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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1885, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400898


Background: The species Dasyprocta prymnolopha is a wild rodent with a geographic distribution that extends from Mexico to South America, including Brazil. Agouti has been the subject of morphophysiological research, but data on the cardiovascular system remains limited. Therefore, the objective was to describe the macroscopic and microscopic morphology, including the study of the cardiac and coronary system syntopy of the species D. prymnolopha. Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve Dasyprocta primnolopha adults were used, 6 males and 6 females. Topographic analysis of the heart was evaluated in situ, with subsequent measurement, anatomovascular description and macroscopic study of cardiac and coronary vascularization. A microscopic investigation and identification of structural cardiac aspects were also carried out in adult agoutis, the biological samples of the heart were submitted to histological techniques and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin and Masson's Trichrome. The heart is located between the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 5th intercostal space, with the apex reaching the 6th space. It presents the presence of 2 ligaments: phrenopericardium and sternopericardium. The right atrioventricular valve is composed of 2 cusps, the parietal and the septal, with variations within the same species for 3 cusps. Projections that interconnect the papillary muscles with each other were observed. In the left ventricle there are variations in the number of papillary muscles (range 2 to 4). In the region of the aortic valve, 5 ostia were observed in the left aortic sinus in all animals. The coronary circulation has a predominantly left distribution. Histologically, the heart consists of 3 main layers: endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium. The cusp valves of the atrioventricular openings are composed of endocardial folds that contain a central plate of dense connective tissue, and inserted in this cardiac musculature was observed the cardiac skeleton, with its fibrous ring consisting of collagen and elastic fibers that surrounds the atrioventricular opening. Discussion: Cardiac assessment in wild animals is challenging, as in-depth knowledge of the morphology of the cardiovascular system is required for the use of diagnostic tools. In this first anatomical study of the heart, this organ presents syntopy with those of other rodents, but the topography may vary in individuals of the same species, which may be related to the accentuated vertebral curve. The phrenopericardial and sternopericardial ligaments were observed in this research, although there are no reports in other species of Dasyprocta sp. The arrangement of the arteries has, as a particularity, the larger left atrium in relation to the heart/atrium size ratio when compared to other domestic species, covering the left coronary sinus until it reaches the left atrial surface. In the agouti, it was observed that the vascularization is left, with the left coronary artery giving rise to both the paraconal and subsinuous interventricular branch, a fact found in animals such as ruminants, dogs. In the histological observations of the present study, the heart was similar to that of other mammals. Our data reveal morphological characteristics similar to those of other mammals, but with very expressive characteristics that differ even within the species. It is important to generate new information to elucidate cardiac and coronary diagnostic analyses, which can be extended to different species.

Animais , Sistema Cardiovascular/anatomia & histologia , Vasos Coronários/anatomia & histologia , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Amarelo de Eosina-(YS) , Técnicas de Imagem Cardíaca/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(3): 135-141, jul./set. 2022. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1411232


The aim of the study was to establish the pattern of the agouti pelvis by obtaining external and radiographic internal pelvimetric values. Forty-three agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), females and males bred in under human care were used. The parameters measured were the external biiliac diameter; the external biischiatic diameter; right and left external ilioischiatic diameters and radiographic internal measurements (true conjugated, the diagonal conjugated; the vertical, the sacral, sagittal, coxal tuberosity, upper biiliac, lower biiliac, and biischiatic diameter. The inlet pelvic area and the outlet pelvic area were calculated, as well the height/width ratios of the entrance area of the pelvis and the pelvic outlet area were calculated. The mean values for each body measurement of females and males were: weight 1.91kg and 2.04kg, external biiliac diameter 6.32cm and 6.30cm, external biischiatic diameter 4.34cm and 4.28cm, right external ilioischiatic diameter 9.01cm and 9.33cm, left external ilioischiatic diameter 9.13cm and 9.30cm, true conjugated 3.90cm and 3.68cm, diagonal conjugated 7.13cm and 6.91cm, vertical diameter 2.59cm and 2.45cm, sacral diameter 2.63cm and 2.44cm, sagittal diameter 3.30cm and 3.09cm, coxal tuberosity diameter 2.52cm and 2.43cm, upper biiliac diameter 6.28cm and 6.24cm, lower biiliac diameter 2.98cm and 2.58cm, biischiatic diameter 2.60cm and 2.70cm, height/width ratio - vertical/ lower biiliac diameter 0.88cm and 0.95cm, sagital/coxal tuberosity diameter 1.32cm and 1.28cm, inlet pelvic area 82.38cm and 77.83cm and outlet pelvic area 24.76cm and 20.07cm. Agouti are dolichopelvic animals, demonstrating the existence of a discrete sexual dimorphism in adults and low intensity correlations between the external and internal measures studied.

O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer o padrão da pelve de cutia, masculina e feminina, por meio da obtenção dos valores médios da pelvimetria externa e interna radiográfica. Foram utilizadas 43 cutias (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), fêmeas e machos criadas sob cuidados humanos. Os parâmetros medidos foram o diâmetro biilíaco externo; o diâmetro biisquiático externo; diâmetros ilioisquiáticos externos direito e esquerdo e medidas internas radiográficas (diâmetros conjugado verdadeiro, diagonal conjugado, vertical, sacral, sagital, tuberosidade coxal, biilíaco superior, biilíaco inferior e diâmetro biisquiático). A área pélvica de entrada e a área pélvica de saída foram calculadas , assim como foram calculadas as razões altura/largura da área de entrada da pelve e da área de saída da pelve. Os valores médios para as medidas das fêmeas e dos machos foram, respectivamente: peso 1,91kg e 2,04kg, diâmetro biilíaco externo 6,32cm e 6,30 cm, diâmetro ilioisquiático externo 4,34cm e 4,28cm, diâmetro ilioisquiático externo direito 9,01cm e 9,33cm, diâmetro ilioisquiático externo esquerdo 9,13cm e 9,30cm, diâmetro conjugado verdadeiro 3,90cm e 3,68cm, diâmetro conjugado diagonal 7,13cm e 6,91cm, diâmetro vertical 2,59cm e 2,45cm, diâmetro sacral 2,63cm e 2,44cm, diâmetro sagital 3,30cm e 3,09cm, tuberosidade coxal diâmetro 2,52cm e 2,43cm, diâmetro biilíaco superior 6,28cm e 6,24cm, diâmetro biilíaco inferior 2,98cm e 2,58cm, diâmetro biisquiático 2,60cm e 2,70cm, relação altura/largura - vertical/diâmetro biilíaco inferior 0,88cm e 0,95cm, diâmetro sagital/coxal tuberosidade 1,32cm e 1,28cm, área pélvica de entrada 82,38cm e 77,83 cm e área pélvica de saída 24,76cm e 20,07cm. As cutias são animais dolicopélvicos, demonstrando a existência de um discreto dimorfismo sexual em adultos e correlações de baixa intensidade entre as medidas externas e internas estudadas.

Animais , Pelvimetria/veterinária , Pelve/anatomia & histologia , Radiografia/veterinária , Caracteres Sexuais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Anatomia Veterinária/estatística & dados numéricos
Anim. Reprod. ; 18(3): e20210070, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765799


This study investigated the morphology and immunoexpression of aquaporins (AQPs) 1 and 9 in the rete testis, efferent ducts, epididymis, and vas deferens in the Azaras agouti (Dasyprocta azarae). For this purpose, ten adult sexually mature animals were used in histologic and immunohistochemical analyses. The Azaras agouti rete testis was labyrinthine and lined with simple cubic epithelium. Ciliated and non-ciliated cells were observed in the epithelium of the efferent ducts. The epididymal cellular population was composed of principal, basal, apical, clear, narrow, and halo cells. The epithelium lining of vas deferens was composed of the principal and basal cells. AQPs 1 and 9 were not expressed in the rete testis. Positive reaction to AQP1 was observed at the luminal border of non-ciliated cells of the efferent ducts, and in the peritubular stroma and blood vessels in the epididymis, and vas deferens. AQP9 was immunolocalized in the epithelial cells in the efferent ducts, epididymis and vas deferens. The morphology of Azaras agouti testis excurrent ducts is similar to that reported for other rodents such as Cuniculus paca. The immunolocalization results of the AQPs suggest that the expression of AQPs is species-specific due to differences in localization and expression when compared to studies in other mammals species. The knowledge about the expression of AQPs in Azaras agouti testis excurrent ducts is essential to support future reproductive studies on this animal, since previous studies show that AQPs may be biomarkers of male fertility and infertility.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Dasyproctidae/fisiologia , Epididimo/anatomia & histologia , Aquaporinas , Imuno-Histoquímica , Vias Eferentes/anatomia & histologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(5): 1737-1741, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131558


The cutia (Dasyprocta agouti) and capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris ) are hystricomorphic rodents of the Brazilian fauna. The wild animal anatomy is essential to the clinic and surgery practices and conservation programs. This work aimed to evaluate the heart quantitative morphology of the cutia and the capybara. For this, three hearts of cutia and three of capybaras were used from the collection of the Anatomy Sector of Domestic and Wild Animals of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the University of São Paulo. The hearts were weighted and measured with a pachymeter. The left ventricle volume was estimated through the Cavalieri method. The hearts' mean weight was 16.76g (cutias) and 104.2g (capybaras). The mean values for the axis, width and base dimensions were of the cutia 4.3cm, 3.3cm and 3.3cm and for the capybara were 7.6cm, 6.0cm and 6.1cm, respectively. The mean volume of the left ventricle of the cutia and the capybara was 5.03cm3 and 54.55cm3, respectively. The quantitative results of the hearts were compatible with the average body weight of the rodents. Thus, these numerical data can be applied to veterinary cardiology.(AU)

A cutia (Dasyprocta agouti) e a capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) são roedores histricomorfos da fauna brasileira. A anatomia de animais silvestres é essencial para a prática clínico-cirúrgica e programas conservacionistas. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a morfologia quantitativa do coração da cutia e da capivara. Para isso, foram utilizados três corações de cutias e três de capivaras, provenientes do acervo do Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo. Os corações foram pesados e as mensurações foram realizadas com paquímetro. O volume do ventrículo esquerdo foi calculado pelo método de Cavalieri. O peso médio dos corações foi de 16,76g (cutias) e de 104,2g (capivaras). Os valores médios para as dimensões eixo, largura e base foram, para a cutia, de 4,3cm, 3,3cm e 3,3cm e para a capivara, de 7,6cm, 6,0cm e 6,1cm, respectivamente. O volume médio do ventrículo esquerdo da cutia e da capivara foi respectivamente de 5,03cm3 e de 54,55cm3. Os resultados quantitativos dos corações foram compatíveis com o peso corporal médio dos roedores. Assim, esses dados numéricos podem ser aplicados à cardiologia veterinária.(AU)

Animais , Roedores/anatomia & histologia , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Coração/anatomia & histologia , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(1): 175-182, Jan. 2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895548


The aim of this study was to characterize the preantral ovarian follicular population in agoutis (D. leporina) by estimating the number of follicles at each developmental category, and also describe the morphometry and the specific features of the follicle and the oocyte by using light and transmission electron microscopy. The length of each ovary was measured using a caliper rule, longitudinally sectioned into two halves and both were immediately fixed to perform the estimation of follicular population and ultrastructural analysis. The mean (±S.E.M.) population of follicular per pair of ovary was estimated at 4419.8±532.26 and 5397.52±574.91 for right and left ovaries, respectively, but no differences were observed between them. The diameters for follicles, oocyte and nuclei were: 18.62±3.40µm, 12.28±2.37µm and 6.10±0.93µm for primordial, 23.75±5.70µm, 14.22±3.00µm and 6.70±1.24µm for primary and 88.55±17.61µm, 52.85±17.56µm and 22.33±17.61µm for secondary follicles, respectively. The most of the follicles found belonged to the primordial category (86.63%), followed by primary (13.01%) and secondary (0.35%) one. Additionally, polyovular follicles were observed in all the animals and they represented 7.51% of the total follicles counted. The ultrastructural analysis showed that the oocyte presented a central and regular nuclei, displaying a homogenous mass. Among the organelles, the mitochondria were the most abundant and the oocyte Golgi apparatus was rarely observed. In conclusion, this work shows for the first time the characterization of the population of preantral follicles in the ovary of Dasyprocta leporina. Those information will be useful for further development and adaptation of biotechniques such as germplasm cryopreservation and in vitro gametes manipulation.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a população folicular ovariana pré-antral em cutias (D. leporina) estimando o número de folículos em cada categoria de desenvolvimento, e também descrever a morfometria e as características específicas do folículo e oócito usando microscopia de luz e eletrônica de transmissão. O comprimento de cada ovário foi medido utilizando um paquímetro, seccionados longitudinalmente em duas metades e ambos foram imediatamente fixados para realizar a estimativa da população folicular e análise ultraestrutural. A média (±S.E.M.) da população folicular por par de ovário foi estimada em 4419,8±532,26 e 5397,52±574,91 nos ovários direito e esquerdo, respectivamente, mas não foram observadas diferenças entre eles. Os diâmetros dos folículos, oócito e núcleos, respectivamente, foram: 18,62±3,40µm, 12,28±2.37µm e 6,10±0,93µm para primordial, 23,75±5,70µm, 14,22±3,00µm e 6,70±1,24µm para primário e 88,55±17,61µm, 52,85±17,56µm e 22,33±17,61µm de folículos secundários. A maioria dos folículos encontrados pertencia à categoria primordial (86,63%), seguido pelo primário (13,01%) e um secundário (0,35%). Adicionalmente, os folículos poliovulares foram observados em todos os animais e representavam 7,51% do total de folículos contados. A análise ultra-estrutural mostrou que o oócito apresentou núcleos centrais e regulares, exibindo uma massa homogênea. Dentre as organelas, as mitocôndrias foram as mais abundantes e o aparelho de Golgi do oócito foi raramente observado. Em conclusão, este trabalho mostra pela primeira vez a caracterização da população de folículos pré-antrais do ovário da Dasyprocta leporina. Essas informações serão úteis para o desenvolvimento e adaptação de biotécnicas, como a criopreservação de germoplasma e manipulação de gametas in vitro.(AU)

Animais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Oócitos , Folículo Ovariano/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(1): 175-182, Jan. 2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-735191


The aim of this study was to characterize the preantral ovarian follicular population in agoutis (D. leporina) by estimating the number of follicles at each developmental category, and also describe the morphometry and the specific features of the follicle and the oocyte by using light and transmission electron microscopy. The length of each ovary was measured using a caliper rule, longitudinally sectioned into two halves and both were immediately fixed to perform the estimation of follicular population and ultrastructural analysis. The mean (±S.E.M.) population of follicular per pair of ovary was estimated at 4419.8±532.26 and 5397.52±574.91 for right and left ovaries, respectively, but no differences were observed between them. The diameters for follicles, oocyte and nuclei were: 18.62±3.40µm, 12.28±2.37µm and 6.10±0.93µm for primordial, 23.75±5.70µm, 14.22±3.00µm and 6.70±1.24µm for primary and 88.55±17.61µm, 52.85±17.56µm and 22.33±17.61µm for secondary follicles, respectively. The most of the follicles found belonged to the primordial category (86.63%), followed by primary (13.01%) and secondary (0.35%) one. Additionally, polyovular follicles were observed in all the animals and they represented 7.51% of the total follicles counted. The ultrastructural analysis showed that the oocyte presented a central and regular nuclei, displaying a homogenous mass. Among the organelles, the mitochondria were the most abundant and the oocyte Golgi apparatus was rarely observed. In conclusion, this work shows for the first time the characterization of the population of preantral follicles in the ovary of Dasyprocta leporina. Those information will be useful for further development and adaptation of biotechniques such as germplasm cryopreservation and in vitro gametes manipulation.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a população folicular ovariana pré-antral em cutias (D. leporina) estimando o número de folículos em cada categoria de desenvolvimento, e também descrever a morfometria e as características específicas do folículo e oócito usando microscopia de luz e eletrônica de transmissão. O comprimento de cada ovário foi medido utilizando um paquímetro, seccionados longitudinalmente em duas metades e ambos foram imediatamente fixados para realizar a estimativa da população folicular e análise ultraestrutural. A média (±S.E.M.) da população folicular por par de ovário foi estimada em 4419,8±532,26 e 5397,52±574,91 nos ovários direito e esquerdo, respectivamente, mas não foram observadas diferenças entre eles. Os diâmetros dos folículos, oócito e núcleos, respectivamente, foram: 18,62±3,40µm, 12,28±2.37µm e 6,10±0,93µm para primordial, 23,75±5,70µm, 14,22±3,00µm e 6,70±1,24µm para primário e 88,55±17,61µm, 52,85±17,56µm e 22,33±17,61µm de folículos secundários. A maioria dos folículos encontrados pertencia à categoria primordial (86,63%), seguido pelo primário (13,01%) e um secundário (0,35%). Adicionalmente, os folículos poliovulares foram observados em todos os animais e representavam 7,51% do total de folículos contados. A análise ultra-estrutural mostrou que o oócito apresentou núcleos centrais e regulares, exibindo uma massa homogênea. Dentre as organelas, as mitocôndrias foram as mais abundantes e o aparelho de Golgi do oócito foi raramente observado. Em conclusão, este trabalho mostra pela primeira vez a caracterização da população de folículos pré-antrais do ovário da Dasyprocta leporina. Essas informações serão úteis para o desenvolvimento e adaptação de biotécnicas, como a criopreservação de germoplasma e manipulação de gametas in vitro.(AU)

Animais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Oócitos , Folículo Ovariano/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(4): 785-793, abr. 2018. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19481


Agoutis are small-sized wild animals whose body weight can reach up to 4kg, and are found throughout Brazil. They are considered important seed dispersers, especially for big trees and there are species that rely almost exclusively on these animals for their territorial distribution. The objective of the present study was B scan and Doppler ultrasound characterization of the abdominal organs of healthy agoutis reared in captivity. Fifteen agoutis, chemically restrained, were used from the Nucleus for Wild Animal Studies and Conservation (Núcleo de Estudos e Preservação de Animais Silvestres - NEPAS), CCA-UFPI, submitted to B scan and Doppler ultrasound examination. The urinary bladder wall was hyperechogenic, thin, smooth and regular throughout its anatomic path, with 0.09±0.03cm mean thickness. The kidneys showed fine and homogeneous echotexture, preserved global echogenicity, hyperechogenic in relation to the spleen and isoechogenic or discreetly hyperechogenic in relation to the liver. The spectral Doppler trace showed systolic and diastolic peaks, wide and thread-like, with low flow resistance and a continuous and full diastolic portion that decreased gradually during the diastole (75.83±1.42cm/s, for the right kidney and 80.43±1.22cm/s, for the left kidney). The right adrenal gland was 0.61-1.18cm long and 0.17-0.32cm in diameter, while the left adrenal gland was 0.62-1.16 long with 0.14-0.25cm diameter. The agouti spleen was filiform in shape, with pointed poles and 1.02±0.18cm in diameter. The agouti liver occupied all the abdominal cavity cranial space in direct contact with the diaphragm. The intrahepatic vascular flow allowed individualization of the portal vein (PV) and hepatic vein (HV). The portal veins were distinguished from the hepatic veins mainly by their wall echogenic pattern. The pancreas was 0.51±0.1 cm thick and the pancreatic duct measured 0.12±0.02cm...(AU)

As cutias são animais silvestres de pequeno porte, cujo peso corpóreo pode chegar até 4kg, e existem em todo território brasileiro. São considerados importantes dispersores de sementes, especialmente para árvores de grande porte, existindo espécies que dependem quase que exclusivamente destas para sua distribuição territorial. Este trabalho teve por objetivo a caracterização ultrassonográfica modo B e Doppler dos órgãos abdominais de cutias hígidas criadas em cativeiro. Foram utilizadas 15 cutias, contidas quimicamente, oriundas do Núcleo de Estudos e Preservação de Animais Silvestres - NEPAS, CCA-UFPI, submetidas a exame ultrassonográfico em modo B e Doppler. A parede da vesícula urinária presentou-se hiperecogênica, fina, lisa e regular em todo seu trajeto anatômico, com espessura média de 0,09±0,03cm. Os rins demonstraram ecotextura fina e homogênea, ecogenicidade global preservada, hipoecogênico em relação ao baço e isoecogênico ou discretamente hipoecogênico em relação ao fígado. O traçado em Doppler espectral mostrou pico sistólico e diastólico, amplo e afilado, exibindo baixa resistência de fluxo, com uma porção diastólica contínua e cheia, que diminui gradativamente no decorrer da diástole (75,83±1,42cm/s para o rim direito e 80,43±1,22 cm/s para o esquerdo. A adrenal direita apresentou uma variação de comprimento entre 0,61 a 1,18cm e diâmetro variando entre 0,17 a 0,32cm, enquanto a adrenal esquerda evidenciou comprimento de 0,62 a 1,16 e diâmetro de 0,14 a 0,25cm. O baço das cutias mostrou formato filiforme, com polos pontiagudos e diâmetro de 1,02±0,18cm. O fígado da cutia ocupa todo o espaço cranial da cavidade abdominal, em contato direto com o diafragma. O fluxo vascular intrahepático permitiu individualizar as veias porta (VP) e veias hepáticas (VH). As veias porta foram distinguidas, particularmente pelo padrão ecogênico de suas paredes, quando comparadas com as veias hepáticas...(AU)

Animais , Ultrassonografia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 15(4): 1181-1192, out.-dez. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461373


Dasyprocta spp. (agouti) include wild rodents with highlighted ecological and economic importance, and are considered experimental models for endangered hystricognath rodents. Of late, development of techniques to conserve their genetic material as well as the formation of biobanks is increasing. In this context, this review describes the main advances in the knowledge of the reproductive morphophysiological specificities of agouti as well as the development and improvement of assisted reproductive techniques aimed at conservation, multiplication, and exploitation of their reproductive potential under captivity.

Animais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Dasyproctidae/fisiologia , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(4): 785-793, abr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-955376


Agoutis are small-sized wild animals whose body weight can reach up to 4kg, and are found throughout Brazil. They are considered important seed dispersers, especially for big trees and there are species that rely almost exclusively on these animals for their territorial distribution. The objective of the present study was B scan and Doppler ultrasound characterization of the abdominal organs of healthy agoutis reared in captivity. Fifteen agoutis, chemically restrained, were used from the Nucleus for Wild Animal Studies and Conservation (Núcleo de Estudos e Preservação de Animais Silvestres - NEPAS), CCA-UFPI, submitted to B scan and Doppler ultrasound examination. The urinary bladder wall was hyperechogenic, thin, smooth and regular throughout its anatomic path, with 0.09±0.03cm mean thickness. The kidneys showed fine and homogeneous echotexture, preserved global echogenicity, hyperechogenic in relation to the spleen and isoechogenic or discreetly hyperechogenic in relation to the liver. The spectral Doppler trace showed systolic and diastolic peaks, wide and thread-like, with low flow resistance and a continuous and full diastolic portion that decreased gradually during the diastole (75.83±1.42cm/s, for the right kidney and 80.43±1.22cm/s, for the left kidney). The right adrenal gland was 0.61-1.18cm long and 0.17-0.32cm in diameter, while the left adrenal gland was 0.62-1.16 long with 0.14-0.25cm diameter. The agouti spleen was filiform in shape, with pointed poles and 1.02±0.18cm in diameter. The agouti liver occupied all the abdominal cavity cranial space in direct contact with the diaphragm. The intrahepatic vascular flow allowed individualization of the portal vein (PV) and hepatic vein (HV). The portal veins were distinguished from the hepatic veins mainly by their wall echogenic pattern. The pancreas was 0.51±0.1 cm thick and the pancreatic duct measured 0.12±0.02cm. The stomach was placed to the left the spleen and to the right of the proximal intestine and the transversal colon and the walls were 0.16±0.05cm thick. The abdominal aorta was 0.43±0.04cm in diameter and showed 95.2±2.16cm/s vascular flow. This study characterized agouti organs and abdominal blood vessels by B scan and Doppler ultrasound, that permitted definition of the size, shape, position, echogenicity and echotexture of the anatomic constituents and established reference values for the vascular network and blood flow in the species.(AU)

As cutias são animais silvestres de pequeno porte, cujo peso corpóreo pode chegar até 4kg, e existem em todo território brasileiro. São considerados importantes dispersores de sementes, especialmente para árvores de grande porte, existindo espécies que dependem quase que exclusivamente destas para sua distribuição territorial. Este trabalho teve por objetivo a caracterização ultrassonográfica modo B e Doppler dos órgãos abdominais de cutias hígidas criadas em cativeiro. Foram utilizadas 15 cutias, contidas quimicamente, oriundas do Núcleo de Estudos e Preservação de Animais Silvestres - NEPAS, CCA-UFPI, submetidas a exame ultrassonográfico em modo B e Doppler. A parede da vesícula urinária presentou-se hiperecogênica, fina, lisa e regular em todo seu trajeto anatômico, com espessura média de 0,09±0,03cm. Os rins demonstraram ecotextura fina e homogênea, ecogenicidade global preservada, hipoecogênico em relação ao baço e isoecogênico ou discretamente hipoecogênico em relação ao fígado. O traçado em Doppler espectral mostrou pico sistólico e diastólico, amplo e afilado, exibindo baixa resistência de fluxo, com uma porção diastólica contínua e cheia, que diminui gradativamente no decorrer da diástole (75,83±1,42cm/s para o rim direito e 80,43±1,22 cm/s para o esquerdo. A adrenal direita apresentou uma variação de comprimento entre 0,61 a 1,18cm e diâmetro variando entre 0,17 a 0,32cm, enquanto a adrenal esquerda evidenciou comprimento de 0,62 a 1,16 e diâmetro de 0,14 a 0,25cm. O baço das cutias mostrou formato filiforme, com polos pontiagudos e diâmetro de 1,02±0,18cm. O fígado da cutia ocupa todo o espaço cranial da cavidade abdominal, em contato direto com o diafragma. O fluxo vascular intrahepático permitiu individualizar as veias porta (VP) e veias hepáticas (VH). As veias porta foram distinguidas, particularmente pelo padrão ecogênico de suas paredes, quando comparadas com as veias hepáticas. A espessura do pâncreas foi de 0,51±0,1cm e o ducto pancreático mediu 0,12±0,02cm. O estômago relaciona-se à esquerda com o baço e a direita com o duodeno proximal e colón transverso. Sua espessura de parede mensurada foi de 0,16±0,05cm. A aorta abdominal possui diâmetro de 0,43±0,04cm e fluxo vascular de 95,2±2,16cm/s. Este estudo caracterizou os órgãos e vasos sanguíneos abdominais de cutias, por meio de ultrassonografia modo B e Doppler, o que permitiu definir o tamanho, formato, posição, ecogenicidade, ecotextura dos constituintes anatômicos, além de estabelecer valores de referência para a rede vascular e fluxo sanguíneo na espécie.(AU)

Animais , Ultrassonografia/estatística & dados numéricos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia
Anim. Reprod. ; 15(4): 1181-1192, out.-dez. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20072


Dasyprocta spp. (agouti) include wild rodents with highlighted ecological and economic importance, and are considered experimental models for endangered hystricognath rodents. Of late, development of techniques to conserve their genetic material as well as the formation of biobanks is increasing. In this context, this review describes the main advances in the knowledge of the reproductive morphophysiological specificities of agouti as well as the development and improvement of assisted reproductive techniques aimed at conservation, multiplication, and exploitation of their reproductive potential under captivity.(AU)

Animais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Dasyproctidae/fisiologia , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 45: 1-12, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457609


Background: The agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, Wagler, 1831) is a wild rodent widely found throughout America which has stood out as a good animal model for scientific investigations. The aim of this study was to study the cardiovascular function of chemically contained agoutis, by performing echocardiographic examinations and measuring Strain and Strain Rate by Speckle Tracking to obtain reference values for the species and verify the applicability of these animals as models for the study of cardiovascular changes in humans.Materials, Methods & Results: It was selected 16 animals, sedated by the combination of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine and submitted to transthoracic echocardiography. To obtain the standard measurements, B, M and Doppler mode images were taken. The analysis of the radial and longitudinal myocardial deformation of the left ventricle was carried out. The right parasternal window was used for access to the short cardiac axis and the left for access to the long axis. Six radial profiles of strain (ST) and Strain rate (SR) values were obtained, corresponding to the mean of the values for each segment. A total of 18 myocardial segments were analyzed for each specimen and the mean values were used to compose the statistical analysis. The comparison of the means between the genders did not show statistical difference, being the other statistical treatments based on the total sample of 16 animals. The variables that showed statistically significant correlation coefficients in relation to weight were: LA, LA/AO, HR, AVmax, E’ wave, E/IVRT (P > 0.05). HR showed a positive correlation with IVSd (r = 0.51), EPSS (r = 0.55) and E’ wave (r = 0.68); negative with IVRT (r = - 0.41), A wave (r = - 0.54), AVmax (r = - 0.53) and Pmax (r = - 0.65).[...]

Animais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Cardiovascular/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sistema Cardiovascular/diagnóstico por imagem , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterinária , Ketamina , Xilazina
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 45: 1-12, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20232


Background: The agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, Wagler, 1831) is a wild rodent widely found throughout America which has stood out as a good animal model for scientific investigations. The aim of this study was to study the cardiovascular function of chemically contained agoutis, by performing echocardiographic examinations and measuring Strain and Strain Rate by Speckle Tracking to obtain reference values for the species and verify the applicability of these animals as models for the study of cardiovascular changes in humans.Materials, Methods & Results: It was selected 16 animals, sedated by the combination of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine and submitted to transthoracic echocardiography. To obtain the standard measurements, B, M and Doppler mode images were taken. The analysis of the radial and longitudinal myocardial deformation of the left ventricle was carried out. The right parasternal window was used for access to the short cardiac axis and the left for access to the long axis. Six radial profiles of strain (ST) and Strain rate (SR) values were obtained, corresponding to the mean of the values for each segment. A total of 18 myocardial segments were analyzed for each specimen and the mean values were used to compose the statistical analysis. The comparison of the means between the genders did not show statistical difference, being the other statistical treatments based on the total sample of 16 animals. The variables that showed statistically significant correlation coefficients in relation to weight were: LA, LA/AO, HR, AVmax, E wave, E/IVRT (P > 0.05). HR showed a positive correlation with IVSd (r = 0.51), EPSS (r = 0.55) and E wave (r = 0.68); negative with IVRT (r = - 0.41), A wave (r = - 0.54), AVmax (r = - 0.53) and Pmax (r = - 0.65).[...](AU)

Animais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Cardiovascular/diagnóstico por imagem , Sistema Cardiovascular/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Xilazina , Ketamina , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(4): 997-1005, jul.-ago. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-876727


Este trabalho objetivou apresentar a caracterização da morfologia do testículo de cutia (Dasyproctaprymnolopha) macho, com o intuito de colaborar com o conhecimento da morfofisiologia reprodutiva da espécie. Foram utilizados testículos de 47 animais, com idade entre um e dois anos, pesos homogêneos (2,08 ± 0,23kg), oriundos do Núcleo de Estudos e Preservação de Animais Silvestres do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Piauí. As estruturas foram dissecadas, descritas, e fragmentos foram processados para a microscopia de luz, sendo, posteriormente avaliada a atividade gonadal. Observou-se que os testículos são órgãos elipsoides alongados, podendo ser encontrados na região inguinal ou na cavidade abdominal, não apresentando um escroto bem delimitado. Verificou-se também parênquima com característica histológica padrão para o órgão em mamíferos, com a identificação de oito tipos de associações celulares, caracterizando os estádios do ciclo do epitélio seminífero, com menor e maior frequência dos estádios 3 e 5, respectivamente.(AU)

This study meant to characterize the morphology of the testicle from (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) agouti males, in order to collaborate with the knowledge of reproductive morphophysiology of the specie. Testicles were used from 47 animals aged between 1 and 2 years, homogeneous weight (2.08±0.23kg), coming from the Centre for the Study and Conservation of Wild Animals of Agricultural Sciences Center of the Federal University of Piauí. The structures were dissected, described and fragments were processed for light microscopy, and, subsequently, gonadal activity was evaluated. Testes were observed to be elongated ellipsoidal bodies that can be found in the groin or in the abdominal cavity, not having a clearly defined scrotum. We also could see parenchymal with standard histological characteristic for the mammalian body, with the identification of eight types of cell associations, characterized epithelium Seminiferous stages of the cycle, with lower and higher frequency of stages 3 and 5, respectively.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Espermatogênese , Testículo/anatomia & histologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(4): 997-1005, jul.-ago. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18021


Este trabalho objetivou apresentar a caracterização da morfologia do testículo de cutia (Dasyproctaprymnolopha) macho, com o intuito de colaborar com o conhecimento da morfofisiologia reprodutiva da espécie. Foram utilizados testículos de 47 animais, com idade entre um e dois anos, pesos homogêneos (2,08 ± 0,23kg), oriundos do Núcleo de Estudos e Preservação de Animais Silvestres do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Piauí. As estruturas foram dissecadas, descritas, e fragmentos foram processados para a microscopia de luz, sendo, posteriormente avaliada a atividade gonadal. Observou-se que os testículos são órgãos elipsoides alongados, podendo ser encontrados na região inguinal ou na cavidade abdominal, não apresentando um escroto bem delimitado. Verificou-se também parênquima com característica histológica padrão para o órgão em mamíferos, com a identificação de oito tipos de associações celulares, caracterizando os estádios do ciclo do epitélio seminífero, com menor e maior frequência dos estádios 3 e 5, respectivamente.(AU)

This study meant to characterize the morphology of the testicle from (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) agouti males, in order to collaborate with the knowledge of reproductive morphophysiology of the specie. Testicles were used from 47 animals aged between 1 and 2 years, homogeneous weight (2.08±0.23kg), coming from the Centre for the Study and Conservation of Wild Animals of Agricultural Sciences Center of the Federal University of Piauí. The structures were dissected, described and fragments were processed for light microscopy, and, subsequently, gonadal activity was evaluated. Testes were observed to be elongated ellipsoidal bodies that can be found in the groin or in the abdominal cavity, not having a clearly defined scrotum. We also could see parenchymal with standard histological characteristic for the mammalian body, with the identification of eight types of cell associations, characterized epithelium Seminiferous stages of the cycle, with lower and higher frequency of stages 3 and 5, respectively.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Espermatogênese , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária
R. bras. Reprod. Anim. ; 40(4): 591-592, Out-Dez. 2016.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24230


The arterial vascularization of the male genital system of agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) wasanalysed using one male adults from 'Núcleo de Estudos e Preservação de Animais Silvestres from UniversidadeFederal do Piauí. Red Neoprene latex was injected through the hearts left ventricle, the sample was fixed in10% formaldehyde solution and arteries were dissected. The blood vessels were photographed using digitalcamera, Sony DSC-H10. The testicular artery, originated from the ventral portion of the abdominal aorta,between the renal arteries and caudal mesenteric arteries, is responsible for the vascularization of the testes, vasdeferens and epididymis. The penile artery, originated from the internal pudendal artery, performs the arterialsupply for penis. The arterial vascularization of the reproductive organs of agouti is similar to those ofcarnivores (dogs), rodent nutria and domestic rabbits.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Dasyproctidae/fisiologia , Genitália Masculina , Artérias
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 40(4): 591-592, Out-Dez. 2016.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492400


The arterial vascularization of the male genital system of agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) wasanalysed using one male adults from 'Núcleo de Estudos e Preservação de Animais Silvestres from UniversidadeFederal do Piauí. Red Neoprene latex was injected through the heart’s left ventricle, the sample was fixed in10% formaldehyde solution and arteries were dissected. The blood vessels were photographed using digitalcamera, Sony DSC-H10. The testicular artery, originated from the ventral portion of the abdominal aorta,between the renal arteries and caudal mesenteric arteries, is responsible for the vascularization of the testes, vasdeferens and epididymis. The penile artery, originated from the internal pudendal artery, performs the arterialsupply for penis. The arterial vascularization of the reproductive organs of agouti is similar to those ofcarnivores (dogs), rodent nutria and domestic rabbits.

Masculino , Animais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Dasyproctidae/fisiologia , Genitália Masculina , Artérias
Semina Ci. agr. ; 37(2): 773-784, mar.-abr. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23483


The agouti, a rodent that is geographically distributed throughout South America, is greatly valued for its meat. This paper describes the arterial vascularization of the base of the agoutis brain, characterizing behavior, and arterial origin and distribution. Ten animals from the Center for the Multiplication of Wild Animals (CEMAS/UFERSA) were used and the study was approved by SISBIO (report number 32413-1) and the Ethics Committee on Animal Use (CEUA/UFERSA) (protocol 02/2010). After euthanasia, the animals were incised in the thoracic cavity by an injection of red-stained Neoprene latex 650 and the skulls were subsequently opened. The brains were extracted from the skulls for ventral surface analysis and then fixed in an aqueous 10% formaldehyde solution. The agoutis arterial vascularization of the brain has two main components, namely the carotid and vertebrobasilar systems. The agoutis carotid system accounts for vascularization of almost the entire forebrain, while the vertebrobasilar system accounts for vascularization of almost the entire posterior brain (medulla oblongata, pyramid, trapezoid body, cerebellum, bridge, and part of the third caudal section of the forebrain) through the caudal cerebral arteries originating from the terminal branches of the basilar artery. The main arteries on the brain surface include the basilar artery, which is unique, and the arterial pairs, specifically the vertebral arteries, cerebellar caudal arteries, trigeminal artery, rostral cerebellar artery, basilar terminal branch artery, cerebral caudal artery, communicating caudal branch of the cerebral carotid artery, cerebral carotid artery, communicating branch rostral cerebral carotid artery, choroidal rostral artery, medial branch of the communicating branch rostral artery, internal ophthalmic artery, middle cerebral artery, and rostral cerebral artery.(AU)

A cutia é um roedor, que se distribui geograficamente por quase toda América Latina, sendo apreciada pelo sabor da sua carne. Neste trabalho objetivou-se descrever a vascularização arterial da base do encéfalo de cutias, caracterizando o comportamento, origem e distribuição das artérias componentes. Foram utilizados 10 animais do Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres (CEMAS/UFERSA), pesquisa aprovada pela Comissão de Ética no Uso de Animais (CEUA/ UFERSA- n° 02/2010) e pelo SISBIO (N°32413-1). Após eutanásia, os animais foram incisados na cavidade torácica para injeção de Neoprene látex 650 corado na cor vermelha e posterior abertura da calota craniana. Os encéfalos foram extraídos do crânio para análise da sua face ventral e logo fixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. A vascularização arterial do encéfalo da cutia apresenta dois componentes principais, o sistema carótico e o vértebro-basilar. O sistema carótico na cutia é responsável pela vascularização do cérebro anterior em quase sua totalidade. O sistema vértebro-basilar é responsável pela vascularização do cérebro posterior (medula oblonga, pirâmide, corpo trapezóide, o cerebelo e ponte e parte do terço caudal do cérebro anterior), através das artérias cerebrais caudais, originárias dos ramos terminais da artéria basilar. As principais artérias presentes na superfície do encéfalo incluem a basilar que é ímpar, e as pares: artérias vertebrais, cerebelar caudal, trigemial, cerebelar rostral, ramo terminal da basilar, cerebral caudal, ramo comunicante caudal da carótida cerebral, carótida cerebral, ramo comunicante rostral da carótida cerebral, corióidearostral, ramo medial do ramo comunicante rostral, oftálmica interna, cerebral média e artéria cerebral rostral.(AU)

Animais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Cérebro/anatomia & histologia , Vasos Sanguíneos
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 37(6): 4085-4096, nov.-dez. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1500621


The red-rumped agouti, a small, wild rodent belonging to the Dasyproctidae family, has greatzootechnical potential and adapts well to captivity. In order to contribute to the knowledge regarding the neuroanatomy of the species, the aim of this study was to describe the origin of the nerves forming the lumbosacral plexus by evaluating 12 animals (six males and six females) that had been used in previous experiments. Animals were fixed in a 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution and eviscerated after 72 hours. Major and minor psoas muscles were then retracted to expose the nerves forming the plexus, and the plexus was bleached via cotton soaked in 20-volume hydrogen peroxide for 12 hours for subsequent dissection. Topographical relations of the lumbosacral plexus were grouped into tables and arranged in terms of simple percentages. In seven cases (58.34%), the lumbosacral plexus in the red-rumped agouti stemmed from the ventral roots of the last four lumbar nerves and the first three sacral nerves (Type I: L4-S3). In four animals (33.33%), the lumbosacral plexus stemmed from L5-S3 (Type II), and in one case (8.33%) it stemmed from L5-S4 (Type III). Together, our observations demonstrated that thelumbosacral plexus of the red-rumped agouti comprised the lateral femoral cutaneous, genitofemoral, femoral, obturator, sciatic, cranial gluteal, caudal gluteal, and pudendal nerves. Finally, the origin of the lumbosacral plexus and its constituent spinal nerves was similar to what has been described in other rodents, including the rock cavy, lowland paca, and Spix’s yellow-toothed cavy.

A cutia é um roedor silvestre, de pequeno porte pertencente à família Dasyproctidae, com grandepotencial zootécnico e que se adapta bem ao cativeiro. De forma a contribuir acerca da biologia daespécie, objetivou-se descrever a origem dos nervos que formam o plexo lombossacral. Foram utilizados 12 animais (6 machos e 6 fêmeas), provenientes de experimentos anteriores. Os animais foram fixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10% e após 72 horas, eviscerados. Em seguida os músculos psoas maior e menor foram rebatidos, expondo-se os nervos que formavam o plexo. Sobre estes nervos foi colocado algodão embebido com peróxido de hidrogênio a 20 volumes, permanecendo por 12 horas seguidas para clareamento e consequente dissecação. As relações topográficas do plexo lombossacral agrupadas em tabelas em forma de porcentagem simples. O plexo lombossacral da cutia originou-se em sete casos (58,34%) a partir das raízes ventrais dos quatro últimos nervos lombares e três primeiros nervos sacrais (Tipo I - L4-S3), em quatro animais (33,33%) a partir de L5-S3 (Tipo II) e um caso (8,33%) a partir de L5-S4 (Tipo III). Os nervos que participaram do plexo lombossacral da cutia foram: cutâneo femoral lateral, genitofemoral, femoral, obturatório, isquiático, glúteo cranial, glúteo caudal e nervo pudendo. A origem do plexo lombossacral e os nervos espinhais constituintes deste plexo em cutias foram semelhantes ao descrito em alguns roedores como mocó, paca e preá.

Animais , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Plexo Lombossacral , Roedores/anatomia & histologia , Tecido Nervoso
Semina Ci. agr. ; 37(6): 4085-4096, nov.-dez. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23280


The red-rumped agouti, a small, wild rodent belonging to the Dasyproctidae family, has greatzootechnical potential and adapts well to captivity. In order to contribute to the knowledge regarding the neuroanatomy of the species, the aim of this study was to describe the origin of the nerves forming the lumbosacral plexus by evaluating 12 animals (six males and six females) that had been used in previous experiments. Animals were fixed in a 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution and eviscerated after 72 hours. Major and minor psoas muscles were then retracted to expose the nerves forming the plexus, and the plexus was bleached via cotton soaked in 20-volume hydrogen peroxide for 12 hours for subsequent dissection. Topographical relations of the lumbosacral plexus were grouped into tables and arranged in terms of simple percentages. In seven cases (58.34%), the lumbosacral plexus in the red-rumped agouti stemmed from the ventral roots of the last four lumbar nerves and the first three sacral nerves (Type I: L4-S3). In four animals (33.33%), the lumbosacral plexus stemmed from L5-S3 (Type II), and in one case (8.33%) it stemmed from L5-S4 (Type III). Together, our observations demonstrated that thelumbosacral plexus of the red-rumped agouti comprised the lateral femoral cutaneous, genitofemoral, femoral, obturator, sciatic, cranial gluteal, caudal gluteal, and pudendal nerves. Finally, the origin of the lumbosacral plexus and its constituent spinal nerves was similar to what has been described in other rodents, including the rock cavy, lowland paca, and Spixs yellow-toothed cavy.(AU)

A cutia é um roedor silvestre, de pequeno porte pertencente à família Dasyproctidae, com grandepotencial zootécnico e que se adapta bem ao cativeiro. De forma a contribuir acerca da biologia daespécie, objetivou-se descrever a origem dos nervos que formam o plexo lombossacral. Foram utilizados 12 animais (6 machos e 6 fêmeas), provenientes de experimentos anteriores. Os animais foram fixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10% e após 72 horas, eviscerados. Em seguida os músculos psoas maior e menor foram rebatidos, expondo-se os nervos que formavam o plexo. Sobre estes nervos foi colocado algodão embebido com peróxido de hidrogênio a 20 volumes, permanecendo por 12 horas seguidas para clareamento e consequente dissecação. As relações topográficas do plexo lombossacral agrupadas em tabelas em forma de porcentagem simples. O plexo lombossacral da cutia originou-se em sete casos (58,34%) a partir das raízes ventrais dos quatro últimos nervos lombares e três primeiros nervos sacrais (Tipo I - L4-S3), em quatro animais (33,33%) a partir de L5-S3 (Tipo II) e um caso (8,33%) a partir de L5-S4 (Tipo III). Os nervos que participaram do plexo lombossacral da cutia foram: cutâneo femoral lateral, genitofemoral, femoral, obturatório, isquiático, glúteo cranial, glúteo caudal e nervo pudendo. A origem do plexo lombossacral e os nervos espinhais constituintes deste plexo em cutias foram semelhantes ao descrito em alguns roedores como mocó, paca e preá.(AU)

Animais , Roedores/anatomia & histologia , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Plexo Lombossacral , Tecido Nervoso
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(6): 590-598, June 2015. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-663


The study aimed to isolate, expand, differentiate and characterize progenitor cells existent in the dental pulp of agouti. The material was washed with PBS solution and dissociated mechanically with the aid of a scalpel blade on plates containing culture medium D-MEM/F-12, and incubated at 5% CO2-37⁰C. The growth curve, CFU assay, osteogenic/adipogenic differentiation and characterization were obtained from the isolation. The cells began to be released from the explant tissue around the 7th day of culture. By day 22 of culture, cells reached 80% confluence. At the UFC test, 81 colonies were counted with 12 days of cultivation. The growth curves before and after freezing showed a regular growth with intense proliferation and clonogenic potential. The cell differentiation showed formation of osteoblasts and fat in culture, starting at 15 days of culture in a specific medium. Flow cytometry (FACs) was as follows: CD34 (positive), CD14 (negative), CD45 (negative), CD73 (positive), CD79 (negative), CD90 (positive), CD105 (positive), demonstrating high specificity and commitment of isolated cells with mesenchymal stem cells strains. These results suggest the existence of a cell population of stem cells with mesenchymal features from the isolated tissue in the explants of agouti dental pulp, a potential model for study of stem cell strains obtained from the pulp tissue.(AU)

Isolation, expansion and differentiation of cellular progenitors obtained from dental pulp of agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha Wagler, 1831). Este estudo teve como objetivo isolar, expandir, diferenciar e caracterizar células progenitoras existentes na polpa dentária de cutia. O material foi lavado em solução de PBS e dissociado mecanicamente, com o auxílio de uma lâmina de bisturi, em placas contendo meio de cultura D-MEM/F-12, e incubadas em 5% de CO2-37⁰C. A curva de crescimento, o ensaio de CFU, a diferenciação osteogênica/adipogênica e a caracterização foram obtidas a partir do isolamento. As células começaram a ser liberadas, a partir do explante, em torno do sétimo dia de cultura. A partir do 22o dia, as células atingiram 80% de confluência. No teste para UFC, 81 colônias foram contadas aos 12 dias de cultivo. As curvas de crescimento pré- e pós-congelamento apresentaram crescimento regular, com intensa proliferação e potencial clonogênico. A diferenciação das células mostrou a formação de osteoblastos e de células de gordura, a partir de 15 dias de cultura em meio específico. A citometria de fluxo (FACS) apresentou-se como segue: CD34 (positivo), CD14 (negativo), CD45 (negativo), CD73 (positivo), CD79 (negativo), CD90 (positivo), CD105 (positivo), demonstrando a grande especificidade e comprometimento das células isoladas com linhagens de células-tronco mesenquimais. Estes resultados sugerem a existência de uma população de células-tronco mesenquimais isolada a partir de explantes da polpa dentária cutia, um modelo potencial para o estudo de linhagens de células-tronco obtidas a partir do tecido pulpar.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Células-Tronco , Polpa Dentária , Técnicas de Cultura de Células/veterinária , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Radiografia Dentária/veterinária , Crescimento Celular , Citometria de Fluxo/veterinária , Adipogenia