Infection caused by Aeromonas brings great harm to fish farming. Among the factors associated with bacterial pathogenesis, iron uptake can contribute to the survival and virulence of bacteria within hosts. The aim of this study was to check the presence of genes related to iron uptake in Aeromonas hydrophila deriving from aquatic organisms in the São Francisco Valley and associate the presence of these genes with the ability to grow in media containing different concentrations of iron. The DNAs of 41 isolates were extracted and used in PCRs to verify the presence of the Fur, AmoA and pvcAB genes related to iron uptake. The growth of the isolates belonging to different genetic profiles was verified in culture media containing different iron concentrations. Two isolates were positive for the presence of the Fur gene, seven for the AmoA gene and two for the pvcAB gene. The growth test showed that the low availability of iron did not interfere in the growth of the isolates, nor in the isolate that did not contain any of the genes evaluated in this study, suggesting that the iron uptake's mechanisms of the tested isolates may be related to other genes and proteins.
Infecções causadas por Aeromonas trazem grandes prejuízos à piscicultura. Entre os fatores associados à patogênese bacteriana, a captação de ferro pode contribuir para a sobrevivência e a virulência das bactérias dentro dos hospedeiros. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a presença de genes relacionados à captação de ferro em Aeromonas hydrophila provenientes de organismos aquáticos do Vale do São Francisco e associar a presença desses genes com a capacidade de as bactérias crescerem em meios contendo diferentes concentrações de ferro. Os DNAs de 41 isolados foram extraídos e utilizados em PCRs para verificar a presença dos genes Fur, AmoA e pvcAB relacionados à captação de ferro. O crescimento dos isolados pertencentes a diferentes perfis genéticos foi verificado em meios de cultura contendo diferentes concentrações de ferro. Dois isolados foram positivos para a presença do gene Fur, sete para a do gene AmoA e dois para a do gene pvcAB. O teste de crescimento mostrou que a baixa disponibilidade de ferro não interferiu no crescimento dos isolados nem no isolado que não continha nenhum dos genes avaliados neste estudo, sugerindo que os mecanismos de captação de ferro dos isolados testados podem estar relacionados a outros genes e proteínas.
Animais , Crescimento Bacteriano , Aeromonas hydrophila , Pesqueiros , Genes , FerroResumo
Maize white spot (MWS) caused by Pantoea ananatis is one main maize leaf diseases, and nanoparticles (NPs) are an innovative approach for bacterial disease control. This research evaluated the toxicity of pure NPs and doped NPs with different elements in inhibiting bacterial growth and to control MWS. Pure NPs and ZnO NPs doped with silver (Ag), gold (Au), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and nickel (Ni) at different concentrations were used to determine the toxicity for P. ananatis in vitro, evaluating the bacterial growth inhibition zone. To assess the control of MWS, in the preventive application, maize plants were sprayed with NPs of ZnO:0.1Cu, ZnO:0.05Fe, ZnO:0.2Mn and ZnO:0.7Ni at 10, 5 or 2.5 mg mL-¹, and after 3 days, the plants were inoculated with bacterial suspension. To assess the curative application, plants were inoculated with the bacteria, and 3 days later sprayed with the NPs. The disease severity was assessed and the area under the disease-progress curve (AUDPC) was calculated. The doped ZnO NPs with different elements, and at different concentrations inhibited bacterial growth in vitro. NPs of ZnO:0.1Cu and ZnO:0.2Mn at 5 or 2.5 mg mL-¹, in both applications reduced the severity of MWS, showing potential for use in the disease management.
A mancha branca do milho (MBM) causada por Pantoea ananatis é uma das principais doenças foliares da cultura, e as nanopartículas (NPs) surgem como inovação no controle de doenças bacterianas. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a toxidez de NPs puras e dopadas com diferentes elementos, na inibição do crescimento bacteriano e no controle da MBM. NPs puras e NPs de ZnO dopadas com: prata (Ag), ouro (Au), cobre (Cu), ferro (Fe), manganês (Mn), e níquel (Ni) em diferentes concentrações foram usadas para determinar a toxidez à P. ananatis, avaliando-se o halo de inibição do crescimento bacteriano. Para avaliar o controle da MBM, na aplicação preventiva, plantas de milho foram pulverizadas com NPs de ZnO:0.1Cu, ZnO:0.05Fe, ZnO:0.2Mn e ZnO:0.7Ni a 10, 5 e 2.5 mg mL-¹, e três dias depois foram inoculadas com a suspensão bacteriana. Na aplicação curativa, as plantas foram inoculadas com a suspensão bacteriana e três dias após pulverizadas com as NPs. A severidade da doença foi avaliada e calculada a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD). NPs de ZnO dopadas com os diferentes elementos e concentrações inibiram o crescimento bacteriano in vitro. As NPs de ZnO:0.1Cu e ZnO:0.2Mn a 5 e 2.5 mg mL-¹, nas duas aplicações reduziram a severidade da MBM, apresentando potencial de uso no manejo da doença.
Infecções Bacterianas/prevenção & controle , Crescimento Bacteriano/prevenção & controle , Zea mays , Pantoea/patogenicidade , Nanopartículas/toxicidade , Antibacterianos/análiseResumo
The current study aimed at fostering bacterial growth in BFT aquaculture tanks by early Nile tilapia stocking. Control tanks had no tilapia but received daily applications of dry molasses (NT+) or had tilapia but no C:N ratio adjustment (T-). Experimental tanks had tilapia and received daily application of molasses to adjust the C:N ratio of water to 15:1 (T+). The development of bioflocs in NT+ was insignificant as demonstrated by low levels of settleable solids (SS) and total suspended solids (TSS). Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) was significantly higher in NT+ than in T+. In the C:N-ratio adjusted tanks, the presence of fish shortened the control of TAN in several days. As nitrite declined in T+, it increased in NT+. The final concentrations of TSS in T+, T- and NT+ were 236 ± 29 mg L-1, 100 ± 32 mg L-1, and 40 ± 22 mg L-1, respectively (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that stable nitrifying and heterotrophic bacterial communities could be attained in BFT aquaculture tanks, before the end of the 4th week of culture, if the bacterial growth is fostered by early Nile tilapia stocking.(AU)
Animais , Ciclídeos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aquicultura/métodos , Crescimento Bacteriano/análise , Quantidade de Água , Amônia , NitritosResumo
The current study aimed at fostering bacterial growth in BFT aquaculture tanks by early Nile tilapia stocking. Control tanks had no tilapia but received daily applications of dry molasses (NT+) or had tilapia but no C:N ratio adjustment (T-). Experimental tanks had tilapia and received daily application of molasses to adjust the C:N ratio of water to 15:1 (T+). The development of bioflocs in NT+ was insignificant as demonstrated by low levels of settleable solids (SS) and total suspended solids (TSS). Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) was significantly higher in NT+ than in T+. In the C:N-ratio adjusted tanks, the presence of fish shortened the control of TAN in several days. As nitrite declined in T+, it increased in NT+. The final concentrations of TSS in T+, T- and NT+ were 236 ± 29 mg L-1, 100 ± 32 mg L-1, and 40 ± 22 mg L-1, respectively (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that stable nitrifying and heterotrophic bacterial communities could be attained in BFT aquaculture tanks, before the end of the 4th week of culture, if the bacterial growth is fostered by early Nile tilapia stocking.
Animais , Aquicultura/métodos , Ciclídeos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Crescimento Bacteriano/análise , Quantidade de Água , Amônia , NitritosResumo
A produção de sêmen congelado nas centrais de reprodução é uma ferramenta importante para a pecuária brasileira, todavia o processo de coleta do sêmen pode influenciar nas características biológicas do ejaculado. Considerando a coleta para a inseminação artificial um procedimento não estéril, podendo promover vários gêneros de bactérias no ejaculado, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os aspectos microbiológicos de amostras de sêmen bovino, in natura e congelado, assim como os diluidores utilizados na rotina em uma central de produção de sêmen. Para o presente trabalho foram utilizados cinco touros da raça nelore, e, destes, avaliados dois ejaculados de cada animal, sendo coletados no intervalo de duas semanas. As colheitas de sêmen foram realizadas pelo método de vagina artificial. Também foram avaliados dois diluidores, Triladyl® e BotuBov®. Realizou-se o experimento pelo método de semeadura em Ágar TSA por esgotamento, e após 24h, 48h e 72 horas foram realizadas análises para a identificação e contagem de colônias crescidas de UFC/mL. As colônias foram avaliadas por coloração pelo método de Gram e microscopia óptica (100x) e classificadas conforme morfologia. Os dados laboratoriais foram submetidos ao teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para a verificação de normalidade ou homocedasticidade. Observou-se o predomínio de Bastonetes Gram Negativos e Gram Positivos ao fim do experimento, bem como a presença de outros microrganismos em menores quantidades, sugerindo contaminação nas amostras. Houve presença de microrganismos tanto no sêmen in natura e congelado, quanto nos diluidores comerciais, mesmo seguindo protocolos microbiológicos para garantir a esterilidade das amostras Os resultados demonstram níveis aceitáveis de microrganismos no sêmen e nos diluidores; entretanto, estabelecer novas diretrizes no controle da qualidade microbiológica tende a ser uma linha de trabalho promissora na área da biotecnologia.
The production of frozen semen in the central specialized in animal reproduction is an important tool for the Brazilian livestock. However the semen collection process can influence the biological characteristics of the ejaculated. Considering the collection for artificial insemination as non-sterile procedure, it can promote several types of bacteria in the ejaculated semen. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological aspects of bovine semen samples, fresh, frozen and thinners used in routine in a insemination center. For this study, it was used five bulls of the Nelore breed, and evaluated two ejaculated semen from each animal, being collected at two weeks interval. Semen samples were collected by the method of artificial vagina. There were also evaluated two thinners, Triladyl® and BotuBov®. Furthermore, the experiment was conducted by seeding method Agar TSA by exhaustion, and after 24 hours; 48h; and 72 hours analysis was performed for identification and counting of colonies grown in CFU / ml. The colonies were assessed by staining by the Gram method and optical microscopy (100x) and classified as its morphology. The laboratory data were submitted to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality or check homoscedasticity. There was a predominance of Rods Gram Negative and Gram Positive at the end of the experiment, as well as presence of other microorganisms in smaller amounts, suggesting contamination in the samples. There were microorganisms present in both fresh and frozen semen,and in commercial thinners, even following microbiological protocols to ensure sample sterility. The results demonstrate acceptable microorganismslevelsin semen and thinners; however, establishing new guidelines for microbiological quality control tends to be a promising biotechnology area.
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Controle de Qualidade , Crescimento Bacteriano , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Sêmen/microbiologia , ReproduçãoResumo
Despite the increasing reports on the incidence of fresh vegetables and fruits as a possible vehicle for human pathogens, there is currently limited knowledge on the growth potential of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on different plant substrates. This study analyzed the selective adhesion and growth of E. coli O157:H7 on chili habanero (Capsicum chinense L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), radish (Raphanus sativus), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris), and onion (Allium cepa L.) under laboratory conditions. The Gompertz parameters were used to determine the growth kinetics. Scanning electron microscopy was used to visualize the adhesion of E. coli O157:H7 on the epicarp of the samples. Predictive models were constructed to compare the growth of E. coli O157:H7 on the samples with different intrinsic factors and to demonstrate the low selectivity of the pathogen. No significant difference was observed in the lag-phase duration (LPD), generation time (GT), and exponential growth rate (EGR) of the pathogen adhered to the samples. The interaction between the microorganism and the substrate was less supportive to the growth of E. coli O157:H7 for onion, whereas for tomato and cucumber, the time for the microorganism to attain the maximum growth rate (M) was significantly longer than that recorded for other samples.(AU)
Escherichia coli O157/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Crescimento Bacteriano/análise , Frutas/microbiologia , Plantas/microbiologia , CinéticaResumo
A produção de sêmen congelado nas centrais de reprodução é uma ferramenta importante para a pecuária brasileira, todavia o processo de coleta do sêmen pode influenciar nas características biológicas do ejaculado. Considerando a coleta para a inseminação artificial um procedimento não estéril, podendo promover vários gêneros de bactérias no ejaculado, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os aspectos microbiológicos de amostras de sêmen bovino, in natura e congelado, assim como os diluidores utilizados na rotina em uma central de produção de sêmen. Para o presente trabalho foram utilizados cinco touros da raça nelore, e, destes, avaliados dois ejaculados de cada animal, sendo coletados no intervalo de duas semanas. As colheitas de sêmen foram realizadas pelo método de vagina artificial. Também foram avaliados dois diluidores, Triladyl® e BotuBov®. Realizou-se o experimento pelo método de semeadura em Ágar TSA por esgotamento, e após 24h, 48h e 72 horas foram realizadas análises para a identificação e contagem de colônias crescidas de UFC/mL. As colônias foram avaliadas por coloração pelo método de Gram e microscopia óptica (100x) e classificadas conforme morfologia. Os dados laboratoriais foram submetidos ao teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para a verificação de normalidade ou homocedasticidade. Observou-se o predomínio de Bastonetes Gram Negativos e Gram Positivos ao fim do experimento, bem como a presença de outros microrganismos em menores quantidades, sugerindo contaminação nas amostras. Houve presença de microrganismos tanto no sêmen in natura e congelado, quanto nos diluidores comerciais, mesmo seguindo protocolos microbiológicos para garantir a esterilidade das amostras Os resultados demonstram níveis aceitáveis de microrganismos no sêmen e nos diluidores; entretanto, estabelecer novas diretrizes no controle da qualidade microbiológica tende a ser uma linha de trabalho promissora na área da biotecnologia.(AU)
The production of frozen semen in the central specialized in animal reproduction is an important tool for the Brazilian livestock. However the semen collection process can influence the biological characteristics of the ejaculated. Considering the collection for artificial insemination as non-sterile procedure, it can promote several types of bacteria in the ejaculated semen. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological aspects of bovine semen samples, fresh, frozen and thinners used in routine in a insemination center. For this study, it was used five bulls of the Nelore breed, and evaluated two ejaculated semen from each animal, being collected at two weeks interval. Semen samples were collected by the method of artificial vagina. There were also evaluated two thinners, Triladyl® and BotuBov®. Furthermore, the experiment was conducted by seeding method Agar TSA by exhaustion, and after 24 hours; 48h; and 72 hours analysis was performed for identification and counting of colonies grown in CFU / ml. The colonies were assessed by staining by the Gram method and optical microscopy (100x) and classified as its morphology. The laboratory data were submitted to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality or check homoscedasticity. There was a predominance of Rods Gram Negative and Gram Positive at the end of the experiment, as well as presence of other microorganisms in smaller amounts, suggesting contamination in the samples. There were microorganisms present in both fresh and frozen semen,and in commercial thinners, even following microbiological protocols to ensure sample sterility. The results demonstrate acceptable microorganismslevelsin semen and thinners; however, establishing new guidelines for microbiological quality control tends to be a promising biotechnology area.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Sêmen/microbiologia , Crescimento Bacteriano , Controle de Qualidade , ReproduçãoResumo
Kinetic behaviors of five Lactobacillus strains were investigated with Contois and Exponential models. Awareness of kinetic behavior of microorganisms is essential for their industrial process design and scale up. The consistency of experimental data was evaluated using Excel software. L. bulgaricus was introduced as the most efficient strain with the highest biomass and lactic acid yield of 0.119 and 0.602 g g-1 consumed lactose, respectively. The biomass and carbohydrate yield of L. fermentum and L. lactis were slightly less and close to L. bulgaricus. Biomass and lactic acid production yield of 0.117 and 0.358 for L. fermentum and 0.114 and 0.437 g g-1 for L.actobacillus lactis were obtained. L. casei and L. delbrueckii had the less biomass yield, nearly 11.8 and 22.7% less than L. bulgaricus, respectively. L. bulgaricus (R 2 = 0.9500 and 0.9156) and L. casei (R 2 = 0.9552 and 0.8401) showed acceptable consistency with both models. The investigation revealed that the above mentioned models are not suitable to describe the kinetic behavior of L. fermentum (R 2 = 0.9367 and 0.6991), L. delbrueckii (R 2 = 0.9493 and 0.7724) and L. lactis (R 2 = 0.8730 and 0.6451). Contois rate equation is a suitable model to describe the kinetic of Lactobacilli. Specific cell growth rate for L. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. fermentum, L. delbrueckii and L. lactis with Contois model in order 3.2, 3.9, 67.6, 10.4 and 9.8-fold of Exponential model.(AU)
Crescimento Bacteriano , Lactobacillus , Cinética , Lactose , Biotecnologia/métodosResumo
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) have attracted major industrial interest as alternatives to conventional plastics. They are produced by several bacteria as cytoplasmic inclusions when nutrients are in limited supply. Among the many factors influencing bacterial growth, the effect of temperature on both specific growth rates and growth yields in terms of carbon source intake is of considerable interest. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the bacterium Burkholderia sacchari LFM 101 on growth and PHA production, using glucose, sucrose or glycerol as a carbon source, at 30 and 35 °C. The results showed that B. sacchari cultured with glucose at 35 °C presented both higher productivity and polymer yield in dried cell mass. There were no differences in growth rates (max) in sucrose and glucose. The growth conditions studied were not favorable to glycerol consumption due to limitations in the energy supply from glycerol.
Burkholderia , Crescimento Bacteriano , Glicerol , Glucose , Polímeros , Sacarose , Cinética , Meios de Cultura , Metabolismo , Nutrientes , PlásticosResumo
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) have attracted major industrial interest as alternatives to conventional plastics. They are produced by several bacteria as cytoplasmic inclusions when nutrients are in limited supply. Among the many factors influencing bacterial growth, the effect of temperature on both specific growth rates and growth yields in terms of carbon source intake is of considerable interest. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the bacterium Burkholderia sacchari LFM 101 on growth and PHA production, using glucose, sucrose or glycerol as a carbon source, at 30 and 35 °C. The results showed that B. sacchari cultured with glucose at 35 °C presented both higher productivity and polymer yield in dried cell mass. There were no differences in growth rates (max) in sucrose and glucose. The growth conditions studied were not favorable to glycerol consumption due to limitations in the energy supply from glycerol.(AU)
Burkholderia , Polímeros , Glucose , Glicerol , Sacarose , Crescimento Bacteriano , Meios de Cultura , Plásticos , Nutrientes , Metabolismo , CinéticaResumo
Common and fuscous blights of bean are diseases widely distributed in the world. The most commonly observed symptoms are spots on leaves, stems, pods and seeds. In December 2009, bean plants cv. Uirapuru showing symptoms of wilt similar to those induced by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens were observed in a commercial crop located in the county of Itararé, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The plants were at the last cycle stage with mature pods and these symptoms were noted in the majority of the growing area. Optical microscopic observations of discolored vascular tissue from diseased stems revealed the presence of bacterial masses oozed from infected tissue, indicating that the disease was caused by bacterial pathogen. Isolations on nutrient agar showed circular, convex, yellow colonies with smooth edges. The causal bacterium was Gramnegative and produced a dark brown pigment in culture medium. Biochemical, cultural and physiological tests confirmed its identity as Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans(syn. Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli"var. fuscans"). The pathogenicity of the isolates was confirmed by artificial inoculations. Systemic infection has been reported in the literature but these kinds of symptoms are not currently observed in Brazilian fields. Bacterial strains were deposited on the Phytobacteria Culture Collection of Instituto Biológico (IBSBF - under accession numbers 2813 and 3028.(AU)
O crestamento bacteriano comum do feijoeiro é uma doença amplamente distribuída no mundo e os sintomas comumente observados são manchas nas folhas, hastes, vagens e sementes. Em dezembro de 2009, plantas de feijoeiro cv. Uirapuru com sintomas de murcha similares aos produzidos por Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens foram observadas em campos comerciais localizados no município de Itararé, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As plantas encontravam-se no final do ciclo, com as vagens já formadas. Os sintomas foram notados em quase a totalidade da área cultivada. Observações ao microscópio óptico de fragmentos de tecido do sistema vascular das hastes de plantas doentes evidenciaram intenso fluxo bacteriano, confirmando tratar-se de doença bacteriana. Isolamentos realizados em meio nutriente ágar produziram colônias de coloração amarelada, brilhantes, convexas, lisas. A bactéria agente causal era Gram-negativa e produtora de pigmento marrom escuro em meio de cultura. Testes bioquímicos, culturais e fisiológicos confirmaram sua identidade como Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans (sin. Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli "var. fuscans"). A patogenicidade dos isolados foi confirmada por inoculações artificiais em mudas de feijão cv. Carioca e os reisolamentos efetuados resultaram em colônias semelhantes às originais. Embora descrita na literatura, a infecção sistêmica não é usualmente observada nos plantios de feijoeiro em nosso país. Linhagens bacterianas encontram-se depositadas na Coleção de Culturas do Instituto Biológico (IBSBF) sob os números 2813 e 3028.(AU)
Crescimento Bacteriano , Xanthomonas axonopodis , Infecções , FabaceaeResumo
Common and fuscous blights of bean are diseases widely distributed in the world. The most commonly observed symptoms are spots on leaves, stems, pods and seeds. In December 2009, bean plants cv. Uirapuru showing symptoms of wilt similar to those induced by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens were observed in a commercial crop located in the county of Itarar;, State of S;o Paulo, Brazil. The plants were at the last cycle stage with mature pods and these symptoms were noted in the majority of the growing area. Optical microscopic observations of discolored vascular tissue from diseased stems revealed the presence of bacterial masses oozed from infected tissue, indicating that the disease was caused by bacterial pathogen. Isolations on nutrient agar showed circular, convex, yellow colonies with smooth edges. The causal bacterium was Gramnegative and produced a dark brown pigment in culture medium. Biochemical, cultural and physiological tests confirmed its identity as Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans (syn. Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli 0;var. fuscans"). The pathogenicity of the isolates was confirmed by artificial inoculations. Systemic infection has been reported in the literature but these kinds of symptoms are not currently observed in Brazilian fields. Bacterial strains were deposited on the Phytobacteria Culture Collection of Instituto Biológico (IBSBF - under accession numbers 2813 and 3028.
O crestamento bacteriano comum do feijoeiro é uma doença amplamente distribuída no mundo e os sintomas comumente observados sáo manchas nas folhas, hastes, vagens e sementes. Em dezembro de 2009, plantas de feijoeiro cv. Uirapuru com sintomas de murcha similares aos produzidos por Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv.flaccumfaciens foram observadas em campos comerciais localizados no município de Itararé, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As plantas encontravam-se no final do ciclo, com as vagens já formadas. Os sintomas foram notados em quase a totalidade da área cultivada. Observações ao microscópio óptico de fragmentos de tecido do sistema vascular das hastes de plantas doentes evidenciaram intenso fluxo bacteriano, confirmando tratar-se de doença bacteriana. Isolamentos realizados em meio nutriente ágar produziram colônias de coloração amarelada, brilhantes, convexas, lisas. A bactéria agente causal era Gram-negativa e produtora de pigmento marrom escuro em meio de cultura. Testes bioquímicos, culturais e fisiológicos confirmaram sua identidade como Xanthomonas fuscans subsp.fuscans (sin. Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans"). A patogenicidade dos isolados foi confirmada por inoculações artificiais em mudas de feijão cv. Carioca e os reisolamentos efetuados resultaram em colônias semelhantes às originais. Embora descrita na literatura, a infecção sistêmica não é usualmente observada nos plantios de feijoeiro em nosso país. Linhagens bacterianas encontram-se depositadas na Coleção de Culturas do Instituto Biológico (IBSBF) sob os números 2813 e 3028.
Crescimento Bacteriano , Fabaceae , Infecções , Xanthomonas axonopodisResumo
Common and fuscous blights of bean are diseases widely distributed in the world. The most commonly observed symptoms are spots on leaves, stems, pods and seeds. In December 2009, bean plants cv. Uirapuru showing symptoms of wilt similar to those induced by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens were observed in a commercial crop located in the county of Itarar;, State of S;o Paulo, Brazil. The plants were at the last cycle stage with mature pods and these symptoms were noted in the majority of the growing area. Optical microscopic observations of discolored vascular tissue from diseased stems revealed the presence of bacterial masses oozed from infected tissue, indicating that the disease was caused by bacterial pathogen. Isolations on nutrient agar showed circular, convex, yellow colonies with smooth edges. The causal bacterium was Gramnegative and produced a dark brown pigment in culture medium. Biochemical, cultural and physiological tests confirmed its identity as Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans (syn. Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli 0;var. fuscans"). The pathogenicity of the isolates was confirmed by artificial inoculations. Systemic infection has been reported in the literature but these kinds of symptoms are not currently observed in Brazilian fields. Bacterial strains were deposited on the Phytobacteria Culture Collection of Instituto Biológico (IBSBF - under accession numbers 2813 and 3028.(AU)
O crestamento bacteriano comum do feijoeiro é uma doença amplamente distribuída no mundo e os sintomas comumente observados sáo manchas nas folhas, hastes, vagens e sementes. Em dezembro de 2009, plantas de feijoeiro cv. Uirapuru com sintomas de murcha similares aos produzidos por Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv.flaccumfaciens foram observadas em campos comerciais localizados no município de Itararé, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As plantas encontravam-se no final do ciclo, com as vagens já formadas. Os sintomas foram notados em quase a totalidade da área cultivada. Observações ao microscópio óptico de fragmentos de tecido do sistema vascular das hastes de plantas doentes evidenciaram intenso fluxo bacteriano, confirmando tratar-se de doença bacteriana. Isolamentos realizados em meio nutriente ágar produziram colônias de coloração amarelada, brilhantes, convexas, lisas. A bactéria agente causal era Gram-negativa e produtora de pigmento marrom escuro em meio de cultura. Testes bioquímicos, culturais e fisiológicos confirmaram sua identidade como Xanthomonas fuscans subsp.fuscans (sin. Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans"). A patogenicidade dos isolados foi confirmada por inoculações artificiais em mudas de feijão cv. Carioca e os reisolamentos efetuados resultaram em colônias semelhantes às originais. Embora descrita na literatura, a infecção sistêmica não é usualmente observada nos plantios de feijoeiro em nosso país. Linhagens bacterianas encontram-se depositadas na Coleção de Culturas do Instituto Biológico (IBSBF) sob os números 2813 e 3028.(AU)
Fabaceae , Crescimento Bacteriano , Infecções , Xanthomonas axonopodisResumo
The objective of the present study was to assess the growth and the recovery of Salmonella (S.) Enteritidis SE86 in different diluents, culture media and using different plating methods after the exposure to 200 mg/kg sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC). Before and after NaDCC exposure, SE86 was cultured at 30 °C and 7 °C in the following diluents: Peptone water (P), Saline solution (SaS), Peptone water+Saline solution (P+SaS), Peptone water+Tween 80+Lecithin+Sodium thiosulfate (P+N) and Saline solution+Tween 80+Lecithin+Sodium thiosulfate (SaS+N). The SaS diluent was chosen because it was able to maintain cells viable without growth and was further used for plating SE86 on non selective medium (Tryptic Soy Agar-TSA) and on selective media (Mannitol Lysine Crystal Violet Brilliant Green Agar-MLCB, Brilliant Green Agar-BGA, Salmonella Shigella Agar-SS and Xylose Lysine Dextrose-XLD). The Thin Agar Layer method (TAL) i.e., selective media overlayed with non selective TSA was also evaluated. Results indicated that SE86 not exposed to NaDCC was able to grow in P, P+N, SaS+N and P+SaS, but not in SaS, that was able to maintain cells viable. SE86 exposed to NaDCC demonstrated similar counts after dilution in SaS and the plating on non selective TSA, selective media MLCB, BGA, SS and XLD and on TAL media. SE86, S. Typhimurium and S. Bredeney, exposed or not exposed to NaDCC, showed no significant differences in counts on TSA, XLD and XLD overlayed with TSA, suggesting that all those media may be used to quantify NaDCC-exposed Salmonella by plating method.(AU)
Salmonella , Crescimento Bacteriano , Estresse Fisiológico , Salmonella enteritidisResumo
Kefir é um produto fermentado, ácido, levemente alcoólico, produzido a partir de grãos que apresentam uma população microbiana simbiótica considerada estável, imersos em uma matriz constituída de polissacarídeos e proteínas. Está relacionado à reparação da mucosa intestinal, redução dos sintomas de intolerância à lactose, estimulação do sistema imunitário, redução do colesterol além de propriedades tumorais. O Kefir pode ser consumido com diferentes produtos, dentre eles a farinha de banana verde, que vem sendo amplamente pesquisada pelo seu potencial prebiótico. Diante do exposto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o efeito prebiótico de farinha de banana verde no crescimento de bactérias láticas contidas nos grãos de Kefir. Foram realizados dois tratamentos, sendo um apenas com leite fermentado por grãos de Kefir e outro onde após a preparação da bebida foram adicionados 2% de farinha de banana verde. Para avaliação da viabilidade foi realizado plaqueamento em ágar deMan Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) e M17 para a contagem de lactobacilos e cocos Gram positivos respectivamente. A contagem de bactéria lática variou de 8,31 a 9,45 log UFC/g, indicando que a adição de 2% de farinha de banana não interferiu na viabilidade de bactérias láticas presentes no kefir. Entretanto, apesar da farinha de banana verde não apresentar efeito prebiótico, a mesma pode ser considerada uma boa opção para ser adicionada à essa bebida fermentada, com intuito de agregar valor nutricional ao produto.(AU)
Kefir is fermented milk, acidic, lightly alcoholic, produced in a handmade way from grains that present a stable symbiotic microbial population, immersed in a matrix consisting of polysaccharides and proteins. It is related to repair of the intestinal mucosa, reduction of symptoms of lactose intolerance, stimulation of the immune system, reduction of cholesterol in addition to tumor properties. Kefir can be consumed with different products, among them green banana flour that has been widely researched for its prebiotic potential. In view of the above, the objective of the present study was to verify the prebiotic effect of green banana flour on the growth of lactic bacteria contained in Kefir grains. Two treatments were performed, one with only fermented milk by grains of Kefir and another where after preparation of the beverage was added 2% of green banana flour. To assess viability plating was performed on deMan Rogosa Sharpe agar (MRS) and M17 for the counts of lactobacilli and Gram positive cocci respectively. The lactic acid bacteria count ranged from 8.31 to 9.45 log CFU / g, indicating that the addition of 2% of banana flour did not interfere in the viability of lactic acid bacteria present in kefir. However, although green banana flour does not present a prebiotic effect, it can be considered as a good option to be added to this fermented beverage, in order to add nutritional value to the product.(AU)
Musa/efeitos adversos , Kefir/microbiologia , Prebióticos/análise , Carga Bacteriana/fisiologia , Crescimento Bacteriano/métodosResumo
O gênero Mycobacterium contempla espécies do complexo M. tuberculosis e as denominadas micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNT). As micobactérias, quando em contato com o homem e alguns animais, podem causar doenças por meio de quebra da barreira do hospedeiro. Em virtude de sua natureza ambiental e muitas vezes oportunista, as micobactérias de crescimento rápido podem causar infecções nosocomiais, e com maior frequência pela espécie Mycobacterium abscessus. O M. abscessus causa diversos tipos de infecções teciduais e é altamente resistente à maioria dos quimioterápicos. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre os surtos de ocorrência nacional e internacional, com o objetivo de averiguar as principais causas que facilitaram a sua proliferação. Em 28 publicações, foram descritas as características das MNTe 15 trabalhos foram referentes ao relato de surtos, dos quais três nacionais associados aos procedimentos clínicos invasivos e 12 internacionais, correlacionados aos procedimentos médicos não invasivos. Todos os artigos relataram a frequente ocorrência de práticas inadequadas de limpeza, de procedimentos ede desinfecção. Estes fatos mostram a necessidade de sistema de qualidade mais eficiente e de estudosadicionais sobre a natureza do agente patogênico para tomada de medidas profiláticas mais efetivas. (AU)