Slaughter condemnations are important sources of information on cattle health and handling. The aim of this study was to evaluate the main causes of condemnation of cattle slaughter under the state sanitary inspection by the Diretoria de Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Agropecuária (DIPA) of Agência de Defesa Agropecuária da Bahia (ADAB), in Bahia, Brazil. A retrospective data of all cattle slaughtered from 2012 to 2019 was obtained from DIPA ADAB. During this period, 4,635,615 cattle were slaughtered and 1,452,472 (31.33%) condemnations were registered to have occurred at varying levels in all regions of the state. The more condemned organs were kidneys and lungs; and the main causes of condemnation were nephritis (11.79%), congestion (11.20%), emphysema (10.72%), blood aspiration (8.36%), renal cysts (5.75%), and abscesses (5.71%). However, other condemnation causes such as cysticercosis, fasciolosis, and tuberculosis were observed at lower rates. Results showed that the main causes of condemnation of cattle slaughter were not related to zoonotic diseases instead were more involved in partial condemnation of organs.(AU)
As condenações no momento do abate dos animais são importantes fontes de informação sobre a saúde e o manejo do rebanho. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as principais causas de condenações em bovinos abatidos sob sistema de inspeção estadual da Diretoria de Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal (DIPA) da Agência de Defesa Agropecuária da Bahia (ADAB), no estado da Bahia, Brasil. O estudo retrospectivo obteve os dados da DIPA ADAB e analisou os dados de animais abatidos entre 2012 e 2019. Nesse período, foram abatidos 4.635.615 bovinos e 1.452.472 (31,33%) de condenações foram observadas em todas as regiões variando em diferentes níveis. Os órgãos mais condenados foram rins e pulmões e as principais causas de condenação encontradas foram nefrite (11,79%), congestão (11,20%), enfisema (10,72%), aspiração de sangue (8,36%), cistos renais (5,75%) e abscessos (5,71%). No entanto, outras causas com taxas de condenação menores como cisticercose, fasciolose e tuberculose também foram observadas. Os resultados mostram que as principais causas de condenação não estão relacionadas com doenças com potencial zoonótico e levam a condenações parciais das vísceras acometidas.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Cistos , Abscesso , Enfisema , Inspeção Sanitária , Alimentos de Origem Animal , Abate de Animais , Nefrite , Rim , PulmãoResumo
Cereal cyst nematode is a major pest of small grain cereals, which causes huge yield losses to crops in China and other parts of the world. In this study, the effects of five inorganic ion concentrations on egg hatching of Heterodera avenae were studied. Results revealed that ZnCl2 and FeCl3 promoted hatching of induced and natural diapausing eggs. The cumulative hatching rates of eggs were 49 % and 13 % at 30 mM ZnCl2 and 10 mM FeCl3, respectively, which were higher than those of other treatments. The hatching ability promoted by ZnCl2 is greater than by FeCl3. Diapause induced eggs in ZnCl2 continued to hatch after 10 days; however, those in FeCl3 mainly hatched in the first two weeks. ZnCl2 had obvious stimulating effects on the hatching of natural diapause and nondiapause free eggs at 15 and 30 mM concentrations. FeCl3 promoted the hatching of natural diapause eggs; howevr, it inhibited hatching of nondiapause free eggs. Conversely, different concentrations of inorganic ions did not have any stimulatory effect on white female eggs. In the nematode life cycle, hatching is the critical stage because juveniles may be infected. The results of this study provide useful information the use of new fertilizers (including promoted hatching inorganic ions) applied before planting for controlling nematode diseases caused by H. avenae.(AU)
Grão Comestível/parasitologia , Tylenchida/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cistos/parasitologiaResumo
Abstract Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa is an etiological agent of human phagicolosis. Mugilids are the second intermediate host, the first being Heleobia australis, and mugilids predatory birds and mammals are its definitive hosts. The occurrence of cysts holding A. longa metacercariae is described in mugilids with a prevalence of up to 100%. The wide geographical distribution of A. longa and its intermediate hosts coupled with the rise in the consumption of raw or poorly cooked fish may elevate the risk of human infection. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to verify the distribution pattern of cysts holding A. longa in mugilids. The tissue and organ samples of these fish were processed in a domestic blender and examined under a stereoscopic microscope to identify the cysts holding the digenetic metacercariae. Of the 24 (100%) fish samples that were analyzed, 12 of Mugil curema and 12 of Mugil liza possessed cysts holding A. longa metacercariae. Digenetic cysts were identified to be present in the gills, heart, stomach, liver, intestines, mesentery, and muscular tissues collected from M. curema and M. liza. Conclusively, in M. curema, the cysts holding A. longa metacercariae were found to be distributed randomly throughout the fish body in almost every tissue and organ that was examined.
Resumo Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa é o agente etiológico da fagicolose humana. Os mugilídeos são os segundos hospedeiros intermediários. O primeiro é Heleobia australis e pássaros e mamíferos predadores de mugilídeos, os hospedeiros definitivos. A ocorrência de cistos contendo metacercárias de A. longa é descrita em mugilídeos, com até 100% de prevalência. A ampla distribuição geográfica de A. longa e seus hospedeiros intermediários, acompanhado do aumento do consumo de peixe cru ou mal cozido, pode aumentar o risco de infecção humana, portanto o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o padrão de distribuição de cistos, contendo metacercárias de A. longa, em mugilídeos. Amostras de tecidos e órgãos desses peixes foram processadas em liquidificador doméstico e observadas em microscópio estereoscópico à procura de cistos contendo metacercárias do digenético. Todos os 24 (100%) mugilídeos, 12 Mugil curema e 12 Mugil liza examinados apresentaram cistos contendo metacercária de A. longa. Foram observados cistos do digenético nas brânquias, coração, estômago, fígado, intestino, mesentério e tecido muscular de M. curema e de M. liza. Em M. curema, os cistos contendo metacercárias de A. longa estão distribuídos de forma aleatória por praticamente todos os tecidos e órgãos dos mugilídeos examinados.
Animais , Trematódeos , Infecções por Trematódeos/veterinária , Smegmamorpha , Cistos/veterinária , Doenças dos Peixes , Heterophyidae , MetacercáriasResumo
As práticas cirúrgicas dentro da medicina veterinária vêm se aperfeiçoando ao longo do tempo com o desenvolvimento de técnicas cada vez menos invasivas, visando à diminuição da dor e a recuperação mais rápida da função das estruturas operadas. Este relato teve como objetivo evidenciar os benefícios da técnica de ressecção de um cisto renal por meio de videolaparoscopia em um canino, fêmea, da raça Golden Retriever, castradoe com 10 anos que apresentava histórico de apatia. No exame ultrassonográfico foi evidenciada estrutura cortical no rim direito, sugestiva de cisto renal. Foi realizada a confirmação do diagnóstico e posterior drenagem do cisto de forma percutânea videoassistida, seguida de sua ressecção e omentopexia por técnica laparoscópica a fim de garantir boa condição cicatricial, drenagem de urina e aporte de células de defesa. A técnica apresentou ausência de complicações durante o procedimento, mínima dor no pós-operatório e recuperação rápida do paciente. A análise histopatológica do fragmento retirado do cisto confirmou o diagnóstico de cisto epitelial benigno, que é a forma mais comum de cistos renais, fornecendo um bom prognóstico para o paciente. Não houve complicações ou sinais de recidiva três meses após o procedimento. Os cistos renais ocorrem com pouca frequência em animais domésticos e geralmente não causam sinais clínicos, porém se em grande número ou tamanho considerável podem causar doença renal crônica cursando com sinais clínicos sistêmicos além da deformação renal e dor abdominal. No caso relatado, a ressecção cirúrgica do cisto renal simples por videocirurgia foi eficaz, sem complicações e preservou a função do órgão.
Surgical practices within veterinary medicine have been improving over time with the development of increasingly less invasive techniques, aimed at reducing pain and faster recovery of the function of operated structures. This report aimed to highlight the benefits due a technique of resection of a simple renal cyst through video laparoscopy. A ten years old canine, female, Golden Retriever had history of apathy. Ultrasound examination found a cortical structure in the right kidney, suggestive of renal cyst. Diagnosis was confirmed and the cyst was drained through percutaneously video-assisted technique, followed by its resection and omentopexy by laparoscopic technique in order to ensure a good healing condition, urine drainage and supply of defense cells. The technique showed no complications during the procedure, less pain in the postoperative period and faster recovery of the patient. Histopathology of the fragment removed from the cyst was performed and the diagnosis of benign epithelial cyst was confirmed, which is the most common form of renal cysts, providing a good prognosis for the patient. There were no complications or signs of recurrence three months after the procedure. Renal cysts occur infrequently in domestic animals and generally do not cause clinical signs, but if in large numbers or considerable size is presented, they can cause chronic kidney disease with systemic clinical signs in addition to renal deformation and abdominal pain. In this case, laparoscopic resection of the simple renal cyst was effective, without complications and preserved the organ's function.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cistos/cirurgia , Cistos/veterinária , Rim/cirurgia , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterináriaResumo
Background: Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is a parasitic disease of high lethality caused by the protozoan Leishmania infantum in Brazil and is often related to splenomegaly. However, splenic nodules in dogs, although frequent, have not previously been reported as associated with CVL, but with neoplastic diseases. Considering that most dogs infected are oligosymptomatic or asymptomatic and that splenic nodules are common to other diseases, it is prudent to differentially diagnose CVL in view of its high zoonotic potential and lethality. The objective of the study was to describe a case of splenomegaly with splenic nodules associated with CVL in an asymptomatic dog treated with 2% miltefosina. Case: A 5-year-old male Rottweiler with 41 kg, with a history of inappetence, apathy and weight loss was referred to the Veterinary Medicine School Clinic of the Cesmac University Center, Maceió, AL, Brazil. However, during palpation a slight increase in the spleen was noted. Hematological, hemoparasite, biochemical and abdominal ultrasonographic examinations were requested to clarify the clinical suspicion of hemoparasitosis. The hematological and biochemical results respectively showed the following: normocytic normochromic anemia, hyperproteinemia and thrombocytopenia, in addition to hypoalbuminemia, with elevated total protein levels. The test for hemoparasites was negative. Ultrasonography showed mixed echogenicity suggestive of nodules. The rapid test for Ehrlichia, Anaplasma and L. infantum was performed. It was positive only for L. infantum. ELISA, IFAT and qPCR tests were performed to confirm the result. The test showed a cutoff result of 0.371 for ELISA, positive for RIFI at a cut-off of 1:40 and qPCR with less than 1 fg and with amplification above 36 cycles. In view of these results, treatment with 2% miltefosine at a dose of 1 mL/ 10 kg was started once a day, after feeding, for 28 days. The animal was monitored throughout treatment and re-evaluated every 10 days for 30 days, showing signs of clinical development, presenting satisfactory results. Discussion: Canine splenomegaly can be associated with a variety of disease possibilities. In asymptomatic canine visceral leishmaniasis (CanL), the slight increase in spleen and the presence of splenic nodules may lead to a false diagnosis. Splenic nodules may be associated with dogs of advanced age and may be due to lymphoid nodular hyperplasia, which causes nodules with echogenicity, hyperechoic regions with well demarcated irregularity, with centralized hypoechoic areas and an absence of hematological and biochemical alterations. The cause of splenomegaly associated with nodules may be difficult to diagnose and require much time and effort. Therefore, diseases such as visceral leishmaniasis of high lethality must be the priority in differential diagnosis in endemic areas in order to minimize the risk of transmission. In addition to allowing an early intervention aiming at good animal health results and preventive measures, such as the use of repellent collars that reduce the risk of phlebotomo infection. The differential diagnosis of CVL is necessary in endemic areas, even in asymptomatic dogs that may present splenic alterations suggestive of other diseases. Treatment with 2% miltefosine was shown to be, in this case, effective at reducing the splenic nodules and a good alternative for the quality of life of the animal.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Esplenomegalia/etiologia , Esplenomegalia/veterinária , Leishmaniose Visceral/complicações , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Cistos/veterináriaResumo
Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa is an etiological agent of human phagicolosis. Mugilids are the second intermediate host, the first being Heleobia australis, and mugilids predatory birds and mammals are its definitive hosts. The occurrence of cysts holding A. longa metacercariae is described in mugilids with a prevalence of up to 100%. The wide geographical distribution of A. longa and its intermediate hosts coupled with the rise in the consumption of raw or poorly cooked fish may elevate the risk of human infection. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to verify the distribution pattern of cysts holding A. longa in mugilids. The tissue and organ samples of these fish were processed in a domestic blender and examined under a stereoscopic microscope to identify the cysts holding the digenetic metacercariae. Of the 24 (100%) fish samples that were analyzed, 12 of Mugil curema and 12 of Mugil liza possessed cysts holding A. longa metacercariae. Digenetic cysts were identified to be present in the gills, heart, stomach, liver, intestines, mesentery, and muscular tissues collected from M. curema and M. liza. Conclusively, in M. curema, the cysts holding A. longa metacercariae were found to be distributed randomly throughout the fish body in almost every tissue and organ that was examined.(AU)
Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa é o agente etiológico da fagicolose humana. Os mugilídeos são os segundos hospedeiros intermediários. O primeiro é Heleobia australis e pássaros e mamíferos predadores de mugilídeos, os hospedeiros definitivos. A ocorrência de cistos contendo metacercárias de A. longa é descrita em mugilídeos, com até 100% de prevalência. A ampla distribuição geográfica de A. longa e seus hospedeiros intermediários, acompanhado do aumento do consumo de peixe cru ou mal cozido, pode aumentar o risco de infecção humana, portanto o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o padrão de distribuição de cistos, contendo metacercárias de A. longa, em mugilídeos. Amostras de tecidos e órgãos desses peixes foram processadas em liquidificador doméstico e observadas em microscópio estereoscópico à procura de cistos contendo metacercárias do digenético. Todos os 24 (100%) mugilídeos, 12 Mugil curema e 12 Mugil liza examinados apresentaram cistos contendo metacercária de A. longa. Foram observados cistos do digenético nas brânquias, coração, estômago, fígado, intestino, mesentério e tecido muscular de M. curema e de M. liza. Em M. curema, os cistos contendo metacercárias de A. longa estão distribuídos de forma aleatória por praticamente todos os tecidos e órgãos dos mugilídeos examinados.(AU)
Animais , Metacercárias/parasitologia , Metacercárias/patogenicidade , Cistos , Smegmamorpha/parasitologia , Zoonoses/parasitologiaResumo
The macroscopic, histological, and molecular aspects of Sarcocystis spp. were examined in the tissues of two cattle and four sheep, 16 and eight fragments analyzed respectively, condemned in the slaughterhouse. All 24 samples were collected and analyzed for detecting macrocysts and macroscopic lesions. Subsequently, subdivided for direct examination, polymerase chain reaction and histopathological examination. All sheep tissues samples had grossly white round to oval tissue cysts, ranging from 0.3 to 1 cm in diameter. In contrast, cattle tissues did not present grossly visible cysts but had randomly distributed white-yellow foci with irregular contours. All samples from cattle and sheep had microscopic cysts. In the histological examination of sheep tissues, circular to elongated, encapsulated, basophilic structures ranging from 30 to 3,000 µm in length and 20 to 1,000 µm in width were observed within the skeletal muscle fibers. In cattle tissues, all cardiac muscle four fragments analyzed contained circular to elongated basophilic structures inside cardiomyocytes and in some Purkinje fibers. PCR were performed using the primers: 2L and 3H. In conclusion, all 24 tissues were infected with Sarcocystis spp., and S. gigantea (in sheep) and S. cruzi (in cattle). were the identified species by sequencing.(AU)
Os aspectos macroscópicos, histológicos e moleculares de Sarcocystis spp. foram examinados nos tecidos de dois bovinos e quatro ovinos, 16 e oito fragmentos analisados, respectivamente, condenados no matadouro. Todas as 24 amostras foram coletadas e analisadas para detecção de macrocistos e lesões macroscópicas. Posteriormente, subdivididas para exame direto, reação em cadeia da polimerase e exame histopatológico. Todas as amostras de tecidos de ovelha apresentavam cistos grosseiramente visíveis, caracterizados como brancos, de redondos a ovais e estruturas variando de 0,3 a 1 cm de diâmetro. Em contraste, os tecidos de bovinos não apresentavam cistos grosseiramente visíveis, mas tinham focos branco-amarelos com contornos irregulares, distribuídos aleatoriamente. Todas as amostras de bovinos e ovinos apresentavam cistos microscópicos. No exame histológico de tecidos ovinos foram observadas estruturas basofílicas circulares a alongadas, encapsuladas, variando de 30 a 3.000 µm de comprimento e 20 a 1.000 µm de largura dentro das fibras do músculo esquelético. Nos tecidos de bovinos, todos os quatro fragmentos de músculo cardíaco analisados continham estruturas basofílicas circulares a alongadas, dentro dos cardiomiócitos e em algumas fibras de Purkinje. PCRs foram realizadas utilizando-se os "primers" 2L e 3H. Em conclusão, todos os 24 tecidos estavam infectados com Sarcocystis spp., sendo S. gigantea (em ovinos) e S. cruzi (em bovinos) as espécies identificadas por sequenciamento.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/microbiologia , Ovinos/microbiologia , Sarcocystis/genética , Técnicas Histológicas , Biologia Molecular , Cistos/diagnóstico , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
Background: Hepatic cysts are rarely described in association with infections by Platynosomum sp. Infected animals are most often asymptomatic, and the severity of symptoms is associated with the number of biliary tract parasites, which may lead to cholangitis and cholangiohepatitis. Although platinosomiasis is often associated with cholangitis and cholangiohepatitis, it rarely is with polycystic disease. For the parasite's life cycle to occur, the infected cat must eliminate the eggs in the feces and three intermediate hosts are needed: snails, terrestrial isopods and vertebrates like the frog or the gecko. The eggs are ingested by the snails, then the miracids are released and matured into the mother sporocyst form, which originates child sporocysts containing the cercariae, that leave the mollusks for the soil and are ingested by the terrestrial isopod in which the cercariae matures until metacercariae. Vertebrates ingest terrestrial isopods and are ingested by felines. The present study aimed to report an unusual case of platinosomiasis with the development of multiple hepatic cysts. Case: A mixed breed male kitten was admitted with a history of apathy, hyporexia, increased abdominal volume and jaundice. In the ultrasound examination, we could see hepatomegaly and several hypoecogenic rounded structures, similar to cysts. There was an increase of serum concentration of the hepatic enzymes alanine transaminase and gamma glutamyl transferase enzyme. The parasite's eggs were investigated in the patient's feces using the simple sedimentation method, with a negative result. The animal was submitted to celiotomy and it was possible to observe several cystic structures in the liver. The cysts content was sent to cytology and culture. Cytology result was compatible with liver cyst and there was no bacterial growth in the culture. Bile fluid was collected and sent for Platynosomum sp. research using the centrifugal sedimentation test in formalin-ether solution, which allowed the parasite's eggs to be observed. The cat was treated with praziquantel,silymarin, S-Adenosyl methionine, and ursodeoxycholic acid. The patient gradually improved from jaundice and there was a reduction in abdominal volume. Discussion: This report describes a case of platinossomiasis associated with polycystic liver disease in a domestic cat, which seems to be an uncommon presentation. Most infected cats are asymptomatic, but some animals may exhibit anorexia, apathy, increased abdominal volume due to hepatomegaly and/or ascitis and jaundice. Although infestation in domestic cats is relatively common, its association with liver cysts is rare or poorly reported in the literature, representing a diagnostic challenge, which makes mandatory the inclusion of this differential diagnosis in polycystic liver diseases in cats. The diagnosis of this parasitosis can be made based on the association among clinical signs, laboratory tests and ultrasound examination, but the definitive diagnosis is usually made by visualizing the parasite's eggs. In the case described, it was not possible to observe parasite's eggs in the patient's feces, but in the bile. Platynosomum sp. infection should always be considered as a differential diagnosis in cases of polycystic liver disease in cats, especially in countries with tropical or subtropical climate. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment were fundamental for the improvement of the patient's clinical condition.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Trematódeos , Cistos/veterinária , Icterícia/veterinária , Hepatopatias Parasitárias/veterináriaResumo
This study aims to describe the first Brazilian report of a nictitating membrane cyst's surgical treatment in a dog. A 6-month-old female French Bulldog presented at HOSVET-UNIME with a reddish mass-like structure in the medial canthus of both eyes, with a history of recurrent third eyelid gland prolapse previously treated with two surgeries performed at another clinic. Physical examination revealed a third eyelid gland prolapse in the right eye and a cyst in the left eye's third eyelid. The animal was submitted to surgical correction of the right eye's third eyelid prolapse using pocket technique and of the left eye's third eyelid using marsupialization technique for the cyst's treatment. 180 days after th1e surgical procedure no recurrence was observed. The marsupialization technique for the treatment of a third eyelid's lacrimal cyst in a dog allowed the maintenance of its gland and prevented the formation of a new cystic cavity.(AU)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever o primeiro relato no Brasil de tratamento cirúrgico de um cisto da membrana nictitante em um cão. Um Buldogue Francês, fêmea, seis meses, foi atendido no Hosvet-Unime, com queixa de aumento de volume avermelhado no canto medial de ambos os olhos, com histórico de recidiva de prolapso de glândula da terceira pálpebra, onde haviam sido realizadas duas cirurgias anteriormente em outro local. Ao exame físico, foi observado prolapso de glândula da terceira pálpebra no olho direito e a presença de um cisto na terceira pálpebra do olho esquerdo. O animal foi submetido ao procedimento cirúrgico de sepultamento de glândula da terceira pálpebra no olho direito e uma marsupialização na terceira pálpebra do olho esquerdo para o tratamento do cisto. Cento e oitenta dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, não foi observada recidiva. A técnica de marsupialização para tratamento de cisto lacrimal na terceira pálpebra em um cão possibilitou a manutenção da sua glândula e impediu a formação de nova cavidade cística.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cistos/veterinária , Aparelho Lacrimal/cirurgia , Membrana Nictitante/cirurgia , Prolapso , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterináriaResumo
This study aims to describe the first Brazilian report of a nictitating membrane cyst's surgical treatment in a dog. A 6-month-old female French Bulldog presented at HOSVET-UNIME with a reddish mass-like structure in the medial canthus of both eyes, with a history of recurrent third eyelid gland prolapse previously treated with two surgeries performed at another clinic. Physical examination revealed a third eyelid gland prolapse in the right eye and a cyst in the left eye's third eyelid. The animal was submitted to surgical correction of the right eye's third eyelid prolapse using pocket technique and of the left eye's third eyelid using marsupialization technique for the cyst's treatment. 180 days after th1e surgical procedure no recurrence was observed. The marsupialization technique for the treatment of a third eyelid's lacrimal cyst in a dog allowed the maintenance of its gland and prevented the formation of a new cystic cavity.(AU)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever o primeiro relato no Brasil de tratamento cirúrgico de um cisto da membrana nictitante em um cão. Um Buldogue Francês, fêmea, seis meses, foi atendido no Hosvet-Unime, com queixa de aumento de volume avermelhado no canto medial de ambos os olhos, com histórico de recidiva de prolapso de glândula da terceira pálpebra, onde haviam sido realizadas duas cirurgias anteriormente em outro local. Ao exame físico, foi observado prolapso de glândula da terceira pálpebra no olho direito e a presença de um cisto na terceira pálpebra do olho esquerdo. O animal foi submetido ao procedimento cirúrgico de sepultamento de glândula da terceira pálpebra no olho direito e uma marsupialização na terceira pálpebra do olho esquerdo para o tratamento do cisto. Cento e oitenta dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, não foi observada recidiva. A técnica de marsupialização para tratamento de cisto lacrimal na terceira pálpebra em um cão possibilitou a manutenção da sua glândula e impediu a formação de nova cavidade cística.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cistos/veterinária , Aparelho Lacrimal/cirurgia , Membrana Nictitante/cirurgia , Prolapso , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterináriaResumo
Background: Perinephric pseudocyst is defined as an accumulation of fluid in fibrous sacs surrounding one or both kidneys, and may be located in the subcapsular or extracapsular region. Histologically, it is characterized by the absence of an epithelial lining to the cyst wall and the term pseudocyst is used. This condition have been reported sporadically in cats, and is associated with chronic kidney disease, mainly in older animals. The diagnosis is based on imaging tests and the prognosis is related to the severity of renal dysfunction. The aim of this report is to describe an unusual presentation of perinephric pseudocyst in a very young female cat.Case: A mixed-breed 2-month-old female cat was evaluated for presenting abdominal distension and anatomical deformities of the limbs. Renomegaly on the left side was noted during abdominal palpation. On presentation, the serum creatinine was 134 µmol/L. Urinalysis showed mild proteinuria, presence of squamous and transitional cells, and rare bacteria. The urine specific gravity was 1.044 and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 0.23. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large anechoic subcapsular cyst on the left kidney, in adittion to dilatation of renal pelvis and calyces. The excretory urography showed left renomegaly, and the nephrogram and pyelogram were not clearly observed in this kidney, indicating unilateral deficiency in renal filtration. The cat was referred to unilateral left nephrectomy but died shortly before surgery. At necropsy, marked left kidney enlargment was observed (6.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm), with a cystic aspect, occupying almost the entire abdominal cavity. The cystic content was translucent and was compressing the renal parenchyma, resulting in hydronephrosis. The capsule forming the cyst wall was composed of connective tissue, characterizing the perinephric pseudocyst.Discussion: Reports show cases of perinephric pseudocyst affecting mostly older animals, above eight years old.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Cistos/complicações , Cistos/diagnóstico por imagem , Cistos/veterinária , Rim/patologia , Hidronefrose/etiologia , Hidronefrose/veterináriaResumo
Background: Perinephric pseudocyst is defined as an accumulation of fluid in fibrous sacs surrounding one or both kidneys, and may be located in the subcapsular or extracapsular region. Histologically, it is characterized by the absence of an epithelial lining to the cyst wall and the term pseudocyst is used. This condition have been reported sporadically in cats, and is associated with chronic kidney disease, mainly in older animals. The diagnosis is based on imaging tests and the prognosis is related to the severity of renal dysfunction. The aim of this report is to describe an unusual presentation of perinephric pseudocyst in a very young female cat.Case: A mixed-breed 2-month-old female cat was evaluated for presenting abdominal distension and anatomical deformities of the limbs. Renomegaly on the left side was noted during abdominal palpation. On presentation, the serum creatinine was 134 µmol/L. Urinalysis showed mild proteinuria, presence of squamous and transitional cells, and rare bacteria. The urine specific gravity was 1.044 and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 0.23. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large anechoic subcapsular cyst on the left kidney, in adittion to dilatation of renal pelvis and calyces. The excretory urography showed left renomegaly, and the nephrogram and pyelogram were not clearly observed in this kidney, indicating unilateral deficiency in renal filtration. The cat was referred to unilateral left nephrectomy but died shortly before surgery. At necropsy, marked left kidney enlargment was observed (6.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm), with a cystic aspect, occupying almost the entire abdominal cavity. The cystic content was translucent and was compressing the renal parenchyma, resulting in hydronephrosis. The capsule forming the cyst wall was composed of connective tissue, characterizing the perinephric pseudocyst.Discussion: Reports show cases of perinephric pseudocyst affecting mostly older animals, above eight years old.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Rim/patologia , Cistos/complicações , Cistos/diagnóstico por imagem , Cistos/veterinária , Hidronefrose/etiologia , Hidronefrose/veterináriaResumo
The aim of work was to describe a remaining uterine mesonephric duct cyst in female Pinscher dog, with 8 years old. The main complaint of the owner was no heat at least 18 months. Clinical examination revealed presence of cysts in all teats, confirmed by cytopathologic exam. Haemogram, serum biochemical exams, urinalysis, radiographs of the thorax and abdominal ultrasound were performed and no changes were observed. During the ovaryhysterectomy was observed endometrial hyperplasia and the histopathologic diagnosis was remaining uterine mesonephric duct cyst associated with discrete endometrial hyperplasia. Was concluded that adequate histopathologycal identification of the uterine mesonephric duct cyst is crucial so do not mistake with neoplasia.(AU)
O objetivo do trabalho foi descrever um caso de cisto de ducto mesonéfrico remanescente uterino em cadela da raça Pinscher, 8 anos de idade. A principal queixa do proprietário foi ausência de cio com duração de 18 meses. No exame físico evidenciou-se presença de cistos em todos os tetos, confirmado pelo exame citopatológico. Foi realizado hemograma, exames de bioquímica sérica, urinálise, exame radiográfico do tórax e ultrassom abdominal, e não foram observadas alterações. Durante o procedimento de ovário-histerectomia, foi observada hiperplasia endometrial e o diagnóstico histopatológico foi de cisto de ducto mesonéfrico remanescente uterino associado à hiperplasia endometrial discreta. Concluiu-se que a identificação histopatológica adequada do cisto de ducto mesonéfrico uterino é crucial para que o mesmo não seja confundido com neoplasia.(AU)
El objetivo del trábalo fue describir un caso de quiste remaneciente del ducto mesonéfrico uterino en perra da raza Pinscher, 8 años de edad. La principal queja del propietario fue ausencia del cio con duración de 18 meses. El examen físico reveló una presencia de quistes en los techos, confirmado por examen citopatológico. Se realizaron hemograma, pruebas bioquímicas sérica, análisis de orina, radiografías de tórax y ecografía abdominal, y no se observaron cambios. Durante ovario histerectomía se observó hiperplasia endometrial y el diagnóstico histopatológico se fue quiste remaneciente del ducto mesonéfrico uterina asociado a la hiperplasia endometrial discreta. Se concluyó que la identificación histopatológico adecuada del ducto mesonéfrico uterina es crucial para que no se confunda con neoplasia.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ductos Mesonéfricos/anatomia & histologia , Cistos/veterinária , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Anormalidades Urogenitais/veterináriaResumo
The aim of work was to describe a remaining uterine mesonephric duct cyst in female Pinscher dog, with 8 years old. The main complaint of the owner was no heat at least 18 months. Clinical examination revealed presence of cysts in all teats, confirmed by cytopathologic exam. Haemogram, serum biochemical exams, urinalysis, radiographs of the thorax and abdominal ultrasound were performed and no changes were observed. During the ovaryhysterectomy was observed endometrial hyperplasia and the histopathologic diagnosis was remaining uterine mesonephric duct cyst associated with discrete endometrial hyperplasia. Was concluded that adequate histopathologycal identification of the uterine mesonephric duct cyst is crucial so do not mistake with neoplasia.
O objetivo do trabalho foi descrever um caso de cisto de ducto mesonéfrico remanescente uterino em cadela da raça Pinscher, 8 anos de idade. A principal queixa do proprietário foi ausência de cio com duração de 18 meses. No exame físico evidenciou-se presença de cistos em todos os tetos, confirmado pelo exame citopatológico. Foi realizado hemograma, exames de bioquímica sérica, urinálise, exame radiográfico do tórax e ultrassom abdominal, e não foram observadas alterações. Durante o procedimento de ovário-histerectomia, foi observada hiperplasia endometrial e o diagnóstico histopatológico foi de cisto de ducto mesonéfrico remanescente uterino associado à hiperplasia endometrial discreta. Concluiu-se que a identificação histopatológica adequada do cisto de ducto mesonéfrico uterino é crucial para que o mesmo não seja confundido com neoplasia.
El objetivo del trábalo fue describir un caso de quiste remaneciente del ducto mesonéfrico uterino en perra da raza Pinscher, 8 años de edad. La principal queja del propietario fue ausencia del cio con duración de 18 meses. El examen físico reveló una presencia de quistes en los techos, confirmado por examen citopatológico. Se realizaron hemograma, pruebas bioquímicas sérica, análisis de orina, radiografías de tórax y ecografía abdominal, y no se observaron cambios. Durante ovario histerectomía se observó hiperplasia endometrial y el diagnóstico histopatológico se fue quiste remaneciente del ducto mesonéfrico uterina asociado a la hiperplasia endometrial discreta. Se concluyó que la identificación histopatológico adecuada del ducto mesonéfrico uterina es crucial para que no se confunda con neoplasia.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cistos/veterinária , Ductos Mesonéfricos/anatomia & histologia , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Proteína Coestimuladora de Linfócitos T Induzíveis , Anormalidades Urogenitais/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to determine the morphometric measures and morphological aspects of nematode-cysts in Gymnotus inaequilabiatus, and the presence of melanomacrophage centers (MMCs) associated with the periphery of cysts and in the liver parenchyma. Adult specimens, 34 female (123.1 ± 43.9g) and 45 male (135.5 ± 43.4g), from Paraguay River, Corumbá, Brazil, were used. The number of nematode-cysts was determined in 79 livers and 25 of them randomly selected for histopathological analysis and morphometric measures of nematode-cysts (mean diameter, thickness of collagen layer, and cyst-wall layer). The percentage of cysts with MMCs on the periphery and density in the liver parenchyma was estimated. The average number of macroscopic cysts was of 48.7 ± 2.78. Granulomatous reaction was observed surrounding the cysts. Diameter, collagen layer and cyst-wall measurements were 293.0 ± 75.18 (µm), 17.72 ± 6.01 (µm) and 12.21 ± 9.51 (µm), respectively. The number of nematode-cysts was correlated with hepatosomatic index, (r=0.26, P 0.05). Collagen layer was correlated with cyst diameter (r=0.62, P 0.01). Pericystic and parenchymatous MMCs were moderately (r=0.48) and highly (r=0.90) correlated with nematode-cysts number. Morphological characteristics of hepatic tissue and cysts-nematodes measures suggest that G. inaequilabiatus acts as a paratenic host to nematodes in the larval stage.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as características morfológicas e morfométricas de cistos de nematodas em fígado de Gymnotus inaequilabiatus, e a presença de centros de melanomacrófagos (CMMs) pericísticos e no parênquima hepático. Espécimes adultos, 34 fêmeas (123,1 ± 43,9 g) e 45 machos (135,5 ± 43,4g), provenientes do Rio Paraguai, Corumbá, Brasil foram utilizados. Os cistos foram quantificados em 79 fígados. Em 25 fígados foi realizada a análise histopatológica e morfometria dos cistos (diâmetro, espessura da camada de colágeno e da parede). Estimou-se a porcentagem de cistos com CMMs periférico e a densidade de CMMs no parênquima. A média de cistos macroscópicos foi de 48,7 ± 2,78. Observou-se reação granulomatosa pericística. O diâmetro, a espessura da camada de colágeno e da parede do cisto foi de 293,0 ± 75,18 (µm), 17,72 ± 6,01 (µm) e 12,21 ± 9,51 (µm), respectivamente. O número de cistos foi associado ao índice hepatossomático, (r=0,26, P 0,05). A camada de colágeno correlacionou-se com o diâmetro do cisto (r=0,62, P 0,01). CMMs pericísticos e do parênquima apresentaram correlação moderada (r=0,48) e alta (r=0,90) com o número de cistos, respectivamente. As características morfológicas do tecido hepático e a morfometria dos cistos de nematodas sugerem que G. inaequilabiatus atua como hospedeiro paratênico para larvas de nematodas.(AU)
Animais , Gimnotiformes/anatomia & histologia , Gimnotiformes/fisiologia , Fígado/parasitologia , Cistos/veterináriaResumo
Oil adjuvants in combination with inactivated vaccines against several avian diseases are widely used. In spite of some advantages of oil adjuvants, a local tissue reaction has been reported in some animals. In this report, about 30 birds of a flock of pigeons with 40 birds, developed scattered small to large nodules about 5 mm to 2 cm in diameter in subcutaneous tissues and pectoral muscles after intramuscularly injection of an oil-emulsified (ISA-70) Newcastle disease vaccine. Histopathologic examination showed granulomatous and cystic reactions in the site of injection. Bacteriological examinations as well as fresh smears stained with Ziehl-Neelsen, Brown-Brenn Gram and PAS stains were void of bacteria or fungi. It may be prudent to consider the potential for induction of adverse reaction of vaccine formulations containing mineral oils as adjuvant in pigeons.
Animais , Adjuvantes Imunológicos/efeitos adversos , Columbidae , Doença de Newcastle , Vacinas de Produtos Inativados/efeitos adversos , Óleo Mineral , Cistos/veterinária , Granuloma/veterináriaResumo
Oil adjuvants in combination with inactivated vaccines against several avian diseases are widely used. In spite of some advantages of oil adjuvants, a local tissue reaction has been reported in some animals. In this report, about 30 birds of a flock of pigeons with 40 birds, developed scattered small to large nodules about 5 mm to 2 cm in diameter in subcutaneous tissues and pectoral muscles after intramuscularly injection of an oil-emulsified (ISA-70) Newcastle disease vaccine. Histopathologic examination showed granulomatous and cystic reactions in the site of injection. Bacteriological examinations as well as fresh smears stained with Ziehl-Neelsen, Brown-Brenn Gram and PAS stains were void of bacteria or fungi. It may be prudent to consider the potential for induction of adverse reaction of vaccine formulations containing mineral oils as adjuvant in pigeons.(AU)
Animais , Doença de Newcastle , Óleo Mineral , Adjuvantes Imunológicos/efeitos adversos , Columbidae , Vacinas de Produtos Inativados/efeitos adversos , Granuloma/veterinária , Cistos/veterináriaResumo
Background: Intrastromal corneal cysts are uncommon lesions caused by the implantation of corneal epithelial cells in the stroma, and their subsequent intrastromal proliferation, which has often been secondary to trauma. Lamellar keratectomy has been the chosen treatment and diagnosis has been confi rmed by histopathology. In this report, we describe a case of corneal epithelial inclusion cyst in a dog that was successfully treated with lamellar keratectomy.Case: A 10 year old Yorkshire Terrier dog was referred to the Ophthalmology Section of the Veterinary Clinics Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), presenting an abnormal appearance in the left cornea. The ophthalmic examination revealed a white and elevated mass, measuring approximately 3 mm in the left cornea. Thus, a superficial keratectomy was performed by utilizing an angled ophthalmic disc knife, under general anesthesia, and an operating microscope. In addition, a third eyelid fl ap was performed to protect the cornea. The postoperative treatment involved broad-spectrum antibiotic containing tobramycin 0.3%, and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory solution of sodium diclofenac 0.1%, administered six times a day for two weeks. In addition, atropine sulphate 1% was applied once a day for five days. After three weeks of follow-up, the third eyelid flap was removed, and there was no evidence of...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Epitélio Corneano/patologia , Cistos/veterinária , Células Epiteliais , Ceratectomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Intrastromal corneal cysts are uncommon lesions caused by the implantation of corneal epithelial cells in the stroma, and their subsequent intrastromal proliferation, which has often been secondary to trauma. Lamellar keratectomy has been the chosen treatment and diagnosis has been confi rmed by histopathology. In this report, we describe a case of corneal epithelial inclusion cyst in a dog that was successfully treated with lamellar keratectomy.Case: A 10 year old Yorkshire Terrier dog was referred to the Ophthalmology Section of the Veterinary Clinics Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), presenting an abnormal appearance in the left cornea. The ophthalmic examination revealed a white and elevated mass, measuring approximately 3 mm in the left cornea. Thus, a superficial keratectomy was performed by utilizing an angled ophthalmic disc knife, under general anesthesia, and an operating microscope. In addition, a third eyelid fl ap was performed to protect the cornea. The postoperative treatment involved broad-spectrum antibiotic containing tobramycin 0.3%, and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory solution of sodium diclofenac 0.1%, administered six times a day for two weeks. In addition, atropine sulphate 1% was applied once a day for five days. After three weeks of follow-up, the third eyelid flap was removed, and there was no evidence of...
Animais , Cães , Cistos/veterinária , Células Epiteliais , Epitélio Corneano/patologia , Ceratectomia/veterináriaResumo
Os cistos paranasais são formações sinusais comuns em equinos. Geralmente provocam deformação do crânio resultando em aumentos de volume facial e distorção das estruturas internas das cavidades nasal e paranasal. Este trabalho relata o caso de um equino acometido por um cisto paranasal, com longo tempo de evolução, causando grande deformação da face, das conchas nasais e alvéolos dentários. Foram descritos os achados dos exames odontológico, radiográfico, endoscópico e histopatológico utilizados para a conclusão do diagnóstico. O tratamento instituído foi a sinusotomia maxilar e retirada do cisto. O caso evoluiu positivamente, com completa remissão do cisto e melhora da qualidade de vida do paciente.
Paranasal cists are common lesions in horses. Usually causes skull deformations resulting in facial volume enlargments and nasal conchae deformations. This paper reports the case of a horse affected by paranasal cist, with long term evolution, causing large facial and nasal conchae deformity that reached dental alveolus. Findings of the oral cavity, radiographic, endoscopic and histopathological examinations used to conclude the diagnosis were described. The treatment was based on cyst removal trough maxillary sinusotomy. The case evolved positively, with complete cyst remission and improved quality of life.
Los quistes paranasales son una condición sinusal común en los equinos. Por lo general, causan la deformación del cráneo, lo que resulta en un aumento del volumen facial y Ia distorsión de las estructuras internas de las cavidades nasales y paranasales. Este trabajo reporta el caso de un equino afectado por un quiste paranasal, con un largo periodo de evolución, causando una gran deformación de la cara, conchas nasales, alcanzando los ápices dentales. Se describieron los hallazgos de los exámenes odontológicos, radiográficos, endoscópicos e histopatológicos, utilizados para concluir el diagnóstico. El tratamiento fue instaurado sinusotomía maxilar y extirpación del quiste. El caso evolucionó positivamente, con una remoción completa del quiste y una mejora de la calidad de vida del animal.