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Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 25-36, jan.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1425963


Relatos de ingestão de corpos estranhos dos mais diferentes materiais são comuns em aves, especialmente nas mais jovens. Os corpos estranhos podem causar intoxicação (dependendo da composição do material) ou mesmo perfuração do canal alimentar ou obstrução gastrintestinal. Quando há suspeita de ingestão de corpos estranhos, exames de imagem como a radiologia, ultrassonografia e endoscopia são ferramentas valiosas para o diagnóstico. Objetivou-se relatar um caso de uma ave da espécie Gallus gallus domesticus, raça Brahma, sete meses de idade, macho, pesando 4,3 Kg com quadro de sensibilidade na cavidade corporal e histórico de regurgitação, hiporexia e prostração há cinco dias. As radiografias simples indicaram a presença de corpo estranho radiopaco (parafuso) alojado na região do ventrículo (moela). Após tratamento clínico com lavagens gástricas por cinco dias sem êxito, optou-se por realizar uma endoscopia digestiva alta sob anestesia geral com quetamina e isoflurano. O corpo estranho foi satisfatoriamente removido com pinça de alça de polipectomia e a ave apresentou rápida melhora clínica sem complicações. A endoscopia mostrou-se um procedimento pouco invasivo e eficaz para a resolução do presente caso. Os clínicos veterinários de aves devem considerar a possibilidade de usar a endoscopia como ferramenta para diagnóstico e resolução de corpos estranhos no canal alimentar das aves.(AU)

Reports of ingestion of foreign bodies from most different materials are common in birds, especially younger ones. Foreign bodies can cause intoxication (depending on the composition of the material) or even perforation of the alimentary canal and gastrointestinal obstruction. When foreign body ingestion is suspected, imaging tests such as radiology, ultrasound, and endoscopy are valuable diagnostic tools. The objective of this paper was to report a case of an avian of the species Gallus gallus domesticus, Brahma breed, seven months old, male, weighing 4.3 kg, with sensitivity in the body cavity, and a history of regurgitation, hyporexia, and prostration for five days. Plain radiographs indicated the presence of a radiopaque foreign body (screw) lodged in the ventricle region (gizzard). After clinical treatment with gastric lavages for five days without success, it was decided to perform an upper digestive endoscopy under general anesthesia with ketamine and isoflurane. The foreign body was satisfactorily removed with polypectomy loop forceps, and the bird showed rapid clinical improvement without complications. Endoscopy proved to be a minimally invasive and effective procedure for resolving the present case. Avian veterinary practitioners may consider using endoscopy to diagnose and resolve foreign bodies in the alimentary canal of birds.(AU)

Los informes de ingestión de cuerpos extraños de los más diferentes materiales son comunes en las aves, especialmente en las más jóvenes. Los cuerpos extraños pueden causar intoxicación (dependiendo de la composición del material) o incluso perforación del tubo digestivo u obstrucción gastrointestinal. Cuando se sospecha la ingestión de un cuerpo extraño, las pruebas de imagen como la radiología, la ecografía y la endoscopia son valiosas herramientas diagnósticas. El objetivo fue reportar un caso de un ave de la especie Gallus gallus domesticus, raza Brahma, de siete meses de edad, macho, con un peso de 4,3 kg, con sensibilidad en la cavidad corporal y antecedentes de regurgitación, hiporexia y postración de cinco días de evolución. Las radiografías simples indicaron la presencia de un cuerpo extraño radiopaco (tornillo) alojado en la región del ventrículo (molleja). Tras tratamiento clínico con lavados gástricos durante cinco días sin éxito, se decide realizar endoscopia digestiva alta bajo anestesia general con ketamina e isoflurano. El cuerpo extraño se extrajo satisfactoriamente con pinzas de asa de polipectomía y el ave mostró una rápida mejoría clínica sin complicaciones. La endoscopia demostró ser un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo y efectivo para la resolución del presente caso. Los veterinarios aviares deberían considerar la posibilidad de utilizar la endoscopia como herramienta para el diagnóstico y resolución de cuerpos extraños en el tubo digestivo de las aves.(AU)

Animais , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/diagnóstico , Galinhas , Reação a Corpo Estranho/veterinária , Sistema Digestório , Endoscopia/veterinária
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(2): 117-129, Abril-Junho 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378094


A avaliação do sistema genital interno no garanhão é uma importante etapa do exame andrológico, mas ainda é negligenciada na clínica reprodutiva dessa espécie. A maioria das enfermidades que acometem as glândulas sexuais acessórias e a uretra são descritas na literatura como pouco frequentes e até mesmo raras, no entanto a falta de diagnóstico, em muitos casos, contribui para essa estatística. Dentre as enfermidades mais recorrentes se destacam a vesiculite seminal, obstrução de ampola e fistula uretral que podem levar a prejuízos na qualidade seminal e baixa fertilidade. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta revisão é abordar as principais ferramentas de avaliação dos órgãos genitais internos nos machos equinos, visando contribuir para o correto diagnóstico e tratamento das principais afecções que os acometem.(AU)

The evaluation of the internal genital system in stallions is an important step in the breeding soundness exam that is still neglected in the reproductive clinic of this species. Most diseases that affect the accessory sex glands and the urethra are described in the literature as infrequent and even rare, however the lack of diagnosis, in many cases, contributes to this statistic. Among the most recurrent diseases are seminal vesiculitis, plugged ampullae and urethral rent that can lead to decreased seminal quality and low fertility. Thus, the objective of this review is to highlight the main tools for evaluating the internal genitalia in stallions, aiming to contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of the main conditions that affect them.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Genitália Masculina/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavalos/fisiologia , Palpação/veterinária , Endoscopia/veterinária
Acta cir. bras ; 37(6): e370607, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402963


Purpose: To describe the use of endocavitary ultrasound probe as an auxiliary tool when performing partial nephrectomy in cases of endophytic renal tumors, to standardize the method, and to report the preliminary results achieved with this technique. Methods: Fifteen patients diagnosed with completely endophytic underwent partial nephrectomy with the use of an endocavitary ultrasound probe. This article describes the technique involved in partial nephrectomy and details the preparation of the endocavitary ultrasound probe to ensure its safe use. Results: All the patients had a RENAL score between 8 and 11. The median time of warm ischemia was 26 and 18 minutes for laparoscopic or robot-assisted surgery, respectively. The median duration of surgery was 150 minutes, and the median console time was 145 minutes for the laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery groups, respectively. The median estimate of blood loss was 200 mL. Only three patients in the laparoscopic group had focal positive surgical margins. There were no cases of infection at the site of probe entry. Conclusions: Intraoperative use of an endocavitary ultrasound probe for partial nephrectomy is possible and a safe alternative to the excision of endophytic tumors when neither robotic probes nor laparoscopic probes are available.

Humanos , Stents , Nefrectomia/instrumentação , Nefrectomia/métodos , Endoscopia/instrumentação , Neoplasias Renais/cirurgia
Acta cir. bras ; 37(1): e370106, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413343


Purpose: To present a detailed, reproducible, cost-efficient surgical model for controlled subepithelial endoscopic vocal fold injury in the rat model. Methods: Six male Sprague Dawley rats were enrolled in the experiment. The left vocal folds were used to carry out the injury model, and the right vocal fold served as control. After deep sedation, the rats were placed on a custom operating platform. The vocal fold injury by subepithelial stripping was carried out using custom-made microsurgical instruments under endoscopic guidance. Data were analyzed for procedural time and post-procedural pain. Microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) scan and histologic images were obtained to assess the length, area, and depth of injury to the vocal fold. Results: The mean procedural time was 112 s. The mean control vocal fold length was 0.96 ± 0.04 mm. The mean vocal fold injury length was 0.53 ± 0.04 mm. The mean vocal fold surface was 0.18 ± 0.01 mm2 with a mean lesion area of 0.05 ± 0.00 mm2. Mean vocal fold injury depth was 375.4 ± 42.8 µm. The lesion length to vocal fold length ratio was 0.55 ± 0.03, as well as lesion area to vocal fold surface area was 0.29 ± 0.02. Conclusions: Our described experimental vocal fold injury model in rats is found to be fast, safe, cost-efficient, and reproducible with a rapid learning curve.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Prega Vocal/cirurgia , Prega Vocal/lesões , Ratos Sprague-Dawley/cirurgia , Endoscopia/veterinária
Acta cir. bras ; 36(5): e360508, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278108


ABSTRACT Purpose To develop and validate a chest cavity simulator for teaching video-assited thoracic surgery (VATS). Methods The first phase of the study consisted of developing a chest cavity simulator. A quasi-experimental study was performed in the second phase, and 25 surgeons and residents participated in a three-stage pulmonary suture experiment. The videos were recorded and timed. Generalized linear regression models for repeated measures were used to analyze the outcome change over time. Results The chest cavity simulator consists of a console simulating the left hemithorax. Among the participants, 96% rated the design, visual aspect, positioning ergonomics, and triangulation of the portals as very good or excellent (face validity). There was a decrease in suturing time in step 1 from 435.7 ± 105 to 355.6 ± 76.8 seconds compared to step 3 (p = 0.001). The evaluation of the simulation effectiveness and performance (content validity) was rated as very good or excellent by 96% ofparticipants. The most experienced surgeon showed significant reduction in procedure time (p = 0.021) (construct validity). Conclusions The thoracic cavity simulator is realistic, showing content and construct validity, and can be used in VATS training. The simulation model allowed skill gain in the endoscopic suture.

Cirurgia Torácica , Treinamento por Simulação , Simulação por Computador , Brasil , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Competência Clínica , Endoscopia
Acta cir. bras ; 36(8): e360803, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339010


ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the blood flow in the internal thoracic artery when dissected endoscopically in a conventional manner, in addition to develop a reliable experimental training model for the surgical team. Methods: Paired experimental study. Ten pigs were operated and had both internal thoracic arteries dissected, the right with a conventional technique and the left by video endoscopy. The main outcomes to be studied were flow, length, and time of dissection of each vessel. Results: Blood flow measurements were performed with mean heart rate of 100 ± 16 bpm and mean arterial pressure of 89.7 ± 13 mm Hg. The mean blood flow of endoscopic dissection of the internal thoracic artery was 170.2 ± 66.3 mL/min and by direct view was 180.8 ± 70.5 (p = 0.26). Thus, there was no statistically significant difference between the flows, showing no inferiority between the methods. Conclusions: The minimally invasive dissection of the internal thoracic artery was shown to be not inferior to the dissection by open technique in relation to the blood flow in the present experimental model. In addition, the model that we replicated was shown to be adequate for the development of the learning curve and improvement of the endoscopic abilities.

Animais , Artéria Torácica Interna/cirurgia , Suínos , Dissecação , Endoscopia , Hemodinâmica
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06741, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31708


Colonoscopy is a minimally invasive technique used to assess the large intestine through direct inspection of the intestinal mucosa. When associated with histopathological examination of fragments collected from the intestine, the definitive diagnosis can be obtained. This retrospective study evaluated colonoscopy and histopathological exams of the large intestine and ileum of dogs with gastrointestinal disorders admitted at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and the Veterinary Hospital São Francisco de Assis to determine the frequency of injuries, their distribution in the intestinal segments, and the relationship of the findings observed in these two analyzes. The colonoscopy and histopathological findings of the case series were described using absolute and relative frequencies, as well as nature and intensity classification of the findings. Cohen's Kappa coefficient was obtained to assess the concordance of nature and intensity classifications between colonoscopy and histopathology, and its 95% confidence interval constructed. The analyses were performed using the Software SAS University Edition. It was observed a moderate agreement between the classification of the nature of the findings by endoscopy and histopathology (Kappa coefficient = 0.39, CI = 0.20-0.59). This can also be observed when assessing the frequency of similar diagnoses between the methods, since only 39 (72.22%) were consistent, i.e., 15 (22.78%) diagnoses differed depending on the nature of the finding, which could have a great influence on the final diagnosis if histopathology was disregarded. For the intensity of the injuries, little agreement was observed between the methods (Kappa coefficient = 0.1243, C = -0.05-0.30). This was even more evident in the frequency of similar diagnoses in terms of intensity, of which 20 (37.04%) were similar and 34 (62.96%) were different. Inflammatory affections are the most frequently observed alterations in the large intestine and ileum of dogs. The most common finding that reveals inflammatory changes is the lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. As for the proliferative and neoplastic lesions, adenomatous polyps and lymphoma were common. The most affected sites of the large intestine were the descending colon and the rectum. Findings such as edema and reddening of the mucosa were frequent by macroscopy. Although the changes observed by colonoscopy and histopathology may not be similar, these techniques are complementary, which makes biopsies mandatory for a diagnostic conclusion.(AU)

A colonoscopia é uma técnica pouco invasiva utilizada para avaliação do intestino grosso por meio de inspeção direta da mucosa intestinal. Quando associada ao exame histopatológico, com a coleta de fragmentos do intestino, o diagnóstico definitivo pode ser obtido. O objetivo desse estudo retrospectivo foi associar os achados de exames de colonoscopia e histopatologia do intestino grosso e íleo em 54 cães com distúrbios gastrointestinais dos Hospitais Veterinários da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) e São Francisco de Assis. Na colonoscopia, as alterações mais frequentemente observadas foram edema, friabilidade e avermelhamento de mucosa. Quanto à distribuição de lesões por segmento intestinal, houve maior incidência de alterações inflamatórias, das quais foram as mais frequentes, com o infiltrado linfoplasmocitário sendo o mais comum em todos segmentos analisados (i.e. reto, cólon, ceco e íleo). O cólon ascendente e o reto foram os locais de alterações mais frequentes na colonoscopia e na histopatologia. Os pólipos hiperplásicos e o linfoma foram as lesões proliferativas de ocorrência mais comum. Houve baixa concordância entre as classificações por natureza e intensidade dos achados na colonoscopia e histopatologia. Assim, não foi possível associar alterações descritas nos exames histopatológicos quanto à natureza e intensidade das lesões utilizando a colonoscopia, o que leva à conclusão de que é essencial a realização de biópsias em todos os exames para conclusão diagnóstica.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Colonoscopia , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Endoscopia , Intestino Grosso , Hospitais Veterinários , Mucosa Intestinal
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06741, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1250489


Colonoscopy is a minimally invasive technique used to assess the large intestine through direct inspection of the intestinal mucosa. When associated with histopathological examination of fragments collected from the intestine, the definitive diagnosis can be obtained. This retrospective study evaluated colonoscopy and histopathological exams of the large intestine and ileum of dogs with gastrointestinal disorders admitted at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and the Veterinary Hospital São Francisco de Assis to determine the frequency of injuries, their distribution in the intestinal segments, and the relationship of the findings observed in these two analyzes. The colonoscopy and histopathological findings of the case series were described using absolute and relative frequencies, as well as nature and intensity classification of the findings. Cohen's Kappa coefficient was obtained to assess the concordance of nature and intensity classifications between colonoscopy and histopathology, and its 95% confidence interval constructed. The analyses were performed using the Software SAS University Edition. It was observed a moderate agreement between the classification of the nature of the findings by endoscopy and histopathology (Kappa coefficient = 0.39, CI = 0.20-0.59). This can also be observed when assessing the frequency of similar diagnoses between the methods, since only 39 (72.22%) were consistent, i.e., 15 (22.78%) diagnoses differed depending on the nature of the finding, which could have a great influence on the final diagnosis if histopathology was disregarded. For the intensity of the injuries, little agreement was observed between the methods (Kappa coefficient = 0.1243, C = -0.05-0.30). This was even more evident in the frequency of similar diagnoses in terms of intensity, of which 20 (37.04%) were similar and 34 (62.96%) were different. Inflammatory affections are the most frequently observed alterations in the large intestine and ileum of dogs. The most common finding that reveals inflammatory changes is the lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. As for the proliferative and neoplastic lesions, adenomatous polyps and lymphoma were common. The most affected sites of the large intestine were the descending colon and the rectum. Findings such as edema and reddening of the mucosa were frequent by macroscopy. Although the changes observed by colonoscopy and histopathology may not be similar, these techniques are complementary, which makes biopsies mandatory for a diagnostic conclusion.(AU)

A colonoscopia é uma técnica pouco invasiva utilizada para avaliação do intestino grosso por meio de inspeção direta da mucosa intestinal. Quando associada ao exame histopatológico, com a coleta de fragmentos do intestino, o diagnóstico definitivo pode ser obtido. O objetivo desse estudo retrospectivo foi associar os achados de exames de colonoscopia e histopatologia do intestino grosso e íleo em 54 cães com distúrbios gastrointestinais dos Hospitais Veterinários da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) e São Francisco de Assis. Na colonoscopia, as alterações mais frequentemente observadas foram edema, friabilidade e avermelhamento de mucosa. Quanto à distribuição de lesões por segmento intestinal, houve maior incidência de alterações inflamatórias, das quais foram as mais frequentes, com o infiltrado linfoplasmocitário sendo o mais comum em todos segmentos analisados (i.e. reto, cólon, ceco e íleo). O cólon ascendente e o reto foram os locais de alterações mais frequentes na colonoscopia e na histopatologia. Os pólipos hiperplásicos e o linfoma foram as lesões proliferativas de ocorrência mais comum. Houve baixa concordância entre as classificações por natureza e intensidade dos achados na colonoscopia e histopatologia. Assim, não foi possível associar alterações descritas nos exames histopatológicos quanto à natureza e intensidade das lesões utilizando a colonoscopia, o que leva à conclusão de que é essencial a realização de biópsias em todos os exames para conclusão diagnóstica.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Colonoscopia , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Endoscopia , Intestino Grosso , Hospitais Veterinários , Mucosa Intestinal
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(2): 106-110, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453269


The aim of this paper is to report the Salpingopharyngeus fistula technique by means of videosurgery through a natural orifice (NOTES) in order to treat bilateral empyema. A mare was seen at the Large Animal Sector of UFPR, with a history of bilateral purulent nasal discharge associated with dysphagia lasting for ninety days. The animal was submitted to endoscopy, showing a moderate amount of purulent secretion in both guttural pouches. With no improvement on the clinical treatment, we opted for surgical treatment by endoscopy through Salpingopharyngeus fistula made with the aid of a device containing an electrical scalpel developed to perform this technique. It consisted of making an incision in the pharyngeal recess in order to access the guttural pouches and subsequently drain the purulent content. The patient was discharged at the same day and returned to work 30 days after the procedure. Surgical treatment for cases of guttural pouch empyema is indicated when the clinical resolution has not been effective, and the minimally invasive technique is indicated due to the reduction of risks and the easiness of postoperative management. Until this moment, there are no reports of the salpingopharyngeal fistula technique through video surgery for the treatment of guttural pouch empyema, which has proved to be efficient for the treatment of the disease.

O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a técnica de fístula salpingofaríngea por videocirurgia através de orifício natural (NOTES) para tratamento de empiema bilateral. Uma égua foi atendida no Setor de Grandes Animais da UFPR, com histórico de secreção nasal purulenta bilateral associado a disfagia há noventa dias. O animal foi submetido à endoscopia, evidenciando moderada quantidade de secreção purulenta em ambas as bolsas guturais. Sem apresentar melhora com o tratamento clínico, optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico por endoscopia através da realização de uma fístula salpingofaríngea feita com o auxílio de um dispositivo contendo eletrobisturi, desenvolvido para a realização desta técnica; que consistiu na realização de uma incisão no recesso faríngeo, para o acesso das bolsas guturais e posterior drenagem do conteúdo purulento. O paciente recebeu alta médica no mesmo dia e retornou ao trabalho 30 dias após o procedimento. O tratamento cirúrgico para os casos de empiema de bolsa gutural é indicado quando a resolução clínica não foi efetiva, sendo a técnica minimamente invasiva indicada devido à redução de riscos e à facilidade do manejo pós-operatório. Até o momento, não há relatos da técnica de fístula salpingofaríngea através de videocirurgia para o tratamento de empiema de bolsa gutural, a qual mostrou-se eficiente para o tratamento da enfermidade.

Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Empiema/cirurgia , Endoscopia , Fístula , Streptococcus equi/patogenicidade
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(2): 106-110, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765305


The aim of this paper is to report the Salpingopharyngeus fistula technique by means of videosurgery through a natural orifice (NOTES) in order to treat bilateral empyema. A mare was seen at the Large Animal Sector of UFPR, with a history of bilateral purulent nasal discharge associated with dysphagia lasting for ninety days. The animal was submitted to endoscopy, showing a moderate amount of purulent secretion in both guttural pouches. With no improvement on the clinical treatment, we opted for surgical treatment by endoscopy through Salpingopharyngeus fistula made with the aid of a device containing an electrical scalpel developed to perform this technique. It consisted of making an incision in the pharyngeal recess in order to access the guttural pouches and subsequently drain the purulent content. The patient was discharged at the same day and returned to work 30 days after the procedure. Surgical treatment for cases of guttural pouch empyema is indicated when the clinical resolution has not been effective, and the minimally invasive technique is indicated due to the reduction of risks and the easiness of postoperative management. Until this moment, there are no reports of the salpingopharyngeal fistula technique through video surgery for the treatment of guttural pouch empyema, which has proved to be efficient for the treatment of the disease.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a técnica de fístula salpingofaríngea por videocirurgia através de orifício natural (NOTES) para tratamento de empiema bilateral. Uma égua foi atendida no Setor de Grandes Animais da UFPR, com histórico de secreção nasal purulenta bilateral associado a disfagia há noventa dias. O animal foi submetido à endoscopia, evidenciando moderada quantidade de secreção purulenta em ambas as bolsas guturais. Sem apresentar melhora com o tratamento clínico, optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico por endoscopia através da realização de uma fístula salpingofaríngea feita com o auxílio de um dispositivo contendo eletrobisturi, desenvolvido para a realização desta técnica; que consistiu na realização de uma incisão no recesso faríngeo, para o acesso das bolsas guturais e posterior drenagem do conteúdo purulento. O paciente recebeu alta médica no mesmo dia e retornou ao trabalho 30 dias após o procedimento. O tratamento cirúrgico para os casos de empiema de bolsa gutural é indicado quando a resolução clínica não foi efetiva, sendo a técnica minimamente invasiva indicada devido à redução de riscos e à facilidade do manejo pós-operatório. Até o momento, não há relatos da técnica de fístula salpingofaríngea através de videocirurgia para o tratamento de empiema de bolsa gutural, a qual mostrou-se eficiente para o tratamento da enfermidade.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Fístula , Empiema/cirurgia , Endoscopia , Streptococcus equi/patogenicidade
Acta cir. bras ; 36(8): e360808, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339009


ABSTRACT Purpose: To develop a reproducible training program model covering the steps of the extended totally extraperitoneal approach (e-tep) technique for correction of ventral or incisional hernia repair. Methods: Training sessions with surgeons in the laboratory using both porcine specimens and a new ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) model simulating the operative steps of the e-tep technique. Students were interviewed and asked to answer a questionnaire pre and post the sessions to assess their performance and evaluated the course and model. Results: A total of 25 trained abdominal wall surgeons was evaluated at the end of the course. It was obtained a 100% satisfaction score of the training, as well as increased confidence levels up to 9 and 10 in all technical aspects of the surgery, having 96% of the surgeons performed a surgery under supervision of the proctors after the course. Conclusions: This training model is simple, effective, low cost, and replicable in guidance on the beginning of e-tep technique adoption, and performance. As a result, surgeons can get more confident and more able to perform surgeries employing this technique.

Humanos , Animais , Laparoscopia , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Hérnia Inguinal/cirurgia , Hérnia Ventral/cirurgia , Peritônio/cirurgia , Telas Cirúrgicas , Suínos , Resultado do Tratamento , Endoscopia , Herniorrafia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.532-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458359


Background: Megaesophagus is a chronic dilation of the esophagus rarely found in horses. It’s a non-specific disease that is associated with several causes, and esophageal hypomotility is the dysfunction that most commonly results in organ dilation. In the literature, there are few reports of megaesophagus in horses and, to date, no cases in mule have been reported. The objective of this work is to describe a case of a donkey with thoracic megaesophagus. Case: A 16 year-old donkey, castrated male, mixed breed weighing 195 kg, was referred for clinical care with a history of 5 days of anorexia. On physical examination, apathy, cachexia, 8% dehydration, moderate enophthalmos, ptialism, bilateral nasal discharge, dry and bristling hair were observed. Due to the poor general condition, a nasogastric tube was chosen to perform enteral nutrition, however, it was not possible to progress the tube to the stomach. In order to confirm the suspicion of a possible esophageal obstruction, gastroscopy was performed, where it was possible to observe an esophageal dilation filled with bulky food located in the thoracic portion of the esophagus. In an attempt to stimulate esophageal motility, in order to promote the progression of the material present in the region of dilation, intramuscular metoclopramide was administered (two applications every 6 h), however the treatment had no effect. Due to the unfavorable prognosis and financial limitations of the owner, euthanasia was performed, which was followed by autopsy and histopathological examination. At necropsy, a marked dilation of the esophagus was observed in the thoracic portion, which was filled with approximately 500 grams of bulky food (grass). In the mucosa of this area...

Masculino , Animais , Acalasia Esofágica/patologia , Acalasia Esofágica/veterinária , Equidae , Endoscopia/veterinária , Trato Gastrointestinal
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 532, 23 set. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765358


Background: Megaesophagus is a chronic dilation of the esophagus rarely found in horses. Its a non-specific disease that is associated with several causes, and esophageal hypomotility is the dysfunction that most commonly results in organ dilation. In the literature, there are few reports of megaesophagus in horses and, to date, no cases in mule have been reported. The objective of this work is to describe a case of a donkey with thoracic megaesophagus. Case: A 16 year-old donkey, castrated male, mixed breed weighing 195 kg, was referred for clinical care with a history of 5 days of anorexia. On physical examination, apathy, cachexia, 8% dehydration, moderate enophthalmos, ptialism, bilateral nasal discharge, dry and bristling hair were observed. Due to the poor general condition, a nasogastric tube was chosen to perform enteral nutrition, however, it was not possible to progress the tube to the stomach. In order to confirm the suspicion of a possible esophageal obstruction, gastroscopy was performed, where it was possible to observe an esophageal dilation filled with bulky food located in the thoracic portion of the esophagus. In an attempt to stimulate esophageal motility, in order to promote the progression of the material present in the region of dilation, intramuscular metoclopramide was administered (two applications every 6 h), however the treatment had no effect. Due to the unfavorable prognosis and financial limitations of the owner, euthanasia was performed, which was followed by autopsy and histopathological examination. At necropsy, a marked dilation of the esophagus was observed in the thoracic portion, which was filled with approximately 500 grams of bulky food (grass). In the mucosa of this area...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Acalasia Esofágica/patologia , Acalasia Esofágica/veterinária , Equidae , Endoscopia/veterinária , Trato Gastrointestinal
Vet. zootec ; 27: 1-16, 2 mar. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503595


A videocirurgia é um recurso para cirurgias minimamente invasivas que possibilita diminuir o trauma cirúrgico, risco de infecção, dor pós-operatória e o tempo de recuperação, sendo amplamente utilizada em pacientes humanos, e ao longo dos anos vem sendo usada na Medicina Veterinária. Visto que o uso da videocirurgia é considerada recente em animais, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema em cães e gatos, nas suas diversas modalidades como endoscopia, artroscopia, laparoscopia torácica e abdominal, e dessa forma, contribuir na atualização do tema. A videocirurgia em cães e gatos possibilita diagnóstico e tratamento de diversas afecções, e sua utilização apresenta potencial crescimento na Medicina Veterinária, sendo um procedimento foi considerado seguro e mínimo trauma tecidual, entretanto o alto valor do procedimento faz com que a procura por esses serviços seja baixa.

Video surgery is a resource for minimally invasive surgeries that makes it possible to minimize surgical trauma, risk of infection, postoperative pain and recovery time, being widely used in human patients, and over the years it has used in Veterinary Medicine. Since the use of video surgery is considered recent in animals, the aim of the present study was to conduct a literature review on the use of this theme in dogs and cats, in its various modalities such as endoscopy, arthroscopy, thoracic and abdominal laparoscopy, and contribute with updated information on the topic. Video surgery in dogs and cats allows diagnosis and treatment of several diseases and its use has potential for growth in Veterinary Medicine, and the procedure was considered safe and with minimum tissue trauma, however the high value of the procedure makes the demand for these services to be low.

La videocirugia es un recurso para cirugías mínimamente invasivas que hace posible minimizar el trauma quirúrgico, el riesgo de infección, el dolor postoperatorio y el tiempo de recuperación, siendo ampliamente utilizado en pacientes humanos, y a lo largo de los años se ha usado en la Medicina Veterinaria. Dado que el uso de la cirugía de video se considera reciente en animales, el objetivo del presente estudio fue llevar a cabo una revisión de la literatura sobre el temaen perros y gatos, en sus diversas modalidades, como endoscopia, artroscopia, laparoscopia torácica y abdominal, y esto contribuir con información actualizada. La videocirugia permite el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de varias enfermedades y su uso tiene potencial de crecimiento en Medicina Veterinaria, ya que el procedimiento se consideró seguro y mínimo trauma decidual, sin embargo, el alto valor del procedimiento hace que la demanda de estos servicios sea baja.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/métodos , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/instrumentação , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária , Artroscopia/métodos , Artroscopia/veterinária , Endoscopia/métodos , Endoscopia/veterinária , Toracoscopia/métodos , Toracoscopia/veterinária
Vet. Zoot. ; 27: 1-16, 28 ago. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32657


A videocirurgia é um recurso para cirurgias minimamente invasivas que possibilita diminuir o trauma cirúrgico, risco de infecção, dor pós-operatória e o tempo de recuperação, sendo amplamente utilizada em pacientes humanos, e ao longo dos anos vem sendo usada na Medicina Veterinária. Visto que o uso da videocirurgia é considerada recente em animais, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema em cães e gatos, nas suas diversas modalidades como endoscopia, artroscopia, laparoscopia torácica e abdominal, e dessa forma, contribuir na atualização do tema. A videocirurgia em cães e gatos possibilita diagnóstico e tratamento de diversas afecções, e sua utilização apresenta potencial crescimento na Medicina Veterinária, sendo um procedimento foi considerado seguro e mínimo trauma tecidual, entretanto o alto valor do procedimento faz com que a procura por esses serviços seja baixa.(AU)

Video surgery is a resource for minimally invasive surgeries that makes it possible to minimize surgical trauma, risk of infection, postoperative pain and recovery time, being widely used in human patients, and over the years it has used in Veterinary Medicine. Since the use of video surgery is considered recent in animals, the aim of the present study was to conduct a literature review on the use of this theme in dogs and cats, in its various modalities such as endoscopy, arthroscopy, thoracic and abdominal laparoscopy, and contribute with updated information on the topic. Video surgery in dogs and cats allows diagnosis and treatment of several diseases and its use has potential for growth in Veterinary Medicine, and the procedure was considered safe and with minimum tissue trauma, however the high value of the procedure makes the demand for these services to be low.(AU)

La videocirugia es un recurso para cirugías mínimamente invasivas que hace posible minimizar el trauma quirúrgico, el riesgo de infección, el dolor postoperatorio y el tiempo de recuperación, siendo ampliamente utilizado en pacientes humanos, y a lo largo de los años se ha usado en la Medicina Veterinaria. Dado que el uso de la cirugía de video se considera reciente en animales, el objetivo del presente estudio fue llevar a cabo una revisión de la literatura sobre el temaen perros y gatos, en sus diversas modalidades, como endoscopia, artroscopia, laparoscopia torácica y abdominal, y esto contribuir con información actualizada. La videocirugia permite el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de varias enfermedades y su uso tiene potencial de crecimiento en Medicina Veterinaria, ya que el procedimiento se consideró seguro y mínimo trauma decidual, sin embargo, el alto valor del procedimiento hace que la demanda de estos servicios sea baja.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/instrumentação , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/métodos , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterinária , Artroscopia/métodos , Artroscopia/veterinária , Endoscopia/métodos , Endoscopia/veterinária , Toracoscopia/métodos , Toracoscopia/veterinária
Acta cir. bras. ; 35(2): e202000206, Apr. 27, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-746081


Purpose To present new endoscopic robotic devices in the context of minimally invasive procedures with high precision and automation. Methods Review of the literature by December 2018 on robotic endoscopy. Results We present the studies and investments for robotic implementation and flexible endoscopy evolution. We divided them into forceps manipulation platforms, active endoscopy and endoscopic capsule. They try to improve forceps handling and stability and to promote active movement. Conclusion The implementation and propagation of robotic models depend on doing what the endoscopist is unable to. The new devices are moving forward in this direction.(AU)

Endoscopia/métodos , Robótica/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(2): 357-362, mar.-abr. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1011280


The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of EGUS and to quantify serum gastrin levels in jumping horses during competition season and interseason period. Forty jumping horses, competing at high level were randomly allocated into two groups, the Training Group: twenty jumping horses undergoing intense training and participating in competitions, and the Rest Group: twenty jumping horses in the interseason (resting period). The gastroscopic examinations and blood samples of the horses in the training group were performed 1-2 days following the competition while in the horses of the rest group, following 4 weeks of rest. The serum gastrin levels were measured at two different times: pre-feeding and two hours after feeding the horses (postprandial) by ELISA kit. Gastric lesion score data were compared by the Mann-Whitney U test (α= 0.05) and the mean gastrin values were compared between the groups and between the two moments by the paired tet tests, respectively (α= 0, 05). Squamous gastric ulcers were detected in 42.5% of all jumping horses examined independent of the period, competition season or interseason. Serum gastrin levels were significantly higher in the Training Group with no difference between pre-feeding and postprandial values.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de EGUS e quantificar os níveis séricos de gastrina em cavalos de hipismo durante a época de competições e o período de férias. Quarenta cavalos de hipismo de alta performance foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos, grupo treinamento: vinte cavalos de hipismo submetidos a treinamento intenso e participando de competições, e grupo descanso: vinte cavalos de hipismo em férias (período de descanso). As avaliações gastroscópicas e as coletas de sangue dos cavalos em treinamento foram realizadas um ou dois dias após as competições, enquanto nos cavalos do grupo descanso foram realizadas após quatro semanas de repouso. Os níveis séricos de gastrina foram mensurados por kit de ELISA, em dois momentos: antes da alimentação e duas horas após. Os dados de escore das lesões gástricas foram comparados pela prova U de Mann-Whitney (α= 0,05) e os valores médios de gastrina foram comparados entre os grupos e entre os dois momentos pelos testes t e t pareado, respectivamente (α= 0,05). Foram encontradas úlceras gástricas em 42,5% de todos os cavalos examinados, independentemente do período de competições ou repouso. Os níveis séricos de gastrina foram significativamente maiores no grupo treinamento, sem diferença entre os períodos pré e pós-alimentação.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Úlcera Gástrica/veterinária , Úlcera Gástrica/epidemiologia , Gastrinas/sangue , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Endoscopia/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(2): 357-362, mar.-abr. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23533


The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of EGUS and to quantify serum gastrin levels in jumping horses during competition season and interseason period. Forty jumping horses, competing at high level were randomly allocated into two groups, the Training Group: twenty jumping horses undergoing intense training and participating in competitions, and the Rest Group: twenty jumping horses in the interseason (resting period). The gastroscopic examinations and blood samples of the horses in the training group were performed 1-2 days following the competition while in the horses of the rest group, following 4 weeks of rest. The serum gastrin levels were measured at two different times: pre-feeding and two hours after feeding the horses (postprandial) by ELISA kit. Gastric lesion score data were compared by the Mann-Whitney U test (α= 0.05) and the mean gastrin values were compared between the groups and between the two moments by the paired tet tests, respectively (α= 0, 05). Squamous gastric ulcers were detected in 42.5% of all jumping horses examined independent of the period, competition season or interseason. Serum gastrin levels were significantly higher in the Training Group with no difference between pre-feeding and postprandial values.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de EGUS e quantificar os níveis séricos de gastrina em cavalos de hipismo durante a época de competições e o período de férias. Quarenta cavalos de hipismo de alta performance foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos, grupo treinamento: vinte cavalos de hipismo submetidos a treinamento intenso e participando de competições, e grupo descanso: vinte cavalos de hipismo em férias (período de descanso). As avaliações gastroscópicas e as coletas de sangue dos cavalos em treinamento foram realizadas um ou dois dias após as competições, enquanto nos cavalos do grupo descanso foram realizadas após quatro semanas de repouso. Os níveis séricos de gastrina foram mensurados por kit de ELISA, em dois momentos: antes da alimentação e duas horas após. Os dados de escore das lesões gástricas foram comparados pela prova U de Mann-Whitney (α= 0,05) e os valores médios de gastrina foram comparados entre os grupos e entre os dois momentos pelos testes t e t pareado, respectivamente (α= 0,05). Foram encontradas úlceras gástricas em 42,5% de todos os cavalos examinados, independentemente do período de competições ou repouso. Os níveis séricos de gastrina foram significativamente maiores no grupo treinamento, sem diferença entre os períodos pré e pós-alimentação.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Úlcera Gástrica/veterinária , Úlcera Gástrica/epidemiologia , Gastrinas/sangue , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Endoscopia/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(3,supl. 3): 37-39, 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472416


Endoscopy is a visual examination of internal structures with the aid of an endoscope. In some cases, it is possible to define the etiology of the diseases and the patient's response to a particular disease, helping to define specific prognoses and therapies. It is minimally invasive, reducing surgical time and consequently the duration of anesthesia, which is desirable mainly in debilitated patients and is indicated for visualization and / or sampling of an organ or site with additional diagnostic information. In the present case, the objective was to perform endoscopic examination in a boa constrictor. This patient was anesthetized for digestive endoscopy and sample collection for histopathological examinations that allowed the definitive diagnosis of chronic histiolymphoplasmacytic esophagitis of probable bacterial origin. It was concluded that this technique made it possible, in a non-traumatic way, to obtain samples that, on histopathological examination, determined the definitive diagnosis.

Animais , Boidae , Endoscopia/veterinária , Esofagite/diagnóstico , Esofagite/veterinária , Mucosa Esofágica/microbiologia , Pólipos
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(3,supl. 3): 37-39, 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20867


Endoscopy is a visual examination of internal structures with the aid of an endoscope. In some cases, it is possible to define the etiology of the diseases and the patient's response to a particular disease, helping to define specific prognoses and therapies. It is minimally invasive, reducing surgical time and consequently the duration of anesthesia, which is desirable mainly in debilitated patients and is indicated for visualization and / or sampling of an organ or site with additional diagnostic information. In the present case, the objective was to perform endoscopic examination in a boa constrictor. This patient was anesthetized for digestive endoscopy and sample collection for histopathological examinations that allowed the definitive diagnosis of chronic histiolymphoplasmacytic esophagitis of probable bacterial origin. It was concluded that this technique made it possible, in a non-traumatic way, to obtain samples that, on histopathological examination, determined the definitive diagnosis.(AU)

Animais , Boidae , Esofagite/diagnóstico , Esofagite/veterinária , Endoscopia/veterinária , Pólipos , Mucosa Esofágica/microbiologia