PURPOSE: To investigate biomarkers of acute renal injury in Wistar rats, subjected to left renal ischemia for 10 minutes, and then compare reperfusion at 24 hours, and at 5, 7, 14 and 21 days after the procedure.METHODS: Eight female and male rats between 60 and 81 days old were used in the Central Animal Facility of the UFMS. Assessed biomarkers included urine protein, urea, creatinine, glucose, sodium, potassium, urine alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transferase activities, and protein-to-creatinine ratio; and in serum: urea, creatinine, sodium and potassium, fractional excretion of sodium, potassium, urine flow and creatinine clearance.RESULTS:Greater variance was observed in the parameters at 24 hours and at five days (p 0.05) after reperfusion. On the 21st day, these parameters approximated those obtained for the control group.CONCLUSIONS:Renal ischemia for 10 minutes was sufficient to raise urine levels of protein, glucose, fractional excretion of potassium, urea, creatinine clearance, urine activity of gamma-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase enzymes in the first 24 hours, up to five days after reperfusion, which may indicate risk of acute kidney injury, according to the RIFLE classification.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Biomarcadores/urina , Isquemia , Injúria Renal Aguda , Testes de Função Renal , Proteinúria , Ratos WistarResumo
To test the accuracy of creatinine as a marker for estimating urinary volume and its use as a nutritional index, the possible interference of forage intake and forage quality over creatinine excretion was evaluated. For this, sheep were fed different levels of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum(L) Leeke) or Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam). The experiment consisted of a compilation of digestibility trials (n=6) with pearl millet or Italian ryegrass in completely randomized designs with four replications and four forage levels: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5% (kg dry matter (DM)/ 100 kg of live weight (LW)). The trials were repeated at different periods to evaluate how stable the average metabolic excretion of creatinine is. In each trial, total urine collection was performed individually during a period of 24 hours for five consecutive days and subsequently analyzed by colorimetry for creatinine and purine derivatives. The creatinine excretion was not affected (P>0.05) by forage offer or forage type, but there were period effects (P=0.0001). The average creatinine excretion for both forages was 0.21mmol/kg PV0,75. Linear regressions between the purine derivatives:creatinine index with total excretion of purine derivatives were detected for pearl millet (P<0.0001, R2= 0.64) and Italian ryegrass (P=0.02, R2=0.20). These results demonstrate that creatinine excretion is independent of the type and availability of forage and can be a marker for urinary volume prediction and nutritional measures under grazing systems.(AU)
Para testar a precisão da creatinina como marcador para estimativas de volume urinário e índice nutricional, foram avaliadas a possível influência do consumo e a qualidade da forragem sobre esse marcador. Para isso, ovinos foram alimentados com diferentes níveis de milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L) Leeke) ou azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam). O experimento consistiu de uma compilação de ensaios de digestibilidade (n=6) com milheto ou azevém, em um desenho experimental de blocos completamente ao acaso, com quatro repetições e quatro níveis de forragem: 1,5; 2,0; 2,5% (kg de matéria seca (MS)/ 100kg de peso vivo (PV)). Os ensaios foram repetidos em diferentes períodos, com ambas as forragens, se para avaliar a estabilidade da excreção média de creatinina metabólica. Em cada ensaio, foi coletado o volume total de urina individualmente, durante períodos de 24 horas, por cinco dias consecutivos. Posteriormente, esses ensaios foram analisados por colorimetria para creatinina e derivados de purina. A excreção de creatinina não foi afetada (P>0,05) pelo consumo de forragem ou pelo tipo de forragem, mas foi influenciada pelo período (P=0,0001). A excreção média de creatinina para ambas as forragens foi 0,21mmol/kg PV0,75. Regressões lineares entre os índices derivados de purina:creatinina com a excreção total de derivados de purina foram detectadas para milheto (P<0,0001; R2=0,64) e azevém (P=0,02; R2=0,20). Os resultados demonstraram que a excreção de creatinina é independente do tipo e do consumo de forragem e pode ser usada como marcador preditivo do volume urinário e do status nutricional em sistemas de pastejo.(AU)