Leptospira spp. and Brucella abortus are bacterial pathogens that can infect humans and animals. The present study aimed to detect anti-Leptospira and anti-B. abortus antibodies and verified the presence of factors associated with seropositivity in cats. One hundred and eighty serum samples were collected from domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) from the urban area of the municipality of Araguaína-Tocantins by phlebocentesis of the cephalic and jugular veins. The samples were subjected to detection of anti-Leptospira and anti-B.abortus antibodies, respectively, by microscopic seroagglutination and buffered acidified antigen testing, followed by confirmation by the 2-mercaptoethanol test and slow seroagglutination in tubes. Data from the epidemiological questionnaire (the age, sex, origin, breed, and presence of clinical signs) were analyzed using Epi Info® software with seropositivity data found to search for associated factors using the chi-square test. In the present study, the prevalence of Leptospira spp. was 5.56% (10/180). However, no sample was reactive to B. abortus. None of the studied variables were associated with seropositivity for the pathogens evaluated. Therefore, there is contact between Leptospira spp. and the feline population of the municipality, indicating the possibility of the circulation of pathogenic serovars and that the presence of anti-Leptospira antibodies does not depend on the variables analyzed.(AU)
Leptospira spp. e Brucella abortus são patógenos bacterianos que podem infectar humanos e animais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo detectar anticorpos anti-Leptospira e anti-B.abortus e verificar a presença de fatores associados com a soropositividade em gatos. Foram coletadas 180 amostras de soro de gatos domésticos (Felis silvestris catus) da zona urbana do município de Araguaína-Tocantins por flebocentese das veias cefálica e jugular. As amostras foram submetidas à detecção de anticorpos anti-Leptospira e anti-B. abortus, respectivamente, por soroaglutinação microscópica e teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado, seguido de confirmação pelo teste de 2-mercaptoetanol e soroaglutinação lenta em tubos. Os dados do questionário epidemiológico (idade, sexo, procedência, raça e presença de sinais clínicos) foram analisados no software Epi Info® com os dados de soropositividade encontrados para pesquisa de fatores associados pelo teste do qui-quadrado. No presente estudo, a prevalência de Leptospira spp. foi de 5,56% (10/180). No entanto, nenhuma amostra foi reativa para B. abortus. Nenhuma das variáveis estudadas foi associada com a soropositividade para os patógenos avaliados. Portanto, há contato entre Leptospiraspp. e a população felina do município, indicando a possibilidade de circulação de sorovares patogênicos e que a presença de anticorpos anti-Leptospira independe das variáveis analisadas.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Anticorpos/análise , Leptospira/imunologia , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Gatos/microbiologia , Leptospirose/diagnóstico , Brucelose/diagnósticoResumo
Background: The immunoglobulin Y is a principal antibody current in the blood of hens, which are transferred from the maternal blood serum to the egg yolk. The extraction of IgY from the egg yolk apply animal welfare when compared to the extraction of IgG, reducing the number of animals and prevent a bleeding of hens through the extraction of the IgY from eggs, besides that IgY presenting high specificity for antigenic binding. The objective of this study was to produce specific polyclonal IgY antibodies anti-Brucella abortus by immunizing hens with B19 vaccine and evaluate their reactivity through Buffered Acidified Plate Antigen (BAPA), 2-Mercaptoethanol (2-ME) and indirect ELISA diagnostic tests.Materials, Methods & Results: Four 25-week-old White Leghorn hens were immunized, two of them comprising the control group (Group 1) with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with adjuvant, and the others two immunized with B19 vaccine (Brucella abortus vaccine strain B19), representing the Group 2. The immunizations occurred six times with a 15-day interval between each. Blood samples were taken biweekly (seven times); and daily, the eggs were collected for 13 weeks, the first collection of blood and eggs, performed one week before the first immunization of each group. The IgY was purified from egg yolk, using the method of dilution in acid water and precipitation with ammonium sulfate for delipidation. BAPA, 2-ME and ELISA tests performed to verify the specificity of IgY confirmed the reactivity of polyclonal antibodies specific to the antigen used both in blood serum samples and in the purified egg yolks. The hens from the control group did not present reactivity in the diagnostic tests used, which was already expected, since no antigen was used in any of their immunizations. Hens immunized with the Brucella abortus B19 vaccine produced detectable reactive antibodies in the three tests used on blood serum and IgY samples extracted from the egg yolk.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Formação de Anticorpos , Galinhas/imunologia , Imunoglobulinas/análise , Ovos/análise , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , MercaptoetanolResumo
Background: The immunoglobulin Y is a principal antibody current in the blood of hens, which are transferred from the maternal blood serum to the egg yolk. The extraction of IgY from the egg yolk apply animal welfare when compared to the extraction of IgG, reducing the number of animals and prevent a bleeding of hens through the extraction of the IgY from eggs, besides that IgY presenting high specificity for antigenic binding. The objective of this study was to produce specific polyclonal IgY antibodies anti-Brucella abortus by immunizing hens with B19 vaccine and evaluate their reactivity through Buffered Acidified Plate Antigen (BAPA), 2-Mercaptoethanol (2-ME) and indirect ELISA diagnostic tests.Materials, Methods & Results: Four 25-week-old White Leghorn hens were immunized, two of them comprising the control group (Group 1) with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with adjuvant, and the others two immunized with B19 vaccine (Brucella abortus vaccine strain B19), representing the Group 2. The immunizations occurred six times with a 15-day interval between each. Blood samples were taken biweekly (seven times); and daily, the eggs were collected for 13 weeks, the first collection of blood and eggs, performed one week before the first immunization of each group. The IgY was purified from egg yolk, using the method of dilution in acid water and precipitation with ammonium sulfate for delipidation. BAPA, 2-ME and ELISA tests performed to verify the specificity of IgY confirmed the reactivity of polyclonal antibodies specific to the antigen used both in blood serum samples and in the purified egg yolks. The hens from the control group did not present reactivity in the diagnostic tests used, which was already expected, since no antigen was used in any of their immunizations. Hens immunized with the Brucella abortus B19 vaccine produced detectable reactive antibodies in the three tests used on blood serum and IgY samples extracted from the egg yolk.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/imunologia , Imunoglobulinas/análise , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Ovos/análise , Formação de Anticorpos , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , MercaptoetanolResumo
La brucelosis es una enfermedad importante en la cadena nacional de ganado. Entre los principales agentes causantes de esta enfermedad, hay relevancia la especie Brucella abortus. Así, este estudio tuvo como objetivo llevar a cabo el primer estudio serológico para diagnosticar la prevalencia de Brucella abortus en 255 ovinos de la región media de la provincia de Mato Grosso, Brasil, través de la detección de anticuerpos anti-Brucella abortus en ovinos por la técnica de soroagluinación. Según los resultados, se verificó frecuencia de 3,53% de ovinos seropositivos, con el 3,72% en las hembras y el 2,5% en los machos. El municipio con mayor ocurrencia fue Sinop (5,55%). Los resultados apresentaram una alta frecuencia de anticuerpos anti-Brucella abortus en el ganado ovino de la región. Diante do presentado, el suceso del Programa Nacional del Control y Erradicación de la Brucelosis y Tuberculosis Animal (PNCEBT) se puede ser afectado, debido a creación conjunta del ganado bovino y ovino, así como el risco en la Salud Pública.(AU)
Brucellosis is an important disease in Brazilian livestock. Among the agents of this disease, the most relevant in Brazil is Brucella abortus. This study aimed to investigate antibodies against Brucella abortus in sheep of the mid-north of Mato Grosso State, Brazil, through the detection of antibodies anti-Brucella abortus in 255 sheep by Buffered Acidified Antigen. According to the results, there was a frequence of 3.53% of soropositive sheep in region, with 3.72% positive females and 2.5% males. The municipality with the highest prevalence in this survey was Sinop (5.55%). The results presented high occurrence of antibodies anti-Brucella abortus in sheep from mid-north region of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. By the way, the success of the Brucellosis Animal Sanity Program (PNCEBT) can be affected, due to the commonly associated breeding of sheep and cattle and the risk in public health.(AU)
A brucelose é uma importante enfermidade na pecuária nacional. Dentre os agentes causadores desta enfermidade, destaca-se a espécie Brucella abortus. Sendo assim, objetivouse com este estudo a realização de inquérito sorológico para diagnosticar a sorprevalência de anticorpos anti- Brucella abortus em ovinos da região médio-norte do estado de Mato Grosso, pela detecção de anticorpos anti-Brucella abortus em 255 ovinos, pela técnica do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, foi verificada frequência de 3,53% ovinos sororreagentes, sendo 3,72% nas fêmeas e 2,5% nos machos. Esta pesquisa revelou elevada ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Brucella abortus em ovinos no Estado do Mato Grosso. Diante disso, o sucesso do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose (PNCEBT) no estado pode ser prejudicado, uma vez que é comum a criação consorciada de pequenos ruminantes e bovinos nessa região, além do considerável risco à Saúde Pública.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/imunologia , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Anticorpos/análise , Brucelose/epidemiologia , Brucelose/veterinária , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Estudos SoroepidemiológicosResumo
La brucelosis es una enfermedad importante en la cadena nacional de ganado. Entre los principales agentes causantes de esta enfermedad, hay relevancia la especie Brucella abortus. Así, este estudio tuvo como objetivo llevar a cabo el primer estudio serológico para diagnosticar la prevalencia de Brucella abortus en 255 ovinos de la región media de la provincia de Mato Grosso, Brasil, través de la detección de anticuerpos anti-Brucella abortus en ovinos por la técnica de soroagluinación. Según los resultados, se verificó frecuencia de 3,53% de ovinos seropositivos, con el 3,72% en las hembras y el 2,5% en los machos. El municipio con mayor ocurrencia fue Sinop (5,55%). Los resultados apresentaram una alta frecuencia de anticuerpos anti-Brucella abortus en el ganado ovino de la región. Diante do presentado, el suceso del Programa Nacional del Control y Erradicación de la Brucelosis y Tuberculosis Animal (PNCEBT) se puede ser afectado, debido a creación conjunta del ganado bovino y ovino, así como el risco en la Salud Pública.
Brucellosis is an important disease in Brazilian livestock. Among the agents of this disease, the most relevant in Brazil is Brucella abortus. This study aimed to investigate antibodies against Brucella abortus in sheep of the mid-north of Mato Grosso State, Brazil, through the detection of antibodies anti-Brucella abortus in 255 sheep by Buffered Acidified Antigen. According to the results, there was a frequence of 3.53% of soropositive sheep in region, with 3.72% positive females and 2.5% males. The municipality with the highest prevalence in this survey was Sinop (5.55%). The results presented high occurrence of antibodies anti-Brucella abortus in sheep from mid-north region of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. By the way, the success of the Brucellosis Animal Sanity Program (PNCEBT) can be affected, due to the commonly associated breeding of sheep and cattle and the risk in public health.
A brucelose é uma importante enfermidade na pecuária nacional. Dentre os agentes causadores desta enfermidade, destaca-se a espécie Brucella abortus. Sendo assim, objetivouse com este estudo a realização de inquérito sorológico para diagnosticar a sorprevalência de anticorpos anti- Brucella abortus em ovinos da região médio-norte do estado de Mato Grosso, pela detecção de anticorpos anti-Brucella abortus em 255 ovinos, pela técnica do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, foi verificada frequência de 3,53% ovinos sororreagentes, sendo 3,72% nas fêmeas e 2,5% nos machos. Esta pesquisa revelou elevada ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Brucella abortus em ovinos no Estado do Mato Grosso. Diante disso, o sucesso do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose (PNCEBT) no estado pode ser prejudicado, uma vez que é comum a criação consorciada de pequenos ruminantes e bovinos nessa região, além do considerável risco à Saúde Pública.
Animais , Anticorpos/análise , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Brucelose/epidemiologia , Brucelose/veterinária , Ovinos/imunologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Testes Sorológicos/veterináriaResumo
Brucellosis is a disease that affects humans and animals causing economic losses and risks to public health, both as an occupational disease handlers, butchers and veterinarians, as the possible ingestion of raw products from infected animals. This study aimed to detect the presence of antibodies against Brucella abortus in raw milk sold in Cristino Castro, Redenção do Gurguéia and Santa Luz, Piaui. 42 samples were purchased between August 2012 and August 2013. These were conducted in sterile vials identified in isothermal box with ice to the Food Microbiology Laboratory of the Federal University of Piauí, Campus of Bom Jesus, where he conducted the research antibodies to Brucella abortus through the milk ring test (RT). Five samples (11.9%) were positive for RT. It is concluded that the consumption of raw milk is risk to consumer health, the possible transmission of B. abortus.
Brucella abortus/imunologia , Brucella abortus/patogenicidade , Leite/microbiologia , Leite/químicaResumo
Brucellosis is a disease that affects humans and animals causing economic losses and risks to public health, both as an occupational disease handlers, butchers and veterinarians, as the possible ingestion of raw products from infected animals. This study aimed to detect the presence of antibodies against Brucella abortus in raw milk sold in Cristino Castro, Redenção do Gurguéia and Santa Luz, Piaui. 42 samples were purchased between August 2012 and August 2013. These were conducted in sterile vials identified in isothermal box with ice to the Food Microbiology Laboratory of the Federal University of Piauí, Campus of Bom Jesus, where he conducted the research antibodies to Brucella abortus through the milk ring test (RT). Five samples (11.9%) were positive for RT. It is concluded that the consumption of raw milk is risk to consumer health, the possible transmission of B. abortus.(AU)
Leite/química , Leite/microbiologia , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Brucella abortus/patogenicidadeResumo
The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence in cattle herds of the micro-region of Teresina,state of Piauí. It was collected 406 serum samples from 14 herds, using as a screening technique buffered plateagglutination test (BPAT). Of the 406 samples, 15 (3.69%) responded to the BPAT, from the 14 herds studied,five showed at least one positive animal, given the prevalence of outbreaks of 35.7% (5/14). The results suggestthat the disease is widespread in herds and could trigger a spreading agent in the region, requiring thatprophylactic measures should be instituted by related official agencies, in maintaining the health of livestock.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/imunologia , Bovinos/microbiologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Brucella abortus/imunologiaResumo
Brucellosis is an infectious disease of the zoonotic character, caused by bacteria of Brucella genus whichaffects several species. In sheep is caused by Brucella ovis, Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus, resulting ineconomic losses, causing reproductive disorders such as epididymitis, orchitis and miscarriages. The objective ofthis work was research of agglutinins anti-Brucella abortus in sheeps of Colégio Técnico de Bom Jesus-PI. It wascollected 55 blood samples from animals of different ages to obtain the serum by centrifugation, held in thelaboratory of clinical pathology, Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas - UFPI, the material was sent to the AnimalReproduction Pathophysiology Laboratory, Campus Ministro Petrônio Portela - UFPI, where conductedserological diagnosis through serum agglutination test Antigen with Buffered Acidified (AAT). The animals werenegative to the test, possibly due to the absence of some risk factors for the occurrence of the disease.(AU)
Animais , Brucelose/diagnóstico , Ovinos/microbiologia , Ovinos/imunologia , Brucella abortus/imunologiaResumo
The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence in cattle herds of the micro-region of Teresina,state of Piauí. It was collected 406 serum samples from 14 herds, using as a screening technique buffered plateagglutination test (BPAT). Of the 406 samples, 15 (3.69%) responded to the BPAT, from the 14 herds studied,five showed at least one positive animal, given the prevalence of outbreaks of 35.7% (5/14). The results suggestthat the disease is widespread in herds and could trigger a spreading agent in the region, requiring thatprophylactic measures should be instituted by related official agencies, in maintaining the health of livestock.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/imunologia , Bovinos/microbiologia , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Estudos SoroepidemiológicosResumo
Brucellosis is an infectious disease of the zoonotic character, caused by bacteria of Brucella genus whichaffects several species. In sheep is caused by Brucella ovis, Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus, resulting ineconomic losses, causing reproductive disorders such as epididymitis, orchitis and miscarriages. The objective ofthis work was research of agglutinins anti-Brucella abortus in sheeps of Colégio Técnico de Bom Jesus-PI. It wascollected 55 blood samples from animals of different ages to obtain the serum by centrifugation, held in thelaboratory of clinical pathology, Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas - UFPI, the material was sent to the AnimalReproduction Pathophysiology Laboratory, Campus Ministro Petrônio Portela - UFPI, where conductedserological diagnosis through serum agglutination test Antigen with Buffered Acidified (AAT). The animals werenegative to the test, possibly due to the absence of some risk factors for the occurrence of the disease.
Animais , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Brucelose/diagnóstico , Ovinos/imunologia , Ovinos/microbiologiaResumo
The study aimed to analyze the antibody response induced by vaccination with the standard dose of 60-120x109 organisms of Brucella abortus strain 19 in Tabapuã heifers, aged between 3 and 8 months, by serological tests recommended by the National Program for Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Control and Eradication (PNCEBT) for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. Serum samples of 72 animals were examined by four serological tests: rose Bengal test (RBT), standard agglutination test with the 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME) test, complement fixation test (CFT) and fluorescence polarization assay (FPA), which was interpreted in two ways: variable cutoff and fixed cutoff. Heifers were bled immediately prior to vaccination, and after 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330 and 360 days. Specificity of the tests was calculated, and the results were compared using the kappa statistic. FPA had a higher specificity than the other tests on the samples collected from 30 to 90 days after vaccination, but over time this difference decreased. At 270 days of vaccination, the specificity of RBT, 2-ME and RFC was 93.74%. The specificity of the FPA with variable cutoff was 87.5%, and with fixed cutoff was 100.0%. It was concluded that FPA had a higher discrimination ability for vaccination antibody titers shortly after vaccination, when compared with other tests recommended by the PNCEBT, and is a useful tool for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis, besides being easy and quick to perform
Foi avaliada a resposta sorológica induzida pela vacinação com a dose padrão de 60-120x109 organismos da cepa B19 de Brucella abortus em bezerras Tabapuãs, entre 3 e 8 meses de idade, pelos testes sorológicos preconizados pelo Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose (PNCEBT) para diagnóstico da brucelose bovina. Foram examinadas amostras de soro sanguíneo de 72 animais em quatro provas sorológicas: antígeno acidificado tamponado (AAT), teste de soroaglutinação lenta juntamente com o teste de 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME), reação de fixação de complemento (RFC) e teste de polarização fluorescente (TPF), o qual foi interpretado de duas formas: ponto de corte variável e ponto de corte fixo. As amostras de soro sanguíneo foram colhidas imediatamente antes da vacinação, e após 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330 e 360 dias. Foi calculada a especificidade dos testes e os resultados foram comparados pelo indicador kappa. O TPF apresentou especificidade mais elevada do que os outros testes nas amostras colhidas entre 30 e 90 dias após a vacinação. Aos 270 dias de vacinação, observou-se especificidade de 93,74% no AAT, no 2-ME e na RFC. No TPF com ponto de corte variável a especificidade foi 87,5% e com ponto de corte fixo foi 100,0%. O TPF apresentou maior capacidade de discriminação dos títulos de anticorpos vacinais logo após a vacinação, quando comparado com os outros testes preconizados pelo PNCEBT, mostrando-se um teste útil para o diagnóstico da brucelose bovina
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Vacina contra Brucelose/análise , Polarização de Fluorescência/veterinária , Testes Sorológicos/veterináriaResumo
The study aimed to analyze the antibody response induced by vaccination with the standard dose of 60-120x109 organisms of Brucella abortus strain 19 in Tabapuã heifers, aged between 3 and 8 months, by serological tests recommended by the National Program for Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Control and Eradication (PNCEBT) for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. Serum samples of 72 animals were examined by four serological tests: rose Bengal test (RBT), standard agglutination test with the 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME) test, complement fixation test (CFT) and fluorescence polarization assay (FPA), which was interpreted in two ways: variable cutoff and fixed cutoff. Heifers were bled immediately prior to vaccination, and after 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330 and 360 days. Specificity of the tests was calculated, and the results were compared using the kappa statistic. FPA had a higher specificity than the other tests on the samples collected from 30 to 90 days after vaccination, but over time this difference decreased. At 270 days of vaccination, the specificity of RBT, 2-ME and RFC was 93.74%. The specificity of the FPA with variable cutoff was 87.5%, and with fixed cutoff was 100.0%. It was concluded that FPA had a higher discrimination ability for vaccination antibody titers shortly after vaccination, when compared with other tests recommended by the PNCEBT, and is a useful tool for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis, besides being easy and quick to perform(AU)
Foi avaliada a resposta sorológica induzida pela vacinação com a dose padrão de 60-120x109 organismos da cepa B19 de Brucella abortus em bezerras Tabapuãs, entre 3 e 8 meses de idade, pelos testes sorológicos preconizados pelo Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose (PNCEBT) para diagnóstico da brucelose bovina. Foram examinadas amostras de soro sanguíneo de 72 animais em quatro provas sorológicas: antígeno acidificado tamponado (AAT), teste de soroaglutinação lenta juntamente com o teste de 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME), reação de fixação de complemento (RFC) e teste de polarização fluorescente (TPF), o qual foi interpretado de duas formas: ponto de corte variável e ponto de corte fixo. As amostras de soro sanguíneo foram colhidas imediatamente antes da vacinação, e após 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330 e 360 dias. Foi calculada a especificidade dos testes e os resultados foram comparados pelo indicador kappa. O TPF apresentou especificidade mais elevada do que os outros testes nas amostras colhidas entre 30 e 90 dias após a vacinação. Aos 270 dias de vacinação, observou-se especificidade de 93,74% no AAT, no 2-ME e na RFC. No TPF com ponto de corte variável a especificidade foi 87,5% e com ponto de corte fixo foi 100,0%. O TPF apresentou maior capacidade de discriminação dos títulos de anticorpos vacinais logo após a vacinação, quando comparado com os outros testes preconizados pelo PNCEBT, mostrando-se um teste útil para o diagnóstico da brucelose bovina(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Vacina contra Brucelose/análise , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Polarização de Fluorescência/veterináriaResumo
A serological survey for antibodies against Leptospira interrogans, Brucella abortus, and Chlamydophila abortus was conducted in 21 clinically healthy, free-ranging giant ant- eaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) from Parque Nacional das Emas (Goiás State, Brazil; n=6), Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra (Minas Gerais State, Brazil; n=9), and RPPN SESC Pantanal (Mato Grosso State, Brazil; n=6) between July 2001 and September 2006. Sera were screened for antibodies against 22 serovars of Leptospira interrogans with a microscopic agglutination test. Twelve tested positive for L. interrogansserovars sentot (n=5 in PN Emas, n=2 in PN Serra da Canastra), butembo (n=2 in PN Serra da Canastra), autumnalis, bataviae, and shermani/icterohaemorrhagiae(n=1 each in SESC Pantanal)One adult female tested positive for B. abortus with the buffered plate antigen test. All sera were negative for C. abortususing the complement fixation text. This is the first report of pathogens that may interfere with the reproduction and population dynamics of free-ranging giant anteaters.(AU)
Inquéritos sorológicos para detecção de anticorpos contra Leptospira interrogans, Brucella abortus, e Chlamydophila abortus foram realizados em 21 tamanduás-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) de vida livre do Parque Nacional das Emas (Goiás, Brasil, n=6), o Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra (Minas Gerais, Brasil, n=9) e RPPN SESC Pantanal (Mato Grosso, Brasil, n=6) entre julho de 2001 e setembro de 2006. Os sor os foram testados para anticorpos contra 22 sorotipos de Leptospira interrogans com um teste de aglutinação microscópica. Doze animais foram considerados positivos para L. interrogans sorovares sentot (n=5 em PN Emas, n=2 em PN Serra da Canastra), butembo (n=2 em PN Serra da Canastra), autumnalis, bataviae e shermani/icterohaemorrhagiae(n=1 para cada sorovar em SESC Pantanal). Uma fêmea adulta testou positivo para B. abortuscom o teste do antígeno tamponado. Todos os soros se mostraram negativos para C. abortusatravés do teste de fixação do complemento. Este é o primeiro relato de patógenos que podem interferir na dinâmica reprodutiva de populações de tamanduás em estado selvagem.(AU)
Animais , Xenarthra/virologia , Leptospira interrogans/imunologia , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Chlamydophila/imunologia , Sorologia/instrumentação , Biodiversidade , Fertilidade , Aborto Animal , Dinâmica Populacional , Testes de Aglutinação/veterináriaResumo
A large number of Brazilian zoos keep many endangered species of deer, however, very few disease surveillance studies have been conducted among captive cervids. Blood samples from 32 Brazilian deer (Blastocerus dichotomus, Mazama nana and Mazama americana) kept in captivity at Bela Vista Biological Sanctuary (Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil) were investigated for 10 ruminant pathogens, with the aims of monitoring deer health status and evaluating any potential zoonotic risk. Deer serum samples were tested for Brucella abortus, Leptospira (23 serovars), Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, bovine viral diarrhea virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, western equine encephalitis virus, eastern equine encephalitis virus and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. Antibodies against T. gondii (15.6%), N. caninum (6.2%) and L. interrogans serogroup Serjoe (3.1%) were detected. The serological results for all other infectious agents were negative. The deer were considered to be clinically healthy and asymptomatic regarding any disease. Compared with studies on free-ranging deer, the prevalences of the same agents tested among the captive deer kept at the Sanctuary were lower, thus indicating good sanitary conditions and high-quality management practices at the zoo.(AU)
Um grande número de zoológicos brasileiros abriga espécies de cervídeos ameaçados de extinção, entretanto, estudos de vigilância de doenças em cervídeos de cativeiro são escassos. Amostras de sangue de 32 cervídeos brasileiros (Blastocerus dichotomus, Mazama nana e Mazama americana), mantidos em cativeiro no Refúgio Biológico Bela Vista (Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil), foram investigados para 10 patógenos de ruminantes, visando monitorar o estado de saúde dos cervídeos e avaliar a presença de agentes zoonóticos. As amostras de soro foram testadas para Brucella abortus, Leptospira (23 sorovares), Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, diarreia viral bovina, rinotraqueíte infecciosa bovina, febre aftosa, encefalomielite equina do oeste, encefalomielite equina do leste e encefalomielite equina venezuelana. Foram detectados anticorpos para T. gondii (15,6%), N. caninum (6,2%) e para L. interrogans sorogrupo Serjoe (3,1%). As sorologias apresentaram resultado negativo para as demais doenças. Os cervídeos foram considerados clinicamente sadios e assintomáticos para doenças. Comparados aos estudos de populações de vida livre, as soroprevalências para os mesmos agentes testados foram menores para os cervídeos mantidos no Refúgio, indicando as boas condições sanitárias e a qualidade das práticas de manejo no zoológico.(AU)
Animais , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/imunologia , Coccidiose/epidemiologia , Coccidiose/imunologia , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Leptospirose/imunologia , Antílopes/parasitologia , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Animais de Zoológico/parasitologia , Febre Aftosa/imunologia , Encefalomielite/imunologia , Brucella abortus/imunologiaResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of animals that tested positive for brucellosis and leptospirosis and the risk factors for these diseases in the State of Paraíba. A total of 136 buffaloes from 14 herds were examined. For brucellosis, we used the buffered acidified plate antigen (BAPA) test as screening method and 2-mercaptoethanol as confirmatory test. For leptospirosis, we conducted a microscopic agglutination test (MAT), with a cut-off point of 1:100. Of the animals examined, two [1.5%; 95% CI = 0.4%5.2%] were positive for brucellosis, and 38 (27.9%; 95% CI = 21.1%36.0%) were positive for leptospirosis. The brucellosis-positive animals were from two (14.3%) herds, while nine (64.3%) herds had leptospirosis-seropositive animals. The more frequent Leptospira spp. serotypes were Bratislava, Pomona, and Canicola. We concluded that leptospirosis was widespread in buffaloes in the state of Paraíba and suggested that breeding alongside horses and pigs might be na important factor in the spread of leptospirosis-positive animals. The presence of brucellosispositive animals indicated the possibility of negative-impacting measures on disease control in bovines, and it is therefore recommended that greater attention be given to these animals for brucellosis control.(AU)
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a frequência de animais reagentes e os fatores de risco para brucelose e leptospirose em búfalos do Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados 136 búfalos oriundos de 14 propriedades. Para o diagnóstico da brucelose empregou-se como teste de triagem o antígeno acidificado tamponado (AAT) e o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME) como prova confirmatória. Para leptospirose foi realizado o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), com ponto de corte 1:100. Dos 136 animais examinados dois (1,5%; IC 95% = 0,4% - 5,2%) foram positivos para brucelose e 38 (27,9%; IC 95% = 21,1% - 36,0%) para leptospirose. Os animais positivos para brucelose foram procedentes de duas (14,3%) propriedades, enquanto para leptospirose nove (64,3%) propriedades apresentaram animais soropositivos. Os sorovares de Leptospira spp. mais frequentes foram Bratislava, Pomona e Canicola. Conclui-se que a leptospirose encontra-se disseminada em búfalos do Estado da Paraíba, e sugere-se que a criação consorciada com equinos e suínos pode ser um fator importante na ocorrência de animais positivos. A presença de animais positivos para brucelose indica a possibilidade de impacto negativo nas ações de controle da doença em bovinos, e dessa forma recomenda-se que maior atenção seja dada a esses animais do ponto de vista do controle da brucelose.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Leptospira/imunologia , Brucelose Bovina/imunologia , Leptospirose/imunologia , Leptospirose/veterinária , Doenças dos BovinosResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of animals that tested positive for brucellosis and leptospirosis and the risk factors for these diseases in the State of Paraíba. A total of 136 buffaloes from 14 herds were examined. For brucellosis, we used the buffered acidified plate antigen (BAPA) test as screening method and 2-mercaptoethanol as confirmatory test. For leptospirosis, we conducted a microscopic agglutination test (MAT), with a cut-off point of 1:100. Of the animals examined, two [1.5%; 95% CI = 0.4%5.2%] were positive for brucellosis, and 38 (27.9%; 95% CI = 21.1%36.0%) were positive for leptospirosis. The brucellosis-positive animals were from two (14.3%) herds, while nine (64.3%) herds had leptospirosis-seropositive animals. The more frequent Leptospira spp. serotypes were Bratislava, Pomona, and Canicola. We concluded that leptospirosis was widespread in buffaloes in the state of Paraíba and suggested that breeding alongside horses and pigs might be na important factor in the spread of leptospirosis-positive animals. The presence of brucellosispositive animals indicated the possibility of negative-impacting measures on disease control in bovines, and it is therefore recommended that greater attention be given to these animals for brucellosis control.
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a frequência de animais reagentes e os fatores de risco para brucelose e leptospirose em búfalos do Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados 136 búfalos oriundos de 14 propriedades. Para o diagnóstico da brucelose empregou-se como teste de triagem o antígeno acidificado tamponado (AAT) e o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME) como prova confirmatória. Para leptospirose foi realizado o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), com ponto de corte 1:100. Dos 136 animais examinados dois (1,5%; IC 95% = 0,4% - 5,2%) foram positivos para brucelose e 38 (27,9%; IC 95% = 21,1% - 36,0%) para leptospirose. Os animais positivos para brucelose foram procedentes de duas (14,3%) propriedades, enquanto para leptospirose nove (64,3%) propriedades apresentaram animais soropositivos. Os sorovares de Leptospira spp. mais frequentes foram Bratislava, Pomona e Canicola. Conclui-se que a leptospirose encontra-se disseminada em búfalos do Estado da Paraíba, e sugere-se que a criação consorciada com equinos e suínos pode ser um fator importante na ocorrência de animais positivos. A presença de animais positivos para brucelose indica a possibilidade de impacto negativo nas ações de controle da doença em bovinos, e dessa forma recomenda-se que maior atenção seja dada a esses animais do ponto de vista do controle da brucelose.