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Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220111, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427302


Hormonal methodologies to control small ruminants' estrous cycle are worldwide used and evolved, adjusting the application to the precise female physiological moments to enhance reproductive performance. The estrous cycle can be induced and/or synchronized, aiming for fixed-time artificial insemination, or based on estrus behavior signs for insemination, natural or guided mating. Successive protocols can be performed to resynchronize ovulation and increase reproductive outcomes in females that failed to conceive. These recently developed treatments aim to resynchronize the ovulation as earlier as non-pregnancy is detected. The present review aimed to summarize the recent advances and main findings regarding resynchronization protocols used in small ruminants. Lastly, we present future perspectives and new paths to be studied in the subject. The resynchronization treatment is still a growing field in small ruminant reproduction, nevertheless, some enhancements are found in the reproductive outcome, showing that such protocols can be successfully used in sheep and goat production.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Coelhos/fisiologia , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Sincronização do Estro , Ovulação/fisiologia
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-10, 2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416907


O coelho é uma das espécies mais sensíveis às condições do meio que vivem, sendo a temperatura e umidade os fatores que mais têm influência no seu ambiente. O objetivo com este trabalho foi avaliar a tosquia como alternativa para melhorar o conforto térmico e o desempenho produtivo de coelhos criados de forma intensiva em uma região de clima semiárido. Foram utilizados 26 coelhos mestiços, sadios e em fase de engorda, sendo divididos em gaiolas individuais em dois grupos: treze animais submetidos a tosquia (G1) e treze sem tosquia (G2). O conforto térmico foi avaliado todos os dias pelo cálculo de Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITH) e pela análise e comparação dos parâmetros: frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura retal (TR) e temperaturasuperficial (TS). A temperatura e umidade do ambiente foram verificadas em todos os dias do experimento, às 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 e 18:00 horas, com um termo-higrômetro. O desempenho dos animais foi avaliado pela pesagem nos dias 0, 10, 20 e 30 do experimento. Como resultado, a FR e TS apresentaram diferença estatística (P<0,05), o grupo dos animais tosquiados apresentou média inferior de FR (221,6 ± 15,4) em relação aos não tosquiados (240,2 ± 26,1). Em relação à TS, houve menores temperaturas nos animais tosquiados (33,8°C ± 0,3) quando comparados com os não tosquiados (35,0°C ± 0,2). Quanto à TR, ficou próximo de 39,5 ºC, inferindo assim que os mecanismos de regulação térmica interno dos animais conseguiram manter a homeotermia desejada. O ganho de peso obteve média de 771,4 gramas no grupo dos animais tosquiados, e 705,2 gramas no grupo dos não tosquiados. Em relação à TR e desempenho dos animais, não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas (P > 0,05). De acordo com os dados obtidos, conclui-se que atosquia pode ser um meio de melhorar o conforto térmico de coelhos.(AU)

The rabbit is one of the most sensitive species to the conditions of the environment in which they live, with temperature and humidity being the factors that most influence their environment. The objective of this work was to evaluate shearing as an alternative to improve the thermal comfort and productive performance of rabbits raised intensively in a region with a semi-arid climate. Twenty-six mixed, healthy and fattening stage rabbits were used and divided into individual cages into two groups: thirteen animals submitted to shearing (G1) and thirteen without shearing (G2). Thermal comfort was evaluated every day by calculating the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and by analyzing and comparing the parameters: respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT) and superficial temperature (ST). The temperature and humidity of the environment were checked every day of the experiment, at 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00 hours, with a thermo-hygrometer. The performance of the animals was evaluated by weighingon 0, 10, 20 and 30 days of the experiment. As a result, the RR and ST showed a statistical difference (P<0.05), the group of sheared animals had a lower mean of RR (221.6 ± 15.4) in relation to the no sheared animals (240.2 ± 26.1). Regarding the ST, there were lower temperatures in the sheared animals (33.8°C ± 0.3) when compared to the no sheared animals (35.0°C ± 0.2). As for the RT was close to 39.5 ºC, inferring that the thermal regulation mechanisms of the animals managed to maintain the desired homeothermia. Weight gain averaged 771.4 grams in the sheared group, and 705.2 grams in the no sheared group. Regarding the RT and performance of the animals, no statistical differences were observed (P>0.05). According to the data obtained, it is concluded that shearing can improve the thermal comfort of rabbits.(AU)

El conejo es una de las especies más sensibles a las condiciones del medio en el que vive, siendo la temperatura y la humedad los factores que más influyen en su entorno. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la esquila como alternativapara mejorar el confort térmico y el desempeño productivo de conejos criados de forma intensiva en una región de clima semiárido. Se utilizaron 26 conejos mestizos, sanos y en fase de engorde, divididos en jaulas individuales en dos grupos: trece animalessometidos a esquila (G1) y trece sin esquila (G2). El confort térmico se evaluó diariamente mediante el cálculo del Índice de Temperatura y Humedad (ITH) y mediante el análisis y comparación de los parámetros: frecuencia respiratória (FR), temperatura rectal (TR) y temperatura superficial (TS). La temperatura y humedad del ambiente se verificado todos los días del experimento, a las 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 y 18:00 horas, con un termohigrómetro. El rendimiento de los animales se evaluó mediante pesaje los días 0, 10, 20 y 30 del experimento. Como resultado, el FR y el TS mostraron diferencia estadística (P<0,05), el grupo de animales esquilados tuvo una media de FR más baja (221,6 ± 15,4) en relación a los animales no esquilados (240,2 ± 26,1). En cuanto a la TS, hubo temperaturas más bajas en los animales esquilados (33,8 °C ± 0,3) en comparación con los animales no esquilados (35,0 °C ± 0,2). En cuanto a la TR, fue cercana a los 39,5 ºC, infiriendo que los mecanismos internos de regulación térmica de los animales lograron mantener la homeotermia deseada. El aumento de peso promedió 771,4 gramos en el grupo esquilado y 705,2 gramos en el grupo no esquilado. En cuanto al TR y rendimiento de los animales, no se observaron diferencias estadísticas (P > 0,05). De acuerdo con los datos obtenidos, se concluye que las esquila puede ser un medio para mejorar el confort térmico de los conejos.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Pelo Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e258816, 2022. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364491


The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of season and various housing systems on behavioral i.e. sitting, standing, walking and physiological i.e. respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT), time of sexual libido (TSL) attributes of local breed of rabbits reared in Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Adult rabbits (n = 40) of 6 month to 1 year old were divided into two groups (n = 20 / group). Group I was placed under traditional colony system in the soil while group II was kept under modern cage system. Sitting and standing was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher during summer and winter respectively. The RR and RT were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher in summer as compared to other study seasons. Standing behavior was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher in caged rabbits as compared to colony-reared ones. Statistically higher (p ≤ 0.05) TSL value was observed in summer as compared to other three study seasons. From this study it is concluded that rabbit's behavioral and physiological traits are significantly affected by season and housing systems. We concluded that rabbits show better physio-behavioral performance in autumn and winter season while summer stress negatively affects physiology and behavior under caged-system. This study could contribute new aspects of behavioral and physiological processes in local breed of rabbits due to different seasons and housing systems.

O presente estudo foi conduzido para investigar o efeito da estação do ano e de vários sistemas de alojamento nos atributos comportamentais, isto é, sentar, levantar, andar e fisiológico, isto é, frequência respiratória (RR), temperatura retal (TR), tempo de libido sexual (TSL), atributos da raça local de coelhos criados no sul de Punjab, Paquistão. Coelhos adultos (n = 40) de 6 meses a 1 ano de idade foram divididos em dois grupos (n = 20 / grupo). O grupo I foi colocado sob o sistema de colônia tradicional no solo, enquanto o grupo II foi mantido sob o sistema moderno de gaiolas. Sentar e ficar em pé foi significativamente (p ≤ 0,05) maior durante o verão e inverno, respectivamente. O RR e o TR foram significativamente (p ≤ 0,05) maiores no verão, em comparação com as outras estações do estudo. O comportamento em pé foi significativamente (p ≤ 0,05) maior em coelhos engaiolados, em comparação com os criados em colônia. O valor de TSL estatisticamente maior (p ≤ 0,05) foi observado no verão, em comparação com outras três temporadas de estudo. A partir deste estudo, concluiu-se que os traços comportamentais e fisiológicos dos coelhos são significativamente afetados pela estação do ano e pelos sistemas de alojamento. Concluímos que os coelhos apresentam melhor desempenho fisiocomportamental no outono e inverno, enquanto o estresse do verão afeta negativamente a fisiologia e o comportamento em sistema enjaulado. Este estudo pode contribuir com novos aspectos dos processos comportamentais e fisiológicos em raças locais de coelhos devido às diferentes estações do ano e sistemas de alojamento.

Animais , Coelhos/fisiologia , Respiração , Estações do Ano , Temperatura , Comportamento , Habitação , Paquistão
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20200203, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442847


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of ginger as an additive in the diet of fattening rabbits. Sixty weaned rabbits (35 days old) were randomly assigned to four groups (n = 15). Animals were fed ad libitum with a control diet or one of three experimental diets supplemented with 0.5, 1, and 2 g of ginger per 100 g of feed during 28 d. Weight gain in the final week of the experiment was significantly greater in rabbits fed ginger at 0.5 g/100 g of feed than in those fed ginger at 1 and 2 g/100 g of feed or the control diet. No significant differences in morphometric measurements were observed among the treatments, but higher values of live weight, carcass length, and carcass circumference were observed in rabbits treated with ginger than in those fed the control diet. Regarding carcass quality parameters involving the kidneys and empty gastrointestinal tract, we found that rabbits treated with ginger at 0.5 g/100 g of feed showed significant differences from those treated with ginger at 1 and 2 g/100 g of feed or the control diet. pH, water holding capacity, L*, and a* did not significantly differ among the treatments, although greater water holding capacity was observed in rabbits treated with ginger than in control rabbits. Parameter b* was significantly higher in rabbits fed ginger at 2 g/100 g of feed than in those fed at 0.5 and 1 g/100 g of feed and in the control. The results found suggest that ginger can be used as an additive in diets of fattening rabbits.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos/fisiologia , Zingiber officinale/efeitos adversos , Aditivos Alimentares/efeitos adversos , Ração Animal , Carne/análise
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 28: e20210111, 2022. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1395799


Abstract Background: Eastern Russell's viper (Daboia siamensis) is one of the most medically significant snakes responsible for the development of acute renal failure. However, variation of the clinical picture and renal pathophysiology following bites by young and adult D. siamensis have not been elucidated. Methods: In this study, we analyzed the venomic profiles of D. siamensis at different maturation stages of juvenile, subadult and adult groups. The same pooled venom from each group was subjected to enzymatic, electrophoretic and proteomic analysis, including sublethal toxicity (0.1 mg/kg iv.) examined on bodily functions by comparing the venom compositional and functional profiles among venom specimens from juvenile, subadult and adult D. siamensis by correlating them with the renal pathophysiology in experimental rabbits. Results: The comparative studies revealed that juvenile venom possessed higher phospholipase A2 , metalloproteinase and serine proteinase levels, while subadult and adult venoms contained more L-amino acid oxidase, phosphodiesterase, the Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor, disintegrin families and endothelial growth factor. An in vivo study revealed that the adult and subadult venoms caused persistent hypotension and bradycardia, while thrombocytopenia was a more characteristic effect of juvenile venom. All venom age groups showed significant reductions in renal hemodynamics and electrolyte excretions. The juvenile venom caused a higher tubulonephrosis lesion score than adult and subadult venoms. Conclusions: The D. siamensis venom shows an ontogenetic shift in its compositions and activities. Renal function alterations after envenomation depend on either the synergistic actions of different venom components or the disproportionate expression between the concentrations of enzymatic and non-enzymatic proteins in each age venom group. The high proportion of enzymatic toxin proteins in the juvenile venom results in greater nephrotoxicity.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos/fisiologia , Veias Renais/fisiopatologia , Venenos de Víboras/química
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 43: e52593, ago. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32074


The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and digestibility of diets containing different levels of crude propolis for growing rabbits. Forty-eight New Zealand White rabbits, 43 days old, of both genders, were used, distributed in a completely randomized design. There were four diets with different inclusion levels of crude propolis (0.0; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5%). There was no statistical difference for performance regarding the inclusion levels of crude propolis (p = 0.85), as well as for the variables dry matter consumption, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber (p ≥ 0.07). Crude protein consumption showed a statistical difference in relation to gender (p = 0.04): males showed higher consumption. However, final weight, total weight gain, daily weight gain and feed efficiency were not influenced by the addition of crude propolis (p ≥ 0.37). Dry matter digestibility, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber were not influenced by the inclusion levels of crude propolis in the diets (p ≥ 0.12). This study indicates that the inclusion of raw propolis up to 1.5% in the diets does not affect the performance parameters of rabbits.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coelhos/fisiologia , Própole , Aditivos Alimentares/análise
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 43: e52593, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459956


The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and digestibility of diets containing different levels of crude propolis for growing rabbits. Forty-eight New Zealand White rabbits, 43 days old, of both genders, were used, distributed in a completely randomized design. There were four diets with different inclusion levels of crude propolis (0.0; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5%). There was no statistical difference for performance regarding the inclusion levels of crude propolis (p = 0.85), as well as for the variables dry matter consumption, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber (p ≥ 0.07). Crude protein consumption showed a statistical difference in relation to gender (p = 0.04): males showed higher consumption. However, final weight, total weight gain, daily weight gain and feed efficiency were not influenced by the addition of crude propolis (p ≥ 0.37). Dry matter digestibility, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber were not influenced by the inclusion levels of crude propolis in the diets (p ≥ 0.12). This study indicates that the inclusion of raw propolis up to 1.5% in the diets does not affect the performance parameters of rabbits.

Animais , Coelhos , Aditivos Alimentares/análise , Coelhos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coelhos/fisiologia , Própole
Acta cir. bras. ; 36(4): e360402, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31077


Purpose To assess the influence of prolonged cyclosporine use on the macro- and microscopic morphology of the spleen. Methods 16 adult rabbits were divided into two groups (n = 8): group 1 a placebo group, which was followed-up over a period of nine months; group 2 which had taken an oral dose of cyclosporine (10 mg·kg1·day1) over nine months. At the end of this period, the splenic histoarchitecture of all animals was evaluated and the splenic corpuscles were measured. Results The spleens of the first group presented normal characteristics and dimensions. The second group, however, had a reduction in all dimensions and its tissue texture had become soft. The white pulp and the perivascular sheath had become reduced in size and the number of lymphoid follicles had also fallen (p = 0.002), manifesting less splenic corpuscles (p = 0.0012) and lymphocyte nuclear pigments (p = 0.03). Conclusions Prolonged use of cyclosporine reduces the spleen size, transforming it into a soft organ associated with a decrease in white pulp, perivascular sheath, lymphoid follicles and nuclear pigments in rabbits.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Ciclosporinas/administração & dosagem , Ciclosporinas/análise , Baço/química , Coelhos/fisiologia , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Coelhos/imunologia
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 27(3): 110-114, jul.-set. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29610


Rabbits have been used as an experimental model in many studies. These studies are important for not only for veterinary clinicians, but also for researchers in different elds. The aim of this research was to describe gross morphological measurement, shape and arterial supply of the adrenal glands in healthy New Zealand rabbits. Dissections were performed in 30 adult rabbits, 15 males and 15 females, without macroscopic adrenal pathology. Adrenal measurements were made with a digital caliper: length, width, and thickness. The origin of the adrenal arteries was also determined. Both adrenal glands were localized cranially to the respective kidneys. The mean of the right adrenal gland was 0.88 cm length, 0.42 cm width and 0.16 cm thickness; the left gland measured 0.72 cm, 0.46 cm, and 0.17 cm, respectively. The right gland was significantly more elongated than the left (p = 0.0003) and the means of the measurements did not differ between sexes. Most of the right adrenal glands had a piriform shape (73.3%), whereas most of the left gland exhibited a bean-shaped aspect (60.0%). The arterial supply was found to arise from different arteries:  lumbar, aorta, renal, caudal mesenteric, and testicular or ovarian. Comparatively, the descriptions of shape, position and arterial irrigation of the adrenal gland in rabbits are similar to those available in rodents. The data from the pres

Coelhos têm sido utilizados como modelo experimental em muitos estudos. Esses estudos são importantes não apenas para médicos veterinários, mas também para pesquisadores de diferentes campos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi descrever as medidas morfológicas macroscópicas, forma e suprimento arterial das glândulas adrenais em coelhos saudáveis da raça Nova Zelândia. As dissecções foram realizadas em 30 coelhos adultos, 15 machos e 15 fêmeas, sem sinais macroscópicos de patologia adrenal. As medidas adrenais foram realizadas com paquímetro digital: comprimento, largura e espessura. A origem das artérias adrenais também foi determinada. Ambas as glândulas adrenais foram localizadas cranialmente nos respectivos rins. A média da glândula adrenal direita foi de 0,88 cm de comprimento, 0,42 cm de largura e 0,16 cm de espessura; a glândula esquerda mediu 0,72 cm, 0,46 cm e 0,17 cm, respectivamente. A glândula direita foi significativamente mais alongada que a esquerda (p = 0,0003) e as médias das medidas não diferiram entre os sexos. A maioria das glândulas adrenais direitas tinha uma forma piriforme (73,3%), enquanto a maioria da glândula esquerda exibia um aspecto em “forma de feijão” (60,0%). Verificou-se que o suprimento arterial provém de diferentes artérias: lombar, aorta, renal, mesentérica caudal e testicular ou ovariana. Comparativamente, as descrições de forma, posição e irrigação arterial da glândula adrenal em coelhos são semelhantes às disponíveis em roedores. Os dados da presente investigação ajudarão na interpretação de achados patológicos e / ou experimentais em coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Coelhos/fisiologia , Glândulas Suprarrenais/fisiologia , Variação Anatômica , Endocrinologia , Lagomorpha
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(3): 110-114, jul./set. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491683


Rabbits have been used as an experimental model in many studies. These studies are important for not only for veterinary clinicians, but also for researchers in different elds. The aim of this research was to describe gross morphological measurement, shape and arterial supply of the adrenal glands in healthy New Zealand rabbits. Dissections were performed in 30 adult rabbits, 15 males and 15 females, without macroscopic adrenal pathology. Adrenal measurements were made with a digital caliper: length, width, and thickness. The origin of the adrenal arteries was also determined. Both adrenal glands were localized cranially to the respective kidneys. The mean of the right adrenal gland was 0.88 cm length, 0.42 cm width and 0.16 cm thickness; the left gland measured 0.72 cm, 0.46 cm, and 0.17 cm, respectively. The right gland was significantly more elongated than the left (p = 0.0003) and the means of the measurements did not differ between sexes. Most of the right adrenal glands had a piriform shape (73.3%), whereas most of the left gland exhibited a bean-shaped aspect (60.0%). The arterial supply was found to arise from different arteries:  lumbar, aorta, renal, caudal mesenteric, and testicular or ovarian. Comparatively, the descriptions of shape, position and arterial irrigation of the adrenal gland in rabbits are similar to those available in rodents. The data from the pres

Coelhos têm sido utilizados como modelo experimental em muitos estudos. Esses estudos são importantes não apenas para médicos veterinários, mas também para pesquisadores de diferentes campos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi descrever as medidas morfológicas macroscópicas, forma e suprimento arterial das glândulas adrenais em coelhos saudáveis da raça Nova Zelândia. As dissecções foram realizadas em 30 coelhos adultos, 15 machos e 15 fêmeas, sem sinais macroscópicos de patologia adrenal. As medidas adrenais foram realizadas com paquímetro digital: comprimento, largura e espessura. A origem das artérias adrenais também foi determinada. Ambas as glândulas adrenais foram localizadas cranialmente nos respectivos rins. A média da glândula adrenal direita foi de 0,88 cm de comprimento, 0,42 cm de largura e 0,16 cm de espessura; a glândula esquerda mediu 0,72 cm, 0,46 cm e 0,17 cm, respectivamente. A glândula direita foi significativamente mais alongada que a esquerda (p = 0,0003) e as médias das medidas não diferiram entre os sexos. A maioria das glândulas adrenais direitas tinha uma forma piriforme (73,3%), enquanto a maioria da glândula esquerda exibia um aspecto em “forma de feijão” (60,0%). Verificou-se que o suprimento arterial provém de diferentes artérias: lombar, aorta, renal, mesentérica caudal e testicular ou ovariana. Comparativamente, as descrições de forma, posição e irrigação arterial da glândula adrenal em coelhos são semelhantes às disponíveis em roedores. Os dados da presente investigação ajudarão na interpretação de achados patológicos e / ou experimentais em coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia.

Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Coelhos/fisiologia , Endocrinologia , Glândulas Suprarrenais/fisiologia , Variação Anatômica , Lagomorpha
Anim. Reprod. ; 16(4): 887-894, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24142


Artificial insemination with cooled semen is the most common practice in rabbit farms and any improvement on it helps to increase the efficiency and productivity of rabbit meat farms. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess whether different cryoprotectant agents (CPA) as glycerol, N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) and N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) can improve cooled rabbit sperm quality stored at 4ºC and 16ºC. Sperm samples were diluted with INRA 96® (Extender A), INRA 96® with 6% glycerol (Extender B) or 6% DMF (Extender C) or 6% NMP (Extender D) respectively and stored at 4ºC and 16ºC. Samples were then analysed at 4, 24, 48 and 72 hours after refrigeration by integrated sperm analysis system (ISAS®), eosin-nigrosin stain (vitality), hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOS test) and acrosome integrity test. Extender C showed higher percentage of motility, vitality and HOS test than extender B and D (p<0.05). Whereas sperm quality decreased over time (p<0.05), data showed that the addition of DMF kept the motility and sperm plasma membrane integrity after 24 hours of storage better than other diluents. These results suggest that the addition of DMF to INRA 96® exerts a protective effect on the membrane of spermatozoa improving seminal quality.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Coelhos , Coelhos/fisiologia , Sêmen/química , Sêmen/citologia , Glicerol/efeitos adversos , Glicerol/análise , Dimetilformamida/efeitos adversos , Dimetilformamida/análise , Pirrolidinonas/análise , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Crioprotetores/análise
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 16(4): 887-894, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461475


Artificial insemination with cooled semen is the most common practice in rabbit farms and any improvement on it helps to increase the efficiency and productivity of rabbit meat farms. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess whether different cryoprotectant agents (CPA) as glycerol, N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) and N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) can improve cooled rabbit sperm quality stored at 4ºC and 16ºC. Sperm samples were diluted with INRA 96® (Extender A), INRA 96® with 6% glycerol (Extender B) or 6% DMF (Extender C) or 6% NMP (Extender D) respectively and stored at 4ºC and 16ºC. Samples were then analysed at 4, 24, 48 and 72 hours after refrigeration by integrated sperm analysis system (ISAS®), eosin-nigrosin stain (vitality), hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOS test) and acrosome integrity test. Extender C showed higher percentage of motility, vitality and HOS test than extender B and D (p<0.05). Whereas sperm quality decreased over time (p<0.05), data showed that the addition of DMF kept the motility and sperm plasma membrane integrity after 24 hours of storage better than other diluents. These results suggest that the addition of DMF to INRA 96® exerts a protective effect on the membrane of spermatozoa improving seminal quality.

Masculino , Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/fisiologia , Dimetilformamida/análise , Dimetilformamida/efeitos adversos , Glicerol/análise , Glicerol/efeitos adversos , Pirrolidinonas/análise , Sêmen/citologia , Sêmen/química , Crioprotetores/análise , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 16(2): 302-310, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461438


Progesterone plays an important role in the reproductive function and follicular development in mammals. The aim of the present study was to examine the localization of progesterone receptor alpha (PRA) in ovary of pseudopregnant rabbit by immunohistochemical methods. Samples were collected from 14 h. to 18 days of pseudopregnancy. At the first stage of pseudopregnancy (14 h.), the rabbit ovary showed moderate immunostaining of PRA in the granulosa cells and theca interna cells of preovulatory follicle and in the stroma cells. At the middle stage of pseudopregnancy (3-7 days), the rabbit ovary showed strong immunostaining of PRA in ovarian surface epithelial cells, follicular cells of the primary follicle, granulosa cells and theca interna cells of the growing and antral follicles. Moderate immunoexpression of PRA were observed in the large lutein cells and endothelial cells of the corpus haemorrhagicum and corpus luteum and in the stroma cells. At the end of pseudopregnancy (18 days) strong PRA reactions were detected in the small lutein cells of the regressed corpus luteum. Moderate to strong PRA immuno-expression were observed in the proliferated theca interna cells of the atretic antral follicles. The atretic large lutein cells of the regressed corpus luteum showed negative immunostaining for PRA. This study showed that the PRA positive small lutein cells of the regressed corpus luteum and the PRA positive proliferated theca interna cells of the atretic antral follicles were transformed into PRA positive interstitial gland cells. In conclusion, the present study had described the distribution of PRA in the ovary of pseudopregnant rabbit, which is not discussed before in the available literature. It also gives more information about follicular dynamic, formation and origin of interstitial glands, mechanism of ovulation, formation and regression of the corpus luteum.

Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Coelhos/fisiologia , Coelhos/imunologia , Ovário/fisiologia , Progesterona/análise , Receptores de Progesterona/análise
Anim. Reprod. ; 16(2): 302-310, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20540


Progesterone plays an important role in the reproductive function and follicular development in mammals. The aim of the present study was to examine the localization of progesterone receptor alpha (PRA) in ovary of pseudopregnant rabbit by immunohistochemical methods. Samples were collected from 14 h. to 18 days of pseudopregnancy. At the first stage of pseudopregnancy (14 h.), the rabbit ovary showed moderate immunostaining of PRA in the granulosa cells and theca interna cells of preovulatory follicle and in the stroma cells. At the middle stage of pseudopregnancy (3-7 days), the rabbit ovary showed strong immunostaining of PRA in ovarian surface epithelial cells, follicular cells of the primary follicle, granulosa cells and theca interna cells of the growing and antral follicles. Moderate immunoexpression of PRA were observed in the large lutein cells and endothelial cells of the corpus haemorrhagicum and corpus luteum and in the stroma cells. At the end of pseudopregnancy (18 days) strong PRA reactions were detected in the small lutein cells of the regressed corpus luteum. Moderate to strong PRA immuno-expression were observed in the proliferated theca interna cells of the atretic antral follicles. The atretic large lutein cells of the regressed corpus luteum showed negative immunostaining for PRA. This study showed that the PRA positive small lutein cells of the regressed corpus luteum and the PRA positive proliferated theca interna cells of the atretic antral follicles were transformed into PRA positive interstitial gland cells. In conclusion, the present study had described the distribution of PRA in the ovary of pseudopregnant rabbit, which is not discussed before in the available literature. It also gives more information about follicular dynamic, formation and origin of interstitial glands, mechanism of ovulation, formation and regression of the corpus luteum.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Coelhos/imunologia , Coelhos/fisiologia , Progesterona/análise , Ovário/fisiologia , Receptores de Progesterona/análise
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 47(5): 01-07, Mai. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1479939


The aim of this study was to assess systemic and neurotoxic changes following an epidural administration of meloxicamin to rabbits. Twelve adult rabbits four males and eight females; average mass, 1.9 ± 0.1kg were randomly divided into two groups: a control group (GC), which received a single dose of 0.9% NaCl epidurally in a volume of 0.3mL kg-1and a meloxicam group (GM), which received 0.2mg kg-1 meloxicam epidurally along with 0.9% NaCl in a total volume of 0.3mL kg-1. Heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, and neurological abnormalities were assessed prior to administration of anesthesia (H0), 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24h following epidural puncture (H1, H2, H3, H6, H12, and H24, respectively), and every 24h afterward for 10 days after epidural puncture (D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, and D10). The surface temperature of lumbosacral region was also measured at H0, H1, H6, H12, H24, D5 and D10. Three animals from each group were euthanized on days 15 and 30 after epidural puncture to assess possible spinal injuries. Variances observed in physiological parameters were not suggestive of adverse effects of meloxicam, as all were within the reference standards, and there were no physical or behavioral changes observed. Neurological function was similar between groups, with only difference between baseline values and values 1h after epidural administration in both groups. There were no histopathological changes in the GM group, and only one animal showed discrete lymphocytic infiltrate. Epidural lumbosacral administration of meloxicam at a dose of 0.2mg kg-1 caused no significant systemic or neurotoxic effects in rabbits.

O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as alterações sistêmicas e neurotóxicas promovidas pelo meloxicam, administrado por via epidural, em coelhos. Foram utilizados 12 coelhos adultos, quatro machos e oito fêmeas, pensando em média 1,9 ± 0,1kg. Os animais foram divididos equitativa e aleatoriamente em dois grupos, os quais receberam dose única de solução de NaCl 0,9% no volume de 0,3mL kg-1, por via epidural (grupo controle - GC) ou meloxicam (0,2mg kg-1) associado à solução de NaCl 0,9%, compondo um volume total de 0,3mL kg-1 (grupo meloxicam - GM). Avaliaram-se frequências cardíaca e respiratória, temperatura corporal e alterações neurológicas, antes da administração da anestesia (H0), uma, duas, três, seis, 12 e 24 horas após a punção epidural (H1, H2, H3, H6, H12 e H24, respectivamente) e a cada 24 horas após o H24, até o 10º dia após a punção epidural (D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9 e D10). Mensurou-se ainda a temperatura superficial da região lombossacra em H0, H1, H6, H12, H24, D5 e D10. Realizou-se eutanásia em três animais de cada grupo no 15o e no 30o dia após o início do experimento, para avaliação das possíveis lesões medulares. As variâncias observadas nos parâmetros fisiológicos não foram sugestivas de efeito adverso do meloxicam, pois estiveram dentro do padrão de referência e não houve alterações físicas ou comportamentais. O exame neurológico se mostrou semelhante entre os grupos, havendo diferença apenas entre a avaliação inicial e uma hora após a epidural em ambos os grupos. Na histopatologia não houve alterações no GM e apenas um animal do GC apresentou discreto infiltrado linfoplasmocitário. A administração epidural lombossacra de meloxicam, na dose de 0,2mg kg-1, não causa efeitos sistêmicos e neurotóxicos significativos, em coelhos.

Animais , Anti-Inflamatórios/administração & dosagem , Coelhos/fisiologia , Analgesia Epidural/veterinária , Medula Espinal/fisiologia
Ci. Rural ; 47(5): 01-07, Mai. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-686892


The aim of this study was to assess systemic and neurotoxic changes following an epidural administration of meloxicamin to rabbits. Twelve adult rabbits four males and eight females; average mass, 1.9 ± 0.1kg were randomly divided into two groups: a control group (GC), which received a single dose of 0.9% NaCl epidurally in a volume of 0.3mL kg-1and a meloxicam group (GM), which received 0.2mg kg-1 meloxicam epidurally along with 0.9% NaCl in a total volume of 0.3mL kg-1. Heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, and neurological abnormalities were assessed prior to administration of anesthesia (H0), 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24h following epidural puncture (H1, H2, H3, H6, H12, and H24, respectively), and every 24h afterward for 10 days after epidural puncture (D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, and D10). The surface temperature of lumbosacral region was also measured at H0, H1, H6, H12, H24, D5 and D10. Three animals from each group were euthanized on days 15 and 30 after epidural puncture to assess possible spinal injuries. Variances observed in physiological parameters were not suggestive of adverse effects of meloxicam, as all were within the reference standards, and there were no physical or behavioral changes observed. Neurological function was similar between groups, with only difference between baseline values and values 1h after epidural administration in both groups. There were no histopathological changes in the GM group, and only one animal showed discrete lymphocytic infiltrate. Epidural lumbosacral administration of meloxicam at a dose of 0.2mg kg-1 caused no significant systemic or neurotoxic effects in rabbits.(AU)

O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as alterações sistêmicas e neurotóxicas promovidas pelo meloxicam, administrado por via epidural, em coelhos. Foram utilizados 12 coelhos adultos, quatro machos e oito fêmeas, pensando em média 1,9 ± 0,1kg. Os animais foram divididos equitativa e aleatoriamente em dois grupos, os quais receberam dose única de solução de NaCl 0,9% no volume de 0,3mL kg-1, por via epidural (grupo controle - GC) ou meloxicam (0,2mg kg-1) associado à solução de NaCl 0,9%, compondo um volume total de 0,3mL kg-1 (grupo meloxicam - GM). Avaliaram-se frequências cardíaca e respiratória, temperatura corporal e alterações neurológicas, antes da administração da anestesia (H0), uma, duas, três, seis, 12 e 24 horas após a punção epidural (H1, H2, H3, H6, H12 e H24, respectivamente) e a cada 24 horas após o H24, até o 10º dia após a punção epidural (D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9 e D10). Mensurou-se ainda a temperatura superficial da região lombossacra em H0, H1, H6, H12, H24, D5 e D10. Realizou-se eutanásia em três animais de cada grupo no 15o e no 30o dia após o início do experimento, para avaliação das possíveis lesões medulares. As variâncias observadas nos parâmetros fisiológicos não foram sugestivas de efeito adverso do meloxicam, pois estiveram dentro do padrão de referência e não houve alterações físicas ou comportamentais. O exame neurológico se mostrou semelhante entre os grupos, havendo diferença apenas entre a avaliação inicial e uma hora após a epidural em ambos os grupos. Na histopatologia não houve alterações no GM e apenas um animal do GC apresentou discreto infiltrado linfoplasmocitário. A administração epidural lombossacra de meloxicam, na dose de 0,2mg kg-1, não causa efeitos sistêmicos e neurotóxicos significativos, em coelhos.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos/fisiologia , Anti-Inflamatórios/administração & dosagem , Analgesia Epidural/veterinária , Medula Espinal/fisiologia
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 39(2): 207-215, apr.-jun. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-691085


This study evaluated the effect of Cd on some male reproductive parameters; and explored the therapeutic potentials of methanolic extract of Phoenix dactylifera (MEPD) fruit in averting such reproductive damages. 45 rabbit bucks aged 24-28 weeks and weighing 1.41-1.43 kg was used. The rabbits were assigned to 5 treatment groups (control, Cd-only, Cd + 300 mg MEPD, Cd + 600 mg MEPD and Cd + 900 mg MEPD) in a completely randomized design. The rabbits were dosed with 3 mg CdCl2 kg-1feed for 7 days followed by MEPD for 56 days after every 72 hours. Result of semen evaluation indicates that semen volume, motility, libido, concentration, total ejaculate, viability and morphology were significantly reduced by Cd compared to the normal control group. Testis density and epididymis length of the control rabbits were significantly different from the Cd-only exposed rabbits. Histopathological examination revealed severe testicular damage due to Cd. Indeed, treatment with MEPD significantly reversed the deleterious reproductive effects caused by Cd. In conclusion, cadmium drastically affected the testis of rabbits and treatment with MEPD alleviated some deleterious effects.(AU)

Este estudo avaliou o efeito da Cd em alguns parâmetros reprodutivos masculinos e explorou os potenciais terapêuticos de extrato metanólico de Phoenix dactylifera (MEPD), fruto na prevenção de tais danos reprodutivos. Foram utilizados 45 machos de coelho com idade entre 24-28 semanas e pesando 1,41- 1,43 kg. Os coelhos foram designados a cinco grupos de tratamento (controle, Cd-apenas, Cd+300 mg MEPD, Cd+600 mg MEPD e Cd+900 mg MEPD) num delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os coelhos foram doseados com 3 mg de CdCl2 kg-1 de alimento durante sete dias seguido por MEPD durante 56 dias após cada 72h. O resultado da avaliação do sêmen indica que o volume de sêmen, a motilidade, a libido, a concentração, a ejaculação total, a viabilidade e a morfologia foram significativamente reduzidos pelo Cd em comparação com o grupo controle normal. A densidade do testículo e o comprimento do epidídimo dos coelhos de controle foram significativamente diferentes dos coelhos expostos. O exame histopatológico revelou dano testicular grave devido ao Cd. Na verdade, o tratamento com MEPD reverteu significativamente os efeitos deletérios reprodutivos causados por Cd. Em conclusão, o cádmio afetou muito os testículos de coelhos e o tratamento com MEPD aliviou alguns efeitos deletérios.(AU)

Animais , Restos Mortais/análise , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Coelhos/classificação , Coelhos/fisiologia , Análise do Sêmen/classificação , Phoeniceae/química , Phoeniceae/toxicidade
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 39(2): 207-215, apr.-jun. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459712


This study evaluated the effect of Cd on some male reproductive parameters; and explored the therapeutic potentials of methanolic extract of Phoenix dactylifera (MEPD) fruit in averting such reproductive damages. 45 rabbit bucks aged 24-28 weeks and weighing 1.41-1.43 kg was used. The rabbits were assigned to 5 treatment groups (control, Cd-only, Cd + 300 mg MEPD, Cd + 600 mg MEPD and Cd + 900 mg MEPD) in a completely randomized design. The rabbits were dosed with 3 mg CdCl2 kg-1feed for 7 days followed by MEPD for 56 days after every 72 hours. Result of semen evaluation indicates that semen volume, motility, libido, concentration, total ejaculate, viability and morphology were significantly reduced by Cd compared to the normal control group. Testis density and epididymis length of the control rabbits were significantly different from the Cd-only exposed rabbits. Histopathological examination revealed severe testicular damage due to Cd. Indeed, treatment with MEPD significantly reversed the deleterious reproductive effects caused by Cd. In conclusion, cadmium drastically affected the testis of rabbits and treatment with MEPD alleviated some deleterious effects.

Este estudo avaliou o efeito da Cd em alguns parâmetros reprodutivos masculinos e explorou os potenciais terapêuticos de extrato metanólico de Phoenix dactylifera (MEPD), fruto na prevenção de tais danos reprodutivos. Foram utilizados 45 machos de coelho com idade entre 24-28 semanas e pesando 1,41- 1,43 kg. Os coelhos foram designados a cinco grupos de tratamento (controle, Cd-apenas, Cd+300 mg MEPD, Cd+600 mg MEPD e Cd+900 mg MEPD) num delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os coelhos foram doseados com 3 mg de CdCl2 kg-1 de alimento durante sete dias seguido por MEPD durante 56 dias após cada 72h. O resultado da avaliação do sêmen indica que o volume de sêmen, a motilidade, a libido, a concentração, a ejaculação total, a viabilidade e a morfologia foram significativamente reduzidos pelo Cd em comparação com o grupo controle normal. A densidade do testículo e o comprimento do epidídimo dos coelhos de controle foram significativamente diferentes dos coelhos expostos. O exame histopatológico revelou dano testicular grave devido ao Cd. Na verdade, o tratamento com MEPD reverteu significativamente os efeitos deletérios reprodutivos causados por Cd. Em conclusão, o cádmio afetou muito os testículos de coelhos e o tratamento com MEPD aliviou alguns efeitos deletérios.

Animais , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Coelhos/classificação , Coelhos/fisiologia , Restos Mortais/análise , Análise do Sêmen/classificação , Phoeniceae/química , Phoeniceae/toxicidade
R. bras. Reprod. Anim. ; 40(4): 624-625, Out-Dez. 2016.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24305


Polyorchidism is a rare congenital anomaly defined as the presence of more than two histologicallyproven testicles. In this context, the objective of this study is to report the occurrence of two intra-abdominalsupernumerary testis in a rabbit. A rabbit was referred to the ISPA/UFRA for elective orchiectomy. On physicalexamination, it was detected the presence of testicles in the scrotum. In the necropsy record was describedpresence of bilateral structure similar to testis and epididymis which microscopically showed normalmorphology. This case report describes for the first time polyorchidism in a rabbit with two intra-abdominaltestis and two testicles located in the scrotum proven through histological analysis.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Testículo/anormalidades , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Coelhos/fisiologia , Maturidade Sexual
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 40(4): 624-625, Out-Dez. 2016.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492414


Polyorchidism is a rare congenital anomaly defined as the presence of more than two histologicallyproven testicles. In this context, the objective of this study is to report the occurrence of two intra-abdominalsupernumerary testis in a rabbit. A rabbit was referred to the ISPA/UFRA for elective orchiectomy. On physicalexamination, it was detected the presence of testicles in the scrotum. In the necropsy record was describedpresence of bilateral structure similar to testis and epididymis which microscopically showed normalmorphology. This case report describes for the first time polyorchidism in a rabbit with two intra-abdominaltestis and two testicles located in the scrotum proven through histological analysis.

Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Coelhos/fisiologia , Testículo/anormalidades , Maturidade Sexual