Water stress can affect all aspects of plant growth and development, compromising its productive potential. The cultivation of fruit species native to the Cerrado and the study of their behavior under conditions of low water availability are necessary activities, in view of their socioeconomic and environmental potential. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of water deficit on growth and biomass production of the cagaita tree (Eugenia dysenterica DC.), a species endemic to the Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah). The experiment was performed in a greenhouse for 120 days in a randomized block design (RBD), with a double factorial arrangement (2x5), corresponding to two cagaita mother plants and five water conditions. We evaluated the growth and leaf, stem and root functional characteristics. The most severe water deficit conditions reduced shoot growth, number of leaves, production of biomass and dry matter and increased the specific and per plant mass root length of cagaita plants. Deficit extension had negative effects on its growth and development. There was a statistical difference between mother plants, with mother plant 2 being more resistant to drought. The application of a severe or longer water deficit affected shoot growth and reduced the appearance of new leaves. The stress caused by water deficiency allowed an increase in root functional characteristics, supporting the hypothesis that plants under adverse conditions focus on higher biomass production and convert a higher amount of dry matter into the roots. Leaf area did not show to be a functional characteristic, explaining the stress effects in E. dysenterica DC plants.(AU)
Solo , Eugenia/fisiologia , Biometria , Umidade do Solo , DesidrataçãoResumo
O camucamuzeiro (Myrciaria dubia), planta da família Myrtaceae, é uma frutífera nativa da região amazônica, ocorrendo espontaneamente nas várzeas e margens dos rios e lagos. O objetivo do trabalho foi quantificar o rendimento de polpa e avaliar os caracteres morfométricos de frutos e sementes em acessos decamucamuzeiro estabelecidos na forma de progênie na Coleção de Germoplasma da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental em Belém, PA. A caracterização física dos frutos foi efetuada com base naamostra de 1600 frutos colhidos de 32 progênies. Os frutos foram caracterizados individualmente quanto aos seguintes aspectos: peso, comprimento, diâmetro, espessura de casca e número de sementes por fruto. Sementes de 10 frutos por tratamento foram avaliadas quanto ao peso, comprimento, largura e espessura. Utilizou-se um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 32 progênies, e posteriormente os dados. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que os frutos de camucamuzeiro apresentam peso médio de 8,15g. As progênies CPATU-83 e CPATU-61 foram as que se destacaram em relação ao peso, com frutos apresentando peso médio acima de 11 gramas. O comprimento e diâmetro médio dos frutos foram de 2,22 cm, e 2,39 cm, respectivamente. O número de sementes teve média 1,92 sementes por fruto. Em relação ao °Brix, ocorreu amplitude de 10,70° e 6,93° nas progênies CPATU-27 e CPATU-28. A porcentagem de polpa das progênies teve média de 68,70%, sendo CPATU-54, 62, 23, 24 e 17 superiores estatisticamente das demais. Naporcentagem de sementes por frutos foram verificadas diferenças significativas com a maior porcentagem de sementes nos CPATU-27, 31 e 30, e o menor valor em frutos da planta CPATU-23. A coleção de germoplasma da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental permite a identificação de ampla variabilidade genética entre progênies de M. dubia. As progênies de camucamuzeiro CPATU-17, 23, 24, 54 e 62 apresentaram maior rendimento de polpa.(AU)
Camucamuzeiro (Myrciaria dubia), a plant of the Myrtaceaefamily, is a fruit tree native to the Amazon region, occurring spontaneously in floodplains and on the banks of rivers and lakes. The objective of this work was to quantify the pulp yield and evaluate the morphometric characters of fruits and seeds in camucamuzeiro accessions established as progeny in the GermplasmCollection of Embrapa Amazônia Oriental in Belém, Pará. The physical characterization of the fruits was carried out based on a sample of 1600 fruits harvested from 32 progenies. The fruits were individually characterized according to the following aspects: weight, length, diameter, peel thickness and number of seeds per fruit. Seeds of 10 fruits per treatment were evaluated for weight, length, width and thickness. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with 32 progenies, and then the data. The results showed that the camucamuzeiro fruits have an average weight of 8.15g. The progenies CPATU-83 and CPATU-61 were the ones that stood out in terms of weight, with fruits presenting an average weight of over 11 grams. The average fruit length and diameter were 2.22 cm and 2.39 cm, respectively. The number of seeds averaged 1.92 seeds per fruit. Regarding °Brix, amplitudes of 10.70° and 6.93° occurred in the progenies CPATU-27 and CPATU-28. The pulp percentage of the progenies had an average of 68.70%, being CPATU-54, 62, 23, 24 and 17 statistically higher than the others. The percentage of seeds per fruit showed significant differences with the highest percentage of seeds in CPATU-27, 31 and 30, and the lowest value in fruitsof the CPATU-23 plant. The germplasm collection of Embrapa Amazônia Oriental allows the identification of wide genetic variability among progenies of M. dubia. The camucamuzeiro progenies CPATU-17, 23, 24, 54 and 62 showed higher pulp yield.(AU)
Myrtaceae/anatomia & histologia , Frutas/fisiologia , Brasil , Biometria , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
The objective of this study was to obtain data on the testicular biometry of the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) and to verify if there is a correlation between the individual's biometric data with their dominance rank. Data were collected from 16 adult males, aged between two and seven years, who made up the same group. By the agonistic interactions analyses we calculated the linearity indexes (h') of the dominance hierarchy and dominance rank. At the end of the behavioral observations, males were captured to collect biometric data from the testis. White-lipped peccaries showed testicles located in a perineal position, inclined cranio-ventrally with oval shape, flattened laterally and with tenso-elastic consistency (2.54±0.07). There was variance in the means (± standard deviation) of testis length (5.88±1.05cm), width (4.24 ± 0.98cm), height (4.44±0.86cm), and total scrotal width (8.78±17.05). The linear dominance hierarchy described the social structure of the males of this group (h'>0.9), with probability of linearity in the hierarchy greater than chance (P = 0.02). There was a correlation between dominance rank with the body mass, length and volume of the testicles. As in general the dimensions of the testicles are directly correlated with sperm production and also testosterone, this characteristic favors the reproductive performance of dominant white-lips males. Therefore, the characteristics of testicular biometry of white-lips should be considered for the selection of individuals more likely to reproduce in captivity favoring the conservation of this vulnerable species.(AU)
O objetivo neste estudo foi obter dados sobre a biometria testicular do queixada (Tayassu pecari) e verificar se há correlação entre os dados biométricos do indivíduo com seu posto de dominância. Os dados foram coletados de 16 queixadas adultos, com idades entre dois e sete anos, que compunham o mesmo grupo. Por meio de análises das interações agonísticas foram calculados os índices de linearidade (h') da hierarquia de dominância e determinado o rank dos indivíduos. Ao final das observações comportamentais, os machos foram capturados para coleta de dados biométricos do testículo. Os queixadas apresentaram testículos localizados em posição perineal, inclinados cranioventralmente com formato oval, achatados láterolateralmente e com consistência tensoelástica (2,54±0,07). Houve variação nas médias (± desvio padrão) do comprimento testicular (5,88±1,05cm), largura (4,24±0,98cm), altura (4,44±0,86cm) e largura escrotal total (8,78±17,05). A hierarquia de dominância linear descreveu a estrutura social dos machos desse grupo (h'>0,9), com probabilidade de linearidade na hierarquia maior que o acaso (P = 0,02). Houve correlação entre a classificação de dominância com a massa corporal, comprimento e volume dos testículos. Como em geral as dimensões dos testículos estão diretamente correlacionadas com a produção de esperma e também de testosterona, essa característica favorece o desempenho reprodutivo de machos de queixadas brancos dominantes. Portanto, as características da biometria testicular de queixadas devem ser consideradas para a seleção de indivíduos com maior probabilidade de reprodução em cativeiro favorecendo a conservação desta espécie vulnerável.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Artiodáctilos/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Biometria/métodos , Animais Selvagens/fisiologiaResumo
Variation in rainfall affects crops; therefore, agricultural practices become essential for forage production in semi-arid regions. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different agricultural practices on phyllochron, structural characteristics of forage cactus and millet, and their relations with crop yield using the principal component analysis (PCA). The design was in randomized blocks, with six treatments: sole cropped cactus without straw mulching, sole cropped cactus with straw mulching, sole cropped millet without straw mulching, sole cropped millet with straw mulching, and cactus intercropping with millet, with and without straw mulching, each with four replicates. There were three cactus cycles and nine millet cycles (three cycles of cultivars BRS1501 and six of IPA Bulk-1-BF). Biometric parameters were evaluated monthly, while yield was determined after the crop harvest. Phyllochron was determined with the regression analysis. The PCA was applied to structural characteristics and yield. The systems adopted did not influence the structural characteristics of cactus and millet ( p > 0.05), except for cladode thickness, which increased with straw mulching. Phyllochron of the millet reduced when the crop was intercropped. The structural characteristics of cladode length, width, and thickness influenced crop yield, mainly in systems with straw mulching. Straw mulching and intercropping alter phyllochron of cactus and millet. The adoption of straw mulching has a more significant relationship with cactus yield, whereas biometric variables influence crop yield for millet, not the cropping system.(AU)
Milhetes/química , Caryophyllales/química , 24444 , Análise de Regressão , Biometria/métodos , Zona SemiáridaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate and correlate modifications of vaginal mucous impedance, vulvar temperature and ultrasonographic measurements (echobiometric parameters) to parturition in pregnant Saanen does. 30 does were selected for the study and submitted to an estrus synchronization protocol and natural mating. The females were evaluated daily from Day 143 of pregnancy to parturition. For the sonographic evaluations, the following structures were measured: biparietal diameter, thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter, ocular orbit, kidney length, kidney height, cardiac area, placentome length, cervical measurement and fetal heart rate; by means of two different approaches: transrectal and transabdominal, using a 7.5 MHz linear transducer. The vaginal mucous impedance was assessed using an electric estrous detector and vulvar temperature was measured using a non-contact infrared thermometer. Statistical analysis was performed using the R-project software and the significance level was set at 5% for all tests. 25 Saanen does became pregnant, resulting in 80.33% pregnancy rate. Fetal heart rate was negatively correlated to the hours to parturition (p<0,001; r-Pearson= -0,451), as well as vaginal temperature (p= 0,001; r-Pearson= -0,275), while cervical thickness was positively correlated to hours to parturition (p<0,001; r-Pearson= 0,490). The echobiometric parameters (biparietal diameter, thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter, ocular orbit, kidney length and height, cardiac area, placentome length), as well as vaginal mucous impedance did not vary throughout the timepoints of evaluation and did not correlate to the moment of parturition. It was concluded that the parameters of fetal heartbeat, vaginal temperature and cervical effacement in the last week of pregnancy provide valuable information regarding the proximity of parturition.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez , Cabras/fisiologia , Impedância Elétrica , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Biometria/métodos , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/veterináriaResumo
The effect of different calcium levels and two limestone granulometries on performance, egg quality, biometry of digestive organs and bone characteristics of light laying hens were evaluated. A total of 270 laying hens were used during 112 days, distributed in a completely randomized design in a 3 x 2 factorial scheme, with 3 levels of calcium (3.8, 4.0 and 4.2%) and 2 limestone granulometries (0.222 and 1.922 mm), totaling 6 treatments with 5 repetitions each. The parameters evaluated were: feed intake, egg production, egg weight and mass, feed conversion per mass and per dozen eggs, albumen, yolk and shell percentage, specific gravity of eggs and shell thickness. In addition, the relative weight of the heart, proventricle, gizzard, liver, pancreas, intestine weight and length, and bone characteristics were also evaluated. A significant interaction was observed for tibia mineral matter. Egg production was influenced by the limestone granulometry, presenting greater value in the treatments which contained fine granulometry limestone. Higher calcium levels of 4.0 and 4.2% provide greater specific density of eggs. Biometric variables and bone characteristics were not influenced by the treatments. In conclusion, it is recommended to use fine-grained limestone (0.222 mm) and a 4% calcium level in diets for light commercial hens, as they improve performance and quality of eggs, without interfering in biometrics of digestive organs and bone characteristics.(AU)
Animais , Osso e Ossos , Cálcio , Ingestão de Alimentos , Galinhas/metabolismo , BiometriaResumo
The purpose of this paper is to determine the ocular echobiometry and investigate its correlation with cranial and body morphometric parameters in 50 adult Shih Tzu dogs. The echobiometric measurements of the anterior chamber (AC), vitreous chamber (VC), lens axial thickness (LTA), transverse lens thickness (LTT), and axial length of the eyeball (ALE) were obtained by two-dimensional ultrasonography. Morphometric measurements of bizygomatic distance (BDIST), frontal-occipital distance (FOD), withers height (WH), thoracic circumference (TC), and body length (BL) were also obtained. The mean of the AC depth was 2.83±0.50mm, the VC was 9.18±0.54mm, the LTA was 6.42±0.32mm and the LTT was 9.17±1.18mm, while the mean of the ALE was 18.82±0.66mm. There was no correlation between ocular echobiometric variables and cranial and body morphometric variables in adult dogs of the Shih Tzu breed, as well as no significant difference of these variables when considering gender and age of the dogs (p ≥ 0.05).
Objetivou-se, com este estudo, a determinação da ecobiometria ocular e a investigação de sua correlação com parâmetros morfométricos cranianos e corporais em 50 cães Shih Tzu adultos. As medidas ecobiométricas da câmara anterior (CA), da câmara vítrea (CV), da espessura axial (ELA), da transversal da lente (ETL) e do comprimento axial do globo ocular (CGO) foram obtidas por meio da ultrassonografia em modo bidimensional. As medidas morfométricas do distanciamento bizigomático (DBZ), do distanciamento fronto-occipital (DFO), da altura de cernelha (AC), da circunferência torácica (CT) e do comprimento corporal (CP) também foram obtidas. A média da profundidade de CA foi de 2,83±0,50mm, da CV foi de 9,18±0,54mm, da ELA foi de 6,42±0,32mm e da ETL foi de 9,17±1,18mm, enquanto a média do CGO foi de 18,82±0,66mm. Não foi verificada correlação entre as variáveis ecobiométricas oculares e as morfométricas cranianas e corporais em cães adultos da raça Shih Tzu, assim como não houve diferença significativa dessas variáveis quando considerado o gênero e a idade dos cães (P≥0,05).
Animais , Cães , Corpo Vítreo/anatomia & histologia , Cefalometria/veterinária , Biometria , Câmara Anterior/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Saccharicoccus sacchari (Cockerell, 1895) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is globally disseminated on sugarcane plants. In Brazil, this species has been occurred in the same region as the occurrence of the fungal pathogen causing red rot, Colletotrichum falcatum Went, 1893 (Glomerellales). The objective of this study was to evaluate the hypothesis that this pseudococcid could act as a facilitator of the penetration of the phytopathogen C. falcatum. Species of this mealybug were reared at laboratory to infest sugarcane plants during the experiment. A total of 320 sugarcane plants were utilized for this study, 160 of CTC4 and 160 of RB86 7515 cultivars (cv.), each group subdivided into four treatments: (1) infested with mealybugs; (2) infected with fungal conidia; (3) infested with mealybugs and infected with fungal conidia; and (4) control. Biometrics of the plants, disease symptoms, Total Reducing Sugars (TRS) and Reducing Sugar (RS) were evaluated. To both cv., there was no difference in the height and diameter of the plants in all treatments; and only in "mealybug + fungus", significant difference on the lengths of the disease lesions inside the plants was found to each cv. as well as the levels of TRS and RS. The presence of the pseudococcid increased the incidence of the disease in both cv., although RB86 7515 was more susceptible to red rot than CTC4.(AU)
Animais , Esporos Fúngicos/patogenicidade , Colletotrichum/fisiologia , Saccharum/microbiologia , Hemípteros/patogenicidade , Brasil , Biometria/métodosResumo
The green water technique uses microalgae in the water of indoor larviculture, providing a darker environment to favor fish growth, welfare and health. We evaluated growth performance and locomotor activity after light exposure of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) larvae reared in green or clear water. During one test, pirarucu larvae (3.6 ± 0.3 cm; 0.36 ± 0.1 g) were reared in 50-L circular tanks (n = 3 per treatment, 50 larvae per tank) in a static system containing green water [microalgae (w3algae; Bernaqua® 10 g m-3) added] or clear water (control). Fish weaning was achieved by co-feeding with Artemia nauplii and microdiets for seven days until full microdiet substitution. Larvae were biometrically evaluated on days 10, 17 and 24 to assess growth performance. In a second test, the locomotor activity of the larvae was analyzed before and after light exposure (1400 ± 60 lx) for 48 h according to an ethogram. After 24 days, the larvae reared in the green water were significantly heavier than those from the clear water, and displayed significantly fewer circular swimming movements. Body cortisol increased in both groups after light exposure. The microalgae provided an additional food source for larvae, with positive impact on growth until day 17 of larviculture. Green water can be a strategy to achieve better results in pirarucu larviculture, especially during and up to 10 days after the co-feeding period.(AU)
A técnica de água verde utiliza microalgas na água durante a larvicultura indoor, proporcionando um ambiente mais escuro que favorece o crescimento, bem-estar e saúde dos peixes. Avaliamos o crescimento e a atividade locomotora após exposição à luz de larvas de pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) criadas em água verde ou clara. Em um teste, larvas de pirarucu (3,6 ± 0,3 cm; 0,36 ± 0,1 g) foram criadas em tanques circulares de 50 L (n = 3 por tratamento; 50 larvas por tanque) em sistema estático contendo água verde [microalgas (w3algae; Bernaqua® 10 g m-3) adicionadas] ou água clara (controle). A transição alimentar dos peixes ocorreu por co-alimentação com náuplios de Artemia e microdieta por sete dias até a substituição completa pela microdieta. A biometria das larvas foi avaliada nos dias 10, 17 e 24, para avaliar o crescimento. Um segundo teste avaliou a atividade locomotora das larvas antes e após exposição à luz (1.400 ± 60,47 lx) por 48 horas usando um etograma. Após 24 dias, os peixes criados em água verde pesaram significativamente mais que os da água clara, e apresentaram significativamente menos movimentos circulares de natação. A exposição à luz aumentou o cortisol corporal nos dois grupos depois da exposição à luz. O nível corporal de cortisol aumentou em ambos grupos após exposição à luz. As microalgas forneceram uma fonte adicional de alimento para as larvas, com impacto positivo sobre seu crescimento até o 17º dia de larvicultura. Água verde pode ser uma estratégia para obter melhores resultados na larvicultura de pirarucu, principalmente durante e até 10 dias após o período de co-alimentação.(AU)
Animais , Perciformes/fisiologia , Exposição à Radiação/efeitos adversos , Pesqueiros , Bem-Estar do Animal , Hidrocortisona/efeitos adversos , Biometria/métodos , Microalgas/químicaResumo
Heterosis plays an important role on yield and profitability of beef production systems. This study evaluates the morphometrics of purebred Nellore (N) and Charolais (C) animals and of the second (G2) and third (G3) generations of their alternating crosses, regarding the effects of genetic group and heterosis from birth to 365 days of age. The experiment comprised 159 calves (C = 29, N = 22, G2 - 3/4C 1/4N = 21, 3/4N 1/4C = 9, G3-5/8C 3/8N = 44 and 5/8N 3/8C = 34). The foreshank girth (FG), thoracic girth (TG), body length (BL), and hip height (HH) were measured after birth, and at 63, 210, and 365 days of age, and the total increases were calculated. The Charolais animals had greater FG, TG, and BL values than Nellore, while the latter had greater HH. For the offspring generations, the predominance of Charolais genes in the genotypes resulted in greater measurements for FG and TG in G2, whereas the predominance of Nellore genes resulted in higher HH values in both generations. The crossbred animals had greater values for all measurements than the purebreds, with more significant differences in FG, TG, and BL compared to Nellore purebreds and in HH compared to Charolais. Charolais animals show higher values for muscularity; while, Nellore animals are taller. Crossbred animals show greater development compared to purebreds, indicating a significant effect of heterosis.
Animais , Bovinos , Cruzamento/economia , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vigor Híbrido/genética , Morfogênese , BiometriaResumo
The initial development of pitayas may be limited by a few factors, among them, water deficit. Agricultural hydrogels can be used as an alternative to enhance the retention and availability of water and nutrients in the soil. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of irrigation frequency and hydrogel doses on the development of white pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) seedlings to establish a time interval in days between irrigations that provides better seedling development and determine the hydrogel dose that provides a reduction of water consumption without damaging seedling development. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks in a 4 x 4 factorial arrangement, in which the treatments corresponded to 4 hydrogel doses (0, 2, 4, and 6 g/plant of Biogel Hidro Plus) incorporated into the substrate and four irrigation frequencies (1, 3, 5, and 7 days of interval). The biometric characteristics, photosynthetic pigments, and organic and inorganic solutes of the plants were evaluated after 120 days. The use of daily irrigation negatively influenced the growth and biomass accumulation of the aerial part of the seedlings and, consequently, provided the lowest values of cladodes of the pitaya seedlings. Pitaya seedlings had greater development when using an irrigation frequency of around 3 days. The application of 6 g/plant of hydrogel provided the highest averages for accumulation of dry biomass, photosynthetic pigments, and organic and inorganic solutes at irrigation levels of 3.6, 4, and about 3.8 days of intervals, respectively. Hydrogel incorporation allowed increasing the interval between irrigations by 1 day without damages to the seedling development.(AU)
O desenvolvimento inicial das pitayas pode ser limitado por alguns fatores, entre eles, a escassez de água. Os hidrogeis agrícolas podem ser usados como alternativa para aumentar a retenção e a disponibilidade de água e nutrientes no solo. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da frequência de irrigação e das doses de hidrogel no desenvolvimento de mudas de pitaya branca (Hylocereus undatus) para estabelecer um intervalo de tempo em dias entre as irrigações que proporcione melhor desenvolvimento das mudas e determinar a dose de hidrogel que proporcione uma redução de consumo de água sem prejudicar o desenvolvimento das mudas. O delineamento experimental consistiu em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, em que os tratamentos corresponderam a 4 doses de hidrogel (0, 2, 4 e 6 g/ planta de Biogel Hidro Plus) incorporados ao substrato e quatro frequências de irrigação (1, 3, 5 e 7 dias de intervalo). As características biométricas, pigmentos fotossintéticos e solutos orgânicos e inorgânicos das plantas foram avaliados após 120 dias. O uso da irrigação diária influenciou negativamente no crescimento e no acúmulo de biomassa da parte aérea das mudas e, consequentemente, proporcionou os menores valores de cladódios das mudas de pitaya. As mudas de pitaya tiveram maior desenvolvimento com a frequência de irrigação em torno de 3 dias. A aplicação de 6 g/planta de hidrogel proporcionou as maiores médias de acúmulo de biomassa seca, pigmentos fotossintéticos e solutos orgânicos e inorgânicos em níveis de irrigação de 3,6, 4 e cerca de 3,8 dias de intervalo, respectivamente. A incorporação do hidrogel permitiu aumentar o intervalo entre as irrigações em 1 dia sem prejuízo ao desenvolvimento das mudas.(AU)
Biometria , Biomassa , Hidrogéis , Cactaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of environmental contamination in a protected area in the Brazilian Amazon. For this, two areas were chosen along the Mearim River: the reference area (A1) and the potentially contaminated area (A2), where water samples were collected, for physicochemical and microbiological analyses, as well as specimens of Hoplias malabaricus, for the evaluation of biometric data and incidence of branchial lesions. The physicochemical analyzes of the water from both areas showed contamination (low levels of dissolved oxygen, tubidity and high iron concentrations, especially in A2). The microbiological analyzes showed that all water samples showed total coliform values higher than those acceptable by CONAMA and WHO (with higher values in A2), in addition to E. coli values higher than those allowed by legislation in A2. Regarding biometric data, male and female fishes were significantly longer and heavier in A1 during the dry and rain seasons and the gonadosomatic index also showed higher values in A1 than in A2 in both seasons. H. malabaricus showed gill lesions of minimal to moderate pathological importance in A1 and A2, indicating that specimens from both areas of the Mearim River showed biological responses to contamination. The observed changes in the water quality, bimetic parameters and the histological analyzes of the specimens of H. malabaricus directly reflect on the quality and health of the fishes in the Mearim River, and point to the urgent need for prevention and remediation of contamination in these ecosystems.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os níveis de contaminação ambiental em uma área protegida na Amazônia brasileira. Para isso, foram escolhidas duas áreas ao longo do rio Mearim: a área de referência (A1) e a área potencialmente contaminada (A2), onde foram coletadas amostras de água, para análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas, além de espécimes de Hoplias malabaricus, para avaliação de dados biométricos e incidência de lesões branquiais. As análises físico-químicas da água de ambas as áreas mostraram contaminação (baixos níveis de oxigênio dissolvido, turbidez e altas concentrações de ferro, principalmente em A2). As análises microbiológicas mostraram que todas as amostras de água apresentaram valores de coliformes totais superiores aos aceitáveis pelo CONAMA e OMS (com valores superiores em A2), além de valores de E. coli superiores aos permitidos pela legislação em A2. Em relação aos dados biométricos, os peixes machos e fêmeas foram significativamente maiores e mais pesados em A1 durante as estações seca e chuvosa e o índice gonadossomático também apresentou valores maiores em A1 do que em A2 em ambas as estações. H. malabaricus apresentaram lesões branquiais de importância patológica mínima a moderada em A1 e A2, indicando que espécimes de ambas as áreas do rio Mearim apresentaram respostas biológicas à contaminação. As mudanças observadas na qualidade da água, nos parâmetros biométricos e nas análises histológicas dos espécimes de H. malabaricus refletem diretamente na qualidade e saúde dos peixes do Rio Mearim, e apontam para a necessidade urgente de prevenção e remediação da contaminação desses ecossistemas.
Animais , Erythrinus , Biometria , Ecossistema Amazônico , Biomarcadores Ambientais , Rios , Peixes/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Due to the conditions in which traditional sheep production systems operate, the evaluation of animal growth from live weight (LW) is limited by the high cost of the livestock scale as well as the sophisticated maintenance required. In this scenario, in recent years, biometric measurements have been investigated as an accurate indirect method to predict the LW of farm animals. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to examine different models for predicting the body weight of growing lambs using the body volume (BV) formula. Body volume, heart girth (HG) and body length (BL) data of 290 lambs aged between two and eight months were recorded. Body volume was calculated from HG and BL data using a formula that calculates the volume of a cylinder. The estimation of LW from the BV formula was achieved through regression equations using three mathematical models (linear, quadratic and exponential). The mean values of LW, HG, BL and BV of the lambs were 29.12±12.04kg, 70.00±11.69cm, 38.40±6.43cm and 23.93±9.90dm3, respectively. The correlation coefficient between LW and BV was r = 0.96 (P<0.001). The quadratic model showed the highest coefficient of determination (0.93) and the lowest prediction error (3.29kg). Under the experimental conditions adopted in this study, it is possible to predict the live weight of growing lambs using the body volume formula.
Devido às condições dos sistemas tradicionais de produção de ovinos, a avaliação do crescimento animal a partir do peso vivo (PV) é limitada pelo alto custo da balança pecuária, bem como pela sofisticada manutenção necessária. Assim, nos últimos anos, as medidas biométricas (MB) têm sido avaliadas como um método indireto e preciso para predizer o PV de animais de criação. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar diferentes modelos de predição do PV de cordeiros em crescimento utilizando-se a fórmula do volume corporal (VC). Foram registrados dados de PV, perímetro torácico (PT) e comprimento corporal (CC) de 290 cordeiros entre dois e oito meses de idade. O VC foi calculado com base nos dados PT e CC, sendo usada uma fórmula que calcula o volume de um cilindro. A previsão do PV a partir da fórmula VC foi estimada por meio de equações de regressão, utilizando-se três modelos matemáticos (linear, quadrático e exponencial). Os valores médios do PV, PT, CC e VC dos cordeiros foram 29,12±12,04kg, 70,00±11,69cm, 38,40±6,43cm e 23,93±9,90 (dm3), respectivamente. O coeficiente de correlação entre PV e VC foi r=0,96 (P<0,001). O modelo quadrático apresentou o maior coeficiente de determinação (0,93) e o menor erro de predição (3,29kg) Nas condições do presente estudo, conclui-se que é possível predizer o peso vivo de cordeiros em crescimento por meio da fórmula de volume corporal.
Animais , Pesos e Medidas , Peso Corporal , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biometria/métodosResumo
Brazilian Association of Crioulo Horse Breeders (ABCCC) establishes minimal and maximal body biometrics evaluation; although, nothing is mentioned about testicular measurements. Body and testicular growth are associated and related to age. We described data regarding body and testicular biometry of Crioulo stallions, with a comparative study between young and adult categories. Evaluation was performed in 56 stallions, Crioulo breed, split in: youngsters (3 and 4 years-old, n=16) and adults (above 5 years-old, n=40). Body biometry included weight, height, cannon bone and chest circumference, body score condition and neck fat accumulation. Testicular biometry included height, length, width, volume, combined volume and daily sperm output (DSO). Statistical analyses included descriptive statistic, Pearson correlation, comparison between means by Kruskal Wallis, being P < 0.05 considered significant. There was no significant difference between the parameters of body and testicular biometrics between categories young and adult. In relation to height, the average was very close to the lower limit established, while chest and cannon bone circumference were above the minimum recommended by ABCCC. Cannon bone circumference presented a positive correlation with height. Most of stallions presented excessive body fat, with a body score condition above 8 (scale 1-9). Neck fat accumulation presented a positive correlation with body score condition. Testicular height, length, width and volume presented a positive correlation between the ipsi and contralateral testicle, total testicular volume and DSO. In conclusion, no difference in the body and testicular biometric evaluation was observed between young and adult Crioulo stallions. Testicular and body growth are associated and also related to age, so our finding suggested that after 3-4 years-old most of Crioulo stallions have already reached maximum growth.
A Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Cavalos Crioulos (ABCCC) define parâmetros mínimos e máximos para algumas aferições biométricas no corpo do animal, embora nada seja mencionado sobre medidas testiculares. O crescimento corporal e testicular estão associados e relacionados a idade do animal. Objetivamos descrever parâmetros relacionados a biometria corporal e testicular de garanhões Crioulos, comparando o grupo de jovens e adultos. Foi realizada avaliação em 56 garanhões Crioulos, divididos em: jovens (três e quatro anos, n=16) e adultos (acima de cinco anos, n=40). A biometria corporal incluiu peso, altura, circunferência de canela, perímetro torácico, escore corporal e acúmulo de gordura no pescoço. A biometria testicular incluiu altura, comprimento, largura, volume de cada testículo, volume combinado dos testículos e estimativa de produção diária de espermatozoides (DSO). Com os dados, foi realizada estatística descritiva, correlação de Pearson, comparação entre médias com Kruskal Wallis, sendo considerado significativo quando P < 0,05. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre as avaliações biométricas e testiculares de garanhões das categorias jovens e adultos. Em relação à altura, a média foi muito próxima ao limite inferior estabelecido, enquanto a circunferência torácica e de canela estavam acima do limite mínimo recomendado pela ABCCC. A circunferência de canela apresentou correlação positiva com altura. A maioria dos garanhões apresentou alta deposição de gordura, com condição corporal acima de 8 (escala 1-9). O acúmulo de gordura no pescoço apresentou correlação positiva com escore corporal. A altura, largura, comprimento e volume testicular apresentaram correlação positiva com testículo ipsi e contralateral, volume testicular total e DSO. Em conclusão, não houve diferença entre dados de biometria corporal e testicular de garanhões Crioulos adultos e jovens. O crescimento corporal e testicular estão associados e relacionados a idade, sendo assim, nossos resultados sugerem que após 3-4 anos de idade, a maioria dos garanhões Crioulos já atingiu seu pico de desenvolvimento.
Animais , Masculino , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Biometria , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The present study has been conducted to find out new findings on maximum length and weight values of Umbrina cirrosa in the Bay of Saros (Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey). On September, 11, 2016, a single specimen of Umbrina cirrosa with 68.8 cm total length and 2600.00 g total weight was caught by handline at a depth of 20 m. The provable size is the second largest length ever reported in the all seas of the world.
O presente estudo foi realizado para descobrir novas descobertas sobre os valores máximos de comprimento e peso de Umbrina cirrosa na Baía de Saros (Mar Egeu do Norte, Turquia). Em 11 de setembro de 2016, um único espécime de Umbrina cirrosa com 68.8 cm de comprimento total e 2600.00 g de peso total foi capturado por linha de mão a uma profundidade de 20 m. O tamanho provável é o segundo maior comprimento já registrado em todos os mares do mundo.
Animais , Perciformes , Tamanho Corporal , Turquia , BiometriaResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um modelo matemático para predição do peso corporal de cordeiros com base nas medidas biométricas. Foram utilizados dados de 51 cordeiros, com composição genética de pelo menos 50% da raça Santa Inês. O peso corporal (PC) dos animais foi acompanhado durante 91 dias por meio de pesagens semanais. Após as pesagens, foram tomadas as medidas: altura anterior (AA); altura posterior (AP); comprimento corporal (CC); largura de peito (LP); largura de garupa (LG); perímetro torácico (PT) e perímetro de barril (PB). Essas medidas foram utilizadas como variáveis de entrada do modelo. Foi observado correlações positivas e significativas (P<0,05) entre todas as variáveis biométricas com o PC. No entanto, o PC apresentou uma alta correlação com o PT (0,836), seguido do PB (0,818) e AP (0,740). Dessa forma, essas três medidas foram significativas para estimativa do PC. Portanto, o modelo para predizer o PC dos cordeiros foi: Peso (kg)=0,4455* PT - 0,5794 * PB + 0,0019 * AP2 + 0.0053* PB2. O perímetro torácico, perímetro de barril e altura de posterior podem ser utilizados como variáveis preditoras do peso corporal em ovinos mestiços, independente do sexo.(AU)
Animais , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biometria/métodosResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of bee pollen in the diet of growing Japanese quails on productive performance, relative weight of the gastrointestinal organs and length of small and large intestines. A total of 650 one-day-old female Japanese quails were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments according to the dietary levels of bee pollen (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6%), five replicates, and 26 birds per experimental unit. At the end of the experimental period (35 days of age), the performance and relative weight of the gastrointestinal organs and length of small and large intestines were evaluated. The dietary inclusion of bee pollen did not influence (P > 0.05) performance, relative weight of proventriculus, gizzard, pancreas, liver, and large intestine, as well as the length of small and large intestines. However, a linear reduction (P < 0.05) was observed in the relative weight of small intestine as dietary bee pollen levels increased. The inclusion of bee pollen from 0.4 to 1.6% in the diet of growing Japanese quails did neither improve productive performance nor alter the biometry of digestive organs.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de pólen apícola nas dietas de codornas japonesas em crescimento sobre o desempenho produtivo, peso relativo dos órgãos do trato gastrointestinal e comprimento do intestino delgado e grosso. Um total de 650 codornas japonesas, fêmeas, de um dia de idade, foram distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos de acordo com os níveis dietéticos do pólen apícola (0,0; 0,4; 0,8; 1,2 e 1,6%), cinco repetições e 26 aves por unidade experimental. Ao final do período experimental (35 dias de idade), o desempenho e o peso relativo dos órgãos do trato gastrointestinal e o comprimento do intestino delgado e grosso foram avaliados. A inclusão dietética de pólen de abelha não influenciou (P > 0,05) o desempenho, peso relativo do proventrículo, moela, pâncreas, fígado e intestino grosso, bem como o comprimento do intestino delgado e intestino grosso. Entretanto, uma redução linear (P < 0,05) foi observada no peso relativo do intestino delgado de acordo com o aumento dos níveis de pólen apícola. A inclusão dietética de 0,4 a 1,6% de pólen apícola para codornas japonesas em crescimento não melhorou o desempenho produtivo e não alterou a biometria dos órgãos digestivos.(AU)
Animais , Pólen , Biometria , Coturnix/microbiologia , Trato Gastrointestinal , Anti-Infecciosos/imunologiaResumo
The objective of this study was to describe and compare the head morphometry of normal and pathological sperm from Saimiri macrodon. In the morphological analysis, 39% of the sperm had normal morphology, and 61% had major or minor defects, with pathology in the tails being the most frequent with 47% (38% curled tail, 7% folded tail and 2% strongly folded tail). Among the evaluated head morphometry parameters, area (A), width (L) and ellipticity (E) showed statistical difference (p>0.05) between normal and pathological sperm. The average head area and width was lower in normal sperm (p=0,01 e p=0,04, respectively), and the mean ellipticity was higher (p=0,038), when compared to pathological sperm. This definition of the sperm morphometric parameters of S. macrodon is important for the samples selection destined to reproduction biotechnologies and for the clarification of taxonomic and evolutionary issues in the genus Saimiri.
Animais , Masculino , Saimiri/anatomia & histologia , Cabeça do Espermatozoide/ultraestrutura , Biometria , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Growth performance, organ biometrics, bone characteristics, and intestinal morphometry were evaluated in broilers fed a diet containing orange (Citrus sinensis L.) essential oil. A completely randomized design was used, with five treatments with orange essential oil (0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 mg kg−1 diet) and six replications with 20 birds per experimental unit. In the pre-starter phase, feed intake and weight gain of all birds linearly increased, while feed conversion decreased with the addition of orange essential oil in the feed. At day 21, bone density (Seedor Index) and body weight were higher in the birds that received the maximum level of essential oil (400 mg kg−1) compared with those not treated with essential oil. The observed effects resulted from the better functioning of the physiological mechanisms of digestion and absorption of nutrients, characterized by the increase in villus height. Glycemia and weights of gastrointestinal tract organs of broilers at 21 days of age were not influenced by the evaluated essential oil. The results show that the addition of phytogenic additives to the diet does not cause any physiological impairment in birds.
Animais , Óleos Voláteis/administração & dosagem , Galinhas/fisiologia , Citrus sinensis/química , Aditivos Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Biometria , JejunoResumo
Background: Ocular biometrics is an easy to perform, safe, non-invasive and low-cost exam that provides immediate resultswith excellent definition. Brachycephalic dogs have a high risk of developing eye problems, and the early appearance isfrequent due to factors linked to anatomical conformation. The aim of the present study was to perform eye biometrics inFrench Bulldog dogs through ultrasound, correlating with body and head size.Materials, Methods & Results: Clinical examination, ophthalmic examination and ocular biometrics were performed usingB-mode ultrasonography, using a 10 megahertz frequency transducer in 30 French Bulldog dogs, aged 1-6 years old, maleand females from the Br Lords Staff kennel and the Radiovet - Rio de Janeiro veterinary clinic. A drop of anesthetic eyedrops containing 1% tetracaine hydrochloride and 0.1% phenylephrine hydrochloride was instilled and the direct contacttechnique was performed with the cornea with the help of sterile water-soluble lubricating acoustic gel between the transducerand the examined eye. These measurements were correlated with cephalic measurements (frontal-occipital distance, skullcircumference, distance between the zygomatic arches and frontal-nasal distance) and with body measurements (lengthof the dog from the cranial end of the sternum to the ischial tuberosity and height of the withers from the cranial angleof the scapula to the ground). No chemical restraint was necessary. Dogs were positioned seated or in sternal decubitus,with slight physical restraint. All measurements were performed by the same examiner. There was no significant difference between the parameters of male and female eye biometrics and there was no difference between the measurementsof the right and left eyes. The mean value of axial bulb length was 19.51 ± 0.58 mm, for the thickness of the lens, 6.71 ±0.66 mm, for depth of the anterior chamber, 2.36 ± 0.89 mm and for the depth of the vitreous chamber...