A 2-month-old male domestic shorthair cat was referred to a private veterinary clinic with a history of dyspnea and inappetence. At the clinical examination, the cat was in poor body condition, with hyperthermia and abdominal distension. No major abnormalities were observed in the thoracic radiographs or abdominal ultrasound. A complete blood count revealed leukocytosis with neutrophilia. Although no clinical diagnosis was made, the cat received support therapy, but went into cardiac arrest and died. The cat was submitted for necropsy and the main gross finding was two white nodules on the ventral surface of the thoracic vertebrae (from T1 to T4). At the cut surface, the nodules were friable and filled with yellow exudate. The epidural space of the thoracic region was filled with yellowish viscous material. Histologically, the vertebrae were partially replaced by abscess formation characterized by a necrotic center with degenerate neutrophils, surrounded by fibrous connective tissue. The epidural space was filled with degenerate neutrophils, necrotic debris, fibrin, and intralesional colonies of gram-negative short rod-shaped to coccobacillary bacteria. Bacteriologic culture yielded Pasteurella multocida. This paper describes the gross, histological, and bacteriological features of a rare case of spinal epidural empyema caused by Pasteurella multocida in a cat.(AU)
Animais , Infecções por Pasteurella/diagnóstico , Gatos , Empiema Pleural/diagnóstico , Abscesso Epidural/patologia , Autopsia/veterinária , Técnicas Bacteriológicas/veterinária , Técnicas Histológicas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Manatees are the most endangered aquatic mammals in Brazil. The current conservation scenario, together with their biological characteristics, raises concern with the future of this species. Pyothorax, also known as septic pleural effusion or pleural empyema, is characterized by the accumulation of a septic purulent exudate within the pleural space. Although this infection often has a multifactorial etiology, it is most commonly associated with respiratory tract disorders and trauma. Here, we report a case of pyothorax in a Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus) held in captivity for acclimatization in Brazil. Case: A young, male Antillean manatee, aged 4 years and 11 months, measuring 227 cm in total length, and weighing 258 kg was held in captivity for acclimatization (natural environment) in Porto de Pedras in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. The animal died in February 2013 and was sent for necropsy at the CMA/ICMBio laboratory. The study was developed with authorisation from the Ethics Committee on Animal Use (License number 020/2009) and under the license SISBIO/ ICMBio number 20685-1. Externally, the carcass of the animal showed swelling and bulging of the right antimere and purulent secretion from the right nostril. After external examination, a window was opened in the layers of skin, fat, and muscles from the level of the anus to the navel. Subsequently, the abdominal cavity was opened for inspecting the internal organs. The subcutaneous muscles had a slightly friable, swollen, and pale texture, in addition to petechial hemorrhage, suffusions, and marked edema of the subcutaneous tissue. The right hemidiaphragm was elevated, filling the abdominal and thoracic spaces. Depending on the elevation, all organs were moved to...
Masculino , Animais , Empiema Pleural/diagnóstico , Empiema Pleural/patologia , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Trichechus , Exsudatos e Transudatos , SirêniosResumo
Background: Manatees are the most endangered aquatic mammals in Brazil. The current conservation scenario, together with their biological characteristics, raises concern with the future of this species. Pyothorax, also known as septic pleural effusion or pleural empyema, is characterized by the accumulation of a septic purulent exudate within the pleural space. Although this infection often has a multifactorial etiology, it is most commonly associated with respiratory tract disorders and trauma. Here, we report a case of pyothorax in a Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus) held in captivity for acclimatization in Brazil. Case: A young, male Antillean manatee, aged 4 years and 11 months, measuring 227 cm in total length, and weighing 258 kg was held in captivity for acclimatization (natural environment) in Porto de Pedras in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. The animal died in February 2013 and was sent for necropsy at the CMA/ICMBio laboratory. The study was developed with authorisation from the Ethics Committee on Animal Use (License number 020/2009) and under the license SISBIO/ ICMBio number 20685-1. Externally, the carcass of the animal showed swelling and bulging of the right antimere and purulent secretion from the right nostril. After external examination, a window was opened in the layers of skin, fat, and muscles from the level of the anus to the navel. Subsequently, the abdominal cavity was opened for inspecting the internal organs. The subcutaneous muscles had a slightly friable, swollen, and pale texture, in addition to petechial hemorrhage, suffusions, and marked edema of the subcutaneous tissue. The right hemidiaphragm was elevated, filling the abdominal and thoracic spaces. Depending on the elevation, all organs were moved to...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Empiema Pleural/diagnóstico , Empiema Pleural/patologia , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Trichechus , Exsudatos e Transudatos , SirêniosResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the concentration of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1) levels in a rat pleural effusion obtained by inoculation of intrapleural bacteria or turpentine through thoracentesis.Methods: Thirty-Nine Wistar rats were divided into three groups: Staphylococcus aureus (SA, n = 17); Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP, n = 12); and turpentine (control, n = 10). Pleural fluid was collected through ultrasound-guided thoracentesis 12 h, 24 h, and 36 h after instillation of bacteria or turpentine. Levels of TGFB1 were measured in pleural fluid.Results: At 12 h, mean TGFB1concentrations were 5.3450 pg/mL in the SA group, 5.3449 pg/mL in the SP group, and 5.3450 pg/mL in controls. At 24 h, they were 4.6700 pg/mL in the SA group, 4.6700 pg/mL in the SP group, and 4.6700 pg/mL in controls. At 36 h, they were 4.6699 pg/mL in the SA group and in control. No difference was observed among the groups in mean TGFB1concentration (p = 0.12); however, a significant intragroup reduction in mean TGFB1 was observed between 12 and 24 h (p < 0.01).Conclusion: The transforming growth factor beta 1 concentrations were not useful as a diagnostic tool or an early marker of infected pleural effusion.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Empiema Pleural/induzido quimicamente , Derrame Pleural/induzido quimicamente , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta1/biossíntese , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta1 , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Ratos WistarResumo
Background: Pyothorax is characterized by the accumulation of septic purulent fluid within the pleural space. Most of the times, it is the true identified infection way in only 2 to 22% of dog cases. Reports show that the most common cause is the migration of grass edges and plant materials, mainly in regions of California, USA. The current study reports an unusual case of a Cassia fistula pod (Brazilian Acácia Imperial), of around 10x3 cm long, causing chronic Pyothorax in a Border Collie female dog. Case: It was admitted in a Teaching Veterinary Hospital a 2-year-old female Border Collie, weighing 16.5 kg. The complaint was producing of severe cough, dyspnoea, hyporexia and loss of weight in the past three months. The animal could have been horse-kicked, as it is used to herding. In the physical examination, it was detected bilateral thick lung crepitations, more evident in the ventral skull area, dyspnoea, tachypnea, fever, splenomegaly and low body condition score (3/9). The laboratory tests revealed nonregenerative anemia and leukemoid reaction. The chest x-ray showed intense pulmonary opacification and free fluids in the pleural space along with a heterogenic cylindrical image of the mixed radiopacity. This image was then confirmed as the intrathoracic foreing body by the use of a computerized tomography. In this exam it was also possible to observe the damage of part of the middle and inferior right lung lobe. The cytology of the pleural effusion found mixed inflammation and coccoid bacteria, and the microbiological culture Streptococcus sp., and Escherichia coli. The dog underwent thoracotomy in order to remove the foreign body, which was later identified as being a Cassia fistula pod (Brazilian Acácia Imperial), of around 10x3 cm long. Due to the intense lung damage, a right pneumonectomy was required. After 30 days the animal was fully recovered.[...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Cassia , Cavidade Torácica , /veterináriaResumo
Background: Pyothorax is characterized by the accumulation of septic purulent fluid within the pleural space. Most of the times, it is the true identified infection way in only 2 to 22% of dog cases. Reports show that the most common cause is the migration of grass edges and plant materials, mainly in regions of California, USA. The current study reports an unusual case of a Cassia fistula pod (Brazilian Acácia Imperial), of around 10x3 cm long, causing chronic Pyothorax in a Border Collie female dog. Case: It was admitted in a Teaching Veterinary Hospital a 2-year-old female Border Collie, weighing 16.5 kg. The complaint was producing of severe cough, dyspnoea, hyporexia and loss of weight in the past three months. The animal could have been horse-kicked, as it is used to herding. In the physical examination, it was detected bilateral thick lung crepitations, more evident in the ventral skull area, dyspnoea, tachypnea, fever, splenomegaly and low body condition score (3/9). The laboratory tests revealed nonregenerative anemia and leukemoid reaction. The chest x-ray showed intense pulmonary opacification and free fluids in the pleural space along with a heterogenic cylindrical image of the mixed radiopacity. This image was then confirmed as the intrathoracic foreing body by the use of a computerized tomography. In this exam it was also possible to observe the damage of part of the middle and inferior right lung lobe. The cytology of the pleural effusion found mixed inflammation and coccoid bacteria, and the microbiological culture Streptococcus sp., and Escherichia coli. The dog underwent thoracotomy in order to remove the foreign body, which was later identified as being a Cassia fistula pod (Brazilian Acácia Imperial), of around 10x3 cm long. Due to the intense lung damage, a right pneumonectomy was required. After 30 days the animal was fully recovered.[...]
Animais , Cães , Cassia , Cavidade Torácica , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Empiema Pleural/veterináriaResumo
Piotórax é o termo que denomina o acúmulo de pus na cavidade pleural, muitas vezes associado a dispneia. O presente trabalho relata um caso de piotórax em uma gata, aparentemente provocado pela aspiração de fragmento ósseo ou pela sua migração desde a cavidade abdominal. A paciente apresentava distensão abdominal e dispneia de evolução progressiva. Nos exames complementares observaram-se leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio à esquerda e linfocitose e exsudato séptico em tórax. Devido ao estado crítico, a paciente veio a óbito cerca de 24 horas após a internação. A necrópsia evidenciou a presença de um pequeno fragmento ósseo nas vias aéreas inferiores, uma causa bastante rara de piotórax, particularmente nessa espécie. Mesmo sendo raro, devemos considerar o corpo estranho como causa de piotórax e sepse na espécie felina.
Pyothorax is the accumulation of exudate in the pleural cavity. Affected patients are often presented with acute dyspnea. We report a case of pyothorax associated with the presence of abone fragment in the lower respiratory tract of an adult domestic cat. We presume that the bone fragment reached the respiratory tract by either aspiration or migration from the abdominal cavity. The patient presented with abdominal distension and acute dyspnea. Bloodwork revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis with left shift and lymphocytosis. Thoracic fluid analysis confirmed septic exudate. The patient was unresponsive to the treatment and died within 24 hours of admission. Necropsy revealed the presence of a bone fragment in the lower respiratory tract. We suggest that foregin bodies should be considered as a rule-out cause of pyothorax and sepsis in domestic cats.
El término piotórax define el acúmulo de pus en la cavidad pleural, en muchos casos relacionado con la presencia de cuadros disneicos. El presente trabajo relata un caso de piotórax en una gata que puede haber sido provocado por la aspiración de un fragmento óseo o por su migración desde la cavidad abdominal. La paciente presentaba distensión abdominal y disnea de evolución progresiva. En los exámenes de laboratorio se observó la presencia de leucocitosis, neutrofilia con desvio a la izquierda y linfocitosis, así como también un exudado séptico en tórax. Debido al estado crítico en que se encontraba, la paciente murió 24 horas después de ser internada. Durante la necropsia se observó un pequeno fragmento de hueso en las vías aéreas posteriores, una causa bastante rara de piotórax, particularmente en esta especie. Aún siendo raro, se debe considerar a las cuerpos extrarios como posibles causas de piotórax y sepsis en felinos.
Animais , Gatos , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Empiema Pleural/etiologia , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Osso e Ossos , Evolução Fatal , Supuração/veterináriaResumo
Piotórax é o termo que denomina o acúmulo de pus na cavidade pleural, muitas vezes associado a dispneia. O presente trabalho relata um caso de piotórax em uma gata, aparentemente provocado pela aspiração de fragmento ósseo ou pela sua migração desde a cavidade abdominal. A paciente apresentava distensão abdominal e dispneia de evolução progressiva. Nos exames complementares observaram-se leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio à esquerda e linfocitose e exsudato séptico em tórax. Devido ao estado crítico, a paciente veio a óbito cerca de 24 horas após a internação. A necrópsia evidenciou a presença de um pequeno fragmento ósseo nas vias aéreas inferiores, uma causa bastante rara de piotórax, particularmente nessa espécie. Mesmo sendo raro, devemos considerar o corpo estranho como causa de piotórax e sepse na espécie felina.(AU)
Pyothorax is the accumulation of exudate in the pleural cavity. Affected patients are often presented with acute dyspnea. We report a case of pyothorax associated with the presence of abone fragment in the lower respiratory tract of an adult domestic cat. We presume that the bone fragment reached the respiratory tract by either aspiration or migration from the abdominal cavity. The patient presented with abdominal distension and acute dyspnea. Bloodwork revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis with left shift and lymphocytosis. Thoracic fluid analysis confirmed septic exudate. The patient was unresponsive to the treatment and died within 24 hours of admission. Necropsy revealed the presence of a bone fragment in the lower respiratory tract. We suggest that foregin bodies should be considered as a rule-out cause of pyothorax and sepsis in domestic cats.(AU)
El término piotórax define el acúmulo de pus en la cavidad pleural, en muchos casos relacionado con la presencia de cuadros disneicos. El presente trabajo relata un caso de piotórax en una gata que puede haber sido provocado por la aspiración de un fragmento óseo o por su migración desde la cavidad abdominal. La paciente presentaba distensión abdominal y disnea de evolución progresiva. En los exámenes de laboratorio se observó la presencia de leucocitosis, neutrofilia con desvio a la izquierda y linfocitosis, así como también un exudado séptico en tórax. Debido al estado crítico en que se encontraba, la paciente murió 24 horas después de ser internada. Durante la necropsia se observó un pequeno fragmento de hueso en las vías aéreas posteriores, una causa bastante rara de piotórax, particularmente en esta especie. Aún siendo raro, se debe considerar a las cuerpos extrarios como posibles causas de piotórax y sepsis en felinos.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Osso e Ossos , Empiema Pleural/etiologia , Supuração/veterinária , Evolução FatalResumo
Sepse, definida pela síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica (SRIS) secundária a um agente infeccioso, é uma afecção comum em felinos e está relacionada a altos índices de morbidade e mortalidade nesta espécie. Suas principais causas em gatos são piotórax e peritonite séptica. Devido às suas peculiaridades anatomofisiológicas, os felinos reagem de maneira singular a sepse, apresentando bradicardia, hipotensão e hipotermia, sinais que compõem a "tríade da morte dos felinos". Os principais mediadores inflamatórios da sepse nesta espécie são TNF, IL-10, IL-6 e CXCL-8. O diagnóstico de sepse ou sepse grave é baseado principalmente nos achados clínicos. O tratamento desta síndrome na espécie felina deve ser baseado na técnica de "Terapia guiada por metas" (Goal-directed-therapy), que envolve o manejo e monitoramento intensivo da hemodinâmica em pacientes de alto risco. Embora a sepse cause altos índices de morbimortalidade em felinos, poucos estudos a cerca de sua etiologia, fisiopatologia, alterações hemodinâmicas e metabólicas estão disponíveis. Maiores esforços da comunidade veterinária são necessários para a compreensão desta complexa síndrome em gatos, pelas suas peculiaridades e o aumento da casuística destes animais no Brasil nos últimos tempos.
Sepsis, defined as the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) due to an infectious agent, is a common condition in cats and it is related to high morbidity and high mortality in this specie. Its main causes are pyothorax and septic peritonitis in felines. Due to its anatomical and physiological peculiarities, cats react uniquely to sepsis, presenting bradycardia, hypotension and hypothermia, signs that compound the "Shock triad in cats." The main inflammatory mediators of sepsis in this species are TNF, IL-10, IL-6 and CXCL-8. The diagnosis of sepsis or severe sepsis is mainly based on clinical findings. The treatment of this syndrome in feline specie should be based on the "Goal-directed therapy", wich involves intensive monitoring and aggressive management of hemodynamics in patients at high risk. Although sepsis causes high rates of morbidity and mortality in cats, few studies about the etiology, pathophysiology, hemodynamic and metabolic changes are available. Greater efforts are needed by the veterinary community to understand this complex syndrome in cats, due to its peculiarities and due to its increase population in Brazil in the last times.
La sepsis, definido como el síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (SIRS) secundario a un agente infeccioso, es una condición común en gatos y se relaciona con una alta morbilidad y mortalidad en esta especie. Sus causas principales son piotórax y peritonitis séptica. Debido a su anatomía y peculiaridades fisiológicas, los gatos reaccionan únicamente a la sepsis, con signos de bradicardia, hipotensión e hipotermia, conocida como "tríada de la muerte de los gatos." Los principales mediadores inflamatorios de la sepsis en esta clase son el TNF, IL-10, IL-6 y 8-CXCL. El diagnóstico de la sepsis o sepsis severa se basa principalmente en los hallazgos clínicos. El tratamiento de este síndrome en especies felinas se debe basar en la técnica de "metas de la terapia guiada" (objetivo dirigido a la terapia), lo que implica un manejo intensivo y el control de la hemodinámica en los pacientes de alto riesgo. A pesar de la sepsis provocar altas tasas de mortalidad en los gatos, pocos estudios acerca de la etiología, fisiopatología, hemodinámica y los cambios metabólicos están disponibles. Se requieren mayores esfuerzos de la comunidad veterinaria para entender este complejo síndrome en los gatos, debido a sus peculiaridades y el aumento del tamaño de la muestra de estos animales en Brasil en los últimos tiempos.
Animais , Gatos , Choque Séptico/fisiopatologia , Peritonite Infecciosa Felina/complicações , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Sepse/etiologia , Sepse/fisiopatologiaResumo
A efusão pleural é uma das principais causas de dispnéia em gatos. Diversas etiologias podem gerar a efusão pleural como neoplasias da pleura e mediastino, neoplasias do parênquima pulmonar, peritonite infecciosa felina (PIF) e cardiomiopatias. Essas doenças alteram o equilíbrio dinâmico da produção ou absorção do fluido pleural, gerando acúmulo patológico. O presente estudo analisou os casos de felinos que apresentaram efusão pleural no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Brasília desde de setembro de 2000 a maio de 2009. Os prontuários de vinte e três animais foram analisados e os dados coletados. Dentre as etiologias que ocasionam efusão pleural, o linfoma foi o mais comum, diagnosticado em 34,78% dos casos, seguido por piotórax (21,74%), neoplasias do parênquima pulmonar (17,39%), PIF(8,70%), cardiomiopatia (4,35%), quilotórax idiopático (4,35%) e em dois casos (8,70%) o diagnóstico permaneceu inconclusivo. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as causas de efusão pleural mais comum de dispnéia, sendo o linfoma, a causa de base mais comumente encontrada(AU)
Pleural effusion is one of the main causes of dyspnea in cats. Many diseases can result in pleural effusion such as pleural /mediastinal masses, pulmonary neoplasia, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP); and cardiomyopathy. These diseases affect physiological mechanisms of fluid formation or absorption, resulting in pathologic accumulation. The present study describes cases of cats with pleural effusion in a Veterinary Hospital. The medical records of twenty three patients were reviewed. Among the disorders that result in accumulation of pleural fluid, lymphoma was the most common, diagnosed in 34,78% of cases , followed by pyothorax (21,74%), pulmonary neoplasia (17,39%), FIP (8,70%), cardiomyopathy (4,76%), idiopathic chylothorax (4,35%) and in two cases (8,70%) the diagnosis was inconclusive. This study aimed to analyze the causes of pleural effusion occurred more common in the Veterinary Hospital. Thus, the occurrence of pleural effusion proved to be a common cause of dyspnea, and lymphoma, the underlying cause of most commonly found(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Linfoma de Efusão Primária/diagnóstico , Linfoma de Efusão Primária/fisiopatologia , Linfoma de Efusão Primária/veterinária , Dispneia , Empiema Pleural , Quilotórax , Neoplasias do Mediastino , GatosResumo
A efusão pleural é uma das principais causas de dispnéia em gatos. Diversas etiologias podem gerar a efusão pleural como neoplasias da pleura e mediastino, neoplasias do parênquima pulmonar, peritonite infecciosa felina (PIF) e cardiomiopatias. Essas doenças alteram o equilíbrio dinâmico da produção ou absorção do fluido pleural, gerando acúmulo patológico. O presente estudo analisou os casos de felinos que apresentaram efusão pleural no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Brasília desde de setembro de 2000 a maio de 2009. Os prontuários de vinte e três animais foram analisados e os dados coletados. Dentre as etiologias que ocasionam efusão pleural, o linfoma foi o mais comum, diagnosticado em 34,78% dos casos, seguido por piotórax (21,74%), neoplasias do parênquima pulmonar (17,39%), PIF(8,70%), cardiomiopatia (4,35%), quilotórax idiopático (4,35%) e em dois casos (8,70%) o diagnóstico permaneceu inconclusivo. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as causas de efusão pleural mais comum de dispnéia, sendo o linfoma, a causa de base mais comumente encontrada
Pleural effusion is one of the main causes of dyspnea in cats. Many diseases can result in pleural effusion such as pleural /mediastinal masses, pulmonary neoplasia, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP); and cardiomyopathy. These diseases affect physiological mechanisms of fluid formation or absorption, resulting in pathologic accumulation. The present study describes cases of cats with pleural effusion in a Veterinary Hospital. The medical records of twenty three patients were reviewed. Among the disorders that result in accumulation of pleural fluid, lymphoma was the most common, diagnosed in 34,78% of cases , followed by pyothorax (21,74%), pulmonary neoplasia (17,39%), FIP (8,70%), cardiomyopathy (4,76%), idiopathic chylothorax (4,35%) and in two cases (8,70%) the diagnosis was inconclusive. This study aimed to analyze the causes of pleural effusion occurred more common in the Veterinary Hospital. Thus, the occurrence of pleural effusion proved to be a common cause of dyspnea, and lymphoma, the underlying cause of most commonly found
Animais , Gatos , Dispneia , Empiema Pleural , Gatos , Linfoma de Efusão Primária/diagnóstico , Linfoma de Efusão Primária/fisiopatologia , Linfoma de Efusão Primária/veterinária , Neoplasias do Mediastino , QuilotóraxResumo
O presente artigo relata o diagnóstico e a conduta terapêutica instituída em caso de piotórax secundário a perfuração de esôfago torácico em um canino, macho, da raça Cocker Spainel, com cinco meses de idade. Os sinais clínicos incluíram apatia, hiporexia, vômito, diarréia e dispnéia expiratória. O hemograma e as análises bioquímicas séricas não revelam alterações significativas. No exame radiográfico simples evidenciou-se aumento na densidade radiográfica da cavidade torácica, compatível com efusão pleural. Foi realizada toracocentes e posterior análise do liquido cavitário, que apresentou características de esxudato séptico. A radiografia esofágica contrastada revelou extravasamento do contraste na cavidade torácica, Foi realizada a correção cirúrgica do defeito esofágico associado à terapia antimicrobiana de amplo espectro. Houve remissão completa dos sinais clínicos, Conclui-se que o uso de antibióticos parentais, associado com a correção cirúrgica do defeito esofágico e adaptação de dreno torácico pode ser eficaz no tratamento de piotórax secundário a perfuração esofágica(AU)
This article reports a pyothorax diagnose and treatment, due to esophageal rupture in a 5 month-old male Cocker Spaniel. The animal presented apathy, hyporexia, vomit, diarrhea, muffled breath sound and expiratory dispnea. The blood count was within normal limit. On thorax radiographies, pleural effusion was confirmed. A thoracocentesis was performed and the fluid was sent to analysis, and had the characteristics of a septic exsudate. The iodine contrasted thoracic radiography confirmed esophageal rupture. The surgical correction was done associated to large spectrum antibiotic. The complete remission of clinical signs was evidenced. We concluded that the use of parenteral antibiotics, associated with surgical correction e the adaptation of a chest tube is effective on treatmet of piothorax secondary to a esophageal rupture(AU)
Animais , Cães , Empiema Pleural/diagnóstico , Empiema Pleural/veterinária , Empiema Pleural , Toracotomia/veterinária , CãesResumo
O presente artigo relata o diagnóstico e a conduta terapêutica instituída em caso de piotórax secundário a perfuração de esôfago torácico em um canino, macho, da raça Cocker Spainel, com cinco meses de idade. Os sinais clínicos incluíram apatia, hiporexia, vômito, diarréia e dispnéia expiratória. O hemograma e as análises bioquímicas séricas não revelam alterações significativas. No exame radiográfico simples evidenciou-se aumento na densidade radiográfica da cavidade torácica, compatível com efusão pleural. Foi realizada toracocentes e posterior análise do liquido cavitário, que apresentou características de esxudato séptico. A radiografia esofágica contrastada revelou extravasamento do contraste na cavidade torácica, Foi realizada a correção cirúrgica do defeito esofágico associado à terapia antimicrobiana de amplo espectro. Houve remissão completa dos sinais clínicos, Conclui-se que o uso de antibióticos parentais, associado com a correção cirúrgica do defeito esofágico e adaptação de dreno torácico pode ser eficaz no tratamento de piotórax secundário a perfuração esofágica
This article reports a pyothorax diagnose and treatment, due to esophageal rupture in a 5 month-old male Cocker Spaniel. The animal presented apathy, hyporexia, vomit, diarrhea, muffled breath sound and expiratory dispnea. The blood count was within normal limit. On thorax radiographies, pleural effusion was confirmed. A thoracocentesis was performed and the fluid was sent to analysis, and had the characteristics of a septic exsudate. The iodine contrasted thoracic radiography confirmed esophageal rupture. The surgical correction was done associated to large spectrum antibiotic. The complete remission of clinical signs was evidenced. We concluded that the use of parenteral antibiotics, associated with surgical correction e the adaptation of a chest tube is effective on treatmet of piothorax secondary to a esophageal rupture