Background: The injury repair process in tendons and ligaments includes different phases such as inflammation, neovascularization, fibroblast proliferation and fibrosis. Collagen type and tissue characteristics of tendon and ligament repair are described such as type collagen differentiation and properties of the scars tissue. The degeneration of articular cartilage when, characterized by loss of the articular layers associated of the decreased of proteoglycans. The aim of this study is to describe by histochemistry techniques the characteristics of tissue scar, collagen type in the repair process of tendons and ligaments, as well as articular cartilage degeneration.Materials, Methods & Results: Tissue samples of equine tendons, ligaments and articular cartilage of the metacarpophalangeal joint region were evaluated by ultrasonography, macroscopically and prepared for routine histopathology (H&E staining). The inclusion criterion of the samples in this study was based on the presence of lesions characterized in H&E stain as fibroplasia, neovascularization, collagenolysis, chondroid metaplasia in tendons and ligaments and fibrillation and cartilaginous eburnation lesions in the articular cartilage samples. The Massons trichrome, Picrosirius red and Alcian blue staining techniques were also performed in addition to H&E. Pathologic findings in the tendons and ligaments included fibroplasia, collagenolysis, chondroid metaplasia and lymphohistioplasmacytic inflammation. Tendons and ligaments scars were composed of type III collagen but there was also some type I collagen. Fiber alignment of tendons and ligaments in the reorganization tissue was not flawless and the fiber appearance was characterized by a lack of the fiber crimp and parallelism. The fibroplasia was characterized by endotendinous tickening areas associated with the presence of loose connective tissue.[...]
Animais , Cartilagem Articular/anatomia & histologia , Cartilagem Articular/química , Cavalos , Ligamentos/anatomia & histologia , Ligamentos/química , Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Tendões/química , Técnicas Histológicas/métodosResumo
Background: The injury repair process in tendons and ligaments includes different phases such as inflammation, neovascularization, fibroblast proliferation and fibrosis. Collagen type and tissue characteristics of tendon and ligament repair are described such as type collagen differentiation and properties of the scars tissue. The degeneration of articular cartilage when, characterized by loss of the articular layers associated of the decreased of proteoglycans. The aim of this study is to describe by histochemistry techniques the characteristics of tissue scar, collagen type in the repair process of tendons and ligaments, as well as articular cartilage degeneration.Materials, Methods & Results: Tissue samples of equine tendons, ligaments and articular cartilage of the metacarpophalangeal joint region were evaluated by ultrasonography, macroscopically and prepared for routine histopathology (H&E staining). The inclusion criterion of the samples in this study was based on the presence of lesions characterized in H&E stain as fibroplasia, neovascularization, collagenolysis, chondroid metaplasia in tendons and ligaments and fibrillation and cartilaginous eburnation lesions in the articular cartilage samples. The Massons trichrome, Picrosirius red and Alcian blue staining techniques were also performed in addition to H&E. Pathologic findings in the tendons and ligaments included fibroplasia, collagenolysis, chondroid metaplasia and lymphohistioplasmacytic inflammation. Tendons and ligaments scars were composed of type III collagen but there was also some type I collagen. Fiber alignment of tendons and ligaments in the reorganization tissue was not flawless and the fiber appearance was characterized by a lack of the fiber crimp and parallelism. The fibroplasia was characterized by endotendinous tickening areas associated with the presence of loose connective tissue.[...](AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Tendões/química , Ligamentos/anatomia & histologia , Ligamentos/química , Cartilagem Articular/anatomia & histologia , Cartilagem Articular/química , Técnicas Histológicas/métodosResumo
PURPOSE: Articular Cartilage has limited potential for self-repair and tissue engineering approaches attempt to repair articular cartilage by scaffolds. We hypothesized that the combined hydroxyapatite and zirconia stabilized yttria would enhance the quality of cartilage healing. METHODS: In ten New Zealand white rabbits bilateral full-thickness osteochondral defect, 4 mm in diameter and 3 mm depth, was created on the articular cartilage of the patellar groove of the distal femur. In group I the scaffold was implanted into the right stifle and the same defect was created in the left stifle without any transplant (group II). Specimens were harvested at 12 weeks after implantation, examined histologically for morphologic features, and stained immunohistochemically for type-II collagen. RESULTS: In group I the defect was filled with a white translucent cartilage tissue In contrast, the defects in the group II remained almost empty. In the group I, the defects were mostly filled with hyaline-like cartilage evidenced but defects in group II were filled with fibrous tissue with surface irregularities. Positive immunohistochemical staining of type-II collagen was observed in group I and it was absent in the control group. CONCLUSION: The hydroxyapatite/yttria stabilized zirconia scaffold would be an effective scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering.(AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Cartilagem Articular/anatomia & histologia , Durapatita/análise , Colágeno/análise , Coelhos/classificaçãoResumo
Quinze cães, sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos, de peso entre 18 e 25kg, foram submetidos à secção artroscópica do ligamento cruzado cranial (LCCr) para indução da doença articular degenerativa (DAD). Após três semanas de instabilidade articular, o LCCr foi substituído pela fáscia lata segundo a técnica de Schwalder (1989) e os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos de cinco. Os animais do grupo I, controle, não receberam tratamento medicamentoso; os do grupo II, 24mg/animal de sulfato de condroitina, por via IM, de cinco em cinco dias, totalizando seis aplicações; e os do grupo III foram tratados com hialuronato de sódio na dose de 20mg/animal, por via IV, de cinco em cinco dias num total de três administrações. Ao final de 90 dias, os animais foram eutanasiados e procedeu-se à colheita e ao processamento histológico da membrana sinovial e da cartilagem articular para avaliações morfológica e morfométrica. No grupo I foram observadas alterações degenerativas de DAD mais acentuadas que nos demais grupos, como redução do número de condrócitos, presença de pânus, fibrilações, fissuras, erosões e irregularidades na superfície articular. No grupo II observou-se elevação do número de condrócitos com aumento da atividade de síntese da matriz e redução das lesões na superfície da cartilagem. No grupo III houve aumento do número de condrócitos que eram, muitas vezes, morfologicamente inviáveis. Todos os grupos apresentaram proliferação da membrana sinovial e presença de infiltrado linfoplasmocitário na subíntima e na perivascular. Nos grupos I e III, a proliferação da membrana sinovial era exuberante com formação de pânus, presença de sinoviócitos achatados ou ausência de sinóvia com tecido de granulação. Os resultados sugerem que o sulfato de condroitina estimulou a cartilagem articular, diminuindo ou retardando as alterações da DAD e o hialuronato de sódio não interferiu no processo degenerativo da cartilagem articular. Não foi constatada ...(AU)
Fifteen mongrel dogs, both genders, weighting from 18 to 25kg were used and Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) was induced through cranial cruciate ligament (CCrL) artroscopical section. After three weeks, CCrL was reconstructed by Schawalder's (1989) technique. Then, dogs were distributed in three groups and the following protocols were used: group I, control, no other treatment but the CCrL reconstruction; group II received chondroitin sulfate 24mg per animal every five days, intramuscularly, in a total of six injections; and group III received sodium hyaluronate 20mg per animal every five days, intravenously, in a total of three injections. Clinical observation was done until 90 days after treatments. By that time, the articular cartilage and synovium were collected and their morphology was evaluated. In group I, the degenerative alterations of the DJD were the most intense. Thus, decrease of chondrocytes number, pannus, fibrillations, grooves, erosion, and irregular articular surface were observed on the cartilage. In group II, raise of chondrocytes number was observed, with increase of synthesis activity of matrix and decrease of lesions on the articular surface. There was an increase of chondrocytes in group III, but the cells were morphologically unviable. All the groups showed proliferation of the synovial membrane, with limpho-plasma cells infiltrated in subintim and perivascular. In groups I and III, the proliferation of synovium was abundant, with formation of pannus, flattened synoviocytes or synovium absent with granulation tissue. Those results suggest that the chondroitin sulfate stimulated the articular cartilage; decreasing or delaying the alterations of DJD, as well as, the sodium hyaluronate did not interfere on degenerative process in articular cartilage. No favorable action of these drugs in the synovial membrane was verified.(AU)