF4Mi) was isolated from goat milk, and studied for its antimicrobial activity. The bacteriocin presented a broad spectrum of activity, was sensitive to proteolytic enzymes, resistant to heat and pH extremes, and not affected by the presence of SDS, Tween 20, Tween 80, EDTA or NaCl. Bacteriocin production was dependent on the components of the culture media, especially nitrogen source and salts. When tested by PCR, the bacteriocin gene presented 100% homology to nisin Z gene. These properties indicate that this L. lactis subsp. lactis DF4Mi can be used for enhancement of dairy foods safety and quality.

Animais , Antibacterianos/metabolismo , Bacteriocinas/metabolismo , Lactococcus lactis/metabolismo , Leite/microbiologia , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Antibacterianos/química , Proteínas de Bactérias/química , Bacteriocinas/genética , Meios de Cultura/química , Detergentes , DNA Bacteriano/genética , Cabras , Lactococcus lactis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 45(3): 1047-1054, July-Sept. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28697


Lactic acid bacteria capable of producing bacteriocins and presenting probiotic potential open innovative technological applications in the dairy industry. In this study, a bacteriocinogenic strain (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis DF4Mi) was isolated from goat milk, and studied for its probiotic potential. Lc. lactis DF4Mi was resistant to acidic pH and oxbile, presented co-aggregation with Listeria monocytogenes, and was not affected by several drugs from different generic groups, being sensitive to most tested antibiotics. These properties indicate that this Lc. lactis strain can be used for enhancement of dairy foods safety and quality, in combination with potential probiotic properties.

Animais , Bacteriocinas/metabolismo , Cabras , Lactococcus lactis/isolamento & purificação , Lactococcus lactis/metabolismo , Leite/microbiologia , Probióticos , Aderência Bacteriana , Bile/metabolismo , Inocuidade dos Alimentos/métodos , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Lactococcus lactis/efeitos dos fármacos , Listeria monocytogenes/fisiologia , Viabilidade Microbiana/efeitos dos fármacos
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 44(3): 731-736, July-Sept. 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-304328


Thirty one out of 153 strains of Shigella sonnei isolated from Thai patients with diarrhoea showed antibacterial activity against S. sonnei by agar well diffusion method. All of them harbor plasmids with the genetic determination of colicin type 7 (Js) gene but without colicin E and colicin U gene. The PCR product obtained from strain 35/44 was shown to be the gene for colicin type 7 lytic protein (cja). The partially purified bacteriocin (PPB) containing colicin type 7 of strain 35/44 was prepared and used for characterization. The antibacterial activity of PPB against a total of 17 selected Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria was tested. It was found that PPB of strain 35/44 was active against E. coli O157, S. sonnei and S. boydii. The sensitivity of PPB from this strain to proteinase K, trypsin and -chymotrypsin suggests the proteinaceous nature of these antimicrobial substances. Therefore, this isolated bacterium can be regarded as bacteriocin producing bacteria. The bacteriocin produced by this isolated S. sonnei was heat stable as evidenced by its ability to maintain the activity at 80 °C for 60 min. In addition, it was stable within a wide range of pH (3-9). The molecular weight of colicin type 7 from isolated S. sonnei strain 35/44 analyzed by SDS-PAGE was 54.4 kDa composing of at least five subunits. It is to our knowledge, the first report of Thai patients with diarrhoea that S. sonnei isolated from them contained colicin type 7.(AU)

Shigella sonnei , Colicinas , Antibacterianos , Bacteriocinas
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(5): 1537-1544, Oct. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-10045


The production of Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1 (TSST-1), enterotoxins and bacteriocin-like substances was evaluated in 95 strains of Staphylococcus aureus recovered from raw bovine milk (n=31) and from food samples involved in staphylococcal food poisoning (n=64). Enterotoxigenicity tests with the membrane over agar associated to optimal sensibility plate assays were performed and showed that 96.77% of strains recovered from milk and 95.31% from food samples produced enterotoxins A, B, C, D or TSST-1. Reference strains S. epidermidis, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Lactobacillus casei, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. aureus, Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Bacteroides fragilis were used as indicator bacteria in the antagonistic assays, the first five being sensitive to antagonistic substances. Brain heart infusion agar, in pH values ranging from 5.0 to 7.0 in aerobic atmosphere showed to be the optimum condition for antagonistic activity as evaluated with the best producer strains against the most sensitive indicator bacterium, L. monocytogenes. Sensitivity to enzymes confirmed the proteinaceous nature of these substances. Neither bacteriophage activity nor fatty acids were detected and the antagonistic activity was not due to residual chloroform. Results did not establish a positive correlation between the bacteriocinogenic profile and toxigenicity in the tested S. aureus strains.(AU)

Avaliou-se a produção de toxina-1 da síndrome do choque tóxico (TSST-1), enterotoxinas e substâncias antagonistas tipo bacteriocina em 95 amostras de Staphylococcus aureus recuperadas de leite bovino in natura (n=31) e de alimentos envolvidos em surto de intoxicação (n=64). Testes de enterotoxigenicidade pelo método da membrana sobre ágar, associado à técnica da sensibilidade ótima em placa, revelaram que 96,77% das amostras do leite e 95,31% daquelas dos alimentos produziram enterotoxinas estafilocócicas tipos A, B, C, D ou TSST-1. Nos ensaios de antagonismo, foram utilizadas como reveladoras amostras de referência de S. epidermidis, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Lactobacillus casei, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. aureus, Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis e Bacteroides fragilis, sendo as cinco primeiras sensíveis às substâncias produzidas. As condições ótimas para a atividade antagonista, avaliadas com as melhores produtoras contra a indicadora mais sensível, L. monocytogenes, foram observadas em aerobiose, em ágar infuso de cérebro-coração, nos valores de pH entre 5,0 e 7,0. A sensibilidade a enzimas confirmou a natureza proteica destas substâncias. Não foram detectadas atividades de bacteriófagos nem de ácidos graxos, e a atividade antagonista não foi devido ao clorofórmio residual. Os resultados não mostraram correlação entre o perfil bacteriocinogênico e a toxigenicidade nas amostras de Staphylococcus testadas.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Choque Séptico/veterinária , Enterotoxinas/administração & dosagem , Enterotoxinas/análise , Bacteriocinas/análise , Mastite Bovina , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/veterinária , Bacteriocinas , Listeria monocytogenes , Staphylococcus aureus , Alimentos
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 44(1): 63-71, 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7989


Antilisterial efficiency of three bacteriocins, viz, Nisin, Pediocin 34 and Enterocin FH99 was tested individually and in combination against Listeria mononcytogenes ATCC 53135. A greater antibacterial effect was observed when the bacteriocins were combined in pairs, indicating that the use of more than one LAB bacteriocin in combination have a higher antibacterial action than when used individually. Variants of Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 53135 resistant to Nisin, Pediocin 34 and Enterocin FH99 were developed. Bacteriocin cross-resistance of wild type and their corresponding resistant variants were assessed and results showed that resistance to a bacteriocin may extend to other bacteriocins within the same class. Resistance to Pediocin 34 conferred cross resistance to Enterocin FH 99 but not to Nisin. Similarly resistance to Enterocin FH99 conferred cross resistance to Pediocin 34 but not to Nisin. Also, the sensitivity of Nisin, Pediocin 34 and Enterocin FH99 resistant variants of Listeria monocytogenes to low pH, salt, sodium nitrite, and potassium sorbate was assayed in broth and compared to the parental wild-type strain. The Nisin, Pediocin 34 and Enterocin FH99 resistant variants did not have intrinsic resistance to low pH, sodium chloride, potassium sorbate, or sodium nitrite. In no case were the bacteriocin resistant Listeria monocytogenes variants examined were more resistant to inhibitors than the parental strains.(AU)

Animais , Antibacterianos/análise , Nisina/química , Bacteriocinas/análise
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 43(4): 1452-1462, Oct.-Dec. 2012. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-2132


A bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance producing Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis strain, ST1, isolated from goat milk of Iranian origin and with broad spectrum of activity and desirable technical properties was used for evaluating some futures of bacteriocin inhibitory activity. Cell growth and bacteriocin production studies were carried out in MRS medium incubated statically under uncontrolled pH condition. The antibacterial activity presented a primary metabolite pattern and showed a rapid decrease at the stationary phase. Microaerobiosis and capnophily growth conditions resulted in higher bacteriocin production while aerobiosis showed negative effect on both cell growth and bacteriocin production. Bacteriocin production, on the other hand, was favored in MRS broth (pH; 6.5) inoculated with 0.1 ml l-1 fresh culture when incubation was carried out at 30 °C. This indicated that the conditions resulted in higher levels of growth were frequently favoring bacteriocin production by ST1 as well. Decrease in activity, at the stationary growth phase, was much pronounced in favored growth condition. Nutrient depletion, deferent effect of low pH on bacteriocin production and/or protein degradation seemed more responsible for this phenomenon. The study also provided further data on new method for bacteriocin release from the cell wall of producer. It was clearly shown that both heating and ultrasound shock for 5 min at pH 2 could increase bacteriocin activity significantly. The release was more pronounced in the presence of 0.5% Tween80.(AU)

Bacteriocinas/administração & dosagem , Antibacterianos/administração & dosagem , Lactococcus lactis/classificação , Leite
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(3): 744-748, jun. 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5825


Staphylococcus aureus is the major pathogen causing intramammary infections in dairy cattle worldwide. Among the factors that contribute to its spread and infectious potential is the ability to overcome the mechanisms of antimicrobials activity. The present work investigated the antimicrobial resistance pattern and sensibility to bacteriocins produced by strains of Lactobacillus spp of 30 isolates of S. aureus from mastitis. From this, 29 are beta-lactamase producers. Eight isolates (26.6 percent) showed resistance to at least four antibiotics being considered multiresistent. All of them were mecA-positive. Otherwise, all isolates tested showed sensibility to at least one of the four bacteriocin producer strains. Due to the significant depletion of the efficacy of antimicrobials, pathogen growth inhibition by bacteriocins seems an alternative of biological control in infectious processes.(AU)

Animais , Staphylococcus aureus , Mastite Bovina/diagnóstico , Lactobacillus , Bacteriocinas/análise
Hig. aliment ; 23(174/175): 123-128, jul.-ago. 2009. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-14764


Há uma crescente preocupação na indústria de alimentos com o desenvolvimento de métodos para o controle de microrganismos indesejáveis na tentativa de satisfazer os consumidores que estão mais exigentes e atentos aos conservadores contidos nos alimentos. As bactérias láticas (BAL) despertam interesse devido ao seu potencial de utilização no biocontrole em alimentos, pois podem exercer atividade inibitória frente a outras bactérias. No presente trabalho o isolamento de BAL foi realizado em 60 amostras de queijo de baixa umidade. Das 66 linhagens isoladas, 10 foram identificadas baseando-se na coloração de Gran, reação com KOH, teste de catalase e fermentação de 49 carboidratos (API 50 CH). Nove cepas tiveram atividade inibitória comprovada pela produção de bacteriocina e foram identificadas como Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. Paracasei PI, Lactobacillus plantarum PI, Lactobacillus brevis PICI, Lactobacillus brevis PIC2, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei P2Cl, Lactobacillusparacasei subsp. paracasei P3C I, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. Paracasei P3C2, Lactobacillus, plantarum P3Cl, Lactobacillus plantarum P3C2. Foi observado que as BAL isoladas e identificadas apresentaram significativa atividade inibitória frente a L. monocytogenes ATCC 7644 e a S. aureus ATCC 6538, conferindo-lhes vantagem competitiva de grande relevância para futuras aplicações em alimentos. (AU)

Food quality and safety raise increasing concerns among consumers, but the use of chemical preservatives to prevent spoilage and/or growth of microbial pathogens is also seen with preoccupation. Biopreservation approaches using lactic acid bacteria (BAL) and/or their metabolites is an importantalternative to improve food safety. BAL can synthesize and excrete antimicrobial peptides denominated bacteriocins. Current research on BAL are conducted aiming to broad their application as natural food preservatives. In this work the isolation of BAL was realized in 60 samples of cheese of low humidity. Of the 66 isolates, 10 were identified basing on the Gram staining, reaction with KOH, catalase test andfermentation of 49 carboidratos (API 50 CH). Nine strains had inhibitory activity proven for the bacteriocin production and they were identified as Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. Paracasei P1, Lactobacillus plantarum P1, Lactobacilius brevis P1C1, Lactobacillus brevis P1C2, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei P2C1, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. Paracasei P3C1, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei P3C2, Lactobacillus, plantarum P3C1, Lactobacilius plantarum P3C2. Ali BAL that produced bacteriocin displayed significant inhibitory activity against L. monocytogenes ATCC 7644 and S. aureus ATCC 6538, and this property is of great interest for future applications in foods. (AU)

Queijo/microbiologia , Fermentação , Microbiologia de Alimentos , Bacteriocinas , Lactococcus lactis/isolamento & purificação , Listeria monocytogenes/isolamento & purificação , Staphylococcus aureus/isolamento & purificação
Hig. aliment ; 18(126/127): 44-50, nov.-dez 2004. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-89316


O interesse no uso das bacteriocinas ou organismos que as produzem tornou-se atraente para a indústria alimentícia tendo em vista a sua ação contra patógenos bacteriano-resistentes, os quais podem tornar ineficientes alguns processos tecnológicos. Algumas bacteriocinas são proteínas simples ou contêm componentes lipídicos e açúcares e são classificadas em lantibióticos e não-lantibióticos, de acordo com suas características estruturais. As bacteriocinas mais bem descritas são as colicinas, produzidas por algumas linhagens de Escherichia coli, todavia, é a Nisina a única bacteriocina autorizada pela FDA para uso em alimentos, permitida em aproximadamente 46 países, inclusive no Brasil. A aplicação das bacteriocinas não está relacionada (somente) com a deterioração ou segurança, mas também com o melhoramento da qualidade dos alimentos fermentados. A aplicação das bacteriocinas não está relacionada (somente) com a deterioração ou segurança, mas também com o melhoramento da qualidade dos alimentos fermentados. A relação entre muitas infeccções gastrintestinais com algumas bactérias psicrotróficas, presentes nos alimentos, provocou um desenvolvimento dos processos tecnológicos alimentares, culminando com o reconhecimento de bacteriocinas e/ou microorganismos produtores, como fontes potenciais de bio-preservativos alimentares.(AU)

The interest for the use of bacteriocins or bacteriocin-producing organisms is quite appealing to the food industry owing to the development of bacteriocin- resistant patogens which may render inefficient a number of technological processes. Some bacteriocins are simple proteins that contain lipidic components and saccharose, being classified as antibiotics or non-antibiotic according to their strucutural features. The best described bacteriocins are the colicins, produced by a few strains of Escherichia coli, but nisin is the only bactericion authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (USA) for use as food in 46 countries, Brazil included. The final application of bacteriocins is not related to deterioration or safety but rather to quality enhancemen t of fermented food items. The cause-efect relationship between many gastroenteric infections and some food-resident psychotrophic bacteria brought about the development of food technological processes, leading up to the acknowlegement of bacteriocins and/or their producing organisms as potential sources of food biopreservatives. (AU)

Bacteriocinas , Alimentos