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Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(2): 101-105, maio 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1392274


The seagull (Larus dominicanus) commonly can be observed near human fishing activities, as this species feeds on discards from fishing. This common interaction between a seabird and human fishing activity (both commercial and recreational), provides an easy source of food, but is not without risk for the birds. We report here clinical, radiographic and anatomopathological findings of an esophageal perforation caused by fishing gear in a specimen of Larus dominicanus found alive on a beach in the state of São Paulo which illustrated a harmful effect of stemming from recreational fishing. Clinical examination revealed a nylon thread in the oral cavity with the presence of caseous suggestive of ingestion of lost fishing gear, paralysis of the pelvic limbs and a decrease in the pain reflex associated with sternal decubitus, suggestive of food intoxication. Necroscopic examination revealed two hooks, one in the caudal portion of the esophagus with esophageal and pulmonary perforation, and the other in the muscular stomach. These injuries would have been expected to lead to the death of the bird. These anatomopathological findings confirmed the seriousness of the injuries. This reinforces the importance of studies focused on the interaction of recreational fishing artifacts (hooks, lines) with coastal birds on the Brazilian coast, in order to develop a preventative strategy.(AU)

A gaivota (Larus dominicanus) está intimamente relacionada às atividades pesqueiras, uma vez que possui hábitos generalistas e se alimenta dos descartes provenientes da pesca. Este processo de interação entre aves marinhas e a pesca apre-senta efeitos positivos e negativos, porém, suas relações ecológicas ainda não são bem compreendidas. No presente trabalho, objetivou-se relatar achados clínicos, radiográficos e anatomopatológicos de uma perfuração esofágica ocasionada por petrecho de pesca em um espécime de Larus dominicanus no litoral do estado de São Paulo e levantar a problemática da pesca recrea-tiva na região. Ao exame clínico, observou-se presença de fio de náilon em cavidade oral com presença de cáseo sugestivo de ingestão de petrecho de pesca, paresia de membros pélvicos e diminuição de reflexo doloroso associado a decúbito esternal, sugerindo um quadro de intoxicação alimentar. O exame necroscópico revelou a presença de dois anzóis, um em porção cau-dal do esôfago com perfuração esofágica e pulmonar, e outro em ventrículo. Os achados anatomopatológicos comprovaram a gravidade das lesões causadas pela interação com a pesca recreativa, o que reforça a importância de estudos referentes à intera-ção de artefatos pesqueiros (anzóis, linhas) com aves costeiras do litoral brasileiro, atualmente escassos na literatura científica.(AU)

Animais , Charadriiformes/anatomia & histologia , Caça , Perfuração Esofágica/diagnóstico , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/veterinária
Pap. avulsos zool ; 60: e20206060, Feb. 14, 2020. ilus, map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487276


The Gray-hooded Gull (Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus) is a seabird distributed in almost all South American countries. However, breeding information on the species in Brazil is scarce. In this study, a literature review and searches in online databases (WikiAves and eBird) were carried out to gather breeding information on the species in the country and new records of nests of the Gray-hooded Gull were registered on the northern coast of the Rio de Janeiro state. Literature review indicated breeding records in Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Norte states. On WikiAves, 19 records of the species with nests, eggs, chicks and breeding colonies were reported between 2009 and 2020, in Macau, Rio Grande do Norte and one adult hatching at Rio Grande do Sul. In August 2019, two nests were recorded at Ubatuba lagoon (22°09′S and 41°18′W) in the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park, in the Quissamã municipality in Rio de Janeiro. The nests were described and monitored during five weeks. Each nest contained two eggs and was built with the grass Paspalum vaginatum. Over time, the eggs were degraded and disappeared from the nests, without signs of hatching and possible predation. This study compiles for the first time all the breeding information on the species in Brazil and contributes with data about nests and egg biometry.

Animais , Charadriiformes/anatomia & histologia , Charadriiformes/fisiologia , Ovos , Reprodução , Biometria , Brasil
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 60: e20206060, Nov. 16, 2020. ilus, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31645


The Gray-hooded Gull (Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus) is a seabird distributed in almost all South American countries. However, breeding information on the species in Brazil is scarce. In this study, a literature review and searches in online databases (WikiAves and eBird) were carried out to gather breeding information on the species in the country and new records of nests of the Gray-hooded Gull were registered on the northern coast of the Rio de Janeiro state. Literature review indicated breeding records in Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Norte states. On WikiAves, 19 records of the species with nests, eggs, chicks and breeding colonies were reported between 2009 and 2020, in Macau, Rio Grande do Norte and one adult hatching at Rio Grande do Sul. In August 2019, two nests were recorded at Ubatuba lagoon (22°09′S and 41°18′W) in the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park, in the Quissamã municipality in Rio de Janeiro. The nests were described and monitored during five weeks. Each nest contained two eggs and was built with the grass Paspalum vaginatum. Over time, the eggs were degraded and disappeared from the nests, without signs of hatching and possible predation. This study compiles for the first time all the breeding information on the species in Brazil and contributes with data about nests and egg biometry.(AU)

Animais , Charadriiformes/anatomia & histologia , Charadriiformes/fisiologia , Ovos , Reprodução , Biometria , Brasil
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(9): 1849-1855, set. 2018. tab, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976517


Migration is an event observed in several animals, such as shorebirds moving between the northern and southern hemispheres, during breeding and wintering intervals. Morphophysiological adaptations are necessary to allow the maintenance of migratory cycles and, therefore, studies with this focus can help clarify biological aspects related to migration. We analyzed the morphology variation in pectoral muscles and intestinal mucosa of Calidris pusilla, during different phases of the wintering period on the coast of Brazil. Fragments of pectoral muscles and duodenal were collected, fixed and processed for histology according to standard procedure, from specimens captured in a locality on the Brazilian coast. Modifications were found in the measured parameters among the three phases of wintering, arrival in Brazil (October, mid-period), January and departure to the Northern Hemisphere - May. The registered structural dynamism characterizes the growth of flight musculature and intestinal changes related to nutrition. Such changes occur temporarily due to the activities of preparation and migration between the northern and southern hemispheres.(AU)

A migração é um evento observado em vários animais, como as aves limícolas que se deslocam entre os hemisférios norte e sul, durante os intervalos de reprodução e invernada. Adaptações morfofisiológicas são necessárias para permitir a manutenção dos ciclos migratórios e, portanto, estudos com esse enfoque podem ajudar a esclarecer aspectos biológicos relacionados à migração. Analisamos a variação morfológica nos músculos peitorais e mucosa intestinal de Calidris pusilla, durante diferentes fases do período de invernada no litoral brasileiro. Fragmentos de músculos peitorais e duodenais foram coletados, fixados e processados ​​para histologia de acordo com o procedimento padrão, a partir de espécimes capturados na localidade da costa brasileira. O dinamismo estrutural registrado caracteriza o crescimento da musculatura de vôo e as alterações intestinais relacionadas à nutrição. As mudanças nos parâmetros medidos entre as três fases do inverno, chegada ao Brasil (outubro, meio período), janeiro e saída para o Hemisfério Norte. Tais mudanças ocorrem temporariamente devido às atividades de preparação e migração entre os hemisférios norte e sul.(AU)

Animais , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Amostra da Vilosidade Coriônica/veterinária , Charadriiformes/anatomia & histologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(9): 1849-1855, set. 2018. tab, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22300


Migration is an event observed in several animals, such as shorebirds moving between the northern and southern hemispheres, during breeding and wintering intervals. Morphophysiological adaptations are necessary to allow the maintenance of migratory cycles and, therefore, studies with this focus can help clarify biological aspects related to migration. We analyzed the morphology variation in pectoral muscles and intestinal mucosa of Calidris pusilla, during different phases of the wintering period on the coast of Brazil. Fragments of pectoral muscles and duodenal were collected, fixed and processed for histology according to standard procedure, from specimens captured in a locality on the Brazilian coast. Modifications were found in the measured parameters among the three phases of wintering, arrival in Brazil (October, mid-period), January and departure to the Northern Hemisphere - May. The registered structural dynamism characterizes the growth of flight musculature and intestinal changes related to nutrition. Such changes occur temporarily due to the activities of preparation and migration between the northern and southern hemispheres.(AU)

A migração é um evento observado em vários animais, como as aves limícolas que se deslocam entre os hemisférios norte e sul, durante os intervalos de reprodução e invernada. Adaptações morfofisiológicas são necessárias para permitir a manutenção dos ciclos migratórios e, portanto, estudos com esse enfoque podem ajudar a esclarecer aspectos biológicos relacionados à migração. Analisamos a variação morfológica nos músculos peitorais e mucosa intestinal de Calidris pusilla, durante diferentes fases do período de invernada no litoral brasileiro. Fragmentos de músculos peitorais e duodenais foram coletados, fixados e processados ​​para histologia de acordo com o procedimento padrão, a partir de espécimes capturados na localidade da costa brasileira. O dinamismo estrutural registrado caracteriza o crescimento da musculatura de vôo e as alterações intestinais relacionadas à nutrição. As mudanças nos parâmetros medidos entre as três fases do inverno, chegada ao Brasil (outubro, meio período), janeiro e saída para o Hemisfério Norte. Tais mudanças ocorrem temporariamente devido às atividades de preparação e migração entre os hemisférios norte e sul.(AU)

Animais , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Amostra da Vilosidade Coriônica/veterinária , Charadriiformes/anatomia & histologia