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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(12): 955-962, Dec. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1155039


The present study aimed to evaluate and diagnose pathologies of the reproductive system of slaughtered sheep in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia since there are few data on the subject as well as it is important to note the diagnosis of these diseases to apply appropriate control and prophylaxis measures. The research was carried out in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia according to the "Serviço de Inspeção Federal" and "Serviço de Inspeção Estadual" for sheep slaughter. From July 2018 to February 2019, visits and monitoring of 1,072 slaughtered sheep were carried out. The animals came from 22 municipalities in the state of Bahia, aged from six to 18 months. During slaughter, the sheep reproductive systems were sectioned for evisceration and lesion collection. Additionally, epidemiological surveys related to origin, age, and race were obtained. For bacteriological examination, collections were performed with sterile scalpel slides and swabs in Stuart medium sterile tubes and refrigerated in a thermal box. For histopathological analysis, fragments were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and routinely processed for histology, stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). A study of the sheep's main pathological changes in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia was carried out, in which 1.072 genital systems were evaluated, and 211 alterations were identified. The most affected reproductive organs were the ovaries (65.3%), followed by the uterus (29.4%) and uterine tubes (5.3%). In the ovaries, the most frequent lesion was a follicular cyst (34.1%); in the fallopian tubes, the cysts represented 3.3% of the lesions, and in the womb, endometritis was observed in 9% of the animals. Other pathologies identified in the ovaries were: luteinized cyst (2.3%); cystic granulosa cell tumor (0.5%); benign lesion (0.5%); agenesis unilateral (0.5%), in addition to other changes of little clinical significance, such as corpus luteum cysts (11.8%) and paraovarian cysts (15.6%). In the fallopian tubes, hydrosalpinx was observed (1%), as well as adenoma (0.5%), agenesis (0.5%), and cysts (3.3%). Uterine lesions included hydrometra (2.3%); Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia (CEH), abscess, and pyometra (1.4% each); adenomyosis, womb sera petechiae, and total segmental aplasia (1% each); two pregnant uterus, in early pregnancy, presented pyometra (0.9%), however, no change was observed in the fetuses; and uterine polyp (0.5%). Ectopic pregnancy with fetal maceration (0.5%) was observed; vaginitis occurred in 0.5% of the animals, and endometrial melanosis in 8.5%. The high incidence of follicular cysts and endometritis are characterized as diseases that reduce the reproductive efficiency in herds, causing infertility and economic losses in production.(AU)

O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar e diagnosticar alterações do sistema reprodutor de ovelhas abatidas em abatedouros frigoríficos no estado da Bahia. A pesquisa foi realizada em abatedouros frigoríficos do estado da Bahia com Serviços de Inspeção Federal e Estadual no abate de ovinos. No período de julho de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019 foram realizadas visitas e acompanhamento do abate de 1.072 ovelhas. Os animais eram provenientes de 22 municípios do estado da Bahia, com idade entre 6 a 18 meses. Durante o abate, na evisceração foram seccionados os sistemas reprodutores das ovelhas para avaliação e coleta das lesões. Adicionalmente foram obtidos inquéritos epidemiológicos relacionados à procedência, idade e raça. Para o exame bacteriológico, as coletas foram realizadas com lâminas de bisturi estéreis e swabs em tubos estéreis com meio Stuart e refrigeradas em caixa térmica. Para análise histopatológica, os fragmentos foram fixados em formol a 10% e processados de forma rotineira para histologia e corados pela hematoxilina e eosina (HE). Entre 1.072 sistemas genitais avaliados, identificou-se 211 alterações. Os órgãos do sistema reprodutor mais acometidos foram os ovários (65,3%), útero (29,4%) e tubas uterinas (5,3%). Nos ovários, a lesão mais frequente foi o cisto folicular (34,1%); no útero a endometrite (9%) e nas tubas uterinas, os cistos representaram (3,3%). Outras lesões identificadas nos ovários foram: cisto luteinizado (2,3%); tumor de células da granulosa (0,5%); adenoma (0,5%); agenesia unilateral (0,5%), além de outras alterações de pouco significado clínico, como cistos paraovarianos (15,6%) e corpo lúteo cístico (11,8%). Nas tubas uterinas observou-se, além dos cistos tubo-ovarianos (3,3%), hidrossalpinge (1%), adenoma (0,5%) e agenesia (0,5%). As lesões uterinas foram endometrite (9%), hidrometra (2,3%); hiperplasia endometrial cística, abscesso e piometra (1,4% cada); adenomiose, petéquias na serosa do útero e aplasia segmentar (1% cada); dois úteros gravídicos, em início de gestação, apresentaram piometra (0,9%), porém os fetos não apresentaram alterações; e pólipo uterino (0,5%). Observou-se uma gestação ectópica com maceração fetal (0,5%); a vaginite ocorreu em 0,5%, e melanose endometrial em 8,5%. Destaca-se a elevada incidência de cistos foliculares e endometrite que são doenças que reduzem a eficiência reprodutiva dos rebanhos, provocando infertilidade e perdas econômicas na produção.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Endometrite/patologia , Genitália Feminina/fisiopatologia , Genitália Feminina/lesões , Inquéritos e Questionários , Matadouros
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(12): 955-962, dez. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33408


The present study aimed to evaluate and diagnose pathologies of the reproductive system of slaughtered sheep in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia since there are few data on the subject as well as it is important to note the diagnosis of these diseases to apply appropriate control and prophylaxis measures. The research was carried out in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia according to the "Serviço de Inspeção Federal" and "Serviço de Inspeção Estadual" for sheep slaughter. From July 2018 to February 2019, visits and monitoring of 1,072 slaughtered sheep were carried out. The animals came from 22 municipalities in the state of Bahia, aged from six to 18 months. During slaughter, the sheep reproductive systems were sectioned for evisceration and lesion collection. Additionally, epidemiological surveys related to origin, age, and race were obtained. For bacteriological examination, collections were performed with sterile scalpel slides and swabs in Stuart medium sterile tubes and refrigerated in a thermal box. For histopathological analysis, fragments were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and routinely processed for histology, stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). A study of the sheep's main pathological changes in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia was carried out, in which 1.072 genital systems were evaluated, and 211 alterations were identified. The most affected reproductive organs were the ovaries (65.3%), followed by the uterus (29.4%) and uterine tubes (5.3%). In the ovaries, the most frequent lesion was a follicular cyst (34.1%); in the fallopian tubes, the cysts represented 3.3% of the lesions, and in the womb, endometritis was observed in 9% of the animals. Other pathologies identified in the ovaries were: luteinized cyst (2.3%); cystic granulosa cell tumor (0.5%); benign lesion (0.5%); agenesis unilateral (0.5%), in addition to other changes of little clinical significance, such as corpus luteum cysts (11.8%) and paraovarian cysts (15.6%). In the fallopian tubes, hydrosalpinx was observed (1%), as well as adenoma (0.5%), agenesis (0.5%), and cysts (3.3%). Uterine lesions included hydrometra (2.3%); Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia (CEH), abscess, and pyometra (1.4% each); adenomyosis, womb sera petechiae, and total segmental aplasia (1% each); two pregnant uterus, in early pregnancy, presented pyometra (0.9%), however, no change was observed in the fetuses; and uterine polyp (0.5%). Ectopic pregnancy with fetal maceration (0.5%) was observed; vaginitis occurred in 0.5% of the animals, and endometrial melanosis in 8.5%. The high incidence of follicular cysts and endometritis are characterized as diseases that reduce the reproductive efficiency in herds, causing infertility and economic losses in production.(AU)

O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar e diagnosticar alterações do sistema reprodutor de ovelhas abatidas em abatedouros frigoríficos no estado da Bahia. A pesquisa foi realizada em abatedouros frigoríficos do estado da Bahia com Serviços de Inspeção Federal e Estadual no abate de ovinos. No período de julho de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019 foram realizadas visitas e acompanhamento do abate de 1.072 ovelhas. Os animais eram provenientes de 22 municípios do estado da Bahia, com idade entre 6 a 18 meses. Durante o abate, na evisceração foram seccionados os sistemas reprodutores das ovelhas para avaliação e coleta das lesões. Adicionalmente foram obtidos inquéritos epidemiológicos relacionados à procedência, idade e raça. Para o exame bacteriológico, as coletas foram realizadas com lâminas de bisturi estéreis e swabs em tubos estéreis com meio Stuart e refrigeradas em caixa térmica. Para análise histopatológica, os fragmentos foram fixados em formol a 10% e processados de forma rotineira para histologia e corados pela hematoxilina e eosina (HE). Entre 1.072 sistemas genitais avaliados, identificou-se 211 alterações. Os órgãos do sistema reprodutor mais acometidos foram os ovários (65,3%), útero (29,4%) e tubas uterinas (5,3%). Nos ovários, a lesão mais frequente foi o cisto folicular (34,1%); no útero a endometrite (9%) e nas tubas uterinas, os cistos representaram (3,3%). Outras lesões identificadas nos ovários foram: cisto luteinizado (2,3%); tumor de células da granulosa (0,5%); adenoma (0,5%); agenesia unilateral (0,5%), além de outras alterações de pouco significado clínico, como cistos paraovarianos (15,6%) e corpo lúteo cístico (11,8%). Nas tubas uterinas observou-se, além dos cistos tubo-ovarianos (3,3%), hidrossalpinge (1%), adenoma (0,5%) e agenesia (0,5%). As lesões uterinas foram endometrite (9%), hidrometra (2,3%); hiperplasia endometrial cística, abscesso e piometra (1,4% cada); adenomiose, petéquias na serosa do útero e aplasia segmentar (1% cada); dois úteros gravídicos, em início de gestação, apresentaram piometra (0,9%), porém os fetos não apresentaram alterações; e pólipo uterino (0,5%). Observou-se uma gestação ectópica com maceração fetal (0,5%); a vaginite ocorreu em 0,5%, e melanose endometrial em 8,5%. Destaca-se a elevada incidência de cistos foliculares e endometrite que são doenças que reduzem a eficiência reprodutiva dos rebanhos, provocando infertilidade e perdas econômicas na produção.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Endometrite/patologia , Genitália Feminina/fisiopatologia , Genitália Feminina/lesões , Inquéritos e Questionários , Matadouros
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 17(3): [e20200063], 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461516


Researchers, veterinarians, and farmers' pursuit of a consistent diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of uterine diseases remains challenging. The diagnosis and treatment of metritis is inconsistent, a concerning situation when considered the global threat of antimicrobial resistance dissemination. Endometritis is an insidious disease absent on routine health programs in many dairy farms and from pharmaceutical therapeutics arsenal in places like the US market. Conversely, a multitude of studies advanced the understanding of how uterine diseases compromise oocyte, follicle, and embryo development, and the uterine environment having long-lasting effects on fertility. The field of uterine disease microbiome also experienced tremendous progress and created opportunities for the development of novel preventives to improve the management of uterine diseases. Activity monitors, biomarkers, genomic selection, and machine learning predictive models are other innovative developments that have been explored in recent years to help mitigate the negative impacts of uterine diseases. Albeit novel tools such as vaccines for metritis, immune modulators, probiotics, genomic selection, and selective antimicrobial therapy are promising, further research is warranted to implement these technologies in a systematic and cost-effective manner.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/anormalidades , Doenças do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico , Doenças do Colo do Útero/patologia , Endometrite/diagnóstico , Endometrite/patologia
Anim. Reprod. ; 17(3): [e20200063], 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28340


Researchers, veterinarians, and farmers' pursuit of a consistent diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of uterine diseases remains challenging. The diagnosis and treatment of metritis is inconsistent, a concerning situation when considered the global threat of antimicrobial resistance dissemination. Endometritis is an insidious disease absent on routine health programs in many dairy farms and from pharmaceutical therapeutics arsenal in places like the US market. Conversely, a multitude of studies advanced the understanding of how uterine diseases compromise oocyte, follicle, and embryo development, and the uterine environment having long-lasting effects on fertility. The field of uterine disease microbiome also experienced tremendous progress and created opportunities for the development of novel preventives to improve the management of uterine diseases. Activity monitors, biomarkers, genomic selection, and machine learning predictive models are other innovative developments that have been explored in recent years to help mitigate the negative impacts of uterine diseases. Albeit novel tools such as vaccines for metritis, immune modulators, probiotics, genomic selection, and selective antimicrobial therapy are promising, further research is warranted to implement these technologies in a systematic and cost-effective manner.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Doenças do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico , Doenças do Colo do Útero/patologia , Endometrite/diagnóstico , Endometrite/patologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 15(supl. 1): 879-885, set. 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461405


Uterine diseases in cattle occur at all stages of the reproduction cycle but the majority of cases is found in the postpartum period. The inflammation of the uterus is generally defined as metritis or endometritis, with several graduations, e.g. puerperal metritis, clinical metritis, clinical or subclinical endometritis. Whether uterine diseases have a negligible, moderate or detrimental effect on fertility is still under discussion and depends on definitions and classification. In the past, it was assumed that the pregnant uterus is free of pathogens, but recent studies found several species including pathogens in the uterus and endometrium of pregnant cows. After parturition, a broad diversity of bacteria with >200 different species has been found in the early postpartum period. Not all of these bacteria, however, are considered as pathogens. Furthermore, bacteriological findings provide only evidence for infection but not for inflammation. For some bacteria, particularly Escherichia coli and Trueperella pyogenes pathogenic mechanism resulting in metritis and endometritis have been elucidated in detail. The role of bacteria that can be regarded as opportunistic or potential pathogens, e.g. Bacillus pumilus, is still under investigation. The understanding of the uterine microbiota and its interactions is increasing with the use of modern high-resolution techniques such as Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy. Endometrial cytology provides additional information about alterations in the endometrium. Knowledge of innate uterine defense mechanism in cattle has increased a lot in the recent past. It can be speculated that improving or modulating uterine defense mechanism will be part of future prevention and treatment approaches beyond the use of antimicrobials. In this context, cellular and molecular defense mechanisms have been in the focus of interest, e.g. the role of interleukins or mucins. This review gives a short overview on some aspects of recent research on uterine diseases in cattle.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Doenças Uterinas/patologia , Doenças Uterinas/veterinária , Endometrite/patologia , Endometrite/veterinária , Fertilidade
Anim. Reprod. ; 15(supl. 1): 879-885, set. 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20059


Uterine diseases in cattle occur at all stages of the reproduction cycle but the majority of cases is found in the postpartum period. The inflammation of the uterus is generally defined as metritis or endometritis, with several graduations, e.g. puerperal metritis, clinical metritis, clinical or subclinical endometritis. Whether uterine diseases have a negligible, moderate or detrimental effect on fertility is still under discussion and depends on definitions and classification. In the past, it was assumed that the pregnant uterus is free of pathogens, but recent studies found several species including pathogens in the uterus and endometrium of pregnant cows. After parturition, a broad diversity of bacteria with >200 different species has been found in the early postpartum period. Not all of these bacteria, however, are considered as pathogens. Furthermore, bacteriological findings provide only evidence for infection but not for inflammation. For some bacteria, particularly Escherichia coli and Trueperella pyogenes pathogenic mechanism resulting in metritis and endometritis have been elucidated in detail. The role of bacteria that can be regarded as opportunistic or potential pathogens, e.g. Bacillus pumilus, is still under investigation. The understanding of the uterine microbiota and its interactions is increasing with the use of modern high-resolution techniques such as Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy. Endometrial cytology provides additional information about alterations in the endometrium. Knowledge of innate uterine defense mechanism in cattle has increased a lot in the recent past. It can be speculated that improving or modulating uterine defense mechanism will be part of future prevention and treatment approaches beyond the use of antimicrobials. In this context, cellular and molecular defense mechanisms have been in the focus of interest, e.g. the role of interleukins or mucins. This review gives a short overview on some aspects of recent research on uterine diseases in cattle.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Doenças Uterinas/patologia , Doenças Uterinas/veterinária , Bovinos/anormalidades , Fertilidade , Endometrite/patologia , Endometrite/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 16(4): 598-607, Out-Dez. 2015.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473420


Among different etiologic factors, fungal endometritis is a common cause of decreased mares fertility.Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of Dermatobac®, a microculture system originally developed for the isolation of fungi that concerns Human Medicine. In Experiment 1, standard(ATCC) strains of Candida (n=4) and Aspergyllus (n=1) were grown and visually analyzed daily for 7days. For Experiment 2, 34 mares were selected and subjected to material harvesting for completionof uterine cytology as well as seeding with Dermatobac®. After 24h of cultivation, the macroscopicobservation of all Candida and Aspergyllus strains (Experiment 1) was possible. In Experiment 2,five animals showed presence of yeast on cytologic slides (14.71%), results also confirmed sowingin Dermatobac® system (100% sensitivity). Five false positive cases were observed, characterizedby microbiological growth in Dermatobac® but not confirmed by endometrial cytology, determiningspecificity of 85%. However, the results did not compromise the efficiency of Dermatobac® systemgiven all contaminants presented differentiated morphology and higher growing time (P 0.05)when compared to the major etiological agents of equine fungal endometritis. The Dermatobac®system proved to be efficient for the macroscopic diagnosis of fungal endometritis in horses, showingconclusive information only after 24 hours of culture.

Dentre os diferentes fatores etiológicos, a endometrite fúngica representa uma causa frequente deinfertilidade na égua. Nesse sentido, dois experimentos foram realizados para avaliar a sensibilidadedo Dermatobac®, sistema originalmente desenvolvido para o isolamento de fungos de interesse emMedicina Humana. No Experimento 1, cepas padrão de Candida (n=4) e Aspergyllus (n=1) foramsemeadas assepticamente e em duplicata no sistema Dermatobac®, acompanhando-se o crescimentofúngico a cada 24 horas por 7 dias. Para o Experimento 2, foram selecionadas 34 éguas, submetidasà colheita de material uterino para o plaqueamento em Dermatobac® e realização de esfregaços parapesquisa direta de fungos (Controle). No Experimento 1, foi possível a observação macroscópica detodas as cepas de Candida e Aspergyllus a partir de 24 horas do início do cultivo microbiológico.No Experimento 2, foi constatada a presença de leveduras nas lâminas citológicas de cinco animais(14,71%), resultados também confirmados na semeadura em Dermatobac® (sensibilidade de 100%).Foram observados cinco casos falso-positivos caracterizados pelo crescimento microbiológico emsistema Dermatobac® não confirmados através da citologia endometrial, resultados que determinarama especificidade de 85%. No entanto, todos os casos falso-positivos foram atribuídos a microrganismos contaminantes que apresentaram morfologia diferenciada e tempo de crescimento superior (P<0,05)ao apresentado pelos principais agentes etiológicos das endometrites fúngicas equinas. Conclui-se que o sistema Dermatobac® é eficiente para o diagnóstico macroscópico da endometrite fúngica em equinos, gerando informações visuais a partir de 24 horas de cultivo.

Feminino , Animais , Cavalos , Diagnóstico , Endometrite/patologia , Fungos/patogenicidade , Patologia , Candida , Fungos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 16(4): 598-607, Out-Dez. 2015.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-460639


Among different etiologic factors, fungal endometritis is a common cause of decreased mares fertility.Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of Dermatobac®, a microculture system originally developed for the isolation of fungi that concerns Human Medicine. In Experiment 1, standard(ATCC) strains of Candida (n=4) and Aspergyllus (n=1) were grown and visually analyzed daily for 7days. For Experiment 2, 34 mares were selected and subjected to material harvesting for completionof uterine cytology as well as seeding with Dermatobac®. After 24h of cultivation, the macroscopicobservation of all Candida and Aspergyllus strains (Experiment 1) was possible. In Experiment 2,five animals showed presence of yeast on cytologic slides (14.71%), results also confirmed sowingin Dermatobac® system (100% sensitivity). Five false positive cases were observed, characterizedby microbiological growth in Dermatobac® but not confirmed by endometrial cytology, determiningspecificity of 85%. However, the results did not compromise the efficiency of Dermatobac® systemgiven all contaminants presented differentiated morphology and higher growing time (P 0.05)when compared to the major etiological agents of equine fungal endometritis. The Dermatobac®system proved to be efficient for the macroscopic diagnosis of fungal endometritis in horses, showingconclusive information only after 24 hours of culture.(AU)

Dentre os diferentes fatores etiológicos, a endometrite fúngica representa uma causa frequente deinfertilidade na égua. Nesse sentido, dois experimentos foram realizados para avaliar a sensibilidadedo Dermatobac®, sistema originalmente desenvolvido para o isolamento de fungos de interesse emMedicina Humana. No Experimento 1, cepas padrão de Candida (n=4) e Aspergyllus (n=1) foramsemeadas assepticamente e em duplicata no sistema Dermatobac®, acompanhando-se o crescimentofúngico a cada 24 horas por 7 dias. Para o Experimento 2, foram selecionadas 34 éguas, submetidasà colheita de material uterino para o plaqueamento em Dermatobac® e realização de esfregaços parapesquisa direta de fungos (Controle). No Experimento 1, foi possível a observação macroscópica detodas as cepas de Candida e Aspergyllus a partir de 24 horas do início do cultivo microbiológico.No Experimento 2, foi constatada a presença de leveduras nas lâminas citológicas de cinco animais(14,71%), resultados também confirmados na semeadura em Dermatobac® (sensibilidade de 100%).Foram observados cinco casos falso-positivos caracterizados pelo crescimento microbiológico emsistema Dermatobac® não confirmados através da citologia endometrial, resultados que determinarama especificidade de 85%. No entanto, todos os casos falso-positivos foram atribuídos a microrganismos contaminantes que apresentaram morfologia diferenciada e tempo de crescimento superior (P<0,05)ao apresentado pelos principais agentes etiológicos das endometrites fúngicas equinas. Conclui-se que o sistema Dermatobac® é eficiente para o diagnóstico macroscópico da endometrite fúngica em equinos, gerando informações visuais a partir de 24 horas de cultivo.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cavalos , Patologia , Endometrite/patologia , Fungos/patogenicidade , Diagnóstico , Candida , Fungos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(3): 742-748, jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-9681


Avaliaram-se a incidência de endometrite citológica dos 29 aos 90 dias pós-parto e seus efeitos sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte Nelore submetidas a uma estação de monta (EM) de 90 dias. Foram utilizadas 49 matrizes Nelores, sem histórico de retenção de placenta, sem a presença de uma infecção uterina clínica, e com escore de condição corporal acima de 2,5. Realizou-se exame ultrassonográfico para avaliar a parede uterina e a atividade ovariana. O diagnóstico de endometrite citológica foi feito pela técnica de lavagem uterina, considerando-se caso de endometrite ≥5% de neutrófilos em cada lâmina. A incidência de endometrite citológica do rebanho foi de 22%, não diferindo entre as categorias analisadas (primíparas versus multíparas) (P>0,05), a taxa de concepção à primeira inseminação também foi semelhante entre primíparas versus multíparas (P>0,05), porém a taxa de gestação ao final da EM foi maior nas vacas multíparas (83,8%) quando comparadas às primíparas (50,0%) (P<0,05). A presença ou ausência da endometrite citológica não influenciou a taxa de concepção (P>0,05), tampouco a taxa de gestação ao final da EM (P>0,05). Conclui-se que o uso da citologia endometrial não se justifica como ferramenta de diagnóstico em vacas de corte Nelore.(AU)

Were evaluated the incidence of cytological endometritis from 29 to 90 days postpartum and its effect on the reproductive performance of Nelore beef cows submitted to a breeding season (BS) for 90 days. A total of 49 cows, with no history of retained placenta, without the presence of a clinic uterine infection, and with a body condition score above 2.5 were used. Ultrasound examination was performed to evaluate the uterine wall and ovarian activity. The cytological diagnosis of endometritis was done by uterine lavage, and endometritis was considering cases of ≥5% neutrophils in each blade. The incidence of cytological endometritis in the herd was 22%, and did not differ between the categories analyzed (primiparous versus multiparous) (P>0.05), and the conception rate for first insemination was also similar between primiparous versus multiparous (P>0.05). However, the pregnancy rate at the end of BS was higher in multiparous cows (83.8%) when compared to primiparous (50.0%) cows (P<0.05). The presence or absence of cytological endometritis did not influence the conception rate (P>0.05) nor pregnancy rate at the end of the BS (P>0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of endometrial cytological cannot be justified as a diagnostic tool in Nelore beef cows.(AU)

Animais , Reprodução/genética , Endometrite/patologia , Neutrófilos/citologia , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/classificação
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 9(3): 290-296, 2012. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461704


Uterine diseases in dairy cows can be classified as puerperal metritis, clinical metritis, clinical endometritis, and subclinical endometritis. These diseases are highly prevalen t (affect between 20 and 30% of dairy cows) in high producing dairy cows and have been associated with decreased pregnancy per artificial insemination (AI), extended interval to pregnancy, increased culling, and economic losses. Puerperal metritis is characterized by the presence of an abnormally enlarged uterus, a fetid watery red-brownish uterine discharge associated with signs of systemic illness, and fever (>39.5 o C) within 21 days in milk (DIM). Animals without systemic signs but with an enlarged uterus and a fetid uterine discharge within 21 DIM may be classified as having clinical metritis. Clinical endometritis is characterized by the presence of purulent (>50%) uterine discharge after 21 DIM or mucopurulent (50% pus, 50% mucus) after 26 DIM. In the absence of clinical endometritis, subclinical endometritis is defined by the presence of >18% neutrophils (PMN) in uterine cytology samples collected between 21 and 33 DIM or >10% PMN between 34 and 47 DIM. The main risk factors are dystocia, twins, retained placenta, stillbirth, abortion, prolapsed uterus, and ketosis. Metritis can be successfully treated either by systemic or intrauterine antibiotic treatment. Ceftiofur hydrochloride (Excenel ® ) intramuscularly or ceftiofur crystalline-free acid (Excede ® ) subcutaneously are effective in treating metritis, and oxytetracycline intrauterine is effective in abrogating the negative effects of metritis on milk yield and fertility. Intrauterine administration of cephapirin benzathine (Metricure ® ) is an effective treatment for clinical and subclinical endometritis, although not approved in the United States. Administration of PGF2 α does not seem effective for th e treatment of clinical or subclinical endometritis.

Animais , Bovinos , Endometrite/patologia , Útero/anormalidades , Ruminantes/classificação
Anim. Reprod. ; 9(3): 290-296, 2012. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-8340


Uterine diseases in dairy cows can be classified as puerperal metritis, clinical metritis, clinical endometritis, and subclinical endometritis. These diseases are highly prevalen t (affect between 20 and 30% of dairy cows) in high producing dairy cows and have been associated with decreased pregnancy per artificial insemination (AI), extended interval to pregnancy, increased culling, and economic losses. Puerperal metritis is characterized by the presence of an abnormally enlarged uterus, a fetid watery red-brownish uterine discharge associated with signs of systemic illness, and fever (>39.5 o C) within 21 days in milk (DIM). Animals without systemic signs but with an enlarged uterus and a fetid uterine discharge within 21 DIM may be classified as having clinical metritis. Clinical endometritis is characterized by the presence of purulent (>50%) uterine discharge after 21 DIM or mucopurulent (50% pus, 50% mucus) after 26 DIM. In the absence of clinical endometritis, subclinical endometritis is defined by the presence of >18% neutrophils (PMN) in uterine cytology samples collected between 21 and 33 DIM or >10% PMN between 34 and 47 DIM. The main risk factors are dystocia, twins, retained placenta, stillbirth, abortion, prolapsed uterus, and ketosis. Metritis can be successfully treated either by systemic or intrauterine antibiotic treatment. Ceftiofur hydrochloride (Excenel ® ) intramuscularly or ceftiofur crystalline-free acid (Excede ® ) subcutaneously are effective in treating metritis, and oxytetracycline intrauterine is effective in abrogating the negative effects of metritis on milk yield and fertility. Intrauterine administration of cephapirin benzathine (Metricure ® ) is an effective treatment for clinical and subclinical endometritis, although not approved in the United States. Administration of PGF2 α does not seem effective for th e treatment of clinical or subclinical endometritis.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Endometrite/patologia , Útero/anormalidades , Ruminantes/classificação
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 9(3): 318-322, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461708


The transition to lactation (3 weeks before to 3 weeks after calving) is char acterized by a decrease in dry-matter intake (DMI), lead ing to a sharp decrease in glucose and calcium, and an increase in body fat mobilization in the form of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). This results in products such as beta- hydroxybutyrate (BHB A) accumulating from incomplete oxidation of NEFA (Vazquez-Añon et al ., 1994). Neutrophils (PMN) are the main leukocyte type involved in clearing bacteria after uterine infection; however, during the period of negative energy balance, dairy cows experience a reduction in PMN function, including reduced phagocytosis and killing capacity. This reduction is more pronounced in cows that develop uterine disease. Glycogen is the main source of energy for PMN phagocytosis and killing; calcium is an important second messenger for PMN activation; NEFA is associated with impaired PMN oxidative burst activity; and BHBA redu ces PMN phagocytosis, extracellular trap formation, and killing of bacteria. If the immune system is not ab le to eliminate bacterial infection, disease is established. Pathogenic bacteria associated with metritis and endometritis are E. coli , A. pyogenes , F. necrophorum , and P. maleninogenicus . E. coli increases the susceptibility of the endometrium to subsequent infection with A. pyogen es, and A . pyogenes acts synergistically with F. necrophorum and P. melaninogenicus to enhance the severity of uterine disease. Among their effects, E. coli releases bacterial-wall LPS; A. pyogenes produces the cholesterol-dependent cytotoxin pyolysin and a growth factor for F. necrophorum ; F. necrophorum produces a leukotoxin; and P. melaninogenicu s produces a substance that inhibits phagocytosis. A specific E. coli , called EnPEC/IUEC, causes uterine disease, and the virulence factor fimH was mostly associated with disease. For A. pyogenes , fimA was the only virulence factor associated with uter ine disease. The combined effect of bacterial infection and activation of inflammation is damage to the endometrium and embryo, delayed ovulation, shortened or extended luteal phase after ovulation, increased time to first insemination, decreased conception rates, increased time to conception, and increased pregnancy loss.

Animais , Bovinos , Endometrite/patologia , Infecções/veterinária , Lactação/metabolismo , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Alergia e Imunologia/tendências , Bovinos/fisiologia
Anim. Reprod. ; 9(3): 318-322, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-8344


The transition to lactation (3 weeks before to 3 weeks after calving) is char acterized by a decrease in dry-matter intake (DMI), lead ing to a sharp decrease in glucose and calcium, and an increase in body fat mobilization in the form of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). This results in products such as beta- hydroxybutyrate (BHB A) accumulating from incomplete oxidation of NEFA (Vazquez-Añon et al ., 1994). Neutrophils (PMN) are the main leukocyte type involved in clearing bacteria after uterine infection; however, during the period of negative energy balance, dairy cows experience a reduction in PMN function, including reduced phagocytosis and killing capacity. This reduction is more pronounced in cows that develop uterine disease. Glycogen is the main source of energy for PMN phagocytosis and killing; calcium is an important second messenger for PMN activation; NEFA is associated with impaired PMN oxidative burst activity; and BHBA redu ces PMN phagocytosis, extracellular trap formation, and killing of bacteria. If the immune system is not ab le to eliminate bacterial infection, disease is established. Pathogenic bacteria associated with metritis and endometritis are E. coli , A. pyogenes , F. necrophorum , and P. maleninogenicus . E. coli increases the susceptibility of the endometrium to subsequent infection with A. pyogen es, and A . pyogenes acts synergistically with F. necrophorum and P. melaninogenicus to enhance the severity of uterine disease. Among their effects, E. coli releases bacterial-wall LPS; A. pyogenes produces the cholesterol-dependent cytotoxin pyolysin and a growth factor for F. necrophorum ; F. necrophorum produces a leukotoxin; and P. melaninogenicu s produces a substance that inhibits phagocytosis. A specific E. coli , called EnPEC/IUEC, causes uterine disease, and the virulence factor fimH was mostly associated with disease. For A. pyogenes , fimA was the only virulence factor associated with uter ine disease. The combined effect of bacterial infection and activation of inflammation is damage to the endometrium and embryo, delayed ovulation, shortened or extended luteal phase after ovulation, increased time to first insemination, decreased conception rates, increased time to conception, and increased pregnancy loss.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Endometrite/patologia , Infecções/veterinária , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Lactação/metabolismo , Bovinos/fisiologia , Alergia e Imunologia/tendências
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(1): 12-19, fev. 2011. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-6094


Avaliaram-se, por método imunoistoquímico, a expressão e distribuição das metaloproteinases (MMP) 2 e 9 em amostras de endométrio hígido e de éguas portadoras de endometrite crônica. Foram utilizadas 60 biópsias endometriais. A MMP-2 foi observada na parede vascular, nas células estromais e no epitélio glandular, e a imunorreatividade mais intensa foi obtida nas células do epitélio glandular nas endometrites da categoria III e na parede vascular nos endométrios da categoria I. A marcação imunoistoquímica para MMP-9 mostrou-se difusa pelo endométrio e foi observada no epitélio luminal e glandular, na região da parede vascular, nas células estromais, endoteliais e do infiltrado inflamatório. Houve diminuição da marcação imunoistoquímica na região da parede vascular conforme aumentou o grau das lesões endometriais concomitante à diminuição da intensidade da reação. Não houve relação na expressão imunoistoquímica das metaloproteinases estudadas com o tipo de endometrite.(AU)

The expression and distribution of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) 2 and 9 were evaluated in helth endometrium and in chronic endometrites of mares by means of immunohistochemistry method. Sixty endometrial biopsies were utilized. Expression of MMP-2 was observed in vascular wall, stromal cells, and glandular epithelium. More intense immune reaction was seen in glandular epithelial cells in category III endometritis and in vascular wall in category I endometrium. MMP-9 immune reaction was diffuse and was seen in luminal and glandular epithelium; vascular wall region; and stromal, endotelial, and inflammatory cells. There was a decreased of the immunohistochemical marking in vascular wall region as increased the degree of endometrial injury, as well as reducing the intensity of reaction in this compartment. There was no relation in immunohistochemistry expression of metalloproteinases with the type of endometritis.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/classificação , Endometrite/patologia , Endométrio/anatomia & histologia , Metaloproteases/síntese química , Células Estromais/classificação
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 11(4): 880-887, 2010. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473023


Com o objetivo de avaliar as inter-relações entre a função hepática, o lipidograma e os distúrbios inflamatórios do endométrio (endometrites puerperais agudas, retenção dos anexos fetais e catarros genitais), colheram-se 126 amostras de soro sanguíneo de bovinos da raça Holandesa. A função hepática foi avaliada por meio da determinação dos teores séricos da proteína total, albumina, globulinas; aspartatoaminotransferase (AST), gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT) e bilirrubinas. O lipidograma foi avaliado pela determinação dos teores séricos de colesterol, triglicérides, ácidos graxos não esterificados e beta-hidroxibutirato. Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que os valores de albumina de animais com retenção dos anexos fetais e catarros genitais são menores do que os obtidos em animais sadios.

Aiming to assess the relationship among hepatic function, lipid profile and endometrium inflammatory disorders (acute postpartum endometritis, placental retention and genital catarrhal discharges), 126 blood samples were collected from Holstein cows. Hepatic function was assessed by total serum protein, albumin, globulins, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gammaglutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and bilirubin measurement. Lipid profile assessment was measured by serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids and â-hydroxybutyrate. The results indicate that the albumin values of cows presenting placental retention and chronic puerperal endometritis are lower than those of health cows.

Animais , Bovinos/classificação , Inflamação/etiologia , Endometrite/patologia
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 11(4): 880-887, 2010. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-4171


Com o objetivo de avaliar as inter-relações entre a função hepática, o lipidograma e os distúrbios inflamatórios do endométrio (endometrites puerperais agudas, retenção dos anexos fetais e catarros genitais), colheram-se 126 amostras de soro sanguíneo de bovinos da raça Holandesa. A função hepática foi avaliada por meio da determinação dos teores séricos da proteína total, albumina, globulinas; aspartatoaminotransferase (AST), gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT) e bilirrubinas. O lipidograma foi avaliado pela determinação dos teores séricos de colesterol, triglicérides, ácidos graxos não esterificados e beta-hidroxibutirato. Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que os valores de albumina de animais com retenção dos anexos fetais e catarros genitais são menores do que os obtidos em animais sadios.(AU)

Aiming to assess the relationship among hepatic function, lipid profile and endometrium inflammatory disorders (acute postpartum endometritis, placental retention and genital catarrhal discharges), 126 blood samples were collected from Holstein cows. Hepatic function was assessed by total serum protein, albumin, globulins, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gammaglutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and bilirubin measurement. Lipid profile assessment was measured by serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids and â-hydroxybutyrate. The results indicate that the albumin values of cows presenting placental retention and chronic puerperal endometritis are lower than those of health cows.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/classificação , Inflamação/etiologia , Endometrite/patologia
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 16(1): 46-48, 2009.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-2927


Objetiva-se relatar um caso de endocardite da válvula mitral em cadela da raça boxer, com seis anos de idade, que foi encaminhada ao HV da UFRPE. Durante o exame clínico o animal veio a óbito. Na necropsia notou-se no fígado um abscesso de três centímetros de diâmetro e no útero havia grande quantidade de material muco-purulento. No ventrículo esquerdo do coração percebiam-se várias formações de aspecto vegetativo aderidas à válvula mitral. À histopatologia evidenciou-se hiperplasia endometrial cística e endometrite purulenta. Nos fragmentos do coração constatou-se que as massas aderidas às válvulas eram constituídas por tecido conjuntivo frouxo, leucócitos, fibrina, debris celulares e sangue. Cultura da secreção uterina, do abscesso hepático e dos trombos valvulares revelou a presença de Staphylococcus sp. Os achados anatomo-histopatológicos e microbiológicos permitem concluir tratar-se de endocardite bacteriana valvular mitral vegetativa consequente a endometrite crônica.(AU)

The goal of this paper is present a case of mitral valve endocarditis in a 6-year-old female dog due chronic endometritis. The animal was guided to the Veterinary Hospital at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil, but the animal died during the physical examination. At the necropsy, a liver abscess, 3,0 cm in diameter, uterine with purulent content and some also vegetative formations adhered to the mitral valve were visually recognized in the left ventricle of the heart. Histopathologically, cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH), and purulent endometritis were observed. In the valves a mass adhered was present, which one was constituted by slack conjunctive tissue, leukocyte, fibrin, cellular scraps and blood. Uterine secretion, hepatic abscess content and the valvular clots culture revealed the presence of Staphylococcus sp. In conclusion, this case revealed the importance of the anatomohistopathological and microbiological diagnosis for the vegetative mitral valve endocarditis in dogs with endometritis.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Endocardite/parasitologia , Valva Mitral/anatomia & histologia , Cães/classificação , Endometrite/patologia , Abscesso Hepático/fisiopatologia , Muco
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 16(1): 46-48, 2009.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491370


Objetiva-se relatar um caso de endocardite da válvula mitral em cadela da raça boxer, com seis anos de idade, que foi encaminhada ao HV da UFRPE. Durante o exame clínico o animal veio a óbito. Na necropsia notou-se no fígado um abscesso de três centímetros de diâmetro e no útero havia grande quantidade de material muco-purulento. No ventrículo esquerdo do coração percebiam-se várias formações de aspecto vegetativo aderidas à válvula mitral. À histopatologia evidenciou-se hiperplasia endometrial cística e endometrite purulenta. Nos fragmentos do coração constatou-se que as massas aderidas às válvulas eram constituídas por tecido conjuntivo frouxo, leucócitos, fibrina, debris celulares e sangue. Cultura da secreção uterina, do abscesso hepático e dos trombos valvulares revelou a presença de Staphylococcus sp. Os achados anatomo-histopatológicos e microbiológicos permitem concluir tratar-se de endocardite bacteriana valvular mitral vegetativa consequente a endometrite crônica.

The goal of this paper is present a case of mitral valve endocarditis in a 6-year-old female dog due chronic endometritis. The animal was guided to the Veterinary Hospital at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil, but the animal died during the physical examination. At the necropsy, a liver abscess, 3,0 cm in diameter, uterine with purulent content and some also vegetative formations adhered to the mitral valve were visually recognized in the left ventricle of the heart. Histopathologically, cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH), and purulent endometritis were observed. In the valves a mass adhered was present, which one was constituted by slack conjunctive tissue, leukocyte, fibrin, cellular scraps and blood. Uterine secretion, hepatic abscess content and the valvular clots culture revealed the presence of Staphylococcus sp. In conclusion, this case revealed the importance of the anatomohistopathological and microbiological diagnosis for the vegetative mitral valve endocarditis in dogs with endometritis.

Feminino , Animais , Cães/classificação , Endocardite/parasitologia , Valva Mitral/anatomia & histologia , Abscesso Hepático/fisiopatologia , Endometrite/patologia , Muco