Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a neurological disease caused by Sarcocystis neurona. Immunofluorescence antibody tests (IFATs) have been widely used to identify exposure of horses to S. neurona in Brazil. Here we used IFAT to search for IgG antibodies against Sarcocystis falcatula-like (Dal-CG23) and S. neurona (SN138) in sera from 342 horses sampled in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state (Midwestern), and São Paulo, São Paulo state (Southeastern), Brazil. The 1:25 cutoff value was chosen to maximize sensitivity of the test. IgG antibodies against S. neurona were detected in 239 horses (69.88%), whereas IgG antibodies against S. falcatula-like were detected in 177 horses (51.75%). Sera from 132 horses (38.59%) reacted against both isolates. Absence of reactivity was evidenced in 58/342 horses (16.95%). The lower cutoff used, and the presence of opossums infected with S. falcatula-like and Sarcocystis spp. in the regions where the horses were sampled, might justify the high seroprevalence observed here. Owing to the similarity among antigens targeted in immunoassays, reports on S. neurona-seropositive horses in Brazil may also derive from the exposure of horses to other Sarcocystis species. The role of other Sarcocystis species in causing neurological diseases in horses in Brazil remains unclear.(AU)
Mieloencefalite protozoária equina (MPE) é uma doença neurológica causada por Sarcocystis neurona. Reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) tem sido utilizada para identificar a exposição de equinos à S. neurona no Brasil. Neste estudo, a RIFI foi utilizada para avaliar a presença de anticorpos IgG anti-Sarcocystis falcatula-like (Dal-CG23) e anti-S. neurona (SN138) no soro de 342 equinos de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul (Centro-oeste) e São Paulo, São Paulo (Sudeste), Brasil. O ponto de corte de 1:25 foi escolhido para maximizar a sensibilidade. Anticorpos IgG anti-S. neurona foram detectados em 239 cavalos (69,88%), enquanto anticorpos IgG anti-S. falcatula-like foram detectados em 177 cavalos (51,75%). O soro de 132 animais (38,59%) reagiu contra ambos os isolados. A ausência de reatividade foi evidenciada em 58/342 animais (16,95%). O baixo ponto de corte e a presença de gambás infectados com S. falcatula-like e Sarcocystis spp., nas regiões onde os equinos foram amostrados podem justificar a alta soroprevalência aqui observada. Devido à similaridade entre antígenos de superfície detectados nos imunoensaios, relatos de soropositividade contra S. neurona no Brasil podem resultar da exposição dos equinos a outras espécies de Sarcocystis. O papel de outras espécies de Sarcocystis como causa de doença neurológica em equinos no Brasil permanece incerto.(AU)
Animais , Sarcocystis/patogenicidade , Sarcocistose/diagnóstico , Encefalomielite/veterinária , Cavalos/microbiologia , Brasil , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo/métodosResumo
Brazil is the fourth largest exporter of pork worldwide, with its production concentrated in the Southern region of the country. To reduce the economic impacts and increase herd health, an efficient diagnosis of diseases is necessary. The frequency, seasonal, and annual distribution of diseases that affecting the swine nervous system in Southern Brazil were determined through a retrospective study conducted from 2008 to 2018. A total of 231 pigs were evaluated, and distributed in the following phases: suckling piglets, nursery, growing, finishing, and adults. Piglets in the nursery phase were the most affected with 58.01%. Infectious diseases accounted for 87.01% (201/231) of lesions in the nervous system. Bacterial meningitis was observed in 58.87% of cases, presenting an endemic distribution, and a propensity to occur in the months of autumn/winter. The highest number of cases of porcine circovirus-2 were observed in 2008 and 2009, with a subsequent decline. Porcine circovirus, salt poisoning, and brain abscesses exhibited no association between the seasonal occurrence and annual distribution. Salt poisoning was observed more frequently in the last years of this study. Both, non-suppurative encephalomyelitis and selenium toxicosis exhibited an association between their occurrence and seasonal distribution in, the months of winter, and summer, respectively.(AU)
Brasil é o quarto maior exportador de carne suína do mundo, com sua produção concentrada na região Sul do país. Para reduzir os impactos econômicos e aumentar a saúde do rebanho, é necessário o diagnóstico eficiente das doenças. A frequência, distribuição sazonal e anual das doenças que afetam o sistema nervoso de suínos no Sul do Brasil foram determinadas através de um estudo retrospectivo no período de 2008 a 2018. Foram avaliados 231 suínos, distribuídos nas seguintes fases: maternidade, creche, crescimento, terminação e adultos. Leitões da fase de creche foram os mais afetados com 58,01%. As doenças de origem infecciosa foram responsáveis por 87,01% (201/231) das causas de lesões no sistema nervoso. Meningite bacteriana foi observada em 58,87% dos casos, apresentando distribuição endêmica, e uma tendência a ocorrer nos meses de outono/inverno. O maior número de casos de circovírus suíno foram observados em 2008 e 2009, com declínio posterior. Circovírus suíno, intoxicação por sal e os abscessos encefálicos não apresentaram associação entre a ocorrência sazonal e distribuição anual. A intoxicação por sal foi observada com maior frequência nos últimos anos deste estudo. A encefalomielite não supurativa e a intoxicação por selênio exibiram associação entre a sua ocorrência e distribuição sazonal, nos meses de inverno e verão, respectivamente.(AU)
Animais , Suínos , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Central/veterinária , Meningite , EncefalomieliteResumo
Brazil is the fourth largest exporter of pork worldwide, with its production concentrated in the Southern region of the country. To reduce the economic impacts and increase herd health, an efficient diagnosis of diseases is necessary. The frequency, seasonal, and annual distribution of diseases that affecting the swine nervous system in Southern Brazil were determined through a retrospective study conducted from 2008 to 2018. A total of 231 pigs were evaluated, and distributed in the following phases: suckling piglets, nursery, growing, finishing, and adults. Piglets in the nursery phase were the most affected with 58.01%. Infectious diseases accounted for 87.01% (201/231) of lesions in the nervous system. Bacterial meningitis was observed in 58.87% of cases, presenting an endemic distribution, and a propensity to occur in the months of autumn/winter. The highest number of cases of porcine circovirus-2 were observed in 2008 and 2009, with a subsequent decline. Porcine circovirus, salt poisoning, and brain abscesses exhibited no association between the seasonal occurrence and annual distribution. Salt poisoning was observed more frequently in the last years of this study. Both, non-suppurative encephalomyelitis and selenium toxicosis exhibited an association between their occurrence and seasonal distribution in, the months of winter, and summer, respectively.(AU)
Brasil é o quarto maior exportador de carne suína do mundo, com sua produção concentrada na região Sul do país. Para reduzir os impactos econômicos e aumentar a saúde do rebanho, é necessário o diagnóstico eficiente das doenças. A frequência, distribuição sazonal e anual das doenças que afetam o sistema nervoso de suínos no Sul do Brasil foram determinadas através de um estudo retrospectivo no período de 2008 a 2018. Foram avaliados 231 suínos, distribuídos nas seguintes fases: maternidade, creche, crescimento, terminação e adultos. Leitões da fase de creche foram os mais afetados com 58,01%. As doenças de origem infecciosa foram responsáveis por 87,01% (201/231) das causas de lesões no sistema nervoso. Meningite bacteriana foi observada em 58,87% dos casos, apresentando distribuição endêmica, e uma tendência a ocorrer nos meses de outono/inverno. O maior número de casos de circovírus suíno foram observados em 2008 e 2009, com declínio posterior. Circovírus suíno, intoxicação por sal e os abscessos encefálicos não apresentaram associação entre a ocorrência sazonal e distribuição anual. A intoxicação por sal foi observada com maior frequência nos últimos anos deste estudo. A encefalomielite não supurativa e a intoxicação por selênio exibiram associação entre a sua ocorrência e distribuição sazonal, nos meses de inverno e verão, respectivamente.(AU)
Animais , Suínos , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Central/veterinária , Meningite , EncefalomieliteResumo
A Mieloencefalite Protozoária Equina (EPM) é uma doença infecciosa que possui como principal agente o protozoário Sarcocystis neurona. O parasita acomete o sistema nervoso central de equinos podendo causar alterações neurológicas como ataxia, paresia, atrofia muscular e alterações de estado mental. Com ampla distribuição no território nacional, é importante que esta afecção faça parte do diagnóstico diferencial em animais da espécie equina, uma vez que equinos portadores desta afecção podem apresentar desde sinais discretos, como ligeira queda no desempenho, a graves sinais neurológicos. Para isso, o médico veterinário deve compreender suas características e os métodos diagnósticos eficazes para sua identificação. Uma égua da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo, de cinco anos de idade, foi atendida na cidade de Belo Horizonte, em Minas Gerais, com histórico de atrofia na região lombar e garupa. Ainda, foi relatada a presença de gambás na fazenda em que vivia o animal. No exame neurológico foi detectada incoordenação motora de grau 2. O teste SAG ELISA foi realizado, e obtido resultado positivo. Todos os achados e o resultado positivo no teste corroboram o diagnóstico da EPM, o que levou ao tratamento preconizado, e a visível melhora clínica. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de EPM em uma égua no município de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, levando em consideração a importância do conhecimento dos aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos da doença.
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) is an infectious disease whose main agent is the protozoan Sarcocystis neurona. The parasite affects the central nervous system of horses and can cause neurological alterations like ataxia, paresis, muscle atrophy and changes in mental status. With wide distribution in the national territory, it is important that this disease is part of the differential diagnosis in animals of equine species, since equines with this disease can present from discrete signs, such as a slight decrease in performance, to serious neurological signs. That is why the veterinarian must understand its characteristics and effective diagnostic methods for its identification. A five-year-old Brazilian Sport Horse mare was attended in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, with a history of atrophy in the lumbar region and rump. Also, the presence of opossums on the farm where the animal lived was reported. In neurological examination, grade 2 motor incoordination was detected. The SAG ELISA test was performed, and a positive result was obtained. All findings and the positive test result corroborate the diagnosis of EPM, which led to the recommended treatment, and visible clinical improvement. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case of EPM in a mare in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, taking into account the importance of knowledge of the epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of disease.
Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Encefalomielite/classificação , Encefalomielite/diagnóstico , Sarcocystis/patogenicidade , Sistema Nervoso CentralResumo
A Mieloencefalite Protozoária Equina (EPM) é uma doença infecciosa que possui como principal agente o protozoário Sarcocystis neurona. O parasita acomete o sistema nervoso central de equinos podendo causar alterações neurológicas como ataxia, paresia, atrofia muscular e alterações de estado mental. Com ampla distribuição no território nacional, é importante que esta afecção faça parte do diagnóstico diferencial em animais da espécie equina, uma vez que equinos portadores desta afecção podem apresentar desde sinais discretos, como ligeira queda no desempenho, a graves sinais neurológicos. Para isso, o médico veterinário deve compreender suas características e os métodos diagnósticos eficazes para sua identificação. Uma égua da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo, de cinco anos de idade, foi atendida na cidade de Belo Horizonte, em Minas Gerais, com histórico de atrofia na região lombar e garupa. Ainda, foi relatada a presença de gambás na fazenda em que vivia o animal. No exame neurológico foi detectada incoordenação motora de grau 2. O teste SAG ELISA foi realizado, e obtido resultado positivo. Todos os achados e o resultado positivo no teste corroboram o diagnóstico da EPM, o que levou ao tratamento preconizado, e a visível melhora clínica. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de EPM em uma égua no município de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, levando em consideração a importância do conhecimento dos aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos da doença.(AU)
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) is an infectious disease whose main agent is the protozoan Sarcocystis neurona. The parasite affects the central nervous system of horses and can cause neurological alterations like ataxia, paresis, muscle atrophy and changes in mental status. With wide distribution in the national territory, it is important that this disease is part of the differential diagnosis in animals of equine species, since equines with this disease can present from discrete signs, such as a slight decrease in performance, to serious neurological signs. That is why the veterinarian must understand its characteristics and effective diagnostic methods for its identification. A five-year-old Brazilian Sport Horse mare was attended in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, with a history of atrophy in the lumbar region and rump. Also, the presence of opossums on the farm where the animal lived was reported. In neurological examination, grade 2 motor incoordination was detected. The SAG ELISA test was performed, and a positive result was obtained. All findings and the positive test result corroborate the diagnosis of EPM, which led to the recommended treatment, and visible clinical improvement. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case of EPM in a mare in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, taking into account the importance of knowledge of the epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of disease.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Encefalomielite/classificação , Encefalomielite/diagnóstico , Sarcocystis/patogenicidade , Sistema Nervoso CentralResumo
This paper describes the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of an avian encephalomyelitis (AE) outbreak in commercial laying hens in Northeastern Brazil. The disease affected 23,409 layers (from day one until 100 weeks) leading to mortality of 16.5% (5,049/30,600) of the flock. Twenty laying hens were clinically examined, and blood samples were collected and tested by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Five laying hens with neurological signs were necropsied and samples of the brain, cerebellum, spinal cord, sciatic nerve, heart, ceca tonsils, proventriculus and liver were collected, fixed in formalin buffered solution and processed according to routine methods for histological examination. Clinical signs were observed in approximately 60% of the chicken flock and included depression, ataxia, head and neck tremors, head tilt, motor incoordination and corneal opacity and of lens. All laying hens presented seroconversion for AE, with a geometric mean titer (GMT) of 6,854 and CV of 9.6%. At necropsy, there were bilateral opacity of the cornea and lens and the blood vessels of the cerebral cortex were hyperemic. The main microscopic lesions in the central nervous system consisted of red and shrunken neurons in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and spinal cord. Significant areas of gliosis were observed in the cerebral cortex and in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Hyperplasia of the proventricular lymphoid tissue and the ceca tonsils were observed with different degrees of intensity. In Northeastern Brazil, there havent been previous reports of AE in commercial laying hens and this outbreak possibly occurred by inefficient immunization of laying breeders at the genetic supply company.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/microbiologia , Encefalomielite/diagnóstico , Encefalomielite/epidemiologia , Encefalomielite/microbiologia , Encefalomielite/patologia , Encefalomielite/veterinária , Vírus da Encefalomielite AviáriaResumo
This paper describes the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of an avian encephalomyelitis (AE) outbreak in commercial laying hens in Northeastern Brazil. The disease affected 23,409 layers (from day one until 100 weeks) leading to mortality of 16.5% (5,049/30,600) of the flock. Twenty laying hens were clinically examined, and blood samples were collected and tested by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Five laying hens with neurological signs were necropsied and samples of the brain, cerebellum, spinal cord, sciatic nerve, heart, ceca tonsils, proventriculus and liver were collected, fixed in formalin buffered solution and processed according to routine methods for histological examination. Clinical signs were observed in approximately 60% of the chicken flock and included depression, ataxia, head and neck tremors, head tilt, motor incoordination and corneal opacity and of lens. All laying hens presented seroconversion for AE, with a geometric mean titer (GMT) of 6,854 and CV of 9.6%. At necropsy, there were bilateral opacity of the cornea and lens and the blood vessels of the cerebral cortex were hyperemic. The main microscopic lesions in the central nervous system consisted of red and shrunken neurons in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and spinal cord. Significant areas of gliosis were observed in the cerebral cortex and in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Hyperplasia of the proventricular lymphoid tissue and the ceca tonsils were observed with different degrees of intensity. In Northeastern Brazil, there havent been previous reports of AE in commercial laying hens and this outbreak possibly occurred by inefficient immunization of laying breeders at the genetic supply company.
Feminino , Animais , Encefalomielite/diagnóstico , Encefalomielite/epidemiologia , Encefalomielite/microbiologia , Encefalomielite/patologia , Encefalomielite/veterinária , Galinhas/microbiologia , Vírus da Encefalomielite AviáriaResumo
Background: The Gurltia paralysans nematode was initially described in Chile and for many years it was believed that thedisease caused by this parasite was restricted to this country. However, in Argentina, Uruguay and more recently in Brazil,among other countries, cases of Gurltiosis have been described in both domestic and wild cats. This disease is chronic anddebilitating due to the progressive paralysis developed. This study aimed to describe the clinical, epidemiological and pathological aspects of G. paralysans infection in domestic cats of the Agreste region of the state of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil.Case: Clinical, epidemiological and pathological aspects of G. paralysans infection in domestic cats in the rural area oftwo Agreste municipalities in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, are described. Seven farms were visited, in which 11 maleand female affected felines were evaluated. Among these, euthanasia was performed in four cases, at the owners requestand due to the advanced stage of the disease. Clinical signs began with ataxia of the pelvic limbs and evolved to jumpingdifficulty, lateral falls, muscle atrophy, pelvic limb scarring, and paralysis at the most severe stage of the disease, whichdeveloped in a one-year period, approximately. According to the owners, the affected cats died between six months andone year after the initial clinical signs. At necropsy, there were segments of the spinal cord with extensive reddish areasin the dura, between T7 and S2, corresponding to varices. These were characterized by numerous congestive, dilatedand tortuous blood vessels observed in the dorsal plane, but more pronounced in the ventral plane of the meninges. Inthe bladder, multifocal areas of hemorrhage were observed. Histologically, vascular lesions in veins and venules of theleptomeninges were characterized by venous varices with thrombosis, fibrosis and intravascular parasites associated withmoderate...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Nematoides/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Nematoides/diagnóstico , Infecções por Nematoides/veterinária , Mielite/veterinária , Ataxia/veterinária , Encefalomielite/veterináriaResumo
Background: The Gurltia paralysans nematode was initially described in Chile and for many years it was believed that thedisease caused by this parasite was restricted to this country. However, in Argentina, Uruguay and more recently in Brazil,among other countries, cases of Gurltiosis have been described in both domestic and wild cats. This disease is chronic anddebilitating due to the progressive paralysis developed. This study aimed to describe the clinical, epidemiological and pathological aspects of G. paralysans infection in domestic cats of the Agreste region of the state of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil.Case: Clinical, epidemiological and pathological aspects of G. paralysans infection in domestic cats in the rural area oftwo Agreste municipalities in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, are described. Seven farms were visited, in which 11 maleand female affected felines were evaluated. Among these, euthanasia was performed in four cases, at the owners requestand due to the advanced stage of the disease. Clinical signs began with ataxia of the pelvic limbs and evolved to jumpingdifficulty, lateral falls, muscle atrophy, pelvic limb scarring, and paralysis at the most severe stage of the disease, whichdeveloped in a one-year period, approximately. According to the owners, the affected cats died between six months andone year after the initial clinical signs. At necropsy, there were segments of the spinal cord with extensive reddish areasin the dura, between T7 and S2, corresponding to varices. These were characterized by numerous congestive, dilatedand tortuous blood vessels observed in the dorsal plane, but more pronounced in the ventral plane of the meninges. Inthe bladder, multifocal areas of hemorrhage were observed. Histologically, vascular lesions in veins and venules of theleptomeninges were characterized by venous varices with thrombosis, fibrosis and intravascular parasites associated withmoderate...
Animais , Gatos , Ataxia/veterinária , Infecções por Nematoides/diagnóstico , Infecções por Nematoides/veterinária , Mielite/veterinária , Nematoides/isolamento & purificação , Encefalomielite/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of infection by Sarcocystis neurona in horses and identify potential risk factors. Were analyzed 427 samples from 36 farms in 21 municipalities in the Alagoas State, Brazil. Presence of anti-S. neurona antibodies was diagnosed by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and was confirmed using the immunoblot test. Risk factors were assessed through investigative questionnaires on animal management on the farms. The prevalence of anti-S.neurona antibodies was 2.8% (confidence interval, CI: 1.5-4.9%) from IFAT and 1.6% (CI:0.8-3.34%) from immunoblot, and there were positive horses on 16.6% of the studied farms. None of the variables studied presented associations with serological status for S. neurona. This is the first report on infection by S. neurona in horses reared in Alagoas, Brazil showing a low exposure to S. neurona in this region, but with significant numbers of foci.(AU)
Objetivou-se neste estudo determinar a prevalência e os fatores de risco associados à infecção por Sarcocystis neurona em equinos. Foram analisadas 427 amostras de 36 propriedades localizadas em 21 municípios do estado de Alagoas. O diagnóstico de anticorpos anti-S. neurona foi realizado pela técnica de Imunofluorescência Indireta (IFI) e confirmada por immunoblot. O estudo dos fatores de risco foi realizado a partir de questionários investigativos sobre o manejo dos animais nas propriedades. A prevalência de anticorpos anti-S. neurona foi de 2,8% (I.C. 1,5-4,9%) na IFI e de 1,6% (I.C. 0,8-3,34%) no immunoblot com equinos positivos em 16,6% das propriedades estudadas. Nenhuma variável estudada apresentou associação com o status sorológico para S. neurona. Este é o primeiro relato da infecção por S. neurona em equinos criados no Estado de Alagoas, Brasil, confirmando que os animais desta região têm baixa exposição a S. neurona, mas com significativo número de focos.(AU)
Animais , Sarcocystis/patogenicidade , Cavalos/parasitologia , Estudos Transversais , Encefalomielite/epidemiologiaResumo
Serum samples from 116 horses and 47 dogs from the municipality of Paulicéia, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, were examined for anti-Toxoplasma gondii, -Neospora spp. and -Sarcocystis neurona antibodies by means of the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). The results showed that only one horse was seropositive for T. gondii (0.9%) and anti-Neospora spp. antibodies were detected in three out of the 116 horses tested (2.6%). However, 27 horses showed antibodies against S. neurona (23.8%). Amongst the serum samples from the dogs, 10 out of the 47 dogs showed antibodies against T. gondii (21.3%) and three dogs showed antibodies against Neospora caninum (6.4%). This study reports that in the municipality of Paulicéia dogs in both the rural and the urban area were exposed to T. gondii and N. caninum, while horses in the rural area were exposed to all three protozoa studied, with high occurrence of anti-S. neurona antibodies.(AU)
Amostras de soro de 116 equinos e 47 cães provenientes do município de Paulicéia, São Paulo, foram testadas para detecção de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii, -Neospora spp. e -Sarcocystis neurona por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI). Apenas um equino, entre 116 equinos testados, teve diagnóstico soropositivo para T. gondii (0,9%), e três deles (2,6%) apresentaram anticorpos anti-Neospora spp. Entretanto, 27 equinos apresentaram anticorpos anti-S. neurona (23,8%). Nas amostras de cães, dez dos 47 animais apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii (21,3%) e três tiveram diagnóstico soropositivo para Neospora caninum (6,4%). Este estudo relata que no município de Paulicéia os cães das áreas urbana e rural foram expostos a T. gondii e N. caninum, enquanto os equinos da área rural foram expostos aos três protozoários estudados, com alta ocorrência de anticorpos anti- S. neurona.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cavalos , Neospora/imunologia , Sarcocystis/imunologia , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Antígenos de Protozoários , Brasil/epidemiologia , Encefalomielite/diagnóstico , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo/veterinária , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologiaResumo
Serum samples from 116 horses and 47 dogs from the municipality of Paulicéia, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, were examined for anti-Toxoplasma gondii, -Neospora spp. and -Sarcocystis neurona antibodies by means of the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). The results showed that only one horse was seropositive for T. gondii (0.9%) and anti-Neospora spp. antibodies were detected in three out of the 116 horses tested (2.6%). However, 27 horses showed antibodies against S. neurona (23.8%). Amongst the serum samples from the dogs, 10 out of the 47 dogs showed antibodies against T. gondii (21.3%) and three dogs showed antibodies against Neospora caninum (6.4%). This study reports that in the municipality of Paulicéia dogs in both the rural and the urban area were exposed to T. gondii and N. caninum, while horses in the rural area were exposed to all three protozoa studied, with high occurrence of anti-S. neurona antibodies.(AU)
Amostras de soro de 116 equinos e 47 cães provenientes do município de Paulicéia, São Paulo, foram testadas para detecção de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii, -Neospora spp. e -Sarcocystis neurona por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI). Apenas um equino, entre 116 equinos testados, teve diagnóstico soropositivo para T. gondii (0,9%), e três deles (2,6%) apresentaram anticorpos anti-Neospora spp. Entretanto, 27 equinos apresentaram anticorpos anti-S. neurona (23,8%). Nas amostras de cães, dez dos 47 animais apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii (21,3%) e três tiveram diagnóstico soropositivo para Neospora caninum (6,4%). Este estudo relata que no município de Paulicéia os cães das áreas urbana e rural foram expostos a T. gondii e N. caninum, enquanto os equinos da área rural foram expostos aos três protozoários estudados, com alta ocorrência de anticorpos anti- S. neurona.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Neospora/imunologia , Sarcocystis/imunologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Antígenos de Protozoários , Encefalomielite/diagnóstico , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologiaResumo
The aim of this study was to examine the intra-uterine exposure to Sarcocystis spp. antigens, determining the number of foals with detectable concentrations of antibodies against these agents in the serum, before colostrum ingestion and collect data about exposure of horses to the parasite. Serum samples were collected from 195 thoroughbred mares and their newborns in two farms from southern Brazil. Parasite specific antibody responses to Sarcocystis antigens were detected using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and immunoblot analysis. In 84.1% (159/189) of the pregnant mares and in 7.4% (14/189) of foals we detected antibodies anti-Sarcocystis spp. by IFAT. All samples seropositive from foals were also positive in their respective mares. Serum samples of seropositive foals by IFAT, showed no reactivity on the immunoblot, having as antigens S. neurona merozoites. In conclusion, the intra-uterine exposure to Sarcocystis spp. antigens in horses was demonstrated, with occurrence not only in mares, but also in their foals, before colostrum ingestion these occurrences were reduced.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a exposição intrauterina ao Sarcocystis spp., para determinar o número de potros que possuem concentrações detectáveis de anticorpos contra esses agentes no soro, antes da ingestão do colostro, por meio da coleta de dados sobre a exposição a esses protozoários nos equinos. Amostras de soro foram coletadas de 195 éguas puro-sangue e seus respectivos potros recém-nascidos, em duas fazendas localizadas na região Sul do Brasil. Os testes utilizados na detecção de anticorpos específicos para o Sarcocystis foram a reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) e análise por meio de immunoblot. Pela RIFI, em 84,1% (159/189) das éguas e em 7,4% (14/189) dos potros foram detectados anticorpos anti-Sarcocystis spp. Todas as amostras soropositivas dos potros também foram positivas para suas respectivas mães. As amostras de soro dos potros soropositivos na RIFI, não apresentaram reatividade no immunoblot, tendo como antígenos merozoítos de S. neurona. Em conclusão, foi demonstrada a exposição intrauterina de Sarcocystis spp. em equinos, com ocorrência em éguas, porém, em seus respectivos potros, antes da ingestão de colostro a ocorrência foi reduzida.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/parasitologia , Sarcocystis/patogenicidade , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal/veterinária , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários/análise , Encefalomielite/veterinária , Troca Materno-Fetal , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Immunoblotting , Immunoblotting/veterináriaResumo
A large number of Brazilian zoos keep many endangered species of deer, however, very few disease surveillance studies have been conducted among captive cervids. Blood samples from 32 Brazilian deer (Blastocerus dichotomus, Mazama nana and Mazama americana) kept in captivity at Bela Vista Biological Sanctuary (Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil) were investigated for 10 ruminant pathogens, with the aims of monitoring deer health status and evaluating any potential zoonotic risk. Deer serum samples were tested for Brucella abortus, Leptospira (23 serovars), Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, bovine viral diarrhea virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, western equine encephalitis virus, eastern equine encephalitis virus and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. Antibodies against T. gondii (15.6%), N. caninum (6.2%) and L. interrogans serogroup Serjoe (3.1%) were detected. The serological results for all other infectious agents were negative. The deer were considered to be clinically healthy and asymptomatic regarding any disease. Compared with studies on free-ranging deer, the prevalences of the same agents tested among the captive deer kept at the Sanctuary were lower, thus indicating good sanitary conditions and high-quality management practices at the zoo.(AU)
Um grande número de zoológicos brasileiros abriga espécies de cervídeos ameaçados de extinção, entretanto, estudos de vigilância de doenças em cervídeos de cativeiro são escassos. Amostras de sangue de 32 cervídeos brasileiros (Blastocerus dichotomus, Mazama nana e Mazama americana), mantidos em cativeiro no Refúgio Biológico Bela Vista (Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil), foram investigados para 10 patógenos de ruminantes, visando monitorar o estado de saúde dos cervídeos e avaliar a presença de agentes zoonóticos. As amostras de soro foram testadas para Brucella abortus, Leptospira (23 sorovares), Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, diarreia viral bovina, rinotraqueíte infecciosa bovina, febre aftosa, encefalomielite equina do oeste, encefalomielite equina do leste e encefalomielite equina venezuelana. Foram detectados anticorpos para T. gondii (15,6%), N. caninum (6,2%) e para L. interrogans sorogrupo Serjoe (3,1%). As sorologias apresentaram resultado negativo para as demais doenças. Os cervídeos foram considerados clinicamente sadios e assintomáticos para doenças. Comparados aos estudos de populações de vida livre, as soroprevalências para os mesmos agentes testados foram menores para os cervídeos mantidos no Refúgio, indicando as boas condições sanitárias e a qualidade das práticas de manejo no zoológico.(AU)
Animais , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/imunologia , Coccidiose/epidemiologia , Coccidiose/imunologia , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Leptospirose/imunologia , Antílopes/parasitologia , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Animais de Zoológico/parasitologia , Febre Aftosa/imunologia , Encefalomielite/imunologia , Brucella abortus/imunologiaResumo
Avian encephalomyelitis is caused by an Hepatovirus and primarily affects chickens. Chickens of all ages are susceptible to the virus, but the nervous symptoms are manifested only in young chicks, between one to five weeks of age. During the last thirty years, avian encephalomyelitis appeared to be well controlled by breeder vaccination. However, the increase of the number of cases is causing concern in the poultry industry. In the present study, we performed a retrospective analysis of the cases presenting histological lesions compatible with avian encephalomyelitis in broilers. The evaluated cases affected broilers from one to 35 days old from the southern region of Brazil. Only cases with compatible microscopic lesions and associated with clinical symptoms in the field were considered. In addition the histopathological diagnosis, sera were tested by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay). Considering the clinical, histopathological, and serological evidences, the disease was confirmed, showing an increase in outbreaks from the last quarter of 2012, extending through 2013. The cause of this increase is not clear, although we suspect vaccine or vaccination error. Enhancing vaccinated breeders flocks monitoring before the beginning of egg production and/or using a protocol with two vaccinations is recommended.(AU)
Animais , Doenças das Aves/classificação , Doenças das Aves/diagnóstico , Doenças das Aves/prevenção & controle , Encefalomielite/classificação , Encefalomielite/veterináriaResumo
Avian encephalomyelitis is caused by an Hepatovirus and primarily affects chickens. Chickens of all ages are susceptible to the virus, but the nervous symptoms are manifested only in young chicks, between one to five weeks of age. During the last thirty years, avian encephalomyelitis appeared to be well controlled by breeder vaccination. However, the increase of the number of cases is causing concern in the poultry industry. In the present study, we performed a retrospective analysis of the cases presenting histological lesions compatible with avian encephalomyelitis in broilers. The evaluated cases affected broilers from one to 35 days old from the southern region of Brazil. Only cases with compatible microscopic lesions and associated with clinical symptoms in the field were considered. In addition the histopathological diagnosis, sera were tested by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay). Considering the clinical, histopathological, and serological evidences, the disease was confirmed, showing an increase in outbreaks from the last quarter of 2012, extending through 2013. The cause of this increase is not clear, although we suspect vaccine or vaccination error. Enhancing vaccinated breeders flocks monitoring before the beginning of egg production and/or using a protocol with two vaccinations is recommended.
Animais , Doenças das Aves/classificação , Doenças das Aves/diagnóstico , Doenças das Aves/prevenção & controle , Encefalomielite/classificação , Encefalomielite/veterináriaResumo
Sarcocystis neurona is the primary agent for Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM), important neurological disease characterized by behavior or muscular changes, that impairs animal performance and husbandry. Sarcocystis cruzi is a pathogen related to myositis in cattle. Although related the life cycles of the parasites are distinct. S. neurona has opossums (Didelphis spp.) and S. cruzi, dogs as definitive hosts. However, S. neurona and S. cruzi may undergo cross-reactivity in serological tests, interfering on results of EPM ante-mortem diagnostic tests. In the present study, serology of 189 mares was performed by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test, using antigens of S. neurona and S. cruzi in order to assess the exposure degree of animals to antigens. Analyzing the results, it was observed that most of the animals (84.13%) reacted with at least one protozoal species and the number of animals which showed antibodies against S. cruzi was greater than S. neurona (80.42% and 33.86%, respectively) and a third of seropositive animals reacted to antigens of both species.(AU)
Animais , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários/análise , Apicomplexa , Sarcocystis/isolamento & purificação , Sarcocistose/veterinária , Sarcocistose/epidemiologia , Encefalomielite/veterinária , CavalosResumo
Sarcocystis neurona is the primary agent for Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM), important neurological disease characterized by behavior or muscular changes, that impairs animal performance and husbandry. Sarcocystis cruzi is a pathogen related to myositis in cattle. Although related the life cycles of the parasites are distinct. S. neurona has opossums (Didelphis spp.) and S. cruzi, dogs as definitive hosts. However, S. neurona and S. cruzi may undergo cross-reactivity in serological tests, interfering on results of EPM ante-mortem diagnostic tests. In the present study, serology of 189 mares was performed by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test, using antigens of S. neurona and S. cruzi in order to assess the exposure degree of animals to antigens. Analyzing the results, it was observed that most of the animals (84.13%) reacted with at least one protozoal species and the number of animals which showed antibodies against S. cruzi was greater than S. neurona (80.42% and 33.86%, respectively) and a third of seropositive animals reacted to antigens of both species.(AU)
Animais , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários/análise , Apicomplexa , Sarcocystis/isolamento & purificação , Sarcocistose/veterinária , Sarcocistose/epidemiologia , Encefalomielite/veterinária , CavalosResumo
Foi investigada a ocorrência da infecção pelos vírus da Encelafalomielite Equina do Leste (EEE), Encefalomielite Equina do Oeste (WEE) e Encefalomielite Equina Venezuelana (VEE) em equídeos não vacinados contra tais agentes, criados em dez delegacias regionais do estado de Minas Gerais (Almenara, Bambuí, Curvelo, Governador Valadares, Montes Claros, Oliveira, São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, Teófilo Otoni, Unaí e Viçosa), empregando-se a técnica de soroneutralização em microplacas. Dos 826 animais examinados, 30,2% ((250/826) foram soropositivos para EEE e 1,9% (16/826) para o zuelano de Encefalomielite Equina circulam na população equina do estado de Minas Gerais.(AU)}
The occurrence of Equine Eastern Encephalomyelitis (EEE), Equine Western Encephalomyelitis (WEE) and Equine Venezuelan Encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus infection was investigated in equids not vaccinated against these viruses. The animals were distributed in ten regional districts of the state of Minas Gerais (Almenara, Bambuí, Curvelo, Governador Valadares, Montes Claros, Oliveira, São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, Teófilo Otoni, Unaí e Viçosa). Microplate serum neutralization test was used to detect antibodies against encephalitis virus. Two hundred and fifty animals (30.2%, 250/826) were EEE-seropositive, while 1.9% of them (16/826) were VEE-seropositive. No animals were found to be seropositive for WEE. In conclusion, either EEE or VEE viruses circulate in the equid population of the state of Minas Gerais.(AU)
Animais , Encefalomielite/patologia , Vírus , Cavalos/classificaçãoResumo
Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar um surto de raiva ocorrido em bovinos da bacia leiteira de Parnaíba, Piauí. Um total de 127 animais veio a óbito com sintomatologia nervosa. Três animais foram necropsiados e amostras de encéfalo e cerebelo foram colhidas para realização de Imunofluorescência Direta (RIFD), Prova Biológica em Camundongo (PBC) e exame histopatológico. Além disto, 16 morcegos Desmodus rotundus) foram capturados na propriedade e em cavernas circunvizinhas e submetidos à RIFD e PBC. As amostras provenientes dos bovinos e morcegos foram positivas à RIFD e PBC. Além disso; o exame histopatológico das amostras bovinas revelou lesões compatíveis com a doença. Este trabalho relata o primeiro surto de raiva em bovinos da bacia leiteira do Estado do Piauí e demonstra a necessidade de adoção de medidas de prevenção e controle da raiva em locais onde há morcegos hematófagos.
This paper aims to report an outbreak of rabies in cattle of dairy region of Parnaíba, Piauí. A total of 127 animals died with neurological symptoms. Three animals were necropsied and samples from brain and cerebellum were collected to perform Direct Immunofluorescence Test (DFAT) and Biological Test in Mice (BTM). Moreover, 16 bats (Desmodus rotundus) were captured on the property and surrounding caves and, then, submitted to DFAT and BTM. The samples from bovines and bats were positive by DFAT and BTM. In addition, the histopathological examination of bovine samples revealed lesions compatibles with the disease. This work reports the first outbreak of rabies in cattle in the dairy region of Piauí and demonstrates the need to adopt measures to prevent and control rabies in places where there are hematophagous bats.