This study performed the characterization of coccidiosis in broilers and evaluated the occurrence of suggestive cases of necrotic enteritis (NE), seeking if there is an association between the diseases in Brazilian flocks. Two hundred and fifty-six birds from 32 flocks were evaluated. Macroscopic and histopathological lesions were graduated for coccidiosis and NE. Intestinal content was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for seven species of Eimeria and by selective anaerobic culture for Clostridium perfringens and identification of the NetB gene. Flocks positive for coccidiosis represented 93.8%. Macroscopic lesions of coccidiosis were Grade 1 for E. acervulina (27%); E. tenella (9.7%) and E. maxima (8.9%). Histopathological evaluation showed Grade 1 in duodenum (38.2%); jejunum (21.4%); cecum (9.3%) and ileum (5%). PCR demonstrated positivity for E. tenella (21.9%), E. maxima (18.8%), and E. acervulina (3.1%). Suggestive macroscopic lesions of necrotic enteritis ranged from Grade 1 (16%), 2 (23%) and 3 (10,9%). Histopathology indicated the absence of necrosis, showing only hemorrhage in the mucosa and submucosa, with the presence of Eimeria spp. Clostridium perfringens type A netB+ was not isolated, demonstrating that macroscopic lesions found mostly in the jejunum did not characterize NE, based on histopathology and negativity of the NetB gene. The study suggests that, due to the high occurrence of coccidiosis, many macroscopic findings suggestive of NE are, in fact, attributed to atypical lesions caused by the reproduction of Eimeria spp.
Este estudo realizou a caracterização de coccidiose em frangos de corte e avaliou a ocorrência de casos sugestivos de enterite necrótica (EN), buscando se há alguma associação entre estas duas enfermidades em lotes de frango de corte no Brasil. Foram avaliadas 256 aves de 32 lotes. Lesões macroscópicas e histopatológicas foram graduadas para coccidiose e EN. O conteúdo intestinal foi investigado por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para sete espécies de Eimeria e por cultura anaeróbia seletiva para Clostridium perfringens e identificação do gene NetB. Os lotes positivos para coccidiose representaram 93,8%. Lesões macroscópicas de coccidiose foram de Grau 1 para E. acervulina (27%); E. tenella (9,7%) e E. maxima (8,9%). A avaliação histopatológica mostrou Grau 1 no duodeno (38,2%); jejuno (21,4%); ceco (9,3%) e íleo (5%). A PCR demonstrou positividade para E. tenella (21,9%), E. maxima (18,8%) e E. acervulina (3,1%). Lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de enterite necrótica variaram de grau 1 (16%), 2 (23%) e 3 (10,9%). A histopatologia indicou ausência de necrose, apresentando apenas hemorragia em mucosa e submucosa, com presença de Eimeria spp. Clostridium perfringens tipo A netB + não foi isolado, demonstrando que lesões macroscópicas encontradas principalmente no jejuno não caracterizaram NE, com base na histopatologia e negatividade do gene NetB. O estudo sugere que, em virtude da alta ocorrência de coccidiose nos lotes, muitos achados macroscópicos sugestivos de EN são, na verdade, atribuídos a lesões atípicas provocadas pela reprodução de Eimeria spp.
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/microbiologia , Coccidiose/patologia , Coccidiose/veterinária , Coccidiose/epidemiologia , Enterite/diagnóstico , Enterite/veterinária , Enterite/patologiaResumo
Amebiasis is an important parasitosis that can affect reptiles, specially caused by protozoas of the genus Entamoeba, which include pathogenic or commensal species. Entamoeba invadens is the most common amoeba to cause serious disease and death in reptiles. This paper aims to report a case of a sudden death due to a disseminated infection by Entamoeba invadens in a red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria). The animal was brought to the Center for Management and Conservation of Wild Animals of the Fauna Division and found dead after being kept in an enclousure with other captive tortoises for 11 months. Macroscopic findings evidenced necrotizing typhlitis and proctitis and round yellow areas in the right lobe of liver parenchyma. In the histological examination, necrotizing and heterophilic enteritis and necrotizing hepatitis with macrovesicular degeneration of hepatocytes, associated with mixed inflammatory infiltrate were present. Both organs revealed numerous amoebic trophozoites, morphologically suggestive of the genus Entamoeba, and bacterial colonies. The agent was confirmed by PCR and Sanger DNA sequencing, which leads this study to be the first confirmed case report of E. invadens infection in Brazil in a red-footed tortoise.(AU)
Animais , Tartarugas/microbiologia , Entamebíase/diagnóstico , Enterite , EntamoebaResumo
In Brazil the second largest sheep herd is in Rio Grande do Sul and in recent years the demand for meat consumption of this specie has increased. Intensive farming systems have made considerable progress in this region with the objective of increasing the production of sheep for slaughter and obtaining a uniform batch to ensure better quality of sheep meat to consumers. However, the agglomeration and stress that animals go through can lead to the occurrence of illnesses and economic loss to producers. The objectives of this paper were to determine the main causes of death that affected sheep in a feedlot system, to establish forms of control and prophylaxis of diagnosed illnesses, and to estimate the economic losses resulting from them. The objective was also to determine the causes of condemnation of organs or carcasses in the slaughterhouses that processed the sheep were sent, and to estimate the losses in this productive sector. For this, a follow-up work was carried out in an establishment located in the city of São Lourenço do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, from October 2020 to September 2021. The dead sheep at the feedlot were necropsied, and the diagnosis was made based on clinical signs, pathology, and bacteriology. The main diseases diagnosed were parasitic enteritis (15.4%), pneumonia (13%), and listeriosis (9.6%). In the slaughterhouse study, the lesions that led to the highest number of condemnations were hydatidosis (29.9%), renal congestion (26.2%), and renal ischemia (25.8%). The economic losses estimated for the death of sheep in 2021 was R$17,480.00, significantly lower than the approximate losses in 2019 and 2020 of R$50,000.00 and R$54,000.00, respectively. This highlights the importance of technical assistance to reduce these losses due to mortality in sheep raised in a feedlot system. It was also observed the kidneys of the sheep were the organs most frequently selected for condemnation. The economic value of the kidneys sold as disposed waste was eight time lower than that the value of kidneys suitable for consumption.
No Rio Grande do Sul está localizado o segundo maior rebanho de ovinos do Brasil e a demanda pelo consumo de carne desta espécie animal tem aumentado nos últimos anos. As criações em sistema intensivo têm tido um avanço considerável nesta região com o objetivo de aumentar a produção de ovinos para o abate e obter um lote uniforme, garantindo melhor qualidade da carne aos consumidores. Por outro lado, a aglomeração e o estresse que os animais passam pode levar a ocorrência de enfermidades e trazer prejuízos econômicos aos produtores. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar as principais causas de morte que afetaram ovinos em um sistema intensivo de criação, estabelecer formas de controle e profilaxia das enfermidades diagnosticadas, bem como estimar as perdas econômicas delas decorrentes. Objetivou-se, também, determinar as causas de condenação de órgãos ou carcaças nos frigoríficos aos quais os ovinos eram enviados para o abate, para estimar as perdas neste setor produtivo. Para isso, foi realizado um trabalho de acompanhamento em um estabelecimento localizado no município de São Lourenço do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, no período de outubro de 2020 até setembro de 2021. Os ovinos mortos eram necropsiados e o diagnóstico realizado com base nos sinais clínicos, patologia e bacteriologia. As principais enfermidades diagnosticadas foram as parasitoses (15,4%) e as pneumonias (13%), seguidas de listeriose (9,6%). As lesões que levaram ao maior número de condenações foram hidatidose (29,9%), congestão renal (26,2%) e isquemia renal (25,8%). A estimativa de perdas econômicas no ano de 2021 foi de R$17.480,00, enquanto as perdas por morte de ovinos nos anos 2019 e 2020 foram de aproximadamente R$50.000,00 e R$54.000,00, respectivamente. Ficou evidenciada a importância da assistência técnica para a redução dessas perdas por mortalidade de ovinos criados em sistema intensivo. Observou-se, ainda, que os rins foram os órgãos mais frequentemente descartados para o consumo e que o valor de descarte como resíduo era oito vezes menor do que o valor dos rins aptos para o consumo.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos/epidemiologia , Causas de Morte , Pneumonia , Brasil , Ovinos , Enterite/parasitologia , ListerioseResumo
This study assessed microscopic morphology of protozoan and metazoan parasites, as well as parasite-associated histopathologic changes in five Brazilian free-ranging armadillos. Three armadillos had intra sarcolemmal cysts of Sarcocystis sp. in skeletal muscles without microscopic changes. One Dasypus novemcinctus was found parasitized with a nematode morphologically compatible with an oxyurid in the small intestine. One Dasypus sp. had neutrophilic enteritis associated with adult and larval stages of Strongyloides sp. and one D. novemcinctus had multiple embryonated eggs free in the lumen of the small intestine with mild neutrophilic enteritis. These findings represent a contribution for expanding our knowledge on parasitic diseases of armadillos.(AU)
Este estudo avaliou a morfologia microscópica de parasitos protozoários e metazoários, bem como lesões associadas ao parasitismo em cinco tatus de vida livre no Brasil. Três tatus tinham cistos de Sarcocystis sp. Intra-sarcolemal em músculos esqueléticos sem alterações microscópicas. Um Dasypus novemcinctus estava parasitado com um nematodo morfologicamente compatível com oxiurideo no intestino delgado. Um Dasypus sp. apresentou enterite neutrofílica associada com estágios larvais de Strongyloides sp. e um D. novemcinctus apresentou múltiplos ovos embrionados livres no lúmen do intestino delgado, associado a enterite neutrofílica discreta. Estes achados representam uma contribuição para a expansão do conhecimento sobre doenças parasitárias de tatus.(AU)
Animais , Tatus , Strongyloides , Sarcocystis , Enterite , Nematoides , Doenças ParasitáriasResumo
This study assessed microscopic morphology of protozoan and metazoan parasites, as well as parasite-associated histopathologic changes in five Brazilian free-ranging armadillos. Three armadillos had intra sarcolemmal cysts of Sarcocystis sp. in skeletal muscles without microscopic changes. One Dasypus novemcinctus was found parasitized with a nematode morphologically compatible with an oxyurid in the small intestine. One Dasypus sp. had neutrophilic enteritis associated with adult and larval stages of Strongyloides sp. and one D. novemcinctus had multiple embryonated eggs free in the lumen of the small intestine with mild neutrophilic enteritis. These findings represent a contribution for expanding our knowledge on parasitic diseases of armadillos.(AU)
Este estudo avaliou a morfologia microscópica de parasitos protozoários e metazoários, bem como lesões associadas ao parasitismo em cinco tatus de vida livre no Brasil. Três tatus tinham cistos de Sarcocystis sp. Intra-sarcolemal em músculos esqueléticos sem alterações microscópicas. Um Dasypus novemcinctus estava parasitado com um nematodo morfologicamente compatível com oxiurideo no intestino delgado. Um Dasypus sp. apresentou enterite neutrofílica associada com estágios larvais de Strongyloides sp. e um D. novemcinctus apresentou múltiplos ovos embrionados livres no lúmen do intestino delgado, associado a enterite neutrofílica discreta. Estes achados representam uma contribuição para a expansão do conhecimento sobre doenças parasitárias de tatus.(AU)
Animais , Tatus , Strongyloides , Sarcocystis , Enterite , Nematoides , Doenças ParasitáriasResumo
Background: Pythiosis is an infectious disease caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum, with higher occurrence in wetlands and hot climate regions. This microorganism develops its cycle in aquatic plants, and most cases happen because of the contact of animals or people with water containing the motile zoospores (infectious form). Horses are the principal species affected and develop principally cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions, but the gastrointestinal tract is seldom affected. Humans develop various forms of pythiosis, such as a vascular form. The objectives of the current study are to describe an unusual case of intestinal pythiosis, its clinical signs, aspects of pathogenesis, and diagnosis. Case: A 13-year-old Crioula mare, from Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, presented with reduced food and water intake, apathy, restlessness, rolling, nasal reflux, firm abdomen upon palpation, and tachypnea during 2 days. The horses of this farm were fed native pasture and horse feed, and they had access to a nearby pond. Two days following the start of the clinical signs, the horse died and was necropsied on the farm. During necropsy, there was around 400 mL of reddish effusion in the abdominal cavity (modified transudate). A 15 cm segment of jejunum was firm upon palpation and had a severe transmural thickening. The wall of the affected area was up to 3 cm in thickness and firm, with small yellowish and irregular masses that stood out and looked friable, interpreted as kunkers. Microscopically, the yellowish masses (kunkers) were characterized by dense accumulations of intact and degenerate eosinophils (eosinophilic necrosis). Within these kunkers, and also on their periphery, there were multiple negatively stained hyphal profiles. Hyphae were also seen on the wall of small arteries inside the kunkers. These hyphae had nearly parallel walls and were occasionally...
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos , Enterite/veterinária , Oomicetos , Pitiose/patologia , Pythium/isolamento & purificação , Hifas , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pythiosis is an infectious disease caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum, with higher occurrence in wetlands and hot climate regions. This microorganism develops its cycle in aquatic plants, and most cases happen because of the contact of animals or people with water containing the motile zoospores (infectious form). Horses are the principal species affected and develop principally cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions, but the gastrointestinal tract is seldom affected. Humans develop various forms of pythiosis, such as a vascular form. The objectives of the current study are to describe an unusual case of intestinal pythiosis, its clinical signs, aspects of pathogenesis, and diagnosis. Case: A 13-year-old Crioula mare, from Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, presented with reduced food and water intake, apathy, restlessness, rolling, nasal reflux, firm abdomen upon palpation, and tachypnea during 2 days. The horses of this farm were fed native pasture and horse feed, and they had access to a nearby pond. Two days following the start of the clinical signs, the horse died and was necropsied on the farm. During necropsy, there was around 400 mL of reddish effusion in the abdominal cavity (modified transudate). A 15 cm segment of jejunum was firm upon palpation and had a severe transmural thickening. The wall of the affected area was up to 3 cm in thickness and firm, with small yellowish and irregular masses that stood out and looked friable, interpreted as kunkers. Microscopically, the yellowish masses (kunkers) were characterized by dense accumulations of intact and degenerate eosinophils (eosinophilic necrosis). Within these kunkers, and also on their periphery, there were multiple negatively stained hyphal profiles. Hyphae were also seen on the wall of small arteries inside the kunkers. These hyphae had nearly parallel walls and were occasionally...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Enterite/veterinária , Pitiose/patologia , Pythium/isolamento & purificação , Cavalos , Oomicetos , Hifas , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
This study described an outbreak of necrohemorrhagic enteritis in a beef cattle feedlot in Nova Crixás, State of Goiás, Brazil, with emphasis on epidemiological, lesional, and laboratory aspects. Visits to the property were carried out and a necroscopic examination was performed on the bovine cadavers (N=57), which presented similar macroscopic alterations. Epidemiological data were collected, mainly referring to the feeding management of animals, and tissue samples were submitted to histopathological examination. Samples of feces and intestinal contents were also collected for bacterial isolation and PCR genotyping to detect the etiological agent, being confirmed Clostridium perfringens type A strains in 100% of the samples. Furthermore, 33.3% of strains isolated from intestinal contents and 40% of those isolated from feces were positive for beta-2 encoding gene. Considering the history, macroscopic and microscopic findings, as well as bacterial isolation and PCR, the diagnosis of bovine necrohemorrhagic enteritis was determined.(AU)
Descreve-se um surto de enterite necro-hemorrágica em um confinamento de bovinos de corte no município de Nova Crixás, Estado de Goiás, Brasil, com ênfase nos aspectos epidemiológicos, lesionais e laboratoriais. Foram realizadas visitas à propriedade e todos os cadáveres bovinos (N=57) foram submetidos ao exame necroscópico, os quais apresentaram alterações macroscópicas semelhantes. Foram compilados dados epidemiológicos, sobretudo referentes ao manejo alimentar dos animais e amostras de tecido foram submetidas a exame histopatológico. Foram colhidas, também, amostras de fezes e conteúdo intestinal para isolamento bacteriano e genotipagem por PCR para detecção do agente etiológico, sendo confirmadas estirpes de Clostridium perfringens tipo A em 100% das amostras. Ainda, 33,3% das cepas de Clostridium perfringens isoladas no conteúdo intestinal e 40% daquelas isoladas nas fezes foram positivas para o gene codificador da toxina beta-2. Considerando o histórico, os achados macroscópicos e microscópicos, o isolamento bacteriano e o PCR, foi estabelecido o diagnóstico de enterite necro-hemorrágica por C. perfringens tipo A.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Clostridium perfringens/isolamento & purificação , Enterite/patologia , Enterite/veterinária , BrasilResumo
This study described an outbreak of necrohemorrhagic enteritis in a beef cattle feedlot in Nova Crixás, State of Goiás, Brazil, with emphasis on epidemiological, lesional, and laboratory aspects. Visits to the property were carried out and a necroscopic examination was performed on the bovine cadavers (N=57), which presented similar macroscopic alterations. Epidemiological data were collected, mainly referring to the feeding management of animals, and tissue samples were submitted to histopathological examination. Samples of feces and intestinal contents were also collected for bacterial isolation and PCR genotyping to detect the etiological agent, being confirmed Clostridium perfringens type A strains in 100% of the samples. Furthermore, 33.3% of strains isolated from intestinal contents and 40% of those isolated from feces were positive for beta-2 encoding gene. Considering the history, macroscopic and microscopic findings, as well as bacterial isolation and PCR, the diagnosis of bovine necrohemorrhagic enteritis was determined.(AU)
Descreve-se um surto de enterite necro-hemorrágica em um confinamento de bovinos de corte no município de Nova Crixás, Estado de Goiás, Brasil, com ênfase nos aspectos epidemiológicos, lesionais e laboratoriais. Foram realizadas visitas à propriedade e todos os cadáveres bovinos (N=57) foram submetidos ao exame necroscópico, os quais apresentaram alterações macroscópicas semelhantes. Foram compilados dados epidemiológicos, sobretudo referentes ao manejo alimentar dos animais e amostras de tecido foram submetidas a exame histopatológico. Foram colhidas, também, amostras de fezes e conteúdo intestinal para isolamento bacteriano e genotipagem por PCR para detecção do agente etiológico, sendo confirmadas estirpes de Clostridium perfringens tipo A em 100% das amostras. Ainda, 33,3% das cepas de Clostridium perfringens isoladas no conteúdo intestinal e 40% daquelas isoladas nas fezes foram positivas para o gene codificador da toxina beta-2. Considerando o histórico, os achados macroscópicos e microscópicos, o isolamento bacteriano e o PCR, foi estabelecido o diagnóstico de enterite necro-hemorrágica por C. perfringens tipo A.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Clostridium perfringens/isolamento & purificação , Enterite/patologia , Enterite/veterinária , BrasilResumo
Diseases related to the alimentary system are the main cause of death in horses. This retrospective study aimed to describe the pathological findings of fatal parasite-induced enteritis and typhlocolitis caused by cyathostominae, Eimeria leuckarti, Balantidium coli, and Strongyloides westeri in horses. The records of parasite-induced intestinal lesions in horses necropsied in Southern Brazil between 2005 and 2017 were reviewed. Ten horses had fatal parasitic enteritis and/or typhlocolitis, and the main causes were: cyathostominae typhlocolitis (6/10), E. leuckarti enteritis (1/10), S. westeri enteritis (1/10), B. coli colitis related to cyathostominae (1/10), and infection by multiple agents (1/10). Cyathostominae typhlocolitis showed marked mucosal thickening, with multifocal elevated nodules containing tangled filiform parasites. Microscopic examination revealed that the mucosa and submucosa had encysted parasitic structures surrounded by eosinophilic and granulomatous inflammation. E. leuckarti enteritis was microscopically characterized by macrogamonts, microgamonts, and oocysts inside the host cells. S. westeri enteritis showed microscopic atrophy of the villi with numerous mucosal encysted parasitic structures. B. coli typhlocolitis showed severe diffuse mucosal reddening, with microscopic superficial mucosal necrosis associated with multiple protozoan trophozoites. Fatal parasite-induced enteritis and typhlocolitis are important causes of death in horses in Southern Brazil.(AU)
Resumo Doenças relacionadas ao sistema alimentar são as principais causas de morte em equinos. Esse estudo teve o objetivo de descrever aspectos patológicos de enterites e tiflocolites parasitárias fatais por ciatostomíneos, Eimeria leuckarti, Balantidium coli e Strongyloides westeri, em equinos. Foi revisado o banco de dados de lesões intestinais parasitárias em equinos necropsiados de 2005 a 2017, no Sul do Brasil. Dez equinos apresentaram enterite e/ou tiflocolite parasitária fatal, e as principais foram: tiflocolite por ciatostomíneos (6/10), enterite por E. leuckarti (1/10), enterite por S. westeri (1/10), colite por B. coli com ciatostomíneos (1/10), e infecção por múltiplos agentes (1/10). A tiflocolite por ciatostomíneos exibia acentuado espessamento da mucosa, com nódulos multifocais elevados contendo parasitas filiformes. Microscopicamente, a mucosa e submucosa apresentavam estruturas parasitárias encistadas envoltas por inflamação eosinofílica e granulomatosa. A enterite por E. leuckarti era caracterizada microscopicamente por macrogamontes, microgamontes e oocistos no interior de células do hospedeiro. Microscopicamente, a enterite por S. westeri apresentava atrofia de vilosidades com numerosas estruturas parasitárias encistadas na mucosa. A tiflocolite por B. coli exibia avermelhamento acentuado difuso da mucosa, e microscopicamente necrose superficial associada a múltiplos trofozoítos protozoáricos. Enterites e tiflocolites fatais parasitárias são importantes causas de morte em equinos no Sul do Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/parasitologia , Enterite/diagnóstico , Enterite/veterinária , Strongyloides , BalantidíaseResumo
Parvoviral enteritis is a common viral infection in dogs and is associated with many clinical and hematological changes. Bacterial translocation is a common complication and may result in sepsis. The objective of this study is to determine the presence of clinical and hematological factors associated with the risk of death in puppies with naturally occurring parvoviral enteritis and sepsis. Twenty-four dogs with parvoviral enteritis confirmed by chromatographic immunoassay during the clinical routine of a university veterinary hospital were selected. At admission and every 24 hours until the third day of hospitalization or until death, venous blood samples were collected for complete blood count, renal and hepatic biochemistry, and lactate and magnesium measurement; arterial blood samples were collected for gas analysis. Sodium, potassium, and ionized calcium were also analyzed, and a complete physical examination was performed. The factors associated with mortality were evaluated by Cox univariate analysis at a level of significance of 5%. The increase in urea and heart rate was associated with an increase in the risk of death. In contrast, an increase in total leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, partial pressure of oxygen, base deficit, bicarbonate ion, and oxygen saturation were associated with a reduction in the risk of death.(AU)
A enterite por Parvovírus é uma infecção viral comum em cães e é associada a diversas alterações clínicas e hematológicas. A translocação bacteriana é uma complicação comum e pode resultar em sepse. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a presença de fatores clínicos e hematológicos associados ao risco de óbito em filhotes com parvovirose de ocorrência natural e sepse. Vinte e quatro cães com parvovirose, confirmada através de imunoensaio cromatográfico, foram selecionados a partir da rotina clínica do Hospital Veterinário. À admissão e a cada 24 horas até o terceiro dia de hospitalização ou até óbito, amostras de sangue venoso foram coletadas para realização de hemograma, bioquímica renal e hepática, mensuração de lactato e magnésio; amostras de sangue arterial foram coletadas para gasometria. Foram analisados também sódio, potássio e cálcio ionizado, bem como foi realizado o exame físico completo. Os fatores associados à mortalidade foram avaliados através de análise univariada de Cox com um nível de significância de 5%. O aumento da concentração de ureia e da frequência cardíaca foram associados à elevação do risco de óbito. Em contraste, o aumento nos valores de leucócitos totais, linfócitos, monócitos, pressão parcial de oxigênio, déficit de base, íon bicarbonato e saturação de oxigênio foram associados à redução do risco de óbito.(AU)
Animais , Criança , Cães , Parvovirus Canino/patogenicidade , Enterite/diagnóstico , Enterite/veterinária , Enterite/mortalidade , Sepse/veterinária , Sepse/complicações , Translocação BacterianaResumo
Parvoviral enteritis is a common viral infection in dogs and is associated with many clinical and hematological changes. Bacterial translocation is a common complication and may result in sepsis. The objective of this study is to determine the presence of clinical and hematological factors associated with the risk of death in puppies with naturally occurring parvoviral enteritis and sepsis. Twenty-four dogs with parvoviral enteritis confirmed by chromatographic immunoassay during the clinical routine of a university veterinary hospital were selected. At admission and every 24 hours until the third day of hospitalization or until death, venous blood samples were collected for complete blood count, renal and hepatic biochemistry, and lactate and magnesium measurement; arterial blood samples were collected for gas analysis. Sodium, potassium, and ionized calcium were also analyzed, and a complete physical examination was performed. The factors associated with mortality were evaluated by Cox univariate analysis at a level of significance of 5%. The increase in urea and heart rate was associated with an increase in the risk of death. In contrast, an increase in total leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, partial pressure of oxygen, base deficit, bicarbonate ion, and oxygen saturation were associated with a reduction in the risk of death.
A enterite por Parvovírus é uma infecção viral comum em cães e é associada a diversas alterações clínicas e hematológicas. A translocação bacteriana é uma complicação comum e pode resultar em sepse. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a presença de fatores clínicos e hematológicos associados ao risco de óbito em filhotes com parvovirose de ocorrência natural e sepse. Vinte e quatro cães com parvovirose, confirmada através de imunoensaio cromatográfico, foram selecionados a partir da rotina clínica do Hospital Veterinário. À admissão e a cada 24 horas até o terceiro dia de hospitalização ou até óbito, amostras de sangue venoso foram coletadas para realização de hemograma, bioquímica renal e hepática, mensuração de lactato e magnésio; amostras de sangue arterial foram coletadas para gasometria. Foram analisados também sódio, potássio e cálcio ionizado, bem como foi realizado o exame físico completo. Os fatores associados à mortalidade foram avaliados através de análise univariada de Cox com um nível de significância de 5%. O aumento da concentração de ureia e da frequência cardíaca foram associados à elevação do risco de óbito. Em contraste, o aumento nos valores de leucócitos totais, linfócitos, monócitos, pressão parcial de oxigênio, déficit de base, íon bicarbonato e saturação de oxigênio foram associados à redução do risco de óbito.
Animais , Criança , Cães , Enterite/diagnóstico , Enterite/mortalidade , Enterite/veterinária , Parvovirus Canino/patogenicidade , Sepse/complicações , Sepse/veterinária , Translocação BacterianaResumo
Background: Neonatal enteritis is an important disease that causes deaths of animals before 3 weeks of age, and results in significant economic losses. Viral agents can predispose the young animals to secondary infections in the gastrointestinal tract, especially in lambs and goat kids younger than 21 days. Although the neonatal diarrhea is common in calves, there is still little knowledge about pathology, pathogenesis and immunohistochemical localization of viral agents that cause neonatal enteritis in lambs and goat kids. In this study, we carried out investigations with the aim of detecting adenovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus and herpes virus in the guts of goat kids and lambs with viral enteritis.Materials, Methods & Results: Adenovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus and herpes virus antisera were applied to paraffinembedded intestinal tissue from neonatal lambs and kids that had died from enteritis. In addition, viral agents in the gut cells were detected and evaluated by electron microscopy. The study material consisted of 15 lambs and 15 goat kids that were presented for diagnosis. Viral agents were detected by immunohistochemically in 20 out of 30 animals. Rotavirus was diagnosed in 10 animals, adenovirus in five, herpes virus in three and coronavirus in two animals; and these results were supported by the electron microscopy. This study showed that viral agents play an important role in neonatal enteritis in lambs and kids.Discussion: Bacteria, viruses and protozoa may have a role in the etiology of neonatal enteritis and identifying the etiological agents is not always possible without laboratory studies. In addition, the immune system of the animal and environmental factors are important factors for to occurrence of the disease.[...]
Animais , Cabras/virologia , Enterite/diagnóstico , Enterite/etiologia , Ovinos/virologia , Trato Gastrointestinal/patologia , Adenoviridae/patogenicidade , Coronavirus/patogenicidade , Herpesviridae/patogenicidade , Imuno-Histoquímica/métodos , Rotavirus/patogenicidadeResumo
Background: Neonatal enteritis is an important disease that causes deaths of animals before 3 weeks of age, and results in significant economic losses. Viral agents can predispose the young animals to secondary infections in the gastrointestinal tract, especially in lambs and goat kids younger than 21 days. Although the neonatal diarrhea is common in calves, there is still little knowledge about pathology, pathogenesis and immunohistochemical localization of viral agents that cause neonatal enteritis in lambs and goat kids. In this study, we carried out investigations with the aim of detecting adenovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus and herpes virus in the guts of goat kids and lambs with viral enteritis.Materials, Methods & Results: Adenovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus and herpes virus antisera were applied to paraffinembedded intestinal tissue from neonatal lambs and kids that had died from enteritis. In addition, viral agents in the gut cells were detected and evaluated by electron microscopy. The study material consisted of 15 lambs and 15 goat kids that were presented for diagnosis. Viral agents were detected by immunohistochemically in 20 out of 30 animals. Rotavirus was diagnosed in 10 animals, adenovirus in five, herpes virus in three and coronavirus in two animals; and these results were supported by the electron microscopy. This study showed that viral agents play an important role in neonatal enteritis in lambs and kids.Discussion: Bacteria, viruses and protozoa may have a role in the etiology of neonatal enteritis and identifying the etiological agents is not always possible without laboratory studies. In addition, the immune system of the animal and environmental factors are important factors for to occurrence of the disease.[...](AU)
Animais , Cabras/virologia , Ovinos/virologia , Enterite/diagnóstico , Enterite/etiologia , Trato Gastrointestinal/patologia , Adenoviridae/patogenicidade , Rotavirus/patogenicidade , Coronavirus/patogenicidade , Herpesviridae/patogenicidade , Imuno-Histoquímica/métodosResumo
This study determined the occurrence of parvovirus and distemper in dogs treated at the Veterinary Clinics Hospital (HCV) of Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina (UDESC). For such, 3198 medical records filed in the HCV, from February 2013 to July 2015, were reviewed. From the records, 145 (4.53%) dogs were diagnosed with parvovirus (76 [2.38%]) or distemper (69 [2.15%]). The most common clinical signs of parvovirus were gastrointestinal signs (76 [100%]), having hematochezia as the most commonly observed (74 [97.37%]); for distemper, neurological signs (48 [69.56%]) were most frequently described and myoclonus had the highest occurrence (31 [64.58%]). Regarding complete blood count, the most observed variation in parvovirus was leukopenia by neutropenia and lymphopenia (20 [71.43%]). Distemper showed lymphopenia (28 [59.57%]). It was also observed that the occurrence of distemper and parvovirus were higher according to some selection criteria: breed, age, outdoor access, having contact with other animals and vaccination status. Young non-vaccinated dogs with outdoor access had the highest occurrence ratio. This study showed that viral infectious diseases presented low occurrence, and parvovirus was the most reported agent.
Este estudo teve como principal objetivo determinar a ocorrência de parvovirose e cinomose nos cães atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias (HCV) da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC). Para isso, foram revisados 3198 prontuários de consultas clínicas de cães, arquivados no HCV, do período de fevereiro de 2013 a julho de 2015. Entre os prontuários revisados, 145 (4,53%) foram diagnosticados com parvovirose (76 [2,38%]) ou cinomose (69 [2,15%]). Os sinais clínicos mais encontrados de cada doença foram: para a parvovirose, os sinais gastrointestinais (76 [100%]), dos quais a hematoquezia foi a mais observada (74 [97,37%]); para a cinomose, os sinais neurológicos (48 [69,56%]), sendo a mioclonia de maior ocorrência (31 [64,58%]). Com relação aos resultados do hemograma, a alteração mais encontrada na parvovirose foi a leucopenia por neutropenia e linfopenia (20 [71,43%]), já na cinomose foi a linfopenia (28 [59,57%]). Também foram observadas a ocorrência de cinomose e parvovirose de acordo com alguns critérios de seleção, como raça, idade, sexo, acesso à rua, contato com outros animais e status de vacinação. Apresentaram maior ocorrência destas doenças os cães jovens, não vacinados e com acesso livre à rua. No âmbito geral, as doenças infecciosas virais na população em estudo se mostraram de baixa ocorrência, sendo a parvovirose a mais relatada.
Animais , Cães , Cinomose/epidemiologia , Infecções por Parvoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Parvoviridae/veterinária , Parvovirus Canino , Brasil , Enterite/veterinária , Mioclonia/veterináriaResumo
This study determined the occurrence of parvovirus and distemper in dogs treated at the Veterinary Clinics Hospital (HCV) of Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina (UDESC). For such, 3198 medical records filed in the HCV, from February 2013 to July 2015, were reviewed. From the records, 145 (4.53%) dogs were diagnosed with parvovirus (76 [2.38%]) or distemper (69 [2.15%]). The most common clinical signs of parvovirus were gastrointestinal signs (76 [100%]), having hematochezia as the most commonly observed (74 [97.37%]); for distemper, neurological signs (48 [69.56%]) were most frequently described and myoclonus had the highest occurrence (31 [64.58%]). Regarding complete blood count, the most observed variation in parvovirus was leukopenia by neutropenia and lymphopenia (20 [71.43%]). Distemper showed lymphopenia (28 [59.57%]). It was also observed that the occurrence of distemper and parvovirus were higher according to some selection criteria: breed, age, outdoor access, having contact with other animals and vaccination status. Young non-vaccinated dogs with outdoor access had the highest occurrence ratio. This study showed that viral infectious diseases presented low occurrence, and parvovirus was the most reported agent.(AU)
Este estudo teve como principal objetivo determinar a ocorrência de parvovirose e cinomose nos cães atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias (HCV) da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC). Para isso, foram revisados 3198 prontuários de consultas clínicas de cães, arquivados no HCV, do período de fevereiro de 2013 a julho de 2015. Entre os prontuários revisados, 145 (4,53%) foram diagnosticados com parvovirose (76 [2,38%]) ou cinomose (69 [2,15%]). Os sinais clínicos mais encontrados de cada doença foram: para a parvovirose, os sinais gastrointestinais (76 [100%]), dos quais a hematoquezia foi a mais observada (74 [97,37%]); para a cinomose, os sinais neurológicos (48 [69,56%]), sendo a mioclonia de maior ocorrência (31 [64,58%]). Com relação aos resultados do hemograma, a alteração mais encontrada na parvovirose foi a leucopenia por neutropenia e linfopenia (20 [71,43%]), já na cinomose foi a linfopenia (28 [59,57%]). Também foram observadas a ocorrência de cinomose e parvovirose de acordo com alguns critérios de seleção, como raça, idade, sexo, acesso à rua, contato com outros animais e status de vacinação. Apresentaram maior ocorrência destas doenças os cães jovens, não vacinados e com acesso livre à rua. No âmbito geral, as doenças infecciosas virais na população em estudo se mostraram de baixa ocorrência, sendo a parvovirose a mais relatada.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Infecções por Parvoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Parvoviridae/veterinária , Cinomose/epidemiologia , Parvovirus Canino , Brasil , Mioclonia/veterinária , Enterite/veterináriaResumo
Background: Some blood parameters have diagnostic and prognostic importance for the infections in human medicine. However, there is insufficient research regarding the importance of blood parameters and their correlations in veterinary medicine. Increased blood cell distribution width (RDW) and platelet activity can link with the important inflammatory markers. The main objective of the present study was the evaluation of the relationship among some important blood parameters namely RDW, platelet count (PLT), platelet distribution width (PDW), mean platelet volume (MPV), plateletcrit (PCT), their potential usage in the diagnosis and determination of the clinical severity in dogs with hemorrhagic enteritis. Materials, Methods & Results: In this study, the case records of 29 dogs with hemorrhagic enteritis were evaluated and the records of 10 healthy dogs were used as controls. The animals of the study group were presented at the Ondokuz Mayis University, Veterinary Internal Medicine Clinic. The complete blood count (CBC), which includes the total WBC, RBC, hematocrit (HCT), hemoglobin concentration (Hgb), MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), RDW, PLT, MPV, PCT, and PDW, was determined. Significant positive correlations between RDW and RBC, HCT, MCHC, PLT and PDW, and a negative correlation with MCV, were determined. PDW was positively correlated with the lymphocyte count, MCHC and RDW, and negatively correlated with PCT. PLT was negatively correlated with MCV and MPV and positively correlated with RBC and RDW. In addition, MPV was positively correlated with MCV and MCH, and negatively correlated with PLT. Furthermore, there were significant differences between the granulocyte, WBC, HCT, RDW and PDW values (P < 0.001) and monocyte count, Hgb and MCV (P < 0.05), of the study and control groups. [ ]
Animais , Cães , Contagem de Eritrócitos/veterinária , Contagem de Plaquetas/veterinária , Enterite/diagnóstico , Enterite/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Hemorragia , Padrões de ReferênciaResumo
Background: Some blood parameters have diagnostic and prognostic importance for the infections in human medicine. However, there is insufficient research regarding the importance of blood parameters and their correlations in veterinary medicine. Increased blood cell distribution width (RDW) and platelet activity can link with the important inflammatory markers. The main objective of the present study was the evaluation of the relationship among some important blood parameters namely RDW, platelet count (PLT), platelet distribution width (PDW), mean platelet volume (MPV), plateletcrit (PCT), their potential usage in the diagnosis and determination of the clinical severity in dogs with hemorrhagic enteritis. Materials, Methods & Results: In this study, the case records of 29 dogs with hemorrhagic enteritis were evaluated and the records of 10 healthy dogs were used as controls. The animals of the study group were presented at the Ondokuz Mayis University, Veterinary Internal Medicine Clinic. The complete blood count (CBC), which includes the total WBC, RBC, hematocrit (HCT), hemoglobin concentration (Hgb), MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), RDW, PLT, MPV, PCT, and PDW, was determined. Significant positive correlations between RDW and RBC, HCT, MCHC, PLT and PDW, and a negative correlation with MCV, were determined. PDW was positively correlated with the lymphocyte count, MCHC and RDW, and negatively correlated with PCT. PLT was negatively correlated with MCV and MPV and positively correlated with RBC and RDW. In addition, MPV was positively correlated with MCV and MCH, and negatively correlated with PLT. Furthermore, there were significant differences between the granulocyte, WBC, HCT, RDW and PDW values (P < 0.001) and monocyte count, Hgb and MCV (P < 0.05), of the study and control groups. [ ](AU)
Animais , Cães , Enterite/diagnóstico , Enterite/veterinária , Contagem de Plaquetas/veterinária , Contagem de Eritrócitos/veterinária , Hemorragia , Padrões de Referência , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterináriaResumo
We report a case of intestinal intussusception secondary to enteritis caused by Pythium insidiosum infection in a 1-year-old mixed breed bitch that died after a 30-day history of bloody diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss, listlessness, dehydration, and pale mucous membranes. Necropsy revealed two areas of intussusception, one jejunum-jejunal and one ileum-cecum-colic. The first intussusception showed slight congestion of the intestinal loop, which was resolved by manual traction, while the second intussusception exhibited thickening, irregular yellow spots, and transmural congestion. Histologically, the jejunum-jejunal segment had ischemic lesions secondary and ileum-cecum-colic intussusception there was also necrotizing, pyogranulomatous enteritis associated with negative images of intralesional fungal hyphae that were well visualized by silver impregnation. Immunohistochemistry identified the hyphae as Pythium insidiosum. The diagnosis was made based on the histological changes and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. We can conclude that enteritis by P. insidiosum in dogs can occasionally cause intestinal intussusception and result in acute death.(AU)
Relata-se um caso de intussuscepção intestinal secundária à enterite causada por Pythium insidiosusm em uma cadela, sem raça definida, com um ano de idade, que morreu após apresentar 30 dias de diarreia sanguinolenta, anorexia, perda de peso, apatia, desidratação e mucosas pálidas. Na necropsia verificaram-se duas áreas de intussuscepções, sendo uma jejuno-jejunal e outra íleo-ceco-cólica. Na primeira havia discreta congestão, que foi desfeita pela tração manual, e na segunda observou-se espessamento segmentar, focos amarelados irregulares e congestão transmural do intestino. Microscopicamente, no segmento jejuno-jejunal observaram-se moderadas lesões isquêmicas secundárias à intussuscepção, e no segmento íleo-ceco-cólica verificou-se enterite piogranulomatosa e necrosante, segmentar, associada a imagens negativas de hifas intralesionais, impregnadas pela prata. Pela imuno-histoquímica, as hifas foram imunomarcadas para Pythium insidiosum. O diagnóstico foi realizado com base nas características microscópicas das lesões e morfotintoriais das hifas e foi confirmado pela imuno-histoquímica. De acordo com esses dados, é possível concluir que a infecção intestinal por P. insidiosum em cães pode causar intussuscepção e morte.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Enterite/complicações , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Pythium/isolamento & purificação , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Pitiose/complicaçõesResumo
We report a case of intestinal intussusception secondary to enteritis caused by Pythium insidiosum infection in a 1-year-old mixed breed bitch that died after a 30-day history of bloody diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss, listlessness, dehydration, and pale mucous membranes. Necropsy revealed two areas of intussusception, one jejunum-jejunal and one ileum-cecum-colic. The first intussusception showed slight congestion of the intestinal loop, which was resolved by manual traction, while the second intussusception exhibited thickening, irregular yellow spots, and transmural congestion. Histologically, the jejunum-jejunal segment had ischemic lesions secondary and ileum-cecum-colic intussusception there was also necrotizing, pyogranulomatous enteritis associated with negative images of intralesional fungal hyphae that were well visualized by silver impregnation. Immunohistochemistry identified the hyphae as Pythium insidiosum. The diagnosis was made based on the histological changes and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. We can conclude that enteritis by P. insidiosum in dogs can occasionally cause intestinal intussusception and result in acute death.(AU)
Relata-se um caso de intussuscepção intestinal secundária à enterite causada por Pythium insidiosusm em uma cadela, sem raça definida, com um ano de idade, que morreu após apresentar 30 dias de diarreia sanguinolenta, anorexia, perda de peso, apatia, desidratação e mucosas pálidas. Na necropsia verificaram-se duas áreas de intussuscepções, sendo uma jejuno-jejunal e outra íleo-ceco-cólica. Na primeira havia discreta congestão, que foi desfeita pela tração manual, e na segunda observou-se espessamento segmentar, focos amarelados irregulares e congestão transmural do intestino. Microscopicamente, no segmento jejuno-jejunal observaram-se moderadas lesões isquêmicas secundárias à intussuscepção, e no segmento íleo-ceco-cólica verificou-se enterite piogranulomatosa e necrosante, segmentar, associada a imagens negativas de hifas intralesionais, impregnadas pela prata. Pela imuno-histoquímica, as hifas foram imunomarcadas para Pythium insidiosum. O diagnóstico foi realizado com base nas características microscópicas das lesões e morfotintoriais das hifas e foi confirmado pela imuno-histoquímica. De acordo com esses dados, é possível concluir que a infecção intestinal por P. insidiosum em cães pode causar intussuscepção e morte.(AU)