The Spitzenkörper is a dynamic and specialized multicomponent cell complex present in the tips of hyphal cells. The amphiphilic styryl dye FM4-64 was found to be ideal for imaging the dynamic changes of the apical vesicle cluster within growing hyphal tips. It is widely used as a marker of endocytosis and to visualize vacuolar membranes. Here we performed uptake experiments using FM4-64 to study the dynamic of the Spitzenkörper in Trichosporon asahii. We observed that Spitzenkörpers were present at the tip of the budding site of the spore, blastospore, and the germ tube of T. asahii. We also found that Spitzenkörpers were present at the tip of the hyphae as well as the subapical regions. Cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of actin polymerization, leads to abnormal Spitzenkörper formation and loss of cell polarity.(AU)
Estruturas Fúngicas , Trichosporon , Corantes Fluorescentes , Citocalasina D , EndocitoseResumo
A utilização da transgenia com a proteína fluorescente verde (GFP) como marcador de células de origem fetal nas placentas de clones bovinos servirá de modelo inédito para estudo morfofisiológico e imunológico da interação materno-fetal, visto que possibilitará o seu mapeamento, diferenciando as células fetais das maternas. Tal modelo terá aplicação direta, principalmente porque estes são animais que apresentam problemas em relação ao seu desenvolvimento. Com o auxílio deste modelo, pretende-se verificar o transporte de substâncias entre a mãe e o feto via endocitose, pela imunolocalização das proteínas chamadas de caveolinas. Para tanto foram utilizados 06 bovinos clonados e 30 bovinos de inseminação artificial (IA) com idade até 90 dias de gestação, os quais tiveram seu desenvolvimento interrompido mediante abate humanitário das receptoras e ovariosalpingohisterectomia, com posterior recuperação do útero gestante. Foram coletados os placentônios e o cório. Uma parte das amostras foi recortada e fixada, por imersão, em solução de parafolmaldeído a 4% ou formoldeído a 10% em tampão fosfato de sódio (PBS) a 0,1M pH 7.4, solução de Zamboni (4% de paraformoldeído, 15% de ácido pícrico, em tampão fosfato de sódio a 0,1M pH 7.4), metacarn (60% de metanol, 30% de clorofórmio, e 10% de ácido acético glacial), para verificação da morfologia e realização de imuno-histoquímica para as proteínas caveolinas -1 e -2 (CAV -1 e CAV-2). As caveolinas -1 foram localizadas nos vilos fetais e maternos, mas sua marcação mais forte foi observada no estroma endometrial. As caveolinas -2 tiveram marcação positiva no trofoblasto e membrana córioalantoide, e, especificamente em célula trofoblástica gigante binucleada. Sendo assim, os resultados mostram que a proteína CAV-1 teve uma maior expressão em relação ...(AU)
The transgenic application of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as fetal cell marker on cattle cloned placenta could provide an exclusive model for studying the morphologic and immunologic maternal-fetal interactions, providing information about its mapping, distinguishing the fetal from maternal cells. This model will have direct application, mainly because these animals present problems during its development. With this model's support, we intend to verify the substances transport between mother and fetus during endocytosis, through the immunolocalization of protein named caveolae. For these, we used 06 cloned bovine and 30 cattle samples of artificial insemination (AI) with 90 days of pregnancy, which had been their development interrupted by humanitarian slaughter of the recipient and recovery of the pregnant uterus. We collected the placentome and the chorion. A part of the samples was cut and fixed, by immersion, on a solution containing 4% of parafomaldehyde or 10% of formaldehyde on a sodium phosphate buffer (PBS), at 0,1M pH 7.4, Zamboni solution (4% of paraformaldehyde, 15% of picric acid, on sodium phosphate buffer 0,1M pH 7.4), metacarn (60% of metanol, 30% of chloroform, and 10% glacial acetic acid), for morphologic and immunohistochemistry verification for caveolinas proteins -1 and -2 (CAV -1 and CAV- 2). The caveolins -1 were found in fetal and maternal villi, but its strongest staining was observed in the endometrial stroma. The caveolins -2 had positive staining in trophoblast and chorioallantoic membrane, and specifically in giant trophoblastic binucleated cell. Therefore the results were compared between cloned cattle and from AI or natural mating, for assisting on detection of the reason of many placental alterations, embryonic losses, spontaneous abortion, post-natal mortality and large offspring syndrome on laboratory-manipulated animals. The result suggests that the proteins caveolins -1 and -2 (CAV-1 and CAV-2) are part of the caveolae...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Lactente , Bovinos , Caveolinas/genética , Clonagem de Organismos/veterinária , Animais Geneticamente Modificados/embriologia , Cavéolas/ultraestrutura , Imunofluorescência/veterinária , Endocitose , Pinocitose , Vilosidades Coriônicas/fisiologia , Apoptose , Crescimento Celular , Metabolismo dos LipídeosResumo
Edwarsiella tarda is a zoonotic bacterium that can be isolated from humans, animals and the environment. Although E. tarda is primarily considered a fish pathogen, it is the only species of its genus considered to be pathogenic for humans as well. A survey of zoonotic intestinal bacteria in fresh feces from South American sea lions (SASL) Otaria flavescens, reported E. tarda as the most frequently isolated species. In this study, we used HEp-2 cells to establish in vitro the adherence and invasive ability of 17 E. tarda strains isolated from SASL fecal material. All the strains were able to adhere and invade HEp-2 cells with adhesion and invasion percentages ranging from 56 to 100% and 21 to 74%, respectively. Despite the expression of these pathogenic factors, further investigation is needed to determine whether this bacterium could play a role as primary pathogen for this and other species of pinnipeds.